So I gave up on aos halfway through the 5th season but after seeing some gifs and stuff can i just say I really wish they would do a dark!jemma arc.
Like weve already seen that she doesnt really care about others when F/itz is in trouble (and theyve already assisnated her character so much anyways) just kill off F/itz and have her go completely dark and almost destroy the world like Willow in season 6 of btvs, and Daisy has to bring her back from darkness
Just make it an episode where they find another monolith that takes them to another universe where she's evil and runs Hydra with Ward, that would be amazing
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ilosttrackofthings · 5 years
I’m sure we’ve all seen the many many many fs gifsets paralleling Jemma’s actions in the premiere with other similar moves they’ve made throughout the seasons. (Seriously. Did anything else happen in this episode? Because I thought this show was called agents of SHIELD not F!tzsimmons Forever.) But I’ve finally seen one that chronicles just about every parallel possible and I cannot let it go by - but I’m also not enough of a bitch to reply to a gifset some poor shipper spent hours working on and really believes is #goals so I’m making my own post to explain why this ship is garbage scene by scene.
1x06 - Fitz puts his life at risk twice to save Jemma. The first time is fine. Breaking the quarantine is a typical self-sacrifice move, very noble, but also very needless. There’s no reason he couldn’t have worked from outside and there’s every chance putting himself at risk like that would only break her concentration. So I guess I’m taking back my ‘fine’ assessment. It’s my list, I do what I want. In the second instance he attempts to jump out of the plane to save her, which likely would have ended in them both dead as it is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. People DIE from midair impacts because the speeds you’re travelling at are so great even a little tap can be fatal and it’s a miracle Ward pulled it off. So while Fitz’s heart was in the right place these were both very Bad Decisions and he’s damn lucky it worked out the way it did. (This will be a recurring theme.)
1x22 - They both try, briefly, to sacrifice for the other, but Fitz makes the hero move and I honestly have nothing against this. Good on you, kid.
3x01 - Fitz running all around the world, putting his life at risk to get intel that might (and does not) help him to save Jemma. Presumably either because the literal spy agency he works for deemed these kinds of things too dangerous/fruitless (which is unlikely given that it’s Coulson in charge) or because they were just too slow/asking that Fitz not be at the front lines of these things, maybe not get himself killed here. Not cool. Ridiculously stupid and risky to SHIELD as a whole because if he’d been kidnapped it would’ve been a whole mess. 
3x01 again - exposing himself to the monolith, the first. This is downright suicidal given everything he knows about the monolith at this point is the word “death” and while I get the depths of his despair here, it really should not be held up as if it’s a good aspect of their relationship, that he loves her so much he’d willingly walk into death without her.
3x02 - exposing himself to the monolith, the second. They know exactly   N O T H I N G about the planet at this point. For all Fitz knows it rains acid twenty hours a day, there’s no sunlight and he’ll freeze solid before he can scream Jemma’s name once, there’s an alien god on the other side waiting to eat anyone unlucky enough to come through. And even if that’s not the case, Jemma could be NOT RIGHT THERE, kind of a huge possibility since she hasn’t jumped back through any of the times the portal’s opened since she disappeared through it. And the worst part is that they had a PLAN. He put himself at risk, hell, he put Jemma at risk because if she hadn’t reached him they wouldn’t have been able to try again, and he put Daisy at risk. All because he couldn’t wait and do things reasonably or logically in the way that stood the best chance of saving her life. This was an incredibly selfish move and it is infuriating that Jemma, who likely doesn’t know the whole story, later refers to it as romantic.
5x05 - Fitz freezes himself to go to a future he knows nothing about without making any effort to stop the tragedy he knows is coming and which will make life for him and the whole team that much harder in the future. He does this after approximately two seconds of thought and consideration to how stupid it is and for some reason chooses to leave himself exposed and vulnerable by sleeping for the next few decades (that’s worked out great for him in s6) rather than following the team via monolith. It is a shit pla. (Yes. I am purposefully withholding the N. It doesn’t deserve to be referred to as a full plan because it isn’t one.) Also I’m gonna be extra petty and just point out that his badass cover is 100% Enoch’s doing and all he does is cause more trouble for everyone once he shows up. Not surprising given he has thought nothing about this through.
6x01 - I didn’t even watch this episode and honestly I don’t think I can stand to. Just seeing gifsets in which Jemma apologizes - she KNOWS what she’s doing is wrong - and then potentially strands her friends in deep space is sickening. (Hm. Let’s all think. Which character should be most wary of being stranded in the depths of space with no way home? Hmmmmm.) This is easily more selfish than anything either of them have done before (though that time in late s5 when they agreed to help build a machine they believed would directly contribute to the destruction of the planet just to save each other’s lives is pretty damn close) and I would hope the show might address it as such, but given how it’s framed all of the previous instances of fs’ selfishness as the height of romance, I’m not holding my breath.
tl;dr fs’ love may conquer all but that will include the decimation of everything and everyone around them and they won’t even give a fuck oh wait that’s practically canon in s5
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itwillbekillian · 7 years
So AOS got a season 5
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thewanderingace · 8 years
When it comes to Grant Ward and redemption/forgiveness, I like to think about this quote from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
“To forgive is an act of compassion… it’s not done because people deserve it. It’s done because they need it.” - Rupert Giles
Ward may or may not have deserved it, but he sure as hell needed it.
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jericlimebron · 2 years
antiao river, a river that passes through the entire city of Catbalogan, a small town in the The Province of Western Samar, Philippines.
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krizysstuff-blog · 6 years
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Catbalogan City is the provincial capital city of Samar, in Eastern Visayas, Philippines. It is also the commercial, trading, educational, political and financial center of Samar. It lies along the Pan-Philippine (Maharlika) Highway and is the gateway to the region's three Samar provinces. It has been long known as the "Gateway to Samar Region."
The Waray-Waray language is the primarily spoken language in the city. Catbaloganons also recognize Filipino (Tagalog) and English languages as a medium of instruction in schools and offices.
The word Catbalogan is said to be derived from the shrub balaug that thrived along the banks of the Antiao River.
The citizens of Catbalogan, called Catbaloganons, are peace-loving, friendly and hospitable people, and innately jolly and easy to get along with. Immersing with the people will likewise give one an idea how Catbaloganons make up their daily grinds.
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dfm4litstor-bpad118 · 5 years
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Ang Alamat ng Catbalogan
Bago naging bayan ang Catbalogan, ang Zumarraga ay mga mangingisda na gumagamit ng sapiao sa kanilang pangingisda. Ito'y ginagamitan ng mga lambat na yari sa abaka. Kung sila'y nangingisda sila ay gumagamit din ng sulo na tinatawag na docalwongan na siya namang yari sa nuyo ng niyog. Ngunit napalitan din ito ng kawayan na puno ng langis at may mitsang tela. Wala namang naging masyadong suliranin ang mga mangingisda liban lang sa kung saan sila magbabanlaw ng kanilang lambat pagkatapos nilang mangisda dahil na rin sa kadahilanang walang maraming tubig sa kanilang pook.
Minsan nang sila'y mangisda, nakarating sila sa Antiao, labasan ng isang ilog papuntang dagat. Ang suliranin ng pagbabanlaw ng kanilang lambat ay nalutas.
Source: Literatura ng Iba't-ibang rehiyon ng Pilipinas by Leticia D. Espina, Norly R. Plasencia, Victoria R. Ramos (works: Awit ng Magtutuba, Ang alamat ng Catbalogan, Ang aking Dampa (1941)
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adhor · 7 years
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Ha may dapit Antiao nahuraw... An kaupay han adlaw. Ha may dapit Antiao nalutaw... An kahusay angay igdayaw. Ha may dapit Antiao nasayaw... An kaupod nga mamingaw. Ha may dapit Antiao nabawbaw... An gugma nga malabyaw. Baya-i ayaw, dughan nga tuyaw, ha imo la ngahaw, ikaw gud la... ikaw. (Words by Ador Hurtado; Photo by PNP Catbalogan)
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Uuugggg I wanna live in an alternate timeline where fs are purely platonic :/
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ilosttrackofthings · 5 years
aos s6: Jemma is the real villain
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As ive said before I gave up in aos half way through season 5, but today I made the rather stupid decision to watch the newest episode, as I had heard that we would would get to see a darker side and that fs would finally work through their issues. And wow do I have some things to say about it. Like it wasn't all bad (it definitely wasn't all good either) but there is one scene that has just left me so LIVID!!!!
The Good
As per usual Ian and Elizabeth's acting was on point (I swear she is the best at crying, always gives me so much feels)
They did a really good job with throwing the team in with their memories, I especially liked how they used Daisy and Mack to save each of them
Interesting take on a brain prison, I liked they ways they played with their psyches without getting too surreal
Aspects of their relationship were displayed really well as someone in a relatively young marriage I can definitely relate to some of the their feelings regarding their fight and overall how they're love makes the rest of that not matter
Ringuj/emma and how they explored and (partially) explained her reactions to things was really great and an interesting side to her
Ringuj/emma and evilf/itz making out was pretty funny
Youngj/emma and her room were really spot on to me
The Bad
Despite how much I like that they had the fight and corresponding make up I don't think they actually resolved anything and it seems pretty unlikely that they will have a calm conversation where the hash their issues out nor will F/itz help her stop suppressing things
I think this episode really put on display how the writers think of J/Emma regarding her emotions - she's either a child or emotion suppressing zombie
The way he justified evilf’itz as just getting revenge and the whole “i dont even know what id did” line was pretty bad, and just another instance where they justify the bad stuff he does, though not near as bad as he did in other episodes.
The Ugly
What F/itz said about Will. Seriously how dare he?! Hive told him that Will died for her and yet he had the audacity to say that about him? And the fact that Je/mma didn't slap him nor did he apologize for what he said just makes that much more infuriating!!!!
The fact that he still blames her for them joining the team?!?!? Just are you kidding me? Did he not have any angency at all, that the whole thing (and pretty much every bad thing that's happened to him after) was her fault. Also if they stayed in a lab they probably would have been killed by or forced to work for Hydra so actually she saved their lives!!
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ilosttrackofthings · 5 years
Will you be watching season 6 of aos? I know I have no interest it, maybe if they brought back Ward but they would probably just ruin his character even more :/
I honestly don’t know, nonnie. Ever since the announcement there’d be a sixth season, I’ve been firmly in the “not gonna watch” camp. Except every so often when I think about it my thoughts drift to not-Phil and that love that brought me to the show in the first place is still there, leaving me feeling like maybe I will just to see what’s up with him?
But then there’s the general destruction of every one of the protagonists to the point the swwers might have a point with that whole “SHIELD are the real villains” thing and also the neverending trainwreck that is fs and (sigh) I just don’t know if I can endure it.
So I guess my answer is
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But also I have no idea when it’s even premiering? Is it tonight? Next week? Presumably it’ll be sometime between eight and ten on whatever day it does air? No clue. So if I do end up watching, it certainly won’t be live.
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itwillbekillian · 7 years
Skye was empathetic, supportive, compassionate and a loving person until she joined SHIELD and became Daisy: a remorseless person capable of taking innocents lives, uncompassionate and arrogant. Ward became the person he was due to the abuse, brainwashing and conditioning on his life. That's understandable. But Skye? She found support in Coulson and everyone, she was given second chances, she was given love, yet she became a murderer. Isn't that worse? Why do people consider her a hero and admire her? To me, she has regressed as a person. She is not better than Ward.
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itwillbekillian · 7 years
The AOS fandom's blindness still amazes me. How can people only see Ward's sins but not Daisy's, Coulson's or Melinda's? New light, they are ALL murderers. Who are we to label Hydra as evil and Shield as heroes? They all kill people for their own reasons. None of them are good. They are all terrible people.
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dfm4litstor-bpad118 · 5 years
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Ang Alamat ng Catbalogan
Bago naging bayan ang Catbalogan, ang Zumarraga ay mga mangingisda na gumagamit ng sapiao sa kanilang pangingisda. Ito'y ginagamitan ng mga lambat na yari sa abaka. Kung sila'y nangingisda sila ay gumagamit din ng sulo na tinatawag na docalwongan na siya namang yari sa nuyo ng niyog. Ngunit napalitan din ito ng kawayan na puno ng langis at may mitsang tela. Wala namang naging masyadong suliranin ang mga mangingisda liban lang sa kung saan sila magbabanlaw ng kanilang lambat pagkatapos nilang mangisda dahil na rin sa kadahilanang walang maraming tubig sa kanilang pook.
Minsan nang sila'y mangisda, nakarating sila sa Antiao, labasan ng isang ilog papuntang dagat. Ang suliranin ng pagbabanlaw ng kanilang lambat ay nalutas.
Source: Literatura ng Iba't-ibang rehiyon ng Pilipinas by Leticia D. Espina, Norly R. Plasencia, Victoria R. Ramos (works: Awit ng Magtutuba, Ang alamat ng Catbalogan, Ang aking Dampa (1941)
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