#anti whedon for ts
I know he is a very controversial character, how would you would change Xander character?
What would you change in his arc? Lines, motivations, whole scenes?
And what would you keep the same?
I didn't think anybody was paying any attention to my BtVS ramblings so ty! I'm flattered you'd like my opinion on it :o
I'm putting my longer and Opinionated (tm) answer under a cut because wow I cannot shut up when asked my opinion on smth, sorry about that. TL;DR: Wh/don doesn't get Xander anymore, my OC now bc I know him better and I love his potential. also J/ss Wh/don critical bc uhh yeah. a lot of my issues are w that guy.
what I like: Xander is meant to be the heart of the Scoobies - literally, via the fight with Adam - and he has these amazing moments where it shows! he's loyal and he loves his friends. he's a guy who, at 16 years old, decided that he was going to help this girl he'd only just met. his worldview's just changed, one of his best friends just died, but he stays and he helps. I don't think he's given enough credit for just how brave he is. him disliking Angel's presence in s3 bc of Angelus's crimes in s2 feels like Xander is meant to be the bad guy, since Buffy and Angel are the main romance, but imo Xander was totally justified in calling Buffy out there. (that could just be me not like Angel in BtVS but liking him in AtS though, so grains of salt ksdfjsg)
what I don't: the misogyny that's present with his character in every season. the cheating arc in s3, which feels stupid all around as a plotline ngl?? his tendency to be like "okay honey" long-suffering with Anya even though he loves her. his crush on Buffy. the character shilling for Riley. the slut-shaming, as part of the misogyny; how he consistently talks to Cordelia and his reaction to Buffy sleeping with Spike in s6. which is... hmm. bc remember when he thought Buffybot was Buffy banging Spike?? and was concerned but not nearly as aggressive? okay Xand
these are just the top of my head, I'm sure I could add more to both if I thought about it? but that's the gist of it. get rid of a lot of those issues and emphasize the heart and loyalty he has, and I think that would be an improvement over what we got in the show is my shortest answer there 🥴
it's kind of like... I guess to preface, a lot of my issues with Xander are things that pop up all over in Wh/don's writing? or seem to be Wh/don issues in general? now these are absolutely just my opinions here, nobody has any obligation to agree or w/e, but Nicholas Brendon himself said that Xander is meant to be a stand-in for Wh/don iirc. "that's why he gets all the best lines" or so the quote goes, I think.
in my opinion, it shows in ways aside from the sarcasm; Xander is often used to give Wh/don's opinions about things going on in the show, and imo, represent Wh/don's own relationship with women. it's something that pops up later with the Trio in season six, who are mocked routinely for their nerdy interests. it's something that comes front and center with them in most of their scenes, at least until they stop being a joke in the second half of the season, and even after that they're still made fun of for it. and back to Xander: there are a lot of issues with his character, he's controversial like you said, but imo, what he's usually called out for in-universe is being a nerd. the jocks pick on him for it for sure, but the ladies too. Cordelia, for instance, tends to go for the "loser" insult if she's gonna rag on him. Xander slut-shames her in return when they argue. idk how to explain it terribly well, but that feels like a thing that pops up a lot in Wh/don's writing: men are insulted because they aren't manly enough and/or they have nerdy interests, women are slut-shamed or called other slurs. definitely not every single instance, but enough of a pattern that feels like Wh/don's own feelings on the matter and it affects how Xander is written and characterized, imo. Xander is either in the right about issues, or he's being punished and mocked for the wrong reasons.
also, the character shilling with Riley; he wasn't a popular love interest for Buffy, but afaik, Wh/don was tired of the vampire romances and wanted Buffy to have a more "normal" guy, so enter Xander's speech about how great Riley is. to me personally, it feels like Xander's been taken over to be Wh/don's "look what you made Buffy give up" to the audience. his relationship with Anya also feels like symptoms of the larger problem, how Anya was relegated to a blunt walking punchline instead of this amazing 1000+ year old woman who's experienced a lot. Xander is affectionately long-suffering, which reflects how the writing, imo, wants us to feel about Anya.
so I guess it's like... Xander on his own, the concept of him as the heart of the team? I love that guy. I love him a lot. one of my absolute favorite Xander scenes is in "The Freshman", when he makes that unexpected return from his road trip and gives Buffy a pep talk that gives her her confidence back. or another instance, the famous yellow crayon and "I love you" talk that cooled Willow down at the end of season six. I don't think this trait is shown as much as it could be, but Xander has these amazing moments of showing his absolute love and loyalty to his friends. it's my favorite thing about him and, ultimately, why I still like him for the most part. I think they should've emphasized that more. it's the Xander who's supposed to represent Wh/don's views on things happening in-universe or about topics in general that I loathe. no, pal, you aren't single bc you're a nerd, you're single bc you're being creepy around women and make those gross comments. Nice Guy (tm) fedora syndrome.
what I'd change is... mildly complicated bc a lot of it feels like symptoms of the show's writing in general?? but to start: get rid of the Nice Guy attitude he has w Buffy. and in general. just drop that crush bc I don't like it much, personally. give him a better relationship with Giles! it makes me sad that Giles just kinda tolerates him at best where he's basically adopted Buffy and Willow. have him confront his issues with women; I would've loved to see Xander start, like, taking women's studies classes at a community college or something after he starts dating Anya, because women scorned and issues with men are sort of her thing?? that could've been really nice to see with him, especially since Anya came to Sunnydale because of him in the first place. confront some of those issues he has with women there. he comes out as bi bc that's my hc for him lol. also, mentioning Jesse and how that affected him :( dude gets forgotten after the first two eps and that's sad. I read a meta a while back about how much more powerful Xander's march to save Buffy in "Prophecy Girl" would've been if it was motivated by platonic love and the desire to save his friend this time, as opposed to a crush on Buffy. also also: Xander very clearly has an awful home life, if the dude is willing to sleep outside in Sunnydale instead of be inside with his family on Christmas. maybe we could explore that a bit??? you see bits of it in "Hell's Bells" and vague references throughout the series, same w Willow's home life, but Joyce is p much the only parent that's really ever talked about. once again, we could give a better relationship w Giles there by having Giles take Xander in for the night when things are rough. let him show some affection and sympathy, man. let anybody show affection and sympathy please?? also also also: wtf is w him and Dawn in the comics. that just squicks me out, personally. please let's not.
if you read all this then bless ksdfjghdsg I hope this made sense?? I feel like I rambled a bit and it's not as coherent as it could be but them's my thoughts! I'm adopting him as my OC now so that he can't be used as a mouthpiece anymore and he can just be his own dude.
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hellsbellschime · 4 years
I've been reading up on this Josh Whedon situation and have you noticed how nobody is defending him like they did James Gunn. I heard he treated Gal Gadot horribly as well. There is a sexual scene in Justice League where the Flash lands on her boobs. Gal refused to film the scene and he locked her in a room and threatened her career. He ended up using a body double which is why u can't see her face in the scene.
I agree that it’s very telling, and not for nothing but the fucking gall to think that he could threaten Gal Gadot’s career is nuts to me, like who do you think you are and who do you think she is. Granted she’s not as big as some of the Justice Leaguers, but clearly she’s not losing her job over this. 
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ntshastark · 7 years
I thought I wasn’t even gonna post anything about the movie but then I wrote a fucking essay??
 And like, fuck J*ss Wh*don, but I gotta hand it to him that his Supes - and we know it was him bc CGIed mustache - is way better than S.nyder’s (and I didn’t hate his Clark or anything, but this is definitely an improvement)
Him cracking jokes with Victor when they try to separate the unity (WHEN THEY START LAUGHING ABOUT HOW MUCH IN PAIN THEY ARE!!!! HEART EYES MOTHER FUCKER!!!!) and HIS SCENES WITH BARRY LIKE BINCH YES
(And ofc there were some J.oss™ things that I didn’t like, like that “truth, justice” joke that felt a bit forced and kinda ruined his joining the battle. But, in general, it was the best Superman the DCEU has ever served)
And I hope they keep this on the future, especially when he’s Clark™, like. I get brooding Supes, even if it’s not my preference. People suck, we know. But Clark being goofy and sweet and funny and seeming like he couldn’t hurt a fly is his secret identity. If you’re not gonna show it you might as well not even give him the damn glasses.
And I didn’t find it weird him “suddenly cracking jokes”, like. He died. He came back. He's happy. Let my boy enjoy life.
(And his “I changed my mind. I wanna die.” joke oh my gOD I LOVE HIM)
Ngl I wish it had lasted more bc holy fuck!!!!!!! If they had made Superman the villain of this movie I wouldn’t have complained a t  a l l and I usually hate evil Superman (bc it’s usually evil mastermind dictator which. no. gimme the Superman III I’m-confused-I-hate-everything-I’m-gonna-kick-ass-and-straighten-the-Tower-of-Pisa kind of evil Superman and I’m yours)
I loved Martha. Both her relationship with Lois (I loved how they remained close even after Clark’s death) and with Clark (even tho I’m upset they cut the “I’m taking this as a yes” scene). And, while I’m sad Lois didn’t have a bigger role outside of Clark (which is totally understandable in a movie with this many people), I’m glad they respected her grief. I’ve seen people complaining that they didn’t show badass reporter Lois Lane but uhhh the love of her life just died????? Let her process it on her own terms y’know? And it’s especially hard to focus on her work when they used to work together and everything about her workplace probably reminds her of Clark.
Bruce wasn’t as good as BvS (there were apparently a lot of reshots involving him and some jokes didn’t fit 100% with the character) but still really great. It amazes me how Ben Affleck can deliver such a great Bruce Wayne (by far the best ever in live-action, along with Gotham!Bruce) and still be someone the real Bruce would definitely have to hold himself back not to punch. As a person, I hope he really is leaving the DCEU. As a Bruce fan I’m I hate you don’t leave me dot mp3. Please start drinking your respect women juice. ETA: I came across this article while writing this and now I’m even more pissed, which one of y’all wished on a monkey’s paw for a good Bruce on the big screen????
Also, remember the scene when Superman comes back and starts fighting 4/6 of the JL but Batman only arrives 3 years later?
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And I’m gonna talk about W*nderbat on the “bad shit” part, but the person who said “It’s hard to tell whether Bruce has a crush on Diana… or Clark.” is so spot-on like holy fuck “GET OVER UR DEAD BOYFRIEND” “NO U GET OVER UR DEAD BOYFRIEND” “NO U GET
And when Clark says “I didn’t know you liked me that much” and Bruce starts fucking stuttering trying to say “I don’t not like you” like we get you’re a 4th grader with a crush.
Btw the “good” part about the W*nderbat is that, while unnecessary, they can easily ignore it later. Diana is still pretty much in love with Steve and Bruce just has a mild crush, which is completely understandable lmao. And I’ve had plenty of friends that in the beginning I’d go for it but now I see them as brothers.
After Wonder Woman, seeing Diana in the hands of men again felt really disappointing - and I’ll definitely talk more about this later - but I did like her character development. It connected WW and BvS, explaining how WW ended on such a positive note but then she spent all those years alone - because she was afraid to connect to mortals again after Steve - and in hiding - because she didn’t want to be a leader or an inspiration and be the cause of people risking their lives - which felt really reasonable and if I didn’t knew WB I’d even think that’s how they planned all along. And then she obviously connects to people, starting in BvS, and on JL she takes a position of leadership (”follow my lead”) and starts being open to inspire people (talking to the kids in the end)
Also she ofc had some pretty badass action moments but my favorite was when she casually drops that she totally knew Victor was by the lake like bINCH!!! A!!!!! WOMAN!!!!!!
I don’t know much about Aquaman but I LOVED HIM IN THE MOVIE!!!!! Especially at the beginning, before he joins the team, so his solo movie is probably gonna be really fucking good.
I didn’t think him joking around with the team felt weird tho, it just felt like he was having fun. Also I loved the lasso scene omg (tho I don’t remember much of what he said bc I was talking to my brother about how weird the sudden “therapy session” was). It reminded me of that scene in the comics when Hal accidentally tangles himself in the lasso and starts talking about how he only does things to show off and Bruce cracks up in the middle of the battle, or something like that. 
And (for me at least, idk much about the comics so) from the trailers it seemed like Arthur was already king and Mera was already his wife but we actually get to see him coming back to Atlantis and their first meeting!!! (But ngl it was pretty underwhelming :/ It lasted like 5 seconds. More on this later)
Cyborg was really great!!!! I was already expecting to like him bc I loved him in the Teen Titans cartoon, but he was so different than there and I still loved him!!!!! And I actually remember that on the origins episode of TT he was pretty much like in the JL movie. And what made him start accepting himself and eventually become who we see in most episodes was joining the team so!!!! We’ll probably see that Cyborg eventually!!!!!!!!! My son!!!!!!!!!!!
Upset we didn’t get to see the flashback scenes tho. I hope his movie really does happens to make up for it.
THAT SOFT BOOYAH IN THE END THO!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I also loved that he was (physically) changing in the end and he’s probably gonna look more smooth the next time we see him (and can we please change Flash’s power ranger costume too? Thx)
Like, I’ve never read DC comics so I always see people saying he seems more like Wally than Barry but I can’t say anything on this, all I know is I love him.
Also!!!! I love that they made Barry jewish!!!!!! Comics (especially superhero comics) have such a huge jewish heritage, which is not always respected (especially not lately) so it was really nice! (Also shout-out to when Gal says Kal-El bc her first language is hebrew so I guess that’s the correct pronounce)
Overall, the League characters and their interactions were definitely the strong point in the movie. And that’s always what I prioritize on a team-up movie, so!!!!
The movie had two big problems, imo
1. Lack of planning/organization (and a big unplanned change)
First I wanna get out of the way that this whole two-directors thing didn’t really work out. Like, it gave me a great Superman (thx W.hedon) in a movie that doesn’t makes me want to kill the director and then myself (thx S.nyder), but it seems like that was the only plus. It felt too stitched together, the tone kept shifting, idk. Their styles are too different to just add one and then the other and expect things to work out. Maybe if they’d worked together since the begging it could’ve balanced out great (tho it definitely wouldn’t have helped on Problem 2) but that wasn’t the case.
And now the real problem here: The plot really let me down. Like, it’s the first Justice League live-action movie. THE JUSTICE LEAGUE!!!!!!!!!!! And yet, the movie felt underwhelming.
It has a lot of the same problems as Suicide Squad. They tried to introduce a bunch of characters, form a team and go against a villain in 2 hours, it just doesn’t work. Especially when your villain is a Fourth World character like??? Whose fucken idea was this????
If it had been a longer movie, or even a two-parter, where in the first one they form the league and in the second one they fight the villain, it would’ve been AMAZING!! Apparently, the original cut was 3 hours-long, and that was before they even brought in W.hedon, who shot a lot more scenes. And I want so bad to see the original cut (@ WB JUST DO IT), because there were a lot of scenes that didn’t make it (as you can see here and here - and those are not even all of them, I mean, Iris was supposed to be in the movie and everything???), which is also something that happened with SS. Warner Bros keeps ruining great movies by trying to make them short.
And, because of that, a lot of scenes didn’t feel organic, felt like they were just happening to get something out of the way bc it was necessary to the plot. Like the Atlantis scene I mentioned above. It was the first time Arthur came back and he just waltzed in, had his ass kicked by Steppenwolf, talked to Mera, who was apparently in charge, she said “lol that’s ur problem now” and he went back up. Him coming back seemed like such an unimportant thing that I only realized he wasn’t already living there, ruling king and Mera’s husband when she started the prodigal son speech.
Also, the evil Superman bit. A lot of people thought this was gonna be the second biggest thing in the movie, after the main villain and then??? It lasted 5 minutes???? Like, don’t get me wrong, I loved the ressureaction and evil supes scenes SO MUCH, I was fucking DYING on that movie theather, but his whole ressurection felt like such a mindless retcon??? Like, “Oh, damn, we gotta bring Superman back. Throw in a bit with, idk, the mother boxes and some Frankenstein shit. Also make him beat up the League bc it’s cool. But not for too long bc we only have two hours, so just make him come back to normal after seeing Lois.” binch that’s a fix-it fic. And a bad one at that. His resurrection was as rushed as his death and in the end it seemed like none of them had any real impact. The DCEU keeps telling me Superman’s death was a big deal, but failed to emotionally build it up by making people y’know. LIKE HIM. So all those monuments and despair and lack of hope in the world feel fake.
And the villain plot ALSO took a backseat. The whole movie is in the backseat. S.nyder is passed out in the passenger seat and Wh*don is gonna crash the car on purpose because he thinks the airbag feels like boobs. They didn’t explore the New Gods mythos enough, Steppenwolf’s defeat with the frozen axe felt weird, everything went too fast, dropped Darkseid’s name and then used the 2nd post-credits scene to announce that fuck New Gods, now we’re doing Injustice League?????
This movie felt like they dug a Superman-is-dead-Steppenwolf-is-coming-shaped hole in BvS, changed their minds and chose the fucking FIRST LIVE-ACTION JUSTICE LEAGUE MOVIE to get them out of there! WB keeps biting more than they can chew, trying to do everything at once to keep up with the almost-a-decade-old MCU in one or two 2-hours movies, then getting surprised it doesn’t work out and completely changing the direction. And this isn’t me praising the MCU, fuck them, this is me saying WB should act like the MCU doesn’t exist and do it’s own thing! And hiring the dude that did the first two Avengers movies is the exact opposite of it!!!! And if you’re not gonna ignore the MCU than at least take lessons from what worked in it, like how they structured Phase 1.
I was ok with BvS being confusing to non-comics readers because I thought they were just showing stuff that were going to be explained later and everything was planned ahead. But then Justice League proved me completely wrong. Like, are they ever gonna explain what the fuck was Knightmare or???? The lack of planning regarding the DCEU as a whole is starting to affect the individual movies, and this isn’t good. There’s a Nightwing and a Batgirl movies in the works and yet there was not a single line in JL to explain why Bruce didn’t think of calling the batkids about the possible end of the world, even though one of the directors in JL is (unfortunately) the fucking director of Batgirl!!!! I swear I would’ve be ok with Alfred going “Don’t you think we should call them?” and Bruce saying “If we tell them about this, they’ll want to do something about it. And this is too dangerous.” with no explanation for the scene!!!! It literally takes 10 seconds!!!!! It could’ve been there instead of Diana wearing that weird-ass cape that appeared out of nowhere and playing nurse to Bruce!!!! It could’ve been there instead of Barry fucking falling with his face on Diana’s boobs!!!!! I can’t believe I had to go through this shit again!!!!!!! Fuck you Wh*don!!!!!!!!
They’re putting too much stuff for the general public to follow and letting out stuff that comics fans will know it’s missing/not following with stories that comics fans will know aren’t finished. And if they don’t take care of this already, it’s gonna blow up on their faces. And on mine, because I fucking love those movies. Which is why I wanna see them achieve their full potential.
Like, they could’ve made a two-parter, with part one being Bruce and Diana putting the League together (and this takes way longer, especially on the individual characters’ arcs) because they know Evil Is Coming™ (And why is it? Not because Earth suddenly feels hopeless without the dude that flew around for like. two weeks and who half of them were scared of. But because there was an alien invasion that almost destroyed the world. Then a weird monster killed the seemingly-indestructible alien. Then some weird girl destroyed a whole city and transformed a bunch of people into rocks. Everyone is scared. And what are parademons attracted by?). Diana tells them about the mother boxes, they realize Victor has one, Bruce comes up with the plan to ressurect Clark, probably does it alone. Clark comes back but he’s confused, he’s overwhelmed, he’s angry, and he has the power of a god. But now Bruce doesn’t want to kill him, doesn’t want to see him die again. The League fighting against him doesn’t actually takes that much longer than it did in the actual movie, just the length of your usual final battle, Lois is still the ultimate reason why he comes back to his senses, but it takes longer. And then only in the second movie Steppenwolf actually arrives and they actually have the time to properly explore the Fourth World stuff without having to spend half the movie putting the team together.
Edit: If this article is right I’m gonna fucking kill everyone at WB and then myself
2. Sexism
This video says most of it better than I can.
(Disclaimers: I don’t agree with the Cyborg part - ”it’s a date” is a known expression and I definitely didn’t see this “vibe” she mentions.
I loved Diana’s civilian’s clothes and imo saying it’s bad that she’s wearing a low-cut shirt is a bit slut-shaming. And Gal doesn’t even have really big breasts, as fanboys all over the world insist on reminding us, so it doesn’t even look that much revealing, I certainly didn’t notice it while watching. And I say that because I have big boobs and there’s certain things my friends with small ones use that would look a lot revealing on me, but on them looks elegant. Also I only remember one butt shot - which is already one too many, when she was going to meet Victor and wearing pants. In any other butt shots, everyone was being filmed from that angle - but she stood out bc she wears that ridiculous miniskirt that is everything but armor. Edit: I’ve seen a picture of another one - also in civvies - and apparently there was a third one too.
She says that a lot of the things that happened to Diana are Gal’s fault and that she’s gonna talk about it later and then never mentions it again, so I’m still blaming the dudes.)
Also Diana seemed very underpowered??? Like, Clark was kicking hers, Arthur’s and Victor’s asses at same time???? And idk about Victor, but I’ve seen panels of both Diana and Arthur kicking his ass solo so...... (And I‘ve seen people saying it’s bc she didn’t want to hurt him but like. Diana’s whole fighting style is supposed to be based on “Don’t kill if you can wound, don’t wound if you can subdue, don’t subdue if you can pacify” so??? Like, he definitely wasn’t getting pacified, time to try subdue and all). And not just this scene, idk, maybe it’s just bc the last movie with her I watched was WW. And the one before that. And the one before that. And the one before that...
Also I just wanna say that I’m pissed this movie is reminding me too much of AoU. They shoved the only female character on the team in a random relationship that wasn’t even canon in the comics (even if W*nderbat has a lot more basis in both the comics and the DCEU than Br*cenat) because god forbid a woman ever be single. And also had a guy fall face-fist on her boobs because why fucking not, right??? Also “I’m always picking up after you boys” vs “Children. I work with children.” as the faux-feminism bow wrapping up the box of misogyny. Plus, y’know the thing in the video I linked about Wh*don shooting the boob scene in JL with a body double? He did the same fucking thing with the Br*cenat kiss. And honest to god, shortly after Wh*don took over, I talked to a friend about how I was afraid he was gonna put W*nderbat in the movie, bc, after all, he took Br*cenat out of his fucking ass and managed to get it on the screen. I can even link you to the conversation. He’s that predictable.
And when I first got out of the cinema after AoU I loved it. I was all gushing about the character interactions bc ‘omg!!! they’re finally acting like a team!!! they’re friends!!!’ even if the plot was meh, and I’m so afraid of ending up hating this movie as much as I hate AoU.................
Diana can’t go back to Themyscira??? And why can’t the other Amazons leave??? If you leave you can’t come back anymore or something????
Atlanteans can’t talk underwater???
On the second end credits I thought the bald dude was actually Luthor, Sr. actually being alive, but I’ve since been informed that that was a random guy covering up Lex’s escape.
And this one is silly but DC is giving me conflicting information. Batcat is out there getting engaged in the comics and then you let Wh*don throw in a bunch of random W*nderbat scenes, no matter how mild, in the JL movie when Selina is supposed to exist in the DCEU, considering the GCS movie in the works........... Quit playing games with my heart........
And one thing worth mentioning that I wasn’t really confused about, but that I’m confused on how I feel about it: WAYNE MANOR BECOMING THE JL HEADQUARTERS HOLY FUCK?????? I’m not even still sure on how I feel about Wayne Manor being abandoned in the first place....... On one hand I want that house full of martial arts-trained kids with black hair and I want it now. But on the other I’m glad it’s at least not gonna be abandoned anymore. Also, what about the Watchtower???
I wouldn’t say it’s a great movie. It’s an ok movie with a lot of great moments. And literally full with great characters. There were some poorly-timed (and occasionally just plain bad) jokes but tbh I was just glad they didn’t make up half the dialogue. The DCEU needs to get it’s shit together and WB needs to release S.nyder’s cut of this movie.
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cynmoon · 7 years
lessawildmoon replied to your post : lessawildmoon replied to your post : lessawildmoon...
I don’t like the fact he was planning on it. I’m more inclined to think he hadn’t thought it through properly (again, very like him), or thought he could avoid the issue for the time he needed. (But that might be me lying to myself).
It also might just be looking at it from two very different points of view, which is just as valid.
But, you know, even if it’s a lying to yourself thing, sometimes that’s what you have to do to enjoy a thing. I was a Spuffy shipper. The mental gymnastics I had to do to justify them together once they were canon? Looking back it’s kind of painful. I still ship the fuck out of them but with the distance and wisdom (I’ve been leveling WIS like crazy but STR, CON, & DEX are way down) I’ve gained in in the years since I can now more easily recognize how problematic they were.
But we’re never going to know how it would have turned out, and I don’t trust the writers on issues of consent (A&E still insist that Graham & Regina were consensual which makes me grind my teeth in anger) so I’m kind of glad I’m leaving before they manage to absolutely destroy any character I actually like
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lesbianightwing · 7 years
every time someone calls j/oss wh*d*n a feminist my brain cells start killing each other
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elenqfisher · 8 years
the mcu is free of joss whedon’s curse and it’s been passed on to the dceu
why must i suffer
why was he given the reigns over my daughter
will i never be free from his fuckass
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so is kai cole gonna gone girl joss whedon already like whats she waiting for
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wait Joss Whedon was actually fired???????? oh my god????
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exitstentialism · 10 years
Another character that fans are excited to see return is Jeremy Renner's Hawkeye, who was relegated to a more minor, villainous role in "The Avengers," and hasn't been seen since. Whedon wasn't able to give anything away, but did state, "Something's up with that boy. That's all I'm gonna say,"
- Comic Book Resources [x]
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zombiemaids · 10 years
american horror story: joss whedon's characterisation
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hellsbellschime · 4 years
Oh my god I can’t believe it’s literally the same scene in both Age of Ultron and Justice League where a guy lands on a woman’s chest for ~comedy~ and *sexual tension*...his sense of humor is like a teenage boy riddled with hormones and bad sexism. Boobs are for comedy in JW’s world. I’m fine with horny humor but not too horny ffs Joss lol.
Yeah to be honest I’m more offended that it’s so dumb and unfunny than anything. 
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hellsbellschime · 4 years
“Flash lands on her boobs” Isn’t this a scene from Age of Ultron as well with Bruce and Natasha?? What is JW’s obsession with that trope???
Ew is there really? WTF is wrong with that man yo.
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hellsbellschime · 4 years
ok but im genuinely horrified because michelle said in her last statement that there was a rule that joss wouldn't be allowed in the same room alone with her again. and its just what if it went beyond emotional abuse? i mean she was what 14/15 when she started? just so gross
more stuff has come out about michelle and apparently she wasn’t allowed to be alone with joss on the set which is uhhh super disturbing and upsetting
I am also horrified because there is literally no explanation for this that is not horrific.
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hellsbellschime · 4 years
yeah and smg said that while she's proud to have been buffy, she doesn't want to be associated with his name and that she supports and is proud of all the people that have come out about what they had to endure
Damn, when even Buffy is dropping the mic on you, you know you fucked up.
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hellsbellschime · 4 years
this is actually horrifying https://twitter.com/trachtenbergfan/status/1359994532146929667?s=21
blind4lcve said: okay but … as much as i hope it’s emotional we can’t ignore the fact that xander was joss’ self insert. dawn and xander ends up together in the comics. and i’m making my own skill crawl.
These seem related and I’m fucking disgusted. 
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hellsbellschime · 4 years
Not sure if charisma being latinx has anything to do with it, latinx is an ethnicity not a race and she looks white. I think the bigger issue is that like Ray who is black, she's a woman and they are more vulnerable and less likely to be believed. If JW treated Scarlett Johansson or other female characters and poc like shit that's believable but he's not gonna fuck with Chris Evans or RDJ
According to wikapedia Charisma Carpenter has Spanish ancestry, so she's Hispanic but not Latinx. I don't want to presume too much about her identity but she's probably white & hispanic, not a WOC.
Yeah, I think that it’s a safe bet that essentially Joss Whedon mistreated people he felt like he was in a really strong position of power over, that is typically how abusers operate. 
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