#anti tdwt
hielloehyy · 2 months
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@craterrrrr nah imagine anti noah is just a huge pick me girl 😭
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camerzzz20 · 3 months
The ship “Alejose” actually brings me in so much disgust, tears, and sweat to the point where I can’t even try to talk of how much I hate it a formal way.
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ohsoulymoons · 4 months
Duncan HCS without Romance for FUCKING ONCE IN HIS GODDAMN LIFETIME. Part 2
He likes to pretend he drown in the water a lot as a child at first for attention as a teenager for shit and giggles!
Can do a headstand like no sweat.
He did once try to rip Alejandro's hair off out moment of weakness and in a bit of spiral in the plane but Tyler stopped him because Alejandro was sleeping. Duncan had a notion that Alejandro was fucking lie and fucking cop for some reason.
Mac and Cheese, he thought when smacks at people uncooked macaroni then tries to beat you with a block of cheese!
He likes flowers to dry and make art with.
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curiositycryptid · 5 months
Give your TD hot takes. Like ACTUAL hot takes
ooo I don’t think I have many, but I think Courtney was worse than Duncan, not sure how many people think that though. Like she was abusive
also I don’t think Gwen was in the wrong whatsoever in action, it was a complicated situation and she’s just a teen who didn’t know what to do because she’d never seen Trent act that way before. It’s neither of their faults
also I hate Duncney and I’m alright with Gwuncan, it seems pretty healthy (Duncney is very hated but so is Gwuncan so uhhh)
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purplemys · 9 months
My Ships from Total Drama 💕😌
1 AleHeather - Alejandro x Heather
2 Gwuncan - Duncan x Gwen
3 Crimnnui - Ennui x Crimson
4 Shasmine - Shawn x Jasmine
6 Lyler - Tyler x Lindsay
7 Gidgette - Geoff x Bridgette
8 Ozzy - Owen x Izzy
9 Samkota - Sam x Dakota
10 Bro(?)Jock(?) - Brick x Jo
11 Dawn with Ella, B or Lightning (all fine)
12 Sky with Ella or Shawn (If we didn't have Shasmine, totes I would dig this)
As a very minor bonus: Duncney
I'm personally fine they're not canon anymore but if I compile all their good moments and remove a lot of the clips of them just being thirsty, toxic or Duncan just annoyingly going "Oh she's into me, guys😎" then yes, I see the potential. Also, the writers should have picked a set way of writing Courtney's actions and dialogue. Out of everyone in the cast, she gives me the most whiplash. See, going into TDWT, I fucking hated her at that point, only to see the Courtney that I saw back in Island. Where she still had kind moments, an actual concern for Duncan, a much more laid back persona. Yeah she's still bossy but she's not screeching banshee levels of irritating. Plus, she's not getting unfair privileges here. The CIT thing is a tired gimmick tho.
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braedenhales · 2 years
…okay I know it’s a cartoon but why did no one step in on this whole Sierra&Cody shit? This girl literally drugged him.
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total-drama-takes · 1 year
Team Amazon my beloved. Heather my beloved. Sierra my beloved. Courtney my beloved. Gwen my beloved. Cody… is also there.
so true except not because im a sierra anti
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total-drama-shark · 1 year
Ooh, a bit of an opposite question, do you have a favorite rivalry from each season?
That is a good question! I had to think a bit in a few of these and alot of seasons didn't have just one rivalry I enjoyed, but multiple!
I think Heather vs Gwen is a classic and a staple of Island. Constant opposing forces and a big part of what was supposed to be Gwen's character development. It makes them bonding a bit at the last episode rather sweet too.
Both Lindsay and later Beth vs Courtney were a treat. Courtney's straight up jealousy towards Lindsay while she stayed mostly oblivious was funny and Beth identifying when Courtney was trying to manipulate her because she has experience and then deciding to counter manipulate her was a W move. Duncan vs Harold had its moments too, the Kung Fu episode was their best I think.
Aleheather sweep! I usually love the trope of "character who was previously the Big Bad becomes an anti hero to defeat the newer and more threatening Big Bad" and Heather's arc does this very well, specially in the final. Seeing them at constant odds and the disadvantage Heather's at makes her win all more satisfying (again her ending is canon to me).
Jo is part of both my favorite rivalries this season, and tbh all of Jo's rivalries are great! My favorites are Jo vs Brick and Jo vs Cameron but Jo vs Anne Maria is great too. For Jo vs Brick the dynamic of two jocks who just absolutely have to one up each other is such a solid base and their interactions justake it all better. I like Jo vs Cameron too because besides the physical comedy of their interactions with Jo being able to just carry and drop or throw him like it's nothing, but also the fact she cares for him in her weird unique Jo way, she tries to train him and congratulates him when he uses her own methods to get rid of her, it's weirdly wholesome :)
I really had to think about this one because all the main rivalries this season included Mal and I wasn't a fan of any of them, and it frankly left me with just Aleheather, which like I do love them, but it's unfortunate I have to repeat a rivalry. Regardless though they were very entertaining the most part (heather hiding the immunity idol was dumb tho) and their bonus clip together was adorable <3
Another one I had to think of though not for the same reason, there weren't really many rivalries that stood out to me y'know? Besides the one sided Sugar vs Ella that I found needlessly mean spirited often, there was Dave vs Leonard that didn't last long, the more subtle Sky vs Sugar that you could slowly see seep and finally start making itself apparent around ep 7 onward, and Topher vs Chris, both the two last ones are interesting but I can't say much about them.
Can you expect me to say anything other than Bowie vs Julia? They couldn't stand each other's gut yet kept becoming inseparable so often and that was such a treat to see unfold, they're worsties, they fight each other uh a huge honeybee nest, they have to team up, they betray each other, they have to work together againg but just screw each other over, it's wonderful I love it
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canonically47 · 7 months
this one
okay well total drama has a LOT of obvious mistakes and most of them come from the time in which it was written and published and the rushed season of only 13 instead of 26 episodes starting with ROTI
i also feel like they treat their characters and ships very badly, making them go right back where they started if they ever get any growth, which rarely happens. or their development is too sudden and not believable. priya, max, scarlett, that mini-arc shasmine had about splitting the money, aleheather in TDWT, prileb in TD 2024...
i rewatched ROTI and the girls were mistreated horribly. what can you expect from a season where the finalists are two guys? dakota’s internal issues were never discussed further than a funny haha moment when dawn read her aura, dawn never got to do anything for her team and her elimination was rushed, jo’s internalized mysoginy was a haha joke and never adressed properly, zoey had a whole villain-and-back-to-hero arc and STILL didn’t make finale???
also i hate when they introduce some groups and never further develop them, or develop them very little. lindsay, beth and ezekiel could’ve been an ICONIC trio. i miss leshawna and gwen’s friendship so much, and same goes for bowie and emma. jo and brick had so much potential to become allies or at least frenemies, amy and sammy were not handled well, THE E-SCOPE TRIO!!! i’m in shambles
so if i wrote TDI i’d just give the characters some proper development, more moments to shine, more fun relationships with the others. this show is based on its characters, they’re the stars!! so why not make them shine instead of burn??
gen 1 is too much work to rewrite but i’d keep TDI about the same except have a leshawna vs gwen finale, with leshawna as a ‘canon’ winner. TDA would have a harold vs lindsay finale with harold as the ‘official’ winner.
in TDWT i’d cut the duncney-gwuncan arc, make duncan never come back cuz fuck that guy, gwourtney wins. sierra gets better development. noah makes merge and fulfills his schemer role, constantly sabotaging alejandro. they become frenemies. aleheather still wins and goes to finale. alejandro doesn’t get the robot costume and we don’t hear from him again until TDAS.
for ROTI, would make jo a proper antagonist and make her butt heads with scott when the merge happened. my final six for ROTI would be scott, jo, zoey, brick, lightning and anne maria. yes, brick and anne maria, you read that right.
i still think scott shouldn’t make finale, and jo only if she got development. so maybe the merge could happen just two episodes earlier to get more stuff out of them, so the merge would include cameron and mike. scott would go before jo, and jo would be left to fend for herself after scott got cameron eliminated. this is where i would make her develop a friendship with anne maria and brick. get zoey in there and you have the anti-scott alliance. they get him out (NO TRAUMA CHAIR NEEDED, HE WILL BE FINE) and then lightning, then the girls unite against brick. sorry man.
the finale would be between two of the girls, i’d like to see jomaria or joey fight, jo needs that development. the one who gets out previously is an insta-elimination and not decided by the others.
and voilá! jo gets development and some healthy friendships! her and brick could also get together but maybe in another season. this season is for her alone to shine, she deserves it.
oh, and that’s the main thing about ROTI - i’d give them two more seasons. they deserve a WT-esque season.
i’d completely rewrite TDPI. make rodney first diss when the girls are disgusted by him (and also shit him cuz fuck him), dave an earlier boot, get beardo like third or fourth cuz i wanna see more of him, give scarlett a proper character arc instead of a rushed one throughout just one episode, make max a bit smarter and let him become a ‘hero’ rather than a villain he wants to be by rescuing everyone from scarlett since he knows her weaknesses best...
my ideal final five are shawn, jasmine, max, topher and ella. also my five favorites so no wonder. i’ll explain their arcs.
topher - 5th: shawn and jasmine, as well as max and ella, become duos after the scarlett incident (maybe it happens earlier?), and topher is outside of any alliance. plus he was getting kinda annoying, not to mention he gave chris too many ideas for challenges. damn it, topher!
ella - 4th: when she is forbidden from singing, she still goes behind chris’ back and does it, only that she intercepts sugar’s note and burns it. sugar is an earlier boot than originally because ella realizes she just hates her guts and she’s trying to befriend her for nothing. when ella stops singing, she puts her head in the game more than usual, but her refusal to hurt animals and serenade them instead gets her out eventually, by chris, not by the others.
max - 3rd: with no alliance and a softer spot than usual, he gets out at his own, last challenge.
finale: shawn vs jasmine
the same conflict about splitting the money, only that it comes earlier and is developed more. for one, chris shows jasmine the confessionals right after max’s voting ceremony.
shawn’s helper ends up being ella, but she’s been watching from playa des losers and is unhappy with how shawn treated jasmine. meanwhile, max is jasmine’s helper. max and jasmine sabotage shawn, ella doesn’t help him, but then when max and ella are given the controls for the island, they both realize the gravity of what they’ve done when they see shawn and jasmine buried in snow.
both jasmine and shawn get an ending. in both endings, jasmine gets out of the snow, doesn’t pay attention to the finish line, and goes to search for shawn, who pops out in confusion. the two have a heart-to-heart interrupted by chris to announce the race is still happening, and they have ten seconds left. in shawn’s ending, jasmine just nods to him and he crosses; in jasmine’s ending, shawn insists she crosses. pretty similar endings, the outcome is about the same, but i like to think jasmine’s is the ‘canon’ one.
and then they get another season!
so, our seasons are...
gen 1 - 3 seasons: total drama island, total drama action, total drama world tour
gen 2 - 3 seasons: total drama revenge of the island, total drama retour, total drama cruise or lose
gen 3 - 2 seasons: total drama pahkitew island, total drama reaction
gen 1 x gen 2 x gen 3: total drama all stars
TDAS would include eight contestants of each generation. gen 1 gets heather, alejandro, owen, noah, gwen, courtney, sierra, and leshawna. gen 2 gets jo, anne maria, zoey, mike, brick, cameron, lightning and scott. gen 3 gets shawn, jasmine, topher, max, ella, sugar, sammy and scarlett.
and then for the reboot i’d just make bowie win for the first season. the second season would have more development.
emma and bowie become friends again. mkulia become reluctant allies but still dislike each other. eventually they warm up to each other tho 👀. ripaxel also happens over the course of more episodes. couples butt heads - mkulia, rajbow and ripaxel - but mkulia dominate the game. short ripaxel-mkulia alliance in which they get out prileb (who have a better development trust), wayne and bowie.
damien gets to keep his immunity idol but doesn’t need to use it until the final five: axel, julia, mk, damien and raj. the girls unite against him, but he and raj voted for julia, so you can imagine mk is unhappy, but damien wins immunity. yikes.
so finale time is damien, raj and axel. everyone gets an ending, but damien is the ‘canon’ winner because HE DESERVED IT COME ON.
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weirdowithaquill · 1 year
WIP Game:
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPS. (... I do not know this many people)
Thank you @jobey-wan-kenobi for tagging me in - here's my best attempt to categorise the various inane WIP pieces I have floating about. Oh, and cause I'm a multi-fandom writer, the fandom is at the end of the title.
Edit: Alright, so now I'm sort of using this as a check-off list for things I've written. Things people ask about generally get more progress done on them - so ask about what you want to read!
1: Jinty, Pug and the Ffarquhar Branch Engines (RWS) 2: Bowler the Redeemed Engine (RWS) 3: Arry the Churlish Engine (RWS) 4: Murdoch the Mighty Engine (RWS) 5: Seaside Engines (RWS) 6: Duncan the Disagreeable Engine (RWS) 7: Sir Topham Hatt and his Engines (RWS) 8: Ivo Hugh the Young Engine (RWS) 9: Arthur the Midland Engine (RWS) 10: Mixed-Traffic Engines (RWS) 11: Mid Sodor Engines (RWS) 12: The Caledonian Twin Engines (RWS) 13: Very Important Engines (RWS) 14: Silent Engine Bert Again (RWS) 15: Duke's and Duchess' Engines (RWS) 16: The 2004 Special: The World-Famous Engine (RWS) 17: Edward; a Requiem in Steam (RWS) 18: Mavis the Quarry Engine (RWS) 19: History of the Sodor Highland Railway (RWS) 20: The Island Song (RWS) 21: Five American Engines (RWS) 22: TATMR Horror Story (RWS) 23: The Reject Railway (RWS) 24: Tales From the Other Railway (RWS) 25: Tidmouth Train to Hell (RWS) 26: RWS/World Trigger Crossover (RWS, World Trigger)
27: Hyuse & The Iron Horse (World Trigger) 28: Crash-Course in Meeden (World Trigger)
29: In Orwell's World (Voltron) 30: Comfort Food (Voltron) 31: Pidge & Dr Strangelove (Voltron) 32: Keith and the Wolf (Voltron) 33: Grandma McClain and Adam Join the Voltron Crew (Voltron) 34: Planet Obscure (Voltron)
35: TDWT Rewrite (Total Drama) 36: Total Drama Grand Tour (Total Drama) 37: Pull Your Weight (Total Drama) 38: X-Treme Torture Rewrite (Total Drama) 39: A Night To Remember (Total Drama) 40: In the Hold (Total Drama) 41: Total Drama King Lear AU (Total Drama)
42: BirdFlash story (DC) 43: Jingle Bells, Nightwing Noel (DC) 44: Red Hood Reading Club (DC) 45: WikiHow Does Not Have An Article For That! (DC) 46: Manor on the Hill (DC) 47: Swear Jar (DC)
48: Malevolent Spirit (Saiki K) 49: When You Fall, I Will Pick You Up (Saiki K) 50: Dark Reunion's Anti-Love Ray (Saiki K) 51: Rome (Saiki K) 52: How to Win Over Saiki K, or a Rhapsody of a Man Not in Love (Saiki K) 53: Saiki K Europe Trip (Saiki K) 54: Kusuo's Christmas (Saiki K)
55: Jinrao (Naruto) 56: Obito, Father of the Jinchuuriki (Naruto) 57: Akatsuki Parents (Naruto) 58: Naruto & Nazis (Naruto) 59: Sakura Out-trains Everyone (Naruto) 60: Dogs Shouldn't Be This Hard! (Naruto) 61: Refuelling Shouldn't Be This Hard! (Naruto) 62: Work Shouldn't Be This Hard! (Naruto) 63: Barbeques Shouldn't Be This Hard! (Naruto) 64: Snorkelling Shouldn't Be This Hard! (Naruto) 65: Adoption Shouldn't Be This Hard! (Naruto) 66: Children Shouldn't Be This Hard! (Naruto) 67: KakaObi Regency Story Part 2 (Naruto) 68: Sasuke/Naruto Story (Naruto) 69: The Club (Naruto) 70: Atomic (Naruto) 71: Only Love Can Hurt Like This (Naruto) 72: The Railwayman AU (Naruto) 73: The Hidan Story (Naruto) 74: School Shenanigans (Naruto)
75: Just Ask Him Out Already! (Assassination Classroom) 76: AssClass Yearbook (Assassination Classroom) 77: The Theoretical Sequel to 'The Informant' (Assassination Classroom) 78: Lost in the Night (Assassination Classroom)
79: Britain in the AtLA World (Avatar; The Last Airbender) 80: Picture of Sokka of the Water Tribe (Avatar; The Last Airbender) 81: Night at the Fire Temple (Avatar; The Last Airbender) 82: Fast Car (Avatar; The Last Airbender)
83: Stay Away From Minnemeny Island (One Piece) 84: Kaoru and the German (Ouran High School Host Club) 85: Romantic Killer AU (Romantic Killer)
86: The White Elephant *The Sherlockverse* (Various)
Right... so that took way longer than expected. Originally, it all seemed fine - I have most of my things in a single, neat folder. And then I remembered I have a Microsoft Account... and a WordPad full of old fics... and several workbooks with their own things in them. I think I'm still missing one workbook, all truth be told!
@lswro2-222 @predawnrex04 and that's all the people I know who aren't @jobey-wan-kenobi
Edit 2: When I get down to like... 60 or something WIPs on here, I'm going to overhaul the list to take them off and put up the new ones. Until then, remember to ask about the WIPs you're most interested in!
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Any kontestant X inanimate object ships have always been sooo mutz better in my opinion
Gwen X that random Kaktus she assidentally hugged in Australia? Automatikally healthier than any kanon ship she was involved in
Zoey X Sundae is also a really great shoice konsidering that they never even argued or like had any konflict. Infinitely better than Her and Mike at least
Beth X Pole X Bridgette love triangle is what we needed to see instead of the Gw*nkney love triangle. Like just imagine the drama and additional kharacter development we kould have gotten from beth and Bridgette like please tell me you see my vision
My absolutely most favourite objekt X Kontestant ship is probably Skott X Dirt. Every straight Skott ship only seems doable in an AU. And maybe I kould exkuse queer/Yaoi ships bekause they would probably work. But him and DIRT??! Skott and Dirt never even argued once, DIRT was Skott’s emotional support, ITS ALWAYS THERE FOR SKOTT. Like you kan’t tell me this ship this ship would not work out. Find me a way they would break up…. Yeah exaktly you can’t think of any bekause there isn’t!
Sinserely, anti latin alphabet letter whom shall not be named anon (call me skanon)
Every single one of these ships you just named are infinity better than any other ship total drama has. They are some of the most healthy examples we have in the entire canon of the show. Scott x Dirt is probably the best example ever. Dirt never hurt Scott. Scott appreciated Dirt for that. Because of that alone, it is already better than courtott.
I do like your vision of tdwt.
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ohsoulymoons · 4 months
Duncan HCS without Romance for FUCKING ONCE IN HIS GODDAMN LIFETIME. Let this bitch breath... no love triangle just Duncan. Duncan just being Duncan and no shipping because I said so.
It's called I am tired of everyone thinking a man or mostly Duncan needs a women/partner to be better and have love.
Duncan can be himself and happy without romance? Wtf? He is his own person too? What if he just genuine happy alone? Hmm??
He knows cuss words and some slang words in Spanish, French, and Polish due to his parents taking him into work since he was like a toddler.
He will stick his fingers in your mouth to make you throw up if you are yelling in his face and he waits for it at the perfect moment to do too.
He knows how to hotwire cars since he was like 7 years old.
He made some his converse and combat boots have hidden parts to have razors to switch blade to pop out as he fights using his feet in "battle".
He eats a steak like dog in hunger and messily in a way that looks he never heard of forks to knives ever.
Duncan sweats a lot due to him being very active in general therefore has emergency kit of "shit to smell good not like ass"
Duncan hates that everyone and anyone that sexualizes him then has audacity to tell it's a compliment when it's fucking not instead talking it out, he reacts badly trying to fight you or throwing things to get you away from him.
Duncan hates the notion when people say Gwen saved him and was better to him because he feels guilty because he treated Gwen badly too especially on All-Stars when he was using her as well as asking Gwen if Courtney is watching them kiss or doing anything together.
Duncan struggled opened up about his feelings because he was raised that's a women's thing. He hates that many use his feelings against him especially when it's the past relationships with Gwen and Courtney, he did love them but each of their love was differently but not healthy which he knows now.
Duncan goes to therapy for himself not to get the "one" or one his exes back
Duncan is okay being alone and doesn't believe happy ending means ending up with Gwen or Courtney... His happy ending is learning be okay with the past, letting go, and to love himself first as well as being a better person to best friend he can to Geoff and Dj!
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gorepill · 2 months
BITCHY FAG for the ask game :3
B- A lot of them tbh. Just cause I'm not really a canon x canon guy, so I never really think about ANY canon x canon ships ever... pOKWOEPRKOWRREWWERWER
I- *looks at puppet fandom that will not be named.* just cause EVERYONE ON STAFF IS AN ANTI and that's cringe as fuck. I still got mutuals who like it so I wanna be clear I just hate the ppl who work on it and I don't wanna...yknow associate with that project anymore LMFAO
T- All my faves are bi, especially the ones that are CANON ICALLY Bi, but the fandom refuses to call bi or goes "iT's CoMpHeT!!!!!!!!11!1!11!!1" about. Very few exceptions to this. So ignoring whatever exceptions I can't think of; ALL of my faves are bisexual. C- Answering under cut, but it's related to the T answer (cause a lot of ppl who like the ship seem to HATE saying bisexual) and the fact I can't look up either character without running into piles and piles of the ship and it drives me insaaaane. not hate to my mutuals who do like it tho /gen!!! H- Unsure what this one means tbh!!! I guess like...Video games??? Homestuck counts right. Cause it's go playable sectionnnnns, and hiveswapppp and hiveswap adct 2 and hiveswap friend sim and pesterquest...!!!!!!!!!
Y- SouthPark and Gorillaz tbh. I see more of the latter on dash tho WOEIRJIWERIOEROEWRJ
F- OH THAT's hard UHHH i BEEN INTO hs FOR A GOOD FEW YEARS NOW UMMMM that's the only one i can think abt rn...
A- ALL MY OC X CANON SHIPS <3 thas all that matter to me... <3 THinking a lot abt JudeNora rn tho.... yummy <3 problematic age gap too....
G- MY FIRST OTP UHHHHHHHH I think it was TwiPie MLP but I'm not sure... Either that or Aleheather TDWT... NO Gwuncan TDI. I got pissed af when Duncan and Courtney got together. Trent sucked too I didn't like him OWERIWEIOJER
Continuation of C- I fucking *HATE* Davekat it sucks so fucking bad I swear gto GOD. Cause if a webstie knows u like Homestuck it's like "ah yes time to shove davekat down ur throat!!!" and then ppl refuse to aknowledge that both characters are canonically bisexual
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total-ass · 3 years
the amount of misogynoir leshawna received on total drama was ridiculous! for starters she was subjected to many blatantly racist comments from heather. heathers skinny ass couldnt go a SECOND with out making a comment on how disgusting her fake hair was, or how gross her fat was and how “”ghetto”” everything about her was. as a chubby black girl that rewatched tdi in middle school that shot made me uncomfortable as fuck, i genuinely needed to take a break in between episodes. in tdi they barely even gave her any personality traits outside of being “”ghetto”” they basically sidelined her to being the “black best friend” who always always there to fix all of her white friends problems. now on surface that doesn’t sound to bad but if you did some research on the history behind the “black best friend” stereotype you’ll see how this stereotype isn’t as harmless as you think.
one thing we can all agree on is that leshawnas elimination was racially biased. the second leshawna actually stared showing oh i don’t know...real character traits and how capable she was BAM! they take her out cause they hate to see black women winning (which seems to e a common theme in this show hmm 🤔 and no i’m not counting sanders shes a cop and her name reminds me of s*nders s*des) while all of tdis eliminations had little to no thought put into them and barely made sense in regards to the “rules”(bridgettes, lindsays, DJ, duncan, etc.) but leshawnas elimination was was easily one of the most contrived scenes in the show! (and that’s saying something 🤨) and that’s not even getting into all the sexual jokes they made at her expense, from the perverted camera angles focusing on her curves, to all the disgusting comments she received from her team mates.
FUCK TOTAL DRAMA ACT*ON, everyone hates total drama act*on. that season was fucking garbage. a lot of thing pissed me off that season, the ableism, the fatphobia, beths existence, boring as fuck, (i lowkey like lesharold and all but all of harolds comments towards leshawna were...😐) but the worst thing about total drama act*on is once again!! the way leshawna was treated. oh boo hoo she made fun of you guys for being annoying? well you guys are, everyone that season was insufferable at some point. td* came 2 DAYS after tdi, that means leshawna was stuck with those fuckers for an entire summer and had nothing to show for it, she had every right to clown on them i said what i said. and her elimination was also bullshit this season but what else is new?? 😐
in total drama w*rld t*ur she was treated like nothing but a pawn for alejandro (another racist stereotype) to do stereotypical racist spanish stereotype things to her. and her graceful exit was her randomly beating the shit out of heather undoing the little character development that didn’t involve a white boy she had 😐. ngl if leshawna had beaten the shit out of heather in tda for...yknow yelling everything but racial slurs at her, then maybe it would justified for her to to that but no, they had to use it as an opportunity to villainize her for thier piss poor plot.
anyway i want to surgically remove leshawna from this show and put her in a good one. she deserves so much better the what she received, hopefully the black girls in the new seasons are actually treated with dignity. but we all know that’s asking too much from this company 😐
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abbracadabraaa · 3 years
I may not be the biggest fan of Courtney, but I can’t gloss over that she was done so DIRTY, especially with the Gwuncan situation. She had every right to be upset at Duncan for cheating. Gwen too (a bit because while she did know she was dating Duncan she wasn’t in the relationship). How was she portrayed as the villian to not only the show, but the fandom, when it was all Duncan’s fault???!!!?!! It’s giving……..
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psychlocke · 3 years
total drama all stars could've shown us the full potential aleheather had as a power couple but i guess mike vs zoey was really that important to them huh
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