#anti duncney
ohsoulymoons · 4 months
Duncan HCS without Romance for FUCKING ONCE IN HIS GODDAMN LIFETIME. Let this bitch breath... no love triangle just Duncan. Duncan just being Duncan and no shipping because I said so.
It's called I am tired of everyone thinking a man or mostly Duncan needs a women/partner to be better and have love.
Duncan can be himself and happy without romance? Wtf? He is his own person too? What if he just genuine happy alone? Hmm??
He knows cuss words and some slang words in Spanish, French, and Polish due to his parents taking him into work since he was like a toddler.
He will stick his fingers in your mouth to make you throw up if you are yelling in his face and he waits for it at the perfect moment to do too.
He knows how to hotwire cars since he was like 7 years old.
He made some his converse and combat boots have hidden parts to have razors to switch blade to pop out as he fights using his feet in "battle".
He eats a steak like dog in hunger and messily in a way that looks he never heard of forks to knives ever.
Duncan sweats a lot due to him being very active in general therefore has emergency kit of "shit to smell good not like ass"
Duncan hates that everyone and anyone that sexualizes him then has audacity to tell it's a compliment when it's fucking not instead talking it out, he reacts badly trying to fight you or throwing things to get you away from him.
Duncan hates the notion when people say Gwen saved him and was better to him because he feels guilty because he treated Gwen badly too especially on All-Stars when he was using her as well as asking Gwen if Courtney is watching them kiss or doing anything together.
Duncan struggled opened up about his feelings because he was raised that's a women's thing. He hates that many use his feelings against him especially when it's the past relationships with Gwen and Courtney, he did love them but each of their love was differently but not healthy which he knows now.
Duncan goes to therapy for himself not to get the "one" or one his exes back
Duncan is okay being alone and doesn't believe happy ending means ending up with Gwen or Courtney... His happy ending is learning be okay with the past, letting go, and to love himself first as well as being a better person to best friend he can to Geoff and Dj!
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gwunc4nlover · 1 month
Screw the writing of TDAS for breaking up gwen and duncan
Screw them and the creators for shittalking Gwuncan in favor of Ducney
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soniccrystal · 4 months
When Gwen gets voted of in action
Duncan tries to save her from elimination by getting chef to vote him of instead (even if he does take it back at the last minute )
when Courtney gets eliminated in action
Duncan votes her off because he quote on quote says he doesn’t need a high maintenance chick with a superiority complex.
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curiositycryptid · 5 months
Give your TD hot takes. Like ACTUAL hot takes
ooo I don’t think I have many, but I think Courtney was worse than Duncan, not sure how many people think that though. Like she was abusive
also I don’t think Gwen was in the wrong whatsoever in action, it was a complicated situation and she’s just a teen who didn’t know what to do because she’d never seen Trent act that way before. It’s neither of their faults
also I hate Duncney and I’m alright with Gwuncan, it seems pretty healthy (Duncney is very hated but so is Gwuncan so uhhh)
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transbian-amityisreal · 2 months
the gwuncan tag on a03 is hell because half of it is just duncney with post break up gwuncan / gwuncan slander. if i WANTED duncney (i never will) i would SEARCH for duncney
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vitiligoduncan · 1 year
"Courtney is a girlboss" and then its just a clip of her physically abusing Duncan
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iris19x · 4 months
There should’ve been an aftermath segment on the love triangle during World Tour.
I fully believe Geoff would’ve been on Duncan & Gwen’s side like he was on Gwen’s side in Trent’s aftermath episode.
He could’ve pointed this out
How Duncan looks at Courtney
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How he looks at Gwen
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You can’t “steal” someone’s boyfriend. Duncan is a human being- not an object or piece of property.
And people that are happy in their relationship don’t leave, and they especially don’t leave to turn around and be with someone else.
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"Duncney > Gwuncan" "Gwuncan > Duncney"
Literally this war would be over if y'all realized both ships are TERRIBLE
Neither Courtney nor Duncan treated eachother well as their relationship went on, and Duncan literally just CHEATED ON COURTNEY. Remember that in Episode 13 of world tour, Courtney didn't want to take off the guy's clothes because, according to her, SHE HAD A BOYFRIEND. But later in the episode, when Duncan comes back, and Courtney is hugging him bc she's happy to see him back – HE FREAKING WINKS AT GWEN. ARE YOU GUYS HEARING ME
Not to mention that they kissed but it's your opinion about who kissed who first. But whoever kissed the other IT WAS STILL WRONG
— Minty Idol anon 🌿🎤
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iaminalotoffandoms13 · 11 months
How some Duncney shippers felt after commenting 'Duncney better' on a GWUNCAN post:
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malwaredetected · 11 months
biblically accurate duncney
duncan: courtney can you listen to me for once?
courtney: no <3 i hate you
duncan: well if you're just gonna shit all over my opinions why should i stay with you?
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purplemys · 11 months
Just the strangest flex I've ever seen about Duncney.
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alien-slushie · 1 year
My Duncney Opinion that nobody asked for but that I'm sharing anyway because its my blog and I can do as I please!
Warning: The following blog contains MY OPINION. While constructive criticism, and sharing an opposing opinion is accepted, know that meaningless hate will be laughed at and then subsequently ignored!
Contains Spoilers for: Total Drama Island(2007), Total Drama Action, Total Drama World Tour, (Miniscule) Total Drama Revenge of the Island, and Total Drama All Stars
I started watching TDI when I was, maybe eight years old? Time is a bit fuzzy to me, so I can't narrow it down to the exact age or anything but 8yo sounds about right. Regardless, even as I kid I never really liked Duncney.
To be honest, I didn't even really ship any of the characters on TDI except maybe Linsey and Tylor. Despite the internet being a thing at the time, my family didn't have a computer and if they did we were only allowed on the computer for school. I didn't even have a phone back then because this was back when children having phones weren't common(around 2008-10 ish). So at the time I didn't really know what shipping, and fanfiction were, I was the only one in our small town to have watched the show as far as I know, and even if I hadn't been me and my friends were too busy playing outside than to sit around and talk about a television show, so other than watching it I had not other exposure to TDI or the seasons there after.
Originally, I didn't even like Courtney as a character, and even now I don't really like her. She always seemed like a bossy know it all and she reminded me of someone in my class at the time, making me really dislike her.
Duncan I had no real opinion on, I thought he was a cool looking punk dude, but I didn't really think much of him at the time.
I think at the time my favorite characters were Gwen and Heather. I was a really timid and soft spoken child and seeing two 'teenagers' that were loud and outspoken was kind of inspiring. You would think that I would be drawn to Courtney because of this, after all she is extremely loud and outspoken, but for some reason she just never clicked for me.
When Duncan and Courtney got together, I didn't really pay much attention to it, I didn't really like either character so their relationship didn't matter to me.
It didn't get any better in TDA, at least not that I can think of. To be very honest with you, I don't remember watching TDA on the television. I don't know if I just didn't watch it or just don't remember because it was in a weird time of my life.
In TDWT I again didn't pay much attention to shipping. I knew there was a bit of tension with Duncan, Courtney, and Gwen but honestly, I was more invested in whatever was happening with Alahandro and Heather and Ceara and Cody. I knew it was wrong to cheat of course, but once Gwen was eliminated I didn't may any attention to it.(This was still before I knew what Shipping and Fandom was by the way, I had moved towns at this point and was watching the show with my siblings while our parents worked, but he's even younger than I was and I don't think he really understood anything like that, at least in detail, either.)
After TDWT though I kind of lost interest in Total Drama. I branched out, got interested in different things and didn't really think back on the show until a few years later.
So yeah, as I child I didn't think much of the ship because I didn't pay attention to it, but now as an adult, oh boy to I have an opinion!
Point blank; Duncney is toxic as all get out and I don't understand how people can support it so much.
Looking back at TDI, I can understand the relationship. Opposites Attract and other than getting on each other's nerves, there was nothing inherently wrong with their relationship, except for a few brief instances of gender stereotypes and misogyny, luckily Duncan seems to fade out of this mindset as the season goes on. Duncan encouraged Courtney to get out of her comfort zone and do things for the benefit of herself even if she has to break a few rules. Courtney on the other hand was Duncan's leash, tethering him to the real world and preventing him from causing too much harm to himself and others. As friends, and an unstable teenage romance, TDI Duncney doesn't bother me that much. I do think Courney is too goal oriented, at proven when she was ready to abandon an injured Duncan to get the 1mil even after it was because of him that she got it in the first place. It makes me uncomfortable that she was willing to let another person suffer without helping for money, even if it was a minor injury.
TDA Is when the ship starts to sour in my opinion. Courtney is not in the show at the start with a lot of the other cast, she is added later by twisting the legal system in her favor. From the beginning we do follow Duncan however. First season we didn't see him too much, he was simply the stereotypical punk/bully that we really only saw when interacting with Courtney and Harold, and a few times with the other guys, but in season two we get to see him interact with more people, Gwen, Trent, Harold, Heather, and Leshauna the most. While Duncan is still the tough punk/bully, we do get to see him take charge more often and exhibit his own traits more, he's a bit manipulative, but also resourceful. When Courtney does come back they're extremely aggressive with each other, there is some of the season 1 banter, but its mostly replaces with aggressive taunts and insults, which doesn't make a whole lot of sense on Courtney's part, seeing as she was the one who abandoned him before season 2. Courtney seems to blame Duncan, and Duncan meets her hostility with his own when he isn't flirting with her. Somehow during TDA Duncan and Courtney decide to work their relationship out, and the first thing Courtney does is make Duncan stay up all night reading rules, and demands from Courtney. I don't think setting up boundaries in a new relationship is a bad thing, I think its actually needed especially in new relationships where you're trying to figure each other and the shift in dynamic out, however Courney does go overboard, especially for a relationship between two 16-17 year olds, as she wants him to learn everything about her, and compliment her on a time table. This leads to Duncan voting her off, though it's implied that the two are still dating even when she's off the show. To me, this shows the first cracks. Duncan is too laid back for Courtney and he can't stand her need to control him, while Courtney needs to control him and can't stand not having a say. This is in no way healthy, a controlling partner is not healthy, especially ones that have no patience for failure and will turn to verbal berating, just because Duncan can and will fight back doesn't mean it's not a toxic situation.
Moving from that we get the break between TDA and TDWT. Duncney as sense broken up, how long did they date? We don't know because the break between seasons is a bit iffy. Either way, they had adopted a racoon together, where they found the racoon I have no idea, and are in a custody dispute over him when we see him, both teenagers having Lawyers to try and work things out. Over the course of them chasing down Chris' new show the two fight and bicker and seemingly get back together leading into season three.
Early TDWT we don't see much Duncney, but it's obvious that Duncan has already started to shift focus, having lost interest in the moment of peace, or what, we aren't really sure. His time in early show is limited, though Courney is always thinking about him. I want to mention this now even though it's mentioned in All Stars, but Gwen claims the two were on a break, meaning the two possibly called things to a halt while Courtney was competing and were going to get back together once she was kicked out or the end of the season. Gwen could simply be mistaken, but seeing as Duncan was on the run at the time, I can see how and why they would put such a versatile relationship on a break while away from each other. Again, this is speculation that I'll touch more on later. Anyway, through the season Courtney talks about Duncan in spurts and misses him, even blames him for leaving her to compete alone. When Duncan comes back, she's happy to see him but also berates him about leaving her. In my opinion he doesn't seem all that into the reaction, simply going along and looking to Gwen as he speaks. I'm not going to go into Gwuncan, I might make a later opinion piece later, but this is not that piece. Anyway, later after his return Duncan ends up kissing Gwen, rather its in the heat of the moment or what is up to you to decide, but he doesn't seem to upset about cheating on Courtney, more scared of her finding out. Before Courtney finds out about the kiss we find out that Courtney has a list of 47 things that she wants Duncan to change about himself before he's 'Perfect', something I find extremely disrespectful and demented. From there Courtney obviously suspects something is up, wanting to keep them apart, and when she finds out Courtney goes ballistic, needing to be held back from physically attacking Gwen and later Physically harming Duncan when they officially break things off. I am not defending cheaters, rather they were on a break or not it was obvious they were working to reinstate their relationship and Duncan kissed another girl(woman) who was Courtney's friend, it was a complete and utter betrayal of trust and Courtney had every right to be upset and lash out, that being said I never want to encourage physical violence against someone who isn't attacking back, dumping food on Duncan in her upset, understandable, it didn't cause him any physical pain unless it was burning hot(since he was just standing there, I doubt it was) but then going to kick him in the Kiwis when he was trying to apologize. Courtney didn't need to accept his apology, she had every right to yell her upset, cry, and refuse his apology, but she ended up physically hurting him. From there on Courtney harbors extreme resentment for Duncan and Gwen, understandably, and tries to make him jealous while trying to get him or Gwen eliminated. Shown later in the finale Courtney still harbors that grudge, understandably, and tries to sneak in some slam pieces against Gwen and Duncan, though the two don't seem to respond to it, either ignoring, or in one deleted/bonus scene throwing a sandal at her to make her stop, which again, I don't agree with Duncan resorting to physical violence in response to this shtick. Wasn't funny with a woman, isn't funny with a man.
Anyway, from the end of WT there on we don't really see them until Revenge of the Island where we get a clip at the very beginning. Here we see the OG cast on a boat heading to the island, where all we can see is Gwuncan making out, and Courtney frowning on a higher spot on the boat, but she's either trying not to look at them or is just pissed off as usual. Gwen is shown later this season, but doesn't say anything about Duncan or Courtney, so it doesn't matter much.
This leads to the season I like to pretend doesn't exist: Total Drama All Stars. At this point, Duncney is over, and is never getting back together as far as we know. Courtney ignores Duncan, and shoots mean looks at Gwen, Duncan trys to stand up for Gwen, but Courtney just ignores them. When they were together and Courtney was mad, heck when they weren't together and Courtney was mad, they would always fight, so when Courtney wouldn't fight and stayed silent, Duncan wasn't sure how to respond. He works mostly on ignoring her back, or trying to gain her attention but by the time Duncan goes to prison, nothing really changes between them.
I think the show had a lot to do about the relationship. After TDI and TDA they did break up, but it was in the spotlight, and I have no doubt that through the entire relationship they had pressure on them by fans. I feel like we've seen situations like this in real life with influencer couples and celebrities, where they were unhappy but felt like they had to stay together because of the fans, which just led to more fighting and stress on the both of them.
A part of me feels that if it weren't in the spotlight, if they didn't join a reality show and were able to fade into anonymity that they would have broken up and been done with it. I honestly think that if TDWT wasn't a thing and the two could have gone through the custody battle with the raccoon and split that that would have been the end of it.
As I said, I never really liked Duncney in the first place, and I honestly feel like people who do ship them ship Season 1 Duncney specifically or ship them because of nostalgia. I don't think shipping people for nostalgia's sake is wrong, I'm pretty sure there are a bunch of ships that if I sat down to think about it, I'd realize were toxic as all get out too but end up still shipping because of nostalgia or because I liked them once upon a time. That being said, I do not like Duncney, never had, probably never will, but if other people like this ship than okay, and more power to you, I simply disagree.
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gwunc4nlover · 3 months
would u punch courtney for a bag of chips?
I’ll do it for free and for Duncan and Gwen
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soniccrystal · 3 months
someone please please write a gwuncan meeting their families fic
warning mentions of abuse and toxic relationships feel free to not read this if it makes anybody uncomfortable
someone should write a gwuncan fic where Gwen meets Duncan’s parents but before that Duncan warns Gwen about how his mom practically has hated all the girls he’s ever dated even Courtney but there’s a reason for that
they both decide to just embrace the worst since hey if they can get back together and survive the fandoms hatred and Courtney then they can deal with a judgemental mom
they both arrive only for Duncan’s mom to inmediatly shower Gwen with nothing but pure hugs and affection. They both have a good time and Duncan’s mom mentions how she used to be in a children’s band called bananas and cheese. Gwen playfully teases him and remembers him as the boy in daycare who was related to bananas and cheese only for Duncan to tease her back about her cousin being a princess. Gwen stays behind and asks his mom how come she got along with her but hated Courtney who was practically the master of politeness only for Duncan’s mom to make a remark response about anyone but her own boyfriend
Gwen and Duncans mom then have a discussion about Duncan’s exes. Duncan’s mom explained that the reason why she never liked any of Duncan’s exes was because they were either toxic at best like or abusive at worst and that she’s so glad that Duncan is now dating somebody that loves and respects him
Gwen replies by saying that Courtney may be a lot of things but abusive isn’t one of them and that if Duncan was abused by her or any other girl he would’ve said something only for her to have this oooh moment where she realizes of course he wasn’t gonna say anything he was the bad boy of the show and when it was happening people where laughing at him so of course he wasn’t gonna quote on quote ruined his bad boy image and admit that he was scared of his own girlfriend especially during our teen phase where people thought it was funny when a boy got beaten by a girl in anything
Gwen then has a serious conversation with Duncan asking him how bad was Courtney only for him to deny it cause at least Courtney didn’t do the things his exes did to him. then he remembers that he’s not on total drama anymore and just because he’s the tough guy that doesn’t mean that what happened to him wasn’t ok that what Courtney did wasn’t ok. Duncan opens up to Gwen about every detail that happened to him and how Courtney wasn’t even the worst cause there was a time in his past where things always got worst.
Gwen then hugs him and makes sure he feels safe with her.
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To the DeviantArt who said "DxG" and sent Gw*ncan fanarts under Gwent and Duncney fanarts (the superior ships), i hope you have the worst day ever.
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notchaoticenough · 4 months
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Duncan: reasons I should get to dictate the next 2000 years worth of major religion;
- I fucked Courtney. That’s all. Any objections?
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Multiple people are typing ….
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