#anti rokunami
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8gayguy8 · 1 year ago
Does anyone besides me think of these three
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as siblings?b
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asiryn · 6 years ago
Im soooo salty Namine never physically showed up until the VERY end like wow I almost wanna say fuck you Nomura but at least she looked beautiful as to be expected
True facts! Except that I can be very frequently quoted as saying “fuck you Nomura”, so there’s no “almost” about that one. XD
Although, the one solid that he gave me was showing Xion as hanging out with both of her girlfriends, and she especially had a lovely interaction with Namine. AND he didn’t try to force R*xas/N*mine on me in this game, sooo…..thanks for that at the very least, and I AM very grateful! XD (also I guess that makes it two solids….)
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rednether · 5 years ago
I don’t see where Rokunami have such a deep connection out of the blue, 358/2 Days apparently hints at the two becoming a couple but it feels like they’re just getting those “ship tease” moments because SoKai did without the actual buildup backing it up.
Especially since Roxas only meets Namine face-to-face in 2′s prologue, where he has fake memories implemented in his head so she doesn’t know the real him (the way a certain Xion does).
Riku treats Namine like shit through-out the prologue of KH2 unlike his original Replica and never apologizes or is called out for it at a later date, by Namine herself. Him coming to pick her up from Radiant Garden doesn’t magically make his shitty behavior acceptable.
But also Riku is so hung up on Sora that I honestly do believe the former is in love with the latter after he outgrows his romantic feelings for Kairi.
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sapphireskys · 6 years ago
Ok so I've been wanting to say this for a while now but Repliku being the one Namine wants to see the most actually sorta makes sense? And no I don't think it confirms mutual romantic Repli/nami or debunks Rokunami etc.
The thing is, you gotta consider the characters' current statuses here. For example, Roxas is in the same situation as Namine, in that he's with Sora but otherwise safe and will most definitely be brought back. Besides that, given what they said in Kh2, when Sora and Kairi are together, so are Roxas and Namine, so they really haven't been "seperated" for too long per say (or at least are aware of each other being, well, alive).
And if you take into account the time that passes between Kh3's ending and Kh3, you get somewhere between a few weeks to like 3 or so months max.
So at this point, Namine knows that Roxas is safe and that everyone is trying to bring them both back.
Now, take Repliku into consideration.
For all she knows, the dude is... well... Dead.
That alone gives her reason to want to see him so much, just like how I believe, if roxas remembered Xion's death, he'd want to see her the most. Again, this is not necessarily romantic, it's normal.
Now add to that: he's dead due to her.
It's a lot of guilt and uncertainty. She pretty much created him, and she gave him the memories that made him develop strong feelings towards her, all the while she clearly favored Sora to the point of destroying his heart/mind to protect Sora once.
And despite that, despite finding out about who he was and how he came to be, he still put his life on the line for her, and disappeared for her sake.
After all, she was the only person he had ever actually known, even if you ignore the fake memories.
So of course, now that things have settled down and she's not constantly being forced to work for someone, she has time to think. And I think she regrets what happened to him and hopes he's alright, somehow.
She wants the being she created and ruined to finally get closure.
Fact is, regardless of how you look at it, they do share a special bond. Everyone does. Each and every bond in the series is special and not necessarily romantic or mutual. But it's there.
And it needed closure.
They needed closure, so they can move on.
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palizinhas · 8 years ago
I get where you're coming from with RokuNami. KHII sort of made me ship it when I first played it (sort of). But then Days happened, and I fell in love with RokuShi and ended up having major issues with RokuNami myself. Mainly in that she sort of sacrificed his life for Sora's. And that just read all kinds of awful to me, and that Nami cared about Sora more and maybe never got over him. It's only recently I've gotten over it. And realized she did the hard in telling him Roxas truth and all that.
Eh, I don’t know. My main issue with RokuNami is that I don’t GET it. What exactly made them suddenly have SUCH a powerful connection? Why is it that one is supposed to interpret them as canon, as being in love, after all of five minutes of interaction?
I’m not opposed to them falling in love in the future after everyone is saved and all that jazz. The idea that they already are is what bothers me, because it means that they being in love is only true because of Sora and Kairi, and while I love SoKai, I can’t get behind a ship that uses SoKai as the sole basis.
The only time I ever thought RokuNami made sense was when looking at Roxas’ quote in Days about finding someone he trusts. That was nice, and it’s ironic that the game where they don’t meet treats their relationship in a way that makes more sense to me than the one where Naminé’s only meaningful interaction with anyone is with the guy.
But, you know, “the person I trust” isn’t the same as “the person I will suddenly fall for”. SoKai may not have a lot of screentime together, but they have history, they grew up together. Roxas has more meaningful relationships with fake versions of HPO than he does with the girl he’s supposedly in love with and I just…. Don’t get it.
My headcanon is that they will date after becoming their own people but will eventually realize their relationship isn’t really like that, doesn’t matter how much they try. People being able to see enough potential with them from KH2 alone is fine to me, but unless KH3 finds a more believable way to portray them, I just can’t buy it.
I mean, love at first sight and all that jazz can work. But not when the other main ship of a franchise have known each other since they were 5.
…I didn’t mean to rant. And I really can’t say much of lack of interactions when I adore RiKai, but I do feel my main issue with RokuNami is lack of history. And hell, one can’t even blame Days for it when KH2 already had Naminé say she “always wanted to meet him”, and as such never actually HAD.
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hadai · 6 years ago
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Whenever I see antis in the rokunami tag.
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oveliagirlhaditright · 5 years ago
Sometimes I wish Nomura and kh team would get another writer on board whose sole job is to tweak and better develop the canon couples. They have potential.
I mean… to be fair, the only canon couple we know for sure is SoKai. And they may be the only one. And I don’t think they’re handled as badly as some people seem to. They’re my ultimate OTP for a reason, I mean, and I think there’s something very original and refreshing about them. But they’re not perfect and without their flaws, of course (some of that being because of how Kairi herself has been handled thus farl). 
So, I get how someone coming in and helping Nomura could aid with those flaws, in people’s eyes. And for the most part, I agree with that: as I’ve often thought that Nomura’s main problem is that he needs an editor (just, perhaps, not to the extents that FFXV was edited, where he felt like it wasn’t at all the story he was trying to tell anymore).
But at the same time… I worry that someone else in there would ruin what I like about them? Like, in making them too cheesy (with a lot of Lines or “I love you” or something), or kissing a lot… or suddenly making KH moreso a romance than a game about friendships? And I’m probably being silly, and it’d be fine (especially since people think that the loss of those like Nojima as screenwriter, is when the series started to fall). But I also feel Square Enix as a whole isn’t as good at romance as they used to be, so IDK. If Sakaguchi was still there and help Nomura, I’d say for sure. But with some of the others? Though I do mostly agree with you. And, I mean, if you can give me something like how Tidus and Yuna were handled, then of course gimme!
And for the sake of it, we’ll talk about the other possible canon couples:
I need more content with RokuNami before I truly became  happy with their ship and bought into it.
In some ways, I think Namiku is built up a bit better than RokuNami, because–even though I don’t think Nomura meant for them to be romantic, until maybe now–they have some standout moments that could be used to try and depict a love between them, and like it was there all along (their meeting, where Naminé was the first person to encourage Riku to be himself and how they spent a whole year together, and feelings could have easily grown), but whether it will go that way is yet to be seen. 
And I’m not saying that RokuNami couldn’t go this way, too. Their relationship could easily be messed with in the future to try and expand on it, and make it better and believable. But RokuNami has the harder time, imo, because Riku and Naminé have that entire year together that Nomura could add in scenes for, if he wanted… whereas we know that–at least in KHII–Roxas and Naminé really only interacted four days, tops. So anything for them would have to be added on after the narrative already tried to say they were in love, which doesn’t work as well for me. If that makes sense. But don’t misunderstand, if they do go down the RokuNami route, I of course want them to give us more scenes with them.
As for RokuShi, I don’t really think there’s much wrong with them–except that we could maybe have used more of them in III?–and they may be handled even better than SoKai is, or close to their level… but if they do become canon, I hope this feeling I have about them right now isn’t lost in the future… like it kind of was with SoKai (in that I think SoKai was handled much better in KHI, CoM, and KHII than the games that came afterwards).
Terqua might also be canon–maybe–and if they are, I think they’re handled pretty well, like RokuShi. Except I do hate how anti-Aqua both Terra and Ven can sometimes feel in BbS.
As for other ships I think could be canon “Lauriam and Elrena, Player and Strelitzia, Gula and Ava, and of course Yozora and Stella 2.0″, I feel we haven’t seen enough of them for me to really pass a judgement yet.
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clerithraven · 6 years ago
The RokuNami Server: Love in Twilight
Hi! So. There's a RokuNami Server that's been around for almost a year already, but it's mostly been kept private since antis were running amok in the fandom during its creation. Well, it was created to be a safe haven for RokuNami shippers anyway so yeah, it had a strict vetting to get access.
But, in light of the server's 1 Year Anniversary coming up, it's been decided to fully open the server for new entry--meaning that a public invite will be issued on the week before the server's Anniversary, most like on RokuNami Day which is on March 28, 2019.
If you're a RokuNami shipper that wants to meet and chat with fellow RokuNami shippers, do feel free to join us! We'll be waiting for you!
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robrae-is-forever · 8 years ago
I’m seeing some stuff about rokunami becoming canon.
If that shit does become canon after all the development Roxas and Xion had in days, I’m going to be reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy fucking pissed
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ravenaveira · 6 years ago
About KH3...
Listen Im just gonna be upfront about it now but I am NOT a fan of Sokai and I despise Kairi
So when and IF Sokai possibly happens and becomes canon I will NOT be one of the many blogs hype and excited about it in fact I’ll be the exact opposite
I just dont find it believable, its underdeveloped, the biggest issue with it is Kairi herself but I wont go into all that here but if you want an in-depth explanation on WHY I hate this pairing and WHY I hate Kairi then send me an ask and I’ll gladly tell you
BUT I will not be raining on anyone's parade as I know what its like to look forward to a ship you’ve been waiting to see become canon finally for years so I get it and I have no intention of ruining that for anyone which is the point of this post
So if you dont wanna see any of my posts dissing the pairing or Kairi herself Ive come up with some tags since unfortunately, Anti-sokai is actually a ship of anti sora x kairi so I had to improvise and come up with some of my own and here they are
fuck-sokai, fuck-kairi, NMP-sokai [not my pairing], FDB-kairi
Not very creative I know and I am unsure which of these I'm actually gonna use but it will depend on how I feel at the time so it may be all of them which is why you should just go ahead and blacklist all these to keep from seein whatever I do decide to post about it
I think NMP-sokai and FDB-kari will be two of my faves to use lol
Anyway Im putting this in the kingdom hearts tag ONLY so people can know who and what to avoid so there wont be any problems, and if theres others in the fandom who feel the same way I do then lemme know I could use some anti sokai and anti kairi people to follow because unfortunately, I seem to be in the minority
For the record Im not really big on KH shipping and pairings really doesnt make or break the series for me because there are way more important things going on then who gets with who, that being said I still have my fair share of ships I like which may surprise you since I despise Kairi but to me Namine and Xion were way better characters and did way more and had way more impact on the overall plot than Kairi ever has being a princess of heart and it does bother me a little that Namine has pretty much been forgotten about completely, although I do understand that her role is technically over but if we’re bringing Roxas and possibly Xion back why not Namine? I dunno but whatever
My personal ships are Soriku [which has nothing to do with why I hate Sokai since I’ve only just recently gotten into it] Roxion, RokuNami, Sonami and considering the recent developments between Kairi and Lea Im not for nor against it but the age gap does concern me a little but its whatever I have no strong feelings either way
I also have my fair share of crack ships or just ships I find amusing because of the fandom like Namitas, VenVan, Vanqua, Soxion, NamiVen, Axas etc
So thats it, thats my heads up, Im tryin to be civil so hopefully everyone else can do the same
And with that I wish us all the best with Kingdom Hearts 3 because we are ALL gonna need it, that scream will forever haunt us all
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isimpforsaix · 3 years ago
The true master post
You can call me either Isa or Saix I draw I ship these ships
Ships I ship: Sokai Akusai rokunami Whatever you would call the Ventus and Xion ship
@alice-draws-uwu I understand that I said that I don't support akusai but the two look so cute together
I only have two brain cells one for Drawing and my Imagination and the other for Akusai I'm a minor and would love to be ur friend So and I am the legal guardian of Zexion/Ienzo my pronouns are any pronouns but I prefer if you were to refer to me as she/her or they/them
Leagal guardian of Zexion\Ienzo and Anti-sora
We need to see my kids more in kh4
And here are my rules for following me:
• Be kind I don't like hate pls no hate on my blog
•feel free to ask questions if you are confused abt anything
And as far as pronouns go I except all pronouns except neopronouns even though my preferred pronouns are she/her
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fyeah-clerith · 7 years ago
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I know of you because I keep receipts of crosstaggers and anyone who posts anything anti about a ship of mine that is unjustified. Yours happens to be in one of them. You’re that r/okushi that did this:
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Yes this was your own opinion, but to make fun of shippers on top of putting Rokunami down? And you even put it on the rokunami tag. That did not say good things about you.
Yes, you removed this post when someone called you out on it, but that doesn’t change the fact that you did do it.
You also have this on the Rokunami and Clerith tags:
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Nothing about this post was for rokunami, namixas or clerith. In facg, it’s for the other ships. So why did you tag is as so? This is crosstagging, which I do not tolerate.
So now I have to ask…
If you hate the rokunami fandom, why are you in my post? Because there is absolutely NO way you could have stumbled upon it for two very obvious reasons:
You’re a r/okushi and a c/loti. You have no business in a post that is about Rokunami and Clerith.
I tagged my post as rokunami, namixas and clerith. The only way you could have seen it is if you purposely went into either tag, which is an asshole move.
Sure you can reason that you saw it because I tagged it as ff7 and kh as well. But still the question remains:
Why react to a post that wasn’t even directed at your ship to begin with? My post had absolutely nothing to do with either r/okushi or c/loti. It was for rokunami and clerith shippers only.
So, please just stay away.
With that, I bid you adeiu. And for the love of all that’s good in the name of shipping…
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stellarnightmage · 7 years ago
Ships ask meme: Kingdom Hearts?
*rubs hands together* Glad you asked! :Dotp:
Sora x Kairi. (Roxas x Namine is a close second tho)favourite canon pairing:
canon? what canon? :’D (all the friendships are canon so I’ll go with those haha)
worst pairing ever:
hmmm, Xehanort x Science probably. That will just never end well.
guilty pleasure pairing:
also Vanikai (Vanitas x Kairi) …hehe
a pairing you want to see more:
Rokunami, I wish we could see the two of them on screen more
that pairing everyone likes but you’re like “lol no”
*looks to Aku/Roku*
favorite non-romantic pair:
(this one can work as a pairing but man I do not see enough affectionate friendships between two guys in anything) Sora and Riku. Their relationship is adorable and just the greatest.
Thank you for asking!
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disneydreamlights · 7 years ago
On top of what he suffers in canon, in the MMO AU, Ven's own parents try to drown him, he lives under constant fear of execution for something that's beyond his control, learns that a girl he yelled at DIED before he got the chance to apologize, is nearly tortured to death by Lauriam when he shows his true colors, and is betrayed by his new friends when they realize just how much darkness he has. And that's just what happens to him BEFORE Xehanort enters his life. SOMEONE HUG THIS CHILD!
Oh hey...Ven compilation posts. Cool.
Now for some comedy involving Ven: He has to deal with unresolved romantic tension from Ephemer and Skuld AS WELL AS from Terra and Aqua. Combine that with me entertaining the idea of the other two members of the Wayward Wind guild MAYBE having feelings for each other and poor Ven has basically had to put up with UST no matter what Trio he joins. Now consider the fact that Vanitas recalls all 10,000 years of Ephemer and Skuld being oblivious to their own feelings. No wonder he went mad by BBS.
Ven is eternal third wheel. Can understand and relate Ven.
Actually, I can think of ONE Trio Ven would be a part of with no UST between two of it's members: The Ancient Child Trio (Ven, Vanitas, and Strelitzia), because the three of them are technically siblings and I am very anti incest if I hadn't made that clear in my Rokunami ask a month or two ago. Still, he'd probably find out about her crush on the Player and then be frustrated that she just won't TELL them about it. Ah well, at least his brother Vanitas has to suffer with him.
Ven gets so frustrated the more Strelitzia rambles about her crush to the point that he takes it into his own hands and tries to start pulling shenanigans with Vanitas to try to get the two of them together and that’s its own insanity. 
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trainer-stealthclaw · 8 years ago
fandom meme: kingdom hearts
The first character I first fell in love with: Looking back, I think it’s Sora for sure. From KH1 I could see that he’s very determined and wants to make sure his friends are okay, and he has a silly side that’s really fun. As a kid I thought he was super-cool (growing up though I realised he’s more like a huge dork, which has actually endeared him to me so much more lol). The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Oh my god, RIKU. I remember absolutely despising him back during KH1 for all the crap he pulled. Then in the series of games to follow, his character really developed and we got to see all these different sides to him. He was a kid who made horrible mistakes, but he grew to become so much more than that, from villain, to anti-hero, to outright, unquestionably, a true hero and Keyblade Master. And oh gosh, he’s actually so nice now??? And he cares about his friends so much and he’s trying so hard to be a better person all the time. I could gush about him for hours. Riku is awesome. The character everyone else loves that I don’t: I guess it would be Zexion. I’m kinda neutral about him. He has a cool enough design (and fighting with books is always cool), but beyond that I never gave him a lot of thought.The character I love that everyone else hates: Weirdly, Marluxia. You’ll never hear me gush over him but he’s actually one of my favourite antagonists in the series. He’s terribly despicable (and his flower aesthetic IS cool, damn it!) but he’s really underrated in the fandom. A few years ago though, I would’ve definitely said Xion. I LOVE her character, and have since she was first introduced, but I used to see a a lot of hate for her online all the time, which really made me sad. The character I used to love but don’t any longer: I can’t really think of anyone, actually. The character I would totally smooch: Sora, because he’s too good for this world. The character I’d want to be like: Aqua!! She’s so cool and capable, and I really think she’s amazing. Also, she wandered through the realm of darkness for over ten years, and anyone who can survive that is freaking god-tier in my books. The character I’d slap: Saix. I know he’s under Xehanort’s control at this point, but I feel compelled to after everything in 358/2 Days.A pairing that I love: RokuShi A pairing that I despise: I know the majority of the fandom will probably kill me for this, but I just can’t bring myself to like RokuNami? I mean I can understand why people like it kinda, but they don’t interact much and besides like one scene, they don’t really have a lot of chemistry in my opinion…but I mean, it’s fine if you ship it. It’s just not my cup of tea. 
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oveliagirlhaditright · 5 years ago
Probably one where the boy has had some issues with darkness. Terqua would probably be a good one for that, and I know people have done that before (and you could also gender swap it too, now that Anti-Aqua is a thing and have her be the Beast and Terra the Beauty). I know at least one other person has attempted it with Vanaqua, too.
Vanitas pairings in general could be good for it, if you want to Draco in Leather Pants him...
RiKai, SoRiku, Namiku, or Rion perhaps (if we’re talking about “Riku is the Beast” stories)...
Roxas has some darkness to him, too, so you could do RokuShi or RokuNami. Or Roxette, RoxasHayner, or what have you. Dude, I’m not picky. You just do you with any of these, if you want to.
Isa (as the Beast) and Lea as the Beauty?
Gula and Ava
And, yes: I do think you could do Sora and Kairi--or Sora and Naminé, or Sora and Riku with Sora as the Beast if you wanted, just give him some of Vanitas’ traits at first but then he becomes Sora more and more as the story continues.
But while I have put some gay ships even in the above, here’s a few more: especially if you want to do a gender reversal where the Beast is the girl:
Xion (as the Beast) and Kairi or Naminé as Belle. (I also know that Kailette is popular, and you could do this too, if you wanted. Maybe Kairi being the Beast--and all of her insecurities finally being dealt with this way--and Olette being the Beauty? You could also do “Kairi is the Beast” stories with that idea about Kairi in general.)
Naminé as the Beast and Kairi or Xion as Belle.
Larxene as a Beast.
You could potentially make Player a Beast too, with the whole Dark Chirithy thing.
Xehanort (the Beast) and Eraqus (Belle).
The Master of Masters as a Beast (Luxu too, for that matter, could work as one?)... though that could get into some sketchy territory, depending on how you pair him with there.
Aced or Ira as Beasts.
Brain or Lauriam as Beasts.
Ava as a Beast, since I think she’s the traitor and “The Foreteller situation is a loaded gun, and Ava has her hand on the trigger”, or whatever that Nomura quote was.
Darkness as a Beat, if you want to make up their entire character that we don’t know yet.
Yozora as a Beast, for sure and his Stella, or one of his bros, or whoever else you might want as the Belle?
-shrugs- This is all I’ve got right now.
Edit: More on the “making KH girls the Beast thing”, you could maybe do so with Skuld, too. Since she was really pushy with Chirithy, in kind of making him do something he didn’t want to do--that she knew could get them all in trouble and potentially be really dangerous. And Skuld seems to get angry when the situation calls for it, like when she’s so aghast when those two Union Leaders are fighting each other and says it’s “irrelevant” with an angry face when they ask what Union she’s from. And how she does have a bit of snarky-ness to her too (like Kairi and Xion do--and now even somewhat Aqua--and Larxene, though Larxene’s is in the “evil” category), like when she says “What? Surprised to see me?” or something like that, when she meets Ephemer at the Graveyard or whatever.
Invi could also be a “Beast”, in that her believing in the Master so much--when she should have used her head about the situation more--led to such corruption.
What would be the best KH ship to write a BatB story about?
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