#anti plus alpha
m-jelly · 9 days
Postwar Levi a/b/o? Levi just scenting your things more because he’s self conscious
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Strong alpha scent
Levi x fem!reader
Post-war, canon world, married, alpha and omega, scent, self-conscious Levi, fluff, romance
Levi has noticed a man has shown some interest in you and has left a trace of his scent on you. So, Levi decides to rub his scent on as many of your things as possible.
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"Mm." There it was again, that man's scent. It was faint, so you hadn't been rubbing yourself on this man, but it was clear he had gotten too close to you. "Tch."
Levi did the laundry today while you were working out in the garden. The two of you were madly in love, he was alpha and you were omega. You were drawn to each other and nothing could come between you. He was always the caring and dominant mate.
After the war, Levi was still a strong alpha but had many dark thoughts. He was beginning to think that maybe he was weak or some other alpha would take you from him. He had to stand his ground or make some sort of move. He needed to assert his claim of you.
He shoved your clothes in to wash before limping to the bedroom. He threw the wardrobe open and stared at your clothes. He grabbed clothes you wore often and rubbed them against his neck so his scent was all over them. Once he had rubbed them against him, he then moved on to your outdoor things.
He looked over at you as you gazed so sweetly at him. "Love."
You hummed a laugh. "What are you doing?"
"Making sure my scent is on your things."
You walked up to your husband and linked your arms around his neck. "Your scent is all over me. Plus, you've marked me."
He huffed a bit. "Well, it's not enough."
"Something on your mind?" You kissed the end of his nose. "Talk to me."
He gripped your hips. "Ever since the war...I...I'm not as strong...I'm not the alpha I once was." He tapped his forehead against your shoulder. "I smelt another on your clothes, another man. I need him and others to know, you are mine." He lifted his head and looked deep into your eyes as he growled his words. "You. Are. Mine."
You shivered at his words. "Yes, I am alpha." You kissed him and mewled in delight. "You should bite my scent spot. Mark your mark on me stronger."
"I want that."
You pulled him over to the sofa. "Sit."
He sat down and looked up at you. "Come here."
You sat on his lap and nuzzled the crook of his neck. "I don't want another alpha. The only person I want is you." You caressed his cheek as you looked deep into his eyes. "I love you."
He softly called your name. "I love you too."
He dragged his lips along your neck to the crook of your neck. He parted his lips before latching down on your scent spot and sucking hard. He moved his tongue against your warm skin and gripped you hard as you mewled and moaned. As he bit and sucked he could smell that his scent was taking over yours.
You purred in delight. "Levi."
He pulled back and dragged his tongue over his mark. "Perfect."
You panted a little. "It's strong. I'll wear your scent with pride, Levi."
He nuzzled his nose against yours. "Good."
"I tell everyone who mentions me being an omega that you are my alpha. I tell as many as possible because I love you so much and I'm so proud of you."
Levi blushed hard. "Proud? Mm...I'm proud to be yours too."
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @nbinairyn @bts-spnlvr12 @darkstarlight82 @emilyyyy-08 @levistealeaf @pelicanpizza @hideandgopeep @notgoodforlife @demonic-bird @searriously @anti-cupid
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captain039 · 2 months
PART 3 He’s Grumpy, I’m sunshine
Alpha!Logan x omega!reader
Warnings: AOB, age gap (legal), light swearing, grumpy/sunshine, anxiety, mental health issues, violence, torture, plus size reader, medication usage for anxiety, depression and sleeping, heat pills, scent blockers
Set at Charles school
Your mutation: fire creation and control
Previous Part <-
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You can’t get the alpha off your mind. You’re struggling to focus, struggling to do most things without day dreaming or trying to spot him in the crowd. You felt horrid for what you did to him, no amount of apologising could ever make up for how you burned him. He just sat there though and healed right before your eyes. It didn’t make it any better though. You were off to see Jean, you couldn’t continue like this, you needed time off, where you’d go you have no idea. You walk in rushed and stall again when you see Logan. You turn to leave but Logan’s voice stops you.
“Got a mission, Charles himself requested we go” he says and you frown a little.
You’re given a few days to get ready, you talk to Professor Hank about some way to control your flames or stop them if it was possible. He was hesitant but you begged him and he gave you a serum. You packed your things, packed the serums safely along with brining too many anti-heat and scent blockers. The mission was to look into an underground organisation going on with Mutants. Why the hell Charles asked you to be here you don’t know. You traveled via train into the city then rented a car to head to the town, then booked a motel nearby.
“Here” Logan said handing you a small file and you frown but read it.
Apparently there had been rumours around a bar just outside the town with an underground fighting ring, specifically for fighting mutants. The Government did work with Professor Charles you’re pretty sure, but Logan was the big guns you guess.
Logan hadn’t said a word as you settled down into the motel, hopefully he couldn’t pick up on your anxiety. He left with a small explanation, something about food before he closed the door and you sighed sitting on one of the singles. Why you couldn’t be in your own room was confusing, you went to rent two but he said one with a stern look. You unpack the serum Hank gave you staring at the needles, you hate needles. Hank said to only take it at night just before bed. You quickly hide them when a car pulls up and Logan walks back in with two small bags of food. You eat in silence, glancing to the alpha every few minutes wondering why he was so damn quiet.
“Why’d you bring me?” You ask trying to get conversation as he raises his eyebrow and looks to you.
“Because” he says and you give him a huff.
“Because, isn’t answer” you say.
“Is for me” he looks back to his food and continues eating, end of conversation you guess.
You take a shower just before bed, bring in a change of clothes, toiletries and hiding the serum and your medication in between them. You finish your shower, dry off and stare at the serum, it was for safety, everyone’s safety. You pick the needle up feeling your heart pound in your ears. Hank said to just inject it like a vaccine in the upper arm. A knock at the door comes and you drop the syringe, thankfully back in the small pouch.
“Just a minute!” You call.
“I smell your anxiety from out here” Logan calls and you huff.
“Then cover your nose!” You don’t mean to back talk, but he isn’t helping the situation.
“What are you doing?” He asks.
“Mind your business” you say and hear him scoff lightly. You frown as the lock clicks open and he opens the door, a single claw extended before he sheaths it. You’re too in shock to say you’re not dressed as he stares a little wide eyed before his eyes trail to the pouch behind you.
“They’re serums! Hank gave them to me I’m not-“ you struggle with words and shaky hands.
“It’s to dull my mutation” you say.
“Like how you dull your scent?” He snarls a little and you frown confused before he realises what he said.
“Forget it” he growls and closes the door harshly making you jolt. What the hell?
You don’t take the serum, just awkwardly shuffle in your nicest PJ’s and get ready to go to bed. Logan’s outside, smoking, same hard strained look on his face. You get under the covers and sigh as the door opens and he walks back in. You mutter a small goodnight but don’t get a response, oh well.
You wake up to shaking and shot upwards hands out to whatever’s in front of you. Logan hisses and you realise it’s him and your hands are on fire and you’ve touched him.
“I’m so sorry! Oh-“ you retract your hands seeing the red burn marks you left on his naked chest. They heal though and you can’t help but stare, it’s amazing to watch.
“What happened?” You asked checking to see if anything else was on fire.
“You were making noises” he grunts.
“Don’t all people mumble when they sleep?” You question wondering why he woke you up.
“Upset, scared noises” he clarifies and you make a small ‘oh’ sound. You keep your eyes on your hands where they rest on the blanket.
“You really shouldn’t be near me” you half joke half don’t.
“I said you wouldn’t hurt me” he says voice surprisingly softer and you scoff.
“I can hurt you” you say looking to where your burns were.
“I’ve had metal injected into my skeleton” he says and you look to his face in horror. He unsheathes his claws.
“These were bone once” he comments and you stare at them before he retracts them. You wish you could smell his scent this close, nothing but dulled alpha. You feel your shoulders sag at the thought and look to your hands again.
“Did I wake you?” You ask quietly looking back to him as he looks at the window.
“Was already awake” he says with a small shrug.
“Oh, you ok?” You asks and he looks back to you. You look at each other for a while, your cheeks heat and you fidget a little before he gets up and moves.
“Go back to be sleep” is all he says going back to his bed.
Next part ->
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ladykailitha · 8 months
Not All That Glitters is Gold Part 4
Hello and welcome to the latest omega escort Steve! We get Nancy and Robin time and Steve goes through a bit of the dark side of his job.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @emly03
When Steve got into the limo that would take him and Nancy to the charity gala, she eyed him hungrily.
“You look nice tonight,” she said tightly. She chewed her bottom lip. “That’s a really good color on you.”
He smirked. “You did say that you were wearing gold tonight and jeweled tones always go well with metallic colors.”
Nancy nodded.
Steve turned away to look out the window, hiding a smile behind his fist.
The drive up to the gala was painfully awkward, but mainly because it seemed the usually sharp tongued Nancy Wheeler was at a loss for words.
Living well, really was the best revenge.
Nancy stepped out first and then she leaned into help Steve out of the car. He barely managed not to roll his eyes as he oozed out of the limo onto the red carpet.
He pulled his sunglasses out of his jacket pocket and put them on to shield against the flashing bulbs of the camera as they took picture after picture of Nancy and him arm and arm.
She waved to the crowd as he stood there looking pretty. Steve heard question after question about taking an escort instead of her husband. She just merely smiled and waved.
They got to the top of the stairs that led down to the ballroom without either of them saying a single word. To the reporters or each other.
“Steve...” Nancy said warningly. “Just remember what you’re here for.”
Steve looked over at her and smiled disarmingly. “To make you look good. I know. I am consummate professional, darling.”
She eyed up his outfit again. “Well that outfit reads professional slut.”
Steve kissed her cheek. “That’s because I am one and before you get uppity with me, princess, you’re the one that hired me.”
Nancy scowled.
He eyed her sidelong. “You know, for all your feminist brouhaha, you sure are anti-sex worker until you want to look good.”
Her jaw dropped. “I beg your pardon!”
“And if you keep going on like this,” Steve said menacingly. “I will put you on the black list and you’ll have actually drag poor Jonathan with you to these.”
Nancy went almost purple with rage, but before she could open her mouth, Steve whispered, “You may have bought me for the night, Nance, but I hold all the cards.”
Her color drained from her face and she nodded mutely. He patted her on the cheek and took a step down to the next step, forcing her to follow him or look awkward.
The rest of the night passed smoothly. Billy Hargrove, on the arm of some simpering female omega, avoided them like the plague. Which worked out for Steve, thank you very much.
Nancy had gone to the bathroom and Billy’s arm candy must have done the same because she was nowhere in sight.
Steve was by the buffet table trying not to gag about how long the food had been left out under this sweltering heat. But Nancy had told him to wait there, so waiting he was.
Billy was talking to Carol Perkins, his talk show host partner.
“I don’t know how you can stand it, Billy,” Carol was saying. “These escorts always smell too sweet to me. Like rotting fruit or some shit.”
Billy shrugged. “I happen to like it. Plus I like the fact that I can fuck them to oblivion and not get stuck with a bond or a pup for eighteen years.”
“You don’t want to settle down?” she asked and took a sip from her crystal wine glass.
Billy laughed. “Fuck no. I want to fuck around for as long as possible, no little housewife for this alpha.”
Carol hummed, but Steve could tell it was disapproving. As if she wasn’t the one that thrown Tommy off the second she found out he was infertile. It was why Tommy liked to hang off Billy’s arm. To throw it in his ex’s face that at least someone wanted him, even if it was just for sex.
Suddenly Nancy was pulling on Steve’s arm. “We’ve got to go. I’ve already talked to Vic and said our goodbyes.”
Steve bristled at that. He liked to personally say goodbye to the host. It was part of his charm.
“What’s the rush?” he hissed as she tugged on his arm and started pushing him toward the door.
“Jonathan texted me while I was in the bathroom,” she murmured, keeping her head down and her voice low.
“Is he all right?” he asked. Because holy shit, Jonathan never, Steve means never texts while Nancy is at an event with Steve. Steve is pretty sure he hates it as much as Steve does.
She pulled out her phone and showed it to him. “He just sent me this picture.”
Steve squinted at the ugly plastic rod before he realized what it was and what the double red line meant.
“He’s–” she put her hand over his mouth.
“Not here,” she hissed. “This place is filled with reporters. I want to be the one that announces it and not just read it in the morning edition.”
Steve nodded and followed her out, clutching his stomach as he complained about it hurting.
When they got out to the limo Nancy huffed.
“You didn’t have to do that,” she groused.
“That food looked disgusting,” Steve murmured. “I was doing the whole party a favor, doll.”
“Uh-huh,” she said crossing her arms, “and that totally had nothing to do with the fact you were throwing people off the scent on why we were leaving?”
Steve batted his eyelashes at her. “I don’t know what you mean, Nance.”
Nancy huffed again. “The hell you don’t.” She chewed on her lip for a moment. “Put me on your black list. Say I got you food poisoning and was a bitch and I’ll start bringing Jonathan to these things like a proper alpha should have been doing all along.”
Steve nodded. Even though it was only half true, it would be the right spin for both of them. Steve would never have to go out with her again, and Jonathan would get his alpha back.
They shook on it and immediately as soon as he was out of the car, he called Robin.
“Bobbie,” he giggled, “you’ll never guess what happened tonight!”
Steve cackled with delight as he regaled Robin with the stories of his night, because of course she came over immediately after he called her.
“That is hilarious!” she agreed when he was done. “Jonathan must be over the moon.”
“I’m happy for them both,” Steve agreed. “That means no more awkward pseudo dates with a bitter ex.”
Robin slapped him lightly. “You’re more excited for that than that they’re having a pup.”
Steve shrugged. “Sorry, can’t be happy for something that’s never going to happen to me.”
She sighed. “Yeah, but aren’t you a little,” she held up her finger and her thumb really close together, “teeny tiny bit happy for them?”
He sighed back. “I don’t know, Robs. I guess I can be happy for him, but don’t make me pretend to be happy for her.”
Robin cocked her head to the side. “Yeah, that’s fair. Being happy for your ex is too much to ask for.”
He waved his hand at her. “Thank you! Jeez.”
“At least you’ll be plenty rested for the threesome tomorrow,” she added with a grin.
Steve threw the sofa pillow at her, causing her to laugh out loud so hard she fell to the floor with a thump.
Robin got back on the sofa still laughing hysterically.
“They’re nice enough, I guess,” Steve groused. “I’m not really looking for it to it, if I’m honest.”
She settled down to a fond smile. “What package did they ask for?”
“The housewife,” Steve said with an eye roll. “Which might be their only strike against them. but it is a rather large one. They could have had any play scenario and they chose the worst one.”
Robin smacked his shoulder. “Just because you prefer the Dom over the housewife doesn’t mean everyone does.”
“At least with the Dom,” Steve said, “I get to show up in that tight leather number and crack a whip. But with the housewife it’s all polos and khakis and fake smiles.”
Robin grimaced. “Like you care about the polos and khakis, you love that shit.”
Steve rolled his eyes.
“I love the clothes. I don’t love the attitude behind the clothes.”
The attitude that a housewife is preppy and sweet. As opposed to a real housewife, frazzled in sweat clothes and grumpy as hell.
“It’s the most popular play option for a reason, Steve,” she said sternly.
Steve sighed dramatically. “I know it is. But I want something fun. International spies. Hookup at the bar. Strip club tease. Anything would be better than housewife.”
“But you love everything goes with the housewife play,” Robin pressed. “The cooking, the clothes; hell even the little apron so what’s got you so around the twist?”
Steve leapt to his feet and ran his hands through his hair. “Because I’ll never get to do it for real.”
Robin’s shoulders slumped. “Oh, Stevie.”
“Every time someone wants to buy my contract did you know it gets sent to me first?” he huffed.
Robin opened her mouth and the closed it. “Oh, well. Um...sort of?” she hedged. “I mean always assumed they were going somewhere else because there is no way you’ve only had two people offering to buy out your contract.”
“They only get sent to you if I think there is something to them,” Steve said, beginning to pace.
“Ah ha.”
“But the other five I’ve gotten have all been for concubine duties only,” he snarled. “Someone for the alpha to fuck when their omega is pregnant, nursing, or on vacation or some shit.”
Robin winced. “Those are barely even legal outside the US.”
“No one wants to buy an infertile omega to be their mate, Robs,” he said. “Nursemaid, concubine, slave. The glory of owning a Starcourt escort. The prestige. The privilege. Not because they love me or because they want to be with me.”
He sank to a crouch and buried his head in his hands. “All I wanted growing up was to be an escort, flying around the world, eating the best food, drinking the best alcohol, in the finest threads, but now that I have that, all I want is to be someone’s mate and housewife. How messed up is that?”
Robin approached him slowly and gently took his head her hands. “It’s called growing up, Stevie. It means your priorities shifted and that’s okay. You’re allowed to yearn for something you’ll never have. It’s part of the human condition.”
Steve launched himself at her and buried himself in her neck. Robin pulled him onto her lap and stroked his hair.
It would be a while before they got back to their show, but for now she just held her best friend as he wished for another life.
Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @chaoticlovingdreamer @lexirosewrites @goodolefashionedloverboi @messrs-weasley @maya-custodios-dionach @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @bookworm0690 @bookbinderbitch @littlewildflowerkitten @vecnuthy @scheodingers-muppet @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @genderless-spoon @yikes-a-bee @anne-bennett-cosplayer @awkwardgravity1 @irregular-child @nburkhardt @apomaro-mellow @yellowdevilkitten @lingeringmirth @rememberthatiloveyou @demolvr @ellietheasexylibrarian @slowandsteddie @mangoinacan13 @r0binscript
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faelapis · 11 months
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alright! we got one whole person interested, so here's my hot take:
the first "how to train your dragon" movie is WAY better than httyd 2.
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i know everyone loves like, the cool warrior mom design, the romance and the "epic animation moments" in 2... but can we for a moment be honest and say the whole "hiccup becoming a leader / which dragon is the Good Alpha" plot was dumb as hell? also, the villain sucked?
the original httyd is pretty good about keeping the structural problem grounded in real societal fears. namely, fear of the unknown and of beasts. it makes sense for any ol' village dealing with such a problem. it was intelligently designed around a solid premise.
httyd 2 is like. actually, dragon taming is a big thing, even outside berk. and theres a Scary Foreign Man dragon tamer who is bad and just wants power. it's okay to other him. being a good guy is about being a protector instead of an evil, power-hungry guy... which hiccup never was anyway... so no real growth there. just be good instead of bad. wow. what a theme. very thought-provoking.
people act like httyd 3 being bad came out of nowhere, but httyd 2 was the original sin to me. it totally dropped the societal themes in favor of generic good vs evil fights and "worldbuilding" - despite having no more interesting stories to tell.
it also kind of ruined hiccup for the sake of developing him. like. his whole thing is that he can't fight, so he has to find other ways to contribute to society. he's the anti-macho hero. which ends up being important in convincing the village that dragons can be peaceful. he's empathetic to the other, because he's been othered.
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meanwhile in httyd 2, hiccup's like. Cool Warrior Man, who needs to step up and be the hero king when his dad dies. he can fight just fine, because he has a cool dragon to fight with. so he's just like any warrior, but one who fights with weapons instead of brute strength. aka most fictional warriors who arent just "the heavy."
the first movie isn't beyond criticism, obviously. the animation was a little meh compared to httyd 2 - i get why visually its seen as an upgrade. plus, httyd 1 also did the thing of having like a last minute evil dragon to defeat... but that wasn't the point. the POINT was the village and its fears. the POINT was overcoming that.
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whenever people list why they love httyd 2 and consider it superior, its like... lists of details. like, look at the upgraded character designs, the cool flying scenes, the affection between hiccup and astrid, or the clever way hiccup's prosthetic leg is designed.
but these are film *details*, not fundamentals.
if you told me the sequel to httyd was going to have a much more generic story, ignore the themes of the original and makes its deliberately lanky and weak protagonist into Handsome Hero Warrior Boy, i'd be like. that sounds kinda bad. but the Animation Details (tm) i guessssss
i know hiccup is still "himself" in 2 to some extent, btw. he's an inventor, he's intelligent, and he initially tries to talk to the villain. but none of that ends up mattering. its arguably looked down on by the movie, which really, really wants him to step up to be the warrior king like his dad. aka a generic Hero Strongman.
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i'm not totally against evolving the themes of a work to fit new conflicts, btw. sequels should generally be different from the first movie. that's fine. that's expected.
but while the new conflict in httyd 2 IS born out of the results of the previous movie, that evolution feels very literal, not thematic.
namely, the evolution is "more people have dragons now." it builds the conflict from there. its based on worldbuilding, not on theme.
i don't think a very interesting evolution.
it kinda went from, in httyd 1: "the theme is fear of the unknown. how prejudice/ignorance manifests, educating oneself through compassion, the dangers of worshipping violent masculinity, and the importance of questioning what you're taught by society."
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to, in httyd 2: "the theme is dragons. who has them? what they want with them? how can the Good Guy humans protect dragons from the Bad Guys? also, being a Good Leader means being a strong Hero Man who protects his friends," without asking any deeper questions related to the themes of the first movie.
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and i'm like. guys. guys.
the theme shouldn't just be "dragons."
the theme of the first movie was NOT just "dragons." the first movie could've been about people being afraid of unicorns. or large birds. or unusually intelligent bears. it was not just about literal dragons, it was about societal fears and trying to overcome our base gut instincts.
i think this is what really plagues httyd 3: it builds on the themes of the second movie, not the first.
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httyd 3 asks further questions that only really revolve around the literal relationship between humans and dragons. it does not understand any broader themes of what that relationship represents.
it clearly thinks its very intelligent for asking "what do the dragons themselves want?", but that question is not respected enough to be explored in any thematically coherent way.
the only real weight its given is the argument that there will always be "bad humans" out there, and so, dragons are safer in the wild. which sure is... an argument. but its a very "othering the problem" kind of argument.
it acts like its caring about the agency of dragons, but its not really. dragons were not actually portrayed as "oppressed" in berk society after the first movie, nor lacking agency. they were only at risk of "bad individuals", to which that solution is stupid. the racialized bad guy in httyd 2 didn't steal all his dragons from berk. he caught and subjugated them, mostly from the wild.
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all while looking like... this, by the way. i feel like we don't talk about that enough. all the good guys are white nordics, while the only man of color is scary, domineering and cruel. in a series of movies that was once about having empathy for the other.
MAYBE if berk had been really oppressive towards dragons in httyd 2, we could've had a theme. maybe if they treated them like a dangerous commodity that must be tightly controlled despite their nominal acceptance and inclusion, we could've had a thematically tight 3-movie arc about like fear and oppression or whatever.
but that would require, yknow... making the movies be about broad societal problems, instead of just evil individuals. and only the first movie cares about making any real societal critique.
also, the solution in httyd 3 would've still sucked. these movies, in terms of writing, really decrease in maturity from 1, down to 2, to the plummeting depths of 3.
there is no relationship of oppression that is solved by completely segregating society and going our separate ways (httyd 3). just like there is no oppression that is solved just by defeating bad individuals (httyd 2). we have to learn to coexist as equals, to educate ourselves and be compassionate to the other. even if we're afraid.
that's the dream only the first movie kept in its heart.
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Gar Cyare Chapter Twelve
Finally back after an unexpected year-long hiatus!
Word Count: 4,400
Warnings: Implied threats, definite threats, mentions of genetic experimentation, suspicion, mentions of the Attack on Kamino, fear.
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Ca'tra (Night Sky)
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Your office looked roughly the same as it always had. Bland Kaminoan architecture dressed in shades of white, gray, and black held a collection of furniture that had been built with the clear emphasis of function over form. Your datapads were untouched, as were the slight hints of mess around the edges of your desk. 
But everything seemed a little strange with the light… or, more accurately, the lack of it. 
The shutters that covered all of the exterior-facing windows on Kamino were closed, both protecting you from any attempt to break through the transparisteel and keeping you from seeing anything that might be happening outside. 
Though nighttime had fallen and the Kaminoan skies had been dark with clouds when the shields lowered, there was still plenty to see. The GAR had recalled all personnel in the sector to Kamino. There was too much chance that the Separatists could come back. This time, they could use the knowledge they had gathered during the last invasion - plus any new intel - to destroy the Fett genetic sample for good. 
The arrival of new ships was nearly constant, and you had heard chatter from the cadets that at least two Venator-class Star Destroyers were guarding the areas just beyond Kamino’s atmosphere. Any ships that intended to land had been issued special clearance codes. If they failed to deliver them at the right time or on the right frequency, they would be shot down upon breaking atmosphere. 
You hadn’t heard the anti-aircraft guns fire yet, so you were fairly confident that there had been no actual invasion. 
Still, you itched to see beyond the barriers, though you knew your reasoning was senseless. You wouldn’t see Alpha coming back. General Ti had told you that he would be gone at least another twelve hours, but your mind kept insisting that you would be able to watch him land in relative safety. 
If you were being honest with yourself, that was why you were still in your office instead of your bedroom. Sure, you could pretend that you were there in case General Ti or Commander Colt needed something from you, but in all reality, it was because you were filled with dread at the idea of returning to your empty quarters.
You already hated the idea that Alpha was out in the galaxy when there were potentially Separatists in the area, but to be reminded of it every time you looked around your bedroom? No, you were perfectly content in your office. 
A knock on your door made you sit upright. “Yes?” 
Your hammering heart gradually slowed as Commander Colt peered inside. “Why are you still awake?” 
You shrugged. “Too nervous to sleep, I guess.” 
A frown creased the space between the commander’s eyebrows as he stepped into your office. “You should get some rest while you can. If we are invaded, you need to be at full awareness.” 
That wasn’t exactly comforting, but you nodded. 
“Sorry,” Commander Colt said abruptly. “Probably didn’t help anything, huh?” 
“Not exactly,” you admitted. The concern for your nerves was surprising, more something you would have expected from Alpha. Suddenly, you wondered if the commander had come to find you because Alpha had asked him to. “Have you heard from Alpha?” 
He shook his head. “No, why? Have you?” 
“No.” You sighed. “I thought that might be why you’re here.”
“Limit asked me to check on you,” he told you. That made more sense, but before you could say so, Commander Colt added, “I was already on my way.” 
“Oh.” You toyed with a datapad on your desk to distract yourself from how slowly time was passing. “Why?” 
“Alpha cares about you,” he explained slowly. “More than anyone else.” 
You chuckled softly. “I know I’m his favorite nat-born.” 
Commander Colt shook his head slightly. “You’re his favorite person. He cares about you more than anyone else. Between how much he likes you and how much you’ve done to take care of him - and all my brothers, actually - you’re vod’ika.” 
Little sibling. 
The term made your chest warm with pleasure. “Thank you, Colt.” 
Colt cleared his throat. “Anyway, how are you handling all of this?” 
You took a deep breath. “I’m fine, I suppose. I’m just so… sick of being on Kamino when it goes on lockdown.” 
For a full beat after you had finished speaking, Colt stared at you. At last, he burst out laughing. “I thought you were going to be scared.” 
“I might be eventually,” you said with a shrug. “But right now, I can only think about how I’ve been here every time the lab has been locked down. I understand it’s important, but it’s getting old.”
Colt nodded in commiseration and you gave him a considering look. “Are you okay?”
“Me?” he repeated, seeming stunned when you nodded. “What do you mean?” 
You glanced at your desk, trying to buy some time to find the right phrasing. “The last time there was an invasion, you were hurt pretty badly. I don’t remember it, but Alpha was shaken up and that takes a lot. I gather that it was… close. Is there anything I can do for you?”
“I’m fine,” Colt insisted. You weren’t sure about that, but if pretending was how he got through things, you weren’t going to begrudge him the coping mechanism. He turned as if to leave, but stopped before he stepped through your door. “Go to sleep soon, yeah? Limit’s working a long shift to get the medbays prepped, but he asked me to pass on a warning. If he comes by and you’re still here, he’ll tell Alpha.” 
You laughed at that despite yourself. “He probably would.”
Colt chuckled too, patting the doorframe in a gesture that seemed to punctuate his departure. “Goodnight, vod’ika.”
“Goodnight, Colt.”
When you were alone once more, you started getting everything put away for the night… but paused when your datapad slipped from your fingers and clattered against the surface of the table. The screen flickered on in the collision and you frowned, pulling it closer. 
Displaying on the screen were the records that you had been digging into before all of the investigation and shutdown chaos, records you hadn’t been able to finish accessing because you had run out of time. You had told Colt that you would go to bed and you didn’t intend to lie… but this was too intriguing to leave for the next day. 
It was fine, you reasoned. You weren’t tired yet and there was finally time to do some digging. 
Hidden behind a maze of misnamed file pathways and a selection of different passcodes, you found it: records of the clone trooper gene isolation process. The records were old, written when Ko Sai was the Chief Scientist of Kamino. She had been an integral part of creating the clone trooper genetic blueprint. 
That had confused you at first. They were clones of Jango Fett - why would the genes need to be altered at all? But even skimming the notes had been enough to give you an answer: the clone troopers weren’t exact genetic copies at all. Ko Sai had made some changes to make the troopers more loyal, less independent, and less vicious. 
There were a few outliers - especially in the early batches of troopers - and creating any living thing came with risks of aberrations in the genetics, but the experiments had been successful. That was according to Ko Sai’s notes, of course, but they were dry and scientific enough that you assumed the wasn’t much risk of them being exaggerated. 
The changes to trooper personalities were in a group Ko Sai referred to as ‘behavioral traits’. The more chilling half was designated as ‘genetic traits’. 
Genetic traits seemed to be the way the Kaminoans referred to the changes they made to keep themselves in business. Not only did they control things like troopers building muscle faster, but mercilessly capitalistic qualities like the troopers’ accelerated aging process. 
You didn’t like the idea of the changes that had been made to the troopers genes. You were self-reflective enough to realize that part of your aversion was because you didn’t like the idea of gene manipulation in general. The accelerated aging was particular egregious to you since it was actively working to decrease the amount of time you could possibly spend with Alpha. 
But the notes fascinated you - not because of their content, but because through them you could tell that Ko Sai was a deeply paranoid being. 
The records were sealed with a virtual warning: if someone without the proper security codes attempted to slice into them, the files would self-destruct. And not just the files on the record you were viewing. No, the trap would wipe every known copy of the records from any device. The trigger had been built into the file transfer itself and could be detonated at any time.
Your interest was piqued. You had been given full access to everything you needed for your report and had the highest possible security clearance, but you still held your breath as you typed in your access code. 
Thankfully, it worked and you spent a blissful hour reading through all of Ko Sai’s notes and records. A lot of it was gibberish to you and - you suspected - would be to anyone other than a highly-trained geneticist. 
As the hour grew later and you started to worry that Limit really would come to kick you out, you tried to make a copy of the files onto your datapad, but were blocked. You weren’t sure what kind of scientist would keep her files from being copied, but she must have been very certain that she would be able to access that information in other places. 
Before you shut down the datapad entirely, you found a microscopic file attached in the shell of an unrelated topic. It was a simple document that you might have overlooked… if it didn’t force you to enter your password once more. From what you gathered once you could view the vague document, Ko Sai had made copies of all of her information. She had stored them on a collection of personal datapads. 
The description of where to find them was heavily coded, but you gamely copied it onto your own datapad. Then, feeling an echo of Ko Sai’s paranoia, you also jotted it down onto a nearby piece of flimsi. With other topics for the report running thin, maybe finding the original notes from Ko Sai’s experiments would be a good way to extend your assignment.
You spent a few moments staring at the code, jotting some preliminary guesses down beneath the characters. The most common letters were likely overrepresented among the words, unless Ko Sai had been using a rotational cipher. You wouldn’t put it past her, but even rotational ciphers weren’t impossible to figure out.
Cracking the code and extending your report-writing process were things that could wait. You tucked the datapad and flimsi into your bag and shut off the lights in your office. Too much longer and you were worried you really would run into Limit, but you were bringing the codes along for insurance in case it turned into a sleepless night.
Sometimes it was good to have an office so far from your quarters. It kept you involved in the day-to-day life on Kamino and took you through some highly populated areas on the trip. And with the hours you worked, you could use the exercise. But it was an unpleasant trip late at night, when all you wanted was to crawl into bed.
Perhaps you wouldn’t have minded walking through the main sections of Kamino if they weren’t full of cadets giving you suspicious looks. 
It seemed like you had just convinced everyone that you hadn’t caused the first invasion of Kamino. No one had told the cadets many details about what had caused this lockdown, but they paid enough attention to know that you were close to the situation. 
After a few hallways of those wary glances, you cut down a side path. The slightly longer trip was a price you gladly paid in exchange for avoiding all of the watchful eyes. 
You found yourself in a section of the city that housed the learning terminals. They weren’t currently in use - all flash training had been suspended while Kamino was on lockdown and there was no reason for anyone but a cadet to be in the terminal rooms. 
So why were you hearing adult voices coming from one? 
You peeked in through the partially open door, taking in the scene in a millisecond: There were six troopers in the room. Two of them were working at one of the terminals while the other four were observing the display screen at the front of the room. 
Surprisingly, you recognized the troopers. They had arrived on Kamino earlier that day. They weren’t the first to land on-planet after the lockdown had started, but they were one of the earlier groups. 
The reason they had attracted your attention was because of the reaction of the cadets. Most arrivals on Kamino before and after the six troopers were met with warm welcomes (and often a little teasing) from the cadets. But these six were given a wary distance. They didn’t seem bothered by it - in fact, they had seemed to accept that wariness as their due. 
Their attitude struck you as strange. The troopers were loyal, and that quality apparently went down to a genetic level. The idea of troopers who didn’t seem to feel that draw to be close with their brothers was unique, and you were very curious to know how that uniqueness had managed to survive long enough to leave Kamino at all. 
Of course, that curiosity was secondary to their motivations with the learning terminals.
You recognized the file pathways displayed at the front of the room: these troopers were trying to slice into Ko Sai’s private records. 
Perhaps it wouldn’t have been such a crisis if the Kaminoans hadn’t told General Ti that they intended to launch a full investigation of their information. They needed to find out what had been sliced, duplicated, or downloaded. And to get all of that done, they needed to shut down terminal access and cycle all codes and passwords. It was only with the General’s interference that you had managed to retain your own access. 
You were willing to bet that these troopers, whoever they were, didn’t have the same privileges you held. In that case, there was a very real risk that they were about to trigger a complete wipe of Ko Sai’s library of records. 
“Stop!” you cried, bursting through the doors before you could temper your reaction. 
Unsurprisingly, you were met with four drawn blasters. The two troopers at the terminal continued to work, but the others stared at you. 
“Who are you?” one demanded flatly. 
Your hands had risen instinctively, hovering palm-out as you tried very hard to look nonthreatening. “I’m an administrator. I was sent here by the Senate to write a report about the clone troopers.” 
“Proof?” another trooper asked. 
“You can ask anyone about me,” you said quickly, lamenting that you didn’t wear your Senate ID badge on a regular basis. You hadn’t since your first week on Kamino. “I’ve been here for a while.” 
They looked skeptical, but your attention was focused on the large display screen at the front of the room. 
“Please, you have to stop,” you warned them, your desperation rising as you watched a password entry box appear. “Don’t put in your password! Ko Sai-”
The trooper at the terminal had finished entering his password and submitted it without paying any attention to you. A moment later, the screen flashed red and an ominous timer started counting down. 
“Ko Sai put a self-destruct code into her records,” you finished lamely. 
One of the trooper holstered his blaster and turned to look at the display screen, swearing in Mando’a. “Jaing, can you stop it?” 
“Trying…” one of the troopers at the terminal replied.
You watched just as intently as the troopers did - the ones who weren’t aiming blasters at you, anyway. Only moments later, the trooper stopped typing, a slight slackening in his muscles serving as your only hint of the outcome. The trooper beside him swore colorfully. 
“It’s all gone,” one of the troopers summarized, still watching you for any sign of a fight. 
“Yes.” The one who had been working to circumvent Ko Sai’s trap stood - he had answered to the name ‘Jaing’ - neatly replacing the chair at the terminal. “What now?” 
“Now,” the trooper who had put his blaster away said grimly, “we find out a little more about our new friend.” 
“Always liked meeting new people,” the other trooper at the terminal said with a sharp grin, joining the others.
They were standing around you in a loose semi-circle. Three still held blasters aimed at you, so you stayed in your nonthreatening pose. 
“Who are you?” 
You took a breath, trying to keep from sounding scared. “I’m a Republic administrator, sent by the Senate-”
“You said that already,” a previously silent trooper told you, sounding unimpressed. 
“That’s because it’s true.” 
The one you privately thought of as the leader crossed his arms. “Never said it wasn’t. Doesn’t mean we should care.” 
“Ordo,” one of the others warned quietly. 
A chill went down your spine as you realized the rationale behind the warning: if these men didn’t care about your position as a representative of the Galactic Senate, there was something else motivating them. 
“Are you involved in the infiltration of Kamino?” 
One of the troopers laughed abruptly, the sound loud enough to make you flinch. “What are you talking about, civvie?” 
“How else would you have arrived so early?” you asked, voice soft as you fell into musing the convoluted pathways of logic. “You weren’t the first ones here, but you weren’t far behind. No one should have been traveling through this sector outside of official missions and you weren’t on one of those. And now you’re here, looking at top-secret information about the genetic basis of the clone trooper program. I told you I’m a Senate representative and you’re still thinking about shooting me.”
“See, this is what happens when nat-borns try to think,” one of the men said, chuckling. It was a good act, but you could see the utter lack of emotion in his eyes. “You’re seeing patterns that don’t exist.”
“No,” you refused decisively. “There are too many strange coincidences here. My gut is saying something is off. Why are you here?”
“I have a better question,” Ordo countered. “How did you know about the data wipe code in those files?”
“How did you know about those files at all?” another asked.
“Good point, Mereel,” Ordo congratulated, turning pointedly to face you. “How did you know about Ko Sai’s private holorecords?”
“I’m writing a report about clone troopers,” you repeated firmly. “I was given access to pull from all sources in order to make my report as complete as possible.” 
“Wait,” Jaing ordered, stepping forward. His gaze was intense as he asked, “Do you have a copy of Ko Sai’s data?” 
“No.” The tension lowered slightly, but Jaing was still watching you. “She built in a feature that doesn’t allow for any of the files to be copied.”
“So,” one of the unnamed troopers asked. “Should we neutralize her here or somewhere easier to clean up?” 
You struggled to stay impassive even as your stomach dropped. 
“Udesii, A’den,” Mereel said, holding a hand out. “Killing a Senate representative may not be the best move here.” 
“Why not?” A’den asked, grinning at you. “Planet’s already on lockdown. The long-necks’ll probably think their spy was the one who did it. I doubt if anyone has seen this one since things went dark.”
You straightened, giving him your coldest look. “Commander Colt would disagree with you. As would Captain Alpha-17.” 
The group had grown quiet at Colt’s name, but noticeably relaxed when you mentioned Alpha. 
“Nice try, civvie,” Ordo told you. “Seventeen is off-planet. Probably will be for a while, with the mess they walked into.” 
“What did you do to him?” you demanded, taking a furious and unwise step forward. The blaster barrels weren’t quite touching you, but they weren’t much more than a deep breath away. “If you hurt him-”
“Fiery little thing, isn’t she?” one of the others asked, grinning at the others even as his grip on the blaster stayed firm. 
“So much concern about clones,” A’den mocked. “Don’t you know we’re disposable?” 
“Speaking of,” one of the others interrupted, “she knows who we are and what we were looking for. We need to take care of this before we leave the planet.” 
Jaing lifted a brow at him. “Does that mean you’ve got an idea, Prudii?” 
“The balconies off the lower platforms were always useful. Cuts down on the mess and the body falls right into the sea,” Prudii said with a shrug. One of the others snorted and Prudii frowned at him. “Problem, Komr’k?” 
Komr’k shook his head, clearly fighting a smile. You waited with the others. Nothing seemed to be particularly amusing about the conversation, but perhaps it was just because it was your death that they were discussing. “Just thinking of all the applications of the term ‘aiwha-bait’.”
The reactions ranged from smirks to eye-rolls, but no one seemed to share your growing feeling of nausea. It probably wouldn’t hurt, so long as they executed you with a blaster bolt to the head, but you were getting a little dizzy as you thought about what would happen to your body after you died. And, of course, there were the people you would leave behind. 
It took some effort, but you pulled yourself out of the spiral you were drifting into. You had survived the Separatist attack on Kamino. You had faced down Ventress, working with some of the best soldiers in the galaxy to make it through the experience relatively unharmed. You could survive this, too. You would. 
The training terminals weren’t close to the lower balconies, not by a long shot. You had visited the balconies many times with Alpha. You knew the area well. There would be plenty of places to attract attention or slip away. And if you couldn’t manage to do either, you would make it loud and violent, enough to attract attention. 
“Let’s get moving,” Ordo ordered as A’den gestured toward the room’s entrance with his blaster. “Don’t do anything stupid.” 
You lifted your chin as you stepped toward the door. Could he see the determination on your face? You almost hoped he could. You wouldn’t passively accept being executed. A hand grabbed your shoulder, tugging so roughly that you stumbled forward.
“Someone should have given you the same warning, Ordo,” Alpha said menacingly, sweeping you through the doorway and behind him. He was in full armor, blocking the doorway with his bulk. 
“Alpha, no!” you urged him. “They have blasters.” 
“So do I,” he said, voice steely. “Plus enough detonators to make the first invasion look like a training mishap.” 
“We have some business with the civvie,” one of the troopers started. It was much more difficult to tell who was speaking when you couldn’t see any of them, but it didn’t matter. Alpha interrupted before anyone could say more than that. 
“Ulyc sushir,” Alpha said menacingly. Even from behind him, his voice rumbled through your chest. “You men are going to stand down. Forget whatever little geroya you had going with her. You’re going to let us walk away. If you think you have anything else to say to her - unlikely - you will go through me. Understood?” 
There was no answer. The next moment, Alpha repeated, “Understood?”
That single word seemed to be as far as the troopers were willing to go. Alpha took a step back, carefully keeping himself between you and the others until you were out of sight. 
You didn’t love being commanded like an animal, but considering that he had likely saved your life, you followed Alpha’s instruction. 
He activated his comlink, keying in a code from memory. 
The voice on the other end - male, older but not elderly - answered almost immediately. “Alph-”
“Call off your dogs,” Alpha demanded, durasteel in his tone. 
“If you’re talking about my boys, they’re on assignment on Kamino.��� The voice was genial, friendly, almost paternal. Still, there was a sly undertone that warned you there was something more happening. “I have no say in what they do there.”
“They almost killed a civilian.” Alpha glanced at you, as if worried that you would be startled by his blunt appraisal of the situation. You didn’t react - you had known where things had been headed. “I need to be sure they won’t try it a second time.” 
“The only reason a civilian would be in danger is if they interfered,” the man said. “Dangerous thing in a warzone.” 
“Keep them under control or I’ll send you the tags.”
The staticky silence on the comlink turned deafening, almost icy. “We’ve never had reason to argue, Seventeen. If you push this, I guarantee that will change. You don’t want a revenge-driven mando on your shebs.”
“And you don’t want me to take a closer look at who wiped Dengar’s records from the Kaminoan databases,” Alpha countered. “The civvie is off-limits, Skirata. Tell them before we have a misunderstanding.” 
“You have to understand what they’re working for,” Skirata wheedled. “It’s important to them. To all of you. One civilian loss is a low price to pay.”
“Off. Limits.” Alpha bit out sharply. 
The quiet stretched as both sides battled for supremacy. Eventually, Skirata sighed. “I’ll see what I can do. But you know how clever my boys can be when they have an obstacle to get around.”
“Warn them,” Alpha advised, “or you’ll all find out how clever I can be.” 
“None of us are di’kutla enough to underestimate you, Alpha,” Skirata said, sounding a bit amused. “I only wish you’d find your way to working with us instead of against us.”
“Not as long as you’re trying to take out innocent civilians,” Alpha told him, severing the connection before Skirata could respond. 
“Now you,” Alpha said, glancing back over his shoulder. It wasn’t an easy motion to accomplish while wearing full armor and a helmet, so you moved to walk beside him. Just as well - trailing behind him like a lost tooka wasn’t your favorite thing. 
When you were next to him, Alpha removed his helmet and gave you a hard look. “How much do you understand about what just happened?” 
“Not much,” you admitted. “I know those troopers were trying to access Ko Sai’s records, even when I warned them not to. Who are they?” 
“They are known as the Null-class troopers,” Alpha told you slowly. “The first clones of Jango that the Kaminoans ever created.” 
“I thought the Alpha-class troopers were the first.” You were working from the assumption that no part of the conversation was going to offend Alpha, but you studied his expression for any hint of displeasure or hurt. 
“We were the first viable ones,” he explained. “The Nulls were too much like Jango. The Kaminii hadn’t figured out which genes to control for yet. The Null-class didn’t take orders, not to standard. Those six were slated for termination, but Kal Skirata saved them. He had just landed on-planet, a Mando mercenary hired by Jango to train the troopers.”
“Those six?” you echoed. “Were there other Nulls?” 
“There were twelve.” 
You swallowed against the bile that was trying to rise from your twisting stomach. “What happened to the other six?” 
“Embryos weren’t viable,” Alpha said shortly. “They never made it past that point. The six you just met are the only Nulls that ever existed and the only ones who ever will.”
“I… can’t say I’m upset about that,” you admitted.
Alpha huffed a near-silent laugh. “Why did you try to stop them from accessing Ko Sai’s files?” 
“She built a self-destruct trigger into them.” You were satisfied by the look of surprise on Alpha’s face. “Trying an incorrect password destroys all files on the system, and every remote copy that got saved. They didn’t realize their passwords had been locked down while the Kaminoans investigate their internal information.”
“And what was in the records?” he asked, guiding you around a corner with a hand against your back. You drank in the touch like it could sustain you. 
“Genetic information,” you answered. “I was reading it before I left my office. It was all about the way the Kaminoans had altered the Fett gene to create the ideal clone trooper personality. Ko Sai’s words, of course.”
Alpha grunted at that, but didn’t give any other response. 
“Do you think they’ll come back?” you asked after a few moments of silence. 
Alpha glanced sidelong at you. “Not if they know what’s good for them. But that’s why we’re going to your quarters. Better security.” 
You nodded. The two of you were close enough to your room that you didn’t feel the need to make any more conversation. As you entered the code to get into your room, you glanced back at Alpha. He was facing the hallway you had just come from, clearly keeping watch against anyone who might have followed you.
“I just need to brush my teeth, then the ‘fresher is all yours,” you said softly. 
Alpha grunted again, stepping through the door behind you. He worked on the interior panel, setting up additional security measures. There was no such thing as a slice-proof door panel, but those measures would give you some extra time if someone started working to get inside.
You left him to it, brushing your teeth and changing into pajamas before you left the refresher. Alpha had already removed his armor and dimmed the lights, sitting in just his body glove as he waited for the refresher. His leg jiggled with tension. 
As you stepped past each other, Alpha’s fingers rose to stroke down your forearm in a single gentle touch. Then he was inside the refresher and the shower water turned on as you listened. 
You had every intention of being awake when Alpha came back out, but you must have drifted off. The next thing you knew, the bed dipped as Alpha got under the covers behind you. His arm snaked around your torso, pulling you tight against him. You smiled, snuggling a little closer, but frowned. 
Alpha was trembling. 
There was a fine tremor running through his entire body, only perceptible now that you were close enough to feel it. His breathing was slightly irregular, easy enough to note now that you were looking out for it. 
Turning around in his arms wasn’t easy, especially when Alpha’s grip was so tight. But you managed, gently cupping his jaw when you were facing him. It was too dark to see, but the tightness of his jaw muscles under your palm was enough to know what he was feeling. 
“Alpha?” you asked softly. “Are you okay?” 
His breath left him in a shuddering exhale. “Almost lost you, neverd’ika.” 
“Never,” you assured him. “I would have found a way to get free. I wouldn’t leave you like that.” 
He laughed slightly. “You make it sound like a choice.”
“No choice at all,” you countered. “If my choices are between staying with you and letting someone take me away like that… I would have fought like hell.” 
Alpha was quiet, but you could feel the way his lips parted and closed over and over until he decided what he wanted to say. “The fact that you don’t seem concerned is enough to make me worry. Fear isn’t good, but it can keep you alive.” 
“You think I wasn’t scared?” you asked, letting your disbelief come through in your voice. “Alpha, I was terrified. Trem has been a great teacher, but I don’t think there’s much I could have done against six troopers. I think I’m in a bit of shock. When it all hits me, I’ll be a mess for a while.”
“I’ll take care of you if that happens.” 
Alpha’s vow made you smile. “I’ll gladly take you up on that. As long as you let me take care of you now.” 
He inched forward, searching blindly in the darkness until your lips met in a careful kiss. “I have a few ideas about what we could do.”
Author's Note - There will be a spicy mini chapter to follow this one. Nothing vital to the plot happens in it - you will not miss anything if you choose not to read it. It will be posted on my NSFW alt account. If you don't know where that is, send me a message and I'll give you the username as long as you have 18+ in your bio. If you're under 18 and find it of your own accord, you're claiming to be mature enough to read adult content.
For those who have not read the Republic Commando series, the Null ARCs and Kal Skirata are fascinating characters! You're seeing them at their most ruthless here, but they have a lot of depth. They're on Kamino to complete their own mission, which can make them come off as antagonists, but life is rarely that simple.
My loose plan is to post one chapter every month, but the spicy chapters don't count toward that number. So I'll see you in a week or two for some 'quality time' with Alpha, and next month to see what happens after this!
I'm so glad to be back! Thank you to everyone who waited so patiently or sent words of encouragement. <3 For anyone new to this story, that long of a hiatus is not typical for me. I don't anticipate it happening again.
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smooodles · 2 months
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a scribbly flamey redesign to match the alpha redesign.. (i think links still mess up these posts showing in the tags so u will have to find his sorry)
i kinda went wild on this and just kind of went like? a biker type design for her? had to like. convince myself to put some kind of fluff in there somewhere because its present in about EVERY flamey design.. so i went with fluffy jacket. i also added some pink and gave her a sneaky undercut. thought it would be interesting if she went the gwen spider/verse route and leaned into the short hair, plus the pink could imply.. like, singes in her hair from where the anti-virus burned it off?
anyway. short hair flamey best flamey imo
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snowviolettwhite · 8 months
If you want to send me prompts for fanfiction for 9-1-1 set in the omegaverse with omega!Eddie and omega!Buck or omega!Eddie and alpha!Buck feel free to. I really want to write one but am having troubling coming up with a plot.
I have few ideas those and you can tell me what you think:
When Eddie who is an omega moved to California he start pretending to be an alpha but Buck being an omega figures out Eddie is an omega.
Both Eddie and Buck pretend they are not omegas to avoid discrimination plus the trauma they experience back home but they become best friends and work through that pain together.
I saw this post that anti-depressions in the omegaverse can stop heat/rut cycle and affect sex drive. Given Eddie and Buck mental health that might be on some anti-anxiety and anti-depressants medications.
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shuttershocky · 11 months
I'm personally very happy for endfield because aside from it being hyped it it means arknights is just getting bigger.
The Alpha test looked polished and I like that equipment and such and the factory production wasn't RNG. They also now have fully voice acted cutscenes which was a surprise. It's a HG project with Mihoyo level production values.
However I must say in advance I am most likely not going to be playing this. The presence of a certificate store with both characters and weapons in it and the characters having rarities practically confirms Endfield is a gacha game instead of a real game (even if no gacha was present in the test build), and I'm only gonna tolerate one of those in my life at a time.
Plus it uhhh... It's kinda in that weird JRPG spot where it's technically in real time, but time slows down for casting skills to mimic turn-based party combat, but also enemies have clear AOE indicators to show where they will attack next, but there's ALSO no dodge button and your partymates that youre not directly controlling won't run to save their lives. That's possibly the most anti-me combat system one could possibly devise. At least make it real turn-based JRPG style combat. Don't give me the illusion of it requiring a modicum of execution skill but not really.
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I hope you don’t mind but I have a question. On your page you say you write of a band, I guess I would like to know more about the band if that is ok. Is it from a film or are they people? I am sorry for the bad question. I like your writing; hope you continue to write and enjoy the time off.
Oh I love this question!!! I love getting to go on tangents about this, so literally just come on in and ask me any questions you have, and I will answer (to the best of my ability).
Anything linked will look like this (and underlined).
Okay so, Ghost is an actual band. They’re a Satanic* metal band (you can find them on any music service). If you’re on TikTok, you probably have heard Mary On A Cross. That’s from their EP Seven Inches Of Satanic Panic.
Ghost actually has quite a bit of lore, which means they have characters and other things that go with the band in itself. Oftentimes, you’ll see someone say in their writing that they are “writing about the character, not the people under the mask.”
If you want, I can also post a timeline of events that are (I think mostly) canon events to explain things more in depth.
The frontman is Tobias Forge, but he uses a silicone mask to turn himself into different characters (Papa Emeritus I- Primo, Papa Emeritus II - Secondo, Papa Emeritus III - Terzo, and Papa Emeritus IV - Copia). So Tobias Forge is the lead singer, he just acts as different characters onstage.
Being a Papa basically means that dude is the leader of the Clergy (like a pope). Copia is the current Papa, so he’s currently the ‘head’ of the Ministry.
Primo, Secondo, Terzo, and Copia are all brothers because Papa Nihil is their father. I highly recommend watching the series I have linked at the end of this for more lore that I didn’t explain or didn’t remember (such as characters like Papa Nihil, Sister Imperator, or Mr. Saltarian) (I can also explain that stuff in a different post if you’d like).
Nameless ghouls are the people Tobias hires to perform during concerts (also commonly called Rituals). In lore, they’re basically elemental demons that the Papa’s (the anti-pope’s) summoned to perform with him and spread the word of Satan.
I’m just going to discuss the ghouls as characters and not the people under the mask because they’re masked and nameless for anonymity. Everyone basically knows who is under the mask, but some people prefer not to know, so I won’t go into the at the moment.
The current lineup is (name - instrument - element):
Dewdrop - lead guitar - fire**
Rain - bass - water
Phantom - rhythm guitar - quintessence***
Mountain - drums - earth
Swiss - backing (?) guitar, vocals, tambourine - multi-ghoul (which elements is up to you, but most say fire/quintessence)
Cumulus - keyboard, vocals, tambourine - air
Cirrus - keyboard, keytar - air
Aurora - vocals, tambourine - multi-ghoul (which elements is up to you, but most say water/air)
Previous ghouls that I know of but are no longer touring:
Aether - rhythm guitar - quintessence
Sunshine - vocals, tambourine - multi-ghoul (which elements is up to you, but most say fire/air)
Omega - rhythm guitar - quintessence
Alpha - lead guitar - fire
Mist - bass - water
Ifrit - lead guitar - fire
Zephyr/ChAir - keyboard/keytar - air
Ivy - drums - earth
Cowbell - cowbell - unsure of element
Special - interview ghoul (just Tobias Forge when he was still anonymous) - unsure of element
Plus others that I haven’t really gotten the chance to learn
Considering the ghouls are nameless and masked, it’s fairly difficult to figure out who is who when you’re just getting into the lore. If you want, I can make separate posts talking about how to tell them apart.
If you couldn’t tell, basically each element is attached with certain instruments.
Also the men are referred to as ghouls and women are referred to as ghoulettes, but people use ‘ghouls’ also as a general term. Not super relevant information, but just a little side note. A lot of people headcanon certain ghouls with they/them pronouns (commonly Rain & Phantom), and a lot of people also consider them as transgender (commonly Dewdrop - especially considering the elemental transition).
* A lot of people who listen to the band don’t identify as Satanic. Personally, I don’t, so don’t feel like you have to convert to Satanism to enjoy any of the content. Ghost is basically (for lack of better terms) a parody of the Catholic Church. They just has a lot of imagery in regards to mixing Catholicism and Satanic things.
** Dewdrop used to be the bassist after Mist left the band, but switched to lead guitar after Ifrit left. He used to be considered a water ghoul, but once he switched to lead guitar, he became a fire ghoul. In the lore, people say he had to go through a transition, so if you read any of the fanfiction, you’ll probably see quite a bit of angst in relation to his elemental transition.
*** Quintessence is usually seen as something to do with things with the mind - I’m not too good at explaining it, so you might just roll through google (or fanfiction) for better information
Papaganda: Episode 1 - Episode 2 (complete)
The Summoning: Playlist - 7 Videos (complete)
The Chapters: Playlist - 17 videos (still ongoing)
Jesus Talk With Father Jim DeFroque (this is kind of just a random thing that they did, it’s not super relevant to the lore) (from my knowledge)
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phoebe-delia · 1 year
Wireless Fic Claim: Stars by the Pocketful
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Hi everyone! It's @hd-wireless fic claim time! I wrote Stars by the Pocketful based on "Snow on the Beach" by Taylor Swift. It's 2k, rated T, and just friends/co-workers to lovers fluff.
Thank you to @phdmama for the loveliness and encouragement and to @basicallyahedgehog for being an amazing and patient alpha/beta/overall maintainer of my sanity lol.
Here's an excerpt:
Draco arrives first, to scope out the place and pick the best bed before Potter can beat him to it. He uses the apparition coordinates the Ministry gave him and lands in front of a small cabin about the size of the Slytherin common room, plus maybe a couple of dorm rooms.
He unlocks the door using the passcode written on the note from his boss and gets settled. He makes a beeline for the bedroom and sits on both beds before choosing the one closest to the window, in case he needs an escape. Then, it’s a matter of unpacking his suitcase into half the closet and then reading a book on the surprisingly soft couch in the living room while he waits.
He’s been there maybe an hour and a half when Potter arrives, flushed and grinning. “Hey, Draco,” he says running a hand through windswept hair. “Merlin, that portkey was rough. Thought I was going to be sick when I landed. But I just took one of those anti-nausea potions Hermione brews and I’m a new man! How about you? Looks like you’ve been here a while, but if you still feel queasy, I have an extra bottle.”
Potter starts to dig through his duffel bag when Draco clears his throat. “I’m fine, Potter. But thank you.”
Potter shrugs. “Suit yourself.” He looks at his Muggle watch and swears. “Merlin, it’s nearly dinner time. Are you hungry? I can cook us something once I get unpacked if you’re willing to be on dish duty.”
Draco nods, and he’s rewarded with a bright grin. “Great!” Potter says, making his way to the bedroom. “Be back in a mo’.”
Potter cooks them a surprisingly delicious dinner. “I found a little garden out back,” Potter says between bites of hearty, flavorful beef stew, “And we can ask for groceries to be delivered by Floo. So at least we know we won’t starve.” Draco just dunks a piece of crusty bread into his bowl, chewing as he nods along.
It isn’t until later that night, when he’s sure Potter must’ve fallen asleep, that Draco whispers into the distance between their beds, “Thank you, Harry.”
He tells himself he imagines the mumbled reply: “You’re welcome, Draco.”
Read the rest on AO3
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bunnygirl678 · 9 months
I'm so sorry everyone...
But here it is, (again i'm sorry, also this is a partially written story so expect it in the next year, once I’m done with January from hell) my hanahaki, omegaverse, soulmate au (AKA the big 3 verse)
I had a soulmate au that i had half written that I didn't feel like really was interesting enough on it's own so I kept playing with it and decided to add the other two.
-soulmate au, kind where first words of your soulmate show up on your wrist, but not everyone has a soulmate, not necessarily rare, but not super common either, think green eyes
-little Green's first words are "I hate you, Green" he's v upset, obviously
-he already has a hard time cause he's a male omega (v rare), his parents are really supportive, love him a ton ect..
-they die, he and Daisy move in with the prof, he's very anti-omega, always treats green like shit not abusive but an ass,
-green and red bond, red never speaks to green (he really only talks to his mom and even occasionally), green doesn't mind red's an alpha who doesn't act like an alpha, green is an omega that doesn't act like an omega
-red's first words are pretty generic "let's play with your pokemon" or something to that effect, sure green said it but so have lots of other kdis
-it's time for the journeys, everything goes pretty canon both start hating each other to a certain degree, they're angry/hurt/you know, after the defeat red and green get into a fist fight,
-Red says his first words to Green, "i hate you, green"
-both of their wrists start burning 'oh shit we're soulmates'
-green runs off to his sisters, red runs off to mount silver (not that anyone knows where he's going)
-green becomes gym leader, he's doing... well not great, he's always got alpha suitors, has to constantly prove himself cause he's a male omega
-plus his soulmate rejected him, he starts coughing a lot right after the loss, Daisy tries everything, eventually he coughs up a flower petal, does some research, oh
-doesn't tell anyone, starts taking meds to help with the symptoms, can help prolong his life some, but he's going to die, he's got maybe 10 years unless his soulmate loves him back
-lives his best life, he's gonna die he's accepted it whatever
-gold (another omega! one who has a soulmate too! and is a champion!) and him get super close, sure gold looks a ton like Red but they’re nothing alike except the fire that burns (and that fire burns in green too)
-gold finds red on mount silver, green goes up because red needs to go home to his mother
-he’s able to convince red to come home fairly easily, he and red kinda start being friends
-they’ve both hit puberty at this point so heats and ruts are things
-greens hanahaki starts getting worse, cause he and red are friends again but he’s so sure that red doesn’t love him, I mean he has the proof on his wrist
Will he tell red about his hanahaki? Does Red actually love his soulmate? Does green go into heat at an inopportune time?
Those questions will be answered once I have time to write again!
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perelka-l · 5 months
As a bilingual person I can say the Chinese Pokemon fans are light years ahead of us. I saw a guy write an ENTIRE 9 PARAGRAPHS on Kieran suffering from heat (Omegaverse) because they had like. No omega heat suppressors and Drayton being like “Thank god I’m on suppressants or Carmine would bury me in Kitakami” Note that that fic wrote “Alpha” “Beta” and “Omega” IN ENGLISH SO IT WAS DAMN OBVIOUS
Plus if you go on Lofter (Chinese social media) the top post with Kieran’s tag is him passionately kissing Florian
Oh my goooddd. I follow plenty of JP fandom ppl on Twatter and translate button is often used when I spot some key phrases and honestly. Eastern fandoms, from what I see, are so open and unashamed in their love and perversion, it's so refreshing to see. I saw recently a person do a 50p book about Kieran getting destroyed by a filthy old man! I saw a fic with Florian and Drayton drugging Kieran with mochi! And that's only last month or so and I don't translate everything that crosses my path! Nvm the tweets! The tweets!! And there is more likely so much more one doesn't see, considering jp fandom has comfort of keeping things offline!
I honestly think anti anglos would collapse out of heart attack if they like, understood what other fandoms look like and function. Seriously, lightyears of distance...
Sad thing is that anglo fandom used to be so much more open and unashamedly about things. Like, tunglr before 2015s? Live fucking journal times? Man, I miss kink memes so much, someone could swoop in asking for most deranged shit and could get it. It was insane, but open and honest. Policing always existed, of course, I don't want to idealize those times, but it was different.
Personally I try to up my derangery as much as possible to keep the levels up. There is no reason to not be open and unashamed of what you enjoy, to the limits allowed by the platform you're on of course (so I don't go nsft ways here ofc, while on twatter I keep my r-18 stuff away, partially out of courtesy and partially bc man, if my normal mode makes people so outraged...) but honestly. I also feel like if I won't be deranged, no-one else will, so I wanna lead an example, in a way, not as an example but more of "if no-one will, I will" way (does it make sense?).
It's so cool you have access to other side of fandom!!! Chinese fandom is a large unknown for me but usually one can see on AO3 that the taste is immaculate fr fr so that's hella!!
Also oh my god Kieran in heat and Drayton on surpressants sounds delightful. Having a cute omega in heat and you for once keep your head cool... Oh my. That's a lovely imagery, thank you for sharing that 🥺 wish I could read it...
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kasperl-ruprecht · 10 months
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The latest painted addition to the MURDER, a Stormcrow configuration Foxtrot. This is a 3D print based on the MechWarrior 4 design model.
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That's two anti-personnel guass rifles and a plasma cannon per arm plus two ER mediums and a ER small per side torso. At 37 pv for skill 4 in Alpha Strike with 2 heat at short, medium, and long range it's a menace. The battle value in Classic for the model is 2227 bv.
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Even gave it some turn signals on the backside.
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As always, I used fluorescent paint with glow in the dark pigments for the weapon effects and whatnot.
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I should also explain out a little bit on the decals chosen. I found a sheet of Gundam: 0080 Zeon stickers and used one of the thunderbolts from the Rick Dom II and put that up to and center. The number 6 on the right lower leg is in reference to the fact the F is the sixth letter of the alphabet. While I'd like to say the F on the upper right arm is for easier identification while playing, it's actually to hide where I had to glue the arm back together when I dropped it while finishing it up.
All and all, very pleased how it turned out.
A link to the Master Unit List page...
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skincare-product97 · 5 months
Derma ProGenix Advanced Anti-Aging Skin Care Serum
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Turning Back Time: My Experience with Derma ProGenix Advanced Anti-Aging Skin Care Serum
I've been on the hunt for a truly effective anti-aging serum for quite some time. Having tried various products with minimal results, I was a bit sceptical when I first encountered Derma ProGenix Advanced Anti-Aging Skin Care Serum. However, after using it consistently for the past few months, I can confidently say it's become a staple in my skincare routine.
Noticeable Results
The most impressive aspect of this serum is its ability to deliver visible improvements. Within a few weeks of incorporating it into my morning and evening routine, I noticed a significant difference in my skin's texture and overall appearance. Fine lines, particularly around my eyes and forehead, seemed to soften, and my skin felt smoother and more plump. The product description mentions alpha hydroxy acids as a key ingredient, and I believe this exfoliating action has played a role in revealing a brighter, more radiant complexion.
Powerful Yet Gentle Formula
While some anti-aging products can be harsh on the skin, causing irritation or dryness, Derma ProGenix is surprisingly gentle. The lightweight formula absorbs quickly without leaving a greasy residue, making it a perfect base for makeup application. I haven't experienced any redness or sensitivity, which is a welcome change from previous serums I've tried. This gentle nature makes it suitable for most skin types, even those on the more sensitive side.
Key Ingredients for Success
Derma ProGenix packs a powerful punch when it comes to its ingredient list. The inclusion of retinol, a well-known anti-aging fighter, is a big plus. Retinol helps stimulate collagen production, which is crucial for maintaining skin elasticity and reducing the appearance of wrinkles. The formula also boasts vitamins C and E, which work synergistically to protect the skin from free radical damage, another major contributor to skin aging. For those concerned with dark spots or hyperpigmentation, the presence of vitamin C offers an additional benefit, promoting a more even skin tone.
Long-Lasting Hydration
One of the most delightful surprises with Derma ProGenix is its impressive hydrating properties. My skin tends to be on the drier side, especially during the colder months. However, since incorporating this serum, I've noticed a significant improvement in hydration levels. My skin feels more supple and dewy throughout the day, eliminating the need for constant reapplication of moisturiser. This sustained hydration is likely due to hyaluronic acid, another key ingredient, which has the ability to hold onto moisture for long periods.
Overall, I'm incredibly impressed with Derma ProGenix Advanced Anti-Aging Skin Care Serum. It has demonstrably improved the texture, tone, and overall health of my skin. The gentle formula, powerful ingredients, and long-lasting hydration make it a truly exceptional product. If you're looking for a serum that delivers noticeable anti-aging results without sacrificing comfort, I highly recommend giving Derma ProGenix a try.
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beerecordings · 1 year
Just wondering, how much groaning and eye rolling would there be with the werewolf boys when the alpha/beta/sigma male idea starts to become popular? How would it even look like in this universe? I’m seeing Sean shaking his head disappointedly in his hands and Anti groaning so loud and Marv’s eyes getting tired from the amount he’s rolling them and Jamie sighing before trying to sink into the couch from the suffering of having to listening to an alpha male influencer during class or something lmao
hey Leo!! I have been away for a few days but I love this question
Wolf Bite has an alpha concept but not defined concepts of betas, sigmas, omegas, etc partly because they're human enough to not need to divide like that, but also because some of that stuff about real wolf packs is not accurate anyway. which I think totally contributes to their annoyance when ideas like that start to get popular! they would be totally annoyed. Jackie probably doesn't have much of a reaction to some macho guy at the gym who thinks he can mess with him, because if people are wrong then people are wrong, can't change their minds. but the others think it's cringe lol. they would definitely all be groaning and rolling their eyes.
and Anti likes it when 'alpha males' get in his face so he can trash them.
it can have some dangerous consequences however, especially in this universe, because some humans do perceive Alpha wolves to be very dangerous. that can lead to real Alphas and real packs being treated poorly. if 'alpha males' try to use the term to mean misogynistic, domineering, and arrogant, it could be a problem for actual Alphas who are just trying to be good leaders, and who can be any gender. plus young or new wolves could get the wrong idea about what to do as an Alpha or about how their Alpha should treat them!
that kind of talk about Alpha wolves does make some of them kind of nervous, even if they know Jackie wouldn't ever be aggressive with them. every now and then Anti will flip his shit on Jackie and Jackie has to just not react, because Anti's still got Alpha issues leftover from Iris. he doesn't do it consciously, but he tests Jackie to see if he'll ever hurt him if Anti goads him. JJ watches this closely - he's still forming his idea of what an Alpha is. and Chase has some masculinity issues and needs to be reassured sometimes that Jackie isn't trying to be the man of the house, just a leader who respects him
but don't get Sean and Marvin started on this topic!! they will RANT
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warriors-firecat · 5 months
Intro Post!!! 💥💥💥💥💥💥
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Hiya! M'names Leviathan but you can call me Leviathan, Levi, or Firecat!
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DNI: Minors (i reblog and post stuff involving Sex and Genitals™️, plus im an adult), Zoos, Pedos, Proship, Racists, Zionists, Antisemitics, Sexists, Trump supporters, Ableists, LGBTQ-phobes of all kinds, PETA supporters, Dream stans, TERFS, SWERFS, Transmedicalists, All Lives/Blue Lives Matter supporters, and anyone who is anti-Palestine or anti-Ukraine.
I'm genderfluid. i use any pronouns but prefer they/them or it/its
My OCs tag is #Leviathan's Beasts
Im fictionkin, and my mains are Firestar (Warriors), Fersong (Warriors), Nepeta Leijon (Homestuck), and Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
im a furry and my fursona is a wolf named Basilisk.
I'm autistic, and i have Discouraged type BPD. I also have PTSD.
I might be anemic??? i need to get blood work done soon but my roommate and my friend have both said it sounds like i have an iron deficiency. they both have irion deficiencies.
Im a grown-ass man and my birthday is August 22nd. i'd really like for minors to not DNI bc i post and reblog stuff that involves at least IMPLIED NSFW stuff and jokes.
My special interests are Warriors by Erin Hunter, My Little Pony, Homestuck, animals, and true crime.
I'm panromantic, demisexual, and ambiamorous.
I draw and game and read and i make rainbow loom bracelets
DNI if you're a zoo, a pedo, racist, lgbt-phobic (including acephobia), misogynistic, a TERF, a SWERF, ableist, sex-negative (THIS DOES NOT COUNT SEX-REPULSED ACES. I LOVE YALL. I JUST MEAN PEOPLE WHO CONSIDER SEX AN EVIL OR SINFUL CONCEPT.), Truscum, or are against religions that are different from your own. Also alpha males. if youre an alpha male stay 100,000,000,000,000,000 lightyears away from me.
FREE PALESTINE!! Also im a supporter of ACAB and im anti-war and anti-capitalist
IM VERY ARACHNOPHOBIC. i think spiders are cool from a distance but pictures of them make me feel uncomfy. same with needles. so please please please tag spiders and needles.
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