#anti jason todd fans
I swear to God jason fans have the most debilitatingly stupid takes I've ever seen. How you gonna complain about Dick being morally superior to Jason and in the same breath say you hate that Jason has to sacrifice his murder plans to fit in with the other bats? How is that a real thing I had to read with my own two eyes? How are you upset at the guy who thinks killing criminals is bad? Like sorry to break it to you, but actually that is the morally superior stance like. Yes, criminals deserve the chance to change and become better and contribute to society?? And they can't do that if they're dead?? Also 'criminal' is one hell of an umbrella?? Like if you like that Jason is a murderer narratively, whatever, but to then complain about Dick being morally superior.... like bro, cmon now. Cmon.
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farsight-the-char · 1 year
I saw art teaming up Miles Morales with (red hood) Jason Todd. I do not think Miles would like Jason.
Jason is basically Bishonen Punisher. Miles already has to deal with Regular Punisher Frank Castle in 616, who originally was a Spider-man villain.
Miles would see Jason try to kill someone and web him up, just as Peter does with Frank.
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rubydubydoo122 · 8 months
I’m just gonna say this, the main reason people don’t like Damian Wayne as a character is the same reason people didn’t like Jason Todd back in the 80s
People don’t like either of them because their favorite Robin (Tim Drake and Dick Grayson) got replaced by them.
Damian and Jason are both really interesting and complex character, objectively more complex than both Tim and Dick, but some people (cough, obnoxious Tim fans, cough, and Dick fans who over sexualize him, cough) don’t see that and just want their little blorbos to never grow into their own character apart from Batman.
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mikakuna · 7 months
save me "jason todd leaves batfam".... save me.... "jason does not give up everything that makes him who he is to please a mediocre family"... save me...
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kitkats-and-kittens · 4 months
I don’t read many Red Hood comics. Like obviously he’s there in some of the stuff I read, but I’m self aware enough to know that he isn’t going to be written the same way as he would be in a comic more central to his own story.
That being said. I genuinely do not understand why some fans make Bruce out to be the devil for not killing the joker??
Like I get it for Jason. He’s a kid. He’s hurt. He’s angry. He’s upset. He died. Like he’s probably not thinking very rationally here, but that’s something you can eventually learn to manage with time and therapy.
However Bruce not wanting to put aside his own already well established set of morals and kill a guy is like completely within reason???
I’ve seen a lot of Jason Todd stans make him seem like this horrible father for not placing Jason’s morals above his own and killing the Joker and I understand that it’s very complex issues, because the man’s son died, but if anything that should only cause a more nuanced viewpoint on the conflict.
Jason dying is horrible and you’re allowed to feel empathy for the guy. Of course you are, it sucked, but that doesn’t mean that Bruce is suddenly obligated to start killing people? Nor does it mean he should turn a blind eye to Jason killing people, just because he was hurt.
Bruce is allowed to be selfish. He’s allowed to look in the mirror and say “I don’t want to become a killer” and he’s allowed to go out into the world and do just that without being called an abusive father.
Maybe It’s me just not understanding the conflict completely. Again I really haven’t read many comics and most of this is through a very internet heavy viewpoint.
But I also feel like a lot of the nuance of the situation has been sucked out over the years and reduced to Jason whining about how his own father won’t sacrifice everything he stands for just to avenge him as though Jason is in a morally superior disposition to half the people he fights.
I’m not even that big of a Batman stan. I just genuinely don’t understand.
Also damn I’ve been posting a lot recently
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aeolusinthesky · 1 month
love danny phantom, mlb, and dc, but somehow not the crossovers? idk why. you would think id find it the best of both/all worlds but i just cant get behind the oversaturation of the crossovers in fanfic, probably because so much of what makes the originals so interesting gets lost in translation. this holds true for so many elements in these three seperate things, but mostly its the fanonization of the batfam and particularly tim drake that turns me off. the way fanon sees tim has truly turned me off the character
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batfamfixation · 5 months
"Roy wouldn't like Jason! They have completely opposing ideologies! It's out of character for Roy!"
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Jason was a general menace that kidnapped Mia for one conversation in a pathetic attempt to convince her to abandon Ollie and partner with him instead. He kills criminals, but only criminals. His mindset as Red Hood is "I'm protecting civilians by killing criminals"
Jade is a mercenary, an assassin, someone who kills people for money regardless of whether or not they're a criminal and has no problem killing people without monetary incentive. Roy fell in love with her. The government told him to bring her in, since she's a mercenary, and he fell in love with her and didn't bring her in, indirectly allowing her to continue to kill people.
Out of character my ass.
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bitter-hibiscus · 6 months
The real truth is that every single Jason Todd ship exists only for his benefit, and not his partner's. It's not just Jayroy, though that may be the most extreme example of it alongside jaytalia. Any character who is romantically involved with Jason has to be bastardized to some level, either because their morality would make it impossible for them to be with Jason (Roy, Kyle, Kara, Steph, Barbara, etc) or because Jason's character would go entirely against what their character needs/is working towards (Rose, Artemis, Kori, Slade, etc). It's always about what Jason needs and what Jason could get from that potential relationship, because he doesn't really... have anything to offer. Jason as Red Hood centers his story in violence and self-isolation. Even in his current The Hill run, where he's learning to trust people yada-yada, he's lonely. Because he chooses to be. And that's why every Jason Todd ship feels forced if you're a fan of whatever partner of choice, because Jason isn't at a point of himself and his life where he can offer anything in a relationship. Idk word vomit sorry
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megaaceofspades · 4 months
for pride month they should kill tim drake. in this essay i summarize the damages the tim drake centricity of current batman and comic runs has done to the canon of DC-
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violet-catsarelife · 5 months
red hood Tim aus get me so bad bc in why on earth does this privileged dead guy care about crime alley? what weight does it hold to him???? it only makes sense to have steph be the second robin realistically.
It kinda feels like I'm inviting discourse by replying to this, so lemme just do an obligatory disclaimer: people are free to create what they want, and they're allowed to have different tastes and interpretations. That's what fandom is. Okay? Okay.
That said.
Personally? Red Hood Tim is... yeah. Does not spark joy. Aside from the Rich Boy in Crime Alley aspect, I guess I'm just not a fan of people making up trauma for Tim so he can be the Saddest Boy, especially when they're taking traits from Jason (which, actually this might be a gripe that spilled over from other fic tropes and not something I have against rr aus, specifically.)
In my opinion, reverse robins is a great setup for us to explore not only the differences but also parallels between the Robins. In that sense, Steph, with her background similarities to Jason, has so much more potential for a Red Hood story.
I wanna know how her morals would play out, how they'd differ from Batgirl!Steph's or RH!Jason's. What are her views on criminals and crime? Does RH!Steph hold the same contempt against her dad like Spoiler!Steph did? What ties her to the city and its community? I wanna see what her dynamic with Batman is like, when she isn't pushed into the shadow of another 'failed' robin, but is instead the First Robin Who Died. How would the effects of her death differ from Jason's, given that she's neither an orphan nor adopted by Bruce? I'm also curious about her relationship with Damian, if it mirrors the mentor-sibling style Batgirl!Steph had with baby Dami. Do they bond over being the few people who knew Batdad before the Tragedy, as opposed to canon where they only ever got to know the post-robindeath version?
So much story potential!
In short, Red Hood Steph is an awesome concept and I wish there are more fics with her. Thanks for coming to my ted talk I guess
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punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
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Listen........Let me cook
@insomniac-jay @mayameanderings
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It's literally impossible to read bat fanfiction because it's all based off those ridiculous fanon tropes that spread like crazy and people take as fucking biblical!!!!! Dick was never a jerk to Jason when he was Robin- they got along because Dick is mature as hell and in one retelling- Jason was a jerk to him!! And when he came back as Red Hood he had literally not a single damn reason to treat Dick like shit! Not a damn one! But he did, didn't he? Cause he's the fucking asshole! How dare you make Dick grovel towards that bastard! Dick has only ever tried to help him! Reached out during his Batman run, over and over! Also- Dick never put Jason in Arkham with Joker just a few cells down???? What the fuck! The Joker and all those other fuckers had been broken out of Arkham by Black Mask already for like the whole run??? Jason went to Arkham after losing to Dick, and Gordon put him in there because One he fucking deserved it, Two the literal circumstances?? And at that point!! Arkham was fucking rehabilitated itself!! By Dick!!! Because Bruce had him go undercover there for real, and Dick was actually tortured there before he got out!! So Dick put in the work to get that shit in order to actually help people!!
Dick never chose Damian over Tim- Tim refused to engage with him over his grief, shut him out, and left of his own devices! He never told Dick his suspicions on why Bruce was alive, never! And Tim is not the one to bring Bruce back either, there's a whole team at that point! Dick learns Bruce is alive through tossing his 'dead' body into a pit and the body comes to life as a zombie. Tim didn't tell him shit! Tim is also not a little crybaby- Damian cutting his line was a fucking blip on the page, he was momentarily shocked, that was it! He put Damian on his Hit List, which is why Damian cut his line. And his first attempt at "murder" is just pushing Tim off the dinosaur statue in the cave, he didn't go all assassin on him! Also Dick wasn't even there the first incident and wasn't told about the second incident. Alfred is the one who gave Damian Robin and Dick accepted him because he saw that Damian needed help! He needed guidance! He didn't fucking fire Tim the way Bruce fired him, and fuck all of you for thinking that Tim or Jason or fucking anyone has more right over Robin than Dick Fucking Grayson! He tried to promote Tim and Tim walked off. How dare yall make Dick fucking grovel towards that bastard!!!
Jason did try to kill all three of them!! Why does everyone just gloss over that like what the fuck??? Why does he get a pass for every shitty thing he's done??? "Bad writing" stfu this is the same dude that without hesitation kills random criminals, people who deal drugs, do you know how many random ass people deal drugs??? Jason doesn't give a single shit about being his own type of hero or saving Gotham his own way, nor do the people think of him as their savior!! Are you people fucking delusional?? I saw a post that said citizens would trust Jason over CASS and I cannot Believe the hallucinations yall are seeing???
It is literally downright impossible to find fics about Dick or Damian or Cass or fucking any of them that doesn't include these literal bullshit fanon takes!!! It's impossible!!! This fandom sucks!!!! You don't even need to go buy the comics, all these popular takes have been debunked right here on tumblr!!!! Also Dick can do literally everything!! He's hypercompetent as hell, die mad about it!! Jason doesn't like Wonder Woman???? Where the fuck did that come from??? Wayne Family Adventures is not real!!! Those people could not BE more out of character!!! Look at Bruce for crying out loud!!! Yall know that man ain't act like that!
Edit: leaving this here in case anyone wonders what my hot take is towards this question I was asked: "have you considered tho, that fanon is more fun..."
Well of course fanon is more fun if you're a fan of Jason or Tim. Fanon actively caters towards those two pasty white boys. Fanon actively shits on Dick and Damian though. And for Dick? He literally never did that shit! It is all made up! It's literal character assassination?? But by the fans?? And for Damian? He was 10!!! He grew up as an assassin! He was actively trying to grow with Dick's help! How can yall see him as the bad guy?? And not the literal bad guy, (Jason), and the 17 teen year old who literally fought him back btw, (Tim), like old boy did not act victimized the way you people portray. And Jesus for Cass? Cass is just a prop in fanon. So what exactly about this should be fun to me? Like seriously.
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farsight-the-char · 1 year
What Jason Todd fans want him to look:
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What he Actually looks like:
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Rest Well, Dillon-san.
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rubydubydoo122 · 5 months
what are your most hated fanon takes on tim drake? as a hardcore Tim stan I want to know what to avoid since I haven't read that many comics yet
Just as a preface, take whatever I say with a grain of salt. You're allowed to like what you like and not like what you don't like. You don't have to have the same opinions on the Tim Drake Fandom as I do.
Mainly I don't like when they overtly woobify him, and kinda take a massive shit on the other characters. Like, you don't have to like other batfam members, but at least try to understand their characters
Like, The way Some Tim Fans will villify Dick for the sake of uplifting Tim, or Exploding the way that passing the mantle of Robin from Tim to Damian went down. Could it have been done better? Yes, but in no way was Tim holding harsh feelings towards Dick for that. Tim was Grieving Bruce and everyone else in his life who had died and pushing people away.
Same thing with Damian. Like yeah, Damian was a little shit when he first moved to the manor, but by no means was he the Devil Tim Fans make him out to be.
And Tim was snarking Jason off during the entirety of the events of Titans Tower. No harm done to his self esteem. In fact, Tim still thinks he's a better Robin than Jason was even after Jason Knock him out.
Oh! And Jason Didn't have any intention of Killing Tim during the events at Titans Tower. If He wanted to, Tim would be Dead.
On top of all of that, Tim wasn't as severely neglected as some fanon makes him out to be. Sure he was probably emotionally neglected, but not to the point where the maid was the only adult figure in his life coming over twice a week, and Tim had to fend for himself. Janet and Jack were pretty good parents. Not the Best, but they also weren't as shitty as fanon makes them out to be.
I'll admit, when I was new to the fandom, I loved all of these tropes, and Tim was one of my favorites, but through learning how Tim Drake actually is in canon, I find popular Tim Drake Fanon tropes insufferable. And they're everywhere.
I'll also admit, that some of these tropes are in the earlier fics I wrote, but I have been learning as I move through the fandom.
At the end of the day, I do hold a lot of respect for Tim Drake fic writers, because writing fics are hard, but personally, I'm going to scroll past.
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mikakuna · 5 months
why do anti-jason fans always have an opinion on his characterization and how we write him in fanfic as if they've read anything beyond comics where his character is completely assassinated and written by individuals who despise him?
"you're not actually a jason fan if you remove everything that he's done in canon"
answer me truthfully: would you accept a comic as canon if it was written by someone who hates your favourite character? i'm not a tim fan so i'd mess up his entire storyline if i wrote a comic for him. would you read that and happily accept it as canon? because i assure you that i'd purposely mess his entire character up just because i dislike him. it would be full of bias because i don't understand his character as well as an actual tim fan does. would you still accept this comic as canon?
literally the majority of jason comics are written by people who don't like him and don't even know his source material. why shouldn't we nitpick what we wanna accept as canon??
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arabian-batboy · 2 years
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Tim getting the shit beat out of him and still claiming that he's somehow better than the person currently beating him perfectly summarizes his character.
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