#anti jake salt
joesalw · 2 months
Hi, I'm an ex swiftie and I have so much to say about taylor swift. I have a lot bottled up inside and this felt like a safe space to get it out. I hope you don't mind.
I feel like taylor as an artist doesn't have an identity of her own anymore.
like billie, lana, sabrina, ariana, beyonce, shakira, britney, avril, olivia they all make a specific type of music. Although many of them have made genre bending music but It's common knowledge that not everything is for everybody. Now this is where miss swift comes in.
she was going great with her first three albums but then the shift from country to pop to alternate to pop again and now whatever the hell the toilet paper department is supposed to be has lost her off the rails. Her albums are more suitable to her boyfriends than herself.
red- jake gyllenhall ( indie record that's much cooler than mine) but red is actually a very cool indie record
1989- calvin harris (or one could say harry styles), he is known for making upbeat electro pop music
folklore, evermore- joe (listening to his interviews and the type of intellectual, introverted personality he has, not to mention he actually worked on the albums himself with her seems like the type of music he would listen to).
and TTPD about matty healy ( which is not the most flattering album)
her dating life isn't about her finding a soulmate or true love. It's about finding a temporary muse. she sticks to them like a leech and sucks until she's done and then moves on to the next victim.
I was actually very excited about midnights because it was painted as her "seizing her own identity" and "returning back to pop" especially with anti hero, lavender haze, mastermind and yoyok I felt like this time it was about her and her demons. not some villain in her life. It felt refreshing after her constantly victimizing herself. I loved the stupid "I'm the problem, its me" thing.
Now, after every breakup, her latest ex boyfriend has to pay the price for breaking poor little taylor's heart. But since she had been with joe the longest and during that long period of her time, she never said anything bad about him, put him up on a pedestal, she was so in love and content that we, the audience who have been with her journey with her numerous boyfriends felt like he was the one. he's the best one. there are no more problems. but then this does not last either. At first neither of them revealed the reason for the breakup. which was fine and it probably should've stayed that way because when taylor started to reveal more about it, that's when things started to go south for her
she tried to paint him as the bad guy. like he was such a terrible boyfriend, he didn't want to marry her because he was depressed boo fucking hoo. being depressed is not as big of a crime as she tried to make. It also doesn't help your image when you confess to emotionally cheating on the alleged love of your life about a fucking nazi.
Miraculously this time taylor didn't get away with it. She didn't get to date the nazi. so she proceeded to throw a tantrum on her latest "masterpiece" about how she hates her fans and she's so miserable and depressed. again boo fucking hoo. dragging old drama with kim and kanye out of which she came out the winner but also dragging their child into this?? (like what did the kid do to you?)
I hate how everyone conveniently forgot that taylor dated connor kennedy when he was still a minor (she was five years older than him) and immediately after his mother died, bought a house in his neighbourhood to get in his circle and crashed his cousin's wedding and when the groom's mother asked her to leave, she ignored her??(what kind of psychopathic behaviour is this?)
Not to mention the lack of support for palestine, after wanting to be on the right side of history, per formative activism, fake feminism, stealing candy from olivia who's like half her age or something, using sabrina to rub salt on her wounds, blocking charlie in the uk charts, and now trying to re-write history like "I wrote folklore and evermore alone on the phone with aaron and jack" Does this woman ever stop?
She lost a lot of respect with that one. The excitement i felt for midnights is gone. she hasn't changed, she will never change. But I'm tired. I can't keep up with her anymore.
Now what's going to happen? I'll tell you what. she and travis will break up and then she's going to drop another "masterpiece" and bitch and moan about how much of a terrible boyfriend her was. And its going to be in the genre that travis likes because taylor doesn't make music about herself, always about her boyfriends. She's not going to grow up. But I have. I can't put up with her anymore.
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I Never Want To Fall Asleep - Masterpost
It's December 2022. You're the tour wardrobe coordinator for rock'n'roll band Greta Van Fleet. You find yourself inexplicably pulled toward a certain guitarist, and he you, as much as you try not to be.
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Pairings: Jake x Female OC, f!reader x Female OC (mentioned), Jake x f!reader, Sam x Female OC, Josh x Male OC, Danny x Female OC
Warnings: +18 content, angst x1000 (crying, arguing, swearing, depictions of depression/panic attacks, mentions of cheating and open relationships, miscommunication), marijuana and alcohol use, cigarettes, mentions of alcoholism, mentions of religion/anti-religion, mention of divorce, eventual smut (kissing, masturbation, sex, very vanilla and fluffy), Christmas
Real people used as fictional characters: Jake Kiszka, Josh Kiszka, Sam Kiszka, Danny Wagner, Karen Kiszka, Kelly Kiszka, Ronnie Kiszka, (Josie, Daniel Sr and Lori Wagner are all mentioned)
Disclaimer: it took me a while to come to terms with writing real people as characters in this story. As an avid fic enjoyer, sometimes I struggle not to get the ick when real people are written about because I don’t want to be invasive into their personal lives, especially when it comes to the family and friends of celebrities because they didn’t choose this. Please take everything written on this wild and wonderful internet with a grain of salt and know that the characters in this story ARE NOT REAL. They are fictionalized versions of rlly hot celebs and are completely original characters other than their names and looks. I have chosen to use the real names of their siblings and parents to keep the world feeling authentic, but I have literally nothing to base these characters on so I am fully making them up. I do not know any of these people personally (and I’m gonna assume you don’t either) so let's just stay weird over here babes and respect their privacy and leave them alone xx
I Never Want To Fall Asleep - Character Gallery
Word count: 52k completed
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 - Part 1 | Chapter 8 - Part 2
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We all know that Drew and Daisy are generally regarded as polar opposites. In almost everyway personality wise. They are so different in that regard, that it's hard to see past.
Daisy is outwardly sweet, and caring. She'd never bully anyone, and until you get to know her it seems like she couldn't hurt a fly. She's extroverted, and soft around the edges. She's well known for just generally being kind.
Drew is the complete opposite. He's cruel, constantly saying thing he knows will cut deep to others. He's quiet, always having a stoic expression on his face. Or his signature death glare when he's mad. He's known for being a bully, and putting others down constantly.
Their differences are even visually represented in their color palette. Daisy with bright, pastel colors. The white in her hair, and the blues of her outfit. White in the innocent looking ruffles in her clothes as as well, and her bright blue or gray eyes. Where as Drew has a much darker color scheme. Dark purple/magenta hair. A black hoodie, dark pants and dark shoes. Brown eyes.
Daisy looks the innocent, angelic child. Where Drew gives Angsty, post emo phase, teenager.
The ultimate good in the series versus the ultimate bad. Darkness versus light, good versus evil. Characters who are seemingly the anti-thesis of each other.
Still despite this, they actually do have quite a few parallels to each other.
For one, they're both fiercely protective and loyal to those they care about.
We see this in Drew during the Jomies flashback sequence. They're all standing in the hall and one of Jakes former bullies walks up and starts to try and lay into him. He outwardly declares Jake a loser. Makes it known he wasn't exactly well liked.
And instead of abandoning him, Drew sticks up for him. This kid who we can assume he's only known at most a couple of weeks. Yet Drew had already grown fond of Jake, attached. So despite learning that Jake was considered a loser in Middle school, he stands up for him. Despite probably knowing Jake is someone he would've picked on, he turns on Jakes bullies.
Daisy actually gets a similar-ish scene in her own flashback sequence.
In that sequence we see her walking up to a lonely and sad Jake, sitting on the steps of the school by himself. She returns his notebook she found trashed, declaring his bullies to be the truly lame ones, and calling him cool. Despite just meeting him, despite hardly knowing him.
We also see her fight to help him. Going to Sean, learning about what occurred with the Music Club. We see her fired up, almost angry. She tells Jake he has to fight for what he wants.
In these instances, both characters are proving their loyalty to Jake, and their protectiveness over him. As well as their willingness to help him in situations were he cannot seemingly help himself.
They also parallel each other in terms of homelife.
I've heard from people that Rosy has confirmed that Drew does not have the best homelife. But just in case this is un true, I always put this disclaimer in here, that it's only what I've heard. So take it with a grain of salt. Regardless it serves me well here, so in case it is true I'm adding it. Even if its not that boy reeks of daddy issues, so I don't feel bad making assumptions or inferences.
Daisy, in show, also has a turbulent homelife. Talking about how she feels overwhelmed and pressured by her moms to overachieve and be perfect in everything.
They're both also insecure. Really, really insecure. I think where it differs is how they're insecure, and how they cover that insecurity.
Daisy is insecure about being imperfect. She feels like she might never be enough, as we've just established. This, obviously as a result of her bad home life. And to mask this insecurity, she takes on more activates. Does more to prove to the world she is perfect, and enough. Even if it burns her out. Even if she can't ever truly prove it to herself. She also puts on a mask of confidence. We rarely see her break down, just when she's with Sean. but every other time we see her, she seems perfectly self assured. Even though we know that's not the case. Lastly, she tosses herself into fixing other peoples problems. We see her do this with Jake, despite her own struggles we know her to be going through.
Drew is different. Drew is insecure about his relationships with other people, also as a result of his home life. He is scared he'll be abandoned by people, and is worried that if he loses control of those he cares about they'll really leave. To mask this, he projects his issues onto other people, bullying them. We see this when he calls Hailey a control freak, even though we all know he's the true control freak. And we really see him start to lash out as the series progresses, as the possibility of Jake leaving him grows larger and larger in his mind. And we see it in the 'Drake up' fight. When he feels Jake slipping once and for all, he snaps. And it's not pretty. And his defense mechanism in the end of it all, is to call his closest friend a freak, and walk away.
Despite they're different coping, masking methods, they both have insecurities sprouting from their home life.
There's honestly probably more, but I can't really remember them right now. If I do, I'll probably make a separate post.
I do believe though, that by paralleling Daisy to someone like Drew, it benefits her character. And vice versa.
By paralleling a character to someone who is seemingly opposite to them, you can get really interesting interpersonal dynamics. As well as an exploration into, in Daisy's case, darker parts of your character. It also gives her depth as a result.
Really these two just plague my mind. I really would like to see some interactions between them. I think they'd make a great duo, with so much story telling potential. So many routes to take this dynamic.
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blimbo-buddy · 10 months
wait i have a question . isnt ravenbarley technically canon. comfirmed by a writer idk and also one of the artists i can't remember the name of (the artist that did the graphic novels)
like ofc we dont see it in the books but it's there? idk
Author statements should be taken with a grain of salt more often than not. The authors are incredibly vague with their relationship and it's obvious that they just don't want to write in any kind of representation. An Erin going "Well I see them as mates!" isn't canon because it's simply a statement.
And here's the thing, I don't even think it's other anti-lgbt+ countries stopping them, Wings of Fire has a few canonically lgbt+ characters and that's barely changed much when released in countries that don't like gay people. RavenBarley isn't really canon, TallJake isn't really canon, hell, even MothPool isn't canon. MouseFur will never be canonically aro, ShadowSight will never be canonically aroace, FlipClaw or Jake will never be canonically bisexual. To the authors, TallJake, RavenBarley, MothPool, etc, are just "good friends" with each other and nothing more.
And also, while I think the inclusion of gay characters would be nice, it feels off-putting that some people say that they'll love the series again if they put in a gay character all the while they ignore the blatant sexism, racism, and various amounts of anti-indigenous writing within the text. Why would you only care about the series if whether the books have a gay cat or not? Why do you only care about that and not the blatant stereotypes of Native Americans being casually written in? (Not directing this at you by the way)
But anyways, RavenBarley isn't canon, never will be, and I think we need to stop trying to give Erin Hunter credit where it isn't deserved. We'd be better off supporting projects and stories and such that incorporate lgbt+ characters into the writing
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ripnevillestrevor · 2 years
our fortress— chapter two
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pairing: jake sully x “reader/oc” x neytiri
summary: i had nowhere to stop, no rock, no island, nothing. the emotions from the day finally burst through. the seams of my shock finally spilling open, tears cascading down my face in a sobbless sadness.
warnings: character “death,” my bad writing, blood, angst, sadness, starts off with “death” then ends with fluff, not proofread, LOWERCASE INTENDED
word count: 1,110
note: having some problems with the tags and my posts not showing up in the tags, but i uploaded this to ao3 and i would really like to keep up with both of these platforms and keep them equal. chapter one on tumblr = chapter one on ao3. again, this story is based on my avatar dr self. and will be written on my avatar dr backstory. comments/requests are open!
important: i do not allow my work to be copied, republished, translated, or reproduced. please do not use this story on wattpad or on other platforms. respect the author's work <33
waking up on a lone rock, big enough for a whole family of seals to bask on, i was alone. i knew i couldn't stay there forever, i had to move. though as the prevoius images of the akula attacking my ilu and me. having been knocked off ni'alu, feeling the burn of the salt of the sea entering my throat and nose, the attack had been unpredicted, i was not prepared. this is why i never do backflips in the water, i thought bitterly but jokingly. i hated the taste of the seas salt going anywhere into my body, merely the thought of the recent events of my day and how downhill it had gone made my throat burn, a small teal hand reaching up to rub at the skin.
we were swimming beyond the reef, we weren't supposed to be there. and we knew it, but we were having so much fun. it was getting dark, noticed by both i and ronal.
"it is getting late sister, we must go." i nodded, feeling the beginning of the cold spread throughout the water. our ilu's were starting to get anty, gliding through water smoothly beside each other.
ronal touched a glowing hand to her ilu's head, gently stroking it, "what it is aka'ula?" suddenly in between our ilu's came a large, long, and simply black akula.
i was stunned by the sudden appearance of the large akula, and I could hardly believe my eyes. i had heard stories of these creatures, but to see one in front of me was something else entirely. i gasped as the akula came between us, it’s large body forcefully pushing between us, through the water swiftly and gracefully. it was almost like ballet, how graceful it had been. i was taken aback by its sheer size, my hand moved from its previous position of clutching the saddle on my ilu, i fell into the chilly water below.
it split us up right down the middle, knocking me off my ilu and knocking ronal off hers as well.
"ney’ite!" i heard below the cold, musky water. i needed the akula to back off, it was still prowling around. ni'alu’s blood was tempting it, poor ni’aul i thought, but i need to do something.
just as i thought it, the water moved to my will, pulsating the water so the akula was alerted of mt presence in the water. i willed my arms and legs to move despite my shock due to the water listening to me? i was extra grateful for the extra skin on my arms and legs meant for this exact reason, to swim faster.
looking back, the akula was following me. i weaved through many rocks and reefs, i was surprised i had so much energy left despite the traumatic event that went down, not that long ago.
the akula was getting tired, i could tell, i just needed one more thing, then it would leave me alone. hopefully.
i swam in circles hoping it was at least starting to get tired. i then swam as hard as i could through a huge, circle-open reef. just as i expected, the akula ran into the reef, trying to shake the attack off. the akula then turned and swam away. i waited for a moment before surfacing and climbing on a nearby rock, my limbs were exhausted. and so was i.
before i knew it, my head was hitting the rock, and i drifted into an uneasy rest.
flashback over
i took a deep breath before looking over the edge of the rock, looking into the ocean.
the water looked less inviting when looking into it and seeing all the reefs, sea animals, and seaweed floating and swimming around. i dived into the now seemingly cold water, i swam for what had seemed to be an hour in random and various directions, not knowing where or what i was trying to go to.
after swimming until dusk, it was starting to get late and i needed food. i had nowhere to stop, no rock, no island, nothing. the emotions from the day finally burst through. the seams of my shock finally spilling open, tears cascading down my face in a sobbless sadness.
"please... help me," i called pathetically into the deepless sea in which i was floating in, helpless, all alone.
behind me, the water jerked with large intervals of waves, a large spritz of water shooting up into the air shaking me from my thoughts. i slowly turned to see a large tulkun, it's large beautiful body floating up so that one of it's eyes was lined up to my face.
my people had taught us of a lone tulkun roaming around our waters, an outcast. my mother strickly forbid us from trying to seek out the lone tulkun. when i was 8 years old, ronal had found her spirit sister in the form of a female tulkun, roa, she was called. somehow, i had felt drawn to her too, my mother had said it was a path of eywa i had unconsciously decided to take. but i didn't understand that, i chose roa? as ronal had chosen her first. so i was 2nd best? i didn't know how to feel about that. roa had told us during her first migration in our clans waters how long she had waited to have a child. she would be a great mother, both i and ronal had figured, she had such motherly instincts.
the tulkun had come closer, i guess i was too deep in my thoughts. it was worried about me.
"why are you out here all alone little one?" it asked me in my clans sign langauge, but in it's own whale type of way. luckily my mother had taught my sister and i so we could communicate with our spirit sister and of course so we could communicate underwater.
"i need help," i expressed through my tearful expression.
"what is your name?" it asked me, i had to stop calling it an it.
"ney'ite. what is yours?"
"i am payakan, i will help you. hop on." he lifted his large tailfin for me, urging me to swim foward.
i swam foward and onto his wide-reaching fin, i 'climbed aboard' laying my back across his cold, wet body. i wanted to ask him so many questions, where was he taking me, was he the outcast, did he know of the outcast? but as the soft lool of the soft hum his body seemed to have, and the darkness but such shininess of the stars.
sleep came easy for me that night.
return to my avatar masterlist
return to the main masterlist
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spade-riddles · 1 year
Honestly, some salt here but I just don't get the Gaylors who are so convinced bearding isn't a thing, and so afraid to talk about it, that they won't even entertain the possibility Jerklie is a lavender marriage and the kids aren't what they seem. I know it's a leap for some, but with everything Taylor is putting down, how can they not pick up on it?
Do they really believe she spent six years with Joe, pining for a relationship that was over nearly ten years ago now? (Which Karlie was supposedly "with" Josh throughout, btw?) Do they not think it would be kind of desperate and homewrecking of her to try and "win back" Karlie by playing these songs on her birthday, just weeks after she supposedly had a second child with the man she loves? Does that line up at all with who they think Taylor is? Half the show is crammed with Kaylor imagery! If they're not still together, all of this is the equivalent of Taylor still being hung up on Harry or Jake. To any grown adult her age, Taylor pining like this wouldn't seem cute - it would seem weird and unhealthy. But Gaylors would rather think that - would rather believe she's as immature as the hets think she is - than expand their horizons to include the idea that maybe their self-professed anti-hero signed off on a lavender marriage, so she could have kids while still in the closet.
I get why it appeals to younger fans to see her as this pining victim of Karlie's choices, patiently waiting for her love to come back to her. But older fans? How do they square this? Like, come on. That's really your view of Taylor? That's really how you're interpreting all those lyrics where she takes blame for being an asshole? 🎃 didn't make you reevaluate a thing, despite Taylor herself appearing to sign off on the messages?
No? Bizarre.
I said to a mutual just yesterday, that I believe a lot of these Gaylors know the truth deep down. But they have taken a public stance that Kaylor is over, so they are going to ride that stance to a crash landing. It is group think, and no one has the courage to say, 'wait, maybe I have been wrong, and the Kaylor's have been right all along.'
I truly believe that some of them stick to that stance just to be different from us, too. Years ago, we were a pretty big Kaylor fandom on here. But then one day a few people decided to go against the grain and become anti-Kaylors just to be different. That splintered people off, and I think some people got bored with not seeing Kaylor together so they jumped on board with the Gaylors who pretend they don't believe in Kaylor anymore.
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swiftie-blog-123 · 1 year
Fictional Characters as Taylor Swift songs
You Belong with Me: Archie and Betty (Riverdale)
Love Story: Arthur and Gwen (Merlin)
I Knew You Were Trouble: Shane (The L Word)
Welcome to New York: Jessie (Disney Channel's Jessie)
Wonderland: Alice (Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland)
Bad Blood: Prof X and Magneto (X-Men movies)
You're in Love: Alice and Dana (The L Word)
Look What You Made Me Do: Wanda Maximoff (MCU)
Don't Blame Me: Joker and Harley Quinn (Batman)
This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things: Gatsby (Great Gatsby)
Paper Rings: Hermione and Ron (Harry Potter), Jake and Amy (Brooklyn 99)
Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince: Graham and Megan (But I'm a Cheerleader)
The Archer: Aloy (Horizon Zero Dawn), Kate Bishop (Marvel comics)
You Need to Calm Down: Glee Characters (Glee), Young Avengers Characters (Young Avengers Vol 2), X-Men characters (X-Men comics)
False God: Annabeth and Percy (Heroes of Olympus)
mad woman: Wanda Maximoff (MCU), Morgana (Merlin), Bertha (Jane Eyre)
ivy: Rachel and Luce (Imagine Me & You)
tolerate it: Mr. And Mrs. de Winter (Rebecca)
no body, no crime: Maxim and Rebecca (Rebecca)
gold rush: Hulkling and Wiccan (Young Avengers)
Lavender Haze: Carol and Therese (The Price of Salt)
Midnight Rain: Jo and Laurie (Little Women)
Great War: Harry Potter characters (Harry Potter), Merlin and Arthur (Merlin)
Dear Reader: Jo (Little Women)
You’re On Your Own Kid: Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson), Karolina Dean (Runaways)
Anti-Hero: Allison DiLaurentis (Pretty Little Liars)
Vigilante ****: Harley Quinn (DCEU)
Carolina: Kya Clark (Where the Crawdads Sing)
I’ll add more as I think of them! Give me suggestions if you have them!
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I don’t really understand why people will say that Avatar is a white savior story. Of course, I myself am white so take my perspective with a grain of salt. But I feel like a lot of the stuff that people will point to and say that makes Jake a white savior is also just stuff that goes with being the protagonist. Being able to become Toruk Macto thanks to a stupid plan, being the prophesied chosen one, I feel like that’s standard protagonist stuff. There’s also the fact that the two biggest villains are a) the greedy tech corporation guy and b) a military commander who is also a raging racist, both of whom are also white. I feel it would be very hard to come away from this movie saying that the people bent on colonizing a world and wiping out its inhabitants were in the right.
I would understand the argument that Jake is a white savior more if he had spent more of the movie trying to make the Na’vi act like Americans. But I don’t really see that, personally. To me, his actions start from a place of just following orders, “learn their ways and get them to move so we can have their resources,” but he slowly realizes that he can’t do that. He learns their culture and he respects it, and he wants to help preserve it. His solution to the Omaticaya losing to the humans isn’t “you need to fight like the humans do,” it’s “you need more backup.” I associate white saviorism with the idea that the colonizer’s way is inherently better and will lead to indigenous culture being wiped out. I don’t think Avatar reflects that.
I’m not going to say the story is without flaw. James Cameron has made some less-than-pleasant comments on the Lakota people, and I do feel that the way the Na’vi are portrayed isn’t always the most respectful toward the indigenous cultures the inspiration pulls from. I could say that by the second movie, Jake’s upstaging Neytiri could lend more to the white savior reading. However, I feel that while the story is flawed, it doesn’t lend itself to a white savior reading as extensively as some interpret it. I do believe that at its core, the story is anti-colonialism, anti-imperialism, and pro-environmentalism. It also makes a point that if we don’t take care of our planet, those that come after us will look for a new place to colonize and if we aren’t careful, we’ll destroy those worlds too.
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jjunieworld · 2 months
are you a jay bias? you seemed so hyped up abt writing him 🙄 i guess we already know who’s the main character in the salt under the sea
i’m not really sure what you’re so mad at?? like do you just hate jay or something? cause if so you can kindly leave. i will not have antis of any enha members on my account.
as it clearly states in my about the author, my bias is sunghoon😭 but does that even matter? i happy to write about all of the members!! and i will continue to be happy writing for them. and as i stated in the last ask you sent, this is jake’s part of the story. as it clearly states in the series masterlist. so the main character is jake.
as of now, there’s no reason for jake to be in jay’s part of the story. that’s all i’ll say about that.
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denimbex1986 · 10 months
'The last of the specials, “Wild Blue Yonder”, ended on quite the cliff-hanger with our Fourteenth Doctor (David Tennant) and companion Donna Noble (Catherine Tate) warned that the world is coming to its end by the legendary Wilfred Mott, played by the late Bernard Cribbins.
What follows is an exciting nearing sixty-minute epic that dives deep into the history of the Doctor, all while brewing up to a fantastic debut for the Fifteenth Doctor, played by Ncuti Gatwa. Not to mention the grand return of the Toymaker, here played by the incredible Neil Patrick Harris...
The 60th Anniversary Specials have long been known to be home to one of the Doctor’s most iconic villains from the classic era – The Toymaker. A powerful being from his own realm, the Toymaker is back in the Doctor’s universe to cause chaos with his games.
While we don’t know why that is until the special leaps into action with our Doctor and Donna duo running to save the day, the Fourteenth Doctor notes that the Toymaker has managed to leave his realm of existence because of the salt the Doctor cast at the edge of the universe back in the previous special. This enabled the elemental force of the Toymaker into our universe, bringing his giggles along the way.
The Toymaker is featured in this special’s cold open, with one of John Logie Baird’s assistants coming to his Soho emporium in 1925 to buy a doll. This doll, bought and sold to no longer be with his doll family (yes, you heard that) is later used during Baird’s first televised demonstration, of which burns the doll’s face into something evermore so creepy.
Following our creepy cold open, we find that the reason for everyone going mad is because they all believe they’re right. It’s as if everyone has been blasted by a laser ray gun that turns everyone into Harry Wormwood from Road Dahl’s Matilda. His quote to his adopted kid Matilda – “I’m right and you’re wrong, I’m big and you’re small, and there’s nothing you can do about it.” – pretty much sums up humanity’s motives throughout this special.
After managing to get Wilfred to safety, we find our Fourteenth Doctor and Donna being transported to UNIT’s new headquarters, that of an Avengers Tower rip-off if I ever saw one. Jemma Redgrave returns as UNIT’s chief scientific officer Kate Stewart, with returning Doctor companion Mel Bush (Bonnie Langford) now working with the taskforce.
UNIT’s answer to this madness is through these bracelet-type devices called the Zeedex, created by the Vlinx, a robotic alien assisting UNIT. Kate manages to disable her bracelet to show-off just what we’re dealing with this special.
A lot of the motives behind the Toymaker’s meddling with humanity stem from the Toymaker’s own fascination with us. He loves how complex but simple we are, how online the world is nowadays, and how we don’t like to be wrong. While the show often portrays evil aliens as antagonists, this last special instead is a mirror to humanity. We’re the villain of the week, even if we’re being pulled by the strings of the Toymaker.
The special depicts news montages with those affected by the giggle, with the UK Prime Minister saying how little he cares for his people, and a far-right spokeswoman issuing her anti-Zeedex remarks to her viewers. Davies sure knows how to creatively spice his specials with underlying political messages in quite an imaginative way. And who would want anything less than the very King of Doctor Who himself.
Wasting no time, we find the Doctor heading to face the Toymaker back in 1925 with Donna at her side. Encountering the Toymaker in his emporium, the pair chase after the powerful being into the back, finding themselves in an endless corridor (not another one!). This allows for some tension to loosen amongst Tennant’s Doctor and Catherine’s Donna, with them being there for each other once more as great friends.
This chase for the Toymaker doesn’t last long, however, with the pair seated for one of his puppet shows once they escaped the many doors throughout that pesky corridor. What follows is a tongue-in-cheek breakdown of the many fates some of the Doctor’s companions have had, from Amy Pond all the way to Bill Potts.
The Doctor has had ENOUGH at this point, and invites the Toymaker to play a game – one of the many things the Toymaker specialises in, outside of impressive dance scenes to the Spice Girls of course. They play cards, one of the oldest games ever, but unfortunately the Toymaker wins. You’d think all hope is lost but the Doctor recants how he won previously against him, referencing the game he played with him back in 1966’s “The Celestial Toymaker” with the First Doctor. The Toymaker, of course, suggests a best of three, taking the game back to 2023 for a winner takes all.
Both Doctor and Donna mark their way back to UNIT headquarters, but before this next game can take place, the Toymaker manages to cause further chaos at UNIT HQ, with a violent dance scene to the Spice Girls’ song Spice Up Your Life. You can tell Russell T Davies saw the Master’s Rasputin montage in the Power of the Doctor and went “Oh I like that”, and put his own creative spin to it. RIP to those UNIT soldiers turned into balloons; the Toymaker would be sure to give Pennywise a run for his money.
Up on the UNIT helicopter landing pad, we have our final showdown between the Toymaker and that of the Doctor, joined by UNIT and Donna. Did anyone else get goosebumps or was it just me? Anyways, before the final game between the pair, we see our Fourteenth Doctor try to defuse the situation by offering the Toymaker to join him across time and space.
Infinite games amongst the cosmos sounds like a sweet ride, but for the Toymaker, humanity is his ultimate playground. Using UNIT’s galvanic beam, he shoots the Doctor fatally, giving way for an all-too-memorable regeneration sequence for the Doctor.
And then everything changes. The concept of regeneration, that of Doctor Who’s most fascinating way to recast its titular character, has been altered in quite the way. Expecting to change his face one more time, David Tennant’s Doctor utters ‘Allons-y’ before realising something isn’t quite right. He tells Mel and Donna to pull at his arms, which splits the Doctor into two – the 14th and the 15th.
Ncuti Gatwa’s Fifteenth Doctor makes his fantastic debut, albeit still conjoined to his 14th-self. Billed as a myth according to the 15h Doctor, bi-generation allows for both Doctors to co-exist. In quite the Davies-twist, this definitely twisted around the concept of regeneration in a way that was quite fresh for the show.
With the also-freshly-made Fifteenth Doctor here to support the Fourteenth & co, both Doctors play a game of ball with the Toymaker to finish him off once and for all. They win, and the Toymaker is sealed away from the universe for good, but not before alluding to his ‘legions’ already on their way for the Doctor.
I didn’t think I’d be saying this, but all’s well that end’s well in this Doctor Who special, with UNIT Headquarters at peace following this final battle. We do get to see someone with some pretty cutely red-painted nails take the Toymaker’s remaining gold tooth however, of which the Toymaker said to be containing the Master earlier on in the special. Davies sure is setting up his next era of Doctor Who for Ncuti Gatwa’s Fifteenth Doctor already, and it’s not been ten minutes since we’ve had him!
It doesn’t take much for questions to arise after this showdown however, with the pair of Doctors still only sharing one TARDIS. Using some leftover energy from the Toymaker’s domain, the Fifteenth Doctor literally throws his mallet to the TARDIS, causing it to duplicate. Turns out, even the TARDIS can bi-generate too in a way. This allows for both Doctors to have their own TARDIS, and co-exist freely without the other.
With the Fifteenth Doctor already excited for his own adventures, the special has been clueing into the psyche of the Fourteenth Doctor’s mentality throughout the special with how he has been shouldering all this pain from his past adventures which have been a bit too much for himself. Instead of throwing himself to more adventures too soon, David Tennant’s Fourteenth Doctor settles down for a bit with the Noble family, enjoying a meal with everyone and his former companion, Melanie Bush.
It’s not often you see a happy ending in Doctor Who, especially for the show’s titular Doctor, but the Fourteenth Doctor certainly got his, and truly earnt it. Before we cut to Gatwa’s’ Doctor ready to take off in his TARIDS, we end on the Fourteenth Doctor saying how he’s “never been so happy in [his] life”. Okay, if the waterworks didn’t already start earlier in this special, they definitely started now.
But what’s next for both Doctors? Well, we already know showrunner Russell T. Davies is leading the way with Ncuti Gatwa’s Fifteenth Doctor for his first series next year, but who knows when we’ll next see the Fourteenth. This ending truly opens the door to many new exciting stories and tales for both Doctors, and that’s exactly what you love to see as a whovian...'
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ccjinxxandjake · 1 year
Jake: *holding a salt packet* It’s just a little sodium chloride.  Jinxx: Actually Jake, it’s salt.  Jake: That’s what I said, sodium chloride.  Jinxx: Uh Jake, that would be salt.  Jinxx: *takes salt packer from Jake* This is iodized table salt, which in addition to sodium chloride contains anti-caking agents and potassium iodate, which is added to prevent iodine deficiency. So not only are you being overly pretentious by insisting on using scientific terminology for everyday items, you are factually wrong. Your arrogance is your downfall, you annoying little shit. 
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keeloves · 6 years
MY Top 10 Worst Male Characters
 Keep in mind this just my personal opinion! I would love to hear your thoughts but please keep them civil and respectful. Kicking off the list at number 10
10 Jake Salt (Famous in Love)
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Don’t get me wrong he is super cute/hot but ugh he freaking irks me! First of all he treats girls like crap, he is emotionally needy and as Paige put “Nothing is ever his fault” He slept with Lexi to try and get his script published into a movie. He slept with her for several days and when once he realized that wasn’t happening he got pissed off blamed her and then he ghosted Lexi. Yeah, I know what an asshole. He confesses his “love” for Paige at a press conference right after Rainer had a severe melt down. Then once he gets with Paige he treats her like crap and is emotionally abusive. He doesn’t move into the house she bought, he didn’t stick up for her when she said no to shots but instead helped pressured her into doing shots of tequila and she ended up getting so drunk that she ended up missing her screen test and he didn’t defend her when she was being ripped to shreds by a producer guy. Skip to like 5:28 and watch until 7:16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYMVnvjcfpY&t=7s This video was made by my dear friend @disneyfanforever3 This clip pretty much sums up why I can’t stand Jake. I am so happy Paige called him out on his bullshit.
9. Sinbad (Sinbad from Legends of the Seven Seas) 
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First of all he doesn’t deserve to have this movie named after him because he is a terrible protagonist. He speaks disrespectfully to women, and just ugh! He is okay letting his friend Proteus die for a crime he did not commit and and Sinbad would run off to Fiji fully knowing his friend Proteus that he has known since CHILDHOOD would be dead as long as he can run off to Fiji. Proteus said to Sinbad while taking his place “I know you would do the same for me” and Sinbad’s reply is “No I wouldn’t” like ugh dude you aren’t that loyal! So Marina is the real hero of the movie. In fact I go a little more into detail on why I hate Sinbad. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhD6mbhLJpY&lc=z23iz1vpsv3kyla3xacdp430q55un5sqk3m3zmlonvhw03c010c
8.Oliver Queen (Arrow)
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I have ranted on him several times so I will try to keep this brief! He is a womanizing manwhore. He serial cheated on his girlfriend Laurel with basically every woman including her sister Sara. He did nothing to make the situation better. This pic I used of him is him flirting with Sara at the Lance family dinner and this is the moment where I wanted to punch him in the face! Ugh god he is the worst. He cheated so much that he fathered a child. He abandon Thea after she got out of the Lazurus pit all so he could play house with Felicity and he constantly goes back and forth on his no kill rule. Oh and this Oliver is a knock off version of Bruce Wayne and he is a complete 180 of who he should be.
7. Mon El (Supergirl)
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I hate Mon El so much! He lied to Kara about who he was on Daxam yes I know Kara was judgmental at first but Mon El just planned to keep her in the dark the entire time of their relationship. He owned slaves and did nothing to correct the issue he just chose to stay with Kara. He called Kara his kryptonite which is something that can kill her literally so bleh! He disrespected Kara at every moment she tried to help him. He beat up another Aileen for money and he is so selfish. In fact how here is Kara chewing out Mon El’s ass out! Its very satisfying like “Paige Townsen Nothing’s ever your fault speech to Jake.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnHZInGzQ4w
6. Moses Puloki Dance Teacher (Lilo and Stitch)
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A while back I made a list of my most annoying cartoon characters and he is number one on the most annoying cartoon characters list. I put him on this list because he is an adult who lets Mrytle get away with bullying Lilo. He sees it happening before his very eyes and he does nothing to stop it and instead it always Lilo’s fault. He never asks for Lilo’s side of the story and he just assumes Lilo is at fault when she beats up Mrytle. At least that is how it feels. I have never once seen him say anything to Mrytle or her possy that follow her around. To me he is my least favorite character from Lilo and Stitch and it makes me wonder why he is a teacher in the first place.
5. Thomas Humprey aka Humps (Orange is the New Black
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He is an abliest piece of shit. He caused a fight all for a stupid bet. He gas lit Suzanne Warren aka Crazy Eyes and she said repeatitly she didn’t want to fight. The other gaurds are terrible because they went along with is bullshit and because of him this Suzanne beat the hell out of this other woman who also appeared to be mentally unstable because the other woman was insulting Suzanne. Suzanne beat up this other woman so much that this girl was bleeding and her face was bruised up. Two other inmates had to get Suzanne off of this other inmate. Yet all Humps did was laugh and said “Well I just made $20 bucks” Suzanne is left to cry and feel ashamed for something he started! He is so terrible he makes Pornstache look like a saint.
4. Pablo Money (Famous in Love)
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He is emotionally and phyically abusive He stole Jordan’s IPad and accused Tangey of cheating. He treats Tangey like an object to be had and he kicked the door of the room where Tangey was hiding. He is possessive,manipulative and ugh! I also put him on the list because he treats my favorite character on the show like shit.
3. Every Itteration of Harrison Wells (The Flash)
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I have gone on ar ant about why I hate this character so I will kep this brief as I can. The only Wells I will put up with are The original Earth 1 Wells Eowells (Season1) and Harry Wells. This character is boring, he is played out and he is just there to take up space and be a boring whtie character that Cisco has to play glorified baby sitter too. EoWells is terrible because he killed Barry’s mom, he killed Cisco and when Cisco remembers EoWells laughs in his face. Harry is awful, he faked an illness to guilt Wally into not moving in with Jesse knowing full Well that is how Francine West (Wally and Iris’s mother) died. He chokes Cisco, he also breaks Cisco’s things and never offers to fix them and he is just an ass wipe. The rest of the Wells are annoying because we don’t need anymore Wells and Sherloque Wells has annoying accent.
2. Ezra Fitz (Pretty Little Liars)
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I have also ranted on him a lot as well so bare with me. He stalked teenage girls, he got with Aria knowing full well she was going to be his student and knowing she was underage. He framed Spencer for something she didn’t do and because she was on to him. He stole her files and gave it to Aria which by the way is illegal to do. Then again what does this man care about what law he breaks he is all ready guilty of statutory rape, stalking and violating privacy. He hooked up with Alison and he should have gone to prison but instead he gets to live happily ever after with Aria. He ends up marrying Aria. Yeap that’s right folks he married the girl he groomed and stalked and manipulated. He even trapped her on a Ferris wheel. 
1. Damon Salvotore (The Vampier
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Ugh just thinking about him makes nauseated. He is abusive, manipulative and he ruined hi brother’s life and stole his girl and he is part of the reason why I have a hard time getting into the show. Damon is a serial rapist and serial killer. He raped Caroline, fed off of her and terrified her. He kills people Elena cares about just because she isn’t giving him what he wants. Man if Damon wants something he better get it now or else. I bet he is terrible in bed because three girls have bragged about how good Stephan is in bed and Damon only brags about himself. I say he is terrible because if he wasn’t he wouldn’t have to compel girls to sleep with him. He killed a pregnant woman this means he also killed a baby. He has no remorse for any of these things and he just relies on Elena to change him. The only time I can deal with him is when he is around Bonnie! Ugh I hate this character! He needs to trade places with Stephan and now the fact that Delena have kids together make me want to throw up my insides because it makes my skin crawl knowing Damon would father a child. Plus I think Ian Somerholder though he seems nice is not all that great of an actor.
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emo00skid · 6 years
Am I the only one in the fandom who actually sees Jake as a little shit?
He was in love w Paige and let her go bcs he was "noble" enough to see she needed friends more than a new relationship and but oh but only if she's not dating anyone else.
He was sleeping w Alexis for daaays to get to her producer friends and lashed out at Paige the minute he came back just bcs she had to go meet w Rainer for their job.
Then he literally dropped Alexis straight up ghosted her for not having the power to control the producing companies from thinking his screen write was shit. He was gaining nthing, so being nice to her and not treating her like a blow up doll w privilege wasn't an option anymore.
Then he went to Austin or wtv and he just had to come to that one single conference to confess his love. He just had to do it in front of national tv, exactly on the first conference Rainer came back to do after a catastrophe, and made it all about him. He has zero empathy.
S2 and Jaige is on wtv good for him, he's making Paige happy, but oh wait, he's not, he's controlling her. He's so fucking possessive and selfish that the moment he knew Locked was back on, he lashed out. Paige, the one getting mils of hate, is the one making him feel better.
Paige tried so hard to make it up to him just for doing her job, even had a surprise planned and what was he doing? Lashing out about Rainer. And the moment he met Billy? He went all "nice Jake" again. See the pattern here? He gets what he wants, he's sweet, if not, it’s to hell with yall.
Another "nice Jake" scenario was literally last ep when he lost investors and Paige immediately apologised and still he had an attitude with her until she suggested the idea of meeting investors at Rainer's party. He literally went from moody to kisses how did no one see that?
He knew she had an early meeting after the party and bcs of his indie movie which he blames her for ruining, he guilt her into drinking and nvr stopped asking her to even when it was too much. He even lost her in the crowd after all that bs bcs he was too busy.
Rainer has been looking out for Paige day in and day out since day one and Jake has the nerve to have an attitude every time she gets worried about Rainer after all the shit he's been through. Rainer at least deserves her as a friend and Jake is being a bitch even bout that.
I close this rant w this. Only a lil fboi would sleep w a girl for days to get a career jump start then ghost her AND talk shit about her every time her name comes up after she got useless to him.
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fablewoven · 6 years
//Jake is the WORST boyfriend ever. Just hanging out and doesn’t even know if Paige is okay. Didn’t check in. Doesn’t seem remorseful about the drinking...I’m not all the way through the episode yet, but fuck this guy. Go away. I don’t need you in my show anymore. Rainer didn’t even need to stay and he TOOK HER HOME AND KEPT HER SAFE AND STAYED WITH HER EVEN THROUGH HER VOMITING BECAUSE OF HER HANGOVER. I will go down with the Raige ship. Jake can go to Hell.
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gritsandbrits · 4 years
Everyone comparing Jake/Rose to Zutara but imo Jake/Rose is easily if Danny Phantom actually had the balls to make Grey Ghost canon.
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girlpower8900 · 6 years
Famous in love
My thoughts:
Yes Jake screwed up, and as the bartender said - anyone who is too busy for someone who went pretty far just for him isn't worth it. And I get he was there for big things and she also was disappointed and insecure, but she crossed the line. Jake had a Moment with Billy but nothing happened. Paige runs into an ex, spends the night flirting, and takes him back to her giant home for what I assume is gonna be sex. Was Jake a lousy boyfriend? Yes. Does that mean she should have cheated on him? Nope. This relationship is a mess
Also kudos to Tangey for shutting down the hate. Even though she's not on good terms with Alexis does not mean she'd throw her under the bus. Showing love by putting others down is horrible, and something that should never be done.
Poor Rainer. Everything's happening and Harper is too busy scheming to be a good girlfriend (what even is her motive with stealing the script from both Nina AND her new bf? I get why she'd want to create distance between Nina and Rainer but why give it to a different company rather than just to the other guy...somethings not adding up). It's no wonder he relapsed...
Also the power going out at the bar - her stalker was there. Might be the bartender, might be creepy dude from the parking lot. Who knows....
And oof on Nina losing her boyfriend over business. Also feel bad for Jordan and all he's going through but at least Tangey is there for him.
P.S. curly haired gossipy Tangey fanboy is annoying as heck
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