#anti feeding fanfics to ai
zoyalannister · 1 year
TikTok made me find out that some people feed AI with fanfics to get a finale when they’re incomplete, I hope my readers are enough civilized to not do that.
AI basically just copy and paste stuff and since I'm one of the few Gracetopher authors on Ao3 probably it will just copy the ending of other my fanfics.
And also I don’t want my works to be used for learning processes to copy other authors, too.
The only exception will be if I will ever write an Omegaverse, because apparently it bugs the learning process of AI. In that case, feel free to feed it to any AI you want.
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orlissa · 1 year
It’s your friendly neighbor fanfic author here. In the light of this apparent new trend of people feeding unfinished fics to AI to get an “ending,” and some people even talking about “blanket permissions,” let me just say this:
That is my anti-permission.
Thank you for your attention.
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i have a proposition to make to the fire emblem fandom in regards to ai bullshit: we makalov the face of the anti-ai movement depending on how different systems are set up, be it for those who write, those who draw, etc, there are likely ways to rig the system to overload the systems with specific things which is why i suggest we use makalov for this those who have played the tellius duology know he isnt exactly the greatest guy, and also know that mod goldmary seems to be the exception not the rule when it comes to how people view him as a character, so when people try to cheat by using stolen work feed to an ai to create some garbage about fire emblem? they can never escape that piece of shit no matter how hard they try, they'd be lucky if they even see marth no idea if it still applies but i know tumblr had it set up where each specific blog and side blog needed to go into settings to disable ai feeding, if that is still the case then it should be easy to just create a side blog just for the purposes of fucking with the systems when it comes to art just go nuts, don't have any specific things aside from putting so much makalov dna into the system that it thinks fire emblem lords have pink hair instead of blue, maybe purposefully fuck up the hands and other limbs and whatnot so they can never fully fix that issue meanwhile for writing, oh boy i got ideas, smut writers this is your time to shine! make the most nasty vile shit imaginable(while still being legal ofc just gross) and always include makalov in it, heck maybe mess the system up by ruining the lore on purpose and putting him in games he's not supposed to be in, want to have an ai write a fanfiction about awakening? too bad you lazy sack of shit you'll never escape this pink haired horse man no matter what timeline you try seeing as the purpose of these writings is to mess up any bot trying to create fanfiction this also means those who are horrible when it comes to writing can also join in! purposefully misspell and misuse words, throw proper grammar out of the window, and act like this is just how human language naturally works! also those who are good at writing can also purposefully not write good, though as a writer myself i know that is easier said then done at this point, it isn't meant to be posted to your main accounts but rather an extra expendable account just made for the purposes of ruining ai for fire emblem, or if we're lucky ai in general! tl;dr: it would be really fucking funny if this wretched bastard of a man named makalov became known for being the anti-ai symbol of the fandom
Terrible idea. There's already hundreds of thousands of fe images and fanfics in their database, a few pieces of makalov art and fics will not change much. Also making stuff specifically to ruin ai is just not a smart idea. Make something bc you enjoy it instead.
I know you mean well, but please do proper research before you suggest something like this :(
If you really wanna troll with makalov, then join the makasweep for cyl9 and vote for makalov!
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olderthannetfic · 3 months
Ok, wow, this is NOT the type of ask you seem to get usually, but this appears to be my best option...
I'm seeking out a post that is not particularly fandom-y in nature, but I was reminded of it after reading the earlier anon who was burned out from AI discourse - I totally feel the same way, and there was a really great lengthy textpost I reblogged a few months ago (read: "I read it any time from, like, April 2024 to almost a year ago......sorry") that I cannot find on my blog nor on tumblr in general - either because the post has been completely nuked from the internet OR because I'm just bad at SEO searches and remembering the keywords that were actually IN the post. I'm hoping it's a me issue or, if the post IS nuked, at the very least someone here remembers it and has an internet archive link or screenshot or something????
to get to the point, there was a post that was like (paraphrased, quote marks are not literal quotes):
"When it comes to the anti-AI crowd on tumblr, there's basically two schools of thought: people who completely hate AI and everything about it and are opposed to all forms of AI without even learning what AI really is. These people are stuck in their ways and generally can't be reasoned with.
Then there's a second group who are against AI for pretty good reasons - they really are worried that AI is gonna completely take over and steal artists' livelihoods, those who criticize it for environmental activist reasons, etc. These people generally can be reasoned with as they're truly misinformed, and in fact they would be - or already are - receptive to a less harmful AI."
The post then went on to compare AI to other forms of automation and made some really great parallels; such as bringing up the fact that stores that have both self checkout AND cashiers tend to be the best business models, because people who have their preferences can choose how they want to shop, AND we can utilize automated checkouts without completely getting rid of cashiers, which is obviously good for a lot of reasons.
It also debunked a lot of common fearmonger-y arguments against AI, i.e. explaining what "training AI" really entails, with some general copyright-critical philosophy in general. (I don't know the actual, like, political term, if one even exists, but basically they were talking about flaws with "intellectual property" as a concept - or at least how IP works today and why it works the way it does.)
There was also a really good addition to the OP's thoughts that I liked, with another user talking about: Essentially people who are gonna use AI would likely have done something else sketchy anyway, even if AI as it stands today didn't exist. For example, chatGPT isn't to blame for plagiarism. The people who use chatGPT to do their homework would, in an earlier time, likely go on Chegg / pay someone to write an essay / reuse their old work / etc. Likewise, the people who tell open AI to make artwork for them likely wouldn't make (or try to make) their own artwork anyway, nor would they even commission someone. They talked about how since fandom is so damn divided on the topic of AI, that the artists who DO feel as if their commissions are being taken away from them, or the writers who DO fear AI taking over fanfic.......well, to put it nicely, those people likely wouldn't really be losing many fans in the first place. You didn't lose a commission to AI - that person never would've commissioned you in the first place, and the people that do commission you hate AI as much as you do. You're not losing readers to AI - people who choose AI fics over yours are likely already the impatient type who can't handle waiting more than a week for an update, so they just make AI feed them 10k in one sitting! And the people who DO comment and read on your stuff, also hate AI!
I definitely did not agree with every single point made on the post (ie i dont think the self checkout metaphor was a great direct parallel logistically, but I def picked up what they were trying to put out and overall agreed with the general sentiment), overall it made a lot of really, really, really good points about the AI debate that I'd truly never considered before.
I know I've damn near rewritten the whole post myself now at this point but I also know there's a lot of stuff that I'm missing or that I just can't word and I'd love to know if anyone else has seen this post or has it on their blog in some capacity.
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jiminsass-istant · 2 months
TW: jicooking (fanfic)
Context: The jikook show is going to ruin me for any other show ever. I just know it. Imagine AYS is over and you go over to netflix and it's all meh, no jimin, no jk, no giggles. Then you go over to appletv, same. Then you go to hulu, same shxt. Nothing will ever come close. I'm already sick and wrecked and ruined.
It's the year 2045. I'm on my 118th watch of AYS. I have already watched it at 0.25x, 0.5x, 0.75x , rewinded, with zero volume, on Dolby speakers, streamed it in my present car and old car, in my tablet, office PC and smart TV.
I count the hairs on JK's arm, I can still count all 5813 of them. I have taken 648934984 screenshots of Jimin's bare legs. I take 1 more, just in case. I pause every time they "i am you, you are me". I wipe the single tear off my eye and continue. But this time, I notice something I have never noticed before. The whole tumblr community has churned and squeezed the 8 episodes and 3 behind the scenes every day, annually, monthly and biweekly, every tkker has been trolled, every anti has either moved on or is in an institution. But this.. this is new. I see it in the 7th episode. Did I tell you I'm on my 118th watch? I see the toothbrushes have been exchanged. What? They have exchanged toothbrushes. They don't care. They are gross. They are in love. Their dentist hates them. Wait. I gotta tell somebody...Does the jikook tag still exist on tumblr? Does tumblr still exist? Nevermind. I go to Xpro (twitter pro). I finally bought the premium. So now, it allows me to like stuff while keeping them private. Even I can't see my likes. But I do get a personal message from Elon's AI persona every month which is a review of my liked posts and how I can upgrade my Xpro xperience. The real Elon is de@d. He was ki!!ed by an Xpro bluetick bot account.
I need to let somebody know. I need to share my discovery with old buddies. Suddenly, I see a "JIKOOK LIVE TOGETHER" trending with 1566 posts. Pretty low, but it's there. A single person has hijacked the tag to mention S.Korea's govt. I come across a blurry video. A face with half moon eyes, biggest smile, waving from a big goth mansion's balcony. He is looking at the camera, he doesn't care. They are gross. A taller man appears behind him. He starts feeding him what looks like a large pancake. They are gross. Suddenly, I don't care anymore.
I don't care about the toothbrushes they shared 23 years ago.
I log off the internet to get a smoke. They are gross. I don't care about anything anymore. I'm sure of that. I'm sure now.
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jacqcrisis · 1 year
I feel like this post here misses the fucking point entirely about why fanfic authors don't want people making new endings for their unfinished fics with fucking chatgpt but thankfully the replies sum it up well:
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Fanfic is and always has been the middle child of fandom creativity that people often forget takes work and soul, just as much as other aspects of fandom.
It's generally completely free by virtue of the beast, a labor of love from the author, and dozens to hundreds of hours are spent on something a handful of people might kudos on. If you don't have a following of any kind, it can be a thankless, lonely hobby you probably can't tell irl people about because there's a longstanding stigma to writing fanfic outside of the fandom world. But at the same time, it's so damn rewarding to see people enjoy and get something out of your work and your imagination and your creativity while also growing your craft and being a part of your chosen fandom as a whole, which is why we keep doing it.
The idea someone would see that, read your work you spent hours of time and energy on, that you put more effort and heart into than you'd like to admit, and decide all of that was worth as much as something a plagiarism program could spew out in five seconds is disrespectful and insulting at best. Fanfic authors aren't asking you to not feed the machine out of some altruistic anti-AI high ground; they're asking you to give their creativity, their work, and their hobby that entertains you and extends the longevity of the fandom you're in the barest amount of fucking respect by not reducing it to a copy-paste maneuver into a chatbot.
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macabrecabra · 7 months
My feelings on the newest Tumblr snafu (AI bullshittery) is that it was always a matter of time. Nearly ALL major art sites now have some form of AI scrapping. My reaction is just going to be to learn how to use tools like glaze and nightshade to protect my art, continue to badger staff on how I politely dislike this (although it was inevitable with how AI companies are awful trash), and hope that more and more civil lawsuits get brought against these AI crap companies and bleeds em dry :I
This AI-plague affects us all. Always had. Even in sites that don't data scrap, third parties go in and manually feed stuff in. (this has happened to a lot of fanfic writers sadly...) The best way to fight this is to make a law AND some way to monitor these stupid AI-bro fucker nutters for plagiarisms. In the meantime, do what you can to protect your stuff. Opt-out, even if it is lip service, take every precaution you can and we will weather this awful plague together.
(ALSO It isn't even REAL AI if it can't do this shit on its OWN ye plaguebearing ratbastard pimple farters! Your AI is built on lies and poor understanding on what ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE really is! Everyone who makes AI has not the reading comprehension to even call themselves intelligent! Artificial Idiocracy be more like it ya anti-creative heathens! You snot-filled poop-nugget licking asspickles!)
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a-writers-blurbs · 4 months
A bit of a disclaimer ig...
Hi guys,
This is going to be a long post that sounds slightly rant-y & I'm going to apologize in advance for that. I am going to make exactly ONE post (this one) about this topic, and I will not be discussing it further or posting about it again. I will also not be responding to any negative comments but deleting them instead.
These are my personal opinions and [...not *trying* to sound rude, but there's no other way to say it...] a bunch of random people online aren't going to change my opinions.
My husband is an artist. He does canvas painting & draws comic books (think anti-hero dark horse). I paint furniture (kinda mini murals) & make chibi drawings. I've also been writing fanfiction since the late 90s.
That being said, this post is about AI art.
I get the controversy, I do. But I've heard this argument before, when fanfiction became more popularized. The whole "You're just stealing someone else's work & changing it up to call it your own" is (at its core) the same argument against AI. The only difference is that instead of you yourself changing it, you're allowing a machine to do it.
But I digress...
Over the last week, I have received several messages about my use of AI art. First & foremost, my stuff is appropriately tagged as AI.
Second, I don't sell or advertise these pictures in any way. In fact, none of them have been posted anywhere but here (as of 6/1/24).
Third, and probably most important, I DONT MAKE THEM FOR YALL. Fanfiction & fanart are a HOBBY. It is something that I do because I enjoy it and it destresses me. I DO NOT do it, hoping I'll get 1000s of followers, views, likes, etc. Every story I write, I print & bind for my library. I will now be doing the same with my AI pictures.
I have a condition that has a symptom called Maladaptive Daydreaming. Because of this, my head is full of an alarming amount of excruciatingly detailed & unrealistic scenarios and images. (To the point that it affects my everyday life).
I can't necessarily recreate the images in my mind without help & the only way to get rid of the random scenarios is to write them out. So I do write them. And now I use AI to help me get a BASE image. I do still go in myself and edit/redraw parts of each generated image to fit them to the characters I want them to represent. I do thus using digital art.
Granted, there's a whole other group of people that think digital art isn't real art... but that's a discussion for another day. Anyway...
I use AI art & will continue to despite some people's dislike. I will continue to delete any and all comments left publicly that are malicious, rude, or condescending. My stories & are are for me. If others enjoy it, great, that's freaking awesome. If not, there are literally thousands of other fanfic authors you can follow instead of me.
Again, I apologize, I know this sounds rude. But I need to be 100% transparent on this one. I am extremely grateful for every folllower & reader I have. I won't lie & say comments/positive interaction isn't a serotonin boost because it is. Yall also give me more motivation to actually complete a story vs. moving on to the next idea. But I'm not going to change the way I do things to appease someone I don't even know.
This is one of the few things I enjoy doing in my free time & have been doing it for 25 years now, and in the last 5 or so years ALL fandoms have gotten so toxic its hard to enjoy anything anymore. Last time it got like this, I simply stopped posting. I'd rather not do that again, but if people (who aren't even following me) don't leave me alone, I'll probably have to do it again, sadly.
But for now, hopefully this post will give people with different opinions to go ahead and block me from their feed. We're not going to agree so instead of wasting energy arguing, let's keep the peace & agree to stay off if each others feeds.
I won't judge you on your idea that you feel it's your duty to harass people over their choices & you won't judge me for enjoying something. 😉
Thank you for listening. Love yall & and I hope your day is blessed!
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haztobegood · 9 months
My 2023 Fic Fest Participation
One of the best parts of this fandom is the many many fests that we have! I love seeing all the creative themes that this fandom comes up with to inspire more fics year after year! Thank you to everyone that modded fests and created spaces that inspired some amazing works this year!
Number of fests: 5
Numbers of fics: 5 out of the 7 fics I posted were written for fests, and I also created a fanfic trailer for big bang!
Favorite fest/fic: @wankersday has been a staple for 5 whole years now! I've written every year and always look forward to reading the wide variety of fics that everyone comes up with. This year I wrote a short one inspired by Louis starting his world tour A Cure for First Show Nerves.
Fests you would love to do again this year (if they come back): I always love @1dtrickortreatfest every year! I've been challenging myself to write more spooky/scary ficlets for it each year.
Tagging: @disgruntledkittenface @reminiscingintherain @fallinglikethis @louandhazaf @allwaswell16 @lululawrence @uhoh-but-yeah-alright @beelou @kingsofeverything @jacaranda-bloom and anyone else that wants to share!
A list of my creations and reflections is under the cut!
A Cure for First Show Nerves for @wankersday E, <1k, Harry/Louis | Canon Compliant, FITFWT
I was very busy buying a house and moving during the first half of the year, so this is the first full fic I wrote and posted in 2023. I was struggling to come up with anything to write for the fest. Louis' tour started a few days before the fest and the pictures from that inspired this little oneshot just in time for me to add it to the collection!
No (Birth) Control for Knot in My Name multi-fandom event E, 3k, Harry/Louis | A/B/O, Breeding Kink
I saw this event on tumblr, billed as a way to feed AI learning with tons of A/B/O content, and happened to be working on this fic at the time. I was happy to contribute to the anti-AI cause and added my fic to the collection.
Ghosted for @1dtrickortreatfest NR, 666, Harry/Louis | Ghost Story
This one is based on a tweet I saw on tumblr. I saved it to my prompt folder a while back, and when I started looking for halloween/scary prompts, it jumped out to me. Based on the comments it looks like it was much more angst than spook, but I love the way it turned out nonetheless.
Chaos for @louisrarepairfest E, 100, Louis/Bodyguard | Drabble, Implied Dom/sub
I wanted so badly to write a long smutty fic with Louis and one of his bodyguards. But writing was so difficult this year, and writing smut was near impossible. I tried so many times to start this fic, but it wasn't getting anywhere. Putting a hard 100 word limit on it challenged me to create something with the exact emotion I hoped to capture in a longer fic, and I am still floored by how well it turned out!
Baking Memories for @louisrarepairfest T, 2k, Louis/Jack Cochrane | Christmas Baking Shenanigans
I could not stop listening to The Snuts after seeing them live in Minneapolis. Always was my top song of the year. I started to go down the rabbit hole of videos they've shared on youtube. And then this happened. Writing fics where Louis is forced into the kitchen is my favorite thing.
Art for take me back, take me back by @panye for @onedirectionbigbang
I created a trailer and moodboard for this big bang fic! There were so many cool locations and visuals used throughout the fic, so building a trailer to hype the story and fitting it to San Fransisco by Niall was a lot of fun!
Past summaries 2021 2022
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theheirofthesharingan · 7 months
Hi! Not sure what your stance on the entire AI art thing is right now, but there's currently a lot of uncertainty going on about whether or not the reblogging of art (from a blog that has third party sharing disabled to a different blog that doesn't have it disabled) will allow companies to feed the artist's content to AI. You tend to reblog fanart quite often, so this might be useful to know.
I'm as anti-AI as one can be in terms of creating art and fanfics. And yes, I have disabled it as well. We can never be too careful. I hope this obsession with AI is temporary and people tire of it really soon. :/ Thanks for the message. :)
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thedunesea · 1 year
Hi. How’s your day?
I just want to say I mostly agree with your post about AI writing. I am a student from science background but is enthusiastic about fictions. Also my native tongue is NOT English.
Because of my……rather unique background knowledge, I feel like I have a “weird” stand about AI writing. I feel like 99% people I know use AI writing tools wrong, either they don’t know how to structure their story, how to create conflicts, or how to communicate with AI writing tools.
In summary, they’re either bad at storytelling or bad at using AI tools.
In fact, I use AI writing tools just like your post suggested—I mainly tell them what sentences I would use to describe the scenery, and see if they have better wording than mine. Or I would ask them which adjectives to use here, as google translate is dumb. Or I would ask if a scene which is not from my own culture make sense, as I don’t want to bother any online folks on this matter.
Your post made me feel less guilty about using the tools. I am not sure whether or not it’s a good thing tbh but thank you. I wanted to have some research about this topic, but I got yelled by people’s angry anti-AI writing posts in my face on tumblr most of the time. Like—I get it, but I wonder am I the only one who has the similar idea on this topic? Then I found your post.
I feel like my main concern now is—by using those tools, am I making the “evil” in others’ eyes stronger? As there are news about AI writing tools using online fanfics to train their models, the tools themselves might be unethical.
Thank you again and hope you don’t mistake my message……I’m here to say “thank you” and try to have some conversations over AI writing.
Hello friend, I'm doing fine, thanks, even if quite busy with the end of the school year approaching. I hope you're doing fine too!
I completely understand your fears and your reserves, and I share them. I think that the issue at hand here has two faces we need to tackle. The first is the tool, i.e. artificial intelligence chat bots; the other issue, the really problematic issue, is the way these bots were trained.
My foray into chat gpt was as a teacher, not as a writer: I needed to assess the potentialities and the drawbacks of the tool, since I'm fairly sure I will soon have to account for it when preparing my courses and perhaps even to integrate it into my teaching routine.
I do think that the tool, if used properly, could be really useful for teaching and learning, and also for everyday life. It's like having a very calm, very proper, very family friendly protocol droid. You have to take everything it says with a grain of salt, but it can help you get what you need (i.e. starter bibliography on a topic you aren't familiar with). It can also be invaluable for the uses you described. AI isn't inherently evil, if (and this is a HUGE if) we regulate its uses in order to let it substitute human work only when that work force can be redirected towards more engaging and more useful tasks, and never as a substitute to human knowledge and creativity.
What is evil is the economic system we live in, and this brings us to the second issue. Chatgpt was trained on data provided for free on the web, data that were never meant for this. This in itself is unethical, and a gross misuse of the web. Honestly I don't care that my fics may have been scrapped, but I understand why people do, and anyway my own feelings on the subject are way beyond the point: this is another egregious example of corporations using people's time and engagement to scrap data and profit, and this is one of the evils of our time.
And yet we keep using evil tools all the time. I use whatsapp, and I still have a facebook profile, so I'm feeding data to meta. I am not vegan, and I know all the evils of intensive animal farming. I don't buy a lot of fast fashion, and yet all my clothes are made in developing countries, and I have no idea of the conditions of the workers there. Heck, the fridge I just bought because the old one broke down is produced by a company that used to produce in Italy but then delocalized to a developing country, firing hundreds of employees.
I couldn't have bought an ethical fridge: I don't even know if they exist, and even if they did, I couldn't afford them. I absolutely couldn't afford to only buy clothes made in Italy or Europe. I could go vegan, but honestly I don't really want to. I eat meat very rarely, I only eat local fish (by which I mean fished in Italy, I don't live on the sea) and I buy eggs from certified cage-free hens. I could get rid of whatsapp, but it would complicate my life to an extreme I am not willing to go to. I can't give up google suite because I use it for work.
One thing I don't do, for example, is order delivery food. That is a form of exploitation I choose not to partake in, because it's a choice I can make. Would I want to have pizza delivered to my house sometime? Yes, of course I would. Am I willing to put at risk the life of someone less privileged than me (delivery people here are mostly immigrants, often 40+ years old) to have my pizza delivered to me instead of getting off my ass and going to buy it myself to take away? No, like hell I am!
Why am I saying all this?
Because until I only buy handmade clothes and locally produced foods, only own ethically produced tech (HA!), never use products from meta or google again... Until then, who am I to lecture anyone on their use of chat gpt?
We live in an unethical world. This doesn't make us above reproach, but we have to choose our battles, and very few of us are really in a position to hate on others for the battles they choose - and those they don't.
If chat gpt helps you, get to know its pros and its cons: if using it doesn't bother you, use it! Chances are that the people that would get mad at you are probably using something unethical too - like driking milk, because the disboscation and pollution and soil consumption that are needed to produce our milk are far worse things than a bot scrapping the ao3.
I am sorry for the ramble, and I hope I didn't come across as patronizing: this wasn't really aimed at you, personally, it was more like a written train of thoughts, because honestly I asked myself the same questions you did when I started to think about if and how to incorporate these bots into my teaching routine, and this is the only answer I could find for myself.
[for the record, I won't use it for teaching, not yet: I want to get to know the tool and its training and all these issues way better before I decide to willingly expose my kids to it]
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docholligay · 2 years
Doc are you concerned that AI's will soon be able to write novels?
I was actually talking to someone about AI this morning and it reminded me of this ask.
I am hoping that the whole art AI thing blowing up has made people actually realize what AI actually does and why we all should have been against it in the first place, and maybe, just maybe, this will work, but I actually doubt it.
Like, AI does now, and always has, simply scraped information from the internet and reconstituted into the fast food version of whatever it's being asked for. I do not like this, and I did not like this when it was stealing work from translators, but apparently that made me hysterical and anti-technology and classist or whatever.
So I am a little annoyed that people are now like, "I never thought leopards would eat MY face!!!" about AI, basically because art got involved. But honestly I don't care as long as people actually do turn the tide on it. I can be annoyed. It's a survivable condition.
ANYWAY, am I concerned? I'm not a novelist, and I am lucky that the writing I do about TV shows would be very difficult for an AI to replicate. I'm not a copywriter, another job that is in a lot of trouble from this. So, from a job perspective, no, I'm not concerned. As far as fanfic writing, well, I've read some AI generated fiction writing and I like to think I'm slightly better than that, at the very least. But if I'm not I can probably still feed myself.
I do think YA writers should be concerned because it's a much less complex and formulaic form of writing that's much easier to replicate, and I don't mean that in a shady way at all, children's authors and picture books are in the same book.
But you know who should really be concerned? Colleges. Because you know what is the easiest form of writing to AI generate? Basic paper writing from kids that don't have a lot of analytical skill but can definitely regurgitate simple ideas in a format asked for by the prompt. College degrees are meaningless NOW, I can only imagine how much worse it'll get.
We're living in a hell of our own making! It's kind of like when I was telling everyone, YEARS ago, that putting a whole bunch of connected tech in our cars was bad, got called a grandpa, and now people are like, "BMW can just shut off your heated seats??" and I'm rolling my eyes in my 96 corolla that could be run off a potato.
I'm often accused of having a pessimistic attitude about tech, but in fairness, I'm not often wrong.
So I'm not WORRIED, in that it is not yet my job on the line, but I am so frustrated that I feel like fucking CASSANDRA about this tech shit, and everyone is like, "lol silly Doc!!"
Like when I say a cashless society is bad, actually, and makes you more easily trackable, every single transaction, and that it hurts poorer and homeless people, and that we should be resisting it, everyone is like, "But I love tap to pay!" and laughs at me for using cash everywhere.
We live in the world we deserve, I guess.
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Ask: Do you use the famous a.i character page? More especially the Leon Keneddy or Ada wong ? I use it even though the purpose of those things is to talk or spark your character with you. But I never like to gossip about my character. I love Leon and Ada sometimes joked that I would like to be Ada or Leon when I see when they kiss in RE2 things like that but nothing serious, I don't like to go to that extreme so to speak it's strange for me to sparkle myself with a fictional character ,character/reader to character/oc I feel that the ocs are mostly inspired by themselves (although of course I respect those who like that type of character/reader content, it's not my thing). I like ocs when they create children of the ship, things like that. I use the ai.character but for the Aeon. Sometimes I appear in the story but just to bring them together I like to be cupid or make fun of them. So I was wondering if you use it to put together stories with aeon? I do that although it is something fun but a little tiring sometimes because then I can't think of how to continue or the lion gets intense with Ada hahaha (that will depend on the answers you give or you have the option of having the Ai do the continuation alone ) PS: Sorry again if my English is not understandable.
i do not
i've openly said i do not support any ai usage that actively steals and profits off of non consenting artists/writers
many ai apps have already been outed as stealing and reusing art and even going as far as to put in a dead artist's signature after they recently passed away
an ai character app was outed for stealing fanfics because they got caught siphoning fics that had the omegaverse in it
in most cases most ai is going to be using content from creators without their consent
now, i'm anti ai but i understand that there are good usages for it but i can not publically support ai use. i understand that many people still use it and many do not understand the implications of it, but i can not fault people for using them
i will say that allegedly, nick apostolides has stated on a stream that he's uncomfortable with the leon AI generated voices and i've also stated that im extremely uncomfortable with these ai generated voices particularly because they tend to make leon say a lot of sexually explicit things. it can be pretty violating for the person who's voice is being replicated.
in relation to character ai, a lot of them tend to feed in fanfics so- it is technically stealing. SURE fanfics are also based on content that's not theirs. some character ai have also word for word stolen phrases and conversations from other media like tv shows/movies
it's all just kind of regurgitated content imo, and you COULD argue that fanfics are like that as well, but i just like the human-ness of it
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rosecentaur1916 · 3 years
The One Master List to Rule Them All...
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It’s you friendly neighbor fanfic author here. In the light of this apparent new trend of people feeding unfinished fics to AI to get an “ending,” and some people even talking about “blanket permissions,” let me just say this:
That is my anti-permission.
Thank you for your attention.
This is going to be the main Master List of All of the Master List's and Fics I write.
Please note that all of the corrections, errors, edits and so on are all me! I have no beta reader, and so all of the errors you read are mine.
Content Warning:
All of my work will always have a female reader. I also write smut.
I am a plus size/chubby, bespectacled, female and that is the only experience I know. My work starts out as self insert -- always. If you don't think that you will like my stories because of that, that is okay. Go find ones you will like. I don't need everyone to like my work.
Every fic starts out as super generic as possible. i write things basically from my point of view. Yeah, sure maybe that means I should make every one of these self inserts instead, but yk what? Sharing is caring. I try to write so that any sized person can see themselves in my "reader" character. Are there some things written that someone my size might not be able to do? Sure, but its fantasy right? I'm trying to have fun and work through some stuff. Is my writing the best? No, but that's okay.
I mostly write for me, and if there is another person who enjoys my work regardless of reader always being female that's cool, but I didn't write my work to appeal to the masses.
I wrote it for me, and then decided to share it.
Please note, that this would be the same if I were another gender, gender fluid or non-binary. Its based on who I am, not my audience. I admit its a bit self centered, but I started writing FF because there wasn't enough Cisco fics at the time. I filled a need, a need I had.
If my fics aren't for you, that's okay. Have fun finding fics that satisfy you and make you happy.
Enjoy! <3
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The Flash CW Fics
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His Dark Materials Fics
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One Piece Fics
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Oscar Isaac Characters
One Shot Collection:
A Thread Through Time
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Inside Llewyn Davis Fics
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Moon Knight Fics
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Across the Spiderverse Fics
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Revenge for Jolly! Fics
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Hart of Dixie Fics
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Head Cannons
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Theory and Non-Fan Fiction Posts
Reblog divder by @cafekitsune
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festivehanlon-blog · 7 years
500+ Follow Forever Binch
I just hit 500?? How?
Honestly I’m so grateful y’all like my low quality shitposts so in celebration I’m linking all my mutuals blogs and telling you why you should definitely follow them because they are the funniest and most talented people on this planet!! At the bottom there will also be a face reveal so you can see the grinch who only posts about ‘To Psycos In Love’
(members of the Bennywise gc will be bolded)
@meezui  Holy heck this blog is a M E M E ! Fantastic! Showstopping!! Spectacular!!
@you-suck-bowers Definitely one of the best blogs of all time, Bowers gang content, can always rely on their content to be 10/10
@birdbabestan Lyssa!! Funny and lovely and one of my favourite people in the universe!! My? Actual? Child? Do yourself a huuge favour and follow her n o w 
@beepbeeprichie Such a pretty blog!! Loads of moodboards, memes and amazing headcanons!!
@richiedenbroughs  Can you believe that amazing, incredible and beautiful are synonymous with Sarah?? Neither could I until I met this amazing person with one of the best gotdamned blogs! If you want go000od fanfic this is where to go
@staanuris Lmao if you’re in the ‘IT’ fandom you’re following this blog. Actual royalty, I am a humbled peasant and I feel like crying tears of joy whenever they reblog or like one of my posts. (Also responsible for 99% of the memes in this fandom)
@hauntedkaspbrak Y’all want hockey???? Y’all want fuckin quality memes???? This is where you get them kids
@polaroidreddie Headcanon R O Y A  L T Y  I tell you. I don’t know how it’s done?? Probably witchcraft tbh, but this blog is one which with no hesitation is one of the first and best blogs to follow on this site
@k-aspbrak So many Losers Club memes!!! A blessing!!! S T A N U R I S  CONTENT!!!!!
@toshitophchan Toshi !!! When I see your content on my dash it always brightens my day!!!! Can always count on for a m a z i n g stuff!!!! Also so nice and supportive!!!!! One of my favourite people on Earth?? More likely than you think
@httpsalien Livi!!!!! Oml, one of the funniest and coolest people I know!!! I always feel so blessed that I can call you my friend!!! One of the best freaking blogs to exist and so nice and talented!?!?! Ily so much!!!!
@kingdenbrough If you wanna follow a blog you can count on to post regularly this is the one!!!! 10/10 content!!! Your Mike Hanlon posts give me a reason tfor living t b h 
@exceededexpectations my tuMBLR CRUSH!! When you like or reblog anything of mine I actually s c r e a m!!! So nice and amazing!!! I   A D O R E all your content!!!!! On my handwritten list of mutuals, this blog is underlined 5 times
@edsrich Can you fucking believe they’re following a peasant like me?? Has written one of the m o s t   i c o n i c fanfictions on this site and is a blessing to all. Idc what you summoned to give you all that talent but like’ if there’s a ritual or anything hmu
@brightlykaspbrak Gorgeous inside and out!!! SO beautiful with words!!! One of the blogs I’d definitely recommend straight off the bat. INCREDIBLE content ‘nuff said!!!!!
@irl-richie-tozier Such a rad blog!!!! If you want your daily dose of Stranger Things content as well as IT then this is the blog to follow!!!!
@eddiessecondfannypack So nice!!! When I had literally no followers they would still talk to me even though they had the beEeEeEeEest hecking content. Whenever any of your posts come up on my feed or you like/ reblog any of my posts i’m so happy!!!!!
@etherealstanley How can one have such a beautiful blog with amazing movie and cast GIFS as well as memes on another fricking level??? Idk how it’s done but you achieve all of these things !?!?
@kaspbraket Their fics are some of the best things to exist!! So much talent!!! And so nice as well!??!? Whenever you pop up on my feed my day gets so much better!!!!
@bettyripsomsshoe oml M E M E S and amazing fanart rb’s  are the first things I think of about this blog, I feel like I’ve been following you forever and tbh you deserve all the followers in the world!!!
@oceanssurface You got GIFS! You got memes! You got 10/10 cast content! There was a cat GIF at one point which made me wanna cry bc it was so amazing! This blog has it all!!!
@trashboii-tozier All your content brightens my day!!! Such a large variety of memes it’s ridiculous!!! Definitely one of my favourite blogs!!!
@richietozzzier MEMES!!! FANART!!!! DOGS!!! I LOVE THIS BLOG SO MUCH!!!
@gazebos-are-bullshit Makes the prettiest gotdamn moodboards! Am blessed with your way of words as well!?!!? All around one of the prettiest and most original blogs!!
@spookerlymarsh Fucking  i c o n i c, your Beverie content is so good it’s not even in this plane of existence!?!? One of the funniest people on this godforsaken site and so nice as well??? Lmao you’re literally that person I want to be best friends with but am so intimidated by how cool you are!?!?! One of the first blogs I started following and I’ve loved a l l of your content!! 
@eddieweezyweezerkaspbrak I!M!P!O!R!T!A!N!T I only follow IT blogs really but I love to stay up-to-date on social justice issues so THANKYOU for having amazing fandom related content as well as really important global stuff too!!!!!
@reddie-for-death Tbh one of my favourite blogs ever!! I feel like we’re stuck in a cycle of mutual support and reblogs and whenever you come up on my feed or activity log aI always start smiling!!!! 
@richietczicr 10/10 content!! Fantastic! Amazing! Showstopping! Spectacular!! WhenI see your icon on my feed I know it’d gonna be some go00o0o0d stuff
@richiee-bitchyy R A D!!!! Amazing content!!!!!! One of my friends!!!! I wanna be you when I grow up tbh!!!
@wyattghouleff oml my current mood is constantly? crushing? on? you? and? your? blog? One of the first people I followed and I am honestly so humbled that you follow me!??!? Thankyou so much ily!!
@kingkaspbrak So freaking nice?????? A lovely person with a lovely blog and honestly deserves the world!!
@alexxlea3 Lmao my one IRL friend off this website, super rad pennywise content!! Just in general really awesome!!!!!
@ri-chietozier CHELSEA!! Probably the coolest person in the chat tbh, majorly crushing on your blog, it’s? so? good? Ily!!!
@january-emb3rs Gilli!!!!! The Q U E E N of Benverly and Ben Hanscoms no.1 stan! One of the nicest people I know and I’m so blessed to be able to call you a friend!!!!
@askyaboyrichie The cutest and funniest drawings!!!! I love your blog so much and when you followed me I actually screamed!!!! Whenever I’m bored I just stalk your blog tbh
@eddieconfettii You had a ‘Total Eclipse Of The Heart’ meme, meaning you automatically qualify as one of m favourite blogs of all time, your amazing content boosts that even higher, sorry i don’t make the rules
@wyttolff If I’m feeling down and I wanna cheer up all I have to do is look at your blog!!! Definitely on of the best blogs involving the it cast!!!!! You brighten my day!!!
@patrick-hockstutter  Y O U R  P E N N Y W I S E  M E M E S   A R E  I C O N I C
@punkwolfhard Reddie content!!!! Memes!!!! Wyatt!!!!! Anti-Fack!!!!! These are some of my favourite things and your blog has them all!!!!
So those are all my mutuals!!!! You all make me so happy and noah fence but I consider all of you as my friends 
So here is my face (sorry in advance lmao)
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