#anti cs fans
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slythereen · 9 months ago
lecfosi nation (or lhcult.. or oscar nation…) do we have a nice summary of carlos’s crimes somewhere or even just a starter explanation for why he sucks i swear there are some but now i can’t find them
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sassyandclassy94 · 13 days ago
I always get a little nervous when a new OUAT blog follows me because its been a long time since I’ve mentioned this is not a C$ friendly blog
Like listen, girlies. I drag that ship with joy and I’m often (though not recently) talking about how toxic it is and how h00k ruined Emma’s entire character.
So once again, here’s my annual disclaimer:
This is not a h00k/C$-friendly blog!
I mean you’re welcome to stick around and and enjoy my Emma and Snowing stuff, but I’ll never be a h00k fan, ladies, sorry
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fictionalnation · 2 years ago
Okay but Zelena is like the worst ouat character. I literally hate her and dont think she deserved being as much part of the plot as she was. She was just pure evil wanted revenge even tho regina did nothing to her and then stripped away reginas happiness lol this is definitely a zelena hater account. I loved the actress playing her tho but the character just agh so annoying i woulda rather had cora back even like tamara was more tolerable lol and even the camelot storyline was better zelena just no
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gch1995 · 5 months ago
I still stand by this OUAT. The writing and storytelling of canon OUAT ultimately served as great inspiration for fans to tell better stories of what could have been, rather than the garbage that the show became.
The Big Problems With OUAT’s Writing:
My favorite characters were Rumple, Belle, Emma, and Nealfire. Once Nealfire got killed off though, their characterizations and their relationships, as well as everyone else’s thereafter, went to total shit in canon. Adam and Eddy obviously couldn’t come up with any more than two-and-a-half seasons of organic or satisfying character growth for the original main cast, and it should have ended in 3x11, in my opinion. I’m pretty sure that Damon Lindlelof helped them out with the writing a lot for the first two-and-a-half seasons, which is why the story is at least coherent enough to be enjoyable up to 3x11.
But after 3A, Lindlelof’s plans for the show were butchered, Kitsowitz completely took over the show with Captain Fuckboy, PLOT, and making money their main focuses, so they kept it on air for the next four-and-a-half seasons not knowing what else to do now that they had run out of new story. Thus, it got to the point where it essentially devolved into such badly written crack!fic soap opera on screen by the end of 5A where the writing for everyone’s characterization had become so unbelievably OOC, annoyingly self-contradictory, changeable, hypocritical, illogical, melodramatically problematic, and toxic in favor of the PLOT that I had to quit to preserve my sanity.
I enjoyed reading Rumbelle fanfic moreso than the actual show because it made sense and felt more satisfying, well-written, in-character, and entertaining than the nonsensical toxic garbage the show had devolved into.
After 5A, Eddy Kitsis said in an interview that he thought “good storytelling” was making sure the audience goes “WTF? This makes absolutely no sense! This isn’t fair! This totally contradicts everything that I was shown before, and feels too stupid, too contrived, and too OOC to even believe possible.”
It wasn’t worth getting emotionally or mentally invested in this show or any of the remaining characters as written in canon anymore post 3A because A&E and these writers formula kept becoming more and more of “We’re doing our jobs if we can trick our audience after deliberately teasing them by dangling the carrot of organic growth of character that we’re too lazy to follow through on by yanking it away from them as soon as they start making logical predictions abruptly, cruelly and inorganically with constant twist of ’HOLY SHIT, CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT JUST HAPPENED?”
When Eddy basically said that at the end of 5A, I realized I was done with having any hope for this show, and I decided to finally quit watching after 5B because I knew every time something started to seem to make sense and go in a direction of organic growth for the characters, A&E and these writers would deliberately pull the rug out from under them and their audience for trying to get invested in them with some inorganic contrivance that ruined everything in an unfair way that made no sense and never would make any sense in canon from what we were led to believe would happen beforehand on this show by them because that was the whole point: A&E and these writers so often didn’t want you to make sense of their show because they were lazy hacks who didn’t know how to write a cohesive plot or organic character growth/realistic characterization after 3A.
They admitted that they liked whiplashing their audience for using common sense and logic in regards to fans whenever the story and the characters would seem to be potentially headed in a way that would make sense. They considered that “genuis” storytelling with their overinflated egos, rather than just very cruel, mean, lazy, and low bad writing that ultimately destroyed most of their main characters’ credibility and their fans willingness to stay emotionally invested in their canon show that the creators/writers refused to let unfold organically in a way that made consistent sense long term.
Instead, they used a constant series of contrived magical macguffins and twists of “WTF just happened? This makes no damned sense from what was just previously established on screen, and does not at all relate to it! This is unbelievably absurd! The characters would never do or say this shit in real life!”
It destroyed the credibility of most of their characters’ in canon and their fans willingness to stay emotionally invested in their show, and it was insulting, especially when you had showrunners like Eddy Kitsis admitting to the fans “As always with this show, once the audience gets onto what we’re doing, we have to change it.”
When they said “We hope things will be ‘fun’” for the character assassinating, wildly OOC, nonsensical, and melodramatic garbage writing of 6A for Rumbelle with the Morfetus bs twist or in 5A of the Dark Swan arc, they didn’t mean that we would necessarily be legitimately entertained as an audience when they threw in a character destroying inorganic magical contrivance or bizarre twist out of nowhere that forced the characters into weird directions that made no sense from what had been previously established.
Adam and Eddy meant that they would be having fun pissing those of us in their audience off by insulting our intelligence and common sense by constantly giving us inorganic contrivance of OOC characterizations, magical macguffins, and bizarre PLOT twists and contrivances that didn’t consistently, logically, and thus satisfyingly add up with what had been previously established, rather than entertaining us with organic character growth that made satisfactory sense by letting our predictions for characters come true in their sheer laziness to slow down and write organic character development.
There were even hints of this problem before 3B-S7 that I was seeing potential for in 2B. OUAT could have gone strong for longer than two to three ish seasons if A&E and these writers had slowed down from 2B, not gotten obsessed with Hook, not gone to Neverland, and not gotten so obsessed with the next big, bizarre, and contrived magical PLOT twist or macguffin that, oftentimes inorganically forced their characters to 180 regress in ways that made no sense for moments of “HOLY SHIT! WTF JUST HAPPENED?”
I have no problem with characters regressing when it’s done organically, slowly, relatably, and realistically. The problem with OUAT was that they used inorganic contrivances to push them back-and-forth between increasingly bizarre extremes that made no sense, rather than focusing on human or realistic motivations to get them from point A to point C organically. It felt fake, and it felt forced. I know it was fiction, but it felt like lazily badly written fiction when the characters swung back-and-forth by the writers playing God with them on the strings of their asinine PLOT twists inorganically.
It had gotten beyond exhausting trying to invest in a show run by petty hacks who were never going to allow their audience’s common sense and intelligence lead them through an organic path of growth for these characters with the writers dangling the carrot in front of them for a story that actually could make sense, and then abruptly, cruelly, and inorganically yanking it away from them with an absurd twist because they were too lazy to come up with any more ideas for organic character growth after 3A.
Let’s talk about Hook and CS becoming such a main focus on this show, and the romantic male lead/couple.” It’s not that Hook couldn’t have been organically developed into a sympathetic character worthy of redemption in his own right. A&E couldn’t write that, though. He also didn’t fit together with the ensemble main cast in the place of Nealfire as Emma’s main love interest. He and Emma had absolutely no chemistry. Hook’s sudden interest in her was bizarre and creepy.
Then, they killed off Nealfire through absurd means for Hook to take his place in the picture where he didn’t fit in the family circle, so they could have CS. They broke their own rules to bring Rumple back from the dead to turn him into the wildly OOC on-and-off-again “big bad” scapegoat cartoonish villain PLOT twister “foil” to Hook, even after having been given two-and-a-half seasons of the most well-written and well-earned sympathetic reforming anti-villain/tragic hero backstory and redemption arc from S1-3A. They destroyed Emma’s, Belle’s, Snow’s, David’s, and even Henry’s original sympathetic characterizations by obliterating their self-respect, intelligence, self-awareness, and moral integrity, so that they could inorganically force this bullshit narrative of Hook/CS being the “best hero” ever in a world of now meaningless, shallow, and simplistic black versus white hypocritical morality that Nealfire and the common goal of family balanced out with a sense of realism, common sense, organic growth and emotional depth that got lost with his death in favor of contradictory character destroying magical PLOT-twist driven Drama™️ soap opera “hero versus villain” fuckery and Hook/CS.
No wonder they lost more and more viewers as every season passed…Getting emotionally invested was no fun when the writers deliberately pulled the rug out from underneath your favorite characters whenever things started to seem making sense by totally ruining it with some bizarre magical contrivance or characterization that doesn’t add up to what we were shown before, and your logical predictions for stories that made organic and consistent sense for character growth were mocked by these writers because they refused to slow down and develop the characters after S1-3A. You were punished for being smart and using common sense, and that’s why most of these main characters’ credibility and integrity got completely destroyed in one way or another by this very lazy, petty and unfair bad writing technique of theirs that made them mostly feel like pod!people after just the first two-and-a-half seasons of the series.
tldr; You could only suspend your disbelief by turning off your brain to disregard the bullshit writing choices on OUAT and just blindly enjoy the show by getting invested in the characters for so long as written in canon without asking any questions before the writing became too infuriatingly repetitive, too contrived, too OOC, too character assassinating, and too stupid to believe. Also, Captain Fuckboy ruined the show after 3A, and he should have died and stayed dead back in early S2. It could have been different if A&E were good writers who could come up with organic character growth, and not shoehorned him in as Emma’s love interest in a way that ruined the whole show’s dynamic and sense of emotional depth by replacing Nealfire with him.
Nealfire’s death was the metaphorical death of the show’s canon, though. My personal headcanon was that the real show ended with “Going Home” (3x11) because that’s the last time there was any sort of compelling, consistent, organic, realistic, or relatable characterization or growth. After that, it all went to hell (literally), and I had to finally quit watching after S5 to preserve my sanity before anything got any worse, and on this show, it only would because A&E and these writers never learned.
A&E didn’t trust or respect their audience, so after awhile it felt like why should I respect their shitshow’s canon if it doesn’t make any consistent or well-developed sense, and they don’t care that it doesn’t themselves anymore either?
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kaethefangirl · 9 months ago
And I'm back, women in anime are depicted so terribly its wild. I just wanted to come and say, fuck elizabeth (nnt/7ds), fuck orihime (bleach), and fuck hinata (naruto, but fuck her a little less cs i kind of like her)
It makes me angry that in almost every shonen, the main character has a personality and a life and things that they go through and have to overcome... and then theres the love interest. Always airheaded, always soft spoken, always kind, with no willpower at all. In bleach, I would ship rukia with ichigo so hard if she wasn't perfect with renji.
Bleach was actually insane because literally every female character had a personaltity except Orihime. I do like that Fairy tail is set apart from the rest because Lucy is kind of sort of the main character so she gets to have a personality too. Fanservice is like an obvious thing that I hate about anime and it takes away so much. If an anime was a 10 before factoring the fan service, it would be brought down to a 7 or 6 afterward. Orihime sucks over all, 2/10 love interest.
I'm pretty sure most of my hate of Winry (Fullmetal Alchemist) is stemmed from the countless anti-winry fanfiction I've read but she's a great standalone character. The only flaws I see in her is that she does the crying for the male mc thing, which is really out of character for her when I think about it. She has willpower, she's strong and independent, if anything she'd be travelling with them and staying strong for them because she understands that she's a liability if she breaks down crying at every bruise they get. That's more in character to me, but I suppose she is also a teenager so... I can't be too mad at her. All in all, Winry is an amazing female love interest. 9/10 love interst/mc.
Haruhi from Ouran Highschool really breaks the stereotype and gives us a refreshing view on women in anime. She wasn't obsessed with love, she didn't really care too much about anything. She wasn't the typical "yells at you for literally anything" female mc, or the "nice shy and airheaded" female mc. She wasn't even unique and I love that, she's genuinely a regular ass girl, and she was so hilarious. She's probably my favorite girl in anime if I'm being honest. 10/10 female love interest/mc.
Let's talk about Elizabeth. Elizabeth from 7ds is such a disgrace.. She sat and let Meliodas molest her and didn't care at all. You can tell when an anime is written by a man, and not to knock ALL anime written by men because there's some amazing ones out there, but things like that just make it so obvious. Diane and her obsession with Meliodas was weird too, it seemed a bit too much like a harem anime in season 1 and bits of season 2. Elizabeth was the typical soft spoken and overly kind love interest that I hate. Not a drop of personality there and then she has to blush with everything she says.. All in all, 0/10 love interest.
Last but not least, my dear Tohru Honda... Words cannot describe how much I love her. On the outside it looked like she was the typical soft spoken and overly kind female mc but she actually blew my mind. Her willpower is incredible, the fact that she stayed after finding out what Kyo really was and refused to leave. It wasn't a weird kind of moment where she was just blushing and refusing to leave because that's what the writers decided she was gonna do, but it was actually a great scene that showed who she was at her core. I loved how at the end of the series she disagreed with Kyo. "I might be nice but I do stand my ground." God, I love Tohru. It's like her kindness was genuine and real and so was her worry and concern for the Sohmas. All in all, 10/10 female love interest/mc.
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raviolitin · 4 months ago
Not a cs fan by any means and I have gripes with the writing, but omg some cs antis are insane???
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ouatsnark · 5 months ago
a lot of anti csers use the "always be an orphan line" or "pretty blonde distraction" line as a talking point as to why cs is toxic and him using emma's insecurities/trauma against her....but like that wasn't actually him talking, he didn't mean any of that deep down, he was LITERALLY CURSED WITH DARKNESS. the real killian jones loves emma and is her number one cheerleader in every situation. my favorite moment of him hyping her up is him saying "there's the fight i love." like, THAT'S killian.
The SQers say that a lot while at the same time trying to frame all of this as Regina being "truthful" when in reality Regina is attacking Emma's trauma and insecurities:
Even Neal fans try to ignore the fact that he laughed at Emma's abilities and ignored her opinions.
But anti-CSers refuse to acknowledge the fact that Hook had to literally be consumed by evil and be manipulated by the dark ones to get him to the point where he would say anything like that to Emma. The dark ones were using him. And he deeply regretted his weakness and he apologized. Regina never apologizes for any of her meanness.
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exhaustedpirate · 1 year ago
Patiently waiting for OUAT's remake with the proper ending: Regina gets a proper redemption arc without bullying everyone else into accepting her. Regina never answered for her crimes. At least Emma and Killian got their True Love confirmed. And don't forget Graham's death was never resolved, he died and his killer never answered for it. 😂 Like, Regina became the "Good Queen", yeah, but at least Emma is living happily with her husband and children. Hehe! 😝 Democracy is a thing in modern days. You make mistakes and you fix'em (tho she can't really bring back Wish!Henry's grandparents back to life, can she? oof)
Patiently waiting for OUAT's remake with the proper ending: Swan-Mills family.
Swan Queen is the truest love.
At least they never made them share True Love's kiss with the beards. And don't forget that heart split fail 😂 Like, their "straight" relationships got canon, yeah, but never got the TL label while all others did. Hehe! 😝 Divorce is a thing in modern days. You make mistakes and you fix'em
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divinecomedyproductions · 8 months ago
Fandom Woes: Why people are writing AUs and the scam of “being original”
Many objections I have noticed of reimagined AUs(such as RWBY) is how "they don't resemble the property" and should be "their own thing", and the movie Across The Spider-Verse with the whole Spider-Men AUs and the criticism of multiverses in general.
Speaking from personal experience, there's a reason why they don't make their own thing. It's often because literary snobs have set these people up into a conundrum.
If you make a reimagined AU, they go out of their way to lecture "this does not resemble this thing anymore, make it its own thing."
And if you tweak it, the character and world designs, the names, anything to make it its own thing...
The snobs use greedy reductionism/nothing buttery to reduce it down to the inspirations and influences, especially when it came from a place of distaste and disagreement, and call it "derivative" and "butthurt thinly veiled fan fiction." and tell you to use different source material and "learn to be more original."
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The snobs won't let you win.
So if you just keep trying to be “original” and you let these people define what that entails, your just letting others manipulate your creativity and your just dancing around for them like a monkey
You make an reimagined AU, its no longer "recognizable" and you get criticized
You make it its own thing, the inspirations, influences, and motives are pointed out and deemed "derivative" so you also get criticized
You're going to get criticized either way, so you might as well make a choice and stick with it.
And what's more infuriating is these sophists are guilty of hypocrisy
Let me give a personal example with the success of Kamen America, a superheroine I've come to love
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She was created as an active disagreement how Captain Marvel was handled, combined with other elements such as Sailor Moon and various Tokusatsu
Once she gained popularity along with her Kamen Corps, many starting bashing her as a "porno captain marvel rip-off" because the creators dared to actively disagree with how a concept was handled, and I was lectured for my concept being "hostile" to RWBY which was born out my disagreement and distaste how its characters and ideas were handled
Yet these very people would be supporting the Evil Superman concept like Homelander and other characters of The Boys
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and the Anti-Narnian His Dark Materials Trilogy, the former written by a guy who hates superheroes, and the latter a staunch atheist who can't stand CS Lewis and Christianity
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Both who have said things about both subjects that are the textbook definition of "hostile" and yet nobody bats an eye.
Because its not wrong when "the right people" do it towards "the wrong things"
And the excuse they snobs say because these make the concepts objectively "more interesting" backed up with a whole "we-know-better-than-you" attitude which is leading me to hate that word "interesting"
The "Right People" can do whatever they want, but us "Wrong People" gotta follow all these rules and only have what the "Right People" tell us what we can have, how we create, and what we enjoy.
Then they turn around and lecture you about being "entitled" when the only thing your often guilty of being "entitled" to is your opinions and feelings, which last time I checked, people are entitled to.
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blizzardstarx · 1 year ago
i should probably make a intro post
Hello, my name’s Blizzard, you can call me Blizz or Blizzy! I’m non-binary and neptunic/lesbian and I go by they/it/xe/ze pronouns.
Basic info about me:
My favorite animals are wolves, cats, dragons, dinosaurs, griffins, and a lot of other things, and my favorite color is glaucous (a shade of blue)! I’m a band kid, I play the flute and I’m also in marching band. I like drawing though I post it rarely, and I used to write! I may have ADHD and autism (self-diagnosed), but I don’t have the resources, although I have most or even all the symptoms. My MBTI is INTP-T, I’m a Pisces, and I’m a bilingual Chinese-American. I like listening to The Crane Wives and Conan Gray! Also I’m legally blind- my glasses "amplify my asian smartness 🤓" - my friends
My Discord and Instagram is under the same name blizzardstarx, feel free to send a friend request or follow!
Pronouns page
Straw page
Current Hyperfixation: Vanessa
Fandoms I’m in:
Life/Traffic Series
Dog Man
Just basic DNI things
Terfs, homophobes, transphobes, xenophobes, racists, proshippers, pedophiles, zoophiles, ableists, anti-furries, DSMP fans, zionists, anti-neopronouns/xenogenders
My tags:
#blizz’s nonsense - Where my rambles go
#blizz’s rants - my rants and vents
#blizz’s art - my art
#blizz’s writing - my fics
#aura!!! - related to my oc, Aura
#Blizzardstar!!! - related to my warrior cats oc, Blizzardstar
#cat!vanessa au (Navigation/Masterlist) - my au of the fnaf movie but everyone is a cat
#Pontalo!!! (Masterlist) - my Wings of Fire AU dragon species that live on the continent Pontalo, created in a roleplay four years ago
#CS&Co.! - The combined universe of Pontalo and other roleplays I did, like Creature School and the Dragon-Wolf War (DWW)
DMs are closed
My ask box is open, you can ask me anything, like about my cat!Vanessa au or my ocs, or send me dumb stuff
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radically-katrielle · 1 year ago
Welcome to the Layton Radqueer Agency!
(pt: "Welcome to the Layton Radqueer Agency!")
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my rentry • my bsky
[rq-partizanne -> radically-katrielle]
Welcome to my primary rq blog! (this is a sideblog, you may not ask for my main as some of my followers there and on my other sideblogs - particularly my selfship blog - may be anti rq and may see that as an opportunity to harass me)
please call me Katorii (though if you want to, I don't mind if you address me as Katrielle), I'm super into the Professor Layton games (I mean, they are my source media), though I also really really like a bunch of other games, and I use a lot of transids!
I'm also the host of the Nazotoki Full Combo System, you can find the others' urls on the list under the cut!
please refer to me with she/her pronouns!
I identify with/as many characters, especially Katrielle from Professor Layton (I consider myself cischaracter for her specifically)!
all my transids are tagged "that's me!", ramblings as "yelling in church" (saved from this blog's old theme back when the Kirby tism was in full swing), my occasional coinings as "katorii's coined terms", any F/O flags I make as "katorii's f/o flags", rants as "katorii's rant tag", positivity as "katorii's positivity tag", misc reblogs as "katoriiblogs", suggestive joke posts as "ayo hold up", and my discourse related posts as "katorii's discourse tag"!
If you don't want to see me talk about sui thoughts, block the tag "katorii's sui talk tag"
i am pro-transid/transx, pro-ship and -fiction, pro-kink, pro-para (anti-c for the big 3, though idc if pro-cs interact with my stuff), PRO-CONSENT (CHRONO MINORS AND ANIMALS CAN'T CONSENT, by the way), pro-endo, and pro-transharmful AS LONG AS YOU'RE NOT USING IT AS AN EXCUSE TO CAUSE ACTUAL HARM, and anti-harassment, anti-contact for non-consentable paras, anti-sysmed/transmed, anti-bigotry, and anti-militant veganism!
in addition to blocking anyone on my DNI (anti-rq, anti-/neu-consent, anti-transid, anti-para, anti-ship, anti-endo, TERFs, conservatives, and generally bigoted people), I will also block:
blogs themed after Iris from Pokemon, REGARDLESS OF STANCE (she's a negative trigger for me since I've grown to associate her with antis)
people who selfship with Zan Partizanne from Kirby, REGARDLESS OF STANCE (she's one of my biggest comfort f/os and I'm super mad that she's so popular with antis)
people who selfship with my source, REGARDLESS OF STANCE (I had to block an admittedly cool moot who I shared her with when I was cool with sharing her because that mutual was an anti)
Layton fans who shit on Katrielle, her game, or fans of either, REGARDLESS OF STANCE (As stated earlier, I consider myself to be cischaracter for Katrielle, and her game was the first Layton title I've ever played, so I'll always be biased towards both of them)
Generative AI supporters, REGARDLESS OF STANCE - yuck!
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header, icon, gif in pinned, and dividers by @tsustarkasa
"katrielle protects this blog" userbox by @sewers-headmates
"katrielle is radqueer and doesn't care" userbox by gumquserboxes
dni banner by blooming-stars (had to edit slightly due to a typo in the original)
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Katrielle 🪞🔎 - you are here!
Aurora 🩵🌸✨️ - @guiding-aria
Elizabeth ❤️🎧💙 - @dive-jockey
Athena 🪽✨️ - @what-the-cykes
Rasis 🩷🌌 - @okbuddyvoltex
Tairitsu 🖤🎐 - @ihaterandomdirtyglassshards
Vertin 🩶🎩 - @no1rated-timekeeper-1999
Seine 💜👾 - @seine-no-sutaaraito-roodo
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etirabys · 2 years ago
book review: she who became the sun
Woohoo, this stacked well with reading the "end of Ming, early Qing" stretch of The Search for Modern China. It's set in a similar time period, and Zhu, the "random peasant who turned out to have an amazing knack for leading a rebellion" protagonist, fits neatly into the historical period where many peasants or failed bureaucrats were discovering that this was their calling.
GOOD novel. Chewy. It's good. Had enough crazy brilliant protagonist energy to remind me of the Vorkosigan saga:
"That monk knows exactly what he wants. The night before the battle at Yao River, he asked me to make that gong for him. I made it, he used it, and he won,” Jiao said. “I’ve met his type before. They either go far or die early. And either way, they have a tendency to make collateral damage of normal people.” He raised his eyebrows at Yuchun. “Are you special, little brother? Because if you’re not, I’d watch out."
Will definitely be buying the sequel.
(At this point the review becomes spoilery.)
One of the most gorgeous blood feud I've ever seen! The players in the blood feud are:
- Ouyang, the sole survivor of the massacre of his Han family – begged for his life as a child, was spared but castrated, and has grown up into a fearsome Mongol general
- Chaghan, the high ranking Mongol military commander who did the massacreing
- Esen, Chaghan's son who conforms perfectly to Mongol masculine warrior ideals. Loves Ouyang as a best friend but fails to see, at all, how bitter Ouyang is with his life and how set he is on revenge.
- Wang, Chaghan's half-Han nephew whom he adopted as a son.
Each pair of the above either outright hates each other, OR is plotting the other's destruction despite great love, except Chaghan and Esen. It's fabulous! Ouyang is... oh, just read this short post about CS Lewis's definition of damnation. Ouyang is very damned.
Oh, Ouyang. Women are terrible! The politics.” He groaned. “Consider yourself lucky you’ll never have to suffer this kind of torment.” Esen never meant to hurt, and Ouyang had always taken care to pretend matter-of-fact acceptance about his exclusion from family life. Why should he blame Esen for not reading his mind to see the anger and pain there? But the truth was: he did blame Esen. Blamed him even more than he would a stranger, because it hurt more that someone so beloved should not see the truth of him. And he blamed and hated himself, for hiding that truth.
Ouyang's arc is a superbly executed tragedy. The climax, I think, physically winded me slightly.
And Wang –
This book is primarily about people-who-are-not-fully-men by the Mongol standards of manhood, and of the GNC characters, Wang was the one who struck me as queerest by nature/volition rather than circumstance. His gender is Accountant Who Loves The Arts, and his Manchu relatives HATE him for it. His gender noncompliance seems like "I'm doing this because I really want to and anything else is painful" rather than "I'm doing this because I was castrated" (Ouyang) or "I'm doing this because I was going to literally starve to death unless I latched on to the niche that was meant to be my dead brother's" (the protagonist).
Said GNC people sniff each other out quickly and feel Weird Magnetism. "Like calls to like" is an italicized refrain. In fact, Zhu's nonbinarydar is so advanced that she intuits Ouyang's emotional damage within minutes of meeting him, and feels a magnetic pull to him for the rest of the book. As a shipper, I'm a huge fan. (What I want: Ouyang/Zhu/Ma triad fic.) As a person who yearns for anyone to understand Ouyang, I'm a huge fan. But I'm an anti-fan of "these two people who are very different are of the Same Kind because they don't fit into mainstream culture". Such groupings are politically expedient but I feel allergic to seeing them painted as intrinsic similarities – to say, these two things are the same because they are not X, seems to ontologically center "X vs not X" when the political project should be to dissolve the salience of that division.
Through that strange quiver of connection to the Yuan’s eunuch general, she had seen beneath that carved-jade mask to his shame and self-hate and anger. He had a wound for a heart, and that made him a more dangerous opponent than anyone here realized.
I feel weird writing a paragraph about this, but the book is really explicit that these radically different GNC people are on the same wavelength and I'm like, NO, they're really not!... they could have grown into the weird intense soulmate enemy bond they immediately have in book 1, and that would have felt narratively rewarding to me – recognition through inquiry and (reluctant) empathy and reflection, not, Nonbinary Frog Pheromones
Finally: I loved Zhu's romance arc and childhood trauma and fucking everything. She's ten years old when her father is kicked to death by bandits for not offering them enough food (the whole region is some years into a famine), and by the time she's an adult this feels so faraway that... well, as an adult she sees a food seller at a market being extorted, and the scene goes like this:
“Hey, granny!” Well, less hope for some. Zhu, observing the unfolding human drama, felt a stirring of unease: the memory of something witnessed so long ago that it might as well have been in a past life.
Seriously, the kicked to death thing never comes up again, and the elision is vast and leaves a lot of room for echoes. Similarly – several minutes before being kicked to death, the desperate father, who devalues girl children in a culturally unexceptional way, offers ten year old Zhu as food for the bandits so they'll leave him and his son alone. (This whole scene is amazingly written, and does not get in the way of the inherent intensity and awfulness of this event.) Zhu does not process this onscreen At All. Once her entire family is dead she starts rolling on her journey to becoming a warlord like a polished marble. Said journey involves her taking her brother's place at a monastery and playing at being a not-girl so well that even the heavens won't notice that she's of the Grindable To Nothingness gender, all while having ZERO thoughts about the "eat my daughter and leave us alone" incident. Fucking fantastic.
Anyway, at the beginning of becoming a warlord, she meets Ma, a Girl Who Is Somehow Nice Despite The World Making This Very Hard:
in her face there was such a depth of raw and innocent emotion that Zhu’s eye was drawn as if to the scene of an accident
Zhu, watching Ma with an alien ache in her heart, saw the girl turn away at the critical moment [of someone she cares about being executed]. There was nobody to comfort her. She simply folded over onto herself in the middle of that empty bubble in the crowd, crying. Zhu felt a strong protective urge rise up in her at the sight. With alarm she realized it was a new desire, already rooted alongside that other desire that defined everything she was and did. It felt as dangerous as an arrowhead lodged in her body, as though at any moment it might work its way in deeper and cause some fatal injury.
and marries her. I love this, because I'm a huge sucker for "I am a very bad person and I love you and hope you will keep me in line" ships, and this is explicitly part of their deal!
However, after fights about less taboo atrocities, Ma comes back to Zhu after Zhu kills an eight year old Ma is attached to (for being a ?dalai lama? who is inconvenient to Zhu's goals), so it's a little unclear to me how much Ma is going to keep this function.
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toyhousedramas · 4 months ago
Your recent tags reminded me: this is ancient Toyhouse stuff, and I know that you never post these things without proof, but when I went looking for links to the PSAs I found that they've all been scrubbed off of TH; either posted by accounts that have since been closed or deleted (like casin0s original TH account), or posted by accounts I have blocked. To that end, I won't blame you if you decide not to post this, but I wanted to say anyway: Part of what precipitated Casin0s/nicooo stepping away from their Mignyan CS was a scandal involving their (publicly visible in the CS Discord Server, as well as at least one friend group chat on Discord) inappropriately sexual jokes with minors in general, and sexually charged character plotting/RP with a 'friend' who was 13/14 at the time (whose username I know, but will withold for that child's privacy). Casin0s (19/20 at that time) had always been one of those very loud 'PROSHIPPERS DNI, YOU'RE SICK FREAKS AND PEDOS!' types, and having become familiar with the pattern of outspoken antis being exposed for inappropriate behaviour themselves, I wasn't shocked when Casin0s got exposed for 'joking' about inappropriately sexual topics with children, or that there was explicit artwork on the profiles of characters that they RPed with a child. However, what DID shock me was that after the callout and the public 'apology' that they posted before deleting their account (as good an admission of guilt as you can get), they 1: stayed on so many peoples' 'favorite designer' lists, 2: pretty obviously remained personally in-touch with their child 'friend,' and 3: a handful of pretty big name artists in the Dainty, Mignyan, and other communities quietly remained friends with them. After a few months, they made a new account, and have carried on a quiet and unbothered life with tons of fans ever since. Their designs continue to sell within days, for just about any asking price, to users with 'proshippers DNI' in their profile to this day. All this to say: I fully get you, Mod, when you say that you don't want to socialize with antis. I've seen proshippers clearly denounce a member of their community who is exposed for inappropriate behavior, but I never see antis bat an eye when it's one of their own.
This is going to be a serious reply, if you don't care about actual conversation, continue to scroll. Not you anon, anyone looking. I also usually do not partake in full on discussion about this topic, but given some recent events outside this blog, I would like to.
I'm going to post this partially because it isn't a callout on a specific person, merely an example, and partially because I was actually around for that, so for my own sake I can say I know it happened with enough grace to at least be able to respond to it.
I am currently in the midst of watching a group of people on twitter get in more trouble for tracing than for harboring a predator who exchanged kink based writing and voice messages with a child, these same people consistently attack people in the community they're in for partaking in problematic fantasies, one of the people harboring this predator works professionally with very young children. They are now sending inappropriate pictures to the people calling them out, including private pictures involving self harm of the people they are harassing, no one knows how they obtained these images, but it has resulted in two attempted suicides, and still, they continue.
This is not unusual, it feels like it happens every few weeks. I will not explain my personal history on an anonymous drama blog, but I avoid that subset of people because I have regularly had them either defend predators, or tell me that me being anti-censorship in art means I deserve what happened to me. I have had antis send CSEM of my friend -- a fellow victim, clearly -- to them directly in order to taunt them.
Until Antis take initiative in denouncing this behavior in their own community, I will continue to assume they all support this behavior, or partake in it themselves. But thus far I've never seen that happen.
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phenixa · 2 years ago
[01:09] CS (heavy angst)
Tags : heavy angst, mention of character death, hurt no comfort (?)
I'm sorry I needed heavy angst and this came up
There's something in the dark alleyway that makes him uneasy. It's not just the nights around here -that are quite dangerous for anyone like him- nor it is the heavy smell of drugs that envelops the whole way that made him that uneasy.
It's the fact that he's alone. For the first time.
Choi San doesn't like being alone. It made him feel lonely.
But everyone is gone now. He's alone. He's been alone since the end.
Ateez. Halateez. The government. The white masked giants.
They ended. All of them.
And San is alone.
His first love -his soulmate- betrayed them. He left. "To protect Yeosang" he said. "Because he's my best friend. And his parents would've killed him." But Wooyoung left nonetheless.
For a better place, San thinks, a place where there's no anti-fun government, no need for rebellion or guerrilla. A world where Wooyoung can be happy. Himself.
It doesn't change the fact that San is alone. The others, they were taken by the giants or-
No. No. No. Don't think of Hongjoong hyung.
The tears -i can't really stop them at this point- start to fell from his eyes once again. They all knew the power of the Cromer could be dangerous. They had fought over this power. But Hongjoong always (tried to) stayed true to his word. He will bring peace and music and arts could be part of this world's life once again.
But there is a disease in the heart of man. The disease is human emotion.
And Hongjoong lost himself in a reality. Another one. A better one - he never came back.
After Hongjoong's disappearance. The other left little by little. Seonghwa couldn't believe his leader, the man he followed to the end of worlds and realities, left without him.
Seonghwa made himself disappear in despair.
And once their two olders were gone. After the funerals (could it be one ? San's still sure Seonghwa is still there, somewhere) the others left. Yeosang left right, Mingi left, Yunho tried to go back while Jongho tried to go on.
San stayed. Waiting for their return.
He'll always stay. For them. For Ateez. For what they were.
But it's been years. And night fell once again over him.
The moon shines bright tonight.
Shines like their smile. A smile San never recovered. Not since their breakup.
In this dark alleyway that smells like drugs and death, San dreams. Of a life where he and the others didn't pursued this dream of rebellion. Of guerrilla. Of a life where the Cromer is nothing more than a timepiece, and hourglass. Of a life where he and the others are dancing and singing and making music. Together.
And maybe, they would've been a group. In this dream where they are together, making music. And maybe people would've love their music, and relate to some lyrics. And maybe they would've made concerts where fans would've scream their lyrics with them.
Maybe, in this dream world, Hongjoong, Seonghwa, Yunho, Yeosang, Mingi, San, Wooyoung and Jongho would've been together.
And maybe when San closes his eyes in this dark alleyway, it's for the last time. He'll see tomorrow if he awoke.
Maybe in another reality, Ateez isn't just a dream.
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everybody-loves-purdy · 5 days ago
Hot take but the new books are better. TPB was also great and TNP - PoT were decent-ish with some fun characters (thanks Hollyleaf, Crowfeather, Heathertail, and Squirrelflight), but OOTS is absolute trash. I actually like the Dark Forest trainees a lot (except Breezepelt) but when you consider it for more than a few minutes, the whole Dark Forest battle makes no sense! At all! I also dislike Brambleclaw, Leafpool, Lionblaze, and Jayfeather a lot. The whole Cinderheart plotline from PoT - OOTS was also not great, and came across as a huge insult to Cinderpelt’s character / story. Sol is also a boring character who could’ve been very interesting had he actually done anything of purpose.
And aside from Ivypool, we didn’t really get much character development for the Dark Forest trainees. Lionblaze and Jayfeather were just irritating to read about, and Dovewing… was fine. I liked her early characterization and all that, but damn it I hate Tigerheart. And Hollyleaf should’ve stayed gone, because bringing her back just to kill her anti-climatically a book later is…?
More characterization for Harespring(star), Applefur, Beetlewhisker, Antpelt, Hallowflight, Furzepelt, Larkwing, Ratscar, Minnowtail, Mousewhisker, Sunstrike, Redwillow, and Whiskernose regarding why they were there to begin with would’ve gone a long way. Also they had the perfect opportunity to make Hawkfrost interesting and give him a somewhat redemption, had he turned against Tigerclaw. But nope, let’s just leave him as a clone of his father but without any motivation… okay.
I have my issues with AVoS relating to the pacing and also Alderheart and Twigbranch for being boring (should’ve had Puddleshine, Sprkpelt, Violetshine, and Heathertail instead but whatever) but aside from that, DOTC and TBC - CS have all been good?? And I’m not a new fan either, I’ve been reading this series for 10+ years.
I also think that, bar the first arc, I find the new team arcs overall better. Ans I am in agreement with you that I liked TNP and Po3, but rereading oots for my ongoing reread really took the nostalgia goggles off and I saw that oots is extremely flawed and honestly I think I can say that oots is the only arc I overall dislike.
Don’t get me wrong there’s some cool stuff in there but while they managed to make the lack of planning for po3 work, I can feel it so badly in oots. I think probably the most egregious example is how Ivypool’s arc ultimately is pretty useless to the overall story despite the ongoing expectation it is the most important. She learns absolutely nothing of value during her spying. And I think the authors realised this because during the last hope they just have Dovewing listen into the dark forest and she finds out all the crucial information that Ivypool tried and failed to gather for half an arc. And it’s not like this is a plot point to increase the tension between the two sisters, it just happens and isn’t acknowledged that in one fell swoop everything Ivypool has done and sacrificed until this point has been completely undermined. I know she encouraged the trainees to fight for the clans but surely they could have reached that conclusion on their own?
And that’s not mentioning all about how the dark forest’s plan makes very little sense, the powers of the three ultimately not doing all that much compared to everything they were built up to be, especially Lionblaze’s, and how the forgotten warrior (to me) seems to be a hastily planned way to wrap up all the extra plot threads they’ve got going on, amongst other issues I have with the arc.
I think it can definitely be enjoyable, hell I enjoyed it for sure when I previously read the arc, but I’ve seen the cracks and I can’t unsee them now.
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kmp78 · 1 year ago
Asian anon here. All I wanna say is I hope people can just shut it with the “VK vs TTT” thing. I admit I liked coming to this blog at first for having similar opinions regarding TTT: I’m sorry, she is a show off and no “true role model”- but neither is JL I agree. Anyway, I love all the juice and circus mockery on this blog and just hope we don’t miss updates by bantering on and on about stuff that really is minuscule compared to his troubled film career especially atm.😬 Saw some anti Tron 3 fans on Twitter and wow, the amount of violent language in some regarding towards it… Wonder how it will turn out with the strikes going on.
I forgot the strike was still going... 😂🙊
But then again so have CS and JL, so... 🤷🏼‍♀️
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