#anti corp
punk-pandame · 3 months
anyway the nyc queer liberation march yesterday was much more worthwhile for me than nyc pride or pridefest so
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briarfire · 4 months
Money is a game and the ladder we climb Turns a saint into a sinner with his finger in crime I'll break it down for you motherfuckers line by line This is business, economics in a nursery rhyme:
She sells seashells on the seashore, But the value of these shells will fall. Due to the laws of supply and demand: No one wants to buy shells 'cause there's loads on the sand!
Step one: You must create a sense of scarcity. Shells will sell much better if the people think they're rare, you see, Bear with me, Take as many shells as you can find and hide 'em on an island, Stockpile 'em high until they’re "rarer" than the diamond.
Step two: Gotta make the people think that they want 'em. Really want 'em, Really fuckin' want 'em! Hit 'em like Bronson! Influencers, product placement, featured prime time entertainment, If you haven't got a shell, then you're just a fucking waste, man.
Three: It's monopoly, Invest inside some property. Start a corporation, make a logo, do it properly. "Shells must sell", that will be your new philosophy. Swallow all your morals, they're a poor man's quality...
Four: Expand, expand, expand!!! Clear forest, make land, Fresh blood on hands!
Five: Why just shells? Why limit yourself? She sells seashells, sell oil as well!
Six: Guns, sell stocks, sell diamonds, sell rocks, Sell water to a fish, sell the time to a clock.
Seven: Press on the gas, take your foot off the brakes, Then run to be the president of the United States!
Eight: Big smile mate! Big wave! That's great! Now the truth is overrated, tell lies out the gate!
Nine: Polarize the people, controversy is the game! It don't matter if they hate you if they all say your name!
Ten: The world is yours. Step out on the stage to a round of applause.
You're a liar, a cheat, a devil, a whore... And you sell seashells on the seashore
song: "Money Game, Pt. 2" artist: Ren album: Demos (Do Not Share), Vol. I release date: 2020
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tonysdumplings · 2 months
I swear if I see another "go play something else" person on my dash I will get violent because y'all are so fucking annoying, how about you get a life and stop telling people what to play, you high horse riding jobless elitists?
am I going to buy any WoTC resource? no, they can go fuck themselves. but you know there is an option of... not paying for shit? like not a single dime?
so stop hiding your annoying elitism behind being "anti-capitalist" and "anti-corporation". there are people literally sharing free resources on this hellsite. I run an entire game with none of my players owning a single official thing from WoTC, neither do I.
shut up <3
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cybersteal · 8 months
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theflashjaygarrick · 2 months
Absolutely wild to me that with all of DC's reboots/retcons no one has had the sense to completely erase the Arisia incident (and no, I do not count Johns' whole 'Hal thought it was creepy but then learnt that her planet rotates differently so she is actually 200' nonsense. It's probably the biggest stain on the green lantern franchise (followed by the Kalmaku nickname thing) and genuinely there is no benefit to it existing.
But importantly I don't mean erase Arisia. She is a character with a lot of potential as a little sister with self esteem issues, a child who has been conscripted into a literal galactic army and is honestly just trying her best. She's adorable and had a lot of potential before Englehart made it so disgusting I stopped reading his green lantern comics my I own sanity. And I do feel like while it definitely did tarnish Hal and his reputation (and lets be real, probably should have done so for almost every green lantern in that era except John) Arisia herself was honestly a lot harder hit with being hated and erased. Which is how a lot of comic controversies - and even real life abuse cases can - go. I feel like she honestly deserves a second chance to be explicitly and overtly removed from that uncomfortable and unnecessary arc rather than just being pushed aside so people can write Hal as a space maverick male fantasy (when will Spectre Hal come back from the war).
But like imagine an Arisia year one with me (wherein the writers and the corps aren't creeps):
Arisia is a young orphaned alien girl who is still grieving when she has the responsibility and powers of a lantern ring thrust upon her. While still trying to get a hang of her new powers she is called into OA where she meets the other Green Lanterns. She begins training and becomes the (actual) little sister/kid of the green lantern corps. Crucially no one is weird about her. I would probably make it so that her home planet values really strong familial ties so that as an orphan she is desperately seeking out a family in the green lantern corps, which clashes with some of the other members who initially see the other corpsmen as work buddies at most. In this when Hal and her hang out its because he's her mentor and he radiates cool uncle vibes.
And honestly you could keep the ageing up with the ring idea but instead of making it part of a creepy romance arc it could be used to further explore her own anxieties. Maybe she feels overlooked as a kid so decides to make herself look older to feel more powerful when on missions, but it eventually it makes her feel more self conscious about what she looks like normally. Then it ends with her learning to embrace and find confidence in who she really is. You know, classic coming of age stuff. And after that Hal and Jon decide to introduce her to the Teen Titans so she can be around other heroes (roughly) her own age.
So she ends up on Earth for while where you could have a fun fish out of water dynamic whilst she explores earth life in San Fransisco. Not only is she a member of teen titans as their GL (or Teen Lantern as they probably insist on calling her). She can have a whole side plot about making friends in her civilian identity and wanting to be a normal kid (milkshakes, diners, roller skating, baby gay crushes) while also knowing that at some point she has to go back to OA and to her home sector. Back there she has to embrace this massive responsibility (honestly too big for someone of her age) that she didn't choose, but that was rather an inherited burden from her late father and duty as a member of the corps.
Ultimately it would be about finding confidence in your own heroism, a found family, and having fun coming of age moments. And rescuing a promising female character from being an embarrassing footnote in DC (and Hal Jordan's) history.
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sonofthesaiyans · 6 months
Something I gotta say to you Eren fans...
Let's be very clear, this is NOT a channel where you're going to find any love for Eren Yeager. So let me extend something important to you guys;
If for any reason ANY of you here still have any genuine sympathy for Eren, even after all he did to betray and manipulate his friends, to warp space and time to slaughter billions of people, to betray everything the Survey Corps stood for.......
I extend you some advice. One, get some professional help IMMEDIATELY, because I have absolutely no respect for your affection towards Eren after he committed global genocide and knowingly sacrificed his own friends to see it through. I have no respect for anyone who blindly glosses over his crimes.
This shit is called ATTACK ON TITAN. NOT ATTACK ON EREN, this is NOT the same anime that hit the scene back in 2013, I will not acknowledge this bizarre shift in the story as a legitimate part of the AOT narrative, and nor should you. It is wrong to enable Hajime Isayama like that, who legit tried to frame Eren's actions as justifiable, something he WASN'T doing with Reiner, Bertolt, and Annie up to a certain point. Eren wasn't the initial villain, and if that really was Isayama's game from the beginning, I refer you to my previous post about how much Eren poisons his own saga.
And second, if you're not prepared to come to grips with that, you better keep your feelings for Eren FAR AWAY from this channel. Just, don't fucking bring that filth to my page. I don't want it. Because, GENOCIDE. Romanticizing a character guilty of that is NOT okay. This cunt from Hita, Japan trying to frame this kind of character as a tragic hero is NOT okay. Not here, I will NOT listen to it.
"Thank you Eren, you became a mass murderer to save us...." Fuck off. NO, the anime ending does not absolve Isayama of that line.
Tread carefully. It's already going to be ugly enough the next time I catch up with Bryce Papenbrook, and especially the day I finally catch up to Isayama himself.
Bottom line guys, FUCK EREN.
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sinestroverse · 17 years
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Green Lantern 25 (2008) by Geoff Johns & Ivan Reis
Cover: Ivan Reis
Sinestro Corps War
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mirokuna-hime · 9 months
I love how HSR characters are utterly over the top but are also serious at the same time because their motivations and beliefs which these funny behaviours stem from are never ridiculed.
I mean look at Argenti, he's basically a host in armor with a PhD in theatrics, but his main motivation to find Idrilla is never made fun of by the story itself even when we learn later that there's a high chance that Aeon died.
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nraqi · 4 months
With all the Google AI BS happening right now, I’m so happy to be using DuckDuckGo and desperately hope they never attempt something like this. I genuinely do not understand why Google went and thought “Oh! Surely feeding our LLM results from spaces on the internet where people can post quite literally anything is a marvelous idea, let’s implement this!”, especially since said LLM clearly cannot detect satire or joke posts if it isn’t clearly stated. Obviously, none of us should be taking anything the internet says seriously without fact checking, but I am vaguely concerned about how naive young children/older people who haven’t adapted to the magical world of the web are going to take things like this, for instance. Haven’t we learned our lesson from ChatGPT hallucinating the most random shit and not accepting “That’s incorrect” for an answer?
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hawkgirlz · 3 months
oomf on twitter said this but yeah, a lot of john stewart's 'fanbase' is so fake. or as he said, 'faker than a 3 dollar bill'. dcau stans whine about how john doesn't get the spotlight he deserves but the minute he actually got a solo aka war journal, it's crickets.
i still remember when dcau john/shayera stans on twitter who claimed to care for john said that green lantern (2021) comic run should be boycotted not because the writer was problematic but because he made a thanagarian oc with shayera's color scheme to 'bait' dcau stans 😭😭😭
and even if that story for john was bad..... they did not care about that because this was way before the story even released lmao. they're genuinely a pathetic performative lot who don't care about john as his own character and only see him as an accessory to shayera the WHITE woman. like when will we finally stop entertaining this fanbase and call them out for what they really are?
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mail-me-a-snail · 8 months
im JUSTTT sayin IM JUUSTTT SAYIN vance would bend johnny over a desk given the opportunity and the desk
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plethoraworldatlas · 1 year
American Climate Corps, this is BIG
The White House on Wednesday unveiled a new climate jobs training program that it says could put 20,000 people to work in its first year on projects like restoring land, improving communities' resilience to natural disasters and deploying clean energy.
The American Climate Corps is modeled after a program that put millions to work during the Great Depression. President Biden's climate policy adviser Ali Zaidi told reporters that the program has broader goals beyond addressing the climate crisis.
"We're opening up pathways to good-paying careers, lifetimes of being involved in the work of making our communities more fair, more sustainable, more resilient," Zaidi said
Biden first called for the government to find a way to establish a "civilian climate corps" in an executive order during his first week in office. The president said that he hoped the corps would "mobilize the next generation of conservation and resilience workers and maximize the creation of accessible training opportunities and good jobs."
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ursaspecter · 2 months
If you've ever gone to a Walmart or a Home Depot, and you see a table and a tent kind of fundraiser for a non-profit, chances are the people working that booth are roped into working for an MLM. It's likely that they aren't volunteers for the non-profit or even directly employed by them but rather are working for a third-party marketing firm.
Their tent to protect them from the sun is paid out of the team lead's pocket. Sunscreen, water, coolers, and gas money are not provided or compensated for by the company. All of it has to be provided by a team lead or the client associates.
They talk to you because they're told to talk to EVERYONE in order to maximize the amount raised. Because that's how they're getting paid. If they're honest, 30% of your charitable donation goes to their weekly pay. In fact, they're working on commission and commission alone. If they're dishonest, they can just pocket your cash donation and get 100% rather than just a plain 30%. They hit everyone with the same script that they've been forced to memorize word for word with no room for variation. All to manipulate you into donating. You'd be better off directly donating online and cutting out the middle man, and they'd be better off finding a job that won't withhold their wages for missing a day of work.
The company they're working for likely told them that to work here they have to pass a background check and be a morally upright citizen with a good code of ethics, yet the same company uses misleading and manipulative tactics to prey on those that are desperate and vulnerable. The team lead who interviewed them knows that building up their own team of client associates and getting them to leadership is the only way they can move up the ladder, or more appropriately, the pyramid.
The people working those booths likely had a morning meeting in a nice polished office where they stand in a room full of whiteboards while their team lead regurgitated information that they had to memorize word for word with no variation. All so they could take word for word notes on the "class" to later relay to their own team one day. If they last that long, that is.
They're promised that within 12-18 months they can go from a lowly client associate to being an owner of their own firm somewhere else where the cycle continues. Another shiny office space with an "atmo" room full of whiteboards and no chairs to hold "classes" that teach endless acronyms and breed toxic positivity.
But you're just trying to get your groceries or some bolts and screws. You hear out their little pitch and tell them you're not interested. They don't take your no for an answer because they're told to do that or else they don't get rent money. But you don't know that just by looking at them. You see a charity booth and two people wearing lanyards with the name of the charity all over them. Why shouldn't you think they're just volunteers doing this out of the kindness of their hearts?
The higher ups claim that everyone is in it to help the community and make a real difference in the world, but really it's to fill the pockets of the owners and crush the ones doing the most work except in even scummier ways than a regular crappy job in retail. At least with hourly wages you know you're getting paid for your labor even if you have to call in sick.
They tell you that you just need to have a student mentality, a strong work ethic, and a positive attitude. Always a positive attitude. If you have a good day, that means the systems they're teaching you are working. If you have a bad day, then it's always your fault for not trying hard enough.
Obviously, don't harrass or be a dick to those soliciting for charities outside shops. It's likely that they're the ones at the very bottom of the pyramid that are just trying to eat and pay their bills.
I lasted a day and a half at one of these firms. That was a day and a half too long. Unfortunately, these firms always have weird nothing burger names and they don't show on their website their connection to their parent company: Universal Events (no relation to the movie studio). I know the economy and job market are utter garbage right now, but if it sounds too good to be true, it likely is. I doubt any legitimate entry level marketing job will only require a GED/Diploma and a positive attitude. If the first "interview" is a group webinar over zoom, don't waste your time.
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mindshelter · 2 years
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“you go blank inside” babygirl. you are dissociating
the abuse that hal suffered at martin jordan’s hands (and words) are. pretty indispensable to understanding hal’s time as a GL leading up to becoming parallax... hal became part of the corps pre-conditioned and primed for easy indoctrination. despite recognizing martin’s behaviour as abusive, and hoping to never become like him, compliance at one’s own expense was all hal knew. it was what felt safe, what felt familiar, and made up that last tendril of sanity—the universe couldn’t be that cruel, and a parent wouldn’t be so hateful for no reason. there must be something hal can fix—can compromise—to be accepted. if only hal could have given martin what he wanted, whatever that may have been. if, if, if. 
fealty won’t earn you happiness—only survival. 
when that illusion finally crumbles—when the realization that decades of loyalty to the corps and to the long-deceased father has reaped zero reward—so does the remainder of hal’s belief system. 
captions below: 
1. dc comics presents: green lantern (2004)
Willpower. Absolute concentration. Split second timing. Where does that come from?
Instead it’s all feed in more trim and if you’re still nose-down, put your feet in the stirrups and blow the canopy before you red out. You do what you do. You go blank inside.
2. back issue #80, on Green Lantern
Fearless people tend to be cocksure of their actions and tend not to question anything, including authority. I recall a number of John Broome[-written] stories where Hal was totally (and happily) subservient to the Guardians of the Universe. 
3. zero hour: crisis in time (1994) #0
I used to be the errand boy for the Guardians of the Universe. It was a thankless job. I knew that. I had never asked for anything. 
The one time I did, I was denied. It dawned on my just how unfair the universe really was…
4. green lantern (1990) #63
Your rules. Your rules kept me from any happiness. I served the corps more faithfully than anyone, and my loyalty got me nothing. 
5. dc comics presents: green lantern (2004)
Like what you learn at the end of someone’s arm. You learn to go blank. 
Like maybe things with him would change if could just give him what he wants. If you would just take it like a man. But nothing ever did change. He just kept calling you a loser. And if he ever had a warmer opinion, you never heard about it. You took that like a man, too. 
6. back issue #80, on Green Lantern
I always believe it is very hard for people to actually change their personalities. So the best Hal could do was reach a happy medium, intellectually realizing he should be feeling differently about a situation, but emotionally having trouble doing so.
7. dc comics presents: green lantern (2004)
I don’t think I can do this anymore. “Fearless.” It’s all a crock.
8. green lantern (1990) #50
9. dc comics presents: green lantern (2004)
You go blank inside. 
Maybe sometimes that’s all that stands between this thing on my finger and the hot green end of everything. 
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jisreal64 · 3 months
quick question: why DNI nimona fans? /genq
It’s because of the behind the scenes controversy and the Disney Hatedom (which is a group I’ve been bullied and psychologically abused by ever since I was a young child that is overwhelmingly beloved and supported by both liberals and conservatives). I don’t give two shits about it’s message or representation, if I were the parent of a gay or trans kid, I would rather have them read the Harry Potter novels instead of that stupid webcomic (same applies for their film adaptations).
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jewishbarbies · 1 year
According to TMZ, Starbucks will be playing a playlist composed of 122 Taylor Swift songs in its US stores to celebrate the end of the first leg of the ‘Eras Tour,’
It’s called “Starbucks Lovers.”
Those poor employees, jesus fucking christ.
I think they should stop firing employees that try to unionize and telling them they can’t can’t have pride decorations up. I think they should do that first.
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