#anti boruto sasuke
chhaiya-chhaiya · 3 months
Sasuke's flat hair is very important and symbolic in the context of boruto as it symbolizes that much like the hair, his character has also been flattened and so much flattened in fact that even him becoming a tree gives him more dimension than the cardboard cutout that his normal character in boruto is.
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cloudysky-930 · 1 month
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He finally admitted it!
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sassykinzonline · 24 days
"why does boruto naruto want to be hokage in boruto if he cares about sasuke??? he's so evil and brainwashed!!!"
boruto sasuke who is standing next to naruto, returns only to see naruto, is only alive because naruto repeatedly forces him out of harms way, gets mad at naruto for not being more violent and protective of konoha:
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hi Sasuke, I was looking at the anti konoha tag and pretty much everything recent was from you, you're the true OG Konoha hater (mad respect for that), I hope you achieve your revolution !!
(also something suuuper weird happened to me recently: I was walking around the land of fire, as one does, when I saw someone with a bad haircut that kinda looked like you?? but I knew it wasn't you immediately when I noticed he was another konoha dog, what a relief !! it did jumpscare me though)
Yeah, I feel a bit lonely in my Konoha trashing quest, but it is fine, I will make sure to keep the hate going!
Nah, I know there is a lame ugly imposter around, bootlicking Konoha. But he is not me, rest assured. I though he was trapped in a tree, though? Did he manage to free himself?
Lmao, he does have a bad haircut, doesn't him?
Take care, anon!!
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slowlysointernet · 1 year
Sorry to those Sasuke fans and those who ship Sasuke with their faves but therapy isn't going heal him or make him magically get better. I don't think you can ever recover from a village sanctioned genocide of your entire family and community. Which is why Boruto Sasuke gives me whiplash.
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lira456 · 1 year
Sasuke's revolution is 100 percent effective and has foresight only demerits is you have to kill few super powered shinobis like 5 kage and naruto well warcriminals, maniac killers, ignorants, hypocrites like them deserved painful death who belived in their own village interest without giving damn innocent lives and crimes like massacre morelike genocide,child soldiers,invasion etc, anbu culture etc.
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Thing is Sasuke's revolution had its merits, we know through many revolution and lessons of violent wars and loss and human greed today we achieve constitutional republic where also prioritizes lives and rights of minorities like uchiha clan civilains(not rebellious faction who planned the coup but innocent children like izumi uchiha and yashiro's 7 years old son who did not agree and know about the coup) or vulnerable and naive child like rin and ryogi and boruto who would indoctrinate to the system without knowing truth of shinobi past, even think of its honorable to die for the village, sad ending,conclusion and execution and future. That's why support sasuke's revolution, his first task to create deterrent and make 5 villages hate him and some might fight against him and defeat them only killing the strongest shinobi would be enough to slowly shinobi losing their desire to fight against him and but they will stick together for assistance and in case of shortage of power if sasuke attacked suddenly with that sentimental fear, then slowly sasuke would go for social,law related change then political then with progress go for the economical change and they go for the continental and international change thus totally destroy the shinobi system and past, only new way chakra usage with strict laws and regulation for every sides with equal footing so that no one used it for wrong purpose or be questioned immediately, sasuke needs only 60-100 years to destroy this system and create another one to make people used to the new system without no existence of shinoi army,ranks,missions or structure or kage dictatorship, for that long he needs to acquire immortality and reincarnation with powerful able bodied chakra power like demi god of shinobi only problem jigen and momo even he can destroy kara organization completely.
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Now you people know why sasuke said i am all alone and can bear the darkness of five villages because in past sharingan named power was connected with uchiha clan which caused genocide because of obito's wrong doing because he was an uchiha and uchiha were falsely accused because of sharingan power even people with no sharingan, if sasuke became all alone meaning no connection with five shinobi villages or other villages in public(he might have recruited orchimaru and taka and small numbers of white clones though) punish corrupt kages like kurotsuchi then no one will harm konoha, becuase he is also enemy of konoha with no secrecy becasue of his killing 5 kage deterrent from the past and all alone with no ties with any of the shinobi villages(might create his own organization like one that akatsuki and kara) and also his plan has nothing similar like danzo he would not wipe out entire country,clan and village because of his objective even don't use children others for his biddings only magical creatures like bijjus who should have eliminated by hagoromo because their power caused destruction they better off dead completely if hagoromo did think good of the mankind, wher danzo would sacrifice total or other or stick with them like parasite for his dream and village, sasuke would only take agency by his own hand without killing or sacrificing innocents, only judge,punish and execute the wicked ones like danzo,five kage and kurotsuchi who would be main perpetrators of violence,conspiracy,discrimination,inequality,power imbalance,greed, personal ambition and dream like hashirama's,selfish desire,resources and benefit seeking in unfair ways,wars,invasion,paranoia,systematic discrimination, corrupts dictators among kage and daimyos, corrupt shinobi etc. which danzo would never do he would just destroy other people community based on person and aspect and assumption and for his greed, which sasuke would never, he would take agency for the revolution he wanted to execute like batman a global threat with no ties to any shinobi villages, more like in itachi's way without causing genocide or mass killing that's why he would work from the shadow
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sasucaty · 2 months
currently thinkin about how menma from naruto rtn movie is literally sns lovechild🎀
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and he's way better looking than 'canon' couples fugly ass kids in boruto!!
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liz-thinks-too-much · 7 months
Can't blame Naruto for looking like that in Boruto, if I had to pretend to be straight I'd also look like shit
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bimgtt · 10 months
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True Uchiha clan not that bulshite shown in the Boruto series so called fake Uchiha pathetic historically ignorant family( Sakura and Sarada who treat clan crest some sort of ornaments or achievements or trophy to brag about or show off for them without knowing its struggle and past history and how you get to wear it) or how the story tries to revise Uchiha tragedy and the oppression and racism against the Uchiha collectively.
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alwayssasuke · 2 months
Why Naruto would ever crave (and STILL does) the acceptance and praise of a village who has historically operated in ways that led to the ACTUAL root of Sasuke’s pain is the strangest and most hypocritical thing to me
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angelsyrip · 4 days
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sasuke: *exists* naruto:
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cloudysky-930 · 1 month
I find it so sad that the Shinobi system was still toxic by the end of the series. Children are still treated like soldiers, and nothing has changed. The Uchiha didn't even get the justice they deserved because the fucking konaha elders were still in power during boruto. I don't remember one beneficial thing they've done for konaha, and the worst of it is the creature that's impersonating Sasuke in boruto HASNT DONE ANYTHING ABOUT IT. He's just letting those fuckers live on in their old ass age. At least Danzo died!
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sassykinzonline · 6 months
anyways lets talk about the actual real problem with boruto aka the massive retcon and plothole that is the heterosexual marriages.
in the original manga its already established that iruka + itachi serve as the platonic foundation of sasunaru: the imperfection of these important bonds highlight the necessity of both boys to each other. iruka tries to accept despite inhumanity and inability to contribute to strength. itachi emphasizes weakness and dehumanizes, but accepts regardless. this is the key significance in the confessions: they make explicit reference to unconditional observation of strength and humanity to each other. these imperfect platonic foundations serve as the lifeline that allows for further "perfect" love to be explored and understood.
so it doesnt make sense that in boruto with 0 explanation whatsoever (this is even accounting for the light novels), sasunaru becomes the "platform" for the relationship for the suddenly more important relationships with the wives. why? if you have an exclusively perfect relationship, youre not gonna look for another. moreover, ideas like "you acknowledged me more than anyone else" and "i cant lose you" and "you alone make me feel less alone" and "only you make my life worth living, only you bring me light" and "you are my prayer and my hope for the future" are randomly attributed to women who were explicitly told the opposite. in those same light novels, sasunaru becomes a relationship exclusively of conflict/desire for space and distance, but in the boruto manga they cant stay away from each other while scorning their wives.
total actual clusterfuck, the character assassination of sasuke and naruto by that point is entirely secondary and becomes borderline understandable when you consider key values and themes are totally abandoned to give way to these couplings.
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Pppppssssshhh you don't look either ugly or bad with that hair you can never look ugly. Sasuke is never ugly. Let's stop perpetuating hate for Sasuke through his looks!!! My boy is being forced to go through the motions he's trapped!! It's not his fault.. ♡
Hi, dear anon!
Of course beauty is subjective and it is almost never exclusively about physical appearance. That person that goes by the name of Sasuke in the Boruto series would be a perfectly fine man if it wasn't because he is the product of the total destruction and betrayal of a beloved character whose soul was killed and dragged through the mud.
That haircut would be totally neutral if we were talking about a new, unrelated character. But, for Sasuke, that haircut is insulting, ugly, inadequate. You know, Sasuke's duckbutt haircut was distinctive of his character design. You could tell Sasuke apart from the multitude, recognize him in the darkness just by seeing his silhouette. He was unique. Seeing Sasuke with his Boruto haircut is like seeing Naruto without whiskers or Sakura's hair dyed blond. They took everything that made Sasuke Sasuke, his hair, his clan crest, his determination, his love for his family above everything else, his search for justice. That haircut hides his rinnegan, which seemed to not be insulting enough because they eventually took that eye from him as well. They took everything that made him especial. The nail that stuck out got hammered down, as Kakashi predicted. He is now just a Konoha pawn, diluted in the mass of soulless and obedient shinobi. You understand why I despise that haircut, anon? It is not simply a haircut. It is the humiliating death of Sasuke's character.
If you like Boruto Sasuke I am of course totally happy for you and I wish you enjoy it as much as you can. But I simply can't. What they did to Sasuke hurts too much. I can't stop seeing that imposter as an ugly, worthless bootlicker that has nothing of the Sasuke I loved. I am not trying to hate on Sasuke, quite the contrary. I hope you understand.
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slowlysointernet · 1 year
"WhY dOn'T yOu SaSukE fAnS wAnT hIm HaPpY WiTh HiS FaMbiLy"
We don't want him happy, we want him angry, dynamic and cool again.
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Sasusaku fans and their denial:
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@microvan =🤡
If Sakura does not know something so basic and so obvious as the fact that Sasuke does not need glasses,she for sure does not know the truth about Uchiha genocide and Sasuke’s inner turmoil what led to him repeating Itachi’s fate.
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The fuck you mean “Sakura is unsure if Sasuke needs glasses”?
Doesn’t this bitch see that Sasuke never wears glasses in everyday life?
Oh,right—she does not because Sasuke abandoned her for 12 years!
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