#anti Kelly piquet
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its-sir-actually · 3 months ago
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reidiot · 3 months ago
i need ollie to comment condolences
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valyrfia · 9 months ago
ik you're loudly supportive of WAGs but what do you make of kelly piqeut and her post and max's commetn?
She is the one WAG I've categorically refused to discuss on here. I think the internet can get into its witchhunts, but I also this she's just not a particularly nice person and everything I've seen regarding her has multiple reliable sources. Also every person that I know who has interacted with her say she's very full of herself and believes she's somehow superior to most, typical nepo baby crap I suppose. I would have more respect for her if she admitted any of her flaws and apologised, instead she doubles down into making herself the victim when in fact things like pursuing a seventeen y/o when you're twenty six is..simply not normal.
Max is entitled to choose his partner, true, but I think it's also important to say that considering his upbringing I think he made quite an easy victim, and I believe he continues to be a victim. I think it's a conversation that requires some degree of nuance, which I don't really think the internet is capable of much nowadays. People can have agency and still be a victim, and I think it's important to point that out just so people in similar situations realise that being 22 and having your 31 y/o girlfriend and baby move in with you very soon into dating is NOT normal. I just always think that if Max and Kelly's genders were swapped, and it was a 17 y/o girl and a 26 y/o man or 22 y/o woman and a 31 y/o man with a baby there would be outrage.
I mainly just watch from the sidelines, little upset. We don't know much about the inner goings on of their relationship, but a lot of the front facing stuff I see makes me uneasy. I think having trusted others outside of a relationship is very important, and I just hope that Max does indeed have that support system.
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salutethesargeant · 3 months ago
Having a child with that woman is the dumbest decision you could've made. Half your family hates her racist, annoying ass.
Last time she had a kid, she made sure the dad couldn't get most custody despite him being the actual proper parent. There is no one more stupid in the world than this guy, who went from being normal to now more of an immature manchild thanks to an immature woman. And now they're gonna have a kid.
People already still believe Kelly's lies of Daniil being a deadbeat (really, it's the opposite) and Max ""stepped up"" to be her "dad." It's just gonna be worse now. The parasocial fans don't make this better either.
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tuxedomax · 4 months ago
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so this screenshot resurfaced [because a certain blog got nerfed (i'll give you one guess who was behind it getting deleted) ] and for those who don't know, this account (in the screenshot) was created by kelly herself to start posting about her relationship with max and get the rumours going before they became "official"
what you see here is kelly insinuating that p is really max's daughter and we all know that she is definitely daniil's atp and i cannot express how fucking disgusting and vile this actually is to try and make people question the paternity of her own child just for attention and i swear to fucking god if i see anyone posting some "girl dad max" bullshit on my dash, you're getting blocked on the spot because absolutely not this girl is a certified insane narcissist to the 100th degree
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residentdemonhunter · 3 months ago
btw this blog is NOT a safe space for ppl who like kelly piquet!!
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foalangoesbowlin · 3 months ago
just found out from the commentators that max is having a kid with his pedophile girlfriend? Right so… course he is
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formulawolff · 4 months ago
they had kelly on screen for like 2.5 seconds during the podium celebration yesterday and i almost threw up
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lucien-calore · 1 year ago
anyone else find it weird that max is with p and kelly is nowhere to be seen?? i mean, sure, atp max is a father figure to her, but he's not even her stepdad because (as far as we know) he's not married to kelly. her leaving him to take care of her child while on a race weekend (when he won't be able to spend much time at all with p) is very irresponsible of her. p isn't max's child and not his responsibility. if kelly can't fit childcare into her schedule, she shouldn't have had kids. // max is not her step dad because he doesn’t want to be. He said so multiple times himself. He doesn’t see himself in any way as a father figure to p because she has a father. Kelly has multiple nannies actually. She just constantly lies about that. If she wouldn’t have nannies she would have abandoned p while Kelly was busy playing model and partying mostly in Paris. Max was in Bahrain still and daniil wasn’t anywhere close to Monaco either. By Kelly’s own telling p would have been alone in Monaco for over a week. Nobody of her or maxs family was close to Monaco either by the way. Max actually has no legal rights to take p out of the country and continent. I doubt daniil signed off on max taking his child and that both him and Kelly gave max all the signed over rights for this trip that max needs to take p to Australia. Rich people mostly have kids as Accessoire. She called max arm Accessoires during the gala. When she was there only because of him. Kelly left max alone with her nannies and p for a while again now. You can guess that someone else is in the apartment besides max and p because in the last stream he was told that his dinner is ready and p was already in bed for once. She was up after 10 pm and nobody cared during one of the last streams. The dinner chat was after 9 pm as well. Or when p was crying over taking a shower during stream max was basically sending her off to the nanny because Kelly was gone for a couple of days too. You could see p looking at the nanny and let’s be honest which 4 year old does their night routine completely alone. And with that I mean brushing their teeth properly and actually going to sleep and not continuing to play when they don’t want to.
i have nothing else to add except: i agree 100%
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p6to · 9 months ago
Can’t say I’m not watching the Kelly-Piquet-anti-hate-insta-post-with-“Max”-commenting-while-playing-COD-saga with a smile on my face and popcorn in my hands.
It’s nice that people are continuing to call out a hipocritical body-shaming predatory Bolsonaro-supporting racism-defending woman who exploits her daughter for social media engagement. And these are just the most obvious things we have proof of. There is more.
I’ve seen people defending her on twitter and especially on reddit, where the issue isn’t taken seriously at all.
The problem is not and never has been limited to her relationsship with Max, and people should stop acting like it is.
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oranjeleeuw · 11 months ago
I want to believe *so* bad that there's a "higher purpose" (means: K's his beard, they broke up and they're together for the kid only or something) behind Max and Kelly still being together despite they look like romance died between them after like day 1, but sadly, my sister is in a similar relationship and it's just that. Sad. Boring. Convenient.
And she forced the bloke into proposal so I don't see much better things in Max's future either 💀
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crookedpersondonkeystudent · 4 months ago
Kelly posting on her Instagram story with a pic of her and Max's kiss with the words "see you next year." Sure, I guess...
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povkellypiquet has been banned !!!!
WHY ⁉️⁉️
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salutethesargeant · 3 months ago
"How could you see Kelly's pregnancy and hate her about it?"
She's racist. She said she was "interested" in Max when he was 17 and she was in her late 20s. She's used her family's power to gain more custody over her last child and is trying to erase the father from her life (the one parent who's actually present). She has history of being shady. She is connected to and supports fascists. Etc etc. I don't feel happy that a horrible person is having another child for attention and her own benefit. I just feel bad for that kid.
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its-sir-actually · 2 years ago
I log off for a few hours and I've come back to the p3 trophy being passed around between drivers like it's the new Kelly Piquet
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residentdemonhunter · 2 months ago
true the way people are criticising a LITERAL FIVE YEAR OLD for the way she dresses or whatever, bro she’s five??? get a grip 😭 // she doesn’t know boundaries, she doesn’t know the word no. She does whatever she wants, she hits people, she kicks people, she bites people when the full attention of the room isn’t on her, when she doesn’t get what she wants. That’s not entirely on her but on her parents. She has not been parented at all. That’s on Kelly, Daniil and a bit on max as well.
But putting your naked foot into peoples faces while they are eating or playing with cutlery like the little mermaid in other peoples hair while they are eating or hitting people with a bouquet because you are not the only flower girl and you are upset about that or running up to the bride and groom during their first dance and then “demand” to join the first dance? At 4/5 years old? I would say a child should know those are not things you do simply by watching what other people around her do. Makes me wonder how Kelly and other adults behaves around p in private because from watching the streams and seeing how p behaves around max and how she is very comfortable with hitting him repeatedly and continuing even when told no? Or the other things mentioned above with sticking your feet into peoples faces at the dinner table or using forks as hair brushes or hitting animals…
It’s not solely on p but on her environment and THAT failed her so far massively.
i got an ask before saying that kelly is an absent mother and if penelope acts this way then either that anon was right or kelly is teaching her daughter to act like that, i would put neither past her atp 😭 but shouldn’t they have a nanny to look after p if kelly isn’t interested in being her mother when there isn’t a camera pointed at them? and if they do, would the nanny not try to teach p that this isn’t a good way to act? i’m straight up confused because everyone in p’s life has failed her
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