#anti Hino matsuri
eternalpassions · 2 years
yuuki is the most emotionally manipulative character in vampire knight.
Honestly yea. She’s got me awed. People say Kaname is the manipulative one and the mastermind but it’s really Yuuki tbh. Like you know that song lyric that goes “You always know the way to wow me” That was basically Kaname to Yuuki by the end of the manga. The worst people in life as the kinds that emotionally manipulate you.
It’s just hard for most people to spot because she plays victim and innocent and she uses the fact that she’s incompetent to her advantage. Like I could really write an analysis on this but I don’t want to deal with “fans”. Like I have no problem with soft female characters. In fact, I love them as seen by Nana Komatsu in Nana. I think she’s what Yuuki tried to be but failed. She’s soft and makes many mistakes. She’s immature. But she admits when she messes up and she is genuine. She doesn’t try to emotionally manipulate people into feeling sorry for her. People can spot a manipulator from miles away. Like girl, you ain’t fooling anyone besides maybe Zero 😔😭
Like bro I feel bad for Ai she has to suffer from this woman’s immaturity and narcissism and manipulation. Like her father was driven to insanity and is in an ice coffin now. And she had to live seeing her father like that. She learn the vile way things went down when she was just a child. And her own mother emotionally manipulated her into feeling sorry for her and she gives up her own wants for her immature narcissistic mother who wants to have her cake and eat it too. Ai had to mature earlier because her mother never did. She had to take over her mother’s job because Yuuki was so incompetent at it. Like I got to a point where I thought Ai was hopeless but you have to take into all this into account.
Like sure, it’s not politically correct to call Yuuki a narcissist and manipulator but it doesn’t mean it’s not true. It sucks when families are broken when one of the parents are like this. And when that parent refuses to take accountability and keeps victimizing herself as seen by the new chapter. Which I can write a whole essay about cuz the gall of this woman to still be playing victim to a dead man. Like really bitch?? You’re trying to tell me you still don’t know why things turned out this way??She thinks she’s gonna emotionally manipulate a man in an iced coffin into responding to her manipulative drivel. Nope not gonna happen 😆
It’s also cuz I have a theory Hino is really Yuuki. Yuuki is her self insert so Hino is using Yuuki to manipulate the audience. But it generally doesn’t work cuz most people can spot a dumb bitch! It sucks that Hino is still at it lmao. Like gurl it’s getting embarrassing!
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sonitavalentine · 2 years
For real? For fucking real??! Hino just HAS to, she must, she's obliged to play both sides. She just can't do something sincerely for one ship, she always MUST do immediately something for another one, otherwise "shippers of the other couple will start believing their ship isn't valid" or "she has a preference". Honestly, I just want her to show this damn preferance even if it's zeki, I don't fucking care anymore. All these efforts should've been put into the plot rather than tries to avoid picking a side.
If there were any crumbs of respect towards Hino in me they got erased today, forever.
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kuranalex · 6 years
What is the perfect ending for Kaname?
It’s not a secret for anyone that I love Yume, it's simply perfect, the love between them, the passion that overflows is wonderful, that why Yume is and always will be my favorite couple of all time..
It's true that zero and yuki had hundreds years together, they got a family and for sure they had many moments of happiness, but even so, zeki never had and never will the sense of eternity of Yume, that love that surpasses anything, where there is no time, space or person to interfere in their feelings that both feel in each of their "multiple" lives, where they seek each other and find nothing but moments, it is sad, but beautiful and deep at the same time, because that kind of love happens only once in a lifetime.
However, even though I love yume with all my soul, I love Kaname EVEN MORE, so here is where I asking myself: What is the perfect ending for Kaname?
I know that many want Yuki brought back to life so they can be together as it has to be, honestly I don't see this option too viable, and personally I don't like that much, it's like "I lived a thousand years with one and now some years with the other one" and everyone happy, but that's not how it works, from my point of view it would be something gross and pitiful even for a bad writer like Hino ... but i'm talking about me, but if I think about Kaname, surely for him it would be fine, since he has a new life in which he doesn't even remember her, but knows that he loved her deeply.
The other scenario is Kaname falling in love for someone else and may have a full life as human. This idea like me, because my Kaname that I love with madness, the one who has experienced the deepest loneliness deserves to be alone even in his life as human? NO, just NOT ... Kaname doesn’t deserve to have someone to wait for him at home, cook for him, to draw a smile on his face, someone to share his days and nights, to be spoiled for a girl, someone to dress (and undress ) for him? Nobody deserves it more !!!!  Kaname deserves to be happy for a fucking time in life, nobody can be happy living only from memories, Kaname knew that very well and that's why he asked Yuki to accept Zero's feelings.
But then.. if that happens… WHAT ABOUT YUME? Yume is not going in just one direction, going in two ways, if Yuki could get a family and have some happiness while remained loving Kaname, Kaname can't  do the same? Why expect that loyalty only from him? Because he is human and lives so much less, and Yuki being eternal couldn't stay alone forever? It's like the eternal discussion about yuki's smile... Only she deserved to have a smile on her face? I mean, Yuki didn't put a smile on Kaname's face either, I come back and repeat, it goes in two ways.
With this I don't mean that they didn't love each other, on the contrary, they loved each other so much and so deeply, but that love prevented them from being totally happy, I guess that's why many people see their love sick and obsessive, and it really is, so sickly that refuses to die, they have spent all their life trying to find each other, in the past or in the present, even in the future, which I do not doubt will happen, but as always, it will be for a moment.
So ...  YUME dies if Kaname falls in love with someone else? The answer is NO, just as it did not die when Yuki got a family with zero, and this is because the love between them will never die, they will always remember each other, always long for each other, and always love each other, but could never be together, at least not physically, because she is already part of him, ALL her heart, not half, not a part, ALL her heart kept it for 1000 years to give it to him and now he knows and feels it.
To say Yume dies by not being physically together is an insult, because Yume is not to be physically with the other, is to be with the other from the mind, the soul and heart, that’s why Yuki after 1000 years can say "to you whom I love so much" as if it were the first day.
 At this point,  it’s not that Yume dies because they "were happy" with somebody else, but in spite of that someone else, they will never stop loving each other, no matter if they are humans, vampires, dead or alive, in this lies their tragic love story, in which both Kaname and Yuki had to settle for a life of unfulfilled desires because they could never be together.
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romana73 · 6 years
Post written by ME. The animated gifs and pictures shown, however, AREN’T MINE and DON’T BELONG TO ME IN ANY WAY. Sorry for my mistakes, but English isn’t my first language
"In depths of my heart, fear of a dark past has always tormented me. My parents abandoned me ... and who am I? " (Yuki, 2x04, Vampire Knight Guilty) I will try to insert less possible spoilers about Vampire Knight, ‘cause if you haven’t seen and read this work, I highly recommend you do it and I don’t want to ruin various surprises story holds.
Vampire Knight and Reylo DON’T have much in common. Their stories are different, Vampire Knight is a mirrors game, with two male protagonists always poised between good and evil and a true love triangle in classic sense. Nonetheless, two stories share narrative canvases show how by using them, different stories can be built, but always love stories. Vampire Knight is a 2004 Shōjo Manga, signed by Matsuri Hino. In 2008 cartoon version came out. Divided into two seasons Vampire Knight and Vampire Knight Guilty, cartoon summarizes only comics first part. To know second part and story’s end, you must read Vampire Knight comics. Story protagonist is Yuki Cross, a 16-year-old girl, adopted by Kaien Cross, Cross Academy’s director, a renowned private school she’s a student of and Guardian. Together with Kaien and Yuki also lives Zero Kyriu, a 17-year-old boy, student and another institute’s Guardian. In fact, school hides a secret. Students are divided into two classes: Day Class, formed by human and Night Class, beautiful vampires elite. Former retired vampire hunter, belonging to Hunters Association, Kaien Cross opened school pursuing a difficult goal: peaceful coexistence between vampires and human. In fact, being divided, there is a moment in which two groups meet, under Guardians watchful gaze: classes changes. Vampires often attend evening classes. Banned from vampires sucking blood of academy humans. For this, at their disposal are blood tablets, dissolved in water, are transformed into blood... students also reside in two separate dormitories. Sun dormitory (human) and Moon (Vampire). Yuki and Zero are responsible for discipline and respect for rules, they also possess anti-vampire weapons. Sharing and helping director Kaien's project is Kaname Kuran, a fascinating and powerful Pure Blood vampire, head of Moon dormitory and all Academy’s vampires, whose Yuki has always been in love. Yuki suffers from a big memory emptiness, which prevents her from remembering her childhood. Her memories start on a cold, snowy winter night, when she was 10 and Kaname saved her from a vampire E-level attack: a vampire, a human time, whose transformation has degenerated to point of erasing all consciousness, reason and feeling, turning he into a monster thirsty for blood. Since then, Kaname has taken on task of protecting Yuki, refusing to reveal to anyone, including Yuki, real reasons for this choice. Only Kaien Cross knows truth. Difficult relationship between Yuki and Kaname is complicated by Yuki's feelings for Zero. Shaky, taciturn and grumpy, Zero keeps everyone at a safe distance, including Yuki, whom he loved in secret. All she knows is, one night, four years ago, Kaien had come home with blood-covered Zero, saying he was son of two famous vampire hunters, murdered by a pure blood vampire and he was only survivor. For this reason, as well as ‘cause of his being a hunter, Zero feeds a deep and boundless hatred for vampires, which he only wants to exterminate. What Yuki ignores is Zero himself is turning into a vampire. Shizuka Hio, nicknamed Princess of Blossoming Flower, had been killed by his parents, who had broken her hearts by killing vampire she was in love with. In revenge, Shizuka had killed two hunters, but first she had irreparably bitten Zero... to help her, Ichiru Kiryu, Zero’s twin brother, physically too weak to become a hunter. Protected by Zero, to whom he was deeply tied, Ichiru couldn’t bear his frail health and be considered by all weak link. Shizuka recognized as a kindred soul, behind promise to be healed and turned into a strong boy, Ichiru was on vampire’s side, betraying parents and Zero, then disappearing with her. One day Kaname reveals to Yuki only pure-blooded vampires like him can choose to turn a human. Unfortunately, transformed human is destined to become inexorably a level E vampire: a blood-thirsty monster without any more reason and conscience. This is also Zero’s fate who, once a human, has been fighting against a slow transformation into a vampire for four years ... Kaname Kuran’s title is MASTER KANAME. He faithful friends and subordinates, a group of seven young aristocratic vampires: Hanabusa Aido, Takuma Ichijo, Akatsuki Kain, Seiren, Senri Shiki, Ruka Souen and Rima Toya:
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One of Ben Solo/Kylo Ren’s titles is a KNIGHTS OF REN MASTER, a fighters group loyal to him:
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Yuki’s first memory is when, in a dark and cold winter night, Kaname saved her from a mad vampire, then he holding her hand out. Yuki, who at time was a child, grasped Kaname's hand confidently, while a woman's words rang out in her mind, warning her: "He is ... who sucks people’s blood...monster takes on human form... he’s a vampire. You don’t have to get close to them, if you do... you will be captured by those eyes " (female voice, 1x01, Vampire Knight)
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In Vampire Knight’s opening themes, Kaname offers his hand to Yuki, but she portrays her own, uncertain:
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In "Star Wars. Episode VIII. The Last Jedi" movie, Rey offers her hand to Ben/Kylo and he accepts it. In same movie, Kylo offers his hand to Rey, but she doesn’t grasp it:
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Zero confides to Yuki:
"I accepted to be a guardian only for one reason: because I want to look for most effective way to destroy those beasts with human features" (Zero to Yuki, about the vampires, 1x01, Vampire Knight)
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Likewise, Kylo Ren hates Jedi and wants to kill them all, along with Sith:
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At one point, at Academy, comes Toga Yagari, vampire hunter and ex ZERO’S MASTER who tries to kill Zero. Knowing boy's vampire condition, Yagari closes Zero. Concerned, Yuki goes to see Zero and, noticing he isn’t immobilized and doors and windows aren’t locked, Yuki gets angry and asks why Zero accepts imprisonment imposed by Yagari: "Why do you have to obey that man? Tell me! " (Yuki to Zero, 1x06, Vampire Knight)
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Similarly, in "Star Wars. Episode VIII. The Last Jedi" movie, while Ben/Kylo is taking her to Snoke, on elevator, Rey tells him: "You don't have to do this. I feel the conflict in you " (Rey to Ben/Kylo, from "Star Wars, Episode VIII, The Last Jedi" movie)
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At one point, Yuki's mental block, which prevents her from remembering, becomes too heavy for her who, reflecting, says:
"In depths of my heart, the fear of a dark past has always tormented me. My parents abandoned me ... and who am I? " (Yuki, 2x04, Vampire Knight Guilty)
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Similarly, in "Star Wars. Episode VIII. The Last Jedi" movie, Ben Solo/Kylo Ren gives voice to Rey complex, even if ABANDONED when it was small by PARENTS, she DOESN’T STOP TO HOPE of couple coming to her and of FIND OUT THEM in any adult shows her affection: "Thrown away like rubbish from yours ..." "It isn’t so!" "Yes, yes, but you still need it. You look for them in anyone, it's your weak point. You look for them in anyone, In Han Solo, now in Skywalker " (Ben Solo/Kylo Ren to Rey, from "Star Wars Episode VIII, The Last Jedi" movie)
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To help Yuki rebuild her past, Zero and Kaien accompany her to Hunters Association headquarters, to search through their archives. By time Yuki finds 10-year-old register, when Kaname rescued her from mad vampire, book’s pages burn themselves, before she and anyone else could read them, leaving Yuki depressed and shaken:
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To search for answers about their parents, Rey ventures into dark cave on sacred island where Luke lives. Inside it, girl finds a mirror-like wall, asking her to show her parents. Rey sees two shadows walking towards her, until she becomes one, but when image clears up, mirror reflects Rey's only face. Destroyed and disheartened, girl confides in Kylo
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Yuki would do anything to save Zero from his destiny as a vampire, convinced of inexorability of his fate, Zero handed Yuki a bulletproof pistol, making her promise. if one day he becomes a lethal level E vamp, she will kill him. Yuki accepts weapon, but refuses to kill Zero. One evening, entering Zero's empty room, Yuki thinks:
"It’s in this room he suffers alone, he suffers in silence. Zero, I know I can save you "
(Yuki thinking of Zero, 1x11, Vampire Knight)
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In "Star Wars. Episode VII. The Force Awakens" movie, Kylo Ren closes in his room, alone, to talk with Vader's mask:
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In "Star Wars. Episode VIII. The last Jedi" movie, arguing with Luke, Rey declares herself confident she can bring Kylo Ren back to Light Side, saving him:
“This is not going to go the way you think! “
“It is. Just now, when we touched hands, I saw his future. As solid as I'm seeing you. If I go to him, Ben Solo will turn”
“Rey... Don't do this”
(Rey and Luke Skywalker, from "Star Wars Episode VIII, The Last Jedi" movie)
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One evening, in disguise, Shizuka Hio arrives at Academy. Zero recognizes her immediately and he challenge her, but vampire reminds him:
"So I know you're incapable of killing me, because a slave couldn’t kill his master, who offered him a vampire life with his blood"
(Shizuka Hio a Zero, 1x10, Vampire Knight)
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In "Star Wars. Episode VIII. The last Jedi" movie, speaking of Kylo, ​​Snoke tells Rey:
"You think you can turn him? Pathetic child, I cannot be betrayed. I cannot be beaten. I see his mind: I see his every intent " (Snoke a Rey, about Kylo Ren, from "Star Wars Episode VIII, The Last Jedi" movie)
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One evening, Kaname finds Yuki fainted in front of his palace. He takes her into his house, placing her on sofa and sitting next to her. The moment she opens her eyes, Kaname tells Yuki: "It was time! It's been a while since I've been here, waiting for you to wake up" (Kaname to Yuki, 2x02, Vampire Knight Guilty) In "Star Wars. Episode VII. The Force Awakens” movie, after making Rey faint and taking her to Starkiller Base, Kylo Ren binds her to interrogation table, sitting in front of her, waiting for her to wake up:
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At moment, when Yuki's amnesia risks leading her to madness, Kaname intervenes. Using his powers to sleep Yuki, he picks her up, carrying her out, under the snow, where he awakens her...
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In "Star Wars. Episode VII. The Force Awakens", locked and captured Rey, Kylo Ren uses his powers to sleep her, then carries her on his ship:
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One day, Yagari observes, while not being Kaien's true daughter, Yuki looks very much like a man: "This father, that daughter. You are not even blood relatives, but you always behave in such an excessive way ... " (Toga Yagari to Yuki Cross, 2x12, Vampire Knight Guilty)
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In "Star Wars. Episode VIII. The last Jedi" movie, reproaching Kylo Ren, Snoke intends to take off his mask then, studying his face, says: "Take off that ridiculous business. Yes, it is. You have too much of your father, I still feel his heart in you, young Solo" (Snoke to Kylo Ren, from the movie "Star Wars, Episode VIII, The Last Jedi")
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Discovery about Yuki to be a PURE BLOOD VAMPIRE PRINCESS, puts a strain on relationship between her and Zero. Not caring about his status as a vampire, Zero decided, in fact, to become a VAMPIRE HUNTER in all respects. Yuki would like to talk to him, to try to fix things, but closed in his room, Zero replies it’s useless and points to front door which is Yuki, Bloody Mary, his gun ANTIS VAMPIRE. Yuki replies Zero is right vampire in her DIVORED Yuki he knew:
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Similarly, in "Star Wars. Episode VIII. The last Jedi" movie, Rey cries hot tears seeing Kylo Ren take over from Snoke as First Order Supreme Leader and decide to kill everyone: Jedi, Resistance and Sith. Rey rejects proposal to join Kylo to reign with him and, instead, to take his hand, she tries to recover her lightsaber:
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For his part, furious at Rey's decision, Kylo Ren orders to take down Falcon spacecraft, on which Rey himself travels:
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Yuki decides to leave Academy, accepting Kaname's proposal to leave with him and other vampires their friends. Greeting Zero, Yuki bites him to tell she really became one of vampires he hates so much:
"You are a vampire ..." "Mm...hmmm" "We can’t live in the same world" "No" "The day will come when I ... I will decide to kill you..." "I will wait for you" (Zero and Yuki, 2x13, Vampire Knight Guilty)
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In "Star Wars. Episode VIII. The last Jedi", Luke tells Kylo Ren Rey is LAST JEDI. Kylo replies he will DESTROY her. Rey decides to join and leave with Resistance, hated by Kylo: "I'm sure you are! The Resistance is dead, the war is over, and when I kill you, I will have killed the last Jedi!”
“Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong. The Rebellion is reborn today. The war is just beginning. And I will not be the last Jedi”
"I will destroy her, and you, and everything else" (Kylo Ren and Luke Skywalker, from "Star Wars Episode VIII, The Last Jedi" movie)
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millennialxletters · 6 years
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A cute siblings' portrait at one of the few Hunter balls that the Guild organizes once in a while ! Taken 2 years prior to the beginning of VK (-and before Anya loses her legs-). Hence why they look so happy and united... The older sibling is Helene. 21 years old. She is well known for her beauty that rivals the vampires' own good looks (Vampire genes make wonder on the Hunter's appareances :') ). She works as the Guild's ambassador at the Senate. She is not that skilled in fighting, but if she has to, she will pull out two daggers to save her life! Anya "Phoebe" Darkwing is the oldest of the twins here. 18 years old, she has an unhealthy skintone because she is the weakest of the twins. She is specialized in sharpshooting, so she can still fight for the Guild's cause while putting herself at minimal risk. Kai (previously known as Anju) "Hector" Darkwing is the youngest of the pair, however he is way stronger than Anya. He has a hot-tempered personnality and seriously need an anger management program. Touch his twin, and you'll never see the daylight again. He fights with a two-handed axe. Sarah "Pyrrha" Darkwing is the youngest of the siblings, yet she is the heiress of the Guild's throne. Usually kind of stoic, she lets her guard down when she is with friends or family, revealing a sarcastic, playful girl. She fights with a spear that's retractable into a gladius. She owns a shield also made out of the anti-vampire metal. As you may have already guessed, it's a redrawing of an official VK illustration! Helene, Anya, Kai, Sarah belongs to me. VK belongs to Matsuri Hino
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sharp-fanged13 · 7 years
Tag game
I’ve been tagged by the awesome @white-queen-lacus (she has the cuttest cat, his name is Jack)
Rules: 1. Post the rules 2. Answer the questions given to you by the tagger 3. Write 11 questions of your own 4. And tag 11 people
Her questions:
1) Have you traveled somewhere recently and where?
In september I traveled to Sinaia (a.k.a. my favorite place in Romania). I miss it very much rn.
2) What literary genre do you prefer reading?
I dunno if i am picky, but I prefer to read fiction which has a combination of genres. I consider a book very good if it has lots of action, mistery, some gore and romance and characters I can relate to (if the characters are not well written, especially the protagonist, then it is a real chance I won’t finish the book)
3) Name your favorite recipe.
Pancakes with nutella and bannanas is something I think everyone knows how to make, so this is a recipe for my favorite romanian classic
CIORBĂ: it is like a sour soup and for this one i recommend the version with chicken wings and lemon (sounds weird, but it is delicious and hearthy)
In a pot (5L) boil about 8-10 chicken wings in about 3L of water or a bit more (you need to remove whatever you don’t like from it except the skin beforehand)
Then, you can start dicing 3-4 carrots, a big onion, a medium sized celery root, 1-2 bell peppers (whichever colour you prefer), a medium sized potato and add them to the pot. When the veggies are soft you can add diced canned tomatoes (about half a can or enough to give it colour) or you can use 4-5 fresh ones (also diced). If the water is reduced to half the pot you must add some more until the pot is at least 3 quaters full.
At the end you must add the juice of 2 lemons (my avice is to add half, let it simmer a bit, then add salt to taste. If it seems like there is not sour enough of salty enough add to taste so you can adjust it to your taste).
And that it is!
This recipe is the universal and healthy version and my favorite. Here in Romania (and I suppose in Rep. Moldova and some areas in the neighboorhooding countries they have this thing too) we usually use borsh to make it sour (no, not the thing made in Russia), but you can’t find it in other corners of the world, but lemon juice is a great substitute, i swear!
4) What’s the best side of your favorite character?
I have many, many faves, but today I’ll pick Darrow from The Red Rising Trilogy. I love Darrow because I see myself in him most of the time and I can’t really say he has a best part and a worst part. 
But I admit he is a great leader and his leadership skills, his power and determination are what drive the plot most of the time.
5) (related to n.4) What’s the worst side?
He has none. He is as perfect as his significant other
Ok, maybe people might say that his rage is a curse. That he burns out too quickly. But I love his rage and he does not burn out, because everyone around him is there to make sure he does not. (that and the fact that Mustang did not allow him to die and Sevro will litterally drag his arse from the Vale).
6) Why did you join Tumblr?
I was in the naruto fandom at the time and I loved many artists from the fandom (I still do) so I made a tumblr in order to show my appreciation for art and fanart and funny posts and so on. Then I became a multi-fandom blog because I can’t keep to one thing only and that’s it.
I know I am a trash blog, but hey, it is a healthy form of escapism so I won’t search the gift horse at the teeth.
7) Name five things you usually enjoy irl.
Reading, eating, traveling, cooking delicious food, listening to music.
8) What did you dream last night (or enventually, what is the dream you remember better lately)?
i dreamt of a window sill and a rainy day and a good book (I need a break from Uni)
9) What’s you favorite TV show and why?
I dunno if i have one. I was into TVD until I got tired of the writers shitting on Damon’s character (dude, they even made Klaus prefer Stefan like WTF). I watched the ending for old time’s sake and I was ok with it. Then me and sis liked Game of Thrones, because of the complexity, the magic, the mind games, the world etc. But I don’t consider it a favorite…it’s weird, but there are a lot of flaws i can’t get over. (And i am not reffering to its relation to the books)
10) Who is your favorite mangaka (or author, if you don’t read manga)?
My favorite mangaka is Yana Toboso, because she is amazing and attentive to details and has hands down, the best style and is a great writer too. i also like Hiro Mashima, because he and his editors always delivered a ton of chapters pretty quickly and his mangas always make me laugh and feel actual happiness.
I love Hino Matsuri’s style a lot, but she is not as great with the writing part, in my opinion.
11) If you had the chance to ask only one wish to the genie, what would you ask?
I’d wish my sister to have a happy and long life.
Here are my q’s: 1. What is your current favorite book? 2. What is your top 5 favorite male characters? 3. If you could change a single thing in your life what would it be? 4. Tea, coffee, juice or chocolate? 5. Favorite place from your country is? 6. Who would you be in a story (hero, anti hero, villan, sidekick etc)? 7. Have you ever loved romatically? 8. What’s your stand on vigilantism Batman style? (without killing, unless it’s a creature intending to destroy the world) 9. What weapon would you choose to fight with (no matter what era, you can even choose laser swords idc)? 10. What song do you currently love? 11. Would you read a book if I recommend it to you? I tag 11 blogs (please don’t hate me, ignore it if u don’t do these kind of things): @the-dark-instruments @kakashi-gets-sasusaku @elizabeth-kawaii-midford @runningquill-art @mortisia @crochanblackbeak @brucediana i don’t even know 11 people on tumblr I am sorry😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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Yes, I'm agree with you. Thank you for your answers. Hino is still moneywhore, really. So, I just deal with it.
Yeah… I honestly think she tried to make the best ‘ending’ she could after she was forced to end VK by La La.
I guess in the end everyone was over it because the whole second arc was honestly very sloppy and not even her editors knew where she was going, so volume sales went down I believe that was after Kaname killed Aido’s father and the fans didn’t buy it in protest because they couldn’t accept Hino’s portrayal of him as a villain even though she’d been foreshadowing it since arc one and because and she’d mistreated the Zeki fans they didn’t buy it either as most of them stopped reading VK after arc one in Japan.
The first arc was amazing though, and it still shocks me to this day that someone could write so beautifully and then watch their whole story fall to crap. I just don’t understand it.
I also don’t understand how someone could write such a beautiful and well thought out character like Zero and then have such an undeveloped and senseless character like Kaname.
But honestly Yuuki is the character I just don’t get because she had such promise in arc one but then she went of with Kaname and she just regressed to the point that I couldn’t stand her anymore. It’s one of the greatest mysteries in life to me, if I was to be completely honest. Someone should have just taken the characters off her and gone, No.
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eternalpassions · 9 months
I find it unnatural that yuki got depressed right after she turned into a vampire. I can kinda understand if it had happened after she had been living some 1000 years and had gotten old inside and didn't wanna live thousand years more . It's like the thought of being a vampire depresses all the characters. But they can die whenever they choose to. They can even turn human. They even have superpowers and make slaves out of humans. All in all, I don't see where the curse of this vampire existence is in this plot. They got a better deal than humans. I don't understand what they are complaining about.
It’s unnatural but that whole being a vampire sucks was an addiction to the world building in arc 2 to foreshadow Kaname’s death. The end of arc 1 or beginning of arc 2 has Kaname saying “now I can spend eternity with my beloved girl in my arms” implying that he was looking forward to immortality with Yuuki and he had no issue being a vampire if he got to be with her forever.Even in arc 1 Yuuki used to contemplate being a vampire so she could be with Kaname
Then suddenly a panel happens with a 1 year time skip and it’s wahh being a vampire is a curse I want to die. I think the manga was supposed to end right there but Hino continued it to make profits and give zeki’s their happy ending
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eternalpassions · 2 years
Just wanted to share this with yume fans. I guess there is an AU where yume ended up together and happily shown in Shuriken to Pleats. Yuuki was able to save her true love and it’s implied they’d have a life together :)
When I say Hino changed the direction of her story somewhere along the way I’m not just talking lol. This manga I believe has to original direction Hino intended and was too afraid to continue. I think Shuriken to Pleats was her vampire knight AU where she wrote her original vision of the story or at least an AU ending where Kaname is saved by his heroine and he chooses to live on with her instead of giving himself over to grief and guilt
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This is Zero’s role was supposed to be:
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Just dropping this too:
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eternalpassions · 2 years
Thinking about how Hino had rare the opportunity to make a whole ass sequel to improve things, explain things etc but chose to focus on irrelevant things like dusty ass renai 💀
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eternalpassions · 2 years
right, Kaname is a fantasy the dream bad boy, the archetype of power, mystery, passion, lust, seduction and romance who is gentle to the woman he loves I think we try too hard to prove to the other side that kaname is good LMAO why should we care? when that scene where yuuki was on her bed and like 'thirsty thirsty" and then kaname's is in front. Damn. HOT. But Hino wanted the downgrade too because she's insecure and had kaname appear as an abuser so that he feels guilty and dies. fuck her.
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Yea I totally agree with this.
I mean don’t get me started on how Hino tried screwing Kaname’s character over to make him seem “bad” so she could try to justify his death. Even then Kaname is still a king. He’s still hot. Yuuki is still the most important person to him in the world. And Ai too. Shame on Hino for not letting this family be together cuz of a downgrade. Like literally they could’ve been like Haruka and Juri literally the manga said they would be until Hino kind of ignored this plot line
I don’t get it either. Sometimes I think that Yuuki was a victim to Hino’s bad writing too in a way. She was kind of stuck with accepting a life that was chosen for her cuz everyone told her it was best for her and she had to long for the one that got away for the rest of her life. Like I bet she lived off flashbacks of their sex in night 89 for the 1000 years.
I really don’t like when authors sell out their stories like this. This story was supposed to be a gothic dark romance and people were baffled when it had dark themes and things weren’t totally healthy and rainbows. Like my brother if blood and age gaps and incest (lmao) bother you so much then maybe you’re reading the wrong manga lol. If they wanted a normal love story they should read basically every other shoujo manga out there hello!
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eternalpassions · 2 years
I have noticed the "vampire knight is a love triangle done right" people always say that kaname is toxic in order to justify hino doing him dirty
Yea and Hino did too. That’s why she made him “fall from grace” in arc 2 to justify doing him dirty. Everything became his fault and he became the villian and the toxic lover to justify killing him off and making him give his blessing to zeki so we would all accept it lol. Is it really fair game if Kaname received all the brunts of Hino’s writing? Even the woman wrote an after note weeping about how she regrets doing Kaname so dirty lol. Tears and talk are cheap lady, where’s the amends in vkm lol
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eternalpassions · 2 years
Like I get Hino probably want to focus on the new generation and she probably wants to avoid addressing the love triangle but why does she focus so much on Ai? Lol what reason do I have to care about her? Just because she’s the biological child of my fav isn’t enough to make me give a shit
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eternalpassions · 2 years
I just watched Nana anime. Omg so much thoughts. It started out as this light hearted story about a girl moving to Tokyo and finding her way and turned into something so dark and insidious. Even so it was entertaining and all the characters and their tragedies seemed so raw and realistic. I truly think Hino could’ve done this with Vampire Knight but she was incapable/not talented enough to do so.
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eternalpassions · 2 years
I keep getting proven right when I say I hate Hino lmao
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eternalpassions · 2 years
Honestly I’m so tired of vampire knight. Like I literally want to sell all my vk stuff and wipe it from my mind
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