millennialxletters · 11 months
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It's been a while! Here is a redrawing of an official illustration made by Hino. I've figured that there are not nearly enough pictures of SenrixTakuma together, so, here it goes ! It was made with Clip Studio Paint, and was cross-posted on my DeviantArt :) You can see the original picture on the VK wiki : https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/vampireknight/images/9/94/LaLaDX_2021-01_Poster_Calendar.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20210210062143
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millennialxletters · 3 years
Yes, I know that, but when he was reincarnated, he tried to build a peaceful life for his descendant and now “sister”, Yuuki, except that he didn’t know anything about how the world functioned anymore, as he has slept for so long. Some things stayed the same, like the adoration towards Pureblood, but the importance of the Senate and the reluctant accords with the Guild were too, for example, as it happened 3000 years ago, when he was asleep. And Juuri and Haruka died soon after that. Even if he’s older spiritually, he could have seeked advice from Kaien, who he knew was trying to bring to life a co-existence project, but was more “up-to-date” with the society  and the general mindset of everyone, being at the same time old enough and young enough (250 y/o at least) to understand how recent views on Hunters or Levels D and E were developped, for instance. Otherwise, why would he have left Yuuki under Kaien’s care, if he didn’t trust him to be a man deserving of respect, and with qualities befitting of a father, such as being a good advice-giver ?  I hope I have explained myself clearly enough, and it’s alright if you don’t see their relationship the same way I do, I find your take on this pair quite interesting, I respect it and I agree that their situation, as characters with exceptional backgrounds, is very similar :) 
So I had an epiphany today that Kaname and Kaien would make such a fascinating closet romance . Kaname getting his aggression out by shoving Kaien against a wall and having serious make out sessions . And it hit me , what is thier ship name ? I went to A03 and searched Kaien Cross/Kaname Kuran , I ended up with 300 fics about everyone else where Kaname and Kaien are tagged individually as side characters . I’m exhausted , has nobody written on these two???
Hi there ! To answer you, this is the first time I’ve heard about a KanamexKaien pairing! Didn’t see any fanfics about that pairing on FF.net (still useful as an old database for fanfics) or deviantart. I’m afraid you are the first to search for fanfics for this couple. Just to be sure, I would recommend you ask @wabatai ! I don’t know them personally, but I know that their favorite character is Kaien Cross. They ship Kaisaya mainly, but they might know if there are fanfics that feature your rare pair. Anyway, thanks for coming here, for the likes and for the ask !  :)
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millennialxletters · 3 years
Please pardon me, I have answered with one of my sideblogs.
So I had an epiphany today that Kaname and Kaien would make such a fascinating closet romance . Kaname getting his aggression out by shoving Kaien against a wall and having serious make out sessions . And it hit me , what is thier ship name ? I went to A03 and searched Kaien Cross/Kaname Kuran , I ended up with 300 fics about everyone else where Kaname and Kaien are tagged individually as side characters . I’m exhausted , has nobody written on these two???
Hi there ! To answer you, this is the first time I’ve heard about a KanamexKaien pairing! Didn’t see any fanfics about that pairing on FF.net (still useful as an old database for fanfics) or deviantart. I’m afraid you are the first to search for fanfics for this couple. Just to be sure, I would recommend you ask @wabatai ! I don’t know them personally, but I know that their favorite character is Kaien Cross. They ship Kaisaya mainly, but they might know if there are fanfics that feature your rare pair. Anyway, thanks for coming here, for the likes and for the ask !  :)
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millennialxletters · 3 years
So I had an epiphany today that Kaname and Kaien would make such a fascinating closet romance . Kaname getting his aggression out by shoving Kaien against a wall and having serious make out sessions . And it hit me , what is thier ship name ? I went to A03 and searched Kaien Cross/Kaname Kuran , I ended up with 300 fics about everyone else where Kaname and Kaien are tagged individually as side characters . I’m exhausted , has nobody written on these two???
Hi there ! To answer you, this is the first time I’ve heard about a KanamexKaien pairing! Didn’t see any fanfics about that pairing on FF.net (still useful as an old database for fanfics) or deviantart. I’m afraid you are the first to search for fanfics for this couple. Just to be sure, I would recommend you ask @wabatai ! I don’t know them personally, but I know that their favorite character is Kaien Cross. They ship Kaisaya mainly, but they might know if there are fanfics that feature your rare pair. Anyway, thanks for coming here, for the likes and for the ask !  :)
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millennialxletters · 5 years
Random ask but
Are there any discord server on Vampire Knight, aside from teamcoexistence (the only one that I know of and I’m already trying to get in) ? Whether for RP or for simply discussing the disaster series that we both love and hate equally? Let me know or better yet, send me an invite please ! ^^
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millennialxletters · 5 years
I am making a separate post because I don’t want to reblog someone else’s post that is already pretty long and then add to it. So please don’t think that this post is passive aggressive. 
First let me start by saying that everyone and every couple in VK has at times paralleled in some way or another. So as I said before parallels abound in VK. They are all over the place. But the question is who is meant to parallel who the most? How are we meant to see it? How does Hino want us to see it?
There are some things that I personally think are obvious. But like I said there are still times when even Zero and Kaname have paralleled each other. So Hino has a thing for parallels in order to show how actions and beliefs change your outcome depending on how you deal with your lot in life.
Now to get to it.
Juuri and Yuuki represent light in VK. Their light was not able to save Rido or Kaname. But their light was special to Haruka and Zero.
Haruka and Zero both really did die. They both died smiling at the woman they spent their entire life with. They both told their loved one how happy they had been. Kaname did not die. He was a pureblood and was preserved in ice by Aidou. So Kaname has yet to actually truly die. Both Zero and Haruka’s deaths seemed more tragic simply because they both evaporated. One into dust because he was a regular vampire and one into glass shards because he was a pureblood. That is completely a parallel there. They both LEFT this earth. They both loved one woman all of their lives. They both stood by that said woman for all of their lives. They both found happiness through the only woman they ever loved. They both smiled and said calming things to the one they loved at the end of their lives. They didn’t have to use that time to try to set their loved one free from the emotional pain they had caused them. They didn’t need to explain their actions or try to atone for sins that they had committed. 
Haruka and Zero both had to wait for quite sometime to have their love fully returned. Haruka and Juuri and Yuuki and Zero had the same kind of friendly combative relationship. It was not the same for Yuuki towards Kaname. She worshiped him and rarely stood up to him.
Haruka and Juuri started the initial pacifism cause and may I say that Zero and Yuuki finished it. Kaname was the one who truly hated his own kind. He actually was not for pacifism. He went around trying to kill his own kind which in turn caused a small war between vampires and humans. That is not pacifism. Zero’s hatred was only born out of what Kaname set in motion to try to get Zero to become his weapon and kill all vampires but Zero was too kind and would never do such a thing. When we use the word kind, who else comes to mind? Haruka!!
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Both Haruka and Zero tell their loved one that they were happy before they die. Haruka died knowing that Juuri would sacrifice her life shortly after to make their loved one, Yuuki, human. Zero died knowing that Yuuki would use her life shortly after to make her loved one, Kaname, human.
Haruka had one child of his own and raised Kaname, the ancestor, who was not his child and may I add was also the cause of the death of his real son. Although it was not ancestor Kaname’s fault, but still it took a whole lot of kindness to raise a child who was indirectly responsible for your loved one’s death. Zero had one child of his own and raised Ai, the daughter of the man who intentionally set out to ruin his life and turn him into a weapon and was directly related to not only his parents’ deaths but also Ichiru’s. That takes a whole lot of kindness, on a whole other level, to raise the child of the man responsible for your family’s deaths and your own suffering.
Kaname had hatred for his own kind and tried so very hard to get Zero to feel that way but in the end what Yuuki’s light couldn’t do for Kaname it did for Zero. Zero never hated vampires or purebloods until Kaname released Shizuka and Shizuka killed Zero’s family. So I would argue that the very light Kaname saw in Yuuki should have saved him from his hatred of vampires and purebloods but it didn’t. The same way Juuri’s light could not have saved Rido.
I always find it pretty funny when one of the main characters, in more ways than one, is compared to another dark character and yet people refuse to acknowledge that. Kaname himself realizes who he is most like and it’s NOT Haruka. Haruka did NOT have darkness in his soul. Rido did and so did Kaname.
We can’t use the Zero and Kaien because their both hunters parallel, simply because Zero is a special case. He is not only a hunter but also a real vampire at the same time. Kaien is not a vampire even if he has higher levels of the hooded woman’s genes. Kaien has never craved blood nor drank blood ever. He is totally human with more of the hooded woman’s genes than most hunters. Zero actually has fangs and drinks blood and is a vampire.
Both Zero and Haruka fell in love first. They had to wait for quite sometime for the object of their affection to look their way. That can not be said about Yuuki towards Kaname as she was quite smitten with him right from the start. Kaname never had to work at it for Yuuki’s love. 
Also may I add that by the time Kaien met Juuri she was already married to Haruka so we really can’t call it a love triangle, can we?!! Unless we think that Kaien would make a move on a married woman and that Juuri would even look that way. The answer is no. Juuri was already Happily married to Haruka when her and Kaien met. There was not an LT. It was Kaien being smitten by Juuri’s warmth, like the burning rays of the sun and also by seeing Haruka and Juuri together loving and laughing just like humans. He came to realize that vampires had feelings just like humans. Zero already knew this from the day he was born. Why do you think he tried to save Yagari’s fiance who was level e. Zero never was born hating anyone or anything. Zero and Yuuki and Haruka and Juuri represent pacifism. 
It always amazes me when people forget that Zero was kind by nature. That he never would have had any hatred at all to overcome had it not been for Kaname!!! Hino clearly showed us that Kaname hated himself and all of his kind. He wanted to rid the world of his kind and turn Yuuki human therefore ending his own life. He went against everything that Juuri and Haruka stood for. Kaname held hatred in his heart for his race. People overlook what Hino tried to show and that is sad. 
When Hino had Shizuka tell Kaname that by killing her and drinking her blood he had chosen darkness and would walk that path, what do you think that was for. It was to show that he had chosen not to follow the light. He had chosen to fall into darkness with no chance for a good outcome. That does not parallel Haruka but it does parallel Rido.
Kaien was left with both Yuuki and Zero. Kaname is left with both Ai and Ren. Yuuki and Zero gave a different type of meaning to Kaien’s life. Ren and Ai will do the same for Kaname. Yuuki and Zero were Kaien’s light. Ren and Ai are Kanme’s light.
Kaname and Rido both had an obsessive love that caused them to do horrible things to try to acquire that love for themselves. They could not escape the darkness that dwelled within them. Haruka and Zero had patience, kindness, and waited for their loved one to finally look their way. They were light.
Even though both Haruka and Zero had to wait for their love to be returned they both were always there beside the one they loved. Zero and Yuuki grew up together. Haruka and Juuri grew up together. They were always together until the very end of their lives.
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I could go on but I am pressed for time right now. But I think the fact that Zeki parallels Haruka and Juuri can be summed up in Yuuki’s own words;
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No matter how difficult a thing may be, they can surpass it for sure if they are together….these couples are nice. 
This statement fits Senri and Rima, Kain and Ruka, Aidou and Yori, the Kiryuus, Haruka and Juuri, and Zeki. Zeki parallels Haruka and Juuri most closely and all other couples in the story parallel zeki in one way or another. The only couple who when they were together could NOT overcome anything was yume. That is canon. That is the absolute truth. They could not possibly parallel Haruka and Juuri.
Haruka and Juuri is Hino’s gold standard for what couples are supposed to be like in VK. Who did Hino have parallel them in so many ways as well as some of her art work? Only zeki. 
Of course everyone is entitled to see the story as they choose to. But there are still some facts that are simply undeniable. 
Well that was my two cents worth :)
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millennialxletters · 6 years
So it's official in the new chapter, Ren is a girl. Now I wonder if the French edition had asked Hino for this detail (French grammar and especially pronouns do not like vagueness ) or if they just guessed right lol
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millennialxletters · 6 years
Oh my gosh!I just found your blog and I’m in love!!I love your analysis!!!They’re so fun to read!
Hi anon! I’m glad you enjoyed my posts and find them funny! Have a nice day, nonnie :)
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millennialxletters · 6 years
Hello! Loved you interpretation on vampire aging, but while searching the interweb and I came across another version. That vampires go by the Lunar calander instead of the solar calender. What is your thought on this?
Hello Anon! I’m not very familiar with Lunar calendar, to be honest. And since from what I’ve read, Lunar Calendar is not as “settled” as the Solar Calendar but really isn’t that different in matter of time (lunar and solar months only have one or two days of difference ) , I will take this ask as if you were specifically for the Moon Phases.  If indeed the Moon had an impact on Vampires ( and it could be possible in a world like VK, as we have seen in the first episode a red-moon and Kaname associating it with the “Vampires’ night” and coincidentally, Aido tried to drink blood that particular night), it would be more on a behavioural side. Depending on which moon phases we have, the Vampires could have a stronger thirst than usual, or maybe a need to reproduct themselves, like the animals do at the beginning of spring, if you see what I mean. However, I don’t think it would have an impact on the Vampire’s aging, as their age seem to obey at a consistent pace. In my opinion, I don’t think the Lunar cycles have an impact on Vampires. Mostly because the characters don’t seem to have mood swings at all or any needs that are now and then stronger than usual in the Manga. I could be wrong, I’m not claiming to be inside Hino’s head. But I don’t think  your theory is applicable on VK, or I think the author would have demonstrated it more than she has done it in her series. Thanks for the interesting ask, have a nice week-end ! 
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millennialxletters · 6 years
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A cute siblings' portrait at one of the few Hunter balls that the Guild organizes once in a while ! Taken 2 years prior to the beginning of VK (-and before Anya loses her legs-). Hence why they look so happy and united... The older sibling is Helene. 21 years old. She is well known for her beauty that rivals the vampires' own good looks (Vampire genes make wonder on the Hunter's appareances :') ). She works as the Guild's ambassador at the Senate. She is not that skilled in fighting, but if she has to, she will pull out two daggers to save her life! Anya "Phoebe" Darkwing is the oldest of the twins here. 18 years old, she has an unhealthy skintone because she is the weakest of the twins. She is specialized in sharpshooting, so she can still fight for the Guild's cause while putting herself at minimal risk. Kai (previously known as Anju) "Hector" Darkwing is the youngest of the pair, however he is way stronger than Anya. He has a hot-tempered personnality and seriously need an anger management program. Touch his twin, and you'll never see the daylight again. He fights with a two-handed axe. Sarah "Pyrrha" Darkwing is the youngest of the siblings, yet she is the heiress of the Guild's throne. Usually kind of stoic, she lets her guard down when she is with friends or family, revealing a sarcastic, playful girl. She fights with a spear that's retractable into a gladius. She owns a shield also made out of the anti-vampire metal. As you may have already guessed, it's a redrawing of an official VK illustration! Helene, Anya, Kai, Sarah belongs to me. VK belongs to Matsuri Hino
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millennialxletters · 6 years
Going off-topic there but..
You see, I’m a French student who is trying to get a degree in English Language and History. I’m doing fine, except for translation.  So I’m gonna take the opportunity to translate my VK fanfiction while I’m on vacation.  And I’d like to ask you to read it and if you want to, to leave a comment. Please try to point out the good and bad points in my text if you do, it will only help me to understand how English grammar and syntax work! But then, if you just want to comment on the story in itself, that’s good too. What I’m saying is that any review will help me, really.  Here is a link for the fanfiction: A Bloody Tale There is only a chapter out for now, but in the upcoming days I’ll surely be able to post another chapter! Thank you for listening and thank you in advance if you take a look at this story! :)
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millennialxletters · 6 years
Hi! I really enjoyed your recent post on aging in VK. But one thing that caught my attention is that you refer to Ren as a "he." What exactly led you to conclude that Ren is indeed a male? And if Ren turns out to actually be a female, would that change your stance on his/her age? Thanks in advance for answering :)
Hi Anon! To answer your question, it’s more of an instinct, because in the French Official Translation, Ren is stated to be Ai’s brother. So I just caught up the habit of addressing Ren by a “he”. There is however, as you may know no hint of his/her actual gender in the Japanese version. I don’t think gender have a impact on the age speculation so no, I don’t think I would have to look over again my post if Ren turns out to be female.  Thank for dropping by! :) 
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millennialxletters · 6 years
Time and Aging in VK storyline: An observation (edited)
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As VKM’s chapters are being released, questions about the characters’ life-span were brought to light, without being really answered. Part of it is because of the vampiric nature of the characters, but it’s likely that actually the aging process isn’t fixed in VK.
Of course, we are aware of the basics: Pureblood are legit immortal and will stay forever young, Noble vampires are not immortals but depending of the amount of human blood in their system, their life-span will vary, C-class vampires will, according to logic, have a lesser life-span, as they are more human too. 
Level-D vampires will surely have a short life-span for a vampire and Level-E vampires are likely to be killed before they can enjoy the benefits of a vampire’s life. 
Hunters seem to age like the humans, even if they have healing abilities that are alike the vampires’. Unless they have a particularly high amount of vampiric genes and blood (like Kaien Cross), they will not last more than a century. 
Until now, the system seems rather simple. Now I will get into facts that can give us a lead to determine their age, dividing the observations for the different levels : Pureblood, Noble Vampires + Zero’s special case and the Hunters. Then after the facts are stated, I will give my theories about this.
=== I will take into account the stories told in VK light novels, and the informations from the VK fanbook. Since both were under Hino’s supervision, we can assume the informations in it are canon ===
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Ages of the characters at the beginning of the series (according to Fanbook and for Night Class/Vampires, based on “their vampiric age”
Yuuki Cross/Kuran: 16 y/o (brought to Kaien Cross when she was 5 y/o)
Zero  KIryu: 17 y/o ( 13 y/o when he was bitten by Shizuka Hio and brought to Kaien Cross)
Kaname Kuran * when reincarnated into Juri/Haruka’s son*: 18 y/o ( approximatively 12 y/o when Juri and Haruki died )
Hanabusa Aido :  17 y/o  (approx. 8 y/o when he first met Kaname, approx. 11 y/o when they met again at the ball)
Akatsuki Kain: 17 y/o   (looks a little older than Hanabusa for some reasons)
Ruka Souen : 17 y/o  ( /// same as Aido) 
Rima Toya: 16 y/o (looks approx. 11 y/o when she first met Senri)
Senri Shiki:  16 y/o (//// same as Rima)
Takuma Ichijo: 18 y/o (//// same as Kaname, was approximately 8 y/o when he met Sara for the first time.)
Maria Kunerai : 16 y/o
Sayori Wakaba : 16 y/o ( looks in her early twenties at the beginning of VKM and maybe 70/80 y/o at her death ?)
Seiren : looks approximately 18/19 y/o  (was approx. 6/7 y/o when she encountered Kaname Kuran, who was 13 years old approx.)
Haruka Kuran : 25~ y/o (+ 3000 years in human years at his death)
Juuri Kuran : 22~ y/o (same as Haruka)
Rido Kuran: seems a little older than Haruka appareance-wise (same as his sibling)
Asatô Ichijo: late forties? (in his twenties when he encountered Sara Shirabuki)
Sara Shirabuki : 19/20 y/o ( states to be a little older than Kaname + was likely to be 11 y/o when she first encountered Asatô and seems to only be a year older when she awakened from her slumber and met Takuma)
Isaya Shoto : more than 2000 y/o in human years, 25-30~ in vampire years
Kaien Cross: 25-30 in appareance, over 200 y/o. 
Yagari Toga: 30ish y/o (was 8/10 y/o when he first met Kaien Cross)
I ) PUREBLOOD’s Aging 
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The list of facts (among many others, it is simply to give you an idea) :
Yuuki’s pregnancy has been four-years long (cf to VKM 1: Life). Ruka stated than vampiric pregnancy varies between 2 and 5 years, we can assume that it is likely than Pureblood’s pregnancy lasts longer than the other Level’s)
Ai looked approx 15 y/o in VKM 3, and in this chapter Ruka is desperately trying to push Zeki into each other’s arms. In VKM4 it is stated that a year after Sayori’s passing, Yuuki and Zero got together for the first time. Since not a long time must have passed between VKM 3 (Ai being 15) and Yori’s passing, we can assume that more or less half a century is necessary for a Pureblood to turn 15.
Yuuki was 5 and Kaname was around 12 when their parents died. In ten years, Yuuki grew up as a normal human whereas Kaname apparently aged up of only 5/6 years, when VK begins. His aging compared to an human was divided by 2.
Juri, Haruka and Rido didn’t even look past their thirties when they died. Also, we never saw a Pureblood who looked past their fourties. 
Yuuki at her death looked pretty much like she did when she gave birth to Ai, despite the millenia that passed away between the two events. 
Sara Shirabuki in VK: Fleeting Dreams is stated to have been put into slumber around the age of 10, just after having encountered Asatô as a man in his early twenties (see the art made for the LN). When she awakened, enought time has passed for Asatô to continue his lineage, to look after his fourties and to have a grandson already around 9 y/o. HOWEVER Sara didn’t really age, maybe she was a year older physically-wise but that’s it.
Ai stated that she had put herself into slumber for a while in the 1000-years span. She looks aroung 18 when Kaname is awaken.
a) The theories:
Pureblood’s pregnancy lasts longer than the average. (Very Likely)
As a child, the Pureblood children age very slowly. (around 40 years to get at 10 vampiric years)  Around the ten-years mark/or Puberty, they aging took a pace up : it would take 20 human years for the vampire kids to age up of 10 years. ( Remember, in 10 years, Yuuki has aged like a normal being and Kaname only aged of ~5/6 years.)   until the 20-years mark. 60 human years all in all. (Likely, assuming by the facts ?)
When they reach adulthood, their aging process nearly stops. After a millenial, they stay in their early twenties (as seen with Yuuki in VKM). THEORY: After the 2-millenials mark, they hit the mid-twenties’ appareances and the aging process slows again. 
Being put into Slumber alterates the aging process of the Purebloods : Despite that she is almost a millenial old, Ai looks like she is around 18. She should have looked a little more older given her age.  
A more striking example is the case of Sara Shirabuki in VK: Fleeting Dreams. She only ages slightly during her slumber, while Asatô ages,  has the time to start a family and even have a grand-son. Since it has been stated when Asatô first makes an appeareance that he “has lived countless years (chap 10) or; in the anime “that he is 10 times older than us” (episode 8, s1 --> Translation of the French official version) we can assume that her slumber lasted at least four centuries. Maybe more, but that’s not likely it lasted than this approximation.
b) What can we conclude about it ?
---> In short, the pregnancy lasts 4 to 5 years, when Pureblood reach their 20 years-old appearances they most likely are 60 years old. And then, they grow older of a few years (in vampire years) each millenial. We also have to take into consideration that Pureblood have a knack for putting themselves into slumber to not have to deal with their eternal life, so they also doesn’t age during that period of time.
-> Is there a problem with that theory ? Well, maybe. If Purebloods reach adulthood in such a short period, we should have more Purebloods than we get to see in VK, even when we take into account the amount of suicides. As an possible answer to that problem, we can either assume that due to the incest, Pureblood have a lot of difficulties to have  children ( Ai being an exception) or that simply Purebloods take their time before having an offspring, like Juuri and Haruka did. 
--> Fun fact: if the assumptions made here are correct, it would mean that Yuuki was already ~20 years old (in human years) when she was turned into a human.
II) NOBLES + ZERO : Aging.
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A list of facts:
As @vampireknightmeta said in one of her recent works, it is likely that the lifespan of vampires depends of the amount of human blood in their system. Hence, Senri being more than a half-Pureblood is likely to live more than the other Nobles. 
Since that Asatô is said to be one of the oldest Noble Vampires around and that he has an obsession for Pureblood’s life-span and powers, we can assume that the Ichijo lineage is rather close to the Purebloods as well. 
Aristocrats and Purebloods are likely to have the same aging process during their childhood, as we can’t see age-gaps that varies between Aido’s group and Kaname. They always seem to be 1 or 2 years apart, and this matches the ages given in the fanbook. 
Asatô Ichijo is likely to be around half a millennium old and looks like he is in his early fifties. 
By the time Sayori grew old and passed away, Aido has barely grown older, physically wise. He looks pretty much alike he is in VKM 1, when Sayori is in her early twenties. Hence we can assume that a little more than a half-century doesn’t have much of an effect on an Aristocrat. 
Aido’s father seems to be in his early thirties when he appeared in the manga.
Ren is also like, 80 % of a Pureblood and seems to be 15/16 years old. That would mean that, if the assumptions are correct, that she is approximately 53 y/o, in human years.
Which is interesting, because it means that Zero had to be alive at least for +900y/o  to impregnate Yuki. (we’ll get to come back to that later)
(I will not take into account the fact that we don’t see any of the Aristocrats when Kaname awakens a millenial after, because we don’t know yet if they are not here because they died of natural causes or if they died of unnatural causes, duh.)
a) The theories:
The aging process during Childhood and Puberty are the same for both Aristocrats and Purebloods ( hence 60 years old to be 10 y/o in vampire years and another twenty years to be full Adults). 
And then.... The aging process is obviously quicker than Pureblood, but we can try to make an assumption. Be careful when you take into account the physical appareance of the characters, though. We will see why later...
We’ll take Asatô Ichijo as an example. He was in his early twenties when he met Sara ( let’s say he was 70 Y/O/ Approximately 21 vampiric y/o). Sara is being put into slumber. According to the Night Class, he is approximately 600 years old. Physically, he is around 50 years old. So, approx. 530 in human years should be the equivalent of 30 vampire years. After they hit the 20-years mark, they would do their vampire anniversary every ~18 human years. 
And that doesn’t seem too far-stretched since it leaves the time to family to have two generations of vampires, as Asatô did,  if vampires have their babies when they are approximately 26/27 years old in vampire ages.
Another calcul to prove that. Nagamichi Aido seems to be in his early thirties. Let’s say he is 32 y/o. ( in human years, it would give you something like 276 years). Aido is 16 y/o (hence, something like 52 y/o in human years). 
So, Aido was born when his father was approximately 224 y/o (276 - 52). 60 human years correspond 20 vampire years, so let’s deduce that of Nagamichi’s age, I doubt he had a child at 20 years. (224-60 = 164).  164 divided by 18 = 9,1 vampiric years.  Hence, Nagamichi was more or less 29 y/o in vampiric years when Aido was born.  
So in ~500 years, Asatô Ichijo could definitely have a child and a grand-son, depending of how early he got his wife pregnant or how early the second generation got Takuma. 
We thus can assume that Aristocrats can live for a millenial and more (since there is only an handful of Aristocrats, given the scheme of vampire society we were given at the beginning of the manga, we can assume that we fall into Level-C pretty quickly).
Level-C would likely live less than a millenial.
Level-D who didn’t get to drink from their Pureblood master will die prematurately. Level-D who did get the Pureblood’s blood in their system will be likely to live more than an average human, but I doubt they would be able to live more than two centuries.
EXCEPT if they have a regular dose of Pureblood’s blood, like Zero. Zero has already an exceptional constitution, since he has absorded his brother’s life and was given blood from several Pureblood. However, if he had likely survived for nearly a millenial, it’s thanks to Yuuki and the regular doses of blood he could take from her. 
b) What can we conclude of all of this ? 
Purebloods and Aristocrats have the same aging system until their 20 y/o (60 human years). Then Aristocrats will age up but very slowly (approx 1 vampiric year every 18 human years).  That’s why Hanabusa didn’t look too much different from VKM 1 when Sayori passed away, a little more than a century later. He only aged of 3/4 years during that period. 
Aristocrats are likely to live for a millennium. The more we get down in the hierarchy, the less you’ll live as a vampire. 
However, getting blood from a Level-A vampire will considerably slow down the aging process, as we can see for Zero. 
--> Is there a flaw in this theory ? Well, I still cringe over Ren’s late birth, but either my calculations are right, either the whole aging process doesn’t make sense, so...
Edit: @soulisthirsty has mentioned that the fact that Ren’s birth being late may be because she isn’t Zeki’s first child or because Zeki had trouble conceiving. Thanks! 
--> Fun fact : In chapter 7, if Yuuki would have ask for Ichijo’s age in HUMAN years, he would have likely answered 56 years old. Yep. 
III) The Hunters
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I’ll directly go to the theories/summary, because there aren’t many facts to mention, so bear with me :) 
Hunters have healing abilities, improved speed and strenght like the vampires, but it is never stated that they live longer than an average human ! So, until it’s stated otherwise, they will likely die before they’re a century old...
EXCEPT if you have an abnormal amount of vampire blood in your veins/are a cursed Hunter child, like Kaien Cross. It is hinted that he has “eaten” his twin in his mother womb, and that would be why he is stronger than most Hunters. He is already over 200 years old and his aging process seem to have stopped, leaving him to look like he is in his mid-twenties/early thirties. It is impossible to determine what would be his life-span. I’ll speculate that he would be able to live for 3 another centuries, since it is unknown if the sickness he had in VKM was a hint that his life will come to an end soon or if it was just a sickness.
That would be all, people! If one of you finds an error in my calculations or has something to add, let me know  !
Also, please do not take the calculations I made for absolute truth. I may be right, I may be wrong, perhaps even Hino didn’t think much about the Vampire’s aging process in general, so take this with a pinch of salt! Well then I’m out !
I swear I’m never doing maths again
EDIT:  @soulisthirsty did point out a few things concerning Ai’s age that wasn’t right when Sayori died so I’m rectifying that. Thanks a lot, Soul !
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millennialxletters · 6 years
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So, I’m working on the VK ships aesthetics and also trying to make a sort of a timeline of all the VK important events... But exams are biting my ass so I’m posting an OC’s aesthetic;  Sarah Darkwing is a Hunter, daughter of the Guild’s master and to put it into a nutshell, the heiress of the Hunter’s Association. Unlike her father whose views on the vampires are ... vindictive, she leans towards a pacifist approach and actually wants the vampires and the Hunters to collaborate towards a mixed society without prejudices.  Hence why she was actually accepted into Cross Academy. Although she is not a prefect, she is free to wander on the Academy’s grounds (her father is a benefactor to the Academy, like Asato Ichijo or Sayori’s father, so the headmaster tries to not upset daddy’s favorite girl )
She comes from one of the most ancient Hunter’s lineages, hence her father’s position. Sarah is gifted with the ability to attract and produce anti-vampires weapons with her own blood, a gift from the Hooded woman to Sarah’s ancestor who helped the pureblood to build the furnace. This power is kept secret. For the same reasons, her healing activity and her speed are almost to a vampire level.  Sarah is the youngest of four children. She is kind of petite and mostly use her appareance as a bait.Crimson hair, mistached eyes (golden/green) and a bunch of freckles on her cheeks. Her nonchalant and small smirk hides the weight of burdens she is still carrying with her.  She uses a shield and a spear which can be reduced to a small glaive.  (Available for RP, I will add a proper presentation sheet for her) 
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millennialxletters · 7 years
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So here are all the VK Aesthetics I’ve made. If you don’t see their animation, please see this post on a phone or on a tablet. I am posting them altogether so you don’t have to search through my blog to get all of them ahah.  So please don’t repost and respect my work here. However, reblogging and liking is always welcomed!  If you see I’ve missed a character (which is totally possible x) ) please let me know ! 
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millennialxletters · 7 years
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Yagari Toga aesthetic everyone! Same as always, do not repost please, there’s no problem if you want to reblog x). If you can’t see the animation, go see the gif on a tablet or your phone, it does the trick ^^
PS: this is the end of my aesthetics’ series! Don’t have enough inspiration to do Asato Ichijo’s so I’ll just left him aside... x) I’ll be posting a post with all the aesthetics together later ! Also I’ll likely make aesthetics for the VK couples in the future. If you want me to do an aesthetic for a crack!ship or un-canon ship, let me know! I also take requests to do VK OC’s aesthetic, in the same style than the one above. So let me know if you want one of them too ^^
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millennialxletters · 7 years
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Kaito Takamiya aesthetic everyone! Same as always, do not repost please, there’s no problem if you want to reblog x). If you can’t see the animation, go see the gif on a tablet or your phone, it does the trick ^^
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