#Yagari Toga
maidenofthecloud · 4 months
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I'm surprised that hino has never given this woman a name, considering her importance in the lives of Yagari, Zero and Ichiro.
that's why I decided to give it, his name is
Chiaki Amagiri
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tetsunabouquet · 6 months
If Zero and Ichiru were allowed to be normal people who didn't have to train to hunt vampires how do you think their lives would be? For example, what career path they might take on, who they'd date/their types etc. I love your HC's for them!
A/N: Thank you so much! I will be writing this from an AU pov where vampires don't exist at all, and Ichiru was just a frail child who grew over his chronic illness.
-If Ichiru's condition had been of human origin, Zero would not nearly have acted so sorry over Ichiru's condition. Whilst protective and caring, he didn't bash himself for 'taking something from his twin'. -Which is why their bond never took the dark turn it did in canon, and they grew up continuing to be close. With them being regular human boys, their parents never felt the need to seperate them from one another aside from letting them develop their own identity. -Which is also why, obviously, their parents never died. -Ichiru is likelier to get into a toxic relationship as Zero. The way Zero sees the red flags around the predatory women in the series when Ichiru ignored the ones around Shizuka gives me the idea Zero is more aware of a red glaf in a relationship compared to Ichiru. -Which is part of Zero's way of caring for Ichiru in this universe: being the shoulder Ichiru can cry his heartbreaks onto. -Zero's eventually comes home with girls who have a personality not entirely identical to Yuki but who in the general broad sense of the term, feel similar to her. But without trauma bonding and with his original preference in mind, she's not going to be physically similar to Yuki. I can definitely imagine a busty onee-chan kind of character with a good fashion sense to attract his attention in the end. -Eventually, Ichiru does find happiness once he lets go off dating older women who treat him like a toy boy and finds happiness with someone his own age. -As for their careers, when thinking about Zero's, that one sketch of Zero as a daycare worker with the VK characters as kids in that one manga volume actually comes to mind. Because Zero has a paternal nature in general and if his live had been ordinary and happier, then I don't think such a job would be too out of character for him. I could actually see him enjoying taking care of so many little kids and his wife to be pouting at him when he gets home saying that he should start making his own babies if he enjoys taking care of kids so much. -Whilst Ichiru was content with a small to medium sized family, Zero was deadset on having a large family. Once his wife suggested having kids, he immediately asked if she would be fine with seven kids or so. -Their parents actually got to have the chance to be at the births of their grandchildren and their sons respective weddings. -He, Yagari and Kaito Takamiya are teachers at the same school. Yagari's fianceé is alive as the school nurse. -A lot of the mothers have a bit of a crush on Zero, the ones who don't are crushing on Yagari or Kaito. -Ichiru is harder to imagine though. Because he doesn't cares for academics I can see Ichiru pursuing a career that doesn't requires a lot of years in college. He's honestly not that ambitious and is content to settle for an easy life, making enough money to keep himself and his family afloat. Ichiru's childhood makes him grateful for the healthy adult years he has and wants to spend as much time with his family as possible because his childhood did teach him life can be very short.
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kazuy666 · 1 year
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should i go through with it
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vampireknightedits · 6 months
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Yuki Cross and Zero Kiryuu from the manga "Vampire Knight" by Matsuri Hino
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I'm going to start watching Vampire Knight now holy hell Toga's hot
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mangaandanimeposts · 8 months
These are three images with Zero from the game "Vampire Knight DS" for Nintendo
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Videogame: "Vampire Knight DS" (2009) for Nintendo DS
Characters: Y/N and Zero Kiryuu
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hanyoufanny17 · 2 years
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Cross Kaien ,,the father" ladies and gentlemen, who is have a 200 years old friend and a 40+ student ...or two big child with alcohol? XD
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manganimefan · 2 years
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Images from the end of volume 2
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kurxn · 2 years
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Look at the character sheets from the DS game 😭 they’re so adorable I love them all. (I don’t have the game. These photos are from Google (,: ) Takuma’s sweater is adorable. And look at Kaname brooding lol.
Also Takuma is tall?? Idk why it never settled in that he’s as tall as Kanameee.
OKOK so it says ‘人間年齡’ under the vampire’s ages— Which translated to human age. DOES THIS MEAN THEYRE NOT THAT OLD FR? ORRRR. It would explain why Kaname was always so much bigger than Zero and Yuki. I mean I knooowwww vampires age differently but still.
人間 = human 年齡 = age
My Japanese is very limited, so please correct me if I’m wrong!
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theyareweird · 9 months
Vampire Knight: Toga Yagari —Aesthetic
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Toga Yagari's Character & Personality
Toga is the current top ranked vampire hunter. He's also a qualified teacher. Eventually, Toga becomes co-president of the Vampire Hunter Association. He comes across as a no-nonsense hunter. With his gruff attitude, Toga is quite professional at his job and methodically destroys vampires on his list. Despite this, he has a good heart and subscribes to a tough love attitude. Toga knows there's a balance between eliminating the dangerous vampires versus using threats and psychology to deal with troublemakers. In which, these vampires are young and impulsive than true menaces. Although Toga is realistic and a fair judge, he doesn't trust vampires more than he has to. He can be merciless because he understands the harm Level E vampires can do. As such, Toga knows hesitating can cost him his life. He's often annoyed by idealistic goals and silly chatter, but he's respectful and loyal to his friends. Beyond this, Toga admires vampires who stand against the Vampire Council, though he warns against them becoming outcasts. He doesn't approve of Kuran's methods. Thus, Toga dislikes his implications of atonement for the hunters' ancestors sins. In fact, he isn't the type to blindly follow orders from the Association.
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wikiablogger · 1 year
Kaien & Toga
This page is for the relationship between Kaien Cross and Toga Yagari.
Please contribute, add more information, and share with friends!
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bootyful-seventeen · 2 years
So I was rewatching vampire knight cuz it was leaving Netflix in a few more days and I’ve only got 4 more episodes left and I know I’m gonna be confused with the ending since I remembered it had many loose ends
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musedbyalli · 1 year
Continued from: Zero couldn't look at the other male. After years he still had respect for him but look at what he himself became. a monster a VAMPIRE. While Zero tries to not let it show he flinches back at them words. "...That's." He pauses, unsure what to add on. The only thing he can think to say right now was how sorry he felt. His hands reach up to hug himself while he doesn't look at Yagari. "I'm...Sorry."
Yagari could understand just how difficult Zero's situation was for him. Being turned into something he hated was an awful twist of fate and one that he hadn't deserved, especially with how young he had been at the time. Still, he hated to see his former student in such a manner.
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"There's no reason to apologize." His tone was far more annoyed than Zero deserved, but it wasn't strange behavior on his part. "Make changes. There's not changing any of this now, so you need to learn to adapt." Because while Yagari would stop Zero with lethal force if necessary, he truly would hate to need to do so.
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vampireknightedits · 4 months
Zero Kiryuu and Ai Kuran from the manga "Vampire Knight- Memories" by Matsuri Hino
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Blood Lust of Beasts Chapter 2
Fandom: Vampire Knight
Pairing: Kaname Kuran/Zero Kiriyu
Characters: Kiryu Zero, Kuran Kaname, Cross Yuki, Aido Hanabusa, Cross Kaien, Wakaba Sayori, Yagari Toga
Status: Ongoing
Chapter 1
The days passed much as they did in the Academy, mindlessly boring and awfully long. The weather had taken one look at Zero’s inner turmoil and said fuck you to you too; endless days of humid sunshine followed that terrible night, the accompanying breeze pitifully weak, and Zero felt the murderous rage within him boil over.
He made a habit of snarling at any unsuspecting victims who erred even slightly in his presence. It felt as if someone had pressed the on button for the jittery tenseness that followed him around like his own personal storming cloud and forgot to switch it off.
Yuki had done a blatant 180 degrees spin the second she spied him stomping in her general direction. In her defence, Zero had been particularly harsh when she’d dared take over his breakfast duties and nearly burned the whole kitchen down. It was a reoccurring happenstance, Zero learned to deal with it during that awful time when he’d had no other choice but to cohabit with two deranged humans. Dealing with it meant a disappointed sigh and an impromptu cleaning spree, not the screaming match that awoke Cross’ serious side – he had swept into the room decked out for a fight in an all-black outfit, long hair falling loosely over his shoulders only to pause in the doorway and stare at the pans raised high above their heads clutched like weapons. Cross rubbed his eyes, muttered something about never drinking with Yagari, and trotted back to his room.
It worked in his favour in a way because Yuki did not have the courage to bemoan his avoidance tactics; he skipped changeover duties enough times that Cross felt compelled to appoint Sayori as an honorary prefect. Sayori, a perfectly lovely girl by his standards, against a throng of crazy fan girls? She would turn into a wind chime, blown this and that way.
However, it seemed Yuki had had enough.
His duty, his little sister, the person he would not fail, not this time around, not like he had failed Ichiru. She stood over him, hands on her hips, a mighty scowl in place (she learned that from him, goddammit.)
“Zero Kiryu, you will get your lazy butt up this second or so help me I will find that secret stash of manga you think I don’t know about, and I will distribute it. Then I will insert a note in each book that will give up your identity and you will have no choice but to suffer the admiration of – “
Zero was up within seconds. He pressed his hand to her mouth to prevent other rubbish from escaping the airheaded mess. Honestly, she should have been born blonde, then Zero could have teased her with so many horrible references, just as he had teased Ichiru (never mind they were identical twins).
“Fine, but if I hear even a word – “
“Yes, yes, you will end me and all I hold dearest. But Zero, you cannot harm Mr Cat.”
She clasped her hand around his wrist, dragging him. Zero deliberately slowed down, Yuki grunted at the increased weight. She soldiered on, placing his arm over her shoulder for a better grip. Zero admired her grit, he really did, if only it had been directed at a more productive endeavour.
“He’s a cactus.”
Oh, almighty god, what terrible sin did he commit to have this nonsense in his life? He just wanted to kill vampires, was that too much? Perhaps taking on the duty of protecting one Yuki Cross had been his misstep.
“Zero you mustn’t judge.”
He sighed, long suffering. Somewhat done with this nonsense he slapped a hand over his face to shield his eyes from the world; if he can’t see it, it cannot see him either. Although, Zero still heard the buzzing conversations of the honeybees loitering outside the gates. If he had to rate the things he hated in life, then this aspect of his duties had to be at least third on the list. Above it, the second and first place would be staunchly taken over by Shizuka and Kuran. Maybe he should reserve a special place for Ichiru too – the backstabbing little bitch, he could have at least warned Zero he was going to let a bloodthirsty, crazy ass vampire into their home. If Yuki turned out anything like him, Zero would just say a giant fuck you to the world and hide his sorry ass in a hut in the middle of the woods.
Yuki patted his head, but Zero ignored the pinched mouth and creased eyes silently asking for his wellbeing. If she truly cared, she wouldn’t subject Zero to this hell.
The volume of the shrieks increased tenfold as they noticed not only his presence but the dramatic procession of vampires strolling out of the Moon dorms. Zero glared at his side made up of screaming, overly excited, sexually frustrated girls; blissful silence fell over them.
“If I hear as much as a peep from any of you, I will gladly inform you that I’m hosting school wide detention camps.”
Not even the day students have been spared from Zero’s ire. They looked down or over his shoulder nervously, shuffling in place but not daring anything that could enrage Zero. He smiled. Tilting his head to indicate the other side of the path, where Yuki’s charges were making nuisances of themselves, the girls quickly caught his meaning and laboured to shush their counterparts.
The vampires glanced around either side at the morose girls but did not comment. Hanabusa Aidou couldn’t count, he was a waste of brain cells.
Zero hoped against all odds that Kuran would be absent. He was not. In fact, to his growing horror, he had stopped to chat with Yuki, who blushed bashfully (what the fuck). Sometimes, when he really looked, Yuki transformed from the cute little sister he had raised with an iron fist to one of the many girls idolizing Kuran. She lost herself in him in a way that terrified Zero and he was helpless to it.
The girls were filtering out, most of the night class had gone too. Zero could not use them as a shield! If he were to leave now, it would be too obvious that he had in a way been evading the pureblood. Avoiding his gaze would do - Zero wouldn’t have to acknowledge him, Yuki’s admonishments be dammed.
He turned his head, using his hair to cover his eyes. Kuran’s light footsteps were too close for comfort – Zero had the sinking feeling that he was heading for him. But he only passed by, closer than expected, yes, still he kept walking. Zero could practically feel his eyes burn a hole into him. He dared a peek, the vampire’s head was turned, his brandy brown eyes dissecting Zero with the careful inspection of a serial killer. Zero blanched.
His pride can eat shit!
Zero power walked, the quicker the better.
Zero sped up.
“Kiryu,” his tone hardened.
Zero was close to sprinting. Just give him another damn minute.
“Kiryu, if you do not stop – “
He’ll start at the border to patrol the perimeter of the academy, better there where the chances of bumping into nefarious vampires – oh look a lovely vampire! Kuran had followed him. Zero glared at the hand wrapped around his wrist pointedly. Kuran did not get the hint. He used the sudden momentum of swinging Zero around to pull him in, too close for a public venue.
“For once in your life Kuran, leave me alone.”
“People are watching,” Kuran hissed.
He pushed past Zero’s boundaries, within his very actions a mask to hide as much of their conflict as possible. His nose almost brushed Zero’s cheek.
“Just fuck off,” Zero snarled.
Kuran seemed to take that as an invitation to further invade his space, his cold breath caressing the skin under his jaw. Zero turned his head to the side, hoping to increase the distance but the vampire just slotted into the empty space, his breathing a heady thing in his ear. Zero pushed at Kuran’s chest.
“Like you said, people are watching. Let me go.”
This day was becoming a surreal nightmare, or a practice in patience. Whichever it was Zero was so done with it. He was tired of Kuran and his bullshit.
Zero jerked his arm, Kuran strengthened his grip; like a tango, one written by a fucking teenager. He took a step back, opening his stance, it gave the impression of a wider space between them. In a way it worked to avoid the suspicious eyes following their movements. This was a terrible place to have this sort of confrontation. Even Yuki was watching them intently.
“You are avoiding me.”
Zero whipped his head around, brows furrowing, he could feel a headache building underneath the bridge of his nose. He scowled. Fucking Kuran.
“Given the situation last time, yes I thought that was a normal reaction,” Zero said, voice lowered but still loud enough that at least a couple of his inner circle did a double take.
“Do not make a repeat of it, you have a duty to fulfil.”
Kuran’s thumb rubbed gently over the blue veins showing on his pale wrist. Zero startled, a curse dying swiftly as the pureblood crushed it until bones creaked and the skin turned a deathly pale. Before he could find the right words to hurl at him, Kuran swiveled away, his inner circle trailing after him like puppies. He ignored the obvious stares they kept throwing over their shoulders; if they had questions they could very well ask their lord.
Fucking Kuran.
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mangaandanimeposts · 8 months
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Videogame: Vampire Knight DS (2009) for Nintendo DS
⚠️I took these pictures from @Twiprin on DeviantArt⚠️
Characters: Y/N and Toga Yagari
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