#zeki ship
vampireknightedits · 4 months
Zero Kiryuu and Ai Kuran from the manga "Vampire Knight- Memories" by Matsuri Hino
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rwby-confess · 2 months
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Confession #152
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erros429 · 1 year
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disguising my t4t4t4t poly jnpr propaganda under pt9 of my rwby textpost memes series
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nobodypunk · 1 year
Do you think Yuki truly loved both Kaname and zero , cause she was satisfied with zero's blood but with Kaname's blood her thirst wasn't entirely quenched ?
A Vampire Knight ask in MY inbox?? *Debby Ryan hair tuck* (Thank you I've literally been dying to talk about VK at any given moment)
So I think that Yuuki loved them both, yes. But if we're talking "True Love" I think it's a lot more nuanced than that. (I'm also going to ignore the FAMILIAL dynamics in this rant bc we already know)
Let's talk about Yuuki's relationship with Kaname:
Kaname saving Yuuki from a "bad vampire" is her first human memory. He visits on occasion and is nothing but kind, caring, if not distant towards Yuuki. Yuuki finds herself seeking out his attention and looking forward to seeing him as it's a rare treat. She has only ever known since she was small that he will a) protect her , b) be kind to her, and c) he's "not like other vampires" because he is her savior. The only identifier of his vampirism she has as a child is his fangs, other than that seemingly nothing else about him is like a vampire.
In middle school, she accidentally sees Kaname feeding on Ruka and this challenges her opinion of him "not being like other vampires". She's introduced to the reality that a) Kaname is a vampire, and b) that she does not truly know him. Much like realizing that though our parents may have raised us, though we have known people all our juvenile lives, it doesn't mean we know everything about them and the intricacies of their character; That they are people, and not the objects of affection that we have placed on a pedestal.
After this realization, Yuuki puts distance between herself and Kaname, using "-sama" and treating him differently due to her anxieties around vampirism and her glorification of his saving her (in her mind, the only thing that separates him from not being the vampire that wishes to feed on her and cause her harm, the "bad vampire").
I feel as though much of Yuuki's feelings towards Kaname at the start of her time at Cross Academy are romanticized anxiety (she has feelings of anxiety and is uncomfortable around him, but those feelings are easily mistaken for feelings of "butterflies", excitement, or attraction). She has conflict within herself: being afraid of Kaname as a vampire, not knowing his true intentions and character, as opposed to her experience of being saved and his kindness towards her. And throughout the series of events at Cross Academy, because Kaname withholds the truth from her, lies to her, and consistently gaslights her, all she has keeping her afloat is faith that he has good intentions. That's not a true or healthy relationship because there is no trust or communication between them.
It isn't until after Yuuki is turned that truth is finally being obtained and Kaname comes clean about his actions for the past 10 years. They are able to build some intimacy between them. He finally shares his vulnerable past with her, as he views this as a chance for her to unconditionally accept him. However, Yuuki remains in conflict, because he has withheld the truth for so long, and she feels personally responsible for his suffering. When she suggests they start over as equals in the relationship, Kaname takes this as her ultimate rejection of him (though they have both consistently tried to bear one another's burdens).
Kaname then sets the stage for his self sabotage and plot to indiscriminately kill all purebloods and to do so he feels he must estrange Yuuki (and Adiou) from him in order to do so uninhibited.
Kaname betrays them (or appears to, even though I feel that's almost worst) and later Yuuki confronts him that she will never abandon him. Which I find to be one of the good examples of Yuuki's love. She will love him despite that which he has done, but she still believes in stopping his destruction and holding him accountable for what he's done.
Ultimately, Kaname tells her that when they were together she couldn't smile from her heart (the motif for true love), but she was the light of his life. He then sacrifices himself for the greater good (which conveniently absolves him of everything he did prior) and he remains a monolith looming over Yuuki's life.
I think Yuuki had great love for him but do I think it qualifies as "true love"? If things had been different, I think they could have had a successful relationship, but ultimately I find them deeply incompatible. Kaname is too depressed and has 10,000 years of firmly rooted self hatred to be capable of having a relationship, and Yuuki will never truly understand him and what he went through, and has immense guilt over it. Did they have love for each other? Absolutely. Did they have trust, open communication, and all that entails with a healthy relationship? Absolutely not. I don't think that either of them could provide the other with what they needed.
Let's talk about Yuuki's relationship with Zero:
Their relationship starts as Yuuki seeing Zero suffering and she decides to be his caretaker, soothing him and stopping his self harm. She recognizes his fear and pain and can sympathize with it. They build a friendship in which they are around each other constantly, and feel comfortable to tease one another, tutor and take notes for the other, and talk about serious topics. They have a friendship. (Which I feel like Kaname and Yuuki never had)
Zero is then revealed to be a vampire to Yuuki in the most literal way, a vampire who drinks her blood. Yuuki again has her reality shattered, but takes the blame for not noticing. She catches Zero trying to unalive himself and she takes responsibility for his life upon herself. And it isn't until later, she learns that Zero will inevitably become a Level E and be ended, that she thinks of the only possible solution: to sacrifice herself to prolong his life. For me this is the ultimate example of her love, that she would put her life on the line for his (especially with her fear and anxiety about vampires).
Yuuki then tries to make their "unforgiveable, forbidden acts" as pedestrian as possible, to put Zero at ease. Zero acknowledges her suffering and takes full responsibility for it. He opens up about his past to her, and she inserts herself into the Shizuka drama to try and save him again. Zero asks her "What am I to you?" because he has always known of her feelings for Kaname, and is confused why Yuuki would sacrifice herself time and time again if she didn't have love for him. When Yuuki tries to answer this for herself, she thinks about how she doesn't want him to disappear, she wants him to smile, and how she should be afraid of Zero but she can't look away.
Zero always encourages her not to pretend or hide her feelings, which is when she asks him if she would be stronger if she was a vampire because she's been feeling insecure about her lack of identity. She's afraid that expressing this fear to Zero has hurt him, and so she WILLS HERSELF TO REMEMBER HER PAST WHICH STARTS UNRAVELLING JURI'S SPELL ON HER.
In this period, Zero does nothing but support her and offer her solutions to find the truth about her past. He tells her that his life is hers, and that she is his priority and she can burden him with her thoughts and feelings, and she has every right to do so. He helps her confront Kaname on multiple occasions.
When Zero comes to check on Yuuki in one of her hallucinations, she admits that being Zero's caretaker was her own selfish way of giving herself identity, to help her compensate for having no memories and no family.
When Yuuki is turned, Zero is blinded by his hatred. They kill Rido together but Zero is in conflict with her. He confesses his feelings, and doesn't expect her to reciprocate, and asks if her worries are gone now that the has her memories. He then promises to kill her then next time he sees her. (Spoiler alert, he doesn't) Yuuki sobs as she doesn't want to be his enemy, realizes his feelings for her, and decides to lock away her feelings about him.
Every interaction they have after that, is stumbling, and awkward. She's admitted to Kaname that her thirst cannot be quenched by him alone, that she desires Zero as well.
When she reinstates the nightclass, she still worries about him but their relationship is different, and expresses a desire that things go back to the way they were between them. They say things like "treasure yourself more" to each other, Zero still shows he cares and his intentions are not to kill her, but he's struggling with his hatred. Then Zero finds out that Kaname has puppeteered him all along, and they team up against Kaname's murder spree.
Then we have the masquerade where they pretend not to know each other, and they share a kiss. Yuuki speculates that if they were both human, that would have been the normal course of action for them. Then she takes his memory because she plans to give up her life for Kaname to be human, and she can't bear the thought of Zero thirsting for her/grieving her. Kaname admits to her that Zero's love for her wasn't orchestrated by him (which both Zero and Yuuki were uncertain about). Zero remembers like two days later, and decides to accept her for who she is, to fight WITH Kaname against the vampire hoards because he loves Yuuki more than he hates Kaname.
After Kaname dies, Zero tells Yuuki that he'll always be there for her and to take her time. He is a surrogate father to Ai, and bloodshares with Yuuki, he is EXTREMELY patient with her and her anxieties around loving after Kaname, and their relationship overall is communicative, loving, and healthy. And Zero makes her smile from the bottom of her heart.
I think that they make mistakes with each other, they've had their pit falls but overcome them, they have an understanding of one another and they ultimately love and accept one another. I think that she was able to experience true, unconditional, romantic love with Zero. Her thirst may not have been quenched fully, but Zero gave a lot more than he took in the end (honesty, communication, reciprocation, etc) .
And she still had love for Kaname after he was gone. It was a love that colored her life. Even Zero acknowledges that the way Yuuki cares for him, was learned from Kaname. It's simultaneously sad and unfair, and beautiful and romantic. We are made up of our experiences, and love in toxic relationships isn't a fault, but toxic behaviour is.
Well anyway, that's my big long rant on that.
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zekiship · 6 months
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The Ace Ops!
.For the group itself, Tyrian was a very violent leader of it's first incarnation before he betrayed the group and he and grimm killed almost everyone on his team with the only survivors being Clover and Elm, the second incarnation has armored outfits that are aesthetically somewhere in-between super sentai and space marines and are the group we encounter in the main series
As for member specific stuff
.I'd get rid of Elm's random bursts of aggression like when she tried to punch Ren, they never really gelled with the rest of her character, she instead can come off as just tired especially after clover "dies"
.Marrow has his name changed to Marine, his semblance (which I always hated) is swapped out for making Pools of water that he can control and can make facsimiles of anything they reflect, and his weapon would get a (pending) rename
.Vine is a bit mentor to Ren and even teaches him some aura stretching and a his team and Ren are shown mourning him
.Harriet not following orders lead to the events that got Tortuga (someone she was quite close with) killed and that's why she's is the way she is, she also has a very... unfortunate crush on Robyn that she's annoyed at herself for having and Robyn realizing that and actually flirting with her is NOT HELPING. She also new weapons that are lightning dust powered sickles instead of her fighting style just... being bootleg The Flash
.Clover seems to never take his helmet off, when Qrow gets close enough to him he tells him he deserves to know and... yep Clover has Sliver eyes, after Tyrian stabs him the next time he wakes up is a living nightmare inside The Hound, Ruby barely gets him out of that thing alive, he reluctantly joins team Ruby's faction, helps get Qrow out of jail and him and the rest of remaining Ace Ops get to group hug!
(when they get to Volume 10 he starts carrying around a badge of Qrow's emblem that he use screw over people he doesn't like lol)
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yume4evere · 10 months
Yuki and Kaname's love was like a beautiful dream that passed through life and the thing that made it real was their daughter
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mantispire · 2 years
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It’s so hard being the sole soldier in the war of super niche rarepairs
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sailorstarr-chan4 · 1 year
Do you think Yuki, Zero, and Kaname would ever be down to have a threesome? Like, I know we joke about it all the time, but what do you think their thoughts on it would be?
Yuki would get SUPER FLUSTERED and freak out like "AHHHHHHH NONONONONOOOOOOO ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!!!" (but her body is...... reacting differently lmao 👀🔥)
Kaname would at first be "absolutely the fuck not" but then he'd realize Yuki's (secret) feelings, want to please her, and then take it as an opportunity to mess with Zero lol
Poor Zero would refuse adamantly, even after Kaname is like "bruh, Yuki and I are completely consenting," but then Yuki would give Zero puppydog eyes and then he'd cave lmao
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vampireknightedits · 4 months
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Yuki Cross/ Kuran and Zero Kiryuu from the manga "Vampire Knight: Memories" by Matsuri Hino
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rainbow-multishipper · 6 months
we need more vine ships! ship name trials for vine x yang? vine x ren?
Yang Xiao Long x Vine Zeki is
(Snapdragons are one of many flowers that grow on vines, believe or not! Thought that was pretty perfect, not to mention they are very very pretty.)
Thanks for the suggestion! Remember ask box is OPEN for Ship Summaries, Headcannon Requests, RWBabies and Ship Trials!
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ask meme - renora, elm x vine, frostbite
ask meme
Long post ahead
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Get my boy Ren away from that white bitch, she does not deserve him. SHE DOES NOT DESERVE REN FOR THE BULLSHIT SHE PUT HIM THROUGH.
This ship is another one that Canon made me DESPISE it, and by extension Nora. I'm sorry, but I was fucking seething at the way she treated him. Nora didn't give a shit that Ren was stressed out about their situation (rightfully so), instead of listening to his worries she kissed him without consent, when he got justifiably angry with the crew, she joined the rest of them white bitches and made him out to be the VILLAIN when he came in to check on her.
Hello? Nora, Ren just got through hell, being slammed through rocks, dragged across the tundra trying to save Oscar, had to save Jaune and Yang's useless asses, got shit on by Yang for being frustrated, met the devil and barely survived an explosion, and you still think he was being irrational?? And it's his fault that your relationship deteriorate??? Bitch, have some fucking self awareness.
I legit have no love for Nora or the ship anymore. Sign this petition to get Ren better friends, God bless 🙏
Elm x Vine
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Jesus Christ, were these two done wrong.
I wanted to see more of them to be honest, but both Elm and Vine were victims of RT's racism, so sadly we have shit for them. I wanted them to be on screen more damn it, I know these two are married!!
But overall, it's the same with any Clover ships. They're cute, but nothing more because these guys don't got shit to them.
Frostbite (Adam x Weiss)
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Fuck you RT, they are fucking foils to each other and if you would let them meet, your show would've worth something FUCK YOU GIVE THEM TO ME SOBS
Adam and Weiss should have met, and they should've kicked Jacques' ass together. Weiss should have been confronted with the sin of her family's legacy, and Adam should have been able to have his pain be fuckimg recognized. WE DESERVED BETTER THAN THIS.
They were hurt by the same name, by the same man, and lost a part of themselves that they will never physically or mentally get back. These two have so much narrative foil to each other, and I will never be happy again thinking about what canon did to this potential. FUCK YOU RT.
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Okay so this post got me thinking about how Reiner would be as a pet parent/co-parent, and now I must share my little selfship headcanons for what his dynamic with each of my pets would be. I encourage you all to do the same with your own pets if you like! Also I like showing off my babies.
Reiner trying to befriend my pets
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Reiner has more experience with dogs than with cats, so he's immediately excited to meet Mason. Mason's trauma from being abused by his original owner means he still gets spooked very easily by loud noises and unusual objects, so Reiner kind of tip toes around him - more than he needs to, to be honest. If he accidentally scares Mace, he's following him around practically on his hands and knees, offering treats and trying to make it up to him. Mason quickly realizes that Reiner is easily manipulated for food, and it's not long before I have to put a very strict limit on how many treats Reiner can feed him per day.
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Reiner hasn't spent much time around cats and isn't quite sure how to interact with them at first, but he soon becomes pretty much as obsessed with Mochi as I am. She's tiny! Adorable! Ridiculously sweet! But boy when he finds out that she's a teeny bit disabled and has certain physical limitations, he starts treating her like she's made of glass, making sure she doesn't over exert herself and helping her onto every surface she wants onto even though she's perfectly capable of climbing. Within a month of meeting him, Mochi realizes Reiner is basically a meow-controlled elevator/butler.
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Reiner thinks everything about Chicken Nugget is hilarious, and is inordinately amused by the simple fact that this little being actively responds to the name 'Chicken Nugget' no matter how many times he sees it happen. Whenever she gets fired up and starts upsetting the others by playfully slamming them to the floor, he picks her up and patiently explains to her that being bigger and stronger than her siblings means she has to control her strength :c He tries to decode her mysterious whims, but she seemingly develops new ones constantly just to keep him on his toes.
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Porscha is the worst cat on the entire planet, but Reiner is aghast when I say so. He refuses to believe such things and is incredibly permissive of everything she does. Slowly he grows to regret this as Porscha obsessively touches his face while he sleeps, does literally the worst thing she can at any given moment, and eats his hair. Reiner is still too stubborn, though, insisting that she's not being that annoying. All of the behavioral training I've done with Porscha is set back to square one because Reiner won't tell her 'no' for anything. Finally he breaks down one morning when Porscha freaks out because a strand of hair she pulled off his head and ate is stuck in her butt. We being training anew, but Reiner still feels guilty when he has to curb her obsessive behaviors by not rewarding them with interaction...
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He doesn't even see Ponzu for the first time until several months in, when she peers out from a closet. He thought maybe I was joking about having a fourth cat who fears all humans but me. Reiner is so excited to finally see this cryptid that Ponzu gets startled and vanishes into the cat dimension. Reiner becomes determined to befriend her, setting up stake outs where he'll set out food and hide behind a chair and wait until Ponzu approaches, and any time she glances at him he tries to do the 'slow blink' that I told him cats use to signal goodwill. He's a little pouty when after nearly a year, he can only interact with Ponzu if he's seated on the floor and not looking directly at her, but sometimes when he's sleeping I'll catch her snuggled against his feet.
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kurxn · 2 years
Truthfully , we all are entitled to our opinion , but the only reason you were satisfied with that ending cause it gave zero and Yuki their fairy tale ending with no kaname in tow. Nothing more , nothing less just your fav couple getting their fav ending, while others can be satisfied with their leftovers , shoujo logic .
Seriously hino should have just killed him off entirely , i would have preferred that ending much better, this ending just makes me irritated at Yuki's two timing attitude, kaname was truly an idiot and will forever be, but whatever, i am the one who is writing, this is just a vent of a frustrated fan whose fav character was just two timing, no matter what i just hate the fact that she just lead kaname on , but at least now that she has repaid her debt , having pity night with him , birthing him a so called daughter who fell in love with her lover and then finally her life that was no longer useful , giving that good for nothing life so that he could once again have a good for nothing life and once again he could sing praises of her and her true love . But for him to die peacefully, but seriously if only his body has not preserved he could have easily died after the fire was extinguished he could have been reunited with hooded woman in his afterlife, someone who loved him 55 Percentage, more than Yuki but nope . I mean now it's good she can finally love zero wholeheartedly in the afterlife , finally free from the curse called Kaname.
This is just my vent. No need to seriously answer this shitty ask. This is nothing but a stupid vent.
Bro bejddbnd stop acting like the ship aspect is the only reason I’m satisfied with VK. I love Kaname like. I LOVE Kaname. I also love Kaname’s sorrow and all of the feelings he has. His love, guilt, etc are all what make him.. him. I don’t think VK is the typical shojo in the sense that it doesn’t simply follow a love story? Like there’s so much more to the story than just the love triangle shit. Zero and Yuki had an incredibly rough path together. There was no time where they weren’t fighting a war outside of their relationship, and while working through the turmoil of their personal relationship.
Kaname cannot die. He can’t. Cant fully die. We’ve seen this over. And over. Him becoming a human is the only way he can truly die.
Yuki’s feelings are so complicated and belittling her by saying she’s a two timer is just.. wrong. Yuki is allowed to have feelings for her family and for her best friend / lover. She’s allowed to not move on from the love she felt for Kaname while loving Zero as she always has. Kaname and Zero both accepted her feelings and knew she was partial to the other. They knew why she felt that way. They accepted her as she was, and she was very open with the both of them about her feelings so they could accept or reject her.
She did not lead Kaname on. She loved him so desperately. That’s why she fought and fought to be with him. He was the one who initiated the sex. She was desperately hugging him and wanted to keep him close, and he was like ‘I’ll teach you how to love’ or some shit like that lol. I do think Kaname wanted to leave Yuki with someone to look after and love. Ai was the fruit of their love.
And Kaname’s body being preserved has little to do with his death. His body never fully died when he was rotting away in that coffin for 10,000 years, so I doubt it would now. Yes, his heart was gone but his blood was still there and he was still a pure blood.
And Kaname was never a curse?? She loved him to the end. She literally went back to him after Zero died. He was never a hinderance to her. Kaname was the one who was worried he was ruining her chances at being truly happy. There is no clean cut for them.
TL;DR: pls don’t use my ask box to vent dump while bashing the fact that I ship Zeki. I don’t support incest. Yume is incest. I don’t support it. BUT I do love Kaname. I love all of the characters.
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madame-mongoose · 1 year
I need to draw my fucked up women again. And the tumblr sexyman bait guy
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