#anthony ramos gif pack
pochunts · 1 year
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— ✰ on the page linked below in the SOURCE LINK, you will find ( ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-EIGHT ) hq gifs of ANTHONY RAMOS sourced from his role as FRANKIE ESPINOZA in SUMMER DAYS, SUMMER NIGHTS (2021). anthony is 31 but was 26-27 while filming this movie. he is of puerto rican descent, so please cast him accordingly. all gifs were cropped at 245x145 and were made from scratch by feifer for roleplaying purposes only. therefore, i am taking full credit for these.
gifs feature: Caitlin Stasey, Jon Rudnitsky.
warnings/triggers: Partial nudity, food (burgers), alcohol (beer), kissing, scenes contexted around sex, neon lights (fireworks), scenes contexted around cheating.
DO: LIKE or REBLOG if you found these helpful or have any intention of using these.
add or compile into other sources ( gif hunts, gif sets ).
edit or claim in any way ( redistribute or resize into smaller forms - gif icons. giftangles, etc ).
use to portray the faceclaim in smut rps or real-life celebrity groups.
use these gifs as imagery/visuals for smut writing.
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conjuringgifs · 7 hours
FINISHED COMMISSION by clicking the source link, you will find 171 gifs of anthony ramos from twisters. all these were made by me. do not repost, claim as your own, edit in any way, or include in gif hunts. this includes taking my gifs and making your own gif sets. were these useful to you? give this post a like or a reblog please.   want to support me? consider a commission or buy me a ko-fi!    
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hqroleplaygifs · 3 years
anthony ramos in in the heights // In the source link, you’ll find #217 gifs. He is of Puerto Rican descend. All GIFs were made by me and are inteded for roleplaying purposes only. Please don’t claim them as your own. Reposting these GIFs or using them in your own graphics is strictly forbidden. Please, like or reblog this post if you plan on saving these GIFs, of if you found this helpful in any way, shape, or form. Thank you, and enjoy.
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pr0blemd0g · 3 years
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Anthony Ramos in Blindspotting (2021)
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charming-charlie · 4 years
One More Chance
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Title // One More Chance
Pairing // Anthony Ramos x Fem!Reader
Warnings // Light swearing, fluff, mentions of loneliness.
Summary // It’s been years since you last saw Anthony, one of your high school friends. What happens when you finally see each other during his Hamilton run?
Word Count // 2,879
Prompt // “Be kinder to yourself, alright? For my sake. I can't stand watching you beat yourself up like this.”
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You thought for sure Anthony wouldn’t remember you. He was a big, fancy Broadway star. You had to be one of the last things on his mind, if you were even on there. But he came through. After you direct messaged him your address, which was in New York since you never left, he sent tickets and backstage passes to the show that he was a part of. This was a dream come true for you. Not only would you get to see your long-lost friend again, but this was also the first Broadway show you’ll ever attend. Tickets were always out of your price range, and you didn’t make enough money to splurge on such an extravagant purchase.
It would be nice to see him again, but you knew it would probably be wishful thinking that he would remember you in person. It’s been a while since the two of you were in high school. You could go on and on about the memories in English class, but you wouldn’t dare bring those up. No, you are only going just to enjoy the show. That’s it.
Perhaps that was also wishful thinking because the Richard Rogers Theater, on this particular Friday night, was packed. You shouldn’t have been surprised. Hamilton received glowing reviews. People were raving about it. It made sense that it was such a sensation. You found your seat with the help of an usher and you were equally surprised that it was in the center off to the right, close to the stage. You would get a clear view of facial expressions and everything. Damn, Anthony was really taking care of you.
You purposefully left the backstage pass at home. You didn’t want to bother him, or the cast, when they had other fans and people to see. It’d be okay and it was no stress off your back. You just wanted to see the show and have a good time. That was enough for you.
It was curtain time, and everyone took their seats. The lights went dim and you sat there in awe, watching Leslie Odom Jr. take the stage and begin the first song. You didn’t get to be immersed in the musical for long, because there he was. Your long-lost friend, dawning a white coat, hair pulled back, taking the stage as he began talking about the ten-dollar founding father without a father. That was all it took.
You could not take your eyes off him for the entire first half and you swore he saw you too. Though you knew that was impossible, with the dark lights in the theater and everything. But for a few moments, it brought you comfort that perhaps he recognized you and all was well.
His character, John Laurens, engaged in a duel and you wouldn’t admit it but your heart almost stopped at the count of ten. You knew it was fake, but the tension sent you in a bit of a frenzy. Still, you couldn’t hide the fact that you were genuinely upset that John Laurens didn’t make it to the second act, but the playbill said Anthony was credited as two characters. Luckily, he wasn’t done yet. Good, you weren’t ready to see him disappear from your life again.
Intermission came so fast, it shocked you. The pace of the show was fast and upbeat, and you were so engrossed in Non-Stop, you didn’t realize that was the end. At least, for fifteen minutes. Letting out a sigh, you stood up and stretched your legs. You weren’t thirsty but a lot of people were rushing out to grab a drink or use the restroom. You were fine. You checked your phone and tried to occupy yourself until you felt a tap on your shoulder.
“Excuse me, miss.”
You turn around and you saw a tall man wearing a security tag. Sudden panic rose inside you and he could tell. “Can you follow me, please?”
You nodded, saying nothing. The tall security man walked through a side door labeled Employees Only and you were quick against his heels. There was a lot of commotion backstage. People were rushing around, changing costumes, dancing in the stairwell, recording videos and taking pictures… it honestly looked like a good time.
The security man approached a dressing room and knocked on the door. It was Lin’s door. Wait, what? Your breath hitched in your throat. You read that this show was basically Lin’s baby. Were you somehow disrespecting it? Lin opened the door with a smile. He was in the middle of changing clothes, but he wasn’t rushing. “I brought the patron you requested,” the security guard said before turning and walking away.
Lin was adjusting the microphone in his hair and he opened the door to invite you in. There wasn’t much room in the tiny dressing room so you stayed out in the hallway, looking confused but feeling surreal that you were staring at Lin-Manuel Miranda. “Sorry if that scared you, but we’ve been waiting since My Shot to get you back here.” He held out a hand, offering it to you. “I’m Lin.”
You blinked and coughed out your name. “Y/N,” you said while shaking his hand.
He nodded, as if he already knew. “I’ve heard about you. You have some fans back here,” Lin said. He adjusted his shoes, putting on the final touches for whatever he needed for the second act. Fans? Surely he was confusing you with someone else.
He sensed your confusion, and he let out a soft laugh. “This must be a little weird, right? I mean, first Anthony asked for backstage passes for this girl, and then she doesn’t bother showing up with said passes. I’m assuming you forgot them. He thinks you don’t want to see him. Which one of us is right? We have a little bet going on back here.”
You felt like you should be offended but Lin was so polite about it. The way he was talking about it, it made it seem like it was a joke, all in good fun, his attempt at jest.
“I um… I mean, I didn’t think it was…” you were stumbling over your words, not sure how to put it into a coherent sentence. This was definitely off putting, and Lin was sensing your discomfort. His smile fell and he looked apologetic.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it that way. Come with me,” Lin said, and he nodded his head in the direction of a hallway. He began walking and you followed him. You passed several people, including some you recognize from the show. It was a bit frantic though. There was not a lot of time between the first and second act, but everyone looked as though they had a routine and it worked for them.
“Hey Anthony, I found your girl for you,” Lin said and he turned to you, “we’ll get you another backstage pass. No worries about forgetting it at home.” He winked at you and left you standing in the doorway of Anthony Ramos, your long-lost high school friend. He was out of the blue coat and was wearing something entirely different. This was probably his second character. You wouldn’t know since you ignored his section in the playbill completely. You couldn’t bring yourself to read about him, not after everything.
He turned to look at you, his eyes alight and a soft smile on his face. “Y/N,” he said, and damn did your name sound good on his lips, “you made it. Come in.”
He extended an arm and you walked into his dressing room. It was jam packed with all kinds of stuff. You sat on the couch and he turned back to the mirror, fixing whatever he needed to do in order to prepare for the next part of the show. He looked at you through the mirror, studying you a bit.
“I didn’t think you’d remember me,” you said suddenly. Your eyes shot off him, avoiding his gaze. You felt your face get hot. You were not expecting to suddenly just say whatever was on your mind.
Anthony’s smile turned into a slight frown and he turned around to face you. “Really? Tenth grade, Chemistry partners. You, Ms. Y/N, broke a slide under a microscope and I took the fall. Remember that?” he folded his arms across his chest, slightly tilting his head. His voice didn’t sound accusatory, it was more like he was trying to light up your memories that you hid in the deep corner of your brain. You honestly forgot about that situation.
Not wanting to be outdone, you stood up. “Freshman English, Shakespeare partners. We made fun of Romeo and Juliet for their stupid, short love story where like, eight people died in three days. I called it tragic, and you called it teenage drama. We got lunch detention.”
Your memory caused Anthony’s smile to come back and he moved in with his arms outstretched slowly. Since you were now positive that he remembered you, you wasted no time pushing yourself into his arms and hugging him. It felt really good. It felt like old times, like for a split second, a tiny moment, you had your friend back. He wasn’t just some big, hotshot Broadway star. He was your Anthony Ramos, the goofy kid in high school that made you laugh and made school so much more bearable.
“I’m glad you reached out to me,” Anthony said as the two of you let go of the embrace, “how have you been? What’s life been like since high school?”
That was a conversation you wanted to avoid completely. Instead, you turned the conversation back on him, ignoring his raised eyebrows at the sudden topic change. “I never thought I’d see you on Broadway. You look good. I mean… you look happy, not that you look good. I mean, you do look good but that’s… you know what, never mind.”
Damn you and your stupid word vomit. Anthony only laughed.
An announcement above said that there was ten minutes left until showtime and Anthony looked completely unfazed by the sudden voice. He was so used to it, he probably has the intermission down to the second.
“Shouldn’t you get ready?” you asked him, unaware of his overall routine.
To your surprise, he shook his head. “I just have one thing left to do, and I have time. I’m not in the first song when the show comes back.” He could tell you were sort of closed off, and he didn’t want to push, but you could see the curiosity in his eyes. “I had a crush on you in high school, you know.”
Your head snapped in his direction and you refused to believe it. “Stop, that’s not funny.”
“I’m not joking.”
You folded your arms over your chest, taking on a defensive stance. He was trying to get you to talk, but you didn’t want to tell him. You didn’t want to tell him that you liked him too, and when the two of you stopped talking, you drifted into an unhealthy mental spiral. It was stupid how much you relied on him when you were younger, how much you needed him in your life, and he just left you in the dust. Not that you held that against him, it all worked out. For him, that is.
“Well, thank you,” you manage to say but that wasn’t enough for him. He leaned forward and grabbed you by the arm, but your arms were tightly linked together over your chest. He didn’t relinquish his grip though.
“That’s it? A thank you?”
“What else do you want me to say?”
“Say what you always wanted to say.”
Of course, he didn’t mean that. That was some word vomit you wanted to keep in. This was the first time in how many years since you’ve seen him, and you didn’t want to say something you would regret. Yet would you regret it if you didn’t tell him what was running through your mind? Your eyes turned to look at him. He looked somewhat sad, a tiny frown twitching at the corners of his lips.
“You left without saying goodbye. Which is fine, you had some great opportunities, but you were honestly my best friend. I liked you too and it sucks because I didn’t think you would leave this giant hole in me. How stupid is that?” you asked, and you practically slammed your mouth shut. No more, you don’t need to say anything else.
Anthony genuinely looked like you slapped him. There was a look of pain that graced his freckled face and he let go of you.
“Here, fresh off the press. Or… the box. Whatever.” Lin laughs while swinging a backstage pass from his fingers. He sensed such tension that he stopped in his tracks, his face fell in surprise and he slowly looped the backstage pass over the doorknob of the dressing room. “Uh… there’s like five minutes until curtain, Ant. Don’t forget to fix your hair. Philip hair, remember? That’s not Philip hair.”
Lin disappeared shortly after that and that was your cue. “Thanks for the invite. I’m going back to my seat now.” You turned on your heels and made one step toward the door, but Anthony’s reach was fast. He grabbed you by the elbow and pulled you back. You stumbled just a bit and regained your balance thanks to Anthony’s grip. The moment you turned to look at him, he stared at you, a sort of boldness now making its way through his face. In the blink of an eye, it all changed.
He kissed you.
You don’t even recall him leaning in. One minute, you were about to tell him off, and then the next, he was kissing you. It was soft and sweet, a gentle touch that let you relax against him. Anthony, however, kept a grip on your arm, which was probably for the best. You liked the fact that he was trying to keep you in place.
His forehead rested against your own and he let space come between your lips and his as the kiss came to an end. He whispered softly, “Be kinder to yourself, alright? For my sake. I can't stand watching you beat yourself up like this.”
Letting you go, Anthony grabbed the backstage pass off the doorknob and looked at it. He turned it back and forth, like he never seen it before. “If I give this to you, are you going to use it this time?”
Your mind was still swirling from the precious kiss and you couldn’t manage to say anything. Instead, you just nodded. He smiled, approached you, and placed the pass around your neck. It weighed next to nothing. Anthony’s fingers traced the lanyard, down to the pass itself, but his hands continued moving. They finally stopped on the curves of your waist.
He was going to kiss you again. God, you hoped he would.
A voice on the speaker crackled through, warning the cast, crew, and ensemble that there was one minute left until curtain and then the second act would be in full swing.
“I need to finish getting ready,” he said, sounding a bit sad.
“What’s Philip hair?” you asked out of curiosity.
Anthony turned to the mirror, reached a hand up to his hair and pulled the tie out. His long hair fell out of place and he grabbed a brush, brushing it out. “Philip hair.”
You laughed which caused him to smile. “That’s it?”
“That’s it.”
He turned back to face you, letting an arm slip over your shoulders as he pulled you in for a side hug and held you in place. His lips pressed themselves against your temple and in that moment, things felt right. He was patching the hole that he left you with. He was fixing you, even though he shouldn’t have to. He didn’t do anything wrong. Still, it felt nice. It was nice that he cared.
“You are free to go back to your seat and finish the show, but I want you back here when we bow out,” Anthony said. The demand was enough to send some butterflies swirling in the pit of your stomach.
“I’ll be here. Good luck.”
What’d I Miss started playing in the background and he kissed you again. You had to break free and go back to your seat, you were already missing part of the show. It wasn’t difficult to find your way back, and you caught Lin’s eye as your sat back down. You sent him an apologetic look for disrupting the show, but he only smiled and nodded before doing his bit in the song.
This night was the first time in a long time where you smiled so much. It was going to be tough to sit through the rest of the show when all you wanted to do was go backstage and be with Anthony. Your long-lost friend wasn’t long-lost anymore. The hole in your heart was almost filled in. You couldn’t wait for the show to be over. Soon, you’ll be back in Anthony’s arms. He’ll be waiting for you. Finally.
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oklcmc · 4 years
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀،̲،̲⠀𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐆𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐁𝐀𝐓 ❪synopsis❫ [𝟏𝟖+]
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀〝⠀‘Cause it’s HARD to⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀CREEP them BROOKLYN STREETS.⠀〞
An urban novel and future cinema by Paris Yv’onne. Heavily inspired by the raw⸝ nostalgic and action-packed video game that once was def jam:fight for ny ❪2004❫.
ׂ ̣ ○ . ° ♰ 𓈒 ॱ 𓂂 GENRE:urban⸝ streetlit
ׂ ̣ ○ . ° ♰ 𓈒 ॱ 𓂂 PAIRING:street fighter!black!male oc ❪keith powers❫ ✕ black!female oc ❪kelis rogers, circa ‘99❫
ׂ ̣ ○ . ° ♰ 𓈒 ॱ 𓂂 TRIGGERS:this book will contain violence,use of drugs and alcohol,strong language,sexual content,implied sexual assault,physical abuse,gore,character death,extreme angst,abduction ⅋ more as the storyline develops.
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀゛⠀ayo, alexa?play “take me there” by faith evans,the notorious b.i.g.,sheek louch ⅋ styles p! ⠀〟
playing “take me there” by faith evans ⅋ the notorious b.i.g...⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀*⠀cues⠀*
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀𝟓𝐓𝐇 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐓.
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀〝⠀That car came outta NOWHERE. I BARELY got a look at THE GUY.⠀〞
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀〝⠀Just try your best to REMEMBER. Take a look at THE MUGSHOT. anyone here ring a BELL?⠀〞
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ㅤㅤㅤ〇〇〇.ㅤㅤㅤ ⨳𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐆𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐁𝐀𝐓.ㅤ╱ㅤ゛HAVING BEEN BIRTHED IN SEATTLE, Washington of late August with vaguely enough parental guidance, Kei Valentine had rightfully earned the persona of being spunky, straightforward, eccentric and diligent, but so had the boy whom was birthed twenty-four hours later, five years earlier and more than two-thousand miles apart from her. The only difference was that while Kei was discovering the positives in life though being abandoned at an early age, Tyree Devlin was raking up all the negatives before her. He was eager, callous, streetwise and rebellious as they came, thanks to the teachings of his only false God.
ㅤㅤㅤFar from compatible, how the two Leos paths aligned was something that only the underbelly of New York City took to swallow, digest and keep sacred, but it wasn't at all unattainable to one's own access. You just had to know the correct route to take and connects to make. This is Underground Combat.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀or⠀⠀⠀in which even the innocent can wind up being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀〇. kelis rogers, circa 𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟗 as 𝐊𝐄𝐈 [k-ay] 𝐕𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐄
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐏𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐓𝐄.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀〝⠀Can’t CATCH me!⠀〞
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⋱ㅤ𝗵𝗼𝗺𝗲𝘁𝗼𝘄𝗻: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀seattle,washington ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀━ㅤ𝗮𝗴𝗲:⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀𝗵𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀19⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀5'10" ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⋰ㅤ𝘄𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁:⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗰𝗵: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 125 lbs⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀64"
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀〇. keith powers as  𝐓𝐘𝐑𝐄𝐄〝𝐓〞𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐋𝐈𝐍
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐄𝐑.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀〝⠀Yeah⸝ that FREIGHT TRAIN that HIT you? That was ME.⠀〞
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⋱ㅤ𝗵𝗼𝗺𝗲𝘁𝗼𝘄𝗻: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀sacramento,california ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀━ㅤ𝗮𝗴𝗲:⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀𝗵𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀24⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀6'2" ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⋰ㅤ𝘄𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁:⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗰𝗵: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀187 lbs⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀70"
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆.
antoine harris ... soldier lil' kim,circa 2002 ... bianca d3szn ... raphael dave east ... tec woody mcclain ... slim anthony ramos ... richie
nipsey hussle,circa 2010 ... bones jatavia ゛⠀jt⠀〟shakara johnson ... kitana retch ... himself pop smoke ... torque pooter_ ... pockets squidnice ... percy upmagteddy ... himself
mariah the scientist ... alina elingston-devlin jasper briggs ... jasper valentine qui.yasuka ... xixi [she-she] antonio ゛⠀zombie juice⠀〟lewis ... himself mack wilds ... lamar joey bada$$,circa 2014 ... isaiah nicki minaj,circa 2013 ... brooklyn ⅋ more!
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀YOU’LL DISCOVER...
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀༺☆༻ㅤparis’ ❪very old❫ reflections,
I’m going to attempt to not make this author’s note as long-winded as I usually would on the Wattpad app. Let me start off by giving a warm ‘welcome’ to those of you who are new to discovering me or my craft, and to those of you who’ve migrated along with me from the Wattpad app:‘Hello!’ I’m so glad you could join me! If you haven’t gotten the memo yet, my name is Paris. I think it’s pretty obvious that this is far from my first time utilizing this app, especially with my writing considering that I did pen an Odd Future fanfiction back in twenty-thirteen. Soon after quitting this and YouTube as my writing platforms, I’ve since migrated to the Wattpad app for the past seven years where I’ve improved immensely in writing and in editing ❨obv.❩. You guys are probably curious as to why I’ve decided to backtrack to this app. Well more than a few weeks back, Wattpad had this huge glitch happen. To make a long story short, people’s accounts and hard earned work were suddenly being deleted from every which angle ❨Even my fair share of favorite authors) and all of our personal information ❨emails and passwords❩ have since been leaked to the dark web. Though I’ve reset my password, email and email passwords as they’ve suggested, I’ve since been on edge about the security of my own account and hard work ❨Though I do routinely write everything out in my notebooks before typing, editing or publishing❩, so in the midst of my own family’s quarantine and losing my father this past month and a half, I’ve had more than enough time to self-reflect. I’ve finally came to the decision to proceed in sharing my work with a different audience again, so hopefully I’ll receive the proper feedback I’ve been longing for, especially with this book. With that being said, all my previous work will remain published on Wattpad and I will remain active until I’ve come to a decision on whether or not I wish to migrate all my previous work here, ‘cause that will certainly take some time.
Let me tell y’all somethin’ though, this book is my most prized possession. My baby. It basically came to me in a dream back in twenty-fifteen though I did mash it with some of my favorite urban, childhood video games and a previous Justin Bieber╱Jason McCann idea that I was working with back then which will explain the first three chapters’ lack of description, but the story line ❨Not to be modest❩, is overall... *⠀chef’s kiss⠀*. The book has since had many alterations, revamps and hiatuses done with me being caught up with life in general and being that I am a very slow writer now ❨Notorious perfectionist and procrastinator, if you may❩, but this is the final draft until it’s time to adapt it into it’s film. Yes, I am planning on adapting this book into an aesthetically pleasing film like that of Queen ⅋ Slim once it’s completed and professionally published, and yes, I am speaking all of this into existence. I’m taking it one big step at a time, ‘cause if I can dream it, I can damn sure achieve it, and so can you! I’m just content with you guys being my first critics. Thank you all for taking the time out to read my work, it really means a lot to me! If you’d like to be apart of my tag list then don’t hesitate to on asking. God bless!
I’m making all of this happen for you, Daddy! I can only hope that I’m making you— Along with grandma and papa— proud. Would you mind kissing and hugging them tight for me, please? I miss you, and I love you even more. Until we meet again.
Before I dip out, let me remind y’all to not, and I repeat— do not take from my plots, edits or formats and try to use them as inspiration to those of your own advantage without asking me for permission or rightfully crediting me first! I’ve had enough of that from the previous app and I promise you that I can be a nightmare bitch! Good day 🙃
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀dedication to pops ❪𝟐╱𝟖╱𝟔𝟕 — ∞❫. no man on this strange place called earth could ever replace or make me laugh the way you did! 🕊
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀〝⠀I can FEEL when you’re AROUND,you FOREVER HOLD ME DOWN I return the favor when I’m on stages IN LOVING MEMEMORY,no enemy could SEPERATE US and so I gotta say this...⠀〞
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀✱ Kendrick Lamar,SZA — Loved Ones ❪2018❫
23 notes · View notes
tasksweekly · 5 years
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In celebration of Latine Heritage Month being September 15th-October 15th, here’s a masterlist below compiled of over 250+ Afro Latine faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever faceclaim or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Marina Miranda (1932) Afro Brazilian - actress.
Petrona Martínez (1934) Afro Colombian - singer. 
Alaíde Costa (1935) Afro Brazilian - singer-songwriter.
Elza Soares (1937) Afro Brazilian - singer-songwriter.
Tia Surica (1940) Afro Brazilian - actress and singer.
Neusa Borges (1941) Afro Brazilian - actress.
Dja Marthins (1943) Afro Brazilian - actress.
Leci Brandão (1944) Afro Brazilian - actress and singer.
Susana Baca (1944) Afro Peruvian - singer-songwriter.
Zezé Motta (1944) Afro Brazilian - actress and singer.
Maria Bethânia (1946) Afro Brazilian - singer-songwriter.
Rosa Marya Colin (1946) Afro Brazilian - actress and singer.
Eva Ayllón (1956) Afro Peruvian - singer and composer.
Lauren Vélez (1964) Afro Puerto Rican - actress. 
Lorraine Vélez (1964) Afro Puerto Rican - actress. 
Rosie Perez (1964) Afro Puerto Rican - actress and singer. 
Judy Reyes (1967) Afro Dominican - actress. 
Melissa De Sousa (1967) Afro Panamanian - actress.
Gladys del Pilar (1967) Afro Ecuadorian - singer and dancer.
Gina Torres (1969) Afro Cuban - actress. 
Ebelin Ortiz (1971) Afro Peruvian - actress, singer, and tv presenter.
Ilia Calderón (1972) Afro Colombian - journalist. 
Tina Ferreira (1972) Uruguayan [Afro Uruguayan, Spanish, possibly other] - dancer, vedette, and journalist.
Trina (1974) Afro Dominican / Afro Bahamian - rapper and television personality.
Evelyn Lozada (1975) Afro Puerto Rican - tv personality and model. 
Aida Rodriguez (1977) Afro Puerto Rican, Afro Dominican - comedian. 
Brandi Quinones (1977) Afro-Cuban-Puerto Rican - model.
Sasha Campbell (1977) Afro Costa Rican - singer, journalist, broadcaster and television presenter.
Rico Nasty / Maria-Cecilia Simone Kelly (1997) Afro Puerto Rican - rapper. 
Taís Araújo (1978) Afro Brazilian - actress.
Grasie Mercedes (1978) Afro Dominican - actress. 
Alejandra Robles (1978) Afro Mexican - singer and dancer.
Dania Ramirez (1979) Afro Dominican - actress.
La La Anthony (1979) Puerto Rican [African, Spanish, possibly other] - tv personality. 
Tatyana Ali (1979) Afro Panamanian / Indo Trinidadian - actress and singer.
Bernice Burgos (1980) Afro Puerto Rican - model. 
Reagan Gomez-Preston (1980) African-American / Puerto Rican - actress.
Adriana Sage (1980) Afro Mexican - actress, model, and former porn actress.
Emayatzy Corinealdi (1980) Afro Panamanian / African-American - actress.
Ericka Cruz (1981) Afro Mexican - model and Nuestra Belleza Mexico 2001.
Christina Milian (1981) Cuban [African, some Spanish] - singer and actress.
Dascha Polanco (1982) Afro Domomican - actress. 
Goyo (1982) Afro Colombian - singer. 
Yaya DaCosta (1982) Afro Brazilian, African-American, Cherokee, Irish - actress and model.
Irina Castillo (1982) Afro Panamanian - model (Instagram: icastillow).
Johanna Santos Polanco (1983) Afro Mexican / Dominican - model.
Maluca (1983) Afro Dominican - singer.
Tessa Thompson (1983) Afro Panamanian / Mexican, Irish, Scottish, German, English - actress and singer-songwriter.
Karla Cubias (1983) Afro Salvadoran - singer.
Dolly Castro (1984) Afro Nicaraguan - instagrammer (missdollycastro).
Yamilka Pitre (1984) Afro Panamanian - singer.
Danay Suarez (1985) Afro Cuban - singer and rapper.
Maria Mena (1986) Afro Nicaraguan / Norwegian - singer-songwriter.
Joseline Hernandez (1986) Afro Puerto Rican - tv personality, rapper and actress. 
Leiomy Maldonado (1987) Afro Puerto Rican - model, dancer, and choreographer. - Trans!
Jhené Aiko (1988) African-American / Japanese, Dominican [Spanish, Afro Dominican, possibly other] - singer. 
Heather Hemmens (1988) Afro Costa Rican / English - actress, director, and producer.
Brenda Kellerman (1988) Afro Costa Rican - actress, model, and tv host.
Joan Smalls (1988) Afro-Virgin Islander, Irish / Puerto Rican [Spanish, Taino, Indian] - model and actress. 
Julissa Calderon (1989) Afro Domnican - actress. 
Sessilee Lopez (1989) Afro Dominican - model.
Arlenis Sosa (1989) Afro Dominican - model.
Julieta Rada (1990) Afro Argentinian / Afro Uruguayan - singer.
Iza / Isabela Cristina Correia de Lima Lima (1990) Afro Brazilian - singer. 
Amara La Negra (1990) Afro Dominican - singer.
Lais Ribeiro (1990) Afro Brazilian - model.
Nitty Scott (1990) Afro Puerto Rican - emcee.
Massy Arias (1990) Afro Dominican - fitness coach and Instagrammer.
Stephanie George (1991) Afro Haitian, Afro Dominican, Salvadoran - actress (Instagram: stephshaygeorge)
Luz Pavon (1991) Afro Mexican - model.
Yomatzy Hazlewood (1991) Afro Panamanian - model and Miss Panama Universe 2014.
Scharllette Allen Moses (1991) Afro Nicaraguan - model and Miss Nicaragua 2010.
Denise Mercedes (1991) Afro Dominican - model. 
Kay-Lani Martinez (1991) Afro Puerto Rican - YouTuber.
BIA / Bianca Landrau (1991) Afro Puerto Rican - rapper. 
Tylauren (1992) Unspecified Afro Latine - Instagrammer. 
Destiny Frasqueri / Princess Nokia (1992) Afro Puerto Rican - singer. 
Monica Veloz (1992) Afro Dominican - Youtuber and Instagrammer. 
Daymé Arocena (1992) Afro Cuban - singer.
Efrangeliz Medina (1993) Afro Dominican - actress and Instagrammer.
Jewellianna Palencia (1993) Afro Guatemalan - YouTuber and Instagrammer.
Kimberly Noèl (1993) Afro Cuban, Costa Rican, Puerto Rican, Italian - model, youtuber, and tv personality. - Trans!
Yindra Zayas (1994) Afro Cuban - actress. 
Cara (1995) Dominican [Afro Dominican, Arawak] / German - instagrammer (miscarolf).
Yorelis Apolinario (1995) Afro Cuban - dancer. 
Mairaly Rodriguez (1996) Afro Dominican - model, actress and YouTuber (Instagram: harmonicurls)
Deja Good (1997) Afro Panamanian - model and youtuber.
Natalie Whittington (1997 or 1998) Afro Panamanian - model.
Tania Teyacapan Garcia (?) Mexican [Pame, Huastec, Apache, Guachichil, Afro Potosina] - model.
Cyn Santana (?) Unspecified Afro Latine - singer. 
Anji Ray (?) Afro Panamanian - actress, comedian, and writer.
Barbie D’Ebano (?) Afro Nicaraguan - model and Miss International Queen Nicaragua 2018. - Trans!
Carmen Angulo (?) Afro Ecuadorian - actress. 
Miroslava Morales (?) Afro Panamanian - actress, singer, and director.
CeCe Suazo (?) Afro Honduran - actress, director, and playwright. - Trans!
Elena Heart (?) Nicaraguan [Afro Nicaraguan, Unspecified Indigenous, Unspecified Asian, German] - actress and photographer (instagram: elenaheart). 
Kenia Melissa Martínez (?) Afro Honduran - model, Miss Honduras Universe 2010, Miss Honduras International 2009, and Miss Honduras Earth 2008.
Lauren Lewis (?) Afro Nicaraguan - YouTuber and model (instagram: laurenlewiss_).
Kathryn Allison (?) Afro Mexican - actress and singer.
Calma Carmona (?) Afro Puerto Rican - singer. 
LATASHÁ (?) Panamanian, Jamaican - rapper.
Lisa-Kaindé Diaz (?) Afro Cuban, French, Venezuelan - singer (Ibeyi).
Naomi Díaz (?) Afro Cuban, French, Venezuelan - singer (Ibeyi).
Alba Ramos (?) Afro Dominican - Instagrammer (sunkissalba).
DioMara (?) Afro Panamanian - singer (Instagram: diomara_d) 
Sherrerazade (?) Afro Brazilian - model (Instagram: preta_zade).  
Julissa Prado (?) Afro Mexican - Instagrammer and business owner. 
Bethany Dani (?) Afro Cuban - actress and model. 
Alexis Garcia Rocca (?) Afro Puerto Rican - Youtuber.
Flora Sofia (?) Afro Brazilian - model and actress. 
Raissa Leme (?) Afro Brazilian - model. 
Deja Ma'rie (?) Afro Puerto Rican - model. 
Paula Almeida (?) Afro Beazilian - model. 
Nikki Brath (?) Afro Panamanian - model.
Illy Perez (?) Afro Cuban - model. 
Ana Flávia (?) Afro Brazilian - model. 
Letty Bridges (?) Afro Cuban - model.
Daphne Lee (?) Afro Panamanian - ballerina (Instagram: daphne732)
Mel Burgos (?) Afro Puerto Rican - Instagrammer (rock_yo_rizos).
Darlen Cachos (?) Afro Brazilian - Instagrammer.
Elizabeth Acevedo (?) Afro Dominican - writer. 
Dayana Copete (?) Afro Ecuadorian - model (Instagram: dayana_copete).
Tyrah Monique (?) Afro Domonican - model (Instagram: tyrahmonique). 
Ilianna Ayala (?) Puerto Rican, Bolivian - model.
Briana Camille (?) Afro Panamanian - Instagrammer (therealbrianacamille).
Priscilla Flete (?) Afro Dominican - Instagrammer (shinestruck).
Juliet Cee (?) Afro Cuban - Instagammer (iamjuju_).
Denisse Myrick (?) Afro Dominican - photographer and Instagrammer. 
Ada Rojas (?) Afro Dominican - Instagammer (allthingsada).
Rocio Isabel (?) Mexican, Hondoruan - Instagammer (risasrizos).
Cristina Gomez (?) Cuban, Colombian - Instagrammer (barbie_conga).
Veronica Bonilla (?) Afro Puerto Rican - Instagrammer (brooklynpetite).
Luciellen Assis (?) Afro Brazilian - Instagrammer. 
Erika Parker (?) Afro Panamanian - Miss Earth Panama 2017 (Instagram: erikaparker_).
Farah Vergas (?) Afro Dominican - Instagrammer (farahpink).
Briana (?) Afro Costa Rican - model (Instagram: blvckxeuphoria)
LouLou Gonzalez (?) Afro Panamanian - comedian, actress and writer. 
Linda Elaine (?) Jamaican, Mexican - Youtuber (Instagram: iamlindaelaine)
Janibell (?) Afro Dominican - Instagrammer (janibellrosanne)
Silly V (?) Dominican, Puerto Rican - model and actress (Instagram: sillyv83)
Coral (?) Afro Puerto Rican - Instagrammer (curlswithcoral) 
ChimiMari (?) Guatemalan, Hondorean, Belize - model (Instagram: marirocks17)
Noelia (?) Afro Dominican - Instagrammer (Instagram: curlelia)
Yarith Ceron (?) Afro Mexican - model (Instagram: yarithceronen_)
Jorly Flores (?) Afro Puerto Rican - model and artist  (Instagram: jorlyfloress)
Reina Powerlifts (?) Afro Puerto Rican - Instagrammer (boricuareina7).
TheCurlyBella (?) Afro Puerto Rican - Instagrammer.
Angelica Guillen (?) Unspecified Afro Latine - model and blogger (Instagram: angelicguillen)  
Imgeishaaa (?) Unspecified Afro Latine - model (Instagram: imgeishaaa)  
Carla Parra (?) Unspecified Afro Latine - model (Instagram: carlaparraxo)  
Krystal (?) Unspecified Afro Latine - model (Instagram: __keysopendoors__)  
Devri Velázquez (?) Unspecified Afro Latine - model (Instagram: devrivelazquez)  
Thati Nava (?) Unspecified Afro Latine - dancer. 
Jenelle Simone (?) Unspecified Afro Latine - actress. 
Lady Dane / Dane Edidi (?) Afro Cuban, Unspecified Indigenious - author (Instagram: ladydanefe) - Trans! 
Melania-Luisa Marte (?) Afro Dominican - poet and performer. 
Antombo Langangui (?) Afro Colombian - singer (Profetas).
Jahaura Michelle (?) Dominican, Puerto Rican - writer and journalist. 
Dr. Miguelina Rodriguez (?) Afro Dominican - author. 
Zahira Kelly-Cabrera (?) Afro Puerto Rican - writer and artist. 
Karmenife X (?) Unspecified Afro Latine - comedian. 
Janel Martinez (?) Garifuna - entrepreneur and activist. 
Miss Rizos / Carolina Contreras (?) Afro Dominican - entrepreneur and activist. 
Janai (?) Afro Panamanian - model (Instagram: iam.melanin.monroe).
Karissa Hall (?) Afro Panamanian - model (Instagram: freakfrika).
Carmen Drayton (?) Afro Panamanian - Miss Grand Panamá 2019.
Leydis González (?) Afro Panamanian - Miss Darién 2019.
Luisa López (?) Afro Panamanian - beauty pageant contestant. 
Ryll (?) Afro Panamanian - model (Instagram: _empress_ryll_).
Indira (?) Afro Panamanian - model (Instagram: indira_anahg).
Danlu31_ (?) Afro Panamanian - model.
F - Athletes:
María Isabel Urrutia (1965) Afro Colombian - weightlifter.
Sibelis Veranes (1974) Afro Cuban - judoka.
Yumileidi Cumbá (1975) Afro Cuban - spot putter.
Osleidys Menéndez (1979) Afro Cuban - track and feild athlete.
Izabela Campos (1981) Afro-Brazilian - shot putter and discus thrower.
Caterine Ibargüen (1984) Afro Comolbian -  long jump and triple jumper. 
Idalys Ortiz (1989) Afro Cuban - judoka.
Rafaela Silva (1992) Afro Brazilian - judoka. 
Simone Biles (1997) African-American / Afro Belizean - gymnast. 
Dominique Miller (?) Afro Mexican - surfer. 
Jamie Ramirez (?) Afro Domomican - cheerleader (Instagram: jamieramirez91)
Papá Roncón / Guillermo Ayoví Erazo (1930) Afro Ecuadorian - musician, singer, and marimba player.
Yaphet Kotto (1939) Afro Panamanian Jewish / Cameroonian Jewish - actor.
Rubén Rada (1943) Afro Uruguayan - singer, percussionist, and composer.
Billy Cobham / William Cobham Jr (1944) Afro Panamanian - drummer-songwriter.
Ruben Blades (1948) Afro Cuban / Colombian - actor and singer-songwriter.
Manuel Monestel (1950) Afro Costa Rican - musician and researcher. 
Alvaro Salas (1953) Afro Uruguayan - drummer.
Ruben Santiago-Hudson (1956) African-American . Puerto Rican - actor.
Prince Whipper Whip (1962) Afro Puerto Rican - rapper.
Isaias Gamboa (1963) Afro Costa Rican - music producer, songwriter, musician, arranger, author and filmmaker.
Eddy Vasquez / Antonio Eduardo Vasquez (1964) Afro Panamanian - tv presenter, radio presenter, and speaker.
Sen Dog / Senen Reye (1965) Afro Cuban - rapper.
Pablo Molina (1965) Afro Argentinian - singer and percussionist.
DJ Clark Kent (1966) Afro Panamanian - DJ and producer.
Mellow Man Ace / Ulpiano Sergio Reyes (1967) Afro Cuban - rapper.
Gringo el Original / Jaime Davidson (1968) Afro Panamanian - singer.
Tyson Beckford (1970) Afro Panamanian, Jamaican [Afro Jamaican, Chinese] - actor and model.
Akinyele / Akinyele Adams (1970) Afro Panamanian / Costa Rican - rapper.
Rolando Boyce (1970) Afro Panamanian - actor.
Richard Barker (1971) Afro Ecuadorian - actor and presenter. 
DJ Black / Ricardo Alexander O’Neil Weeks (1972) Afro Panamanian - rapper-songwriter and DJ.
AZ / Anthony Cruz (1972) Afro Domincian - rapper.
Erik Griffin (1972) Honduran [Afro Honduran, Indian, Spanish, possibly other], Belizean, Jamaican / Irish, possibly other - actor, comedian, and writer.
Tego Calderón (1972) Afro Puerto Rican - rapper and actor.
Matt Cedeño (1973) Afro Cuban / Scottish, Irish, English - actor and model. 
J. August Richards / Jaime Augusto Richards III (1973) Afro Panamanian - actor.
Japanese / Leavitt Zambrano (1973) Panamanian [Afro Panamanian, Japanese] - singer.
Laz Alonso (1974) Afro Cuban - actor. 
Samo / Samuel Parra Cruz (1975) Afro Mexican - singer-songwriter.
Latin Fresh / Roberto de los Ríos Reyes (1975) Afro Panamanian - singer.
N.O.R.E. / Victor Santiago, Jr., (1976) Afro Puerto Rican - rapper. 
Jim Jones / Joseph Guillermo Jones II (1976) Afro Puerto Rican - rapper.
Immortal Technique / Felipe Andres Coronel (1978) Peruvian [Afro Peruvian, Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish, French] - rapper.
Ricardo González (1978) Afro Ecuadorian - actor.
Swizz Beats / Kasseem Dean (1978) Afro Jamaican, Puerto Rcian, Irish / Unknown - rapper.
Don Omar (1978) Afro Puerto Rican - rapper and actor.
Gunplay / Richard Morales Jr (1979) Afro Puerto Rican - rapper.
Aloe Blacc / Egbert Nathaniel Dawkins III (1979) Afro Panamanian - actor, singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and producer.
Uncle Murda / Leonard Grant (1979) Afro Panamanian - rapper and actor.
Kafu Banton / Zico Alberto Garibaldi Roberts (1979) Afro Panamanian - singer.
Sacario (1980) Afro Panamanian - rapper-songwriter and filmmaker.
Joell Ortiz (1980) Afro Puerto Rican- rapper.
Kalimba / Kalimba Marichal (1982) Afro Mexican / Afro Cuban - actor and singer.
Lloyd Banks (1982) Afro Puerto Rican - rapper. 
Kid Cudi (1984) ¾ African-American, ¼ Afro Mexican - rapper and actor.
Roofeeo / Jahphet Landis (1984) Afro Panamanian - DJ, drummer, and music producer.
Taxstone / Daryl Campbell (1985) Afro Honduran - tv personality, podcast host, twitter personality, and former rapper.
Eddy Lover / Eduardo Mosquera (1985) Afro Panamanian - singer-songwriter.
Big Baloy / Eric Homero Baloy Mosquera (1985) Afro Panamanian - singer and composer.
Kevin Gates (1986) Afro Puerto Rican - rapper. 
Casanova / Caswell Senior (1986) Afro Panamanian, Haitian, Jamaican - rapper-songwriter.
Niv Acosta (1988) Afro Dominican / African-American - actor, dancer, and choreographer. - Trans!
El Boy C (1988) Afro Panamanian - rapper.
Laith Ashley (1989) Dominican [Afro Dominican, Unspecified White] - actor, singer, and model. - Trans!
Sarunas J. Jackson (1990) Afro Panamanian - actor.
Rome Flynn  (1991) Afro Cuban, Irish - actor.
Dave East (1988) Afro Domincain - rapper.
Sebastián Yatra (1994) Colombian [Muisca, Tahamí, Afro Colombian, Spanish (Andalusian, Aragonese, Asturian, Basque, Canary Islander, Cantabrian, Castilian, Extremaduran, Galician, Leonese, Valencian, possibly Catalan)], Peruvian [Quechua], Italian, Portuguese [Azorean, possibly other], French - singer-songwriter.
Robert Vernon (?) Afro Cuban, Colombian / English - actor.
Donaldo Prescod (?) Afro Panamanian - actor and filmmaker.
K-per Lucem (?) Afro Hondouran - singer. 
Cimafunk (?) Afro Cuban - singer. 
Eli Vazquez (?) Afro Puerto Rican - producer at Pero Like.
Sessle (?) Afro Cuban - singer (Instagram: ssarpy_)
Bryce Lennon (?) Unspecified Afro Latine - singer (Instagram: brycelennon)
Lateef Santos (?) Afro Brazilian - Instagrammer (lateefcrowderdossantos).
Pablo Fortaleza (?) Afro Colombian - singer (Profetas).
Franklin Tejedor  (?) Afro Colombian / Unknown - musician (Mitú).
J-Dan (?) Afro Panamanian - recording artist (Instagram: jdanistheman).
M - Athletes:
Luis Felipe Gutiérrez (1988) Afro Cuban - sprinter and long jumper.
Carolina Hoyos (1978) Peruvian [Afro-Peruvian, Quechua, Spanish] / Ecuadorian [Quechua, Italian, British] - Two-Spirit (She/Her/Her’s) - actor and singer-songwriter.
Indya Moore (1995) Dominican [Afro-Dominican, Taino], Haitian [Afro-Haitian, Taino] / Puerto Rican - Non-Binary (They/Them/Their’s) - actor and model.
Liniker (1995) Afro Brazilian - Genderfluid Trans Woman (She/Her/Her’s) - singer.
Sivan Alyra Rose (1999) Afro Puerto Rican, Creole / Chiricahua Apache - Has stated they have a complicated relationship with gender (They/Them/Their’s/She/Her/Her’s) - actor and model.
DJ Precolumbian / Chaska Sofia (?) Peruvian [Afro Peruvian, Quechua] - Genderfluid Trans Woman (She/Her/Her’s) - DJ.
Li Benedetti (?) Afro Brazilian - Non-Binary (They/Them/Their’s) - youtuber.
Mariah Carey (1970) Afro-Cuban, African-American / Irish - singer - abuse allegations. 
Zoe Saldana (1978) Afro Dominican, Afro Puerto Rican, possibly Lebanese and Haitian - supports James Gunn. 
Rosario Dawson (1979) Puerto Rican, Cuban, including African and Taíno / Unknown - actress - supports Donna Hylton.
Karamo Brown (1980) Afro Cuban, Afro Jamaican - tv host, reality tv personality, and author. - About Sean Spicer: “He’s a good guy, really sweet guy”.
Naya Rivera (1987) Puerto Rican, German / African-American, Afro Puerto Rican - abuser.
Iris Beilin (1989) Afro Panamanian - youtuber. - Did a “Native American”/”Pocahontas” (a real life 12 year old girl who was kidnapped and raped) “inspired” makeup tutorial.
Cardi B (1992) Afro Dominican, Afro Trinidadian, Spanish - singer - said she drugged and robbed men. 
34 notes · View notes
pochunts · 3 years
Hi loves, love your blog so much! By any chances do you think you could do gif(s) pack with Anthony Ramos? He had tons of ressources I guess! (In The Heights, Summer Days, Summer Nights, Monsters and Men, Honest Thief, In Treatment) you choose! Also, he is so underrated! Love you xxx
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hello there, nons ! happy sunday ! thank you for the love. we appreciate it more than you know and are just happy to provide resources to the community ! i (feifer) have made a gif pack of anthony in summer days, summer nights. it’s completed and listed in our ‘upcoming projects’ sidebar. i am hoping to post it soon along with my gifs of leslie grace from in the heights. there’s some old gifs of non-used, underused and new fcs that i’ve made in the last few months that i am also wanting to post as well, so i am trying to delegate between old and new personal projects and suggestions/requests from our inbox. however, i also have plans to do a variety pack of anthony in one of the projects you listed above (and possibly more from there) excluding in the heights. the lovely anne ( @hqroleplaygifs​ ) has made a nifty gif pack of anthony in there which you can find right here ! hopefully this helps you get started. enjoy the rest of your day !
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tasksweekly · 6 years
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There’s a masterlist below compiled of over 200+ Belizean faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever character or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Nadia Cattouse (1924) Belizean - actress and singer-songwriter.
Zee Edgell / Zelma Edgell (1940) Belizean - novelist and short story writer.
Errollyn Wallen (1958) Belizean - composer.
Sarita Diana Acosta (1959 or 1960) Belizean - Miss Universe Belize 1979.
Josephine Gault (1970) Belizean - Miss World Belize 1991 and Miss Universe Belize 1991.
Catherine Bruhier (1972) Belizean - actress and filmmaker.
Angela Gegg (1979) Belizean - spoken word artist, poet, writer, entertainer, painter, cubist, and abstract artist.
Kisha Sierra (1981) Belizean - actress.
Kalilah Enriquez (1983) Belizean - broadcast journalist and poet.
Melonie Gillette (1984) Belizean - singer-songwriter.
Felicita Arzu / Leesha Arzu (1985) Belizean - model and Miss World Belize 2007.
Christie Laing (1985) Belizean / British - actress.
Linda Blease (1985) Belizean - actress, DJ, tv producer, and socialite.
Charmaine Chinapen (1987) Belizean - model and Miss World Belize 2008.
Lisa Tucker (1989) Afro Belizean - actress and singer.
Idolly Louise Saldivar (1989 or 1990) Belizean - Miss World Belize 2013.
Kasturi Anderson (1991) Belizean, Japanese, African-American, Unspecified Native American - actress.
Becky Bernard / Becky Belinda Bernard (1991 or 1992) Belizean [Mayan] - Miss Universe Belize 2003 an Miss Costa Maya Belize 2002.
Destinee Dominique Arnold (1992 or 1993) Belizean [Mayan] - Miss Costa Maya 2013 and Miss International Belize 2012.
Rebecca Rath (1993) Belizean - Miss Universe Belize 2016.
Kadejah Kenifah Tunn (1993 or 1994) Belizean - Miss World Belize 2011.
Joyjah (1994) Belizean - instagrammer and youtuber.
Iris Carmen Salguero (1995 or 1996) Belizean - Miss Earth Belize 2017 and Miss World Belize 2016.
Christine Syme (1995 or 1996) Belizean - Miss Earth Belize 2015.
Jasmin Jael Rhamdas (1995 or 1996) Belizean - Miss World Belize 2015.
Shereen Cutkelvin (1996) Afro Belizean, possibly Scottish - singer.
Tanya Carter (?) Belizean [Afro Belizean, Indian, English, Spanish], Mexican - singer-songwriter.
Tamara Goodwin (?) Belizean / African-American - actress.
Ninah Shanice (?) Belizean - Youtuber and Instagrammer.
Tyler Savery (?) Belizean - fashion designer.
Maria Jeffery (?) Belizean [Mayan] - Miss Universe Belize 2007 and Miss Costa Maya 2007.
Rebecca Stirm (?) Belizean - fashion designer.
Adele Ramos (?) Belizean - musician, poet, author, journalist, and publisher.
Maureen Navarrete (?) Belizean - fashion designer.
Renee Sherese Martinez (?) Belizean - Miss World Belize 2017.
Denise Castillo (?) Belizean - singer.
Raquel Alejandra Badillo (?) Belizean - Miss World Belize 2014.
Alleshia Pollard (?) Belizean - model.
Chantae Chanice Guy (?) Belizean - Miss Earth Belize 2016 and Miss World Belize 2012.
Amber Rivero / Amber Renee Rivero (?) Belizean - Miss Earth Belize 2013.
Jessel Monique Lauriano (?) Belizean - Miss Earth Belize 2012 and Miss World Belize 2010.
Kimberly Ann Robateau (?) Belizean - Miss Earth Belize 2011.
Marsha / gamine.taurean (?) Belizean - instagrammer and designer.
Annlyn Nicole Apolonio (?) Belizean - Miss International Belize 2011.
Norma Leticia Lara (?) Belizean - Miss World Belize 2009.
Leilah Anne Magdalena Pandy (?) Belizean - Miss Earth Belize 2007 and Miss Universe Belize 2004.
Andrea Elrington (?) Belizean - Miss Universe Belize 2005.
Corinth Morter Lewis (?) Belizean - poet and educator.
Dalila Violeta Vanzie Montano (?) Belizean - Miss World Belize 2003.
Karen Anita Russell (?) Belizean - Miss World Belize 2002.
Shiemicka Richardson (?) Belizean - Miss Universe Belize 2000.
Viola Jeffery (?) Belizean - Miss Universe Belize 1999.
Elvia Lilia Vega (?) Belizean - Miss Universe Belize 1998.
Sharon Domínguez (?) Belizean - Miss Universe Belize 1997 and writer.
Ava Lovell (?) Belizean - Miss Universe Belize 1996.
Deborah Wade (?) Belizean - Miss Universe Belize 1995.
Melanie Smith (?) Belizean - Miss Universe Belize 1993.
Ysela Antonia Zabaneh (?) Belizean - Miss World Belize 1990 and Miss Universe Belize 1990.
Martha Badillo (?) Belizean - Miss World Belize 1989.
Andrea Shermane McKoy (?) Belizean - Miss Universe Belize 1989.
Pauline Young (?) Belizean - Miss World Belize 1988.
Janine Sylvestre (?) Belizean - Miss World Belize 1987.
Holly Emma Edgell (?) Belizean - Miss Universe Belize 1987.
Romy Ellen Taegar (?) Belizean - Miss Universe Belize 1986.
Jenny Woods / Jennifer Woods (?) Belizean - Miss Universe Belize 1985.
Lisa Patricia Ramirez (?) Belizean - Miss Universe Belize 1984.
Shirlene Dianne McKoy (?) Belizean - Miss Universe Belize 1983.
Sharon Kay Auxillou (?) Belizean - Miss Universe Belize 1982.
Ivette Zabaneh (?) Belizean - Miss Universe Belize 1981.
Ellen Marie Clarke (?) Belizean - Miss Universe Belize 1980.
Christina Margarita Ysaguirre (?) Belizean - Miss Universe Belize 1978.
Dora Maria Phillips (?) Belizean - Miss Universe Belize 1977.
Janet Joan Joseph (?) Belizean - Miss Universe Belize 1976.
Pelisamay Longsworth (?) Belizean - Miss Universe Belize 1975.
F - Athletes:
Sharette García (1969) Belizean - middle-distance runner.
Althea Gilharry (1970) Belizean - triple jumper.
Camille Solis (1971) Belizean - cyclist.
Marion Jones (1975) Belizean / Unknown Other - sprinter and long jumper.
The Belizean Bruiser / Marion Reneau (1977) Belizean - mixed martial artist.
Tricia Flores (1979) Belizean - long jumper and runner.
Emma Wade (1980) Belizean - sprinter.
Alicia Thompson (1981) Belizean - cyclist.
Kaina Martinez (1986) Belizean - sprinter.
Idania Ramirez (1988) Belizean - footballer.
Katy Sealy (1990) Belizean / Unknown Other - runner, high jumper, and javelin thrower.
Kaya Cattouse (1990) Belizean - cyclist.
Samantha Dirks (1992) Belizean - sprinter.
Simone Biles (1997) Belizean / African-American - gymnast.
Evan X Hyde / Evan Anthony Hyde (1947) Belizean - writer, journalist, and media executive.
Pen Cayetano / Delvin Cayetano (1954) Afro Belizean - musician.
Nigel Miguel (1963) Belizean - actor and producer.
The Grandmaster / Leroy Young (1967) Belizean - dub poet.
Yasser Musa (1970) Belizean [Palestinian, possibly other] - poet, visual artist, and publisher.
Erik Griffin (1972) Belizean, Jamaican, Honduran [Afro Honduran, Indian, Spanish, possibly other] / Irish, possibly other - comedian and actor.
Dan Man / Allison Hemsley (1973) Belizean - actor, rapper, and musician.
Da Long / Big Dragon / Andrew Ballen (1973) Belizean, Jamaican - tv personality, content developer, and CEO.
Arlen Escarpeta (1980) Afro Belizean - actor.
Wolé Parks (1982) Belizean / African-American - actor.
LaMorne Morris (1983) Dominican / Afro Belizean - actor, tv personality, and comedian.
Houston / Houston Edward Summers IV (1983) Belizean, African-American - singer.
Jah (1986) Belizean - actor.
O.T. Genasis / Odis Flores (1987) Afro Belizean - rapper.
iLoveMakonnen / Makonnen Sheran (1989) Belizean [Afro Belizean, Indian, Chinese, Irish, Belgian, German] / Unspecified Non-Belizean - rapper and singer.
Sergio Blanco (2003) Nicaraguan [Miskito, Spanish], Belizean, Jamaican / British, French, Welsh, Finnish
Kareem Ferguson (?) Belizean - actor.
Lova Boy / Daniel Cacho (?) Belizean [Garifuna] - musician.
Hubert Escarpeta (?) Belizean - actor.
Ivan Duran (?) Belizean - musician and producer.
DJ Lindy D (?) Belizean - DJ.
Frankie Reneau / Francis Reneau (?) Belizean - pianist and composer.
Romeo Escobar (?) Belizean - producer.
DJ Buddy (?) Belizean - DJ.
Lord Rhaburn / Gerald Rhaburn (?) Belizean - musician.
MC Melo (?) Belizean - rapper.
Supa G (?) Belizean - musician.
M - Athletes:
Denfield McNab (1943) Belizean - cyclist.
Colin Thurton (1943) Belizean - sprinter.
Kenneth Sutherland (1943) Belizean - cyclist.
Errol Thurton (1944) Belizean - sprinter.
Owen Meighan (1944) Belizean - long jumper.
Robert Hulse (1946) Belizean - sports shooter.
Arthur Mapp (1953) Belizean - judoka.
Phillip Pipersburg (1955) Belizean - sprinter.
Eugène Muslar (1959) Belizean - long-distance runner.
Joslyn Chavarria (1959) Belizean - cyclist.
Damel Flowers (1960) Belizean - sprinter.
Merlyn Dawson (1960) Belizean - cyclist.
Paul Réneau (1960) Belizean - sprinter and cyclist.
Earl Theus (1963) Belizean - cyclist.
Ian Gray (1963) Belizean - middle-distance runner.
Lindford Gillitt (1964) Belizean - cyclist.
Kurt Cutkelvin (1964) Belizean - cyclist.
Warren Coye (1965) Belizean - cyclist.
Chito Martínez / Reyenaldo Ignacio Martínez (1965) Belizean - baseball player.
Wernell Reneau (1965) Belizean - cyclist.
Polin Belisle (1966) Belizean - marathon runner.
Emery Gill (1966) Belizean - sprinter.
Fitzgerald Joseph (1967) Belizean - cyclist.
John Palacio (1967) Belizean - sprinter.
Michael Lewis (1967) Belizean - cyclist.
Devon Hyde (1967) Belizean - triple jumper.
Carlton Usher (1968) Belizean - sprinter.
Douglas Lamb (1968) Belizean - cyclist.
Anthony Adderly (1968) Belizean - football manager.
Charles Lewis (1968) Belizean - cyclist.
Verno Phillips (1969) Belizean - boxer.
Michael Joseph (1971) Belizean - sprinter.
Charlie Slusher / Carlos Slusher (1971) Belizean - footballer.
Orlando Chavarria (1971) Belizean - cyclist.
Norman Nunez / Norman Nunez Pipersburgh (1971) Belizean - footballer.
Elston Shaw (1972) Belizean - sprinter.
Marlon Garnett (1975) Belizean - basketball player.
Jarbi Alvarez (1976) Belizean - footballer.
Kawan Lovelace (1976) Belizean - triple jumper.
Deris Benavides (1976) Belizean - footballer.
Jayson Jones (1977) Belizean - sprinter.
Milt Palacio / Milton Palacio (1978) Belizean - basketball player.
Mark Leslie (1978) Belizean - footballer.
Michael Aguilar (1979) Belizean - hurdler.
Selvin De Leon (1980) Belizean, Guatemalan - footballer.
Rudolph Flowers (1980) Belizean - footballer.
Eddermys Sanchez (1980) Belizean - judoka.
Shane Orio / Shane Moody-Orio (1980) Belizean - footballer.
Vallan Symms (1980) Belizean - footballer.
Stephen Lopez (1980) Belizean - footballer.
Noel Felix (1981) Belizean - basketball player.
David Trapp (1981) Belizean - footballer.
Elroy Smith (1981) Belizean - footballer.
Dion Frazer (1981) Belizean - footballer.
Alfonso Martinez (1982) Belizean - taekwondo practioner.
Victor Morales (1982) Belizean - footballer.
Trevor Lennen (1983) Belizean - footballer.
Dalton Eiley (1983) Belizean - footballer.
Jonathan Williams (1983) Belizean - hurdler.
Harrison Rochez (1983) Belizean - footballer.
Elroy Kuylen (1983) Belizean - footballer.
Woodrow West (1985) Belizean - footballer.
The Juggernaut / Joe Pacheco (1985) Belizean, Puerto Rican - mixed martial artist.
Ashley Torres (1985) Belizean - footballer.
Harrison Tasher (1985) Belizean - footballer.
Ryan Simpson (1985) Belizean - footballer.
Tyrone Pandy (1986) Belizean - footballer.
Ian Gaynair (1986) Belizean - footballer.
Brandon Jones (1987) Belizean / Unspecified - sprinter.
Deon McCaulay (1987) Belizean - footballer.
Renick James (1987) Belizean - judoka.
Evral Trapp (1987) Belizean - footballer.
Kenneth Medwood (1987) Belizean - hurdler and sprinter.
Evan Mariano (1988) Belizean - footballer.
Daniel Jimenez (1988) Belizean - footballer.
Mario Villanueva (1989) Belizean - footballer.
Amin August Jr. (1990) Belizean - footballer.
Nana Mensah / Nana-Yaw Gydeu Amankwah-Mensah (1990) Belizean - footballer.
Devon Makin (1990) Belizean - footballer.
Mark Anderson (1991) Belizean - sprinter.
Trevon Salazar (1991) Belizean - cyclist.
Andres Makin (1992) Belizean - footballer.
Michael Salazar (1992) Belizean - footballer.
Rakeem Nuñez-Roches (1993) Belizean - American football player.
Luis Torres (1993) Belizean - footballer.
Shaun Gill (1993) Belizean - sprinter.
Mike Atkinson (1994) Belizean - footballer.
Jarret Davis (1994) Belizean - footballer.
Lionel Cabral (1994) Belizean - footballer.
Jordy Polanco (1996) Belizean - footballer.
Stanley Reneau (?) Belizean - footballer.
Russell Hulse (?) Belizean - footballer.
Shyne / Moses Michael Levi (1979) Belizean [Ethiopian Jewish, possibly other] - rapper - Convicted of attempted murder.
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