ur a sweetie pie!!!
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cosmicdvst · 7 years
► munday stuff ! :: accepting ! ◄
¯\_(ツ)_/¯: do you have any tumblr friends? if so, who are they?  
okAY SO THERE’S @star-wreathed mi bonbon who is my sunshine and i absolutely love her
@blackbled mal is freaking awesome, hilarious, and super creative like. quality person all around keith and i adore her and atri to bits
@silentconfliction we love grey on this blog okay, they are what epicness is made of, and i can always count on laughing with them in our chat
FAE U…. omfg i love talking about keith with you ok and honestly your hcs for him just crack me up, like i can dig what you do with him
@lionaut screaming softly about taylor and her precious lance
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whiskeymitch-archive · 10 years
the fandom of one of your favourite tv shows
Send me a fandom and I'll tell you...
Going with The Walking Dead (primarily show, but I am familiar with a good amount of the comics).
The first character I first fell in love with: It was probably.... ARGH I don't know... I feel like in a show sense it'd be Daryl but I'm not sure. Maybe Rick. Maybe Glenn. I don't know.
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Carol. She's grown on me so much. Also Andrea, Hershel, Maggie and Beth.
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: I don't know who everyone loves and I'm not sure there's anyone I really hate. I'm not a fan of Abraham. Does he count?
The character I love that everyone else hates: Okay now she's not my favourite but I have to say Lori. I'm biased because of who plays her and I still have Sara Tancredi love left over but Lori. I like Lori. Also Beth. People don't like Beth but I like Beth. Also Andrea. Also The Governor in a way.
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: There's no one I've drifted away from. I think they're all developing in ways that keep them quite fresh for the viewers. I'm not as big a Rick fan as I once was? I guess he'll do.
The character I would totally smooch: S1/2 Daryl, sure.
The character I’d want to be like: Michonne. She's badass as fuck with a lot of depth underneath there and I don't want her pain but I'd want to be strong enough to deal with it as well as she does.
The character I’d slap: Carol's husband. I forgot his name ffs. Was it frank? fred? A name that doesn't begin with F and I'm nowhere near? whatever. Douchebag. I'd slap him. Also Merle, though I do like him in some ways. Also the Governor for killing Hershel. Not cool dude. Not cool.
A pairing that I love: I'm not sure I ship either, but I like Carol/Daryl in the sense that they have a nice friendship, and I like Daryl/Beth in a guardian-esque relationship. I think after her dad died, it's cute that she has that older guardian to look out for her. I don't ship either romantically though. Also I kinda shipped Andrea/Michonne. Yep. And I like Glenn/Maggie.
A pairing that I despise: I have no idea.
The character I’d roleplay as if I had to pick one: I couldn't pick one, but here's a few I've considered in the past: Andrea; The Governor; Hershel; Michonne; Maggie; Merle; Daryl; Lori.
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any period drama crossovers
any crossovers we can make work
MULTIMUSE MEME: Send a " ⭐ " and I will list muses I would be interested in throwing at yours, or potential muse combinations if you are also a multi
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benedict/magnus bane
pretty much any crossover we can try and make work
MULTIMUSE MEME: Send a " ⭐ " and I will list muses I would be interested in throwing at yours, or potential muse combinations if you are also a multi
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♚♚♚♚ !!
//i'm gonna cry i love you sfm lovie!!!!!
Send me a ♚ if you like my writing
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cosmicdvst · 7 years
► unpopular opinions :: open ! ◄
i actually! rly enjoyed the a/lluraand k/eith dilemma for s2. like i’ve talked to ppl who consideredit a poor decision plot wise but i thought it was super realistic. like, man… if i’d been a/llura i’d be hatingk/eith too considering everything the galra had done to her, her family andpeople, and then, ya know, the universe… and tbh i think hate’s a strong wordtoo like, i don’t know that she hated him, she just didn’t know what to do withhim based off her personal experiences. so like yeah, character wise, i thinkit was cool, it made sense to her, and it was overall a very real and humanreaction.
on that note… i do think the apology was necessary, bc at the end of the day… k/eith’sstill fighting for her cause and following her orders (they all answer toa/llura and u can fite me on that)… so like yeeeah, it was the right thing todo, and i rly liked that she came to that conclusion herself before he goes ona rly questionable/dangerous mission to try and take down the Z… also, justlike a/llura’s justified in her emotions, I think k/eith is too. so ppldragging him for being hurt at her rejection annoys me like fuuuck.
but yeah overall i just rly liked therealness to the situation, and i’m super curious to see if they’ll address itagain in s3 cause i think it’s kind of obvious that they’ll leave black tok/eith for a while, and so a/llura’s gonna have to deal with a repeat ofhistory… another galra at black’s helm… and I just like this ok, i want to seewhat they do with their relationship....
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cosmicdvst · 7 years
► munday stuff ! :: accepting ! ◄
ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪:what are your favorite band(s)/artist(s)?
MMM. Okay. i have said this before and i will say it again. i will forever be my chemical romance trash… i rly like taking back sunday (who i literally just saw in concert recently and let me tell u they are everything), fall out boy, panic! at the disco, 21 pilots, avenged sevenfold, chevelle, the used, and i think that’s it for like favorite, favorites.
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cosmicdvst · 7 years
► munday stuff ! :: accepting ! ◄
ಠ_ಠ: what is your biggest pet peeve?
i have a bunch of pet peeves so i’m just gonna talk about more of them.... but okay. i understand wanting to have a pretty and cool theme... like rly, i do. but dang, when i get on a page that’s got like fairy dust falling in the bg, strobe lights tucked in a corner, an active chat box in the other, and just so many little misc things going on at once.... i can’t. like i just wanna get to your rules page my bro, and if that becomes a literal challenge and conquest bc the page keeps crashing due to an overload (ok maybe it’s my computer being slow??)... i am just out. 
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cosmicdvst · 7 years
mkay. mkAY. i adore the thought that you put into keith. you've obviously thought a lot about him as a character-- heck, as a PERSON. your keith feels and reads really realistically to me. he acts like a person would, not just some cartoon character who has vague reasons to do the things he does. he feels real and fleshed out to me, with understandable reasons dictating his actions and decisions.
► portrayal opinions ! :: accepting ! ◄ 
askdjndf i physically can’t leave pieces of his past blank/vague, like. it hinders me from playing him as a character to his fullest, so i have to fill in the blanks… even if canon proves me wrong, i’ll just readjust if i feel the need too… but yeah, i do try and put a lot of thought into who he is and how he came to be bc honestly that’s half the fun of this?? even if i do get carried away haa. the only part i’m hesitant on building on is that galra side like, idk that i’ve got the appropriate world building skills lmao
but thank you for this!! i’m really glad that you’re enjoying his characterization! like i read this an yay’d pretty loud ngl
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cosmicdvst · 7 years
|| Yo! From what I've seen so far, you gave Keith a certain depth to his character I haven't seen before in other portrayals. Your dialogue and descriptions for him are especially realistic and vivid to me!! And your use of icons can make a really big impact, too. ;w;
► portrayal opinions ! :: accepting ! ◄
ahh thank you so much for this!! honestly i sometimes feel like i’m stretching too far to grasp that depth for him, like it comes off as too much, i’m trying to hard, and/or overdoing things, so... i know eventually i’ll hit a balance i’m comfortable with, he’s a really new muse to me and still growing, but... this really gave me a lot more confidence there
haa icons are always the hardest part let me tell you. i’ll write a reply, and it’ll take me like... 2x’s as long to find an appropriate icon to take on om g...
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cosmicdvst · 8 years
15, 13, 10, 6? I CANT DECIDE.
► character hcs :: accepting ! ◄
15. What it takes to make them cry
Dang. Okay, itactually takes a lot, namely, a goodamount of an emotional strain. Ex: only close friend getting abducted by aliens/presumeddead. And even then he didn’t actually cry over shiro’s initial disappearance untilweeks later—see: almost over a month later. It’s a bit of a habit he picked upat a really young age. He was raised under the “don’t cry, my boy” line, and ontop of that, when his dad diddisappear, he’d cried for days, only to eventually realize that tears hadn’tdone a single thing to change/alleviate the situation. So in his mind, tearsare a waste of time, and he’s sort of conditioned himself to take actioninstead. In addition,his attachment style prohibits immediate tears.
13. What gets them flustered
There’s not alot that actually does?? Like, frankly? Keith’s confidentin his own skill and just knows thathe’s a good pilot/skilled fighter, so compliments might not cut it. Possibly physical ones, but thatdepends on who they’re from, and even then won’t guarantee a hit because hismind doesn’t go there—my baby’soblivious okay. In that department, overly obvious flirting/attempts will gethim flustered. He’s ticklish thoso there’s always that route, but expect a throw down shortly after lmao. Ohand talking about past/stupid things he’s done, that’ll get a rise, but yeah…it’ll end in defensive annoyance haa.
If he’s in arelationship though it’ll probably be easier, especially because he’s so new tothe motions of being with someone else and the required intimacy.
10. Fears/phobias
ABANDONMENTISSUES FTW!! He’s afraid of getting attached to someone and then having saidsomeone just up and leave. He’s double afraid that the reason they’re leavingis because of him, because he’s notgood enough or worth much that entails sticking around for, because he’s a selfishand difficult person. He’s afraid of feeling anything that might come back andslap him in the face: love, care. Love especially, he’s afraid of the feelingand word, pretty much equates it to a damnation—the second it’s said is themoment the universe is going to decide; “time to take it all away.” Being in ateam with Voltron tho, he’s slowly learning how to grow out of some of thosefears.
He’s afraid ofa few other things. He’s afraid of not doinganything worthwhile in his life, worthwhile at least to himself. He doesn’thave to go down in history as some hero, but he wants to be enough to satisfyhis own personal existence—he’s there for something and he wants to find thatsomething. Trivially speaking, dolls creep him tf out, and he absolutely hateshospitals.
6. Their vices(physical or emotional)
Anger andannoyance are things so easy to him, because he uses them in substitute toother emotions he doesn’t want to display. He’s totally impatient too, andguilty of personally reckless behavior—he’d never endanger anyone else, though.He can be callous but it’s never intentional, he’s just honest. He’s definitelygot an addictive personality.
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cosmicdvst · 8 years
► send in a URL for an opinion :: accepting ! ◄
tiny!! okay so we honestly haven’t talked much ooc, but you seem super cool?? i also rly dig that hair dye you had in a munday pic btw, it was rad x10. i think it was green, but now i wanna say blue… either way i remember seeing it and going like yooo thats bomb af. aNYWAYS. i rly enjoy your lance!! he’s fun but also, your writing can get so gut wrenching?? like man i remember the first ask i ever sent you was angst central, and it was fucking beautiful…. but oh so painful haa (not gonna front tho–just the way i like it lmao). but all in all  your a hella lance and 11/10 would recommend you to the dash 👍
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cosmicdvst · 8 years
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... who that, don’t know her?? lol!! omfg mal, malory, my buddy, my girl, keiths platonic babe lmaoo. i fucking love this person?? hella fun to talk too, fucking awesome ideas, very talented writer and artist, super cool music taste, and just?? super cool in general, gd. tho she lives to torture me with atris past, still i just love talking to her?? and i know i can be super slow on skype, but i swear she always make me laugh with the hcs we come up with and then in general keith and atri interactions.... when shes not serving up my heart up lool also i just love that we’re both bitter about the same topics and enjoy the same otps like ugh mal why r u so cool
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cosmicdvst · 8 years
4 , 14, 18!
► character hcs :: accepting ! ◄
4. Best places to kiss on their body
Keith is the guy that’s an absolute sucker for neck kisses. Like, he will just straight up melt if lips go anywhere near his neck,especially by his pulse. Another place would be at that little junction behindthe ear, I guess it’d be the base of the ear? He’s a goner there too. Also, his back, along his shoulders or shoulderblades? Fuck yeah. In more explicitterritory… go for his hipbones, or anywhere along his inner thighs, andhe’s not gonna know his own name for a second.
14. Ingrainedhabits/forces of habit
He’s got a lot of ingrained habits that he picked up formeans of survival growing up, like that whole “sleeping fully clothed,” and “witha knife,” thing. It keeps him alert/ready for anything that might happen whilehe’s down. In addition to that he’s also got little habits that he took on fromliving alone like, tricks with food and how to best preserve what he has.
Once he’s with the team and/or friends tho, he starts topick up on other more trivial habits. He’s taken on some Japanesevocabulary thanks to Shiro. Rooming with the face of Proactive, Lance, hasprompted him to at least use a brushmore frequently. He’s definitely picked up some cooking habits from Hunk, and…he’s not sure if some of his sassier comments are his own or inspired by Pidge,haa.
18. Things they’llnever admit
Keith will never admit to how much it is he actually cares, especially where love isconcerned. He’ll show it in other ways, he’s mostly action anyways, and mightsuggest it in not so many words, but at the end of the day… confessing hisfeelings like that isn’t something he’ll likely do. He’ll never admit toanything that makes him look dependent either, and he’ll never admit to thingslike fear or defeat, and relating emotions of, what he considers to be, personal weaknesses.
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cosmicdvst · 8 years
keith (obvs) + 2, 5, & 11
► character hcs :: accepting ! ◄
2. Their emotional/moral weak spots
When Keithcares about someone… oh man. Thelength’s he’d go to to keep them safe are limitless, and pretty much screwmorality. He’s already a very shades ofgrey type of person anyways, like he doesn’t just see the world in black and white terms, so he normallywouldn’t hesitate in doing something others might find questionable for thesake of his family/friends or self. It’s also the same with his beliefs (ex:the Voltron mission). If he believes in something with enough conviction, hewon’t stop until he’s proven his cause or protected it, caution pretty muchthrown to the wind.
5. Guilty pleasures
I’m not surethat this is a guilty pleasure so much as a hobby, but Keith does this thingwhere he goes out to junkyards or w/e, and basically collects parts tobikes/cars that’ll come in handy later (he’ll make a business out of it byfixing said parts into “broken” bikes/scooters and then reselling them fordouble the price he originally bought them for). He pretty much loves doing itthough because it’s kind of like his variation of shopping and mall hopping?? Also!!After long stretches out on the road, he likes to take his hover bike out a lot, he’ll hunt for hole in the wallrestaurants/diners, and his go to meals are always chili cheese fries andvanilla (vanilla is the only sweet he’ll do) shakes. 80’s pop music is another one, and while in the musicdepartment, he’s got a guilty pleasure for No Doubt, if only because the songsare so catchy. To the point thatwhenever his conscious guilt’s him into cleaning, that’s what he’ll blast inthe background. Boy is a mess with Hella Good.
He will starve over quality leather accessories. He also has a small collection of aviators that he protects with his life.
Keith is alsothe guy that, on good days, can’t go 5 seconds of brushing his hair (on the rare occasion that he’s brushing it) without using said brush as a microphone at least once… He alsolikes to binge watch the Fast & The Furious series, and he’ll swear it’sfor the car porn. He tends to have a weak spot for movies showcasing stupidstunts and glamorized cars and/or bikes… don’t ask if he’s ever triedreplicating any stunts. He’s also got a weak spot for the Transformermovies/series.
11. Bad orpetty habits
He has abad habit of chewing on the inside of his cheek/lips. He will “binge smoke,” meaningthat he’ll tend to smoke a considerable amount of cigarettes for a while, butthen go another while without smoking…he usually only does it when he’s reallystressed tho. He’s not all that great where personal hygiene and his hair areconcerned, he’s very in and out with the shower. He’ll binge on coffee andenergy drinks, and is terrible withkeeping track of his meals or eating decent/healthy ones. He’s got a penchantfor picking at scabs and grinding his teeth… and for the moment this is all I canreally see.
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