#answer of frodo
shoutout to erika who was briefly possessed by the spirit of brennen when answering that lotr question
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wibbley-wobble · 3 months
Are Bilbo and Frodo known as bachelors because they have no game or because they’re gay?
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gandalf-the-fool · 4 months
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chungledown-bimothy · 5 months
"who is the main character in lord of the rings"
you could write a whole fucking dissertation on that and still not have a solid answer.
frodo's the protagonist, sure, but main character is a whole different beast. there's a very compelling argument to be made for aragorn, for instance, as well as for my boy samwise gamgee.
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trans-xianxian · 6 days
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mellethernil · 1 year
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soaps-mohawk · 14 days
You weren’t lying about that last portion of the most recent chapter being fucking amazing. Your style of writing is so.. cathartic. Thanks for the hard work 🫶
Aww thank you so much!!!! (Humble brag) but I do think that part is one of the best things I've ever written, and it might be one of my favorite things I've written. I am very proud of how it turned out.
Thank you for reading it!!! Y'all are the reason I keep going. This fic wouldn't have made it far without you. 💚
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clearlyaginger · 2 years
Determining a red flag in someone by asking them who their least favorite character from lord of the rings is
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brethilach · 3 months
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lazyrezi · 1 year
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LAY CLOSE TO ME??? MY aRM arOUnd yOu??? yOUr sAM??
pEaCe wAS oN bOTH thEIr faCEs !!¡!!!¡!!@
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frodo-with-glasses · 1 year
I don't know if you're even still active, but nevermind:
I never liked Frodo in the Jackson movies, and, despite having read the books first, that impression of him overshadowed his whole character for me and I couldn't really connect with him.
Your art and interpretation of especially him is, as far as I'm concerned, super awesome though, and made me rediscover my love for the character.
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Aww, thank you! He’s flattered!
I am still active on this blog, though perhaps not as attentive to it as I should be. Returning to my day job threw off my usual creative schedule, and then joining a roleplay group with some beloved OCs of mine consumed it even further. And then I was sick all of last week 🤣 But I’m beginning to recover, and I hope to get this blog looking a little more lively again soon!
As for Frodo: I don’t blame you for being put off by the Jackson movies’ interpretation. I still like Movie!Frodo, personally, but rereading the books has given me a much greater appreciation for the nuances in Frodo’s character that didn’t make it into the movies. He’s gutsy! And shrewd! And sassy! And VERY willing to stab things at first! And has a temper like a tired dad! And he is very conscious of his own growing limitations as he carries the Ring, and he’s endlessly gracious and grateful to the people who helped him in his time of need, like Sam. He is wounded, and he accepts it with open arms and seeks healing. He looks at the worst people and loves and pities them, because he can see the darkness in himself. Frodo is perseverance, altruism, and humility personified. He is a legend. He is goals. And he doesn’t think he is, which just makes him even MORE legend and goals.
Anyway, all of that to say: Frodo is my favorite hobbit nerd, and I love him dearly 💚 I’m glad I could pass on that love through my art!
Thanks for sending this message! Have a great day!
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chthonion · 10 months
20 for the ask meme! (Also I hope you’re feeling ok at the moment! Chronic illness solidarity 💪)
I am once again late at everything but I have not forgotten. I'm doing surprisingly well today, thanks for the good wishes! <3 Wishing you a similarly acceptable week!
And thank you for this, because this is a really fun one. Hmm, what to choose...
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
Here's something I really like about the most recent two chapters of the Harrowing, and the entire Annatar-and-Frodo dynamic in this series generally:
From Annatar's perspective, Frodo is nearly godlike in his emotional stability and capacity to take ridiculous developments in stride. Frodo has been looking Annatar in the eye and dealing with his existence in a levelheaded fashion almost since day one. Annatar has no idea how he's doing it, and to Annatar, whose emotional regulation skills have NOT caught up with the fact that his emotions are physical embodied forces yet, it pretty much looks like wizardry.
What Annatar does not realize is that Frodo could not have done this at the beginning of Anastasis. This is Frodo after being stabilized by several incredibly healing months of Celebrimbor and Finrod's company, and then--crucially--having several carefully controlled encounters with his destroyer that ended comprehensively in his favor, gave him a renewed understanding of both the force that destroyed him and his own reaction to it, and allowed him to move forward into a world where he wasn't utterly defined by the Ring.
Contact with Sauron had already been very healing for Frodo, in several different ways, before Annatar-living ever existed.
It is probable that eventually they will talk about this, but "eventually" could be pretty much anything from "in the next few days" to "perhaps in a few years", with the way these two operate. In the meantime, Frodo is walking around with an understanding of Annatar that is partially informed by encounters that they had while Annatar was dead and not well equipped to think clearly or process information that wasn't about his own narrow concerns, which is almost definitely one of the reasons why Annatar finds him so baffling. For Frodo, this is a continuation of a process that had already begun in Anastasis. For Annatar, this is incredibly bewildering and extremely out of the blue.
But honestly, Annatar's currently at his best when he's too confused to pile twelve layers of analysis on top of everything, so it'll probably be good for him in the long run.
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gandalf-the-fool · 3 months
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sotwk · 1 year
One of the best things I’ve ever read! Happy Tumblrversary Sotwik!
Happy to hear you’re feeling better!
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Remember, many times we WILL be the Frodo. But on the days we have the strength and energy to spare, let's try to be the Sam to others even in the little ways! Then we can overcome any darkness! <3
Thank you so much, my dear Anon! I hope you have a great start to the week and to the month of October!
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goldkirk · 1 year
LOTR fanfics that have rocked my socks
@krowepoison, this one's for you!
Fate & the High King's Falcon, by Baylor
Pippin recovers from his injuries following the battle at the Black Gate.
life comes breaking in!, by InfiniteCalm
Frodo, in the blessed realm, writes a book.
This generates a lot of interest (from old friends and new).
title from quote from v woolfe's diary: "I meant to write about death, only life came breaking in as usual"
These Thirteen Days, by Barrowight
While Frodo and Sam lie unconscious after their journey to Orodruin, the remaining members of the Fellowship encounter despair, conflict and unexpected mirth as they watch over their sleeping friends.
Reunion at Cormallen, by shirebound
Frodo and Sam’s first night awake at Cormallen, and an unexpected adventure with the Fellowship at Faramir's refuge. A more gentle, lighthearted tale.
Over Sea, by amaruuk
Frodo was given the gift of healing in the Blessed Realm. What happened to him, and those he loved, after the White Ship sailed out of the Grey Havens?
Mark of a Warrior, by starryeyedknight
Those Riders who had made up the honour guard of Theoden’s body from Minas Tirith sat about the main hall, breaking their fast as they traded quiet jests about the night before. Until they were interrupted by something very small, and very angry. 
“Alright, which one of you colossal bastards," Merry demanded, waving his abused arm, “is responsible for this?”
After the funeral for Theoden, Merry wakes up to a problem experienced by many a young man after a night of heavy drinking. The ink on his arm doesn't appear to be washing off… 
A White Coverlet to Cool a Hobbit's Toes, by claudia603
After the quest, Frodo observes snow on the top of the mountain. He remembers Caradhras and wants to experience it under better circumstances.
Reunion in Minas Tirith, by shirebound
Faramir and the hobbits reunite in Minas Tirith after Aragorn's crowning. An upbeat, lighthearted look at some Faramir/hobbit interactions in the following days. Amazingly enough, no one is sick, guilt-ridden, or in pain. Enjoy!
The Mellon Chronicles series, by Cassia and Siobhan
YEARS BEFORE there was a fellowship, at a time when the One Ring remained quiet and unknown in the possession of an unassuming Hobbit and the gathering darkness of Mordor had not yet made itself known to the world, there was an eager young Ranger and an Elven Prince.
Mortal and Immortal, the Elven Prince and the man who would one day be King of Gondor formed an unlikely bond.
Ultimately, their very survival may depend on not only the speed and accuracy of an Elven bow, nor even the swift sword of the Dunèdain, but on the strength and loyalty of the friendship they share.
Follow me away now, oh worthy sojourners of Middle Earth to explore the untold adventures of these early years....
Anastasis, by Chthonion
"Forgive me,” Frodo says in his accented Quenya, the syllables strange in his ears. “I—I have an old wound. It troubles me still, sometimes."
"It is I who must ask your forgiveness," says the stranger. "I believe I may be the one who put it there."
In Aman, Frodo and Celebrimbor and Finrod forge a friendship, talk about trauma, and deal with the fact that Sauron's ghost is haunting Celebrimbor.
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