#another rambling guys✌️
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221-home · 2 months ago
Because I’m a sucker for world building and details, I thought I’d make a list with some infos from the novel that I found really interesting and unfortunately we didn’t get to explore on the show:
World Building:
Children born from Enigmas and Alphas turned-Omega have higher chances of being stillborn than those born from Enigmas and Omegas, with a 10% probability.
Special abilities are hereditary. The chance of a baby inherit their parent ability is of 100% (the chance to predict their gender not so much). Because of that, it’s illegal to sterilize individuals with special abilities. If that happens, their genes will go under a mutation, causing them side effects and eventually, death.
Characters’ details:
Reval has the ability to destroy other people’s abilities. He helps Charlie get rid of the powers he absorbed by cutting the connection.
Although Charlie’s power is absorption and he can use the power he has stolen, they don’t belong to him. Reval explained that Charlie’s body serves as a receptacle, imprisoning the powers in there. Their efficiency will depend on the powers/Charlie’s strength.
They can also return to their owners in 3 instances: The owner dies, Charlie dies or Charlie’s body is weakened.
Way’s ability is manipulation and persuasion. After manipulating someone, their minds stay connected for some time allowing Way to know whatever the other person knows. (That’s why Jeff doesn’t let Charlie tell Babe their plan)
The show focused only on Babe’s two heightened senses but in the novel, his vision is shown to be so perfect that he could see Charlie in the bleachers and later recognize him.
Pete has the ability to control with precision any part of his body. (ngl, I prefer the show version)
Different from the show, Charlie is actually Tony’s favorite son. Tony also knows about his power. (don’t know why they changed it but this was a surprise)
Edited: Charlie’s mom was an alpha and her special ability is something like perception manipulation (??) although she couldn’t make them see anything, just hide it.
Edited: Nobody knew Charlie’s birthday (he said he didn’t remember it) so Jeff shared his own with him.
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catzgam3rz · 6 months ago
Hockey is going to send me to an early grave I swear to god
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the-moon-files · 10 months ago
...now ur just sweet talking me 🥰 /lh
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Not years, well maybe 1 year-
but i have wanted to ramble desperately to smone, even the tumblr void if i had to, abt humans vs. hylians so much, esp with a guide reader or male reader bc whatdya know im into niche stuff that only u and like 2 other ppl like lmao ¯\(ツ)/¯
Anyway im so shocked, since ur like the third person to be interested in this and wanna hear abt it 🥺 🤲💌 here u go!! Hope u like it <333 👉👈
Sun: Masc!Reader (he/him)
Orbit: Humans are Not Hylians/Humans are Space Orcs AU, Headcanons-ish, long overall but each section is kinda short
Stars: Mostly worldbuilding! you've been warned, don't get mad me for not talking abt the boys too much✌️
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: mild cursing, mentions of private area/joke in the clothing headcanons, & Trigger Warnings: none known.
Please comment if I missed any. /gen
just some quick headcanons bc tbh i haven't given it too much thought, and i feel like I've been able to somewhat get into it in other posts? or maybe im thinking of stuff i have in my drafts idk-
Imma make another list, so buckle up for the short ride lol
Courting periods/dating/marriage
individual/small groups society-based hylians v. large personal groups/large community society-based humans
simpler foods hylians v. complex food humans
clothing modesty/style/relationships with fashion
fighting styles/strategies
entertainment complexity/differences
and language
1st one, not much yet, im also making a separate post bc someone else asked me to talk abt that more 🥺
(tysm for all the enthusiastic asks guys <33)
anyway, basically hylian courting is a lot shorter, think “lesbians with the uhaul” type of energy, like sort of the classical medieval “does thee wish to pursue marriage with this one?” ← how hylians ask u out for the first time lmao
if it helps, they do tend to get to know one another well, talking about morals/kids/life goals/preferred lifestyle/house/etc. pretty clearly and quickly, then using the in between time to sort of stew on that information
id say the total time is sort of something like 6 months? maybe 3/4 if they're really compatible
(so bc i love interpreting video game logic for real world building, I actually blame this on how fast Zelda/link get together in games despite having sometimes never met before that moment lol)
like i said, ill be posting about this later
2nd one!!
pretty basic, just saying we don't really see hylians in big groups, despite the organizations they form, like kingdoms/knights or on a more personal level, towns/families/etc.
(once again, in-game appearances/video game logic translated to real life to draw these conclusions)
like not only are family units pretty small, like nuclear family setup, with like 2 parents and 2 kids, or single parent 1 kid type of situation, but the towns or collections of these families arent very big either
hylians kind of use their government the way it was intended lmao?
like the villages and towns matter more for everyday decisions than the kingdom/royalty, like Zelda would esstientally just be the mayor of Castle Town for those constant decisions,
while occasionally is called on to make decisions like for several towns or like is a natural disaster happens
meanwhile humans are, in comparison, in Way Bigger groups, both on an organization scale, and a personal scale
like u have all these specific branches of government, whereas im sure the population difference doesn't help,
and on a personal level, humans can easily have like multiple parents, lots of siblings, and once u combine that with each parent having family too, and those families like to meet up? All together??
yeah, itd look insane to any hylians (who’s smaller extended family may just make up their own village and that's it)
3. I've touched on this
like the use of spices, syrups, seasonings, etc
but also the complexity of dishes too, like chilling cream and mixing it for awhile to make ice cream, or even just getting ordering a pizza,
that's a lot of processing, like making the dough from flour and other ingredients, to letting it rise, to making the tomato paste, making cheese, then combining those things with any other toppings, all into one dish??
i like to think that hylians have only just started to touch on actual complicated cooking processes (as in BOTW, where they sell flour and salt, so people besides Link/Wild must know what to do with it)
this has the advantage of impressing any hylian with what a “creative genius” you are lol
4. look im just a fan of medieval time periods Links
so i think its funny if the hylians are used to like 4/3 layers and ur over here like, ���wym, if i take off my shirt there's nothing underneath?”
one of them gets bold enough to ask, “d-do you not. do you not have undergarments??”
you “just my boxers? like just to cover my di-”
also this makes its easy to seduce people here? LMAO
clothes are def higher quality, after all there's not as many artificial processes or materials interfering,
plus u usually get some sick embroidery on it too!!
5. so like i get it, Link is the main fighter in games
but like, the few times there is a war/army in loz games, there's rlly not a lot of strategy, beyond just finding the enemy and fighting
tho im partial to that hylians/most inhabitants of Hyrule abide by the “lets meet up either literally by inviting each other or just between our territories to fight”
with occasional guerilla warfare (by any means necessary/stealth/ambush attacks/strategy) that's only rlly used either by Demise/Ganon, or by the wilder individuals/races in games
or maybe even the more civilized fighters in an emergency
and so that means by this logic that all of the Chain use kind of wild techniques compared to their race/kingdom lmao
id imagine its not too surprising to also see “every fight is a bar fight if its for my life” from individual travelers, so im sure they're not viewed too crazy (esp when ppl know their the hero that constantly has to deal with guerilla warfare from Ganon)
but its be hilarious to watch the reactions of both the Links realizing they’re in a bigger group that should be using “proper” fighting strategies and seeing the general publics reaction to this absolutely feral, armed to the teeth, trained hylians with their equally wild human lol
LMAO everyone thinks ur the reason they started using the more brutal fighting methods bc ur human, ur a bad influence lol
(humans would use it primarily, esp after we converted to use that method in warfare a couple hundred years ago i think?)
changing course a bit, hylians tend to use weapons (to compensate for difference in strength compared to humans, and since they don't experience/get a lesser version of adrenaline)
while humans tend to equally rely on weapons and our body as a weapon (marital arts/basic self-defense)
6. this is mostly bc the hylians only rlly seem to have the basics of music, books/stories, theater, and art
i have, surprise surprise, another post abt how i think this came to be,
mostly based on how human curiosity is indomitable and insatiable and the endless force that has not yet met its immovable object.
or at least an immovable object they haven't at least poked a little, out of curiosity lol
like we went to space for that reason, we reach the most dangerous corners of our planet (deep underwater/volcanoes) out of sheer curiousity/for the sake of simple knowledge of the thing
so needless to say, curiosity can absolutely drive any field to its limits, including the arts, which is why we can have stained glass, or movies/tv shows, hell, the marvel that is Hatsune Miku lmao
(fully for entertainment, a projection of light and sound, what is essentially magical illusions but u did it hte hard way, to the hylians)
on a different entertainment related note, i don't know if the hylians would be super into sports, or not really at all? mostly bc they have to use their fighting/training against real threats, not the sort of “fake” threats that sports are
but on the other hand i could see people like knights wanting to use their abilities for something other than violence and fighting bc their life or their villages lives depended on it
bet the Links would enjoy it for those reasons especially, what with at least sumo wrestling being a sport or activity for them at some point in history, and practically beg u for any new games to play, or to ref their games, bc whewwww
im sure they could get pretty competitive lol
7. obviously, their mostly influenced by the Japanese language
id almost like to imagine a sort of, if not outright Japanese (like with earlier heroes like Sky) then a sort of English-Japanese hybrid further along the line
sort of like how English has German/Greek/Latin roots and therefore u can see what words or structure comes from where, or even how u can understand a fair amount of basic words when other languages share the same roots (english, pants = spanish, pantalones)
would make for some funny miscommunications
or even better, most hylians liking ur unique accent or the Links love to hear u talk bc of it lol
well the fever has broken, i am now free of the sickness that made me hack this up geez
i hope u got some enjoyment out of these my beloved anon!! esp since u were so nice as to ask abt it <33
hope u guys have a great weekend, look out for some more posts, bc its been great to get some more asks in lately and very motivating,
not to mention i actually have time to write now that my siblings graduated/we’ve moved several states over 💀
so i have reliable internet now too! sheesh :’)
Peace out,
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delphi-shield · 1 year ago
initiative order // leon s. kennedy
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Leon x GN!Reader fluff wc: 1,510
I'm having a rly hard time, here's rambly Leon fluff. Written with older Leon in mind but pretty ambiguous. Not proofread ✌️
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When Leon had told you that he wanted to meet your friends, he hadn’t meant their high fantasy alter egos. or; Leon comes home early from assignment to find your nerd ass playing tabletop with your friends.
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It wasn’t unwelcome. Leon had told you, time and time again, that it was fine if you wanted to have your friends over. In his eyes it was your home as well as his. You weren’t a tenant - you were his partner. He expected for you to take up space. Hell, he wanted you to. The halls of his apartment had been blank and quiet for too long. The moment that you had started coming around, conveniently forgetting your things at his place, (he knew, by the way. He knew that it was intentional, and he knew that you think you’re subtle. It’s cute.) his apartment had started to feel lived in.
There had been precious few adornments in his place before you. It had fluctuated between ‘model apartment clean’ and ‘is that a pile of beer cans shaped like a coffee table, or is there actually a table underneath all those empties’ before he got his shit together, and after that it had simply been devoid of anything personal. His wardrobe had been the most intimate and decorated space in his home.
Pieces of you had snuck into his life - some of them deliberate, others thoughtless. He had returned your jacket to you one day with a key to his apartment slipped inside the pocket - a gesture that you had immediately demanded clarity from. If he had it his way, you wouldn’t have drawn attention to it. You would have moved in gradually, an unspoken agreement between the two of you. No stilted conversation, no logistics - just you, subsuming every inch of his home, permeating it. You, however, had a way of pinning him down when he tried to be slippery, turning his Cool Guy act into an awkward, fumbling performance.
In short - he loves you. He loves to see how his home has changed under your attention, especially during his longer absences. It hadn’t taken long for more of his own personal effects to appear, the weight you had helped lift awakening hobbies long dead, now resurrected on his countertops, his walls, his shelves.
He had planned on surprising you. He wasn’t due to be back stateside for another two days. As much as he wanted to call you and let you know that he was on his way back, he wanted to see the surprise on your face more. He wanted to see the place before you had a chance to tidy up, to see the evidence of you in your shared space and know that it was lived in, that it was loved in his absence.
So, yeah. It was surprising, but not unwelcome, to come home to see several pairs of unfamiliar shoes left behind in his hallway, to hear unrecognized voices and peals of laughter bubbling down the hall. Leon is exhausted. He’s damn near ready to flop down face first on the nearest surface, grimy travel clothes and all, and pass out.
But God, if he’s not curious about what you and your friends are doing.
His steps are light. He hears a voice, indignant, call out, ‘what do you mean a 25 doesn’t hit?’ followed by your laughter, ringing like a bell, waking the fatigue from his limbs. Leon pauses at the end of the hall, just out of view. You and four friends. He hears the clatter of something against the table, one of your friend’s voice rising, talking about ‘bullshit, he’s a wizard, there’s no way,’ and then letting out a frustrated groan.
“What’d you get?” He hears you goad, a glee he recognizes buried beneath.
“I rolled a four. Fuck you. And fuck this shitty wizard.”
You laugh, an airy, mischievous giggle. His lips twist into a smile.
He peers around the corner, arms folded across his broad chest, hip cocked against the wall. His dining room table has been subsumed by folders, notebooks, and dice. Boxes of pizza are lined up along his kitchen counter, their lids batted open long ago by hungry hands, cardboard dappled with cooled grease. A white board lays out in the center of the table, tokens spread out along the surface. You’re set up at the head of the table, your back turned to him, a divider placed between you and your friends. You rattle on in your narration, describing what he can only assume is some sort of magic spell with an enthusiasm that he seldom sees from you. You lean over the table, snatching up a dry-erase marker and smudging away a line with your thumb. His eyes drift to the curve of your ass. He’s happy to stay silent, to observe a moment longer just for a few more glimpses of you so relaxed, so unguarded.
But then you open your mouth, a godawful attempt at what he thinks is supposed to be a cockney accent wafting out, and he can’t help but snort.
“I don’t think the pizza delivery guy has seen something like this since the eighties," he chimes in at a break in your narration.
He wishes he had a camera. He wishes he could capture the look of surprise on your face, the way you spin around so fast that you knock your DM screen over in your haste.
“Leon!” Your chair nearly knocks back onto the floor, one of your friends reaching out to catch it while you rush forward. You throw your arms around him with such force that he steps back onto one foot to steady himself. His hands settle against your back, patting awkwardly, a little uncertain in front of so many unfamiliar people. One of your friends grins, leans into the person next to them and whispers, a ripple of laughter shuddering through the table.
“Hi, sweetheart,” he says, smoothing a hand over your hair.
He waves, stilted, to your friends at the table. His shoulders are set firm, his face blank - and he knows that he’s coming off wrong. He knows he’s looking stern, cold, too much agent, not enough boyfriend. He forces a smile, pulling back to look at you properly, and makes an excuse to put his things down in your room.
You trail after him, puppy-like and tugging at his sleeve. He shuts the bedroom door behind the both of you, finally dropping his duffel bag to the floor.
“I’m sorry,” you say, hands reaching to peel his jacket off his broad shoulder. “I thought you were getting back on Saturday. I can -”
“It’s fine,” he assures you, rolling his shoulders to help you. You toss his jacket onto the foot of your bed, your hands coming to rest against his waist. “I don’t mind. Kind of nice, actually.”
You seem sheepish, almost, the way your hands flex against his sides. He ducks his head, kisses you softly, drinks in the way you sigh against him. It’s everything in him to remember your friends are here, that a proper welcoming has to wait just a bit longer.
“They just have to kill the evil wizard,” you explain, close enough that your lips brush his when you speak, “and then I’ll send everyone home.”
“Been there, done that,” he hums, prompting a laugh and a ‘what’ in response. “No rush. I’m gonna shower. Save me a slice of pizza?”
You nod, pressing another kiss to his jaw and stepping away from him, your hand trailing down his arm in a way that makes your touch linger, his hair standing on end and his fingers flex with the desire to pull you back to him. He lets you go with a measure of reluctance.
His shower is quick and brisk, eager to return to you after so long away. Laughter greets him when he steps from the shower. A warmth builds in his chest. He can’t find it in him to be disappointed that your friends are still here, not when you laugh so loudly, not when he reenters the living room to see you smile so widely.
Leon slaps a piece of cold pizza onto a paper plate, watching your game play out from a distance. Your hand reaches out, encircling his wrist and tugging him closer, guiding him to a seat next to you. It feels like home, he realizes, barely managing to keep his smile small when you slip back into your character voice. You hand him a die, ask him to roll it for you - and he can’t tell if he should apologize to your friends or not when you snort at the result. 
You look up with a smile that’s a little too sweet and ask the woman at the other end of the table, “Does a 22 hit?”
“Oh my God,” your friend groans, dropping her head to the table. “How much damage?”
Leon watches you roll a handful of dice. He counts.
“Damn, just eight,” you say, clicking your tongue.
Leon reaches over, nudging a die you didn’t count.
“Just eight,” you repeat, shaking your head at him.
In his defense, how was he supposed to know that you were fudging rolls?
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cgtg · 24 hours ago
godtier responses i've gotten in my inbox for the polls
copy-pasting em all here 4 posting convenience. we got prince of rage, witch of blood, maid of doom, seer of light, & a dual prince of light/knight of void.
i've broken em up a bit for readability, hope the ppl who sent em in don't mind. also responded to em cus i felt like it
click the dealy if u like seeing ppl ramble at length abt their personal relationship w/ their chosen classpect. yours forever&ever randy
rubbin my hands together like a little fly rn love character stuff and analysis stuff I’m a prince of rage let me explain while I was reading homstuck in that time of my life I was stuck in a situation where I couldn’t really get away with being mad about how I was being treated and I internalized that a lot and ended up being pretty like forcefully numb sort of like toxic positivity but more numbness then positivity and I’d shy away from anything or anyone to aggressive I’d definitely slip up and lash out so id like associate that time in my life with Homestuck cause that’s one of the things that got my through that time and as I read I worked through a lot I let myself express negative emotion like outwardly without blaming myself for it and I learned like a little ego is good that’s just self esteem and when I express stuff I lash out and blow up less and talking makes me feel better now I’m pretty damn good at deesclation learned how to control my environment better and I’m safer cause of it not totally out of the woods yet but definitely doing better much smarter about braving it out so I feel like there’s definitely the sense of princes almost destroying themselves by trying to remove my aspect rage from myself by controlling how I reacted cause I had to and then blowing up but then I learned how to express my emotions while still deescalting so I could stay safe even in rough spots and also communicate without getting aggressive cause my issue was I was good at talking and smart and I picked up on stuff but I’d get stop defensive when I talked it was aggressive and offputting so no one listened when I called stuff out(mainly old old shitty teachers shitty parents when I was still in school) but I got it now I can manage my tone while still being honest and call stuff out also I reported all those guys so it’s all good now so now it’s gone from suppressing things to blowing up to learning how to rebel and report in a smart way when and how to talk and put up a fight and how to manage my emotions and have support systems so thing don’t go sideways I’m in therapy and dude the other day my buddy said I was always the dude back in highschool who was like legit moral like I knew what was up when adults and people were being dicks I actually got praise for it it felt nice cause I always felt like a mess lashing out and I was but at least I sort of had the right idea just needed to flesh it out lol anyway dude I like the godtier polls and the analyzes and stuff this blog is cool take care also I like the outfit for the most part but the poofy asshole prince pants dont fit the vibe for me and I hate the fact I’d be stuck in tights NOT wearing those dude uncomfortable af I would not be able to I don’t like the feeling of tights bro
rage is such a cool aspect bro. it's one i admire a lot conceptually. thank u for sharing ur perspective it was fun 2 read thru. take care urself
witch of blood here ✌️ (i suppose anyway... not to be pedantic but i have a hard time w the idea of classpects for real people bc i view it as a character arc analysis and real ppl dont have character arcs. but i digress i did pick this for a reason) ive toyed with several different aspects throughout the years but blood is the one resonating w me atm, i feel as though i have a strong understanding of like. how people connect to and interact with one another, and in my friend group right now i am definitely the one who brought them all together and keeps us all in touch, like i literally host the hangouts every week lmao. i deliberated w a few different classes but ultimately went w witch because i feel like my relationship with my aspect is very hands on and generally speaking within my control, but also something i had to put a lot of definite effort into learning. im lowkey autistic so interacting w people doesnt come naturally to me, but its something i spent a lot of time learning how to do better, so i feel as though i have a unique approach to it but ultimately can control things in a way that feels v witchy to me. if that makes any sense lmao. also im realizing this could imply that im manipulating my friends or smth and thats not what i mean LOL i just mean that i used to feel that it was completely out of my control how my friendships and relationships went and they often spiralled badly to places i didnt like but now i have a better understanding of ppl and friends in general and can use that knowledge to maintain good strong friendships. i love my friends ❤️🩸
hahah i dont think it reads as manipulation, & anyways manipulating is a neutral act. ur technically manipulating ppl just by talking to em, yk? anyways, this was a cool read. i also deliberated a lot before picking witch 4 myself. witches kick ass.
maid 9f doom here. im not really good at classpecting, I'm not even sure this is what truly suits me but I like to view classpects as my personal journey and it's hard to imagine what maid of doom really means to create with doom, when doom itself is destruction. my journey as a person was always to listen and do what I was told and I was miserable and I still struggle to find my own right in this miserable wrong world. ive been tossed from person to place and told to do everything right and i have this overbearing need to do what is right. But more often than not when I find myself struggling to break free from it all that's exactly what I need to do. break it all, all my personal connections, my stability, my life, when I am at my lowest I burn down all that was once good that I now see was holding me back and truly start anew in my own way. sometimes you need to light a fire before you can start to see new life. this is all probably terribly cringe and oversharing in a way, and I'm not even sure if it makes any sense? oh well.
i think this makes a lot of sense B] u got a cool worldview there & i defo agree w it. thank u for sharing it, it's rly cool to see how ppl who choose doom view their life hahah.
reporting from the light poll! i'm a seer of light, and while we can find plenty of canon content for such a character, here's my opinion on it: 'light' as a class imho is about fortune, luck, knowledge, and relevance. i could point to about a million things in canon about that, but to simplify, these are all things that rose, vriska, and aranea, our canon light players, center themselves around in varying proportions. i also think that light players tend to have an association with pathways or courses of action, and have a good idea of their own path, whatever it may be. rose has a plan, vriska has plans to spare, aranea has plans. i choose light because, one, every quiz ever made tends to give me light, and two, i feel that set of characteristics fits me well. i have a plan, but it's not set in stone - i'm constantly looking for things that might divert its course. for seers, on the other hand, we have rose, terezi, and kankri, and a solid amount of information on all of them. seers are mostly regarded as a passive class, which i find interesting, because rose and terezi play extremely active roles in canon, and kankri as well to an extent. my thoughts on this are that while seers actively pursue knowledge of their aspect, the way they utilize the knowledge is passive - passing it onto their sessionmates to do with as they will, more often than not. a seer rarely directly intervenes, and instead seeks understanding of their aspect and tries to foster something of that understanding in those around them. i chose seer for myself because i have a very 'everyone else's choices are their own, but i want to have all the information i can' attitude towards life. i'll tell anyone things that i see and may be relevant to them, but it's on them to make their own choices after that. i'm obsessive in my pursuit of everything that i crave knowledge of, from hobbies to my profession to the world around me. alright, that's enough of a wall of text. yes i've been called a rose kinnie, and that's fine, i too am a goth lesbian, so how could i complain? thanks for running these polls, they're incredibly interesting! have a wonderful (whatever time it is for you) :)
this is a rly well thought-out one. it always bugged me that seers r relegated to being so passive when the sufferer, terezi, & rose were doing all their sick shit. i think i saw someone say, somewheres, that seers are "punished by the narrative" for trying to be active? as in they cosmically shouldn't have been? hah... seers rule
thanx for the kind words btw, glad other ppl r getting mileage out of this. take care hope ur well B]
i get to have 2 classpects because im built different. prince of light and knight of void sit around in my head and beat each other up all day. probably to be expected by someone with 2 classpects, i used to super heavily identify with the heart aspect. i went through a bunch of different classes while the comic was updating when i was vibing with heart. i still enjoy and identify with the heart aspect to an extent but having 2 distinct classpects is much more accurate for me personally.
hell yeah dual classpectorz. i luv it. dual classpectors have my sword. i also i guess dual classpect, but i never rlly understood the heart aspect @ all until rlly recently. wonder how many others relate to u or myself here. for me anyways, i just see space & breath as very interrelated concepts & the way they overlap is rlly specifically relevant in my life, yk? fun stuff :J
thank u guys for all the cool replies, hope others had fun reading em like i did & take care
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meemerdevil · 1 month ago
[ wanna hear it because I love Sniper's character so much, and I like hearing what people like about him✌️✨️]
HEHEHEHEHE- I've been a Sniper fan for 4 years now since I get into tf2, basically my hyperfixation.
I really love his design, sure its simple but it's very recognisable and unique. I do adore both in-game model and comic version of him, his backstory and personality. I kinda relate to being introverted like him, in a way. He really stands out from other fictional crushes I have :3
He's very attractive to me, but the best I can describe him is he's the most handsome and good looking ugly guy and I mean it in the BEST way possible, please don't jump me. His Australian accent and rugged style compliments him VERY well, it felt natural. He absolutely rocks that long side burns, it looks really good on him, his voice 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 (pretty self explanatory), his lanky but fit physique? beautiful. I love the tiny details of him having sharper fangs, an underbite, the bruise on his thumb, probably receding hairline despite his young age. I love almost everything about him, (will look past him pissing in jars).
I love him so much, I want to give him a bath because I know he would absolutely stink. but it's alright after the bath he'll smell like green apple cus it's my favorite smell.
Thank you for coming to my rambling session about Sniper <3
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boypussydilf · 1 year ago
D, M and Z for the ask meme
demilitarized zone….. sorry it took me over a day to get to this i kept either being too tired or forgetting ✌️
i still just plain dont have an answer for d, and i already answered m here but ill give another answer: papyrus undertale. who doesn’t wanna be friends with papyrus. ive probably said this before. but come on. i wanna hang out with him. oh! also bmo! from adventure time! Oh holy shit….. papyrus and bmo interacting,….. they would be best friends for fuckiGn ever holy shit. Sometimes I get a little sad I can never be friends with papyrus in real life. Sometimes I get very sad I can never be friends with BMO in real life.
Z - just ramble about whatever fan stuff
So like, I do enjoy scenarios or even just ungrounded-in-any-scenario art of Marceline & PB knowjng each other as kids, but as the resident Being Pretentious About Adventure Time guy it always bugs me when people act like it was actually possible for them to have met as kids. Marcy is older than Bonnie by about 200 years! She was already an eternal-young-adult-vampire by the time Bonnie was even “born”! They were never kids at the same time! I still like the hypothetical idea though. It plays off what I like best about them: the fact that they had similar childhoods. They both had to raise themselves in the wasteland and figure out how to even be a person all on their own because despite coming so close, neither of them were ever able to have Stable Adult Figures Taking Care Of Them through their whole childhoods.
Also speaking of childhoods I’ve been thinking about the existential sadness of Finn’s childhood recently. I mean, hes mostly chill with it, but like. As far as we see he didn’t really know anyone his own age until Phoebe, so that’s 14 years without any peers. Jake & Jermaine are chronologically pretty much the same age as him, but they age a lot faster. I wonder if there’s any connection between that and Finn sometimes being anxious about getting “looked down on because he’s younger”. Because for so much of his childhood his social circle has kinda been… grown adults that he’s trying to keep up with. He and his brothers were babies at the same time but then they were fully grown while he was still like, a toddler. Bonnie’s an adult… Marcy’s an adult… We never see Finn having like, friends from when he was younger, just Jake, and BMO I guess but he sees BMO like a son. So for his whole childhood Finn has been “the kid” compared to Everyone Else he knows. Except BMO who is sort of like an eternal 6 year old but that’s not really relevant. I like Finn he’s neat. I have to eat now goodbye *floats into the sky*
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sarahhelpimsinking · 2 years ago
Warm heart even warmer hands pt 1
So it’s 12 am at my cabin 😝  and I ran out of books and my google docs work without internet so here, also I know nothing about how the actual law works or injury’s so here’s this steaming pile of twilight crap this Takes place in new moon 😚✌️ also this is literally just me like the description and what not and also all my fics the characters from Alaska because I am ( I posted this days after I wrote it)
I’m running, fast. The branches are ripping at my arms scratching me, I’m gasping for air, damn I knew skipping PE was going to come back and  bite me in the ass. I don’t know where my friend had gone I hope she was all right, I could hear him behind me catching up. I was weaving between trees blood dripping down my face. HE WAS RIGHT BEHIND ME his hand gripped my shoulder and I had no other defenses so I whipped around and launched my self at him, he grunted and we hit the ground rolling and fists hitting skin, my glasses fell off in the chaos.  He was a full grown man with a knife and I was a scared unfit girl. We were about the same weight though, his fist cought my head and my ear rang I brought my fist up and hit him in the nose,blood poured, he somehow got me on my back and was now sneering at me I screamed before a slap to the face cut me off. He leaned in close, his breath smelled foul “stupid bitch” fight or flight was in hyper drive now, i craned my neck up and slammed my head so hard into his that pain splintered my vision. He screamed and rolled off blood pouring from both of our faces,
I rolled up as fast as I could my vision blurry and shaky, not having my glasses made this much worse and I tried to make another run for it. He must have gotten up and his knife made contact with my arm, I let out a sound between a yelp and a scream but I just grabbed my arm and sped up. I was now running faster then I ever have in my life adrenaline keeping me going. I made it to the edge of the forest that leads to la push beach close to sam uleys house. He was still behind me I screamed SAM and made a sharp turn in the sand up the little road to his house. As I was booking it up the road I saw people on the porch but I couldn’t make it out without my glasses on, they saw me and I screamed HELP as the man reached me again, he launched himself at me and I fought like hell both of us grunting in pain he slammed my hand Into the ground and I bit the shit out of his arm and elbowed his stomach, he only got in another punch before a buff native boy pulled him off me more surrounded us and beat the hell out of him and knocked him out. I was swiftly picked up by one of them, which was no easy feat I was 250 pounds and 5’8. My vision was going in and out and I could hear them talking to me. All I could mutter was  “holy shit” that last hit had my head swimming, I was set on a couch I think, I looked up and woman was crouching next to me talking, she had scars all over her face but even those couldn’t dampen her soft beauty, Emily I think her name was I met her once awhile ago, it was like my ears were filled with cotton, they were ringing. I closed my eyes for a bit and the ringing stopped. She was no longer in front of me but beside me with a med kit, I looked at her and her eyes were wide with concern “ are you okay?” She asked.“no I said scratchily “not really” Sam now reappeared with a bunch of the boys “ok, y/n Right? I nodded “ what happened ” I swallowed panickedly suddenly aware of what just happened I opened my mouth and just started rambling “ I was just at my friends house and we were walking through the woods messing around, and this guy just showed up out of know where acting bat shit craz, he launched himself at me and my friend ran to get help.” I said on the verge of tears started to hyperventilate with reopened panic. I felt Emily hand on my arm rubbing small circles on my skin soothingly. Sam looked at me anger and simpithy in his gaze “ we called the police they should be here soon but do you feel like you have any broken bone or anything really wrong?” I shook my head “me head just hurts I said in a strained voice, the lights were dancing infront of my eyes and I couldn’t see clearly. One of the boys I think his name was Jacob, Bella talks of him constantly asked “ how far away is your friends house we should go check on her” I looked up and tried to think “ uh it’s close to the gas station like a mile away from it” then I shook my head “ I’m sorry I can’t remember the address” alright we will go and check up on her” Emily then shooed the boys out and tried to tend to my wounds while cooing at me softly, I really liked her, she smelled like cinnamon and a fire place. When I heard sirens I stood up at her protest and tried to walk to the door but it was more like limping all the adrenaline had worn off and now I was hurting.. badly. I pushed open the screen door and saw Charlie I immediately pushed my self into his arms crying, he hugged me tight. Charlie was a fimaliar face in all of this
and I couldn’t help but cling to him, I’m friends with Bella swan his daughter and he’s also my dads bestfriend. He loaded me up in his cruiser and raced me to the hospital. 
The next couple hours were a blur, I had a very severe concussion a sprained wrist and a large gash on my head and arm. Luckily they weren’t very deep. They kept me over night, my friend that was with me, Mary, was alright just shaken up. She had called the police when she made it back to her house. 
I was taken home the following morning and boy was I glad, I was so bored and the nurse had bad vibes. My mom and dad were hysterical hugging me and crying and just felt so detached like it hadn’t really happened, I knew I would have to deal with this new trauma sometime but not now. I know this is so shallow but after I came to my senses as I was lying there in the hospital bed all I could think about was how bad I must have looked and how GOOD all those la push boys looked, it’s mortifying to think about the state I must have been in, well that I’m in I still hadn’t been able to shower and I was in a hospital gown. Eventually my mom and dad took me home, my mom was hovering and I guess that’s to be expected, I took a shower and brushed my hair and changed into pajama pants and i put on my favorite maroon hoodie, my glasses had broke when it all went down, so I had my backup old pair which wasn’t my full prescription but better then nothing. My head of curly hair was a total and absolute mess when I looked in the mirror before my shower, in fact all of me was, my hair was matted with blood and my forehead had a deep cut and bruises were blooming along my skin. I was able to have today to rest but tomorrow I had to go in for my statement but that’s for another day today I was going to pass out in my own bed and sleep for the next 15 hours.
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everyonewooeverywhere · 1 year ago
pookie I dunno anything about riize but I'd love for you to show me their pictures and ramble about your fave <3
hehehe ok~~~
this should go w/o saying, but i am ot7 all the way. so you know...fuck sm actually
this shit is kinda long...sorry not sorry
picking a fave is really really hard for me soooo...i'm just gonna talk about all of them if ya don't mind 😀 (i am wonbin & anton biased though...i think)
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so, talent-wise, i've been a pretty big fan of shotaro for a while. he is such a phenomenal dancer. like his rhythm and body control is fucking insane.
here are some must watches of him dancing : 1 | 2 | 3
other than his talent, i love listening to him talk 🫠 he's pretty soft-spoken and his little giggle? 😔 i love him
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eunseok is a cheeky bitch, and i love him for it. he gives the energy that he would relentlessly make fun of his partner. it's like his love language.
also his cheekbones??? higher that god fr
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i've always wanted to just pat sungchan on the head. like *pat pat* you know? granted dude is tall as fuck so he'd have to crouch down so i could give him a good pat, but i feel like he'd be willing.
i also randomly think about his verse in "90's love" like once a month ✌️
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one thing i love about wonbin is that he will always serve cunt. genuinely, the face card goes so fucking hard i cannot.
personally, this little "mysterious pretty boy" persona sm has got him doing cracks me up because boo just wants to be silly 24/7. and he is. go watch a couple episodes of "we riize" and i promise you will understand.
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genuinely fuck sm for depriving us of seunghan. this man is actually so stunning that i can't breathe.
other than just a pretty face though i could genuinely fall asleep to the sound of him just talking. his deep raspy voice is the kinda shit that actually makes me melt.
also is just a silly guy. baby come home i miss you 🥺
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sohee gives major toddler energy. like not in the sense that he's immature, but he is like riize's child. they love him. i love him. we all love him.
i honestly do feel like in another universe him and i would be great friends though. idk he just gives me that vibe.
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fun fact about me....the closer an idol i like gets to my age the more delusional i get because like, would i go for a 25+ yo man rn?? fuck no. but someone less than a year older than me?? of course 😌 (i have a whole "subunit" of idols that fit into this don't worry. ask me about sometime i'd love to spill)
anyway, that rant aside, i fucking love anton (for many more reasons than us being close in age 💀). he is genuinely so fucking hilarious (source: riize tiktok captions). i'm in love with his energy. we would definitely vibe well together i can just tell.
he's also so college!bf coded (ofc he is he's literally 20 💀). BUT i'm currently hunting my campus for my anton lee dupe.
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gnaga37 · 1 year ago
want to ramble a bit about my little angel guy :3
context. made up her story before the gay rewrite and it was too locked in before that to change much about it so my girl does have a boyfriend 😔 but he's cool and a bit pathetic so I'll let it pass ✌️
her name's Anita and she's an angel 👼well. she was 🥀 she has fallen 🖤 and put to earth 🌏 since medieval times 🕰️ her bff 💕 (and future relationship💍) is another fallen angel 💘 that didn't want to leave 🚶‍♂️ his bff 💙 so he followed 🕺 her to earth 🌎 heaven says L. you suck. go touch grass 😪 and they take away his angel title 🏅
character design time 😀 our girl 😎 has colors 🐰 she goes by red 🌹 mostly. but this is my stupid story 🐤 so red And black 🖤 a true "there's a darkness inside me.." girl 💋 I remember she gets a new look by the end of the first act but I do not remember exactly what it was. I'll have to look in the archives 📑 I do know we get more colors 🌈 maybe a yellow 🤔 to go with the red 😜 a lot of clothes with holes 🚧 frayed edges 🌳 and a lot of lace 🥻 in her wardrobe 🚪 her arc in the first act is revenge 🗝️😈 she had been living under rules of this other guy 😒 and she does not ❌🙅‍♀️ like it. but she's sweet innocent angel 🥺 she can't possibly kill this guy 👼 wellll 🎅 she doesn't lmao 🤶 but she does get more violent 🙌 and beats up the guy real badly 🙋‍♀️ done with that problem! 🙆‍♀️ now she only has a pathetic boyfriend to worry about 😇 (they aren't partners yet here lol 😀)
this story has been reworked so many times there's almost nothing left of the original idea I was going for. just a couple of characters and concepts remain. and are now almost exclusively in the first act lol
I've started mentally diving my stories into acts btw. it makes them flow much better. instead of 1 big blob of events. also helps with characters that disappear at a certain point lmao they were exclusive to that act what can I say!
ok no more for today. I love my violent girl <33333333 she's everything to me. I love her so much. I wish she wasnt only real in my mind </3 the world would be a better place with her in it no doubts, ok eyes are closing on their own goodnight :3
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summerinwintersnow · 2 years ago
Mini fanfic of how Ollie met Geordi, Guy, and Elliot, this was inspired by @ani_mae91 on tik tok so make sure to watch their video, any way hope you enjoy!
Ollie was in his apartment futzing around on his phone when he suddenly got a text from an unknown number, his curiosity got the better of him and he check what the text said.
“We’re back in the hospital because Guy set his butthole on fire again.” The text read.
“You have the wrong number but PLEASE keep me updated.” Ollie responded.
“Oops sorry.” The unknown number texted.
“No, come back, I wanna hear everything.” Ollie responded.
After a call and an awkward exchange of sorrys, Ollie learned the guy who was texting name was Geordi and he was trying to text their other friend named Elliot, Ollie somewhat quickly showed up to the hospital with flowers and a card that read “get well and unburnt soon.”
“Hey sorry about your accident, here’s some flowers, also how did you manage to burn your butthole twice?” Ollie asked
“Thanks, who are you?” Guy asked.
“This is our new best friend.” Geordi responded and immediately after a guy who Ollie presumed was Elliot showed up
“Hey Guy, who’s that?” Elliot ask
“Our new best friend.” Guy and Geordi say in unison
“Nice to meet ya, I’m Elliot.”
“Ollie.” Ollie responded as he took out his phone to take a selfie. “Cheese!” Ollie says as everyone quickly poses for the photo. He then sends the photo to mentor
“Look baby, I got new friends!😗✌️🤪✌️😋✌️🤕✌️” Ollie sent with the photo
“Let me get this straight, in the thirty minutes I’ve been out getting snacks, you made new friends! Well that’s humbling.” Mentor replied
“Dress CattyWampus in his finest collar, we’re having company!” Ollie sent.
“You got it!”
~End of text~
Ollie opens the door to his apartment to be greeted by Mentor saying.
“So I know you said we could get any type of dip for the chips, but I couldn’t decide so I just got like three different dips, I bought cookies and ice cream so we can make ice cream sandwiches, also hi.” Mentor rambled, gently kissing Ollie’s cheek.
“Guys this is my partner I was talking about.” He smiled as he gently wrapped his arm around Mentor.
“Hey everyone!” Mentor said as they played with a ring on their finger.
All of the boys took their turns saying hi and introducing themselves, Geordi squealing once he saw CattyWampus, and they all decided to play a board game.
~later in the evening when they’re playing the board game and are more comfortable~
“Looks like I won another round of scrabble.” Mentor said with a smug smile.
“Hey! You have an unfair advantage with knowing weird words, basorexia, sycophants, sonder, fucking jayus, who uses those words?!!” Guy playfully remarked.
“You’re just a sore loser.” Mentor playfully said
“Hey I’m the one with the burnt ass here!”guy yelled
“And whose fault is that.” Elliot playfully said.
As the night went on they all played more board games getting to know each other better as Ollie and Mentor enjoyed the company of their new friends.
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wvbaandtheboys · 2 years ago
don’t usually see a lot of content abt them but having birdie/peter and mac interacting when i write punchy fics when I do write (at all) has got to be one of my favorite things. like c’mon u can’t tell me they wouldn’t be buddies/playful rivals/found family... in my headcannon they’re like a combination of all three LMAO like do they bond over familiar interests and stuff like pals do? yup! do they sometimes try to compete with one another in the spirit of good fun, even playfully trash talking the other with cheesy one liners like “says the guy who’s called little mac”/”says the guy that’s a bird brain”? absolutely! BUT do they ultimately care for each other, even though at times they may not see eye to eye, argue and then make up? are they not afraid to talk or hug out their differences and give each other physical affection in times of need? are they able to confide in one another regardless of what they may think/know about each other especially when it comes to protecting their brother? YEAAAAAH this has been rambles with rocky gn tumblr ✌️
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innitnotfound · 3 years ago
Me, talking to my brother about DRV3 once more: So, do you have any characters you particularly like?
My brother (in more words or less): Uhhhh I really like kokichi
Me who knows damn well what happens in both chapter 3 AND chapter 5: 👁️👄👁️
My brother, bless his heart: I don't really like Kaito tho :/
Me who knows damn well what happens in chapter 5: 👁️👄👁️💧
Me, talking to my brother about DRV3: So, who do you think is gonna die in chapter 3?
My brother: I don't know... But I hope it's either art girl (Angie) or the karate girl (Tenko)
Me, knowing damn well what happens in Chapter 3: 👁️👄👁️
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steddilyfallingdeeper · 2 years ago
I haven't written any sort of fic in at least 7 years, and I was known to ramble even back then, so god help you guys now. So this is a fluffy little Steddie oneshot that just would not leave my brain, please enjoy, and feedback welcome ✌️
Eddie had told them all. Time and time again. "I hate my birthday, dudes. It's just society's excuse to celebrate my shitty parents for dumping me into this world without a choice. Plus it's tacky as all hell. If you're gonna celebrate me I'd rather you do it on a random day in July with some sort of satanic ritual that'll rile up Hawkins into another manhunt."
And that's exactly what Steve decided to do. Well, minus satan and the manhunt (that was a trauma they didn't actually need to revisit).
So July 14th was "Eddie Day" (Steve had asked Dustin to come up with a better name, something more inventive, but "Ed-day" felt lazy and "Munson's Merriment" was too difficult to fit on a banner). So far they'd only had one Eddie Day to date, but Steve didn't need years of experience to know that the day he gets to dote on Eddie, buy him gifts, hold him close and make out just that little bit more than usual is the best day imaginable, already his favourite day of the year.
This year was going to be extra fun too. Both boys off work for the day, the deadbolt firmly in place on their apartment door, clothes optional. And that wasn't even the most fun part for Steve (although it was plenty fun), no, Steve had a plan for tonight, a plan for the party, just a little thing, a stupid thing, but it made him giddy.
Eddie had caved, decided and declared to the party one night, earlier that year, over shitty pizza in their cramped living room. 
"Eddie Day needs a tacky birthday party. Fuck pretence. Turns out I'm not as cool as you losers think I am and I want to heal my inner child with streamers, balloons and sheet cake! And," he shuddered slightly, "pop music. Screw it. I want to dance with my friends in the obnoxious July heat, to music that would normally make me want to spew, until it stinks like a sweat lodge in our apartment and the downstairs neighbours have to actually hit their ceiling with a broom." Steve had just sat there beaming during this particular speech, so happy he could burst, and a plan already forming.
When the big day finally rolled around, when 7pm hit and the boys had finally dressed for the evening, every one of their friends was there to celebrate. Their squashed bodies filled the dinky one bed to the brim, teen boys already sweating profusely before they even started dancing, teen girls giggling at the flustered boys, the corroded coffin guys now part of the gang (and only finding the musical stylings of Abba and Blondie slightly abhorrent), and then there was their core 4, Stevie, Eds, Nance and Rob, sitting around the small kitchen table doing shots as Eddie had deemed this a mandatory part of his tacky birthday party, and necessary for him to listen to Madonna and not hurl. In fact, Eddie had actually gone back on his promise to listen to pop for the whole of the party when Steve had started making a mixtape for the occasion, he heard the soft tones of Tears for Fears and immediately retracted his request, settling for a collaboration, mostly of his mixtapes and a carefully curated few mixes he had allowed Steve to create under his supervision. Madonna had still made it (what can he say his Stevie is undeniably a Material Girl).
The party was in full swing when Robin declared it was "time to dance bitches" and they pushed any pushable furniture to the sides of the main room, creating a somewhat blank canvas and reminding Steve just why certain furniture had been strategically placed (he needed the landlord to change the carpet before he thought too long about the stain the TV usually sat atop). Robin ran to change the tape to one of the pop mixes after a solid hour of pure metal ("we need something we can do more than just headbang to Eds") and Eddie held in a groan remembering he'd asked for this in the first place. And with the tape being switched Steve immediately dragged Eddie to the middle of the makeshift dancefloor and held him tightly against his body, almost as if they were about to slow dance at the Spring Fling, but a touch more handy. Eddie would have probably questioned this move had Steve's hand not lingered on his ass for a solid 15 seconds (and counting) and no one else seemed to think it strange as Steve held Eddie tight anyway, so who was he to argue. (27 seconds).
Then it happened, the tape kicked in and before Eddie could even roll his eyes at the (not approved he might add) song choice, Steve was singing along, low and just for Eddie and wait... Actually for Eddie.
Come on, Eddie Come on, Eddie Poor old Stevie H Sounded sad upon the radio Moved a million hearts in mono Hellfire Club cried Sang along, who'd blame them?
This fucker was singing Come on Eileen like it was some sort of love ballad. Eddie was nearly crying at COME ON EILEEN, just because his Stevie had changed a few words, and switched a name. Steve Harrington was actually the worst person Eddie Munson had ever met!
You've grown (you're grown up)
And now Dustin was joining in!? Backing vocals and a shit eating grin as Steve releases Eddie from his hold to take his hands and dance him around the room as the song picks up steam.
So grown (so grown up) Now I must say more than ever (Come on, Eddie)
"Not you too Robert!?" Eddie screeches, he would've sounded betrayed if he weren't giggling like a school girl dancing with her middle school crush, I mean that's kind of what was happening right now, he was being spun and dipped and serenaded.
Too-ra-loo-ra Too-ra-loo-rye-ay And we can sing just like our Hopper
Come on, Eddie Oh, I swear (what he means) At this moment You mean everything You in those jeans My thoughts, I confess Verge on dirty Ah, come on, Eddie
"Not in front of the children!" Eddie slapped Steve's arm playfully but couldn't take the ecstasy out of his smile.
Steve sung the whole song, a few lyrics changed here and there, he danced with Eddie in joyous abandon while their whole family pitched in with some patchy but unequivocally loud vocals and sweaty excited limbs. Eddie had never been happier than in that moment, he's not sure he ever would be again, he'd peaked (of course this is categorically incorrect; the day Steve asked him to marry him, their fully unlawful wedding day, his daughter's first steps, that one time Dustin would fall off a roof into a pile of leaves just as he tells Suzie he loves her for the first time, but those are things he wouldn't dare to imagine, couldn't predict).
Later that night as Eddie Day merged into plain old July the 15th, Steve got a surprise of his own, a surprisingly lyrically accurate rendition of Uptown Girl, and that might just be the happiest Steve has ever felt (probably nothing to do with the tequila, right?).
Next Eddie Day and every Eddie Day since has started and ended with Steve's sweet tones in the morning and a chorus of Eddie's hodgepodge family rehashing Dexys Midnight Runners' greatest hit. Eddie will deny it, to his grave, but it might just be his favourite song.
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Sweet Pea & Fangs//3..2..1
Request: Can you do a polymory imagine with fangs and Sweet Pea where the reader is pregnant and it's twins but one is fangs and the other is sweet peas or something please thanks.
hey! i hope you like this! it’s very sweet and domestic and cute! there’s like one mention of sex...because duh. there’s also excited/idiotic sweet pea and fangs and that’s my favourite kind of sweet pea and fangs! byeee ✌️
Sunshine warms your face while the cold glass of lemonade chills your hands. A small breeze shakes the leaves of the large oak tree providing some much needed shade to half of your body and you tip your head back against the wooden chair. 
Your eyes flutter closed and you place a hand over your stomach, your bump now ready to pop and you give it a small stroke, just to let your babies know that you’re still here. The world moves around you, cars go past, neighbours talk over fences and birds sing in trees. But you stay perfectly still, content with how you’re own little world is right now. 
You can hear Sweet Pea and Fangs in the spare bedroom. Their muffled voices singing along to some old song playing on the radio and every few seconds you hear a laugh making the smile grow on your lips. 
Yeah, life is pretty good right now. Nobody thought you’d get to this point, not even yourselves. You thought you’d be destined to remain in Riverdale for the rest of your life, after all, nothing good happens to Southside Scum. 
But here you are. Eight and a half months pregnant with twins and sat on the porch while your fiancé’s paint the nursery and sing. 
“Are you having a good day?” You ask and look down. Your wiggle your toes in an attempts to see them over your bump, but it’s no use and you let out a defeated sigh, sitting back again. You feel something move and you shift excitedly. “Hi! Are you guys awake in there?” You huff at the feeling of them kicking but force a smile onto your face anyway. 
They may be cute, but it doesn’t mean the kicking doesn’t hurt. And even though you’ve loved spending every day for almost 9 months with them, it is getting a little more difficult to carry them around now. You’ll miss them when they’re out and here in the real world, but a small part of you is looking forward to it. Just so when you do get twenty minutes to sleep in between feeds, you’ll be able to sleep comfortably. 
“Can you hear your dads?” You wonder and they move around, almost as if they’re answering. Sweet Pea belts out the last few words to Celine Dion and you smile softly. “They’re painting your room for you. Neither of them can settle on a colour so this is the third change they’re made. But everything else is ready for you. We’re just waiting on you to decide when you want to meet us. And whenever that is, we’ll be waiting for you.” You whisper the last part, resting your hand down flat and a foot kicks against it. “Do you want more lemonade?” You ask and there’s another kick. “Me too.” You nod and take a sip
“Y/n!” Sweet Pea shouts and making you throw the liquid over yourself. 
“Jesus Christ, are you trying to scare the babies out of her.” Fangs scolds, quickly following him and you roll your eyes at the two of them. You grab the napkins from the glass table and start dabbing at your now wet clothes. “Holy shit!” Fangs’ eyes widen as he pushes past Sweet Pea to get onto the porch. 
“What?” Sweet Pea follows, shoving him to stand in front of you and his eyes widen at the sight. “Fuck, I didn’t actually scare the babies out of you did I? Okay, Fangs get the bags, I’ll get the car. This is what we’ve been training for!” He rambles and Fangs nods frantically. Both of them rush off in different directions, before you get the chance to see anything and you pull a face.
“3..2..1.” You mumble and check your phone. When you look back up, they’re both stood in front of you. 
“You’re not actually in labour are you?” Fangs asks and you shake your head. 
“Nope. I just got a fright and split my drink.” You explain. 
“Oh thank god. We are not ready for actually labour yet.” Sweet Pea lets out a relieved sigh and you and Fangs stare at him, alarm evident on both of your faces. 
“Well that’s not concerning at all.” You say and Sweet Pea forces a smile. 
“Anyway.” He sits down beside you. “What’s new with you?” 
“Since you saw me an hour ago?” You ask and he nods. Fangs rolls his eyes playfully and sits on the other side as you. “Well, your children decided to kick me for a little bit.” You shrug and they smile down at your stomach. Both of them reach forward and place a hand on the rounded bump and warmth floods your chest. 
You place your own over the two of them and the three of you sit in silence for a few minutes, basking in the peace while you still have it. This is one of the last times it’s just going to be the three of you. 
Soon you’re family will grow to five and that excites and terrifies the life out of you. But knowing Sweet Pea and Fangs are here for it too and are just as terrified as you are, reassures you that no matter what happens, you’ll be okay. 
They’ve never let you down before, you don’t think they could if they tried. 
“Okay. I have a theory.” Fangs starts and Sweet Pea groans in annoyance. You look at him amused before switching your attention to Fangs. 
“Not this theory again.” Sweet Pea shakes his head and Fangs tuts, before grinning at you. 
“What theory?” 
“Do you think there’s a possibility that one of those is mine and the other is Sweet Pea’s?” He asks and glances at your stomach. Your eyebrows furrow as you look between the two of them. 
“Are you being serious?” 
“Unfortunately he is.” Sweet Pea shakes his head. “He’s been convinced. I think the looming threat of fatherhood is making him go slightly crazy.” He adds and Fangs throws a balled up napkin at him. 
“I’m being serious. Think about it, the logistics make it feasible.” 
“Did he just liken our sex lives to a logistic?” You ask Sweet Pea and he nods, letting his head drop into his hands. 
“I’m just saying.” Fangs throws his hands up defensively. “It could happen.” 
“I think that’s very unlikely.” You shake your head. 
“Ah, but it does happen though.” Fangs replies and pulls his phone from the front pocket of his overalls. 
He looks absolutely ridiculous in them, well at least that’s what you and Sweet Pea have been telling him ever since he put them on. But he doesn’t seem to care, he’s just been strutting around the house in them and posing in every mirror he passes. 
“See, look. There’s tons of articles about it happening.” Fangs says, throwing you his phone. Sweet Pea catches it before it hits you in the face and you lean over his shoulder to read.  
“Yeah, but what are the actual odds. You’d need a miracle for that.” You say, rolling your eyes while shifting.
“Don’t doubt the universe. It works in mysterious ways, we all know that.” Fangs replies, downing the rest of his water. You and Sweet Pea share a look, a look reserved only for Fangs, but a sharp pain through your stomach changes your slightly bemused expression to one of pure pain. 
“Shit.” Sweet Pea stands up and frantically looks around. 
“What? What is it?” Fangs asks, now also panicked as he looks from Sweet Pea to you. His eyes widen as he slowly realizes what’s happening and within seconds he’s running into the house to grab your bags. 
Sweet Pea helps you stand and you grab his hand, squeezing hard as a contraction comes. Fangs stumbles back through the door, three bags hanging off his arms as he struggles to lock the door and then he’s rushing down the porch steps and chucking the bags in the trunk of the car. 
“Careful!” Sweet Pea shouts at him and then he looks back at you and his expression softens. Fangs runs back up the stairs and stands on the other side of you, wrapping an arm around your waist and the three of you struggle down the stairs. 
“Fuck!” You shout, gaining the attention of a few neighbours and Sweet Pea and Fangs smile apologetically to them. “Forget about them, I’m about to push your giant babies out me.” You groan and the two of them share a look. 
“We really are going to need a miracle.” Sweet Pea mumbles and Fangs nods quickly. 
“I heard that.” You seethe and squeeze his hand again. A high pitched yelp escapes his lips and he looks at you surprised. 
“Contraction?” He asks.
“No.” You glare at him and he gulps. 
It turns out the universe does work in mysterious ways and getting to this point in your lives wasn’t the only miracle it was working on. 
Because after you and Sweet Pea caved about a DNA test just to shut Fangs up, it was proved that he was in fact right. Which was definitely a miracle. 
Right now though, as Sweet Pea and Fangs stare down at new lives they created, you know you’ll never doubt the universe ever again. 
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marc-spectorr · 3 years ago
👋, first off I wanna say hi to teddy 🧸 I'm glad your feeling better and I can't wait to read the stuff you send in to Callie! I love your guy's interactions.
Also Callie girl, i watched the card counter and DAMN 👀 (I personally didn't like the way it ended but it was still a decent movie) also are alienation and ex machina on your list? I'm watching a marriage story next and, idk how to feel about it.
Okay end of ramble I love you guys, - sails out ✌️🧡
heyyya sails 🥰🧡 !!!
oOO i have the card counter scheduled as my movie for next week hehe :)) he looks mighty fine in the gifs/stills i’ve seen here oh lawdyyy skskkssj. the gray slicked back hair ??? instant *drool*
hmm i think you meant annihilation for alienation which i’ve already seen! i wanna watch that again tho bc i confused the first time but after sunnie enlightened me on the deeper meaning behind it, i have to give it another shot lol. ex machina is already on the list, probably gonna see that after the card counter. also i’m gonna need a full day to binge (and process) scenes from a marriage so it’ll be a while until i can get to that show 🥲
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