#another great choice nonnie!
Darkest Desire
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Based off of this nonnie request! It’s a bit scarier than intended and I do apologise for that teehee. There’s also no smut…
Blurb: With a group of friends you visit the local Halloween Scare walk, an event that is hosted annually out in the creepy plaines of Hawkins and whilst it’s masks on for the locals, it’s very much masks off for the scare actors…
Pairing: Scare Actor!Eddie x Reader
Warnings: 18+, the holiday of Halloween is mentioned, talk of blood/gore, faux blades/knives, cursing, reader is referred to as girl, use of pet names, degrading, praising, stalking (cat&mouse), sly/cocky and slightly mean!Eddie. Characters are all 20+
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divider by @reveriesources
Crunchy dry blood orange leaves litter the earth and frost tainted wind nips at your nose and cheeks. The squeals of excited children racing by your costume clad frame fills your ears with immense joy and you giggle airily as they launch themselves into one another. Racing toward the brightly lit luminescent funfair games in hopes of winning a stuffed animal or a goldfish in a bag.
Their parents lug behind them, their attire consisting of some makeshift costume they had thrown together at the last minute in hopes of pleasing their tiny humans and earning themselves a quiet car ride without any tantrums or fuss.
Your group, on the other hand, weren’t here for the childish and conning games. You were all here for the Scare Walk.
You hadn’t agreed on a coherent group costume so it was a pick and mix of totally different genres and ideas and from an outside perspective it was abundantly clear that there was no communication on the matter whatsoever.
Steve was dressed as the main character from Nightmare On Elm Street, Freddy Kruger. Nancy clearly had helped with the makeup aspect of the costume assemble but everything else screamed Harrington. He cropped the stripped knitted jumper to better suit his athletic frame and his hair was still very much classic Steve.
Robin had taken a whole new approach, dressing up as the colourful Rubik’s Cube puzzle toy. Deriving inspiration from the colourful squares she wore a long black jumpsuit covered in humongous reflective and vibrant square sequins. She more resembled a neon glitter ball, but you gave her the benefit of the doubt.
Nancy’s body was hugged by a khaki green boiler suit that had the long legs cut off and on her back she wore a black backpack with some DIY altercations made to it. She has begged Mike to help her create her costume, and that’s how she ended up dressed as a Ghostbuster, putting a strong feminine spin on the male dominated film. You hadn’t expected anything less from Nance, she was always looking for ways to empower women and her costume made you smile. Proud.
Jonathan had chosen a much whackier costume to better fit with his personality. The pungent smell of weed radiating from his body only complimented the fluorescent green costume he was wearing and the radioactive orange bandana blindfolded over his eyes. He had opted for the beloved character from the children’s series Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’, Michelangelo. Which shouldn’t have surprised you— but it did.
And finally, you had chosen something distinctively different from your friends. You had made the bold choice to go as a flapper girl from the 1920’s, inspired by Fitzgeralds novel The Great Gatsby. It was a bold move because you paired the costume with kitten heels and although they were small you knew by the end of the night your feet would be crying out for rest. It is a Scare Walk after all. Your body was adorned by glitter and lace and the fringe of your dress tickled at the exposed skin of your legs.
It was a bit chilly tonight, but you were having too much of a ball to really hone in and pay attention to the sharp gusts of wind. Steve and Robin were arguing over whose costume was more original and whilst Robin’s was, Steve always somehow managed to argue himself into being ‘right’.
“Talk to me when you have hand sewn a bazillion sequins onto something and not just took a pair of shears to a ratty old sweater.” Robin remarks with a smirk, crossing her arms over her chest and marching ahead of Steve.
“Hey! I’ll have you know that it was surprisingly difficult to cut this thing into a straight line— and it isn’t ratty or old, I literally bought it like two days ago.” Steve fires back with a squinted gaze as he follows closely behind Robin’s reflective beacon of light that seems to lead us through the dimness. Nancy grumbles inwardly to herself.
“Can you two stop bickering like babies? We’re here to have fun! So let’s go and do that!” She hooks her arm with yours, charging forward, “I heard that some people from campus are working here this year. I don’t know what they’re doing but isn’t that exciting? We might bump into them!” You admired how Nancy could make a good situation out of everything, however you didn’t quite share her enthusiasm for meeting people you already knew. Nancy was all about making and strengthening connections whereas you wanted to just have fun— judgement free.
And now that you knew that your peers were watching your every move you couldn’t help but feel your confidence shrink slightly and your words clam up. Dying in your throat before they could ever be heard aloud.
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The walk started off relatively slow and rather boring. You kept mistaking your dress tickling your calf’s as insects running up the skin of your legs and Robin would giggle at the way your head was constantly shooting downward.
“You seem awfully jittery— is someone scared already?” She taunts, wiggling her eyebrows at you and grinning widely as she did.
You scoff in response, “Please. I’m nearly dozing off back here.”
An eerie dark silence falls over the group and the golden haze from the spooky funfair starts to fade into the background behind you as you venture further and deeper into the doom and gloom of night fall.
The smell of sweet popcorn no longer lingers in the hairs of your nostrils and a sinister chill runs down the back of your spine; like fingers tickling your bare skin.
“Are we sure we are sticking to the trail? It’s getting pretty dark out here— OH MY FUCKING GOD!!” Two little girls dressed in bloody dresses and horrifying makeup charge toward you from a nearby hidden brush. Their eyes glow a disturbing shade of white and they hold faux knives that still look devilishly real. You stumble backwards, nearly collapsing from shock however before you could fall to the ground you feel a hard body hit your back which makes you scream out in terror.
The figure laughs at you, jeering and sharp as you whip around to meet him and your hand is quick to find your chest. Your fingers claw at the fabric of your dress and you fist the fabric with a shaky grip. You’re panting, struggling for breath and the skull painted face looms over you for a moment too long; cocking his head to the side as he examines your costume.
That’s when you realise something. Something that you immediately recognised as a dark secret. A dark desire that should be kept hidden.
As his onyx orbs gleam and glare down at you, you feel a wave of heat feather your cold skin. Your core pulses between your thighs and your mouth hangs open in dreadful clarity; you were fucking turned on by this.
His chiselled face is painted to resemble a bare skull. White with inky dark circles that deepen his eye sockets and his cheekbones are defined with thick blended shadowy lines. His lips are painted black to match his contours and he has hand drawn on a stretched toothy smile and an empty nose cavity.
He doesn’t speak a single word.
He just stares at you. Almost as if he is furious with you.
And before long he drags himself away from you, like the simple task is deemed painful and impossible for him.
His torso is dressed in a fitted white button down shirt which is rolled up to his elbows and it exposes his tattooed forearms. On his legs he wears a simple but professional pair of black trousers paired with black suspenders that sling over his shoulders. On his feet he has combat boots supporting his ankles and some sort of padded device strapped around the joint of his knees.
You gawk at him as he skates across the concrete on his knees at an alarmingly fast rate toward another group of poor people; leaving sparks of light in his dust as they squirm and scream. Some of them even go as far to sprint off into the darkness away from him; which leaves the masked man cackling darkly and running after them.
“Holy shit! I had no idea he would be working here this year!” Steve slaps the palm of his hand onto your shoulder as he chuckles heavily and you pull away from him confused and slightly annoyed.
“Who is ‘he’ and how do you know him?” Steve’s laughter dies out slowly and his hands come to rest on his hips. A stance that he did often. The rest of the gang come to join you with curious expressions on their faces.
“Seriously? You don’t recognise him?” There’s a pause as you shake your head ‘no’ and Steve rolls his amber eyes dramatically, “That’s Eddie Munson, dipshit. He’s always smoking weed out in the courtyard on campus? Playing with the fire from the benson burner during chemistry— is this ringing any bells?” You shrug, crossing your arms defensively over your chest.
Is Eddie Munson someone you should know about?
“He has long, curly hair— not better than mine but hey, it’s definitely up there.” Steve’s hand smooths over his slicked back hair that is thick with gel and you laugh, now being able to form an image of Eddie in your mind.
“Ohh, the metal head? He sometimes walks around with his guitar slung over his back?” You reply as you begin to walk off after realising that you have all come to a stand still— and partially because you want to see Eddie again.
“Yeah! He is wicked with a guitar! I’ve seen him play.” Robin chirps from your left and Nancy hums on your right.
“He is pretty good.” Jonathan speaks through a mouthful of candy and you try to disguise your disgust as you unfortunately get a glimpse of the food on his tongue.
“Right…” is all you quietly reply as your eyes scan the bluish darkness. You can hear an owl hooting off in the distance and if it weren’t for the jump scares waiting for you, you would find this promenade quite peaceful.
Crickets whisper conversations from the tall blades of grass and you can see lanterns dotted up ahead of you. They cast ghoulish shadows all around the dirt path and your head twitches from side to side— trying to catch any of the silhouettes moving.
But they don’t.
You have strayed further ahead of the group, their voices hitting your ears in the form of muffled sounds but you don’t bother to wait on them. They are too busy laughing and booing at some of the scare actors whereas your heart is still palpitating at a ridiculous rate from the last scare.
Some of the actors were so gruesomely scary that you felt transported into your favourite slasher films whereas the others were just looming and ominous— more human. Humans are the scariest creatures after all. You fear your own kind in opposition to the unknown.
That’s why when the familiar skull skates over to you on his knees, you freeze this time. No fight or flight; just freeze. Your mouth gaping wide as his nose nearly brushes yours.
“Eddie.” His name is a breathless squeeze from your lungs as it leaves your mouth. You have to say his name aloud in order to ground your thundering heart. Were you excited or frightened? Maybe it was a mixture of both.
Whatever it was, the man stood in front of you wasn’t best pleased. His eyes narrow into irritated slits and his fingers toy with a piece of your hair— twirling it before yanking on it playfully.
Steve, Nancy, Robin and Jonathan all sprint past you in urgency. They screaming until their throats run raw as a deranged man with a faux chainsaw chases after them. Hot on their heels.
You and Eddie go unnoticed by them… and now…
Now you feel afraid.
“Y’know you aren’t supposed to address the actors personally, right?” He sneers through a tight jaw.
“He speaks.” You quip back sassily and Eddie huffs a distorted laugh.
“I’ve seen you around campus— even prettier up close. It’s a shame your attitude ruins that.” He circles you like a shark in water and you follow him. Twirling around makes you dizzy but Eddie’s chuckle makes your dizzier.
“Like a little lost lamb.” He coos, “Where are your cronies? Seems they’ve ditched.” His glove clad knuckle grazes your cheek and you flinch away from his soft touch. Taking a few steps back you widen the close distance between the two of you.
This causes Eddie to grin hugely; showing all of his teeth as he did.
“What? Don’t tell me you’re scared now?” He prowls toward you however you are quick to match every one of his steps. He takes a stride forward? You take a step back.
“You could run away if you wanted… but that’ll only entice me more. Didn’t they tell you? I love the chase.” His voice is a low animalistic growl and you couldn’t understand if this was Eddie or his character talking to you. Was this all an act or was he genuinely this menacing?
“I thought you actors weren’t supposed to get this close to the public…” You hunch your shoulders upward toward your ears as you cower away from his stalky frame and he stares through you; the gears in his head turning.
You shift on the balls of your feet uncomfortably and your skin blazes beneath his intense gaze.
“You’re blushing.” He says matter of factly and suddenly you feel the need to straighten your posture and try to get as far from him as possible.
“I am not.” The lie is pathetic as it meets the frosted air and Eddie smiles eerily.
“It’s the makeup, isn’t it? You like the makeup.” His head strains back on his neck as he lets out a loud laugh, “Fuck— that’s pathetic. You must be into some really weird shit.”
“I- that’s absurd!! I have no idea what you’re talking about!” You squeal and slink your arms around your torso. Partially because you were cold but also to be protective and assertive of yourself, “You don’t even know me—“ Eddie interjects, his finger tapping impatiently against his painted lips.
“Shhhh.” You feel the soft grain of his leather gloves as they tickle your skin and Eddie’s hands fully embrace your bare shoulders, “It’s okay— I like your costume too, I suppose.” He shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly, “I mean, it’s a bit outdated and boring but hey, you look good.” He flashes you a teasing wink that is nearly enough to make your lungs implode with lack of oxygen.
“Goodbye, Munson.” You swivel on your kitten heels and briskly find the frozen dirt path again. Your head involuntarily looks over your shoulder, trying to catch sight of Eddie one last time as you leave him behind but to your total disadvantage the metal head was no longer standing where you had left him.
He too, had taken off.
And unbeknownst to you, you had just pressed play on one of Eddie Munson’s all time favourite games; Cat and mouse.
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It was getting later and later with every passing second and you couldn’t find your friends anywhere. You had last seen them run off whilst laughing and screaming in total horror but you hadn’t seen them since.
Had they actually ditched you and went home?
Once the thought infiltrated your psyche you contemplated on cutting the scare walk short and heading back to the funfair to search for them. However, going back meant that you had to go alone and there was something devilish about that.
To your left, through a thick canvas of sweetgum trees you can hear the owl again. Hooting softly— a sound that should calm your nerves but instead it tugs on them viciously. It’s more like an emergency siren warning you. A sign for you to run and to never look back.
A man made whistle slices through the chirping of the birds and it cuts at your skin like the edge of a blade. You look left and right, frantically dancing in circles as you try to determine where it’s coming from; but you are met with nothingness.
“Eddie, if that’s you then cut it out! This isn’t funny!” Your fingernails pinch at your skin as you begin to walk panicked in the opposite direction. Never paying attention to what’s in front of you, your gaze always trailing off to the side and behind you.
That’s when you see him— the skull peering at you from a dark line of trees in the distance. Your feet come to a staggering stop as you eye him. Was your mind playing tricks on you? Was Eddie really staring back at you or were you deluding yourself?
You swallow thickly, your mouth dry as you watch him emerge from the greenery. Before your brain can compute what your body is doing you are running; charging into the fullness of the forest.
Tree branches whip and rip at your skin, causing it to redden and sting. You wince but you continue soldiering on, your shoulders barge through sticks and nettles and thorns.
Your mind had convinced you that this was real. That you were being chased by a psycho.
“Hey— hey, stop!! It’s okay! Wait—“ Eddie is close behind you, crunching twigs beneath his boots but you are quicker than he is; more frightened and resilient to get as far from him as possible. For your own safety.
“Sweetheart! Stop!” You can hear him getting frustrated as he trudges through the cluttered landscape but you can see lights shining in front of you, just up ahead, and it causes you to force your legs to quicken. Desperate to reach there.
But just before you explode onto the funfair grounds your legs give way beneath you and you crash to the ground. The palms of your hands scrape against the jagged forest floor and your dress rips against a spiked log. You thought this shit only happened in the movies— but tonight you were proven wrong.
You look behind you and your eyes well up with tears of both pure adrenaline and fear at Eddie propelling himself toward you.
You bring up your hands around your head to protect yourself as you shrink back onto the floor, over the fact that your hair is full of pine needles and your knees are scraped and bleeding.
Eddie crouches by your side, a deep frown on his face and worry in his eyes.
“Hey, sweet girl, you’re okay…” Eddie bites off his leather gloves and throws them to the soft earth. He is gentle to pry your cold hands away from your muddied face and he hisses quietly at the temperature of your skin compared to his. He examines the palms of your hands tenderly, “Ouch… this must hurt. What were you thinking?”
Your foolishness almost causes Eddie to laugh, but after witnessing the genuine anxiety plaguing your features he decides not to.
“It was too real.” You blubber, letting out a dampened sob and Eddie’s heart pangs with guilt and sorrow, “I couldn’t find anyone and… and I saw you and I just couldn’t think of anything else…”
“I’m sorry, love. C’mere, let me help you up.” Eddie is crouched down, his knees bent as he braces himself in front of your shaking frame. He outstretches his hands toward you and you take them hesitantly.
Thanks to Eddie’s strength he pulls your weak body up to meet his with ease and he hold you against his chest. Breathing softly as he tries to calm your laboured and nervous breaths.
“I really am sorry… it’s just me, ‘Kay? I’m not gonna hurt you. I promise.” He peppers comforting pecks into your hair and your nails claw at the back of his shirt, “It must’ve been pretty scary; being out there all alone with me.”
You nod, your mind finally calming at the sound of his lulling and gentle voice.
“I do like the makeup.” Your confession is meek and muffled against his chest, “I think there must be something wrong with me.” You laugh, managing to pull away his chest and look at him much more confidently now.
“Not at all,” Eddie grins, “I think it’s quite the opposite, actually. Very normal— it might even be considered vanilla to some people out there.” Although you have removed yourself from the skull painted man’s chest, the closeness between the both of you remains the same.
The truth was; Eddie had always admired you. Your intelligence and your cunning. You were beautiful, which was the cherry on top of your infectiously bright personality. He had noticed you at the beginning of the academic year and he was too chicken to talk to you. You both were connected through Steve but Steve never really paid attention to Eddie’s longing and begging looks toward you.
But Steve didn’t have to say anything. Not anymore. Because you could see it for yourself. You could see beneath the intricate paint on his face that Eddie felt something for you. You weren’t sure what it was; lust, a crush or plain friendship but you could see it. Feel it.
“You must think I’m a total freak.”
“You have no idea who you’re talking to, sweetheart. I am the biggest freak to have ever lived.” Eddie lets out a giddy chuckle and his hands continue to rest lightly around your body. You welcome his lingering touch and his nearness. It felt familiar. Nice.
“We both look like weirdos standing out here in the dark.” Your eyes scan around the auburn horizon of tall trees and a soft smile rests on your smudged lipstick covered lips, “People are going to think we’ve been up to no good.”
Eddie smiles, his hand coming to stroke your cheek gently and tuck some of your rouge hair behind your ear, “With how windswept your hair is, I wouldn’t be surprised.”
You both stand there, the air is clouded with electrifying tension and you can’t think of anything else other than how badly you want him to kiss you.
“I wanna take you out… on a date.” His hands cup your face, “When I’m not this caricature. I’ll just be me and you will be you. You won’t have to run from me…” His cold nose brushes the tip of yours, “I won’t have to chase you.” You can smell mint and nicotine on his breath and you have never been more intoxicated by anything in your entire life.
“What’d ya say, sweet girl? Let me take you somewhere nice so I can kiss you properly at the end of the night?” There is a slight desperation to his voice and you bite your lip to suppress a wide smile.
“I’d like you to chase me, Eddie. Chase me with daisies and a boombox and your guitar. You won’t have to run after me for long…” You are dangerously close to him now, your breath quickening as you press a chaste kiss to the corner of his mouth. It takes every ounce of self control not to eat his entire mouth with yours, “Take me anywhere. As long as it’s with you.”
“I will.” He promises.
“And kiss me at the end of the night?” You are desperate yourself now, your eyes sparkling with moonlight as you look up into his shadowy hues.
“I will.” He strokes your hair so delicately; like you are the most precious thing he has ever handled, “I promise.”
taglist: @colorful-white-ideas @littlered0000 @ali-r3n @daisy-munson @serenadingtigers @rainybloo28 @munson-enthusiast @godcreatoreli @littlefreckles4 @what-the-jams @tlclick73 @ameliapond1995 @thepurplelovewitch @somethingvicked @costellation-hunter @munsonzgf @emxxblog @ingridvasquez @sadbitchfangirl @im-julessssss @munsonburn3r @unclecrunkle @cierra222 @ziggeddie @yarafae @sidthedollface2 @kellsck @your-nightmaredoll @purplewitchcauldron @manitskatrina @georgeweasleyslostearhq
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catscidr · 7 months
Hiii I just found your acc and really like your stuff! Can I pls request lazy morning sex with Jing Yuan (and any character you think might fit this prompt) I just looked and there is not one fic like this of this man when he's like... right there. He's like so perfect for this scenario. Thank you sm and have a great day/night! <3
i just finished writing this its 3am i think i blacked out. everybody give it up for my man jing yuan i need himSO BAAAAD AAHHH i hope u like this nonnie ♡♡ cw: nsfw, mdni. semi-clothed sx, soft dom jy, clt stimulation, size kink if you squint, praise, pet names, slight overstimulation, cuddling n fucking face-to-face, riding, creampie. /not proofread ill do that in the morning. dies/ includes: fem reader, jing yuan, fu xuan mentionned wc: 3,2k
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You loved and hated waking up next to Jing Yuan in the morning. On one hand, the rhythm of his beating heart lulls you to sleep, and he makes for a wonderful personal heater; but on the other... he’s a little too comfortable. So much so that every time you sleep with him, you, without fail, end up being late for work. That, or you barely make it in time. At times you would point your finger at him and accuse him of being a wholesome, sleepy version of an incubus, and he would laugh in that smooth, baritone voice of his. 
This morning was one of those mornings, of course. Jing Yuan came back home for the first time in two weeks the night before- being the general of the Luofu means that he would occasionally have to leave for an unknown amount of time to take care of business. Every time he had to leave, you’d linger around him a little longer than usual, wrap your arms around him tighter than you normally would and let your lips linger on his cheek long enough for the sun to rise completely. 
He’d come back so late last night that you were already sleeping in your shared bed, legs haphazardly thrown over the bed sheets in a poor attempt to regulate your body temperature. The button-up shirt you wore made his heart lunge in his throat in the best way, but the last thing he wanted was to wake you. So, he’d carefully remove his armored uniform, take his shirt off and slip into the bed with you with nothing but his briefs on, and pull you into his chest. You had unconsciously nuzzled closer to him, your body craving the warmth of his body you had missed oh so dearly. 
Which explained the situation you were now in. The dilemma you found yourself stuck in. Jing Yuan was back; you had your face mere millimeters away from his plush chest, his arms held you tight against him, and his soft snores almost convinced you to fall back asleep. Keyword; almost. 
As much as you loved him you knew that he’d be here once you came back from work, so with as much resolve as you could muster, you try wriggling your way out of his grip. With him being as big as he was, though, it didn’t surprise you when he tightened his hold on you, treating you as if you were his plushie threatening to fall off his bed and he was a child.
You let out a quiet oof from his strong grip and reevaluate your options. There weren’t many options, but at least you had choices; either you wake him up, convince him to let you go and then get to work early enough that you don’t risk getting written up again, or you let him hold you and... arrive at work late. Again. Which was the last thing you wanted, given the fact that your boss had specifically told you that she couldn’t allow you to miss another meeting. 
Step one was to summon the ability to be even more stubborn than your lover. Step two is to carefully wriggle your arms up, high enough that you can move your hands and you can use them to your advantage against the beast. It took you some time, given the fact that they were stuck between his and your body, but you succeeded, nonetheless. And you only got one displeased grunt from the sleeping general in response. 
As you’re about to proceed with step three, Jing Yuan cracks an eye open and buries his head into the crook of your neck while curling into you, effectively trapping you between his plush muscles and the duvet. 
Could have gone better. 
“Jing Yuan,” you huff, your voice sounding more like a whine than anything. The general doesn’t respond, leading you to believe he fell asleep again, but his morning voice graces your ears before you have the time to curse him out. “Mhm, I’m up,” he hums, pressing a lazy kiss to your neck in a false apology. 
You wriggle in response, grunting from the sheer effort. One of the downsides that came with cuddling with Jing Yuan was the way he could keep you right there with him as long as he wanted, curse his strength. 
Seeing as he wasn’t going to budge, you decide that two can play that game. You stare into his silky mop of silver hair, pondering whether you should negotiate your freedom or if you should play dirty- but where's the fun in trying to talk your way out of this predicament? You bring a hand up to gently brush his bangs away from his face. He makes a soft noise of contentment at the feeling of your fingers delicately brushing against his face and, before he can grow too comfortable, you lean in and bite his cheek. 
The general makes a noise of surprise, grunting as he pulls away from you to narrow his eyes at his perpetrator. His pout morphs into a lazy smile as he holds your glare. “If you wanted to play you could have just said so, sweetheart,” he says lowly, moving his free hand from your back to letting it rest lazily on your hips, thumb rubbing gentle circles on the exposed skin. 
You stick your tongue out at him stubbornly, “Not now, I have to get up.” Unfazed by your headstrong attitude, Jing Yuan shifts one of his legs to come between yours- his strong thigh sandwiched between your soft ones. A surprised gasp leaves your lips in response to the smooth way he molds his body to yours, but you refuse to allow yourself to be swayed by him. 
“Aeons- ‘Yuan please,” you huff quietly, but he notices the way your voice catches in your throat. His golden eyes briefly shine with what could only be described as mischief and, with a smooth motion, Jing Yuan grabs ahold of your shoulder and swivels you around so that your back is against his chest. A surprised oof rips from your throat as you bounce lightly on the bed from the impact- he lowers his face to yours, a rich, deep chuckle echoing in your ears as your resolve begins to melt away. 
Taking advantage of the new position, Jing Yuan throws a leg over yours to trap you in and, in turn, grinds his growing bulge against your ass. If he wasn’t hard at the sight of your face in the morning when he first woke up, he sure was now; while he slowly ruts against you, he allows his hands to wander down to the hem of your shirt. 
You stifle a moan as the metaphorical dam in your head begins to crumble apart. Sure, you would see him when you would get back home later, but you were with him now. Laying here with your lover, safe and comfortable in his arms while his clothed erection lazily thrusts up into your heat. 
As you let out needy whines that you aren’t even aware you’re voicing, Jing Yuan brings his lips closer to your ear. “Five more minutes?” he asks with a knowing smile, his own breath becoming more and more rugged the more he rubs up against you. Gods, he could feel you throbbing through his sweatpants and your panties. 
You swallow thickly and whine in response, your head already fogging up with desire. Going a whole two weeks without sex wasn’t particularly hard; you had your trusty toy with you and your hands if it happened to run out of battery and you were that desperate. But you weren’t- and during these past two weeks you had felt just fine, totally not pent up or even the slightest bit sexually frustrated. Your job had kept you busy, but when you’re stuck in Jing Yuan’s arms after not feeling him for so long, after not feeling his cock twitching inside you, you felt like something snapped inside you.
Distantly, you think about how pathetic this must look for him; only a few lingering touches and his hips pressing up against yours from the back and that’s all it takes for you to drench your panties. But really, you couldn’t care less. You knew he was just as pent up as you were. 
You bring one of your hands down to fumble with the hem of your panties to quickly take them off, down your legs. Hearing Jing Yuan’s hoarse breathing in your ears only made you even more eager to feel his skin right up against yours. Maybe part of the reason why you were so incredibly turned on was because of how tired you still felt, but either way, you needed him. And he needed you just as badly. 
The general’s hands leave you temporarily to slide his sweatpants down to his thighs, low enough for his cock to leave its confines. Precum builds at the tip, swollen and pulsing with the need to bury itself inside you. He sighs, one of his hands coming up to stroke his length, thumb sliding over the slit every time his fist comes up. You whine at the loss of his hands on you and reach back to take his hand, bringing it between your legs to rub your clit. He laughs at your impatience, shifting his weight on his other arm to lean over you properly. 
“Someone’s impatient and greedy,” he goads. “I thought you wanted to get to work, darling,” he purrs in your ear, his middle and ring finger coming together to tease your bud, riling you up further and making a mess between your legs. A strained fuck leaves your lips as you back your ass up into him, his hard cock tucked between your thighs, rubbing into your arousal. “Please just-” a whimper interrupts you as Jing Yuan increases the pace of his fingers, “-inside. I-I need to feel you,” you huff, feeling too empty. He considers teasing you some more, listening to the wet sounds of your pussy bounce off the walls of your shared bedroom, but his own patience was also waning thin. 
A quiet noise of protest leaves you when the man takes his hand away from your bud. He brings his fingers up to his lips to lick your slick off of them, moaning at the taste. Your thighs clench in response, jerking the general’s cock unintentionally. 
“Fuck,” he growls into your ear, hurriedly taking his length into his hand to guide it into your soaking wet cunt. Your mouth hangs open when you feel his tip slip between your lips, needy noises slipping from your mouth. Inch after inch he sinks into you, slowly letting you accommodate to his girth. He finally bottoms out, stretching your hole as you keen and whine from the satisfaction of feeling so full. 
He waits a few beats to allow you to get used to him, your hoarse breathing matching his own. When he feels you clamping down on him less, he starts to thrust- pulling out slowly and thrusting back in sharply. You moan aloud, mouth agape as his cock bullies your spongy walls relentlessly. 
“Jing Yua-aan,” you whimper, hands gripping onto his forearms weakly, nails forming crescent shapes into his skin. He reduces you to a sleepy, blabbering, moaning mess as the sound of skin slapping against skin echoes in the bedroom. With one hand splayed across your lower tummy, he presses down, making you arch your back into him from the sudden added pressure and pleasure. 
“Y’ like that? You missed me, huh?” he taunts, though his own voice trails off into a needy moan the more he feels the drag of your walls along his cock. “I know I’ve- fuck, m-missed you,” Jing Yuan stutters, thrusts becoming increasingly sloppy as he feels a familiar coil form in his abdomen. His thigh muscles clench as he wills away his orgasm, needing to feel you all around him for a bit longer. 
Unable to respond you simply nod dumbly, the words leaving your brain as it’s reduced to mush. Your lover hums, a smirk stretching his lips, “Yeah?” He brings his face closer to yours, your breaths tangling with each other before he smashes his lips against yours, the angle awkward and uncomfortable. But you don’t care- the added stimulation makes you melt as you crane your head back to kiss him properly, your lips occasionally leaving his from the force of his thrusts. 
Jing Yuan moans into your mouth and breaks the kiss. He looks at you with pure lust swirling in his golden eyes, your face sinful and needy. An idea pops up in the general’s mind and he smiles down at you, pressing one last chaste kiss to the corner of your mouth. 
“Ah, w-what are you-” you slur, your sentence interrupted by the general manhandling you to switch positions. He kicks the sheets off completely and places both of his large hands on your waist, gripping you firmly as he lays on his back, placing you on top him. His cock slips out of your walls with a wet shlick and you whine at the feeling of being so suddenly empty, twisting your body so that your thighs straddle his hips. Jing Yuan looks up at you with a small, cat-like smirk and your breath catches in your throat. 
His silky hair splayed out on the pillows beneath him, cheeks flushed, and eyes piercing into yours made your knees buckle and you suddenly froze in your movements. Feeling your pussy throb against him, Jing Yuan chuckles heartily, one of his hands leaving your waist to stroke his hard cock, your slick dripping down on him. 
“Lift your hips up and sit on my cock, darling,” he orders softly, a stark contrast to the way he looks at you- with pure, unfiltered lust and adoration. Your body moves automatically as you obey, hovering your tight pussy over his swollen tip, and lower yourself down. Your mouth opens in a silent moan, and you feel his girth stretching you out again as you begin to bounce on his hard cock. 
“Yeahh just like that,” he hums, the hand that held his length moving up to rest on your stomach, thumb jutting out to rub tight circles over your sensitive clit. You squeak in surprise, your body jolting forward, and place your hands over his plush chest for balance. “Feels good, baby? Feel how deep my cock is?” 
A moan leaves his kiss-bitten lips and you swear you physically felt yourself get pushed closer to your nearing orgasm, the noises leaving his lips amplifying your pleasure tenfold. “Taking me so well, look at that pretty pussy,” he coos, and you keen as his half-lidded eyes burn into yours. He feels your walls clench in response to the praise and flashes you a dangerous smirk; he places his feet flat on the bed and tightens his grip on your waist to buck his hips up, making you topple over him. Your gaze is unfocused and blurry as you look down at him, heavy breaths leaving your lips, tears threatening to roll down your rosy cheeks from the pace he set. 
“And look at you,” he whispers lovingly under his breath. Jing Yuan throws his head back deeper into the pillows, keeping his eyes on you as he watches you lose yourself to the addicting feeling of his cock bullying your sopping cunt. “Y-Yuan,” you whine, your climax threatening to rip through you as you bite your lip to stifle your needy moans. He tuts, leaning up to bite your lip to pull you out of your pleasure-filled daze. 
“Pay attention to me darling. Thaat’s it, let 'em out for me.” The general huffs, brows furrowing in concentration to focus on the feeling of your warm walls surrounding him, sucking him in endlessly. His thumb presses down onto your clit roughly to bring you closer to your orgasm; you whimper in turn, a chorus of oh fuck and please’s leaving your puffy lips. “I-I’m so close,” you whine, eyelids fluttering shut as you feel your control leaving your body, the tight coil of your orgasm threatening to snap. 
Jing Yuan groans, hips bucking up into you, heavy balls slapping against your ass as he keeps up the pace, persistent. “Come on, give it to me, pretty girl.” He coos, voice breaking into a whine, close to climaxing himself. His thrusts become sloppier, and he bites his bottom lip to stifle a string of hearty, needy moans. 
His hips still up into you as he cums, thick ropes of his seed painting your walls white. Jing Yuan’s thumb flicks your puffy clit until you climax as well, your cunt milking his sensitive cock. You whimper, feeling your clit buzz with overstimulation as he keeps rubbing it with purpose. “S-Stop, stooop,” you cry, your eyes burning with tears as the dull pain turns into pleasure, “Aeons you’re so tight.” Your lover slows down his movements, easing the tension in his muscles, until he stops circling your clit and gently places both of his hands on your waist. His hands slide up and down your sweaty skin, soothing the bruises that will inevitably form.
Your body slumps, exhausted and utterly spent, arms caging him as you rest your face in the crook of his neck. You both feel sticky and sweaty, but the warmth you shared made up for the need to jump in the shower to wash yourselves off. Jing Yuan shifts his hips so that his softening cock slips out of you; he inhales sharply, his cock still sensitive. 
“I missed you,” you mumble quietly, voice muffled from the way you're pressed into him and the pillows and press a chaste kiss to his neck. “Yeah? I never would have guessed,” the general chuckles, arms coming up to hug you tightly, one hand placed behind your head to cradle you close to him. You hit him with a huff but then sigh, content. 
“Mmh, but I missed you too, darling,” Jing Yuan replies softly. He holds you as your eyes droop, exhaustion taking ahold of your tired body. His own eyelids droop as he listens to your soft heartbeat, and soon enough, you’re both sleeping, legs tangled together while Jing Yuan’s strong arms keep you laid atop of him. 
You’re not sure what time it is when you wake up, but you hear a phone ringing loudly in your ear, jolting you away from your peaceful dreams. You don’t recognize the tune, and as you’re about to wriggle your way out of the dozing general’s arms, he swings one arm over to the nightstand next to your bed and answers it without looking at the caller ID. “Jing Yuan speaking,” he says in a hoarse voice, eyes still closed. 
Even without his phone on speaker you could make out a very loud, very shrill voice from the other side of the line, yelling out two hours late, a single mission and get your ass over here. Jing Yuan doesn’t react, the same sleepy, cat-like smile on his face as he listens to the person rant. They eventually let up and hang up, saying something you couldn’t quite catch. Your lover haphazardly tosses his phone somewhere on the bed and loops his arm back around you, nuzzling into your neck. 
“Who was that?” you ask, voice cracking from how much you abused your vocal cords (apparently) two hours ago. He scoffs, amused, and pulls away just enough to speak clearly. 
“Lady Fu Xuan,” he says slyly. “I should get dressed before she decides to read into my divination and sees things she probably shouldn’t.”
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mikichko · 2 months
141 x white reader recs? 👉🏻👈🏻
Hi nonnie 😊
I'm not going to lie, this ask bewildered me a bit! I wasn't sure if you were being serious or not since this fandom is basically 90% white. Going by those numbers I'd assume there's a plethora of white content for you to enjoy, love.
I can't imagine that an ask for recommendations of an demographic that isn't typically featured in reader inserts would stir you up so much. Right?
Regardless, I do truly love to talk about my favorite writers so here is a list of writers (in addition to the previously mentioned) whose work I absolutely adore.
In no particular order:
🍂 Early
Starting off strong with the individual that sucked me into this black hole of a fandom. I absolutely love Early's writing style and their focus on fat readers. I reread a ton of their works constantly! Currently The Space in Between is what I read at the gym when I'm doing my hot girl walk 🥰🥰 Ensnared me with this Current Fave: The Space In Between
🍂 PFHWrites
Following it up with the second cod blog I ever followed, give it up for P! I absolutely adore P's works and the thought that he puts into the creechurs 🐈 (P patented term) in his works. Writes incredible pieces for transmasc!readers that I absolutely adore Ensnared me with: No clue actually! I just think of P as this entity that one day appeared on my tumblr dash and whose work I've been in love with for ages (tbh it was probably porn but...) Current Fave: Binders and Boyfriends
🍂 glossysoap
Glossy, my beloved Soap worshiper in arms 💕 Glossy has an incredible knack for writing that's amplified by her vibrant personality and how much she uplifts other writers in the community. I adore her to death and am so glad we have such a great writer like her in the fandom Ensnared me with: Bloody Shame (kyle fuckers rejoice) Current fave: Pushing Boundaries
🍂 kyletogaz
Our wonderful beautiful Jess 🥰💕 Resident Kyle and F1 enthusiast I have suuuch a fun time reading Jess' works (even when she is emotionally destroying me ;-;) I have her post notifications on so I don't miss a single work :') Ensnared me with: Simon fixing your attitude Current fave: Sharing is Caring
🍂 swordsandholly
Holly's Cherry Bomb 🍒 series has me by the goddamn neck right now! I am actively choking as I type this out because of how fucking good it is. Her depictions of Simon in 'Double Date - Double Down' solidified me as a fan from the beginning Ensnared me with: Double Date - Double Down Current fave: Cherry Bomb
🍂 stellewriites
Stelle's wonderful personality shines through so brightly that when I followed her I didn't even realize she wrote. When the cognizant part of my brain finally kicked in and I finally realized she was a writer I berated myself for not reading her work earlier. So happy that I stumbled upon her and her work 💞💖 Ensnared me with: Amazing personality <3 Current fave: Choices Made in Anger
🍂 syoddeye
Sy is another writer who I just cannot remember how I came across them! Honestly, someone else probably reblogged one of their works and I fell in love with their writing style. Whoever it was I am immensely thankful. Sy makes works that are so marvelous my brain gets more wrinkly every time I read something of theirs ❣ Ensnared me with: It's a black box I'm so sorry Current fave: The Lift (this is lowkey my motivator before the gym)
🍂 dragonnarrative-writes
Dragon's works have got me foaming at the mouth. Another creator who I have no clue how their works came onto my timeline but all I know is that I am so thankful. Every one of their works is a treat akin to indulging in something ridiculously delicious. 💘 Ensnared me with: Autumn Embers Current fave: Autumn Embers (particularly Part 3A ;))
🍂 indigosunsetao3
Indigo was actually recommended to me under a post lamenting the lack of Alex Keller works! And boy am I glad she was because the way she writes about Alex Keller makes me rattle at the bars of my enclosure for this white man. Absolutely amazing content that I am so happy to have been told about her! 💓 Ensnared me with: Older CIA Alex Keller Current fave: Move In Day (Alex Keller fuckers rejoice)
I am missing so so so many incredibly writers who I adore as well but because of time constraints I didn't have time to include them. Honestly, I'll probably just keep adding this list and using it as a rec list!
This fandom has been blessed with so many folks who create marvelous pieces for readers across the spectrum. We're fortunate that writers have cultivated such an accepting space 💕
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matan4il · 5 months
I’m muslim but I’m upset with the free Palestine movement especially as a woman. they are only making it worse for Muslim women subject to governments which are misusing the teachings of the Quran. they do not care even about Uyghur or Rohingya Muslims
I'm a day late, but I hope it's still okay to wish you Jumaat Mubaraka, lovely Nonnie! *hugs*
I feel you. A few years ago, I took a course and ended up becoming friends with the lady who happened to choose the seat next to me. She's a Muslim Israeli Arab woman. She had the audacity of divorcing her husband. She has a son who came out as gay, and she had the audacity to accept him as he is. Under Hamas or the Palestinian Authority's rule, she could be severely punished socially for either. Worse, her son would likely be terrified for his life, and might have ended up like one of my gay Palestinian friends, who have been forced into heterosexual marriages because the threat to their lives was so great. Instead, her son lives in Tel Aviv, is openly gay, and is an advocate for both the State of Israel and gay Israeli Arabs and Palestinians. She's an advocate for the State of Israel and Israeli Arab Muslim women. She gets to speak and be heard because she's an Israeli citizen. And it's not by chance that she is one. Her family made a choice in 1948, to stand by the Jews, rather than join the Arab attack on them. She once opened the Quran, showed me a specific surah, and told me, "This is why I know that as a Muslim, I must love the Jews, and stand by their state."
She has her own agency in choosing her position on the State of Israel, she has her well being, her son's, and that of many other Israeli Muslim Arab women and gay people to consider, and the anti-Israel crowd doesn't care about any of that. She's just an obstacle standing in the way of the narrative they've chosen, she shows reality is more complex than the black and white framing they embraced, which allows them to openly hate Jews while inflating their own egos, as if they're being righteous.
Not to mention coming up with ridiculous stuff like, "Palestinian men beat their wives because of the Israeli occupation!" This is honestly one of the dumbest things I've ever heard, only topped by "Israel is using cow/dolphin spies." But think of the practical implication. It means as long as Israel exists, no one's gonna hold Palestinian men accountable for the violence they're committing against their own wives. It's a betrayal of Palestinian women, all supposedly in the name of helping Palestinian nationalism.
(on top of the criticism voiced by UN Watch, it's insane how one of the speakers blaming domestic violence against Palestinian women on Israel is the UN representative of "Etat de Palestine," state of Palestine... What an easy way to avoid a state's duty to protect the women living under its rule from any and all violence, including domestic! If you're an independent state, and deserve recognition from the world, then you also have the responsibility to tackle domestic violence. If you're not independent, then why are you demanding to be recognized as such?)
And yes, the lack of care for actual Israeli Arabs and Palestinians is what I often talk about, but you're right that the damage caused by the anti-Israel crowd is bigger than just to Jews, Israeli Arabs, and Palestinians. Holding up an Islamist cause, backing up the Islamist movement and showing them how the west can be easily won, this will only serve to harm more people. Including Muslims who are more vulnerable to human rights abuses, like women and gay people.
In the vid above, as another example, the UN Watch speaker asks the UN to compare the data on domestic violence suffered by Palestinian women, to that suffered by Jordanian, Lebanese, Egyptian women and so on... Maybe if they couldn't use Israel as their punching bag, they'd have to look at domestic violence against women in the whole region, and actually do something about it. But nah, it's easier to write off Israel as the guilty party when it comes to Palestinian domestic violence, and pretend like that's the only place in the entire Middle East where this violence stands out as an issue. And that's before we talk about observing the levels of anti-women violence in non-Arab Muslim countries, such as Iran, where the government itself has imprisoned and even killed women for not wearing a hijab correctly. This is a betrayal of Muslim women at large.
And in addition to all that, like you said, this crowd also doesn't give a shit about the Muslims being persecuted in any conflict that doesn't allow the blame to be laid on the 'evil Jews.' Even when the numbers targeted are much greater, and the scope of abuse far more severe.
Thank you for the ask, and I hope you're okay! I hope the world cares more about Muslim women, rather than posturing as if it does, but only when it can be used against Jews. xoxox
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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mellowwillowy · 11 months
Oh my goodness, I love the yan lawyer husband so much like ARGH, that man bro
If you don't mind me asking, how would yan lawyer react if darling dies during pregnancy? What if the darling gives birth to a girl/boy who looks A LOT like darling? Would Yulian get mad at the kid or dote on the kid a lot?
I'm just so in love with that man <33
Hehehehe, more people loving bby Yulian... Nonnie, I think you should lower your expectation on this piece of a trash called father. (Really... there are 2 trashy yan father, him and Eleanor). That's my warning ya'll.
In one of the many lives Yulian had lived before he reached the Utopia...
Darling died from delivering their first son...
And he went mad again. My guy threw the baby into the ground and it was indeed a miracle the baby had no serious injury (really, the dice enjoys torturing him to madness). In the end, he did take care of the child, materially and not affectionally.
He was so close to end everything by massacring the entire people in the hospital including him and the child but he had no choice but to play along until his time was up.
Killed all the doctors that were responsible for your delivery, his son and himself before transmigrating himself into another tales.
In another time, where Darling survived and they got a son and a daughter.
Don't get him wrong, he still dislikes children. One wrong roll of the dice and they would take your life. But the daughter does resemble you more than himself unlike his son, so he was more lenient toward the second born (still not as affectionate as what a father should be unless you are around him)
Yes, he acted like he loved them both dearly whenever you were around and the first born was just as smart as his father. He knew they were doomed should you ever be gone.
Yes, the boy was jealous of his sister, receiving a bit of real affection from their father just because she resembles her mother more than him. And somehow, this would become a problem in the dystopia later, troubling Yulian from reaching the utopia.
Ehe, darling died.
What now? He had no responsibilities to keep up with his farce anymore. It's back to what happened in the first time. Except that he still favored the second born a bit more than the first born without him realizing it. He saw you in her and he was conflicted about it.
Perhaps she would be a perfect vessel for you when she matured? Should he take good care of her before he shot everyone to death again?
And yes, he took great care of her and it sparked envy in the first born. Great, he shouldn't have played favorite ^^ Now he has to take care of this piece of shit for holding him back from his utopia.
'A man who killed his own blood and flesh, what different did he make from his Father?'
'If only utopia existed then he wouldn't have to fall into madness. Traveling in <Time>, yearning for a <Finale>.'
'Just to resurrect his wife, my child, you have disappointed her. Did you not promise to never upset her?'
'The first born was there, with the second born in his hand by the Gate of the Graveyard. He wouldn't let him pass. He wouldn't let him take his sister. He wouldn't let him have things in his way. Because he loathed him.'
"Children like you are nothing but decorations to me. It affects me in no sense at all, but if she wants you two to exist then I have no choice but to force my way through with you two."
"Hey Father, you know... are we even human? The reason why Mother died when she birthed me, it was because we were all artificial! Alpha, is truly a wonder. And then, Mother survived in another life, with me and my sister. Kekeke... you killed Mother and reformed her into a human right?"
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Kinkuary Day 8
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AN: I want to make it clear that Black Eye Vernon is the Vernon of all time. He released that solo specifically for me, and I have at least 15 fic ideas involving Black Eye Vernon in particular. This is one of them. Is spitting and Vernon cliché? Yes. Will I still eat it up every single time? Yes.
Synopsis: Vernon always feels alive after a great show. One of his favourite ways to celebrate is with you. Especially when you indulge him.
General tags and warnings: Hansol Vernon Chwe x Fem! Reader, established relationship, rockstar! Vernon and I think that's it really. Very much pwp.
Primary kink: Spitting.
Smut tags and warnings: Not exactly power dynamics but, Reader is a little more in charge, pegging, masturbation, some praise, spitting, hints of overstimulation (m. receiving), cumplay and snowballing (sort of).
Word count: 1k.
I will block you if you are a minor and/or have no easily visible indication of your age on your blog if you interact with me in any way.
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Vernon always looks electric on stage. Forcing everyone in the audience's eyes on him from the second his set begins until the very end. And you're no exception.
You've seen him perform more times than you can count by now but, you still find yourself drawn into his husky vocals and magnetic aura. Your pulse never fails to quicken when he shoots you a smile meant only for you to tell you he knows he absolutely killed it tonight. Even with the sweat dripping off of him and his smeared eyeliner, he looks like the he's king of the world.
Which is why you let him choose his favourite strap tonight. It's always been hard for you to tell him no in general but, it's especially difficult after he looks so proud and happy with himself. His heart-shaped smile nearly splitting his handsome face in half. How could you ever dream of saying no to him?
Watching him on stage is easily one of your favourite ways to drink him in but, if you're being honest with yourself, it doesn't even come close to the vision he creates sprawled out on his back. His black locks sticking to his sweaty forehead while his unfocused eyes stare off somewhere you could only hope to decipher. The smudge of his liner is always hot but, it's even more unfairly attractive now.
“You look so pretty, Nonnie,” you whisper in awe, clutching onto his hips tighter and delighting in the way his back arches when you thrust into him much harsher than before. He chokes on a moan of your name and you can feel your wetness smearing your inner thighs further. God, if you were a little more greedy you'd sit on his cock in an instant. However, tonight isn't about you.
You're not nearly as strong as Vernon. Really, he could easily squirm his way out of your hold but you know, despite the shyness he feigns, he enjoys this far too much. As evidenced by the throaty whimpers and groans that leave his bruised lips every time you fuck into him and the copious amounts of pre-cum leaking onto his stomach. It's hard to pick what to focus on when you fuck him. Between his gorgeous, fucked out face, his thick bobbing cock and his cute hole that spreads easily for his favourite toy, it's a difficult choice.
Vernon, however, makes that choice for you when his hand hurriedly grabs his cock and starts stroking it in a frenzy. The chains around his neck clink loudly against one another when he throws his head. Meeting your thrusts as best as he can while he fucks his fist. You're sure you've dripped onto his fancy hotel sheets by now but, you're too enamoured with the start of him falling apart to give too much thought to the dull pain between your thighs.
You can tell he can't quite get there yet when whines of frustration start to pour out of him. However, an idea quickly pops into your head and you can't help the grin that spreads across your face. Well, there's nothing wrong with relying on a tried and tested method.
“Nonnie, baby, open your mouth for me,” you command sweetly, noting the way his strokes falter and his eyes glaze over at your command. Vernon, being ever the obedient boy that he is, complies without any more prompting. His bruised lips parting for you in an instant, his tongue sticking out to ensure he doesn't miss a drop and fuck, does he look hot.
Collecting as much of your spit as you can, you lean down until you're close enough to see every mark on his face and his individual lashes. While you're fond of keeping him waiting, tonight isn't that kind of night. One of your hands moves from where it was digging into his hip to wind itself into his dark locks to angle him better. He moves willingly. Anticipating your next move. Fortunately for him, you don't keep him on the edge of his seat much longer. Spitting into his open mouth without any more fanfare.
His response is instantaneous.
He greedily swallows your spit, squeezing his eyes shut when his orgasm slams into him like a runaway train. His entire body shudders and squirms underneath you. Ropes and ropes of his thick, sticky cum decorating his cute stomach. You continue to fuck him through his release albeit much more slowly and gently. His throaty moans and choked groans all feeding the desire that's been simmer in your core since you got your hands on him what feels like hours ago.
“Ah fuck too-too much,” he manages to babble out, one of his hands gripping your wrist in an attempt to get you to stop abusing his sweet spot. As much as you'd love to push him just a little bit further, you think he's had enough for now so, you stop. Your gaze drifting from his flushed, sweaty face, down to his chest until you reach the streaks of cum on his stomach. Before you can stop yourself, you reach down to scoop up as much of his cum as you can with your fingers and shove them into your mouth. You moan the second he hits your tastebuds. Your eyes fluttering shut while you savour his taste.
It takes you a moment to realise that Vernon is watching this entire spectacle with wide eyes and parted lips. Despite cumming not too long ago, you do notice his cock jump. Maybe you will get to sit on it tonight after all.
Pushing that thought to the side, another idea springs to your mind and you're sure your face betrays your thoughts when you notice him gulp. It would be comical if you weren't so wet and worked up. Mixing his cum with your spit, you lean down towards him one more time. And fuck does your clit pulse at the way he opens his mouth eagerly and sticks out his tongue. You spit into his mouth much slower this time. Letting your combined fluids take their time hitting his tongue.
Still, it's eternally satisfying watching the way he melts when it does finally slip into his mouth. If you keep this up, you might just be able to get him hard again in record time. And based on the way he chases the taste of your spit and his cum with his pretty, pink tongue, you think he might be into the idea too.
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Kinkuary Masterlist | Seventeen Masterlist | Ko-fi.
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azulock · 11 months
Heyy hows your day/night been??
I saw your looking for reqs so i just thought why not?? and decided to req something for yolos. Also im not really used to sending in requests so i hope im saying the right things.
I was wondering if you could do like a headcanon of the bllk characters (your choice) with fem!reader when they see a familiar face. Like a previous one night stand ykwim?? But then that was like one of their most special moments or something like that.. SORRY im really bad at explaining but if you refer to the song 'A Night to Remember' by laufey and bea it might make it easier to understand..
if this request is way too hard to write about or uncomfortable for you, feel free to ignore it !! i just thought itd be a new idea:))
Sorry for the time it took nonnie, this was a little hard for me to tackle, and you are totally fine sweetie, it's ok <3 This isn't much but I hope it is what you wanted, or at least matches a bit!
The one who doesn't wanna talk about it, he is over the whole thing of course but he feels bad for even remembering. It's not that he felt desire when he saw the person but the sense of nostalgia feels wrong for him. He feels like it shouldn't even cross his mind, really, so it feels to him like a betrayal of sorts. If you don't notice he lets it go, might mope a little bit but ends pretty quickly. But if you catch on and ask him he will tell you what's bothering him but will try to talk as little as possible.
The one who will openly talk about it, no problem what so ever. There is a chance he wouldn't even notice the person, to be honest, but if he does, he really doesn't care that much, thinking of the past isn't for him. He doesn't consider talking about the past a problem and doesn't think that remembering something that was good is any type of betrayal. So long as he isn't desiring the person it's fine. If you ask he won't have a problem about telling you but he also might not think it could upset you. It doesn't come from a bad place, he is just blunt.
Chances are he won't notice the person, no matter how good it was he isn't one to notice things or people unless they are straight up in front of him. But if he does notice he will probably take a while to actually remember, he'll feel like he should remember and it'll take a while for his brain to catch up. Just shows you that he doesn't care, sure it was great, but he has something else now, thinking of the past is a hassle. If you notice, he'll tell you what he is thinking about, might hesitate though, thinking that your reaction could be troublesome.
Another one who won't want to talk about it and feels bad for even noticing the person in first place, and remembering what they had as that good when he has you makes him feel a bit sick with himself. Really does make his insecurities flare up, the feeling that if he is even thinking about the past he isn't being a good boyfriend to you. Will try to compensate his anxieties by being an extra good boyfriend, which could alert you. If you ask him seriously he will answer, he's gonna tell you about it and be all apologetic as he does.
Ok so Oliver is a special case, if he is still a trash bag, oh well, this isn't gonna go over well at all. But if he has matured over his slut era at this point, he won't care. He will laugh about it even. He's gonna remember, sure, but in that weird way where you feel like your past was so different that it's alien to you. Wouldn't have a problem telling you about it but will also say that it feels like a lifetime away from him. It will probably just work to leave him struck with the notion of how different he was before to what he is at the moment.
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sh1-n0bu · 1 year
Okay (takes a deep breath) HELLO
I hope you are doing well..So I recently started following you. I'M JUST IN LOOOOVE IN YOUR WRITING
so I had like this angst idea.I'm a sadist.I enjoy putting my fav characters through hell
Angst ask ( I'm still confused about the rules so please forgive me)
Angst (little yandre s/o)
Let's say that we're m/n and we love our s/o very much. We have a vision and we're like the perfect person to exist on teyvat (I literally met a like this person today) looks 100👍 personality (cute, caring and strong ofc) anyway buff them as much u want.So we went on a mission almost died by getting injured.Somehow made it back to s/o's special day.Spend the whole day with them while dying (u know tanjiro who never dies no matter how much injuries he has) like that.But we got ambushed in middle of nowhere .S/o got hit first and became a burden. Can't fight because of the injury (for s/o) and became almost paralyzed and barely killing the enemies.On the other hand we're dying before but everything crashed and we're fighting with death and enemies and had to protect s/o also (S/O was really weak today and we took the hit again for them and finish the whole fight alone) we almost or say SAYONARA BITCH and maybe die on them or our vision is losing it's glow quickly and we are drowning in our own blood
Ur choice
The self hate part (while the're paralyzed) their dark thoughts are talking over them
It's their fault for being so useless
It's their fault we are almost dead or dead
It's their fault
Their fault
Ahhh sorry because this shit is so long
I had more on my brain ehehehe
Anyway if you don't like it please feel free to ignore it
Loooooove you
😈anon (The emojis are so messed up in this device)
Have a great year ahead
Best of luck
✿ 𝙖𝙘𝙘𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙨 ✿
characters: 6reeze x nb!reader
warnings: blood, fighting, canon typical violence, reader has vision, almost dying, angst, light crack and fluff
notes: WOOOO man 😈 nonnie bby you popped off for this one! also wtf nobu is still alive y’all 😨😨
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definitely the type to blame himself the most if the people he loves and cares for would get injured, even if he was in another nation when it happened
you get that feeling of immense guilt when you accidentally step on your pet and they yowl very loudly in pain and you want to apologize and pet them to soothe them but they’re backing away from you?
yeah take that feeling and multiply it ten times, that’s how aether felt when he heard your pained shout when trying to get yourselves away from the ambush
when he saw your body fall down to the dirt with blood slowly seeping into the grass, painting the beautiful field in heartbreaking red, he blanked out
only came to himself when your hand touched his cheek, reminding him that you’re both alive as paimon sobs between you two
he was just so worried that you will leave him behind just like lumine and he couldn’t help the aching feeling of his heart being stabbed as his eyes felt more watery and his throat clenched up
aether already lost a loved one and he’s desperately trying to find her and bring her back, so please be careful and always come back to him and paimon
sobbing into your shoulder as his arms wrapped tightly around your body, the blonde traveler couldn’t tell if the wetness he feels on his cheeks is either from his tears or your blood. and he can’t make out any noises other than the ringing, the terrified thumps of his heart and paimon’s sobs. were you alive? please be alive.
feeling a hand wipe away his tears, aether pulled back from sobbing to your shoulders as he looks at you with wide and puffy eyes. you were alive!
tackling you down into a hug, he ignored your pained grunt as he wailed loudly into your chest. clinging to your shirt, weakly hitting your shoulders as he rambled about being more careful and to never make him nor paimon this worried ever again.
“yeah yeah… but aether we need to patch ourselves up before we bleed out to death”.
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the karmic debt that eats away at his mind, body and heart is always on the brink of taking over and turning him into a mindless, raging beast
and thanks to his karma, the guardian yaksha is always at the tip of his feet. ready to run away, desert himself or if needed to, spread out his golden wings and fly far far away where he would harm no one. only himself
sadly it was another day where his karma was at it’s worst. every single movement, shifting of muscles feeling like they’re being torn apart, every little inhale and exhale of breath feeling like his lungs are being stabbed
that’s when it happened. the ambush, the fatui, the accident - it all happened too fast for the adepti to even realize what was going on until something wet splatters on his cheek
blood. your blood
at that, the guardian yaksha put on his mask, uncaring of the agony in his body as he dashes between the ambushers, swiftly taking them down before returning to your side
feeling a shaky hands trying and failing miserably over and over to wrap a bandage around your torso, you manages to crack an eye open to stare at the blurry figure of your boyfriend. faintly you could hear him cuss under his breath as his weak state tries to stop the bleeding with trembling hands. from fear? anxiety? his own karma? you didn’t know and neither did he.
“shit shit shit shit! just stay awake [name]! we’re almost at the wangshu inn!”
noticing your eyes growing hazy, he places a hand on your shoulder and gently shakes you, causing you to grunt in pain. shit was that the wrong move? did he accidentally caused your injuries to worsen?
the touch of your hand covering his own gloved ones snaps him out of his inner tantrum as he looks at your face.
“idiot… why are you smiling?”
“hahah… calm down, love… it’s not that deep. we can walk to the wangshu inn together…”
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as the most famous detective and doushin of inazuma, heizou tends to attract a few ill intention carrying people to himself. and that’s precisely why he always tries to keep your relationship a secret even if he desperately wants to hold your hand in public, take you out on nice dates and see the many beautiful sceneries together
alas, not all relationships can exactly be happy go lucky. more so if the person your in a relationship with is the most successful detective of inazuma
all it happened in a blink of an eye. you and him were just supposed to take a nice walk around the beaches together at late night without too many prying eyes and curious whispers, yet heizou seems to have underestimated just how dirty the kairagi can play
the detective even tried threatening when the gang of treasure hunters and nobushis didn’t budge, instead deciding to attack straight at the two of you. the anemo user was fast but the treasure hoarders were too many for him to handle, causing both of you to end up injured
when seeing your bleeding chest, his breath hitches. hands starting to shake, breathing picking up pace as his mind goes back in a memory lane, way back to when his first and only childhood friend laid dying in his arms with the stupid green pebble clutched in his hand
was this real? was that incident happening all over again? no. no no no no, he can’t - he couldn’t lose you. not you. anyone but you -
feeling your weight slump over his shorter frame, the detective snaps out of his momentary panic attack. as your arm comes up to rest on his shoulder, the wine colored haired young man understands your intention. wrapping his own arm around your middle, heizou guides yourselves back to inazuma city as fast as he could support your larger frame.
“hehe… seems like… people might just find out that we’re dating huh ‘zou?”
“heh… just keep your energy and keep walking [name]”
only when hearing that your wounds weren’t in fatal places did shikanoin managed to breathe out a sigh of relief. shoulders sagging as he feels the heavy weight of anxiety slip off of his body, the doushin enters the room you’re resting in to give you a nice long lecture to never jump in front of him to use yourself as a shield again.
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after living in hundreds of years under the perfectly hidden disguise, the anemo archon has seen and heard everything the world had to offer. from the joys of his people during festivals to now, the familiar, disgusting feeling of dread churning in his stomach as he waits for your healing to finish
it was a sudden ambush, he was told by the small group you were traveling with. apparently a few abyss heralds had shown up, causing you to use your pyro vision too much to the point you ended up burning your own self
venti couldn’t sit still. pacing back and forth in front of the door of the cathedral, tapping his feet anxiously, fiddling with the necklace you lovingly placed around his collarbone on your relationship’s first year anniversary - now feeling like he was being choked by the gift he treasured
after what seems like hours, the door opens and he’s let in to meet you
you were staying in one of the emergency rooms at the back of the cathedral. the soft glow of the sunset peeking in through the window shining down on your unconscious body, making him feel a mix of awe at your visage but also dread at the amount of pain your body could possibly be going through
dragging a chair up to sit beside your bed, the bard decides to stay beside your recovering figure until you wake up
grunting and shifting, you could feel the bright afternoon sun beating down on you. it felt unconscious and annoying, why didn’t venti close the curtains? he knows how much you hate the afternoon sun.
wait… venti… curtains…
forcing your eyes to open up, you felt a soft tiny weight laying down on your chest right over your beating heart. bringing a bandaged hand up, you poked at the small figure of the wind spirit.
ah right… the accident with the traveling and the abyss heralds.
at the fifth poke, the tiny wind spirit seems to wake up. yawning, the little guy sits up on your chest before his sleepy hazed mind finally realizes you’re awake.
throughout the rest of the afternoon and way into the night, some of the sisters in the cathedral could hear your voice talking back to an angry sounding chirps. they decided to just act like it never happened and continue on with their work.
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“human life is worthless”.
that’s what the puppet always scoffs whenever he comes across a grave or reminded of your mortality by your silly questions of “will you remember me after i’m dead?”
and yet why was he screaming his lungs out as he shakes your unconscious body in his arms?
why was it raining? why was his eyes wet even with the wide brimmed hat covering his face?
… why were you bleeding in the middle of the avidya forest?
after having a meltdown over your paling body, wanderer decides to act quick and take you to someone named tighnari. you’ve introduced the two while you were showing the puppet around sumeru, “he’s great with medicine and is one of the best forest rangers” he could remember your smiling fave as he recalls your words
scooping up your body into his arms, the former harbinger uses his anemo vision to fly towards the small village where the forest ranger is located
bursting in through the front door, wanderer nervously calls out for tighnari as he disregards the many looks of worry, fear and pity around him. he just needed to get you to help fast
it had been a few days since your lover had found you bruised and bleeding on avidya forest’s grounds. there’s not a single moment where he’s gotten up and left your side. not even once, not even when the fennec fox pesters him that he should look out for his own health as well.
just how the fuck was he supposed to look over himself when you could very well be on the thin line between life and death?
it was on the fourth day when the puppet felt your fingers twitch in his gentle grasp. sitting up straight, he sits closer to your unconscious body, hoping, praying to the archons that any sign could be seen or heard.
and this time, the archons seems to have took pity on the poor heartbroken puppet as you shifted and groaned, finally starting to wake up. he breathed out a sigh of relief, a single stray tear falling down his puffy eyes as he wipes it away before cradling your cheeks in his hands tenderly.
“welcome back, darling…”
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oh gosh imagine the amount of ptsd flashbacks, panic attacks and self blaming this man gets when he sees you get injured
even worse, when you two are fighting together on the battlefield
when you would get injured his state of mind is immediately reverting back to tomo’s death. the blank vision of his friend, the lightning that incarnated his flesh and bones leaving behind nothing to burry, nothing to remember him by, the sheer absolute helplessness the kaedehara felt
acting on pure instincts alone, the samurai scoops up your bleeding body in his arm and he does the same thing he has done before. run.
only when far away from the ambush place and their chasers could no longer be seen or heard does he allows himself to breathe
placing down your injured body, kazuha brings out a few rolls of bandages as he looks over your wounds
was it in a lethal place? how deep was it? did the ambushers had elemental powers? he didn’t know nor could he remember. his vision is just red as his chest heaves, mind being overridden with nothing but panic
this scenery, this moment, this feeling - it was all too familiar to the poor samurai, he couldn’t even comprehend what was real or what was fake
everything was too much
that was, until he feels your hand tugging on his kimono sleeve
finally taking a few deep breaths to calm his mind and racing heart, kaedehara starts to patch up your wounds, albeit a bit sloppily with his trembling hands
staggering with your taller frame leaning on his shorter one for support, kazuha could make out beidou and the crux members’ surprised and worried shouts as some of them drops the luggage they were moving into the ship, instead running over to the couple to aid their members.
as one of the men take your unconscious body away from him, kazuha finds himself following behind wordlessly to the med room. archons was the blood on his white kimono yours? have you truly lost this much blood?
… would you be okay?
snapping himself out of his sudden dark thought, the wandering samurai feels beidou place a hand on his shoulder comfortingly. she could see the young man wasn’t injured, then that would only mean all of the blood on him is from you.
quietly standing together, the captain and the samurai awaits for the medic to finish patching you up. becoming a comforting pillar to lean on to each other as some time passes until the medic finally comes out with a small smile.
just by looking at the medic, kazuha knew you would pull through. that was how you always were. strong and steady, just like the geo vision you had mastered.
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darkfictionjude · 5 months
So mc gotta be a pathetic, manipulated, clown, and worshipful idiot in the Nia romance? Sad the only F!RO is a hot mess but the plot and worldbuilding is more than good enough to carry the story. Love the mysterious crazy vibe the town got going on, usually hate mystery games but the mc and all your character are great don't feel like their world revolves around the mc and they got their own shit to deal with 🙏
I mean not really 😭 mc isn’t pathetic in neither friendly or antagonistic route. Nor are they being manipulated (that’s Imre and mc realizes that they are being manipulated). Some nonnies like to worship Nia and that’s a choice they can make but it’s not mandatory. Is mc slightly desperate in Nia’s route? Yeah because Nia was literally their only friend their whole lives, mc has been alone, mc has deep mental issues.
With all that it’s logically they aren’t going to be “I’m a badass I don’t give a fuck I’m gonna spit in everyone’s face right now guns blazzinnnng rraaaahhhh!!!!1111” especially if they get too angry they might go into an episode
I’ve said many times that mc will have a chance to confront Nia and really give to her later on. But like cut mc some slack, they haven’t seen Nia that much and it’s awkward to broach the subject when Nia shuts it down. And so many other things are happening.
Also all the ROs are hot messes, just differently. Sorry but I like flawed women, pretty much any female character I ever make will be incredibly flawed, especially in this game where I wanted to make the “heroes” with villain traits. Thats due to the fact that for someone reason people can accept male characters to be awful and love them but do a double standard with women. If I added another female RO she’d be a hot mess too.
Anyway after all this thank you for the compliments ☺️ I just don’t like the idea that all mc is in Nia’s route is a pathetic love struck idiot
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lemotmo · 2 months
I just finished reading that and…
“For me it's because it's the same every day. There is zero excitement/assumption now that they have anything they want happening. Basically Tommy as main, him at the premier/and heavily in BTS/promo, and a desperate need to have Buck and Eddie separated. I would say more a doom cloud now that we entered that fort night period of getting nothing to when the stuff really drops.”
I honestly don’t feel even the slightest bit of sympathy for any of them. Normally I would because it sucks when your ship ends or goes no where but in this case sorry no. They did it to themselves. They chose to ignore the actual canon events of the show. They chose to not watch the other 6 seasons. They chose to ignore the established fans of all the characters, it even just buddie, and decide that Lou/Tommy was more important than any of them. They chose to pay a random guest start 200 dollars for made up headcanon and then chose to believe them as canon fact despite everyone and thing the opposite. This isn’t a case of the show treating fans badly. This is a case of the fans decided they knew better and what they wanted was the only thing that matters and consequences of that be damned. And sorry not sorry but they are now reaping the rewards of that chosen ignorance and getting the much needed slap to the face from the reality of the show they need.
Because in what world would they get rid of multiple main actors (Ryan and Gavin) after 6/7 years just for a single random guest star?
In what world would they give zero air time for the established poc lesbian couple in the middle of a custody storyline and instead fill the entire show with the random white male guest star instead? ( this blog has another post where someone mentions in a bt group chat they were discussing how hen and Karen should have no air time in season 8 because Tim focused on them in season 7 and the audience finds them boring and want new things so the air time should be given to Evan and Tommy instead)
In what world would the show’s established character (Buck) who has a history of never leaving his family/loved ones because everyone has always left him and he has a fear of never seeing them again, most especially in regards to eddie and Chris, and decide oh you know what? I don’t have time for you, I’m going to instead focus completely on this man I just met weeks ago instead.?
So no sorry but not a single drop of sympathy for the bt fans and their pity parties they are having because they refused to actually listen and watch and accept what was actually in front of them the entire time and now they have no choice but to accept otherwise.
Yep, I get it Nonny. I really do. Great summary here!
It's exhausting to always have to repeat the same issues in this fandom. Issues they keep getting wrong.
At this point I truly don't care anymore either. I respect their choices, whatever they are, but I can't bring myself to care anymore.
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eiightysixbaby · 1 year
could i request a blurb with jonathan sort of like the scene in season two where him and nancy kiss for the first time? they’ve both been avoiding their feelings and it all comes to life?
hi sweet nonnie! i’m always looking for an excuse to write about jonathan so i was more than happy to write a little something for this. i hope it’s what you had in mind! 🫶🏻
this is just a bunch of gooey sweet fluff! i went fem!reader with this 🩷
Vacation was going great, save for one teeny tiny little detail. The fact that you could barely keep your eyes off of Jonathan was growing increasingly frustrating, and admittedly, difficult to hide. As if to prove this point, Robin comes bounding up to you where you’re sat on the rickety wooden dock.
“Whatcha lookin at, lovebird?” she asks, sitting herself down on the towel next to you.
Her choice of a nickname seems to imply she knows exactly what you’re looking at, she just wants to make you flustered.
“Nothing,” you mumble, tearing your eyes away from the scrawny boy sitting in an inner tube on the lake, and instead pretending the straps of your bikini top are extremely fascinating.
“Mhm, like I believe that for a second,” Robin rolls her eyes, following where your gaze was set just moments ago. “Why don’t you admit you like him already?”
“What? I… I don’t. I don’t like him, I don’t even know him all that well….” you trail off, realizing how futile of an attempt you’re making at defending your dignity.
Robin huffs out a sarcastic laugh, Nancy thankfully grabbing her attention away before she can make another comment. Robin goes to head inside, leaving you alone again on the dock as the water rolls against the supports holding it up. Leaving you alone to pine silently after Jonathan, jumbled thoughts filling your head all the while.
Later that evening, you’re sat around a fire with the whole gang, roasting marshmallows on skewers to make s’mores. The slight chill of the night air makes you shiver despite the flames before you, and Jonathan notices. He scoots closer to you on the log you both sit on, holding out one of the ends of his blanket for you.
“Come on over, there’s plenty of warmth to go around,” he smiles at you, his eyes flitting away from yours when they meet for too long.
You blush, thankful that in the dark it can’t be noticeable. You scoot closer, wrapping one end of the blanket over your shoulders, now suffocatingly close to your friend. You try to ignore the way your arm brushes against his as you focus your attention back on your marshmallow. You place your gooey creation onto a graham cracker and chocolate and take your first bite, just as Jonathan takes a bite of his own. You can’t help but look over at him, giggling as you both pull the messy cracker sandwiches away from your upturned mouths. You laugh even harder when a huge glob of sticky marshmallow fluff gets stuck to his chin.
“Wait, hold on, you’ve got some…” you start, making Jonathan laugh harder around his mouthful.
You take your finger to his chin, wiping the white fluffy goo off of his soft skin. His eyes meet yours, and you feel almost frozen in his gaze, until Eddie’s laugh at something Steve said breaks you from the moment and you realize your hand has probably been holding his face for far too long. You retrieve a napkin for your fingers as Jonathan clears his throat awkwardly, both of you going back to finishing your treats. Your heart pounds so hard you can hear it in your ears, one tiny interaction setting every inch of your skin ablaze. It seems every time you have a moment like this with Jonathan, every time one of you gets a little too close, you’re retreating back into yourselves immediately. You can’t get a read on how he feels, and you swallow your feelings down as much as you possibly can.
You sit in the living room of the cabin after your fire had been put out, as everyone gets ready for bed. Steve and Eddie are sharing a bedroom, Robin and Nancy sharing another, leaving one bedroom left over. You’d all discussed this and decided you’d get the leftover room to yourself since it only had one bed, and Jonathan would take the pullout couch. You’re playing a card game with Jonathan as the rest of your friends start to bid you goodnight, leaving just the two of you in the dim lamplight of the living room. You certainly don’t miss the way Robin winks exaggeratedly at you as she walks upstairs to her room, pointing at Jonathan and then drawing a heart with her two index fingers.
You ignore her, turning your attention back to the boy in front of you. He yawns, stretching his arms above his head and letting his shirt ride up a little. You force yourself to tear your eyes away from his exposed skin, instead going to pack up the playing cards.
“I think it’s, um, probably time we go to bed, huh?” you ask, fidgeting under his soft gaze.
“Oh, uh, yeah. Yeah you’re probably right, it’s getting late,” he replies, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.
Neither of you goes to move, just sitting there looking at each other. You feel the tension wrap around your throat, suffocating you as you sit mere inches from him.
“Okay, well uh, goodnight,” you say finally, getting up off the pull-out mattress.
“Yeah, goodnight. Sleep well,” Jonathan says, giving you a little wave as you start to walk away.
Once in your room, you lean your back against the door, covering your face with your hands to muffle your exasperated sigh. Why couldn’t you own up to your feelings about him? What was so hard about this? Why were you so damn stubborn that you couldn’t even admit to Robin that you like him? You don’t want your stubbornness to win out here, and you certainly don’t want to lose out on a guy you really like all because you’re nervous. You pace across your bedroom floor, trying to hype yourself to go back out there and make a move.
All the while, Jonathan is laying on the pullout mattress, staring up at the ceiling. He thinks about what Steve said earlier today - ‘Don’t be so afraid to find out if something will go the way you want it to’ when you had been brought up in conversation. Jonathan does a rather shit job of hiding the fact that he’s interested in you, yet he finds actually making a move to be the hardest thing in the world. Nothing ever seems to go his way in life, so why would the girl of his dreams ever like him back? But now Steve’s words have wormed their way into his brain, eating away at him. He doesn’t want to be seen as afraid, or scared. He wants to tell you how he feels and maybe, just maybe, it’ll go the way he wants it to. He sits up in bed with a sigh before getting up and walking towards your room.
You finally just walk straight to your door, pulling it open and deciding you’re going out to talk to him. As soon as the door flies open, you see Jonathan standing right outside, his hand raised as if he was about to knock. His eyes widen, startled by your sudden appearance in front of him.
“Shit, sorry, I didn’t mean to surprise you,” he chuckles a little as you clutch a hand over your heart with a gasp.
“No, you’re okay, uh… did you need something?” you ask, not knowing what to say now that the opportunity has presented itself.
“Oh, n-no, just.. just couldn’t sleep,” Jonathan winces as soon as he gets the words out. Of course he couldn’t sleep, it hadn’t even been 5 minutes since you went into your room.
Lucky for him you’re just as awkward and nervous right now, and you don’t think twice about his statement.
“Yeah, me neither..” you reply, your voice barely above a whisper as you stand inches away from him.
You both stand there, blinking and silent, not another word coming from either of you. But the way you’re looking at each other almost implies that you know exactly what the other person came here to say.
“Um, I should- I can go back to my bed…” Jonathan starts when your lips remain sealed.
“No,” you plead, reaching out and grabbing his arm when he goes to leave.
He turns back to you, his eyes searching your whole face for any sign of what you want. Before you can tell yourself no, you take the plunge. You grab his face in your hands, pulling him into you in a swift motion, pressing your lips to his. You feel his whole body ease up as his lips start to move against yours, and you feel the weight of your secret lift off of your shoulders immediately. He pulls back after a moment, his nose brushing yours and his breath tickling your lips.
“Can you stay in here tonight?” you ask him, your voice so angelically soft Jonathan thinks he might die.
“Of course. I think we have a lot to talk about,” he smiles, rubbing his thumb across your cheek in slow back and forth strokes.
He leans closer to kiss you again, his tongue prodding gently past your lips, not wanting to push any boundaries but begging for a little bit more. You oblige, letting your tongues dance around each other as he oh-so-softly kisses you. You feel like you’re floating with his body pressed against yours, and you can’t help but sigh happily into the kiss. You’re broken from the moment when Eddie and Steve’s doorknob turns beside you, and you pull Jonathan into your room with you quickly before closing your own door. The two of you giggle like children playing hide and seek as you crawl onto your bed, hands grabbing at each other to make up for lost time.
The next morning, when your friends all wake to find Jonathan’s bed empty, they share knowing glances before silently cheering. The rest of vacation got significantly better after that.
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snowbellewells · 1 year
Let's spread some love 😘. What are some of your top five favourite cs fics?
Okay Anon, so I genuinely haven't been ignoring your question, and I truly do LOVE to sing the praises of our many, MANY talented CS and OuaT fic writers, but it is so hard to have an answer of only 5!!! I would honestly say it is pretty much impossible!!! (Krystal @kmomof4 did force me to give her a Top 5 list this summer, but I only did it because she insisted it was necessary ;p and I'm still not sure it would always be the same five, depending on mood and what I'm JONESING for - ha ha, that pun was unintentional! - at the moment!)
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In all seriousness though, even at that, I had to make up multiple brackets, like "normal" people do for the NCAA Sweet 16, to try to narrow down my choices. For real! I had several different sheets just to try to narrow it down somewhat: One Shots, Two or Three Shots, Short MCs, Long (Epic) MCs, Enchanted Forest fics, Modern AU Fics, Missing Moment/Canon Compliant Fics, Canon Divergent Fics, Whump and Hurt Comfort fics, you get the idea....It went on and on!
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Still, in the effort to at least attempt to answer your question, and highlight some great stories and authors, as @booksteaandtoomuchtv did a few days ago, here's a sampling from my shorter story favorites (in no particular order, and certainly not complete or extensive)
Some AMAZING shorter works:
"One Jump Ahead" by: @andromeda3116
"A Charm of Powerful Trouble" by: @spartanguard
"It's Not Your Eyes" and "Round and Round" by: @killians-dimples (on ff.net that's the username anyway)
"Hold My Heart"// "All for Love" /// "Lessons Learned" /// "A Place Called Home" by: Montana-Rosalie (again, sorry it's ff.net, but sometimes I've loved them long enough that's the only place I can find them! And if you thought her MCs could be devastating, well, she can do it in one shots too!!)
"With You" by: @seastarved
"Protective" and "Monster Tamer" by: @vickyvicarious
"Every End is a New Beginning" by: @drowned-dreamer
"Moonlit Comfort" by: @imlaxdris71 (Just FYI - this is technically Irish Swan Trio)
"Slipped Away" by: @niniadepapa
"A Light to Fight the Shadows" and "Breathe Out (so I can breathe you in)" by: ladybonehollows
"Double-Edged" by: @iverna
"Saudade" by: @apiratewhopiness
"Raging Fire"// "My Pleasure"// "Hope for the Orphans" // "An Education in Southern Gothic" // "Blackbird" // "Something Beautiful" // "Better than Chocolate Cake" by: @searchingwardrobes
"Hope is the Thing with Feathers" by: @searchingwardrobes and @hollyethecurious
"Somewhere Out There" and "In the Viper's Den" by: @kmomof4
"Flicker from View" // "Never Nothing" // "the Swan and her Handler" // "The Promises We Keep" by: @elizabeethan
"Drift" and "Leaving Las Vegas" by: @thisonesatellite
*** Okay, this got away from me Nonnie! And I'm gonna have to come back with another post - this is already super-long, and it's just the shorter ones, and I know I've left out many authors I simply adore! I'll be back with longer ones, maybe I should try to make it a Friday habit. Hope this answers your question at any rate! :)
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matan4il · 4 months
what do we do in the face of indoctrination and bigotry like this, when it's being taught to small children in the United States? https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6rUBp-LjRc/?igsh=NGhpeXNldWFpOWNm - this is so terrifying tbh :(
Nonnie, you're right. :( This is truly petrifying.
What's so horrifying is of course that kids that age do not have the required tools of knowledge and critical thinking to make an informed decision on this, they basically have no free will here, they're being used to promote someone else's political agenda.
I wish I had more details, because I do think there's a difference between an "educator" organizing an event like this, and a parent. If it's the former, parents might be approached to stop this indoctrination and exploitation of their kids, especially if it was done without their consent or their own full understanding. If it's a parent doing this to their own kid... :/ That's harder to deal with (and so much worse in what it means for the kid).
Education is always a touchy subject. Every parent, every educator, wants to give the kid they're responsible for the set of values they truly believe is the most important one, and in that sense, there is always a degree of indoctrination involved in education, or even just in parents passing on their own culture and heritage (and with that, its values, beliefs and mentality) to their kids. Good parents and educators allow the kid to eventually choose their own path, even if it's very different to theirs (and there's a question of what's "very different" and what's "actually immoral" when a kid chooses another set of values), however the path they choose for the kid to begin with is always one without any free choice on the part of the child. Even trying to avoid teaching them a certain set of moral values ends up being a moral choice, made entirely by the parents or educators.
But when it comes to a subject that's purely political, does not directly entail these kids and their families, their people or their culture, and requires so much knowledge that even most people who live this conflict are still unaware of many of its facts, this is just pure indoctrination and exploitation to boost the adult's political ego and agenda, and I imagine at least some of those kids might grow up to resent having been used this way.
I guess that's my biggest hope in that sense.
The millions of German kids who grew up with openly antisemitic parents, who were sent to the Hitlerjugend (Hitler Youth), who were even at a certain point recruited to fight for the Nazis (some allied soldiers reported having taken captive German kids as young as 8. Many German teen soldiers actually got quite a reputation for being brutal fighters, because they were so much easier to mold into fanatics when it came to the Nazi cause), some of them probably grew up to be adults who still believed in that hateful ideology. But some of them, or at least their own kids, were able to step back, and realize what was wrong with what the adults of that generation did, so they ended up denouncing their own parents or grandparents. That's not easy to do. It's true that that did require to a great degree the universal condemnation of the Nazis and their antisemitic, genocidal crimes. But it IS possible.
The biggest problem we have right now, is that the condemnation of the antisemitism in the anti-Israel movement is not yet universal. There are enough people still buying into the lie that it's "anti-Zionism, not antisemitism," despite all proof to the contrary. And I'm scared of thinking what would it take to make it into a universal condemnation. Especially since not even the atrocities of Oct 7 managed to make people realize how heinous it is to support Hamas. I can only hope it wouldn't take an actual second Holocaust. But I do believe in the capacity of people, even those that adults invested in brainwashing them, to eventually step back, and realize that they were a part of a hate movement, meant to demonize, harass and persecute Jews. To be ashamed of that, to denounce it, and to do what they can to make up for it... Every young German person standing by Jews today, at our time of need, is living proof of that.
So yeah, one day these brainwashed useful ignorants might wake up, and look with horror at what they have enabled and the antisemitism they were guilty of spreading. If not, their kids or grandkids might look at them with shame. Let's hope it's the former rather than the latter. But most importantly, let's not stop working to spread the truth about this wave of hatred and how harmful it is to Jews (and as extension, to non-Jews involved in this conflict as well), by speaking up wherever we can, and try to help get a step closer to that day when the condemnation of this hate is universal.
Thank you for the ask, and please take care of yourself during these scary times! xoxox
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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krirebr · 2 months
Hi Kris! Would you personally rather have ikiskb Curtis or more than this ransom?
Ok, ok, listen. Listen. I love MTT Ransom. I love him so much. And as the story goes on, especially now that we're over the biggest hump, he's going to slowly get so great. You'll all swoon, hopefully. It's gonna be wonderful.
But you know who's always been swoon-worthy? Who's always been great and has never been mean or cruel or lashed out? IKISKB Curtis. All he's ever done is love her. Even when it's hard. Even when it's frustrating. Even when the world's against it. He just loves her. He just wants to take care of her. He just wants to be with her. That's it.
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There was never another choice.
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eleanor-bradstreet · 3 days
hi!!! i love your work and i trust your taste. can you please recommend your favorite benedict fics or benedict fic writers?? thank you very much and cannot wait on the new chapter!
Hello there,
Thank you so much for this lovely compliment! 🥹I'm so pleased you enjoy my writing! I am lucky to know a number of excellent Benedict fic authors. Definitely search the #fic rec tag on my blog for everything I've recommended. I also have a pretty comprehensive list in the ask below.
If you're looking for another great Benophie retelling, my tip-top choice is Don't You Remember by @captainbucky-yt 💙
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babyjakes · 9 months
Nurse Steve or Andy would be so strict because they want to do the best care for their little girl patient reader 😍 if you're okay with it ofc 💞💞
yes stevie does seem like another great choice like catfa or even catws steve?? oh my goddddd he’d be such a delicious nurse, same as frank too where he’d have a bit of an edge/strictness that the doctors might need for some scenarios 🤔 some of the works will be softer!dark, while others are harder non-con/dark dark, so i think having that variety is a good idea. thanks for your input, nonnie!!
🩵 we’re picking characters for private practice 🩵
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