#another fricking brat in his life
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A little amusing tidbit about Tarn being older than Rodimus.
That means he's older than Overlod cause he and Ro are same age, both 4.2 million years old.
Idk but fact that Overlord and Hot Rod are same age makes me laugh everytime
Btw Tarn is technically younger than Pharma.
Use this information wisely.
Tarn is:
Older than Rodimus
In the same age group (circa) with Megatron and Optimus, not sure if younger or older than any of them. [We know that Megatron is just slightly older than Optimus canonically]
Younger than Pharma, ratchet and Drift, since ratchet and pharma are colleagues amd studied together are at least close in age. Drift is also close in age w them [if someone is able to link that thread you're welcome]
So yes. Tarn is the younger toxic gym-bro* of the couple.
*[ask me about my headcanons that are rooted in Canon please]
#transformers#rodimus#overlord#It's so funny but for reasons people will not understand#like ever#you are not ready for THIS discussion#but for the sake of the joke just think how megs feel#another fricking brat in his life#he's having an aneurysm#well at least Ro do not want fight him literaly#wait#do this imply that over is also into older guys???#at least in case of overtarn and megover#nah my guy probably just crushing into unhinged lads only
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Discussing the good and bad of Pokémon Journeys: Part “Rocket Gang”
It is no secret that the handling of Rocket Gang in Journeys is quite different from how the fans and audience have come to know them. Even I have tons to say about how I feel about Rockets in this series, so let's get started!
TLDR; Their handling in this series isn't exactly the best kind as it has removed one of the beloved aspects of them (having own Pokémon they bond very closely with) and is showing less often how they are RIGHTEUS evil, not evil evil. More under the cut, Journeys abverted to JN.
So. How do I begin. Let's start with saying: I am a Rocket Fan. A huge one. Ever since I started watching Pokémon couple years ago during Sun & Moon's first year, I fell in love with these buffoons, and I absolutely adored how the two bonded with their Pokémon and showcased that they're not that different from the brats, just on the villainnous side. Kojiro is a loving and caring man, Musashi has gone through lots of stuff and Nyarth has deep understanding over Pokémon's feelings due to his past experiences. Oh, Sonansu's there too, I love that blue blop so much. Honestly, the main reason I love these four so much is because they're such lovable villains who tend know what is right for their Pokémon, or other Pokémon they manage to bond with. And it was shown really well pre-SM as well.
Like, one of my favourite episodes of all time for Rockets is actually JN019, and it's because of how the Rockets end up helping a Ditto/Metamon who wants to be a proper actor, but thus far tended to fail in transforming into Pokémon perfectly. Musashi, as a actress herself, really bonds with this Metamon, managed to help it perfect the transformation with the help of Kojiro, Nyarth and Sonansu, and despite having the job to pokenap Pokémon... they actually end up helping Metamon to get back its job, to make sure it doesn't have a reputation of a Rocket 'mon. And they do SUCH a good job at acting like they're not intending it.
Like, during this acting performance, they really want to get blasted off! They don't even hide it. They keep provoking Satoshi to use Pikachu's Thunderbolt to blast them off and save Metamon that way. And I just fricking love them for this asjhgsjhgfs.
But aside from this episode, there really hasn't been that many episodes focusing on this aspect of Rockets. Another good episode for them JN is JN024 thou, where Rockets are on vacation and, are NOT on their villainous acts.
They're mere citizens in that episode, enjoying their free time in Sinnoh's Resort Area. And even when the brats come around, they fully ignore their need to capture Pikachu. For Sakaki-sama's orders. Akjhksajfh I just, really love how this ep managed to show that, even if they are part of Rocket Gang, it's merely their job, not who they are fully. They're not like Matori, they're not like Yamato and Kosanji- oh it's Kosaburo. They're merely doing the villainous stuff because they believe it to help make the world better. And when they're not working? They're good citizens. This was such a good episode for them because of this because it really showed that they could easily just be friends with the brats if they weren't on the opposite sides.
They even helped foil Matori's team's plans on kidnapping every single Pokémon in the Resort Area and sajghsjhgf. These four really hate Matori now do they. They're on her side, but they also keep foiling her plans. Even in Sun & Moon they foiled Matori's plans to pokenap Nuikoguma, because they knew their lovely Kiteruguma mom bear would be upset. As I said before: They're villains, but they're not evil evil. They do the evil stuff for their own rightful reasons.
Now that I've discussed the reasons I love Rockets and what I've loved in JN, let's talk about what it is that makes me feel iffy about their handling in JN, one of them being the lack of own permament poketeam.
In the past seasons, Rockets would always catch themselves one of their own 'mon that would willingly join their causes, and end up bonding with them deeply. In JN, this is... pretty much non-existant. We have the recurring 'mon of Kamukame/Chewtle and Morpeko, but the first one appears in such a rare rate, and latter one has been used as a... abuse comedy. When the Morpeko started following Rockets, I had hoped that it would end up bonding with the Rockets and they'd find some common ground, but so far, there's no sign of it, and Morpeko is more like a leech in their base instead of a powerful asset, and like. I feel like this was the show's way of trying to recreate Kiteruguma but with an opposite twist of it eating their rations instead of feeding them like Kiteruguma did, but it's not working as well as Mama Bear's gimmick did. At least in my opinion.
Now let me just say that, I don't really mind the Rocket Gacha machine. I feel like the concept it has is pretty cool, and seeing what kind of Pokémon Rocket Gang has managed to capture for using is super cool to witness. They also have been able to switch up it's results in unique and fun ways and seeing it sometimes fail is kinda fun and relatable to anyone who's played gacha games, sajhgfs. However, it feels like the Gacha completely replaced Rocket Quatret's ability to capture Pokémon of their own and, it hurts my soul to say it.
I think one of the reasons they did this route was due to how in Sun & Moon, Musashi and Kojiro ended up leaving their 'mon behind, due to knowing that they won't like it at the Rocket Head Quarters and leaving the cozy family that is Kiteruguma and Nuikoguma. So, maybe the writers felt like the Quatret would now feel bad about capturing 'mon they would bond closely with after this, and then ending up having to send them to HQ. So in a way, I get the possible intention behind this decision. Yet it still hurts. And I feel like most Rocket Fans feel the same way.
Their writing is pretty much the same throughout the show (which imo is kind of an average, as it doesn't hit the nail the same way I came to love them in Sun & Moon or OS to DP era, or even XY and Best Wishes DA! Arc), so it doesn't make sense for me to recite every single appearance of theirs, but I really have to discuss what irritated me a lot:
So. JN059.
I'll just say it straight away: I did not like how Rockets were written in this episode. At all. While their personality was spot on, their motives and actions weren't. Like... the fact that Grookey/Sarunori was a Rocket 'mon is a unique concept and I honestly like it. However, the way Sarunori ended up switching sides was so bad for me. So bad.
No. I am not one of those who think that Gou stole Sarunori from them and doesn't deserve it. No. That ain't my problem. It's more like the issue in how Rockets weren't allowed to learn more about Sarunori, bond with it, learn that it's not the one to want to join the villanous side and feels happier with Gou. The idea of the story for Rocket 'mon to switch sides is great. Excecution however is not.
Like... this line where Musashi says that Sarunori needs to be sent back to HQ to be re-educated specifically ticks me off in bad way and I hate to feel ticked off like this. And this line is all because they weren't allowed to learn more about Sarunori's motives. Because the plot had to be in one episode. I feel like the motives, Rocket Gang's handling and side switching would have worked better for me, if it was a longer built arc. Sort of like how Mijumaru/Oshawott, Hikozaru/Chimchar and the likes of them were done.
And this hurts more because of JN019 where they WERE allowed to bond and perform an act of helping Metamon get back its job. These buffoons KNOW when the 'mon deserves to go to the non-villainous side. And it's all because of JN019 that I feel so strongly ticked off for this line. "We'll... ...have you re-educated". That's not what they were gonna do with Metamon. Like. God damn it.
Rockets were there when Hikozaru switched teams from Shinji to Satoshi. They came to care for the lil monkey before this switch and after this switch. They KNEW it would be better off with Satoshi, and they kept rooting for it from afar, despite constantly trying to steal it. That's their job. Same with how Nyarth comes to like the Honcho Nyabby, due to its background, and finds peace with knowing that Nyabby will find a happy life with Satoshi. All of these examples are exactly why I strongly dislike how Jn059 handled Rockets, and I so god damn wish they would have ACCEPTED that Saruroni should join Gou, but make it so that they'd have to rescue Sarunori instead of giving it to them just like that. They're not heartless.
Unless this was an act from them. Which I doubt since Nyarth learns about Sarunori wanting to go with Gou late into the episode and then trying to deny it having been said??? Uuuugh. This episode really could have used more build up and different handling with Rockets.
Another option that would have made me like Sarunori's capture was if it had been some other Rockets it escaped from, like Matori Matrix or sudden return of Yamato and Kosaburo, or something else. I LIKE the idea of Sarunori being a Rocket 'mon, so I wouldn't change it. I just don't like that it was OUR beloved Rockets that had to be treating it this way.
Sigh. Now that that's out of the way. What else is there to say. Well. How would I try improving Rockets in JN? Simple: give them their own Pokémon to care for. Make them bond with more than just Chewtle. Let them have Pokémon they can bond with and show their loving side with. It's severely lacking right now and I feel like most Rocket fans are really missing this aspect a lot. Also please don't make them act like they don't understand Pokémon's feelings. They do. I'm glad that Satoshi still knows that Rockets care for Pokémon of their own and wouldn't treat them badly, but it still isn't showcased that well in JN. So I wish it would improve on that. I would also seriously love it if some of their old 'mon from past shows would come up from the Gacha Machine, as I'd imagine them being put inside there as well. It did have tons of Gulpin inside for some reason.... Sakaki, wtf.
Well. I guess there's not much else to talk about regarding Rockets. In short, I love Rockets, but I'm not happy with how they're handled in JN fully and despite there being couple really good episodes for them, and some of the episodes have excellent usage with them (like JN038 where Musashi just casually says "Evening" to Satoshi when he discovers them hiding in bushes, sajhgshfsghjf forever love that moment). I just want better handling with their righteus evil.
So. What's up next? I'm thinking about compiling a post of COTDs and supporting cast next time, which would include the likes of Kikuna, Renji, Sakuragi, family casts etc.
So, thanks for reading if you got this far, hope you enjoyed it despite possibly disagreeing with me, and I hope you'll all have a fantastic day.
Til next time! Aleira, aka Smiling Performer, signing out!
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TDD Time Travel
The TDD time travel back in time, but they're from 10 years in the future where the Chuuoku is defeated and they've all made up and get along now. Ichiro, Samatoki, Ramuda, and Jakurai are very confused, but hey, they're in the past, so why not do a bit... tweaking. Cue the chaos because the TDD are beyond giving a shit about anything anymore.
(I wrote this a while back and forgot about it. I thought it was funny, so here we are. It's just pure crack.)
Y'know that feeling when you know something's off, but you can't tell something's off, but it just bothers you in the back of your mind, constantly reminding you that something is wrong?
Yeah, well that's how Ramuda felt for all of ten minutes after waking up in an apartment that felt mildly different from the one that he fell asleep in before, but the old man could be petty sometimes, so who knows.
And then he looked in to the mirror and screamed. His reflection screamed alongside him, showing a much, much younger and very different face from the one he saw in the mirror the night before.
What the hell, he thought faintly, and right on cue, his phone (in a case he hadn't had in a long, loooong time) began to vibrate.
Ichiro's morning routine was pretty simple: wake up, brush his teeth, eat breakfast while checking his phone for any messages from his brothers or Rei, and then get ready for work.
Sure, it was kind of lonely sometimes, with Jiro choosing to move away several years back for a job opportunity and Saburo living away in dorms, but hey, at least Rei dropped by every once in a while and Samatoki, Ramuda, and Jakurai were still in Tokyo. Ichiro got his socialization whenever he could, but man, he really empathized with Kannonzaka now. Office jobs were exhausting.
So of course, when he is rudely woken up by the familiar, yet not-quite-so-familiar sounds of Jiro and Saburo's pre-puberty voices arguing, it takes Ichiro a moment to remember if he'd taken any drugs the night before.
As he watches the two from the staircase, he dazedly pinches himself, and yeah, that definitely hurt. So not a dream. As the reality of this strange situations finally starts to hit Ichiro (and an panic attack too, because what the frick is going on???), his phone begins to ring,
Jakurai was well-aware that he wasn't the most attentive person in the morning. Ramuda had more than enough pictures and videos of Jakurai's pre-caffeinated self to prove that.
… Well, Jakurai thinks to himself, this is new. It's embarrassing to admit it, but Jakurai hadn't noticed the switch at first. Maybe his first sign should've been the lack of a hangover or the quietness of his apartment. He'd gone through several hours of paperwork without noticing anything right up until Shishikai started yipping and growling like a particularly annoying puppy that Jakurai realized that, wait a minute, Shishikai got his license revoked nearly 8 years ago.
He spends a good couple of minutes zoned out while Shishikai rants about one thing or another before mumbling out some excuse and starts heading back to his office. If what he thinks has happened is true, then well, Ichiro, Samatoki, and Ramuda may have very well traveled back as well.
As his phone rings, Jakurai sighs again. Maybe Ramuda was right, he really was getting too old for this shit. Maybe he really should've drunk that 6th cup of coffee this morning. (If Jakurai ever saw the Rei he knew in the near future, he was going to kick that man's ass, nearly 60 or not. Hitoya did always say that their bad ideas almost always came from their drinking sessions.)
Samatoki takes one look at Jyuto's significantly younger face and slam's the door in the man's face. Nope. Hell no, whatever was going on, it was way too early to deal with any of this shit.
Even after forcibly being dragged into Jyuto's car via handcuffs, Samatoki stews in his thoughts. Whatever shitty dream this is, Samatoki wants to wake up now. Really, this time of his life may have been one of the highest of highs, but it was also one of the lowest of lows. Samatoki would really prefer to dream of other things.
It's not until he gets a hit of Rio's cooking that he finally comes to term with the fact that somehow, he's in the past. Man, no matter how many years it's been, Rio's cooking is always terrifying, Samatoki grimaces. Jyuto is silently dying besides him, as per usual.
As Samatoki contemplates if he's actually in hell or if Rio's cooking has finally caused him to hallucinate, his phone (which somehow miraculously still has signal for once) begins to ring.
The TDD start a group chat to complain about how stupid the past was.
Jakurai is a little bit less iffy about using his assassin skills in his old age and uses them to deal with some nuisances (Honobono, who? Lmao like fuck was Jakurai going to let anyone hurt his precious people ever again)
Ramuda starts a clone revolution and ropes Amayado in to helping. Well, more like gets Jakurai to get Amayado to help because they were sorta-friends in the future
Ichiro sort-of tries to get along with Rei, but it's a work in progress. He knows that Saburo got along pretty well with the man in the future, but man, Rei sure was a deadbeat dad (Ichiro spends a good while contemplating if he could wring out some child support money from the man)
Samatoki spends time chilling. He can't really rescue Nemu from the clutches of the Chuuoku without possibly hurting her because of the incomplete "perfect microphone"
The changes to their personalities, while miniscule, is more than enough to send their teammates reeling and confused
"You know, I spent like, a good five seconds thinking about it, but no thanks!" Ramuda tells the Chuuoku when they order him to try to mind control Jakurai. "Y'all are kinda stupid though, trying to fuck over that old man, he's sooo vicious, y'know?"
"Sit your fucking ass down, you stupid clown," Samatoki tells Sasara the next time he sees him, "the shits I currently give are nonexistent and if you wanna fight, Ichiro said he'd fight you in my place. What a brat."
"I kinda hate you and you owe me like, 15 years worth of child support," Ichiro informs Rei, "but I'm pretty sure you'd get along with Saburo like a house on fire and that's the only reason I'm not going to stab you. (Don't set a house on fire like you guys did in the future. PLEASE)"
"Ah, yes. Of course I desire to work with you after you tell a clone of my former (and future current) partner to essentially kill himself and then proceed to threaten my son in all but blood," Jakurai deadpans, "I appreciate your interest in my abilities, but please do kindly fuck off."
#hypnosis mic#time travel#yamada ichiro#aohitsugi samatoki#amemura ramuda#jinguji jakurai#disjointed thoughts#pure crack
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Magneto is a very interesting character/villain, and the takes on him being a parent is kinda hilarious because they all vary.
This is a dude who lost his parents during WW2 due to their religion, and barely survived himself due to his mutation and both Captain America and Wolverine coming to liberate the concentration camp he was trapped in. Then, years later, he proceeds to get persecuted AGAIN only this time for being a mutant.
So he decides to rally mutants together and try to defend themselves to avoid another Holocaust happening- only, by doing so and targeting humans, becoming the very thing he hated and was trying to avoid in the process. So after being stopped by the X-Men time and again (whether it’s by trying to wipe out humanity by straight up killing them or turning them all into mutants) he learns his lesson.
If we go by the movies- Magento decides to move to Poland(?) and take on a new name. There he meets a lady and he tells her the truth about himself, and she accepts him. They have an adorable little girl named Nina (I swear to god that name is cursed. If you’ve seen FMA/B you know what I mean so brace yourselves) who can talk to animals and even control them to an extent.
Meanwhile Magneto works in this factory under the name of Heinrich (Henryck?) instead of Erik, and he’s been a really good guy for a while. This is shown when a giant metal pot of boiling liquid falls and is about to crush his co-worker, but Magneto stops it to save the guy. Unfortunately, because he freaking SAVED A MAN all his coworkers decide to tattle to the police that he’s a metal using mutant, so the police then KIDNAP HIS DAUGHTER.
(Please note earlier Magento was singing a really sweet song to his daughter when she was being tucked into bed, and she was asking him where he learned the song and he was all “From my parents, and they from theirs. You’ll learn from me, and your children from you” and it was the softest freaking thing. And he promised to never leave her.)
But anyway he admits to being Magneto to the police and they trade his daughter for him, but the girl starts freaking out because her dad was being taken away and he promised he’d never leave so all the animals in the forest start attacking the police and the police freaking SHOOT THE GIRL AND HER MOTHER DEAD.
So, because clearly surviving the Holocaust and being persecuted for being a mutant wasn’t enough, the one time he tried to save someone and do the right thing it got his family (the one good thing in his life) killed. So Magento loses it again. Meanwhile Quicksilver (who is portrayed as a good boy in this) is still alive because Magento is his dad but Magneto never knew about him since he left his mother before Quicksilver was born.
NOW. Movies aside, let’s go to the cartoons.
Evolution! Magento keeps Quicksilver by his side (who is super bratty in this) but tosses Wanda into an institution because her powers were too much for him to control/handle. As such she grew up very unstable and her powers lash out with her emotions, so she has to remain calm to control them. After Wanda breaks out she makes it her mission to kill him, but stuff happens and Magento has Mastermind change her memories so she stops hating him.
Wolverine and the X-Men! Magento had built a mutant-island paradise known as Genosha. Quicksilver is still a brat and is kinda the family failure (ouch) but Magento’s two daughters Wanda and Polaris live with him. He is the most PROTECTIVE FATHER TO HIS GIRLS and that’s where it gets funny, because he’s so soft with them. This is actually the whole point of this post.
Like, Wanda meets Kurt and she’s flirting because he’s a gorgeous fuzzy blue elf of a gentlemen with a German accent and a prehensile tail, and Magneto literally CRINGES when she informs Kurt that Magneto is her dad because (being the enemy of the X-Men and Wanda’s dad) he feels like he just indirectly ruined her chance of getting a boyfriend. He didn’t, but like it was freaking hilarious.
Magneto, internally, as he turns off the screen he was using to observe them: “Oh gods he knows she’s my daughter. He won’t ever date her now. FUCK.”
And then with Polaris- she’s the family baby, I guess, so he keeps her inside Genosha at all times. He doesn’t want her to face the prejudice in the outside world for being a mutant. So when she meets Gambit, Wanda and Magneto are both like “HELL NO” and throw him in prison after they smooch.
Gambit: “So, uh... how long do you usually stay here?”
Fellow inmate: “Depends on the crime. What’d you do?”
Gambit: “...I may have been on the receiving end of a kiss from the “king’s” daughter.”
Fellow inmate: “...Wanda???”
Gambit: “Polaris.”
Fellow Inmate: “...”
Fellow Inmate: “You might wanna make yourself comfortable.”
And this entire post was to just sum up those last two scenes, but HOLY FRICK.
The varying ways of Magneto being a dad is ridiculous and hilarious. He’s either a total jerk-wad of a parent to all kids, completely disowns Quicksilver, Quicksilver is a good boy who doesn’t know his dad and his dad is a super soft father to his kids, Magento is incredibly soft and protective over his daughters while disowning Quicksilver (again), or Quicksilver and Wanda are just adopted for their powers while Polaris is the only one actually blood related.
#x men#magento#erik lensherr#wanda maximov#pietro maximov#Polaris#x men evolution#wolverine and the x men#x men movies#x men spoilers#kurt wagner#nightcrawler#remy lebeau
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The party had died down and there was a fire down on the deck with just a few crew members now out there drunk and with their arms around each other singing drinking songs to one another, their voices rising and lowering, every once in a while their laughter breaking through the din of the ocean waves. Sasuga could see how this was peaceful and a life that could be missed, the wind in your hair and the soft flap of the sails in the wind. She was almost ready to head down when she heard a couple figures approaching on the steps, “Yeah she’s still up here.” she heard Florence say and discovered it was the Panther, Roger, and Shell coming to pay her a visit. Shell was still wearing his dress but also had Frick’s coat on over it now and he rushed to Sasuga to throw himself onto the couch with her hugging her. “He wanted to apologize for being a brat earlier.” The fairy pulled back and signed to her. “Okay, okay, maybe I called him a brat.”
What a Pirate Desires
It was early in the morning when she jerked awake, throwing the covers off and pulling away from the bed completely. She stumbled on her feet for a moment, eyes wide and shivering from head to toe despite the fact that Coyote had dressed her in her nice warm flannels. Big blues darted around the room as Coyote sat up and assessed the situation. She took a shaky breath, tears burning the corners of her eyes. "I hate it..." she breathed and even looked to see if she could see her breath which she couldn't of course. She started to waver and in an instant strong arms were holding her up and she let them. "I'm so cold, Coyote... Can you make more tea? Can we sit by the fire downstairs? Can I wear your robe for a while?" making several requests which she knew he would allow and would help her feel better.
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ᴅᴀᴢᴀɪ ᴏꜱᴀᴍᴜ.
• bungo stray dogs series
chapter 2: 𝖈𝖔𝖗𝖎𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗 — 𝖍𝖎𝖉𝖉𝖊𝖓 𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖙𝖍
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"SORRY TO BREAK IT TO YOU princess, but calling yourself a vegan because you don't believe in hurting animals and then killing 240 men is just stupid," chuuya scowled down at kita's tofu burrito, utterly repulsed by its contents.
"wrong! take any cow that you want and it'll still be a thousand times better than any person I've killed. the human race is corrupted beyond saving, chuu." she said, booping the tip of his nose.
in an attempt to vanquish the pink tint threatening to color his cheeks, he scoffed.
"you're psychotic."
chuuya liked to pretend he was some kind of macho man, the type who worships meat and builds a shrine for his rib-eye steaks adorned with a single leaf on top, but he never failed to come to their lunch meet-ups with a fully decked out salad. out of thoughtfulness for kita, she'd never know.
kita's gaze drifted from her tofu burrito to a boy strolling past their table. bandages wrapped all the way up his arms like vines, and shaggy brown hair fell over his eyes. a coat he didn't wear properly was draped over his shoulders, catching in the wind as he walked. she didn't recognize him.
"don't tell me that annoying prick caught your eye," chuuya grumbled, following her gaze.
"you know him? why haven't i ever seen him before?"
"that idiot follows the boss around like a lost puppy dog. it's pitiful," he spat out, casting glares at the mystery man. "you're better off staying away from him."
kita wasn't sure why the red-head seemed to hate him so much, the boy surely didn't hold himself in a way that suggested he blindly followed another's lead. he gave off a certain aura when he walked, like he was... untamed. maybe even a little dangerous. she couldn't help casting curious glances at the bandaged boy until he turned around, dark brown eyes meeting with her own.
"oh frick," she said through her teeth, sending him a small smile instead of looking away. she wouldn't be found acting all shy and embarrassed now that he had caught her in the act of staring. "he saw me. no way, is he smirking right now?"
chuuya was too busy sending venemous daggers at the teasing boy to hear her, when kita realized he hadn't directed the smirk at her at all. his attention was fully centered on taunting chuuya, and chuuya alone. they seemed to have some kind of rivalry she hadn't been let in on, and now she just felt like a third wheel.
"i don't even want to know."
grabbing kita by the arm, chuuya pulled her away from the table and in the opposite direction from the man, who was now innocently waving goodbye. she was forced to abandon her tofu burrito.
"trust me, i wish i didn't know that suicidal maniac either. unless you enjoy being around an idiot all day," he muttered, strands of red hair trailing behind him as he fast-walked away from the boy.
"but i hang around you, don't i?" kita joked, pulling chuuya back to slow him down and face her.
"stupid.. if you ever try comparing my idiocy with that brat again, I'll make you regret the day you ever did it." he cracked an almost invisible smile as he hit her upside the head, though not hard at all. he would never be the one to hurt her.
starlight cast a shimmering glow on the lush garden, creating a dream-like atmosphere. kita treasured her time here, as it became a reverie from the harsh realities and pressuring stress that the mafia demands. the floral garden has become the place she spends most of her time at, second only to working in the field.
white gravel crunched lightly under her shoes as she walked down the path, lit up by the scattering fireflies. the delightful little things loved kissing the rich blossoming flowers as they flew by, making sure not one of the flowerets missed their light.
white and orange koi fish danced by her feet as she reached the pond. they sent small bubbles up to the surface to greet her, in hopes she had breadcrumbs to spare. what kita did not expect to see was a man sitting on the other side of the ledge, one that had been overwhelmed by the wild vines some years ago. he was captured by the black velvet sky, unbothered to glance her way.
"hello," kita said, in an attempt to break the silence. he didn't so much as look at her, only humming lightly in response. she took that as an invitation to step closer and discover who it was that had snuck into her garden, only realized by the delicate white bandages wrapping his arms.
"oh, you're the one chuuya hates!" she blurted, recognition flashing across her face.
"and you're the girl who couldn't look away, aren't you~?" he teased, finally facing her. the light of the moon illuminated his features, and now she could, at last, get a good look at him. despite his playful tone, it was impossible to get a read on his emotions. he looked at kita with half-lidded eyes, like he was too lazy to find any importance in his being alive there.
"yeah, that's me," she responded, unphased.
it's true that she couldn't tear her gaze away from him before. he had caught her curiosity like a hook, and now she was set on discovering just who the boy was. kita had a talent for sensing another's loneliness. it took one to know one, and right now, that's the only thing she knew about him. even now, she couldn't look away from his enchanting, outcasted eyes.
he looked slightly taken aback by her straightforward answer –especially when she had lifted herself up to sit next to him– but he quickly regained his composure.
"chuuya kind of hates everybody. so aside from being one of the dozens of people he's banned me from... who are you?"
a comfortable silence fell between the two as she waited for his response, the only noise being a low breeze that softly flowed through the leaves of the weeping willow tree watching over the garden.
"what meaning is there in who i am?" the boy asked, letting out a breath he seemed to have been holding in, stretching his arms out in front of him in a manner that was a little too casual for the question he had just posed.
"everything has meaning. even the flowers in this garden have meaning."
he sent her a raised eyebrow, kita taking it as a challenge.
"what, you don't believe me? i'll prove it to you," she said.
pointing to a single white flower growing in the midst of a rose bush, she continued, "that small flower over there means, 'devotion and courage.' it dedicates its entire life to represent its meaning. don't you see?"
"i don't see it."
"then i'll show you," she grabbed his hand, and pointed it in the direction of the flower.
"in its own way, the edelweiss is making a courageous sacrifice by growing in that bush of thorny roses. it's devoting itself to protect the small white bud next to it, and without it, the flower bud would be left vulnerable to die. i'd call that meaningful."
"you see the purplish ones over there? they mean truth. but the orange ones next to it mean deception."
the boy was listening now, letting her have complete rule over his hands. she used his fingertips as pointers to identify all sorts of flowers and the meaningful relevance behind each one. truthfully, the night air had made them cold, but the warmth of her delicate hands on top of his brought both of their inner temperatures to a comforting match.
"and what about those?" he questioned, moving to point both of their hands at a cluster of blue flowers.
"these ones are saying, 'true love memories. do not forget me.'" kita smiled, reaching over and picking one by its stem.
"ow! ow ow ow ow," she whined, holding out her finger. "i forgot they had thorns."
"let me see." he held her bleeding fingertip to where it was visible in the moonlight. without any warning he pressed his lips to her wound, nearly kissing the redness away. when she sat there frozen, he dropped her hand with a satisfied smirk, lips now tinted scarlet.
"what the- you couldn't have just spared a bandaid?! it's still bleeding," kita yelped in a delayed reaction, pulling away to cradle her small injury.
"should i do it again?" he asked, tilting his head and holding a finger to his chin.
"no! i don't even know your name."
"aww, well in that case~ you can call me dazai! and your name?"
"kita. just kita."
dazai. she finally had a name to remember him by. she was glad, dazai seemed to be in a better mood from when they had first met thirty minutes ago. shaking her head, she looked back up at the night sky and let her ebony hair fall loosely behind her.
it seems she'll be sharing her garden with another from now on.
1:05 ──♡────── 2:53
|◁ II ▷|
— ʜᴏᴡ ᴄᴀɴ ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ᴛᴏ ꜰɪɴᴅ ᴀ ᴡᴀʏ
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ᴡʜᴇɴ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱʜɪɴɪɴɢ ʟɪɢʜᴛ ᴏꜰ ʏᴇꜱᴛᴇʀᴅᴀʏ
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author's notes: i have some big plans for this story! hope you guys enjoy!! if you have any specific requests for the story lmk and i'll add em!
#mafia!dazai x reader#mafia!dazai#bungo stray dogs fanfiction#bungo stray dogs#dazai x reader#dazai osamu x reader#dazai x oc#dazai osamu x oc#bsd fanfic#portmafia#mafia!dazai fanfiction
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Rating the Golden Deer...
Claude: 9.5/10
I will always be weak for the lovable trickster archetype. He also has a fleshed out backstory that helps make sense of his personality, and a goal that’s truly noble. His only flaw is that he is not canonically bisexual. Excuse you, game. All tricksters are bisexual. There are no exceptions.
Hilda: 10/10
Absolute perfection. The only thing I love as much as a lovable trickster is a prissy princess type character with a deeply hidden heart of gold. Plus her friendship with Claude? That shit is S tier. You cannot convince me that they aren’t a wlw/mlm bi power couple.
Lorenz: 9/10
*John Mulaney voice* He’s a bitch and I like him So Much. I took off a point for his tragic haircut, but honestly, I really like Lorenz. He’s just... so interesting to me. Yes, he is a pompous asshat. But he’s also so sincere and his intentions are pure. I mean, yes, there are def times when I want to slap him, but if I were him, and some unknown clownish man showed up and claimed to be the heir to the place I called home, despite not having even grown up there, I might be a tad suspicious about his intentions, too.
Ignatz: 9.5/10
My son!! What a pure and perfect boy. His only flaw is that he doesn’t seem to have any flaws? Like he’s maybe a tad awkward at times but that only adds to his adorableness. So he’s unrealistic, but man I love him too much to care all that much.
Raphael: 7/10
He’s almost a himbo, except for the fact that he’s not particularly handsome nor charming, a fact which kind of pisses me off, not gonna lie. Like, he could have been a himbo. I mourn what could have been. I also wish he was less of a joke character. Otherwise, his heart is in the right place, and he’s a good friend to Iggy.
Leonie: 6/10
I would really, really like this character if she wasn’t so fricking Weird about Jeralt. Seriously, Leonie, you knew the guy for like maybe two or three months when you were a kid. Byleth is his goddamn son. Who are you to criticize Byleth’s relationship with his own damn father? What are your feelings for Jeralt, anyway? Leonie, I love you, but plz stop creeping on my dad.
Lysithea: 7.5/10
I understand your past is super traumatic, Lysithea, but would it kill you to be a little kinder to the people who only want to be your friend? Especially when it comes to Ignatz. You could be a brat to anyone else, but why him? Ignatz has done nothing wrong in his life, ever. Also, I just hate the whole Fire Emblem trope of having a character who is essentially a child but “mature for their age” or “actually 1,000 years old” so it’s ok to date them. Get out of here with that bullshit. The incest is one thing, but giving men free reign to creep on teen girls is not something I will ever be comfortable with.
Marianne: 8/10
I couldn’t find a gif for her, which is honestly such bull. She’s a sweet girl, and she deserves more recognition. She does give me some bad second-hand embarrassment at times, since I basically used to be Marianne when I was a teenager, but that’s not her fault. It’s hard to hate yourself, because you can never escape yourself, and that makes life goddamn miserable. Her character development is subtle but honestly it’s more realistic that way. I 100% ship her with Lorenz. There’s something about the whole dark knight/holy knight combo that satisfies me on a deeply emotional level. Plus Marianne deserves a man who will put her on a pedestal.
Aaaaand, that’s it! I may make another post in the future on some other characters (Blue Lions, Seteth, Flayn, etc.) But here are my thoughts
What do you think? Which Golden Deer do you love and why?
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Maruma ramblings
This week's MAnniversary assignment is supposed to be choose your favorite scene and analyze it, but there are too many scenes to pick a favorite so I just chose random sections I like. Super long so under a cut~
First up is the cliff scene! This one is amazing in several ways, but I feel like the most overlooked part is when Yuuri is afraid that he'll pull Wolfram down off the cliff with him and IS STARTING TO TELL WOLF TO DROP HIM. Hardly anyone talks about that! I think it gets overshadowed by Wolf cutting him off with his famous line of "If that happens, I'll fall with you."
ALSO, a little bit after this scene when the gang gets back to Caloria is the last time Yuuri ever tries the "but we're both boys!" line (that I have noticed). This whole section is also a defining moment in the story because Wolfram goes through a rapid change with Conrad's 'death' and Yuuri notices. There's actually an excellent mirroring of novel 2's pirate attack in novel 7 where Wolfram is stepping up to take Conrad's place.
Novel 2 = On a ship, Conrad hides Wolf and Yuuri while he goes off with Josak to fight on the deck. Novel 7 = On a ship, Wolf hides Murata and Yuuri while he goes off with Josak to a possible fight on the deck.
More thoughts on Wolf stepping up to the plate later... but I noticed that Yuuri's complaints of "we're both boys" is now replaced with "Wolf is starting to remind me of Gwen and being adult-y, holy crap I'm gonna get left behind."
Backtracking to another part I liked: Yuuri running off in Hildyard and Wolfram finding him in Luis Biron's office and promptly starting to strangle him. It's not really because the comedic value or any Yuuram, but because he says, “Do you have any idea how much Conrart lectured me because of this!?” I like this because Wolfram is accidentally revealing that he cares what Conrad thinks - or at least that's my opinion~ Wolfram's not yelling that Yuuri took a stroll at night with his would-be assassin and could have gotten hurt, he's saying 'Conrad yelled at me!' (and also how dare you go to the red-light district XD) There had been instances before where Wolfram reached across the gap a little like when he asked Conrad about Julia, but I really liked this one. I guess you can say that Wolf complained about that because he was mad Conrad dared to lecture him, but I really think it's because Wolfram was starting to warm up to Conrad again so when Conrad lectured him, it was doubly embarrassing.
Honestly, this entire angle where the two brothers have been responsible for Yuuri's safety up until this point with Conrad carrying most of the weight and coming to Wolf's rescue as well would have made an excellent setup for later novels if Sensei hadn't been bullied into resurrecting Conrad from the dead. It was perfect. Wolfram - childish, jealous, and acting like a spoiled brat - suddenly gets all the responsibility of keeping Yuuri alive dumped in his lap and has to instantly grow up all while having to deal with the grief of losing his brother he's been treating like shit for decades? That had so much potential and it was kinda going in that direction before Conrad magically appeared again. Not that I'm super disappointed (because Conrad needs a break, omg), but it is a little disappointing to see a great setup get dropped.
Back to the Yuuram! The arrow scene! The one Sara stole from Wolfram in the anime! I like this scene for the obvious reasons, but it also revealed something to me I completely overlooked about Wolfram which I fricking fell in love with. When Wolf gets up again after getting shot and sees that Yuuri is in Uesama-mode, he says, “Snap out of it, Yuuri! Turn back into a rookie!” and is talking to him like he would normally talk with him... which made me pause because at this point we know this isn't Yuuri, this is another personality from a past life taking over his brain for a moment. Curious and with a suspicion forming in my brain, I started skimming Wolfram's other comments about Uesama-mode and found this gem in novel 8:
"I’m worried about him being totally exhausted after he collapses, but he’s somehow worked things out with that condition so far."
My suspicion growing at an exponential rate, I checked the original Japanese text and saw this gem of a word: 症状/shoujou. The word for condition for an ILLNESS. Wolf doesn't know about the past-lives coming through the crack in Yuuri's soul. Wolfram thinks Yuuri has some kind of dissociative identity disorder and he is totally cool with it. He loves him anyway. Warms my black, icy heart~ I was living in Japan when this book was published. Mental illness was not accepted, like, at all. If you had one, you were weak and an embarrassment. It's only marginally better 17 years later. But sensei just casually put this into her story and I AM HERE FOR THAT!!
ANYWAY, it's 5am and I need to stop XD
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Just Finished RWBY Volume 4...
...and I actually liked it?
[Spoilers Ahead, Y'all Know The Drill]
I mean, from what I've heard the Volume gets a lot of flack but honestly? I don't think it deserves it.
Yes, this is the first volume without Monty, and yes, the fights lost a bit of their momentum compared to earlier volumes, but aside from that... it's actually pretty good?
Alright, let me give you the play by play character style.
Ruby Rose
There goes my baby... off to destroy evil.
Ruby hasn't changed much, at least to a noticeable degree, compared to the rest of the cast. Actually, no, that isn't true, she just hasn't changed in a way that would force her overall character to noticeably shift. And I think that's fine. She's still a child at times, and is still really optimistic. But the thing is, she has matured. She doesn't immediately jump head first into danger like she used to, and it's clear she's still trying to process what happened at the Fall of Beacon. And yet, she's pressing on, and I'm glad that she and the rest of Team RNJR have each other's backs.
My only concern is what will go down in Mistral...
Weiss Schnee
Welp, Jacques Schnee, congrats! You've joined Cinder and Adam on the hit list I'm writing up!
The a-hole aside, I really like how Weiss played out this volume. According to what I've heard, volume 4 took place about 6-8 months after Beacon, so I'm kinda sad that Weiss was stuck home for all that time. On the bright side, we get a look at her progress on her summons, which looks to be coming along quite nicely. Then we see the concert, and ooh does that make my blood boil. I'll get to Jacques in a bit, but personally, I'd have no qualms watching him burn, figuratively, or literally.
Fly, Weiss, fly from the coup. Give your bastard of a father the metaphorical middle finger he deserves! (P.S. Klein is best dad.)
Blake Belladonna
Oof. I hurteth.
So Blake tends to stay away out of fear that she'll hurt her friends (i.e. some alternate version of survivor's guilt). In order to make amends from her point of view, she heads home to Menagerie. And once again, we're reminded on why humanity sucks sometimes!
Humans: Here, have this desert island for your large spanning species that covers just as much ground as we do.
Faunus: But... but it's so small!
Humans: Is it? Oh well, we can't have everything!
Me: Y'all LITERALLY have several freaKING CONTINENTS-!
*Ahem* That said, Sun came along! And we met Blake's parents! But first, Sun; I'll admit, I had mixed feelings about him being there at first, but that was mostly because Blake was being angsty and despite Sun's best intentions, virtually nothing he did help. Although, towards the end of the Volume, he managed to help Blake realize why her way of thinking was wrong, so props to him for that. Uh, Sun, could you maybe knock like a normal person? Wait, Blake, DON'T SLAP HIM FOR IT!!!
Ah, Kali, you're just as chaotic as Sun, oh dear... Ghira, never change, man. Never change.
Yang Xiao Long
Oof. I hurteth again. (ADAM!! LET ME DESTROY YOU, DANGIT!!!)
So Yang has been... adjusting to life after Beacon and without an arm. Oh, and Adam gave her PTSD! Isn't that just swell?
[When the find your corpse it'll have Wilt running through your spine and your skull severed with bullet shots from Blush I swear-]
Luckily, Yang gets a prosthetic from Atlas. I was afraid she'd reject it, but it's actually kinda nice to see that she takes to it rather well. And after seeing Oobleck (YAY!) and Port again, it's cool that she's just trying to find her footing. Though, Tai, you might wanna consider NOT flying to close to the Sun Dragon, capiche?
And all this culminates in Yang finally getting back out in the end of the Volume, hoping to find some answers. Hopefully she takes Tai's words to heart.
Jaune Arc
But seriously, it was... kinda off-putting to see Jaune act so... morose. Granted, we all know why (PYRRHA!!!), but still. I'm glad his team is looking out for him and that he's slowly starting to recover like everyone else. His conversation with Ruby in Kuroyuri was also really touching. Come to think of it, didn't Blake have a similar conversation with Sun? The PARALLELS!
Also, that upgrade, tho. CUT THAT NUCKELAVEE INTO DUST, MY DUDE!!!
Nora Valkyrie+Lie Ren
You can't talk about one without bringing up the other.
Guys, this was as much a Renora volume as it was a RWBY-Post Beacon volume. The Fall triggers some odd behavior in Ren, but we figure out why pretty quickly once we reach the Kuroyuri episode.
First, young Ren and Nora... adorable!
Second, I was NOT ready for when Nora had to talk Ren out of charging blindly at the Nuckelavee. The slap. The way Ren sees young Nora and then sees current Nora. Nothing could prepare me. Nothing.
They are so SOFT together, it's just... <3
New Characters (and Old ones, too)
Lightning round, baby!
Qrow Branwen. So Qrow serves as the inside man. He knows what's been going on, and he fills the rest of us in. We also know why he tends to keep his distance, because his semblance brings bad luck to allies and enemies alike. The poor birb. Glad he managed to survive Tyrian!
Jacques Schnee. Egotistical manipulative piece of garbage whom I will not feel sorry for once he's put in his place. 'Nuff said.
Whitley Schnee. Mixed feelings. Mixed feelings everywhere. 'Cause on one hand, I've seen plenty of the fandom's takes on his character putting him in a positive light, but on the other he starts getting kind of unbearable after Weiss loses her title as heiress. Then I have to remind myself that Whitley is the "Fawn" reaction to trauma. Weiss is "Fight," Winter is "Flight," their mother is "Freeze," and Whitley is "Fawn." Stuff like that helps me contextualize that when Whitley says things about their dad like "It's foolish to not do what father asks," or "It's barbaric. It's beneath me. Beneath father," Whitley's not just saying that 'cause he's a bit of a brat. That's his coping mechanism to the abuse Jacques put him and the rest of his family through, and it's probably been a long time that he's been telling himself stuff like this so he can keep in his father's good graces and not risk getting a slap to the face like Weiss, while also trying to deal with the fact that Weiss and Winter get a freedom that he never had a chance to get. And you have to remember that Winter and Weiss were abused to, and that trying to blame Whitley's current condition on the two of them doesn't make things any better. They're not obligated to care about Whitley just as much as Whitley isn't obligated to care about them. It would be nice if either one of them could get through to him, but they were all trying to combat Jacques in one way or another. Whitley was just the odd one out. And if you really think about it, the biggest brain play you can take from all this is to blame it solely on Jacques. I swear, when I get to Volume 4 in my NWBE AU, one of my top priorities will be getting Whitley the ever loving hell out of that accursed mansion alongside Weiss, mark my words.
Klein Sieben. Ladies and gentleman, the only valid man under the Schnee roof! And a Seven Dwarves reference no less. Thanks, I love him! Glad he helped Weiss escape his father's clutches.
James Ironwood. Oh boy, boss man is starting to lose his grip on things. Granted, he's trying to do the right thing, but it's clear his paranoia is getting to him. You know crap is getting bad if the most valid person in all of Atlas simultaneously needs to be told to get a grip from Jacques of all people (especially if he's making a point). Hope this doesn't trigger a downward spiral...
Ghira and Kali Belladonna. Ghira is done and Kali just wants to have fun. I love their dynamic and interactions with Blake and Sun! It was a nice wind down from everything else going on, though I don't think that'll last for long.
White Fang. So we got three more WF members: Fennec, Corsac, and Ilia. The Albain brothers are sleezeballs already, since they're working with Adam and all. Ilia's working with them too, but I'll have to withhold my judgement since she appears to have an as yet undisclosed connection to Blake, but I don't want to get my hopes up since she already stabbed Sun, so... Low expectations, but still expectations.
Salem's Group. Yup, Salem's a villain alright. I'll be keeping my eye on her, she just reeks of trouble. Cinder apparently lost her voice... eh, probably for the best. Emerald, Mercury, get the ever-loving FRICK outta there, you're clearly out of your element! Hazel, you're... fascinating. Neutral Evil, perhaps? Watts, you're on my radar, especially with the last episode of the Volume. And Tyrian... well, he's clearly beyond the point of no return, entirely devoted to Salem, and his psycho-sadistic tendencies are enough to freak Cinder of all people out. Needless to say, I hope something or someone takes care of him before the damage becomes irreversible.
And for now, I'll wrap this up with Oscar Pine. I'll admit, it was interesting how they set up Oscar's character as a slow burn this Volume. We learn he lives a quiet life with his aunt in a barn, and at first we're wondering "Who the heck is this kid?" But then Ozpin shows up and suddenly everything is like "Oh... wait, WHAT!?" So yeah, Ozpin just brought another child into thia conflict. At least they're both not happy about it, and hey, they met Qrow! Hopefully that keeps things from getting too crazy down the line. We still need answers, after all.
Well, those are my thoughts. Sorry they took so long. Hopefully Volume 5 won't be so hard to complete. Well... cheers!
-Mathewton, the RWBY Newbie (15 May 2020)
#rwby#rwby volume 4#rwby volume four#rwby vol 4#team rwby#team jnr#team rnjr#cinder fall#emerald sustrai#mercury black#tyrian callows#hazel rainart#arthur watts#jacques schnee#whitley schnee#klein sieben#james ironwood#oscar pine#rwby ozpin#rwby salem#qrow branwen#i just realized i forgot about Raven#yeah... she ain't a good mom#and i question her motives#if what tai said was anything to go off of... we might be in trouble#taiyang xiao long#liveblog#rwby liveblog#kinda#rwby-nwbe
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Collateral Damage: Chapter 13
‘I’ve been having these weird thoughts lately…’
Passing out was getting old, and waking up from it was taking a lot out of him to not panic. The dark around the edges of his vision closing in on him was terrifying and he went through every stage of panic and relief you can think of when he wakes, because there was a time he probably wouldn't have. Waking up from passing out is always like breaching water, ice cold and gasping.
‘...strategy would have helped.’
“Oh bugger off you freakin..”
“I said nothing.” Braig sits up slowly too see Isa watching him with what he assumes is his concerned face. Kid was always hard to read and even with his heart he feels like Lea is the only one who can figure out when he has any mood besides annoyance. They were in a room he didn’t recognize and he was definitely sitting on a bed he had never seen.
‘...they got you help…’
‘Right yeah that makes sense.’
‘...do not give me attitude when i am helping…’
‘You are only making me seem crazy.’
‘...then you should respond to isa and not just stare at him…’
Well frick that was a good point. Isa was looking at him like he had hit his head and honestly that was fair. His head hurt a lot and come to thank of it he thought his arm might have…
“We had a potion, it might be sore but the worst of the break should be okay.” Braig looks back at Isa and smiles, well it’s closer to a grimace before swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. He is struggling to remember the majority of the fight but he knows he was losing to the damn dog and then Isa had well. Lit up.
“So Lea didn’t cast a normal firaga right?” “He has expressed magic proficiency with fire before but this was a little more extreme yes.”
“The firecracker okay?” Isa stares at him a beat at the question, and what Braig guesses is uncertainty. Because proficiency with fire is different then what Lea just did, it’s not normal magic to command elements like this.
‘...doesn’t mean it’s dark…’
‘It could be still. We all fell before.’ And the my fault goes without saying but his heart pushes it forward and the other heart hears it he is sure.
��Lea is better off then you are.” And Braig actually laughs because, yeah the spitfire probably is. Pushing himself to his feet he winces at the general soreness but it’s fine, he’s had worse, much worse. His arrow guns are sitting on the ground next to him and he is relieved they are in one piece, going unarmed would have been problematic. Isa stands as well and looks like he wants to offer him assistance before he thinks better of it, which is also good because Braig has had enough pity for a lifetime.
‘...not pity, it’s help…’
‘Same damn difference.’ The door swings open and Lea is there, so is the annoying goat man but that’s hardly important. Mainly because Lea is slamming into him full force in a hug that leaves him wrong footed in more ways than one.
“Stop trying to die on us old man.” Is being said into his jacket collar and Braig slowly returns the hug before turning unsure eyes at Isa who is determined to look anywhere but at him. Alright he screwed this all up.
“Sorry kid. Wasn’t my brightest moment, was a pretty bright one for you all things considered. Just maybe reign in those pyro tendencies.” The disgruntled hey is all he gets in response but Lea is slowly releasing his coat in favor of turning to frown back at the goat man.
“The Hercules guy wasn’t any help by the way, I mean for Kairi and Ienzo. He just said they left. Which I mean duh.” Lea starts arguing with, Phil that was goat guys name, and Braig rolls his eyes and finally catches Isa’s eye who just shrugs. If they don’t have any way to help it was time to move on then.
“Alright, Thanks anyway. Lea! Come on it’s time for us to move on then.”
“Hold on.” Phil is frowning at them before shaking his head. “I got something for Blue and moody.” He is leaving the room and Braig looks at the brats confused but they seem just as unsure as he is. When the goat man comes back he’s got a sword. It’s not a small sword by any means but it isn’t familiar to Braig in the least. Phil is holding it out to Isa though who looks completely panicked at being offered anything. While that was hilarious Braig is confused why until Lea is nodding to what is just the hilt of Isa’s sword he had brought with them. He could guess what happened and is pretty sure it is more of what he missed with three heads and fuzzy. Isa needs a weapon and they are being offered one but he isn’t sure why. Phils face is pinched in aggravation as he holds out the sword, and it’s a nice sword, clearly well taken care of, with blue and gold hilt and a sharpened blade that looks like someone painstakingly spent time with it. It’s much too big for this goat man though so he has too wonder whose it was.
“Now you listen here Blue, this isn’t a gift, it’s a favor you're doing me.” Phil looks kinda pained and Braig can’t remember anything about this world that would cause a look like that but it’s grief he is certain he knows what that looks like, it’s damn near carved into his heart. “This is a sword for a hero, the Soldiers Blade. It belonged to a hero once, but he’s gone somewhere now well out of it’s reach. He wasn’t one to want swords to collect rust. You need a sword, and this sword needs to be wielded. So take it, a favor to me…”
Isa looks like he wants to protest, Lea looks beyond conflicted, and Braig just feels numb. Isa needs a weapon, and maybe it’s not what they want to accept help but they need it, Braig isn’t taking them further one man unarmed. So Braig takes the sword from Phil with a grim nod and the goat man is already leaving when he turns and pushes it into Isa’s hands. The thing is heavier than it looks but Isa knows how to wield much heavier. In another life there's a claymore with a star and energy that radiated from it was agony and sorrow. In this one it’s a simple sword with the weight of an unknowns memories singing in the blade. Both are terrifying but it will have to do. He looks at these two kids, who bore more weight then they should have once before and have chosen to do it again. He wonders how anyone could have doubted Lea was a keyblade wielder; this boy would move mountains for those tied to his heart. He thinks Isa should have been one too. Braig’s eyes shut and his hand reaches and fingers grasp at the dark edges of the world. The portal tears into existence, and three step through.
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wait wait wait what’s this I hear about a fic where Damian and Tim are kidnapped and Tim is forced to do things or Damian gets tortured bc I don’t remember that WIP and it’s EXACTLY my cup of tea like holy frick did I literally prompt that I don’t know but it is 100% My Kind Of Fic -gremlin
:D I’ve been working on it since like November, I want to say. It was born of a handful of whumptober prompts and quickly ballooned to be wayyyyy too long to write for whumptober. But anyway, Tim and Damian get kidnapped while working a Human Trafficking case, lots of torture happens. Some brainwashing. It’s bad. They’re missing a while. (but not life happens-a while. Like, less than a year, while) They grow very super close in the meantime. Because nothing brings people together like trauma!
I’m still super torn on the title. There’s a phrase said around here a lot in the spring, and it’s Finnish, and it means “The new snow will be the death of the old snow,” and I feel it’s fitting, but it’s in another language. You know? I’m afraid that’s too cliche and will turn people off from clicking on the fic. So if anyone has title suggestions, I’m all ears. I might come up with the perfect answer as I keep working.
But anyway. Here’s the first chapter, just for you! 💕
Untitled WIP, chapter 1
Going back in school was not something Tim had ever planned on doing. When he took over as CEO at Wayne Enterprises almost a year ago, he figured his days in the classroom were over. As thrilling as 10th grade was, CEO was pretty much as high up on the ladder he could get, and if he got there without a high school diploma, what on earth was the point?
But Bruce had been adamant. Talked him down out of his full time work at WE and encouraged him to go back to school. Despite Tim’s assurances that he did, indeed, have friends, Bruce seemed to think that being at school around ‘normal’ kids would be good for him.
Maybe Bruce was right, because sometimes Tim really enjoyed school. 11th grade was remarkably easy and stress-free compared to work, even if Lucius or Tam still called him every once in a while. Or often, actually, but they knew not to bother him before 3pm unless it was an absolute emergency. Which meant Tim’s days at school were rather relaxing.
That didn’t mean Tim didn’t live for the final school bell, though, just like every other student in that overpriced building.
“Tim,” he heard someone shout from down the hall as he was shoving his books into his backpack, antsy to leave for the weekend, “we need to get together and work on our presentation.”
“Nah,” Tim said, turning to whom he now recognized as Mike, his lab partner, “I got it done. I’ll email you the slides now. There are notes on each slide, just review it and we’ll be fine.”
“Really?” Mike said, running to catch up as Tim made his way out of the building, “You don’t want me to do anything?”
“Nothing to do,” Tim said, waving a hand as he finished attaching the file to an email, “presentations are easy. I have marked what you have to say in class.”
“Wow, thanks man.”
“Yeah, don’t mention it,” Tim said, turning toward the lower school where he needed to meet with Damian for pickup.
“We should hang out some time anyway,” Mike called after him, “I’ll text you.”
Tim shot back a peace sign, not even turning back to face Mike. Because if he did, that would show the goofy smile he couldn’t contain as he bounded down the sidewalk.
He almost felt…normal again. Himself.
Bruce was right. Going back to school was a great idea.
Tim’s smile didn’t fade as he approached the pick-up area of the lower school. That is, until he felt Damian approach him from behind. It was like a sixth sense—a spidey sense—the way the back of his neck prickled whenever the brat was behind him. In reality, he’d probably actually heard Damian, and his subconscious was warning him of impending danger. Which was unfair to Damian, maybe. Since he hadn’t actually bodily harmed Tim in at least four hours.
Fine. Like three months. But still.
“Drake,” Damian greeted in his usual flat, disinterested tone.
“Gremlin,” Tim said, scanning over the line up of cars for Alfred. There were over a dozen very nice, very expensive cars all along the road, mixed in with many more modest cars, but none of them belonged to Alfred. Which was strange, because Alfred was usually one of the first in line.
“It is unlike Pennyworth to be late,” Damian observed dryly, and Tim could hear the underlying tone of worry in the brat’s voice.
Nodding, Tim scanned the cars again. Then he saw it. Bruce’s Tesla, about 15 cars back. With a smile, Tim headed toward the car, uncaring whether Damian had noticed Bruce yet or not. Now that they were in eyesight of Bruce, Damian was no longer his problem. About ten seconds of babysitting was all he had to do that day. It was a good day.
Damian, apparently, did notice Bruce. Or, he at least followed Tim anyway toward the Tesla, and only reacted once Tim shouted, “Shotgun,” and quickly opened the passenger door and slid in.
“Drake,” Damian hollared, scowl becoming more pronounced on his face as Tim grinned and shut the door between them.
“That is unfair, I always have to sit in the back,” Damian grumbled after he opened the backdoor and slid in.
“That’s because you’re the baby,” Tim said, fastening his seatbelt and looking over at Bruce, “and tiny. It’s safer for you in the back.”
Instead of react to their bickering, Bruce just grunted and pulled out into traffic.
“I am not a baby,” Damian pouted, kicking at Tim’s seat, “and I am only a few inches shorter than you.”
“Well then, you should have called shotgun.”
“How was school?” Bruce asked in his gruff tone that signaled it was time to stop arguing, without him having to explicitly state that was the case.
“Fine,” Tim reported, pulling his tablet from his bag to settle back and read on the drive home. He had a few reports to catch up on for work and he’d have to call Lucius once they got home to catch up on what happened while he was at school.
He was trying to let go of WE, honestly he was, but it was difficult. And he enjoyed the work so much.
“Where is Pennyworth, Father?” Damian demanded.
Bruce sighed as he checked his mirrors while merging onto the highway. “Running errands. I offered to pick you up.”
“Why?” Damian said, now rifling through his backpack, likely for his sketchbook, if Tim knew the kid.
“I can’t offer to pick you boys up?” Bruce asked, a ghost of a smile tugging at his lips.
Tim smiled to himself as he opened up the next report to skim. Bruce’s good moods were like sunshine in the middle of winter. Warm and bright, lifting the mood of all those around him. Today really was a good day.
“Tt. You never have before.”
“Actually, I do have an ulterior motive.”
“Shocker,” Tim mumbled, trying to get through the last report as fast as he could before Bruce demanded his attention.
“You know that case I’ve been working on for the past few months?” Bruce asked, raising an eyebrow at Tim.
Tim clicked his tablet’s screen off and asked, “the human trafficking one?”
“I’ve got a lead,” Bruce said, grunting in the affirmative, “and I’m leaving tonight to follow it.”
Ah. So Bruce wanted to get them alone, trapped in a car, to impress into them how important it was to not kill each other on Alfred’s watch. Smart. Because neither of them would remain in the room otherwise.
“Where are we going, Father?”
Tim snorted, “Please, Damian. Like he’s take us on a human trafficking case that’s dragging him outside the country.”
“Well, actually,” Bruce said before Damian could protest, “I wanted to bring you, Tim.”
“Me?” Tim asked at the same time Damian shouted, “Him?”
“Yes. Your skills would be useful to-”
“But Father,” Damian shouted, leaning forward so his face was right between the passenger and driver’s seats, “I am Robin. I am your partner.”
“You’re both Robin,” Bruce grumbled as he checked around him to shift lanes, “and I have more than one partner.”
“It’s Batman and Robin, not Batman and Red Robin,” Damian protested, still right into Tim’s ear.
“Damian,” Bruce snapped, “sit back properly and fasten your seatbelt.”
“You can’t take Drake,” Damian continued ranting, even as he complied with Bruce’s order, “It’s not fair. You never take me anywhere.”
“Don’t be dramatic,” Bruce grumbled, “Tim, we’ll leave tonight. I’ve already let the others know we’ll be away and asked them to watch Gotham in the meantime.”
“What about me, Father,” Damian asked, still demanding in his tone, his age shining through gloriously with his tantrum.
“Damian,” Bruce said calmly, just to be cut off by Damian again.
“This isn’t fair. Not only are you leaving me behind but you’re going to force me to stay in all weekend. I follow your dumb rules about curfews on school nights, this isn’t fair.”
“Damian,” Bruce repeated, tensing some as he shifted his hands on the steering wheel. Tim just sank down into his chair and grinned. Bruce angry with Damian was one of his favorite things. It was even better than Bruce’s good moods, because the little brat deserved to get yelled at sometimes. It always made Tim happy to actually hear one of the adults in their lives actually do it.
“Why are you bringing Drake?”
Tim grunted when his seat was kicked again.
Bruce seemed undeterred by Damian’s outburst and said simply, “His skills are more suited to this case than yours.”
“What skills?” Damian shrieked, “I am the superior Robin in every way.”
Tim let out an annoyed huff turned his tablet back on. Yelling over, he was ready to get immersed back into his work. He was used to Damian’s verbal abuse, but wasn’t interested in hearing Bruce not defend him.
No one ever defended him against Damian.
“I need someone clever and quick on his feet who will not be rash in his decisions. This is a very sensitive case and a lot can go wrong if we move too quickly.”
“I’ve done human trafficking cases before,” Damian protested, “I can handle it. I can do it!”
“Not like this one you haven’t. A lot can go wrong, it’s too risky.”
“But Father,” Damian said, his voice coming dangerously close to whining and Bruce was having none of it.
“If you are hoping to convince me to bring you,” Bruce said, his voice hard, “throwing a tantrum is not the way to do it. All you are proving to me is that you are a petulant child.”
Damian let out a growl and kicked at Tim’s seat one more time as he collapsed against his own seat. “This isn’t fair,” Tim heard the kid mumble.
“We will leave in a few hours, so when we get home I expect you to wrap up any business you have,” Bruce told Tim, as if there hadn’t just been an argument in the car, “pack warm clothes. It’s still winter in Siberia.”
“Okay,” Tim agreed, typing out an email for Lucius in lieu of the call he had been planning on having, “when will we return?”
“Wednesday, at the earliest,” Bruce grunted, just as they pulled off the highway toward Bristol, “Friday at the latest.”
Nodding, Tim finished up the email and said, “Did you tell my school already?”
“Alfred will call on Monday. I already filled him in on the details.”
“Father, please,” Damian said, much more calmly than anything he’d said thus far.
“No, Damian,” Bruce said gently, almost sadly, while still somehow making his words sound firm and unchangeable, “Not this time.”
The enraged screech Damian let out, however, was nothing near gentle. Tim had to hide his smile again when he heard it, because it was about as close to throwing a tantrum Damian got. At least, the crying kind of tantrum. He stomped around and screamed a lot while throwing things, usually. This just sounded like…. a kid. Being mad his dad won’t buy him that new toy at Walmart.
“Damian Wayne,” Bruce snapped, turning to face Damian while they were stopped at a traffic light, “I said no and that’s final. Keep this up and you’ll find yourself benched indefinitely.”
Bruce’s death glare was leveled at Tim for half a second when he accidentally snorted. But Tim could tell there was no real heat behind it. Not for Tim, at least. It kind of made it harder to not laugh.
But the threat worked, and Damian went silent and still. And remained like that for the rest of the drive home. Tim managed to keep the smile off his face, a feat much harder than would be expected in an atmosphere so tense.
Those good mood vibes from earlier hadn’t been squashed by Damian, and Tim would be hard pressed to say he was anything but happy.
“I hate you, Drake,” Damian eventually muttered, just as Bruce parked the car in the garage.
Tim grinned widely and turned to face Damian, just so he could stick his tongue out at the brat. An action that would have earned him a knife in the face, six months ago. Now all it got him was another kick to his chair. He might have been punched, though, had he not quickly retreated back to the safety of having the seat between them.
Bruce simply raised an eyebrow at Tim, adequately scolding him for his behavior without even opening his mouth.
But then, of course, Bruce did open his mouth, too once they’d gotten out of the car. “If you’re going to act like a child-”
“No,” Tim said hastily, slinging his bag on his back, “you already invited me. No take backs.”
“No take backs?” Bruce echoed, this time not masking the slight upturn of his lips, “Tim, what’s gotten into you?”
Tim just grinned and said, “Nothing.”
“Well,” Bruce said, wrapping an arm around Tim’s shoulder as they walked. Much slower than Damian’s stride, when he’d run into the Manor the second the car doors unlocked, “It’s nice. To see you like this.”
When all Tim did was smile, because heck yeah, it was nice to feel that way, too, Bruce pat his back and then pushed him forward, “Go on. Wrap things up, pack a bag. We leave at 6.”
So Tim did. Even as he listened to Damian throw crap around in his bedroom, just on the other side of the wall from Tim’s, he cheerfully packed a bag.
Because between having a great day at school, making new friends, and getting a rare good mood from Bruce, Tim was already doing pretty well. His days of depression felt pretty well gone and dead. But take all that and add it to going on a week long trip with just him a Bruce? Something that hadn’t happened in years? Something he once thought would never happen again?
Tim was pretty damn ecstatic.
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ok so i feel like telling the world my bias list (kpop) for no reason and i was a little scared to but oh well lol
im gonna do this in parts. this list is my bias’ in boygroups pt.1
soo yeah if you wanna see some beautiful asian men you can keep reading lol
kinda turned out long oop
imma do nct on another post bc thats fucking loonngggg
1. kim hongjoong; stage name: hongjoong (leader of ateez, rapper, lyricist, producer and composer (i forget if those are the same thing) )
king of the lesbians
personally i think hes SOME type of gay but, y’know, you do you baby (’good lil boy’ is the song he wrote on their new album akjsdl)
prince of mullets in kpop (king is minghao from seventeen)
so?? pretty???
he paints his nails for the polished man campaign!!! (this was before the group became ambassadors.) v socially aware as well
his voice is very high for a rapper but i rly love it
wanna hear what he thinks of atinys?? (the fandom) listen to ‘aurora’
korean big minion
very very good at english, despite what he says
is so caring for his ‘children’ ugh such an amazing leader
also a little brat sometimes but we dont talk about it
fuck gender roles
5′7 skirt guy you’ve probably heard of in the kpop tiktok community
the official campaign pic:
2. han jisung; stage name: han (main rapper of stray kids, lead vocalist, producer and composer, lyricist, ult bias uwu)
heres the tea
this man literally saved my life
he has been through so much and i relate to that. seeing that he made it through the worst gave me hope.
his music and lyrics just speak to me (wanna see me cry? send me the song ‘19′, its written by him)
on to the happier things
his s q u i r r e l c h e e k s
hes honestly so pleasing to look at ugh
vocals????? fricking great???? listen to ‘hellevator’ and ‘district 9′ for his vocals
jEoGiYa NoOnA HoKsI nAmJaChInGu IsSeOyO (’wow’ 3RACHA)
part of 3RACHA, a rap group between him and two other members
his american name is peter and he loves nat geo wild and cheesecakes and honestly if thats not amazing idk what is
lived in malaysia??? for 6 years???? lovin the melanin y’all
3. im changkyun; stage name: I.M. (lead rapper of monsta x, sub-vocalist, maknae (the youngest), producer and composer)
fam im WHIPPED for this man like honestly i dont like subbing or sex in general lol ace things but i’d let him r a i l me
lived in america for 3 years and israel for 4; speaks fluent english and its SEXY
rapping skills??? on point???? both in english and korean ugh
is one of those people that does n o t like to be touched but then he’ll kiss your cheek out of nowhere
confident in his own skin and super open about it
“For IM, ‘Wearing a harness is just to express our song concept. Showing the audience what we want to show is the most important thing. We’re not ashamed. We’ve done a lot of sexual items, like harnesses and chains. We’re comfortable.’ “
“But, for argument’s sake, where does your own sense of masculinity come from? IM pauses for a long moment. ‘Having a dick,’ he says bluntly, sipping coffee as his bandmates’ jaws drop and shocked laughter ripples around the table.”
that interview is here
kinky lil bitch
i can go on and on about this man but im just gonna stop there
i lied he has tattoos (one on his wrist [ :): ] and the one on the nape of his neck, it reads “the one who wants to wear the crown must bear the crown”)
i like this picture bc its his hands and theyre pretty and fuck gender roles from a kpop idol
thats enough of him
4. kim wonpil; stage name: wonpil (pianist, synthesizer, and keyboardist in day6, lyricist, vocalist, also a a dj and mc for a podcast)
was the maknae but then dowoon came along and now hes not lol
honestly like hes such a good pianist and is really great on the keys
is really good at making song lyrics out of thin air
like, he can hear the sentence “i really want chicken rn but i can’t have it im on a diet” and he’ll get “i crave your taste, but there is a wall i built myself blocking you from my love” like literally
im pretty sure he wrote the chorus for their song ‘zombie’
honestly bruh his vocals are so good
like pls go listen to ‘emergency’ and ‘congratulations’ (theres an english version for that song alsjdk)
guys hes just a big babie honestly
so pretty to look at omg
“i dont really care what my spouse looks like or what gender they are, as long as we’re happy and they love me” (wish i could find that photoset)
5. kim namjoon: stage name: RM (leader of bts, main rapper, sub-vocalist, lyricist, producer and composer)
literally the reason im into kpop, so thank you namjoon
a 5′11 babie, tbh
i remember finding out he had his own like, mixtape (’mono.’) and iT WAS SO GOOD AND IT STILL IS KAJHDJ
an amazing rapper and leader
can sing and i do not CARE what anyone says
so as you can see by now i kinda of have a type (except wonpil, idk wtf is going on there with me biasing him laksjk #no regrets)
anyway yeah he was the first kpop boy i found, and it was on his birthday
so every year on september 11th 11:50 p.m., i start i planting a tree in my backyard (bc then its on his birthday in america and korea lakajs so quirky i know) also bc its the day i started listening to kpop so its an anniversary for me lol.
very very psychological
also very inspiring and loving (to the fans)
doesn’t really show affection, hes better with words than actions, and i really relate to that
dimples aGAIN
and last but not least for this list bc its already so frickin long
6. byun baekhyun; stage name: baekhyun (main dancer of exo, main singer, sub rapper, pianist, actor)
he’s so talented???? and amazing???? and overall just kinda perfect??????
dated another idol in the past but personally i think he’s a little *hand goes limp* if you know what i mean
my sister (4) calls him bacon he said it in an interview one time and it stuck to her
is a solo artist too!!!!!!! go listen to his albums!!!! theyre really good!!!!
hes so frickin funny omg like i can laugh at with him all day
understands english but refuses to speak it
honestly kokobop baek was amazing idc what anyone says
is in like 3 different groups damn (like two of them are sub-units of his group and the other one is superm lol)
pls go watch the ‘men on a mission’ episodes with exo bc hes so fucking hilarious i will never get over it
a clown ass bitch that is always ready to square tf up a caring and v nice person that wont fight anyone ever
can also tapdance
lots of video games
very very very very very loud when playing video games
another man i endlessly love
well. if you made it this far, congrats!!! and thanks!!! i honestly dont care if no one sees this lol i just kinda wanted to do it, so, yeah lol. theres still more groups (superm, nct (seperate post), seventeen, vixx, pentagon, the rose, annnd oneus)then like idk if i’ll do a soloist one, so yeah. this kinda gives me something to do its one big infodump and im sorry lmao. yeah, love y’all !!!
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When all seven of the children met in the lobby, they noticed the Baker siblings weren't far ahead. Stella saw them and smirked. She got up from her seat and whispered to them,
"Don't tell anyone else yet, but I'm setting up the biggest party the school has ever seen, y'all are the special guests." And walked away. Four was deeply puzzled.
“Uh, what’s a party?” she asked.
“I don’t know, but it sounds pretty sick!” Seven exclaimed.
“An object can’t get sick.” Flicker rolled her eyes
“I think it’s an expression, genius.” said Six.
“Life is freakishly short, Six.” warned Noodle.
“Whatever it is, I’m siked!” Eleven said.
“Same.” said Ten.
“Hey, you guys!” Six motioned her group. “I hear some really quiet clicking noise over on the table, what is it coming from?”
“Hmmm..” Ten looked intrigued. “I investigated it last night, It’s coming from that thing.” she pointed to an orangish colored rectangular device with a clicking meter on it.
“What do you think it is?” asked Seven.
“I’m sure none of us know shit about anything that wasn’t in the maw.” said Flicker.
“I’m gonna ask them.” Seven pointed to Stella and Avery. He walked over to their table and asked awkwardly,
"Hey, do you know what that clicking sound over there is?" Avery looked up at him.
"Oh, that thing? Yeah. That's a Geiger counter. I personally just call it a Kashi desan because I used to mistake it for a dosimeter and Stella would get mad at me for it." He said casually.
"Um.. I have no idea what any of that means." Said Seven.
"You don't? I'm surprised!" Stella said, stunned.
"What's a Kashi desan?" Seven asked
"It means Geiger counter in Lillycan. A Geiger counter is a small portable device that measures ionizing radiation." The fox explained.
"Oh!" Said Seven. "Why would we need one in school?"
"Do you see those suns up there?" Avery asked, pointing to the window.
"I see one normal sun, is there another one?" Seven looked puzzled for a moment.
"Yes." Avery pushed Seven's head so that he could see a gigantic, red, glowing S-shape in the sky.
"AHH! what is that thing!?" Seven shivered.
"It's our second sun. It radiates our planet and if that Geiger counter ever goes off and starts beeping, then we have to get the frick out of here." Said Avery.
"Oh! So, it's not dangerous?" Seven sounded kind of relieved.
"No, it's dangerous all right. It's a deformed red giant that will never become a white dwarf, which is why it's so big." Said Stella.
"If our Lillycan ancestors and those in Tulip Hamlet didn't know magic, we'd all be dead." Avery continued.
"Tulip wha-?" Seven tried to speak.
"Whatcha talkin' about, nerds?" A girl with white rabbit ears and blonde hair walked over with a group of others like her.
"Oh great.." Stella mumbled.
"What do you want, Svetlana?" Avery growled and his ears flopped back.
"I just want you to know that you both are huge role models for people who want to never go anywhere in life and be washed out freaks!" She said, batted her eyes, and sashayed away.
"Hold me back." Avery hissed.
"Who was that?" Asked Seven.
"Svetlana Morozova. She's some popular brat who tries to annoy us all the time." Stella's eye twitched.
"Ooohhh.." said Seven.
"Hey, guys!! What's going on?" Six randomly appeared and leaned on their table.
"Oh! Hi, Six!" Avery waved.
"Heeeyy!!" She said. "Wanna sit at our table because there are two seats open?"
"Actually sure, unless the two seats are you guys' seats." Said Stella.
"Heh, no, there are nine seats." Seven said.
"Ok, thanks." Said Avery
The two sat at the table and chatted a bit until it was time to go back to their rooms.
Flicker didn't share a room with anyone so she could keep her space and secrets without anyone bugging her. When she entered her room, there was a headdress on her lamp that wasn't there before. It was obvious that it wasn't normally supposed to be there.
"Uh.. what is this thing doing here?!" She asked herself. She was lured to it and as soon as she put it on, she felt immense pain and screamed in an ear splitting tone that shattered a nearby wine glass. Immediately after putting it on, she felt like something unpleasant was watching her, but she didn’t wish to remove the headdress, Flicker actually preferred to keep it on despite the pain. She felt really uncomfortable mentally and physically, but she didn't know what caused it.
Later, Four, Six's twin found a strange necklace composed with the same type of chains that Six's necklace had, only the color of the necklace was not black, but rose gold. And instead of a cross, there was a shining star shape. Four looked at the necklace and had a confused look on her face.
"The heck?" She put it on, and someone talked as soon as she hooked it.
"Finally, it took her long enough."
"Hm?" She turned around at the place she heard the voice coming from, and saw a girl levitating six inches off the ground.
She looked similar to Four in shape and hairstyle, but completely different in her form. She had Bob cut hair, red eyes, a glowing red pentagram on her shoulder, two tall horns, the same tails as Gluttony, (you know what I mean, they are twins.) And of course, her horns and tails were black, her skirt and turtleneck sweatshirt were black, and her hair was black. Her skin was pale.
"Who are you?" Asked Four.
"I know who you are, I'm Envy. I'd say it's nice to meet you in person but you'd say it back, so I won't bother." Said the girl.
"Um.. thanks….?" Four said
"I've been here for a while. But, the Nightblade said for me to only show myself once you found the necklace."
"Who's the Nightblade?" Four asked, puzzled.
"None of your goddamn business!!" Envy shouted.
"Okkk jeez." Four backed away
"I'm done showing up and it's really cold in here so I'm just gonna go." Envy said.
"Wait," said Four. "This room is pretty hot."
"I live in the underground realm so I dunno what the fuck you are saying." The demonic figure disappeared into nothingness.
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Dating Alistair Would Include:
(I really liked writing this. My perception on Alistair has totally changed and he literally needs all of the love in the whole entire world, okay? I think he deffo needs more love in this fandom. Idk usually I don’t make my would include’s so soft, but he just provokes it in me haha! Enjoy reading and thanks so much to the person who requested this! - Admin Kat 🌙❣)
- Let’s be honest here, you’re the ONLY being that he really loves and enjoys the company of. You’re the only one that he actually tolerates.
- He totally makes jokes all the time about how he only tolerates you, but if he was being truthful (which he isn’t used to having to voice to others unless it’s totally pessimistic) he doesn’t just tolerate you, but loves you immensely and values your opinions, companionship, thoughts, feelings, etc.
- Boi respects you ™
- You’ve become an expert on soothing his paranoia and pessimism with your calmness and steady nature. It took a very long time, but he’s a lot better since you’ve basically become the whole light of his existence holy shit i’m sobbing
- You always understand him and the reason behind why he is the way that he is. You never judge him for it which earns you extra brownie points from him.
- Alistair melts at your touch, your voice- just basically you alright?
- At first he tried to avoid you entirely when he found out you were his mate. He had a whole plan in his head that he was just meant to spend the entirety of eternity wallowing away in a dark cave, never to be within anyone’s company (the only exception when he must feed).
- lol, then your beautiful/handsome ass came along and ruined his entire plans ™ and I swear he was mad as hell at first. Yet the energy to resist the mate pull was far too tiring for him and he gave up, very indignant to begin with.
- He confides all of his fears, hopes, dreams, etc. in you and trusts you to keep them secret. And you do so because you’re loyal to him and only him.
- You both being on the run constantly, though you manage to miraculously persuade him to stay places for much more than a couple of months at a time.
- Honestly, your heart breaks when he opens up about his back story.
- “Well, I’m not leaving so get used to it.”
- He often seems cold and aloof but he shows his love for you in more subtle ways that speak volumes to you. Can you blame him after what he’s been through?
- Saying “I love you” tends to be your job. He prefers to show you that he loves you through actions. But he does say it on rare occasions.
- When you look at him you can see his loving gaze SCREAMS I LOVE YOU MADLY AND IRREVOCABLY OKAY?
- He’s so intensely protective of you, especially when you both appear at the Cullen’s house to be witnesses for Renesmee. He wouldn’t let anyone or anything harm you. He’d never forgive himself okay?
- Is angsty™ 25/7.
- Boi get’s jealous and sulky FAST.
- Gives you the silent treatment but can’t stay mad at you for long.
- He’s a total sucker for your puppy eyes. You get pretty much anything you want, with exceptions.
- Very romantic behind closed doors and isn’t a big fan of PDA. He believes that others don’t have the right to see such intimacy, as it’s reserved for just the pair of you.
- Arguments only happen when you go against his ways of being or when he lays down the law about not being reckless because he’s so paranoid of losing you. These arguments can last for years and Alistair is very stubborn.
- He has a fascination with skimming his fingertips lightly over your skin. The shiver that erupts from your being is delicious to him and he can’t help but smugly simper in response.
- Alistair loves to plant kisses on your bare shoulders, the rear of your neck, forehead, hands, knuckles, just all over okay? He lavishes you in his love behind closed doors.
- You love running your fingers through his hair. At first he would flinch at your contact - and sometimes he does when he’s in such deep thought - but he’s learnt to lean and melt into your touch. Now he cannot go without it.
- Everyone always commenting on how you’ve brought a better side out of him. He doesn’t necessarily socialize a whole ton, but he’ll be present in a room full of vampires for more than two minutes. So it’s progress.
- You’re respectful of him also, never attempting to change him. You love him for who he is and that’s all that matters really.
- You’re very protective of him. Probably would kill the whole damn Volturi or anyone who came near him and caused him any discomfort.
- I think that it’s a genuine compliment when others grin at you about how Alistair isn’t always wallowing in the dark attic any more, talking to spiders and all.
- Alistair always has his eyes on you. If you ever manage to be out of his sight, he genuinely grows intensely panicked. I think that he’d definitely have separation anxiety when you both are apart. He uses his tracking ability to find you.
- Will envelope you in a bone crushing hug, which startles everyone because he’s always so reserved in front of them with you. You’d literally just gone hunting with Bella because you’re curious about her diet for Christ sake!
- Totally see him as being the little spoon when you both cuddle. He’s got to be held and he’s just a spoiled brat for it.
- Always jokes about how you’re such a brat because you always get what you want.
- I think you both comically bicker a lot, but it usually turns playful and lighthearted. He’s never like that with anyone else.
- You never get jealous tbh. He never shows interest in anyone else other than you; it’s only when others show interest in him that makes you start throwing hands.
- Running your hands through one another’s hair. Y’all m e l t !
- Soft love!
- Alistair isn’t very experienced in the bedroom so you often take the reigns.
- You both prefer to make long sensual love, as opposed to an exhilarating quickie. It’s more meaningful that way to you both.
- Besides, he worships you nonstop and vice versa.
- But let’s be honest, he’s a tease without meaning to be.
- Get’s a thrill out of when you end up begging for him.
- You just literally get him off okay?
- Alistair literally drags you away from staying with the Cullens. He knows what the Volturi is capable of and will not allow you to succumb to being murdered by them or discovered by them either.
- You both softly tease one another.
- His s m i r k is to die for okay? He knows what it does to you!
- Definitely having the mainstream diet of a vampire. He’s not a fan of the vegetarianism.
- Mumbling tender sweet nothings.
- “I love you more than you may ever know, my love.”
- “You are the light of my eternal life.”
- “There’s no questioning what I would do for you, love.”
- He’s sappy asf okay? You love it.
- “Don’t leave.”
- “I’m never going anywhere.”
- “Promise me you’ll be here forever.”
- “I promise, my love.”
- Romantic as hell but not in the typical modern sense.
- Definitely old school and wants to be married before y’all do the frick frack.
- You’re so fascinated about everything with him, especially his gift.
- He’s so breath taken by you that sometimes he just cannot focus on anything else. Your gift is remarkable and sometimes he feels inferior to you, but you assure him that his gift is just as wonderfully useful and brilliant.
- Supporting one another through thick and thin. He honestly needs someone like you.
If you enjoyed, please like, reblog and follow for more! ❣
Where I found the gif/gif credit: ❣
#alistair#request#alistair imagines#imagine#imagines#twilight#twilight saga#twilight imagines#twilight saga imagines#twilight alistair imagines#twilight alisitair would includes#twilight saga alistair#twilight saga alistair imagines#twilight saga alistair would includes#hope you enjoy hun#admin kat
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I’ll actually shoot you / Jungkook part 3
Gender: Bts police au
part 1 - part 2 - Part 3
Description: You have been working in the BTS police station for three years now. You were in a team named alpha with six boys, but everything will change when the new guys come, who is the biggest brat you ever meet.
“Why is everyone so dumb around here?” - Min Yoongi
“OK, remember, it can't see you if you don’t move.” You said hiding behind a desk in the hallway. Surprisingly you weren't late today, but you knew that the karma will bite you in the ass again because of it, and it did. You just had to have three coffees in your hands, you just had to not look where were you going and out of all people, you just had to spill coffee on Yoongi’s files. Hehe....you signed the death papers. You were lucky to get away because nobody was in the room with you, so you quickly took your stuff and were ready to go home. You weren't planning to die this young and beautiful. And just when you turned down the hallway you heard the most horrifying scream in the history. You didn't even look behind, just started sprinting wherever you thought was smart. Now, it was exactly 30 minutes of running away from your future murderer. You knew Yoongi was going to be mad, but not this mad. like ‘I say I’ll kill you always but this time I will actually kill you.’ You didn't even succeed to get anywhere near to the elevator. At your first attempt to get close, Yoongi was already there with a fricking taser gun. Repeat. Ducking fish flip fricking taser gun. You did run away from him, but it took you around good fifteen minutes to lose him. You just remember screaming every curse word you could think of, whit a devil laughing Yoongi on your back. Yoongi was maybe lazy, he maybe loved sleep(and Taehyung) but he wasn't in the team alpha for nothing. He's one of the most ruthless but truthful agents you have here and when it's depending on someone's life, he won't take any chances by pulling the trigger. Now you were sitting behind a desk, trying to find a solution to get away form Yoongi. Hoseok, Namjoon, and Jimin went out for a drink. Jin was probably already home with his kids, Taehyung was with the team Eta, so you were alone with the monster from under the bed. You quickly tiptoed to another hallway. You let yourself lean on the wall, letting out a shaky breath as you look down the room. “And what do you think you're doing?” You let out a high pitch shriek, jumping from the hallway you were hiding in, and landing in a weird position. With one leg in the air, one hand around your stomach and another in the air you looked at the person that scared the living soul out of you. “Jungkook! You little shit! Don't do that ever again.” You quickly realized you were out in the open so you quickly hide in the hallway again looking out to see if someone saw you. Jungkook looked down on you with a little smirk on his face. “What did you do this time?” You looked at him hitting him in the shoulder before saying. “I didn't do anything, I'm about to go home.” “O really?” Jungkook got to your eye level as he looked at the room where you were constantly looking. “because I just saw Yoongi-hyung.” You froze in your place. “he didn't look happy and - Jungkook lips were right beside your ear as he said - he had a taser gun, on level nine.” You felt the blush on your cheeks from the action of the younger, but at this moment you chose to ignore it, you needed to get out alive, with two legs and two arms, head included, later you can hit the brat for that. You turned around grabbing Jungkook by his collar and pulled him close to your face. “Now listen to me Pannywois.” You pointed at the elevator as jungkook repeated the word you called him. “You will help me survive another day, you will help me escape the male living under spawn of Annabelle.” Jungkook chuckled at your words. “And why would I do that?” “Because I’m your noona.” Jungkook came closer so your foreheads were touching. “Nothing is free noona, what do I get from saving your ass and mine at this point for helping you out.” you held his stare bravely, but Jungkook stared at you just the same before you finally let go of his shirt saying a long fine. “I will buy you lunch for a week.” “Two weeks.” “Don't push it brat, one week and a half.” “How about one week and one day at your apartment.” You look at Jungkook suspiciously. “Why would you want to go to my apartment? We were there last week with boys.” And yes, Jungkoook was in your apartment before, not like you hated the idea, it was more of an ‘I don't want anything broken or stolen’. But every two weeks all of the team alpha goes to someone's house and then you have a movie night, sometimes a sleepover. One week ago it was your turn to host the movie night and you couldn't not to call Jungkook, he is a part of the team and you actually become really close taught this seven months. Not as much as you would say it out loud, but you care about him as much as everyone in the Team Alpha. “I like your apartment and I don't really want to go to my place.” You wanted to question Jungkook’s reasons, but if you learned anything through these seven(almost eight) months, it’s that Jungkook isn’t much of a talker and it took him quite a while to open up to you. His mother died when he was very young and his father is some asshole who didn't know how to work with a child. He thought that abuse and daily bruises would learn Jungkook how to be a man, but instead, it turned him into a small scared child. scared of showing emotions, scared of the world and living creatures in it. And you were glad, glad that you were able to break down his walls, that he showed his true colors to you, but for some reason, you wanted to be the only one with an opportunity like that. Jungkook looked behind you as his eyes widen. he quickly grabbed you and put his arm on your mouth. You wanted to bite him but then you saw Yoongi going down the room next to you ad Jungkook. You were lucky that the light wasn't on or else Yoongi would've seen you two. but you did notice the weird color on Yoongi’s white hoodie like someone painted the half of it. When Yoongi passed Jungkook took your arm and pulled you from your hiding spot, sprinting quietly towards the elevator. You both got into the elevator, clicking the button for the bottom floor and quickly exiting the building. You ran towards your car, and you quickly drove away. While driving the realization of what you and Jungkook did hit you, as you started laughing. “What are you laughing about, we could've lost our heads.” “Because I feel like a kid that is going to get beaten up by its angry grandmama.” Jungkook laughed too, it sounded nervous but it was still a laugh. “Yeah well, at least we will die together. You looked at him. “O God, that is the worst death ever.” Jungkook laughed, looking out o the window. “Now let's go eat something, I'm starving.”
“You want to tell me that Team Captain America is better than Team Ironman you mad woman?” Jungkook asked with amusement from your living room couch. “I never said it was better I just said that Team Captain America has some cool people.” You took your bowl with popcorn and gave it to Jungook as you sat down beside him watching Captain America: Civil war again. You let Jungkook chose the movie and since he loves Marvel so much, you just decided to have a Marvel marathon for the night. You were both enjoying the move when suddenly your bell from the front room started ringing. You and Jungkook looked at the doors. “Were you expecting anybody?” You shook your head. “What is its Yoongi-hyung?” “He isn't, Taehyung texted me sending pictured of an angry Yoongi for tomorrow.” You got up, opening your door to see Jimin standing there. His hear and close were wet because it was raining outside. His nose was red his lips formed into a sad smile with watery eyes. “Would you mind if I stay the night (Y/n)-noona?” You hurried Jimin inside since it was freezing outside. Jimin sat next to Jungkook, who gave you a look that said ‘what's wrong’. “I'm going to see if I have any spare clothes for you Jimin, I’ll be right back.” You quickly choose something for Jmin to wear, you probably took one of the jin’s shirts accidentally, but it's going to work for the night. You can hear Jungkook and Jimin talking, then the door opening and closing. You got out of your room to see Jungkook seating on the couch turned towards the froth door. “Where is Jimin?” You asked Jungkoo as you put the clothes on the couch looking at the kitchen to see if Jimin is there. “He left.” “What do you mean he left?” You looked at Jungkook as he looked at you picking up his glass of water. “He saw that we were having a movie night and said he didn't want to interrupt our fun.” You sat next to Jungkook looking at the TV. “I hope he's ok, He looked like something is wrong.” Jungkook looked at you sighing as he let his head fall into your lap startling you. “If something is wrong Taehyung will probably the first one to know. They aren't best friends for nothing. Now, let's watch the movie noona.” You looked at Jungkook, who was focusing o the movie and eating popcorn. You let one of your hands into his hair, playing with it softly as you start watching the movie. For now, you will let yourself enjoy the moment and tomorrow you will worry about everything else.
“Wow, you look like death.” Jin said as he got into your office giving you a coffee. “You don't need to remind me.” You said as you took a sip from your coffee thanking Jin for giving you one. “I can’t feel any part of my body, everything hurts.” Jin chuckled. “Not surprised, Yoongi really didn't hold back on today’s training ha?” “Not one bit, and out of all days we could have training day it just had to be today ha, just when Yoongi wants to break every single bone in my body, just my luck.” You winced in pain, you didn't want to move, even the position you were in right now wasn't comfortable. The fact that you and Jungkook both fell asleep yesterday on the couch didn't help either. You two were literally squeezed together. “If it makes you feel any better he didn't hold back with Jungkook either.” You looked at Jin resting your head on your desk. “What did Jungkook do for Yoongi to be mad like an Ape from anime universe at him?” “O you don’t know?” Jin raised his eyebrow. “Apparently Jungkook wanted to have an act of revenge on Jimin because he pranked him to weeks ago. Jungkook didn't know Jimin left with Hoseok and Namjoon and when Yoongi got into the office to take his files Jungkook dumped pink color onto his head and hoodie.” You look at Jin amused. So that's why he was in your hiding spot yesterday, he was hiding from Yoongi just as much as you were. That little shit, he even dared to make a deal with you, even in his position wasn't in glory. Jin got up from his chair. “Well my break is done, I hoped you liked your coffee.” You gave Jin a thumbs up, as you decide to take a small nap, but your idea was interrupted with a phone call. You groaned as you answered the phone. “Hoseok, th9s better be important.” “O don't worry it’s worth more than your nap right now. I found the location form here the phone calls were done for selling, so if you could get yourself up it would be great for you to come to my office.” “Yeah yeah I’ll be there in five.” You took your coffee walking out of your office. On your way to Hoseok’s office, you say hi to some people on the way. Sipping your coffee you turned the corner but then you heard Jimin’s voice. Jimin’s back was turned to you and in front of him was Namjoon. You choke on the coffee as you hide behind a wall. You know it's not nice to eavesdrop, but you're really worried about what happened yesterday with Jimin, and this was the first time today you see him. “Are you sure you're ok Jimin? You could've taken one day of off work if you're feeling sick.” You peek your eyes at them. Namjoon didn't notice you the first time you walked into the hallway, which made this situation easier for the three of you. “I'm really ok Namjoon-hyung, I guess I had too many drinks yesterday.” You can see Namjoon flash a small smile looking at Jimin. Namjoon raised his hand, going really close to Jimin’s cheek. “I'm glad you're fine, you really made me worry yesterday.” Jimin took a step back when Namjoon’s hand almost came in contact with his cheek, looking at the ground. “I need to go back to work hyung, I’ll see you later.” Jimin turned around and you quickly hid back behind a wall. Jimin went on your right, looking at the ground the whole time, which explained why he didn't notice you. You watch his back as he hurried back to another hallway. Then you looked at where was Namjoon standing. He was looking at his hand confused, he took a big breath as he started walking towards his office. Well, that was interesting, Jimin never calls Namjoon well Namjoon, its always ‘Joonie-hyung’ or stuff like that. Could it be there two fought or something? You’ll have to find out later. You walked out o your hiding spot, now walking in the hallway where Jimin and Namjoon were standing. You were minding your own business when you heard the most annoying- fake as the usual voice. which you hated so much. “Well, well, well, girls looks like the bitch finally decided to show her face.” There were standing the girls form the Kappa Team. God, you hated every single one of them, but their so-called ‘leader’ was the worst. “Weird you showed your face again pompous Lompa grill, the last time we saw each other you ran away with a black eye and busted lip.” The leader named Kim Seejun rolled her eyes and walked closer too you. “I warned you last time, and I will warn you again, just because I'm feeling nice. Stay away from Team Alpha.” You looked at her with a face that said ‘Are you serious? This shit again? Kill me please.’ You turned around drinking your coffee. “I have better this to do that to shit- chat whit you right now Seejun, I recommend you to do the same.” You can hear them whispering behind your back, but you really didn't want to deal with them today. “well looks like you're giving up so easily, just like you gave up on your dad.” You stopped walking at her works, but you still didn't turn around. “Oooo? did I hit a nerve?” Seejun asked while putting a hand to her smirking face. “If I were in your family, I would be ashamed. Throwing yourself at every hot guy you see, being their slut so you would get your way. I’m even surprised you're still here, but that won't be for long, not after they realize how much of a problem you actually are.” Girls behind started laughing, telling Seejun to go on. “I wonder what they did to your father, they probably tortured him, enjoying his every cry and beg, throwing his body to the dogs after. If I were him, I would be ashamed to have you as a daughter, I would be ashamed to live or have a contact with you, I would be ashamed to have the same name as you even. “And you know what? He's probably glad he died how he did, not in a place where he can see your shameful face.” Seejun was laughing, the girls behind her were laughing, everyone in the hallway watched, but nobody saw it. Nobody saw the rage in your eyes, nobody saw you moving in the speed of light with a burning fire in your bones. You felt like you could kill her on the spot, you knew you were capable of doing it, you wanted to do it, to kill her. And you didn't regret the feeling in your lungs one bit, not when your fist finally touched Seejun’s face with full force. You didn't regret it when you felt and heard her nose bone crashing actually pretty opposite. You felt great, and you wanted to hit her again and again. Just when you wanted to throw yourself on the ground on her, someone got a hold of your arm, stopping you. You can't hear anything, not even yourself screaming at the person to let you go. You saw red, like the blood that was pumping in your veins from the adrenalin. You were still kicking, fighting, screaming when the person pulled you away from the crowd and into the near bathroom. Oh was Seejun lucky that someone stopped you. Because you yourself aren’t sure if you could've stopped yourself from killing her at that moment.
Hallelujah praise the Jesus it's done!!! And it’s late, there are some mistakes, get over it.
#bts#bts police au#jungkook x reader#jungkook#yoongi#taehyung#namjoon#jimin#hoseok#seokjin#taegi#nammin#team alpha
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like this post and I’ll pick a sentence from this meme and turn into a short starter (one liner or with a bit of context)
you can specify your muse(s) and everything else if you want (fandom, what is Emma)
some sentences might need to be adjusted to work
I’ll copy them under read more as well in case the post disappears:
‘ i’m a snack but everyone seems to be on a diet. ’ ‘ i’m gonna replace every bone in my body with a knife, if someone punches me they’re in for a surprise (the knife) ’ ‘ let me just flirt with you and be a brat and send you cute half nudes. ’ ‘ blue-flavored candy is always the best flavor of candy like what the fuck. blue raspberries aren’t even a thing. we are literally eating the color blue as a flavor and it’s fucking magical. ’ ‘ touch id is pissing me off. ‘try again’ the fuck? it’s me with a lil chicken grease. ’ ‘ call me in the middle of the night and tell me you can’t sleep without me. ’ ‘ healthy relationships with fathers? sounds fake. ’ ‘ me to my alarm in the morning: i was literally sleeping but go off i guess. ’ ‘ do i blame my zodiac sign or my childhood traumas or both ’ ‘ *eating microwaved ramen noodles and watching kitchen nightmares* i cannot believe this asshole didn’t use fresh chicken in his paella, unbelievable. ’ ‘ my specialty: the accidental 12 hour nap in broad daylight ’ ‘ quiet little moans while making out is the hottest thing ever ’ ‘ date somebody who will go on a road trip with you to see america’s 10 most haunted places ’ ‘ any vampires who need permission to enter my house…. you have my permission… you wanna come through my window in a flurry of fog and wind? you can do that… wanna drink my blood and take me away to your big vampire castle? alright friend, go for it ’ ‘ i’m the guy from the lady and the tramp who gives stray dogs pasta and stands in an alleyway playing an accordion for them ’ ‘ *nervously calls crush bro* ’ ‘ i don’t have trust issues. i have ‘seen that shit happen before my own eyes’ issues. ’ ‘ fuck summer. i want it to be dark and misty and frigid and october. ’ ‘ concept: we are holding each other in bed, we look at each other and know that all that waiting all that distance was worth it to be close now ’ ‘ i’m so lucky to have gotten to watch you grow so much this past year. i’m so proud of you. ’ ‘ i’m so protective of me now, i’ll cut somebody off for simply having the wrong energy ’ ‘ why are you trying to make me horny. bitch, you know i’m making macaroni. ’ ‘ date a boy who curls up on your lap, even though he is 6’2" because he loves cuddles ’ ‘ going out on a date is cool and all; but what about simply sharing a bed with someone, listening to music and discovering everything about one another, together. ’ ‘ we are drunk and i ended up sitting on the bathroom counter with my legs wrapped around you, but when i wrote ‘marry me’ on your hand with a sharpie, i wasn’t joking. ’ ‘ you’re equivalent to my favorite color. you’re the human version of what is safe. ��’ ‘ one of the most toxic things i’ve ever done is ignore the bad in someone because i love them. ’ ‘ you think you want me to shut up? i have to listen to myself even when i’m not talking ’ ‘ why would i fuck a demon? simple, the status. imagine rolling up into hell already havin had your back blown out by one of their own. imagine you and a gang of other losers standin at the gates of hell, they’re all crying, scared to death about having a pitchfork up their ass for eternity and you just walk into the arms of your sugar demon? legendary. ’ ‘ i like wearing your clothes. they smell like you and your scent is home to me. ’ ‘ *therapist voice* you are stupid and gay. ’ ‘ i like to blame myself for everything just in case. ’ ‘ the realist thing you can do for me is keep your word. ’ ‘ love yourself enough to set boundaries. your time and energy are precious. ’ ‘ i haven’t done anything but i sure could use a break. ’ ‘ sometimes you just need to hear how much you mean to someone. ’ ‘ who needs april fools. my entire life is a joke. ’ ‘ i wish i could be near you, my heart misses you. ’ ‘ i’m not trying my hardest but i’m very tired which i think should be taken into consideration. ’ ‘ me @ me: don’t start buddy don’t you dare. ’ ‘ so what’s next? you heal. you grow. and you help others. ’ ‘ my kink is not setting an alarm for the next morning. ’ ‘ if you think i’m cute send me money. ’ ‘ one day i will take a good selfie and you will be sorry….. you will all be sorry. ’ ‘ not a day passes where i don’t embarrass myself but it’s ok because i’m on the path to destroy my ego so i won’t be embarrassed anymore. ’ ‘ there is no reason not to love with you whole heart. ’ ‘ i hope your heart heals from all the damage it took over the years. ’ ‘ sometimes you just gotta say fuck it and send that text. ’ ‘ ‘i can see your nipples through that shirt’ first of all stop being ungrateful. ’ ‘ so much is going on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it’s too much!!!!!!!!!!!!! i just want to sleep in the forest for 190 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i’m tired leave me alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ’ ‘ i heard you like bad girls. well i’m bad….. at everything. ’ ‘ yes, i am fully aware that I’m The Worst™ but i still wanna be like……. loved and stuff. ’ ‘ i really am, from the bottom of my heart, an actual fucking idiot. ’ ‘ let me show you just how good i can be. ’ ‘ i’m just tryna chill on a beach somewhere at 3 am. ’ ‘ i have a serious weakness for thigh grabbing and hickeys. ’ ‘ i’m a snail and god is salting me. ’ ‘ i hate texting people who don’t use a billion emojis and a trillion exclamation points in their messages. just say you hate me and want me to die. ’ ‘ being called baby?????? holding hands????!? being KISSED?!!!?!??????? ’ ‘ i hope your heart heals from all the damage it took over the years. ’ ‘ my heart busts a nut every time someone tells me they saw something and they thought of me. ’ ‘ i have hella heart eyes for you. ’ ‘ you’re cute. i wanna kiss you for a whole hour. ’ ‘ it’s pretty iconic to like yourself. ’ ‘ i am so jealous of animals that get to hibernate, like what the fuck, why can’t i just sleep for four months and then return to real life. ’ ‘ stop feeling sad and acting weird you bitch (the bitch is me) ’ ‘ i’m still obsessed with you like it’s day one. ’ ‘ to quote hamlet act iii scene iii line 92, ‘no’. ’ ‘ i would have a cuter room if i wasn’t a goblin who threw all her shit on the floor. ’ ‘ on two hours of sleep i’m either way too happy or violently homicidal. ’ ‘ let’s go on a date and by date i mean lay in bed and make out for three hours. ’ ‘ alphabet soup. more like times new ramen am i right. ’ ‘ tbh it’s okay if no one else thinks i’m funny because i think i’m a riot. ’ ‘ catching feelings is bullshit. i’m just eating french fries, why i gotta think about kissing you? fuck you. ’ ‘ smiling is so weird like you stretch your eating hole to show happiness. ’ ‘ self care is putting absurd amounts of parmesan cheese on your pasta. ’ ‘ you didn’t go through all of that for nothing. ’ ‘ get you a girl who loses her shit every time you send a selfie. ’ ‘ i wish i could be there to take care of you right now. ’ ‘ home is where the heart is and my heart has always belonged to you. ’ ‘ i just wanna have soft glowy skin, long eyelashes, pink lips, rosy cheeks, lots of cash, and no responsibilities. ’ ‘ ok but platonic forehead kisses. ’ ‘ my heart is guarded but like… very poorly. the kind of guards that would let 3 kids in a trench coat into an r-rated movie. ’ ‘ what doesn’t kill me doesn’t kill me (unfortunately). ’ ‘ do you ever look at a boy and wonder if he moans as pretty as he looks. ’ ‘ life tip: if nothing goes right go to sleep. ’ ‘ by cute do you mean you wanna frick frack or do you mean i look 12? ’ ‘ cats are very pickupable and i think that was a really good choice on their part. ’ ‘ don’t depend on anyone. handle your own shit. ’ ‘ there isn’t one alternate reality where i didn’t fall in love with you. ’ ‘ being my ex must be the worst thing. imagine losing me? ’ ‘ if i say ‘backstreet’s back’ and you do not say ‘ALRIGHT!’ we’re not friends. burn in hell, you sick fuck. ’ ‘ i love every cat in the entire world. every cat on the planet. if there are any cats in outer space, i love them too. ’ ‘ my mom is really that bitch and i’m that bitch jr. ’ ‘ you know you’re fucked when their voice turns you on. ’ ‘ don’t look at my fucking boner when we fight. ’ ‘ not all heroes wear capes. a lot of them wear collars and are called dogs. ’ ‘ it’s you. it will always be you. ’ ‘ why do tattoos cost so much? i’m paying you to injure me. ’ ‘ thank you for being the biggest light in my life and saving me from the darkness. ’
#sorta starter call#starter call;#to be reblogged later#some can be texts some are definitely said out loud#might be done tomorrow for obvious reasons
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