#another adulterer to add to the list
emmettspeakz · 2 years
No what fucks be up the most is ppl saying “Ned was my least fav try guy anyway” cuz I doubt some of that is actually true, but like after Eugene, he was my fav. I loved his recipes, his silly squidward laugh, his goofiness in videos. That’s why this news hurts. Because I enjoyed his content, his energy, how fun videos were with him in them. He was such a fun guy to watch for me personally and he felt relatable and easy to love.
It’s such a betrayal to how he portrayed himself in videos and I’m disgusted with myself a little bit actually, for falling for his apparent façade of “good wife guy”, just like I did with John mulaney.
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dxsole · 1 year
NPC | The Prescott Ghosts
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Character Relation: These ghosts haunt The Prescott Hotel, owned and maintained by Nadia. They all know her and are generally friendly...but some are corrupting her.
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Wilhelmina Prescott | Died at age 18 in 1858
As is true of most ghost stories, it begins with an unspeakable crime. Wilhelmina Prescott, the lovely heir to her father’s bountiful fortune is swept away by a mysterious nobleman who turns out to be nothing more than a common swindler and conman, in the dead of night killing his young bride and burying her body in The Prescott’s foundation. The hotel is built up, no one knowing about the curse that has now befallen the grounds. Unlike the other spirits that regularly haunt the premises and make themselves known to staff and guest alike, Wilhelmina prefers her privacy in the barren underbelly of the Prescott. 
Every 18 years she, with the help of the current owner and her fellow specters, adds to the family, damning another soul to an everlasting stay at the hotel. 
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Clancy “Cash” Lowell | Died at age 34 in 1876
The first known dead soul in the history of The Prescott, lost only a few years into its conception. Everything was new, vibrant. The soul of the hotel was warmer and this was it’s first run in with something far more cold-blooded. Good Ol’ Cash Lowell— nothing was good about him, his name best know through the numerous wanted posters that littered the West. Cattle rustler, blackmailer, adulterer, bandit, murderer; in the end there were so many crimes and vile acts listed beneath his name that they simply settled on calling him an outlaw. And eventually, every outlaw is caught; his death was brought upon by local bounty killers. His soul has remained with The Prescott ever since, still marked by evil and causing a majority of the problems that occur within it’s walls. 
He’s one of the bolder ghosts, freely showing himself to guests like he was simply another eccentric guest himself; Clancy is also the ringleader of the gang of ghosts, only tipping his hat to Nadia or Wilhelmina.
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Kassandra Priddy | Died at 57 in 1894
Probably the worst maid in the history of The Prescott, or any other hotel for that matter. Sure, the rooms have never been cleaner but her sticky fingers and nosy ways made her generally disliked among the other staff as well as the guests. In her time as a maid, she amassed a large collection of trinkets and prized possessions from wealthy guests— all that thievery wasn’t the cause of her death, however. Clancy had actually come into her quarters in the middle of the night and quite literally scared her to death. She has yet to forgive him but her obligation to the hotel, both her home and place of work, runs deep. To this day she is always cleaning, dusting away as she wanders through the rooms. And to this day, guest still report missing items; much to Nadia’s dismay. 
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Valentina Novak | Died at 23 in 1912
She can’t remember when she died nor the circumstances around it. She vaguely remembers the tub, being submerged, feeling sleepy— but every time she thinks too hard on it, she feels herself being pulled under once more. She was just trying to start a new life, forget her past sins and past mistakes; it seemed her punishment still caught up with her. Always soggy, always shivering, she haunts the bathrooms, sinks, and tubs within The Prescott. She’s also one the more calm and considerate entities within it’s walls, as well as the most careful about who she reveals herself to and when. Val is also incredibly wary of Clancy, she couldn’t tell you why, but she makes it a point to avoid him at all times.
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Urie Renard | Died at 47 in 1930
Sommeliers are a dying breed. He always said it. Refinement was lost on today’s generation and he held a hint of anger in his soul over it. He died bitter. He died in vain. He died of…of what? Tetanus? Due to a single rusty nail. The Prescott took in his soul in exchange for his anger. It gave him a new life in order to continue its own unholy existence. Urie haunts and works within The Prescott’s wine cellar, only coming out to spit his two cents in every so often. And of course, assist his dear Nadia in completing her debt to the hotel as well. Much like Clancy, Urie is not about to let a little thing like death keep him from working and performing his duties, so he’s also a common sight around the hotel, strolling about the kitchen and wine room at his leisure.
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Sid Priestley | Died at 27 in 1948
Perhaps he’s not as black-hearted as Clancy was, but Sid was still no stranger to sin. It’s what killed him, actually; Sid always had a problem with the drink and even more so with women. Despite having a wife at home, he snuck around a lot, meeting various women and taking them back to his hotel room. He told his wife many, many times he was working but his paycheck wasn’t showing all those moments of supposed overtime. He met his end when his wife, sick of his lies and his discrepancies, decided to take matters into her own hands. Unstable and hurt, she came bursting through his room, just so she could confirm what she knew in her heart to be true. Sid took two bullets to the chest and still feels a strange pang in his chest whenever he moves. He doesn’t care if people see him or not, seemingly more content with sitting at the bar, praying for a drink that will never come. 
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Sister Diyar | Died at 36 in 1966
Perhaps the only holy one within these walls, forced to stay put within the grounds of The Prescott instead of being allowed to return to her Maker. Diyar’s passion was ministry and spreading the Gospel, a most noble task that ended at The Prescott; it was a culinary disaster, somehow her plate becoming tainted with pine nuts (to which she was deadly allergic to). To this day no one knows how it happened, seeing as pine nuts were not even available in the kitchen. In the end, Sister Diyar still thinks it was simply a freak accident, a part of the curse brought upon the foundation of The Prescott. She doesn’t speak often but can be found wandering the halls, the Word of God still on the tip of her tongue— also, don’t disregard the Bible in your room’s desk drawer, she rather enjoys flipping them open, leaving a verse underlined for the guests.
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Rosalinda “Roz” Bautista | Died at 19 in 1984
Only one ghost has full reign of The Prescott’s ballroom; Roz died as she lived; having a good ol’ time! She refuses to have any regrets about how much coke she did that night or how many chairs she broke because she kept throwing them around or, you know, the fact that her heart gave out because of all the drugs and adrenaline— It was a party gone mad, the socialite hosts losing control as the masses poured in. The liquor flowed and everyone was under the influence of one drug or another. Roz was a hardcore party girl, and technically still is. She makes the dusty disco ball installed in the ballroom’s ceiling open up randomly, and people’s phones go on the fritz and start playing Cyndi Lauper; she’s insufferable but no one can deny she’s the real life of the party.
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Yvonne Bergfalk | Died at 67 in 2002
Everyone expected Yvonne to live forever; she had so much money and survived at least four husbands before her, it seemed inevitable that in her cold bitterness, she would live until the end of time. Granted, the only reason she maybe didn’t look as old as she was, was due to the fact since she turned 35 she’s been injected, pulled, and prodded by a number of plastic surgeons. It was all to please her various ex-husbands but also because Yvonne had a firm belief that people would write you off the second they saw a wrinkle. But alas, death comes for us all and instead of dying in her sleep, one of Yvonne’s aged implants finally called it quits. Silicone filled her chest cavity and eventually stopped her heart during her bi-yearly trip to The Prescott. It, of course, was the talk of the town and had every tabloid coming into the hotel; she still likes to gloat about all the media attention she got over the whole thing. Now, she likes to pop up in the guest mirrors, mainly to give a bit of fashion advice.
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twigon0metry · 2 years
Where does the Bible condemn homosexuality
Hey there! Thanks for asking this, I actually didn't even add them in my homosexuality masterpost, so here they are for you and others who may be interested. :)
FIRSTLY, I want to state that discrimination against LGBTQ individuals is wrong and not something I support. Me listing these verses is in no way intended to be this. I firmly believe that I am not in this earth to control the behaviour of others, but rather, to love and accept them as Jesus would.
That being said, the Bible is very clear on Christianity (and God's) stance on homosexuality. The mistranslation claims I have debunked in the post just below this, and I have another post by someone else who has researched the original languages as well.
NOTE: the word "sexual immorality" means any sexual activity outside of a married man and woman
You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination. Leviticus 18:22
If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. Leviticus 20:13 ESV (this is an old Testament Jewish rule, so it is NOT right to put gay ppl to death, context is very important here)
For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. Romans 1:26‭-‬28 ESV
Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 1 Corinthians 6:9‭-‬10 ESV
Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body. 1 Corinthians 6:18
But because of the temptation to sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband. 1 Corinthians 7:2 ESV
Now we know that the law is good, if one uses it lawfully, understanding this, that the law is not laid down for the just but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who strike their fathers and mothers, for murderers, the sexually immoral, men who practice homosexuality, enslavers, liars, perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine, 1 Timothy 1:8‭-‬10 ESV
Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous. Hebrews 13:4 ESV
just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which likewise indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire. Jude 1:7
I'm not sure from checking out your blog if you are Christian or not--if not, then treat this as information about a religion different than yours, as to you it will not be absolute truth :OOO
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cheat-synonym-ji · 2 years
cheat synonym work LVM3!
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 synonyms for cheat · chicanery · deception · fraud · scam · swindle · trickery · artifice · baloney. cheat · deceive · beguile · con (informal) · defraud · double-cross (informal) · dupe · fleece · fool. OTHER WORDS FOR cheat 1 mislead, dupe, delude; gull, con; hoax, fool. 8 swindler, trickster, sharper, dodger, charlatan, fraud, fake, phony, mountebank. Sense: Verb: deceive someone. Synonyms: deceive , trick , fool , dupe, con (informal), have (slang), bamboozle, burn , hoodwink, cross , double-cross. Related terms for 'cheat on': a bit on the side, adulterer, adulteress, adulterous, adultery, affair, another woman, bigamy, cheat, cuckold, deceive. This comes in part from the fact that the Cullinan has a cheat sheet. Cheat , in other words—on God, on our fellow man, ultimately, on ourselves. If a Queen did cheat , her crimes fade into insignificance compared to the extensive philandering engaged in by medieval monarchs. Clients who are wary of online transactions are liable to see escorts with print ads as less likely to cheat or scam them. Vennare adds that cheat days can occasionally do more harm than good. And thirdly he knew that his adversary would cheat if he could and that his adversary suspected him of fraudulent designs. She had submitted to giving up the salmon, but the devil himself should not cheat her out of her dessert. I soon find out when they are trying to cheat me; then they come smirking and smiling with 'Guten Abis. The tongue can't cheat the brain, and right now reading is out of the question. New Word List Word List. Save This Word! He cheated on his wife. See synonyms for cheat on Thesaurus. It should prove to be a quick challenge! Origin of cheat —75; Middle English chet noun aphetic for achet, variant of eschet escheat ; cheten to escheat, derivative of chet noun. Cheat, deceive, trick, victimize refer to the use of fraud or artifice deliberately to hoodwink or obtain an unfair advantage over someone. Cheat implies conducting matters fraudulently, especially for profit to oneself: to cheat at cards. Deceive suggests deliberately misleading or deluding, to produce misunderstanding or to prevent someone from knowing the truth: to deceive one's parents. To trick is to deceive by a stratagem, often of a petty, crafty, or dishonorable kind: to trick someone into signing a note. To victimize is to make a victim of; the emotional connotation makes the cheating, deception, or trickery seem particularly dastardly: to victimize a blind man. Words nearby cheat cheap out , cheap shot , Cheapside , cheapskate , cheapy , cheat , cheat day , cheater , cheat on , cheat sheet , Cheb. Words related to cheat charlatan , con artist , crook , hypocrite , impostor , rascal , rogue , swindler , trickster , chicanery , deception , fraud , scam , swindle , trickery , bilk , con , deceive , defraud , delude. How to use cheat in a sentence This comes in part from the fact that the Cullinan has a cheat sheet. Spit vs. Skipper Worse Alexander Lange Kielland. My Wonderful Visit Charlie Chaplin. Derived forms of cheat cheatable , adjective cheater , noun cheatingly , adverb. Word Origin for cheat C short for escheat.
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Hi, fair warning this is my first sims challenge. I am hoping this goes well, as this is based on my own gameplay. It's fairly short.
Pick a large lot (50x50, 50x40, 40x40, ect.)
Set funds to 1000 simoleons (for an extra challenge set it to 0)
to set funds you can use the UI Cheats mod or the money cheat by pressing Ctrl, Shift, C and type "Money *desired funds*"
example:  money 1000
example: money 0
Randomize Traits
Change your home every season
You can start with any season, just make sure to follow the seasons
Gen Autumn
Name them something Autumn inspired
Colors: Orange, Red, Yellow, Brown, Black, Purple
Goals Checklist:
Complete "Master Chef Aspiration"
Reach Level 10 in the Chef Branch
Reach Level 10 in Cooking and Gourmet Cooking Skill
Reach Level 10 in Mixology Skill
Reach Level 10 in Handiness Skill
Bonfire Night: Have a fire (Bonfire, fireplace, accidental fire, campfire)
Happy Halloween: Find an excuse to wear a costume
Have at least one child
All things End: Die of Old Age
Gen Winter
Name them something Winter inspired
Colors: White, Blue, Purple, Brown, Black, Dark Green
Goals Checklist:
Complete n Creative Aspiration of your choice
If you have Snowy Escape, you can complete the Extreme Sports Aspiration
Reach Level 10 in Writing skill
Reach Level 10 in Painting skill
Reach Level 10 in a Musical instrument skill
Work as a Freelancer
Happy Holidays: Give another sim a present
Seasonal Depression: Be sad at least once
Fertility Issues: Only have 1 child through woohoo
Adopt at least 1 baby
Gen Spring
Name them something Spring inspired
Colors: Pink, Green, Blue, Yellow, White, Pastel Shades
Goals Checklist:
Complete a Family Aspiration or a Nature Aspiration
Only Garden for Money
If you have Island Living you can choose the Conservationist career
If you have Eco Lifestyle you can choose the Civic Designer Career
If you have Get to Work you can choose the Doctor career
If you have Seasons you can use the Gradening career
Reach Level 10 in Gardening
Reach Level 10 in Parenting
Reach Level 10 in Fishing
Happy Love Day: Go on a Park Date
Persephone's Garden: Grow a Cow Plant
Super Fertile: Have 6-7 Children
Gen Summer:
Name them something Summer inspired
Colors: Yellow, Orange, Blue, Pink, Brown, Tans, Green
Goals Checklist:
Complete a Money, Social, or Fitness Aspiration
Reach Level 10 in Astronaut, Athlete, or Secret Agent career
If you have Get to Work you can choose the Detective Career
If you have City Living you can choose the Social Media Career
If you have Get Famous you can Choose the Actor Career
Reach Level 10 in Fitness Skill
Reach Level 10 in Charisma Skill
Reach Level 10 in Comedy Skill
Happy Pride: Find an excuse to Wear a rainbow
It's to Hot: Own a Pool
If you have Island Living: Have a Beach Day!
Have a set of Multiples
For Extra Spice:
Here are some goals to add to any  generation spice up your game if you start to get bored.
Cheat on your partner, Have at least 2 affairs that last at least a week without being caught
Long Lost Relative:
Your Second cousin twice removed moves in with you. They are a slob, lazy, and hot headed. They mooch off you, and they can't leave until they reach Level 4 in a career
Midlife Crisis:
Change your appearance
Buy a luxury good or spend over 1000 Simoleans on an items
Divorce your spouse for a younger Sim
Redecorate a room
Accidental Death:
List out the important sims in your game, spin a wheel (or use a random number generator), and whoever it lands on must die
Your sim's partner die  
Thanks and I hope you enjoy
Created by: ShanetheFerret
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The Big Game: Final Part
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.1k
Warnings: fluff, canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there is any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them. If you’ve seen the show, then it’s the same level of angst unless otherwise stated
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"See if you can get the coroner out here right away," Faraday says to a passing officer.
"I see the same energy here, Gideon. It's just one person."
"Well, he called again. This time it was different. Only one of them spoke," Faraday sighs.
"Which one?"
"Pretty sure it was Raphael. I wrote down what he said, and I got a recording being brought out here. It took almost eleven minutes to respond. We only had but the one unit close."
"Could the unsub know that?" you ask.
"The lack of police presence out here has gotten some local media attention recently. Now, the 911 call wasn't the only thing that was different. This particular scene is weird in another way. The male victim, upstairs, has his throat cut."
"Why is that weird?" Gideon asks as Faraday leads you into the house.
"He doesn't live here. He's a local handyman."
"Who lives here?"
"The Douglas'. I just talked to Mr. Douglas a little while ago. He's on his way back from a business meeting down state. According to him, he wasn't having any handy work done on the house, and his wife was supposed to be home."
"But she's not now?"
"She seems to be missing," he sighs. "But her car, keys, wallet, and purse are here. I got a description on the field."
"So, did you copy down what the caller said?" Gideon wonders.
"Yeah." Faraday takes out his notebook so he can read the message. "Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and then that commit adultery."
"So, adultery is the sin, but they kill him and not her. They abduct her. Why?"
"You think she's still alive?" Faraday asks.
"We never assume otherwise unless there is evidence," you answer.
"I will cast her into a bed," Gideon repeats what the detective said. "It's from Revelation again. It's about Jezebel. She was an adulterer, whore, and false prophetess. She's the most reviled woman in the bible."
"The unsub knew she was having an affair. There had to have been a laptop here."
"Yeah, upstairs."
You, Spencer, Derek, and Emily all go upstairs to examine the crime scene and the bodies. As soon as you enter the bedroom, you notice the laptop on the other end of the room facing the crime. You know the unsub is watching, so you do your best not to pay any attention to it.
"Don't look now, but we're on candid camera," Derek comments.
"Yep," Emily nods.
You walk over to the man that's on the bed, slapping on some gloves so you can touch him without leaving your DNA behind. With your gloved hand, you run your fingers over the gash on his throat. This room is covered with the same energy that the Kyle's house had. This unsub is working quickly, and it's getting harder to catch up to him. It's hard to paint a clear picture of what happened here because there are three different personalities that want to be the dominant one.
With a shake of your head, you snap off your glive, throw it away, and head back downstairs with Derek and Emily.
"There's a laptop set up on the dresser upstairs with a pretty good view of the room," Derek says to Hotch.
"Garcia's trying to trace the camera's feed back to its destination," Emily adds.
Hotch motions for all three of you to follow him outside, and you go without question.
"What were you telling Gideon about this being one unsub?" Hotch asks you.
"You know I see people with their auras and their energies, well, males have a base color of red, females are blue, and children are yellow. Now, while all men have red energies, there are different hues and tints for each person based on their personalities, their thoughts, and their actions. The energy I've been seeing at these crime scenes are one base color, one energy, but there are two energies with different tints stemming from the base. One man, but three different personalities. The same thing shows for me and Emily. Two different energies because we have two different personalities."
"Okay, let's work this out. What does the new behavior tell us?"
"That the personality known as Raphael was alone this time? Maybe he was dominant this entire time."
"Not if he's psychotic. He wouldn't be capable of operating this efficiently. Someone was here who could control himself. Make sure no evidence was left behind."
"The second personality then. At the first crime, Personality One called the police, right? This time it was raphael. Why? It's like the phone call is necessary. It's part of the signature."
"Have we ever seen this in case history?" Hotch asks.
"A mixture of extreme psychosis in a controlled individual? No. One of the most common indicators of extreme psychosis is solitude."
"They don't exactly play well with others."
Gideon walks out of the house and joins you four.
"Was Garcia able to find anything on a Raphael in the records?"
"Not yet," Derek answers.
"So, why is he naming himself? Twice? Certainly not worried about us getting that name. In fact, he wants us to know it."
"Raphael doesn't exist. He's one of the four archangels. This unsub is suffering from a delusion that he's actually an archangel. I'm not sure who the third voice is supposed to be, but it has to be of some significance to him.
"Getting back to this case, if Mrs. Douglas is Jezebel, there is an especially unpleasant death in her future," Hotch determines.
You believe you got everything from this crime scene as you possibly can, so you all head back to the police station where you can discuss this further without the fear that the unsub is watching you through the computers he's hacked his way in.
"Garcia's running voice analysis on the first 911 call to see if there are actually two voices. She's also going to peel the third voice off the videotape and see if that gets anything. We believe you, Y/N, but this is something she's gotta do."
"I know," you nod.
"We should have a copy of that latest call brought over here within the hour," Faraday says.
"Hotchner," the police captain says, "your tech girl is on the phone."
Hotch takes the phone from Franks and presses the speaker button so that everyone can hear her.
"Jeez, don't you people answer your cell phones anymore?"
"We were driving back to Atlanta through the countryside. Spotty cell signal."
"If you think that first video went viral fast, the second one's going through the stratosphere."
"There's a second video?" you gasp.
"Yeah, there's a new video from our psycho. I'm downloading it myself right now. Some of these upload sites get more than a million hits a day."
"Get it on the monitor here as soon as you can."
She hangs up to do her thing, and JJ walks in with files in her hands but a frown on her face.
"So, Frank is right. None of the open knife cases he has fits here."
"Tell me there's a but," Hotch sighs.
"Well, I looked at it a different way. I looked for unsolved home invasions. Three months ago, there was a prowler called in directly outside of the Kyle's house."
"A prowler?" you ask and head over to her.
"The witness was walking his dog in a nearby park. When he went back to his car, he saw a man in dark clothing go over the back wall and start sneaking up to the house. By the time the state police got there, the prowler was gone."
"Only one man?"
"Was the witness able to describe him?" Spencer asks having heard this from where he was seated.
"If he did, it's not in this case file."
"Is there a name and address for the witness?" Hotch asks.
"Tobias Hankle. He lives about an hour from here."
"Y/N, I want you and Reid to go see if you can't get anything from him. It's a long shot, but he might be able to give us a description."
"You got it. Come on, Spencer."
You grab the keys to one of the unmarked police cars and head out with Spencer. Like Hotch stated earlier, the cell signal is shit. You won't be able to get in touch with the team even if you wanted to. You're not too worried about it because you're only going to talk to tobias. It's not like you're going to be put in danger... right?
You pull into the long driveway that leads to Tobias' house, and the feeling you get when you see the house is pure terror. You're lucky you're able to park the car and get out with how scared you feel. The same red energy you saw at the two crime scenes is all over this property.
"Spencer, I think we fucked up," you say with a shaky voice.
"What do you mean?"
"This is our unsub."
"What? How do you know?"
"This property is covered with the same red energy I've been seeing at the crime scenes."
"Do you want to turn back? Head back to the police station?"
"No, as long as we don't tip him off, we should be fine. I want to see what we can get out of him."
You two walk up to the front door and you knock, and a few seconds later, Tobias Hankel answers the door. Yep, this is your unsub.
"Hi, Mr. Hankel?"
"Um, yeah?"
"We're with the FBI. I'm agent Y/N and this is agent Reid."
"FBI?" he asks, a little scared.
He must have been Personality One that called the police the first time.
"May we come in?" you ask.
"Um, I'm sorry, I don't let anyone in the house."
"Actually, I, uh, really have to, you know, go?"
"You do?" you ask in shock.
"For thirty minutes."
"Why didn't you say anything in the car? I would have stopped."
Spencer shrugs and turns to Tobias who is scared out of his mind.
"Uh, do you mind?"
"I'm sorry. My father doesn't like it."
"Your father?" You're, like, thirty."
"At what age can one start disrespecting the wishes of their parents?" Tobias says, a little more confident than before.
He's getting angry, and you need to calm him before it gets out of hand.
"You witnessed something a few months ago that might be very helpful to us."
"I did?"
"You saw someone go over a wall into a yard. You're the one who called the police."
"You didn't?"
"No, sorry," he shakes his head.
"Is there another Tobias Hankel that lives here?"
"Just me and my father, Charles."
"There's a report on file that lists you as calling 911. You were walking a dog," you state.
"No, that's wrong, I don't have a dog."
This isn't going anywhere, and you need to go now if you value your lives.
"Okay, sorry to bother you, sir." He quickly closes the door on you two, and you turn to Spencer with a scared look. "Why is he lying to us? Why bother calling the police if you're just going to pretend you didn't?"
"To gauge the response time," Spencer gasps. "If you were going to kill somebody, but you wanted to call the police first, what would you need to know?"
"How long it takes them to get there," you answer.
"You're completely right! He's the unsub!"
Spencer takes off to the side of the house where there are windows. You quickly follow behind and peek inside one of the windows, gasping when you see that Tobias has a set up with a ton of computers, all with live video feed to tell him who is sinning and who isn't. Tobias comes around the corner and sees you looking in, his eyes widening in fear that he's been caught. He immediately takes off to the back of the property where there is a large barn.
"He's in the barn! Come on!"
"Spencer, we should go back and try to contact Hotch," you hiss but follow him.
He takes out his gun, and you take out yours just to be safe.
"Why? We have him. We can bring him in. You cover the front, I'm gonna go around back. Hotch knows we came here. He'll come looking for us. We'll just wait him out."
"No, Spencer, we really shouldn't split up," you try to say, but he runs off without another word.
Go after him! Do not go into that barn!
Your gut is telling you not to split up, to follow him, but you do something you've never done before in your entire life: you ignore it. Spencer seems pretty dead set on waiting out Tobias, and who knows if he could have more victims in here. You let out a shaky breath and open the barn doors with your gun out in front of you.
It's very cold and dark here, but there are slivers of moonlight that are shining through. Still, you use your flashlight that you always carry with you for situations like this. You shine the light to the lower right corner. There are chains and pools of blood everywhere, and the more you light the area, the more you can clearly see who was there.
The woman who was taken from her house, Mrs. Douglas, is dead on the ground with bite marks and chunks taken out of her. You groan and are about to leave when you hear the unmistakable growl of at least four dogs behind you.
Your eyes widen when you realize just how much you fucked up.
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duxhess-kryzewan · 4 years
Obi-Wan preparing some surprise for Satine and her being curious, so she's following him and then try to sneak in only to get caught
-thief in the night - 
She trusts him.
There was never a doubt about that, she trusted him with her life. Hardly a soul in the galaxy would ever be granted such faith in them by her. It's an honor she doesn't bestow upon many.
That being said, he had lied to her.
When she had arrived on Coruscant on a diplomatic summit, she was just as delighted by the opportunity to see him as much as she was to speak on the progress her peaceful ways had made on Mandalore. It had been too long since the galaxy had been war torn and she hadn't yet seen him since peace had been declared. Despite the absence of battle, the universe still dictated where their priorities must be, and seeing each other was not on the forefront of those duties.
She would be on Coruscant for nine days, four of which were free of any summit meetings and Senate visits. Her staff had made sure to stagger her commitments and she could not have been more appreciative. The more time she had to slip away, the longer she could be with him.
Which is why she was beyond disappointed when her second night of freedom had came and he informed her that he had a prior engagement with the temple and wouldn't be able to see her. And while she understood, it didn't alleviate the pang of sadness in her chest upon hearing it.
"I'm all yours on your next free night." He assured her, "I'll be in your company as long as you'll have me, my dear."
"You better." She told him.
There wasn't much to be done about the situation though, and she understood that. It was another unfortunate caveat that came with the separate paths they chose to walk. Never will their duties be put on hold for each other. He had duties to perform at the temple that take precedence over her.
Which would be fine, had he not been lying to her about it.
She had just finished up a quick visit with Padme and Bail Organa when she caught the faintest glimpse of him ducking around a corner and down a corridor, cloak pulled up over his head. If she didn't know every inch of him as well as she did she could have mistaken him for someone else. But no, there was no hiding that auburn hair from her. The flash of auburn hair was all she needed to confirm his identity.
"Glad to see he's at the temple." She mutters to herself, and in a split second decision she pulls her own hood up and is headed in his direction.
Rarely is she without the company of her guards, and she wasn't about to let the opportunity go to waste. Navigating her way around the city wasn't the easiest of tasks, and trying to keep an eye on Obi-Wan while maintaining a distance was proving to be a challenge. But she was determined to figure out just why he had lied to her.
She stops a few yards away from him and watches as he walks into a small dilapidated shop in the back end of an alleyway, the sign so time worn that she can't make out the writing.
"What are you up to, Obi-Wan?" She whispers to herself, "He best have a good reason for lying to me."
And so she waits, watching as people come and go around her. The darkness - thank force - provided her with enough cover that no one would be able to recognize her.
Her focus soon becomes entirely lost in the crowd bustles around her, so much so that she almost misses him slipping out the door of the shop entirely and she has to quicken her pace to try and keep him in her sight, but when he takes a sharp turn down another ally she looses him completely.
"You should know better than to try and follow a Jedi."
His voice spooks her more than she would like to admit. How had he gotten behind her? He was ahead of her only moments ago.
When she turns she finds him standing with his arms crossed, hood still pulled over his head and a bemused smile on his face.
"You saw me?"
He snorts, "I've told you before, everyone has a force signature, I know yours quiet intimately. I could sense you not long after I left."
She curses herself under her breath. How could she forget? He only spent hours explaining how the force is in all living things when they were on the run.
"Right, that."
He nods his head in the direction of the Senate building, beckoning her to follow him. Not that she had any other option, she barely knows her way around the city. Another detail she hadn't thought of when she left after him.  
"Care to explain?"
She stares blankly at him for a moment. He wanted her to explain? She certainly wasn't the one who lied.
"Perhaps, if you explain why you lied to me." She counters.
He frowns, "I certainly hope you don't think I was committing any type of adulterous affairs."
There were many scenarios that ran through her head but that wasn't one of them. He might have lied to her about his whereabouts, but she would never believe that he was seeing another person. He barely has the nerve to go against the code he holds so close just to see her, let alone another woman.
"Of course not," she answers, "I would never."
He smiles at her briefly, before frowning once again, "Then why follow me?"
She narrows her eyes,  "Why lie to me?"
He stops walking when she poses the question again. There's something about the look in his eyes that gives him a pause; confliction, perhaps?
"I told you I was at the temple because I didn't want you to ruin the surprise."
She freezes, "Pardon?"
He sighs and runs a hand over his face. She's waiting for him to become upset with her, but instead of angered words he simply chuckles.
"I had intended to give it to you tomorrow evening after your session with the Senate. Unfortunately this was the only time I could slip away, which happen to come at the expense of one less evening with you, though I was hoping what I got you would make up for it."
She opens her mouth to responds, but can't quite form the words she's looking for. Had she really been so cross at the fact that he wasn't where he said he was that she completely ruined what surely must be something meaningful enough for him to sneak away from the temple​? It seemed that way.
"I'm sorry." Is the only thing she manages to come up with.
Despite what should be a very keen opportunity to be angry with her, he smiles warmly.
"No, I'm sorry for lying to you. I shouldn't have done so despite my good intentions."
The crowd swells around them, bustling bodies brushing against their own and he has to tug on her wrist to move her out of the way of a particularly large swarm of people. Not that she's complaining, the last thing she needed was her guards finding out she snuck away from them.
"Come on," he tells her, "Lets get you back to the Senate building before they send your guards on a man hunt."
She nods and follows wordlessly behind him. Every so often he would glance over his shoulder to make sure she was still there. Over protective as always. Perhaps it was an instinct that hadn't faded from their time on the run, even though she insisted she could take of herself.
It wasn't like she was about to voice that however, she did just ruin what clearly is a very personal surprise. Another thing to add to the ever growing list of guilt she has. It was bad enough that he violates the code for her, something she knows he struggles with even if he wont voice it.
Why did she think following him would be a good idea?
"Do you wish to be alone?" He asked her - rather sheepishly, she would add - once they arrived at the Senate guest suite.
She stares at him for a moment, "I presume you're rather upset at my ruining of your surprise. If you'd rather spend the night separately I understand; you don't have to stay." She paused before adding, "Or ever have to ask, for that matter."
Her head drops shamefully, the guilt for following him only manifesting with each passing moment and she's certain he won't want to be around her. She wouldn't want to be around her, not after questioning her trust in him.
But he only smiles and opens the door, gently weaving their fingers together enough to tug her inside.
He kicks the door shut and kisses her. Its the first time he's truly touched her in almost a year and the sensation is so overwhelming that all she can do is wonder how she could ever, ever doubt his loyalty to her.
"I'd like to give you your gift now, if that's alright." He says just as he pulls away.
She finally grants him a smile. How could she not smile at such a wonderful man?
"If you wish."
He grins and kisses her again before reaching into his robe and pulling out a small blue pouch, its silken fabric shimmering in the dull light of the room and she's entranced by the color alone.
He holds it out to her, beckoning her to pull on the tightly knotted string. She does, and lets the small ribbon fall to the floor before he tips the bag over and lets its contents slide onto her open palm.
"Padme had some input, I confess." He tells her, "I'm not the leading expert on women's jewelry."
It wasn't anything grand; a simple silver chain wrapped around a bright blue crystal. She's sure that Padme steered him in the right direction of what she would and wouldn't wear.
"You don't have to wear it if you don't like it," He says quickly, likely a response to the blank expression she's wearing. Not for a lack of liking it - quite the opposite, in fact - but because she was entranced by both the gesture and the object in her hand.
"It's the Kyber crystal from my last lightsaber," He explains, "The lightsabers itself was broken, having been kicked down a shaft on Naboo, but I managed to salvage the crystal. I know it's not to the caliber of your normal attire but I hope-"
She doesn't give him a chance to finish. She's too impatient to let him say anything else about how she may or may not like it and overwhelmed by just how much she loves him. Every time she fears that he has allowed his affection for her to fade he turns around and proves her wrong.
So she kisses him, because it's the only thing that she could possibly do to show how much she loves it and him.
"I want to wear it." She tells him, "It's wonderful and I want to wear it."
​He smiles, "You're sure?"
How could she not be?
"I'm sure."
She slips the necklace back into his awaiting hand and turns, letting him do the honors of brushing her hair to the side. Not that she was incapable, but she relishes in the chill that runs down her spine every time he touches her.
The crystal is cold against her bare skin but she loves it all the same. It's easily one of the most thoughtful things she had ever received.
Hell, he could have given her anything and she would love it all the same so long as it came from him.
A kiss is pressed against the back of her neck and she sighs.
"Thank you, Obi-Wan."
He nuzzles her exposed skin before dropping his chin against her shoulder, "Next time I make an attempt at surprising you, could you reconsider following me all around the city?"
She grins.
"I'll consider it."​
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gremlin rant for Babette please?
Oof, Babette. Now this woman. Oh, G-d, don’t get me started on this woman.
First, there’s her whole relationship with Josephine. It’s a toxic mess that just gets worse the more you think about it and is absolutely terrible representation for the wlw community. Like, Babette’s a 6,000-plus-year-old goddess and her girlfriend, a young mortal without any powers. Can’t anyone see the problem here? Babette’s obviously a pedophile and could force Josephine to do whatever she wanted to do with magic. And just because she could means the threat is always there. It’s sick and twisted and Babette’s an evil monster for wanting to date Josephine.
Like, I don’t care that the relationship has a balanced dynamic, that the relationship started on Josephine’s terms and continues because Josephine wants it to. Josephine holds more experience than Babette both in relevant life and relationship experience? Don’t care. Babette’s disgusting.
Then there’s the fact that Babette’s a polyamorous bisexual dating a lesbian. Like, canonically, Babette has sex with and dates men (and women) co-currently with Josephine, therefore infecting her girlfriends with leftover man residue. Like, I can’t imagine what fresh Hell poor Josephine must live through every day with such an abusive and carless adulterer.
And its even worse than that! We all know bisexually totally doesn’t exist, right? So, like, Babette is 100% just a straight girl who wants to feel special all the while stringing Josephine along as if it’s some kind of sick game. If Babette really loved Josephine, she would’ve stopped inviting men over into her bed like some kind of dick-worshipping whore and stay loyal to her girlfriend alone.
It’s a wonder why Josephine stays with her, but it’s probably because Babette’s got her wrapped around her little finger by guilting and manipulating her with trauma. making herself out to be some innocent victim when we all know the real victim is Josephine herself.
And, like, if that wasn’t enough, she’s a bottom. Seriously. Like, what kind of heteronormative, misogynistic bullshit is that? And, like, of course she’s the femme to Josephine’s butch, which just adds to the whole heteronormativity of this bullshit story (Hurr-durr, guess we don’t have to ask who’s the man in the relationship, am I right?). Like, I know, I know, Josephine doesn’t identify as butch and is actually quite fluid in her presentation, but, like, we know the truth.
And, like, she’s so chock-a-block filled with internalized misogyny (and dick, the whore) that she, of course, of course, gets off to being abused? Like, what the fuck? She just lets herself get physically abused by all the men she oh-so lovingly worships, going so far as to manipulate Josephine into it as well. Like, seriously, Babette’s such a misogynistic character. What kind of woman would ever want to get abused by their partner? BDSM? More like glorified assault. Heck, she even makes porn of it! Like, what kind of self-respecting woman would ever do that?
Oh, oh, but that’s not the worst of it! Like, G-d damn she gets so much worse. Get this. Get this. Babette’s a former tyrannical fucking fascist dictator and it’s never brought up. Like, what the fuck. Not only does she take over a rebellion by force, but she also executed a monarch and forced an entire galactic empire to bend the knee. Then she rules the empire for thousands of years, not once letting her people choose who rules over them, while violently crushing any resistance and doing little to dispel the literal religious worship of her (and no, her not doing anything to support the religions born of her actions doesn’t make things better).
And, like, she doesn’t even get better after being deposed. Like, she returns to Earth and instead of acting like a reasonable fucking person, she decides to pull a complete 180°. She goes from “If you want something done right, conquer a sovereign nation,” to a whole “No-Interference” policy. Like, she has so much power to do so much good for the world, ye she does nothing but sit on her arse and cheat on her girlfriend. Like, what the fuck? People are dying and she does nothing because of that bullshit excuse of “If I help with all my power, I would end up being forced to solving every problem humanity created forever.” Like, really? What kind of excuse is that? People are dying, the world is dying, and you’re just going to let that happen? “I shouldn’t be the one to fix everyone’s problems,” well fuck you, too!
And this brings us neatly to another one of her many, many problems. Her story is boring. It’s just slice of life fluff where she doesn’t face any major conflicts outside of her own trauma and relationship troubles, and then it just becomes disgusting smut, before finally getting interesting but only, like, in the same way that Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2 is interesting. Like, the author builds up this massive thing about how “Oh, the pagan gods aren’t happy that Babette’s on Earth,” but then the author just goes with this massive cop-out and suddenly she’s friends with them all. Like, what the fuck?
And speaking of Twilight! Like, Babette is just Edward but with a vagina (and sometimes she doesn’t even have that, if the author’s own personal AU means anything). Like, the first book has Babette in High School. A 6,000 year old being in High School. Like, what the fuck!? I know she wasn’t in the right mind space to choose if she went to high school or not, and I know she’s just about to graduate, but that’s fucking weird and disgusting. I fucking hate it and I hate her. What the fuck!
Send me the name of one of my OCs and I’ll write an angry Tumblr gremlin rant about why they’re Problematic(TM)
Tag list: @starr-lights, @kijilinn, @yuelias-prince, @unwriter-sc, @egglordthypen, @cttrajan1206, @randomestfandoms-ocs, @ocappreciationtag - want to be added to my tag list for fics and/or content? shoot me an ask~!
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An Underhanded Jab at Internet Security? It’s Happening Right Under our Noses.
Last week, as the largest stimulus package in United States history was passed unanimously, a hugely influential bipartisan tech bill was proposed to a vacant house floor. The “Eliminating Abusive and Rampant Neglect of Interactive Technologies Act of 2020” (EARN IT) has been blotted out by media cycles reporting on a world in crisis, but its proposed amendments to internet policies– which have persisted basically unaltered since the world wide web’s conception in the 1990s– are not to be taken lightly. The bill is another in a long list of attempts by lawmakers to eliminate encryption and undermine protections granted to “interactive computer services” under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1990. 
Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are at war with encryption. Why? Well, today it is what is stopping the government from creating a targeted, data-based analysis of the spread of coronavirus from person to person. While China and South Korea, whose governments have access to patient data that is encrypted in the U.S., have been able to develop data-driven red zones which have helped to localize COVID-19 treatments. Sounds great. But encryption is also what keeps conversations, amongst almost everything else, on the internet private. According to notorious whistleblower Edward Snowden, encryption is the “only method that currently exists for reliably protecting the world’s information” – and Attorney General William Barr wants a backdoor. Barr wants to see much more than your search history; undermining encryption would give the government access to every communication you have on the internet. If it can happen to Jeff Bezos, it can happen to you, Chad. 
So encryption is a big deal, and we, the internet users, benefit more than we know from an encrypted internet. 
Section 230 protections are the massive, cash cow of a trojan horse that legislators are using to undermine encryption. Initially, the provision was created to make the internet a “free marketplace of ideas” by ensuring that interactive computer services who host third party interactions like Facebook, Twitter and websites with comment sessions, are not liable for the information shared by users of the website. These types of protections shield platforms from torrents of lawsuits and legal fees.
That's generally a good thing, right? No “abusive” or “rampant” neglect there. It gave us MySpace, and cancel culture, and Youtube trolls. That's just pure, unadulterated, capitalism baby! Que sera, sera… you would think.
Legislators think the respite from liability has served its purpose, and that big tech has gotten too big not to be held responsible for the content that is  shared. All of the Democratic nominees want to limit 230 protections, and although President Trump hasn’t publicly commented on the policy, I think it’s safe to say he would love to hold the media liable for something (anything). EARN IT sets up a 19 person commission under the Department of Justice to set guidelines for moderation: a sort of safety checklist for tech giants. If all of the boxes are checked, they “earn” 230 protections. Sidenote: I would love to meet whoever comes up with the acronyms for tech bills, great work. In all honesty, big tech has gotten eerily, terrifyingly, election threateningly, mind bogglingly big and probably should be subject to some sort of antitrust law. An antitrust law that does not conveniently give the government a backdoor into my Twitter DMs and threaten the security of internet structures. 
We don’t live in the 90s anymore. The internet is no longer an adolescent and WWW is no longer an acronym for wild wild west.  It is very much adulterated, at least concerning the motivations of EARN IT to reduce illegal internet activities. The distrubution of child sex abuse materials (CSAM) on the internet has been illegal under federal law since the mid 90s, so to has the ability of victims to sue their online-abusers been protected. Platforms are required under federal statute to report these materials to law enforcement. Using CSAM as the motivations for another section 230 amendment bill is shallow virtue signaling on a massive scale. It is a flimsy emotional ploy at best, and does not actually add any tangible protections to victims.
In San Francisco a similar bill was put into practice last winter, and it is the reason craigslist doesn’t have a personals section anymore. Without section 230, the platform cracked down on its own moderation. The de facto results of the new legislation made sex work a lot more dangerous. Arrests for prostitution and sexual assualt tripled three fold after the section was removed. 
There are two paths social networks could take should the bill pass. 1) Allowing law enforcement a backdoor to encrypted services in exchange for section 230 protections or 2) severely surveying the content posted under their own moderation standards to avoid lawsuits. Neither sounds like a solution, but then again congress has fabricated the problem and tailored its “solution” to a more vindictive motive: undermining encryption. 
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essietclarkeaz · 5 years
Synthetic Weed
If you’ve become a head shop in the previous ten years or so, odds are you’ve seen these tiny foil-backed baggies filled with everything you are told is a safe, legal alternative to bud.
It Seems benign as it Looks like the actual thing, a crumble of leafy herb material prepared for smoking or vaping in your favourite hardware.
However, the reality is, artificial bud was associated with reports of psychotic episodes, suicidal ideas, nausea episodes, kidney damage, higher blood pressure and cardiovascular troubles.
Clearly synthetic marijuana can not Be lumped in precisely the exact same category as regular bud. But artificial weed is easy to get, so many men and women are lulled into a false sense of security supposing it features a safe and lawful way of getting high quality. Artificial Marijuana is dangerous for your own physical and mental health in contrast to regular bud.
Where Can Synthetic Pot Come From? Well it was discovered in the recreational drug scene. However, it was initially an amino developed by John Huffman in Clemson University in the United States, who only tested it and composed a report.

Large-scale amounts of Amino are made by Chinese chemical firms who send them powder to Europe. Upon shipping, the synthetic cannabinoids are sprayed on your dried plant material or placed in your e-liquids to be vaporized and smoked.
Artificial Marijuana Is Not Pot at All. These synthetic cannabinoids bind to the exact same receptors within the mind However a similarity in the chemical arrangement of the psychoactive components is really where the similarities end.
Fundamentally chemical adulterants are Added to pure materials to extend the amount of this item, while decreasing the quality. You merely don’t understand what you are ingesting. Chemical adulterants are discovered in batches of artificial bud that give its own toxicity a sizable increase but adds nothing to its psychoactive properties.
This just is not something marijuana users normally have to be concerned about. Strains change, but marijuana is weed.
What makes gauging the effectiveness of any bag of artificial cannabis, is the fact that it is not possible to understand which cannabinoids are used and in what proportions. Research states some remarkably powerful varieties that came onto the market in 2014 have been 50 to 100 times more powerful than THC.
Further complicating potency estimation is that the spraying procedure, which unevenly residue the artificial cannabinoid cocktail on its own carrier plant substance, resulting in compound “hotspots”, or nearby regions carrying a higher cannabinoid concentration.
These variables mean potencies can vary wildly between producers, batches, as well as individual bags. Well-established potency ranges for the several breeds aout there. Especially if you’re buying your goods from a dispensary or another retail location, you may be sure of what you are getting and how powerful it’s going to be.
Artificial Marijuana’s Severe Health Risks
It is common understanding both among bud fans and honest caregivers that marijuana has favorable health and curative effects , especially when it is consumed or vaped, instead of smoked.
The exact same can not be stated for artificial cannabis, which includes danger for regular users.
Synthetic cannabinoids act right Using cannabinoid CB1 and CB2 receptors such as THC does in bud, however they also have different chemical structures and increased toxicity.
While study around the Consequences of artificial cannabinoid usage remains in its infancy, several studies imply synthetic cannabis has been shown to adversely affect psychological conditions (i.e. disposition, psychosis), and physiological purposes such as gastrointestinal and urinary functions, in addition to the cardiovascular system together with connections to arrhythmias, stroke, and sudden coronary death.
The risks are related to the Artificial cannabinoids themselves, in addition to using all the contaminants introduced during the production procedure. Cases involved users suffering heavily in their own eyes and noses, in addition to experiencing inner bleeding.
Overdosed as a consequence of a poor batch of’K2′ synthetic marijuana. Doctors say individuals who tested positive might also have taken other drugs laced with fentanyl.
“The main point is if you purchase something on the road, you can’t know what you are going to buy,” states Dr. Kathryn Hawk at 1 news resource . Hawk is your emergency medicine physician and professor in Yale-New Haven Hospital, where a lot of the victims have been treated.
There is no regulation on the Composition of artificial bud or best practice for fabricating, so users don’t have any actual way of understanding what it comprises. That is the reason why the experience might differ from dose to dose given that the exceptionally different potencies, chemical compositions, and irregular combinations.
Now that you understand a few of the dangers related to artificial bud, so let us take a good look at the ramifications below.
Artificial bud users report the same Kind of effects as actual bud, however occasionally the large is far more overpowering and inconsistent.
Immediate physical unwanted effects comprise :
Emotional side can comprise:
Nothing is conclusive however about long-term harm.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has also summarized the cannabinoid’s”serious health risks” and emerge with a announcement coverage that countless people across 10 countries were hospitalized from complications brought on to goods containing brodifacoum.
It is uncertain how much of that can be Attributable to this synthetic cannabinoids themselves and the way could be brought on by contaminants such as fentanyl, but in any event this propensity for withdrawal is a crystal clear delineator between artificial bud as well as the true thing.
The Actual Grey Zone
Artificial marijuana occupies a legal grey zone. Some just ban certain cannabinoids. In such scenarios, manufacturers simply alter their recipes. Others prohibit all related materials or prohibit the item completely.
Federally, certain particular synthetic Cannabinoids are added to the listing of Schedule 1 drugs, but the category of materials as a whole remains valid. Makers run inside the murky seas of the state and federal legislation and since the sector has not suffered much thinking.
The death knell for artificial weed Why would people will need to pursue dangerous pretenders to the throne once the true deal is indeed publicly offered?
Another incentive for regulators And politicians to start the flood gates of marijuana legalization to stop cannabis consumers from swallowing poisonous synthetic cannabis.
Ideas to Make Sure You Don’t Have Artificial Pot
Ensure you consider these precautions when Buying marijuana/cannabis:
Are you currently really being marketed entire buds?
Actual Marijuana should remain complete buds. But artificial bud almost always comes in small packets of a combination of ground-up substance from various plants.
Just ask yourself, are those complete buds? And does it seem like there is a couple distinct plants within this package? If so, bin it.
Actual bud has a skunky, musky odor, Where as artificial marijuana smells rancid, stinky, cold, or wet. Or it may smell like compounds, or have a odor made to rival the tag.
Hopefully you are aware of a few Of the risks linked with artificial bud, and you have come away with a few thoughts of how to prevent the stuff.
For those looking for non synthetic marijuana, visit the best online dispensary Canada https://weed-deals.ca. Where you can find all your cheap strains to buy weed online to satisfy your chronic cravings all throughout the year.
Coming soon is the infamous budbox to the WD supporters so keep an eye out for that! Weed-deals Canada Weed Dispensary
from http://www.yakdemoteam.com/synthetic-weed/
from Yak Demo Team - Blog https://yakdemoteam.weebly.com/blog/synthetic-weed
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jorgedpoarchca · 5 years
Synthetic Weed
If you’ve become a head shop in the previous ten years or so, odds are you’ve seen these tiny foil-backed baggies filled with everything you are told is a safe, legal alternative to bud.
It Seems benign as it Looks like the actual thing, a crumble of leafy herb material prepared for smoking or vaping in your favourite hardware.
However, the reality is, artificial bud was associated with reports of psychotic episodes, suicidal ideas, nausea episodes, kidney damage, higher blood pressure and cardiovascular troubles.
Clearly synthetic marijuana can not Be lumped in precisely the exact same category as regular bud. But artificial weed is easy to get, so many men and women are lulled into a false sense of security supposing it features a safe and lawful way of getting high quality. Artificial Marijuana is dangerous for your own physical and mental health in contrast to regular bud.
Where Can Synthetic Pot Come From? Well it was discovered in the recreational drug scene. However, it was initially an amino developed by John Huffman in Clemson University in the United States, who only tested it and composed a report.
Large-scale amounts of Amino are made by Chinese chemical firms who send them powder to Europe. Upon shipping, the synthetic cannabinoids are sprayed on your dried plant material or placed in your e-liquids to be vaporized and smoked.
Artificial Marijuana Is Not Pot at All. These synthetic cannabinoids bind to the exact same receptors within the mind However a similarity in the chemical arrangement of the psychoactive components is really where the similarities end.
Fundamentally chemical adulterants are Added to pure materials to extend the amount of this item, while decreasing the quality. You merely don’t understand what you are ingesting. Chemical adulterants are discovered in batches of artificial bud that give its own toxicity a sizable increase but adds nothing to its psychoactive properties.
This just is not something marijuana users normally have to be concerned about. Strains change, but marijuana is weed.
What makes gauging the effectiveness of any bag of artificial cannabis, is the fact that it is not possible to understand which cannabinoids are used and in what proportions. Research states some remarkably powerful varieties that came onto the market in 2014 have been 50 to 100 times more powerful than THC.
Further complicating potency estimation is that the spraying procedure, which unevenly residue the artificial cannabinoid cocktail on its own carrier plant substance, resulting in compound “hotspots”, or nearby regions carrying a higher cannabinoid concentration.
These variables mean potencies can vary wildly between producers, batches, as well as individual bags. Well-established potency ranges for the several breeds aout there. Especially if you’re buying your goods from a dispensary or another retail location, you may be sure of what you are getting and how powerful it’s going to be.
Artificial Marijuana’s Severe Health Risks
It is common understanding both among bud fans and honest caregivers that marijuana has favorable health and curative effects , especially when it is consumed or vaped, instead of smoked.
The exact same can not be stated for artificial cannabis, which includes danger for regular users.
Synthetic cannabinoids act right Using cannabinoid CB1 and CB2 receptors such as THC does in bud, however they also have different chemical structures and increased toxicity.
While study around the Consequences of artificial cannabinoid usage remains in its infancy, several studies imply synthetic cannabis has been shown to adversely affect psychological conditions (i.e. disposition, psychosis), and physiological purposes such as gastrointestinal and urinary functions, in addition to the cardiovascular system together with connections to arrhythmias, stroke, and sudden coronary death.
The risks are related to the Artificial cannabinoids themselves, in addition to using all the contaminants introduced during the production procedure. Cases involved users suffering heavily in their own eyes and noses, in addition to experiencing inner bleeding.
Overdosed as a consequence of a poor batch of’K2′ synthetic marijuana. Doctors say individuals who tested positive might also have taken other drugs laced with fentanyl.
“The main point is if you purchase something on the road, you can’t know what you are going to buy,” states Dr. Kathryn Hawk at 1 news resource . Hawk is your emergency medicine physician and professor in Yale-New Haven Hospital, where a lot of the victims have been treated.
There is no regulation on the Composition of artificial bud or best practice for fabricating, so users don’t have any actual way of understanding what it comprises. That is the reason why the experience might differ from dose to dose given that the exceptionally different potencies, chemical compositions, and irregular combinations.
Now that you understand a few of the dangers related to artificial bud, so let us take a good look at the ramifications below.
Artificial bud users report the same Kind of effects as actual bud, however occasionally the large is far more overpowering and inconsistent.
Immediate physical unwanted effects comprise :
Emotional side can comprise:
Nothing is conclusive however about long-term harm.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has also summarized the cannabinoid’s”serious health risks” and emerge with a announcement coverage that countless people across 10 countries were hospitalized from complications brought on to goods containing brodifacoum.
It is uncertain how much of that can be Attributable to this synthetic cannabinoids themselves and the way could be brought on by contaminants such as fentanyl, but in any event this propensity for withdrawal is a crystal clear delineator between artificial bud as well as the true thing.
The Actual Grey Zone
Artificial marijuana occupies a legal grey zone. Some just ban certain cannabinoids. In such scenarios, manufacturers simply alter their recipes. Others prohibit all related materials or prohibit the item completely.
Federally, certain particular synthetic Cannabinoids are added to the listing of Schedule 1 drugs, but the category of materials as a whole remains valid. Makers run inside the murky seas of the state and federal legislation and since the sector has not suffered much thinking.
The death knell for artificial weed Why would people will need to pursue dangerous pretenders to the throne once the true deal is indeed publicly offered?
Another incentive for regulators And politicians to start the flood gates of marijuana legalization to stop cannabis consumers from swallowing poisonous synthetic cannabis.
Ideas to Make Sure You Don’t Have Artificial Pot
Ensure you consider these precautions when Buying marijuana/cannabis:
Are you currently really being marketed entire buds?
Actual Marijuana should remain complete buds. But artificial bud almost always comes in small packets of a combination of ground-up substance from various plants.
Just ask yourself, are those complete buds? And does it seem like there is a couple distinct plants within this package? If so, bin it.
Actual bud has a skunky, musky odor, Where as artificial marijuana smells rancid, stinky, cold, or wet. Or it may smell like compounds, or have a odor made to rival the tag.
Hopefully you are aware of a few Of the risks linked with artificial bud, and you have come away with a few thoughts of how to prevent the stuff.
For those looking for non synthetic marijuana, visit the best online dispensary Canada https://weed-deals.ca. Where you can find all your cheap strains to buy weed online to satisfy your chronic cravings all throughout the year.
Coming soon is the infamous budbox to the WD supporters so keep an eye out for that! Weed-deals Canada Weed Dispensary
from Yak Demo Team http://www.yakdemoteam.com/synthetic-weed/ from Yak Demo Team https://yakdemoteam.tumblr.com/post/187829467316
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yakdemoteam · 5 years
Synthetic Weed
If you’ve become a head shop in the previous ten years or so, odds are you’ve seen these tiny foil-backed baggies filled with everything you are told is a safe, legal alternative to bud.
It Seems benign as it Looks like the actual thing, a crumble of leafy herb material prepared for smoking or vaping in your favourite hardware.
However, the reality is, artificial bud was associated with reports of psychotic episodes, suicidal ideas, nausea episodes, kidney damage, higher blood pressure and cardiovascular troubles.
Clearly synthetic marijuana can not Be lumped in precisely the exact same category as regular bud. But artificial weed is easy to get, so many men and women are lulled into a false sense of security supposing it features a safe and lawful way of getting high quality. Artificial Marijuana is dangerous for your own physical and mental health in contrast to regular bud.
Where Can Synthetic Pot Come From? Well it was discovered in the recreational drug scene. However, it was initially an amino developed by John Huffman in Clemson University in the United States, who only tested it and composed a report.
Large-scale amounts of Amino are made by Chinese chemical firms who send them powder to Europe. Upon shipping, the synthetic cannabinoids are sprayed on your dried plant material or placed in your e-liquids to be vaporized and smoked.
Artificial Marijuana Is Not Pot at All. These synthetic cannabinoids bind to the exact same receptors within the mind However a similarity in the chemical arrangement of the psychoactive components is really where the similarities end.
Fundamentally chemical adulterants are Added to pure materials to extend the amount of this item, while decreasing the quality. You merely don’t understand what you are ingesting. Chemical adulterants are discovered in batches of artificial bud that give its own toxicity a sizable increase but adds nothing to its psychoactive properties.
This just is not something marijuana users normally have to be concerned about. Strains change, but marijuana is weed.
What makes gauging the effectiveness of any bag of artificial cannabis, is the fact that it is not possible to understand which cannabinoids are used and in what proportions. Research states some remarkably powerful varieties that came onto the market in 2014 have been 50 to 100 times more powerful than THC.
Further complicating potency estimation is that the spraying procedure, which unevenly residue the artificial cannabinoid cocktail on its own carrier plant substance, resulting in compound “hotspots”, or nearby regions carrying a higher cannabinoid concentration.
These variables mean potencies can vary wildly between producers, batches, as well as individual bags. Well-established potency ranges for the several breeds aout there. Especially if you’re buying your goods from a dispensary or another retail location, you may be sure of what you are getting and how powerful it’s going to be.
Artificial Marijuana’s Severe Health Risks
It is common understanding both among bud fans and honest caregivers that marijuana has favorable health and curative effects , especially when it is consumed or vaped, instead of smoked.
The exact same can not be stated for artificial cannabis, which includes danger for regular users.
Synthetic cannabinoids act right Using cannabinoid CB1 and CB2 receptors such as THC does in bud, however they also have different chemical structures and increased toxicity.
While study around the Consequences of artificial cannabinoid usage remains in its infancy, several studies imply synthetic cannabis has been shown to adversely affect psychological conditions (i.e. disposition, psychosis), and physiological purposes such as gastrointestinal and urinary functions, in addition to the cardiovascular system together with connections to arrhythmias, stroke, and sudden coronary death.
The risks are related to the Artificial cannabinoids themselves, in addition to using all the contaminants introduced during the production procedure. Cases involved users suffering heavily in their own eyes and noses, in addition to experiencing inner bleeding.
Overdosed as a consequence of a poor batch of’K2′ synthetic marijuana. Doctors say individuals who tested positive might also have taken other drugs laced with fentanyl.
“The main point is if you purchase something on the road, you can’t know what you are going to buy,” states Dr. Kathryn Hawk at 1 news resource . Hawk is your emergency medicine physician and professor in Yale-New Haven Hospital, where a lot of the victims have been treated.
There is no regulation on the Composition of artificial bud or best practice for fabricating, so users don’t have any actual way of understanding what it comprises. That is the reason why the experience might differ from dose to dose given that the exceptionally different potencies, chemical compositions, and irregular combinations.
Now that you understand a few of the dangers related to artificial bud, so let us take a good look at the ramifications below.
Artificial bud users report the same Kind of effects as actual bud, however occasionally the large is far more overpowering and inconsistent.
Immediate physical unwanted effects comprise :
Emotional side can comprise:
Nothing is conclusive however about long-term harm.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has also summarized the cannabinoid’s”serious health risks” and emerge with a announcement coverage that countless people across 10 countries were hospitalized from complications brought on to goods containing brodifacoum.
It is uncertain how much of that can be Attributable to this synthetic cannabinoids themselves and the way could be brought on by contaminants such as fentanyl, but in any event this propensity for withdrawal is a crystal clear delineator between artificial bud as well as the true thing.
The Actual Grey Zone
Artificial marijuana occupies a legal grey zone. Some just ban certain cannabinoids. In such scenarios, manufacturers simply alter their recipes. Others prohibit all related materials or prohibit the item completely.
Federally, certain particular synthetic Cannabinoids are added to the listing of Schedule 1 drugs, but the category of materials as a whole remains valid. Makers run inside the murky seas of the state and federal legislation and since the sector has not suffered much thinking.
The death knell for artificial weed Why would people will need to pursue dangerous pretenders to the throne once the true deal is indeed publicly offered?
Another incentive for regulators And politicians to start the flood gates of marijuana legalization to stop cannabis consumers from swallowing poisonous synthetic cannabis.
Ideas to Make Sure You Don’t Have Artificial Pot
Ensure you consider these precautions when Buying marijuana/cannabis:
Are you currently really being marketed entire buds?
Actual Marijuana should remain complete buds. But artificial bud almost always comes in small packets of a combination of ground-up substance from various plants.
Just ask yourself, are those complete buds? And does it seem like there is a couple distinct plants within this package? If so, bin it.
Actual bud has a skunky, musky odor, Where as artificial marijuana smells rancid, stinky, cold, or wet. Or it may smell like compounds, or have a odor made to rival the tag.
Hopefully you are aware of a few Of the risks linked with artificial bud, and you have come away with a few thoughts of how to prevent the stuff.
For those looking for non synthetic marijuana, visit the best online dispensary Canada https://weed-deals.ca. Where you can find all your cheap strains to buy weed online to satisfy your chronic cravings all throughout the year.
Coming soon is the infamous budbox to the WD supporters so keep an eye out for that! Weed-deals Canada Weed Dispensary
from Yak Demo Team http://www.yakdemoteam.com/synthetic-weed/
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joankgerke90 · 5 years
Synthetic Weed
If you’ve become a head shop in the previous ten years or so, odds are you’ve seen these tiny foil-backed baggies filled with everything you are told is a safe, legal alternative to bud.
It Seems benign as it Looks like the actual thing, a crumble of leafy herb material prepared for smoking or vaping in your favourite hardware.
However, the reality is, artificial bud was associated with reports of psychotic episodes, suicidal ideas, nausea episodes, kidney damage, higher blood pressure and cardiovascular troubles.
Clearly synthetic marijuana can not Be lumped in precisely the exact same category as regular bud. But artificial weed is easy to get, so many men and women are lulled into a false sense of security supposing it features a safe and lawful way of getting high quality. Artificial Marijuana is dangerous for your own physical and mental health in contrast to regular bud.
Where Can Synthetic Pot Come From? Well it was discovered in the recreational drug scene. However, it was initially an amino developed by John Huffman in Clemson University in the United States, who only tested it and composed a report.
Large-scale amounts of Amino are made by Chinese chemical firms who send them powder to Europe. Upon shipping, the synthetic cannabinoids are sprayed on your dried plant material or placed in your e-liquids to be vaporized and smoked.
Artificial Marijuana Is Not Pot at All. These synthetic cannabinoids bind to the exact same receptors within the mind However a similarity in the chemical arrangement of the psychoactive components is really where the similarities end.
Fundamentally chemical adulterants are Added to pure materials to extend the amount of this item, while decreasing the quality. You merely don’t understand what you are ingesting. Chemical adulterants are discovered in batches of artificial bud that give its own toxicity a sizable increase but adds nothing to its psychoactive properties.
This just is not something marijuana users normally have to be concerned about. Strains change, but marijuana is weed.
What makes gauging the effectiveness of any bag of artificial cannabis, is the fact that it is not possible to understand which cannabinoids are used and in what proportions. Research states some remarkably powerful varieties that came onto the market in 2014 have been 50 to 100 times more powerful than THC.
Further complicating potency estimation is that the spraying procedure, which unevenly residue the artificial cannabinoid cocktail on its own carrier plant substance, resulting in compound “hotspots”, or nearby regions carrying a higher cannabinoid concentration.
These variables mean potencies can vary wildly between producers, batches, as well as individual bags. Well-established potency ranges for the several breeds aout there. Especially if you’re buying your goods from a dispensary or another retail location, you may be sure of what you are getting and how powerful it’s going to be.
Artificial Marijuana’s Severe Health Risks
It is common understanding both among bud fans and honest caregivers that marijuana has favorable health and curative effects , especially when it is consumed or vaped, instead of smoked.
The exact same can not be stated for artificial cannabis, which includes danger for regular users.
Synthetic cannabinoids act right Using cannabinoid CB1 and CB2 receptors such as THC does in bud, however they also have different chemical structures and increased toxicity.
While study around the Consequences of artificial cannabinoid usage remains in its infancy, several studies imply synthetic cannabis has been shown to adversely affect psychological conditions (i.e. disposition, psychosis), and physiological purposes such as gastrointestinal and urinary functions, in addition to the cardiovascular system together with connections to arrhythmias, stroke, and sudden coronary death.
The risks are related to the Artificial cannabinoids themselves, in addition to using all the contaminants introduced during the production procedure. Cases involved users suffering heavily in their own eyes and noses, in addition to experiencing inner bleeding.
Overdosed as a consequence of a poor batch of’K2′ synthetic marijuana. Doctors say individuals who tested positive might also have taken other drugs laced with fentanyl.
“The main point is if you purchase something on the road, you can’t know what you are going to buy,” states Dr. Kathryn Hawk at 1 news resource . Hawk is your emergency medicine physician and professor in Yale-New Haven Hospital, where a lot of the victims have been treated.
There is no regulation on the Composition of artificial bud or best practice for fabricating, so users don’t have any actual way of understanding what it comprises. That is the reason why the experience might differ from dose to dose given that the exceptionally different potencies, chemical compositions, and irregular combinations.
Now that you understand a few of the dangers related to artificial bud, so let us take a good look at the ramifications below.
Artificial bud users report the same Kind of effects as actual bud, however occasionally the large is far more overpowering and inconsistent.
Immediate physical unwanted effects comprise :
Emotional side can comprise:
Nothing is conclusive however about long-term harm.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has also summarized the cannabinoid’s”serious health risks” and emerge with a announcement coverage that countless people across 10 countries were hospitalized from complications brought on to goods containing brodifacoum.
It is uncertain how much of that can be Attributable to this synthetic cannabinoids themselves and the way could be brought on by contaminants such as fentanyl, but in any event this propensity for withdrawal is a crystal clear delineator between artificial bud as well as the true thing.
The Actual Grey Zone
Artificial marijuana occupies a legal grey zone. Some just ban certain cannabinoids. In such scenarios, manufacturers simply alter their recipes. Others prohibit all related materials or prohibit the item completely.
Federally, certain particular synthetic Cannabinoids are added to the listing of Schedule 1 drugs, but the category of materials as a whole remains valid. Makers run inside the murky seas of the state and federal legislation and since the sector has not suffered much thinking.
The death knell for artificial weed Why would people will need to pursue dangerous pretenders to the throne once the true deal is indeed publicly offered?
Another incentive for regulators And politicians to start the flood gates of marijuana legalization to stop cannabis consumers from swallowing poisonous synthetic cannabis.
Ideas to Make Sure You Don’t Have Artificial Pot
Ensure you consider these precautions when Buying marijuana/cannabis:
Are you currently really being marketed entire buds?
Actual Marijuana should remain complete buds. But artificial bud almost always comes in small packets of a combination of ground-up substance from various plants.
Just ask yourself, are those complete buds? And does it seem like there is a couple distinct plants within this package? If so, bin it.
Actual bud has a skunky, musky odor, Where as artificial marijuana smells rancid, stinky, cold, or wet. Or it may smell like compounds, or have a odor made to rival the tag.
Hopefully you are aware of a few Of the risks linked with artificial bud, and you have come away with a few thoughts of how to prevent the stuff.
For those looking for non synthetic marijuana, visit the best online dispensary Canada https://weed-deals.ca. Where you can find all your cheap strains to buy weed online to satisfy your chronic cravings all throughout the year.
Coming soon is the infamous budbox to the WD supporters so keep an eye out for that! Weed-deals Canada Weed Dispensary
source http://www.yakdemoteam.com/synthetic-weed/ from Yak Demo Team https://yakdemoteam.blogspot.com/2019/09/synthetic-weed.html
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wisdomrays · 5 years
Striking the Balance at Diverting Others from Evils
QUESTION: Overlooking vices that do not harm society is mentioned as one of the important characteristics of the devoted souls. If we look at the issue by considering the fact that forbidding evil is an important essential in Islam, what are the boundaries of overlooking sins and forgiving the evils committed?
ANSWER: First, it is necessary to make a distinction between individual vices and sins on the one hand, and wrongs and evils considered as a violation against the rights of the society on the other hand, as the approach towards each is different. In short, it is an essential to overlook sins limited to a certain individual and treat such people as leniently as possible. As for evils that harm another person or rights of the public, it is necessary to intervene physically, if possible. If not, it is necessary to intervene verbally, or at least to condemn those evils in one’s heart.
The way of forgiveness and leniency
There is no need to list the sins that only concern one person or describing the wrongs that adulterate pure minds, for it does more harm than good. All words and actions forbidden by Islam can be considered within this category. A person may have committed one or more of these. If such a person is not presenting a bad example for others to follow, not taking religious commandments lightly and mocking religious values, and not violating rights of the public, then it is possible to show forgiveness and leniency toward such a person. Many verses of the Qur’an express the importance of showing tolerance to people and responding even to their evil behavior with goodness. For example:
“…Ever-restraining their rage (even when provoked and able to retaliate), and pardoning people (their offenses). God loves (such) people who are devoted to doing good” (Al Imran 3:134).
As it is seen here, restraining one’s rage, pardoning people, and doing good are counted among the important attributes of pious ones. For this reason, in the face of others’ individual mistakes and sins, believers should act in accordance with these Qur’anic principles, overlooking them as much as possible.
In addition, the attitude to be taken, particularly in the face of some treatments and behaviors shown by some ignorant people, is turning away and keeping away from them. Indeed, the Qur’an commands believers to adopt such conduct in several verses:
“(Even so, O Messenger) adopt the way of forbearance and tolerance, and enjoin what is good and right, and withdraw from the ignorant ones (do not care what they say and do)” (al-A’raf 7:199).
“The (true) servants of the All- Merciful are they who move on the earth gently and humbly, and when the ignorant, foolish ones address them (with insolence or vulgarity as befits their ignorance and foolishness), they respond with (words of) peace, (without engaging in hostility with them)” (al-Furqan 25:63).
“They always turn away from and avoid whatever is vain and frivolous” (al-Mu’minun 23:3).
Not revealing sins while diverting people from evils
If a person insists in engaging in vices and sins, takes them lightly, presents a bad example for others with the transgressions he commits, or violates the rights of the society, then it is necessary to prevent this evil in a proper way. The Messenger of God, blessings and peace be upon him, taught us what to do in the face of such evils: “Whoever from you sees an evil, let him change it with his hands; if he cannot, let him change it with his tongue; and if he still cannot, let him be against it in his heart; this (last) one is the weakest level of faith.”
Accordingly, the first thing to do with a man who has been stuck in a swamp is to hold his hand and pull him out of it. If you do not have the power to do so, you should receive help from somebody who is capable of it. But while doing that, it is necessary to avoid disclosing that person’s faults and sins, spreading the word about them and acting like a scandalmonger, embarrassing the person concerned and bringing shame on him in society. The real purpose here is to save that person from the evil that he has fallen into. If physical intervention is not possible, what needs to be done is to give proper counsel to the person. The manner of the counsel is of great importance here. For example, while giving a warning, it is necessary to take all alternatives into consideration and prefer a form of address that will not evoke a negative reaction. For this reason, the person who wishes to save a fellow brother or sister from a certain vice must express it only after having thought over it some ten times. And if that person’s address is likely to evoke a negative reaction in the person addressed, it is necessary to have someone else speak whose words will not make that person feel offended. At certain critical situations, it may even be necessary for the person giving the warning to disappear from sight and make the warning without even a face-to-face address. For example, you write two lines for the sake of a certain wrong that you have recognized, revise it some fifty times with your mild and sound considerations, and then push it under the door of the person concerned or leave it in his or her mailbox. Thus, you do not embarrass that person by blatantly mentioning his mistake to his face, and thus protect his dignity. The goal real purpose here is to help someone give up a certain evil. It is necessary then to consider very carefully the steps to be taken, never being as blunt as a kick in the shins. What matters is neither stating the evil to be evil, nor embarrassing the person who committed some wrong or sin. What matters is finding the most effective and softest way to divert that person from that evil.
Guidance and warning with a bitter smile
For those situations where it is not possible to eliminate evils and wrongs physically or verbally, God’s Messenger taught us that it is necessary to disapprove of the conduct in one’s heart according to the scholars of Hadith. It is possible to add different commentaries as well. For example, it is possible to derive from this statement that it is necessary to cut off the heart’s attachment to a person who keeps committing evil—so much so that when you meet such a person, the sour expressions of your face, a bitter smile, and your turning away from that person can serve as a means for his realization of his mistake and cease to do it. In addition, as your stance is not against a certain individual, but against his bad behavior, you open your hands and pray to God “My God! Please save this fellow brother (sister) from this evil and make him feel disgusted by it!” Not even sufficing with that, you can say a thousand times in your prayers: “O God! Make faith beloved to us, endearing it to our hearts, and make unbelief, impiety and disobedience hateful to us, and make us among the rightly guided.” The Messenger of God stated that a prayer in absentia will be accepted.
At a certain time in the past, someone mentioned a lapse by a certain friend of ours. Since that time, no day has passed without me praying for that friend. Similarly, a certain friend with a sound character was having problems of belief. God is my witness, I prayed for him at every prayer I made for myself. I saw being neglectful at this issue as disrespect and unfaithfulness to the rights of a fellow brother. Praying from the heart in this way is also a meaning that can be derived from the hadith quoted. Thus, simply interpreting the expression “in his heart” mentioned in the hadith as disapproving the act in one’s heart, cutting relations with that person, turning one’s back on him or her and leaving is incomplete. What really matters here is taking a kind of stance against a bad attribute God does not like, doing everything one can do in order to eliminate it, and thus saving that fellow brother or sister from that evil.
The public’s rights are God’s rights
Taking a stance against vices and evils that might somehow harm the society in a narrow or wider sense and thus endeavoring for their elimination is not only a societal and religious duty, but also a necessity of respecting God’s rights at the same time. Because, as it is known, rights of the public are at the same time considered rights of God in Islamic teachings. That is, evils that will corrupt a society from within are like a moth in terms of their harm and consequences. They are not like the sins whose harm remains on a personal level. Therefore, it is not possible to overlook and remain silent in the face of the evils of this first type. The officials with authority to enforce law must try to prevent those evils with the legal authority trusted to them, and believers must give their support to them, sometimes by appealing to authorities when necessary, sometimes by encouraging them at this issue, and sometimes by using their civil right to testify as a witness. Let us reiterate that the real point with all of these is not to embarrass a person at all. On the contrary, it is an endeavor to take a stance against evils that will eat away the society from within and to protect people from them.
In relation to our subject, it is possible to remember the following verse, which was revealed as a reprimand to a certain group from the Children of Israel but also sets an important essential for believers in general:
“They would not restrain one another from doing the evil they did: indeed evil was what they used to do” (al-Maedah 5:79).
The people referred to in the phrase, “They would not restrain…” had not developed a collective mind to prevent the evils committed. They did not apply to the collective consciousness in this respect. There was no coordination among them. For this reason, those people who did not restrain one another from doing evil were consequently cursed. It is therefore necessary to develop a common mind concerning the duty of a person who witnesses evil, concerning the action to be taken by the officials in authority, and the general duties that fall to the society concerning this issue.
In conclusion, believers should try to forgive the unpleasant words spoken to them, which only concern them personally. Just as there are fluids and acids in a person’s digestive track to digest the food consumed, there must be similar “substances” in believers’ individual worlds of the heart and spirit to digest ugly, evil, and unfair things, so that they can comfortably digest the mistreatment they receive. However, if a group or movement is targeted and defamed through a certain individual, the issue is no longer personal. It is not correct for one person to swallow such wrongdoing on behalf of the group or movement. On the contrary, the necessary conduct in such a situation is trying to eliminate in lawful ways the wrongdoing against that person, such as with a formal statement, correction, and disclaimer. If the insistence in wrongdoing and unfairness continue, it is then necessary to resort to other legal means for the sake of silencing the transgressors, such as suing them for compensation.
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worldofwardcraft · 6 years
The League of Extra-odious Gentlemen.
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March 11, 2019
Republicans never tire of reminding us about President Bill Clinton’s sexual misdeeds and how he lied about a consensual affair (for which they unsuccessfully tried to remove him from office). And while it’s true the Dems have had their share of scandales sordide, for sheer quantity of sleaze, surely Republicans win the gold medal hands down (or, maybe hands-on). Just take a gander at the membership rolls of the GOP’s unofficial Club for Gross.
Tim Murphy – His resignation in October 2017 came days after it was revealed the Pennsylvania congressman, who opposed abortion, pressured his mistress to get an abortion when he thought she was pregnant.
Jeff Kruse - In October 2017, this Oregon state senator was removed from all committee assignments after sexual harassment allegations were made by two of his fellow Senators.
Jeff Hoover - On November 6, 2017, he resigned as the Speaker of the Kentucky House of Representatives after multiple sexual harassment allegations were made against him.
Wes Goodman – This Ohio state representative resigned on November 14, 2017, after he and another adult male were seen having consensual sexual relations inside Goodman's office.
Jack Latvala - In November 2017, six women made sexual harassment allegations against this Florida state senator, who resigned the following January.
Tony Cornish - In November 2017, this Minnesota state representative was accused of sexual harassment by fellow rep Erin Maye Quade and a female lobbyist.
 Pat Meehan - On April 27, 2018, this Pennsylvania congressman resigned after revelations that he had used taxpayer money to pay off a former aide who had accused him of sexual harassment.
Brett Kavanaugh – a self-confessed drunk credibly accused of sexual assault by two women, he was confirmed for the SCOTUS anyway in October 2018.
And that's only in the last two years! There are many more Republican assaulters and adulterers we could add to this list. Like Clarence Thomas, Bob Packwood, Newt Gingrich, Roy Moore, Mark Sanford, Robert Bentley, Herman Cain and on and on. Then, of course, there’s the grabber-in-chief himself, with a dozen or so accusations of sexual assault against him and his appalling record of extra-marital affairs. Perhaps it’s time for the GOP to end its overt hypocrisy by ditching the elephant symbol and adopting the Playboy rabbit instead.
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Strange Laws in Connecticut: Fact or Fiction?
By Emma Babashak, Columbia University, Class of 2024
June 10, 2022
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With a quick google search, one can find articles that list the “strangest laws” in a state or in a country. For example, by simply searching “strange laws in Connecticut”, one is directed to sites that list obscure laws that allegedly still exist in this state. For example, in Waterbury, Connecticut, it is apparently “illegal for a stylist to hum, whistle, or sing, while working with a customer”.[1] In Hartford, the capital of Connecticut, you supposedly “cannot cross a street while walking on your hands”.  Another law in Devon, Connecticut, apparently forbids walking backwards at night.[2] The following article examines the validity of two “laws” using newspaper articles as primary sources.
1948: A Good Pickle Must Bounce
A pickle has to bounce to be considered a pickle in Connecticut. According to a 1948 article from the Hartford Courant, two pickle packers named Sidney Sparer and Moses Dexler were arrested for “conspiring to sell pickles unfit for human consumption”. The men were charged with violating “the state statute concerning adulteration and misrepresentation of food products and conspiring to violate that statute”.[3]
After the men’s arrest, the State Food and Drugs Commissioner Frederick H. Holbrook determined that the pickles were sour through laboratory tests, where reports described the pickle samples as “putrid, decomposed, and containing rattail maggots”. However, the commissioner also determined the pickles’ rottenness by dropping the product on the floor. According to Holbrook, “good pickles” when dropped from a height of one foot should bounce. Instead, the rotten pickles that were sold by the packers simply “splattered” on the ground. The story of the men’s arrest then became known to the public as “the case of the pickles that wouldn’t bounce”. This sour public event now exists as a cautionary adage for determining the quality of pickles.
1996: The Ban of Silly String
In 1996, the town of Southington, Connecticut, passed an ordinance that banned “the sale, use or possession of the novelties at carnivals or parades and in public places”.[4] Violators of this ordinance are fined $99. Before being passed, the ordinance was revised to allow for Silly String to be possessed in private homes. At the request of a council member, schools were also dropped from the list of places that banned Silly String. If Silly String became an issue on school property, disciplinary action would be utilized instead of a $99 fine. The ordinance was questioned and rejected by many Democrat town council members, but it was ultimately passed with the help of a Republican majority in the council. But why was this law enacted?
At the Apple Harvest Festival in 1995, parade spectators sprayed Silly String at the parade marchers, town monuments, and public property. Staining cars, musical instruments, and public landmarks, Silly String overshadowed the festivities by causing significant public property damage. The Silly String usage also almost caused two police officers to lose control of their motorcycles. Thus, the ordinance was requested by the chief of police and created by the town council.
Using newspaper articles written at the time, one discovers elements of truth in the two “laws” described above. While the ban of Silly String is enforceable, the determination of the quality of a pickle is merely cautionary advice rather than written legislation. Whether myths, funny anecdotes, or actual laws, “strange laws” help add humor to a state’s or country’s history.
Emma Babashak is currently a rising junior attending Columbia University. She is majoring in Operations Research - Engineering Management Systems and minoring in both Economics and Psychology.
[1] “Trimming English Requirements for Stylists”, NBC Connecticut, https://www.nbcconnecticut.com/news/politics/trimming-requirement-for-stylists/1852177/
[2] “6 Strangest Laws in Connecticut”, https://i95rock.com/the-6-strangest-laws-in-connecticut/
[3] “Pickles Lack Bounce, Two Men Arrested”, Hartford Courant. https://libguides.ctstatelibrary.org/ld.php?content_id=56920355
[4] “Southington Passes Modified Silly String Ban”, Hartford Courant, https://www.courant.com/news/connecticut/hc-xpm-1996-02-14-9602140505-story.html
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