#anotha long one
hansolz-moved · 2 months
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seventeen as tumblr text posts [2/?]
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pintura · 5 months
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luminique · 5 months
everyone’s least fav boothill thinker (me) has a work in their notes app but chooses to dump some thoughts here too
so boothill doesn’t need sleep, at least i don’t think he does. with state of the art technology, a few upgrades once in a while, and sheer willpower, he can be ‘awake’ for longer periods of time. so after a long day of fighting some ‘ipc cuties’ as he’d call them, he comes back to you exhausted.
he forgets that he’s made out of metal in this tired state and leans into you, giving you a lazy back hug. it doesn’t charge him up but it sure does charge up his mental battery. he’s heavy but slowly, you were able to drag him to his power station. it’s right next to the bed so it gives him a moment to cuddle you as his body charges up.
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meirimerens · 16 days
MEIRI!!!! i am taking a class in art history and i wanted to ask about your favorite paleolithic cave paintings, cause i know you're very passionate about that!
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okay so this is gonna be real hard for me to choose. like reallll hard. but i think i can narrow it down. i don't know how much #info you need or how much Lore you care for me to add, but you've activated my trap card, so now you're stuck in the cave with me, i have the torch, and if you try to leave you won't find your way back. okay. let us start.
at least in the Franco-Cantabrian geographical and paleo-cultural area [this thing], which contains some of the most famous painted caves such as Lascaux, Chauvet, Pech-Merle, Altamira, etc, one main currently reigning hypothesis, because it allows to explain the most amount of [gesture] Stuff Going On, is that cave art exist within a magico-spiritual system of belief of the animist persuasion likely with shamanic elements. The places where walls were painted in the caves, were very, very rarely Living quarters. paleolithic tribes prefered to make camps outside, or just at the very entrance of caves: the depths were Hard to navigate, dangerous, possibly inhabited by predator animals. you didn't got to these places to fuck around; you went because you had a drive, you believed in something about them.
Jean Clottes (one of our main prehistorians in France, who wrote Pourquoi l'Art Préhistorique ?, or "Why Prehistoric Art", translated into english as "What is Paleolithic Art" which is fucking stupid, the "why" is the whole question he's trying to answer in the book, is this guy fucking stupid) identifies 4 main concepts that exist within indigenous, nomadic or semi-nomadic, hunter-gatherer, animist & shamanist societies and peoples, that are widely distributed (as such having "universal" elements) and could, likely, have been found within paleolithic societies, and possibly give us clues to their belief system, which are:
the INTERCONNECTEDNESS: of animal species between one another (explaining the numerous accounts of paloelithic art depiction species together, or separated), and of human and animal: including through mythologies in which humans were created from animal(s), or animal(s) later changed into human(s).
the FLUIDITY of the living world: animal species are recognized as kin, for they can become it; animal species are given, or projected-onto attributes that make a tribe, a clan, recognize themselves in it
the acceptation of the COMPLEXITY of the world: paleolithic people likely had deep, complex mythologies and cosmogonies, which we might Never, Ever, know anything about (this drives me insane.) their language, and their rites, might (have) reflect(ed) an understanding of the complixity of nature, or animals, that sedentary, then later capitalist societies might have lost the nuances of.
the PERMEABILITY of the living world(s). this again is seen in beliefs in the permeablity between human & animal, human a animal, animal as human: this is also where Shamanism might come into play. shamanism(s) rest(s) upon the conceptualization of the world as divided-but-permeable between a physical, living world, and an unseen, spirit world: the Shaman is the mediator, the person who can freely go between these two worlds, to communiate, to heal, to direct, to plead, etc. AND, and this is where it gets real interesting for The Caves: potentially, the belief in the permeablity of the cave rock itself: multiple painted sites might contain hints of a belief in the cave being the place where spirits dwell; and painting them is less "calling" or "invoking", even if there might be some of it, but rather "revealing". the cave itself, maybe, could (have) be(en) considered the place where spirits dwell, and come forth/from. more about that later.
WITH ALL OF THAT IN MIND. at least in the franco-cantabrian area, the placement of cave art is, very Very likely, extremely deliberate. it is not just the art that counts, but where it was made. we can ask ourselves, why it was made here, and not elsewhere. i am picking my answer on this axis. some caves might be so beautifully painted, but are The Vibes here? if the expression of this potential magico-spiritual complex and tens-of-thousands-of-years-spanning(!!!!!!!!!! this is nother thing that's fucking insane btw. did you know we are as close to Lascaux as Lascaux is to Chauvet, another very ornate painted cave. MULTIPLE TENS OF THOUSANDS OF YEARS) is visible, or #feelable, let's mention it. now onto the good part
THE NIAUX (pronounced "Nyo") CAVE
reason: i've been there. twice. sobbed both times. came out changed like genuinely. made me go back to uni. the Niaux Cave is located in the Ariège (a-ryeh-juh) département [think smaller than a state bigger than a county] of southern france, in the Pyrénées (pee-reh-neh) mountains making the border with spain.
the almost entirety of the art is concentrated in the "Salon Noir" of the cave.
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now. come close and listen to me. the Salon Noir is some 700 meters from both the modern entrance and the prehistoric one. today, like back then, you have to navigate rough, slippery terrain, crouchspaces, and generally accident-inducing (source: my dad slipped & fell just like our guide warned us about) walking space. for most of the way, the ceiling is 5 to 10 meters above, and the walls relatively close together (but not claustrophobic). the Salon Noir seems to be "indicated" by, on both of its sides, red symbol markings. now listen to me. the Salon Noir's ceiling is twice as high. even with modern lamps, you struggle to see it. now imagine. having walked all the way there, in the Wet, the fire of your torch or your grease hand-lamp to guide you, and suddenly not only can you not see the ceiling anymore, but the rock seems to speak back to you. the echo is intense, in the Salon Noir, way more than anywhere in the lower-ceiling'ed cave. your voice carries on for 5 full seconds, if you sing the rock continues singing after you. did you know? in france and spain, studies have shown that most parietal (=cave wall) art corresponds to particular acoustic features. did they sing? did they play the flute, the drums? did they use lithophones: the stalagtites & stalagmites, hit of small sticks, to make them ring? in the Salon Noir, most of the animals are bisons, as is very common in the franco-cantabrian area. now this is just something fun that our guide told us, possibly nothing more than an interesting coincidence, for its truth would rest on an unproven-hypothesis-within-an-unproven-hypothesis, but did you now that the female bison has the same gestational period as the human? 9 months.
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the bison to the right, with the red markings and the "eyebrows", is my dad's favorite: he says its profile looks like him, with his beard and his big nose, which to be fair, truly it does. in a previous-previous-previous-previous life my dad as an upper paleolithic era bison. this is my dad's paleolithic fursona.
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my favorite is this horsie. see? she smiles.
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so does this one on the left, a protome (= name for the depiction of only the front of an animal, of a human)
PERGOUSET (pronounced per-goo*-zeh) CAVE
(* but the "oo" sound is short)
i'm cheating a little. because this is not painting, it's carving. but i consider sculpture an art, and parietal carving to be as important and interesting as parietal paintings, so. take it or don't!
yeah the whole cave. you'll see why. basically if i think about Pergouset for too long my skin starts melting i foam at the mouth etc. anyways. since the cave is closed to the public, and basically only available to researchers' viewings, it is quite hard to find images of it, so we'll just ball on this one.
Pergouset is located in the département of the Lot, in southwest-central france. this region is Plentiful with caves, including Pech-Merle that is basically next door, and Lascaux 1.5h away. why this one & not any of those two? well. come closer.
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okay. the pussies & this guy with his penis out cave. what's her deal. Well, first piece of lore is to know that, in the grand scheme of franco-cantabrian paleolithic cave art, human representations are minimal. animals make up the majority of depictions, however, "archetyped" or "stereotyped" human figures that insist on sex characteristics are Plentiful. and within representations of that, "female" archetypes outnumber "male" ones by a lot. basically you cannot cough on a paleolithic "human" depiction without landing on a vulva frankly. many such cases in life as well. one of the hypotheses, which Michel Lorblanchet brings forth in his book La Naissance de la Vie: Une Lecture de l'Art Parietal (from which the picture above is from) is that it could be part of a belief system in which the cave, the whole cave, itself could be a "female" principle or archetype: the whole of the cave a matrix, a uterus. basically its giving, it's giving birth. one of the biggest data point he has for that hypothesis is the Pergouset cave. in the Pergouset cave, carvings of vulvae rhythm a long narrow passage following an underground river. the 3 vulvae could represent that of pre-birth, that of currently-pregnant (with the line in the middle, like the pigmentation line on pregnant belly + carved over a convex part of the stone), and that of currently-actively-giving birth: "vulva 3" is just two streaks in the rock, surrounding a naturally-occuring hole in the rock: as if that feature of the cave itself had been recognized as It's Giving Birth / hereditary voice I Am Your Mother. as you can see on the picture, vulva 1 is all the way back in the #depths, in the #dark, and vulva 3 the closest to the exit, indeed to the light ( -> it's giving birth). now. and this is the insane thing. foaming at the mouth like unwell arms shaking rn. i've had to go pace 4 times since i started typing. in the depths of the cave, the animals that are carved are less (see the numbers on the picture). but also, they're... more fantastic. stranger, more unusual. lacking the realism that is typically associated with parietal art. they're... as if from a dream, an undetermined land of weirdness, of amorphousness. as they get closer to the light, they get more numerous, they proliferate, life crawls the walls: they become also more and more realistic. as we reach the last carved vulva, as it is giving, what is it: giving BIRTH, animals are numerous, abundant, fully formed, their visible selves in the world outside: it is as if the cave itself, the depths of cave itself, gave birth to these animals, formed them inside of itself, let them out from this unknown, amorphous, strange land beyond the stone, where human cannot reach. humans went in, and meticulously, sometimes using a natural relief in the stone for an eye, a feature, "released" the animals from the stone, "revealed" them from their state of hidden-inside-of-the-depths-ness. the whole cave this Mother from which all the animals drawn on the walls emerged.
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swagstar · 1 year
yesterday i was thinking about a tldr to the prisma info megapost i have in my drafts and i don't remember much but the last sentence was "and 10 years later im going insane about her - wiki empty, nothing archived. what's there not to love."
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aphelionwrotes11 · 3 months
MDNI 18+ (not edited)
Part 2
Trucker!simon, who finds himself a lovely bird at a local truck stop he often runs through on his usual routes.
Sits his massive self at the bar on one of the small stools, glaring at any of the blokes who stare at you a bit too long.
Gives you a blank look when you check up on him, asking if he’d like anything else.
“Just anotha’ cuppa, sweet’art” he always says, sliding his mug towards you, which looks microscopic compared to his massive hand.
You think he doesn’t like you, considering he doesn’t ever talk to you much when you try to make small talk, but he always leaves you a fat tip. You figure he’s just quiet. He can’t dislike you that much considering how many times you’ve glanced over your shoulder to see him gazing appreciatively at your ass.
It’s an especially rowdy night at the truck stop that finally breaks the camels back. A real gentleman decided he wanted a feel of you. So he didn’t hesitate to grab a handful of the fat on your backside, his table and him whooping and hollering as you squealed and slapped his hand away, glowering at him as you scampered away to the bar.
You held back tears as you started up another pot of coffee, never were the confrontational type. This wouldn’t be the first time a man had taken it upon himself to put his hands on you, but it would certainly be the last. Considering how Simon was sat at the end of the bar; shaking with rage, his knuckles white from being clenched tight as he stood.
It all happened so quick you didn’t even catch it, you back had been turned. The restaurant went from ruckus, laughter, and loud voices, to silence after the sound of a sickening crack rung through the room.
You turned just in time to see the asshole’s friends jump from their seats and go for your favorite regular; Simon. The handsy asshole laid flat on the ground, out cold.
It took no time at all for Simon to lay out the other three, he was twice each of their size in pure muscle, and obviously lacked nothing in skill. Once he was done he simply turned to you, pointed to the back room and said,
“Go get yer things.”
You didn’t think twice. Passing your manager who stood in the doorway, face solemn. You asked him quickly if it was okay for you to leave, he took one glance at Simon and nodded his head. You grabbed your things, throwing on your coat and met Simon at the door.
He takes your arm, surprisingly gentle for his huge form, he looked enraged. His shoulders tense, brows furrowed, you’re certain if he didn’t have a mask on the lower half of his face he would have a deep frown on his lips.
You thank him softly, following him as he leads you through the full parking lot. He says nothing, staring ahead. You tell him you don’t live far, you can just walk.
“No, you’re not doin tha’.” He says, and you don’t argue.
Helps you into the cab of his massive semi, getting into the drivers side and turning up the heat.
Offers to get you some food, “haven’t seen’ya eat a bite ol night, bird.”
You refuse, thanking him for the offer, telling him you’ll eat at home. You probably won’t, your stomach is still all twisted from earlier, if he can tell you’re shaken up he doesn’t show it. He just nods.
Takes you to the corner of your street, wouldn’t be able to drive his truck down the narrow road. You thank him again, asking him if there’s anything you can do to repay him.
“I know’a few things you can do for me, bird.” He says lowly, you feel your cheeks warm at the implication. You ask him what he wants. He grunts, glancing to the side as if he’s thinking.
“Gimme a kiss.” He says, tapping his cheek. Your eyes widen, is he serious? Out of all things he could ask for, he asks for just a kiss on the cheek? You shocked to realize you’re disappointed he didn’t ask for more.
He pulls his mask down to his chin, revealing his chiseled jaw and thin, scarred lips. You lay a trembling hand on his giant thigh for support as you lean over, and just as you are about to meet his cheek he tilts his head and has your mouth. Pressing a heated kiss to your lips.
It takes you a moment to catch up, but before you know it you’re in his lap, making out sloppily, mouths open and tongues swirling together. You sigh into his mouth, cupping his jaw as his hand cradles the back of your head.
When you start grinding yourself against him is when he stops.
“Not yet, bird. Gotta take you out first, do it the right way.” He says. The right way? What the hell.
“Take ya for dinner, treat ya real good, take ya home and fuck that sweet pussy halfway to heaven.”
He cups your ass as he whispers that nasty shit in your ear, one hand on your hip as he bucks up once against your wet heat. You let out a whimper and he just chuckles. Asshole.
Jumps out the truck and helps you down with two strong hands on your hips. Walks you all the way to your front door, smiling at your peeved expression. You were definitely gonna have to rub one out once you got inside.
Gives you a sweet peck on the cheek, gripping your chin with his thumb and finger.
“Be here tomorrow a’ seven. Wear something nice.” He says softly before turning and stalking off into the night. Leaving you flabbergasted on your front doorstep.
Note: I dunno if you guys can tell but im incapable of writing anything small. This was supposed to be just a short little thing about how sexy trucker!simon would be but i got so carried away 😭 he’s the ghost that haunts my nights, can’t get him outta my head
Simon Riley master list
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kibble-2 · 2 months
anotha one !!
bakugo hates public affection. this man will not hold your hand when you guys are around your friends. behind closed doors, bakugo wants to be held, kissed, cuddled, LOVED. all of it. he craves your affection and attention. he even craves it when your in class or training. he wants to sit in the corner with you and have your head rested on his chest while you play with his hands.
i love the idea of big, strong guy needing a soft and affectionate significant other. it’s adorable.
i’m imagining after long day of school and training, he will let himself into your dorm when your showering and make himself comfortable in your bed and will wait for you to come out and cuddle with him. youll open your door and see him sitting in his phone, cuddled in your blankets and you know that it’s gonna be a cuddly night with him
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ilovepaigebueckerss · 4 months
my blonde baddie
pairing: fem reader x p.b.
summary: you force paige to do a tik tok trend with you.
a/n: ANOTHA ONE. heres this to hold yall until i finish everything else. ALSOO i tried proper capitalization how we feelinggg??
“PAIGEE,” You yell for your girlfriend who was in your shared room getting changed
“I don’t wanna come out y/n.” She says in a whiney voice.
You couldn’t help but laugh after she said that.
“Paige cmonnnn.” You say practically begging.
You hear a loud sigh and then the door swing open.
You turn to see a bright red Paige standing infront of you akwardly.
You asked Paige to do that trend thats like ‘guess whos outfit is whos’ and surprisingly she agreed.
She was wearing a tight long white skirt and white crop top with a bunch of jewelry and even fake piercings to match your real ones.
You were wearing a baggy nike tech sweatsuit.
“Aww you look cuteee.” You say in a sarcastic tone.
She just gives you a look, “Mhmm.. can we just hurry up and film it?” She asks desperately.
You nod in response and go to turn on the 3s timer.
@kkarnold: saved and added to the collection 😊
@youruser: collection?..
@paigebueckers: i was forced to do this
@youruser: saying no was an option🤷🏾‍♀️
@ihearty/n: yall are actually adorable
@uconnwbbislife: how does it feel.. TO LIVE MY DREAM?
see more..
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sturnsdoll · 3 months
𝙍𝙄𝙑𝘼𝙇𝙍𝙔-`♡´- -c.s & t.y x reader
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requested?: i've been bombarded to write another. so here y'all go!
pairing: dom!chris x dom!tara x sub!reader
summary: during a car ride home, your two friends get in a ridiculous arguement over who's better at pleasing women. both of them decide that you'll be the judge of that when you get to tara's.
warnings: no use of y/n, smut, threesome!, oral (f! & m! revieving), fingering, petnames (honey, good girl), cocky!tara&chris
word count: 4,446
authors note: ANOTHA ONE!! (don't like? don't read!)
"pink" = reader "orange" = chris "purple" = tara
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it had felt like an extremely long day out despite it only having been a few hours you'd actually been with your friends. earlier, your friend tara had invited you out to do a little shopping and get some food. already being at the triplets home, you chose to invite them- however only chris had been free to come for the day.
the three of you got along surprisingly well, it'd been yap city the entire day between you guys. now though, it was time to head to tara's to sleepover. it had taken some convincing but you'd convinced chris to come for the (not so) girls night at hers.
dominic fike played lowly through the car, chris's choice of course but one that you and tara didn't particularly mind at all. she was currently driving her hot pink detailed vehicle. chris was in shot gun and you'd taken the back, wanting the space for a little nap.
"i think it's insane that some guys just like... can't make a girl cum?" tara said outlandishly, a little giggle on the end. chris laughed, a little taken aback at the odd conversation starter but not necessarily put off by it.
chris nodded subtly "yea, it's a little insane" he said, not a ton of interest in the conversation, he seemed mildly uncomfy talking about it. tara eyed him suspiciously, making a face that implied she was thinking about something. "you ever made a girl cum?" tara asked the younger man bluntly.
chris looked a little nervous, or more so slightly uncomfortable with the conversation. he shrugged, hesitating before nodding with a "yea?" like the answer was obvious. tara glanced at him again, eyes squinted. "hm."
chris looked at her for a few seconds, expecting her to continue. when she didn't, he decided to question her back "have you?" he felt odd asking it the second it left his lips but she didn't seem to mind, more than open to talking about it.
tara rolled her eyes "obviously. women know their shit when it comes to hoo ha's" she noticed that after her comment, chris had grown silent, side eyeing her clearly. "i'm sure you know your shit too, i'm just saying i'm better at it cause i'm a girl" she explained cockily.
"mhm" at chris's bland response, tara looked him up and down almost with slight judgement, her eyebrow raising slightly "you don't think so?" she questioned challengingly to which chris shrugged "i just know i know my shit. just cause you have a.." he hesitated, not wanting to be disrespectul with his choice word "..have one doesn't mean you automatically know more" chris's body language showed discomfort but his words and tone of voice said that he was sure in what he spoke.
tara almost looked appalled. it was a red light so she whipped her head to look back at you "are you hearing this-" she quieted her voice, cutting herself off when she saw you curled against the car door, practically drooling in a deep sleep.
chris smiled a little at your state "i bet you she'd agree with me" he stated. tara shrugged with a cocky look on her features "guess we'll see when she wakes up" she stated, making an unspoken agreement with chris that your opinion would be their tie breaker.
once you'd woke up and arrived at tara's, they didn't immediately bombard you with the ridiculous question. instead, you all made your ways to tara's living room, taking seats and talking about the day out, the only illuminants in the room being moonlight splashing through the windows mixed with low lamp light.
right after debriefing your day out, chris and tara seemed to exchange looks and simultaneously fall silent. you looked confused, smiling at your friends almost awkwardly "something wrong?" almost the second you spoke, chris piped in. "do you think that being a girl automatically means you're better at.. pleasing women?.." chris had an awkward smirk, almost more so a smile as he questioned you- he knew it was random.
looking between the two of them in shock you shrugged "i mean- i've been with both and some women suck too so, i guess not?"
tara groaned half playfully. "noo, you were supposed to agree with me" she complained. chris had an 'i told you so' look as she spoke. you put two and two together and realized this was a debate between the two.
you shrugged with a quiet "sorry" before sipping on the water you'd been neglecting to drink all day. chris opened his mouth to say something (that probably would've made tara flip.) but before he got to speak, tara interuppted "still doesn't mean that you're any better" she responded, crossing her legs and arms with an annoyed glint to her brown eyes when they fell on chris.
chris leaned back in his seat, legs spreading as he brought his pepsi can towards his lips "guess we'll never know" he told tara, a small shrug following.
you watched the way he leaned back in his seat, the way tara's crossed arms pushed her boobs up for a better view. finding your mind running, you wondered who's really better at pleasing. they're the one's who'd inflicted the idea afterall. in a spur of the moment, spontaneous decision, you decided to say something that'd either ruin or make the night.
"why don't we find out?"
both their eyes snapped to yours. you looked at them like it hadn't been you who just said it, your eyes widened in instant regret, looking almost petrified of their inevitable reactions.
tara was the first to snap out of the shock of your words. her lips curved to a smirk as she slowly turned her head to chris "yea, why don't we?" she questioned "unless you're scared you'll lose?" she directed at him challengingly, a daring glint in her eyes.
he licked his lips, opening his mouth like he had a million things to say. yet, all that came out was a choked laugh, practically a scoff. your eyes had been so focused between the two of them that you didn't even notice his hand creeping along the couch till it firmly rested on your knee.
his eyes locked on yours with question of if you were okay with this. you took hold of your bestfriends hand and guided it further up your thigh, a sign for him to do as he pleases.
and oh was he was going to.
in the blink of an eye his lips were on yours, free hand on the side of your jaw. all the while you heard shuffling behind you, then the cushion of the couch sunk down. tara's perfume clouded your senses as she moved up against your back.
you heard a light smack and chris's hand dissapeared, replaced by tara's on your thigh. you assumed she'd swatted his hand away. "my turn first" she demanded, confirming your suspicions. chris didn't protest. he broke away from your lips and got up when she nodded for him to. if he had to wait to please you that was fine with him, he was sure it'd only be better if he went after tara anyways since then you'd be all sensitive for him already.
tara's delicate fingers found the strings on your sweats, pulling them loose. she muttered for you to lay down, head on the arm rest and you did. as she worked on discarding your pants, your eyes wandered to chris whom was removing his belt.
you wanted to question what he was doing but you were caught off gaurd by tara's thumb gently pressing onto your clit through your panties. you watched as she took her glistening thumb to her lips with a smirk. she sucked the residue off lightly. "already soaked for me, honey?" tara cooed softly, earning a glare from chris.
jesus you were already soaked through your underwear? well that's not embarassing at all.
tara only smiled, leaning down between your legs. you watched in anticipation as her hands grabbed the insides of your knee's to push them apart. then one hand came down to hook the front of your pretty thong and pull it to the side. she practically drooled at the sight of you, throbbing at the thought of how wet you'd gotten for her- well for both friends already.
with a bat of her lashes she met your gaze, a sickeningly sweet smile as she leaned down and attached her lips around your clit. a surprised whine left from your lips, head tilting back on the arm rest. that's when you were met with the sight of chris.
(if anyone gets confused about the position, click here)
"you feel good?" he questioned, his face hard to read as his eyed roamed your body, from where your shirt rolled up your stomach all the way down to tara's head buried in your thighs.
upon trying to answer, she un-expectedly began flicking her tongue over your throbbing bud. "yea.." you said, voice high pitched and needy for more. he stood behind the arm of the couch so you had to look upside down at him from where your head lay.
your eyes roamed down his body to find his clothes still on, but jeans boxers pulled to his thighs as he stroked himself slowly, mouth agape at the sight of you.
his waist was level with where your head rested on the arm of the couch. chris shuffled a little closer to gently grab your chin, tilting your head back. you came face to face with his angry red tip that was leaking from the sight of you being devoured infront of him.
he stroked your cheek soothingly as he spoke "can i use your mouth, gorgeous?" despite his sweet tone of voice, his tip forced your bottom lip up. you could already feel the blood rush to your head from having it tilted back over the arm of the couch. your mouth opened for him compliantly, tongue darting out to run over his length.
he took that as a yes, thrusting half the length of his dick through your lips at the same time tara sucked your clit through her teeth, nibbling almost painfully.. almost.
your hips lifted as you choked out a moan around your friends dick. you could feel the smirk on tara's lips against your heat and your sure chris's expression matched. your male friend used his large hand covering your chin, practically on your throat, to keep you where he wanted as he completely thrusted his inches down your throat.
you clawed at the couch as you gagged lightly around him. he pulled out before slipping his dick right back in your mouth, quickly finding a slow pace to fuck your mouth at. although you couldn't see it, his mouth was hung open at the sight and feel of you. contrasting that, tara's tongue sucked and flicked fast enough to have your thighs reactively trying to entrap her head.
she smacked your thigh lightly, releasing your clit with a wet noise. you couldn't speak, so instead tried to whine around chris's cock apologetically. it didn't matter though because your clit was momentarily neglected. however, your dripping hole was invaded instead.
as tara's tongue fucked into you, you choked around your other friend, pulling your head back from him. he let you get to the tip to take a breath. your eyes were glossy with tears from having your throat abused, lips red and puffy. "you okay?" he asked, swiping your hair from your face. you nodded quickly, quickly regaining composure. his voice came out low with arousal, but soft at the sight of your cock-drunk features "gonna keep takin' me like a good girl?" his thumb caressed your cheek sweetly as he asked.
you whined, hips rolling into tara's mouth in reaction to his voice. chris was loving how much such a simple thing got you going. he tapped your cheek with his pointer finger gently, reminding you to respond. once you nodded your head for comfirmation, he went right back to chasing his high, slipping himself through your messy drool and cum covered lips.
speaking of chasing high's, your hand slid down shyly to find tara's hair, gripping lightly through her shiny black locks, which she had no protest for at all, even letting a whine out into your cunt that made your hips jolt up. the feel of her tongue was enough to have your head spinning as is, but having your head uncomfortably tilted back to take chris had you feeling like passing out.
as your hips squirmed up, tara placed her arm on your stomach, pushing you back to the cushions. you tried forming incoherent words around chris's cock, making tara chuckle into you. the vibration from her lips made you whine, you tried pulling off chris to inform them of your need to finish but he only pulled you back
(gentle enough that you could indicate to him if you really needed a break or if you were just trying to speak.)
tara watched with amusement as he kept you quiet. "shh, i know it feels good honey" she silenced you, her tongue plunging right back into your tight walls once done speaking. your cries of ecstasy came more frequently now and it was driving chris insane. you could tell by how his pace began to falter that you weren't the only one approaching your high.
knowing you were at the brink of breaking, her tongue entered you one last time, her hand pushing onto your lower abdomen in synch with it. you couldn't help it, this time you pulled your lips off chris and let out a high pitched cry, propping yourself on your elbows to let the blood flow back to your body from your head.
"fuck" you murmured as you held your friends face against your now-leaking cunt, riding your high while watching as she lapped at every drop leaking onto her tongue.
she soon came up your body with a satisfied grin on her lips. those same lips met yours, forcing you to tase yourself. mid kiss you both heard chris groan, causing tara's eyes to open and lips to leave yours. she watched as cum dripped down his dick, minstrated by his now stilled hand. she crawled over you, leaning forward over the arm rest with her tits in your face as she stuck her tongue out to clean up chris.
with them being right there, you took one of her nipples in your mouth. she finished cleaning up chris and then sat up on your hips, making you release her tit with a subtle pop. "this is about you, honey" she states as she gets up off of you and the couch "or at least it was till he shoved his dick down your throat..."
chris rolled his eyes, ignoring her comment and playfully shoving her aside as he approached you, pulling his boxers and jeans back up. "good luck topping that." tara said cockily, referring to how fucked out she'd already caused you to be.
chris only looked at you and smirked. he may not have been yappin' like tara was, but his confidence in outdoing her was pretty damn high. he motioned for you to sit up, so you did. he took a seat beside you and patted his lap. this hadn't been what you were expecting. gladly though you straddled him, hovering slightly.
"made such a fucking mess" he muttered to you. along with his comment, two of his long fingers came out and unexpectedly pushed all your juices back into you, ripping a whine deep from in your throat. his fingers experimentally curled and his name drawled out of your mouth the second they had. he figured you were already all worked up, there was no need to make you wait right?
his blue eyes locked with yours as he repeated the action again, and again.. and again. your hands gripped at each of his shoulders nails surely leaving marks through the fabric. "you like that?" chris's voice sounded patronizingly cockily. his eyes trailing to give tara a shit eating grin when you couldn't even get out a simple 'yes' your head nodding and hips grinding down into his hand instead.
tara was a little further down the couch now from you guys, her eyes locked on the two of you as her hand snaked into her own shorts to rub over her panties. she wanted to be mad at his cocky demeanor but instead, she found herself practically leaking at the over confident smirk he gave her. (not that she'd ever admit it)
your legs shook lightly as you tried to chase his movements with your hips. almost every curl of his fingers elicted some kind of needy noise from you. chris watched in both awe and satisfaction at how overstimulated you were, his fingers purposefully pushing as deep as possible just for a reaction.
your head dropped down to his shoulder, a gutteral moan as you gripped at the sleeve of his hoodie for any kind of stability. "'m not g-gonna last long" you hardly managed through pathetic little whines in his ear.
chris shook his head "no, you're gonna finish with your friend" he told you, eyes glancing between tara, then back to you. you shook your head gently in protest "but-" "shh, you'll live."
when you rested your head sideways to see your female friend, her legs were spread, hand in her shorts and head tilted back as she bit down on her lip to silence herself. but most noteably, her brown eyes were locked on chris's free hand that was currently running along your side.
tara's eyes took in the length and perfect thickness to chris' fingers, the way they gripped at your skin. the sight had her legs closing back up, thigh's squeezing her own hand as a strangled desperate whine finally slipped her glossed lips.
but you weren't the only one who caught sight of tara's wandering eyes. chris's look darkened at it, feeling his ego puffing up at knowing what she was thinking.
"gonna keep gawkin' orr you wanna come here?" there was a newfound cockiness to his tone that made tara smirk, quickly releasing her hand from between her thighs before shuffling down the couch where you and him sat. she was the first to make a move on chris, gripping the younger brunette's jaw gently to place her lips on his.
while his lips messily pressed back to hers, he slyly slipped his arm around tara's waist, pulling her in so her side was rested right against his. she lifted her hips to remove her black denim jorts, slipping them off onto the floor along with her (now wet) panties.
you were far from neglected during this entire interaction, rutting your hips all the way down chris's fingers as they curled into you with just the right amount of pressure to have your nails clawing further into his hoodie. the sight of your two friends messily swallowing each others mouths eagerly was like having a porno unfold right before your eyes.
chris' hand grazed down tara's stomach, agonizingly slow all the way to her waist. he intentionally missed where he should have been heading to go straight for her thigh's.
she wasn't really in the mood for it right now, further evident by her clutching his roaming hand into hers, forcing it to cup her soaked cunt instead. her hips greedily pushed into his hand, causing them to both to smile into the kiss.
now you tried not to get jealous of the both of them as you watched but it was becoming increasingly hard. tara's eyes momentarily flashing to catch your needy stare caused her to break off from chris' lips.
her soft fingers went for your throat, wrapping with just enough pressure to make you gasp in surprise. with that same grip she forced you towards her, her mouth coming to yours. instead of connecting your lips, she gently bit your bottom lip. sinking her teeth in gently and tugging your lip back, grinning when your gasp turned into a whine from both the sting of the bite along with the overwhelming feeling of chris's fingers.
which speaking of, were now circling tara's clit with his other hand. she was constantly gasping, her lips now trailing your jaw and her hand squeezing your neck tighter in response to chris's movements.
feeling the need to join in, chris' began mouthing at the unoccupied side of your neck, his eyes fluttering shut, soaking in the sounds of both your pleasured noises. he felt a sense of pride knowing it was because of him.
your body was hot all over, nearly feeling like you could pass out from but too caught up in being finger fucked by your friend to care. chris could tell you wouldn't be able to hold off much longer, so he tauntingly moved his wrist further forward to curl his digits deeper into you.
"'m-" you cut yourself off with a moan as they both sucked down on different parts of your neck in synch. you'd think they planned it with how in unison their mouths worked dark purple marks onto you.
forgetting to repeat yourself, your jaw just fell slack, gripping chris' arm warningly. "close?" he mumbled in question against your bruised skin. upon hearing you breathing out an "uh huh", he knew he was gonna need to get tara there faster if he wanted you both to finish together. so he switched to circling your friends clit with the pad of his thumb instead, slowly fucking two fingers into her.
tara parted from your neck to look at chris like she had something to say about it but was quickly shut up when his fingers brushed the spongey spot deep inside her, having her reeling for more of it.
she had already been close from her own previous work on herself so she wasn't gonna last much longer either, announcing it by mumbling next to chris' ear that he was "doing so good" her voice lacked the same cockiness from earlier, sounding needy now,
chris bit his lip to suppress a smile at the praise for how good he was doing at pleasing the both of you. now the only rivalry with chris that tara could care about was if he was making you or her cum first, the argument from earlier long lost in her mind.
he himself had been trying to contain himself from growing hard again at the gorgeous sight of his two friends falling apart on top of, as well as beside him. he wasn't sure when or how he started but his hips were subconciously rutting up into your thigh in rythym with the pace of his fingers inside you.
the sight and sounds of both of you was almost too much, he spoke up to try and talk you both to the edge "c'mon, look so pretty taking it" he started breathlessly, his head was now dropped onto your shoulder, but facing toward tara. so as he spoke, you and tara both assumed he was speaking to yourselves. (which was his intention)
he didn't think about his words as they spilled from his lips, eager to feel you both finish "'know you can cum for me together" his voice was lower, clearly more affected by his clothed dick against your thigh than he'd like to admit.
with an aggresive amount of sudden pressure to both your clits, he got his wish.
walls fluttering around his fingers, your head tilted back, a babble of noises that were meant to be words came strangled from your lips. the hand of yours that wasn't grabbing chris's sleeve reached over to find tara's free hand and grab it, which she happily held, squeezing your hand back with a breathless giggle as her own walls closed and convulsed on chris's knuckles too.
you became overwhelmed quickly, having already came once before this. chris caught on to this by the way your hand was sliding down his arm to his wrist, wordlessly grabbing it in warning. he observed the way your brows knitted together, lips puffing out when he slowly removed his fingers from your fluttering walls.
only seconds later he released his hand from between tara's thigh's too. before chris could process it, tara took his fingers drenched in her slick to her mouth, wrapping around them. his lips parted in a gentle gasp and you took the opportunity to guide his own fingers from his other hand to his lips, encouraging him to tase you as well.
he gladly complied. his blue eyes locked on yours as he sucked his own digits dry of your juices. once he released his fingers, tara realeased his from her mouth as well.
panting, your eyes raked chris in disbelief, this is when you saw the huge wet patch on chris's sweatpants. you giggled teasingly, tara clearly having observed the sight to because she was giggling right along with you, shaking her head as she said "noo way" tauntingly
chris's cheeks tinted a dark shade of red as he groaned "shut the fuck up" to both of you, clearly a little embarassed. his hands quickly found your hips to lift you off him onto the couch. he stood up, rushing to the bathroom.
you and tara both combusted into laughter, wheezing and smacking at each other due to laughing so hard as you watched him walk away, uncomfortably grabbing his crotch.
"i hate you guys!" grumbling like an angry kid he slammed the bathroom door shut.
"love you too!" both of you yelled back in unison to the bathroom door.
tara shuffled to face you as she began putting her clothes back on "okay it's just us, be honest, i was better right?" tara asked wish a raised eyebrow. you had to look away from her as you spoke your truth "you were great!" you responded enthusiastically to avoid the question.
tara knew what your avoidance meant. chris had 'won'.
tara gasped dramatically (mostly) pretending to be offended "girl! fuck you" she playfully shoved your arm as you both giggled, knowing it wasn't that serious.
and despite being 'quiet' (neither of you were.) chris had most certainly heard the conversation from the bathroom and was more than pleased to hear it.
not that he wouldn't have gladly fucked some sense into you another time but, still glad he'd proved his point.
he won.
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thank you to everyone for being patient. i was having writers block so this took a longggg time to come out but i'm back on my shit so send more reqs!
tagsᥫ᭡: @mattsrod @sturncakez @watercolorskyy @pettydollie @sturniol0s @6ix9inewiturmom @sonicsmacks @fratbrochrisgf @eyelovedher89 @bernardsbendystraws @riversandwinds
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stoirmeachapas · 4 months
anotha one
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warnings: desperate kate (if you squint), smut, alcohol, barely any plot (again, you can see it if you squint), and worst of all… its not proofread at all. sorry not sorry.
kate martin x reader
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“you just look so good in that dress, baby.”
“thanks,” you smiled, pulling her in by her hips to kiss her. you spoke in an exciting tone, “you ready to go?”
“yeah, i guess.”
“you guess?” you giggled out, grabbing her hands to lead her out of the house.
kate leant into your side as you walked out, her hand placed on your hip. “how long are we gonna be out for?”
“are you planning on being antisocial tonight, baby?”
“i would… but ill go out. just for you,” she smiled, pressing a kiss to your head and opening the passenger door.
you sat down with a grin as she closed the door behind you and walked around the car. kate sat down in the driver seat and started the engine. she leant over the middle console and pressed a kiss to your temple. “can you put the directions in?”
“mhm, gabs and cait are there already, by the way.”
she sighed, her hand finding your thigh as she drove, “okay.”
you looked over at the girl, a weird look plastered on her face, “kate whats up with you?”
she furrowed her eyebrows at you, “nothin, just focused on the road.”
“yeah, sure.”
kate gave you leg a squeeze and kept driving, eventually pulling into the parking lot of the club.
the second you got through the door her hand was coiled around your waist, pulling you into her side. you sent gabbie a text letting her know you had arrived and went off to get drinks.
by the time two a.m. rolled around, all four of the girls were tipsy. neither you or kate had drunk anything in the last hour, knowing you would need to drive home.
kate had been antsy all night, tugging at your waist and constantly moving, “k, you sure your good?”
she leant over to whisper in your ear, “can we go home, please?”
you nodded lightly, standing up with your bag. “hey, we’re gonna head out,” you spoke loudly over the music.
the both of you hugged gabbie and caitlin goodbye, wishing them fun on the rest of their night.
the second you got home, she practically dragged you upstairs, mumbling about how “this was all she could think about all night” and how “she needed you so bad.”
the second she pushed her lips onto yours, you pressed her down into the bed, your fingers tangling with the bottom if her shirt. “k, help me please. i can’t get it off.”
she laughed softly as you turned in embarrassment. “no, baby it fine,” she giggled out. “i’ve got it.”
she sat up and pulled her shirt over her head. you leant in to kiss her again, pushing her back down into the mattress. her hand brushed over your cheek lightly as she deepened the kiss, pulling your hips into hers.
you peppered kisses along her face and jaw, hands finding a crook in her back. she arched up so you could unclasp her bra and pull it off.
she gasped at the touch as you took her tit into your mouth, swirling it around your tounge. you pulled away making a popping sound and moving down further, planting kisses along her toned stomach.
“baby…” you looked up at her quickly with a smile, “hm?”
she tucked hair behind your ear, brushing her hand against your face. “i love you.”
a grin grew over your face at her words, “good. i love you too.” you looked away from her to hook your fingers on her bottoms, pulling off her shorts and panties all in one go.
you pressed a light to so her inner thigh while her hand traced shapes on your back. you pressed your thumb against her clit, dragging it in a circle. a light moan escaped her mouth at the touch.
you pushed a singular finger into her, “you can add another one, honey. please.” she whispered out, her hand grabbing the back of your head.
you pulled your finger out and pushed two back it, moving slowly but gradually getting faster. “there you go, shit” she moaned out, her grip tightening.
you pressed a kiss to her clit, another moan escaping from her lips. her breathing sped up and her words turned into groans and begs.
"fuck! baby don't stop!" she whined out, her hands tangling through your hair. you thrusted your fingers in and out of the girl, curling them into her g-spot. kate let out soft moans as she got closer, her free hand grabbing yours and squeezing it.
you slowed down as you felt kates walls close around your fingers, "good girl, k. there you go," you coo'd, pulling your fingers out of the girl.
you held her fingers up to the girls mouth. kate took them in, swirling them around her tongue. after a minute you pulled them out of her mouth and pressed a kiss to it instead. the kiss instantly deepened. your hips straddled over the girl, leaving you resting on an elbow. one of her hands tangled through your hair, the other cupping your face. her thumb moved back and fourth over your cheek.
kate squeezed your clothed hips, pulling away from you to talk. it came out in more of a whisper, "baby, take them off please." you sat up in response, sitting on kates abs. she untied the sweatpants string and grabbed the waistband, wiggling them off of you.
she sat up under you, moving backwards. you lent forward, connecting your lips and hers again with a giggle. you straddled over kates thigh. your hands ran through her hair, brushing it out if her face. "your so pretty, k."
she smiled in return, raising her leg slightly to brush against your panties, "hm. glad you think so, honey."
kate fiddled with the side of them, "you know, i think you'd look better without those, baby."
she pulled them off you, grinning. kate pulled you in closer, whispering into your ear, "your gonna ride my thigh now, that okay, pretty girl?"
you nodded and connected your lips again, moaning into her mouth at the touch. you moved your hips back and forth, disconnecting your lips to throw your head back.
the girls toned leg was perfect for the situation. it left the you a whimpering mess as you struggled to stay upright. "shit babe, thats so good."
“yeah?” kate pressed her leg further up, smiling lightly at the girls reaction. “mhm.”
you rocked your hips back and forth to create more friction, loud moans escaping from your lips over and over again. “baby… i- fuck!”
your slick coated the girls leg as your slowed down, laying down onto kates chest, “there you go, sweetheart. ”
she wrapped her arms around you and pressed a light kiss to your forehead. when you looked at her smiling, she pressed a kiss to your lips.
“you need anything, baby?”
“just you.”
kate laughed and pulled you into another kiss, slowing flipping you over onto your back, leaving kisses down your neck. “i’m gonna run you a shower.”
“no don’t leave me.” you wrapped her arms around kate, refusing to let go. “we can just go to bed?”
she pressed a rough kiss against your forehead, then tickled you so she could wiggle out of your grip. “i’ll be back!”
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scekrex · 7 months
Okay, okay, okay, ANOTHA ONE. Winner!reader who got lost in Heaven on his first, because Adam forgot that he was supposed to give him a tour and simply kept walking while Reader got distracted and went after something shiny that he thought would look nice on Adam. Now cue in Brandon Rogers skit with a "mother" looking for her son Timmy. Just Adam running around and screaming "Y/N!!!!" and asking around, cause he's totally shitting himself. He lost a soul IN HEAVEN of all places. After some time he sits down on a bench in a park or something, completely exhausted and distressed, when suddenly the reader appears behind him, placing a shiny little tiara between his mask horns saying: "✨👸🌺You're a fucking pretty princess!🌺👸✨" while holding ice cream in the other hand and Adam just looks at him like:
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You can end it however you want, cause honestly you're gonna nail it either way 💁🏻‍♂️
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Babes, I fucking love you for that request. I feel like I'll write so many crack fics for Adam n Reader just bc of you and I'm fucking ready for it
Lost and Found
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language, this is a crack fic (kinda)
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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When you had first appeared in Sera's office you had been confused and overwhelmed, the little girl, her name was Emily, was full of energy that you weren't able to deal with at that point. She had been all in your face and while you were aware that it was all good intentions, it made you feel like stumbling right into a panic attack.
So Sera had made a call with some guy named Adam, she hadn't explained who he was and why she called him and not someone else but once Adam had arrived at Sara's office, you understood. The guy was a lot more chill than Emily, sure he could talk a lot - that was the first thing he had proven once he had entered the office - but he wasn't draining you by doing so. He wasn't all up in your face either and you appreciated that a lot.
So once you two had introduced yourself to each other, the two of you took off.
The streets weren't as full and crowded as you had expected them to be. Heaven was painted in bright colors, pastel blue, white and gold were the most common colors you came across. Adam was currently rambling about some chick that he had fucked a couple weeks ago at one of his gigs, you weren't really paying attention though, you were too focused on all the shiny lights that surrounded you.
So your attention was on many things, on everything but Adam, the person you probably should've focused the most on considering that you had no clue where exactly in heaven you two were. And when the two of you walked past a jewelry store you couldn't help but walk right through the door. In your mind you thought Adam would notice and follow you - or wait outside the store.
Well, Adam didn't even notice you were gone at first, he was too caught up in his storytelling. So he continued to walk through the streets of heaven for a good twenty minutes without you. That was until the man stopped to look at you - or at least that was why he turned around. But you weren't there.
For how long had he been walking alone? Where were you and why weren't you following him anymore? A wave of panic hit him. What if Sera would find you all alone without him in sight? He'd be in so much trouble if that were to happen.
So he walked in the direction he came from, checking every back alley he had walked past but he couldn't find you. “Y/N?” he called out for you as he entered yet another back alley, hoping he'd get a response. He tried to remain as calm as possible, that wasn't easy considering that he had just lost a fucking soul in heaven. Oh he was so fucked if he weren't to find you by sunset. He was so fucked if Sera were to find out.
Another wave of panic shot through his body as he rushed out of the alley. He grabbed an angel who just went about his day by his shoulders, shook him slightly as his voice filled with panic got louder and louder, “Have you seen my-” Adam stopped for a moment. His what? You weren't his. Ah, fuck this, “Have you seen the dude I'm supposed to watch? He's about this tall,” he raised his hand to show the angel - who was slightly frightened by Adam's behavior - how tall you were, “clearly gay and has a thing for me, but we haven't had the talk yet.” The second the angel started to shake his head Adam was gone, calling out your name over and over again.
“You fucking little shithead, get your sexy ass over here,” Adam yelled, earning himself a few strange looks from bypassing angels, he couldn't care less though. A panicking expression was visible on his mask as he continued to walk all the way back to where you and him had come from. He opened a door to one of the countless stores you two had passed, “Y/N are you in there? You better get the fuck out if you are!” The customers inside the store looked at Adam in confusion and disgust for yelling so loud. He slammed the door shut and crossed the street to enter a park, maybe you had seen some kind of animal or whatever bullshit it was a soul like you were interested in.
“C’mon you little bitch, I'll let you fucking do drugs if you move your ass over here right now,” that was a total lie, obviously it was, but Adam was trying to get you back and he really had no idea how to do it properly.
Another angel walked up to him, she seemed slightly worried about the situation that was playing out, “Have you tried retracing the steps?” Adam shoved her out of the way, “Fuck, you think I'm stupid? Of course I have!” The lady who just had wanted to help flinched away from the first man and was quick to take off once his attention had shifted away from her.
He rushed through the entire park, even looked at the entire thing from above in hope he would be able to spot you, but nothing. Once his feet were back on the ground he broke down on a park bench, his hands were covering the LED face that was displayed on his mask and he was done with it, there was no way he'd find you before sunset - which was when Sera was expecting the both of you to return.
He was completely fucked, there was no way he'd be able to explain to Sera what had happened. And even worse: what if you got hurt? Shit, he didn't even know why he cared about that, you were just some random soul he had met a couple hours ago but yet there he was, worrying about your fucking ass.
Adam flinched when he heard the sound of metal clicking against his mask and turned his head around. There you were. A soft smile was curled around your lips and you held a cone of ice cream in your hand as if nothing had happened, “Y’know,” you started to speak up and pointed to the thing that was resting on top of his mask now, “For someone who talks about ‘fucking bitches’ a lot you're a fucking pretty princess.”
Adam reached for the object you had placed on his head and looked at it closely. It was a fucking golden tiara. It had tiny purple gemstones attached to it and it surprisingly fit his aesthetic pretty well. He stared at the shiny accessory for a moment before he put it down on the bench, got up and lifted you over the bench he had been sitting on. Before you knew it your ice cream cone landed on the ground and Adam pulled you into a bone crushing hug, your feet still dangling in the air, you simply decided to wrap them around his waist. The taller man didn't seem to mind it all that much.
“Don’t you fucking dare to ever run off again you little shithead,” he whispered as he held you, the face of his mask was pressed flush against your neck. “And I thought I was the one having a thing for you when clearly it's not one sided,” you teased the first man, your hand playfully grabbing his horns and pulling him away from your neck to look at him. “You heard that?” he asked in a mix of anger and embarrassment. “Yeah,” you shrugged, “Next time when you're looking out for me, do better.” Adam couldn't help but simply stare at you in pure disbelief. There was simply no fucking way he had missed you. “Also,” you looked down on the ground where your ice cream cone was melting, “You owe me ice cream, idiot.”
“I swear I'll fucking get you a shirt that says 'If lost, return to Adam' or some shit in case that ever happens again,” Adam mumbled and even though he sounded slightly annoyed, he seemed pretty happy you were back. “Oh, it will happen again, trust me,” you simply grinned.
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blueberrybeomgyu · 21 days
୨⎯ "self control" ⎯୧ (hdm)
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+:🍞:﹤descrip. : you test taesan's patience
+:🫧:﹤content : sub!taesan kinda? x fem!reader/soft dom!reader...kinda..., smut
+:🫐:﹤warnings : 18+ mdni 🫶, more edging bc that's just who i am!, masturbation, exhibitionism/voyeurism perchance?, more nipple touching, petnames sweetheart/sweetie/good boy
+:☕:﹤word count : 1.8K
+:🎀:﹤author's note : ANOTHA ONE! blueberrybeomgyu lives...and has yet to post anything about beomgyu... sorry if this ends kinda abruptly, i didn't want it to be as long as the previous story TT this story on ao3!!
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Taesan trembles in your hold when you suck another hickey into his neck. His nails dig into your thighs and he shudders an exhale.
You know all of his tells–how he squeezes his eyes shut to ground himself, how his fingers twitch when he’s trying so hard not to squirm. He’s not one to ask easily, still struggling to be vulnerable although you two have been dating for a little over a year. You always end up giving in first, asking him to kiss you, touch you, fuck you. Today, you wanna test his patience.
You’re cuddled on the couch with some random cartoon on. He’s situated between your legs with his back pressed against your chest. For the past half-hour, you’ve been touching him lightly, teasingly scratching your nails along his thighs, getting so close to where his dick is straining in his sweatpants, just to move your hand elsewhere. You do the same with his chest, tracing a finger around his areola but never touching his nipples, never giving him that satisfaction.
Whenever he starts tensing up, you halt your actions, bringing your hands to rest on top of his thighs. After a couple of minutes of not touching him, luring him into a sense of false security, you start again, pinching the skin on his thigh, squeezing his pecs while successfully avoiding his cute little pink nubs.
You know you almost have him where you want him when he throws his head back on your shoulder, huffing out a breath that tapers off into a whimper.
He fixes you with his best puppy eyes, white and glossy, and a pout so lethal you almost give in. You get yourself together and look at him with an expression of feigned innocence.
“What’s the matter, baby?” You trail your hand down his chest, over his stomach, and you’re so close to where he wants you. You pull your hand away when his hips jerk up, instead kneading the skin of his thigh.
He doesn’t say anything in response, but grabs your hand and places it over his bulge. His breath stutters at the feeling of you (somewhat) touching him. He bucks into the feeling, slightly grinding his crotch against your limp hand. You giggle at his lack of shame, and let him have his fun for a few seconds before pulling your hand away again.
And he finally lets out a full whine, the noise all breathy and pathetic. You can’t hold back your small smile in triumph, and an idea forms in your head. You already have him desperate, why not see how far you can go with this?
“I’m not going to touch you.” You decide. You lightly scratch your nails up his thighs and watch them stutter. His head falls back on your shoulders.
“Why not?” He fusses quietly. His cheeks are red-hot, and it’s obvious he feels out of his element. “C’mon.” Taesan calls out, weakly trying to convince you otherwise. “You’ve been teasing me all night.”
“Shh.” You quiet him, rubbing his thighs soothingly. “I'm not going to touch you, but you can touch yourself.”
“Right now?” He asks with wide eyes, and you respond with a hum. He hesitates for another second, seemingly in thought as he loosens his grip on your thighs. He looks at you again, and you nod reassuringly.
He looks forward, and his hands move slowly to pull his bottoms down. You bite your lip absentmindedly at the sight of his cock, pink and leaking a little. He’s on the thinner side with a nice length, and you almost want to throw this plan out the window just to feel him inside you quicker.
“Good job.” You say instead. He moves in a slow pace, up and down steadily, and you trail a hand up to his chest. His nipples are hard and pink when you finally touch them, and Taesan’s hips buck into his hand.
“U-uh.” He whimpers quietly as he strokes himself slowly. You watch quietly, taking in the pretty sight of Taesan laying against you, touching himself just for you. After a couple of minutes, his hand speeds up, and he’s letting out short, whiny noises. Eventually, his noises turn into sharp intakes of breath, a sign that he’s close.
“Stop.” You command. Taesan’s hand falters but doesn’t stop, and he questions you with a confused little mewl.
“Let go of your cock, Sannie.” You say sternly and tap his wrist. You aren’t gonna make him stop; you want to see if he’ll obey you.
A beat later, he tears his hand away from his dick, breath loud and uneven. A trail of pre-cum drools out of the tip obscenely, and you have to force your eyes away from the sight before you lose your mind.
“Aw, look at you, Taesan. You’re such a good boy.” You say, planting a soft kiss on his cheek as a reward and rubbing his thighs gently.
“Y-you said I could touch myself.” He mutters accusingly after catching his breath. You can’t help but chuckle at his petulance.
“I know, baby. I'm sorry. I just wanna have some fun with you for a little while. Is that okay?” You halt the movements of your hands, not wanting to sway his answer. You’re aware that he’s out of his depth, and at any moment, you could unknowingly push him too far, and you want to avoid making him feel unheard or unsafe at all costs.
“Okay.” He says quietly after a few seconds. Relief washes over you at his answer, glad to know that he’s enjoying this. His body is still tense, so you massage his shoulders gently until he melts back against your chest.
“You can touch yourself.”
His hand is back on his member immediately, stroking at a slow rhythm until his desperation overcomes his shyness. His hips begin lifting off the couch and humping into his hand.
“Mmh- so good…wish y-you would t-t-touch me.” He mumbles around soft whimpers. You’re surprised at the confession. He’s not exactly begging, but to see him work himself into a horny mess, to hear him vocalize how much he wants you without restraints, is all very new to you. It makes you feel hot, and a little desperate yourself.
You watch as the signs return: his thighs shaking, breath quickening, quiet gasps. You wanna wait a couple of seconds longer before telling him to stop, but you don't have to. He pulls away on his own, hips chasing the friction and hand coming to clutch the soft skin on your thigh.
He's such a good boy, stopping without being told. Unfortunately, this won’t work out in his favor. You aren’t upset with him, per se, but you want him to relax and let you be in control.
“Whatcha doing?” You ask after giving him a moment to catch his breath again.
“Was c-close.” He explains, stuttering when you bring a hand up to squeeze his nipple.
“Did I tell you to stop?”
“No, but–”
“Then keep going.” You persist. His eyebrows furrow in question, so you lift his hand and wrap it around his member for him. He gasps at the sensation and his hips twitch helplessly as you guide his hand to stroke himself.
“I’ll tell you when to stop, sweetie. Just let me do all the thinking for you.” You play with his nipples again, wetting your fingers and bringing them down to rub on the nubs harshly.
His pitch increases. His head falls back on your shoulder, and he’s so beautiful. You take in his strained neck, furrowed eyebrows and face pink in embarrassment.
You kiss his soft lips gently, but the kiss quickly turns aggressive until he tries to draw back, mouthing something against your lips. You pull away to nibble on his earlobe, letting him speak.
“Close, I'm close- Y/N, can I stop? Please-” His free hand moves from where it’s clutching the couch cushion and grips your thighs. You pause for a second because holy shit, he’s begging you to not cum? You’re stuck on how hot that is, your own core warm and wet at the sight.
Taesan’s still begging quietly, words are slurred and you almost swear he’s drooling. His hips continue rocking into his hand so slowly he might as well not be moving.
“Aw, sweetheart. You can stop.” His hand pulls away from his length and joins the other in latching onto your thighs, and his hips buck into the air for a couple of seconds. You rub his biceps soothingly as he breathes through the denial.
“What's the matter? Doesn't feel good?” You tease, and he shakes his head.
“Too good…I almost came.” He mumbles, voice scratchy and eyelids droopy. You can tell he’s tired by the way he’s slumped in your hold, and you consider having pity on him.
“Don't you wanna cum?” You bring a hand up from his chest to scratch at his scalp. His eyelashes flutter as he melts into the sensation, and his hips move again in small circles against nothing.
“Not without permission, not unless you want me too.” His words are slow and shaky like he's struggling to think them up, and you can't believe how far gone he is so quickly. You smile at his sweetness and pinch his cheek lightly, and ignore the displeased whine he lets out.
“Touch yourself, baby.”
“I c-can’t, I'll cum.” He complains, eyes big and desperate when he looks at you.
“You’ve been so good.” You plant a quick kiss on his lips, fond at how he’s too tired to kiss you back before you’re pulling away. “Don't you think you deserve a treat, baby?” You grab his hand again, mirroring your actions from earlier and helping him build a rhythm. His hips involuntarily buck into the pleasure, mind going blank as he's finally getting release.
“You're such a good boy, trying so hard to obey me.” You circle your finger over the head of his dick in fast, wet motions, and his breath picks up. You feel him gasping where his face is buried in your neck, his hair tickling your skin.
“Please– nngh– so g-good…” He slurs out desperately, hips full on thrusting into your palm and his own hand stroking himself sloppily, and how could you say no to such a sweet boy?
“I've got you, sweetie. You can let go.” You stop the ministrations to thumb at his slit, while your other hand thumbs at his nipple, and he crumbles to pieces in your hand.
“Cumming, cumming, cu-” He babbles as his thighs shake and a steady stream of cum dribbles out of his tip.
You give him a few minutes to get himself together, basking in the fact that he finally let you have control during a sexual encounter.
“That wasn't so bad, was it?”
“You're so mean.” He pouts, body lifeless against yours, and you laugh fondly.
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helenabuu32 · 5 days
My first hc post officially has 100 notes 🥹
To celebrate……
Anotha one.
Bucci Squad when their crush or S/O gets badly hurt during a mission!
RIP to the one who has awoken mama bear
Without hesitation will use Sticky Fingers to safely tuck you away from danger until the threat is taken care of.
Depending on how severe the injury is, he’ll send another member in the zipper dimension with you to make sure you’re okay. If it’s life threatening, he’ll make Giorno heal you there.
Once you’re somewhere safe, it’s go time. There’s no holding back and the rest of the team is actually a little shocked (or scared) of his lack of composure when going after the one who hurt you.
He will accept help from the others if he needs it, he doesn’t care as long as the person gets fucked up. He will however insist on on delivering the finishing blow
Will probably deliver a really emotional speech about “those who dare harm the one he loves” (he’ll do this whether you’re dating or not bc ur prob unconcious anyway so it won’t really be a confession lmfao) as he proceeds to zipper their entire body apart and rip the pieces to shreds
Once the battle is over, he’s taking you home and not leaving your side until you’re better. If you’re dating he’ll make sure there’s always a fresh red rose by your bedside ❤️
Did someone order a side of Swiss cheese?Because that’s what Mista is about to turn this person into.
He will throw himself in front of you and order one of the others to get you the hell out of there. He doesn’t care if he gets hit with an attack as long as you’re not getting hurt anymore.
The Sex Pistols are ANGRY. 5 is crying and wants to go to you, but knows Mista needs every bit of help he can get. They’re going absolutely nuts helping to riddle your attacker with bullets nonstop. Some of them are even trying to cling onto them and straight up bite chunks out of their body.
Mista will want to take care of this person himself but if he can’t handle it on his own, he’ll reluctantly let the others assist him. At the end of the day he doesn’t really care as long as he gets some (MANY) good shots in and this person is no more.
Once the fight is over, he’s sprinting to your side to assess the damage. Putting pressure on any wounds, he’ll take his shirt off to make a pillow for your head. Hell even rip it to shreds if you need bandages he doesn’t care.
If there’s a lot of damage, he’ll ask Giorno to help. He’s not letting you die on him.
Once you’re back home or somewhere safe, he’s doing everything he can to take care of you and help you. Any time you need food or water or a change of bandages, he’s the one who’s going to get it. Other than that, he never leaves your side until you’re better.
This person is definitely gonna regret laying a finger on you.
He scoops you up and brings you somewhere safe while he’s yelling at the others to give them everything they’ve got.
If your life is in danger, he will put his hatred for Giorno aside and start begging him to come and heal you. He’s so desperate that the others are kind of shocked. They never realized you meant so much to him.
Depending on the enemy stand users abilities, he knows he and his own stand may be no match for them. If that’s the case, all he asks is that the others leave them alive so he can finish them off….
Once that has been done and he knows you’re going to be okay, he’ll demand that the others stay with you while he “takes care of things.”
He doesn’t even wanna use Moody Blues. In fact, he’s called his stand back in. If there’s anything laying around like a crowbar, a plank of wood, something that can do damage, he’ll grab it. If not, being the strongest of the group physically, he has no problem using his fists.
The others will watch from afar as Leone makes this person unrecognizable as human. This person is literally begging and pleading for mercy, but Abbacchio doesn’t intend on stopping. Even when they’re long dead, he just keeps going until they’re a bloody pulp.
He’ll walk back to you and the group, covered in the blood of the enemy and tell everyone to back off. He carries you the whole way back to whenever you’re staying. If you’re dating, he’ll just hold you and silently cry when you’re away from the others as he tells you how much he loves you and never wants to lose you.
Lol the others should run
No actually. He’s telling the rest of the Bucci gang to take you, make sure you’re okay, and run. FAR. Away.
He’s literally screaming at this person as he uses Aerosmith to just unleash everything it has. If there’s cars or anything around that he can use to set a fire, the whole area will be set ablaze within minutes.
Once he knows it’ll finish them off for good, Narancia will drop Aerosmith’s bomb and absolutely destroy everything in the vicinity. He doesn’t even care if he hurts himself at this point.
When the deed is finally done, he’s rushing to you and the others, tears running down his face yelling and making sure you are/are going to be okay.
Once you’re all back home, Narancia is constantly bringing you snacks and drinks and feeding them to you. He’ll set his boombox up in your room and let you ply all your favourite songs to help brighten the mood. He acts cheery to put a smile on your face, but this boy is honestly traumatized after watching you get hurt like that.
If you’re not dating, he feels like he literally needs to guard your room at night. He has this irrational fear that someone else will break in to try to finish you off. If you’re in a relationship, he sleeps with you every single night, waking up every half hour/an hour because he’s so worried something will happen.
Will pick you flowers he found (they’re actually weeds lol) outside because he knows how much you like them
Uh yeah so he’s definitely about to prove he’s his fathers son here
He’s calm. Like SCARY calm. The others have never seen him act this way before and it’s freaking them out.
He’ll heal any wounds that need to be tended to immediately, then ask the others to take you somewhere you’ll be safer
He never once loses his composure. In fact, the others think they can see him….smiling???
His goal now is to use Gold Experience to make this person regret they were ever born. The enemy won’t even notice the strategically placed roots he’s been sprouting from the ground until it’s too late…
Once the enemy is where Giorno wants him, the others will watch this person slowly. SO slowly. Get impaled all over with thin tree branches. Giorno makes sure this person stays alive for a long time. Once he’s ready to finish the job, he will make the tree grow fully through their body, completely tearing them apart.
The others jaws are on the floor as they watch Giorno walk back over to them, the scene behind him looking like a gory horror movie. Most of them are a little scared of him right now but Abbacchio actually managed to grow a sliver of respect for him, strangely enough.
Upon seeing you, he goes back to his normal, kind self. When you get home, he will care for you until you’re better. If you’re dating, he’ll hold you tightly as he tells you how much he loves you and will never let anyone hurt you like that again.
So he actually almost kills everyone out of complete, uncontrollable rage
He’s so angry he honestly doesn’t even check on you before going nuts on this person. The others, realizing they can’t stop him and would definitely die trying, get you to safety and take care of any injuries that may need immediate attention.
Fugo honestly almost gets himself killed with his own stand. But he doesn’t care, because at the end of the day, the person who hurt you is gone and boy did they suffer greatly
He finally calls Purple Haze back in, realizing how reckless he was being in his emotional state. He feels ashamed, but couldn’t help himself when he saw you laying there, crumpled up in pain on the ground.
When you get back, he’s actually avoiding you at first. When he finally comes to see you, he explodes. “What the Hell were you thinking??? Are you stupid, throwing yourself in the middle like that to blindly defend everyone? You could’ve gotten yourself KILLED. I almost LOST YOU.”
…if you weren’t dating already, that was pretty much his confession of his feelings for you. If you are in a relationship, he’ll finally let his guard down and just weep. You actually have to comfort him at first. He just keeps repeating how much he loves you and can’t ever lose you. He’s saying he’s sorry over and over again. Sorry for letting you get that hurt, sorry for almost hurting the others. He’s just sorry. And he swears to protect you and work on being more calm in those situations.
I’ll be adding one for Trish later as I was having a hard time thinking of a good amount of hcs for her and I’ve had this in my drafts so long that I just really wanna get it out there! I hope you guys liked this one, and again, always feel free to send in a request for some hcs from me! :)
Love: your friendly neighborhood Abbacchio simp 😌
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
juliet's perfectly round and biteable ass
ANOTHA ONE for @steddiemicrofic August prompt "cake" wc: 311 rated: T cw: mild language/suggestive language tags: pining, subtle coming out
Eddie never got caught, is the thing.
He managed to get away with staring for years.
Until he got clocked by Robin Buckley, her knowing look pointed towards him in the Upside Down as he practically drooled watching Steve walk away.
She didn't comment, but he could feel her staring at him every time Steve's back was turned towards him.
She finally spoke up in the RV, voice barely more than a whisper so as not to be overheard by anyone.
Steve was preoccupied talking to Nancy anyway.
"How long?" she asked him, sad smile on her face like she understood his pain.
"Years I guess," he replied.
"So is it just the looks or…" she continued, pushing as gently as she could for more information, more secrets.
"His ass is pretty nice, and I won't lie, up until all of this, it was mostly just his looks, yeah."
God, she was so pushy. He kind of understood why Steve loved her so much.
"But now it's more like unrequited love. The shit Shakespeare wrote about. Romeo and Juliet and Juliet's perfectly round and biteable ass," Eddie sighed.
"So it's serious, then."
"I guess so. With any luck, we'll go our separate ways when we're done with all this shit and I'll get over him and his ass."
"You really love his ass," Robin chuckled.
"Yeah, I mean, I know you're platonic or whatever, but don't you see how perfect it is?"
"I'm not really into his ass. Or any guy's ass. You know?" she raised her eyebrows.
It took him a minute, but then he realized what she was really saying.
"Oh! Cool."
"Yeah. Cool."
The rest of the ride was silent, the pressure of what was coming too much to keep joking about his feelings.
He silently vowed to tell Steve about his feelings the moment they won.
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emlovslennon · 6 months
anotha one because holy fuck this man makes me feral.
era: 1968-early ‘69
John has been inside our bedroom for at least 2 hours, practicing the same song over and over again. The only song he actually cares about, that is. John has about completely given up on the band, but he at least there’s some energy. One thing to know about John, however, is that he HATES being interrupted. Even by his wife. But, you’ve been craving his touch for weeks, he’s hardly paid any mind, so why not take a risk?
Once you mustered up the courage, and by mustering up you put on a short, skimpy, night gown John had bought you for your second wedding anniversary and some black, see through tights. You slowly, but surely walked up to the door. It took you a good thirty seconds to actually open the door. John didn’t even look at you when you opened the door, to see you standing by the doorway barely covered.
“Johnny, please, it’s been forever. I want you.” You whimpered, too scared to be too loud.
“Y/n… What have I told you at least a thousand times? I’m working, not the time.” John warns, looking back at me. You could see on his face that a blush appeared, he bit his lip, staring you down his down like a predator finding it’s prey.
“But please, John. I promise just one time and you can go back to-“ you was quickly cut off by John nearly slamming his guitar to the ground and getting off of your shared bed to come up and grab you by the chin.
“You just don’t like listening, do you? Been a lot more bitchy lately cuz I haven’t been bedding you. Now you’re just gonna have to take whatever I fucking give you. Do you hear me, girl?” John reprimanded. You felt the heat between your legs beginning to drool and throb. This was gonna be rough, but it’s something.
John grabbed you and threw you onto the bed, you could hear the ruffling of clothes as John unbuckled his belt and undid his purple button up.
“Hands and knees. Now.” John growled, his voice was low and domineering. You actually felt, afraid in way. But it just turned you on. You never saw John like this, and you couldn’t help but like it. You instantly got up on your hands and knees, your head resting against the plush pillow underneath you. He ripped your tights down to your thighs, exposing your bottom half to him.
“You do not understand the amount of stress I’m under right now. The last thing I need is my ever so loving wife to act like a fucking dog in heat.” Johns voice got louder. Without warning, John smacked his belt against your lower half, causing you to cry out.
“John, please. ‘M wanna help you.” You murmured. John looked at you, amazed. You would really do anything for him if it means you got stuffed full of his cock, or if it made him feel better. He really won the jackpot by finding you.
“You wanna help me, baby? Well, I suppose you can. But I’m warning you now, I’m not going easy on ye. So if you need to smack me or tell to me to stop, please do.” He said, quite softly. The softness didn’t last long however, he brought he belt back to your ass again. Your cunt was glistening, wetness pooling down your thighs, aching for him.
“Holy fuck, you like this, y/n? You like how I’m marking your little ass? Huh? Your cunts crying for me.” John chuckled. You put this man in pure disbelief. You make it so hard for him to stay mad at you.
After about six more lashes from his belt, your ass was completely red and bruised. There was definitely gonna be a mark or two (or three) in the morning. Your thighs were shaking, you could feel tears wanting to escape your eyes, but you loved it. Honestly, this was so much better than just regular love making. John took his cock out of his boxers and teased you with it. You were so drenched that your wetness was pooling onto the bedsheets below. Johns mouth literally felt like watering. You were fighting the urge to grind back on him, trying to get him to go inside.
“Almost forgot, baby. Need to stretch ya out.” John mumbled under his breath. He put two fingers into your drooling cunt without warning. Your sighs turned into cries as he scissored you fast and quick. Your heart was pounding, you felt like you were on cloud nine. The pleasure was unbearable.
“Fuck, such a good little girl, you are. Taking everything I give you. My obedient little whore. I fucking love it.” John praised. The praises made you moan louder, the squelching noises from your cunt more than audible.
“John, fuck, please, please.” You begged. Your voice pathetically hoarse from your cries.
“Gonna need more convincing than that. That’s pathetic.” John said. You cried out again when his fingers continually hit your sweet spot.
“John please fuck me. I need you so badly, I’ll be so good please. ‘M so wet for you.” You begged. God, it was dirty, so pathetic. But oh my god. You loved it so much. John almost burst when he heard you beg. He swore it was the hottest thing he had ever heard in his life. John spent no time thrusting his whole length inside you. Giving you no time to adjust.
You screamed at the intrusion. John pounded you like it was last fuck on earth. All the stress from the rehearsals and the rocky friendship with Paul gone away. All he could think about was making his good girl cum. (And himself, duh). You were so, so good to him.
“Yeah, that feel good, sweet girl? Fuck, you’re so fucking tight. Lemme hear how good I fuck you.” John demanded. If you weren’t already screaming the house down, you sure as hell were now. Johns cock hit all the right places inside you. But, fuck. He was relentless.
“J-john, s-slow down!” You yelled out. John slapped your ass in response, causing you to cry out.
“You can take it, baby. I know you can. Come on, fucking take it.” John grunted. You turned to look at him. He looked fucking mesmerizing. Sweat was all down his chest and all over his face, his long hair stuck to his forehead and messy. He was biting his lip and he gotten rid of his glasses. He looked like a god.
You felt yourself getting closer and closer to your sweet release. John caught you staring and gave you a smirk and playful slap to your ass, causing you to gasp. You attempted to look away but John grabbed you once again and flipped you over, so you were underneath him. He pulled you down and pinned your arms above your head, and continued to pound into you. Your thighs and poor cunt started to get sore from the rough treatment, but you can’t say you were complaining in the slightest.
“J-john, I-I-“ you panted. You couldn’t even properly form words anymore. John was fucking you way too good, to the point of being brainless.
“Aw, can’t speak, baby? Is Johnny fucking you too good? Huh? Wanna cum? My angel wants to cum?” John cooed. His hand caressing your cheek as he kissed your forehead. Even if this started because he undeniably pissed, he still couldn’t help but fawn over his beautiful girl. All his.
All you could do was nod. John was thinking about teasing you a bit more and edging you, but you’ve done way too good for him. It just wouldn’t be fair.
“Come on, y/n. Cum for me. Fuck.” John moaned. The squelching sound from your cunt intensified, and you felt an even more overpowering feeling than just a “regular” orgasm. Your weak cries turned into screams as you squirted all onto Johns cock and bedsheets. John stopped his thrusting and watched. Not only was he shocked, he was internally proud of himself.
“What a good fucking girl. Look at that.” John whispered in awe. You were trembling and had tears running down your face, your mascara was staining your cheeks. It pulled at Johns heartstrings. He felt awful now.
“Y/n…Are you okay? Honey, I’m sorry. I’ll clean you up.” Before he could get up and grab a towel, you quickly grabbed his arm.
“No, need you to cum in me. Please. ‘M wanna make you feel good.” You begged weakly. John was taken aback, but smirked as he pinned back to the bed, his hand lightly grasping your neck as he began to pound himself inside you again. You ached as you felt so overstimulated, but you wanted him to get his release. He deserved one too.
“Fuck, I’m gonna fucking cum. Just wait a little longer baby.” He grunted. His grunts becoming louder and his pants increasing. He was fucking hot. John let out a strangled moan as he filled you up to the brim. He slowly let his weight fall on top of you. His hair fell to each side of your face.
“T-thank you.” You whisper to him. John looks up, smiling sweetly. He slowly pulls out of you and looks at his cum dripping from your abused cunt.
“Honey, really. If I hurt you, I’m sorry. You’re so precious to me. I hope you know that.” John said with genuine sympathy. You grasped his hand and nuzzled into his chest.
“No, please. Let’s do that more often.”
Needless to say, John took note of that.
Needless to say, i let out some steam and some sexual frustration in this so uhm enjoy HAHSHS.
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𝐑𝐮𝐧 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞, 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞.
- B.E.
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AnoTHA ONE☝️ blurb leave me alone | again no use of names, just variations of “she” and “you”
A/n: did i get sad? Yes. Did i decide to make something out of it? Also yes. Is this projecting? Maybe.(Yes.) || I projected my tendency to literally run from home when i get too upset because i need to relieve my angrers energy into something thats not entirely destructive FHFEJJKS
i don’t know if this can be categorised as angst/comfort ?? But!!1!1!! (Its surrounded by comfort but whats comfort without the need for it)
Summary: You and Billie have been together long enough for her to see your vulnerable side, it didn’t take long to but it did take a lot of strength to. And this happens to be one of those times where you need nothing more in the world than to go home!
——・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─: *.☽ .* :─ ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.——
A blurry road ahead, a big blob of blended colours and shapes danced to the sound of irregular nose-huffs. Forehead sweaty and a hefty backpack bouncing on your back.
You’ve gone this path countless times, by now you can go there blind. Your body remembers all the turns and miles. Like your body needs to reach the destination.
You hadn’t realised just how tiring running this whole thing was until she came in the view - until you saw that short, long haired woman standing right outside, waiting for you, the woman that always knows what you need.
Strict hard nose breaths soon turn into open mouthed pants, bouncing bag thrown to the ground somewhere, anywhere off you, and you finally let your rivers flow.
A melody of countless “i’m sorry”’s spilling out your mouth as soon as your body comes in touch with hers, pairs of hands holding the other body like their own lives depend on it, mutual emotion being held and shared in and through both bodies.
She’s seen you this way a number of times, she has not once thrown a rejection at your vulnerable emotions needs, but thats not enough for your overworking mind.
The lock of arms around your waist and up your back giving you a squeeze, shushing hushing noises coming to caress your ears - “shh its okay angel, its okay. I’m here with you, i am here for you.” - caring the same like a mother would to her child, or maybe a person who’s not quite full when their sweetheart isn’t.
Words that go in through your ears, and circulate along your insides as if made to soothe you whole, whats a painkiller better than love?
“I’m sorry.” you sighed with the loss of a last deep breath. Composing yourself to pull away, managing to turn your head to face her, face red like a tomato and makeup running all along.
“Its okay,” she gave a small chuckle looking back at you, an affectionate hand reaching out to hold your face. “I know.” A voice just above a whisper.
For a moment while you look into her eyes, you think you can almost feel them. Like your burning teary face can feel the breeze and like the darkening evening sky suddenly shines all its stars above her.
While you’re focused on her eyes you lose track of everything else - like the fact that your breathing is now calm, your shaking hands have turned gentle. She noticed those though, taking your hand in one of hers and your backpack in her other.
“So what do you wanna do?” ..
“Im feeling a movie”
“So movie night it is!”
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★⋆.
   .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚      .  .   ˚ .            
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