#anon ask and you shall receive
rizariart · 10 months
Hey I fuckin love your oc for resident lover. What major would she be doing at the academy? Any extracurricular she's particularly drawn to?
Matty deserves all the love she gets frfr, thank you :)
As far as her major goes she’s definitely an art major, probably double majoring in Art History and Illustration/ Painting with a minor in business. That tattoo/ piercing shop can’t be staffed & eventually ran by just anybody!
Edit: Yes this means Matty would have to take Alcina’s class…sorry Alcina…
I haven’t thought too much about extracurriculars but Matty definitely, and somehow, finds time to party & go out with Angie (& sometimes Dani). If she was going to find time for any clubs it’d be the skateboarding club and/or costume. Matty owns quite a few different boards but prefers her trusted drop-down, drop-through longboard for riding & dancing. She has a passing interest with costuming for cosplay and would probably join the club just cause, only staying if it captures enough of her attention.
Here’s two pics of my personal longboard (which i haven’t had time to ride recently, oops) as an example. This is my only complete board at the moment. It is a drop-down drop-through which just means that not only does the board curve down right after my trucks (what the wheels are on), the trucks are mounted through the board instead of being under it like on a regular longboard/ skateboard :)
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blindmagdalena · 29 days
honestly i love imagining the reader trying to ride homelander for the first time and him moaning/being overstimulated when she sits on him and her forgetting who he is for a second and going 'shit, did i hurt you?' and him just. being so conflicted by that phrase. of course a human can't ever hurt him and you should watch your tone but also... it's nice you care so much for him. makes him feel cared for, in a way
18+! Given the sounds he makes, no one could blame you for mistaking one for pain. That sharp gasp and the breathless keening moan that follows it.
"Oh fuck," you breathe, hand braced on his bare chest, legs tightly bracketing his hips. He's sweltering beneath you, holding your hips in trembling hands. "Are you okay? Did I hurt you?"
He opens his pleasure-bleary eyes, confused.
It'd be laughable if he wasn't so delirious. You? Hurt him? No, it's another matter entirely. He's accustomed to his gloves and his padded suit acting as a barrier to the world, to the overwhelm of sensation, but he has none of that when he's beneath you.
He's completely at the mercy of the wet, clenching heat of you. It's a betrayal of his stamina that he becomes too sensitive to continue long before he's finished with you.
"What? No, nngh, it's... y'just... y'just feel really fucking good," he says, nearly chokes on that last word. "Too good. So much. It's so much."
"Do you want to stop?" You ask, touching his jaw. Your thumb strokes his cheek and he moans for the tenderness of it. For the care. He'd begun to think there wasn't anyone who could witness what he's capable of and still think to treat him gently.
"No! No, just... just stay... Stay like this," he says, holds you still while he recovers.
You oblige him—you always do—and bend over to kiss him. Your lips are slow and loving against his, coaxing. You cup his face with both hands and sit with him inside you, feeling you, tasting you. It's torturous bliss. He slips his tongue into your mouth, greedy for as much as he can get despite the magnitude of it all, and you lick right back into his.
With a smile, you sink down until your chests are pressed together. His hands slide up your back and he wraps his arms around you, embracing you, needing you more than he's never needed anything in his life. Your lips are like velvet against his, slick with spit and kiss swollen. It's so much more than he's ever had, so much more than he knows how to handle.
He comes just like that, without having to move a muscle, his cry swallowed up by your dreamy kisses.
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lesbianbabsgordon · 4 months
Please draw some dinahbabs
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Messy date sketch <3
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missviviii · 10 months
i’m absolutely obsessed with grumpy x sunshine ship dynamic so i would love to see if you could write about mizu having a partner who is super energetic and excited while she’s always annoyed.
maybe at first mizu didn’t care for the reader at first but ringo insists on having reader tag along (maybe they are a healer or archer? it doesn’t matter to me!) then mizu slowly starts liking the reader the more she gets to know her? but reader is oblivious and doesn’t pick up on the hints even though it’s obvious mizu like her
sorry it’s so long 😭 i’m so in love with mizu it’s not funny i’m in the trenches right now
a/n: oooh alright!! 🫶 i love this ideaa
“The Sunshine to the Darkness”
warning(s): swearing
summary: poor mizu has been dropping hints here and there but you, my dear reader, are oblivious to them.
You stumbled across Mizu that very day she was fighting the Four Fangs. You were an archer, a rather good one at that. But what were your arrows to their swords? So you stayed in the distance, raining down arrows upon them when they got too close to Mizu.
Mizu could not tell who was helping her, distracting the Four Fangs long enough for her to attack them off guard. Yet she was grateful for your help, you managed to save her from quite a few blows that would’ve put her in a much worse condition.
You were doing fine staying back from the fight, that was until you saw a man (Taigen) approaching Mizu just as she killed Bloodsoaked Chiaki and badly wounded. You thought he was going to kill her the moment she fell unconscious from her injuries and blood loss, so you jumped into action. You shot at him, sending an arrow his way, in which he managed to dodge at the last minute.
Ringo appeared just then, tackling Taigen to the ground and demanding to know what happened to Mizu. You hopped off the rocks you were standing on and jumped onto the ground, running over to Mizu and checking her injuries.
“Is my master okay?! Oh no, he needs medicine and help!” Ringo said as he lifted Mizu onto his back. He told you to come and follow him and keep Mizu sitting upright on the horse while they went to a nearby abandoned temple to tend to Mizu’s injuries. You sat on a horse, Mizu behind you with her arms around your waist.
Her eyes opened weakly, finding herself now on a horse and her head lying on someone’s shoulder. You. Mizu looked down, noticing the bow on your side. So you are that archer Mizu thought. And then her tired eyes closed once again.
Mizu woke up once again, this time on a bedroll with you hovering over her with a concerned look. You gasped, realizing she’s up. “You’re awake! Oh my goodness, I thought you were dead!” You loudly exclaimed, helping her sit up. Mizu groaned, both from the pain and your loud voice.
“Gah, shut up, will you? So loud..” Mizu grumbled as Ringo walked over to her and handed her a bowl of medicine to drink. You sheepishly smiled, whispering a soft ‘sorry’ before you stood up and walked over to her clothes. She looked at you. That smile, that little smile. Why did it make her stomach do jumps and flips?
“Here, I sewed up your clothes again. They were ripped and in bad condition so I thought I’d fix them for you.” You placed her clothes, neatly folded, beside her. Mizu looked at you, but didn’t say a word. You hummed, waving Ringo goodbye before you walked outside to see what was Taigen doing.
Ringo looked at Mizu, who was drinking her medicine with a disgusted look on her face. “Master, I think they should stick around with us! They would make a great addition to the team, and they can use the bow and arrow!” Ringo was excited, if you joined the team, you could travel with them and help Mizu! Mizu looked at him, a bit annoyed he’d suggest to drag another person when she could barely stand him.
But somehow, Ringo managed to convince Mizu. Eventually, she reluctantly agreed, allowing you to tag along. Ringo was ecstatic since he liked having you around. Mizu acted like she was annoyed and tried not to pay attention to your shenanigans, but the thing is, she did pay attention. To your smiles, to the jokes you told, to the way you would squeal when you find some cute little charm, and how you were so eager to move in the morning when everyone was still drowsy.
“Hey,” Mizu says while you were looking at jewelry a local stall owner had on display when you and the group were passing by a village. She held out a hairpin, a beautiful one with blue flowers and small diamonds on it. You looked up at her, a bit confused by the gesture. Or why she’s looking away with her hand hiding her flushed cheeks. “I got it for you. You were staring at it very intently..”
You squealed, taking the hairpin and holding it up with a big smile. “Mizu! You didn’t have to! Oh my lord, it’s so pretty!” You smiled, wrapping your arms around her tightly. Mizu’s eyes widened, caught off guard by the sudden hug. Sure you hugged her plenty of times, but this one just hit different. She put on hand on your back as she muttered ‘you’re welcome’. “You’re such a good friend!” Oh, you oblivious little— That hit her a little bit.
Taigen walked over just then, busy eating something until he noticed you hugging Mizu. You, the sunshine of the group and probably the loudest beside him, were allowed to hug Mizu? The closed off, cold-hearted Mizu? Oh there was something fishy.
“The fuck is happening over here? You two getting ready to go out and party or what?” Taigen walked over to the two of you with a suspicious look. You looked at Taigen, clearly beaming as you showed him the hairpin Mizu bought you. Taigen looks back at Mizu, who was pretending to be looking at something else. He connected the puzzle pieces together and— OH. Mizu liked you. He almost smirks, looking at Mizu who was clearly side-eying him with poison in her eyes.
You were so oblivious, so dense. Mizu would never let anyone touch her besides you, much less buy a gift with actual sincerity behind it for someone.
Poor Mizu has been attempting to drop hints for you, yet you never catch on. She lets you sleep on her bedroll, carries you on her back when you complain you’re tired, buys you things you like—hell she even lets you touch her and cling onto her. And you unfortunately did not catch on. How is someone so smart like you yet so oblivious?
“Are you this dense?” Mizu asks out of the blue one day while the two of you were sparring. You looked at her weirdly, confused by what she meant. How did that have anything to do with what you two were doing now?
“Is this your way of calling me dumb or..?” You’re re puzzled, confused by what she means by dense. She’s the one that’s dense, right? You keep trying to show that you like her by doing things like sewing her clothes, buying her charms to carry around on her sword, and taking care of her when she’s sick yet she doesn’t get the hint. You snapped back to reality, jumping off the ground as Mizu aims the wooden blade towards your legs.
Mizu groans, both from annoyance of not being able to hit you and you also being far too oblivious. “No, I’m saying your ass is oblivious-“ she says as she blocks your wooden sword from swinging at her face. You took a step back. Oblivious? About what?
“I dunno. Is there something you need to tell me?” You asked, to which she replied with a soft huff.
“God you’re dumb. You idiot, I like you!” Mizu yells as she stabs her wooden sword into the grass below her feet. She runs her hand over her face, flabbergasted at how oblivious you were. These past few weeks, she’s been passing numerous hints, giving you special privileges, even doing things with you that are a tad bit too friendly to be considered ‘just friends’. And you don’t fucking notice!
It took you a few moments to process that. That it hits you. Her being extremely nice to you were actually hints and little clues! “OH- I thought you were being a good fri—“
Before you could even finish that line, Mizu tackled you onto the ground and slammed her lips against yours. Your hands immediately went to her waist, while her hands ran all over your body. The kiss was rough, almost like she was starving.
Finally she pulled away, out of breath and her face red. “Don’t even think about saying that line ever again. I’ve heard enough of it.”
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ongreenergrasses · 16 days
I want all your unpopular opinions haha have fun
I think Finnick and Johanna do act very sexually forward, to a degree that it can make people very uncomfortable, and it seems like the fandom agrees on that but the why of it really gets lost. Trafficking survivors and survivors of sexual abuse sometimes do act extremely provocatively, especially when they want something or are in a situation where they feel unsafe, but also they’ll do that to get a reaction or redirect a difficult conversation. it’s a trauma response. it’s a defense mechanism and a way they’ve learned to navigate the world. it’s not some deep intrinsic part of their personalities and we see that both Finnick and Johanna will not and do not act like that if they don’t feel the need to. so seeing fics (in particular modern aus) where their experience of being trafficked is erased but they still act extremely seductive really rubs me the wrong way. it’s at that point such a deep misinterpretation of their characters that i won’t engage with it. if what you’re taking away from everything is that Finnick’s a womanizer and Johanna’s stripping in the elevator is meant to be sexy, i honestly don’t want to see whatever else you have to say.
🔥 asks
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morningstargirl666 · 2 months
hi! do you have any long canon klaroline fic recommendations?
i’m missing klaroline and actual canon isn’t gonna cut it
I'm going to assume by long fics you mean multichaps? I've always found this fandom seems to be lacking in them, and I'm not talking about the 5-10 chapter fics --- I mean the long ass, epic-length fics that transport you to another dimension and rob you of nine hours of your life in a back-alley because you couldn't close the ao3 page at 1am. Other fandoms seem to have dozens of them but klaroline? Not so much. Writers here seem to prefer the 50k one-shots or playing with a different AU altogether, which is fantastic of course, but sometimes you crave something different, you know? Something you can lose youself in. It's what made me write TBBW, initially. However, that doesn't mean the fandom doesn't have some canon-divergent gems.
Epic-Length Wonders:
Red Queen by KS_Caster / @ks-caster
3-Part Series, Over 200k+ words. Season 4 Canon-Divergent. The last part is a WIP. I absolutely adored this fic when I first read it and I still adore it now. Klaus puts Caroline first and continues to put her first during the search for Silas' cure and it is fucking amazing. The werewolf/hybrid world building in the second fic inspired me to write more fics like it. It's not had as much attention since it was moved to AO3, but trust me, this fic is a hidden gem.
Wicked Schemes by willowaus / @willowaus
30 Chapters, 260k+ words. Season 1 TO Canon-Divergent. Ignores the baby plot. Caroline inherits the powers of a harbringer and the way its weaved into the fic so flawlessly makes you question if it wasn't just canon to begin with. Honestly epic world building. Wolf!Klaus also makes an appearance! A true klaroline classic.
make them bow. by for_darkness_shows_the_stars / @stars-and-darkness
35 Chapters, 220k+ words. Season 1 Canon-Divergent. Klaus is dropped into season one while Caroline is still human. Klefan bromance. Damon retribution. Forbes family dynamics. Klaus covered in blood. Council Members and Founding Family warfare. There's a reason this is the most commented-on fic in the entire fandom even though it's barely been out a year.
Binge-In-One-Sitting Multichaps:
Til I Tasted You by KiryTheStitchWitch / @kirythestitchwitch
4 Chapters, 22k. Canon Divergent/Soulmate AU. Will ruin you with single most devastating declaration of love in existence, forewarning you now.
throw roses into the abyss by marxandangels / @marxandangels
7 Chapters, 99k+. WIP. Technically Season 6 Canon-Divergent (after Liz dies) but ignores canon for the most part, especially TO wise. Explores the concept of humanity-less vampires so well, with a dash of world building on the side. Klaus and Caroline's relationship is also explored with such nuance --- like these two aren't just attracted to each other but entwined by their very souls, kind of nuanced. Oh, and the bloodsharing scene drawn by here by @stardust414 lives rent-free in my mind.
Someone's First Choice by unpublishednovelist
10 Chapters, 29k+. Post-Canon. This one's a WIP but I'm keeping my eye on it because it's good. Like hella good. Caroline decides to say fuck it and goes with some college friends to New Orleans for Mardi Gras, accomadation covered by our favourite Original hybrid. She breaks up with Tyler over voicemail. Queen shit.
All I Need by emeraldvixen
14 Chapters, 60k, E rated. Canon-Divergent/Wolf Mate AU. In the mood for some hot and steamy smut? Emeraldvixen's got you covered.
the fate makes for a lousy poet by for_darkness_shows_the_stars / @stars-and-darkness
7 Chapters, 50k+. Season 3 Canon-Divergent/Soulmate AU. The Originals in pajamas. Need I say more?
Who put Bella down the Wynch Elm? by for_darkness_shows_the_stars / @stars-and-darkness
7 Chapters, 60k+. Post-Canon. A murder mystery whodunnit with original side characters and Caroline in all her bad ass glory, after she's left Mystic Falls and its hellmouth-worthy shenanigans. Just - for a minute - imagine canon expanded on the tvd universe and revisted the fact the Originals are little more than nightmarish stories in the supernatural world, or that Stefan is the most infamous mass murderer on the east coast and maybe you'll understand how amazing this fic is.
Important to note these were all specifically Canon-Divergent multichaps. There's plenty more gems out there, just for different AUs and lengths. I also only looked at my ao3 bookmarks for this, so like, I'm probably forgetting several.
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thexoelove · 1 month
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ratkid-kelp · 5 months
What if Pim (the bride) and Charlie (the groom) got married and Charlie just wore one of those novelty tuxedo t-shirts under his regular outfit?
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Pim got him to wear a belt
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glitchyko · 2 months
May I eat leshy(please)
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You might wanna put some seasoning on him too, smoked paprika should do the job
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nortess · 1 year
Eva Yan p1 design with p2 Stillwater 💛
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I see it. its real.
I love the blues and the circularity but I do miss the carpets…..
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blindmagdalena · 3 months
I’m so sorry Amy this is NASTY but from the moment I saw the chest fuzz on HL my first thought was how sensitive it would make the nips when fucking cause of the texture
18+ homelander x reader. boob stuff, body hair appreciation, overstimulation, flying sex, cream pie. never apologize to me i will always make it nastier. 🖤
At first the brush of it is divine. It wrings a gasp from low in the back of your throat, has you kneading the taut muscles of his back while he pounds into you. Homelander's body hair isn't overly coarse, but it hardly matters when his chest is pressed flush to yours, his lips on your throat.
You feel his every huff and whimper more than you hear them. They pair perfectly with the desperate grip he has on your hips, holding you in place with his whole body as he fucks you against the ceiling.
Now the grind of his chest against yours is beginning to take a toll. You shiver with his every move, growing more and more tender with the friction. Your cunt quivers tight around his cock and he stifles a hot moan into the crook of your neck.
His cock, more thick than long and nicely curved, strokes that sweet spot inside you that strikes stars behind your eyelids with every snap of his hips. You fist your hand in his hair and pull until his lips meet yours.
"Fuck," he gasps against your lips, threads of saliva snapping between your hungry mouths. "You drive me fucking crazy."
"Don't blame me for that," you respond breathlessly, licking right back into his mouth. "You were there when I got here."
He grins, giving a ravenous little growl and a sharp thrust. "Fine. Crazier."
The two of you climax like that, entwined and floating high off the ground, your ascension halted only by the height of the ceiling. Only once the aftershocks fade out does Homelander begin to sink back down to the bed. You feel as if you're in the clouds, floating on euphoria and his warm, soft body.
Still trembling, you lift yourself up. This is how you had started; astride him, riding him until the wild bucks of his hips had lifted you both up, up, up.
You smooth your hands down your own chest, goosebumps erupting everywhere. You give his pec a slap, the thwap of it dulled by the padding of hair. "You rug burned my whole chest," you chastise, though your tone is colored by your smile.
He sucks in a breath, contemplating the condition of your skin as he blows out a raspberry. He cups your breasts in gentle hands and pushes them together and up, meeting the pearl-soft flesh of them with his lips. He kisses apologies all over each one, flicking his tongue over your nipples for the way you gasp and tug his hair when he does.
His spent cock, still buried deep inside you, throbs valiantly as he sucks one breast into his mouth, tonguing your nipple in slow circles. You shudder and grind down in retaliation, the both of you hyper-sensitive, moving leisurely against one another as your satiation passes and the need for more grows.
You ride him slow and deep until he comes again. You rub your clit to the feel of his mouth on your chest and his come dripping out of you until you, too, orgasm, the tight spasm of your cunt reducing the most powerful man in the world to a simpering mess between your thighs.
The two of you untangle your limbs only to jigsaw right back together, his back to your sensitive chest, your arms around him, fingers scratching through the very hair you complained about.
"I could start waxing again," he says, words lazily slurring together.
"Don't you dare," you murmur, nuzzling the spot just behind his ear, kissing the shell of it. He interlaces his fingers with yours, squeezing your hand to his chest. "You're perfect as is."
You don't need to see him to know he's smiling. You feel it in the slant of his lips when he presses the back of your hand to them.
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daisylovestickles · 4 days
Tummy Tuesday please?~
Hi anon!
Of course!
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theflyindutchwoman · 7 months
No but Lucy is such a mood saying she will take a break when Tim said he’s getting a shower.😂 honestly good for them! I don’t know who I am more jealous of tbh
I mean, she's only human! And yes, good for them. Remember when Tim's brain stopped working after catching a glimpse of Lucy's bare back in that bathroom in Vegas and couldn't even pretend to focus on the game afterwards? And look at them now. I love her little smile, as if she is reminiscing... So yeah, I really can't blame her for taking that break...
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(now if we could see a little bit more, instead of just being told... Gimme a proper parallel to that final scene in 5.12!).
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meownotgood · 11 days
Please post some peaches pics it's been quite a while and we need the daily kitty!! >.<
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mewvore · 3 months
you do realise that anyone capable to taking out the fascist fucks is going to be smart enough not to openly plot on the internet right?
and that openly and seriously calling for people to be killed runs a real risk of being hauled off by the cops or the feds? people arnt cowards they just dont want to get their door busted at 4am by arseholes with guns and no sense of humour
my point was that if your response to someone saying "the Democrats are capable of snatching loss from the jaws of victory" as a joke is to bring up how fascism will come if you don't vote for them, you're being a little absurd. ANY kind of "but the nazis" type of response to dunks like "dems could find a way to lose a game where they're the only players" is in my opinion ridiculous because a joke at the expense of some of the most wealthy people in the country who barely have to even interact with the public isn't always some 4D chess level psyop to get people to not vote. Sometimes its just an expression of frustration and irritation from a person who has so few options to even choose from. Like full transparency I'm not trying to start an ANTIFA militia I'm a poor artist who draws porn for a living and I'm making jokes at the expense of an 80 year old politician almost fumbling his re-election odds because his political party couldn't find anyone else to take his job. and yet people are imagining "haha democrats" is code for saying the words "don't vote" and going okay get ready for the nazis then if you don't vote. because rather than look at the DNC and chastise them for their absolutely piss poor offerings its easier to blame any potential loss on the sway of public opinion from jokes on a dying social media website
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newbienewness · 1 month
Fireman Garreth? Pretty please? 🥹❤️
Here you are anon, hope you like them 😘
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