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kpihlik · 2 years ago
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socmod · 2 years ago
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Annelinn, Tartu, Estonia #socmod image by @AndresTarto https://www.instagram.com/p/CeUZwvUMbsl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sergei-gussev · 3 years ago
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#annekanal #annelinn #tartu #tartumaa #estonia #december2020 (at Anne Kanal) https://www.instagram.com/sergeis_digital_twin/p/CYR-kLoohZA/?utm_medium=tumblr
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purplishpinks · 5 years ago
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unejumal · 6 years ago
natuke jube aga ei imesta
ma olen nüüdsex elanud annelinnas pea 2 aastat ja pean ütlema, et isegi kui ma elan selles rahulikumas ja viisakamas kandis olen pidanud kogema mõningaid õõvastavaid juhtumeid. leebeid asju, nagu suured noorte gängid, kes joovad longerot ja kuulavad vene räppi näeb muidugi igapäevaselt ja ma isegi ei vaevu enam oma sammu kiirendama neist möödudes. sama lugu barõgadega, kes oma x5-ga kortermajade ees “sõpru” ootavad. kahel korral on aga minuga juhtunud seda, et talvel maja ees lumel on suured punased vereloigud. paar nädalat tagasi oli sama värk,  õnnex on meie korteriühistu korraarmastajad ja igal hommikul pestakse meie trepikoda. Vasja oli hommikul vara ilusti seebiga tagajärjed maha pesnud ja selleks ajaks kui mina kooli minema hakkasin nirises veerenni ainult verest roosakaks muutunud seebivahtu.  naabritest siis nii palju, et need on vahetunud vähemalt 3x ja alati hullemate vastu. ühel varahommikul tehti mulle armas üllatus, nimelt panid üleva korruse naabrid pidu ja kuna nii palav oli olnud jätsin mina rõdu akna tuulutusasendisse. umbes kella viie ajal kuulen väga rõvedaid öökimishääli ja potsatusi katusele. THANK GOD, ET mu korteriomanikud on ehitanud ekstra katuse ja KÕIK SEE FAKING OKSE LENDAS sinna, mitte meie rõdule. vabandust, kui sul on elav kujutlusvõime. naabritest rääkides, tegin ühel ilusal hommikul Postimehe lahti ja lugesin, et eile õhtul, kui mina õndsat und magasin tappis naabermajas mees oma naise ära.  nojah, nii palju siis annelinnast, see u prolly never again.
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brotherstonefish · 2 years ago
Annelinn, Tartu, Estonia, January 2022 by Kaarel Nurk
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caughtbytheeye · 6 years ago
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Peiulilled paneelika ees 
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fuckyeahplattenbau · 3 years ago
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Annelinn, Tartu, Estonia by Andres Tarto
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socheritage · 4 years ago
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Annelinn, Tartu, Estonia #socmod Foto: Andres Tarto https://www.instagram.com/p/CH2cCtssNf0/?igshid=105xo3g0rebj2
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dapneleh · 8 years ago
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gravitatsioon · 8 years ago
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unejumal · 7 years ago
huvitavama bussisõidu õpetus no 1
muidu on suht igav sõita bussiga eks. pane kõrvaklapid pähe ja kuula Mozarti, ntks 40 sümfooniat g-mollis ja KÕMM, sul on mega dramaatiline bussisõit garanteeritud. sa oleks nagu filmis ja kõik pöörded mida bussijuht võtab tunduvad justkui elu eest võitlemine, samuti kõigi eestlaste kurvad näoilmed on põhjendatud jaa selle joodiku tuigerdamine tundub aina rohkem loogilisem ja  muusikaga kooskõlastuv.
ur welcome
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habitversary · 4 years ago
(One person with two characters)
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**March Habitversary post for  AnneDot**  I almost never post in the tavern, but I'm happy to do so today. I am AnneDot, the cell phone account for Habitican AnneLine.  She'll post for herself! She better get it done before midnight!!! This was quite the year for all of us, and even one to be celebrated, despite the obvious dark music playing somewhere in the background. Starting last March, I've been almost exclusively at home, and Habitica helped me to make very good choices that helped me to do well and help others to do well during this year.  **I am focusing in this post on what I did as AnneDot the cell phone user!!!** I'm excited to say that I've become much more than just a source of extra 💎 for AnneLine to use in challenges this year! During this year... - my Spanish has improved a LOT because I downloaded Wlingua and studied spanish every day.   - My spiritual and emotional life improved by developing a way to use using apps well but not too much.   - I'm exercising everyday (walking nearly 50 miles a month...) and have listened  to 20+ books on tape... two of which were over 500 pages long! - I'm getting 7.5 hours of sleep almost every day y using the Sleepsy app! And - I did a very scary thing and learned how to put in a bigger Sim card in my phone!!!  I needed one!!! Habitica and my friends in the Short Term Goal Accountability *(STAG)* and the Knights of the Prayerful Rose *(Knights)* guild* have been faithful and loving companions, and little AnneDot would not have done as well without the support of them and the wonderful resource of Habitica and its faithful mods and trouble shooters.  Thank you!!!  
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AnneLinne **March Habitversary post for @AnneLine!!!!** Like my alter-ego, AnneDot, I almost never post in the tavern, but I'm happy to do so today. AnneDot - you are impossible!  You KNEW I let you go first, because it is your bedtime!!!  *(We're the same Habitican, one on cell, other on computer).* This was quite the year for all of us, and I agree with AnneDot, it IS one to be celebrated, despite how hard it has been sometimes. Starting last March, I've been almost exclusively at home, and Habitica helped me to make very good choices that helped me to do well and help others to do well during this year. I am focusing in this post on what I did as AnneLine the Computer Account, NOT the bratty cell phone user!!! During this year... I've made my bed almost every day, and fed the :dolphin: aka done my dishes abut 25 or more days each month.  Both of these re HUGE celebrations, as I hadn't done them regularly in about 50+ years. *(Yes, Habiticans come in all ages and flavors!!!) *I've learned to use a zoom account this year, and I have hosted so many zoom meetings, parties, training classes, church services.... I have literally lost count.  I HATED the thought of using zoom, and now I am grateful for it. During the summer I started a garden, and learned the benefits of putting down cardboard under mulch on paths and under soil in the rest of the garden.  Wow.  Weeds are under control!!!  Garden isn't ready for display, but getting better all the time. And that is a good metaphor for my life, too!  *I survived the day the skies turned red in California last October; now THAT was a thing to remember from this year! *I've helped a lot of people during the year, inside and outside of Habitica, and allowed them to help me.  Both are equally important... maybe the second one more. I've become more gentle yet honest with people, and them do the same with me... My 'scary thing' was getting myself signed onto Social Security and changing into Medicare during the height of pandemic. I don't think it would have been fun at any time, but it was nuts doing it this year. I found a new doctor, and developed a lot of good habits of self-care, mostly with the help of my alter-ego AnneDot. She is the 4 or 5 year old part me, she tries hard but sometimes gets frustrated and grumpy, and the Big AnneLine part of me has learned to respect her and listen to her more. She's helped me learn to see things as a child sees them, through eyes of wonder.  And to know when I'm sleepy, hungry or bored, and to ask for help.  She's a wonderful kid, and I cherish her. Habitica and my friends in the Short Term Goal Accountability (STAG) and the Knights of the Prayerful Rose (Knights) guild* have been faithful and loving companions (and respectful even when I'm REALLY BAD about closing challenges and awarding :gem:, and I would not have done as well without the support of them and the wonderful resource of Habitica and its faithful mods and trouble shooters. Thank you!!! 
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caughtbytheeye · 6 years ago
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About september 
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katusetood · 4 years ago
Paigaldame viil-ja lamekatuseid. (Katuste remont - läbijooksu tuvastamine ja likvideerimine) Korstnate ehitus Katusematerjali müük Erinevad fassaaditööd (Plaat, krohvfassaadid, soojustamine) Majade soojustamine Puistevilla paigaldus Ehituse projekteerimine (Arhitektuur, kütte- ja ventilatsiooniprojektid) Katusetööd, fassaaditööd, üldehitustööd - rekonstrueerimise projekteerimine ja ehitustööd vundamendist katuseni. Oodatud kõik hooned - kortermajad, eramajad, ühiskondlikud hooned ja ärihooned. https://kpartner.ee/ http://materjal.kpartner.ee http://katusetood.com Tel. 56 222 312 [email protected] Katusematerjali ja lisatarvikute müük https://kpartner.ee/materjal/ Jälgi meid: https://facebook.com/katusetoodfassaa... https://twitter.com/katusetood https://vk.com/katusetood_fassaaditoo... https://www.instagram.com/katusetood/ https://katusetood.tumblr.com/ https://vimeo.com/katusetood https://www.pinterest.com/katusetood/ #lamekatuseehitus #SBSkatusekate #lamekatuseremont #lamekatusesoojustamine #lamekatusepaigaldus #lamekatusetööd #hüdroisolatsioonitööd #vundamenditööd #vililkatusetööd #sokltööd #plekksepatööd #puistevillapaigaldus #puistevill #pööningusoojustamine #tartu #tallinn #rapla #tartumaa #harjumaa #kortermajasoojustamine #ehitus #ehitustööd #ehitusteenused #ehitusfirma #ehitusprojekt #katused #renovation #renoveerimine #rekonstrueerimine #soojustamine #isover #tehnonicol #katusetööd #katuseehitus #katusevahetus #renoveerimistööd #projekteerimine #eesti #estonia #annelinn #katuserenoveerimine #katusepaigaldus #korteriühistu #kortermajarenoveerimine #ehitusprojekt #soojustamine #katusetööd #katuseremont #katuseparandus #sbskatus #fassaaditööd #fassaadisoojustamine #fassaadiremont #fassaadirenoveerimine #renoveerimisprojekt
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socheritage · 4 years ago
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Annelinn, Tartu, Estonia #socmod Foto: Andres Tarto https://www.instagram.com/p/CKTshC_MF4I/?igshid=pzuiutspr019
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