#anne et valentin
nyc-looks · 1 year
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“I’m wearing a pink vintage suit set jacket from Miss Karina thrifted from Humana Secondhand & Vintage in Berlin, an emerald dress from Leesle, floral socks from Bonne Maison, lemon yellow sneakers from Bensimon, an ultramarine sling from Fjällräven, a ring from Riice, glasses from Anne et Valentin, and an Apple Watch.”
Apr 22, 2023 ∙ East Village
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 7 months
02/14/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast & Crew Sightings; Samba Schutte Cameo; Taika & Rita; Rhys Darby; Dominic Burgess; Lindsey Cantrell; Con O Neill Love Project; Lovely Letters; Moonglow Manifesting; Lube As A Crew; Watch Party Reminders; Uncle; People of Earth; Articles; Petition Thread; Love Notes; Gay men kissing;
= Cast & Crew Sightings =
= Samba Schutte =
Samba Schutte recorded a beautiful Cameo for all of us. Thank you @saveofmdcrewmates for sharing this lovely gift with us! Src: Tumblr Today is about sharing love -- with friends, family, and crew, so we want to share this with you! 💕 https://www.cameo.com/recipient/65c16e19f7ff859ddd914500
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= Taika Waititi =
Rita Ora and Taika Waititi were out here being adorable with each other on Instagram today. I realise it's not OFMD related, but Taika needs love and support and that's what we're doing tonight.
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= Rhys Darby =
Rhys Darby is back with this adorable grey kitten that everyone is jealous of.
Photo Srcs: ofmd-ann , Rhys' Tiktok , Tumblr - ty @kiwistede
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= Dominic Burgess =
Our hilarious friend Dominic Burgess is just out here at it again being supportive AF during our events. I love this man.
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= Lindsey Cantrell =
Just some love from Lindsey Cantrell on her IG Stories
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== Con O Neil Love Project on IG =
Somehow I missed these! Very sweet video project for Con O'Neill happening on IG, thank you @ringasunn for posting these!
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There are three videos up so far, but sounds like a 4th is on the way and Con is feeling the love you all! Such an amazing Job!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
== Lovely Letters ==
The Kudoboard for Valentine's day was sent out this morning on various platforms. Please feel free to check out some of the Lovely Letters the crew wrote to our dear Cast & Crew family.
== Moonglow Manifesting ==
Several of our crew have been manifesting moonglow and setting up spaces in their homes for that manifesting! Please check out some of the gorgeous and creative setups our crew have put together! In order of appearance: @_irene_adler, @tayleafz, @snailforkery
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== Lube As A Crew ==
So @Astroglide had decided to do another Watch Party after the #ReviewAsACrew theme that was going on. @yronnia was kind enough to notify me of this fantastic review that came up before the party.
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So as usual, so many memes (may of the valentine's cards are from @astroglideofficial) and responses came with the latest @Astroglide watch of the episodes 8, 9 , 10 of S1.
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And @astroglideofficial's reactions were glorious as expected (reach from bottom up for chronological reactions)
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However, as you can imagine, finishing at episode 10 left them where the rest of us were.
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Can't wait for them to see Season 2! Hopefully they'll get some of their hope back!
== Watch Party Reminders! ==
= Feb 15/16: Uncle Season 1 =
Next 3 episodes of Uncle tomorrow! This is mainly for UK folks but non-uk folks are welcome to vpn in as well! Here's an article on how to join via vpn!
16 Feb, GMT - 8 PM, ET - 3 PM, PST - 12pm (episodes 4-6)
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WatchParty Hashtags:
= People Of Earth S1 Ep 7, 8 =
#PiratesOfEarth has been going great these last couple days! Thank you again to @iamadequate1 for organising it! Next episodes: 7 and 8 tomorrow the 15th! at 10PM GMT / 5PM EST / 4PM CST / 2 PM PST
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== Articles ==
Our Flag Means Death - Streaming services are continuing to sink ships - ty @manthastar
10 Media Award-Nominated Series That Will Steal Your Heart This Valentine's Day!
== Petition Thread ==
Our friend @sonnetforbonnet was kind enough to get a twitter thread going for all the petitions for cancelled shows. For those of you without Twitter here are the Petition links.
Our Flag Means Death
Shadow & Bone / Six Of Crows
A League Of Their Own
Gentleman Jack
Station 19
Hotel Mondial
Lockwood & Co
Infinity Train
People Of Earth
Rap Sh!t
First Kill
Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies
Coyote Vs. Acme
== Love Notes ==
Hey Lovelies <3 I hope that however you celebrated today, (Valentine's Day, Captain Cook's Murder Day, Your Birthday, whatever it happened to be) that you got something positive and fun out of it. I know this day is a mixed bag for a lot of folks, so any way you are able to get something good out of it, I'm excited for. A little gentle reminder, something that took me a lot of years to realise -- you are enough, with or without a partner, I hope you know that. Your partner or lack of one doesn't define you. You are you and you are wonderful and you are enchanting. You could be in the perfect relationship and that other person(s) could bring out the best in you, and yet, the best in you is still you. You shine because you are a beautiful, unique little radiant ball of starstuff, and don't you ever forget it. You deserve just as much love as you give to others, no matter what anyone says, and you deserve to be happy and to be you, just the way you are. Now matter how you feel on any given day, no matter how much energy, or spoons, or love you have for yourself, you are doing enough, and you deserve all the wonderful things this world has to offer. I know I speak for all of us on this safespaceship crew, when I say I hope tomorrow brings you joy, and love, and unhinged laughter. Get some rest babes, love you <3
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Yeah so, since Rhys and Taika already had new footage earlier in the recap tonight. I'm gonna be a sappy little bitch and just show you the same old footage of two gay men kissing because it brings life.
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lightsonparkave · 5 months
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Last month was National Poetry Month so for Round 53, all the prompts are poems:
"Bare" - Danez Smith
"A Light Left On" - May Sarton
"Finding the Words" - Carol Ann Duffy
"Lessening" - Linda Gregg
"Summer Dawn" - Charles Simic
"To Raja Rao" - Czesław Miłosz
"A Cedary Fragrance" - Jane Hirschfield
"Meat Eater No. 5" - Carmen Maria Machado
"Haiku" - Sonia Sanchez
Round 53 will end on June 30, 11:59 PM ET (what time is that for me?).
As always, you’re free to jump in whenever you’d like during the round, a wide variety of work types is accepted, and there are no minimum work requirements. Unfinished works and works for other fandom events are allowed. You can find more information about Lights on Park Ave and the participation guidelines here.
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For the end-of-year book ask: 2, 3, 17?
end-of-year book asks | @shimyereh
thank you so much, you're my hero!!
2. Did you reread anything? What?
I reread a few books, yeah! Not too many, because I do have a to-read list a mile long, but sometimes it's nice to go back to something familiar.
I reread:
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Schaffer and Anne Barrows
The Naming by Alison Croggon
The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan
And then unsure if this counts, but I read Pride & Prejudice in French (Orgueil et Préjugés, translated by Valentine Leconte and Charlotte Pressoir,) which I have read in English before, but not in French.
3. What were your top five books of the year?
Oh man!! This is a hard one!!! I'm going to pick books that were new to me this year, since I do love the ones I reread.
Catherine of Aragon: Infanta of Spain, Queen of England by Theresa Earenfight
Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen
Brought Up of Nought: A History of the Woodvile Family by Lynda J. Pidgeon
Old English Legal Writings by Wulfstan, translated and edited by Andrew Rabin
The Rule of the Land: Walking Ireland's Border by Garett Carr
I think I read more nonfiction this year than I ever have, and that was really fun!! #5 also has a soft spot in my heart because my dad and I have been doing a book club (to give him something to think about other than his depression -- and to give me something to think about too, I guess, except I have the advantage over him of being medicated) and I really enjoyed this one.
17. Did any books surprise you with how good they were?
Ooh!! I was really surprised by how much I enjoyed Wulfstan's legal writings, mentioned above. I also didn't expect The Black Witch by Laurie Forest to be as good and engrossing as it was -- I thought it would be sort of middle-of-the-road, pretty standard YA fantasy, so I was really impressed with the nuance in the writing of the main character.
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helloglasses · 2 years
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Anne et Valentin Howi [21A40]
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MARDI 13 AOÛT 2024 (Billet 2 / 4)
Ernest Hemingway a publié en 1964 « Paris est une fête » (par chance il ne connaissait pas Anne Hidalgo, ce livre autrement n’aurait jamais existé !), nous, nous fêtons tout : nos anniversaires respectifs, nos 2 anniversaires de mariage (civil et religieux) ET la Saint-Valentin ET la Saint-Amour… car pourquoi faire de jaloux entre ces 2 derniers ?
Mais vendredi (9 août), nous nous sommes dit que nous allons plutôt célébrer la Saint-Amour dimanche, en regardant la Cérémonie de Clôture des JO.
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Malheureusement la Cérémonie de Clôture nous a assez vite ennuyés, beaucoup déçus même (et nous sommes loin d’être les seuls !)… nous nous attendions à tellement mieux !!!
Nous ne savions pas que la France avait à ce point honte de sa langue : LE FRANÇAIS, de ses chanteurs, voire de ses acteurs !!! A part Zaho de Sagazan aux Tuileries (« Sous le ciel de Paris ») et le ténor Benjamin Bernheim (« L’Hymne à Apollon » de Gabriel Fauré… un tube absolu susceptible de plaire à la Terre entière, n'est-ce pas ???) qui ont chanté en français, tout ensuite l’a été en anglais (dont les groupes Phoenix, Air et la chanteuse Angèle). Car chacun sait bien sûr qu’en France, à part ceux-là, nous n’avons aucun chanteur ou groupe digne de ce nom ! Idem pour les comédiens. Aux Jeux de Londres, nous avions vu Daniel Craig/James Bond descendre en parachute avec la Reine d’Angleterre et hier soir, Tom Cruise, arriver du ciel en rappel au Stade de France pour chercher le drapeau Olympique et l’amener en moto puis en cargo jusqu’aux USA, à Los Angeles.
Malgré tout, une mention particulière pour Iseult qui, vers la fin de la Cérémonie, a superbement chanté une chanson française (« Comme d’habitude » de Jacques Revaux et Claude François)… mais en anglais ! Quoique cela pouvait se justifier car elle s’adressait à ce moment-là aux Américains. Et puis, ce fut une très belle interprétation !
Le « numéro » de Tom Cruise était bien monté, rien à dire (et franchement, on s’en tape le coquillard qu’il soit de l’église de Scientologie !). Mais nous l’avons regardé le lendemain matin au petit déjeuner car, fatigués d’attendre la fin qui n’arrivait pas, nous avons lancé un enregistrement et sommes allés nous coucher.
En conclusion, sauvée par la classe de Léon Marchand en costard noir, la très bonne ambiance qui régnait dans le stade et les 4 karaokés repris par tous les athlètes et les spectateurs du Stade de France (génial le « Freed from Desire » de Gala, un des Crazy Signs les plus connus, dansé dans tous les Villages du Club Med !) et, SURTOUT, le très impressionnant feu d’artifice, nous donnons ❤️❤️ sur 5 à cette Clôture, pas plus car beaucoup trop longue, trop sombre, trop pompeuse et confuse (signification de la guêpe interstellaire ???) et ne faisant pas suffisamment honneur à nos artistes français.
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De loin, nous lui avons préféré notre petit « french apéro » : Beaujolais Saint-Amour, pâté, saucisson, baguette de pain, chips, petites crudités locales, sel de Guérande, beurre et « Chorizo corse » (mais oui !).
A votre santé !
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radiomaxmusic · 7 months
Tuesday, February 13, 2024 7am ET: The Balcony Show (Valentines Day 2024) with Ann Thatcher, Bo Sommer, Mad Cat, Mike Roi & Donna Gallucci
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Quatre femmes et la halte de chemin de fer de Saint-Loup-du-Gast : portraits de Louise Modeste Brunet (1858-1908), Célina Modeste Victorine Boudesseul (1880-?), Marie Eugénie Valentine Pillier (1898-1983) et Marie Anne Elisa Boudesseul (1853-1914)
Tout commence avec la création de la ligne de chemin de fer Caen (Calvados) – Laval (Mayenne). Cette ligne, qui passait par Flers (Orne), permettait de connecter ces villes à Angers (Maine-et-Loire) grâce à la ligne Laval-Angers. Elle permettait ainsi de connecter par Normandie, Maine et Anjou par plusieurs tronçons de lignes successives. Cette ligne est inaugurée en 1874 et est en service…
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amrweio · 9 months
『鬼太郎誕生 ゲゲゲの謎』(2023年/104分/日本/古賀豪)
『オリエント急行殺人事件』(『Murder on the Orient Express』/2017年/114分/アメリカ/ケネス・ブラナー)
『リピーテッド』(『Before I Go to Sleep』/2014年/92分/イギリス・フランス・スウェーデン/ローワン・ジョフィ)
『ジャンヌと七面鳥』(『Jeanne Dinde』/2022年/23分/France/Pauline Ouvrard)
『私に触れた手』(『Câline』/2022年/16分/France,Belgium/Margot Reumont)
『2匹は友だち』(『Deux amis』/2014年/4分/France/Natalia Chernysheva)
『ふたりは姉妹』(『Entre deux soeurs』/2022年/7分/France/Anne-Sophie Gousset, Clément Céard)
『ダンスの中に』(『Dans la danse』/2022年/5分/France/Ekaterina Mikheeva)
『女と犬』(『Des filles et des chiens』/1991年/6分/France/Sophie Fillières)
『アトミックチキン』(『Atomic Chicken』/2023年/5分/France/ Thibault Ermeneux,,,)
『フェアプレー』(『Fairplay』/2022年/18分/France/Zoel Aeschbacher)
『新凱旋門』(『La Grande arche』/2022年/11分/France/Camille Authouart)
『スピード』(『Rapide』/2022年/24分/France/Paul Rigoux)
『夏休み』(『Les Grandes Vacances』/2022年/25分/France/Valentine Cadic)
『戦いとは終わりである』(『La Lute est une fin』/2022年/27分/France/Arthur Thomas-Pavlowsky)
『オアシス』(『Oasis』/2022年/15分/Canada/Justine Martin)
『カナダでの暮らし』(『La Vie au Canada』/2023 年/23分/France/Frédéric Rosset)
『北極星』(『Polaris』/2022年/78分/France/Ainara Vera)
『ジャヌスとサムの酔っ払い道中』(『Super bourrés』/2023年/79分/France/Bastien Milheau)
『イヌとイタリア人、お断り!』(『Interdit aux chiens et aux italiens』/2021年/70分/France/Alain Ughetto)
『ふたりだけのロデオ』(『Rodéo』/2022年/80分/Canada/Joëlle Desjardins Paquette)
Tokyo Anime Award Festival
『ニナとハリネズミの秘密』(『Nina and the Hedgehog's Secret』/2023年/77分/フランス/Alain Gagnol, Jean-Loup Felicioli)
『ストーム』(『The Storm』/2023年/91分/中国/Busifan)
『トニーとシェリー、そして魔法の明かり』(『Tony, Shelly and the Magic Light』/2023年/82分/チェコ・スロバキア・ハンガリー/Filip Pošivač)
『シロッコと風の王国』(『Sirocco and the Kingdom of the Wind』/2023年/80分/フランス・ベルギー/Benoit Chieux)
『熱帯の複眼』(『Compound Eyes of Tropical』/2022年/17分/台湾/ZHANG XU Zhan)
『カコマンド』(『Kakomando』/2023年/7分/フランス/Gobelins, l'école de l'image)
『日が沈むので』(『As the Sun Goes Down』/2023年/6分/フランス/ESMA)
『姉妹』(『Sister』/2022年/12分/ポーランド/Kasia K. Pierog)
『ミス・バレエ』(『Sig. na Balletto』/2023年/5分/台湾/Qiao-Fang Zheng)
『レギュラー』(『Regular』/2022年/5分/アメリカ・ウクライナ/Nata Metlukh)
『人形たちの物語』(『Puppet Story』/2023年/15分/韓国/Park Sehong)
『時計職人』(『Horologist』/2023年/6分/マレーシア/Jared Lee)
『マノ』(『Mano』/2022年/7分/デンマーク/Toke Madsen)
『イトスギの影の中で』(『In the Shadow of the Cypress』/2023年/20分/イラン/Hossein Molayemi, Shirin Sohani)
『家族写真』(『The Family Portrait』/2023年/15分/クロアチア・フランス・セルビア/Lea Vidakovic)
『楽園』(『Le Paradis』/2021年/83分/Belgium/Zeno Graton)
『緑の香水』(『Le Parfum vert』/2021年/101分/France/Nicolas Pariser)
『ジャングルのけもの』(『La bête dans la jungle』/2022年/103分/France/Patric Chiha)
『ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石』(『arry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone』/2001年/152分/アメリカ/クリス・コロンバス)
『ハリー・ポッターと秘密の部屋』(『Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets』/2002年/161分/アメリカ/クリス・コロンバス)
『ハリー・ポッターとアズカバンの囚人』(『Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban』/2004年/142分/アメリカ/アルフォンソ・キュアロン)
『ハリー・ポッターと炎のゴブレット』(『Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire』/2005年/157分/アメリカ/マイク・ニューウェル)
『ハリー・ポッターと不死鳥の騎士団』(『Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix』/2007年/138分/アメリカ/デヴィッド・イェーツ)
『ハリー・ポッターと謎のプリンス』(『Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince』/2009年/154分/アメリカ/デヴィッド・イェーツ)
『ハリー・ポッターと死の秘宝 PART1』(『Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1』/2010年/146分/アメリカ/デヴィッド・イェーツ)
『ハリー・ポッターと死の秘宝 PART2』(『Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2』/2011年/130分/アメリカ/デヴィッド・イェーツ)
『ファンタスティック・ビーストと魔法使いの旅』(『Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them』/2016年/133分/アメリカ/デヴィッド・イェーツ)
『のら犬』(『Chien de la casse』/2022年/93分/France/Jean-Baptiste Durand)
『関心領域』(『The Zone of Interest』/2023年/105分/アメリカ・イギリス・ポーランド/ジョナサン・グレイザー)
『ファンタスティック・ビーストと黒い魔法使いの誕生』(『Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald』/2018年/134分/アメリカ/デヴィッド・イェーツ)
『ファンタスティック・ビーストとダンブルドアの秘密』(『Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore』/2022年/143分/アメリカ/デヴィッド・イェーツ)
『マルセル 靴をはいた小さな貝』(『Marcel the Shell with Shoes On』/2021年/90分/アメリカ/ディーン・フライシャー・キャンプ)
『ソング・オブ・ザ・シー 海のうた』(『Song of the Sea』/2014年/93分/アイルランド・ルクセンブルク・ベルギー・フランス・デンマーク/トム・ムーア)
『スペアキー』(『Fifi』/2021年/108分/France/Jeanne Aslan, Paul Saintillan)
『アダムス・ファミリー』(『The Addams Family』/2019年/87分/アメリカ/コンラッド・バーノン、グレッグ・ティアナン)
『キングダム2 遥かなる大地へ』(2022年/134分/日本/佐藤信介)
『キングダム 大将軍の帰還』(2024年/145分/日本/佐藤信介)
『シェイプ・オブ・ウォーター』(『The Shape of Water』/2017年/124分/アメリカ/ギレルモ・デル・トロ)
『名探偵ピカチュウ』(『Pokemon Detective Pikachu』/2019年/97分/アメリカ/ロブ・レターマン)
『時々、私は考える』(『Sometimes I Think About Dying』/2023年/93分/アメリカ/レイチェル・ランバート)
『めくらやなぎと眠る女』(『Saules Aveugles, Femme Endormie』/2022年/109分/フランス・ルクセンブルク・カナダ・オランダ/ピエール・フォルデス)
『劇場版モノノ怪 唐傘』(2024年/89分/日本/中村健治)
『箱男』(『The Box Man』/2024年/120分/日本/石井岳龍)
『インサイド・ヘッド』(『Inside Out』/2015年/94分/アメリカ/ピート・ドクター)
『家をめぐる3つの物語』(『The House』/2022年/97分/アメリカ、イギリス/パロマ・バエザ他)
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pretta12000 · 11 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Lunettes Anne et Valentin eyeglasses JOBA 1.
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baumoptics · 1 year
ブログ更新しました( ´ ▽ ` )ノ 今日の河内長野は秋祭りイブです(笑)
河内長野の人が言う「大阪に行って来た」の「大阪」は大阪市内(主に難波や梅田、つまり都会)のことである・・・ややや、バウムオプティクスです。 そして出掛けた帰りの「大阪みやげ」は定番の551蓬莱、決まって豚まんとシュウマイを買うのですが、電車に乗ると私・正面・隣りに座った3人が皆同じ蓬莱の紙袋を膝に乗せておりました。 嗚呼、南海電車(笑) さて、お客さまのご紹介です( ´ ▽ ` )ノ ANNE ET VALENTIN FANZINE初めてご来店いただいたY口さまです。 メガネを掛けなくても困らない眼鏡屋泣かせ?の視力のY口さま、でも「バウマーズ」であるお母さまのメガネがとっても可愛い!私も欲しい♡となり、バウムに足を運んでいただきました。 ありがとうございます! お母さまと一緒にアレやコレやと、時々忖度のない辛口意見も飛び交いながらも(笑)お気に入りの一本��見つけていただきました( ´…
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page-a-pages · 1 year
Pas l'temps je lis (juillet 2023)
Pas l’temps je lis est la chronique que je tiens dans le supplément culture qui paraît chaque samedi dans le quotidien Le Temps. Ci-dessous vous trouverez la liste des livres présentés dans les chroniques. Elle permettra aux abonné.es du Temps de les retouver facilement, offrira des pistes aux lecteur.ices du blog et sera utile aux éditeurs.trices qui verront ainsi quels livres ont été retenus et auront une idée du ton de la chronique.
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01 juillet 2023 - Des livres pour les vacances
Tous au parc ; Tous à la plage, Martine Perrin, Les Grandes Personnes - Cartonné de 6 mois à 2 ans Une Journée extraordinaire, Philip Waechter, Didier Jeunesse - Album dès 3 ans Doudous pride, Valentine Goby, Aurore Carric, Thierry Magnier - Album dès 4 ans Les Ebouriffés, Anne Cortey, Thomas Baas, Grasset Jeunesse - Album dès 4 ans Billy. Le bon, la brute et l'héroïne, Loïc Clément, Clément Lefèvre, Little Urban - Album dès 5-6 ans L'Heure magique, Jean-Philippe Arrou-Vignod, François Ravard, Gallimard Jeunesse - Album dès 8 ans Juliette Pommerol chez les angliches, Valentine Goby, Lili Cortina, Thierry Magnier - Roman dès 8-9 ans Elisabeth sous les toits, Vincent Cuvellier, Guillaume Bianco, Little Urban - Roman dès 10 ans Armande Cornix sauve le monde, Guillaume Nail, Milan Jeunesse - Roman dès 11 ans La Saison des disparus, Matthieu Sylvander, L'Ecole des loisirs - Roman dès 13 ans
08 juillet 2023 - Briser les chaînes
La véritable histoire de King Kong, Luca Tortolini, Marco Somà, Sarbacane - Album dès 6 ans Les deux perroquets et la liberté, Rashin Kheirieh, Rue du Monde - Conte dès 6 ans
15 juillet 2023 - Les pieds dans l'eau
La Plage, Ximo Abadia, Gallimard Jeunesse - Album dès 3 ans Marée haute, marée basse, Max Ducos, Sarbacane - Album dès 5 ans Rendez-vous à la piscine, Jean-Baptiste Drouot, Hélium - Album dès 4-5 ans
Les deux albums suivants ne sont pas parus dans la chronique, pourtant ils l'auraient mérité...
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Le vieil homme et les mouettes, Rémi Courgeon, Rozenn Brécard, Seuil Jeunesse - Album dès 5-6 ans
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Après, Hubert Poirot-Bourdain, La Joie de lire - Leporello dès 4 ans
22 juillet 2023 - Des romans d'apprentissage pour adolescents
Yvan et moi, Françoise Girard, La Joie de lire - Roman dès 12 ans Ma famille, mon voisin loufoque et moi, Lucie Lindemann, Amaterra - Roman dès 12 ans Apitoxine, Mélody Gornet, Thierry Magnier - Roman dès 14 ans
29 juillet 2023 - Avant de dormir, on lira
Un dernier livre et au lit!, Frode Grytten, Mari Kanstad, Cambourakis - Album dès 3-4 ans Trois grands copains (sur le tout petit chemin), Nadine Brun-Cosme, Olivier Tallec, Père Castor Flammarion - Album dès 3-4 ans
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buxberg · 1 year
En 1998, alors qu'elle travaille sur la série Felicity, Jennifer rencontre l'acteur Scott Foley, avec qui elle entame une romance au bureau
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En 2000, le couple a signé, mais au printemps 2003, le couple a divorcé.  Soit dit en passant, la raison de la dissolution du mariage était «des différences irréconciliables».
Après avoir divorcé de son premier mari, Garner a noué une relation avec Michael Vartan, avec qui ils ont joué ensemble dans la série télévisée Spy.
En 2004, Jennifer commence à travailler sur le film "Pearl Harbor", où Ben Affleck joue le rôle de son collègue.  Bientôt, une relation amoureuse commence entre les acteurs, qui se termine par un mariage secret le 29 juin 2005.
Dans le mariage, le couple hollywoodien a eu trois héritiers: des filles - Violet Ann (01/12/2005) et Seraphina Rose Elizabeth (06/01/2009), ainsi qu'un fils - Samuel (27/02/2012).  Malgré le statut de l'un des couples les plus harmonieux d'Hollywood, le couple a néanmoins divorcé en 2018.  La raison de la rupture était la trahison d'Affleck avec une femme de ménage.
À ce jour, les films les plus célèbres avec la participation de l'actrice sont : Attrape-moi si tu peux (2002), Daredevil (2003), De 13 à 30 ans (2004), Elektra (2005), Cat and Mouse "(2006), "Fantômes d'anciennes copines" (2009), "La Saint-Valentin" (2010), "L'étrange vie de Timothy Green" (2011), "Dallas Buyers Club" (2013), "Hommes, femmes et enfants" (2014), Seconde Chance (2014), Alexandre et le Terrible, Horrible, Pas Bon, Très Mauvais Jour (2014), Amour, Simon (2018).
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optiqueofdenver · 1 year
The Importance of a Contact Lens Exam in Denver for Healthy Vision
A contact lens exam is an essential part of maintaining healthy vision for individuals who rely on contact lenses for vision correction. Just like regular eye exams, a contact lens exam in Denver serves as a comprehensive evaluation of the eyes, ensuring the correct fit and prescription of contact lenses. This article explores the significance of a contact lens exam in Denver, highlighting its benefits and the role it plays in safeguarding ocular health.
The Need for a Contact Lens Exam:
A contact lens exam is a specialized examination that goes beyond a routine eye exam [2]. It focuses on assessing the suitability of contact lenses for an individual's eyes, taking into account their specific needs and lifestyle. This exam is crucial because poorly fitted or incorrect contact lenses can cause discomfort, eye infections, and even damage to the cornea.
Comprehensive Evaluation:
During a contact lens exam in Denver, an eye care professional conducts a thorough evaluation of the eyes to determine the appropriate type and prescription of contact lenses [2]. This evaluation includes an assessment of visual acuity, eye health, tear film quality, corneal measurements, and any specific visual corrections required, such as astigmatism lenses.
Precision and Customization:
One of the key advantages of a contact lens exam is the precision and customization it offers [2]. Every individual's eyes are unique, and a contact lens exam ensures that the lenses prescribed fit properly and provide optimal vision correction. This tailored approach enhances comfort, visual acuity, and overall satisfaction with contact lenses.
Safety and Eye Health:
Contact lens exams play a vital role in maintaining eye health and preventing complications [1]. These exams allow eye care professionals to identify any underlying issues that may affect the safe use of contact lenses, such as dry eyes, allergies, or corneal abnormalities. Regular contact lens exams also enable timely detection of potential eye diseases or infections, ensuring prompt treatment and minimizing risks.
Education and Guidance:
A contact lens exam provides an opportunity for patients to receive education and guidance on proper contact lens care and hygiene [3]. Eye care professionals can offer valuable advice on lens insertion and removal techniques, cleaning solutions, and recommended wearing schedules. This education empowers patients to maintain good ocular health and reduce the risk of infections or complications associated with improper contact lens usage.
Compliance with Legal Requirements:
Under the Fairness to Contact Lens Consumers Act, eye care professionals are legally obligated to provide patients with a copy of their contact lens prescription, even if not requested.This ensures that patients have the freedom to choose where to purchase their contact lenses, promoting fair competition and consumer rights.
For More Info:-
Eye Center Denver
Eye Drops For Contact Lens
Contact Lens Exam Denver
Anne Et Valentin Glasses Frames
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britishchick09 · 1 year
rewrite coincidences!
david bischoff's poto having 1888 as its year
christine graduating the conservatory the same year erik satie went in
victorien sardou writing 'il muto' and the fedora sarah bernhardt play
the mini series logo having the same font as rewrite erik's handwriting
a mobile game using that font for raoul's handwriting
holly anne hull's ultimate christine certificate being in rewrite christine's handwriting
a palais garnier plan having eerily similar handwriting to rewrite christine's! :o
daddy daae's favorite flower having an alternate name that references nadir
rebecca luker's tenure as christine being 100 years after the rewrite's time
the rewrite trap door being in the irl palais garnier!
listz, one of rewrite erik's favorite composers, having marfan's syndrome just like him
'angel's mask' christine's flat being where the rewrite giry flat was originally going to be
pozzi, a prominent intersex researcher, having a relationship with sarah bernhardt
a letterboxd reviewer for the herculine barbin movie having the first name of erik
a random girl in the herculine movie having rewrite erik's color scheme of black and dark red
herculine barbin, an intersex person with raven locks, having a blonde gf
rue des iris, the street rewrite erik was born on, having an eerily similar name to dies irae, a creepy song from the original book
the website for the old de chagny mansion being called christie, aka raoul's aunt's nickname for christine
‘par le rang et par l'opulence’ being sung in the rewrite and at her majesty's theater aka the west end home of poto
the 'don juan' rehearsals lasting 9 days and the 'ghost on the roof' training montage starting on day 9
me thinking that it would be neat if christine saw mr. e after turning around... and that phrase from the title song appearing right after i thought it!
rewrite erik's epilogue outhit being exactly like the valets in 'family guy'
original book erik having a nearly 4 octave vocal range just like rewrite eristine
rouletabilie playing raoul in a comic... and he's friends with raoul in the rewrite!
buquet appearing on page 13 in the rewrite and original book
the french translator for 'der vampyr' being buried in pere lachaise cemetery aka the original daddy daae cemetery
laura ingalls being a year younger than raoulstine and almanzo being a year older than erik
fanny heldy, the singer who owned christine's dressing room irl, being born in 1888
edmond rostand, a guy who has a library in paris, wrote a 'don juan' play
the mystery gate on rue scribe being in the original book
'un ballo in maschera' having a ton of references with the number 13 and the king being called gustavo nearly like daddy daae
a leggero tenor role called nadir! :D
thinking of an 8 part rewrite mini series... and the chapters splitting up into 8 parts!
visiting the rewrite doc 1888 times on my old drive
bonus general poto coincidences:
a sarah bernhardt program having the names weber, carlotta, pauline (christine's prototype name) and christina nilsson
fnac, a store kobo partners with, having a store near palais garnier
coincidences i've discovered since making this post!:
a poto manga using box 3 as box 5
madeleine's actual last name, destin, originating in berry, a town from george sand's 'valentine', which her kid reads years later
erik's babyhood home being located in la carriere, aka part of his last name! (this was found before the post and i forgot to add it!)
st. george's abbey having a raoul with either 'de' or 'cha' in their last names
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suis-nous · 1 year
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