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noogit9000 · 2 months ago
yrc uoy ekam annog reveN uoy tresed dna dnuora nur annog reveN nwod uoy tel annog reveN pu uoy evig annog reveN uoy truh dna eil a llet annog reveN eybdoog yas annog reveN yrc uoy ekam annog reveN uoy tresed dna dnuora nur annog reveN nwod uoy tel annog reveN pu uoy evig annog reveN uoy truh dna eil a llet annog reveN eybdoog yas annog reveN yrc uoy ekam annog reveN uoy tresed dna dnuora nur annog reveN nwod uoy tel annog reveN pu uoy evig annog reveN dnatsrednu uoy ekam attoG gnileef m'I woh uoy llet annaw tsuj I ti yalp annog er'ew dna emag eht wonk eW no gniog neeb s'tahw wonk htob ew edisnI ti yas ot yhs oot er'uoy tub gnihca neeb s'traeh ruoY gnol os rof rehto hcae nwonk ev'eW )pu uoy eviG( evig annog reven ,evig annog reveN )hoO( )pu uoy eviG( evig annog reven ,evig annog reveN uoy truh dna eil a llet annog reveN eybdoog yas annog reveN yrc uoy ekam annog reveN uoy tresed dna dnuora nur annog reveN nwod uoy tel annog reveN pu uoy evig annog reveN uoy truh dna eil a llet annog reveN eybdoog yas annog reveN yrc uoy ekam annog reveN uoy tresed dna dnuora nur annog reveN nwod uoy tel annog reveN pu uoy evig annog reveN ees ot dnilb oot er'uoy em llet t'noD gnileef m'I woh em ksa uoy fi dnA ti yalp annog er'ew dna emag eht wonk eW no gniog neeb s'tahw wonk htob ew edisnI ti yas ot yhs oot er'uoy tub gnihca neeb s'traeh ruoY gnol os rof rehto hcae nwonk ev'eW uoy truh dna eil a llet annog reveN eybdoog yas annog reveN yrc uoy ekam annog reveN uoy tresed dna dnuora nur annog reveN nwod uoy tel annog reveN pu uoy evig annog reveN dnatsrednu uoy ekam attoG gnileef m'I woh uoy llet annaw tsuj I yug rehto yna morf siht teg t'ndluow uoY fo gnikniht m'I tahw s'tnemtimmoc lluf A I od os dna selur eht wonk uoY evol ot sregnarts on er'eW
Did you write this in the mirror
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shapeshifter-rick · 5 months ago
Hey dude. You alright? Is there anything I can do to help?
- @b1rdr1ck
...onnud I
...enola eb annaw t'nod tsuj I
won thgir flesym tsurt tnod I
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pancakepieman25 · 2 months ago
gnittor ydob
tiaw annaw t’nod
Hold on, ran over Ell, think she's dead, will be there in a bit. Also Gabe is on cigarettes now. Don't let him near dead grass.
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420technoblazeit · 2 years ago
tiuq I ,tihs siht kcuF ?eromyna serif kcis nwod worht t'nseod eH ?gniod htimS lliW si neve kcuf eht tahW ?cisum ti llac dna skcerwniart lacitammarG nwo rieht etirw ot hguone evarb seno ylno eht erA stsitra par namuh naem uoy od tahW ?gnihtemoS ro etaretilli niffumehcuod eigref siht saW ytsat lleps ton seod YETSAT esuaceB sseug I ,kcehclleps ot ssecca dah reveN lanigiro eht etorw gnikcuf reveohw ,naem I ?gnos gnikcuf eht fo dne eht litnU tihs siht lleps ot evah ylsuoires I oD !dnoces gnikcufrehtom a tsuj tiaw ,woN eht ot ,E eht ot ,D eht ot ,S U O I C I L eht ot ,E eht ot D eht ot ,S U O I C I L ,eht ot ,E eht ot ,D eht oT S U O I C I L eht ot ,E eht ot D S U O I C I L eht ot ,E eht ot D ytsat 'nikcuf - Y T S eht ot ,A eht ot T ytsat 'nikcuf - Y T S eht ot ,A eht ot T )ydnac ,ydnac ekil si doolb ym syas ehs( ,suoicilakrak m'I )ya ,ya ,ya ,ya( suoiciled oS )ya ,ya ,ya ,ya( suoiciled oS )ya ,ya ,ya ,ya( suoiciled os s'tI ydnac ,ydnac ekil-l-l ,suoicilakrak m'I )eb uoy pleh ll'I( suoiciled oS )em tsurt nac uoy( suoiciled oS )ees ,nadire( suoiciled oS liap a llif ot enil ni tsrif eht eb nettik taht hctaw tsuJ lias pihs tsrif reh tel neve ll'I )!woem( ssentiw ym s'atepeN ssenisub ot nwod tog I esuac' suovren gnileef neeb s'kahhaZ suoiciv syats ydob yM uoy kcuf ,owt ,eerht ,ruoF liap a llif ot ecnahc a rof liev eht nwod gninil eb sllorT slliariom tsuj er'ew fi rettam t'noD )!hawm( sessik wolb I suoititcif si tihs taht llA scifnaf yna daer uoy fi dnA sisemsik od t'nod I ,oN )suoiciled os( suoicileD llems I syas izereT llet annaw t'nod tsuj I taht terces a s'ti ,llet ot 'niyrt m'I tuB emosewa gnikcuf s'terceS eht woh gnitaeper no peek I hguohtla erucesni elttil a tsuJ sa ffo gnimoc m'I sseug I dnA wonk ot uoY tnaw t'nod tsuj I rekcuf elttiL amard yna pu dnuor ot gniyrt t'nia I won ti yas annaw tsuj I doolb ym fo roloC eht sseug annaw ,em ta 'niffins syawlA dnuor rehtag sllort dnuora nrut I emit eht llA !uoy rof tuo ti lleps tsuj ll'I eht ot ,eht ot ,eht ot ,E eht ot ,D eht oT S U O I C I L eht ot ,E eht ot D ytsat 'nikcuf - Y T S eht ot ,A eht ot T ytsat 'nikcuf - Y T S eht ot ,A eht ot T yzarc uoy ekam ll'tI ytsat ,ytsat os s'tI ycal htiw decal eb ll'I ytsat ,ytsat eb ll'I etsat a teg ll'uoy neht ebyaM ecneitap emos teg ,yenoH em tnaw yllaer uoy fI ybab ,ybab ,ybaB )tuo ti kcehc ,pu kcuf eht dloh srekcuskoon uoy won( suoicilakrak m'I )em 'o eceip a stnaw trebge neve( suoiciled oS )ytsrihtdoolbaroda 'nikcuf( suoiciled oS )teews repus( suoiciled oS )uoy kcuf ,owt ,eerht ,ruoF( sliap taews mih ekam am'I esuac' slewot eht lla gnideen eb ll'eh dnA liat s'atepen slruc pihs taht teB ssentiw ym s'kahhaZ ssentif emos gniod m'I esuac' suovren 'nileef sdoolbhgih eht llA suoiciv syats ydob yM )suoiciled os( suoicilakrak m'I em edulcni retteb dah sgniriap fo ytirojam eht dnA T eht ,A eht ,K ,R ,A eht ot K eht m'I yttikrak ekil seman tep ysetuC 'nilaeuqs syawla s'atepeN yzarc sreppihs eht sekam noitinifed suoicilakraK )cim ym htiw dnuora gnikcuf pots ,hctarcs cod ,timmaddog( -fed suoicilakraK -fed suoicilakraK )ydnac ,ydnac ekil-l-l-l-l( suoicilakrak m'I )em 'o eceip a stnaw trebge neve( suoiciled oS )ytsrihtdoolbaroda 'nikcuf( suoiciled oS )teews repus( suoiciled oS )uoy kcuf ,owt ,eerht ,ruoF( liap a llif ot ecnahc a rof liev eht nwod gninil eb sllorT slliariom tsuj er'ew fi rettam t'noD )!hawm( sessik wolb I suoititcif si tihs taht llA scifnaf yna daer uoy fi dnA sisemsik od t'nod I ,oN )suoiciled os( suoicilakrak m'I snosaes ekil seog dna semoc tsuj hsulf reH esaet I yhw snosaer oN srovaf on reh 'niod t'nia I rovalf eht wonk ot tsuj 'niyD otohp ym ni etsat t'nac ehs taht sterces eht wonk ot stnaw ehS ocol izeret sekam noitinifed suoicilakraK !xinohp no dekooh sllort ot detius tseb era staeb s'redirtS cinori si tihs siht ,lla'y pu netsiL
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dayshift-loop · 1 year ago
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".cinowi tsuj si eman ehT .ydennek kcaj ot detawew ton m'i on ksa uoy ewofeb oswa ,hcooms dwo gib a me evig annaw i ?eweh wewwim ywneh .wm si ,suwwaw owo eht kcajweviws m'i owweh"
Suddenly fading in out of nowhere was a phantom walrus, much like blackjack but different.
"ffo kcuf ot mih wwet swaeppa weve weba fi syas eiwwahc oswa"
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Jack: For some reason I'm reminded of Blackjack but... This is definitely not the same. But uh. Such Lore??? Wow??? I guess???
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?nepo pep rof sksa erA
os fi
sazzip sih fo eno redro annaw I
(It is surprising how easily I read this jfdjfd
But yes, you can still leave asks for Pep and the other askable characters!
I am still working on the story, it is just going very slowly (and my focus is mostly elsewhere right now) but we will get back to it, I prommy!!!)
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cve-th3mvsic · 9 months ago
Oogs boogs
the way i gasped when i saw i had something in my inbox
sgoob sgoo
?rdsawkcab klat annaw
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revel-arts · 2 years ago
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"Annaw ees a cigam kcirt?"
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Suggestion for artists wanting to draw Zatanna: conductors make for perfect references
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thefagggot · 9 months ago
hcaorppa tnerruc ym morf gnitraped yletelpmoc m'i naem ylirassecen t'nseod tliug dna ssenhsiloof doof fo egaggab dna erbacam eht lla dehs da luos ym esnaelc annaw i kedi ecnis efil ym fo trap a neeb sah hcihw elcyc p/b gnidne reven ym fo og gnittel m'i efil ym fo egrup lanif cipe eht s'ti
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alex-just-viling · 1 year ago
?erif a trats og ..annaw ay’d .yeh
Really? But I thought you wanted to sleep?
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what do you think of hengy?
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"I hate Henry miller with a burning passion... oh wait I said his name correct DAMMIT!"
the sounds of tv static could be heard before sliver jack appeared
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"owo em wednu mih hsuwc dna mih ssik annaw I hcum os mih evow I yciuj dna pmuwp os s'eh ??wewwim ywneh .wm ,noitnem enoemos did ho owo"
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arkangelofchaos · 1 year ago
Pleh tnsoed gniyrc. Eromyna ycr neve tnac I. Eid annaw I. Everything feels...in reverse, wrong. I think i m actually enasin, nekorb. It ll be fun. It should be right? Gnillaf. Or gnittuc.
Ouy ssim ll I.
Please do too.
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chainsawmascara · 1 year ago
Gale looking like he's about to drop a "Can we go to Sowcewous Sundwies and wead da Annaws of Kawsus pws" 🥺 as if it wouldn't literally destroy the Weave as we know it
And every fucking time i let him do it. I hand him that stupid book EVERY SINGLE TIME.
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megaguardain · 2 years ago
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?kcirt cigam a ees annaW
Not Approved by the Comics Authority version here: Zatanna (DC Comics, NSFW) | Megaguardian on Patreon
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a-goose-in-a-trenchcoat · 2 years ago
sybra emos brag annaw mlaer rorrim eht ni dneirf rehtona gmO
business majors are like orcs to me. and not the hot kind
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smol-stardust · 10 months ago
uoy truh dna eil a llet annog reveN
eybdoog yas annog reveN
yrc uoy ekam annog reveN
uoy tresed dna dnuora nur annog reveN
nwod uoy tel annog reveN
pu uoy evig annog reveN
uoy truh dna eil a llet annog reveN
eybdoog yas annog reveN
yrc uoy ekam annog reveN
uoy tresed dna dnuora nur annog reveN
nwod uoy tel annog reveN
pu uoy evig annog reveN
uoy truh dna eil a llet annog reveN
eybdoog yas annog reveN
yrc uoy ekam annog reveN
uoy tresed dna dnuora nur annog reveN
nwod uoy tel annog reveN
pu uoy evig annog reveN
dnatsrednu uoy ekam attoG
gnileef m'I woh uoy llet annaw tsuj I
ti yalp annog er'ew dna emag eht wonk eW
no gniog neeb s'tahw wonk htob ew ,edisnI
ti yas ot yhs oot er'uoY
tub ,gnihca neeb s'traeh ruoY
gnol os rof rehto hcae nwonk ev'eW
)pu uoy eviG(
evig annog reven ,evig annog reveN
)pu uoy eviG(
evig annog reven ,evig annog reveN
)pu uoy evig ,hoO(
)pu uoy evig ,hoO(
uoy truh dna eil a llet annog reveN
eybdoog yas annog reveN
yrc uoy ekam annog reveN
uoy tresed dna dnuora nur annog reveN
nwod uoy tel annog reveN
pu uoy evig annog reveN
uoy truh dna eil a llet annog reveN
eybdoog yas annog reveN
yrc uoy ekam annog reveN
uoy tresed dna dnuora nur annog reveN
nwod uoy tel annog reveN
pu uoy evig annog reveN
ees ot dnilb oot er'uoy em llet t'noD
gnileef m'I woh em ksa uoy fi dnA
ti yalp annog er'ew dna emag eht wonk eW
no gniog neeb s'tahw wonk htob ew ,edisnI
ti yas ot yhs oot er'uoY
tub ,gnihca neeb s'traeh ruoY
gnol os rof rehto hcae nwonk ev'eW
uoy truh dna eil a llet annog reveN
eybdoog yas annog reveN
yrc uoy ekam annog reveN
uoy tresed dna dnuora nur annog reveN
nwod uoy tel annog reveN
pu uoy evig annog reveN
dnatsrednu uoy ekam attoG
gnileef m'I woh uoy llet annaw tsuj I
yug rehto yna morf siht teg t'ndluow uoY
fo gnikniht m'I tahw s'tnemtimmoc lluf A
I od os dna selur eht wonk uoY
evol ot sregnarts on er'eW
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