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strangerambeau · 8 months ago
Their faces when they see Mar’i🥹🥹 you can tell that baby has them wrapped around her finger 😭
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westidia · 2 years ago
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They look so good I need them in something else immediately.
Just look at them 🥹😭😭
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dutifulscentedpainter · 1 year ago
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I want her back
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Anna Diop as Starfire
Titans 4.01: Lex Luthor
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ambeauty · 2 years ago
Titans 410 Thots
Happy to have my family back. I loved how they are framed in the beginning of the episode with Dick, Kory, and Rachel. I love how they all mimic each other in specific ways whether tone of dress, stance, or manner of speaking. It shows are close they are. When you’re around people you love you tend to pick up on mannerisms and influence because they impact and inspire you. I see this happening between the entire core4 and that makes me so happy. Now here’s where things got dicey. Anything having to do with Sebastian, Conner, and Mother Mayhem are so dry and so boring. I feel like it’s controversial to say this but I actually enjoy Conner Luthor. I enjoy seeing Josh do something new with the character and although his attitude can get nasty it’s actually a refreshing change of tone. There has to be somebody that tells it like it is and unfortunately that’s ConLexy. I may or may not identify with him in that way. But seriously, having this Brother Blood villain build up was such a mistake. Joseph Morgan is such a charismatic actor and I feel like they have lost a lot of that by making him this sniveling incel. Two episodes left and I still don’t fear for Kory’s life.
And that’s a whole nother thing. Since Dick tries to remain “level” headed by simply not reacting with urgency to Kory nor RACHEL wanting to sacrifice themselves, I don’t feel like there are any stakes. Dick has remained seemingly unconvinced and unmoved this entire season, which could be attributed to his overall calculated “detective” character trait. But for me as a viewer, if he’s not moved, I’m not moved. I do love how Kory and Rachel do seem to be the only ones really concerned about what could potentially happen. I wish Dick stepped in and showed a little more emotional vulnerability to what we presume are his fears. And if when he does… It’s gonna be too little too late because the show is over. Honestly I could write an essay about Dick’s lack of character development, but this season isn’t about him, and clearly the writers forgot to include his own development in that as well. Anyways back to the stars of the episode.
Koriand’r and Garfield Logan. They had a stand out performances. The emotional vulnerability and care that these two feel for each other was present in the whole room. Garfield subconsciously opened up the Red to Kory because she needed space to think. He provided that safe space for her. You can tell that these two actors are really close because the ease in which the conversations between them happened so genuinely and authentically. When Kory says the line about Sebastian trying to destroy everything she loves and lists off the titans.. I CRIED! Like Anna KILLED that delivery! I really felt the familial love in the room between this team and that’s honestly what we’ve been missing from the entire group for most of the season. Confessions of the love that these characters have for one another. It was so powerful. And Dick and Rachel got something similar, but if I am being honest, it fell a little flat. Some acting choices, script choices, it just didn’t feel as dire as it could have. To have Dick refer to Rachel as his friend, after he just called somebody like Constantine his friend. It makes no sense to me. And again shows a lack of care for Dick’s character development in terms of referring to these people as his family, which I believe he did to Conner in 401 or 402. Again I am just confused by Dick’s progress and vulnerability in the very beginning to complete lack of sentimentality in the end. “Friend” feels so trivial and clinical to their journey as a pair. I didn’t expect daughter because that’s not how Dick rolls but “put my family down” or “put HER down or Rachel” would’ve felt a little better to me. Maybe it was the delivery. Didn’t feel desperate or urgent. But maybe friend means a lot to Dick🫣 I’m glad they got to have their moment.
I love how Gar was loved on this ep. He received so many hugs and smiles and genuine opportunities for people to show him how meaningful he was to them after a tough s3. I LOVE THIS FOR GAR! He is literally the heart and sunshine of the team and he deserved it all. TimBer….. If you like it I love it 🫠 With only two episodes left I have set my expectations accordingly. I hope we get to see Dick lose some type of emotional control over somebody KORY at the very least next week. I am tired of having to create fantasies in my head for how Dick feels. I want it to be shown to me and most importantly KORY! SHOW ME PLEASE!
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strangerambeau · 8 months ago
I will never get over the fact that Anna Diop played Starfire. I will be on my deathbed telling my grandchildren about AnnaKory. She’s PERFECT
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westidia · 2 years ago
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The way he looks at her ☺️
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w00wzerz · 10 months ago
My girl 😻🔥
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the loml.
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beas-mind · 11 months ago
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kinda need a AnnaKory tyrant edit….
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crownedcams · 3 months ago
not to reminisce on titans but its genuinely crazy how anna diop revitalized starfire's image like i was redoing tags from years ago and i genuinely feel the 03 cartoon starfire is so vastly different and lesser than annakory like her impact is unmatched
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tenpintsofsundrop · 2 years ago
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me bc i found someone who doesn't literally pray on my downfall bc i dont ship garchel
Oh, don't worry! You're safe here. You have definitely found the small corner of the fandom (me and my moots) where it's all bi Gar and lesbian Rachel, all the time.
Like it sucks that other people in the fandom have to reduce them down to a potential romantic relationship - especially when their friendship is so great. They have such an instant connection, they make each other feel safe - and that doesn't have to be romantic.
And they spend so much of the show apart from each other, developing as separate characters in order to really shine. It shows such an intense heteronormativity that them doing things like holding hands and him putting his arm around her signifies romantic involvement when they have stated to other characters that they don't feel that way about each other. And if two guys or two girls did the same things (holding hands, putting arms around each other) it would be seen as platonic and the audience would break their necks to explain why it is just an example of friendship.
They are just friends. Let a guy and a girl exist in media and be close and exist as just best friends (without one of them being canonically gay). And to me, one of the most ick things about Garchel shippers is that they literally always reduce the characters down to just their "romantic" moments. They never talk about how much it sucked that they used Rachel (Gar's memories of Rachel) against him when he was at Cadmus, how that could have been intensely traumatizing for him.
Like - even in the later part of Season 2, when Rachel is comforting Gar about Donna's death, she wraps her arms around him in a hug and he doesn't move to hug her back, because the last time that he hugged her (in his mind) he then attacked her and brutally ripped her apart because he was fully imagining that Cadmus employee that he killed had her face. Nobody talks about how this could have affected their "romantic" relationship, they just see her hugging him after Donna's death and go "Look! Physical contact! My ship!!!"
Not to mention, one of the last times he saw her before she left the Tower, she was telling him that he wasn't good enough because all he does is 'growl' at people when there is potential danger, and then he has a horrible nightmare hallucination that probably feels so real where he brutually murders her using his powers, and from that point on the reason his powers are so restricted - aka the reason he can't turn into other animals at will/the mental block is because he is terrified of hurting the people he loves with his powers. Romantic ship or not, nobody takes the time to talk about the depth of Gar's trauma and how it affects the way he relates to the people around him.
In the eyes of the fandom, he is just an accessory.
I don't even wanna get started on the whole "Mommy Kory" thing and how everybody who stans AnnaKory literally only talks about Gar as if he is "her son" and not his own fully fledged character - that is a rant for another day.
Gar is a person. He is a whole, interesting person. He's not a background prop, he's not a handbag. He's a really cool guy with a story of his own. He's not a C character, he's one of the core four. Treat him like it.
(Ooooof that really went into Bunnie Rants territory but I am so protective over my boy but yeah! that's my rant for today lmao)
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literaryspinster · 1 year ago
Favorite practice drawing so far. Because of course Annakory is going to be my fave
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itsjustafia · 2 years ago
hi, i was the one upset about kory being made to wear the same outfit for half of s1. i'm taking that back. i like to think i complained because i feel protective of the character and the actress. but then what if it's also because i've internalised racism where i feel the need for woc to look our best all the time. as if we have to always look proper to be relatable and worthy of empathy (got very repulsed by this realisation). it's still not ok that anna had to suffer one of the harshest canadian winters in that outfit but now i believe annakory could've worn the same dress, a potato sack or whatever all the time and it will never change how much i enjoy seeing her :D
I actually had an answer to your last ask written up but never got to posting it. Sorry about that.
Anyway, me personally, I wouldn't say that AnnaKory wearing that first outfit was racism towards her... The entire Core 4 wore the same few outfits for the same amount of time during season 1 because it took place over a few days and they were all basically on the run.
The first dress definitely wasn't practical for that type of weather but neither was the other cast's. I mean Teagan was 13 wearing only a t-shirt and hoodie. Not to say that that's ok too but they were all clearly suffering. The cast actually spoke about that during their DC Fandome interview. How they all were miserable filming 105 because it was way too cold. The wardrobe department wasn't that great back in s1 either so that was a factor. Also since s1, they tried not to film in the winter time. They were only forced to do so for s3 because of Covid.
I'm not gonna tell anyone how to feel, but it's nice you were able to reevaluate your feelings on the situation.
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dutifulscentedpainter · 2 years ago
How I wish I got to see more of live action Starfire played by Anna Diop </3
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Kory this week 062423
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discobewtshi · 2 years ago
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Kory Titans Wallpapers…I’ve been obsessed since 2018
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meetmeunderthestarrynight · 3 years ago
“Try it again sometime.”
season 4 is coming and I’m ready for them. I am still on the Mar’i Grayson high and I’m never coming down.💜😍😍💙
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westidia · 2 years ago
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a work of art
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