#anna's plot bunnies
ginger-grimm · 10 months
Brooklyn Nine-Nine for the plot bunny ask game, maybe? I don’t know if you’ve seen it or not so sorry if you haven’t. 😅
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Real Name: Katherine Laura Wright
Aliases/Nicknames: Kitty, Kit, Kitty-Kat
Birthdate: March 5th, 1990
Relatives: Roger Wright (Father), Sherry Wright (Mother), Lizzie Wright (Older Sister)
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown, with blonde highlights
Species: Human
Affiliation: NYPD, 99th Precinct, Totally Tot
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Assistant
Character Description: Born and raised in a sleepy town in Virginia, Kitty Wright had always dreamed of going on adventures elsewhere. After getting her degree, Kitty scrapes all of her savings together and heads to New York City to find the exact adventure she's looking for. With nowhere to live at first, she quickly meets Fly, a kooky woman who offers her a job at her at-home daycare, a place to stay included. Kitty eagerly agrees. Months go by before she's robbed at gunpoint by a shoe-stealing ring. While reporting the crime to Detective Jake Peralta, Kitty is informed that an assistant position has opened for the Precinct's Captain. She applied for the position immediately and suddenly, Kitty is forced to juggle being an assistant in a Precinct where rats regularly fall from the ceiling and watching over kids with a woman who claims to have slept with everyone in AC/DC.
TAGLIST: @waterloou @eddysocs ​ @ocs-supporting-ocs @foxesandmagic @veetlegeuse @decennia @hiddenqveendom @arrthurpendragon @luucypevensie @richitozier @noratilney @wordspin-shares @oneirataxia-girl @endless-oc-creations @lucys-chen @andromedalestrange
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alltingfinns · 2 years
The other night I got another destiel plot bunny stuck in my head.
Basically Chuck as this mafia don and Castiel is his most sheltered son. At first I was thinking full mafia princess, but then I thought it’d make more sense if he was involved but minimally. Rarely sent out on errands, but now he has to go and get a new recruit that could be useful but currently being held by rival gang. (Raised from perdition etc.)
Dean meanwhile is actually a deep undercover agent going to infiltrate Chuck’s gang. He knew most of Chuck’s sons from their profiles, but nothing is known of the elusive youngest son, not even a picture.
I don’t really have a plot. I just can’t let go of the idea of Chuck angrily confronting them, while presenting some rather archaic notions on sex and gender. (“Did you fuck this lowlife fed or did you let him fuck you?” *turns around* “Did you make a woman of my son?”) (“It’s my fault. I kept you here instead of getting you a wife or a mistress like your brothers got.”)
I also like the idea of Castiel thinking he’s a screw up, his brothers thinking he’s spoiled but then his father reveals the real reason he’s the most sheltered one. (It has to do with his mother, different from the mothers of the other sons.)
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fiercestpurpose · 2 months
Well, if no one else is going to point out that the Met Gala theme is based on a short story where the basic plot is that two sheltered people in a beautiful villa cannot stop the impending horde of humanity and the relentless forward progress of time from destroying everything they hold dear, I will
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ultfreakme · 1 year
I understand people’s frustrations about Yuzuko once again being the “dead wife” archetype who is pleasant and does nothing wrong. But I don’t think it was done because of misogyny or to fuel Kazuki’s man-pain by using Yuzuko as a plot device.
The series is 13 episodes long so they do have to rush everything. We know her solely through Kazuki’s memories of her, which he clearly doesn’t enjoy revisiting so we get only glimpses of who she is, shadowed fully by Kazuki’s pain. The fact that Kazuki doesn’t think of her beyond the pain is acknowledged in the story itself. We aren’t technically supposed to know her beyond the grief. But the sun shines, and he finally puts her picture up, allowing us to know stuff about her. It’s the start of Kazuki thinking about Yuzuko in things other than pain.
Also, okay Yuzuko didn’t get much but Karin absolutely did. Karin plays a major role here and we see how she has moved on, how she still sees Kazuki as family. We know that she’s sweet, kind, loves family, does fashion and we know her plans for the future. All in the 20 minute episode. Most other female characters in BD are pretty major players too. Misaki’s comment about how Kazuki talks big comes into play, she isn’t vilified and is actually proven right. We knows a lot about her in the brief time she appeared. Anna-sensei is also a frequent cast member, and okay we don’t know her background but she’s pretty important in Miri’s life as a teacher. I honestly expect Carol & Dorothy to never reappear but they do come back and yep they want Kazuki to spend all his money but they also seem to care about him as a person, with how they wished him happiness with his new ‘sweetheart’.
Considering the time limit and how other female characters have a lot of thought put into them, I don’t think Yuzuko existed just to make Kazuki’s angsty backstory. Tiger & Bunny also never elaborated on Tomoe(story about buddy superheroes, she’s one of the MC’s dead wife) until the manga and light novels.
People are right to point it out, it’s a genuine criticism but I don’t think it was done out of bad faith.  
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julictcapulet · 5 months
belle (she/her), 24, gmt+2/3 —
selective, literate/semi-novella style rp blog
21+ only
i plot with mutuals and non-mutuals!
i write any and all genders and ships
known for spamming my partners with pinterest boards 🫶
atlas / about / guidelines / muses / mobile / plot bunnies / pinterest
some things to know about me —
literature enthusiast & angst lover
former english class girl who never learned when to not use a comma
they’re horrors to YOU. i, however, have an uncontrollable urge to romanticize and eroticize the horrifying and grotesque
currently reading...unlikeable female characters: the women pop culture wants you to hate by anna bogutskaya, deathless (reread) by catherynne m. valente, nesting beasts by naiche lizzette parker
currently watching...yellowjackets (rewatch, s1)
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worldburnrp · 2 months
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MAY 6th, 2024.
Fashion’s most important night happens now. The theme is, “Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion.” The exhibit will feature approximately 250 rare items drawn from the Costume Institute’s permanent collection. Spanning over 400 years of fashion history, the pieces will include designs by Schiaparelli, Dior, Givenchy, and more. Some garments that are too fragile to ever be worn again—such as a Charles Frederick Worth ball gown from 1877—will also be displayed via video animation, light projection, AI, CGI, and other forms of sensory stimulation. The official dress code is “The Garden of Time.” Its hosts include Zendaya, Jennifer Lopez, Bad Bunny, and Chris Hemsworth as the night's co-chairs and Vogue’s Anna Wintour will continue as honorary co-chair. An evening of culture and celebration awaits ahead — so put your best shoes on, and enjoy the night.
This is a mini event.
What is a mini event? We want to give members the opportunity to participate in something in case they want to do write for the occasion, but without the stricter set-up of a usual event.
Members aren’t required to pause non-event threads during this period, and it is not mandatory to participate. If you want to ‘ignore’ the MET Gala and simply continue with your regular threads as usual, there is no problem in doing so.
Because this is a mini event, it will be a single-part event, meaning admins will not be providing additional parts or plot drops — so members are encouraged to plot within themselves what their characters will be up to during the evening.
IC, the event takes place on the night of May 6th, and into the early hours of May 7th.
As always, should there be any questions or need of assistance with any plots, please feel free to contact the admins and we’ll be happy to help you. You can find further information for particular character groups down below.
What is the dress code? This year’s 2024 Met Gala dress code is “The Garden of Time.” Inspired by J.G. Ballard's short story of the same title, written in 1962, it can be interpreted in a myriad of ways.
Celebrity characters and high-profile characters would have received an invitation to attend The MET Gala. They are welcome to the party inside, as well as to walk the red carpet.
Non-high profile characters would only attend the party inside. These characters would be there as someone's plus one, or be working at the event. Alternatively, they could have bought a ticket. In 2024, a ticket to the MET Gala is priced at $75,000.
If you want your character to attend, but you don’t think they would be invited or have the means to pay entry, you're welcome to message the main for an admin to help you come up with scenarios to make it work. <3
We challenge our members to post the outfits their characters will be wearing and any other information you'd like to share about their attendance.
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vintagelacerosette · 1 year
Tag game catch up ✨️
I'm doing some tag games & picrews I've missed 🫶🏼 and I was tagged by these dearhearts Macy @celestialmickey Cross @crossmydna Evie @energievie Laurel @lupeloto Anna @rereadanon Ling @lingy910y Cherry @too-schoolforcool Ajax @transmickey Lyle @milkovetti Vey @look-i-love-u Coralie @shinygalaxyperson Becki @francesrose3 Ri @tanktopgallavich Jay @surviving-maybe Michelle @michellemisfit Deanna @deedala Julissa @heymrspatel Paola @mishervellous Melodie @sirrudo Thanks y'all 🥰
Name: Myn
Pronouns: She/they
Where do you call home? Sydney
Favourite animal: Cats, ducks & otters i can't choose 🐈‍⬛️🦆🦦
Cereal of choice: Gosh I love american cereal I gotta say I'm now a cinammon toast crunch fiend & lucky charms used to be my fave haha
Are you a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner? Kinaesthetic/visual
First pet? A tank of fishes but I also count a black & white stray cat we took in which we named Gato & oh how i miss him
Favourite scent? Something woodsy or citrusy
Do you believe in astrology? Kinda like I believe some aspects but wouldn't take it so literally in life
How many playlists do you have on spotify/apple music? I'm not one for playlists but I do have like 8 music ones on youtube lol
Sharpies or highlighters? Hightlighters all the colours yall 🌈
A song that makes you cry:
A song that makes you happy:
and finally, do you write/draw/create? if so, use this as an opportunity to shamelessly (😉) promote yourself! Yes I draw & make crafts which you can check out on my tag myn's art 💘 I also definetly gunning to write fic omg the amount of gallavich plot bunnies I have may be in the double digits??
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Last week tag game tuesday ✨️
Name: Shermyn
Age: 26 (27 in 12 day!!!)
Favorite color: Pink
Beverage of choice: Yukult I shot em back like shots lmao
Do you have push notifications turned on for tumblr? I do & for some ppl's blogs too. It can be a lot lol
Opinion on fireworks? Pretty & loud 🎆
Favourite childhood toy? This stuffed bunny I had since I was a kid which I use play pretend like they were real & to pet it so softly 🥰
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The store you shop at the most: uhhh maybe ubereats lol does that count 😅
Do you swear a lot? As an aussie fuck is like a brother to me
Favourite trope: Sexual attraction at first sight then falling in love
An album with no skips: Infinity on High by fall out boy
If you could play any instrument, what would you choose? something whimiscal maybe a lyra or ocarina or a steel drum
Your biggest pet peeve: Getting told I'm being disrespectful bc I have a tone that was 'hard'
Favourite time of day: Sunset
and finally, did you drink water today? Yes indeed!
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I'll still tag some loves if they wanna play 💘 @ian-galagher @scarcrosseduntouched @bekkachaos @sisitrip @darthvaders-wife @suchagallabitch @iansw0rld @arrowflier @milkmaidovich @auds-and-evens @callivich @mikhailoisbaby @creepkinginc @mikcrymilkovich @sleepyfacetoughguy @suzy-queued @gardenerian @sickness-health-all-that-shit @stocious @shameless-notashamed @mmmichyyy @xninetiestrendx @intotheblindinglight @skies-below @notherenewjersey @psychicskulldamage @silvanshadow
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bracketsoffear · 1 year
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Diana Christensen (Network) "Diana Christensen is, without a doubt, one of THE girlbosses of all time. She is the young vice president of programming for the fictional television network UBS and the way she got there is through cold-hearted ambition and ruthlessness. She has one drive and that is ratings. Throughout the film, she manipulates and exploits whoever and whatever she can, from the rage of the discontent American vox populi to a leftist militia to Howard Beale, the film’s protagonist, an unstable aging news anchor. When he threatens to kill himself on air, she sees a possibility for a rating spike. The population has gone cynical, they want anger, they want blood, they want someone who will tell them that the world is awful, and she knows that he’s her man. She exploits his breakdown for profit, his rantings raking in more and more viewers. She turns his show into a spectacle, getting it moved from the news division to her division: entertainment. Because that’s all it is now, entertainment. The circus in bread and circuses.
She is credited with restoring the network, winning awards, and being the decorated guest at industry galas, but she stays impersonal no matter her charm. She marketed Howard to the higher-ups as “a latter-day prophet, a magnificent messianic figure”, yet she doesn’t seem to believe what he says. To her, his worth is limited to that as defined by HUT and Nielsen.
But she knows audiences believe it. She doesn’t care about how this man is cracking, how his directionless angry, cynical message could affect the viewers, feeding into the country’s already unstable climate. No, it’s about the numbers. UBS is the only thing that exists in her world.
When planning for next season’s offerings, she sees potential in a communist guerilla group (think the Weather Underground meets the Symbionese Liberation Army) as an asset, a way to harness the leftist counterculture for capitalist gains. And she succeeds. She offers the group the ability to air their message for profit, tempting them into becoming just another of her capitalist puppets, and by the end of the meeting, they’re pouring over paperwork and ratings, and arguing distribution costs and audience shares with the network representatives. Just like that, the once-Marxist militia became another cog in the capitalist media machine, another asset for Diana to sell.
And when Howard’s show finally loses its novelty and the ratings slip, she decides to seize the moment to debut this new show with one sentence: “Let’s kill the son of a bitch.”
And finally, I leave you with a quote from Max Schumacher  (Howard’s best friend, her short-lived paramour, and the president of the news division whose job she rendered useless)  about her:
“I'm not sure she's capable of any real feelings. She's the television generation. She learned life from Bugs Bunny. The only reality she knows is what comes over her teevee set. She has devised a variety of scenarios for us all to play, as if it were a Movie of the Week. And, my God!, look at us, Louise. Here we are going through the obligatory middle-of-Act-Two scorned wife throws peccant husband out scene. But, no fear, I'll come back home in the end. All her plot outlines have me leaving her and returning to you because the audience won't buy a rejection of the happy American family. She does have one script in which I kill myself, an adapted for television version of Anna Karenina in which she's Count Vronsky and I'm Anna.”
This description has been edited for length. Here is the link to Diana's full description"
Hama (Avatar: The Last Airbender) "The episode she's introduced in is literally titled 'The Puppetmaster'. She describes bloodbending, the power she developed, as "controlling water in another body; enforcing your own will over theirs', and that anyone who perfects bloodbending can "control anything or anyone". Before her fight with Katara, she suggests that bloodbending is not a choice to be seeked, but something already existing. She also enforces her teachings on Katara, wanting her to be a successor even if it goes against Katara's morals"
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symbi-eat-me · 2 years
Follow the Leader [Glitchtrap x female!Reader 18+ Smut]
[WARNINGS/TAGS?: Female coochie-owning reader, SMUT!!!! with plot, heavy mind control, dubious consent/non-con, pet names, reader being instructed, fucking a bunny furry virus???]
Summary: You've been working on the Fazbear Virtual Experience for a while now, and tired of being overworked you've finally decided to take the mysterious virus plaguing the game head-on. However, the virus may be a little more...technical to deal with than you originally thought, and it has bigger plans for you.
Uploaded this on AO3 months and months ago and somehow forgot to post it here lmao. I should probably be jailed for this, but I stand by the concept of Glitchtrap being hot. If u find that weird (valid) don’t read this, you’ll hate it. Also I headcanon Glitchtrap as being the fragmented soul of William Afton, its not super prevalent at all in this fic but probably important to know that Glitchtrap is HUMAN, the bunny suit is just the form he takes within the game.
PSA there's definitely a bunch of errors in the language I used regarding game design and whatnot, I tried my best !!!
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You slammed your car door a little harder than you had intended to. Sighing, you grasped your bag and made for the front of the building. Another day, another 8 hour shift.
Although it was something you'd never admit, you really did like your job. But fuck, was it tiring - especially at the minute with your current project. You worked in games development at a small studio in your nowhere town. To your initial excitement, Fazbear Entertainment (the company that had enlightened your entire childhood) had hired your company to develop their new game.
At first, everyone had been bouncing off the walls with excitement about the project. It was so much bigger than anything you'd ever done before, but you were all ecstatic to make it happen. Within a few weeks however, it was clear than they had hired your small company to maximise their profits - work you to the bone and pay you pennies since it got you 'exposure'. Despite this, your manager was confident that it would turn out well (and whatever they were paying was clearly good money). Sure. He didn't seem to be as happy when Fazbear Entertainment shipped you bucket loads of shitty old circuit boards with the vague instructions of 'use these to make it faster'. And he certainly wasn't happy when your team had spent the last 2 weeks scanning the boards for any scraps of usable code, only to find out that they were housing some kind of age old virus.
So that's where you were now. You weren't so sure anymore that this game was going to be the big break for Silver Parasol Games, not when you were spending every shift attempting to dig out some seemingly invisible trojan horse instead of working on the actual game.
You sighed again as you slipped in behind your desk, mumbling a greeting at Anna when you passed by her. While your computer loaded up, your eyes wandered around the room until you settled on staring at your coworker, Jeremy. His back was facing you, and he seemed to be rooting around for something in a drawer.
Jeremy was a nice guy, he really was. He worked as a part of the quality assurance team, so he mainly spent his time testing the game. He was the one who flagged up this mysterious virus that no one else had been able to catch properly. You knew Anna and Raha had both seen it, so it was definitely real, but the stress was clearly getting to Jeremy most of all. It was like he'd seen a ghost most of the time. He used to chat to you on your lunch break, quite often. But now he never seemed to be away from the game, muttering to himself and making notes, presumably on the bugs he came across. Made your job easier, you supposed.
It was strange, and you'd been so backed up working on the game with your insanely tight deadlines that you'd hardly had time to think about it. But now, seeing him hunched over whatever he was looking for...it was uncanny and made you a little nervous. Your superiors didn't care much for any of you, especially Jeremy. They treated him like he was crazy. Hell, the stress of these deadlines would make anyone crazy. You really didn't blame him for acting a little off every now and then.
Finally he grasped something and wandered off again, in the direction of the testing room.
You tried to push it to the back of your mind, which was more than easy as you checked your pile of emails and anticipated how much you had to do today...
The day had passed by at a snails pace, and you'd even volunteered to stay behind to finish scanning the last few circuit boards Fazbear Entertainment had shipped. You glanced outside as you finished up, it was almost completely dark already.
Exhausted, you began to pack up your things. Once again, you felt your eyes drift to the desk that Jeremy had been stood over earlier. You were suddenly reminded of everything that had been going on with him. As frustrating as it was proving to be, this game really was important to you at this point. If you wanted to cut down these late hours and sleepless nights, you had to see this virus for yourself.
Without giving yourself time to consider, you shoved your bag back under your desk and headed for the testing room.
You had played the game before, of course. It was part of the job, you couldn't program without seeing the final product as you went along. From Jeremy's mumbled description, the bug seemed to be a visual issue, something about it latching onto one of the character models. However, it only seemed to show itself in specific situations in the final version of the game. And it seemed to like Jeremy - he must have unknowingly found some way to trigger it or found a spot of weakness in the code. Something like that, anyway.
The room was dark, with the blinds all closed securely. You didn't want to bother with any of that, since you were going to leave in a few minutes anyway, so flipped on the weak overhead light.
You slipped on the VR headset that sat on the table in the middle of the room and prepared yourself. Every time you loaded up the game, a sense of pride swelled in your chest. It was nowhere near done yet, of course, but just seeing what your small team had managed to achieve so far was...nice.
You weren't so much of a horror fan yourself, and the sickening gaze of Freddy on the title screen was still enough to make you feel uneasy. As the music started up and you stood in the main hub of the game, you felt your heartbeat rise a little. You were suddenly very aware of how alone you were in the empty studio, and the thought of Jeremy made your palms clammy.
You took a deep breath, telling yourself not to be so stupid.
Glancing around, you focused on the task at hand. You were unsure of how to trigger the virus itself or where it even was. Jeremy was pretty clear in that it had just shown up out of thin air, after he'd played for hours. You hoped it wouldn't take you that long to find it.
After flipping through the few finished levels, you selected night 1 and got started. You knew this game like the back of your hand, so you powered through it like it was light work. Despite knowing the precise mechanics, the unpredictability of the AI still shook you a little. You flipped a light on to your left after hearing footsteps, and felt your heart race as Bonnie stared right at you.
Fuck, the design team did such a good job on these models. They were still terrifying no matter how many times you played.
After a few rounds, you tapped your heels irritably. You didn't even know what you were looking for, not really. You had stupidly thought it would be obvious. Viruses didn't work that way, you should know that more than anyone.
Back in the main hub now, you continually flipped through the available levels and sighed. You should probably leave, it was getting late.
You stepped away from the console and turned to your right slightly, readying yourself to remove the headset. That was, until you heard a light buzzing noise in your right ear. You glanced more over to the direction of the sound, and gasped.
That was it.
It must be.
At first it looked like a green blur, easily distinguished as an issue with the graphics. But within a few moments of staring, you could discern the shape of a rabbit. You'd never seen this character before, but seemed to recall Jeremy briefly mentioning a rabbit.
That was the virus alright.
It was almost...scary. It just stood in the far doorway, staring and staring and staring and waving its hand at you. It was hardly even visible without focusing your eyes on it. You couldn't tell if it was supposed to be an animatronic or something else. It was fucking weird, whatever it was.
"Y        o     u."
You nearly jumped out of your skin. The soft buzz that it was releasing had paused, only for a moment. In its place had been a whisper, of sorts. It was glitchy and hardly discernable but you could still make it out.
"a    r e      n o t      h i    m."
Your breathing was practically shallow gasps now. It hadn't moved, it still just stood there. But it was...talking?
"H-hello?" you tried.
"Y   o   u         a     r  e     n  e     w."
It was almost like it was struggling to talk. It separated syllables strangely as it spoke, and the crackling glitchy buzz that overlaid every word made it difficult to process.
You couldn't understand it - this character that you had no knowledge of had its own completely independent AI. You had a horrifying moment where you considered whether this was what Jeremy had been doing for the last few months. That's why he was so stressed? He'd been programming this character all on his own? But why?
"I-I'm not new, I made this game," you spoke. You couldn't help feeling embarrassed, you were shamefully aware of how you were just speaking into an empty room.
"Y o    u g  a v e  m  e l    i    f e."
It almost hurt to listen to, with every word you felt your head aching. It felt like it was drilling into your skull, but you knew it must be because of the sharp noises it was making.
"I-I think Jeremy made you," you said. It was stupid, you knew, to speak to an AI like this. But it must have some sort of question answering system within it, for it to be able to respond in the way it was.
A deep noise rumbled from it, sounding almost like a laugh, "h    e   c     o   u    l       d n    e v     e    r."
A sudden thought gripped you, out of nowhere. "If I play the game will it be easier for you?"
You weren't sure where the idea came from, but you figured it was worth a shot. It only showed up after you'd played a few rounds in the first place.
It didn't respond, only seemed to hold completely still for a few seconds before continuing to wave again. You took that as a go-ahead and loaded up a fnaf 3 game. Anxiously, you glanced around you when you'd loaded into the office. It wasn't there, of course. It must have been anchored to the lobby somehow.
Your hands were shaking a little as you flipped through the cameras. Springtrap stared intently at you wherever you seemed to look, and it reminded you of the virus rabbit in a strange way. It made you uncomfortable.
Fuck, video error.
As quickly as you could, you flipped open the console to your left and fixed the error. You were anxious to open the cameras for a brief moment and simply stared at the little Bonnie figure on the desk.
To your dismay, when you finally got yourself to flip through the cameras again, you'd lost Springtrap. You hurriedly checked the vents, but he was nowhere to be found. Your heart beat in your throat when a ventilation error message blared at you. You knew this game, why were you fucking up so much? You could hardly think straight, let alone process what you were doing.
As you flipped through the console, you heard footsteps and quickly pulled it down. Dragging a weak scream from your chest, Springtrap jumped at you and ended your game. Taking a moment with your eyes scrunched closed to compose yourself, you tried to steady your breathing. This game had never made you feel like that before, and you hoped it never would again.
Apprehensively you opened your eyes, to find yourself at the game over screen. The console in front of you blared, and you prepared to press the return to menu button. However, your eyes flipped over the console again, making your heart rate race again.
Follow the leader, the screen read.
You definitely hadn't programmed that in. And no one else had, to your knowledge. The words seemed to bounce around in your mind, never settling but making you feel foggy.
When you returned to the hub, it was like you could feel breathing down your neck. Tentatively, you turned around.
It was closer to you this time, much closer. It was only a few feet away, instead of being in the far doorway. Now, you could get a much clearer look at it. It wasn't an animatronic at all, instead some kind of costume. You could clearly see stitches on the fabric, and stains that covered its body. It was a rabbit, but had big human-like hands that made you uneasy. Its smile was uncanny and seemed to pull at its cheeks, exposing big white buck teeth and a deep black void behind them. Its glaring purple eyes weren't directly looking at you, instead they looked off into the distance, but you had a sudden vision of them coming to life and twisting to stare right at you.  For a character model, it was sickeningly detailed. You began to question if Jeremy was behind this after all.
You felt ill.
It continued waving, just like before, crouching over oddly, like it was trying to get down to your level considering it's tall stature. If it were real, it would have towered over you at at least six and a half feet. It still had a nasty green glare to it, but now it was closer it appeared less blurred, and you could see the purple waistcoat and bow tie it wore.
"G   o   o  d," it said.
You could've sworn it sounded clearer now, like the white noise it emitted was starting to clear to make room for its voice. Its movements paused for a moment, again appearing as though it was thinking. Like it was considering its options.
The silence was beginning to scare you. Visions of Jeremy clouded your mind - hiding in the storage cabinet, watching you sneak to the testing room, smiling wickedly as he snuck up behind you with a knife. You felt sick again, and shoved the thought deep down. Why would you even think that? Your mind was playing sick tricks on you.
Suddenly you wanted nothing more than to take the headset off and glance around you. It had been a while and you finally craved the stability of the real world.
“N   O."
Your attention snapped to the rabbit and your knees went weak. It didn’t exactly shout but it might as well have done, the voice was so strong and flung around your skull in a way that made you dizzy.
“N     A   M    E.”
It took a moment for you to process its words, but you complied. You told it your name in a barely audible whisper while unable to rip your eyes away from its own. The soft movement of its hand, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, mirrored your own heartbeat.
It didn’t respond, again just staring at you. You grappled with the idea of simply tugging the headset off and leaving it all behind. That was a bad idea, you decided. You didn’t know why.
Despite this, the silence was killing you. You needed to know how this thing worked. In some strange attempt to get answers, you began relaying facts about yourself. “I’ve been working here for 4 years, since I graduated. This game is the biggest project I’ve had to deal with so far.” You continued spewing out details of your background almost mechanically. You spoke of your work, how you lived alone, how you spent your time, and probably more - the words started to mangle together in your mind. Your body felt heavy and warm as you spoke. You could hardly think - you felt as though you were on autopilot. Everything came naturally, the words you spoke and even the position of your head while your eyes kept fixated on it. With every second that passed, you felt more and more of your mind slipping away. It didn't feel bad, in fact you welcomed it. It felt completely natural to let go.
What you were giving your consciousness to, you didn't know.
Your limbs felt fuzzy, in a complete state of relaxation. You had stopped speaking minutes ago, you managed to realise. How strange.
It only took a second after that. All you saw was the rabbit stop waving. It's eyes flickered back to your own with a low tilt of its head, it was finally looking directly at you. In one swift movement it stood to its full height in front of you, and seemed to breathe.
A crackling glitchy noise filled your ears as this happened, before everything went completely silent. The soft buzz of the console was all you could hear to fill the void as you looked up at it.
"G o o d l i t t l e b u n n y," it said.
You hardly had the energy to respond, simply staring blankly back at it. Its voice had changed again, becoming almost completely stable. You could hear it perfectly clearly now, vibrating in the back of your head as though it was your consciousness itself. Like it had replaced your thoughts with its own.
It sounded like a man's voice now, deep with a slight accent. Despite that, it was still not quite human. There was something about how the tone changed, how a static noise accompanied every word, how the vowels were drawn out for slightly too long. You couldn't put your finger on what it was, but you knew it wasn't human.
You managed to break from your trance enough to speak freely and gain feeling back in your body, but it still felt like it held a leash around you.
"What are you?" you asked as clearly as you could.
It laughed, "I a m  t h e  s h a d o w  o f  a  s i n n e r,  t h e  s o u l  o f  a  v e r y  b a d  m a n."
You held back a gasp as he bent down to your eye level again, and reached a gloved hand to your jaw before continuing, "s o  y o u  h a d  b e t t e r  b e h a v e."
The hand on your face wasn't solid, he was still a hologram within the game. But you felt a weak weight on your skin, like a shadow, just like he said.
You felt yourself nodding at him, open-mouthed.
He moved freely now in jolting movements. Rather than moving in a solid motion, it was like he was comprised of a slideshow of images.
"T h e  d e s k," he raised an arm to gesture behind you.
He didn't need to say more, his words were laced with subtext that you somehow understood on impulse. You remembered, there was a desk behind you in the real world. Carefully, you backed up until your thighs hit a solid wooden surface. It took some maneuvering since you were practically blind, but you managed to hoist yourself up onto the surface so you were sitting on the very edge.
"G o o d  b u n n y," he praised. There was more distance between you now, but the confounds of the game made it so you couldn't move significantly far away from him.
In a way, you were trapped.
Your head was buzzing and hazy, and your entire body was so warm. You'd never felt anything like it. If you could imagine what being a part of a video game would feel like - this would be it.
A particular warmth settled in your abdomen - strange but not unwelcome. Your mind was frazzled enough not to question it.
"I t s  b e e n  s o  l o n g," he murmured.
You didn't know what he was referring to, but didn't care much to find out. A wave of need overcame you and clouded any thoughts you might have. A need to submit. You noted his tall and intimidating stature, which had been terrifying to begin with, but seemed captivating to you now that you considered it.
“Y o u  a r e  g o i n g  t o  h e l p  s e t  m e  f r e e.”
Your hands were clammy against the cold wood of the desk. It was becoming much too warm in the room but you couldn't do anything about it, not daring (or wanting) to turn away from him.
“D o e s  t h a t  s c a r e  y o u?”
Freezing up, your voice caught in your throat. The incessant hammering of your heart in your chest was telling you that you were scared. But your mind was telling you something...different. You began to nod, but instead ended with confusedly shaking your head.
"S o  m i n d l e s s  a l r e a d y," his grin almost seemed to deepen.
His words rattled through your head, echoing and making you sleepy. As hard as you tried, you couldn't concentrate, couldn't process a single complete thought. It was nice, in some strange way. You didn't have the mind to question it, at that point. All your mind kept drifting back to was him, his words and his eyes that looked you up and down.
He chuckled, a low rumbling noise that felt as though it swallowed you whole.
"L e t  m e  h e l p."
Against any conscious decision of your own, your hand moved up underneath your shirt. The line was completely blurred between what you were making your body do and what he had control over. Either way, you welcomed it.
You grasped at your shirt more firmly and lifted it over your head, before hurriedly repeating the action with your bra. His chuckling repeated, the low echoing noise reverberating down your body. Your eyes were blurry as you struggled to keep them open, but you could still make out his large glassy eyes staring directly into your own from where he stood.
With you hardly noticing, your fingers tugged your trousers down. You let out an unintended sigh at the air hitting your clammy skin.
"G o o d b u n n y."
One hand grasped at your chest, while the other traced over your underwear. A passing thought made you aware of how wet you were, evidence of how intensely worked up he'd somehow managed to make you.
Your nerves felt as though they were burning. You'd never felt need or sensitivity like it in your life.
"P r o v e  y o u r  d e v o t i o n."
You hardly had a mind to nod as you yanked your underwear down your thighs. Your fingers thrust into your heat, not giving time to treat yourself delicately. Although your eyes were clenched shut, the feeling of his glowing eyes pierced into you. Again and again your fingers curled into you while your palm hit your clit with every movement. Your spare hand dug its nails into your chest, surely leaving rows of scratches as if you'd been mauled by a wild animal.
The buzzing static in your ears dazed you. The sensation in your cunt made you whine pathetically. The rabbit that watched you, controlled you, made your head tip back and your back arch.
A string of pleas left your throat as you felt your peak surfacing at a much quicker rate than you were used to.
"L o o k  a t  m e."
Your eyes shot open to see him standing over you. In your position, you were close enough to lying back on the desk, but still had to crane your neck to look him in the eyes as he towered above your compliant body. He did nothing but stand there, but the buzzing feeling of him so close to you made your skin itch and crave his approval.
"Y o u  h a v e  b e e n  s u c h  a  g o o d  b u n n y. J u s t  p r o v e  y o u r  l o y a l t y  t o  m e."
Yielding whimpers escaped your lips as your fingers curled to hit the spots that made your thighs clench together. "I'll be good, I'm yours, please," you repeated again and again.
The sound of him chuckling while watching your shaking body sent you over the edge. You whined and begged as your hands barely stopped digging into you despite your overstimulated state, like a possession had completely taken you over.
After minutes of you gasping for his mercy, you had finally relaxed. The gentle static of the room started to consume your ears again as the blood rushing to them calmed. Your mind remained blank, hardly remembering where you were, only thinking of him.
"W e l l  d o n e  m y  l i t t l e  b u n n y. W e  a r e  g o i n g  t o  h a v e  f u n."
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ginger-grimm · 10 months
Community for the plot bunny game, maybe??
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Real Name: Michelle Victoria Kimura
Aliases/Nicknames: Shelley, Shell, Micky
Birthdate: May 30th, 1989
Relatives: Declan Kelly (Father), Yui Kimura (Mother), Liam Kimura (Younger Brother)
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Species: Human
Affiliation: Greendale Community College
Marital Status: In a relationship with Troy Barnes
Occupation: Student, Hair Dresser
Character Description: Shelley grew up in a somewhat broken home, traveling back and forth between her mom and dad with her little brother always in tow. This has prompted her to become appreciative of any found family she meets. After not getting into any of the colleges she had applied to and going to beauty school instead, Shelley seems to finally have found something that makes her happy. Still, she yearns for something bigger. She wants to open her own business. Therefore she begins attending Greendale Community College, joining a study group in hopes of learning Spanish underneath a teacher who once shot her with a BB gun for getting the plot of Star Wars wrong. At first, Shelley can't help but bite her tongue and just try to keep her head down until she can take a new course in her second year, but over time she begins to absolutely adore everyone in that study group for their individual quirks. Though there is no one she seems to adore more than Troy Barnes...
TAGLIST: @waterloou @eddysocs ​ @ocs-supporting-ocs @foxesandmagic @veetlegeuse @decennia @hiddenqveendom @arrthurpendragon @luucypevensie @richitozier @noratilney @wordspin-shares @oneirataxia-girl @endless-oc-creations @lucys-chen @andromedalestrange
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daughter-of-melpomene · 5 months
Zach Tinker + One Chicago verse for the plot bunny game?
Ooooh, I love this idea!! Thanks a bunch, Anna!! <3
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NAME: Spencer Owens.
LOVE INTEREST: Gabby Dawson.
SUMMARY: Spencer had wanted to be a fireman ever since he was just a little kid. The son of two firefighters himself, it had been in his blood; he’d never really wanted to be anything else. It had been a noted struggle to get there, however; Spencer had struggled with severe ADHD his whole life, which often got him into trouble at school and resulted in a lot of bullying, no romantic relationships but one (which hadn’t lasted very long anyway), and three years of taking the entrance tests before he’d been allowed into a firehouse in an official capacity. So when he finally becomes a member of the rescue team at Firehouse 51, Spencer is absolutely desperate to prove himself, wanting to only focus on doing his job the best he can and leave no time for personal connections - until he starts to develop feelings for the gorgeous, hotheaded EMT he works with, and then his whole plan kind of starts to go down the drain.
As much as I will always be Dawsey’s number one fan… I really love the idea of a Zach Tinker character with my beloved girl Gabby.
Spencer is a genuinely good firefighter, but he is also Big Insecure and so so desperate to prove he can be good at it even though the whole house already believes in him, which is just. Really sad.
He and Severide are totally ADHD buddies, though! I’ve always headcanoned Severide as having ADHD, and even though Spencer’s is a lot more severe than Kelly’s, they still have a really amazing bond and they’re such amazing friends.
Speaking of besties, Gabby and Casey are still a total BROTP in Spencer’s story even if they’re not an OTP. You can’t just erase a bond like that, even if it doesn’t turn into a romantic relationship.
And Spencer and Gabby are the best couple!! Dawson loves Spencer despite and because of everything he thinks is wrong with him, and Spencer has looked at her with nothing but heart eyes since about a week after they first met. (And of course Dawson doesn’t leave in this version, so they get a really nice happy ending.)
send me a fandom + a faceclaim and i'll create an oc!!
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manyfandomocs · 3 months
Plot Bunny: Anna Popplewell + Once Upon A Time
Get ready for the first of four connected characters, it'll be obvious who the connections are when I post them lmao
Rosella Gilroy (Tentatively a Jefferson ship)
Rosella wasn't born into royalty, but she was born in a castle. Her mother worked for the Queen of Hearts, the supposed one true ruler of Wonderland and that was how she grew up, in servitude. She had befriended another little girl in the castle, Ivory, not knowing that she would one day become her worst enemy. As she grew up, she had unintentionally found herself in the company of the Queen herself. The Queen who could recognize some kinship, being the daughters of poor workers who wanted to get ahead in the world, and she took her under her wing. Rosella gained knowledge and power and soon, she took it for her own kingdom. Now known throughout the land as the Red Queen, her heart was getting colder every day, only really caring for her favorite knight, until an upcoming fight against the White Queen leads her to the supposed mad man Jefferson. And with one magic hat, her and her trusted knight were in some place called Storybrooke.
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Send me a fandom / love interest / faceclaim (one or all of those) and I’ll make a plot bunny
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thehylianidiot · 2 years
... I had another idea for a Fairy Tail fic.
"They say if you collect all twelve golden keys, the Celestial Spirit King will grant you one wish.
In a world ravaged by dragons and man alike, Anna Heartfillia embarks on a quest to end the war. If only she knew where the journey would lead her."
Featuring: definitely-Lucy's-ancestor Anna, violent-medicine-man Acnologia, and lives-under-a-rock Zeref. And many, many Celestial Spirits.
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Honestly, I think I just want an excuse to delve into what the world happened 400 years ago, because canon certainly didn't give that answer.
And this idea gives me a clear endpoint, a cast who I've been meaning to test out a dynamic with for months (oneshot plot bunny, long story), and plenty of drama because well...we know the ending.
I still need to plot it out beyond a few snippets (prob take a while before can get to it), but had to draw something. Anyone got any ideas on what else happens?
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ohmyoverland · 7 months
Fic Writer Questions
Thanks for the tag @anything-thats-rock-and-roll :D
1. How many fics do you have on AO3? 26
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 25, 570
3. What fandoms do you write for? Except for a few one-offs and my 3 Anne With An E fics, I write Lockwood & Co. 💚⚔
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
After Chameleon, an unbetad Miraculous Ladybug salt fic written before the actual episode had come out. It accidentally blew up asldkfjhjkl
On My Mind, a Detroit: Become Human rk1k ficlet where Connor can read minds.
All the Words I Don't Have, pure grade A Locklyle fluff
are we out of touch, are we out of time? AWAE Season 3 speculative fic that is actually an expanded version of a tumblr post I wrote after the penultimate episode of the series premiered.
wavering, my cot3 pining + character study fic. I'm really proud of it and I promise chapter 3 is coming eventually lmao
5. Do you respond to comments? I don't 😭 I want to but I never know what to say and before I know it, the comment is 2 years old oops. I reread comments all the time ❤
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? That's tough to say for sure but I think every lessons forms a new scar ending with an off-screen character death is probably the most angst I've ended with so far.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? That would have to be All the Words I Don't Have again. Everything is beautiful and nothing hurts. And Lockwood writes some really bad poetry.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not so far.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I do sometimes, and it's not published yet.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Another Change of Plans is the most tumblr WIP I have lol. It dares to start asking the question, "What if the Old Guard adopted Adam Young, the antichrist from Good Omens?"
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Sort of? There was one collab fic I wrote a scene for but it never got finished. Someday I might post my part, because ngl I'm pretty proud of the Skull/Lucy banter in it.
13. What’s your all time favorite ship? How could I ever choose??? By bookmark stats, it would be Marinette and Adrien from Miraculous Ladybug. But cot3 (Lockwood & Co) and Superbat (DC) are up there too.
14. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? A better question is what isn't a WIP I'll never finish??? I have dozens 😭 Though one that stands out is an old Frozen fic I outlined in I think 2018(?). The premise is a canon divergence where Anna's death is faked when they're children and she's raised in the village instead of in the castle. There are two full acts that are just set up for a The Prince And Me/Princess Diaries-esque rom-com between suddenly-a-princess Anna and just-a-normal-guy Kristoff.
The outline on its own is about 8k words, and frankly I've considered editing and posting the outline itself before because it's detailed enough. This fic is actually a drabble I wrote to take place within my AU, but it reads canon compliant enough of its own so I posted it.
15. What are your writing strengths? Ideas. I am always getting new plot bunnies, always getting excited about the next great idea, always thinking about new aspects of these worlds and characters I want to explore.
16. What are your writing weaknesses? Dialogue and volume. That's why I write so many descriptive, very short fics XD
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I'd only do it in a language I've studied for a couple years, and even then I would want a native speaker to read over it for me. But it hasn't come up yet?
I do really like Superbat or Star Trek fics where the author sparingly includes Kryptonian / Klingon / Vulcan with a translation at the end.
18. First fandom you wrote for? My Little Pony, or maybe Percy Jackson?? I'm too scared to check my old accounts to see which came first, if I ever even posted the fics I remember writing then at all.
19. Favorite fic you’ve written? building glass castles for sure!!! I love the atmosphere in it, and the monologue from Skull. That monologue came to me in the middle of the night once, so I had to type it up immediately and build the fic around it later.
No pressure tags @sabetha @synestheticwanderings @abumperprize @lenacarstairspotterstewart @woahpip @flythesail @shizuoi
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ollie-olliebaby · 1 year
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Task Eleven → Intro & Connections
Character Information*
Full Name: Ollie Moira Mallo-Arendelle Nickname: Ollie Gender: Female Pronouns: they/them Age: 24 Occupation: Employee at Arendelle Ampitheater Faceclaim: Dara Renee Orientation: Pan-Sexual Relationship Status: single as a snowflake! Pets: Three bunny rabbits: Barley, Wortel (means carrot in Dutch), Beans
Wanted Connections*
Holligans: Ollie is always down for anything. Need someone to jump out of plane with? Call Ollie. Need someone to be look out while you do something shady? Call Ollie. Wanna stay up all night and count stars? Ollie begs that you call them for this. Ollie is always down to do something fun. 
Cloud Club Members: Ollie is the president and founder of the Cloud Club. A club that meets once a week on good weather days, lay in the grass and look at clouds. Frankly it’s not a big club, but it’s a club that forces you outdoors, which is Ollie’s whole MO. 
Found Family: Ollie hadn’t known what a real family was like until meeting Elsa and Anna. But, they are adoptive. It stands to reason Ollie has a large found family as well. 
Mentor/Mentee: Ollie may not know much, but what they do know they are happy to share. But please, Ollie could use some new things to learn too. 
Lab Partners: Ollie doesn’t talk about it much, but they are massive science nerd. They particularly excel at chemistry. They would really like to have some people that also are as science focused as they get. 
Enemies: It’s not often you see Ollie not smile at someone. But oh boy, did this person do something to make steam come out of Ollie’s ears. 
Wanted Plots / Plot Ideas*
Foster Family: It’s no secret that Ollie has been in and out of foster homes for their whole life.There were people that they remember, and people that they have chosen to forget. Except for this person. It’s been years since they’ve seen them, but the moment they do. It feels like home. 
Pen-Pal: (preferably someone older than Ollie) Ollie started writing to this pen-pal as a class project when they were ten. Fourteen years later, Ollie is still writing back and forth with this person. They know everything that Ollie has gone through. From foster home, to foster home. To being the first person that Ollie came out to. Ollie considers this person their family and a vital part of their life. They just, haven’t quite met yet. 
Taken Connections
Mother: Elsa Arendelle adopted Ollie. Sister: Anna Arendelle. Found Family: Morgan Holligans: 
Please someone bring in Sven! 
Also it’d be cool to maybe get Bruni? The little salamander from Frozen 2!*
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arrthurpendragon · 2 years
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. . . certainly not the beginning of another plot bunny
Hazel Adams
OC Fam Tag: @akabluekat​​ • @noratilney​​ • @misshiraeth98​​ • @the12thnightproject​​ • @yelenabolevas​​ • @darkwolf76​​ • @mimikoflamemaker​​ • @cantfighthemoonknight​​ • @asirensrage​​ •  @getawaycardotmp3​​ • @juliaswickcrs​​ • @heirsoflilith​​ • @theawesomeloner​​ • @sentineljedi​​ • @phoenix-rising29​​ • @jvstjewels​​• @bravelittleflower​​ • @anna-phora​​ • @nixdragon​​ • @rennys-new-life​​ • @hoqwaarts​​ • @heathersocs​​ • @letthestarssing • @ocappreciationtag​​ • @zeleniafic​​ • @booty-boggins​​ • @bubblegum-barbie​​ • @eddysocs​​ • @chickensarentcheap​​ • @amixedwitch​​ • @alexandra-scribbles​​ • @iron-parkr​​ • @wokenhardies​​  • @witchofinterest​​   • @wordspin-shares​​  • @disneyprincessbuffyannesummers  • @starcrossedjedis​​  • @heresthefanfiction​​  • @pureofheartaudio​​  • @bluebell-winter​​ • @foxesandmagic​​  • @misskatiewrites​​ • @twofacedharveydent​​ • @neet0​​ • @fanficanatic-tw​​ • @darknightfrombeyond​​ • @drbobbimorse​​ • @trash0saurus​​ • @villain-connoisseur​​​ • @sunlitscrib​​​ • @ruvaakke​​​  • @starryeyes2000​​   • @sithy-tricks​   • @oneirataxia-girl​​ • @yellowr4nger​​ •  @that-demigirl​​ • @water-writings
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