#anko gave him the second one
howdoistormspirit · 4 months
All of Iruka’s reusable grocery bags are this bag, sorry I don’t make the rules
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shanastoryteller · 5 months
Happy birthday! Could you continue the naruto daughter of the homage series?
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6
Naruto doesn’t feel comfortable going back to the tower until the Suna kids have collected their scroll and arrived. Gaara had killed nine people – three teams total – in that time. None of them Konoha, thankfully, but that’s mostly due to her team and Itachi engaging in some creative luring and misdirection. The Konoha Twelve can be redirected outright by one of her clones, but the other leaf genin that she doesn’t know as well have to be lured rather than instructed. Getting their own scroll is more an afterthought than anything else.
They probably should have thinned the herd a little more. Now they’re having preliminary matches, which is just another chance for Gaara to kill one of her shinobi.
“Is that Orochimaru?” Sakura hisses, looking up at the spectator box. “Isn’t he a missing nin?”
Naruto flickers her glance upward, but she’d already known he was attending. What does surprise her are the two people by his side. “Yeah, but he’s also the Otokage, and one sort of trumps the other. Dad gave up on that one a long time ago, and Sarutobi still likes him besides. That’s not the interesting part.”
Jiraiya sends intelligence back to the village frequently enough, but she’s never thought she’d seen Tsunade back in the village.
Orochimaru is already bored.
He barely attends chunin exams when they’re in his own village. But Kabuto had given him an interesting report, and he hasn’t seen Minato in something like fifteen years, so he figured it couldn’t hurt. Besides, Anko is proctoring a portion of the exam, and she always complains that he doesn’t visit.
Jiraiya found out, somehow, which was bad enough, but then the traitor told Tsunade, and the two idiots insisted on coming with him for some reason.
Probably because they were worried Minato might try to arrest him, which is frankly insulting. He can and will kick that kid’s ass if he has to.
Hm. Maybe that’s what they’re intending to prevent, on second thought.
Minato’s daughter has her father’s coloring and her mother’s bone structure.
“I’m surprised she’s made it this far,” Jiraiya murmurs.
Kushina throws him an irritated glance, but the white knuckled grip she has on her armrests seems to imply she agrees with him. Minato doesn’t look at either of them, not that he’s looked at Kushina at all. There’s really no point in them playing the part of happy couple in front of foreign ninja if they can’t commit to the deception.
“She’s got a solid stance,” Tsunade says. “Don’t need working chakra coils for that, I suppose.”
Minato’s lips thin, but he keeps his silence.
“Gaara of Suna versus Rock Lee!” shouts Hayate, pausing to cough halfway through.
Orochimaru leans forward now that something interesting is finally happening.
It’s not as immediate of a bloodbath as he thought it’d be. Lee holds out, demonstrating a mastery of taijutsu truly can make up for an awful lot. He fiddles with the weights on his wrist, but then he glances up. It seems as if he’s looking at his sensei, who’s shouting encouragement, but standing just to the left of them is Team Seven.
Naruto’s lips tug down at the side and she shakes her head just slightly, the movements so small thar Orochimaru wouldn’t notice them if he wasn’t focusing on her.
Lee’s shoulders droop even as he backflips to avoid another deadly arm of sand. He’s not even close to exhausted, and he’s lasted longer against Gaara than anyone else has, but he raises his arm and says, “I surrender.”
Everyone is stunned, an air of disbelief surrounding them.
Gaara acts like he hasn’t heard, more sand barreling for Lee. Hayate moves to interfere, but he’s a lot slower than that sand is.
There’s a smudge of yellow across the arena, there and gone, taking Lee with it.
Orochimaru turns, expecting to see Minato’s seat empty, but he’s still there, eyebrows raised.
He frowns, looking back down, and Naruto is back out of the arena, putting Lee back on his feet. “It seems you didn’t hear him!” she shouts, grin so wide her eyes are slits.
“I didn’t know you taught her the Flash,” Jiraiya says.
Kushina stares between her husband and her daughter, eyebrows pushed together.
“Yes,” Minato says stiffly, “well.”
It appears Kabuto’s report was accurate.
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rokuhatake · 2 years
New Year's (Pt.1) 18+
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Warnings: 18+, (slight) masturbation, making out, flirting, drinking. Kakashi a lil perverted, will be explored more in Pt. 2. This part is mostly SFW, the second part will be all NSFW (;
A/N: I've had a WIP for a while now (that i started in summer so it's set in summer lol) but wanted to post a little treat for the holidays. I'll probably post the NSFW part on New Year's, but in the meantime, enjoy! <3
Word Count: 3.2K
Edit: Pt. 2 is up now!
New Year’s is a special time for you. Maybe it’s the time off from work, or maybe the glimmering New Year's decorations that light up the night, or the unbridled laughter that rings like faint music...whatever it is, you’re in the spirit as you trod along your snow path towards your party. 
You had been planning for weeks in between a sudden swarm of paperwork from Tsunade. According to her, it was preferable to a real mission and that you should consider yourself lucky. At first, you believed her, like a fool. It was all complicated busy work she was too lazy to complete. Of course, you would never air out the complaints you grumble to yourself. After all, it gave you more time to plan for the New Year's party you were so eagerly waiting for.  
Truthfully, it was you who had proposed the idea of a party to Anko, but she was more than willing to follow through with it. Given her more...popular status, you left the invitations and venue to her while you prepared rest. Music, food, drinks...everything else was left to you. You had been swamped, trying to make a perfect holiday for everyone else. You convinced yourself that making everyone else happy kept you content, but exhaustion was slowly creeping upon you.  
Every bit of your time was dedicated to the holiday. You walked the streets of Konoha so often, frequenting the various shops and businesses, you're sure you left a permanent path. Your hands were full, literally.  
One day, as you were on another run in to town, you saw Kakashi, who was acting...odd. While you had always nursed an innocent crush on him, you had never sensed any reciprocation on his side. You were content being his friend, but that day, he had left you confused.  
Again, your hands were full, and you turned behind you to the call of your name.  
“Yo! How have you been?” Kakashi was strolling coolly towards you, both hands in his pockets. Heat raced to your cheeks; you were grateful the cold already colored them red.  “Kakashi-San!” he cringed at the impersonal honorific. “I’ve been busy...excited for New Year’s, you?” He looked at the bags weighing down your arms and ignored your question. “What are all those bags for?” You were surprised by his intrusiveness, and you stared longer than normal.  
“Uh...well I’m helping Anko throw a New Year’s Party! Did she tell you about it?” He shook his head dispassionately. “I only just got back from a mission a few hours ago. I’ve been reporting to Tsunade-Sama.” Awkward silence filled the space around you...you had to say something. “Well...you’re more than welcome to come to the party. I left the invitations up to her since, Ya know...people don’t really know me here.”  
“I know you,” he quipped playfully. You grinned up at him and responded quietly, “Of course.”  
Your arms had become sore then, and the bags began to slide. You’d have to majorly readjust yourself before walking home.   
“You need any help?” he offered suddenly. You offered him a smile, and you almost told him no. Before you could deny him, you found yourself in a more agreeable mood. “Sure, I could use some help.” You reached an arm towards him, and he gingerly slid the bags down over your fingers.  
He had followed you politely to your home while making casual conversation. It wasn’t until you were at your door that you realized; he never accepted your invitation.  
“Hey,” you spun towards him after unlocking and opening your inconveniently heavy door. “You never responded about going to the party.” He stood awkwardly on your doorstep, hands full of overloaded bags. He looked quite silly; you had to smile.  
“Could we...put this stuff down first?” You giggled at him then turned to cross the threshold of your apartment. Once you had set all of the annoying bags onto the counter, you gazed at him expectantly. He took his time organizing the bags of course, but when there was no more to distract him, he met your gaze.  
“I’m not really a party person...” he said finally. You allowed disappointment to shroud your face. “Aww c’mon, not even a party I planned?” You shot him your best doe eyes, and you couldn’t see the face he made when he turned away from you, but you could hear him chuckle. “Maybe I will for you.” He smiled cutely at you, and you couldn’t help the blush creeping onto your cheeks.  
You realized then that Kakashi was actually in your apartment for the first time, and he was a little too close for your comfort. “Well...thank you for helping me with all this,” you awkwardly gestured towards the mess of bags on your kitchen island. “I have some more planning to do though...if you do want to stop by the party, it’s gonna be at that big house they renovated by the hot springs. You know what day it is of course.”  
He had graciously thanked you for the invitation (without truly committing to it) and left you alone and confused in your apartment.  
That day, you were too distracted to get much done. Every day after that, you planned this party with a renewed spirit, hoping you might get to see Kakashi again.  
Your excitement is bubbling as you stroll towards your party. You had finished setting up earlier in the day, then went back to your apartment to change into something pretty. Normally, you never spent much time stressing over your appearance, but you knew what was different tonight.  
In between your run-in with Kakashi and the day of the party, you had decided you wanted to present Kakashi with a gift, if only for helping you with your bags. You couldn’t deny it though; Kakashi’s present obviously looks more delicately wrapped than your other gifts, but you weren’t planning on putting it with the others. His is more...intimate.  
As you had planned, the large house is already full of shinobi and civilian alike when you arrive. You didn’t want to be the one greeting people you hardly know.  
You try to stop yourself, but as soon as you walk through the door, your eyes are scanning the spacious area for a silver head of hair. You frown when you can’t spot him. Don’t worry...he always shows up late. Releasing a breath of air, you head towards the sound of Anko’s voice. When she spots you, she lets out a shrill squeal.  
“Ahhhh! My best friend, how are you?” She hugs you tightly, and you can smell the alcohol permeating from her skin. Damn. The party only started an hour ago.  
“Can I have some of what you're having, please?” You smile sadly at her, hoping she won’t notice in her drunken state. Of course, she always notices. “Aww why so sad? C’mere...” She grabs your arm and drags you to another room where you know the drinks should be. Promptly, she fills two shot glasses to the brim from a bottle of something unrecognizable to you. She must have brought more drinks, because of course she would.  
You know what to do, so you pick up your glass and clank it with hers before downing the burning liquid. Drinking is not a habit of yours, so the taste is still quite unpleasant; but not enough to stop you from downing another. You helped plan this party after all, you should have fun. Even if Kakashi won’t show up.  
You shake away the ugly thoughts and drag Anko with you into the designated dance room. Since you’re the one who hired the DJ (with your New Year’s bonus), you know the music will be good.  
The both of you are giggling while you prance onto the floor. Everyone is so lost in the music; you don’t feel hesitant at all about joining in. Actually, it comes naturally to you with a couple shots in your system.  
After a while though, when you’re out of breath and stumbling for some water, you remember the gift you wrapped for Kakashi. You frown again, but an idea lights up your face. If Kakashi won’t come to your party, you’ll just go to him and make him feel guilty. Yeah...you think that’s a great idea.  
Before heading to your coat, you down another shot for courage then let Anko know (quietly) that you’ll be heading to Kakashi’s to give him his gift. At first, she seems against the idea. Then, she’s practically pushing you out the door. “Be careful, have fun and I love you!” You giggle at your friend and tell her you love her before making your way.  
You didn’t think it’d be so hard to walk in the snow with a buzz, but you're determined to follow through with your genius plan.  
Kakashi doesn’t need you to make him feel guilty...he already feels it. He paced the narrow walkways of his apartment over and over, contemplating your invitation. On one hand, he doesn’t want to hurt your feelings. He knows how hard you worked to make this a fun holiday for everyone, despite your shyness. He can still see clearly the dark circles under your eyes, but he can’t understand why it bothers him.  
It’s like he said though; he is not one for parties. The corner of any room is ultimately where you’ll find him...but he wonders if your party would have been different. Would you have made if fun for him?  
Still, he resigns himself to his apartment, promising to make it up to you, somehow. Maybe he’ll finally cook you a meal, like he’s quietly fantasized about for so long. He chalks his hesitation up to simply not knowing what food you like, but he knows that’s a lie. You prefer sweet things, but occasionally, you savor an umami flavor. You’re passionate about your food and particular.  
He knows more about you than he’d like to admit. No, Kakashi can’t blame anyone, or anything, but himself. He could spend hours wondering why he feels this way but none of that will bring him closer to you.  
As he usually does when his brain won’t calm, he pulls out his Icha-Icha novel and halts his pacing. It’s easier to read about romance than act on it, and the novel gives him the material he needs to cast you in his fantasies.  
As the story in his hands begins to heat up, his pants grow taut. Without realizing it, his free hand begins to rub his crotch while he imagines you between his legs. You’re on your knees in front of him, smiling cutely the way you always do, and it’s your hand stroking his hardening cock. Like the good girl you are, you’re asking him sweetly if you can suck it.  
Just as he releases a breathy moan, imagining your small hands wrapped around his bare cock, a pounding knock at his door shakes him from his fantasy.  
He grumbles, annoyed to be interrupted from you, and shifts his pants while he strolls toward the door. This better be worth it... 
When he swings the door open, he’s more than pleased, and his cock loves the sight of your reddened cheeks standing before him. Being interrupted was more than worth it.  
Almost immediately though, he frowns. You’re drunk...he can smell it on you. That’s no good.  
“You didn’t come to my party.” You pout at him after slurring your words. He can’t deny it, you’ve surprised him. “I told you...I’m not really one for parties. Did you walk all the way here by yourself?” He’s curious to know how far you’ve gone for him. “Yep! I thought I’d come to make you feel guilty...is it working?”  
He grins at you, enjoying your drunken honestly. “You didn’t have to do that...I already felt guilty Ya’ know.” You genuinely look saddened by his admission, but he won’t have you getting emotional on his freezing porch. “Come inside, please, I don’t mind you making me feel guilty.” He hides a smirk under his mask while he watches you cross the threshold his apartment. You’re shivering, because of course you didn’t cover yourself properly...not that his cock has any complaints.  
Your bare legs are a welcome sight in his apartment, and the boots you coupled with your dress makes his pants even tighter; they barely reach over your knees, and the heel gives you a good three inches in height. You look amazing, and he wonders if you did it for him. He hopes you did.  
He mumbles politely, asking to take your coat. You don’t hear him though, and you turn with his gift in your hands. The two of you are inches apart in Kakashi’s tiny foyer, yet you remain comfortable.  
“I got you something,” you announce cutely. He notices the gift in your hand now, and it’s almost too pretty to open. His heart swells at your generosity, and he feels guilty for not thinking of that sooner. He should have given you something, something personal to let you know how he feels.  
“That’s sweet, thank you.” You smile brightly at him in response, and he wonders if he can hug you. No... he worries you wouldn’t want that. Still, he wants to be a good host for you.  
“Let me take your coat, then I’ll open this, okay? You can sit anywhere.” You turn your body with a drunken smile, allowing him to slip the long coat down your arms. Once the rest of your dress is revealed to him, he grows impossibly stiff in his pants; he can hardly move to hang your coat.  
Your dress is tight, and dangerously short. The sleeves are long and your neck is covered, but there's a heart-shaped hole placed perfectly over your cleavage. Fuck. He can’t recall ever seeing such revealing clothing on you. It’s a sight he would prefer to keep to himself...imagining all of the hungry eyes you must have received tonight annoys him. At least now he has you here.  
“Mmmm,” you groan. “Could you maybe get me a glass of water please? I wasn’t expecting that walk to be so rough.” He laughs at you but promptly picks up a glass to fill with water. You’re leaning over his kitchen island, face flat on the cool stone, when he slides the glass in front of you.  
“Don’t you want to see me open this?” He jokes. Your head shoots up and you snatch the glass. Again, he’s laughing at you. His pants aren’t so tight now, but seeing you act goofy like this is worth it. He can just enjoy being around you.  
“Okay you can open it now.” You’re out of breath from drinking the water so fast, but excitement is written all over your body. Some of it is rubbing off on him.  
His heart is beating fast when he examines the gift in his hand, and he notices a little red string he presumes is supposed to be pulled. His heart swells again...you’re too kind.  
He pulls the string finally, causing the pretty wrapping paper to fall onto the counter with ease. Before he looks to see his gift, he watches you. He watches your hands grasp together in excitement and your face light up with a grin. You look beautiful, all for him.  
His cheeks are already warm from watching you, but they set ablaze when he looks down. You got him a dirty graphic novel. He can’t believe it...you really walked into the adult section of a store, thinking of the perfect gift for Kakashi; and you were spot on. His cock stirs in his pants.  
“You’re gonna kill me,” he groans quietly. All you do is giggle at him, oblivious to his perverted thoughts. “Do you like it? I wasn’t sure if you were into graphic novels but...” He cuts you off, “It’s perfect. Thank you.”  
The space between the two of you grows silent, but you continue to smile at the other. You were satisfied with Kakashi’s reaction, and Kakashi was excited to see what new fantasy material you brought for him. Having you sit right across from him only made his excitement grow ten-fold.  
He looks to the ticking clock on his wall and notices the time. “Hey, it’s only 15 minutes till midnight. What should we do before then?” You smile wickedly at him. “How about we crack open that graphic novel?” You surprise him again, and he contemplates denying you. What fun would that be though?  
He smiles in return and slides into the chair next to you. “Do you know what the story is about?” He wonders while opening to the first page.  
“You read it for the story?” He rolls his eyes at you, secretly admiring your honesty. Lately, he’s only been reading it to inspire his fantasies of you.  
The first few pages of the novel are sweet, and he begins to wonder if it’s a dirty novel at all. Then he comes to a page he’s almost too embarrassed to open. He doesn’t want you thinking less of him though, so he opens it. 
He’s been sneaking glances at you throughout, but he catches a shade of blush on your cheeks now. For some reason, the sight turns him on, and he wants to read more. He needs to see your blushed cheeks more often.  
Before he can turn the page, screams of joy cut through the quiet night. He checks the clock again: 11:59. Damn.  
Kakashi turns his head towards your squealing and smiles. Seeing you this happy fills him with adoration, and there’s only seconds until the new year. Your excitement has rubbed off on him; his heart is thumping out of his rib cage and he feels warm.  Suddenly, he imagines your lips molding with his as the clock strikes twelve.
He looks to the wall: thirty seconds.  
His gaze is back on your face, but you’re already staring, cheeks all red and warm. He wants to reach out...wants to feel your soft skin on his.  
He tries to sneak a glance at the clock, but you surprise him with a firm hand on his cheek. People are counting down loudly now, and you move on your tip-toes, inching towards his lips. By 5, he allows you to peel off his mask, and you wish you had more than four seconds to admire his bare face, but you wouldn’t miss your perfect opportunity.  
It was a magical moment for both of you. Vibrant colors bleed through his curtains, highlighting your molded silhouettes in the dark apartment while excited cheers ring through the streets. It was like they were celebrating the love you two share.  
The holiday suddenly disappears; all that is left is the two of you locking lips in Kakashi’s kitchen. You can’t hear the thunderous fireworks, only the low, melodic rumble of his groans. He can taste the alcohol faintly on your tongue, but he sucks on it still, drawing a sultry gasp from your lips.  
It’s easy for both of you. There’s no shame or hesitation. You both know what you want, and the new year brings promise.  
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team7-headquarter · 10 months
So unfair that we got designs full of scars and marks in the generation that is around Kakashi's age (Ibiki's head covered in thick scars and holes, Kakashi with his eye scar, Obito with half of his face and body ruined, Anko with the cursed mark, even younger Iruka with the nose scar), but then the generation of the Konoha 12 barely got some haircuts.
Kishimoto gave all the body changes to Naruto and Sasuke and forgot to make the rest of them appealing, which wouldn't take much time at all and would contribute to the main plot. Especially by giving the feeling of the Konoha 12 maturing in times of war and bigger conflicts.
Scars tell you there are stories you're not seeing. They talk about battles and experiences, about age and time passing. I want to see the Konoha 12 and all the kids their age with seals on their bodies and scars in visible places, burn marks that didn't heal properly because they were far from a good medic nin, marks left by really powerful beings like that one time Pain destroyed Konoha.
You know how interesting it would be to present an Ino who is all about beauty and yet refuses to get a scar on her cheek healed, because that was the first enemy nin she took out and Asuma told her he was proud of her?
To have Hinata keep the marks of fighting Pain as the memory of her love and devotion and all the sacrifices she's willing to make?
Rock Lee's legs should be covered in scars for the surgery Tsunade performed. He could ask Sakura to cure them, but he doesn't want to. It reminds him he had a second chance. He can't waste it.
Neji's seal on his forehead was interesting, even if we didn't get that much of a resolution. Sasuke and Naruto's lost arms were interesting. Sakura's byakugo, Kiba's face paint.
Those details made the characters come to life.
Why do you think the Sand Siblings have such great designs? They have ink on their faces and messy hairstyles and they are expressive and bold and determined. I want more of that.
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mysticcrownwolf · 2 years
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Yup like narusasu has so much build up love,tears,panic attacks Naruto literally looked at a shooting star clutched his heart and thinking of Sasuke. Naruto didn't even know who hinata was except for the one time she gave him a balm and then went back to stalking him and so they have to go on and make a whole ass movie to have the ship make sense p.s. it still don't . It has a very shitty plot except for maybe sasuke and even for a 5 second cameo they get his appearance wrong like the whole movie is about Sakura telling Naruto to like hinata like he like ramen so that she can somehow snag sasuke for herself who probably dated her because:-
A. Naruto was unavailable and,
B. Because of his guilt for trying to kill her(even though she tried to kill him first).
Like even in the b*ruto they are so dysfunctional sasuke has gone out to get milk right after his daughter is born and Naruto would rather count chunin headbands even when shikamaru offer to do it himself then go meet his family and then ran of to meet sasuke leaving a shadow clone behind as soon as he get the chance and also him sleeping on the couch like you have a wife,a master bed and everything and you sleep on a damn COUCH and don't even get me started on how he could just make shadow clone and spend time with his family but nooo he send the shadow clone to his family while he I don't know suck sasuke dick or something . And then people be like but Naruto saw hinata dance in the waterfall and was attracted to her . Bullshit hinata has like one the most recognisable hair style of all time and even if Naruto is an idiot he is also pretty observant you are telling me Naruto could not figure out a girl around the same age as him with the same hair style as hinata while he was traveling with her it didn't hit him at all that she can be the girl near waterfall,while if sasuke is in a 400 mile radius of Naruto his sasuke sense starts to tingle. Sure and Naruhina just radiates love 🙄 . The only reason it is even canon is because they killed Neji. They have to massacre my best boy neji to get their ship. Imagine how objectively bad a ship has to be to kill a major character just so it could sail.
And then there is the mistake called B*ruto
It's the worst at this point just name it filler.Why even bother with the canon if none of it is canon since kishimoto didn't write it .That's right people kishimoto supervises it and his condition for doing so is to put out only one one chapter per month (bless his heart) . And where do I even start on the anime the animation is the quality of a moving png with little nuggets of good editing when Naruto is on screen ,the character design is garbage Naruto looks like he wants to talk to the manager , garra looks like a 30 year old Sunday school teacher, tsunade lost her 106, hinata lost her 69 probably and don't even get me started on what they did to best girl Anko .Honestly the fact that b*ruto is just orochimarus fever dream looks more real each passing day . And they just have to go and kill kurama, have sasuke rinnagan become rinnagone and they couldn't even think of anything creative like him sacrifice it to save them oh no no sasuke the shinobi with objectively the most fast reflexes in the shinobi world didn't saw a whole ass boy running to stab his eyes out and all of that for what to make the old generation look pathetic and weak so that the younger generation can shine 🤮.And even then they just use ninja tools and otsutsuki seals not real practice or anything required.
Neji didn't died so that this living disgrace known as b*ruto can be born kishimoto is really milking it as in "you want to sink my ship ok I will help write a show so so bad you bitches would be begging me to tell you that they are in the infinite tsukoyomi .You want to clown on my creation for money well let me see how much ton of hate I can get you just for the audacity". B*ruto is gonna be destroyed by Naruto fans and I'm all in for it.
Author's note - English is not my first language and I typed it out on my phone so please don't criticise my grammar too much
P.S. To anyone reading this far you are beautiful and deserve the world good day to all of you
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Naruto re-read XXVI
Chapters covered: 209 - 217 Twentyfourth Volume of the manga
Site used: https://manga4life.com/manga/Naruto (VIZ translation of the manga)
Disclaimer: This is intended as a list and simple observations of the topics that particularly interested me in the aforementioned chapters, in that sense, do not expect a linear -or totally deep- analysis.
Tumblr’s update doesn’t allow me to attach more than 10 pictures, therefore, all of them will be LINKED. Apologies.
306) Hinata appears on the Chapter’s cover, her hands are dispositioned in her usually anxious manner but she’s seen smiling, she seems to be waiting. It’s unclear what she has to do with it.
307) Shikamaru states that it’s “against his code” to strike a lady (x), despite her being a kunoichi and the one that’s confronting him and keeping him from reaching and helping Naruto. Yet, because Tayuya doesn’t fit the “definition” of what a woman is (she’s on her Lv2 stage, which shapes her human form to something more monstrous), he’s okay with using violence to defeat her (she blocks his attempt regardless).
Now, I know that this particular aspect of his character is, as I’ve said before, to establish Temari as his romantical interest (x), she doesn’t break his preconceived notions, as some believe, she simply becomes the sole exception to his mentality, yet having a shinobi not willing to take an enemy seriously nor strike them down for the sole premise of their gender it’s strategically dangerous, and a person with such “moral code” can’t be leading an entire platoon of people (x).
308) Shadow Paralysis consumes a big portion of the user’s chakra, and again, it works by how much chakra the enemy possesses (x), as Tayuya increases her horns’ size (she increments her chakra by accessing further stages of the seal) and his shadow-strangle-technique is forced back.
309) Sasuke’s body, which has been sealed inside a dark fog to prevent him from dying after taking Seishingna Pills, seems to be ready and re-emerges (x):
“Seishingan pills (x), apparently, the Curse Mark Orochimaru gave his pupils (including Anko, likely she never took Seishingan pills and that’s why we never see her transformed into a ��monster-like” figure like the Sound Four or Sasuke) boosts their strength but it’s only in the First Stage. This medication awakens the Seal’s power, raising it to its Second Stage, but the moment the Seal develops, the Curse eats away the user’s body, which if left unattended will surely kill them. To prevent this from happening, the user must acclimatize their body to the Seal’s power and Cursed effect for an extended period of time; the Sound Four want to prevent Sasuke from dying using a barrier Jutsu to control the side effects -inducing him into a comma of sorts.” (x)
310) When Sasuke wakes up, he ignores Naruto’s attempt to return to Konoha. Naruto, remembering Sakura’s plead, tries to follow (x), gets almost killed by Kimimaro and saved by Lee (x), whose shinobi career was saved by Tsunade (x).
311) Ino is the next one, appearing on the cover of CH 210 (x).
312) Kimimaro states that Lee isn’t as “easy” as the others, it’s unknown if he’s referring to the rest of the team or to Naruto specifically (x)
313) A little explanation of how a Jönin squad lost against the Sound Four (x), Tsunade sent an entire group of Gënin (with no backup) against a team that she was told won against full-fledged shinobi. She even attaches Sasuke’s value as a Sharingan Wielder (she doesn’t even mentions him by name, but the doujutsu he possesses); Jönin and Chünin were sent either to missions to gather wealth for the realm or to Konoha’s border to monitor possible dangers to avoid war –strange how a village decimated by destruction and whose numbers dwelled considerably after the invasion relies on small groups of shinobi keeping guards to avoid armed conflict instead of trying to solidify a political nexus in between Konoha and potential invaders. It’s likely more a plot device introduced by Kishimoto to give the gënin squad a chance to fight strong enemies without Konoha’s elite interfering but it doesn’t change the fact that, bureaucratically, Tsunade made a mistake as not only she sent gënin with immense potential (the Hyuga prodigy, the Nara and Akimichi heirs and the nine tails Jinchuuriki) to a dangerous situation that goes beyond their capabilities but also compromised further Konoha’s military and political situation.
314) Lee escaped Konoha’s hospital and found Naruto fighting Kimimaro (x) so following the trail of the team is possible and more gënin could be sent as support to guarantee a better success rate at recovering “the Sharingan”, is Tsunade unaware of how many gënin Shikamaru took? Lee consumed Tsunade’s alcohol which makes him particularly violent (x).
315) Kimimaro is very beautiful (x) and his Kekkei Genkai is incredible: It gives him complete control over his osteoblasts and osteoclasts (x); while the human body is composed of two hundred bones, Kimimaro can grow more from every part of his body and pierce his skin in order to use them as weapons against his enemies or defend his organs against attacks; it appears that his skin regenerates as he’s seen without open wounds after the bones disappear. Apparently, according to Kabuto, the Kaguya clan was whipped out by the nation of Kirigakure and Kimimaro was the last survivor (x), Orochimaru states that the clan never left behind the prototypical behaviour of the families during the Warring States Period (x) and when trying to go against a “well-governed body” that likely surpassed their numbers, they found their demise. It’s unclear why they went against Kiri, albeit it wouldn’t be strange if it was a response against the Kekkei Genkai cleansing.
Kimimaro’s death is all the more tragic when we learn he thought Orochimaru will keep him alive by remembering him and having him in his heart (x), yet that turns out to be a wish he will not have, as Orochimaru doesn’t care for him (x). Later on, it’s Juugo the one who keeps his memory alive, as he follows Sasuke when he becomes a cage for him, reminding him of Kimimaro.
316) Continuing from point 314. Tsunade did send reinforcements when she asked for the Sand siblings (x) and they were able to reach all of them in time to save them: Kiba, Shikamaru, and Lee did not win against the Sound ninja, rather, they lost and were saved by the siblings; and while them three are particularly strong as all of them reached the third stage of the Chünin Exams, while the rest of the Konoha Gënin didn’t, why rely on someone at least three days away?
317) “I owe Konoha a great debt.” (x) Considering Shinobis’ nationalistic mindset and how the individuals are linked to their village of provenance it’s not strange that Gaara associates the place of origin of the one that actually saved him to Naruto himself, so by helping Konoha, he helps Naruto by direct association. He likely ignores the fact that hadn’t been for Hashirama, he wouldn’t have become Shukaku’s jinchuuriki, as it was Konoha’s first Hokage the one that decided to cage the tailed beasts inside vessels to distribute their power amongst the newly formed ninja villages.
Temari admits that her actions during the invasion (and her actions now) weren’t of her choosing nor personal preference, as she was/is simply “following orders” (x). It’s established that shinobi do not compromise their moral parameters when performing a mission, as they simply justify their conduct by establishing another person in a higher rank or the structure in place as directly responsible for everything they do; in the same manner, these principles are never to compromise the village’s political gain and military power, so they either morph to fit Konoha’s, get repressed as to them not interfering with the mission at hand, or grow to become a direct opposition to the village’s. 
Gaara’s sentence about “how sad it is” that Orochimaru brainwashed Kimimaro (x) is paradoxical considering how his devotion to the Sannin is no different from his devotion to Naruto, Suna, or even Konoha. He gloats about how an entire kin will cease to exist as he’ll kill the last member in lieu of the mission he was given; Kimimaro dying regardless as a consequence of his disease (x, x) –and he did as they admitted they won by mere luck, does not modify Gaara’s overall antithetical behavior as he did not eliminate nor reduced his manners but rather he modified his violent conduct to be in favour of his village and those he considers allies (x) while Naruto, on the other hand, refuses to use killing force. 
318) Temari has a summon: a kamaitachi (x) –The kamaitachi, translated from Japanese as the sickle stoat; is a Yōkai from Japanese folklore with a mustelid-like appearance and extraordinary speed. "Kama" is a kind of Japanese sickle, also used with some modifications as a weapon by the peasants of the time. Itachi means weasel. He is always armed with a sickle or according to other versions of such shaped claws, occasionally inflicted cuts or scratches on people for no reason.
Summoning: Quick Beheading Dance (Kuchiyose: Kirikiri Mai)
Ninjutsu, B-rank, Offensive, All ranges User(s): Temari
Roaring whirlwind!! The rampaging and slashing dance of the Kamaitachi!!
Temari of Sunagakure controls the wind with a massive fan!! She whips up a tempest, and summons a Kamaitachi that rides the winds slashing through everything it touches!! The effects of the jutsu stretch outwards for several hundred metres. The swirling winds also whip up the mowed-down trees and boulders which rain down on the helpless enemy!! It is highly effective when surrounded on all sides or when the enemy is hiding behind a shield. The sole weakness of the jutsu is that it exposes the user’s position.
(previous post) - (next post)
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
I did NOT think of that, good call lol. I'm like super curious about your naruto timeline because we all know Naruto is like... a mess and a half and like, everyone knows its a mess and a half but no one has the time to fix the naruto timeline and make it all neat n stuff. (plus, the lack of world building on other elements which makes it even harder to build the time line and now my heart hurts 😀😀)
The ShiObi AU literally does not have any timeline and their ages are ambiguous because i'm too lazy to actually fix the mess that is Naruto. So the fact you actually made a timeline??? props to you!!!
- N
N-anon... You don't know what you've unleashed
Disclaimer: I wrote this Timeline almost exactly three years ago and my reasoning for some decisions has been lost/forgotten. This timeline is specifically for HOPE AU (No Tomorrow, Until Dawn Breaks) and is updated every time I update the fic. Do NOT try to use my timeline against me down the line to fact-check my own work. Do NOT try to correct this timeline against canon events, this AU diverts from canon far beyond a single 'turning point' (e.g Shisui's time travel).
MY TIMELINE: Konohan Reckoning
Y0: Konoha is built, Hashi and Mads are 30 and Tobirama is 25. 
Y5: Kagami, Sarutobi and Danzo etc are born.
Y15: Tsunade etc born (Hashi is grandfather at 45).
Y17: Kakuzu (39) flees after failing to assassinate Hashi(47). He "dies" from the wounds Tobirama (42) gave him, leaving him to steal Taki's Earth Grudge Technique to keep living.
Y18: FIRST WAR. Hashi dies at 48 from mysterious chakra related reasons (EDIT SPOILER) and Tobirama is 2Hokage at 43. Uchiha Police formed. Sakumo is born.
Y21: Sarutobi(16) gets his team(6).
Y25: Kagami(20) has a son (Shunsuke). WAR END.
Y27: Minato, Mikoto(Kagami 22), Kushina born.
Y30: Inoichi etc born.
Y35: Kushina (8) moves to Konoha to become the Jinchuuriki and Mito(65) dies.
Y36: Minato(9) becomes Jiraiya(21)'s apprentice.
Y37: Tobirama dies(62) and Sarutobi(32) is 3Hokage. Uzushio falls (Kushina 10) and Kagami(32) dies (Mikoto 10, Shunsuke 12). Konan, Nagato, Yahiko are born EDIT. SECOND WAR
Y41: Kisame is born.
Y42: Kakashi is born (Sakumo 26) (Minato 15). InoShikaCho gain Akimichi Choka as sensei.
Y43: Anko is born and grows up at the orphanage.
Y44: Shisui is born (Shunsuke 19 and Mikoto 17, Kagami would've been 39). ROOT is created (Danzo 39.) Nagato, Konan, Yahiko (7) meet Jiraiya (29).
Y45: Tsunade(30), Orochimaru(30) and Jiraiya(30) become known as the Sannin. Nawaki(12) dies and Tsunade leaves Konoha. Shisui's grandmother dies (40, Mikoto 18 and Shunsuke 20).
Y46: Kakashi(4) enters academy. WAR END.
Y48: Sakumo(32) dies. Kakashi(6) is promoted to Chuunin and is assigned to Minato(21). Jiraiya (33) officially leaves Konan, Nagato, Yahiko (11).
Y49: THIRD WAR. Mikoto(22) gives birth to Itachi.
Y50: Shisui(6)'s parents(Shunsuke and Kana25) die. Shisui graduates to Genin. 
Y52: October 5th Shisui(8) loses his Genin team (Kazumi-sensei, Mariko-chan, Daiki/chi-kun) and activates his Mangekyou two weeks after turning 8(Oct 19). Inoichi(22) becomes his sensei. Inoichi starts dating Sora shortly afterwards. Yahiko (15) dies, Konan and Nagato lead Akatsuki and overthrow Hanzo. Anko(9) becomes Genin under Orochimaru. EDIT.
Y53: Shisui(9) becomes Chuunin. Itachi(4) is traumatised by war. Inoichi(23) becomes Yamanaka Head and Head of T&I when his father( Inojou ('dictate'+'human' meaning) mind-walks an assassin and is killed during a suicide jutsu. Inoichi(23) and Sora(22) get married. Anko(10) and team fail Chuunin exam.
Y54: Kakashi(12) becomes Jounin. Obito(12) "dies". Minato(26) becomes known as the Yellow Flash and becomes 4Hokage. Rin(12) dies. ROOT is officially disbanded (Danzo 49). Orochimaru(39) becomes a missing-nin. Anko 11 is left with a cursed seal that is managed by the ANBU sealing tattoo artist, OC. WAR END.
Y56: Sasuke is born(Mikoto 28, Fugaku 32). Ino is born(Inoichi 26, Sora 25). Kyuubi is released. Naruto is born and Minato(28) and Kushina(28) die. Sarutobi(51) returns as 3Hokage. Kakashi(14) joins ANBU. Itachi(7) graduates to Genin.
Y57: Itachi(8) becomes a Chuunin.
Y58: Shisui(14) becomes Jounin.
Y60: Shisui(16) joins ANBU alongside Itachi(11). Naruto(4) leaves the Orphanage under the watch of Squad Two(Hound, Jackal, Monkey, Ram.) Shisui gets his first kiss from Anko (17) when saving her from near death on an ANBU rescue.
Y62: Fugaku(38) and the Elders propose a Coup. 
Y63: Itachi(13) becomes ANBU Captain. Shisui(18) enters the Bingo Book as A-Rank Flee-On-Sight Shunshin no Shisui. Itachi is ordered to spy on the Hokage. Shisui is ordered to monitor Itachi. Tenzo(16) joins Squad Two (Kakashi 21, Raidou 23, Genma 23, Shisui 18/19).
Y64: Rookie9 starts at the academy(8). Danzo(58) steals Shisui(19/20)'s eye. Shisui commits suicide. Itachi(15/16) activates his Mangekyou and kills the Uchiha Clan(Mikoto 36, Fugaku 40) with Tobi(22), leaving Sasuke(8...9?) the sole survivor. Kakashi(22/23) leaves ANBU. (Genma23/24, Raidou23/24, Tenzo17/18.). Shisui wakes 2 months in the past and confides in Inoichi, Squad Two and Mikoto. Danzo(58) is beheaded by Mikoto(36) after shisui steals back his grandfather’s eye. ROOT are reunited with family. Tenzo meets Sai and Shin. Shisui becomes official Consultant between T&I and ANBU and liaisons between Uchiha and Hokage. Mikoto becomes a Hime Elder in the Hokage’s advisory council. 
I add characters/events to the timeline as and when i need them. This is only part of the timeline, since any further back uses different reckoning and any further forward is straight up spoilers for the other three arcs/stories in HOPE AU 😂 there are also slight differences in events according to other villages, Kiri and Uzushio especially have minor amendments that I edited out for readability's sake
Final Note: if anyone uses my timeline to make their own, please credit me at least in name because this took days and actual math. If I find this reposted anywhere, I will be extremely aggravated
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Dinner, Sweet Love
Word: Dinner. Pairing: Akira/Hayami. Request: @ginkashino
Hayami, in the middle of cutting bell peppers for the meal he was making, stiffened as someone put their arms around his waist. 
“I’m home,”Akira said cheekily, his chin on Hayami’s shoulder. “Blech. Bell peppers? Really?” 
“Welcome back,��� Hayami said, trying to shrug Akira off, who grinned and held on tighter. “And yes, bell peppers. You should eat vegetables every once in a while.” 
From the corner of Hayami’s eye, he could see Akira pout. 
“I’m still alive, aren’t I?” 
“And why do you think that is?” Hayami said, exasperated. “I can’t let you die of malnutrition, can I?” 
“Banana parfaits have fruit, dairy, and carbs,” Akira pointed out. 
“They also have a lot of sugar,” Hayami said, still cutting the bell peppers. 
“No fun,” Akira said, letting go and sitting on the counter, grabbing a stick of celery from the pile next to him that was to be cut up and biting into it with a crunch. 
“Don’t sit on the counter,” Hayami sighed. “And the celery is for the stew, why are you eating it now?” 
In response, Akira grabbed another stick and bit into that one. Hayami considered arguing before realizing that Akira was actually eating vegetables and maybe it was better to let him eat the things than make a fuss. 
“Anybody call with any interesting cases?” Akira asked. 
“No, no calls today,” Hayami said. 
“Darn,” Akira grumbled, pouting. Hayami wanted to kiss it off him, but there was a strict no kissing in the kitchen rule that he had to reinforce if they didn’t want a repeat of the curry incident. 
“Did your case go okay today?” Hayami asked, grabbing the carrots to cut. Akira would just have to deal, and Hayami was planning to put a lot of potatoes in it to make up the difference. 
Akira made a face. “You would not believe where dachshunds are capable of getting! You’d think their long bodies would keep them from getting in trouble!” 
Hayami listened to the story of the case as he kept cutting vegetables. 
“Help me peel these potatoes,” Hayami interrupted once Akira took a much needed pause. 
“What? After my looooooooooong day?” 
Hayami gave him a Look. 
“Fineeeeeeeeeee,” Akira said, accepting the peeler from Hayami. For all his grumbling, Akira was pretty good at peeling, but he tried to get out of it like he tried to get out of most everything. 
“I bought those anko pastries you like for dessert,” Hayami said as motivation. Akira immediately brightened. “But you can’t have them until after dinner.” 
“What am I, six?” Akira asked, crossing his arms and nearly dropping the potato he was peeling. 
Hayami didn’t answer that, which resulted in Akira poking him and asking how old Hayami thought he was. 
“The faster you peel, the faster we can get this stew started and then you can get dessert.” 
Akira focused, making Hayami wonder, not for the first time, if Akira could really survive on his own. 
“Itadakimasu,” the two of them said in unison. There had been a slight scare of having burned the stew, since Akira had pulled Hayami to the couch the second he was done making the stew, and they had both lost track of time, but thankfully the timer had registered to Hayami just in time. 
“Why do you ruin perfectly good salad with bell peppers?” Akira asked. His salad didn’t even have bell peppers, it had celery, but Hayami was starting with his cold food first. 
“They’re good for you,” Hayami said. “Not sure why you’re complaining, I didn’t give you any.” 
Akira shrugged, giving Hayami his winning smile. “Because I have to kiss you later?” 
Hayami nearly choked, making Akira laugh. “You’re so easy to fluster, Hayami-chan!” 
When it came to the stew, Akira ate a few carrots before putting the rest on Hayami’s plate. Hayami briefly thought about asking Akira about that but decided Akira would just do something that would end in disaster. 
Once they finished dinner, Akira, who got bored if Hayami wasn’t there at all times, helped dry dishes, saying that Hayami looked cuter in the apron (untrue) and that he was more likely to break the dishes by accident if he was the one washing them (true). Akira had put on a record on, and was moving a bit to the beat. Hayami wanted to put Akira back on the counter and kiss him senseless, but that was a good way to have the sink overflow, like it had in the bathroom the one time they had done it there. 
Still, with two of them, it wasn’t long before they were done, and Hayami could kiss Akira’s anko-flavored lips to his heart’s content, far away from the dangers of the kitchen. 
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electrasev5nwrites · 1 year
Ninja Daily: Vapors 22
"God fucking damnit shit!" Misumi screamed, ripping off the black cloth that had covered his face and irritably ruffling his short, dark hair. At Yoroi's chuckle, he veered around, fist swinging, ready to dislocate his bones into the soft physique style and strangle his teammate.
The taller man dodged with ease, and taunted "Get a grip, would you princess?"
Misumi's eyes narrowed. "Oh, fuck off," he spat before giving his teammates a condescending look. "Everything's gone to shit and you're making jokes? This is serious. What the hell are we supposed to do with Orochimaru dead, huh?" He shoved Yoroi.
The quiet sound of a throat clearing interrupted him. "Don't be so rude, Misumi-kun," Kabuto chided calmly, expression placid and body relaxed. "We're almost to Sound."
The shortest man present snorted. "There is no goddamn Sound. I betrayed Konoha for nothing. So much for everything Orochimaru promised us." Panic made his features ugly. "I guess I could see if anyone is willing to pay for your stupid hides," he jeered.
Kabuto gave a light sigh and Yoroi's lips quirked into a faint smile, moving away from the two.
Some long-disused alarm in Misumi's head started ringing, and he glared suspiciously at his teammates. He'd never liked them anyways. Getting stuck with a stupid medic and some jackass who stole chakra had been a criminal waste of his frontline taijutsu abilities. Orochimaru had promised him so much more than that when the skinny medic in front of him had recruited Misumi from the dregs of the genin corps. What the hell was he going to do now? They had been forced to flee Konoha after the invasion, knowing that their cover would have been broken soon even if no one had yet reported seeing Konoha genin fighting with Sound and Sand.
"Oh, Misumi-kun," Kabuto shook his head pityingly. "Have you no imagination? I was Orochimaru's second in command. We're going to Sound to take over operations. I already sent the Sound five out on a mission. Now that they answer to me, everyone will."
Misumi scowled, both at the overly familiar address and the idea that his scrawny medic teammate had what it took to lead a village. He opened his mouth to tell off the silver-haired idiot—and found himself surprised at how quickly Kabuto had moved to be directly in front of him, bending slightly to stare into his eyes. Misumi couldn't gauge what the other man was thinking, as the sunlight had caught Kabuto's glasses and was obscuring his eyes. Unnerved, he raised a hand to push Kabuto away.
Kabuto caught the movement with a painfully strong grip around Misumi's wrist that moved the bones in his joint around uncomfortably. "I'm afraid that I didn't mean you," he crooned. "Sound has little use for cowards." Then Misumi knew no more.
Kabuto sighed and used earth techniques to sink the freshly made corpse into the ground. Normally he might have sealed away the body for use later, but he didn't have the materials with him. "What a waste," he sighed. He'd invested hours into Misumi's genetic modifications, and now that was all lost. He huffed a quiet laugh, and continued on with his remaining teammate following silently, wondering if this was what Orochimaru had felt like when the seal he'd placed on the Uchiha had never really taken root. It was frustrating to see all that work wasted. No wonder the man had experienced a fit of temper when he sensed the reinforcements coming in. He would have known immediately that Anko would know to suppress the seal before it had a chance to take hold. Perhaps given later action the situation would have been salvageable, but now that Orochimaru had passed and the seal couldn't feed off his chakra, Sasuke-kun's seal was probably just a tattoo.
It was actually more surprising that Orochimaru hadn't killed Sasuke-kun's other teammate out of spite. The original plan had called for leaving one of them alive to protect the Uchiha while the seal seared into his flesh and chakra, but once it had become obvious that Anko and her ANBU team (and therefore plenty of others) knew he was in the forest that the boy would never be allowed to wait out the test.
His takeover of Sound went as smoothly as he had predicted. Kabuto had proven himself by beating the Sound Five, and ninja trained in Sound learned to reluctantly bend their necks to larger predators. He expected plenty of attempts on his life, of course, but that was par for the course.
Really, the biggest problem was figuring out his next course of action. Kabuto sighed, assigning Yoroi as his bodyguard (he didn't need it, but it was better to keep one of his more reliable tools at hand) and taking stock of the medical bay. Tayuya had been more than a little bit upset about being sent on an errand to re-supply the human material for his experiments, but the indignity was necessary. On his own, Kabuto was solidly high Jounin level for combat. His major strengths lay in his medical abilities and genetic modifications. In order to rule over this snake pit, he would have to increase the pace of his experimentations and augmentations, and science required (and produced) heaps of corpses.
'Perhaps Orochimaru had the right idea about Sasuke-kun,' he mused to himself, flipping on the lights of his dank laboratory. The lack of sanitation would be something to fix now that he was in charge—he put more stock in practicalities and less in theatricalities than Orochimaru had done. 'I have always liked the look of the Sharingan.'
For now, of course, it would be difficult to go on his own. Luckily, he didn't have to. Kabuto quickly made arrangements to meet with one of his most profitable contacts. The man still thought he was a sleeper agent for Akatsuki, of course, and would see no reason not to lend assistance. Sasori of the Red Sand would be an invaluable ally. Sound knew it was weak, and they needed leverage to keep the wolves at bay—the Leaf and Sand would doubtlessly be coming for their heads when they had licked their wounds.
"Stealth training my ass," Naruto grumbled irritably to himself, crouched on a ceiling. He carefully picked his way across the room, following the vague description his mentor had given him before flouncing off to harass some poor girl.
It was a bit of an indignity—Jiraiya wasn't even here to grade him on his performance. However, he had been told that if he couldn't manage to get to the meeting room unseen before Jiraiya and his contact did, then he wasn't fit to be an apprentice.
He froze, muscles locking and breath stilling to a pattern so slow that he could hardly hear it himself. It took a few seconds for him to actually hear what he had somehow sensed. Someone was coming along the corridor. Naruto flattened against the ceiling like a tree frog, letting the vague camouflage genjutsu the pervert had taught him ripple over his body. It had seemed like a strange choice—no one had ever thought he had the intelligence and control to cast genjutsu before.
It hadn't been an easy trick to pick up, and Naruto had been stupidly relieved to have finally mastered it. Control (for a jinchuuriki at least) seemed to be a long, boring process involving a lot of meditation and mastery of techniques involving gradually less chakra. He wasn't entirely certain when he would ever use the jutsu that crushed a small rock in his hand into chakra-infused earth or the one that allowed him to manifest a thin blade of wind-natured chakra that could only cut through something like paper, but by kami he had mastered them.
The figure finally passed by with light steps that hinted they were either a genin level ninja or a civilian with special skills like a dancer. It really was just a figure, because in that long cloak and with his poor night vision Naruto had no idea whether he'd been looking at a man or a woman. Naruto carefully sniffed the air to be sure the person had actually left and not just lurked around the corner.
The old man had been surprised by how excellent Naruto's hearing and sense of smell were (and then made a ton of dumb jokes about how loud he was and how bad ramen smelled) but had given him a basic introduction into using senses other than sight for tracking. He'd never be on Kakashi's level or even Aiko's (she'd picked up a lot of tricks in an apprenticeship to a tracker) but he could pretty well tell that the person really had continued on.
He picked his way through the house, stopping in the kitchen to grab a peach scented candy on impulse (crumpling the yellow wrapper in his pocket politely instead of leaving it around) before he finally found the room he'd been told to locate.
'He didn't give me a lot to work with.' Naruto tried not to pout, thinking of this as a mission instead of a test. He liked missions much better. The room was large and open, with a table set up for tea ceremony and flowers in vases all around. There was a screen, but he immediately discarded that as far too obvious as a hiding place.
No doubt the old pervert would know he was there— especially since he'd told Naruto to listen in—but he had been told to do his best to hide.
A wicked thought occurred, and Naruto gave a wide grin that Iruka would have known meant trouble. He dropped to the floor silently and carefully pulled out one of the flower arrangements without disturbing the alignment. He didn't know what this one said, but he knew that the colors, varieties, and placements of flowers spelled a message. Ruining it would be clumsy and a dead giveaway. He hustled with the vase to a side room he had recently passed and dumped all the water out in the sink, heaving a relieved sigh when no odds and ends from flowers colored the drain. He didn't want to risk the noise of turning on the water.
The trip back to the room took less than a minute, and he carefully placed the vase back in place, the flowers almost entirely back in so that gravity would fix it if he let go, and then flipped onto the wall beside the arrangement and used his free hand to help him concentrate his chakra for the second water technique his sister had ever taught him with his head directly over the lip of the vase. "Hiding in the water," he barely breathed aloud, slipping into liquid and letting his body condense into the purple tinted vase.
It was an unpleasant feeling, especially when the flowers slid down into the water that his body had become, but he metaphorically grinned and bore it for what felt like hours before the pervert shuffled into the room behind an older woman in traditional clothing and a grumpy expression.
The meeting that followed was boring and Naruto barely managed to pay enough attention to prove he had been close enough to hear what went on. Jiraiya gave the room strange looks when his partner looked away, checking the ceiling, that screen, and even under the table. His field of vision barely managed to include the table, so Naruto couldn't be sure he caught everything that went on. He definitely noticed when his teacher starting looking over the flowers with a strange amount of attention.
He was reminded of the many flaws of this jutsu when the adults left the room and it was time to get out. Hiding in the water created a sort of wiggly space where his body was compressed within whatever shape the water took. That meant that he couldn't really control the water. It would have been easiest to simply end the jutsu and explode out of the bottle, letting whatever mess happened be and fleeing. But…
It would be a little rude to make a mess like that, and also give a pretty big hint that someone had been in that room. He was supposed to be proving that he was sneaky, after all.
Naruto coiled up as best as he could, trying to shoot upwards out of the vase and materialize as he passed the lip of the glassware. It sort of worked—the vase didn't break or go anywhere, but the flowers shot out with him, flopping awkwardly onto the ground and table.
Suppressing the urge to heave a sigh, Naruto gathered up the flora and put in back in the order it had been as best as he could. He had never really learned ikebana properly, but all ninja underwent memory training that would help them reconstruct a scene exactly. A few petals had been mangled, so Naruto pocketed them and climbed the wall back up to the ceiling. He hurried his way through the building—not the way that he had entered, as he had spotted a large open window on his way in and he was in a hurry to get back to where he was meeting Jiraiya.
The toad sage himself was a little baffled, chewing idly on a bit of grass and relaxing in the sun. The woman he'd met had been a real bummer, but she wasn't his contact. His contact had been the one to take the appointment for the meeting and prepare the room with messages encoded in ikebana and the type of tea served.
It had taken him an embarrassingly long time to spot the chakra-dense water that was his wayward genin. In his defense, the boy had seemed a bit thick and Jiraiya had been almost certain he would use the genjutsu he had been taught to hide in the room. The use of what appeared to be hiding in the water was even more baffling because Jiraiya knew damn well that the kid's primary affinity was wind. Maybe water was his secondary? Still, it was strange that he would know that jutsu at all.
When the windswept blonde dropped into a seated position at his feet and gave a long stretch, Jiraiya eyed the kid up. Something twitched in his left eye when he realized the brat had a bit of flora in his hair, but he didn't mention it.
"Where did you learn hiding in the water, and why didn't you tell me?"
Naruto gave him a strange look. "Aiko taught me."
Jiraiya rolled his eyes. "What for, gaki? There was no reason for you to learn water transformations."
The boy snorted. "Shows what you know. I could never use the tiny amount of chakra to make an Academy standard bunshin," he explained idly. "So Aiko taught me the water transformation one. It was a major pain," he groused with a pout. His expression brightened a moment later when he added that "learning a second water transformation was much easier."
The toad sannin didn't know if he wanted to laugh or cry. This kid had the strangest learning habits he'd ever encountered. Teaching Minato had been like teaching a much more intelligent version of himself—he started with basics and progressed with frightening speed up to expert level material. But Naruto was learning things that Jiraiya considered level zero like geography, tactics for low-pressure situations, and chakra control at the same time that he had apparently mastered the Chuunin level skill of completing an elemental transformation that wasn't the user's first type. Either Aiko was a hell of a teacher (and knew her student well) or Naruto was not the idiot he seemed. He didn't want to dismiss his goddaughter's influence out of hand, but he was now pretty damn sure that Naruto was actually a really clever kid.
The headache he felt at that moment was remarkably similar to the one he'd felt when the brat had picked up Rasengan in less than two weeks. Sure, it took less time to learn a jutsu than it did to invent it, but two weeks was ridiculous. It'd taken him longer than that, and he was much more experienced.
The thought occurred that perhaps the underwhelming reports he'd gotten about his godson's performance said more about the teaching methods than the student.
'Maybe I shouldn't try to hammer all the baby stuff into his head,' Jiraiya mused, staring thoughtfully off into space while his student gave him a weird look for his long silence. 'He doesn't have genin level understanding of approved procedures, but I'm not sure he needs to. The kid comes up with unconventional solutions.' Maybe it was just the way that the kid thought. He came at problems sideways instead of head on like a samurai or by sneaking around to the back like a ninja. If he couldn't predict how Naruto would deal with a problem, an enemy almost certainly wouldn't.
Using a water transformation to hide inside had actually been a rather clever trick. It was nontraditional to be sure, and he couldn't count that there would always be water around like that to use. Naruto had the benefit of crazy amounts of chakra—he would be able to maintain jutsu like that far longer than his peers. At his age, Jiraiya probably would not have been able to maintain the jutsu throughout that meeting, to say nothing of however long beforehand he had waited. It wasn't a trick that just anyone could use. That in mind…
"Kid, I'm going to teach you a non-elemental clone technique."
Naruto squawked indignantly. "What the hell for, old man!" He pointed accusingly. "You just don't want to teach me anything good!"
Jiraiya felt the irritation come creeping back. "Brat, I'm the teacher here!" he roared into Naruto's face. "This is way better than a water clone! Shadow clones are solid and can retain information. They're perfect for spying like what you just did, and you don't have to be the one crouched inside a vase."
Naruto blinked up at him. "So I could have shadow clones use hiding in water?"
"No," Jiraiya said shortly. 'Stupid. I mean, he could, but that would be pointless expenditure of chakra and an extra step.' Before Naruto could protest, he continued firmly, "Shadow clones can use henge. Since they're not material like you and I are, their henge can be an object of significantly smaller mass. Like a vase," he said pointedly. "So. For all I care, you could transform into a rubber duck and hide out in the hotsprings. Won't be able to see anything unless what you transform into has eyes, though."
That was an important caveat, and the main reason that he didn't get a lot more use out of the shadow clone technique. That and the fact that it had a hideous chakra cost, but what did that matter to an Uzumaki jinchuuriki? He could prance around all damn day blasting grand fireballs out his ass and it wouldn't matter.
He resolved not to make that statement aloud. Naruto might take it as a challenge to invent that version of the grand fireball. The kid hadn't been taught the regular version, of course, but he was determined enough that little things like facts might not stop him.
The boy rolled his eyes, but grumbled agreement. "But you gotta teach me something cool after this," he added hastily.
Jiraiya gave serious thought to using shadow clones to beat the hell out of the kid in taijutsu for a moment. The smile that crept over his features caused his student to inch backwards and eye him warily, but he didn't notice. It would be easier and less dangerous to teach him how to deal with multiple opponents that way than by finding real fights, he justified to himself. If he allowed each clone to only use certain things—one would use academy standard taijutsu, one would use what Kakashi had beat into his head, and one would pretend to be water type, etc, etc… then he could do a pretty good job of simulating the experience of dealing with multiple fighting styles at the same time that he actually taught the kid different fighting styles.
Plus it would shut him the hell up for a long time while he struggled not to get the crap kicked out of him.
"Alright, gaki. Pay attention." He slowly ran through a sequence of handsigns for Naruto's benefit. "This is how you initially learn it, maintaining constant chakra output from just one gate as you move through this sequence. You'll have to figure out the rate that's best for you- obviously, more chakra equals more clones but I want you to master one at a time to be sure you know what you're doing. When you have it ready, you hit it with about twice the amount of chakra you'll think you need all at once. Once you've got it down, we're going to cut off a handsign one at a time until you can do this with only the cross. Luckily for you, this technique requires flooding your limit gate with chakra and not any real control. So I don't want you embarrassing me by wasting time with ten handsigns."
Uzumaki Karin had never thought of herself as a front line fighting type. She had known since she entered the academy that she had brains and sensing abilities that surpassed those of Jounin. Sure, she also had the enormous chakra reserves that characterized a front-line fighter, but she had possessed the foresight to downplay that as an ace in the hole. Since she had hidden her ability as a jutsu type (and done so too well, as no one had taught her a single jutsu back in Grass) and rather honestly been merely competent with weapons and taijutsu, she had been accustomed to her peers dismissing her as dead weight on a mission.
It was true, after all. Her speed was poor and she had no more combat ability than any other fresh genin.
She had assumed that she would be able to design some sort of specialty. Karin had the intelligence and patience to do well as a poisons analyst or work in code-breaking.
"And if it weren't for these Konoha dorks, I would have gotten away with it too," she groused to the empty clearing from her position slumped on the ground. Painstakingly (and that was meant in a literal sense) she drew her legs up and began yet another round of sit-ups.
It was both stupidly unfair and highly flattering that the Hokage herself had commented that Karin had been wasting her potential. Even if she had gone the medic route in Grass, she was relatively certain that her training wouldn't be this difficult. In a way that made sense— Konoha was renowned for their medical program. In another way it didn't—why the hell did a medic have to physically work hard enough to keep up with peers who were concentrating solely on combat ability? She was stretched thin between the endless reading and paper tests, the refinement of her Mystical Palm technique, her hours at the hospital, and physical conditioning.
So of course that crazy woman had given her yet another responsibility. Starting next week, she would be dealing with about half a class of third year students at the academy in an attempt to teach them to produce medical chakra. Tsunade apparently had the bright idea to get a medic onto every squad, starting terrifyingly young. The students who didn't make the genin cut would be shipped straight off to the hospital and free up highly trained personnel instead of going into the genin corps. Karin thought that Tsunade was nuts but hadn't been quite brave enough to say that. As she pouted, Sasuke and Aiko came running back to the clearing neck and neck. She gave them a dirty look, resenting that they were so far ahead of her in the workout. It was difficult to be so fabulous.
Being fabulous became even harder once her classes started up. Karin hadn't had anything to do with the selection of her students. Medical ninjutsu had simply been added onto the curriculum in the same way that students could pursue an extra projectile weapon—it was extra work so not everyone wanted to do it, but the class was populated both by the students working to maintain top rankings and those who had been counseled that they might do well in it.
At least the standards for the class weren't too high. Karin blew her shaggy bangs off her face with pursed lips and stalked up and down the rows, watching fourteen boys and girls straining to manage the initial manifestation. They had to be taught how to gather normal chakra to their hands first before they could learn to switch it to medical chakra by separating their own elemental affinity out of the mix. Medical chakra was a bit like type O blood—it was compatible with everyone because it didn't have any special properties.
Obviously, it was far from intuitive and required either a prodigious talent in chakra control or the intense familiarity with their chakra system that came from years of experience. Failing that, this type of class could try to force students to cram chakra control down their throats through sheer repetition.
She thoroughly expected this to be a miserable waste of her time, but hey. Orders were orders.
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b4nka1 · 2 years
if i lose it all, slip and fall
soulmates au, fem!reader, angst, fluff, sad ending
reader is jiraiya's adopted daughter (not mentioned)
!major character death!
(this is such a powerful gif good lord-)
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you both had known ever since you were babies, there was only about a month's difference in your ages. he had a thing for chewing on stuff so he always used to chew on your cheeks when his teeth were still growing
sakumo was basically your second dad, because whenever your parents were on missions, he used to take care of you and kakashi both
you both grew up together as well. he made sure you ate, did your academy homework, amd sometimes agreed to be your partner for training. you made sure to keep him smiling and not grumpy, well fed and cleaned ever since sakumo's passing.
you both had to witness the unfortunate deaths of your comrades and the 4th hokage, namikaze minato.
but you both stayed by each other, always supporting one another. you both became an inseparable duo, always going on missions together and eevrything
thats what it was until you turned 18. the string of fate, what connected your pinkies together.
everyone had soulmates in this world, be it of the same gender or the opposite gender. you may hate to admit it, but you had developed a small crush on him, and prayed every night before sleeping that his string of fate was connected to yours.
but alas, nothing ever goes as planned in this world. on your 18th birthday, you were really excited to find out who it was. your pinky suddenly began stinging at 12am, and that's when the string of fate had appeared.
giggling excitedly, you went to sleep, waiting patiently till the next day to find out who your soulmate was.
the next morning, you went to the hokage's office where you were called for. you had a mission, assigned with kakashi and gai, which you had to leave for by evening. you took the scroll from him, accepting it and went back to your house, placing the scroll on a table.
a knock was heard on your door an hour later. you opened the door, too stunned at the side.
all your friends were standing there, a cake on gai's hands, kakashi, asuma, kurenai, anko, genma and iruka standing there, all of them wishing you a happy birthday at once.
touched, you held back tears as you thanked them, letting them in. as soon as kakashi entered, your pinky began stinging again. there it was. your string of fate was connected to his. you gave him a wide smile and hugged him, as he returned the same.
things went uphill afterwards. you both began dating after a while. he dropped the proposal question after 7 years, and you agreed. you got married, and it was quite a hot topic in konoha.
he took the leadership of team 7 a year later, while you were still a jonin who took up missions.
you both never really thought of kids. it's not like you did not want them or anything, you just never thought of it.
years passed, and 'uchiha madara' declared the 4th great shinobi war. kakashi was assigned to lead the 4th team, simply due to his amazing leadership skills.
you were on the team assigned to darui, which meant that you and kakashi couldn't meet anytime, heck, you didn't even knoe if you'd see kakashi after the war.
so before parting ways, you both met, could be last time, or could be not. he hugged you and stayed like that, for how long he doesn't know. he gave you a chaste kiss on the forehead, before you parted ways.
you were fighting all the white zetsus anfew hours later, knocking them down. the first day of war was filled with killing zetsus and barely making it alive, but luckily you both survived.
when the sun began setting, you summoned one of the toads, tying a letter to their back which was meant for kakashi. there wasn't much in the letter, just reassuring him that you were okay.
a few hours later, the toad came back, with another letter tied to its back. it was a letter from kakashi, assuring you that he was alive as well. you breathed a sigh of relief, relieved that you could have a good sleep for the night.
the next day got even worse. the actual uchiha madara got revived, which meant that the other one was just an impostor.
the gedo statue was also summoned on the battlefield where naruto was fighting the impostor madara, and you ran faster than anytime you ever had, scared for the young boy.
kakashi and gai also made it in time, before naruto's kyuubi chakra was annihilated by the gedo statue.
you fought against the impostor, and naruto successfully broke his mask to pieces, kakashi immediately recognized him.
uchiha obito. his best friend. the one who saved him from the rock. the one who gave kakashi his sharingan to see the world from his eyes.
kakashi couldn't believe it. he had a sharingan and a rinnegan, and scars from the events of that day.
obito couldn't believe it. that a good person like you, was fated to a scumbag like kakashi, who couldn't even protect his comrades.
after obito and kakashi had their fight in the kamui, pbito targeted you. it was unfair how you were alive and rin wasn't. being skilled in ninjutsu, taijutsu and kenjutsu, you fought obito but your chakra depleted a little too quickly.
you post your balance from a hasty move, slipped and fell, which gave obito the perfect opportunity to attack you, and he did.
he cut the string of fate he saw with his sharingan. you and kakashi felt a sudden, harsh tug at your hearts. now this is what obito called fair.
as you got on your knees, heaving for air, kakashi painfully made his way to you, holding you close. your head rested on his chest, feeling his heartbeat slow down as well.
naruto and infuriated. he kicked obito hard enough for him to go flying away. he ran towards you and kakashi. he saw what happened. his sage mode allowed him to see what obito did, and it was unforgivable.
the fate of string that had been cut now began to disappear, which also meant that by the time it disappeared completely, you and kakashi would die.
naruto hated this. hated that he couldn't do anything and just watch his sensei and his wife die in front of his own eyes.
you took your last breathe, in kakashi's arms peacefully, and he took his last breathe, you in his arms, head leaned against yours.
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hiddenendings · 2 years
Blankshipping - Cooking Is Like Love (something to be entered into with abandon or not at all)
A/N: Perhaps one day I will write something for Blankshipping that isn't smut. Until that impossible day, however, enjoy this piece I wrote as part of a protection squad and because the Discord server gives the best ideas! I also feel I should mention I have never written for feeding or stuffing kink before, so, uh, hopefully it reads okay.
Notes: Nobori/Kudari are their birth names that they prefer to use when together or in private as they were born in Sinnoh, but Emmet and Ingo are their ‘American’ names.
Summary: After returning home from his time in Hisui, Nobori is intent on making up for all the meals Kudari missed while searching for him. Making him some treats and spoiling him ends up getting a little messier than he thought it would.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40157772
Tags: post-PLA, Post Hisui, Established Relationship, Incest, Blankshipping, Stuffing, Overstuffed, Feeding, Feeding Kink, Hand Feeding, Explicit Sexual Content, Hand Jobs, no beta we die like men, everyone thank discord
Word Count: 3959
“Sweetie, I know you want to spoil Kudari a little, but I think this might be taking it too far.” Looking up from his work at the kitchen counter, Nobori looked to where Elesa was leaning over their small kitchen table of which was already meticulously stacked with the array of dishes Nobori had already put together. “Are these all Sinnohian foods?” 
“They are,” Nobori nodded, returning his attention to the daifuku he was making and carefully filling the mochi dough he was working with up with spoonfuls of anko, brushing some flour off of his apron and onto the counter. “As you know, Kudari and I were born in Sinnoh before moving here to live with our Uncle Drayden-”
“I still don’t get why you don’t just go by your real names!” Ah. The age old debate. “Like, I know your parents gave you the middle names of Emmet and Ingo because your dad was Unovan and all that, but Kudari and Nobori sound so much more you! ”
Giving Elesa a few seconds to rant and get the indignation out of her systems before she pulled herself back on track, Nobori plated the dozen red bean mochi he had finished and carried them to the table. Elesa had fallen silent, still fiercely pouting, before she huffed out a breath. “Alright. Sinnoh?”
Nobori nodded, not doing much to hide his small smile. “While I was in Hisui, I learned how to make many new dishes that became very traditional Sinnohian foods that we haven’t much eaten since we were children beyond a few special occasions, I believe.”
“Mm.” Elesa looked back down to the table and then at him. “To put in your words, we’re getting off track. It’s good that you want to spoil your brother and all, but this seems a little… excessive.” 
Normally Nobori might argue against that, but even he could admit that he had perhaps over indulged when it came to making all the foods he wanted to share with his twin. He had only been back in Unova for a month and was still waiting on his re-certifications in order to return to work at Gear Station and the Battle Subway. With Kudari still working, that left Nobori with ample time throughout the day to remember old memories, re-familiarize himself with their pokemon and their home, and cook. 
Having lived by himself in Hisui he had quickly taken to cooking their meals now that he was back home, and it had become more than a bit of a guilty indulgence to see Kudari’s pleased expression and gentle hums whenever he ate something Nobori made for him — especially when Nobori had returned to see Kudari vastly underweight for what he should be. 
“I am hoping making an abundance of foods he might enjoy will encourage him to eat more often,” Nobori finally sighed, closing his eyes for a moment before looking over at Elesa’s soft, understanding smile. “Neither of us are the type to have much muscle or fat as it is, and so…” 
“I know, sweetie.” Elesa pulled him into a gentle, one-armed hug, patting his back. “He’s always been the more absent-minded one between you two, but after you were gone… He only ate when it was necessary, it felt like.” 
Pushing away the guilt over his disappearance once more, Nobori took a breath and went back to the kitchen counter to plate the next batch of sweets he had made. “Which is why now that I have returned he is in desperate need of a new destination.” 
“And that involves stuffing him with sweets to the point we’ll be rolling him out of the kitchen?” Elesa asked, already laughing even as Nobori glared at her. “Kidding, kidding! Why sweets, though? I thought he wasn’t big on sweet things? That was always more your train.” 
“While it’s true I prefer more sweet things out of the two of us, Sinnohian sweets tend to have much more savory and bitter flavors to them,” Nobori explained, looking over the kitchen table one last time after his latest addition to it. “These are much more likely to appeal to Kudari’s tastes, and as they’re ‘sweets’ he’s more likely to indulge than he would with a meal.”
“Ooh… he won’t notice how much he’s eating until he’s full and stuffed.” Exactly. “When did you get so sneaky!” Elesa laughed loudly as she ruffled his hair, Nobori huffing and swatting her off. “Alright, sweetie, I’ll head out so you can spoil your twin rotten tonight, but you better save some of these sweets for me next time you make them!”
Nobori smirked, giving in just a touch to his theatrics as he pulled the bag he had prepared earlier out of his apron pocket. “But of course,” he said simply, holding out the handful of pink and yellow dango, brushed with powdered sugar, that he had wrapped in cellophane with a stretch of ribbon decorated with Joltik. Elesa’s loud squeals and too-tight hug were worth how happy she looked. 
Elesa, as usual, left in a whirlwind of hugs and pet names, Nobori waving her off before returning to the kitchen and beginning to gather the dirty dishes into the sink. He should have enough time to clean the kitchen before Kudari returned from work- 
“Wow! It is verrry messy in here, nii-san!” Ah. Or perhaps Kudari would return home early the one time Nobori hadn’t planned for that outcome. He didn’t even get to turn around or try to clean himself off before arms were locked around his waist, a cold nose nuzzling at the back of his neck.
“Ku- Kudari! You’ll get yourself dirty!” Nobori scolded, halfheartedly trying to wiggle out of the hold Kudari had on him and not even trying to fight as Kudari cuddled even closer.
“But Nobori-nii-san I missed you!” Goodness. He didn’t even need to turn around to see those Lillipup eyes that would be staring at him. “Ah, but why are you so messy?” He felt Kudari nuzzle closer, peeking over his shoulder to look at the counter before twisting and turning around to look at the table, all without letting go of him. “Nii-san, that is a lot of food.”
“It is,” Nobori agreed, turning to look himself before kissing Kudari’s cheek, using the moment to escape his twin’s arms and start taking off his apron. Kudari had already hung up his coat and hat, it looked like, down to his work slacks and white button-up. “These are some foods I learned to make while I was in Hisui, I was… feeling slightly nostalgic today.” Ah, a small lie, but one that would lead to a better ideal. Forgive him, Kudari, but it was for the greater good. “I was hoping that perhaps you could help me work through them?”
“I am Kudari. I am not a fan of sweets.” Kudari wavered, crossing his arms and looking between Nobori and the table. “But I will eat them if Nobori-nii-san made them.” 
The pout was too cute to resist. Nobori swiped some whipped cream from a leftover mixing bowl with his finger, tapping it against Kudari’s nose to watch him huff and grumble. “Your sacrifice is deeply appreciated,” Nobori teased, leaving Kudari to scrub the cream away as Nobori moved to pick up a pair of chopsticks and grab a small, bite-sized portion of potato mochi before holding it up to Kudari’s lips. “Here, try this one.” 
Kudari gave in easily enough, opening his mouth and letting Nobori gently place it on his tongue. Nobori waited with more than a little anxiety before Kudari lit up as he swallowed the bite. “Oh! This is good!” Ah, he wondered if Beni would be pleased to know his recipe was being enjoyed even now so far into the future. “May I… May I have some more?”
“Of course!” Nobori was quick to guide his twin to the table and into one of the chairs, taking a seat beside him even as he swiped up another piece of mochi and coaxed it into his twin’s mouth. “This was a flavor of mochi I often had while visiting the Galaxy Team. It was meant more as a meal than a sweet, so I had hoped you would enjoy it.”
Kudari gave one of those soft, content hums of his, his eyes closing as he chewed on the mochi slowly as if truly considering the flavor. Nobori found himself falling still, watching his brother intently before his throat bobbed as he swallowed, eyes fluttering open to lock with his. “It is good. I have not had Sinnohian food since you made it for us to celebrate becoming Subway Bosses.” Ah… Nobori remembered that. 
“We argued over the best dessert because of our differing tastes,” Nobori recalled, looking over the kitchen table quickly before finding what was on his mind. Pulling the plate over, and a spoon that he had set on the table earlier, Nobori looked back to Kudari with a soft smile. “We ended up settling on this one.”
Kudari blinked, looking between the plate of purin and Nobori before he launched himself forward to wrap around him, Nobori laughing even as he scrambled to make sure they both stayed seated. “You remembered!”
“I remember,” Nobori said gently, breaking into the caramel glazed custard with the spoon, shifting Kudari around so he could hold the spoon up to his lips. “Sweet enough for my tastes and bitter enough for yours. The perfect combination.” 
“Just like us,” Kudari sighed, the sound so delicately soft as he let Nobori slide the spoon into his mouth, lips closing around it to delicately take the treat as Nobori pulled the spoon back out. Nobori couldn’t help his shiver at Kudari’s soft moan, watching as his twin’s eyes closed as he basked in the taste of the treat. 
Nobori distracted himself by taking his own bite, the shock of the almost bitter caramel glaze hitting his tongue before melting away to reveal the smooth, rich custard. Letting himself linger in the moment, Nobori only startled when he felt Kudari hook a finger onto his shirt collar, giving it a tug to get his attention.
“Nii-san.” Kudari looked up at him consideringly, tongue peeking out to lick at the corner of his lips. “Can I have some more?”
“As much as you want,” Nobori promised, knowing Kudari knew everything those words meant when his gaze went soft and near hazy, his twin climbing into his lap before Nobori could stop him. “Kudari-”
“This way it’s easier for you to feed me what you think I’ll like best!” Kudari interrupted cheerfully, his precious little brat. He then opened his mouth, patiently waiting and making Nobori forget anything outside of his absolute focus in spooning another bite of the treat into Kudari’s mouth, watching it begin to melt on his tongue before disappearing behind closed lips. 
From there Nobori didn't hesitate, taking bites himself occasionally but much more focused on hand feeding his twin from the array of food he had cooked and baked and made for him. It was impossible to look away as Kudari accepted each bite, delicately tearing into the dango to roll it around in his mouth to savor the taste, happily licking off thick, heavy whipping cream from the coffee jelly that had been an absolute pain to make and was now one of Nobori’s favorite desserts, to even sucking on the candied sweet potatoes that were, perhaps, a touch too sweet for Kudari’s usual tastes. 
“Ahhh…” Kudari’s sigh became more of a quiet moan, shifting to press more into Nobori and squirming in his lap. Nobori was quick to wrap an arm around him, steadying him against him as his twin tucked his face against Nobori’s neck. “Nii-san, I’m full. ”
Setting down the chopsticks he had been using and pushing away a few plates and bowls to clear off some space, Nobori shifted Kudari in his lap gently, encouraging his twin to straddle his lap, back braced against the table and full belly resting between them. “Are you sure you’re full?” Nobori asked, gently loosening his twin’s tie before unbuttoning the last few buttons on Kudari’s work shirt, appreciatively eyeing the bulging belly locked behind a belt and crisp, unforgiving slacks. 
“ Yes, ” Kudari whined, shivering as Nobori’s fingers gently brushed against his stomach before he was unbuckling his twin’s belt and opening the button that held his pants up, watching his stomach spill out of the loosened fabric and listening to Kudari’s startled gasp that flowed into a moan of release. “Ahh, that feels better…” 
“Mhm, it seems like you have room for a bit more,” Nobori commented, reaching over to break and grab a piece of a black sesame cookie, holding it up to Kudari’s lips. “Will you try some more of your big brother’s cooking, Kudari?”
Kudari’s lips pressed together, wobbling before he opened his mouth, Nobori gently placing the treat on his tongue. Kudari groaned around the mouthful, Nobori smirking at being correct in assuming his twin would enjoy the rich, nutty taste. As Kudari munched on the treat, Nobori moved to rub at his twin’s full belly, enjoying the sight immensely after so many weeks of seeing his poor twin small and underfed. 
“You know, nii-san-” Kudari paused to put a hand over his mouth, Nobori unable to stop his soft laugh at Kudari’s little burps. “ Nii-san. I’m beginning to think that all of this isn’t just you feeling nostalgic.” 
“Oh?” Nobori asked, aiming for innocence as he busied himself with tearing into a piece of dango. “And what else would it be, Kudari?”
Kudari pouted at him, Nobori ducking in to press a soft kiss against the roundest part of his brother’s stomach. “ Nii-san. I’m all fat and bloated now!” 
“I disagree,” Nobori frowned, nipping at the stretched, swollen skin and shivering at Kudari’s whining gasp and the way a hand shot to his shoulder, fingers curling onto his shirt tightly. “You look perfect, Kudari. My perfect, sweet baby brother.” Licking gently over the impressions of his teeth that were left behind on the skin, Nobori shot his gaze to Kudari’s face upon hearing the soft, shaking moan that slipped out of him. 
This time licking his lips, Nobori grabbed a piece of mochi with his fingers, gently holding it to Kudari’s lips. “Kudari,” Nobori crooned, watching intently at the red flush that spread across his twin’s cheeks. “You’ll let your big brother take care of you, won’t you? I want to see my baby brother be nice and full.” Kudari’s lips shook and quivered as they pressed together, Nobori pressing the treat against them a touch more insistently. “You’ll be a good boy for me, won’t you?”
Kudari’s lips opened up with a whimper, Nobori sliding the treat inside and huffing a breath at the smooth, wet tongue he felt brush against the tips of his fingers. “Such a good boy,” Nobori chuckled, hand dropping to rub at Kudari’s swelled, gurgling belly as he swallowed down another treat. 
“Ni- Nii-san, ” Kudari whined, both hands now clutching Nobori’s shoulders as he shook. “I- I’m- I’m full. ” Nobori hummed, pressing kisses to Kudari’s stomach, nipping at the skin when Kudari started squirming too much. “ Nii-san-! ”
“You didn’t follow your safety checks,” Nobori said firmly, feeling Kudari still in his lap. Hands dropping to wrap around his twin’s thighs, Nobori looked up at him, softening his voice. “Col-”
“Green.” The word was out before Nobori could even finish asking with an excited fervor that Nobori was too pleased to return in kind. Tightening his grip Nobori stood in one smooth motion, the kitchen table just cleaned off enough for him to shove Kudari down on it, back hitting the wood with a heavy thud that had Kudari giving a whimper as his stomach rolled with the motion. Lying down on his back like he was, the extra weight was even more obvious, Nobori raking his gaze over his brother intently before continuing. 
“While I was gone you ignored your safety checks. My spoiled baby brother simply can’t do anything without his nii-san, can he?” Nobori stood between Kudari’s spread legs, grip still tight on the younger’s thighs as he squirmed and gasped against him, hardening cock and bulge in his boxers almost hidden and tucked away under the new folds of fat. “Now that nii-san is back, you’re going to follow all of his rules, aren’t you?”
Kudari shivered under him, panting and squirming even as he quickly nodded, starting to babble, “Yes- Yes, nii-san, I will, I promise, I’ll follow your rules, nii-san, Nobori-! ”
“I know you will,” Nobori chuckled, unable to help himself as he scooped up a spoonful of purin left over from earlier, sliding it into his own mouth. Just as it was near fully dissolved, he ducked in to press his lips to his twin’s, prying them open and sliding the messy, dissolved sweet inside. He delighted in the whimper and groan as Kudari jerked against him, startled before eagerly lapping his way into Nobori’s mouth, trying to get more of it. 
“First,” Nobori panted, pulling back and distracting Kudari by stuffing his mouth with another small ball of mochi. “We need to maintenance that neglected car of yours. And that starts-” Nobori patted at Kudari’s belly, grinning at the echoing sound and the squirm Kudari gave. “-by having you regain those lost calories.” 
“ Nii-san, I can’t, please, I’m so full, ” Kudari groaned, whimpering when Nobori pressed down on his stomach. “ Nii-san! ” 
“Mm, I think you still have room,” Nobori mused, gently rubbing his palms over the stretched skin before bending down to press a line of fluttering kisses against the round curve. “Ah, Kudari, you look so cute like this, all round and well-fed from your nii-san’s cooking.” Nobori watched as Kudari squirmed and flushed at the words, Nobori chuckling as he grabbed another spoonful of purin, hand hovering by his brother’s mouth.
“Mnn. Full, ” Kudari insisted, looking at the spoonful expectedly anyways. When Nobori made no move to give it to him, he gave him a hazy, confused look.
“What do good boys do when they want something, Kudari?” Nobori asked, watching realization spark in Kudari’s eyes before that blush on his face grew even brighter. 
“P-” Kudari swallowed, whimpering as he closed his eyes. “Please, nii-san, can I have some more food?” He opened his mouth after he finished, Nobori wasting no time in sliding the custard onto his tongue, listening to Kudari’s pleased groan. 
“Good boy,” Nobori chuckled, feeling his own pants start to grow tight around him as he watched his brother shift and squirm under him, begging for more sweets and bites of food even as he tried to insist he was too full to have another bite. By the time the kitchen table was near empty Kudari was groaning and panting in equal measure, Nobori nosing at the column of his neck, round and fully belly pressed against him. 
“What a good job, Kudari, you ate everything your big brother told you too,” Nobori hummed, nipping at the skin and smirking at the low, tired whine it earned him. “Good boys deserve a reward, don’t you think?” 
As he asked, Nobori slid his hand into Kudari’s boxers, which were absolutely damp with sweat and precum, his cock in a similar state. The tired whine turned into something equal parts relieved and overwhelmed, Nobori hushing his brother as he gave his cock long, smooth strokes. 
“It’s okay, Kudari, it’s alright,” Nobori cooed sweetly, bending down to lick away an overstimulated tear as he tightened his grip, gathering up all that wet pre-cum to slick up Kudari’s cock even further. “Nii-san will take care of you.” 
“F- Fuck-! Nii-san, please! ” As if some final wall had been broken, Kudari began wailing for him, hands grasping and clinging at him as legs hooked over his hips to bring him in closer. “ Please, nii-san, want you- Need you, can’t- Can’t-” Kudari groaned, throwing his head back and giving Nobori the perfect amount of room to bite sharply at his neck. “ Please!” 
“It’s alright,” Nobori promised, putting his new-found Hisuian strength to work as he slid an arm around Kudari’s shoulders and hoisted him up against him, smiling at the utterly indecent and relieved moan Kudari gave as his stomach rolled down and lessened the pressure that had been pushing down on him, a few burps escaping alongside his groans. 
As Nobori held him he didn’t stop stroking Kudari’s cock, instead speeding up his pace and huffing a few pants of his own as Kudari bucked and squirmed against him. “It’s alright, Kudari, nii-san’s got you.” 
As if he had just been waiting for him to say the words, Kudari moaned his name loud enough to put their soundproofed apartment to the test, all of his weight falling and slumping into him as spurts of cum coated his hand and the underside of Kudari’s stomach. Nobori gently stroked him through it, putting his own need to the back of his mind as he simply watched Kudari’s hips leisurely jerk and twitch as the last of the pleasure worked through his body. 
Nobori gently thumbed the tip of Kudari’s cock, grinning at the whining huff it earned him before he released him and bent down to give him a soft kiss. “Are you alright, Kudari?”
“Mmhm. Fully green. All clear,” Kudari mumbled, hazy and content and absolutely in need of a shower and a nap. “Hey, Nobori?”
“Hm?” Nobori paused from where he was looking for a towel for his dirtied hand, other arm still being used to support his brother. 
“Why all the food?” Ah. Looking back, Kudari had a curious expression marred only by a grumpy little frown as he shifted and his stomach rumbled between them, absolutely and completely stuffed and overfilled. “That’s, ah… not something we’ve really done before.” 
“True, although my original intentions were not so… messy,” Nobori admitted, flushing at Kudari’s bright laugh. “You have been working hard for the both of us, continuing to go to Gear Station and support us and our pokemon while I lag behind.”
“You are not lagging behind,” Kudari frowned, Nobori quickly kissing the expression away until Kudari was sighing and relenting. “Fine… but you’re not. ”
“Mm.” Nobori paused, trying to think over what he wanted to say, of how to even explain what all of that had been, before finally huffing something between a laugh and a sigh. “I like to see you taken care of. Content. I want to know that you’re full and healthy and not in want for anything. To know I was able to contribute to that feeling…” Nobori cleared his throat and looked away, embarrassment finally starting to rear its head. “It affected me more than I assumed it would.” 
Silence settled around them, Nobori not sure what else to say before he felt his hand grabbed, the dirty one, by Kudari. Before he could even begin to warn or lecture him, he looked back in time to see Kudari raise the hand to his mouth and drag his tongue up across his palm and all across two of his fingers. Nobori saw the remains of Kudari’s release rest on his tongue before disappearing behind a pleased smile. 
“Nobori-nii-san,” Kudari purred, tongue curling and tracing around one of the tips of his fingers. “I feel so full, nii-san. All nice and round, but… can I please have one more treat tonight?”
Ah… for as much as he spoiled Kudari, his brother spoiled him just as much. “With pleasure. ” Perhaps they would need to have ‘treats’ like this more often.
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melk917 · 3 years
Best Laid Plans
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Rating: E
Pairing: Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka
“Would you like the play-by-play?”
“Ahh, well...” Kakashi grimaced. “Maybe just the general idea...”
“Well, from what I know, after you were hit, you were brought back to your office, away from general prying eyes, and Sakura-chan made sure you weren’t dying. It seemed like you were largely fine until I got there and then... Well, mostly you were just very insistent that you be allowed to take all your clothes off.”
Kakashi eyed Iruka warily. “Did I succeed?”
“No, no,” Iruka reassured him. “I rode in like the white knight I am and protected your virtue. Mostly.”
A/N: A throw back to my other fandom/writing. A little romcom; originally written as part of the KakaIru Exchange hosted by @kakairu-fest
Cross-posted from AO3
Iruka sat at his desk, leafing through the latest reports from his senior instructors and flagging which students would need to have their parents called in for an extra session. February marked the end of the second quarter, and those that were still behind were going to need extra help to get over the hurdles of the spring session if they wanted to make it to the graduation exams. He sighed deeply when he got to Anko’s current class. He was going to have to take her aside to ask about several of her concerns... her handwritten notes were illegible. Between the ring-shaped tea stains making the ink run and characters merge and the puncture marks from where she let her snakes nibble on the edge, Iruka had no idea what half of it said. It was unclear if Sora-chan was... spanking the rest? Yanking his vest? Tanking his tests? Iruka could feel a migraine coming on, and that was not how he wanted this day to go. He had plans that night. Significant Valentine’s plans that would be much more fun without the headache.
Just as he closed his eyes and started to massage his temples, there was a sharp rap, and the door was thrown open with a bang.
“Oh Iruka-channnnnn, special delivery!” The headache herself sang out, and Iruka looked up to see Anko carrying a box overflowing with red and pink packages and papers, bits of lace and ribbon spilling over the sides. “You appear to be quite popular this year, yet again.”
She dropped the box with a thump on top of the papers spread over the desk and Iruka huffed, cheeks turning a bit pink as he took in the sheer number of Valentine’s gifts and wishes from the students, past and present. “They do seem to grow each year don’t they,” he laughed a bit and rubbed at the scar across his face in mild embarrassment.
Anko perched on the edge of his desk, peering in at the various gifts and cards, lips curling into a smirk as she snatched one from the top. “And it seems you’re not just popular with the students...” She held it open for him and Iruka’s blush deepened as he read what it was exactly that one of the parents was offering... and how often... and in what positions.
“Yes, yes, ok, that’s enough of that,” he snatched it out of her hands, and shoved it, face down, in a pile of papers as though it might disappear if he didn’t look too closely at it. Anko cackled and continued sorting through the box.
“You know,” she said, picking a package up, shaking it, and setting it next to her on the desk before grabbing another and repeating the process. “It’s a bit unfair that you seem to have so many admirers every year.” Apparently that box didn’t sound right, and she set it back, picking up another. “Out of all of us senior instructors and staff, you’re the only one that’s very publicly coupled up... You’d think all these affections would be redirected to us more deserving folk.”
Iruka snorted at ‘more deserving,’ earning a glare in response.
The next package seemed to be exactly what Anko was looking for, and she gave a feral grin at the rattle inside. The metallic red paper didn’t stand a chance as she shredded it with her nails to reveal pink cherry dango. She had it opened and helped herself to two of the three sticks inside before Iruka could react, humming in contentment with the first bite.
Iruka swiped the box from her, taking the remaining stick and wagging it in her face in admonishment. “Maybe I’m just sweeter than the rest of you, hm?” He winked as he took a bite.
“Ohh?” Anko hummed, raising an eyebrow. “Perhaps we should ask himself for the validity on that one? I don’t think you eat enough fresh fruit to be all that sweet, Iruka-channn.” She winked and smirked around the stick of dango, curling her tongue and hollowing her cheeks in a gesture that left no doubts as to her meaning.
Iruka felt his face heat in response, and rolled his eyes. “What, are you going to organize a taste test? Bring in a panel of independent assessors?”
“Ooo, kinky.” She tapped the empty dango stick on her chin in mock contemplation. “But maybe I should have assumed our illustrious Hokage would be into some sort of swapping or group thing, hmm? Doesn’t something like that happen halfway through Icha Icha Violence?”
Iruka snorted and buried his face in his hands. He should have known better than to try and outdo Anko here. She laughed in response and waggled her eyebrows at him when he was able to meet her eyes again.
“Ohhh, Iruka-chan, don’t pretend to innocence... It doesn’t become you.” She tore the wrapping off another box, peeking inside to find chocolate truffles. She tossed him one, before popping another in her mouth. “You forget that I was there for the New-Years-That-Shall-Not-Be-Mentioned.”
Iruka laughed and waved his hand at her, as though it would clear the air of any possible incriminating evidence. “It can hardly be that if you keep bringing it up,” he pointed out. “Anyway, let’s maybe save the tales of my misspent youth for when we’re not in my office as the headmaster of the Academy?”
“Ah, you’re no longer any fun, Iruka-chan,” Anko pouted at him, stealing another truffle. “You’ve gone and gotten old and married and boring.”
Iruka yanked the box of truffles out of Anko’s hands, smacking her knuckles with his empty dango stick when she tried to take them back. “I am most definitively none of those things; 35 is not old, I don’t need to be married, and if you saw what I have stashed under the bed for tonight, you wouldn’t think I was boring.”
“Ohhh, hit a nerve there, huh? After eight years, are you starting to worry he’ll never put a ring on it? Methinks the lady doth protest too much, Iruka-channn,” Anko sing-songed, and made another grab for the box of truffles. Iruka gripped harder. “Careful, or you may find yourself needing to prove it.”
This time Anko successfully got her hands back on the box, strengthening her grip and pulling. Iruka went to yank it back when he heard a sharp POP and a felt the puff of displaced air.
Iruka whipped his head around to see the ANBU Boar now standing in the middle of his office. Surprised by the unexpected arrival, his grip on the box loosened just as Anko gave another sharp tug. No longer held back, her momentum sent her flying off the desk, truffles launching all over the room.
To his credit, Boar didn’t flinch at the thunk of Anko hitting the ground. He gave Iruka a short bow in greeting. “Iruka-san. Apologies for the interruption.” Iruka could swear he saw the ANBU’s eyes flick to where Anko was pulling herself off the floor, picking truffles out of her cleavage. “But there’s been an incident. Your presence is required immediately at the Hokage tower.”
Iruka frowned. While an ANBU messenger was not totally out of the ordinary, a summons was. And Boar’s voice was carefully neutral with no indication of what might be wrong. Iruka started to feel the rise of anxiety as images flashed through his mind of just what sort of incident would require his immediate presence. “Is he alright?” Iruka asked, rising from behind his desk to step into the transportation seal Boar was placing on the ground.
“Please, just step forward here. The Hokage’s personal medic is on sight and will explain when we arrive.”
Iruka placed both feet inside the circle of the seal and grasped Boars shoulder, glancing back at Anko. All mischief was gone from her face and she just nodded at him. “Don’t worry, I’ll manage things here.”
He nodded back, and he felt the tug of the seal as Boar activated it. The sigils lit up, expanding outward slowly. Then, with a whoosh of air like that before an explosion, they rushed back in, climbing up Iruka’s legs, pulling both of them downwards. The world twisted and dimmed, and they were gone.
They materialized just inside the doors to the Hokage’s office, smoke of the transportation curling around them. Iruka waved his hands to clear it, bringing the scene into view. Off to his left stood Ibiki, hands shoved into the pockets of his overcoat, deep in conversation with Kanako, the head of ANBU Training and Development. She still had her various weapons strapped to her back and her thigh, clearly having arrived directly from a session with the recruits. They broke off from their conversation at the sound of Iruka’s arrival, shifting into loose but ready stances.
“Iruka-sensei!” Iruka turned to see Sakura straighten up from where she was crouched over Kakashi’s prone form. Laid out across the couch, there was no obvious blood or wounds on the man, though that didn’t mean much. Genjutsu could be just as debilitating.
With quick steps, Iruka crossed the room and crouched down next to Sakura, who looked up at him, giving him a tight smile. He glanced down and took Kakashi in. His eyes were closed and the visible part of his face was flushed, but nothing else seemed amiss. “What happened?” Iruka asked.
“Well, first things first, he’s going to be fine, Sensei,” Sakura placed a reassuring hand on his arm and gave a light squeeze. Iruka let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
“Good. That’s good.” Iruka reached for Kakashi’s hand, grasping it loosely and running his thumb over his knuckles. Kakashi’s fingers flexed in response, but he made no other movement.
“In the grand scheme of things, it’s just a minor accident, but we’ll need you to take him home and sit with him until he’s back on his feet,” She continued. “He might be a bit... off... for the rest of the day.”
Iruka frowned, “Off how? What sort of accident?”
Sakura chewed on her lip, glancing over at Ibiki and Kanako for clearance to speak freely before turning back to Iruka. “He’s been hit by a poisoned senbon. It’s just a tiny nick. It didn’t seem bad at first... it’s a common poison that all ANBU are generally trained to resist.”
Iruka didn’t follow. “But if they’re common for ANBU, shouldn’t he be immune?” Kakashi’s time in black ops really was one of the worst kept secrets in the village.
“Ah...” Sakura started, fidgeting with her medkit, “Well you see, this poison in particular... Well, something like 99.9% of people build immunity with no problems, but the remaining 0.1% can have an adverse reaction even after repeated exposure...”
“What sort of adverse reaction?”
Sakura opened her mouth to answer just as Kakashi made a soft noise and shifted on the couch. Iruka turned to see what was going on and promptly had to throw himself backwards to avoid a direct headbutt to the nose as Kakashi jerked himself in an upright position. With nothing there to stop his forward momentum, Kakashi careened forward, tilting off the couch and ending up face-first in Iruka’s lap.
“Oh, Rukaaaa,” he slurred, voice heavily muffled between Iruka’s legs. “You’re hereeee.” He turned his head to the side as far as he could in the strange, twisted position he was in, and opened his eyes, mouth sliding into a ridiculous grin underneath the mask as he blinked up at Iruka.
Iruka sat back, stunned. This was... not what he had been expecting. He glanced over at Sakura, who avoided looking at either one of them in favor of closing up her kit. He glanced back down at the Kakashi and watched as he blinked once, twice, then turned his head to burrow into Iruka’s lap, rubbing his face back and forth generally at what he found there.
“Whoa!” Iruka grabbed him by his upper arms and pulled him upright before the situation could escalate. “Kakashi, what the...” Kakashi gave Iruka what must have been intended to be a leer, but it looked like the expression was just melting off his face, and he made an attempt to dive forward again.
“Hey now!” Iruka reinforced his grip with chakra and pushed Kakashi back until the man was draped over the back of the couch, head lolling to the side. He tried to turn and look back at Iruka, but his gaze kept slipping. Eventually his eyes rolled back and he seemed to be watching the ceiling.
“Oh, Sensei, did you come to watch the colors with me? I tried to get Kan-chan and Ibiki-kun to watch with me but they’re no fun. They’re never any fun. But you’ll be fun, yes?” Kakashi scrunched up his face and giggled, slumping further.
Iruka gaped at Kakashi. The flush seemed to intensify on his face and he wiggled his butt from side to side.
“What the hell?” Iruka turned to glare at Ibiki and Kanako, still holding Kakashi upright. Relatively.
Neither responded immediately, avoiding Iruka’s pointed stare. Oh, this was not going to do, not going to do at all. “I’m assuming this has something to do with you two.” The silence continued. “At least one of you knows something and black ops or not, I will get answers from you,” he ground out, pointing an accusatory finger at one, then the other. The silence stretched on, until he saw it... the minute shifting of feet and the flex of a hand.
He loosened his grip on Kakashi to turn and face the two of them completely. The man fell sideways before Iruka could react, head knocking with a painful-sounding thump against the arm of the couch. He didn’t seem bothered by it, though, if his giggle was any indication.
Kanako’s eyes flicked to look at their fallen leader and back to the indeterminate space behind him. Ah ha, Iruka smirked. He was right... A crack in the armor.
“Kanako-san,” he cajoled softly, “I know we don’t know each other very well... Perhaps it’s best to let you know that any rumors you might have heard are not exaggerated; I can be quite adept at holding a grudge.” 20-year veteran of the black ops she might be, but at Iruka’s tone, she visibly flinched. “It might be in your best interest to remember that your son will be eligible for the graduation exam in a year or so... It would be a terrible tragedy for him if he found himself held back over something as silly as an explanation...”
Kanako flushed at being caught out, but the threat seemed to have its desired intention. “Like Sakura-san said, it looks a lot worse than it is, Sensei...” she said finally. “It was just a routine visit to observe the new ANBU recruits as they ran through training exercises... and one of the rookies got a little star-struck. It threw his aim off, and Rokudaime got nicked.” She paused and rubbed the back of her head sheepishly. “It was just a scratch, really, but we’ve been working on building up their tolerance to common poisons and, well... like Sakura-san said, Hokage-sama has a history of not tolerating this one well.”
Iruka narrowed his eyes, glancing back at the couch where Kakashi had rolled over again, head drooping to the other side. He was reaching up towards the ceiling, grasping randomly at something in the air that only he could see and making whooshing noises while Sakura was trying desperately to encourage him to lie back down. “What history?”
“Ah, well, that’s still classified...” Kanako trailed off, hopeful that Iruka would let the story die there. Ibiki rolled his eyes and gestured for her to continue.
She heaved a heavy sigh, pinching the bridge of her nose as if she was the one who was most put-out by the whole situation. “Well... confidentially,” she glared at Ibiki, “something like fifteen years ago, a certain someone’s team was coming back from Grass when all members were hit by this same poison. Three of them were fine but they hardly made it a quarter of a mile back before he was getting all...” She gestured and Iruka turned to see that Kakashi had pulled both his pants and his underwear down to his ankles and was fighting to get them off over his shoes, wiggling in a way that had him dangerously close to going ass over tea kettle onto the floor, exposing himself in all his… questionable glory to everyone present. Iruka made a strangled noise, caught between annoyance and horror at what would come next (and the brief thought that he should just let it happen, because honestly what the fuck). He lunged, grabbing the man by his vest and yanking him upright back onto the couch. The Hokage robes were shoved unceremoniously over Kakashi like a shield and Iruka turned to see Sakura averting her face, expression torn between acting medical professional and horror at being faced with her sensei’s junk.
“Anyway,” Ibiki picked up where Kanako left off, amused rumble in his voice. “According to the mission report, Cat refused to carry him back without guaranteed hazard pay, chain of command be damned, and it was generally agreed that Crow was too young to be groped by his captain, so Kanako-chan drew the short straw.”
The woman in question made a face, clearly hoping this story would have been taken to the grave. Or at least that she would have gone unnamed.
Ibiki either didn’t notice or didn’t care about the rising killing intent radiating next to him as he continued. “There was a rejected application for hazard pay attached to the mission report in the archives... It appears our illustrious leader... How was it phrased?” He smiled evilly at Kanako, clearly enjoying all of this too much. “Ah yes, I believe it was ‘held onto Hawk’s breasts like handles all the way back, occasionally squeezing and making honking noises.’” Ibiki paused, looking thoughtful. “To be honest, if I had ever thought he understood women, that cleared it up for sure.”
From behind Iruka on the couch, Kakashi shouted a slurred “HONK,” and snorted a laugh before sliding down the back a bit more as the Hokage robes on his lap slid up, perilously close to exposing himself again. Kanako looked like she was one step away from murder.
Iruka turned to Sakura. “As his medic, how do you suggest we stop... all this?” he gestured vaguely at Kakashi, who now was very focused on undoing the straps on his vest and trying to tug it, along with his shirt, up and over his head.
“Oh for the love of—” Iruka rolled his eyes and lunged forward again, grabbing the hem of Kakashi’s shirt and trying to pull it back down.
“But Senseiiii,” Kakashi whined, swatting at Iruka’s hands. “You know I don’t like it when my shirt covers my penis.”
In lieu of responding to the original question, Sakura made a sound like a dying animal and buried her face in her hands, either unwilling or unable to help.
Iruka was beside himself. Kakashi was out of his mind with whatever this was and clearly it wasn’t ending anytime soon. The migraine from earlier threatened to come back full-force, and all thoughts of Valentine’s fun, everything he had so carefully been plotting for that evening, evaporated with each slurred giggle and half-assed attempted groping. He was so done with all of them. His boyfriend and his ridiculous, delicate system most of all. Illustrious leader, indeed.
“All right,” he said, forcibly grabbing Kakashi’s pants and pulling them back over his hips, glaring at the man as he once again tried to wiggle back and out. “Listen up, all three of you. As you have officially contributed to this and ruined all my plans for this evening, you are each going to do something for me. And if you do those things, I will take this...” he smacked Kakashi’s hand away from where he was cupping his own balls, “situation... and get it home.”
Kanako huffed and crossed her arms. “I put up with this twice and somehow I still manage to end up giving gifts,” she muttered.
Iruka turned to give her a sharp look. “Or I could share that someone had their boobs honked all the way from Grass if a deal seems unfair? Or maybe change a few graduation requirements?”
She flushed again at the threat and held her hands up in surrender.
Gripping Kakashi’s wrists in one hand and holding them away from his waistline, Iruka turned to level a stern look at the others. “Ibiki: you will go to Shikamaru and you will inform him that the Hokage is taking tomorrow as a sick day. I don’t care what solution you two work out to fill in any meetings, the sick day is non-negotiable. He will not be coming in. Sakura: you will deliver to our house the IV drip with your best remedy for managing poison hangovers. Not the one you usually give out that leaves people with enough of a headache to regret getting hit. The good shit. And finally, Kanako: you are going to go into your family’s cellars and bring me a bottle of that Junmai Nigori I know your grandfather secretly imports from Iron. The one where they only make a few bottles every decade. You three will do this for me, and I will deal with the rest of... this.”
This was now leaning forward and pursing its lips under the mask in a mad, off-kilter attempt at a kiss. Iruka slapped his free hand across Kakashi’s face and pushed him back.
“Am I understood?” he asked, loudly, when no one responded. “I’d hate for it to become public knowledge that our own elite ANBU leaders can’t keep the Hokage safe inside the village...”
There was the clearing of a throat and three voices muttering agreement.
“Good. I’m glad we are on the same page.”
“Hey, hey,” Kakashi broke in, pausing in his attempts to disrobe and lurching closer to Iruka  to whisper in his ear. “Hey, Tenzo likes women... We should set them up. Maybe she’d be more fun if she got some of that... wood.” He leered, clearly pleased with the horrible pun.
Unfortunately, the whisper was probably loud enough to be heard in Suna. Clearly, it was loud enough to be heard by the woman in question if the indiscriminate noise of rage behind Iruka meant anything.
“I’ll be sure to let him know you’re trying to sell him off next time he’s home, Hokage-sama,” she ground out in response.
Iruka rolled his eyes at the giddy, hopeful look in Kakashi’s eyes. “You’re almost a decade too late with that one,” Iruka reminded him, finally succeeding in fastening the man’s pants. He looked up in time to see Kakashi’s face fall comically in response.
“So she’ll never be any fun?”
It was Ibiki who choked on a terribly concealed laugh that time, followed by a loud crack, as Kakako hit him hard enough that he flew into the wall, leaving a dent.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake.”
Iruka hauled Kakashi up by his vest to a standing position, and the man immediately listed dramatically to the right, leaving Iruka to hold him up.
And Iruka was done. He gave the other man a rough shake until he met Iruka’s eyes with his own unfocused gaze. “Kakashi! Enough. We can do this the easy way, or the hard way.”
“Ohhh, Senseiii,” Kakashi said dreamily and slumped further into Iruka’s hold. “The hard way? Is that a promise?”
There was a thump as Sakura slid to the floor, head between her knees, making a terrible wheezing noise. For the love of all that was holy, Iruka wished he could revoke her graduation at that moment. He was ready to just knock Kakashi over the head and wait out the rest of this with the other man unconscious.
Instead, Iruka crouched down, gripping Kakashi around his thighs, and threw the taller man over his shoulder. If he wouldn’t walk, he would have to deal with being carried.
But Iruka miscalculated. Kakashi giggled in response and before Iruka could take a step towards the exit, there was a loud CRACK, and he felt a sharp sting where Kakashi’s hand came down hard on his ass. “Oh, Senseiii,” Kakashi cooed, now grabbing both cheeks and squeezing. “You always treat me to the best visuals.”
Face flaming, Iruka shoved the window open with a bang. He wondered if the council would mind if Naruto had to take over a few years early because his predecessor was found suffocated to death with his own robes. Behind him, there was a chorus of choking and wheezing, as he could only imagine the three of his now least favorite people in the world were doubled over and laughing so hard they couldn’t breathe.
And to add insult to injury, or perhaps because he felt he needed to go out with a flourish... just as Iruka maneuvered them over the windowsill, Kakashi took a deep breath and burst into the Icha Icha theme song, off-key warbling trailing behind them as Iruka dragged his intoxicated ass home.
It was close to 11pm when Iruka finally heard the rustle of bedsheets next to him and a loud groan. He placed his book down on the nightstand and looked over to see Kakashi trying in vain to sit up, struggling with the line of the IV in his arm.
“How are you feeling there, stud?” he teased.
“What the fuck.” Kakashi’s voice scratched like someone had taken sandpaper to his throat. He fumbled with the IV line until Iruka placed a hand over his to calm the frantic motion. Shifting so he was kneeling next to him on the bed, Iruka pulled the needle out with a practiced tug. He reached over Kakashi to place it on the nightstand and took his forearm in his hands, massaging gently where the line had been. Kakashi hummed contentedly in response.
“You’ve had quite the day, huh?”
“So it would seem,” Kakashi scrubbed his free hand over his bared face, and sighed. “I couldn’t tell you half of it, though. I remember some paperwork, Shikamaru’s terrible office coffee, the start of ANBU training and then....” he gave a small frown and shrugged. “Nothing.”
“Ahh,” Iruka leaned back, dropping Kakashi’s arm to the sheets and avoiding his eyes. “Well, maybe that’s for the best...” he trailed off, affecting a sheepish tone.
Kakashi raised an eyebrow at Iruka’s response, not convinced, and leaned forward to poke him in the chest. “Oh, no, don’t think you’re going to get out of it like that... I black out observing ANBU training and wake up in bed with you almost ten hours later with an IV in my arm? The good shit, too. You clearly know something.”
Oh, he certainly knew something. He knew that after he had gotten Kakashi home and out of his uniform (Kakashi had loved this), into some pajamas (he had not loved this), into bed (he had loved this for the hot second he thought Iruka was coming too), and hooked up to the IV Sakura supplied (he aggressively had NOT loved this until the drug cocktail knocked him out, at which point Iruka loved it), it was now Iruka’s turn to get a little of his own back.
Iruka shrugged, putting on his most innocent, demure sensei act, “Well, if you’re sure...” Kakashi rolled his eyes and Iruka laughed. He leaned forward then and tapped Kakashi lightly on the neck over the small bandage that had been placed there. “You got nicked by a stray senbon.”
Kakashi’s eyebrows drew together in confusion and his hand came up to cover the bandage. “That doesn’t seem like enough.”
“It was poison testing day, apparently, and you got hit with a special dose.”
Kakashi frowned properly in response to that and rubbed absently at the covered scrape. “What the hell sort of stuff are Ibiki and Kanako exposing them to? I didn’t sign off on anything like this.”
“Ah, well... It was explained to me that this one is actually very common. And 99.9% of people have no reaction at all after building up a tolerance.” As Iruka continued, a look of horror started to spread slowly across Kakashi’s face.
“Oh. Oh, no.”
Iruka smirked then, unable to hold onto his ‘supportive boyfriend’ mask any longer. “Yes. Very much so. Everyone was very helpful when it came to explaining your rather... vigorous response. Though I think it might be a while before Sakura-chan will be able to look you in the eye again.”
“Oh, God,” Kakashi groaned, burying his face in his hands.
“You appear to be quite special, indeed, dear,” Iruka teased, leaning forward and pulling Kakashi’s hands away to kiss him lingeringly on the cheek. “Only 0.1% of people seem to have that reaction.”
Kakashi’s face was practically glowing it was so red with embarrassment when he looked up at Iruka. “What, uh... What exactly did I do this time?”
“Would you like the play-by-play?”
“Ahh, well...” Kakashi grimaced. “Maybe just the general idea...”
“Well, from what I know, after you were hit, Ibiki-san and Kanako-san brought you back to your office, away from general prying eyes, and Sakura-chan made sure you weren’t dying. It seemed like you were largely fine until I got there and then... Well, mostly you were just very insistent that you be allowed to take all your clothes off.”
Kakashi eyed Iruka warily. “Did I succeed?”
“No, no,” Iruka reassured him. “I rode in like the white knight I am and protected your virtue. Mostly.”
Kakashi didn’t look convinced. He perhaps knew Iruka too well for that.
Iruka shrugged. “The mask stayed on?” he supplied, helpfully. The color drained from Kakashi’s face at the implication.
“Well, it was certainly nothing I hadn’t seen before.”
Kakashi made a small, pained noise.
“Like I said, Sakura-chan might need a few days before she can talk to you again. Or a week. Or maybe just the next annual physical? Or maybe she’ll just ask Shizune to handle it from now on.” At the look on Kakashi’s face, Iruka burst out laughing. “Ok, ok, I’ll stop. Come here, you big dork.” He slid under the blankets and stretched out next to Kakashi, tugging on his stiff form until the man sighed and relaxed into Iruka’s side. He went almost boneless when Iruka slid his fingers into his wild hair, rubbing soothing circles on his scalp.
“Hmm, well I suppose getting naked isn’t the end of the world,” Kakashi murmured finally.
Iruka hummed in agreement and continued absently playing with Kakashi’s hair.
“It was just naked, yes?” Iruka didn’t respond. Kakashi pulled back slightly to look him in the eye, “Iruka...”
“There were some words, but,” Iruka waved his free hand in the air as though it didn’t matter.
Kakashi’s eyes widened a bit. “Do I even want to know what I was saying?”
“Ehhh...” Iruka trailed off and dropped his gaze, making a bit of a face. “Well, maybe a small apology to Kanako-san wouldn’t hurt. She feels terrible for ruining my Valentine’s plans, but I’m not sure if that extends to you.”
Kakashi looked properly horrified at that. “What...?”
“You implied that she wasn’t much fun...”
“Not much fun?”
“Ah... and then you pointed out that Yamato-san likes women, and maybe we should set them up because she might be more fun if she ‘got some wood.’”
Kakashi’s eyes went wide and he groaned loudly, burying his face in Iruka’s chest where he could feel the answering rumble of his amusement.
“Oh, don’t be so embarrassed... It could be worse; you could have suggested a man she hadn’t chosen to procreate with.”
Kakashi looked up, shaking his head, “No, it’s not that... It’s just...” he heaved a dramatic sigh. “I can’t believe I resorted to such a terrible and obvious innuendo. I’ll never forgive myself.”
Iruka laughed again, “Well, just be careful. Like I said, she feels bad for ruining my night, but I’m not sure about yours.”
Kakashi huffed and tucked his head back into Iruka’s shoulder, nuzzling at his neck. “It does seem as though the night has been ruined, hm? I know you had been planning something. I saw the boxes under the bed...” he looked up and gave Iruka a small, apologetic smile. “Maybe I can decommission the rookie for hitting his Hokage and causing him to ruin his boyfriend’s sexy plans?” he offered. “Or perhaps fire my heads of T&I and black ops training for their terrible timing?”
Iruka chuckled and pulled him closer. “Oh, don’t be so hard on the kid. He couldn’t know that you have such a delicate system.”
Kakashi groaned in response. “Please don’t go around saying it like that. People will start to respect me even less than they already do.”
Iruka laughed. “The other two... Well, maybe hold off on firing them. I’m sure we can con them into more guilty favors instead.”
Kakashi looked up to meet Iruka’s eyes and raised an eyebrow at that. “More? My, my Sensei, have you been busy with blackmail while I’ve been out of my mind?”
Iruka gave a smug smile in response and held up a finger to have him wait. He untangled himself from the bed to disappear back into the living room for a second, and when he returned, he passed Kakashi a bottle of sake with a note tied to the neck, sliding back under the covers. “Well, this one in particular arrived earlier tonight.”
The note simply read “Gomen, Sensei” and was marked at the bottom with a short vertical line with a dot on either side.
Kakashi gave a low whistle at the bottle. “Damn. She really does feel bad.” He paused and looked up a little sheepishly at Iruka before passing it back. “But, ah, maybe we save this for later, when my system is feeling a bit less... delicate.”
Iruka snorted and placed the bottle on the nightstand. “Yes, dear.”
He turned back to Kakashi, pulling him close again. “I really did have a whole thing planned...” he sighed, sadly.
“Mmm, I noticed,” Kakashi leaned up to pull something from behind the headboard and held up a rather serious-looking series of straps that had been previously hidden under the bed. He gave Iruka a very pointed look. “And everyone thinks I’m the deviant... My, my, Sensei. It’s quite the complex set. Eight years in and you are still full of surprises.”
Iruka straightened up with all the dignity he could, but was unable to hide the slight flush rising on his cheeks. He snatched the complicated ropes from Kakashi’s hand and shoved it under the pillow. “I prefer adventurous… or creative.”
Kakashi laughed and leaned in for a noisy kiss. “You are certainly that.”
Iruka huffed and turned his face so Kakashi got his cheek instead. Kakashi heaved a mock put-upon sigh and Iruka gave up the act, catching him by the shirt before he could pull back, wrapping a leg around his hips to pull him closer. He slid his hands into Kakashi’s hair to deepen the kiss, and the other man made a soft noise of approval against Iruka’s mouth, allowing his weight to settle across Iruka’s hips. He dragged his palm down Iruka’s chest, fingers toying with the hem of his pajama shirt before slipping under to tease against his skin where it met the waistband of his pants. Iruka pushed into the sensation, encouraging more, causing Kakashi to huff a laugh, warm breath ghosting across Iruka’s lips, and he shivered. Kakashi slipped his hands fully under Iruka’s pajama top in response, tugging it up to slide across the smooth muscle they found there. Iruka arched up as Kakashi’s thumb found his nipple, sending a frisson of pleasure down his spine and Iruka ground their hips together in a slow wave, moaning into the kiss and tugging at Kakashi’s hair.
Kakashi’s eyes slid shut and his hips jerked down in response, groaning at the sensation. He hummed, breaking away to drag a series of hot, open-mouthed kisses along the line of Iruka’s jaw, nuzzling under his ear before scraping his teeth lightly down Iruka’s neck and sucking on his pulse point.
“You know...” he murmured softly into the skin there and Iruka shivered. “I think there might still be a little bit of that poison left in my system… I suddenly feel the need to take all my clothes off.” Iruka let out a short laugh and Kakashi glanced up at him, grinning rakishly through the fall of his hair. “Maybe you could help me work it out a little faster, Sen-sei?”
Iruka felt need flash white-hot through him at the rough timber of Kakashi’s voice and what he was promising. He dragged his nails down Kakashi’s biceps in response, digging into the muscle there and shifting his grip to flip them over, breath coming quicker. He straddled Kakashi’s hips, reveling in the tremors running through the other man as Kakashi struggled to stay in control, color high in his cheeks and spreading down his neck to disappear under the old t-shirt he was wearing. Smirking down at him, Iruka rolled their hips together again just to watch Kakashi’s eyes slide shut and head tip backwards, groaning at the friction.
Iruka leaned close and whispered low and hot in Kakashi’s ear. “Of course, Rokudaime-sama... I serve at the pleasure of the Hokage.”
Kakashi made a sound deep in his throat at that, hands flexing on the sheets restlessly before coming up to skim over Iruka’s thighs and around his hips to grasp his ass and pull him forward and down again, arching up in counterpoint as he chased the sensation. Iruka bit back a moan at the feeling of Kakashi’s body straining underneath his. God, he wanted more. Wanted to watch, wanted to taste. He knocked Kakashi’s hands away, gathering both wrists in one hand as he leaned forward, grasping at the hem of Kakashi’s shirt with the other and yanked it up over his head, tangling it around his arms. Iruka twisted the fabric around a few times, effectively trapping the other man. Kakashi’s eyes widened slightly, and Iruka watched the lean muscle of his arms flex as he pulled against the restraint, testing. Iruka licked his lips at the view and gave a sharp tug at the binding at the same time as he ground down again with his hips, dragging the hot line of his still-clothed cock along Kakashi’s, tearing a groan deep from the man’s throat, his legs falling open further and hips rolling up.
“Fuck,” Kakashi moaned, choking on his breath. Iruka felt his own control slip further as he watched Kakashi come apart, muscles twisting and flexing as he writhed under him, flush deepening and spreading further down across his chest. So Iruka gave in, leaning down and running his tongue over the newly exposed skin, tracing scars with his mouth while scratching his nails lightly down the ridges of Kakashi’s abdomen.
“God, please. Iruka, please.” Kakashi had his eyes shut against the sensations, jaw tight, tossing his head back and forth on the pillow.
Iruka gave a low laugh, running a fingernail down one side of the X of scar tissue that spanned Kakashi’s chest. “I wonder if anyone else knows just how easy it is to reduce you to begging, hm?” Kakashi groaned, long and low, as Iruka scraped his teeth up the other side of the scar. “You’re so easy to take apart. I bet I barely get my mouth on you before I have you cumming. Should we find out?”
Kakashi made a desperate noise, breath stuttering at Iruka’s words, tugging at the restraints and arching up with a roll of his hips. Iruka laughed, letting his breath fan out over Kakashi’s skin, smirking at the low whine it dragged out. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
Iruka rose up, leaning his weight into where he still gripped Kakashi’s wrists, slowly dragging the fingers of his other hand up Kakashi’s chest, increasing the pressure as he got to his throat before gripping his chin, forcing the other man’s face up to meet his eyes.
“I’m going to let go now. Are you going to behave and keep your hands where I put them, or are you going to be bad like earlier?” Iruka could feel Kakashi’s throat work under his hand as he swallowed, jaw tight. He grasped the headboard in response.
“I’ll behave.”
“Good.” Iruka increased the pressure briefly, and Kakashi’s eyes rolled back and he pressed into Iruka’s grip. Iruka made a small, desperate noise in the back of his throat at the submission, unable to control the tremors in his hands as Kakashi’s responses pushed his patience. He took a slow breath and released him to make his way down Kakashi’s body, every response from the man ratcheting up the want and desire that thudded in his veins.
He could hear Kakashi’s breath come faster with each nip, each teasing curl of the tongue. He whined, hips stuttering in desperate little jerks as he tried to encourage Iruka to shift his attention, but he gave no quarter. Kakashi kept his word, though, hands gripping the bottom edge of the headboard in the effort to remain where Iruka told him.
This earned him a pleased rumble as Iruka paused, glancing up coyly through his lashes to meet Kakashi’s eyes, pausing at the waistband of his sleeping pants, breath warm against where his cock was tenting the fabric. Close enough to tease, but apparently not what he wanted. Kakashi rolled his hips up, but Iruka gripped them hard, pushing him back down before he could get anywhere close to Iruka’s mouth.
Smirking, Iruka held his gaze as he licked his lips slowly. Kakashi’s eyes flicked down to follow the motion. “Eager, aren’t we? Should we place bets? I bet I swallow around you once, and it’s enough.”
Kakashi felt like he was going out of his mind for the second time that day, Iruka’s words burning through his veins, making his blood pound and his breath come short. The headboard creaked in protest as he funneled chakra into his grip as he desperately tried to obey instructions. Iruka trailed light fingers along the edge of his pants, down the outside of his thighs, pausing at his knees. Grasping, he pushed Kakashi’s legs further apart so he could settle completely in between before dragging his palms up his inner thighs, stopping just short of where Kakashi wanted. He groaned in frustration, shifting his hips. Iruka gave a dark laugh that made Kakashi arch as desire rolled down his spine in waves, settling behind his balls and causing them to tighten. Maybe Kakashi did still have some of the poison in his system because he was terribly close already. A little bit more and Iruka was sure he could get him to come from words alone. He had done it before.
But not this time. Instead Iruka slid his hands up to the waist of Kakashi’s pants and slowly pulled them down, tucking the band under his balls, biting his lip in false innocence as he watched Kakashi’s cock bob free from the fabric, tip slick with pre-cum. He glanced up at Kakashi’s face and gave an evil little smile when he saw the other man watching him closely, lips parted and pupils blown wide in desire.
“Now, let’s see if I’m right,” Iruka said, sliding his hands back up until he reached Kakashi’s hips, thumbs digging into the lean muscle there. And with a wink, he grasped hard, holding Kakashi down on bed and took his cock into his mouth, licking pre-cum off the tip in a tease before taking it down to the root and swallowing.
It was enough; Kakashi threw his head back, hips jerking against Iruka’s grip, eyes shut, and groaning deep in his chest as he felt Iruka’s throat tight around his cock, the heat and pressure pushing him over the edge.
Iruka watched Kakashi ride it out, working him with hands and mouth before pulling back with a final swipe of his tongue across the head. He licked his lips, mouth sliding into a smug grin, stroking his fingers over Kakashi’s spent cock, enjoying how the other man shuddered at the overstimulation.
“Fuck,” Kakashi said thickly, breath coming hard. He knocked Iruka’s wrists with his bound hands, fingers still clumsy from release, to stop the motion. He shook his head. “Too much.”
Iruka gave a soft smile and leaned up to kiss him instead. Kakashi responded languidly, humming at the taste of himself on Iruka’s tongue.
He broke off to press his lips to the side of Iruka’s jaw. “God, Iruka,” he murmured into the skin there, breath starting to even out. “Your fucking mouth.”
Iruka laughed, tilting his head to allow Kakashi more access, “Mmm, you liked that then?”
Iruka felt more than heard Kakashi’s answering chuckle. “Ha, yes, that, clearly. But who knew you had such a dirty mouth, Sensei.”
“You do. And you like it.”
Kakashi laughed at being called out, “Yes, I do.”
Iruka pulled back to smirk down at him, biting his lower lip coyly before running the tip of his tongue along it, enjoying how Kakashi's gaze dropped to track the movement.
But two could play at that game. Kakashi raised an eyebrow at Iruka’s scrutiny and leaned back slightly, reaching his still bound arms up over his head and arched into a stretch, putting himself on display. Iruka took a sharp breath at the picture Kakashi made, hard muscle glazed with sweat, face and chest flushed from orgasm, silver hair wild.
Kakashi smirked at the obvious desire on Iruka’s face. Shaking his hands out of the t-shirt binding, he reached for Iruka’s hips, smoothing them around to his ass and tugging him forward. “Mmm, come up here and let me return the favor then.”
Iruka let himself be pulled up until he straddled the top of Kakashi’s chest where he rested against the headboard. Holding his gaze, Kakashi leaned forward, mouthing at Iruka’s dick through his pants, chuckling at the way his hips jerked forward.
Iruka gasped, eyes sliding shut and hands flying forward to grasp at the headboard to keep himself upright. “If you-” he choked on his breath as Kakashi sucked hard at the head of his cock through the fabric. “-insist.”
Kakashi pulled back, mouth curling into an evil little smile when Iruka whined at the loss of contact. He ran his hands across Iruka’s ass, squeezing and kneading the muscle a few times before sliding his fingers under the waist of his pants and pulling them down to his thighs.
He lifted one hand to Iruka’s face, stroking his jaw until the other man opened his eyes and looked down at him. Kakashi’s mouth was inches from his cock, breath teasing and causing it to jerk at the sensation.
“Oh, I insist,” he murmured, tongue reaching out to trace a line from the base to the tip. Iruka sucked in a sharp breath at the combination of the visual with the sensation, and Kakashi looked immensely pleased with himself. “I believe I owe you for taking care of me all day, after all,” he said and took the head of Iruka’s cock into his mouth and sucked.
Iruka gasped and his hips jerked forward involuntarily, chasing the heat of Kakashi’s mouth. He could feel the other’s man’s amusement as he took Iruka to the root, humming, before sliding back to run the tip of his tongue under the ridge at the base of the head. He dropped his hand from Iruka’s face to grasp the base of his cock, squeezing and working it in rough counterpoint to his mouth as he swallowed back down.
Iruka was rapidly losing any grip on his control, pleasure surging through his body as Kakashi worked him with a steady rhythm. He dropped a hand from the headboard to weave his fingers into Kakashi’s hair, grasping tightly and pulling. The groan it provoked in response vibrated along Iruka’s dick, igniting in his belly and tightening his balls. He fought the urge to give in and just fuck Kakashi’s face, but it was getting harder and harder to resist at the obscene imagine the man presented: face flushed, mouth spit-slick and shiny, stretched thin around Iruka’s cock, dark eyes watching him the whole time.
But it was when the hand that had been grasping Iruka’s ass shifted and Kakashi’s fingers brushed against his hole, circling once, that he lost it.
“Fuck,” Iruka gasped, fingers tangling and yanking hard at Kakashi’s hair as the man took him deep at the same time as he dipped the tip of his finger into Iruka’s ass, bringing the haze of pleasure into sharp focus. Iruka threw his head back with a groan as he fell over the edge, entire system on fire as the other man swallowed around him.
And then Iruka pretty much broke as Kakashi pulled back, hand still roughly working Iruka’s cock and groaning as Iruka’s cum hit his face and neck, smearing across his mouth as he leaned back in to suck the last of it down.
Iruka moaned, long and low, at the picture Kakashi made like that, before collapsing to the side, breathing hard. “Shit,” he muttered. “Yes, ok, you’re forgiven for earlier.”
Kakashi gave a hoarse chuckle and Iruka opened his eyes in time to watch him catch Iruka’s cum from his chin with his thumb, tongue flicking out to lick it off, mouthing at the tip. Iruka groaned weakly at the visual, pulling Kakashi down and kissing him hard and deep.
“You’re a ridiculous, impossible man.” Iruka said against his lips and Kakashi laughed in response. He pulled back far enough to tug Iruka’s shirt over his head, using it to wipe the rest of the cum off himself before tossing it aside and turning off the lamp. Now, skin to skin, he wrapped his arms tightly around Iruka, pulling him closer still, and buried his face in his hair, breathing deep.
“Maybe, but I’m your ridiculous, impossible man.”
Iruka smiled at that as his body started to relax into sleep, content with Kakashi’s heartbeat strong and sure next to his. “Mm, yes. Delicate system and all.”
Kakashi gave an indignant huff. “Absolutely no respect.”
Iruka turned his face into Kakashi’s neck, smiling into his skin. “Hm... maybe in another eight years. But you’re going to have to convince me it’s deserved.”
Kakashi hummed sleepily in response. “I’d give you forever, Sensei,” he murmured. “You just have to ask.”
Iruka’s breath caught at the implication, heart stuttering. He pulled back to look Kakashi in the eye and demand he expand on that, but was greeted instead by a soft snore. The man had drifted off, system over-taxed and worn out from the day’s events.
Iruka rolled his eyes. Of course he’d say something like that and pass out before he had to explain. And he was well and truly out, features relaxed and mouth open slightly as he made those snuffling little snores that he vehemently denied whenever Iruka teased him, comparing him to his ninkin.
Iruka sighed, but a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth as he lay back down, tucking his face into the curve of Kakashi’s shoulder and wrapping a possessive arm around him, pulling him close again. Kakashi grumbled a little in his sleep at the motion but relaxed back into Iruka, an unconscious display of trust that even after all these years still filled Iruka’s chest with affection until he felt like he might burst. Kakashi truly was the most ridiculous and impossible man Iruka had ever met… The 0.1% indeed. But if he really meant what Iruka thought he meant… Well, Iruka was more than willing to sign up.
But, God, Anko was going to be insufferable when she found out.
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imaginativeamateur · 3 years
32 with genma & a fem reader please
[Genma Shiranui X Reader] Credence
|200 Followers Event|
Prompt: 32 — "You're so... dense."
Pairing: Genma Shiranui x fem!Reader
Note: Hello, thanks for your request! This is the last Genma request from the 200 event, but don't worry, there will be more Genma content coming soo :D This one is kinda angsty and fluff, too! Without further ado, please enjoy!
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“What?” Kurenai choked on the noodles that she was slurping.
It was one in the afternoon and the teachers were having lunch together in the common office of the Ninja Academy. However, the lads suddenly got some matters to take care of, leaving you, Kurenai, and Anko lounging around by yourselves.
“You mean you like Genma?” This time, it was you who gaped at Anko.
She nodded firmly and you felt an indescribable feeling bubbling inside your stomach, but you could not quite identify what it was. You scratched the back of your head wearily but pasted a bright grin on your lips instead, “How did you come to realize it though?”
It all began when he saved her during a paired mission to the moments they accidentally bumped into each other on their way to work. The three of you were too immersed in the talking to notice the door to the office being opened by Genma and Raido and Ebisu entered. It was Kurenai who saw the three lads first and gathered her things, “Oh, I forgot I have a meet-up with Asuma. Gotta’ go!”
You were caught up in your own thoughts after your friend’s confession, hence, missed the bump in the shoulder Kurenai gave Genma on her way out. Soon enough, the trio settled down on the couch. Genma plopped down next to you like usual but you grew extra conscious after the incident and got up to move a bit farther from him. Unfortunately for you, the man did saw your small movement and a frown dangled at the corner of his lips.
“What were you guys talking about?” Raido started, “The conversation seems interesting.”
Anko’s face flushed red and she timidly looked down at her hands. It was the first time you saw her like this—Anko was always the confident one, her acting all flustered proved that she did have some sort of adoration for Genma. Your heart beat faster at the thought, and you unconsciously clenched your fists. Your mind was a mess as you took glances back and forth between Anko and her love interest.
In the end, you could no longer bear the scurrying speculations that were threatening to overwhelm your head. You abruptly stood up and mechanically explained, “I just remember I need to make a visit to the Hokage. You guys have—um—fun.”
The last word almost came out as a choke as you hastily got out of the room with heavy breathes. When you blinked your eyes to get your mind back to focus, you just noticed the unfamiliar wetness pooling at your bottom lashes. You never thought about having a romantic interest in Genma, but the more you listened to Anko and her love-filled expression, the more prominent the anguish surfaced.
You let your thoughts take over as you slumped down against the cold wall, hugging your knees close to your bosom. Tears were streaming down your face uncontrollably despite your effort to wipe them away. Soon, your eyes became red and puffy—it was when Genma found you sitting on the tiles, alone.
He came rushing, panting when he halted after spotting your figure afar. He carefully approached you but his eyes widened the moment he saw the misty layer coating your orbs. You turned your head away to hide your pathetic state, “Why are you here?”
“I came to find you.” Genma bent down to face you and took your cheeks in his palms, “Don’t cry.”
You suddenly pushed his hands away, biting your lips, “Anko, she really likes you.”
He went quiet for a moment and you sadly smiled. At this moment, you finally realized how much you loved him. You shook your head and struggled to stand up, “I’m alright, you don’t have to worry about me.”
Right when you were on your feet, Genma immediately caged your body between his and the wall, making you stare at him in surprise. Your pupils dilated, and you stuttered, “What are you doing?”
“Isn’t it clear?” His tone was an octave deeper, and you were unable to detect the meaning behind his words.
Bewildered, you leaned back further to the wall and held your hands against his broad chest, hoping to establish some distance with his face. You could clearly feel Genma’s breath fanning your ear when you turned sideways to avoid his penetrating gaze. You screwed your eyes shut and thinned your lips. After a while, he finally released his arms down with a chuckle, “You’re so… dense.”
Sensing that he was no longer pouncing at you, you relaxed a bit and peeked your eyes open. The man now had his arms crossed, smirking at you. Within a swift second, you turned from terrified to dumbfounded. Genma slowly leaned in to wipe his thumb across your tear-stained cheek and your body tensed under his touch.
“If I tell you that everything was just a show, will you believe me?”
You looked up at him with a questioning look. Anko’s words could not be fake, she sounded so sincere and raw. Sighing, Genma explained, “I was planning to confess and they offered to help me. I didn’t know it would be like this. I didn’t mean to hurt you, Y/N, never.”
You did not know how to react—a part of you wanted to hit him for making you feel like a joke, but you also wanted to hug him regardless. “Can I trust you this time?”
“Does that mean I have a chance?” His eyes sparkled as he spoke.
You blushed and stared at your feet—it was a silent yes. Genma did not wait any further to scoop you in his arms, and you clutched onto him out of reflex. What you did not expect was for him to shower your face with kisses, “Just wait and see, I won’t disappoint you, Y/N!”
Taglist: @dai-tsukki-desu @thenightfallingstar @animepickle7 @iam-gaaras-loveintrest @tirzamisu @rinnegankakashi @the-tiniest-one @greenshirtimagines
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harveywritings92 · 3 years
BNHA vampire soulmate scenario: When you first saw them.
 The first time you saw him, he was feeding off someone.
TWs: Blood, death stalking and attempted assault.
Mr. Compress: {Your Quirk: Card capture: it's similar to Mr. Compress's quirk but you can entrap people and objects in cards by manifesting these clear glass like cards that slip out from your wrist, you can use them as throwing weapons too as they're very sharp, the only drawback is that you can get severely dehydrated if you overuse it.]
You were walking home late from work just hungry and physically done! today was crap show! first you missed the train then half way to work you forgot you realized you forgot your lunch!, Your boss (who's usually pretty chill) for whatever reason decided he hated your guts today and yelled at you in front of everyone! and to rub salt on the wound you spilt hot coffee all over yourself! so now you arms and chest have burns on them that were itchy as hell! you just wanted to crawl into bed, and forget about this day. 
You decided to cut through the park when you saw a odd pair, a man in a yellow trench coat and top-hat and mask which was pushed to the side kissing a woman in sundress under a streetlight. "huh, how sweet." you sighed exasperated before continuing on you way, when you noticed foot steps coming out behind you, you cautiously reached into your coat for one of your cards... you knew it wasn't the man in the top hat as you did a quick glance over your shoulder he was still  'occupied' you could smell stale alcohol in the air remembering the beware of mugger sign at the park entrance and figured out what was going on when the person was in grabbing range.
You whirled around grabbing your would be assailants arm forcing it up and pulling him towards you, you hissed  felt a sting on your cheek as your free hand slammed your card into his chest "release!" you barked as a powerful cyclone burst from the card sending the man flying off his feet *Thank-you Anko-san* you mentally cheer happy that your friend had a wind-quirk and let you capture it's effects in a card; said card then shattered as it was a one-shot use like all your offense cards. 
The man wheezed as he was thrown to ground next to the "couple". while you took off running! not seeing Top-hat pull away from his lady friend and sniff the air. 
Atsuhiro dropped the woman he was feeding on she slid limply to the ground as he readjusted his mask and followed that delicious scent and found a bloody knife on the ground *Could it be?!* his heart was beating abnormally faster as picked it up and sniffed it he lifted his mask up and licked the blood off the knife, Atsunhiro almost felt alive again as the sweet taste of his mate's blood touch his tongue... 
He was so elated his mask was blushing! (cos anime logic!) "My Darling❣~" he purred in pure ecstasy, but soon his euphoria was cut short when he heard the man who attempted to rob you on the ground cough, the vampiric ex-magician turned in his direction, he could smell this uncultured brutes scent all over the knife mixing his mates. 
Atsuhiro's primal urges were screaming at him to kill the man for harming his mate, however the ex-showman had something else in mind... The next morning you were watching the news on your laptop seeing the mugger at the park last night had been caught, and was being charged with murder for another woman. You felt your stomach churn as the photo of the woman who you saw making out with the top-hat man flashed on screen. 
Than you felt a a chill go down your back!
You nervously looked away from your screen and scanned around the nearly empty café, there's was only you, an elderly couple wearing matching tracksuits enjoying some tea and having a conversation, a tired and obviously hungover mother and her two rowdy kids having breakfast, and lastly a man with black hair and copper eyes wearing a yellow casual suit and gray news boy cap reading a book.
You squint at the title....The magicians nephew, you frowned letting out a small hum; swearing you felt someone's eyes on you, thinking you were just paranoid from last night... you unconsciously traced the healing cut on your cheek and went back to you doing your work, not seeing the copper eyes of Atsuhiro watching you from behind his book with a knowing smirk.
Dabi: You were walking home drunk to hell as your friends kept you out at the bars until 3am, you decided to take a detour home to get a late night snack/early breakfast at the 7/11 a few blocks from your place, as you were walking to the store you spied what looked a couple making out against the dumpster a few feet a ways, even in your drunken state you couldn't help but scrunched up your nose the sight. "at least take her to cheap motel buddy, jeez..." you muttered the man in the black hood growled back in retort as you entered the store.
While in the shop you frowned seeing you favorite snack was out of stock. "D-dammit." you huffed and looked around before spotting the clerk who was unpacking some packs of ramen. "Hey d'ya got any f/snack left?" you asked trying to keep from slurring your words. "Yeah there should be some packs over by the-" the clerk went to point but forgot they were holding a box cutter and accidentally jabbed you in the leg just under your knee. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" the clerk gasped while you tried waving them off, it was just an accident, but if it made them feel better you bought some band-aids and disinfectant along with your food the clerk felt soo bad they gave you discount and with that you walked out in to the night....
When you got out your leg was still bleeding it didn't really bother you as you too tipsy to care, besides it's just a tiny cut, as you were leaving you noticed the "couple" still going at it, however now it felt kind of off... and that's when you noticed the man in the black hood stiffen... you stomach felt like it was full of rocks as you watched him slowly turn to face you.
Dabi was busy draining this dumb bimbo who followed him out of the bar after he told her to piss off, but seeing as he hadn't fed on fresh human blood in months, (he was drinking blood-packs of pig's blood.) he decided screw it, she'll know the consequences her actions that is if he doesn't suck her dry.. "at least take her to cheap motel buddy, jeez..." a drunk woman muttered as she passed them Dabi let out a frustrated growl at that jab yet another reason he hates feeding in public, about ten minutes later the vampire's attention was suddenly pulled away from his dinner when a sweet enticing scent invaded his nose. 
Dabi's eyes snapped open his senses were on fire as his inner monster snarled *mine.....mine...* his breathing became labored as he turned away from the woman's neck; her blood dripping down his chin as he turned to look over his shoulder, saw a [y/ht-wt] woman with [y/hc] and starring at him in shock, his eyes drifted down and saw the blood dribbling down her leg, he let go of the woman he was feeding on, she let out a weak wheeze as she fell limply to the ground not that he cared, Dabi took a step towards his mate reaching out to her, only for the woman to snap out of her shock and run....
Leaving the vampire standing there in an almost trance like state, before he looked inside the store could smell faint traces of her blood in the air and saw the clerk washing the bloody box cutter; A guttural growl escaped Dabi's throat as he approached the door. 
The poor oblivious clerk didn't know what was coming as the door chimed telling them a customer had entered the store... "Welcome!" they greeted cheerfully. from an outside point of view there was hot flash of blue from inside the 7/11 followed by the store fire alarms going off.
The next morning you were hiding under your blanket hugging your knees your whole body was shaking while you were watching the news... there was a fire at the 7/11, the clerk was killed their remains were so badly burnt they were carbonized...
Bakugou: You had just started working for his agency as a secretary and were working on late paperwork one of your coworkers pushed on you so they could go on a date, you grumbled as you made your way to the elevator to drop the files off on Bakugou's desk, and were stunned to find the top floor was pitch black! you were trying the navigate in the darkness by feeling desk, when your hand brushed up against a pair of scissors someone left out you hissed feeling them cut your palm, you could feel the blood dripping down you hand and decided screw this! you were going to leave the papers on the desk outside of the boss's office for him to find in the morning, when you noticed the door was open a crack. 
You could hear deep breathing, a woman gasping and grunts, your cheeks felt hot as you though Bakugou was getting frisky with one of his fans. *I never took him for that sort...* you were just going to pretend you didn't hear anything and walk away, but curiosity got the best of you, and with careful steps you crept toward the door and peeked in, and felt you stomach drop when you realized what was going on was not a wham-bam thank you ma'am situation, you threw your hand over your mouth when you saw Bakugou eyes glowing red had his fangs sunk into this woman's neck draining her of blood! Scared you were about to quietly back away from the door when you saw the blond blink pull away from the unconscious woman, sniff the air and... you ran before he could even turn his in the direction of the door, and made it on to the elevator just as a shock of blond hair rounded the corner.
The next morning Bakugou was on edge as he recalled the events last night, one minute he's feeding off some pushy fan-girl and the next, his senses were taken over by this amazing smell it was so enticing he forgot about his hunger and overwhelmed by the insistent need of find it's source... as Katsuki turned his attention to the door he saw someone dash and and he gave chase just in time to get a split second glimpse of a woman with {y/hc} before the elevator doors closed.  
{later after he sent that fan home via cab) 
Bakugou inspected his office and found a blood trail leading from random sidekick's towards his office the couple hurried drops towards the elevator, he curiously swiped his finger threw the blood on the desk where the trail began, licked it a content rumble left his throat, his inner monster purred. *Mate...mine* however that euphoric feeling he felt had soon soon worn off into frustration as the next morning rolled around he had been in the agency all day, and no one who came in today had that scent on them! 
The blond was pissed and ready to rip someone's head off, when he overheard two of his employees talking. "Hey where’s Y/n? I have to thank her for staying back and doing my extra work last night." the other employee shrugged. "She said she hurt her hand last night and was staying home." Neither had noticed the explosive blond who immediately went to his office and pulled your file out for your address, and he here was standing on your front porch, sniffing the air as a cocky smirk graced Katsuki's lips breathing in that sweet scent from last night. "Found you..." he purred. 
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itsuki-minamy · 3 years
Translation: Naru-kun Raws: skyflyinginaction
* Gakuen K (List of Chapters) * Projects & Chapters
"Oh. It's an annual event at the Blue club."
Fushimi coughed as if he was upset.
Right after the skill test at the beginning of the second half of the new year. When she arrived at the Blue club after resuming club activities, Director Munakata gave her an invitation to see the moon.
She didn't know that there was a Japanese garden on the roof of the Blue club building, and it seemed like it was held every year with seats.
She wasn't suited for hard work, so she went shopping with Fushimi and made Tsukimi dumplings. The other members were busy setting up umbrellas and sun loungers at the time.
"In a way, it may be the first time I've done such a playful activity. It was about crackdowns, patrols, cleaning, homework assigned by the teacher, etc."
"Because that's the main thing. This is the director's hobby."
"Oh, is that so?"
"It seems that he didn't exist before he became director."
It was like that. Now that she thought about it, he also made tea under the cherry trees in the spring.
"Well then, the tea room in the headmaster's room..."
"That person did it as a hobby."
(Well, he can do that...), she thought.
"Tsukimi dumplings vary from region to region, but how was last year?"
(Huh? Well, I ask because that "ordinary" varies from region to region.), she thought.
"For example? It's common to make dumplings with your own dumpling or joshinko powder, but there seem to be some places where you can put anko inside, so it looks like you used to make it with taro, right? I'll stack the dumplings on three sides, right? It looks like the top is yellow. It's mixed with pumpkin."
When she said that, Fushimi looked up a bit and made a gesture that reminded him of something.
"Maybe it's the first time. There was no anko in it. It shouldn't have been yellow."
"Huh, was it hot? Fushimi-kun, you have an excellent memory."
"I wasn't interested."
While she was talking about it, she took the monorail, crossed the connecting bridge and then changed to the city train.
The train was quite crowded and cramped. When someone pushed him, Fushimi would frown and click his tongue, pushing her a bit roughly into the space created between them and the door.
(Wow...!), she thought.
A mighty hand on the door. A very close distance.
(Is this the one called "Kabedon"? Go shy!), she thought.
Fushimi's breathing and the sexy Adam's apple bobbing up and down in front of her made her heart jump.
Her face suddenly turned red, and she hurried downstairs.
Although he moved her to see him in civilian clothes, something she rarely saw.
"Well, that... Oh! And the drinks?"
"...? Oh, is it moon watching? The director will offer tea. After that, each favorite drink."
"Well, what will the preparation team prepare as an offering?"
"Was it chestnut, pear and potato? The rest is Japanese pampas grass, Hagi and Kikyo."
"Oh, what do you eat apart from the offering?"
"That's the Tsukimi dumpling. Make a lot, offer a little and eat the rest."
"What else?"
"That was the only thing last year. But there's no designation that it has to be that much. If so, I'd eat it. Because the director hates things that break the flavor."
"Do you have freedom as long as you don't break the taste?"
She asked questions in quick succession to hide her bright red face and disguise her pounding heart.
She wondered if she could fool him, but he answered normally. She was so happy that she got excited again.
(What's going on? Why are you so self-aware? Is it weird somehow? Oh, no, what? It's a story about what it's like to be a girl to a guy who slams her into a wall and doesn't respond at all, isn't it natural to be aware of it? Hmm?), she thought.
She thought about it as her eyes swam, and then suddenly she looked at Fushimi, and Fushimi looked at her with a suspicious frown, and she turned quickly.
"Oh, sweet little things aren't enough? Are you ever hungry?"
(Isn't it because Fushimi-kun eats an unbalanced diet? He knows, right? Many times you just need calories like rice.), she thought.
"Is it okay to do something else? It doesn't cost much material."
"If it's not something troublesome."
"Okay. It's easier than meatballs."
"I can't help you. If it's okay, do what you like."
Fushimi sighed. She said, "I'm not going to increase my work and help Fushimi-kun.", but she knew it. In such a case, she will definitely help him.
"No, this is great."
Director Munakata smiled at the tray she presented to him.
At night, the Japanese garden was illuminated. It was still early for fall leaves but the crape myrtle was beautiful and the murmur of the creek made you feel the atmosphere.
A chaise longue with many standing umbrellas. There were many vegetables and fruits harvested in the fall on the offering table. Also, fall flowers like Japanese pampas grass, Hagi, and Kikyo.
And the Tsukimi and miki dumplings that they made on all three sides.
The big round moon was a member. The silver light illuminated them silently.
The wind was cool and the chorus of insects was comfortable.
"It was good. What should I do if he gets mad?"
"No way! He couldn't get mad at something so cute. After all, it's different from having a woman. Or is it the result of Fushimi-kun's upbringing?"
"Yes, they always help me."
Fushimi, who was next to her, clicked his tongue as she smiled.
She made a small ball of rice in the shape of a rabbit. Two types, white and pink.
The white was ordinary rice. In other words, musubi salt. She also used a small amount of mayonnaise to glue on the cheese ears and seaweed eyes.
The pink one was rice mixed with umezu. The ears of ham and the eyes also of seaweed.
It was also served with lightly pickled carrots, which were cut into the shape of autumn leaves and then pickled.
The onigiri was easy, that filled the stomach moderately, and she thought it would be nice to be stuck on the moon if it was shaped like a rabbit, but it was good. A great success.
"Thank you both. Enjoy the moon."
Relieved by Munakata's smile, she bowed her head and left her seat.
It seemed to have a good reputation, and disappeared like a flight.
She breathed a sigh of relief and then followed Fushimi to the Obon for just two people.
She sitting next to Fushimi, who sat down on a deckchair and presented a tray. Fushimi had no fall leaf pickles. He doesn't like dark vegetables; she already knew that.
"How is it?"
"Well, is not bad."
When she asks Fushimi, who ordered the pink rabbit, she received a rather crude and casual answer.
But she already knew it was a great compliment.
She was happy and a little proud, and her face naturally flushed.
The silver moon she looked at was calm.
Seeing it side by side with Fushimi, she thought it was exceptional.
Speaking of big fall events, the sophomores were on a field trip. The destination was Okinawa.
Last year she never thought that she would be able to go on a school trip with that feeling, so she was very happy.
The sky was blue and high. A cloudy white cloud. The landscape with a tropical atmosphere was exciting.
Group action on the first day. After visiting the local village (museum) and the botanical garden, she went to the famous aquarium.
"Wow, that's amazing, Saya-chan."
She was fascinated by the overwhelming blue world.
The mysterious and magnificent sea of ​​Okinawa. She was overwhelmed by the power of the calmly swimming shark.
It was a huge aquarium several tens of meters long. It was natural, but the existence of himself seemed to be tenuous.
(Oh, but that's not a bad thing, it's a good thing. I'm still afraid of my ability. I'm afraid of hurting someone or breaking something. If I'm a small person, I think it's insignificant in the desert, but it also saves me. It's very comfortable being surrounded by big things that I can't reach.), she thought.
"It's splendid."
(I wish I could melt into this "blue" as it is.), she thought.
Bright and deep, it seemed to be cold at first glance, but the blue of the ocean that had goodness enveloped everything.
She believed that it was not strange because the sea is the mother of all living beings.
With that in mind, when she was sitting on a chair in the aquarium space up to the ceiling of the aquatic room and looking at the fish in an amazing way, Fushimi's voice came from behind.
"Are you okay? Neko pulled Yukizome."
"Hmm? Yes. I'm fine. I wonder if she wants to see this aquarium some more?"
She narrowed her eyes, looking at the manta ray slowly swimming above her.
"It's beautiful... What a deep blue."
Fushimi looked up as she coughed looking at the fish.
He didn't say anything. Quiet time flowed.
How lazy were the two of them? After a while, Kukuri came looking for them. Pulled by Kukuri, sorry to move. She couldn't be helped. It was a group action and the time was fixed.
"Hey, take a look. The store here is so cute!"
Original aquarium products lined up on both sides. Certainly the display was elaborate and very cute.
Kukuri holding a large manatee stuffed animal said "This is cute!".
"This looks delicious!" Neko pointed at a small stuffed whale shark.
"I know it's cute, but does it look delicious? Whale shark?"
"Huh? Gohan, don't you know?"
(I don't know. Because I don't eat shark.), she thought.
"It's a good size for a pillow. I want it. But if you buy it here, it'll be luggage."
Kukuri frowned as she held the manatees.
"But I don't know if you can buy aquarium-only products elsewhere. Unless there is a specialty store at the airport. If you want, buy it. Don't regret it later."
"That's right! If it's luggage, Kurosuke will carry it."
"You can't say that. However, Yukizome. If you just don't want a piece of luggage, will you take it?"
"Really? But... what should I do?! I'm lost! Saya-chan? Would you like to have a stuffed animal like this?"
"That's right, but I have one from Saruhiko."
Everyone around her widened their eyes at once at the words she casually said.
(Huh? What?), she thought.
That also made her eyes widen, around the crowded place.
"Eh, what?"
"Well, what happens now?"
"No, forget it. That's all."
Shiro, whose eyes sparkled with curiosity, and Yatogami, who had a terribly rough face, grabbed her shoulder.
Along with the two, Kukuri also turned red and ran towards her.
"Well, Saya-chan! What kind of place was that? There, in detail!"
"Huh? That's why I already have Saruhiko in my bed, so the stuffed animal is…"
Once again, the setting was chilling. Shiro and Yatogami widened their eyes. Kukuri turned bright red.
She surprised and her eyes were rounded. Fushimi, who was a bit far away, also looked at that with a frightened look.
(Oh, that's right! That was…!), she thought.
Only when she saw Fushimi's face did she realize how her words sounded to everyone.
She immediately reddened her face and shook her hands violently in front of her face in a hurry.
"No! No! No! Saruhiko isn't Fushimi-kun...! No! No, it's true that Fushimi-kun has nothing to do with it. But it's different! Um? Saruhiko is my stuffed animal. It's very, very important..."
(Ouch, what should I do?! I'm impatient and words don't come to me!), she thought.
Because her excuses were fierce and poor, everyone had a uniformly mysterious face. The mystery deepened.
"Well, Saya-chan? Doesn't that mean Fushimi-kun is important after all?"
"Well, it's different! No, it's not different! Is Fushimi-kun important? I owe him, but isn't. Well…"
(Oh, I feel like I'm addicted to mud! What should I say? Oh, but since I gave the stuffed animal the name Fushimi-kun, I feel like it's useless to say anything!), she thought.
At that time, she had an inner mind. A good hit to the top of her head with a tongue click.
The moment she actually held her head, "Oh, it hurts!", Fushimi, who was next to her, yelled at her, "You're crazy, hey!"
"Huh? Wait a minute! I'm shopping..."
"Don't be silly. Come on!"
Fushimi's reaction was probably weird because he was the norm in the class (except when he fights Yata), he always seemed to be quietly bored in the corner.
Everyone waved goodbye to her as she was dragged before their eyes.
"I see. It's a stuffed penguin similar to Fushimi-kun, which was taken by Fushimi-kun. That's why the name is Saruhiko."
"Yeah. Uh. It hurt. I couldn't buy anything."
She was finally able to explain it when she was taking a bath. Until then, it was terrible.
"No, I thought something. I saw Fushimi-kun, who got angry with red cheeks for the first time. That was something to see. I wonder if someone took a picture."
(Oh, don't be amused. Kukuri-chan.), she thought.
"Fushimi-kun and Saruhiko are completely different things to me. I didn't think it would cause such a misunderstanding."
"Uh-huh. It was a disaster. Well, Saya-chan, you weren't saying it right."
"That's right... But I don't make it clear for dinner. Yatogami-kun scolded me saying, 'Students, the relationship with the opposite sex is pure and correct!'."
Kukuri smiled as she put down the hair dryer and breathed gently.
"Gohan! Let's go fast! Milk! Milk!"
Neko jumped out of the public bath.
"Yes, yes. Wait.", Kukuri stood up and put a wet towel in the basket.
"You mean, normal milk? After the bath, it's group milk."
"Huh? Saya-chan, is that? It's fruit milk."
"Huh? White milk is fine!"
She made up his mind wonderfully.
She entered the store and opened the refrigerator box where the milk was lined up.
"Oh, you're going to drink here, right?"
"The bottle collection box is here. It's a hassle to go back to the room one by one, right?"
Meanwhile, they were both fine. Well, she knew it.
She took a cold bottle and moved to the corridor in front of the store with the other people.
It was cold and sweet, first silently, then innocently.
And at the same time, three people were breathing. "Oh, it's delicious!"
"Why is milk so delicious after a bath?"
"Actually, I even think I'm alive for this."
While fully enjoying such a fascinating taste, she placed her hand on the railing and looked down, where there was a colonnade.
"Huh? Fushimi-kun."
There was a hall and a lounge, and she could see Fushimi talking to Awashima with a towel in one hand. She couldn't hear what they were talking about.
When Fushimi moved his shoulder, Awashima moved away tapping his shoulder. Fushimi was looking at the print as he was and thinking about something.
(Fushimi-kun, haven't you taken a bath yet? It's the same as usual.), she thought.
She wondered if it was okay to see that. She wondered if she could still see Fushimi from there.
Did he feel that line of sight when she looked at him while she was thinking about it? Fushimi suddenly raised his face.
The moment their line of sight intertwined, her heart made a loud noise.
He had noticed. She somehow got happy and waved her hand.
She knew that Fushimi wouldn't turn around, and she wasn't asking for a reaction either... What?! Fushimi shrugged and raised his right hand slightly.
(Oh? Lies! Fushimi-kun?), she thought.
She was surprised by the unexpected reaction. At the same time, she was and her face turned red involuntarily.
(I'm happy! Well, then maybe you can answer something else.), she thought.
She was so happy that she tried to make more contacts.
If she got any closer, could she make more contact? She wanted to try it.
(Well, then, "What were you talking about? I might ask. Or is it brilliant to make a strong voice in such a place, and if it's a conversation with gestures, it's easier to convey what's your impression?"), she thought.
When she pointed to his left hand and bowed her head, Fushimi looked at the imprint on his left hand. Then he looked up and moved his mouth.
He told her that, and she was happy. It was impressive.
Holding her fist and shaking it, “Do your best.” She raised her right hand again.
Fushimi went somewhere as he was, but somehow the inside of her body was warm.
"Gohan. Do you look happy?"
"Yes, I agree."
Neko with a white stubble on her upper lip and tilting her head, she smiled sheepishly.
"It's thirty minutes before lights out. You can't leave the room from now on," Kukuri said, clapping her hands.
"Huh? I was thinking of going to see Shiro!"
"No. You'll have to be patient until tomorrow morning."
"Well, haven't you been away from Shiro for a long time?"
(Eh? That should be it...), she thought.
"Wait? When classes are over, they should be apart, right? They can't go into each other's dorm. So it's the same as always..."
"Shiro's room is a club room!"
"Oh, it's true."
So it was. The club room of the Silver club was Shiro's room in the dorm. Neko from the silver club was exceptionally allowed to enter the men's dorm.
(Huh? But wait? Still, if I go back to the girls' dorm before curfew, I think I'll be gone for a long time... Because the dorm curfew is pretty quick, right? Rather, it was a long time to be together today, right? Huh? Wait a minute? Maybe…), she thought.
It was at that moment that she inadvertently saw Kukuri face to face.
"Ah! I can't take it anymore! I want to see Shiro!"
"Well, Neko?!"
Neko stood up vigorously and jumped out of the room as she was.
"What are you doing...?!"
"Kukuri-chan! I haven't put on my pajamas yet and I'll bring her back! If the teacher comes, trick him!"
"What, but!"
"For me, in the worst case as a member of the Blue club, it will work!"
Kukuri took a breath and said, "Please!" She raised her hand and jumped out of the room.
Looking around… (Ah! It's over there.), she thought.
She ran around the front of the store, managed to catch her, but Neko yelled, "Hey, Gohan!", and shook her hand.
At that moment, the sound of a bell is heard and the surrounding scenery changes drastically.
She looked around her, but it wasn't the hallway she was in.
(What is this? Maybe Neko's ability?), she thought.
"No, no. What should I do?"
As she looked around, she heard the sound of a bell again and the scenery returned to its original state.
"Oh, that?"
When she took out his PDA and confirmed it, it was definitely the way to the building where the boys were staying.
"A hallucination? Or..."
It was different, but that wasn't very important. It didn't matter what her abilities were at the moment. The important thing is that she couldn't see Neko anymore. What should she do? She lost sight of her.
"I can't go to where the boys are staying, what should I do?"
(Give up and come back? It'll go out soon. But…), she thought.
"Hey, what are you doing?"
She couldn't decide what to do, and when she was standing, she heard a voice echoing from behind.
She bounced and looked back, scared.
"Hmmm… Fushimi-kun…"
"It's not time to leave the room. It's right before the lights go out. What are you doing?"
"Well, huh. Actually, Neko is..."
After briefly explaining the process, Fushimi clicked his tongue.
"That idiot cat!"
"Why are you here, Fushimi-kun?"
"Ah? What do you say? I'm looking around. We guys from the Blue club also have to keep an eye on the others."
"Oh, that's right. It's because of the skill."
(I see. For girls, Awashima-sensei is enough, but for boys, that's not the case.), she thought.
That's it. What he was doing in the lobby at the moment was that meeting.
"Neko came in here, but..."
"Oh, I'll do something about it. For now, you can go back to your room. The members of the Blue club..."
He maybe he was trying to say something like "don't break the rules". But it froze at the back of Fushimi's throat, not being cast, because he heard footsteps.
It was around the same time that she was afraid to look in the direction of the footsteps, and Fushimi clicked his tongue and shoved her down the stairs, behind the lined up vending machines.
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As it was, Fushimi's body pressed her against the wall.
"Ah! Fushimi-kun..."
"Shut up!"
Fushimi closed her mouth, which she was surprised by their joined body and reflexively raised her voice, with one hand.
She knew the reason why they were both hiding, but she couldn't help it. She didn't mean anything bad, but her heart made an impossible sound.
Hot body. Strong arm. The strength of power to hold her. There was also a narrow line of sight going around her.
All of this made her heartbeat quicken.
The size of her hand, the close sigh, and the bobbing Adam's apple.
Probably because he took a bath, even his hair was a bit messier than usual.
(No! My face is hot! I'm suffocating! My heart is about to break!), she thought.
The footsteps coming down the stairs headed for the shop without noticing that they held their breath.
As she struggled to get rid of the bright red face and too loud heartbeat, Fushimi took a deep breath because he couldn't hear the footsteps entirely.
(Eh? It seems to be far away already!), she thought.
Fushimi looked around him and pulled her out of the vending machine, but she couldn't even lift her face anymore. (What should I do? It seems absolutely strange!), she thought.
"Can you go back alone? Don't find him."
She could only control herself a little at that secret voice.
"Well, yes, huh? About Neko, please."
"Oh, make it quick."
Face down, she took control, quickly returned the salute, and began to run. (Oh, my heart is loud!), she thought.
She just wished she could get back to the room without anyone seeing her, because she couldn't afford to worry about her surroundings anymore. She just desperately ran straight.
When she entered the room, Kukuri ran towards her saying:
"I'm glad you're okay...! I was worried. It's time to turn off the lights... Saya-chan?"
Kukuri noticed that something was wrong with her and tilted her head.
"What's wrong? Is your face bright red? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine. I lost sight of Neko, but I asked to find her."
"Eh? Who? What happened?"
"…...! Nothing!"
She came out a stronger denial than she expected, and she surprised herself.
She quickly shook her head and told Kukuri, "Nothing. It's fine.", and she managed a smile.
"Perhaps Neko will return soon without the teacher finding her."
"Oh, she's fine. Oh, it's already off. Can I turn off the electricity?"
The girls in the same room responded to her voice with a pop.
She took control, too, and when she quickly changed into her pajamas, she snuck onto the futon.
She still heard the sound of her heartbeat. The violent movement did not yield.
She pursed her lips and squeezed her eyes shut.
The next day. Free action. As she looked at Awashima explaining the precautions, Kukuri, who was next to her, lightly touched her arm.
"Saya-chan. Look. Fushimi-kun, he looks very tired."
Looking towards the Kukuri´s point, Fushimi was indeed yawning.
"Hey, that's a pattern of killing time somewhere. Also, alone."
"That may very well be correct."
"Saya-chan, why don't you invite him to go with you?"
(Go together...), she thought.
"Oh, together? Are you talking about inviting Fushimi-kun?"
"That's right. Naturally, Fushimi-kun and Saya-chan usually talk."
"Huh? Because, Kukuri-chan..."
"That's right. I'm telling you to go together. But is it okay? Is it a special school trip? Do you want to make memories?"
(Yes?), she thought.
She suddenly made a crazy voice, and teacher Awashima said, "What? Konohana.".
She denied saying it was nothing. In a hurry, she bowed to Awashima and elbowed Kukuri.
"Enough! You say weird things."
"Eh? Isn't it? Saya-chan's attitude seems to be clear."
"Well, is it wrong? Is it a treat?"
"Huh? Is it hot?"
She felt it.
"Well, I don't know. Well, sometimes I feel overwhelmed by Fushimi-kun's words and actions, but I think it's because Fushimi-kun is a bit involved in my upbringing..."
"If you ask me which one I like, Fushimi-kun or Kukuri-chan, I think it's Kukuri-chan."
"No. What? That man's comment. I'm going to fall in love."
"Certainly, I'm excited, but..."
(But I don't think it's because he's Fushimi-kun, but because he's a boy.), she thought.
For example, even if the opponent was Kamamoto, she would still be excited.
Kukuri tilted her neck as she watched her silently.
"Okay? You were with us in the group action yesterday and you'll be in the group action tomorrow too, right? Don't you regret not making memories with Fushimi-kun?"
"Why don't you invite him? Could you be unexpectedly happy?"
(Mmm.), she thought.
"So, I'll ask a bit."
"Yes, keep going like this."
Professor Awashima's story was over and they disbanded.
She took a deep breath and ran over to Fushimi, who looked bored.
"Ah, that? Fushimi-kun."
It had happened yesterday, and Kukuri had said something strange, so he was aware of that.
Fushimi coughed a bit, "What's wrong?"
"Well, do you know where to go?"
"I'm going to kill time with that."
It was as Kukuri said.
"That's right. Well, if you want, why don't you hang out with me?"
"Do I have to hang out with other girls?"
"Oh, yes. Is it okay?"
No way, she couldn't say she was sent to spend time with her favorite person.
Fushimi narrowed his eyes a bit as the words were vaguely muddy.
However, she immediately took a deep breath and said, "We can go separately.".
(Ah… I'm glad it's so good…), she thought.
When she looked at Kukuri, she wondered if she could guess from that alone: ​​"Do your best!" She held her fist and turned a big smile.
Despite feeling a bit awkward, she waved a bit.
"Where are you going first? Have you decided what to buy as a souvenir?"
"Don't buy souvenirs before that."
"Is that so? It's bad to go looking for my souvenirs, so tell me where you want to go."qa
A place called "a miracle mile" because of the remarkable reconstruction of the burned fields after Kokusai-dori.
Today, it is a famous tourist spot with many shops like Okinawa.
"Oh. What are you planning to buy?"
"I'm definitely going to have red sweet potato and chinsuko. I wonder if I can have the Ryukyu glass. Also Awamori."
"What? Will you buy that much? And Awamori."
"Yeah. Um...I'm going to send it to my parents' house."
Everyone knew how she moved to that school and besides, neither in Golden Week, summer vacations nor SW she come home. Fushimi opened the day a bit unexpectedly.
"To your parents' house?"
"Yes. I don't have the courage to go home yet, but I thought I'd send a souvenir with the letter."
"Oh! Letters come from time to time. There was also a visitor during the summer. Email is... maybe because it's too close? I'm not going. I'll be in trouble if I go, right? I don't know how to get back."
(Now, I think the feeling of distance like a letter is the best.), she thought.
"Is that okay? You shouldn't exaggerate."
"Yes. So, I wish I could start from this point. Oh, this shop looks like a baked pastry shop with lots of tastings."
Fushimi took a breath as she pointed to the store next to him.
"Brown sugar, red potato, shikuwasa...? Mangrove flavor?"
"Mangrop is a tree that grows from that sea, isn't it? Is it something to eat?"
"I have a bad feeling, it's weird. I've never seen such a dark green food."
(Candy in the window... By the way, a tremendous green color. But when I say that, red potatoes are also a fabulous purple color.), she thought.
Intrigued, she takes Fushimi to the store.
"Hey... The more you look, the more amazing the color is."
"Is it a wood-flavored baked treat? Oh, but it's this color, leaves? Did mangroves grow?"
"I don't know. Hey, are you going to buy it?"
"Because it says that it is a very popular product, maybe it is unexpectedly delicious?"
"Isn't it popular like the story?"
"Then, as a story, I'll tell Principal Munakata."
"You have the courage..."
She believed that Munakata would be a person who would understand history.
At noon, she enjoys Soki Soba and browses various shops again.
While choosing Shell Access, Fushimi went to another store saying, "Wait a minute.", and only then did she do another action, but the rest went with Fushimi.
She had been with Fushimi for a long time at the Blue club training ground, but when it came to playing, it was the second time since the summer festival. But unlike last time, which was only an hour or two, this time it was more than half a day. It was the first time she had played with Fushimi for so long, and she found it a bit strange.
But the conversation was not interrupted or awkward, it did not seem strange to her, and, on the contrary, it was very funny, and time passed in a short time.
"It's weird to be walking in Okinawa with Fushimi-kun like this. It's fun to go on a school trip."
"I was brought by force. School events like this are just a nuisance."
As he said that, he kept walking with her. That's why she was happy.
"I'm thirsty..."
"Oh, that's right. Do you want to slow down a bit? You were walking fast."
(I feel like eating something sweet...), she thought.
It was at that moment that she pulled out the PDA, wondering if there was a good store nearby.
"Ah, ah! The Blue club...!"
A boy fluttering out of the back alley found them and raised his voice.
His face was pale, his breathing was turbulent, and it was obvious that something had happened.
"What happened?"
"Well, I'm caught up in the bad stuff of the gala."
"If you're in trouble, the Blue club will intervene."
"But I just got into a fight. I contacted the teacher..."
Said the boy.
"Okay. Guide me. Hey, don't move from here."
Fushimi told the boy the former, and her the latter.
"Yes, it's fine, but now the saber is..."
During the school trip, there was no saber on his waist. Of course. It was a normal violation of the Law on Firearms and Swords.
"You can use your skills without a saber. It's a problem if the guys from the Blue club use their skills for the general public. Is that okay? Will it work?"
Fushimi quickly went to the alley with the boy.
As she leaned toward the building, she picked up a paper bag containing bags and souvenirs, and looked around her. Her eyes met the men looking at her, and she quickly turned her face down.
As a compliment, the gala did not look good. Well, she knew that she shouldn't judge people by their appearance, but she believed that they were probably what they seemed.
On the other side, across the street, those sitting in front of the convenience store stood up.
(What should I do! They're coming this way...), she thought.
She looked around her in a hurry, but she couldn't find anyone in the same uniform.
(Is it rude to run away without doing anything? No, but it's too late after something happens. Ah, but he told me not to move from here.), she thought.
A little excursion. She was lost. Meanwhile, the men crossed the street and went in front of her.
"Hey. What's up? Did you get caught with your boyfriend?"
And they called her.
"Let's play with the older brothers."
"Oh, don't worry..."
She shook her head limply, but she couldn't do much.
The next moment, one of them grabbed her wrist and pulled her.
At that moment, it was the fear of herself that hit her.
In the summer, she crushes the clams that she collected on the beach. She broke the record plate in the spring. She had destroyed the grip strength meter. The knife she flew was covered in dust.
All this went through her mind at a tremendous speed.
And last year, the school was half destroyed.
"No, I hate it!"
She cried out involuntarily and she jerked her hand away roughly.
But, of course, the other person did not understand that the act was not out of disgust but out of fear of herself. She distorted her face as if he were covered and looked at her.
"What? That attitude…"
"Isn't that a bit unpleasant?"
"If you reject me like that, you might get hurt."
When she held her luggage, she brushed past him and ran off.
"Hey, wait!"
(Well, I can't wait!), she thought.
She was wrong. She didn't like it, she was afraid. In front of those guys, she was afraid to do something when she felt the danger.
(Because I can't control my abilities!), she thought.
Even when she had nothing to think about, she broke the clams and the dynamometer. She broke the table of records. It was also the case that the school was half destroyed.
(So ​​what if I hated the other person? What if I have strong negative emotions? That's not what happens!), she thought.
And now, there was one person who could stop her from running away, but… (Fushimi-kun isn't by my side!), she thought.
"No, no! No, I hate it...!"
As she desperately ran in a place she didn't know, she hugged the luggage and wished for him.
(Please! Don't show up! Don't run away!), she thought.
"Hey, wait!"
She wondered how far she ran. When she gasped and her back was drenched in sweat, they finally reached her and grabbed her shoulders.
"Yes...! I hate it!"
"Hey. You hate me too much when I'm not doing anything. Isn't that rude?"
(It's different! It's not that!), she thought.
"Please! Let go of me!"
"Okay. I'll take you to a good place!"
(I hate it! I hate him! Please! I don't want to hurt anyone! Please!), she thought.
"Let go of me!"
As she hugged the bag, she closed her eyes and cried out.
At that moment...
"What are you doing?!"
A sharp voice echoed around her.
It looks very familiar to her.
The moment she raised her face, her wrist was grabbed and pulled, contrary to men.
She spun around and clutched at the back that came between her and the men.
"Uh-oh! Don't get too close!"
At that, she shook her head.
No more words or actions. She just put her strength into her hand that grabbed his clothes.
That was why she sensed the anomaly from her. As it was, Yata looked at the men.
"Oh. What did you do to this guy?"
"Are they friends? What's up?"
"It was us who did something. That girl was super rude."
"Oh, yeah. We were just trying to claim the prize."
Did they despise little Yata? Laughing out loud like they were fools.
"I do not care about you."
"Oh. yeah. If you don't want to get hurt, disappears."
As they laughed like that, one of the men smoked a cigarette.
And the moment he lit the fire from the lighter, the small fire instantly turned into a terrible pillar of fire.
"Huh?! Aaaaah?"
"What did you do to this guy?"
The lighter thrown by the man in surprise fell to the ground as it was.
However, only the flame wove itself like a living being and attacked the men.
"No, Yata-kun!"
(No! Don't use your skills!), she thought.
"No! Yata-kun!"
In a hurry, she grabbed his arm and shook him, and Yata clicked his tongue and blew out the flame.
The men did not seem to understand what had happened. All of them were rude, but they quickly fled. When she shook his arm again, Yata quickly took her hand.
"Let's go!"
At that voice, one of the boys looked as if he was surprised.
"Don't fall down. Run!"
She ran as she was, away from the place, they reached a small park, and finally Yata stopped.
As she took a deep breath on her shoulder and collapsed onto the bench, Yata, who looked around him, bought her a cold juice from the vending machine.
"Oh, thank you..."
"Are you alone? Was someone with you?"
"Um, I was with Fushimi-kun..."
When told how Fushimi went to referee the fight, Yata said, "It can't be helped.".
(No, Fushimi-kun isn't bad.), she thought.
"Oh, that's right. I have to contact Fushimi-kun... I'm worried."
"Do you care about the monkey?"
"Yes, I am. I can't help but do it."
"I don't care about the others. That guy…"
(Well, that's not the case.), she thought.
She shook her head and dialed the PDA, answering immediately with the first call.
"Hey! You're moving...!"
"I'm sorry!"
At the shout in response, she reflexively bowed her head.
(I can't believe it from Fushimi-kun!), she thought.
"Where are you now?!"
"Well, that's it?"
She briefly explained that the bad guys entangled her and chased her.
"I managed to escape, but it seems like I've come a long way. The meeting time is coming up, so I'll search with the PDA and head straight back to the meeting place. So, Fushimi-kun too..."
"He's fine. Come back. Are you okay?"
"Yes. I'm sorry to worry you."
After the call ended, she felt relieved. She was fine. He wasn't that angry.
When she took a sip of juice, she looked at Yata and smiled.
"Thanks for your help again."
"No, no... that's..."
Blushing, Yata turned the other way.
"Kamamoto-kun? Aren't they together?"
"I had something I wanted to buy, and now I'm alone."
"It was good. Yata-kun, you were there. Thank you very much."
"Don't say thank you. I will always help you. Oh, I got help too."
"Huh? Did I ever help Yata-kun?"
(I don't remember that. I think it's just me getting help?), she thought.
"Oh, there was. Your first day of transfer."
(First day of transfer? I talked a bit when I met him at the door of the classroom, and I witnessed a conflict in the courtyard, right?), she thought.
When she thought that, Yata coughed with "That.".
"That's it. The battle in the courtyard was amazing."
"Well, I'm sorry. I don't know. Did I help Yata-kun?"
(It must have been because of Kukuri-chan that she helped.), she thought.
"You did. That knife was what I played with."
"......! Yata-kun?"
"Oh. I touched the knife that the monkey threw. That was towards you..."
Yata distorted his face in an awkward way.
"I was about to break the rule, 'Don't hurt ordinary students with your skills', because I was the incision captain in the Red club. It was going to lead to disaster. You did that and prevented it."
Yata looked directly at her.
Eyes with hot flames that reached the heart of the other party. Wild and warlike, yet kind and warm.
(Yata-kun has a worried, shy and awkward smile at me, it's impressive.), she thought.
"You stopped me."
"Thanks to you. I'm grateful. So..."
Her cheeks turned a little red, and when he looked away from her, he timidly squirted the juice.
"Help always."
It was forceful, but the kind words warmed her heart.
"That's why I don't need an invoice. I think this is a refund."
She felt that the amount returned was obviously higher.
"Still, thank you. I'm very happy."
"Hmm...! Well, the meeting time is coming up. Oh, I'm fine, but are you in trouble if you're late? There's a position."
When she smiled, Yata stood up, hiding the red cheeks from her.
And with her right hand facing away, he extended his right hand in front of her.
"I will run!"
"Saya-chan! What are you doing?!"
Before dinner. When she was wandering around looking for Fushimi, Kukuri's slightly angry voice suddenly echoed from behind.
As she turned around, Kukuri grabbed her arm.
"Kukuri-chan? Hey, Shiro-kun. What's wrong?!"
"Ok, let's go!"
"Well, wait. I'm looking for Fushimi-kun. I just want to apologize."
She rushed to the meeting place with Yata at the last minute of the designated time.
She looked around for Fushimi to apologize for worrying him, and she found him next to Awashima. She tried to run immediately, but, for some reason, at that moment, terrible eyes looked at her.
Fushimi turned his back on her at one point, when she saw a sharp line of sight as if he were a father.
She tried to chase after him, but he started the roll call and she couldn't do it.
(He didn't seem that angry on the phone. Oh, but after all, he was really worried. I annoyed him.). When she thought that, she couldn't bear it, even though he was there. Unfortunately, it was a school trip. She couldn't do whatever he wanted during group activities.
So now was her chance. She wanted to apologize in that little free time before dinner. (I'm so sorry! Kukuri-chan, I must now...), she thought.
Kukuri said, "That's Fushimi-kun!"
"Huh? Fushimi-kun?"
"Saya-chan, come on! Hurry up!"
"Huh? Hmm about that…"
"Okay. Go."
Shiro pushed her back, which she didn't understand why.
They then led her behind a large pillar in the corner of the lobby hall, placing their index fingers to their lips and pointing at the hall with their other hands.
There, Fushimi, had an endlessly upset face, at a girl whose face was bright red in front of him.
(Huh?), she thought.
"It's a statement. It's an event. It's natural. Is Fushimi-kun actually quite popular? Even before yesterday's bath, another girl called out to him."
"What? Is that so?"
Her heart made a disturbing sound.
"Hmm. Saya-chan was very careful. Because she's a lazy person. Don't you don't know if he's been taken?"
"No, I really mean Fushimi-kun..."
It is not a relationship.
But the word froze in the back of her throat and she couldn't say it.
The tough-talking girl with the red face made her chest crack.
"Oh, but it seems like he's constantly being invited to another place, but I don't think he'll go."
"What about the attitude of just saying, 'It's annoying'?"
Beside her, Shiro and Kukuri were talking about secret stories. But she couldn't take her eyes off Fushimi.
She wants it without knowing it: Don't accept, don't follow that girl. Don't laugh with that girl.
She bit her lips with the feelings smeared on her.
(No. Why am I praying for this? It's like wishing that girl's misfortune.), she thought.
She held both hands tightly.
At the end of that line of sight, Fushimi grunted and backed away from the girl.
"Oh, it looks like he didn't answer her call. He turned his back on her."
"Huh? Far from refusing, why didn't he even answer the confession?"
Fushimi turned his back on the girl and them. He walks fast without looking back.
Her chest and her back ached.
She was relieved that Fushimi didn't answer the call, but was happy that Fushimi didn't laugh with the girl.
(But why? My chest hurts.), she thought.
"Oh... that girl, she cried."
Kukuri coughed painfully.
Far from not receiving it, "thoughts" that she was not even allowed to convey.
The unreliable appearance of slumping her shoulders and wiping away her tears was very painful.
She held her throbbing and aching breast with both hands.
(Why? A few seconds ago, I wished I didn't follow you.), she thought.
She bit her lip and forcibly moved away from the girl who was standing.
But, she was surprised that Fushimi hadn't heard her words at all.
After dinner, she lost sight of Fushimi and was unable to speak.
Shortly before taking a bath, she desperately searched for Fushimi and finally found him.
If she ran and called, he would stop and look back.
But his gaze was terribly cold and emotionless, and she shivered.
"Oh, I am sorry!"
She leaned in and explained the situation again.
Immediately after parting ways with Fushimi, she got tangled up with the bad guys. Fearing her abilities, she shook the man's hand roughly and, as a result, she was chased. And when they finally caught her, Yata, who was there, helped her. Thanks to Yata, she was able to escape from those people.
"There, I finally got in touch with Fushimi-kun... I'm really sorry."
"And the others?"
Fushimi said something at her explanation. But his voice was too low to hear. When she asked him again, Fushimi clicked his tongue and waved his hand in annoyance.
"And that?"
Fushimi echoed, she was confused.
His line of sight was terrifyingly sharp and cold.
"No matter."
(Doesn't matter?), she thought.
It wasn't the first time that word had come out of Fushimi's mouth. No, he seemed like he said it often. She had heard it over and over again.
But now, for some reason, she was stuck in her chest.
She was trying to say something at once… but she couldn't speak.
However, his cold words made her heart tremble.
No matter. No matter.
That alone repressed itself in her head, and she felt depressed and bloodied.
As a guest for that, her tears wanted to come out.
She was surprised. She thought it was like the obi thing. Fushimi narrowed his eyes.
At the same time, the appearance of that girl who was talking to Fushimi shook her mind.
That girl who dropped her shoulders, trembled and cried.
Oh, would she be kicked out like this?
If she cried, she would cause more trouble. She made him uncomfortable. She hastily wiped away her tears, but they spilled out later. She couldn't stop for some reason.
And then. Fushimi clicked his tongue at her as if he had noticed something.
Right after, Kamamoto's voice: "Konohana-san...?"
She turned around and looked back reflexively. She knew what would happen if she did that in that situation.
"......! Hey..."
At the corner of the corridor, she could see Kamamoto and Yata, who were probably going to take a bath. The moment they saw her tears, they took a breath and opened their eyes.
And as expected, a fierce anger burned in Yata's eyes.
"Why is she crying?! Monkey!"
The voice of anger resounded in the hallway. With that momentum, Yata grabbed Fushimi.
He seemed amused and happy teasing Yata. To hit each other's skills, fight, compete and enjoy collisions. But only that day was different.
Fushimi clicked his tongue at her, and when he shook his hand roughly, he pushed Yata away and said, "Do you know why?"
"It's ridiculous! She's crying! I don't know!"
"Well, no! Really! Yata-kun, that's wrong!"
In a hurry, she grabbed Yata's arm, who was extremely high at the ruthless words, and stopped him.
(It's different! Really different! It wasn't Fushimi-kun's fault that I cried! I just…), she thought.
"Please! Stop! Yata-kun! Please!"
Yata looked at her anxiously.
"No. Really. I'm sorry. Fushimi-kun, I..."
(I cried in a place like this. I'm bad in the first place. They didn't tell me anything terrible.), she thought.
However, Fushimi coughed and swollen back without hearing her apology until the end.
"Hmm...! What's that attitude?! Hey!"
"Yata-kun! I'm really bad!"
(I was wrong...), she thought.
She looked around her and bit her lip.
(What should I do? Fushimi-kun has become like a bad boy.), she thought.
"Konohana-san, are you alright? Hey, someone! Call Yukizome!"
Kamamoto rubbed her back and looked around him.
She covered her face with both hands, her lips pressed together tightly.
(What should I do? Not only did I annoy him and make him angry, but I also cried weirdly and made him a bad guy. If I chase after him and sincerely apologize, will he forgive me? Or does he already hate me...?), she thought.
She remembered the sharp, cold eyes that actually held no emotion.
Did he already hate her?
Her chest ached from the throbbing. It was disconcerting. She couldn't stop the tears.
(They didn't tell me anything terrible, why? What was so shocking? What makes my chest so tight? Why can't my tears stop? I don't understand.), she thought.
She couldn't even raise her face at Yata's pitiful words, "Don't cry. Damn! Monkey! I would never make you cry."
Thinking of that, she could only cry without being able to organize anything.
A little further away, she can hear Kukuri's surprised voice.
After a moment, she hugged the small, slender body that had come with all her might.
She did not understand or know. But the only thing that was clear was that she didn't want Fushimi to hate her.
She was terribly afraid of it.
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spellcasterlight · 3 years
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@flashfictionfridayofficial Prompt: #FFF 118 Yonder Hills
Happy birthday Hikari Hatake! I felt inspired @depressedhatakekakashi! 😁
I mean she was created today so it is technically her birthday right? 😂
And I love the idea of her birthday only being two days after Kakashi's!
Warnings: None.
"I must admit Lord Sixth; when you said you stated you had a; gift; for us all on your daughter's birthday," Shino turned slightly to indicate the rather ragtag group of shinobi and soon-to-be-shinobi in their party. "I was very much; confused."
"By that, he means you make no sense at the best times," Anko threw Kakashi a mischievous grin before crossing her arms. "What is this big surprise?"
"And why does everyone get presents on my birthday?!" Hikari yelled before pouting openly.
Kakashi calmly lifted his right hand out of his pocket and pointed to his right. Then, almost as a single being, the five other group members looked to their left.
"The Hokage mountain?"
The thought of his plan involving the Hokage mountain made his stomach drop.
"No, my gift is behind the mountain."
The group looked a mix of interested and puzzled.
Kakashi began walking, pointing that same free hand's forefinger in front of him. "Follow me."
After a lengthy run through the village, over the Hokage mountain and far into the abandoned Gainen mountains behind the town, the group's three women turning the run into the race, Kakashi told them to drop down into the rough terrain valley below.
Hikari gasped so loudly, shaking Shinja's arm.
The youngest Aburame voiced his thoughts. "That is impressive looking."
Tenten pointed to the area in front of them before looking at Kakashi in open amazement. "Did you build this?"
Kakashi nodded, only making his daughter squeal in excitement louder.
He had modelled the area after Konohagakure's chunnin stadium with its high encasing walls and level ground, but he had added many extras. For example, he had added multiple level areas for running over and hiding inside. Also, a jungle gym type construction for agility and balance training, taking inspiration from playpark climbing frames and even a small lake for walking on water chakra control practice.
The best, Kakashi thought, was because the mountains were uninhabited; they had the entire area to work with.
"You made us a training ground!"
"I know you two are looking forward to being fully-fledged shinobi in only a few short months," Kakashi gave Shinja and Hikari individual looks before standing tall again. "So, this is my gift; you two can practice here whenever you want," he quickly added. "As long as you bring at least one of us boring adults along."
Tenten and Anko both gave sharp yells and dismissive scoffs at even the joke of being boring.
His hands slipped into his pockets, and his eyes scrunched up in amusement at his daughter already bouncing on the spot. Even Shinja looked at him in vaguely concealed awe.
"Happy birthday Hikari."
"This is awesome! Thank you, daddy!" Hikari jumped up Kakashi catching her instinctively silently beaming when she gave her father a firm hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
She jumped down, grabbed Shinja's coat sleeve and started pulling him towards the jungle gym section.
"Come on, bug boy!" The silver-haired girl also threw over her shoulder. "Mom! Auntie Tenten! You need to come too!"
"What? And miss this party? No chance."
Anko only gave him a grin before giving him a firm kiss through his mask; when she stepped away, she winked at him. "You get your proper kiss later."
Kakashi only chuckled.
"Mom! Come on!"
At their daughter's impatient shout, Anko grinned and ran off.
Tenten placed a far calmer kiss on her husband's cheek. "Wish me luck?"
Shino caught his wife's hand in his for only a second. "You know my feelings towards luck; but you have it anyway."
"Auntie Tenten!"
Hikari's shout made the weapons mistress give an amused smile before sprinting off to join the others.
Shino followed Kakashi when he left the created training field to take a seat on a hill strategically overlooking the area.
"A brilliant idea; I must say; Lord Sixth."
"Drop the title Shino."
"A brilliant idea; Sensei," Shino corrected, making the older man nod. "But I must ask; is this not a little; extreme? Creating a brand-new training ground in the middle of these uninhabited mountains. Would one closer to home not be; wiser?"
The loud bang that rang out shook the ground beneath them violently.
"You feel that?"
Shino nodded.
"That's a little one. Anko and Hikari have been increasing the strength of the flash bombs and combining them with all sorts of stuff," the Hokage sighed. "They destroyed the kitchen a few days ago."
Shino hummed in his throat in understanding. "Yes; it was hard to miss; so this is your attempt at stopping your home from; future; injury?"
Kakashi made a few hand signs before slamming his hands into the ground, a mud wall forming around the back of the one closest to them when a blast from Tenten's paper bomb blew a hole right in the centre.
"I just don't want my house to blow up anymore," he watched Hikari release a barrage of senbon at Shinja; when his hive blocked the attack, the senbon fired small bursts of light before exploding. "Or the entire village."
The Aburame heir made another understanding noise when he saw his son use his hive to pick up and throw a piece of the broken surrounding wall at Anko.
"I can see only one flaw; to your plan."
Kakashi had to grip the tree behind them to remain sitting upright at the following collection of bangs, flashes, battle cries, and entertained laughter followed by one giant explosion that sent them both rolling sidewards.
"Oh?" The silver-haired man sat up, shaking grass out of his hair. "And what's that?"
Shino righted himself shaking off a large amount of dirt from his green coat. "We have no medic."
The sound of his wife and daughters entertained cackles flooded the air before another large flash went off.
Kakashi sighed; he knew he would forget something.
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