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inklings-challenge · 5 months ago
Inklings Challenge 2024: Team Tolkien
It is time to officially announce the members of Team Tolkien for the 2024 Inklings Challenge
Members of Team Tolkien are challenged to write a science fiction or fantasy story within the Christian worldview that fits into one of these two genres:
Secondary World Fantasy: Stories that takes place in an imaginary realm that’s completely separate from our world
Time Travel: Stories featuring travel through time
These genres are open to interpretation, and creativity is encouraged. You can use either or both of the prompts within your story, or if you’re feeling ambitious, you can write multiple stories.
Members of Team Tolkien are also asked to use at least one of the following seven Christian themes to inspire some part of their story.
Admonish the sinner
Instruct the ignorant
Counsel the doubtful
Comfort the sorrowful
Bear wrongs patiently
Forgive all injuries
Pray for the living and the dead
Writers are challenged to complete and post their story to a tumblr blog by October 21, 2024, though they are encouraged to post earlier if they finish their story before that date. There is no maximum or minimum word limit. Writers who have not completed their stories before the deadline are encouraged to post whatever they have written by October 21st and post the remainder at a later date. Writers are also welcome to post the entire story after the deadline.
Posting the Stories
All stories will be reblogged and archived on the main Inklings Challenge blog. To assist with organization, writers should tag their posts as follows:
Mention the main Challenge blog @inklings-challenge somewhere within the body of the post (which will hopefully alert the Challenge blog).
Tag the story #inklingschallenge, to ensure it shows up in the Challenge tag, and make it more likely that the Challenge blog will find it.
Tag the team that the author is writing for: #team lewis, #team tolkien, or #team chesterton. 
Tag the genre the story falls under: #genre: portal fantasy, #genre: space travel, #genre: secondary world, #genre: time travel, #genre: intrusive fantasy, #genre: earth travel
Tag any themes that were used within the story: #theme: admonish, #theme: instruct, #theme: counsel, #theme: comfort, #theme: patience, #theme: forgive, #theme: pray
Tag the completion status of the story: #story: complete or #story: unfinished
Team Members
The writers assigned to Team Tolkien are:
Writing resources, including the Challenge overview, FAQ, writing prompts, and discussions of the genres are available at the Inklings Challenge Directory. Any writers with further questions can contact the Inklings Challenge blog for guidance.
Welcome to the Inklings Challenge, everyone! Now go forth and create!
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anghraine · 6 months ago
anipologist replied to this post:
Did you seriously just describe Feanor…Feanor who invented kin-slaying, Feanor who defied Mandos to his face, Feanor who went down fighting the Lord of the Balrogs, Feanor whose spirit burned so bright that his body spontaneously combusted….as an “academic celebrity grandfather?”
It was slightly tongue in cheek, which I thought would be clear in the context of my post:
Her [Galadriel's] hair flowing dramatically in the wind is actually more important than someone like Celebrimbor getting dramatic impractical action hair (with love, he’s an arts and crafts nerd hung up on his academia celebrity grandfather)
But honestly, I would argue that most Elves in Second Age Middle-earth and certainly Celebrimbor would most admire Fëanor for his academic/artistic achievements, such as his work in linguistics and with the Silmarils and the palantíri. OTOH I think it's very clear that few Elves of this era would consider the invention of kinslaying as at all worthy of admiration. Celebrimbor feels overshadowed by Fëanor's celebrity when it comes to lore and craftsmanship—Elvish academics—not his prowess as a warrior, which I don't think Celebrimbor seems to have cared at all about.
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catie-does-things · 4 years ago
So by dint of the number of ML posts you make I finally decided to look the show up and give it a shot. I watched a couple of episodes in English before switching to the (in my opinion) superior French version.
I’m not fluent in French but I have enough relatives who lived there on top of a couple years of French classes to know when translations are...erroneous.
The transformation phrases obviously are considerably less colorful in the French but I also noticed Hawkmoth simply refers to himself as Le Papillon...which could be “the butterfly” or “the moth” probably depending on how dramatic Gabriel’s feeling...
You seem pretty well informed on the show’s background. Do you know if Hawkmoth is an invention for English speaking audiences, because we wouldn’t take a villain named The Butterfly seriously? Or did they think we’d be bored without something more colorful, as is presumably the case with “spots on” and “claws out” rather than “transformez moi”
I don't know why they changed the transformation phrases in the English dub, but as for Hawk Moth, yeah, I think they just decided Butterfly didn't sound sufficiently menacing in English. Which, to be fair, it really doesn't.
The show in general makes use of a lot of puns in the akuma names and Chat Noir's dialogue, so they sometimes have to get creative translating those as well.
The most critical difference between the French and English versions of MLB imo is that Jagged Stone has an American accent in the original French version, as opposed to the British accent they gave him in the English dub. An outrageously exaggerated American accent. American!Jagged is canon, don't let the fandom forget it.
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padawanlost · 5 years ago
So you have some great meta posts and I'm pretty new to tumblr so I'm glad I stumbled on your blog. I'm curious what you think of Vader as a Sith? He absolutely loathes himself, until he finds out about Luke he isn't plotting to kill Sidious, he totally ignores the Empire in favor of finding his kid and of course eventually dies for him. I mean Vader is a terrible person but he also seems like he is kind of a terrible Sith. I can kind of see Yoda and Sidious being equally frustrated by him.
Hi and thank you!! :) Welcome to tumblr’s madness :P
Well, in terms of politics and ideology the Sith are nowhere near as strict as the Jedi. You won’t get ‘kick out’ from being one for breaking a rule. And considering George created the sith to personify selfishness and greed I’d say Vader is a pretty effective Sith. I know, there’s a ton of lore about the Sith, their rules and ideology and it’s a somewhat popular notion that Anakin was a ‘bad’ sith but, personally, I like to go by Anakin’s emotional arc and George’s own views on the matter. Anakin became a Sith because he was selfish and that’s a behavior that Vader reinforces. Darth Vader, even when he was trying to get to Luke, acted on his own self-interest. And that’s what at the Sith were originally supposed to represent. They were created to work as cautionary tales and I’d say Vader is a pretty successful one.
Finding Luke because he was *his* son or being too involved in his own suffering to engage on a deeper level to the world around him, even at his Master’s command are the exact sort of behaviors George was trying to portayed as bad. Later, he would label that behavior as part of a group called the Sith, so yeah, I’d say Vader was a ‘good’ Sith even if he didn’t behave like his Master. Also, most Sith aren’t portrayed as ‘inhuman’ as Palpatine so Vader’s struggles and doubts shouldn’t be enough to classify him as a ‘bad’ Sith.
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harpist-errant · 4 years ago
Dick and Dami Week 2021
Art Edition (goes along with anipologist/Riverdaughter’s a thing with feathers)
Both have the theme of “Did you really mean that?”
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Re-draw of this....dreadful panel. I’m pretty happy with how it turned out, especially since this is my first shot at drawing Damian.
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expertsofarda · 4 years ago
Canon Characters
@anipologist is passionate about Finrod, Galadriel, Arien, and is “an Arafinwean at heart.” (Asks are open!)
@elennafeanorian would love to talk about Finwës family, but “especially [the] disaster Fëanorians” (Asks are open!)
@ellrond has extensive knowledge on the life and times of Elrond, and by extension, Gil-Galad, Celebrian, Celeborn and Galadriel! (Asks are open!)
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inklings-challenge · 6 months ago
2024 Inklings Challenge Participants List
This is an ongoing list of writers who have expressed interest in participating in the 2024 Inklings Challenge. I will be updating this list until October 1st, 2024, at which date everyone on the list will be assigned to one of the three Challenge Teams.
I have erred on the side of including people, so if you’re on the list and you do not want to participate, let me know and I’ll remove you. And it’s very possible I’ve missed names in the shuffle, so if you’re not on the list and you do want to participate, let me know so I can add you.
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inklings-challenge · 6 months ago
Inklings Archive Dive: 2022 Portal Fantasy
Welcome to the Inklings Archive Dive! Today, we’re exploring the portal fantasy stories written by the members of Team Lewis during the second Inklings Challenge. In 2022, writers used at least one of the following seven Christian images in their stories: light, tree, water, wind, bread, wine, and/or fire. If you’d like to read some of the stories you might have missed, or revisit any favorites, you can check them out with the links below.
2022 Team Lewis Portal Fantasy Stories
Dear Future Me by @phoebeamorryce
Finally Home by @frominsidetheblanketfort-blog
Fire-Heart by @incomingalbatross (unfinished)
The Firewall by @ashknife
The Guardian by @clarythericebot
Letters from Athelor by @fictionadventurer (unfinished)
Light of the World by @fictionadventurer (unfinished)
Lions, You & I by @ellakas
Megan All the Way Down by @cygnascrimbles (unfinished)
Mirror Image by @called-kept (unfinished)
The Tiffany Problem by @lady-merian
Tree of Life by @secret–psalms–saturn (unfinished)
Untitled by @rowenabean (unfinished)
Where Grace Begins by @maltheniel
A World Unfamiliar by @anipologist (unfinished)
If you read and enjoy, let the author know with a reblog or a comment! Now go forth and read!
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inklings-challenge · 2 years ago
Team Lewis
Members of Team Lewis are challenged to write a science fiction or fantasy story within the Christian worldview that fits in at least one of the following two categories:
Portal Fantasy: Stories where someone from the real world explores a new world
Space Travel: Stories that involve space travel or take place on other planets
Writers should also incorporate at least one of the following seven Christian images within their story.
Writers are challenged to complete and post their by October 21, 2022, though they are encouraged to post earlier if they finish their story before that date. There is no maximum or minimum word limit. Writers who have not completed their stories before the deadline are encouraged to post whatever they have written by October 21st and post the remainder at a later date.
Posting the Stories
All stories will be reblogged and archived on the main Inklings Challenge blog. To assist with organization, writers should tag their posts as follows:
Mention the main Challenge blog @inklings-challenge somewhere within the body of the post to alert the Challenge blog.
Tag the story #inklingschallenge, to ensure it shows up in the Challenge tag.
Tag the team that the author is writing for: #team lewis, #team tolkien, or #team chesterton.
Tag the genre the story falls under: #genre: portal fantasy, #genre: space travel, #genre: secondary world, #genre: time travel, #genre: intrusive fantasy, #genre: technology
Tag any images that were used within the story: #imagery: light, #imagery: tree, #imagery: water, #imagery: wind, #imagery: bread, #imagery: wine, #imagery: fire
Tag the completion status of the story: #story: complete or #story: unfinished
Team Members
The following writers are assigned to Team Lewis:
Writing resources, including the Challenge overview, FAQ, writing prompts, and discussions of the Christian meanings of the images are available at the Inklings Challenge Directory. Any writers with further questions can contact the Inklings Challenge blog for guidance.
Welcome to the Inklings Challenge, everyone! Now go forth and create!
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inklings-challenge · 3 years ago
2022 Inklings Challenge Participants List
This is an ongoing list of writers who have expressed interest in participating in the 2022 Inklings Challenge. I will be updating this list until October 1st, 2022, at which date everyone on the list will be assigned to one of the three Challenge Teams.
I have erred on the side of including people, so if you’re on the list and you do not want to participate, let me know and I’ll remove you. And it’s very possible I’ve missed names in the shuffle, so if you’re not on the list and you do want to participate, let me know so I can add you.
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inklings-challenge · 2 years ago
2022 Team Lewis Story Archive
Portal Fantasy
Dear Future Me by @phoebeamorryce
Finally Home by @frominsidetheblanketfort-blog
Fire-Heart by @incomingalbatross (unfinished)
The Firewall by @ashknife
The Guardian by @clarythericebot
Letters from Athelor by @fictionadventurer (unfinished)
Light of the World by @fictionadventurer (unfinished)
Lions, You & I by @ellakas
Megan All the Way Down by @cygnascrimbles (unfinished)
Mirror Image by @called-kept (unfinished)
The Tiffany Problem by @lady-merian
Tree of Life by @secret--psalms--saturn (unfinished)
Untitled by @rowenabean (unfinished)
Where Grace Begins by @maltheniel
A World Unfamiliar by @anipologist (unfinished)
Space Travel
and the darkness comprehended it not by @ravenpuffheadcanons (unfinished)
Connection by @lydiahosek
Gained in Translation by @psmithereens
New Creation by @frangipani-wanderlust
The Opening Door by @rowenabean
Tree of Life by @secret--psalms--saturn (unfinished)
Waving Through a Window by @magpie-trove
Yohan by @challenger2013
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expertsofarda · 3 years ago
@anipologist is very knowledgeable about the first age and specializes in the events surrounding Finrod and the Lay of Luthien. (Asks are open!)
@ellrond can help with primarily the Second Age, but can also help with placing characters, such as Elrond or Gil-Galad, within the timeline (Asks are open!)
@hellofeanor has a big passion for timeline reconstruction! They will be able to help reconstruct Tolkiens canonical timelines or help create realistic timelines for other projects! (Asks are open!)
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expertsofarda · 4 years ago
Books and Passages
If you need help looking for a passage or want to talk to someone who knows some books or passages really well, these people can help you!
@anipologist  can help you with the Unfinished Tales, Lay of Luthien and Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth (asks are open!)
@chrissystriped all volumes of the History of Middle Earth and knows which topics are in which volume (asks are open for both Tolkien and Non-Tolkien!)
@mornyavie can help you with the Unfinished Tales (asks are open!)
@princess-faelivrin can help you with the Children of Hurin (asks are open!)
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expertsofarda · 4 years ago
@actuallyfeanor will be able to help with sewing, embroidery, knitting and crochet!! (Asks for both Tolkien and Non-Tolkien are open!)
@alienfuckeronmain can help with tattooing!  (Asks are open!)
@anipologist  is a “dilettante dabbler in calligraphy and (fictional and real) heraldry” and can help you with those sorts of topics! (Asks are open!)
@jaz-the-bard can help you with sewing and fashion, especially embroidery! (Asks are open!)
@lottiefairchildbranwell is able to help with dressmaking and embroidery, especially cross stitch! (Asks are open!)
@seleyin‘s job is printmaking and etchings, so they can help you if you have questions about how people could easily reproduce images, text or music, machinery, chemical use, etc., In a medieval/renaissance setting! (Asks are open!)
@soup-enthusiast will be able a great help about handicrafts and a great place to find resources about handicrafts! (Asks are open!)
@tethysresort is able to help with all kinds of dye work and dye patterns! (Asks for both Tolkien and Non-Tolkien are open!)
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expertsofarda · 3 years ago
Canon locations
@anipologist, our resident Arafinwean lover, can tell you all about Nargothrond (Asks are open!)
@ellrond is quite passionate about the history of Rivendell and Lorien  (Asks are open!)
@felixwhetsel has an interest in Beleriand and has knowledge about the locations and cities that cropped up, especially Elven societies (Asks are open!)
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