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astralechoes · 7 years ago
Okay but can we talk about the most memorable moment on your other blog when Keita finally made a move on Alex and ended up passing out not a minute later, because that was absolutely hilarious and also so them. He’s come slightly further since then, bar a lot of shyness but at least he doesn’t pass out anymore ;). I mean that’s a good thing cause they have been dating for at least a year now lmao.
I can’t remember a lot of Hunter moments cause he’s not really done a lot that I remember, he’s just been a dick most of the time lol. But uhh maybe when he pushed Shiro and then was like ‘oh you fell? My bad.’ ThisiswhyIdon’tlikeHunter.
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merlevum · 7 years ago
animeprotagonistshiro replied to your post: shit now, i’m tempted to write some centaurtalia...
(( I mean … if you did … * whistles * ))
yeah yeah, I mean I have notes starting something, but I need to do some research. and I still have some fanfic I haven’t actually reworked or added to OTL 
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penitentprodigy · 7 years ago
dancersofdestiny replied: I get this all the time too having no motivation sucks. Take your time and relax friend.
i’m sorry you deal with it all the time bluh sometimes i think motivation is bullshit honestly lol like i totally think inspiration is real but i’m more of the believer that you can’t just wait for motivation to hit bc it so rarely does. you do have to push yourself to do things sometimes. ofc you don’t want to push yourself if you genuinely aren’t in the mood and you’re just going to feel even worse in the end but for the most part i don’t think you can rely on motivation alone so [shrug emoji] thanks so much tho i really appreciate it <3
kessaichi replied: i hate those moods :U you want to do something but your not focusing and it's ughh i hope the edible helps relax you and you can find something to do!
the Worst™ :||| it makes everything so hard omg you don’t feel like writing but you don’t feel like laying low and watching stuff either so it’s just?? brain??? do you want me to just stare blankly at a wall for a few hours?? thank you so much tho!! you’re so sweet and i definitely think the edible will help since it naturally relaxes you and lifts your mood. weed will save the day lol
porcelainghosts replied: MEEEEEEEEEEE RIGHT NOW AGH
I’M SO SORRY YOU’RE DEALING WITH IT TOO IT’S THE MOST FRUSTRATING THING LFIOGHSK i feel like you really just have to ride it out and that sucks even more ;A; but i hope you feel better soon!
animeprotagonistshiro replied: (( ... you mean the time when you force yourself to write 'cause you need to do /something/??? :') * shot so many times * * hugs * times like that suck, but they don't last forever. Don't worry if things don't get done now, if there isn't a deadline, they can be done tomorrow :') ))
MMM :’) i love suffering :’))) although like i said to kira i do think there’s a healthy amount of force you need sometimes bc motivation is such a fickle thing and i don’t really believe in it. but then there’s times like these where nothing at all seems appealing and you can’t focus on one thing for long and it’s just ahhh!! you’re totally right tho and these slumps don’t last forever which is good to remember. thanks so much for the reassurance c’:
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red-and-black-paladin · 7 years ago
“I’m suddenly struck with the overwhelming need to crawl back into bed.”
“Can I join you?” Leans against him. “Very tired.” 
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skylieclearwater · 7 years ago
animeprotagonistshiro replied to your post “I got this new theme... But it’s doing something weird.”
(( in the US, December 8 is written 12/08, but outside the US, December 8 is sometimes written 08/12 ))
That’s what its doing
THank you for telling me this
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wovencircle · 7 years ago
(( sending in a few )) 1, 4, 10, 22, 25
multi-muse asks! | @animeprotagonistshiro
1. is there a muse that you wish gets more attention?
i wish kasumi did bc i feel like she’s one of my most fleshed out characters and i just haven’t taken the time to write her very much. i’d love to explore her more and why she’s so angry at the world. i’d also totally love to write something about her unrequited love towards chiaki bc i love suffering 8^)
4. is there a muse that not a lot of people roleplay with?
i think miyuki, chiaki, and shou are the main three who don’t get that much interaction. it’s totally not anybody’s fault and i’m 100% guilty of playing favorites with sakuya and hiroto lol but i still would love to write them more! being able to write stuff for them more will hopefully help me flesh them out too.
10. which muse is the most fun to write for?
sakuya! i’m biased but she’s so fun to write bc she’s such a hero at heart. she’s chill and nice most of the time but she’s got a god awful temper. if someone sets her off then she’ll ruin them. she’s fiery and brave and a hero and i love her.
22. which muse is most likely to make new friends?
answered here! but it’s my sunshine girl momiji
25. which muse do people send the most asks for?
definitely sakuya and masaru. i’ll never be assed to actually count which of them gets the most asks but i’d say it’s pretty close. i think they’re my two most popular characters and that’s totally good with me ;v;
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baydrakethedragon · 7 years ago
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White Paladin Baydrake!
Except he’s his own Lion lol
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arcanicbeast · 7 years ago
This was why Sif preferred to not interact with others, she either came on too strong or in the wrong way. Great, now he probably thought she was stalking him. At least he didn't attack her.
"Why do I suck at this...." she mumbled looking off to the side.
She let out a deep sigh, almost as if to actually gather the courage to speak.
"I didn't mean to make you uneasy. Sorry. Being isolated for almost two years doesn't exactly help with being social.... you are the champion correct?" She asked him. She was slightly embarrassed, she hadn't meant to come off as an enemy or a danger.
"My name is Sif and I need your help."
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candideangel · 7 years ago
It was supposed to be an easy job for the day, the castle needed supplies, and there was a place that wasn’t taken over by Galra forces; sure they could have perhaps wormhole to the Space Mall, but Princess Allura wanted to visit the planet herself to make sure that it was fine. On further research, the planet they were visiting was rich in many resources such as minerals and even plant life. Perhaps it was good they were visiting, they could provide some sort of security in case those forces would come to prevent the peace.
“Put simply,” Allura spoke as they were soon entering the planet’s atmosphere with a bit of turbulence, “This planet’s market is along the lines of the Space Mall most of you previously visited. However, everything you find will either be organic or some may not take money and simply barter instead. Quite pleasant really.”
However, something was wrong in that planet’s main village; smoke was rising black in the distance. Pulling up a screen for everyone to see, she had predicted it would be a calm serene place, but her eyes simply widened at the destruction as something there had caught fire. “No it can’t be...” she muttered under her breath fists clenched up into fists for a moment. A zoom in would show Galra forces encroaching on the village, they were making an attempt to create a new planet to conquer, to strip away everything the locals fought for.
It looked as if ground combat was going to be in order first before they could potentially get anything done properly.
Meanwhile at an outstretch of forest, someone came out from under a large tree with roots that grew out of the ground, carrying a flower in a makeshift pot to let it have some sunlight. “There you go...grow up big and strong today.” However, as they turned and spotted the plume of smoke from the village, teeth became clenched. A curse left their lips and they grabbed a few items in a pouch, pulled a scarf over their nose and mouth, hood over head. “You’re not harming them today...” going over to a covered up hover bike that had seen better days, the engine had stalled once, twice, before it roared with life and the green cloak snapped in the breeze as they made a beeline towards the invading alien race.
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astralechoes · 7 years ago
animeprotagonistshiro replied to your post: *Kohaku is now going to be wondering if shrubs...
((… you’ll have to ask eros about that kohaku, theshrubshaveseenthingsman *not on the right blog for this* ))
Keita: *goes off to protect the shrubs*
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stasismort · 7 years ago
animeprotagonistshiro replied to your post: Why does everyone want to touch me?
(( touch him or /bad/ touch him? *shot so many times* ))
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penitentprodigy · 7 years ago
animeprotagonistshiro replied: (( ... or you could be like me and overuse 'older guy', 'older woman' instead :'D likewhymalefemale areweseriouslylookingdowntheretodeterminesexoftheotherpersonnow ))
kessaichi replied: I'm guilty of the older male/etc thing XD I try not to do it a lot but it's hard habit to break lol
listen... every single one of us is guilty of doing that siofgjkg it’s totally a hard habit to break but anni just made such a good point like why did all of us ever normalize that in the first place?? saying “older male” and “older female” is so bizarre??? why are we referring to their sex like that omg it would make way more sense to say “older boy/girl” or “older guy/woman”
real people don’t talk that way at all we’re not like “hey that older female is my friend” lmfao
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skylieclearwater · 7 years ago
Skylie had been residing in the walls for some time now. Nearly a week. In a desperate search for food she had wandered deeper and deeper into the castle. One room in particular was appealing to her. And this was where she kept returning to. Every now and then, food would be left unattended. This was when she would come out.
The tiny albino was in the middle of pilfering some of said food when she froze. A door opened and closed. Pink eyes trailed up slowly. And stopped. A human was right there. Mere feet away from her. Her heart skipped a beat. Her breathing quickened. She was in trouble.
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wraitheos-blog · 7 years ago
(( detailed writer prompts )) 2, 4, 6, 8, 16
(( 2, 4, 6, 8, who do we appreciate? yoooouuuu!! *shot* Under the cut because I got rambly on a couple of these. ))
2: what is more important to you, narrative or style? if so, why, and how do you think you portray that in your writing? 
(( Oooh, this one is a tough one. I like narrative a bit more in my own writing. If I can describe a setting in such a way that makes the reader feel like they’re there, or know what my character is feeling as though it was their own, I feel like I’ve succeeded as a writer. Style is important and often goes hand in hand with narrative, but if you have a good narrative, style will come. I haven’t quite grasped ahold of Kyle’s narrative just yet, but that’s mostly because he’s fairly new to me still. I like to focus on the area around to portray it in my writing, touching base on how things feel to the character, how the character reacts and even their motivations based around it. ))
4: without using your fc, describe your character physically - not just looks but also movement, posture, etc.
(( *rubs hands together excitedly* Oh booyah. :’D This may get long winded I apologize XD I don’t really have a FC for Kyle just yet so I’mma just describe how I see him in my head. ))
Kyle has tanned, but very smooth skin. This is partially due to genetics and partially due to the fact he spends most of his time outside, even as a child he did. He’s 5’11, so he’s fairly tall and he can even be a bit intimidating if he wants to be, but he’s often not for reasons I’ll get to in a moment. His hair is roughly down to his shoulderblades, but it’s wavy, not quite curly but with thick, sleek waves that he often wears in a ponytail or a bun. It’s color is very rich, an extremely dark brown that looks black, but in sunlight, you can see the brown sheen. His eyes are fairly large, with thick eyelashes, but despite his youth, there are slight wrinkles and almost bags under and around his eyes. They’re more visible when he’s stressed or tired, but perhaps that’s just because his eyes so easily express what he feels. Their color is a light hazel, but with a dim, minty green around his pupil. The hazel is far more obvious, the green only visible when he’s very close to someone, or when the light hits them just right.
His shoulders are a bit broad from swimming and lifting a great deal in his youth, his build just a bit stocky, especially in his legs. Kyle’s face has gentle angles, and he’s almost feminine at first glance. His hands are strong and scarred up from a life of work, callouses making them just a bit rough.
Now, onto posture. Kyle tends to not have much of a ‘poker face’. If he’s feeling anxious, it’ll show in the tension of his shoulders, his head lowered slightly, even his arms around himself if he can help it. If he’s happy, he’s open, his chest out and shoulders relaxed, a little bounce to his step and his head held high. If he’s angry, he stablizes himself in his stance, his back curves, arms tense at his sides. Sad, he’ll curl in on himself a bit, make himself small and probably fidget. Like I mentioned earlier, Kyle can be intimidating if he’s angry or irritated, but it’s so rare and he’s more like a puppy than anything. He’s tall but so ridiculously open and excitable that some people can forget he’s actually quite dangerous, if he wanted to be.
6: let’s say someone else was going to write your character - what are the main points of their personality that you would tell the other writer to focus on? what about outside of that? images/symbols/moments in their life/etc.
(( Oh geeze.... hm. Well, Kyle is naturally very open, very curious, and he tends to be optimistic. But if he suspects something is off about someone, spiritually or just threat-wise, he is quick to make judgements, but he also overrules those judgements if someone appears to change, or prove him wrong. He’s quick to trust, but also anxious in unknown situations. He doesn’t understand certain pop culture, and is very easily confused, but he tries his best to understand. ))
((As far as symbols/images, Kyle is a bit fond of crows and animals in general because of Arys, his spirit. His hood is important to him based off of the tennants that Cherina taught him, and given the fact that with Cherina’s faith, she wore it always. Kyle doesn’t necessarily share in the faith, but he is fond of the hood. It feels like home. Parents are a touchy subject for him. His father was extremely important to him, but the memory is bittersweet. He never knew his mother. The wilderness is another comfort for him, but cities make him anxious. ))
8: what writers influenced the way that you yourself write? how so? are there any that influenced you negatively?
(( My favorite childhood author was Erin Hunter of the Warrior cats series, and I’ve recently realized through convincing a friend (*cough* @ask-secretary-tatsumi *cough*) to read the books, Erin Hunter actually greatly influenced my writing. Granted, it was more of a foundation that I used to build off of, and my writing definitely would fall more in the young adult+ genre, but I still love Erin Hunter’s books. A couple other major influences for me are E. E. Knight in the Age of Fire series (dragons. dragons :’3) and Marissa Meyer with her Lunar Chronicles series. I can’t really pinpoint a writer who really negatively influenced me? But an author I wasn’t fond of necessarily would be Tahereh Mafi with Shatter Me. I wasn’t fond of the characterization and way that it developed. ))
16: for ocs: what does your character metaphorically represent to you? what is their symbolic value as it pertains to you as a writer? 
(( Kyle, in many ways, represents freedom and optimism to me, the banishment of demons. He is a character of growth, of saying ‘it’s okay to not be at the end of your story, you can still do great things.’ He goes for what he wants despite his fear or inexperience, and truly tries to live. He can be naive, but he is a character who represents bravery and youthful optimism to me. ))
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a-basket-of-muses · 8 years ago
Carell had been in the middle of bandaging his wrist when a harsh beeping perforated the air. With a flinch Carell tied off the wrapping and pulled the cloak back on. It wasn’t his usual coat, but it did the job of keeping him covered.
He tapped at the console for a few minutes before figuring out how to turn off the damn alarm. Moments later and he figured out why the alarm in the first place. It was a large ship of sorts. Carell growled, hoping it wasn’t the same bastards that had taken him from his home and sold him.
Carell pulled the cowl up to cover his head to cover his honey colored hair and grabbed the stolen blade. Only then did he settle in to wait, to see what the other ship would do. It wasn’t long until he got a notification, again. Another tap opened up a screen, showing a young woman with long hair and pointed ears. If he hadn’t known better he would have said she was demon.
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astralechoes · 7 years ago
(( * coughs * alex and keita * coughs * ))
Keita whipped his head around when he heard the door open as he was looking at a photo of himself and his sister when they were younger. He smiled warmly at Alex before handing out the photo for the other man to see. “I look so different right, look at how small I was.” He said with a laugh. “Mayu looks even smaller, but she’s always been small.” He said with a slight grin, before a nostalgic look crossed his features.
“I think this was the age where I met that young boy. You know the one I had the dream about, who’s mother could fly?” Keita said with a soft smile. “I’m remembering a little more about that time, I don’t think it was just a dream anymore.” Keita said glancing upwards. “I think he was the first friend I ever had... I used to call him Sasha, and he had an imaginary friend that I was able to see...” He said, trailing off before he had a sudden realization and he looked at Alex quizzically.
“This may seem completely outlandish and you can correct me if I’m wrong, but was it you? I just think, that because I was able to see an imaginary friend that was an animal and the fact that I’ve been able to see Agraios this whole time. It’s quite the coincidence.” Keita rambled with a sheepish expression on his face. “Maybe it’s just wishful thinking, because it would be nice if we knew each other before and were friends back then...” Keita said with a slight blush on his features. “S-sorry I’m being silly aren’t I?” He asked, before he was cut off by a hug. Keita’s eyes widened a little before he hugged back with a soft smile.
“Was that your way of telling me to shut up, or is this a confirmation?” Keita asked before hugging the other man tighter. Maybe he was simply hoping for the best, but even if it turned out the child wasn’t Alex he was still happy to be hugged right now.
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