#angy i hate companies
sweatandwoe · 1 year
Lock your Ao3 accounts from public viewing, make it that only registered users can see it
Google's new AI is not just targeting your Google docs
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It's going for anything publicly available. Which means the works you posted lovingly, for free can be used by Google in their scrapping without credit. Google has admitted this and is currently facing a class action lawsuit about it, but nothing they're doing is technically illegal because no ai laws
Private your shit, don't use Google docs or web-based/internet connected versions of Microsoft Word. If anyone has links to free writing sources, please reblog with them.
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stiffyck · 1 year
watching a video about AI "art" and im losing braincells over some of these people oh my god
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charlessmiths-wife · 2 months
having donna brain rot so like…. have some headcannons if you want x these are mostly hcs of what I think a relationship would be like with her but there’s also some general ones in there!
CW!! brief mentions of PTSD/discussions of poor mental health
-> i think my personal take on Donna is that she’s very quiet/introverted at first, but the more comfortable she becomes around you the more she opens up. i see her as the silent but thoughtful type. she’s got a lot of care for those who mean a lot to her (so you!) but around those who she doesn’t like or isn’t as comfortable around this angel is absolutely silent. plenty of thoughts about how annoying they are, but they’re very rarely vocalised.
-> on that note, Donna hates meetings of the lords.
-> it’s not that Donna has awful relationships with the other lords of the village, I actually do believe they are relatively close in spite of the fact she prefers her isolation
-> it’s more so… meetings often showcase a lot of strong personalities… which lead to arguments (particularly Heisenberg and Alcina based arguments - this is affectionate bc I love them both x) that just stress Donna out.
-> i think (given how long Donna lived on her on with just Angie and the dolls for company) Donna didn’t really have anyone to open up to regarding past traumas or any issues that troubled her.
-> so when she first met you, and saw how much you cared about her… and how much you listened… she couldn’t believe it
-> literally.
-> I have a hc that shortly after coming clean to you about her feelings for you and beginning to grow closer to you, Donna… had something of an argument with you
-> she legitimately believed you were too good to be true. and you were some sort of cruel manipulation tactic sent by like Miranda or something to butter her up for some kind of scheme.
-> once you reassured her your feelings for her were genuine and you truly cared for her simply because you loved her… she broke down sobbing.
-> it broke your heart to see her believe so genuinely she didn’t deserve you. but that day did prove to be crucial in not only you guys’ relationship, but also Donna’s life.
-> not only did you manage to encourage Donna to seek help for her mental health struggles- but you also encouraged her to open up more to you.
-> and she does! she does both! and babygirl comes on leaps and bounds!
-> Donna’s past experiences will always be with her, but you managed to show her she’s deserving and worthy of a brighter future.
-> I like to imagine you guys love baking together, particularly Donna. She finds it relaxing.
-> and she’s AMAZING at it. and cooking.
-> omfg Donna is incredible at cooking.
-> she loves to make Italian dishes for you. and she gets Angie to help.
-> Just imagine walking into the kitchen to find Donna absolutely MASTERING the art of hand making your favourite meal… meanwhile Angies running around the kitchen wearing a small chefs hat and apron (that Donna made) waving a wooden spoon around as if it’s a weapon.
-> You and Donna do have to wrestle the spoon off of her later that night.
-> I also think Donna really likes music!
-> she owns an old record player, sometimes she’ll play a record for the pair of you and ask you to dance. you always say yes, how could you say no to someone so cute?
-> she’s actually a very talented person. you’re always reminding her of this, because sometimes she forgets.
-> the woman literally has an ear for good music, can bake, cook, CRAFT, sew, garden, write….
-> I also (for some reason) think she has some secret talent at chess. Like, she’s untouchable when it comes to that game. You don’t know how, but she wins every time, it’s entertaining to watch but it does mean board game nights aren’t really overly competitive x
-> her love language is absolutely words of affirmation.
-> please tell her how much you care about her, and how good you think she is. she will melt.
-> i actually think her default form of giving love language is a mixture of physical touch and gift giving.
-> she mightn’t always know how to tell you how much she loves you verbally, but she’ll write it in a poem and gift it to you or she’ll make you a gift or maybe even softly stroke your back in the mornings and it’ll all be clear
-> you never have to doubt how much she cares about you.
-> loves cutesy nicknames. call her ‘my love’ or ‘darling’ and watch her MELT.
-> (has a soft spot for the nickname ‘princess’.)
-> you and her are just so sickeningly sweet when you’re together.
-> you can spend entire days with each other in peaceful silence. just lying in each others arms and occasionally whispering how much you love each other, softly pressing kisses to each others lips cheeks and forehead. really anywhere you can.
-> Angie will roll her eyes and pretend to be ‘sick’ but she’s secretly over the moon. she’s never seen Donna so happy and confident in herself than when she found you.
-> it makes her happy to see. it’s what Donna deserves <3
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thisgirlnamedblusy · 3 days
Your writing is very pretty and I’m amazed at all your stories! This one is a mixed bag of sad feelings, and hopeful wishes ahah but -
What if Donna and female reader have been in a relationship for some time now and are very comfortable together. But lately Donna has been putting in less effort in the relationship. Reader spoils Donna, does most of the cooking, makes time for Donna, tries to do all of the things Donna likes and whenever Donna wants something or feels Reader could do better Reader tries to be better because she loves Donna. This used to be an effort they were both doing, but lately it feels like Donna is withdrawn and isolating from Reader and barely even speaks to her no matter what Reader tries to do. They don’t even make love anymore or cuddle. Eventually Reader begins to get a bit used to this and a bit sad and withdrawn from feeling like she is the one maintaining their relationship. After an encounter with Alcina, in which something happens that shows Donna that Reader is desirable to other people, and someone else is willing to put in the effort to make Reader happy, Donna FINALLY sees what this isolating behavior has been doing to them and makes a tremendous effort to show Reader she cares. All of the romantic gestures (flowers, spoiling Reader, writing her love letters, all sorts of romantic things), and a tremendous effort to seduce Reader and make her swoon in Donna’s arms while Donna makes sure that Reader knows she is loved and belongs only with Donna.
Ending in a romantic, and smutty scene possibly with a G!P Donna if you’re comfortable with that.
Again, your writing is tremendous and I’m excited to read every new one you make!
- A very tired Reader
Yesssss!!!!! Thank you for your kind words, and for your request!!! I hope you like it and sorry about the language mistakes!!!! :)))))))
A bucket of flowers
Pairing: Donna Beneviento x Fem! Reader
Warnings: G!P Donna, a bit of smut, Minors DNI, angst, fluff, Donna being Donna
Word count: 8,747
Summary: Who is sending you those beautiful flowers?
N/A: Sorry about the language mistakes!!! Requests are open!!! I'm waiting yours!!!I love you all!!!
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It might seem like it was a night like any other and it certainly was, but for you no day was the same as the previous one, they were all different, endless opportunities and occasions to show her the love you felt.
“Oh, the fool made a cake, congratulations,” the Angie doll mocked, keeping you company in your long cooking sessions.
“It's not a cake, my friend, it's the cake, do you understand?” you asked with a smile and a raised eyebrow, decorating that culinary masterpiece.
“Oh… The cake…” the puppet murmured, staring at you while you checked that everything was perfect. “It doesn't seem special to me.”
“Well… You should know that it's Donna's favorite cake,” you said with a smile, taking off your apron, ready to enjoy what you always saw as a romantic dinner, a special occasion for the two of you.
“Ugh, there you go with your cheesy stuff again…” the doll protested, moving away from the cake, with a softer tone.
“I like to spoil Donna, is there a problem?” you asked amused, taking the cake and walking out of the kitchen, with the doll following you closely.
“I guess there isn’t,” Angie said, shrugging and comically moving ahead of you, almost making you trip.
Humming happily you went up the elevator, where the lady was waiting for you sitting at the table with that same serious expression, one that you had been struggling to change for a long time.
“Why did you take so long?” Donna asked as you approached slowly.
Normally those words didn't have that hoarse, listless tone, that horrible tone you hated and thought you would never hear again.
“I'm sorry, honey, I was just making this,” you said, ignoring her impatience and showing the cake to the woman in black, who glanced at it as you set it down on the table. “Do you like it?”
“Mm,” she murmured, nodding listlessly and starting to eat without waiting for you.
At first it was hard for you to get used to Donna's lack of manners, her apparent lack of interest in everything you did but... Little by little, you understood that it was your new routine.
“I followed your advice and I was very careful with the sugar,” you commented, sitting in front of her, who didn't even make an effort to look you in the eyes.
“Sure,” Donna murmured, serving you a glass of wine with a tired sigh.
“Yes... Uh... I hope, I hope you like the soup,” you said with a shy smile, seeing how she seemed to ignore every phrase you said, without stopping eating.
Her face sketched a brief smile, but long enough for your spirit to calm down and you began to eat too, observing every gesture the brunette made.
Dinner passed in silence, exchanging glances from time to time. They were indecipherable, confused and flat glances. Her bright eye said nothing, yours were always happy to coincide with it.
Your smile was indelible. It didn't matter the silence that for you became more and more uncomfortable. You knew that in front of you was the woman of your life.
“How did you spend your day? You haven't left the workshop today,” you commented distractedly, attracting Donna's attention.
“I had a lot of work,” she said in a whispery voice, barely paying attention to you.
“Oh, of course,” you said amused, playing with the spoon. “I'm not surprised,”
“Mm,” the lady murmured again, taking a sip of wine, making that she didn't feel like talking clear to you, something that was becoming more and more frequent.
“Yes, um...” you said confused, unable to get one of those eternal conversations, a smile that lasted longer, something from Donna that wasn't a tired sigh. “Do you have more orders than usual?”
“No,” she replied curtly, leaving the glass on the table and finishing her soup.
You smiled fakely nodding, feeling frustrated by these incipient slights.
“Oh, um, okay…” you sighed, deciding that maybe it would be better to remain silent.
“I've been very late, (Y/N), and it may have something to do with your insistence of wanting to go for a walk,” she said, with a soft but internally hard tone.
“Don't you like walking with me? The walk last week seemed very romantic to me,” you said, biting your lip and reaching out to take her hand, caressing it gently.
Luckily, that time she didn't push it away, in fact, reluctantly, she briefly returned your caress. Her face, once again, showed a tired smile.
“I like walking with you, but I'm neglecting my work,” Donna said, taking her hand away and sighing before getting up from the table. “I'm really tired today, (Y/N), I'm going to bed.”
“Wait, Donna,” you interrupted, getting up too and grabbing her wrist, turning the lady slowly. “The, the cake, aren't you going to try it?”
“Ugh,” she protested, frowning and rolling her eye. “Maybe tomorrow, put it in the fridge.”
“But Donna…” you said with sad eyes, comically pulling her hand. “I've spent three hours in the kitchen, I made it just for you…”
“I didn't ask you, (Y/N),” she said, shaking her head, looking at you in annoyance and taking her hand away from yours. “That you've spent three hours cooking it's not my problem.”
“Donna…” you sighed again, with an even sadder look. “But, but it's your favorite… I…” you stammered on the verge of sobbing, your eyes slowly filling with tears. “Donna…”
The lady in black sighed, gently caressing your face with a more relaxed expression, lifting your chin.
“Va bene, tesoro…” she finally said, approaching your lips and kissing them coldly, sitting back down. “Serve me a piece, but a small one.”
You smiled happily, jumping for joy and kissing her again repeatedly until her hands stopped you.
“Lasciami, lasciami, per favore,” the lady protested, waving her hands effusively while you walked away with shy giggles.
“A small piece…” you murmured as you cut the cake, serving her the exact amount she wanted and which she accepted with a tired look. “Come on, try it,” you said insistently, serving yourself another piece.
The lady tasted it reluctantly, savoring it and nodding slowly.
“How is it? Say something,” you said enthusiastically, checking for yourself that you had done a good job, significantly better than other times.
“It's very good, (Y/N),” Lady Beneviento commented, quickly devouring her piece and standing up again. “Thank you.”
“You're welcome…” you sighed with a loving smile. “But, but, is it sugary enough?”
“I said it's good,” Donna interrupted with a stern voice. “Why don't you pick this up?”
“But, I… Well, okay, okay,” you said, your smile fading little by little, your heart slightly hurt but at the same time resilient. “Then we could watch a movie and…”
“How many times do you want me to tell you? I'm very tired, I'm going to bed, you can do whatever you want,” Donna said, turning on her heels and leaving you alone and open-mouthed.
No matter how harsh her words were, you accepted them with a half- smile. Sighing, you began to clear the table and, unwillingly, you thought about what your life was like just a few months ago, how different it was.
Meeting Donna Beneviento was a coincidence, one of those coincidences that mark the path of your life. The youngest of the four Lords was also the most mysterious, the most dangerous.
You never cared about danger, or risks. You were a young girl, kind-hearted, what harm could do to talk to that woman in black, to help her when her doll got stuck in some bushes?
If you do good things, good things will happen to you, or so your family said. They weren't wrong at all. The best thing that ever happened to you in life was meeting her, learning to see the light in the darkness of her presence.
The whole village feared her, considered her a terrible and cruel monster. But none of that appeared in your feelings as you got a little closer, as you got to know her a little better.
Lady Beneviento was a sick woman, self-conscious about the deformity of her face, about what the gift of the Black Gods caused in her body. She kept herself isolated, completely alone. A hermit, a ghost, someone no one wanted to get close to.
But you appeared in her life, you smiled at her, you saw her kind side, her words of affection, her shy laugh… None of those were characteristics of a monster, and her appearance, of course, was not one either.
Donna was a beautiful woman, no scar, no change could make you think otherwise. Without expecting it, but at the same time wishing for it, love arose between you.
It was a sudden, romantic, wild love… It could even seem that the romance novels you read so much had come to life in your own reality. Love, caresses, whispers, passion, hugs… Everything formed your relationship, a comfortable one, one that you finally felt good about, one that you didn’t want to disappear.
Lady Beneviento loved you, she adored you, even those overly strong feelings made her behave in a slightly possessive way. You never gave it importance, you knew you didn't have to, you had already decided.
You had decided what smile you wanted to accompany you every morning, what warm body you wanted to melt with every night, what perfume you had chosen to cloud your senses.
Love continued and your relationship was stable. It had been more than a year since you decided to take that important step, stop visiting her and stay with her forever. Everything was perfect, idyllic, at least until a couple of months ago.
The love, those smiles, those caresses, the hugs, the passion… Everything was fading away little by little. Donna was the same and at the same time she was becoming someone different. It was increasingly difficult to get a smile out of her, to get her to return the hundreds of kisses you gave. You didn't want to think like that but… It seemed like you were bothering her, that she had gotten tired of you.
But that wasn't possible, she still told you that she loved you, that she liked you being by her side. It wasn't laziness, it was something else… It was as if the dark part of her mind had taken control, as if she saw you as a nuisance, a distraction that kept her from her old way of being.
There were no more kisses, no more caresses, no more hugs, only smiles, very brief kisses, sighs of weariness and cold words. You, of course, couldn't be the one to blame. From the first moment you didn't do anything that didn't make her happy.
You cooked her favorite dishes, you learned recipes that she told you about, you cleaned the house, you kept everything perfect for her, so a ‘thank you’ would come out of her lips, so those kisses would return.
None of that happened. Donna seemed to have abandoned you, even when she was by your side. It was increasingly difficult for her to talk to you. It was almost as if you didn't exist. But you never questioned it, you simply got used to that new behavior.
You couldn't think that Donna didn't love y. You knew that wasn't the case. Spoiling her, showering her with compliments, with romantic gestures, was your way of desperately clinging to a jaded love that you had already grown accustomed to, until little by little, sadness began to haunt you in your increasingly frequent moments alone.
You would do anything for her, always, but you began to wonder if she would do the same for you.
You picked up the plates, put away that delicious cake and got ready to get into bed next to her. You didn't expect her to greet you with a smile, not even with that mischievous look she had always looked at you with at bedtime. No, she had already fallen asleep.
“Donna, my love,” you said softly, getting into bed next to her, kissing her cheek.
The lady in black, as usual, growled annoyed, turning her back to you.
“Weren't you watching a movie?” she asked with a tired voice, comically covering herself with the sheets.
You smiled and shook your head, moving closer to her ear.
“It's not fun without you,” you said, biting her earlobe and laughing amused. “Hey, Donna, I feel like making love…” you whispered, lowering your hands and pulling her waist.
The doll maker moved her body to make you move away. You, already knowing that impatient gesture, did it.
“Not today,” she said, turning her head away from your rain of kisses. “Another day, (Y/N)”
“Okay…��� you sighed sadly, leaning on the pillow with another controlled sob.
Donna, who was always terribly passionate, fierce in love, in possessing you in a carnal way whenever possible, now didn’t want to do it, she just made stupid excuses.
It wasn’t the most important thing for you, but you knew how much she enjoyed taking you.
You did everything you could to keep the passion alive, to hold on to that relationship, but you felt that the weight on your shoulders was too intense, that there was no one on the other side to help you handle that burden.
It was the effort to not extinguish love, an effort that only you made and that would soon make you sink into a depression you could already feel calling you from the depths of your soul.
You tried to forget those moments, to cuddle up next to her as you did every night. Not even that seemed to be acceptable to the brunette, who growled again, removing your hands from her body.
“Leave me alone,” she whispered furiously.
“I'm sorry,” you said, with a voice eaten away by the tears that were beginning to fall down your cheeks. “I'm sorry if I bothered you.”
Donna sighed after a moment of silence, sitting up and touching your shoulder.
“Come here,” she whispered, turning around and grabbing your waist gently, as if she wanted not to be that cruel, as if deep down, she was also noticing your incipient sadness.
“Thank you…” you sighed with a sincere smile, approaching her body, letting her surround you with her warmth.
The slights hardly mattered to you. Donna always did something that told your heart not to stop beating, that you could continue to be terribly in love with the lady in black. The question was simple: How long could you stay that way?
“Oh, I almost forgot,” Donna said with a different voice, pressing you against her body. You glanced at her out of the corner of your eye, enjoying her warmth. “Tomorrow Alcina will come to have lunch.”
“Tomorrow? But Donna… Tomorrow is the day of our meal on the river,” you protested, playing erratically with her fingers that were clinging to your waist.
“Mm…” she sighed in a way that indicated she was rolling her eye. “Leave it for another day, will you? I don't like her coming either but I'm afraid I have no other choice. She often invites us to her castle.”
“Yeah, well, you never want to go anyway,” you sighed, with an anger that was beginning to be noticeable in your voice. Donna, as always, didn't give it any importance.
“I'd rather be here, with you,” the lady said in an apparently romantic way.
“You're not with me, you spend the day with your dolls, you even…” you said furiously, turning around and crossing your arms.
“I'm with you all day long.”
“Okay, whatever you say, Donna,” you said, turning around again, removing her warm hands from your body. “Good night.”
“Buonanotte…” the lady whispered, kissing you quickly on the cheek and turning around as well.
If you were told a few months ago that your bodies no longer intertwined at bedtime… You would probably think it was a dirty lie.
The next day started like any other. You devoted all your energy to preparing a perfect breakfast that Donna no longer appreciated. The kisses under the shower were no longer intense, they were brief, half-hearted.
Maybe it was your imagination, or maybe not.
While you were cooking a delicious menu for your unexpected guest, you asked yourself that question, one that you avoided asking yourself and that you could no longer contain: did Donna really love you?
“Is all for me, dear?” Lady Dimitrescu asked, surprised by each of the details that you meticulously prepared.
You, pleased by her words, smiled sincerely. It had really been a long time since you heard Donna say something like that.
“Everything looks great, little bird,” Alcina murmured, while you sat next to Donna, who was covered with her black veil, as always when there was someone other than you.
“Thank you, my lady,” you said smiling, pouring yourself a glass of wine.
“My lady… Little girl… We are almost family…” the lady in white sighed, stabbing a piece of meat with her fork. “Call me Alcina.”
“Alcina, yes, of course,” you said kindly.
The three of you began to eat in silence until a satisfying grunt bounced off the old walls of the mansion.
“Oh, dear… It's spectacular,” the vampire said, pointing at you with her fork. “Mashed potatoes with gravy?”
“Yes, well, it's a recipe I used to make,” you commented, destroying the silence that usually accompanied you. “Donna likes it…”
“I see,” Alcina said, nodding with a seductive look. “Donna, you are very lucky.”
“Mm,” the veiled lady murmured, eating in silence, looking at you briefly through her black cloth.
“Mm?” her sister mocked. “Please, not in a million years would I be able to get one of my maids to cook like this.”
“Oh,” you said, laughing amused and blushing at that appreciation. “I love cooking, besides, Donna has taught me a lot of delicious recipes from her country.”
“I can't compete against that, huh?” the tall lady joked, arching her eyebrows. “Um, I see the house is a bit… different,” she commented, observing the cracked walls. “Oh, Donna, don’t tell me you’ve finally lost that absurd allergy to cleaning.”
“No, (Y/N) takes care of the house,” the woman in black said, with a rough and disinterested voice.
“Does she?” Alcina asked, narrowing her eyes and looking at you with a wicked smile. “Do you have a sister?”
“I’m afraid I haven’t, Alcina,” you said kindly, serving the lady another glass of wine. “I like to clean. I love seeing your sister happy.”
“Wow… You are lucky,” Dimitrescu murmured, now looking at her taciturn sister.
“I guess so,” Donna whispered, taking the bottle of wine from you in an unpleasant manner and leaving it on the table.
“Mm, I see…” Dimitrescu murmured again, rolling her eyes. “(Y/N), would you be interested in working at the castle?”
“No, she’s not interested,” Donna said, angrily hitting the table with her fists, scaring you a bit. “(Y/N), dessert.”
The expression of the lady in white cooled and she frowned, watching you as, in an almost perfect way, you slid the knife through the cake you made the day before, the one Donna failed to appreciate.
“Cheesecake with raspberry jam,” the tall woman commented, studying the shape of that culinary delight.
“The jam is homemade,” you explained, serving another piece to Donna, who looked at you through her veil, you didn't know how. “Do you want this one or do you want a slightly bigger one, my love?”
“This one,” she said curtly, taking the plate from your hands roughly. “Em, grazie.”
“You're welcome, darling,” you said in a tender voice, embarrassing your girlfriend with a few sudden kisses on the cheek she pushed away with a brusque growl.
“Lasciami estare, cazzo,” the lady in black hissed, pushing you unpleasantly, under the watchful gaze of her older sister.
“I'm sorry,” you said with a tender smile. “Maybe you'd like a coffee, you want it with milk and no sugar, right, darling?”
“Yes, yes, go, let me breathe,” the lady in black said, moving her hands in an unpleasant way.
You sighed but nodded, looking at the lady in white.
“Black, dear, with two sugar cubes,” Alcina interrupted, with a knowing smile, winking at you.
“Great, I'll bring it right away,” you said helpfully, picking up the plates and going down to the kitchen.
“I want coffee too!” Angie shrieked, tugging at your dress.
“You can't have coffee, you can't have anything, in fact,” you said amused, stroking the doll's head, who laughed amusedly.
None of Donna's actions seemed strange to you. You were already used to it and... Unfortunately, you stopped giving it the importance it deserved.
In an elegant way you put the three cups on a tray, going back up to the dining room. When you heard a sharp voice, you stopped dead, still unseen.
“You're stupid, Donna, stupid,” Lady Dimitrescu snapped in a stern, dark voice. “Keep behaving like that and you will suffer the consequences.”
“It's none of your business, Alcina,” you heard Donna hiss, her voice seemingly upset.
“Mm, maybe, but I'll tell you one thing, dear… If you don't take care of that beautiful garden… well, let's just say that I'd really like to do it,” the eldest Lord said, earning an angry growl from your girlfriend, who stood up from her chair.
“What are you implying? Porca puttana! Get out of my house!” Donna shrieked, pointing to the door.
“Don't yell, little sister… Instead of getting mad, take my advice… Otherwise, I'll be the one to take care of that flower as it deserves. And I think that seeing your attitude, it won't be too hard for me.”
“Fuori!” Donna shouted again.
She seemed very furious, out of her mind. It was time to approach her.
“Sorry, I…” you said timidly, lowering your head and entering the room, earning a seductive look from the lady in white.
“That coffee smells delicious, dear…” she murmured, picking up her ridiculously small cup. “A perfect coffee next to a perfect young lady…”
“Tha, thank you Alcina,” you said with blushing cheeks, approaching the brunette. “Donna, honey, are you okay? Are you having a crisis?”
“No,” she answered, grumbling and letting herself fall into the chair.
“I thought you were arguing,” you murmured, caressing Donna's cheek through her veil, noticing how the rage burned on her skin. “Should I get your medicine, honey?”
“No,” Donna repeated, making you look at her listlessly and then at Alcina, to whom you bowed apologetically.
“Forgive her, sometimes… It happens to her,” you said, apologizing for your girlfriend's attitude, one that was sometimes unpredictable.
Getting furious for talking about a garden… It was very typical of Donna, of course.
“Mm… I know, don't worry, I forgive her,” Alcina said with an implicitly mocking tone. “The question is… Will she forgive me?”
“Stupida…” Donna growled, mysteriously approaching you, taking your hand and kissing the back of it through the black fabric, a gesture that surprised you. “The coffee is delicious, (Y/N).”
“Thank you, darling… Are you calmer?” you said smiling at the compliment, one that you missed terribly. The lady nodded without letting your hand go.
When Lady Dimitrescu left and Donna got rid of her veil, you could see her frown, a strange expression for which you had no explanation.
“Well… It seems that everything went well,” you said sighing, finishing clearing the table and smiling at the brunette, who had her gaze on the floor while playing with her veil.
“(Y/N),” she said with a hoarse voice, approaching you and putting a hand on your shoulder. “I would like to tell you something.”
“Of course,” you said smiling, stacking the plates and cups.
“I love you, you know that, right?” the lady said with a different tone, sad, which made you turn around slowly, grabbing her hand and looking at her with concern.
“Me too, Donna, of course I know… Come on, don't be mad. Alcina just messed with your garden,” you said absentmindedly, looking out the window. “Hey, maybe when it's less cold we could fix it.”
“Fix it?” she asked, frowning in confusion. “The garden?”
“Yes, well… Okay, it's impossible to compete with the castle but I'm sure you and I can make it something similar,” you said with that same passive tone, without thinking clearly, without giving importance to that absurd discussion.
“Do you like the castle?” the lady asked suddenly. “Do you like it more than this house?”
“Oh, no, not at all,” you said, picking up a stack of plates. “Alcina can say whatever she wants, but… I love this house, and the garden, I wouldn't change it for anything.”
“Really? Are you serious?” she asked again, holding your hands very tightly, as if she was scared of something.
“Um, Donna, are you sure you're okay?” you asked worriedly, passing a hand over her sweaty forehead. “Oh, my love… You're sweating, let me finish picking this up and I'll prepare a hot bath for you.”
“No, no… Let me, let me pick it up and… And I'll prepare a bath for you… With… With those bath salts that you like,” Donna said, taking the plates from your hand abruptly, with a trembling voice.
You opened your eyes, surprised by that suddenly different attitude. You felt confused, disoriented. There was no doubt that the strange conversation with Alcina had something to do with it but… You didn't know in what way.
“Mm, I think it's a great idea but…” you said with shining eyes, blinking in a petulant and even seductive way.
“But,” the lady said, looking at you with a strange coldness, darkening her eye.
“Only if you come with me…”
That hot, romantic bath started a confusing phase of your relationship. You couldn't explain why, the reasons that led Donna to change her attitude towards you, but you weren't going to complain either.
Yes, she was still the same grumpy one as always, the one who was overwhelmed by your excessive affection and caresses, but she faced it in a different way, as if she were fighting with herself, fighting to change.
Even so, that wasn't enough for your demons to stop harassing you, for the doubts you had about the feelings of the lady in black to disappear.
Yes, you were happier to be able to talk to her again, to receive many more smiles, for her to accept your kisses but... But you didn't feel that it was enough, you felt it forced, as if someone was guiding the brunette to behave that way.
What you really didn't expect was what happened one cold morning, one in which you didn't read romance books anymore. No matter how hard Donna tried. Your relationship was still far from resembling those love novels.
“The door, there's a knock on the door!” Angie interrupted your ramblings, shouting in a shrill voice and waving her arms to get your attention. “Hey, silly!”
“Ugh, I'm coming,” you said, getting up from the couch lazily. As expected, there was no sign of Donna. That hadn't changed. Her dolls were still her absolute priority.
You opened the door to find something unexpected, a villager holding what looked like a bouquet of beautiful flowers, your favorites, in fact.
“Um... What do you want?” you asked, surprised by the presence of that stranger at your door.  That a random villager had been able to cross Donna's territory was something that wasn’t frequent.
“Miss (Y/N)?” the man asked, handing you that bouquet of roses. “This is for you.”
You took it with a frown, bringing the flowers to your nose, slowly inhaling their scent.
“For me? From whom?” you asked, smiling at the beauty of those carefully placed flowers. There didn't seem to be any card, nothing to tell you where they came from.
“I don't know,” the man said, shrugging and turning around. “I'm sorry, but I wouldn't like to stay here for long…”
Before you could ask another question, the man disappeared, walking quickly down the path, surely scared to know where he was.
You stood rooted to the spot, staring intently at the bouquet of flowers, looking for a possible culprit for that romantic act.
Of course, Donna seemed the main suspect but… Something told you that you were wrong. She was a romantic woman, or at least she was for a while, but she never gave you flowers, she never went that far, she never had a similar detail.
No, they couldn't be from Donna. You were quite clear about that.
“Who was it, tesoro?” the lady asked when you entered the house again, startling you. You weren't expecting her presence.
“Oh, um... Well...” you said nervously, showing her the flowers.
“Wow... They're beautiful,” she said with a smile, running her fingers over the petals, looking at you out of the corner of her eye. “Don't you think?”
If you had any doubts about the origin of those flowers, you had just cleared them up. They weren't from Donna.
“I wonder who it could have been…” you murmured thoughtfully, smelling the flowers again “Mm, they smell really nice…”
“Um, yes, I…” Donna said stuttering, looking at you confused.
“Can you imagine that I have a secret admirer?” you asked amused, finding the idea more and more exciting in your head. After all, no one had ever sent you flowers, no one. “How exciting, isn't it?”
The most sincere smile you had ever put on lit up your face as you played with those beautiful flowers, finding a privileged place for them in the mansion. Donna followed you nervously, looking over your shoulder as you put them away in an empty vase, laughing amused and excited by that gift.
“Wow, I really didn't expect that,” you sighed, shaking your head. “It's strange that they didn't leave a note, isn't it? I'd really like to know who it was...” you said in a sweet voice, your heart beating fast from the excitement of receiving that anonymous gift, of feeling that there was someone out there who appreciated you.
“W-would you like to know?” Donna asked, with a broken voice, putting a hand on your shoulders.
You rolled your eyes, sensing a sudden attack of jealousy and took her hand, kissing the back of it briefly.
“Not again, Donna,” you whispered tired of her jealousy, of her possessiveness. “I don't know who it was and if I knew I wouldn't tell you either.”
“But, but, (Y/N)...” she murmured, shaking her head, struggling with her words to say something. “It's just that I...”
“What's the problem with people sending me flowers?” you asked with your hands on your hips, with the prejudice that the lady had gotten angry and was thinking about how to get revenge on that stranger.
You weren't being unreasonable. It wasn't the first time Lady Beneviento got mad.
“T-Tesoro...” she stammered, taking your hand.
You could only think about that attitude, about her lack of attention, you couldn't even think about what she was going to say to you.
“Shh, quiet, Donna,” you said seriously but mockingly, putting a finger on her lips to stop her complaining. “Don't get jealous, okay? They can send me all the flowers they want, it doesn't mean anything.”
“Oh, um, okay...” she finally said, with a tired sigh, looking at you out of the corner of her eye. She seemed really worried.
“I'm going to make you something delicious to eat,” you said with euphoric joy, kissing her quickly and walking happily towards the elevator.
 She didn't kiss you back. She just stared at that vase of flowers, shaking her head.
“Silly Donna…” Angie hissed, tugging at her dress. “What's wrong with you?”
“Nothing, Angie, it's better this way.”
You were too excited to pay attention to that conversation between Donna and Angie, and continued on your way quietly.
Those flowers… Yes, it had been a good way to start the day, no matter who it was, but at the same time, you couldn't stop thinking about it.
A lot of faces came to your mind and you dismissed each one of them. It couldn't be Donna. She had gotten very nervous, probably wondering what stupid vermin dared to seduce what was hers. No, it couldn't have been her. Then…
A name popped into your head, one you could sense, that had everything it took to become the main suspect. Alcina Dimitrescu.
It was pretty obvious that the lady in white had some sort of fixation on you, and even more so after that awkward lunch. Obviously, you weren't going to say anything to Donna, that would make her even angrier, and it was better that way.
“It's delicious, amore mio,”the lady in black commented when it was finally time to eat, with a radiant smile, one that reminded you of those first months. It was a shame that your mind was so focused on that flower thing that you didn't even notice.
“Oh, thank you, Donna,” you said with a sigh, with a smile that didn't belong to the kind words of the lady in black, but to that mysterious person who showered you with flowers.
“You put pepper on it, like I suggested,” she commented again, with a tender smile that you did see, which you returned without thinking as you nodded.
“I like to pay attention to the things you tell me, darling,” you said, downplaying it.
The lady in black smiled again, glancing at the vase.
“Wait, you're not being nice because that whole flower thing, are you?” you said with a more serious tone, crossing your arms.
“What? No, no, I just…” she said with a sincere look, shaking her head. “I, I like to tell you nice things….”
“Well, I like you doing it,” you said with a haughty tone, knowing for sure that this slightly more exaggerated attitude was the consequence of the appearance of a new player on the board, of a competitor who seemed to want to claim your love.
Donna continued to change little by little, seeking your warm body at night, whispering in your ear, kissing you relentlessly…
You could consider it a tremendous improvement, a wish that you had been asking for a long time ago fulfilled but unfortunately, you didn't see it that way.
The flowers could have been an isolated incident, an exception in your boring life, but it wasn't. Every day, every morning more flowers arrived at your door, beautiful bouquets that occasionally began to be accompanied by a note, a love note.
Your chest beat with excitement with each new bouquet, with each surprise from that secret admirer. You were excited, intrigued to feel that you provoked so many sensations in someone.
Each bouquet was accompanied by a good deed from Donna. A romantic dinner, walks in the woods... Everything coincided dangerously. That made you think that you weren’t wrong, that her jealousy was forcing the lady in black to become a prodigious lover.
There shouldn't be any problem, it was what you were looking for, to return to the romantic and affectionate beginnings of your relationship, but you knew that Donna would never change simply because she had realized she had neglected you, no, so many months of contempt couldn’t change overnight. That tender and romantic attitude had an explanation: jealousy.
Yes, that was the reason, jealousy. The appearance of that mysterious lover must have forced the brunette to love you, to pay attention to you, to distract your constant thoughts and take them away from that person of the flowers.
On the other hand, you were still in love with Donna, hopelessly in love. Receiving displays of affection from an unknown person was encouraging but you would never change your feelings.
But that she wasn’t able to love you as you wanted, by her own will and not for a mere territorial and primary issue simply frustrated you.
“Let's see, let's see...” you said excitedly picking up your daily bouquet.
On that occasion, it came with a small note, which you opened when you confirmed that there was no one around you.
Dear (Y/N)
I hope these flowers help you understand how crazy I am about you. You are the most beautiful girl in the world. You are the only one who would overshadow the beauty of these flowers. No flower could compare to the light of your gaze, their smell cannot compare to the perfume of your skin.
You are my most beautiful flower.
“Aww,” you murmured, biting your lip, reading that elegant calligraphy over and over again.
Of course, your secret admirer was quite the poet. That person always managed to make you blush.
Luckily, the heels of the lady in black alerted you, giving you time to put the note away and pretend to place the flowers in another vase next to the others.
“Ciao, tesoro…” Donna whispered, hugging you around the waist and planting a soft kiss on your cheek. “More flowers?”
“Looks like it,” you said amused, grabbing the hands that held your body, letting yourself be carried by Donna's gentle swaying. “Isn't it early for you to come up from the workshop?”
“Mm, yes,” she said, kissing your cheek and resting her head on your shoulder. “I was looking forward to be with you…”
“Oh, well, that's… Great,” you sighed, your voice taken over by the words in the note and not by the love the lady was showing you. “What did you have in mind, darling?”
“I thought I could make you some food, you know, some of your favorite dishes,” she commented, dancing with your body, turning you around with an elegant twist of her hand. “Do you fancy it?”
“Your cooking? I always do,” you said, laughing amused by the tickling her lips did on your neck. “Donna…”
“Then we could, I don't know, go for a romantic walk… You and I… The sunset…” Donna whispered in your ear, causing you to blush even more.
“You and I? Without Angie?” you asked suspiciously, frowning.
The lady nodded, stealing a quick kiss on your lips, caressing your cheek and looking at you intensely, as if she was looking for something, something you didn't know.
“You and I, amore mio…” the lady sighed, running her thumb over your lips and making you purr seductively. “After that we could watch a movie, whichever you want…”
“It's a perfect plan, Donna, I'd love to,” you said with a tender voice, letting yourself be completely seduced by her gaze, kissing her slowly.
“Well, well… I have to finish a doll but… After that I'll be all yours,” Donna said, pinching your cheek and pulling away slowly. “Leave those stupid flowers and change your clothes, I want you to be beautiful.”
“Um, okay,” you said blushing, moving your ankle in a childish way while she looked at you with a tender smile before disappearing from your sight.
You sighed with nostalgia, thinking about that new and desired attitude, looking at the flowers. Of course, whoever it was also had feelings for you but you, after a few terrible moments of doubt, cleared your heart or rather, you let it clear itself.
You loved Donna. You loved her with all your soul. Not even all the flowers, all the notes in the world would change that, ever.
Yes, it could be that the lady in black had returned to her loving and kind self because of the danger of someone taking her treasure but... That ferocity only demonstrated one thing: a pure, intense love, one that would be capable of bringing down the moon for you if you asked.
Compared to her smile, her kisses, her words in Italian, the flowers were nothing but weeds and those words were nothing but ink on paper.
In your head, the name Alcina Dimitrescu danced incessantly. Without a doubt, she was the one who admired you, you were not involved with anyone else, it had to be her. You couldn’t betray Donna, you would never do it.
 She could never win your love, never.
That statement sailed confidently through your mind, causing you to make a radical decision.
No, you didn’t want more flowers, you didn’t want more love letters, you only wanted Donna, no one else.
Searching through the old address book next to the phone, you found the castle's number, dialing it decisively. Yes, you loved Donna, only Donna. It took a lot of flowers for you to realize it.
“Dimitrescu Castle…” Alcina's tired, velvety voice answered on the other end of the phone.
“Alcina? I'm, I'm (Y/N),” you said nervously. After all, she was also dangerous.
“Oh, (Y/N), it's nice to hear your voice,” she answered with a sinister laugh. “What's wrong, dear? Don't tell me that Donna has done something bad to you.”
“What? No, it's not that, it's…” you said nervously, annoyed by that horrible accusation. “I have, I have to talk to you.”
“Mm, talk, little bird…” Alcina murmured, with a strange sigh.
“Okay, um, I don't really know how to tell you but…” you started, looking around, trying to make sure there were no unwanted listeners.
“You're pregnant… Oh, Donna, you damn irresponsible brat, I knew that…” Alcina said, interrupting and making you growl more and more nervous.
“No, no,” you insisted, losing your patience. “Okay, I think I'll get to the point…”
“Yes, dear, that's how I like it”
“Look, I don't have feelings for you… No, I'm not interested in you, I mean… I like your company but, nothing, nothing else… I love Donna, I love her with all my soul and… No matter how many flowers you send me, my heart isn't going to change, so…”
“Excuse me? What are you talking about, little bird? Flowers?” Alcina asked, laughing in surprise, something that confused you.
“Y-Yes, the, the flowers you send me at home… You know…” you said, stumbling over your words, with your heart in your throat.
“Dear, I have no idea what you're talking about…” Alcina murmured. “I'd love to send you flowers but I'm afraid I have nothing to do with that.”
“No? But, but…” you stammered, terribly confused. “It wasn't you?”
“Mm no,” she said laughing. “Flowers? Please, I'm not that cheesy,” the lady in white mocked.
“Shit…” you whispered covering the microphone, dying of embarrassment. “So who… Who did it?”
“I'm afraid I don't know, dear… Who do you think it did?” she asked laughing, as if you were joking.
You shook your head, your whole body shaking.
“I don't know…” you murmured, scratching the back of your neck. “Sorry, sorry for bothering you… Bye,” you said hanging up the phone, burying your face in your hands. “Oh… But who?”
Your head was confused, blocked, you weren’t able to know who this secret admirer was, there was no one who could be involved in this matter, you only related to Donna and she simply couldn’t be.
Tired and nervous, you let yourself fall on the sofa. If the flowers were not from Alcina they lost all that romanticism. That there was a stranger who wanted to flirt with you was something that you began to see as disturbing.
Looking everywhere, your eyes were fixed on one of the shelves, where a book seemed to stand out. You had a terrible obsession with order and you got up to put it away, realizing that there was a paper sticking out of it.
“Mm?” you murmured curiously, opening the book, a book written in Italian, a paper written in the same language, full of crossed out words, of short sentences that you began to observe.
That handwriting seemed familiar to you but, after trying to read those sentences, those paragraphs, a light lit up in your head. Slowly, you searched in your pocket for that letter, that love note that came with the flowers.
There was no doubt; the letters, the shape of that calligraphy matched completely, as did the last thing written on the paper, the same love letter in another language.
“Gods... Donna...” you said, covering your mouth with your hand, with the unexpected revelation that somehow, you already knew.
Donna sent you the flowers, she was always behind those words of love, it was her all the time and she never told you. A romantic gesture that you didn't expect from her was the perfect excuse for Donna to continue with her game.
Why had she denied her involvement in something so beautiful? You would have to ask her.
With shaky legs, you went down to the doll workshop, crumpling the paper in your hand, with a unique smile, with your heart beating faster than ever. Love was in your veins, in your body, in your face, the love for that lonely lady who sent you flowers even though she already had you, even though you didn't even know she was doing it.
“Donna, darling,” you said in a sweet voice, interrupting the lady's sewing, who gestured for you to come closer.
“I'll be done soon, tesoro…” she whispered, not looking at you, focused on that small garment.
You closed your eyes, approaching slowly and taking a breath.
“You are the most beautiful flower,” you whispered in her ear, leaning towards her and savoring each of the words.
Donna didn't look at you, but stopped sewing, sighing deeply.
“It's been you all along, hasn't it?” you asked in a soft voice, guiding her head to look at you.
Her cheeks were flushed, her chest moving quickly. There was no doubt.
“(Y/N),” she said dryly, not daring to look at your face.
“You sent me the flowers… It was you, my love…” you repeated, cupping her face in your hands. Her eye looked sad, and with an effort, the lady in black nodded slowly. “Donna, darling… Why…? Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Io…” she murmured, avoiding the brightness of your eyes, leaving the sewing to grab your wrists, which were still clinging to her face. “I tried but… You didn’t listen to me. You thought I was jealous and… I, I didn’t…”
You silenced her stammer with a passionate kiss, with the moisture of your lips impregnating hers, loving, caressing her mouth with yours with passion, with pure love.
“Donna, my love… My Donna…” you whispered, running a hand through her black hair while she looked at you between sadness and shame. “I thought you didn’t…”
“I know,” she interrupted. “I know you didn’t think it was me.”
“No, I…”
“(Y/N), I beg for your forgiveness,” Donna said, holding your hands, standing up, looking at you now, straight on. “I was stupid… I, I treated you terribly… I neglected you.”
“Donna, well, that's true but…” you said, thinking about those horrible months.
“I don't want to lose you. To lose you would kill me, (Y/N)…” she sighed, caressing your cheek. “Y-You're right, I was, I was jealous… When I saw that Alcina was interested in you I understood that… That I could lose you….”
You nodded softly for her to continue.
“I've never known what love is, what it means to love a person and… I, I thought you could… I don't know, (Y/N), I was sure that you wouldn't abandon me and… I was selfish, I thought I had you and…”
“Shh, it doesn't matter,” you whispered, placing your hands on her waist.
“Yes it does, you give everything for me and I... I have despised you,” she said, embarrassed by her behavior. “I beg you to forgive me, please... I don't know... I don't know how to love, I... I saw you so happy when you received the flowers that I continued, I continued with the lie just to see your smile...”
You silenced the lady again with a kiss on her lips, seeing in her eye the apology, the regret, the love.
“Mm, well, it seems to me that the fact you let me think that someone is sending me flowers just to see me happy is very romantic, Donna...”
“I can't promise you that I can change, I'm not right and... I... I only know that I plan to love you every day and that you are... You are the only thing that gives me the strength to continue,” she said whispering, kissing you slowly.
“Do me a favor, will you?” you asked in a seductive tone, making a smile form on her lips. “Keep sending me flowers…”
After that penetrating whisper, the kisses returned, more and more passionate, wilder.
“No flower could ever say how much I love you, amore mio…” Donna whispered, running her hands over your body, appreciating it, exploring it, memorizing it with her fingers, as if she were afraid of forgetting it.
“Then show it to me, right here, right now…” you whispered again, walking backwards until your back hit the work table, dragging the brunette's body with you, inevitably drawing it into your kisses.
“Yes…”she said, admiring you with her loving gaze, with the caresses of her hands on your body, on your chest, fighting against the rush of your kisses, which began to fill her skin with love.
Little by little the words were nothing but incomprehensible babbling in a tangle of panting, of passion, of bites and hot, wet, anxious kisses.
Your bodies danced to the same beat, to the same rhythm, rubbing against each other, letting the friction return, that contact both of you craved to warm your passion.
The panting slowly mutated, turning into moans when her firm hands lifted your body, raising it onto the table, making those pieces of porcelain that you considered enemies, tremble.
It was like a mockery, those moans were a reminder of superiority towards the dolls, an act of lust in a sacred place for Donna, which would soon cease to be so.
You closed your eyes, pleased by the touch of her erection between your legs, by the excitement of those forbidden, wild, messy kisses. You didn't want to stop or think, you just wanted Donna, you wanted an animal love, a physical and obscene declaration of the love she felt for you. That was better than a hundred flowers.
“(Y/N)… Ti amo…” the lady whispered, looking into your eyes, seeking approval for her hands to pull down your underwear. “I want to make love to you…”
“I want you to,” you whispered, panting with her kisses, hot from her soft touch, from her increasingly furious caresses, from her nails scratching the bare skin of your legs.
She nodded, releasing her shaft after letting the clothes disappear from between your legs, entering you hastily, but accompanied by soft whispers, words of love that you had only heard in your fantasies for a long time, that you only read in your books.
“Donna…” you moaned as you noticed your walls blessed with her erection, the moisture that bathed her body while yours embraced her tirelessly, preventing her from daring to abandon you again.
The silence was no longer awkward, but a grateful companion to your loving glances, to an intense eye contact while the brunette thrust into you in a soft, intense but at the same time romantic way, enjoying the soft and slow contact.
Your body contracted, stretched, tensed. In your head you saw all those notes of love. You felt those words, those movements as a complete declaration, as an apology for her unfair behavior.
“My love…” you moaned, without blinking, letting passion tense your body before a quick orgasm deformed your walls, without her losing her romantic gaze, her movements, her soft caresses. “Oh, Donna!” you screamed when those involuntary movements became unbearable, forcing you to throw yourself into her kisses, to hang on her body while she held you without abandoning you.
Donna didn't say anything, she just moaned and sighed, looking and holding you with her nails digging into your skin when, with a sharp moan, she released herself inside you, completing that apology, that act of reconciliation, of true love...
“Honey...” you sighed as you felt her wet heat fill you, as you felt her seed claiming you as she hugged you, as she caught her breath without stopping caressing you.
“I will never neglect you again, I promise, my flower...”
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mashup-writing · 4 months
Haunted Promises (Mia Winters; Resident Lover)
Requested? ☑
"It's all washing over me, I'm angry again."
Summary: The Sorority's head is supposed to be socializing on opening night, but there's anger palpable in her gait & her eyes tell you it's your fault. Is it your fault?
Warnings: Alluding to OG!MC's death.
Genre: Angst
Resident Lover Masterlist
01-11: Set in the very first loop that MC lives through.
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The music fades further away until it's inaudible as you ascend the stairs. You're unable to help the sigh of relief from coming out as a wheeze when you reach the rooftop's door.
"I think it should've been clear that I wanted to be alone."
The venom in her voice makes you stop in your tracks for a moment. Mia almost feels bad for the uncontrolled outburst, she stops just short of turning her whole body around to face you before suddenly remembering: You aren't who used to have your face anymore.
That one is gone.
You sigh, shutting the roof door behind you before taking forward, tentative steps. There's enough distance between you and Mia that she won't feel as though you're intruding on her space, but it's not so large as to let her pretend that you aren't there either. She continues staring up into the sky and you keep your eyes on her shoulders- They tell you that she's breathing shallow.
"I'm sorry." The words come out of your mouth and despite the tone of your voice, it doesn't feel sincere for either of you. A scoff leaves Mia's lips as you take steps to stand beside her by the rooftop's ledge. "You don't even know what you're apologizing for." Her tone is still dripping venom, but you don't feel as angry as you know you should be- You feel no anger at all.
"I know I'm sorry for whatever I did to have you hate me like this."
Mia's eyes meet yours for the first time ever. The silence lasts for a few moments and when she opens her mouth it seems that she doesn't know what to say, a funny thought crosses your mind and so you take it upon yourself to fill the air.
"On the bright side, this marks the very first time you've looked me in my eyes, you know?"
The tentative smile on your face fades when Mia's scowl is replaced by a deep frown instead. She immediately looks back towards the stars and you don't miss how her hands grip the ledge just a little harder than before. The current silence stretches further, and it feels just as suffocating as her anger which has now thankfully seemed to disappear. It feels as though ages pass in the quiet seconds between the two of you.
"I don't hate you."
It's now you who turns your head to her in surprise and you're about to open your mouth to ask for an explanation when Mia hastily beats you to it with a vague one. "You look too much like someone I lost."
"It's like their face is on the wrong body." She adds almost as an afterthought. You're unable to form words, how could you after a revelation like that? But you find out that you didn't have to after all, as Mia seems to be on autopilot after that statement.
"They could never have put up with your dorm situation, Angie and Daniela's combined rambunctiousness would've driven them to insanity worthy of the straightjacket treatment. They never would've joined a Sorority either and I wouldn't have dared trying to convice them or else they'd clock me over the head with a hardbound textbook."
Mia let's out a chuckle before continuing her rant. You hold your silence and let her speak, knowing she needs this. There isn't anything you can say that would make this easier for her anyways, so you opt to turn your body to face her. Letting her know in a silent way that you're listening.
"They never would've joined any clubs now that I think of it, they would much rather keep me company wherever if they weren't nose deep in some modern-fantasy, mythology-fantasy, medieval-fantasy, or whatever the fuck anything fantasy novel." She laughs fondly, her shoulders shaking with joy brought by memories before she shakes her head.
"They love the quiet life." Mia tells you with a forming smile that's gone as soon as she turns to look at who she's talking to out of habit. She turns her head in the opposite direction. "They loved the quiet life.."
She is haunted by a ghost which breathes. A ghost which stands less than ten inches away from her, and Mia is not strong enough to meet it's eyes again.
Mia thinks to moments from long ago, spent with her best friend under a night sky just like this one. Her neck strains from the angle but she forces herself to hold still. She is haunted by a ghost with blood in its veins and it hurts Mia to know that she knows what this ghost's pulse feel like beneath her fingertips despite having never touched them yet.
The difference is that they would be making up silly stories about the stars visible for the night- "You can't even tell what I desperately need at fucking moment." She thinks bitterly, and with too much disdain that she knows she'll regret it in the future when she ends up remembering this moment someday.
Mia decides she'll apologize to them for this in the next letter she'll burn with the hopes that the wind will carry the ashes to wherever their actual soul is. Because the fake standing beside her cannot possibly be the piece of herself that she lost to someone more twisted than a pretzel.
Your hand moves to gently rest on her shoulder of its own accord. You don't need a psychology degree to know that grief can be a dangerous thing to the one grieving, despite it being a natural and an unavoidable part of life.
The words that fall from your lips are whispered so tenderly, so softly- That you wonder for a moment if Mia even heard it.
"Would you like a hug?"
Your doubts vanish when Mia immediately shifts to all but throw her entire body weight into your arms, clinging so tightly that you feel pressure on your lower ribs. You cling to her just as tightly.
You don't know each other that well, or even at all- But you know that she needs this right now, so you cling to each other. Mia holds onto you like she's afraid you'll be gone if she drops even an ounce of the pressure, and you hold her as gently and as firmly as you can.
Mia's tears soak your shirt, her silent sobs wrack your bodies, and you let her grieve someone the has clearly loved and lost too soon.
"I know I could never be them-"
Her arms around your body tighten even more, and your hold on her loosens due to surprise.
"Please don't be... Please don't try to be them, just be. Just be, please?"
You don't understand why Mia's begging you for this so desperately, you can't understand why there's a different kind of urgency to her pleas that you can't figure out the reason of-
But she needs someone who isn't here anymore, and all you are is someone with a familiar face. So you let her grieve, and you try to soothe her even if you don't know why she begs you to swear it to her.
"Okay, I promise." Is all you can muster.
That night, Mia grieves in the arms of the ghost haunting her; And you make a promise you don't understand the importance of.
01-11: Happy Pride Month everyone! I think the Ao3 curse has started to take hold in my life because I got hit by a GMC pickup truck while cycling last Thursday.... 💀
I hope you guys enjoyed my very first Mia fic! As per Anon's request, Knife-wife doesn't die!
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eletricheart · 5 months
Hii i wanted to ask if you could do Donna Beneviento with a fem! s/o whos like Alastor from Hazbin Hotel? You dont have to do this request if you dont want to, no pressure!
Me and the Devil
(Donna Beneviento x fem!reader)
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*pic from pinterest
Word count: 757
So, I've never seen this show so this was a bit hard to write, sorry for the short lenght. I hope it's good, i tried to make some research on the character but wiki only goes so far😭
ps: sorry for the long wait too😔✌
ps2: its fluff btw, i promise
ps3: not proofread pls lmk any mistakes
Donna met…well…noticed your presence at her workshop every week when she worked with human subjects. The dollmaker was afraid at first but chose to remain calm, silently working and observing your moves. It went on for months, making Donna even used to your hidden company.
You met her after three months of stalking, finally deciding to ask the purpose of her actions, which she didn't answer. So you kept returning, week after week, slowly getting closer and asking more questions.
Angie met you once she noticed the dollmaker taking longer to leave the workshop. The doll was distrustful at first but soon enough you won her over by playing with her shadow. You regretted that decision after her chasing you around demanding you played with her.
You found yourself following the directions of a doll into the village.
Earlier on the day Donna had expressed her wish for new tolls to which you responded by saying why she didn't buy it before it ended, to which started an argument on responsibility.
Now, you pride yourself in being the strongest being alive and dead, taking orders from no one. Therefore, your current predicament was completely your choice.
You had easily found the man named Duke, his carriage surrounded by commoners who quickly made way once seeing Angie. You didn't like the people around you, in fact was close enough to hating them.
You were watching Angie speaking to the Duke when a villager touched your shoulder. You weren't impulsive, of course not, he just dropped dead, on his own.
With the noise of the body falling followed by the townsfolk screaming and running off. Angie turned to look at your smiling face. “What the hell did you?!”
You smiled looking from the body to the doll. “Well…I sucked the soul out of his body, obviously. Touching someone without their consent is very impolite.”
After this occurrence the doll loved going out with you, getting more excited every time you killed someone, by accident of course.
Rainy day
You were sitting on Donna’s couch fixing the radio while the dollmaker knitted on a nearby armchair.
Donna turned to stare at you shaking the radio. “Why don't you sing yourself? It’ll sound the same.”
You looked up with furrowed eyebrows, blinking slowly while staring back at her. “No. Unless you’d give me something in return.” You said, turning your confused face into a smile.
Donna rolled her eyes behind her veil. “No.”
You shrugged and returned to your task, successfully fixing the radio.
Angie’s birthday
After questioning Donna on how a doll has a birthday, you fell into an easy silence while baking a cake and some sweets for the dolls.
The dollmaker noticed your apparent skills, slowly trusting you more with her kitchen. “I didn't think demons had baking lessons in hell.”
You turned to her with a sly smile. “Making jokes, huh. Well, I didn't learn it in hell.”
Donna smiled and threw some flour at you. “How did you learn it then?”
You chuckled, cleaning your face from the attack. “My mother taught me, you would've liked her.”
The Lady nodded. “I’m sure I would've.”
Something new
You were standing in front of her workshop, holding a pot with a single flower in your hands. You stayed still for a few minutes before having the courage to knock.
It didn't take long for you to hear the ‘come in’ and make your way around the hanging wood pieces.
You stood in front of her, holding the flower to her face. “I made it.”
Donna stared back and forth between your face and the floor before speaking. “I don't recognize it.”
You scuffed. “Because I made it, it’s mine.”
The dollmaker gently took the pot from your hands, holding it dearly. “You made me a flower.”
You tilted your head at her. “Yes, I’ve said it twice.”
Donna nodded. “Wait outside, please.”
And so you did, walking around in circles in the hall waiting for her to open the door again. You weren't nervous, you didn't have a reason to be since not fully understood why you felt the need to make her a flower. You were bored, and so you walked.
The dollmaker opened the door after an hour, holding a wooden flower. “I could've made you a normal flower too, but you’ve already seen all of the ones I can do. So…here’s something new.”
You carefully took the flower from her hands and smiled sincerely. “It’s mine now.”
Donna laughed. “It’s yours.”
requests are open: masterlist
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marymary-diva17 · 9 months
leave him alone leave us all alone (2)
neteyam x female Ao’nung + sully family/tonowari family and others
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Silence had fallen upon the reef village, as we had went to their homes for the rest of the night. The sully family and company were all waiting for neteyam to wake up, this was not like the situation with Kiri. The eldest sully child had been through a nightmare and everyone expect a select few could blame angi. As they were all waiting for him to wake up none of them knew, of the tragedy that will follow do to everyone words and actions. Let with two human saying that Jake and human has helped everyone learn, one being actions have consequences and you don’t know what you have until it gone.
Loak “ dad when it going to wake up”
Jake “ I don’t know loak we have to be patient and wait”
loak “ I hate waiting like this we had been through this to many time and all because, of angi she never thinks about anyone but herself”
tsireya “ loak”
loak “ I’m sorry but I’m mad right now my brother nearly dead once, and now she might dead because of angi selfish actions”
tonowari “ angi will be dealt with later and I will make sure she stays away from neteyam, and your family along with anyone else until you deem right Jake sully”
Jake “ thank you”
neytiri “ I will like it if she never comes or speak to my kids or anyone of my clan never again, in her life she a shameful child of eywa”
ronal “ I will make sure that girl is disciplined for what happened that child has brought so much, shame to our family”
Tonowair “ ronal”
ronal “ no that girl has to learn once the boy wake up she will learn to act mature, or leave here and never come back we have to think for best of our family and clan … along with everyone else”
Moat “ there must be more to this story”
Neytiri “ there nothing to this story mother she a bad child that all” moat was going to say something else she hated now everyone, was speaking about this girl who was not her to defend herself.
Tuk “ daddy what are these things doing” Tuk was pointing towards the patch’s on neteyam body.
Jake “ they are helping your brother sweetheart they are showing us his heart rate and brain waves, like with Kiri”
kiri “ please neteyam don’t leave us please great mother bring him”
loak “ take someone else but not him please not him”
Rotox “ we are here for you guys”
Kiri “ thank you” everyone was waiting a bit longer ronal and moat, helping the boy with the help of Kiri and tsireya. As everyone was watching and waiting, making small conversations to pass the time. soon enough neteyam moved.
Tuk “ he moved” everyone race to see neteyam still laying there no moving.
loak “ Tuk you are seeing stuff”
Tuk “ no he moved I saw it Loak”
Neytiri “ no more fighting either one of you”
neteyam “ ummm” neteyam soon groaned getting everyone attention, as they soon saw him moving a bit.
Neytiri “ ma son”
neteyam “ hey mom” neyetam had given a weak smile at his family, who soon hugged him gently happy to see he awake.
Jake “ son you had us worried there”
Neteyam “ sorry dad about that wow everyone is here”
Tonowari “ yes we came to see you after you arrived home from the storm on payakan back, with my daughter” soon neteyam smile had gone away as he was looking around and looked worried and confused. 
Loak “ don’t worry about payakan he okay the take care looked at him, he will need yo take it ways but he will be good”
Neteyam “ that good but where is angi” the room had fallen silent as everyone looked at neteyam. 
Tonowari “ she at home young man im sorry about my daughter…. “
Neteyam “ can I see her she was with me I’m worried about her”
Tonowari “ I will honor that for you but she might not stay for long” neteyam was confused about everything that was happening. 
Tonowari “ Tsireya and Rotox go get your sister”
Loak “ father may I go with them to help and make sure she doesn’t do anything else”
Jake” sure make sure to stay safe” 
Neteyam “ what happened” 
Neytiri “don’t worry everything will be okay” the three teens soon rushed toward tonowari home. 
Tsireya “ stay here loak”
Loak “ no I’m coming with you I’m not leaving you alone with her”
Tsireya “ stop it loak she my sister and I still care for her so stop now” loak had nodded his head and stayed outside, as the brother and sister went to see angi. 
Tsireya “ angi wake up wake up it wonderful, neteyam woke up and he asked to see you” tsireya enter her sister room to see it was dark. 
Rotox “ she most be asleep wake her up and I will light a lantern” Rotox found a lantern and soon light was in the room, but there is some uncomfortable silence in the room. 
Tsireya “ angi in sorry to wake you up like this but I have good news neteyam, awake be he wants to see you” angi was still not moving the brother and sister looked at each other. 
Tsireya “ angi ….” Tsireya soon turned her sister over and looked at her, to see the girl had her eyes open and they were pearly white and she was not moving. Next came a wail from tsireya. 
Tsireya “ angi angi say something please  angi … loak get in her we need you” soon the sound of someone racing into the room came, loak had came her to help as he thought a fight was happening but saw something else. Angi was laying on the ground her head in Reya lap. 
Tsireya “ we need to get her help we need to get her to healer hut right now” 
Loak “ …….”
Rotox “ don’t stand there you fool help me carry her to the healer hut now”
Loak “ yes we have to move her gently”The trio soon raced off towards the healer hut. The two siblings hoping that their sister will be okay. 
Healer hut 
Ronal “ what is taking them so long” 
Tonowari “ easy there my love they will be here soon”
????? “ help someone help” tsireya screams for help had been heard tonowari, went into over protective father mode as tsireya soon entered the hut. 
Tonowari “ reya what has happens are you hurt is your brother hurt”
Jake “ is loak hurt” 
Tsireya “ no is none of us it angi something happened to her”
Neytiri “ what has that girl done now”everyone soon looked up and saw the two teen boys carrying angi, she was not moving at all. 
Moat “ lay her down now over there” it seems like no one has been told of angi condition right now. Once the boys laid her down and placed a blanket over her, that when everyone saw her face. 
Ronal “ angi”
Moat “ oh dear great mother” 
Neteyam “ angi she is okay what happened”
Tsireya “ we don’t know I turned her over she he didn’t wake up when we called her, and then we saw her like this” 
Moat “ we have to move fast” 
Jake “ loak go get norm and Max bring them over here and tell them what happened, help them carry their stuff here”
Tsu’tey “ I will help as well”
Spider “ I will help us as well”
Rotox “ me too”
Jake “ go now all of you the scientist could help” 
Neteyam “ let me help us as well
Neytiri “ no son you most stay here you are hurt”
Tuk “ angi” the group soon left right away going to get help, but it didn’t take them that long to get back with help and other stuff as well. 
Norm “ we are here to help we brought what was needed” a crowd was forming outside as everyone was looking. 
Moat “ good I’m going to need your help ronal you need step back, as we will be working on angi”
Ronal “ no I can help”
Moat “ yes you can but it won’t be able to help right now, tonowair take her please” tonowair soon had taken ronal back as everyone, was doing what was needed at the moment. Soon some of scientists had moved the blanks and gasped and shocked faces were shown and heard. 
Scientist "what has happen to this girl" soon everyone had gotten a look of angi body as they were some weird parts.
norm " was she hit by lighten" norm was looking at all the adults looking for answers as he looked so scared, as everyone took out some other tools and other stuff.
neteyam " yes she was" everyone soon looked at neteyam as he spoke he was sitting up a bit with the help of tuk.
neteyam " after she rescued me from underwater she laid me on payakan back, lighten and thunder had come the lighten made it way to us and soon hit us three ... she was still the water I think you took the most of the impact sparing me and payakan" spider soon went to help tuk support neteyam as he looked at angi.
Scientist " bad this is bad do you know the chance of surviving being hit by lightning"
Jake " ....."
norm " Jake you know how bad it to be hit by lightning"
Jake " yes"
max " in water it a miracle she made it back here with neteyam and payakan, any other way she will be worst off faith ... did you all notice this"
tonowari " no neteyam was not moving we were all worried about him"
norm " what else had happen to her"
mo'at " her eyes are showing no color they are pearly white" one of the scientists was looking at angi eyes it was not good.
Scientist 2 "poor girl did anything else happen when she was out .... oh for the love of everything someone say something"
neteyam " she was taken out by a wave as well I think she might of hit something on the back on her head and back" soon someone came rushing into the room.
keeper " payakan told us to check your daughter out she was hit as well, from the storm"
norm " move her over slowly and don't move her out of place something else might happen" the soon moved the girl to see she had injuries as well.
tsireya " sister"
norm "this is bad very bad"
tonowari " can you save her"
max " ......."
ronal " can you save my daughter please save her"
mo'at " we can but we most move her else where to empty home for her to heal"
rotxo " we have one that close between the humans and moat"
norm " well everyone we are going to move her slowly and together" anyone who was able helped moved angi and the stuff needed elsewhere.
Scientist " no you all need to wait out here"
ronal " you will not give me orders"
mo'at " fine I will stay out here on only I and my elder healers along with the scientist can stay in her and help that all, we are going to need some lanterns and candle"
tsireay " I can go get some with the others"
kiri " yes I will do anything help"
mo'at " I need my herbs as well get them" the kids had raced off and someone was left guard to watched or mostly keep tonowari and ronal from enter the room. The kids had come back with the stuff the only ones who were allowed to enter were tsireya and kiri, as the others went to be with neteyam. The whole village was up as everyone was trying to see what will happen next. Soon mo'at had come out with norm.
Jake " is she okay"
tonowari " yes tell me about my daughter she is alive"
norm "we saved her were were able to heal her back for now, she will need a long recovery process after this horrible night"
ronal " that good right"
mo'at " no she a deep sleep right now she not wake up no matter what I did, she is alive but breathing slowly and not moving"
neytiri " no"
mo'at " the light from the candles and lantern will serve her well during the night she here, and will help her as their smells will help clear what bad aura and spirts she has become of this day"
mo'at " you all can come see her but she careful and ready for what you will see" the adults had nodded their heads as they enter the room, angi eyes were closed as she was bandage up.
ronal " my sweet daughter ma angi what has happen to you my child"
neytiri " mother do you know"
mo'at " no I have never seen anything like this in my life ever, tomorrow I'm going to seek out the great mother and ask her for help"
Jake " help the child on what"
mo'at " on the rest of her recovery as she going to need all the help"
norm " when she wake up we will need to run test on her as, thing might never be the same for her after what has happened tonight"
max " it best if everyone get thier rest tonight and someone stay with her here"
tonowari " I wills stay ..."
mo'at " no I will stay neteyam can go home tonight and be washed by his family, I will stay and watched her while taking times to rest and pray for angi"
Jake " there most be something we can do mo'at"
norm " there nothing else we can tonight but wait and watch, and find out later what happened"
tonowari "Jake sully"
Jake" I'm sorry tonowarin but it seems like there noting else we can do tonight but act tomorrow, dawn we can see what the matter but we all need rest right now ... maybe when we wake up angi will be okay like neteyam and payakan"
ronal " we will come see you tomorrow my daughter" soon everyone left mo'at had her mat given to her by Jake. She didn't look the man in the eyes or speak to him as he left that night, mo'at was hoping this situation will turn out well but she didn't wish for this to end tragic.
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suntaeshine · 2 years
lemmie get uhhhhhhhhh one post-performance backstage soobin smut plsssssssss
dis my bestie go bestie apparently requests are now a drive through service love that energy
Stress Relief
Choi Soobin x Reader
Smut, 18+ MINORS DNI
word count: 1.3k
warnings!: angy soobin, wall sex, kai is a little shit and soobin is Done,
Kai was close to getting choked.
Soobin was close to banging his head against the wall.
Kai, his sweet little maknae, was clingy, tired, emotional, and overall such a handful that Soobin was contemplating locking him in a backstage room before the concert.
"Hyung! Hyung!" Kai calls, voice getting higher and higher with every word.
"Can you go annoy Beomgyu?" 
"But, hyung~" 
It was like taking care of a toddler and Soobin absolutely blames Yeonjun for waking Kai up from his nap earlier this afternoon.
As the door opened, you walked into the room alongside some of the makeup crew. You usually hung around them to not be suspicious- something like the makeup caddy. It helped, of course, that your best friend was the lead artist and always kept you company.
Oh, thank God. Soobin was going to cry in your lap and beg you to get Kai under control- he actually listened to you.
As you help get the cases of makeup, hair supplies, and tools to fix up TXT's faces, Soobin gets closer and closer with each second. Once he was sure there were no cameras, he clings around your waist from behind, making your friend laugh.
"Can I help you?" you question.
"Tell Kai to stop acting like a toddler."
"You're the one wrapped around me like a baby," you tease, turning in his hold.
You ruffle his hair, figuring he was about to get it made up for the show anyway.
A call for the boys to gather makes all five head to separate areas (Kai being tug-of-war'd by Yeonjun and Soobin to sit down).
You were sure to give Soobin his kiss of good luck before and after finishing his makeup then sent him on his way to the stage.
The performance didn’t help. Soobin’s voice cracked a few times and he messed up some of the choreography. Him. Soobin. The leader of this group. His pride and confidence went down the drain. He was the leader and he was screwing up- what kind of picture would people get if the group’s leader was the one making mistakes?
The bathroom door slammed shut behind him and you jumped, turning around to look at him. You’d just praised him and congratulated him on the amazing show. He said nothing to you and told Taehyun to tell others that he had a makeup issue and dragged you to the bathroom.
“Baby, what is it?” you ask, reaching up to cup his cheek.
“Everything is going wrong. Everything is messed up. I messed up,” he rambles, closing his eyes.
“No, no.. Soobin, you did great out there and-”
“Don’t,” he pleads. “I just need to not think about it right now.”
“Okay..” you mumble.
You were about to ask him why standing in the bathroom made it so he didn’t have to think about the tiny mishaps when he grabbed the wrist of your hand on his cheek and tugged you closer.
“Clear my mind, love,” he whispers before gently kissing your neck under your ear.
“Soobin, we’re at work.”
“Concert is over. Work is over,” he mutters against your skin. “Can you please help me out?”
“You can’t wait until we get back to the hotel?”
“The guys will be there. This is our free time.”
You hated that you buckled so quickly.
“Be fast,” you warn.
Soobin grins cheekily, turning you around to face the wall.
“You’re so good to me, you know that?” he asks, flipping your skirt up.
“Okay, lover boy,” you tease, placing your forearms on the wall to stabilize yourself.
Soobin hums and you hear him unbuckle his belt.
“I mean it,” he insists. “Today has been shitty. But, you make it all better. You make all my days better.”
You blush, smiling to yourself. His words always had a way of sending your heart into a flutter.
He knows it, too. That’s the bad thing.
Soobin presses his chest against your back, lips connecting to your neck once more. His hand slides from your side to your front, gently squeezing your breast before massaging his way down. His fingers sneak into your underwear, pads of his fingertips finding that sweet little pearl tucked away between your lips.
“Soobin,” you gasp, closing your eyes and resting your head against your arm.
“My sweet baby,” he sighs happily, free hand gripping your waist to keep you in place.
He’s hardly done anything and you’re in shambles. It’s the small things he does that gets you riled up.
The way he whispers in your ear.
The way he knows all the right spots.
The way he talks to you, like you’re more than special to him.
The way his touch is enough to make you lose your mind.
He whispers more compliments in your ear until you’re whining, pushing his hand out of your underwear and spreading your legs wider.
“Already, baby?” he hums, lowering his boxers.
“Yeah,” you huff. “Come on. Want it now.”
“I’m the needy one right now. That’s not really fair,” he teases.
You don’t verbally reply. Instead, you reach behind yourself, pulling your underwear to the side to show him where you wanted his attention.
Soobin couldn’t help but relent. He needed this. He needed you.
With a grunt, he rubs the tip of his dick over your hole a few times, eyes rolling back in his head once he pushes into you.
Tension left his shoulders and he takes a long deep breath.
“You good?” he makes sure.
“I’m more than good. Please move,” you answer, ready to push yourself off the wall and onto him if he didn’t make a move now.
But, he was already ahead.
It’s a soft roll of his hips first. For a few minutes, he just pulls you back and forth on his dick, enjoying just being inside of you after such a hectic day.
“You still in there, hyung?” Kai asks, knocking on the door.
Fuck. Soobin bites his bottom lip in frustration. He really loved Kai but today was not the day.
“It’s just me!” you call, covering for Soobin.
“Oh.. Sorry, ___! Do you know where hyung went?”
“He mentioned-” you cough as Soobin snaps his dick deep in you.
“What?” Kai asks.
You clench your eyes shut, biting the inside of your jaw as Soobin’s speed picks up.
“Backup dancers!” you force out. “Thanking the back up dancers!”
“Okay, thank you!” Kai calls, moving away merrily without another thought or word.
“Soobin, I’m right there,” you caution, knees shaking.
Soobin hums, wrapping an arm around your waist and front. His other arm reaches down to your knee, pulling you up. You startle at the sudden movement, face planting into the wall as you tried to stay up on one leg.
“That’s it,” Soobin whispers to himself, grinding his hips into yours.
With your face pressed tightly against the wall, all you could do was jerk your bottom half to meet his.
“Coming,” you gasp.
“Go on, baby,” Soobin urges, tightening his grip to pound into you harder and faster.
Your words become null and void as you bite your lip, clench your teeth, and anything else to keep your noises down.
It’s like a warm sun washing over you that drenches you in freezing water- a back and forth feeling that leaves your head spinning as you cum on his dick.
“There’s my baby,” Soobin moans, slowing his pace to drag your orgasm out. “Look so pretty coming undone like this.”
You whimper, tiredly slumping against the wall.
“I’m almost there, love,” Soobin assures.
He pumps into you one more time, as deep as he could get. Slowly, he pulls out and the stimulation of your walls trying to keep him in while being covered in your cum makes him fall apart. He pulls out, cumming on your back.
There’s a pause of silence as you catch your breaths.
“Better?” you ask him.
“So, so..” he kisses your shoulder. “So much better.”
You scoff and he puts your foot back on the ground. You turn just as he’s stuffing his cock back in his pants.
“You’re lucky I love you,” you pester, wrapping your arms around his neck and tugging him down for a proper kiss on the lips.
“Beyond lucky, baby.”
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gordismybabygirl · 2 months
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Bully OC
Name: Mary Brown
Gender: Female
Age: 16 (sophomore)
Birthday: 23 July
Height: 5’7
Hair: White
Eyes: Blue
Clique: Preps
Favorite colors: pink, blue
Favorite music: classic
Hobbies: drawing, reading, playing tennis
Favourite class: Art, Music
Mary is proud, graceful, confident, playful girl. She maintains the image of a perfect and sassy spoiled rich girl, which can sometimes make her seem mean and heartless. But she’s actually quite empathic and kind. She’s quite popular at the academy and often she finds chocolate and cards with declarations of love in her locker.
Her parents are jewelers who hope that their daughter will follow in their footsteps. But Mary with all her heart wants to become an actress and play leading roles in movies. Since childhood, she has been practicing her acting skills, trying on different roles and images, surprising others with her talent.
She loves fashion, drawing, and, surprisingly to others, likes watching boxing.
Relationships with other characters:
Pinky and Gord her besties (however, she is secretly in love with Gord, but does not dare admit it).
She finds greasers attractive and if it weren’t for the war between their cliques she would want to spend time with them (but she hates Lola).
Doesn’t like jocks but she thinks Kirby is cute.
Even though nerds are considered losers, Mary finds them interesting (sometimes she likes to spend time with Beatrice).
She doesn’t approve of what bullies do, but she thinks they’re funny and cool (she finds Trent handsome).
Mostly she tries to avoid townies, but she likes Zoey’s company (maybe because she’s a girl).
Mary doesn’t have much contact with non-clique students, but time from time she communicates with Christy and Angie.
Mary likes Petey as someone who is interesting to spend time with when she gets tired of other people. She thinks he’s cute and is happy to keep him company.
She is suspicious of Gary (mostly because she thinks he’s weird).
Jimmy may not be the type of guy she likes, but she definitely finds him a cool and bad guy (in a good way).
“I will became an actress and be more popular! I can’t wait for this day!”
“Why do boys think all girls like flowers? I’m allergic to them! But I’ve always admired roses, they’re so beautiful”
“I can’t stand jocks! There is nothing in them except muscles”
“Why is Johnny wasting his time on a girl like Lola? He deserves better”
“This place may not be perfect, but I really love Bullworth!”
“Thanks to Gord I have good taste in clothes”
“I should stay away from poor people, but they are so interesting!”
“This new kid Jimmy… I think he’s really cool and dangerous!”
“Be polite to me and I will be the same to you. It’s easy, isn’t it?”
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x-manson-annotated · 2 months
X-Manson Annotated Chapter 5 - Part Three: THE RAID.
This section has more worldbuilding and we get to be formally introduced to everyone's favorite guy:
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*Thor and Wonder Man. Shame the poor bastard gets to see the fucked up cult his AU boyfriend is in. @brw sorry, champion. Thor, literal god exists in the cult au too.
**Looking at this, i'm going to take a stab at what he means by this:
Captain America, he's mentioned later.
Iron Man, also mentioned.
Vance Astro, directly recalls being there.
Firestar, also mentions being there.
Wonder Man.
All and all, decent lineup. There's probably more, but i'm basing this purely on who's mentioned later. It's possible Black Widow or Spider-Woman are also there. I choose to think that Sersi and Crystal are also there because then they get to see horrors.
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*Xavier's cult loves Independence Day?
**Damn, i wish i had updated things faster, it would have been slick to drop this on July 5th.
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*Branding moment.
**That makes sense. The other psychics plus Cable probably made the math difficult on how many were present. Dani's absence makes me think that maybe she didn't count as one of the Psi's that kidnapped Betsy Braddock.
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*That's so goddamn weird, what's the utility of that? Is it heating? It can't be.
*They found a bunch of fucking body parts in the school itself.
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*I think that the Throne is the equivalent to Cerebro. Weird, culty, low budget cerebro.
**The Two kids are this Au's version of Nate Grey and Rachel Summers. Aint life grand?
**This only happened in 2021, but reading it now, I'm reminded of Amy Carlson or "Mother God" of the Love Has Won cult. She was also mummified and kept by her worshippers.
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Hulk walk by @librabear . Link to the original post:
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**Hulk taking the "If it fits it works" approach to the situation.
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*I'm not fully sure that tracks, but okay.
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*Twelve Unknown Children.
*Eight Adults.
Jean Grey
Betsy Braddock
Unknown Arab Woman? (someone on the cerebro discord suggested this could be Monet St Croix. I don't buy it.)
Unknown Man 1.
Unkown Man 2.
Unkown Woman 1
Unkown Woman 2
Unkown Woman 3
Why is it the the only unknown woman singled out is the arab woman? The other three women are just hit with the blank "unknown woman" but not her? Who is she meant to be?
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*So horrifying it moves a literal god to tears.
**Vance is such a fucking cop, Scott was helpless and blinded and he hit him.
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*Then it's not solid Gold, Angie. You idiot.
**Vance Astrovik just hates autistic people, i think.
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That's weird, I feel like the money probably came from Warren's companies. New Salem Investments and from people drawn to the cult by anti-mutant hysteria. Real cult shit.
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justmochi · 1 year
lost in solitude
pairing :: mira ft her father
word count :: 2.1k
synopsis :: mira is coping with her breakup and attempts to reconnect with the world.
time :: 2019
warnings :: angst
a/n :: my first oc without any daddy issue so i had to write this to comfort myself. dedicating this one to the people with daddy issues ♡
taglist :: @cafemilk-tea @cixrosie @moonlight-additions @cosmicwintr @astraw-astro @succulentmom @kimhyejin3108 @enhacolor @alixnsuperstxr @hybesunstone @itzy-eve @choihaneul @strmiu @angie-x3 @Kaitieskidmore1 @evaalopezzzz
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The first week was terrible. It was the worst she’s slept in her entire life. The amount of fatigue and sadness she felt really weighed her down. She couldn't do the things that were normally a part of her routine.
She tried sitting down at her desk to enter a journal entry, only to sit down and stare at the blank page for minutes before getting back into her bed and falling asleep. She thought it would help to just write in her bed, but her pen never came in contact with the paper.
She thought reading might get her mind off of things. False. She looked at a book and immediately thought of him. She’d see a broken spine and think of him. She saw him in everything. Even more when skimming the titles on her bookshelf and stumbling upon the ones he had picked out for her.
Her company had announced she had caught a bug going around to take time off to rest and receive treatment. Nobody knew, except for her members, that she was going through the greatest heartbreak in her entire life and no doctor could mend her broken heart.
When the second week came around, she could finally sleep. Only because she tired herself out so much that she could not keep going without three straight days of sleeping. The girls were so worried about her, only seeing her come out of her bedroom to go to the bathroom and right back.
Jiu squeezed herself into the room when she was sleeping, refilling her water bottle and slipping snacks onto her desk in case she had any desire to eat. The leader would stay in there for a couple of minutes, heart aching when seeing how thin Mira had gotten. Her cheeks were so hollow, her skin so pale, her lips so chapped. 
Mira’s father kept in touch with Handong. It was unlike her to go days without messaging her dad so her member kept him in the loop.
Her father liked Wonwoo for having not met him before. Mira talked about him a lot and they truly seemed happy together. He wanted nothing more for his daughter. So when Handong told him, he was livid and offered to catch the first flight out of China to see Mira and put Wonwoo in his place in the process. Handong quickly shut him down and relayed everything that happened. Maybe he wouldn’t kill Wonwoo, but he needed to be there for his daughter. She reassured him it was not what Mira would want him to do so he stayed put while her member contacted him daily about her condition.
The ghosting on Mira’s part was going to be the death of Wonwoo. He tried to give her space w but was ultimately worried sick about her. As much as it hurt him to ask, he swallowed his pride and messaged Handong to check on Mira, and see how she was doing. He did this knowing that Handong might hate his guts as well, but her absence was not something he was prepared for. To his surprise, along with lots of scolding and unkind remarks, Handong provided him with all he needed to know. She was hurting. She slept for two hours at most in one week. Her routine was all messed up. She was on a break from scheduled promotions. She was exhausted. Once the first week passed, she was finally sleeping, but entire days of her life were gone. She was trying to hold her heart together from completely collapsing. That this was the result of his actions and that it would be hard for her members to forgive him for this. But she would be okay. She would pull through with time. She was fragile, but strong nonetheless.
Even after Handong was straightforward and, at times, brutally honest with him, she couldn't bring herself to hate him for his actions. Surprisingly, she found herself respecting him more than any other man could have earned. So, she couldn't hate him for that.
And then the third week arrived. She stayed up longer hours, managed to make herself presentable, and even sat down and wrote the longest journal entry to make up for the weeks she didn’t pick it up. She was slowly getting her usual self back. She was among the living again and she hated laying around feeling sorry for herself. But she hated that even more. She hated herself for letting their breakup tear her apart like this. She hated the way she immobilized herself. She suspended herself for two weeks while the world around her kept on turning. It’s not what she would have wanted for anyone. It’s especially not what he would have wanted either.
Her first time outside in two weeks was so refreshing, that she almost forgot why she didn’t leave her bedroom. The sun was out and she could practically feel her skin soaking up the vitamin D. The ambiance of birds, wind blowing, and distant traffic added to the experience. The only problem that still weighed on her chest was finally picking up her phone.
Mira took a walk around the neighborhood to organize her thoughts. She dreaded seeing everything she missed during her time of absence. But it was something she had to face sooner or later.
When she arrived back at the dorms, she went straight to the kitchen. She picked some strawberries out of their fridge and took them back to her room to eat. She cracked her window open a bit, letting some fresh air in and sitting at her desk.
She brought her legs to her chest, holding them tight so they didn’t fall off the chair, and snacked on a few strawberries before picking up her phone. It felt like she hadn’t seen an electronic device in forever. It was foreign material for her. She would’ve thought she had gotten a new phone if not for her lock screen. She had to change her lock screen soon, staring at the picture of the black cat she and Wonwoo spotted when on a date at a botanical garden.
When she saw how many messages and calls she missed, she was so overwhelmed. Most of them were from her father, and she felt a strong urge to slap herself for making him worry. The missed calls were in the double digits, her texts in the hundreds. Surely her father didn’t text her that many times. Her heart sank when she saw the names of all her missed texts. Her dad, Wonwoo, her manager, their choreographer, both of DREAMCATCHER’s producers, Dami, Siyeon, and a few of their stylists and makeup artists. If she didn’t feel terrible before, she definitely feels it now.
She opened her father's messages first, tears pooling in her eyes when scrolling through all his messages. He said that Handong told him everything and his texts lessened over the last week. Instead of asking if she was okay and needed him to fly out, he sent her pictures from her childhood and high school years. Most of the pictures were of him and her, some with Handong included too.
She wiped her eyes, quickly tapping on the button and calling her father. She hoped he wasn’t busy. She let the line ring until she heard a click.
“Xinyi?” He sounded scared but relieved to finally hear from her. She threw her head back, shutting her eyes to keep her tears at bay.
“Hi, bàba.”
“You’re okay, right? Are you feeling better? Do you need me to get on the next plane–“
“No!” She didn’t mean to raise her voice at him. “No– I’m okay. It’s fine. I’m really sorry.”
“Why are you apologizing? I don’t mind coming.”
“No, I mean you’re always welcome to come. I’m just sorry that I haven’t been present. I didn’t mean to make you worry. I just–“ She tries to keep her voice even but to no avail. She takes a few deep breaths before speaking again. “I just–“
She pauses again, covering her eyes with the back of her hand.
“It’s okay, honey. I know. I know.” He staggers on the line, making Mira want to cry more. She can’t believe she would ever hurt him like this.
“I’m sorry. To you, the girls, everybody. I didn’t mean to be selfish–“
“You’re not selfish, Xinyi. Listen to me.” He was soft when comforting others, but when she heard the familiar sternness in his voice he would use when he had to get his point across, she knew it was in her best interest to listen in. “You are not selfish. You do not have a single selfish bone in your body. You’ve always been like this. You– You get lost sometimes and then after a while you find yourself again.
“You’re so smart. So kind. You are a gift and a blessing in my life. You may not give yourself enough credit for it, but you are so so good. You, my Xinyi, are my greatest accomplishment in life. You always will be.”
She chokes out a sob, covering her mouth with her palm as her body shakes.
“Do you understand me, Xinyi? You’re just going through a hard time right now and it will pass. You’re gonna get through this, okay?”
The lump in her throat keeps her from pushing out words, instead, she hums into the phone while nodding her head. Right now would be a perfect time to go in for one of her dad's hugs.
Moments pass as Mira collects herself and it’s not as awkward as it would be for most people. She and her father understood this about each other. They understood it more than words could ever compare amount to.
“Did you eat today?” He clears his throat before speaking.
“Mhm. A couple bites.” She says softly. She doesn’t feel the urge to start bawling after every word comes rolling out of her mouth.
He sighs. She can just imagine him rubbing his eyes with his head tipping back. “That’s good. That’s very good. That’s something. Just don’t binge. Ease yourself into it so you don’t make yourself sick.”
“I know.” She smiles to herself, rubbing the sleeve of her shirt across her pants.
“Have you– you know… talked to him?”
He knows the wounds are still fresh. She knows she can’t avoid him any longer if she still wants to keep him in her life. “No… not yet.”
“Maybe it’s time. I’m sure it’s been agonizing for him as well. Especially with your absence.” He just sounds so righteous, so wise.
“Do you think he hates me?” 
“Come on, Xinyi. Who could hate you? Let alone dislike you. That would make them a psychopath.”
She tries to hold back her laugh, but it’s better for her to just let it out for her father to hear. Mira pats her eyes dry with her sleeve, sniffling with a smile on her face. Something she didn’t have before the phone call.
“Thank you, bàba. I love you.”
“I love you more, Xinyi. You are the most precious thing to me. You know I don’t care to come–”
“It’s fine. I’m okay. I have schedules to get back to soon either way. I love you.”
The line goes quiet for another second, waiting for him to say it back or pull something noble out of his brain. “Don’t keep him waiting too long, my dear. I’m sure he’s waiting for you to come around.”
Mira makes a kissing noise into the phone, knowing if they kept this going she would get nothing done. She would only prolong Wonwoo’s torture.
It took her a while to work up the courage to press his call button. She rehearsed what she would say, what she hoped he would say, even what he might say if he was just completely done and wanted nothing to do with her. That thought made her sick to her stomach. She kept hovering until she couldn’t. She didn’t realize her finger had actually pressed the call button, she was just rehearsing it. She pressed her phone to her ear with shaky hands, closing her eyes and taking her thumbnail into her mouth.
It rang and rang until it stopped. She looked at her phone, tears blurring her vision once she realized he never picked up. She tossed her phone onto her desk, not realizing how hard she threw it. She began to sob, her fingers brushing through her hair and stopping at the crown of her head.
She tried to be quiet, but the more she got worked up, the more her breaths became erratic and she was gasping for air. There was no way to conceal her cries. And maybe it was a cry for help on her part, in which case she would be successful because Siyeon had pushed the bedroom door open. It was the most sound any of the girls had heard come out of Mira’s room in weeks. And it wasn’t a pleasant sound.
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jj-nhlgirly · 2 years
Summer of Love:- Bad Omens
Jack Hughes x F!Reader
AN I did originally have a different part planned to go first but I’ve decided to switch them around hence why this has taken me a little longer than I planned. This is gonna be a heavy one so please read with caution and look after yourselves. Anyone on the phone will be in bold.
TW:- mentions of divorce, car accidents, seizures, and abuse, mentions of ex’s and general hate
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(Not my gif, credits to who made this)
On an average morning Mackenzie would wake up with Jacks arm draped across her small waist, his head resting comfortably above hers, hearing the soft snores and mumbling he tended to do as he slept. This morning however she woke up alone with her phone ringing out obnoxiously in the seemingly empty house. Reaching around to the nightstand, Mackenzie didn’t check who was calling and just answered, “he-hello?”. “Hey sweetheart” Mackenzie’s mom Angie replied. “Mom? Is everything alright?” Kenzie asked worriedly looking at the time and seeing it was 8:05 AM, meaning it was 7:05 AM back home. “Yes sweetie, Nerf and I are fine! Just thought I’d give you a call as I walked him before work” “awww how’s my little nerfie, give him a big cuddle from me” Kenzie giggled. Angie rolled her eyes, not that Kenzie could see it before huffing out “He was the worst and best thing I ever got you girls and he’s not little anymore Kenzie. He’ll be bigger than you soon.” Nerf was the family’s German shepherd, Angie was a nurse who often worked the night shift and she didn’t feel comfortable leaving two teenage girls alone in the house and so they decided to get Nerf as company when the girls were away for hockey matches and protection for when Angie wasn’t there. “That’s not exactly hard mom, I’m not exactly big.” Kenzie huffed rolling her eyes jokingly. After chatting to her mom for an hour catching up, Mackenzie wished her mom a good shift at work, exchanged I love you’s and Kenzie promised to tell Skylar that her mom loved her as well and hung up the phone.
Sitting up, stretching and climbing off the bed Mackenzie made it to the en-suite to shower. Whilst showering Mackenzie tried to rack her brain to figure out where Jack was, she tried to remember if he’d mentioned going anywhere last night but he didn’t. Mackenzie wasn’t worried, he was a 22 year old man he could go where he wanted and she felt comfortable enough in their relationship to not need to know where he was 24/7 however a heads up he was going out would have been nice. Stepping out of the shower and wrapping a towel around her, Mackenzie walked to the sink to brush her teeth and started her summer makeup routine which consisted of tinted moisturiser, a small amount of concealer, waterproof mascara, a little blush and tinted chapstick. After spraying some body mist she ventured back into their bedroom to get dressed into denim shorts, a peachy brown crop top and white high tops. Finally making her way downstairs she saw Skylar sitting at the breakfast bar eating a bowl of fruit loops, “Hey Sky, where are the boys?” Kenzie asked her sister, roughing up Skylars hair as she passed. “Hey Kenz, erm Quinn said they were going out golfing.” Skylar replied not looking up from her bowl. “Oh ok, did they say when they’d be back?” Kenzie looked over her shoulder as she reached for a bowl. “No? Maybe lunch time?” Skylar replied nonchalantly. Mackenzie turned around to face her, “ok what’s up?” She asked quirking her eyebrow up at her sister. Skylar sighed before putting her spoon down, “You ever think about dad?”. Mackenzie closed her eyes and took a deep breath, their dad was a tough subject for the two and whilst Skylar was fairly open with people about the fact their dad left them and their mom back when they were little, Mackenzie never liked talking about it, you’d rarely hear Mackenzie even mention her dad.
“What about him?” Mackenzie asked. “I don’t know, like have you ever thought of what life would have been like had he given a shit about us? If he wasn’t an abusive asshole?” Skylar asked playing with her fingers. “Yeah I guess? I mean I’m glad he isn’t in my life, we’re better off without him. The only thing he ever gave me besides my life was my seizures. We have an amazing father figure in Kaylee’s dad.” Mackenzie replied walking around to hug Skylar from behind. “Yeah I guess, I just wish he would have actually gave a fuck about us. I mean we’re his damn daughters do we really mean that little to him? Why didn’t he want us?” Skylar asked with tears in her eyes, Mackenzie hugged her tighter “no no don’t say that sky, he’s a piece of shit. I can’t speak for him and tell you why. But I can tell you that he’s missed out on seeing the amazing woman you’re becoming, the amazing hockey player you’re becoming. I’m so lucky to call myself your big sister, I wouldn’t change you for the whole world. Fraser has been an amazing replacement dad to us and do you know what he would say if he was here instead of home in Nashville?” “What?” Skylar turned and replied. “He’d say “girllll why you crying? Why are you sat here crying instead of going out there and showing him you don’t need him. Show him how amazing you are without him.” Kenzie replied in a deep voice attempting to imitate Fraser. Skylar started laughing and soon Kenzie joined, “you’re so right, god I’m sorry kenz I know that it’s hard to talk about but thank you I needed that.” Kenzie turned Skylar so she was facing her, serious expression on her face before saying “yeah it sucks, but there’s no one I’d rather talk to about this than you. Sometimes we just need to remind ourselves of the things we have and not the things we don’t.” Kenzie walked back into the kitchen to make herself some cereal before joining Skylar again.
Lunchtime rolled around quicker than either girl expected, having spent the morning practicing their hockey a little in the backyard and changing to tan on the sun loungers in the midday sun. The boys arrived home just after one, dropping their bags in their rooms and venturing outside to find the girls. Jack came up behind Mackenzie leaning down to give her a kiss, smiling Mackenzie lifted her sunglasses to look at him. “Well hello there stranger? You kiss all your guests like that?” Mackenzie asked cheekily. Jack smirked “only the pretty ones” Mackenzie scoffed before putting her sunglasses back on. Jack walked around and sat on the spare lounger beside her, “how was golfing?” Kenzie asked staring out at the water. “Good, I beat Quinn this time. How was your morning beautiful?” Jack asked looking at the water as well. “It was good, spent some time with sky practicing.” Mackenzie replied choosing to leave the conversation about their dad. After catching up some more and tanning a little, Mackenzie looked up at the sky noticing how it was starting to cloud over. Thick black clouds were approaching them and the wind was starting to pick up which meant one thing, a thunder storm was approaching and quickly. Grabbing all their belongings and calling for the others to come in, they made it inside just as it started to rain. A bad omen is what Mackenzie thought.
As it was raining the group decided to play some card games before more people arrived, Kaylee and Trevor were due to fly in tomorrow night. Connecting his phone to the speaker Jack played his and Kenzie’s summer playlist, singing along as they set up cards against humanity. After a couple rounds they switched to Uno, which Jack wasn’t very good at causing Kenzie having to lean over and help him until he finally won a game. The evening was full of laughter and light teasing until Jack and Mackenzie decided to call it a night.
Jack and Mackenzie were laying on their bed, Kenzie’s head on his chest scrolling through Instagram she decided to make a post, asking jack to send over a picture of him golfing.
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Liked by jackhughes, _quinnhughes, Frey.Lodge and 178,446 others
Kenzie.Havener Summer Loving ☀️💛
Kay.Johnson dammmnn look at my hot bestie
Kenzie.Havener omg stopppp you’re gonna make me blush ☺️🫶🏼
jackhughes I love you ❤️
Kenzie.Havener 🥺 I love you ❤️
Trevorzegras I love you too @jackhughes
jackhughes I love you too buddy
_quinnhughes you look so happy to be golfing 😂😭
jackhughes bully me all you want I still won 😎
l_hughes06 I still don’t know how 🧐
Edwards.73 beats me
jackhughes what is this bully jack day? 🧐
Kenzie.Havener Isn’t that everyday? 😝
trevorzegras yeah basically 😂
Kenzie.Havener THANK YOU GORGEOUS 🫶🏼
User1784 Jack deserves better than her
User1237 omg right? This is what I’ve been saying like who tf does she think she is?
User1790 the way she acts around other boys as well 🤢, like pick a boy and stick with them
User1784 right? No wonder her dad left her 😂 if that was my daughter I’d have disowned her as well
Kenzie sat up reading the comments shocked. This had never happened before, so why was it happening now. How did they know about her dad? What did they mean about her with other boys? Kenzie looked over to Jack who was still laying down scrolling through his phone before shutting it off looking at Kenzie and asking “why have I never met your dad?” Mackenzie was stunned, partly in shock from the comments and partly because this was the first time Jack had ever asked about her dad. Jack however sat looking at her expectantly, he was aware that there was issues considering Mackenzie had never mentioned her dad and when he visited Nashville it was just Kenzie, Skylar and their mom, but he assumed that he was busy or something. “What?” Mackenzie asked finally coming to her senses. “How come I’ve never met him? Are you ashamed of me? Embarrassed by me?” Jack was trying to find any form of excuse as to why Mackenzie wouldn’t want her boyfriend to meet her dad. Mackenzie was lost, she didn’t know what to say and yet she knew exactly what to say at the same time, “erm- I-I-I what?” Jack was getting frustrated “come on, there must be some reason. You’ve met all of my family why can’t I meet yours? Did your ex- boyfriends meet him?” “I-I I don’t — I can’t—“ Mackenzie was panicking there was so much to say but she couldn’t get it out. “WILL YOU JUST SAY SOMETHING” Jack yelled reaching up to run his hand through his hair, as he did so Mackenzie flinched away from him before whimpering “please don’t hit me.” Before Jack could get anything out Mackenzie was running out of the room down the stairs sobbing passing Quinn and Skylar before grabbing her keys and running outside in the rain. Just as she was pulling out of the drive way Jack came running down the porch steps, watching her speed off down the road.
With shaky hands Mackenzie called Kaylee from her cars hands free, “Heyyy Kenny-bear, How’s Michigan?” Kaylee asked before hearing her best friend crying “hey hey what’s wrong?” “J-jack.” Was all Kenzie said, “Kenz what about Jack? Is he ok?!” “He-he a-asked a-a-about d-d-dad, he-he g-got m-ad a-and ye-yelled at me” Mackenzie sobbed out, her hands were starting to tingle and her left leg was jolting sporadically, a sign she was going to have a seizure soon. “Oh kenz Im sorry, it’s ok. It’ll be ok, where are you?” Kaylee asked worriedly, “d-driving, my hands -a-are tingly” Kenzie replied trying to concentrate. “Kenzie I want you to pull over for me ok? You need to pull over, it’s not safe to drive close to a seizure” Kaylee replied, turning Kenzie on speaker phone and desperately trying to get a hold of Jack or Skylar, using life 360 to see where Kenzie was. “I’m sleepy Kay, my heads fuzzy.” “Kenzie pull over NOW!!” “I-I’ll pull over n-now” was the last thing Mackenzie said before all Kaylee could hear was crashing, tyres screeching, glass smashing and a car horn continuously beeping. “K-Kenzie can you hear me?” “Mackenzie?” “MACKENZIE” Kaylee screamed, alerting Freya and Maddy who were sitting in Mackenzie and Kaylee’s apartment in New Jersey. Running in they saw Kaylee sat on her bed, crying. “What happened?… KAYLEE WHAT HAPPENED?” Maddy shouted. “Kenzie, I was on the phone to her and I think she had a seizure whilst driving I heard crashing and she’s not answering me” Kaylee sobbed. “Omg ok, ok someone needs to call 911 and someone needs to call Jack or Skylar or LITERALLY ANYONE” Freya shouted. Maddy grabbing her phone called 911, looking at Kenzie’s location on Life360, Kaylee was sobbing trying to get a response out of Mackenzie. Whilst Freya went into the living room calling Jack.
Back in Michigan, Jack was sat in the living room explaining to Quinn and Skylar what had happened. “You’re an ass, you know that Jack Hughes. The reason you haven’t met our dad is because he’s not around, we last saw him when I was 2 and Kenzie was 4. He was an abusive asshole, he doesn’t give a shit about us and never has, the only real father figure we have is Kaylee’s. It’s not because she doesn’t want you to meet him, it’s because you can’t, we don’t know where he is and even if we did HE DOESNT WANT US.” Skylar screamed before leaving the room sobbing. Jack sighed looking over at Quinn, “I’ve truly fucked this up haven’t I? She’s never gonna forgive me. God I’m such a dick, why did I yell at her, I wasn’t gonna hit her I-I-I’d never hit her!!.” Jack cried. Quinn got up and put his arm around his younger brother, “Just give her some time to clear her head, don’t force her to tell you everything. Clearly it’s a sore subject for both of them, just be supportive, be there for her. Not every person in America has their dad in their lives Jack.” Before Jack could reply his phone started ringing, looking down he say Freya was calling him. Confused he answers “hello?” “Jack… Jack thank god” Freya spoke sounding breathless “Freya? What’s going on? Is everything ok?” Jack was growing more and more concerned. “No-no Jack it’s Mackenzie!! There’s been an accident” Freya answered crying, Jack shot to stand up, looking at Quinn with wide eyes. Quinn titled his head, his own concern growing at his brothers reaction. “What-what do you mean an accident?” “She was driving on the phone to Kaylee, Kaylee thinks she had a seizure and crashed. She’s not responding, we’ve called 911 and I’ve sent you her location. Please-please go go look after our girl” “FUCK NOOO ITS ALL MY FAULT” Jack was tearing up, running to put his shoes on as Quinn followed Skylar running down and following close behind as well, grabbing his keys he guided Jack and Skylar to his car, driving as quick and as safely as he could to the address Freya had sent. They got there in 15 minutes the longest 15 minutes of their lives. What they saw. None of them could have prepared for a two car crash. A bad crash. Mackenzie’s car was front ended in a tree, and another flipped on its roof near by. Ambulances, police and fire engines everywhere. Quinn turned Skylar’s shaking form into his chest, hand shielding her face away from the scene. Jacks heart sunk when he saw a stretcher with a body bag being wheeled into an ambulance, he wasn’t sure who it was but he was suddenly over come with nausea , whispering “Mackenzie please no, not her, please not her” out for the wind to carry wherever it wished as tears rolled down his cheeks.
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mamuzzy-creates-stuff · 7 months
*chins hands* Could we learn about about Pons and Angel? (:
Uffff this one took a long time, but I finally finished it!!!! ⸜(⸝⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝⸝)⸝
Thank you for this lovely ask, @riinoaheartilly and thank you for your patience! (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ ) ♡
Pons and Angel are kind of neglected characters at this point, and since I came up with them, I know literally nothing about Angel aside from that he is a little wacko who loves affectionately terrorizing the the troopers. Oh and his nickname is "Angy". His design is also still a mistery for me (I gave him a default clone trooper design so far).
But I have more info about Pons. :))))
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Pons: I achieved divinity. I'm transcending the mortal realm with higher purpose. I can hear colors. Headshot: Go to sleep before Angy makes a needle-cushion out of you, will you?
EDIT: @ithillia said that's not how "cushion" is written. I say, fuck my life, he is space-french. Sprench. Whatever. (Thanks for telling <3)
More info under the cut!
⚕️ He is the only Medic in the CG who has an actual battle-scar. One in the temple from a knife-cut. And one in the nape, from heavy physical injury.
⚕️It all happened while extracting an injured trooper during a fight between the CG and a criminal gang. Since medical officers don't have combat skills beside basic self-defence, normally they don't leave the walls of the Guard compound, but this matter needed immediate treating and safe extracting.
⚕️The CG low-key celebrates him as a hero and Pons tries not to take it as a mockery, comparing to his brothers who are constantly under the threat of getting shot down while he couldn't protect himself from that attacker. This injury actually caused him pontine stroke and throughout the years of war, he is still in rehabilitation.
⚕️That trooper he saved? One of Fox's boys from the Planetary Defence. Spinal injury treated in bactatank, otherwise he managed to get out from the Medbay after 1 month of rehabilitation (why is it so hard to write down this word???), but the trooper always checked back on Pons, keeping him company, keeping him entertained with the latest gossips or books, taking a walk with him through the compound, forming a life-long friendship with it. I don't know too much about this particular trooper, not even a name, but I already love these two.
⚕️Pons didn't have a name before this incident and the surgery. But hearing the word pons pons pons all over again during his rehab, really clicked him, and named himself as such after the organ. Some hidden superstitious part wishes that naming himself such as the damaged part of his brain would manifest in his recovery.
Pons is a latin word for "bridge", also the name for that part of the brain that responsible for unconcious processes and involuntarily movements, eg.: blinking, swallowing, pain processing, breathing, digestion, heartbeat, regulating sleep-cycle, even dreaming!
Pontine stroke causes motor and sensory impairment, weakness or paralysis in parts affected by cranial nerve, clumsy voluntarily movements, inability to control muscles for swallowing and speaking, and can be responsible for sleep-paralysis.
I actually came up with Pons while watching a documentary eries about the brain and wanted a clone character who sleepwalks. I'm not sure I'm keeping the sleepwalking part though.
⚕️He just can't have a good night sleep and haunted by night-terrors and sleep-paralysis. Always tired, basicly lives on caf and stims.
⚕️Pons hates himself for being unable to maintain his duty as a medic, not in serious matters that need steady hands and focus. instead he is the one who needs contant treatment and attention. Still, Headshot gives him reading materials to study to keep him mentally fit, often ask him for advice when he is stuck and does everything to make Pons feel, he is still part of the team and he is waited back.
⚕️He develops love for painting which started as an exercise for improving on his motor movements. His pictures depicting monsters, inspired by his nightmares became posters decorating various barrack rooms in the CG.
⚕️I drew this picture about him weeks ago, but thinking on actually giving him signs of stroke next time I draw him.
⚕️ @ithillia said I should name Pons' friend Jason. I don't know if he is a Jason-type of guy. But I used to know a Jason when I was a kid and have fond memories of him, he drew very cool stuff, and he is working now as a pharmacist. Maybe this is fate.
Hmmm... that's it so far. If you have more specific questions about him, don't hesitate to ask! <3
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thenixkat · 3 months
Oh yeah, I finished the Blue Beetle 1986 run.
There was a bunch of stuff I liked. Like Ted's college roommate/bestie Takamoto. And Ted being a decent caring boss/willing to fucking throw down if you try to harm his employees. Giving ex-cons chances. Willing to look out for people's families and financially support them. And caring about homeless people (granted he failed to grasp the fact that he could infact do shit to help them).
Loved the choice to have Ted's Beetle Nest be right under the Kord Inc. building. And Ted's gods awful fashion choices, good fucking lords you have to actively try to pick colors and patterns that clash that badly. Also really like Ted with curly red hair, every other appearance of him in the DC universe should have curly red hair! It looks great and distinct.
Also the whole Ted vs Dan thing and Khaji Da being a mind controlling alien parasite trying to seduce Ted. The ending felt like a fucking cop out but most of it was fun and also Dan lasered a bunch of cops which was neat.
But there was also a bunch of stuff I hated. Like the unnecessary drama of Ted not telling his loved ones about his secret identity even when it became clear that it was causing issues. OG Ted didn't have those problems b/c he told his girlfriend/lab assistant which was hot new and spicey at the time narritively.
You could have had different more interesting drama with folks knowing! Imagine how the arc where Nixon banned superheroes b/c public opinion got turned against superheroes would have gone down if there were people who knew that Ted was a superhero? Like that fucking cop got to figure out Ted's identity but what did we get out of that other than Ted getting blackmailed by that cop to do dirty work for him?
There's a bunch of plot lines that never get resolved and as far as I know just don't get resolved due to folks not really caring about Ted's of solo run. Like, poor Mr. Calhoun does not get fucking rescued after he got horribly burned, forcibly mutated and given superpowers, then kidnapped and enslaved. I didn't see a single peep about Mr. Calhoun after the Titans told Ted to go home and things will resolve themselves eventually.
Just damn, free my mans Calhoun!
And like damn, no one at Kord Inc really thought about Jeremiah Duncan much after he got kidnapped by French people. And that doesn't sit right with me. Especially after seeing what Ted did for Angie and Calhoun when they were in trouble and even that ex-con that was trying to turn his life around. Like? The fuckle?
Also the entire ending of that run felt just ... that's both a downer ending and it didn't feel super in character. Like yer telling me Ted, Mr. 'Oh no my secretary didn't show up and didn't call out and this is very not like her I'm gonna drop by her house to see if she's ok' and Mr. 'Calhoun saved my life I'm going to ride with him to the hospital to make sure he's ok/I will fight all these fucking supervillains trying to kidnap my employee so I can get that man to a fucking hospital' would say fuck yall and dip instead of helping rebuild his company?
Sure, he's pissed off at his dad and his ex but would that spite really beat out every fuck he gives for all the other people that work for him? The folks he said were like family to him that he proved pretty well that he meant it through out the story? If he quits he cant take care of the ex-con's family like he promised to. If he quits what happens to Angie? If he quits Calhoun wont have a job to come back to and its not like he could get another after being turned into a metal skinned mutant.
Nah, I don't buy that ending.
What is Ted Kord other than a bundle of guilt and responsibility, seasoned with depression and self loathing, and covered up with a bright wrapper of quips and humor?
I'm not buying that Ted Kord would leave his people in a lurch just to spite two fuckers when he could spite them by being fucking awesome and taking care of his?
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atwooozi · 6 months
Almost Perfect (Sebastian x Fem!Farmer) Chapter 16: A Moment Alone
Warnings: Slow burn, personal struggles, anxiety, depression, eventual smut
Summary: Angeline finds herself drawn to Sebastian, even as she tries to downplay her feelings. The group enjoys a swim, and amid the laughter and warmth of the moment, Angeline feels a sense of happiness she hadn't expected. Later, by the fire, she shares easy conversation and laughter with her friends, feeling a growing comfort in their company.
There is a short smut scene at the end of the chapter. If you'd like to avoid that by all means go ahead. You will be able to enjoy the story without it.
A/N: I hate the luau. It's the most boring event in the game, honestly. So in order to make me not hate it as much I tried my best to make it interesting. This is my second attempt at a smut scene. I'm not sure if it counts completely since it's a solo scene, but I wanna give myself a pat on the back. Let me know if you have any advice. It's much easier to read smut than it is to write it.
Chapter 16: A Moment Alone
Summer 14
“You don’t think this is too much?” Angeline said as she looked down at herself, running the fabric of her skirt between her fingers. It was hardly a skirt and more of just a sheer wrap to give the illusion of modesty. 
Haley rested her hands on her hips triumphantly as she looked at Angeline. “Who cares if it’s too much.” she said as she flicked some of her blonde waves over her shoulder. “You look hot.”
Angeline flushed as she adjusted her bikini top. She felt so exposed. “B-but isn’t the governor going to be there?”
“Yeah so?” Haley said. “What’s he gonna do? Take your farm away because you have your boobs out?” 
Sophia giggled and shook her head. “I don’t think you need to worry so much, Angie.” She rubbed her arm comfortingly. “He’s going to busy with Lewis.”
Angeline nodded and sighed, her shoulders slumped. She felt so naked. She wished that Haley had given her something less revealing to wear. She stared at herself in Haley’s mirror. The color did look nice, but she felt nervous as to just how much of her cleavage was on display and her stomach for that matter. She wasn’t opposed to showing some skin, but she felt that with this outfit barely anything could be left to the imagination. 
“Think of it this way.” Sophia suggested with a cheeky smile. “Maybe a certain someone will notice you feeling uncomfortable and lend you their hoodie?” 
Angeline flushed at the thought. She would be thankful for the cover up, but it made her anxiety soar. The thought of being enveloped in Sebastian’s hoodie was almost too much for her to imagine. Just being close to him made her feel a bit dizzy. 
“Or maybe he’ll be so obsessed that he’ll drag your cute ass back to the farm like any sensible man should.” Haley smirked. 
Angeline hid her face in her hands as she listened to her friends talk. She regretted telling them about her feelings for the resident emo. There was no way Sebastian felt that way about her. Why would he? He was so beautiful and smart. He would never think of her as something more than just a friend. She wasn’t even confident in saying that they were friends.  
“You guys…stop.” Angeline pleaded as she removed her hands from her face. “We should go before I change my mind.” 
Haley grabbed Angeline’s hand in hers, practically dragging her out of the house. “There’s no way in hell I’m letting you change!” She huffed. “I spent way too much money on that outfit to just let you throw it away like that.” 
“You said it was sitting in your closet!” Angeline whined, guilt now eating at her. She needed to pay Haley back. 
“In a way I didn’t lie . ” Haley said defensively. “After I bought it, it sat in my closet…for like, two days.” 
“Haley…” Angeline groaned. Haley was too much at times. She knew her parents had money, but she didn’t want Haley to waste her money on her. 
Sophia chased after the two, carrying their ingredients for the community soup in her hands. “You guys wait up! This stuff is heavy.” She whined. 
Once the girls reached the beach, the hot air only intensified from the flames surrounding a large cauldron. It was sweltering. Angeline could feel a thin layer of sweat covering her skin. 
“Damn farmgirl,” Alex said as he approached the group of girls, wrapping his arm around Haley’s waist. “You should wear a bikini more often.” Haley frowned at the man and pinched his side. He jolted in his spot. “I mean A-Angeline.” He corrected himself. Angeline rolled her eyes at the correction.  
“Thanks Alex.” She muttered and crossed her arms over her chest. 
“Come on Alex.” Haley said, tugging on his arm. “I want to go take pictures by the water.” Alex nodded and walked down the shoreline with Haley in tow. As long as Haley was happy so was she.
“At least he called you by your name.” Sophia shrugged. 
Angeline laughed and looked at the pink haired girl. “I guess that’s true.” 
Sophia smiled. “I think you’ve got some people looking for you.” She said as she nodded towards a certain trio and Victor standing near the shoreline. “I’m gonna go put some wine in the soup, go say hi.” 
Sophia gave Angeline a quick hug and got in line to add her secret ingredient to the soup. Angeline rubbed her bare arms as she looked around the beach. As much as she wanted to see Abigail, Sam, Victor, and Sebastian she felt nervous. She moved towards the buffet tables instead. She wasn’t avoiding them, she was just getting a bite to eat.   
“You good?” Angeline looked up and was surprised to see Shane, of all people, speaking to her. 
“O-oh yeah.” Angeline sighed and grabbed some salad. “I think the heat is just getting to me.” 
Shane nodded, but looked unconvinced. “Yeah…this party is kind of ass.” 
Angeline laughed in response causing Shane to grin. “It’s not ass…” 
“Keep telling yourself that.” Shane said as he filled his plate. “Hopefully the governor doesn’t pass out this year from the shitty soup.” 
Angeline’s eyes widened. Pass out? She glanced over at the large pot and frowned. Maybe she would skip out on the soup after all. 
After saying a few hi’s here and there and engaging in some small talk she made her way over to Sebastian and his friends. “Hey you guys.” She said, trying her best to seem unbothered. 
“And here I thought you forgot about us.” Abigail said as she hugged Angeline’s waist. 
Angeline giggled and hugged Abigail back. “I could never.” 
Victor gave a polite wave and Angeline waved back with a smile.
“You look pretty.” Sam said with a cheerful smile which caused Angeline to flush. She had almost forgotten about the stupid outfit she had shown up in. 
“Hey…” Sebastian said with not so much of a glance in her direction. 
Angeline’s heart fluttered at the sight of Sebastian, his usual hoodie making her think back to earlier. She wanted nothing more than to feel the material of his sweater envelop her. She tried to ignore the warmth spreading through her cheeks as she replied. She needed to be cool. “Thanks, Sam. You don’t look so bad yourself.”
Sam’s grin widened and he rubbed the back of his neck feeling shy. It was true, Sam looked great. He looked like he was born to be on the beach. From his blonde hair, to his sunkissed skin, and washboard abs; he fits the beach boy vibe entirely. 
Sebastian finally looked up, his stormy blue eyes meeting hers for a brief moment before turning his attention back to the ocean. “Having fun yet?” Angeline couldn’t be sure but she was almost positive she heard a bit of a pout in his voice. 
Angeline shrugged as she looked around. “Yeah, it’s not so bad so far.” 
Abigail grinned mischievously and cuddled closer to Angeline, resting her chin on her shoulder. “Well, you’re turning quite a few heads, that’s for sure.” 
Angeline flushed and shifted uncomfortably. She tugged at the hem of her skirt. “I doubt that.” 
Victor nodded. “Abigail’s right. You’re quite popular.”
Sebastian glanced between Abigail and Victor with a frown. “Abigail you’re smothering her.” 
“Am not!”
Angeline smiled warily. Since when was Abigail so touchy?
Sebastian raised an eyebrow, his gaze lingering on Angeline for a moment longer than necessary. “It’s just hot, you’ll get heat stroke like that.” He muttered, looking away at the horizon. 
“Sure, blame the heat.” Abigail egged him on with a playful smirk. Angeline looked between the two. She felt caught in the middle of something. Abigail smiled at Angeline trying her best to look innocent. 
Angeline did her best to shrug off Abigail’s antics and looked towards the oceanside. The sunsets here were out of a painting. She couldn’t help but steal a glance at Sebatian, his profile etched against the backdrop of the setting sun was breathtaking. She wished she could take a picture of it.    
“So Angeline,” Sam spoke up, breaking up the silence. “You ready to hit the water? It’s gotta be perfect right now.” 
Angeline blinked, torn between the desire to cool off in the ocean and the nervous fluttering in her stomach at the idea of being so exposed in her current outfit. 
“Come on, it’ll be fun.” Abigail urged, sensing Angeline’s hesitation. “We’ll keep an eye on any rogue waves for ya.” 
Angeline relented at the other’s urging. “Okay..” She glanced at Sebastian. “Are you gonna swim too?” 
Sebastian shook his head firmly. “I don’t swim.” 
Angeline wanted to protest, but Abigail was already dragging her towards the shore along with Sam. The sound of laughter and crashing waves filled the air. However, Angeline couldn’t shake the feeling of Sebastian’s gaze on her. She found herself stealing a few glances at him whenever she thought he wasn’t looking. 
Sam wasted no time diving into the water, his laughter echoing across the beach. Abigail followed suit, her playful shouts mingling with Sam’s. 
Abigail turned to Angeline once she surfaced. “Are you coming?” 
Angeline hesitated for a moment before nodding. Her heart was racing from her nerves. She carefully waded into the water, the cool ocean washing over her. Angeline couldn’t help the laughter that bubbled up from her chest as Sam splashed her playfully. 
For a moment, everything else faded away– the worries about her outfit, the nervousness about Sebastian, the heat of the day. All that mattered was the warmth of the sun on her skin, the laughter of her friends, and the happiness she was feeling. 
Once the group had finished their swim they joined Victor and Sebastian again on the sand. The two raven haired boys had started a fire. 
Angeline sat herself next to Abigail near the fire and hugged her knees to her chest, feeling a slight chill from the wind. She couldn’t help but steal glances at Sebastian as he sat across from her. She admired the way the firelight danced across his features. 
The conversation flowed easily between the group. Angeline found herself laughing at Sam’s silly stories where Abigail would constantly interject. She felt a sense of comfort and ease around them all that she hadn’t expected when she first met them all a month ago. 
As the night wore on, and the fire crackled in the background, Angeline had started to feel more comfortable. She glanced over at Sebastian and much to her surprise caught his eye. She felt her heart skip a beat and felt the tips of her ears prick with warmth. 
“Hey, Angeline.” Sebastian said as he walked over to her. His voice was low and warm. “Do you maybe want to go for a walk?” He said his voice barely above a whisper. “Away from the crowd?” 
Angeline felt like she was going to faint. She somehow managed to nod, her voice barely above a whisper. “O-okay.” 
As they walked along the dock, the sound of the waves crashing against the worn wood, Angeline felt a sense of contentment wash over her. She stole a glance at Sebastian, his profile illuminated by the moonlight. She couldn’t help but smile. He was absolutely breathtaking. The lighting didn’t matter. His features were just that stunning, at least to her. 
“What?” Sebastian turned to look at Angeline, a smile smirk playing on his lips. She felt caught. 
Angeline shook her head. “N-nothing!” 
She was fumbling for something to say. Anything. She couldn’t just outright say he was beautiful. “Th-the moon.” 
Sebastian looked up at the sky. “The moon?” 
“Yeah…” Angeline trailed off. “It looks beautiful.” 
Angeline felt her heart beating up against her chest as they stood there in silence. She couldn’t take it. 
“Yeah…it does.” Sebastian said softly as he continued to stare at the night sky. 
Angeline felt a surge of courage as she looked at Sebastian. She knew she had to say something. She needed to let him know how she felt. But for whatever reason the words seemed to escape her. She felt caught in the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside her. 
“Sebastian,” she began, her voice barely above a whisper, “I..” “You guys! We need to go!” Abigail called out to the pair. “Willy said a storm is coming.” 
Sebastian turned to look at Angeline. “I guess we should go.” 
Angeline swallowed up her words and nodded. “Y-yeah…” 
Angeline’s head spun and her heart hammered against her chest. She couldn’t say it. It wasn’t the right time.  
Sebastian reached out a hand, offering it to Angeline. She hesitated for just a moment before slipping her hand into his. The warmth of his touch sent a jolt of electricity through her as they walked along the rickety dock. 
The wind had picked up as they approached the beach. It sent a chill down Angeline’s spine. As they rejoined the others around the fire, Abigail was already packing up her belongings along with Sam and Victor. 
The group quickly gathered their things, putting out the fire. Angeline felt a pang of disappointment that their moment had been interrupted, but she pushed it aside, focusing on gathering her things. 
She would just need to try again. The time wasn’t right. 
The smut scene is only going to be available on AO3 to avoid as much minor interaction as possible. If you want to read it please check out the chapter on AO3.
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marymary-diva17 · 8 months
Leave him alone leave us all alone (3)
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Regret and worry had become feeling of the village since the discovery, of the metekayian clan olo'eythan eldest daughter. The two clans had already been worried about toruk makto eldest son, but now that worry had been passed onto the girl who had been blamed for everything. Regret and worry had been felt by the parents and sibling, and it had been felt by the sully family as well. Regret and worry will be felt forever for the actions that had been placed.
mo'at " please great mother hear my pray help this child, one of your children who in needed of your help please great mother" mo'at was praying for the recovery of angi as she still laid there sleeping.
norm " her heart rate and brain waves are still the same no change"
mo’at “ angi you can’t leave the world like this”
Max “ this is terrible all around we were all worried about neteyam, that none of us checked on her and now look where it got us”
mo’at “ angi is a girl with pure heart and spirt of warrior she will fight this”
norm “ what if she chose not to fight what if it not up to her to decide” silence had filled the room as the three adults were looking at the teen girl, who hadn't woken up yet. Most of the night mo'at had stayed up watching over the girl hoping she will wake up, but the only movement the girl did was breath but her breaths are very low.
norm " how bad did we allow this to get"
mo'at " bad enough for her to be in this state and for us to be in this waiting game for her to awaken"
norm " the children seem torn up about everything last night"
max " they are all close to her and I'm start to think that regret what they said"
mo'at " yes it seems like they true but did regret come to late"
????? " grandmother" the three adults soon turned around and saw, the kids standing there. Kiri and tsireys to holding basket of food while rotxo was holding a jug of water.
neteyam " we came to see how angi was doing"
norm " you should be resting neteyam you were hurt as well"
neteyam " yes I was hurt but I'm not the one who got badly hurt saving someone else from death and now laying down in deep sleep or coma"
mo'at " let them stay it will be good to have more company and maybe the present of her sibling and friends will help" the kids were soon allowed to step into the room, as they place the stuff down that they brought.
kiri " we brought some food and water for you grandmother and angi"
lo'ak " will she be able to eat or drink"
mo'at " she able to drink but I don't think sold food will do her well, only soups"
tsireya " sister please wake up you can't be like this we need you I need you"
rotxo " here some water for her make sure she drinks it" tsireya had taken the cup, and made sure angi could drink it safely.
rotxo " hey sister I'm here as well you have to wake up and stay to meet our new baby sibling, they going to need you as we need you"
tuk " angi will be okay right grandma"
mo'at " yes sweetie she will be fine we just need her to wake up"
tuk " angi it me tuk I want you to wake up please so we can play again"
kiri " we all need her"
spider " dad she is okay"
norm " yes son she will be okay we just need to wait we are make sure she getting all the help she can"
lo'ak " I hate this waiting game"
neteyam " lo'ak"
lo'ak " sorry I just hate all the talk that going around today, everyone has been saying their own opinions on angi right now"
kiri" everyone seems worried about her she in a worst state then I was in" the group was quite was they are sitting in the room waiting for anything to change. Soon the sound of someone arriving towards the entrance had gotten everyone attention, everyone soon looked up to see the four adults
Tonowari " hello everyone" ronal didn't say anything as she made her way towards her daughter, soon sitting down and looking at her daughter.
ronal " she looks so peaceful"
tsireya " don't worry mom everything will be fine angi a fighter she will wake up and everything will be fine"
ronal " ma daughter if you can hear me please wake up your family and clan still need you"
tonowari " she will awake up ronal our daughter will return home to us"
Jake " kids the adults need to talk right now you all should of hangout or play for some being"
lo'ak " dad we wish to stay here with angi she will do the same of us heck she has done the same for kiri and tried to do the same for neteyam"
Jake " lo'ak I'm not going to fight you right now it best if you all leave this is an adult conversation, you all are still kids"
Kiri " we will be able to see her later"
Jake " yes you all can"
tuk " oh okay angi we will be back shortly to come see you" all the other kids had gotten up after saying goodbye to angi, but neteyam still stayed.
Jake " neteyam you need to leave it okay"
neteyam " I wish to stay I don't wish to leave until I know she okay"
Jake " son please"
neteyam " angi please come back to us don't leave me don't leave us" neteyam didn't care who heard what he had just said and how they took his words.
tsireya " we will return sister"
rotox " yes we will be back" the kids had soon bid their goodbye to angi they hated on how, they didn't get a reply back from her. The kids soon left the aura of the room had become even more worried and sad.
Jake " max give it to us straight about angi condition"
max " if she doesn't wake up soon we might have to declared her ..."
tonowari " declare she what human tell us"
max " we might have to come to terms that she will die"
ronal " no she to young she can't leave this world so young"
max " we will do everything we can but that the end of day we can't control death and life as well"
neytiri " no"
mo'at " sadly it true"
ronal " she so young she has so much to live for we can't lose one of children"
tonowari " don't worry ronal will fins out a way and save our daughter"
ronal " yes" ronal had placed a hand on age forehead as she looks at her daughter, lay there and just sleep.
ronal "please great mother hear my pray and save our daughter"
Jake " none of the children were able to sleep last night they had become overwhelmed with worry and fear"
tonowari " either tsireya and rotxo could sleep as well, they didn't see that good this morning as well"
mo'at " she their sister and friend she very important to them, and she seem to be a different type of importance to neteyam" the four adults looked confused by mo'at words.
tonowari " what do you mean"
mo'at " if you can't tell by he was the one closer to her and wish to stay and almost fought you on that, then the words he said you are all blind and deaf fools"
ronal " how ...."
mo'at " enough no more fighting"
Jake " I know this not the time but the meeting will be happening soon we need to attend to protect our clans and families, we have to do this for the safety of everyone"
tonowari " Jake is right"
ronal " tonowari"
tonowari " we need to be there for our people our daughter a fighter will be come see her later, and maybe we can find out a way to save her as well"
norm " we will stay and watch over here and come to tell you if anything bad happens, we will make sure she stays safe"
max " yes we will stay with her until your return or mo'at return"
tonowari " thank you" all the adults had looked expect mo'at had left leaving her alone with the humans.
mo'at " angi if you can hear what had been heard please fight or see what had happened to you ... I don't know if the great mother is testing you or us but she most have something planned... but please fight and overcome this challenge that had been placed on you I believe in you child"
mo'at " oh great mother please take care of angi whatever the outcome this event might have on us" mo'at soon left the room leaving the humans alone with angi, everyone had some hope that angi will wake up and that she will be fine but there was also some fear and worry that angi will never wake up.
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