#angus barbieri
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transparentgentlemenmarker · 10 months ago
Angus Barbieri was a Scottish man who gained significant attention for his extraordinary fasting feat in the 1960s. In 1965, at the age of 27, Barbieri embarked on a prolonged fast that lasted for a remarkable 382 days. I fasting regimen was motivated by his desire to lose weight. At the beginning of his fast, he weighed around 456 pounds (207 kilograms), and his goal was to reach a healthier weight. Under medical supervision, he consumed supplements to ensure he received essential vitamins and minerals, as well as electrolyte replacements. During the extended fast, Angus Barbieri lost a considerable amount of weight, shedding around 276 pounds (125 kilograms). His weight loss progress was closely monitored by doctors, and he exhibited no adverse health effects during the fasting period. Medical professionals observed that his body was able to utilize stored fat for energy, which helped sustain him throughout the fast. Barbieri's fasting record is considered one of the longest medically monitored fasts in history
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Angus Barbieri était un Écossais qui a attiré beaucoup d'attention pour son extraordinaire exploit de jeûne dans les années 1960. En 1965, à l'âge de 27 ans, il s'est lancé dans un jeûne prolongé qui a duré 382 jours. Mon régime de jeûne était motivé par mon désir de perdre du poids. Au début je pesais environ 207kgs et mon objectif était d'atteindre un poids qui ne mettait pas ma vie en danger. Sous surveillance médicale, il a consommé des complémentaires alimentaires pour s'assurer de recevoir des vitamines et des minéraux essentiels, ainsi que des remplacements d'électrolytes. Au cours du jeûne prolongé, Angus Barbieri a perdu une quantité considérable de poids, perdant 125kgs. Ses progrès en matière de perte de poids ont été étroitement surveillés par des médecins et il n’a présenté aucun effet néfaste sur sa santé pendant la période de jeûne. Les professionnels de la santé ont observé que son corps était capable d'utiliser les graisses stockées pour produire de l'énergie, ce qui l'aidait à survivre tout au long du jeûne. Le record de jeûne de Barbieri est considéré comme l'un des plus longs jeûnes médicalement surveillés de l'histoire.
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diary-of-obesy-girl · 10 months ago
Eu não quero mais comer, nunca mais… Quero viver de água e sol igual uma planta. Toda vez que como me sinto nojenta, toda vez que olho minhas coxas, minha barriga e meus braços da vontade chorar e não desejo comer por uma eternidade, toda vez que eu comer vou aplicar uma punição cada vez pior. A intenção é viver num NF eterno. Tem um relato de um homem que queria emagrecer, não sei se vocês conhecem o nome dele é Angus, deixarei abaixo um link que conta um pouco sobre ele:
Peço desculpas por ser tão extrema, mas eu quero mesmo ser delicada e fininha… Nem que eu precise passar minha vida toda tentando.
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lindsaywesker · 1 year ago
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Good morning!  I hope you slept well and feel rested?  Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day. 
Welcome to Too Much Information Tuesday.
A zoilist is someone who gains pleasure from finding fault.
15% of Americans own no books, and 20% own fewer than 10.
It is only illegal to eat human flesh in one of the 50 US states, Idaho.
Research has shown that people are happiest at 7:26pm on Saturday evening.
92% of people type things into Google to see if they spelled them correctly.
In 2003, a Coca-Cola employee was fired because he was drinking Pepsi on the job.
In 1979, British politician Terry Dicks lost an election to his competitor Michael Cocks.
Lonely people take longer, hotter showers to replace the warmth they lack socially or emotionally.
In 2015, an aquarium in Vancouver gave their one-eyed rockfish a false eye because he was being bullied.
You can fail a drugs test if you eat too much food with poppy seeds in it.  Your urine would show as having morphine in.
At Two Oceans Pass, Wyoming, a mountain stream splits into two: one flows into the Atlantic, the other into the Pacific.
A five-year-old boy who went missing from his home in Alabama for 13 years was found when he tried to apply to college.
According to The Economist, Boston, Massachusetts is the best prepared city in the United States for a zombie invasion.
The ‘your mother’ insult is found in nearly all cultures and is as old as humanity itself, with examples in Shakespeare and the Bible.
In 2004, the USA delivered $12 billion in one hundred dollar bills weighing 363 tonnes to Iraq.  Nobody knows where it has gone.
In some European countries, they have parking spaces solely for women.  They are usually in heavily lit areas, close to petrol stations etc.
In 1956, Vyacheslav Ivanov won an Olympic rowing medal only to drop it in the lake while celebrating his win.  He dived in but never found it.
In 2015, a Manchester man began graffitiing giant penises onto potholes so that the city would fix them faster.  He was nicknamed 'Wanksy'.
French club FC Thionville will play an away fixture in New Caledonia in the South Pacific as part of the French Football Cup, a round trip of 19,883 miles.
In the 16th century, codpieces were so big they were used as pockets where men were said to carry handkerchiefs, purses, ballads, bottles, pistols and oranges.
Andy Warhol would often go into hair salons to get his wig cut.  Then next month, he would come back to the salon in a longer wig and act like his wig had grown.
If you play the tenth song on Weird Al Yankovic’s album ‘Bad Hair Day’ in reverse, you will hear, “Wow, you must have an awful lot of free time on your hands.”
In his application for a professorship at Trinity College Dublin, the Irish poet and future Nobel laureate W.B. Yeats misspelt the word ‘professorship’.  He didn’t get the job.
The scent of freshly mowed grass is the lawn actually trying to save itself from injury.  Plants release a number of organic compounds called green leaf volatiles.  When plants are injured, these emissions increase like crazy.
In 1988, a woman named Jean Terese Keating disappeared while awaiting trial for drunkenly killing a woman in a car crash.  She was arrested 15 years later after bragging at a bar about having gotten away with the crime.
In the 19th century, the phrase ‘Newcastle hospitality’ meant either ‘roasting a friend to death’ (subjecting someone to ‘a severe gibing and bantering’) or ‘killing a person with kindness’ (not allowing someone to leave the room until they fell dead-drunk under the table.)
Scottish man Angus Barbieri fasted for 392 days, from June 14, 1965, to July 11, 1966.  He lived on tea, coffee, soda water and vitamins while living at home in Tayport, Scotland, and frequently visited Maryfield Hospital for medical evaluation.  He lost 276 pounds and set a record for the length of a fast.
Nas listed his then 7-year-old daughter, Destiny Jones, as an Executive Producer on his fifth studio album ‘Stillmatic’, so she will always receive royalty checks from the album.  Nas' album, Stillmatic, was released on December 18th, 2001.  It sold over 342,600 copies in its first week of release and peaked at No. 5 on the U.S. Billboard 200 chart. 
Sanju Bhagat's stomach was so swollen he looked nine months pregnant, and his breathing was so bad that he was rushed to hospital.  Doctors suspected his enlarged abdomen was a tumor until they opened him up and found that he'd been carrying around his absorbed twin for 36 years.  This condition is known as ‘fetus in fetu’.  One twin absorbs the other but will continue to leech nutrients from the host.
Okay, that’s enough information for one day.  Have a tremendous and tumultuous Tuesday!  I love you all.
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leavemetobeinpeace · 2 months ago
Angus Barbieri my beloved
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bippolarr · 2 years ago
-123kg vivendo apenas de chá, café, água com gás e vitaminas em uma nf de 382 dias. O escocês Angus Barbieri conseguiu ficar mais de um ano sem comer absolutamente nada. E você ai, com dificuldade de fazer uma nf de 24 horas, gorda.
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stangalina · 1 year ago
Fun fact! A man named Angus Barbieri survived for 382 days straight without solid food. He only drank water and tea with sugar for energy. That's one year and 17 days. Straight. And he survived it because he was fat.
So, tell me why a fat person couldn't survive a zombie apocalypse by just locking themselves somewhere secure and just waiting for the zombies to rot. Hmm?
it's so funny when ppl"s defence of no fat characters existing in video games is "uh they wouldn't be able to physically do the things the character does" like damn i hate to break it to you but skinny bitches can't physically cast a fireball in real life either but nobody has a problem with that
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horusvalley · 4 years ago
قصة أنجوس باربيري-الرجل الذي قضى عامًا بدون طعام وخسر 125 كجم
قصة أنجوس باربيري-الرجل الذي قضى عامًا بدون طعام وخسر 125 كجم
قرر رجل يبلغ من العمر 27 عامًا في اسكتلندا،أنجوس باربيري Angus Barbieri،في عام 1965 أنه يريد إنقاص بعض الوزن. في ذلك الوقت ، كان وزنه 207 كجم. تحت إشراف الأطباء ، بدأ الصيام وعاش لأكثر من عام دون طعام ، محققًا رقمًا قياسيًا عالميًا جديدًا.   وبحسب تقرير الأطباء ، فقد قدم نفسه للعلاج ، وكانت الخطة الأولية صيامًا قصير الأمد فقط. ولكن بعد أن بدأ ، بدا أن المريض يتمتع بصحة جيدة و “كان حريصًا على…
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drdanielapetrache · 5 years ago
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(via Angus Barbieri - Fara hrana 382 de zile)
Angus Barbieri a rezistat fara mancare un an si 17 zile, nu, nu am gresit, el nu a mancat 382 de zile. Ii puteti afla povestea mai jos, dar nu trebuie sa incercati asta. Angus Barbieri a fost atent urmarit de medici pe toata perioada postului.
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raw626 · 2 years ago
Watch "A Man Who Refused To Eat For 382 days #shorts" on YouTube
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riflebrass · 1 year ago
His name was Angus Barbieri. He fasted for 392 days and lost 276lbs.
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postambientlux · 2 years ago
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the 100 BEST AMBIENT ALBUMS of 2022 curated by @holsgr
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#100 : Awe Kid - Body Logic
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#99 : Dujat - Tertre
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#98 : John Hayes - Beautifully Lost Mind
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#97 : Zguba - Znój
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#96 : Rubin Henkel - Restless
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#95 : Saul Guanipa - Emanations
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#94 : Wreath - Green Wall
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#93 : Andrew Tasselmyer & Blurstem - Duets
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#92 : Caldera - One Last Glimpse
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#91 : Benny Bock - Vanishing Act
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#90 : Polypores - Small Moves Ellie
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#89 : Warmth - Pale Sun
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#88 : Mindwarden - Timeless
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#87 : Hugar - Rift
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#86 : Daniel Herskedal - Out of the Fog
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#85 : Fabio Orsi - Reverse Diverse
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#84 : N Kramer - Altered Scenes and Slight Variations
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#83 : Caterina Barbieri - Spirit Exit
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#82 : Ethan Sherman - Indoor Vistas
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#81 : Jonas Coltrup - At the Crest
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#80 : Gregor Dys - riss
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#79 : Kuedo - Infinite Window
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#78 : Tegh & Adel Poursamadi - Ima ایما
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#77 : Szun Waves - Earth Patterns
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#76 : Sven Laux & Fione - Tomorrow Everything Could Be Different
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#75 : Marc Codsi - The Silence Between the New World and the Aftermath
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#74 : Adrian Copeland - If This Were My Body
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#73 : Tapani Rinne & Teho Majamäki - On The Border
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#72 : Jónsi, Sin Fang, Alex Somers, Kjartan Holm - Sounds of Fischer Vol. 1
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#71 : bvdub & James Bernard - Departing In Descent
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#70 : Andrew Heath & James Olsand - Once We Were All Here And Nowhere Else
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#69 : K. Freund - Hunter on the Wing
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#68 : Jean-Michel Blais - aubades
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#67 : Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith & Emile Mosseri - I Could Be Your Dog / I Could Be Your Moon
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#66 : Yair Elazar Glotman - Speculative Memories
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#65 : Bill Seaman & Stephen Vitiello - The Other Forgotten Letters
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#64 : Paolo Bellipanni - Persona
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#63 : Marine Eyes - Chamomile
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#62 : The Expanding Universe - One
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#61 : Danny Lubin Laden - Notes To Rest
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#60 : Harry Towell & Guy Gelem - Restful Spaces
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#69 : We Dream of Eden - Garden Heart
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#58 : Mischa Blanos - The Bald Soprano  
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#57 : Ralph Heidel - Modern Life
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#56 : Julia Gjertsen - Formations
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#55 : C Duncan - Alluvium
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#54 : Martin Roth - Mono No Aware
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#53 : Logic Moon & Henrik Meierkord - Inseln
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#52 : Nightports w/ Tom Herbert - Nightports w/ Tom Herbert
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#51 : Channelers - Time, Space, and Thought
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#50 : Jameson Nathan Jones - Somewhat the Same
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#49 : Tomotsugu Nakamura - Nothing Left Behind
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#48 : Fergus McCreadie - Forest Floor
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#47 : Mathoms - The Woe Trumpets
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#46 : Taylor Deupree - Harbor
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#45 : Artur Maćkowiak - Secret Carnival
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#44 : Francis Harris - Thresholds
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#43 : Danny Mulhern - Singing Through Others
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#42 : Pie Are Squared - The Whole World's a Window and I Can't See a Thing
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#41 : Deniz Cuylan - Rings of Juniper
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#40 : Cole Pulice - Scry
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#39 : Alina HipHarp - Reflections
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#38 : Zensō - The Secret Garden
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#37 : Daniel Avery - Ultra Truth
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#36 : Golden Brown - Luminous
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#35 : Wojciech Rusin - Syphon
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#34 : Blurstem & Elijah Bisbee - Geneva
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#33 : Kasper Bjørke - Mother
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#32 : Matt Ulery - Become Giant
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#31 : Zuwe - SH40
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#30 : IDRA & Hiroshi Ebina - Circle
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#29 : Serpiente Negra Ensamble - Black Guzman
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#28 : Monodrama - mndrmooaa
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#27 : Tristan Eckerson - Going Home
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#26 : Cucina Povera & Ben Vince - There I See Everything
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#25 : Bill Seaman & Daniel Howe - Dispositions
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#24 : Rival Consoles - Now Is
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#23 : Andrew Wasylyk - Hearing the Water Before Seeing the Falls
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#22 : Daigo Hanada - Satori
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#21 : Gabríel Ólafs - Solon Islandus
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#20 : Inhmost - Space and Awareness
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#19 : Tom Skinner - Voices of Bishara
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#18 : City Of Dawn - As the Universe, So the Soul
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#17 : Steve Fors - it's nothing, but still
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#16 : Scott Campbell - Quiet Rituals
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#15 : Space Between Clouds - Space Between Clouds
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#14 : Jasmine Myra - Horizons
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#13 : Home Baker - Habits
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#12 : Aftab Darvishi - A Thousand Butterflies
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#11 : Angus MacRae - Vivarium
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#10 : Luke Howard - All of Us
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#9 : Toàn - Phonolite
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#8 : Jason Van Wyk - Descendants
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#7 : Krystian Shek - Suddenly
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#6 : Tapani Rinne & Juha Mäki-Patola - Open
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#5 : Andrew Heath - Quiet Noise
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#4 : Alex Smalley & Lucia Adam - Patterns
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#3 : Mike Lazarev - When You Are
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#2 : Rachika Nayar - Heaven Come Crashing
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#1 : Chad Mossholder - Lighghthouse
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the 10 BEST AMBIENT EP's of 2022 curated by @holsgr​
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#10 : Dear Gravity & We Dream Of Eden - Holocene
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#9 : Matthew Halsall - The Temple Within
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#8 : Antxnio Graz - LOADING//:fluids
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#7 : Michael Griffiths - Une Chapelle à La Campagne
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#6 : Portico Quartet - Next Stop
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#5 : The June Rise - Birds
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#4 : Heavy Cloud - Beyond the Last Beach House
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#3 : Antarctic Wastelands - Mysteries
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#2 : Erik Mowinckel - Everything Is An Island
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#1 : Clams Casino & Jazztronik - Winter Flower Reimagined ​
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Klaus Schulze - Deus Arrakis
Mind Over MIDI - Offgrid
Carlos Niño & Friends - Extra Presence
Sam Prekop & John McEntire - Sons Of
zmi - Piano Diary
Billow Observatory - Stareside
Salamanda - ashbalkum
Whatever The Weather - Whatever The Weather
Kenneth James Gibson - Groundskeeping
Jóhann Jóhannsson & Jonas Colstrup - Blind Massage
Federico Mosconi - Air Sculptures
ILUITEQ - The Light Inside, The Dark Outside
Dag Rosenqvist - Lexika
Ian William Craig - Music for Magnesium_173
The Broken Cradle - The Burial of the Dead
Max Ananyev - Garden
Drape - Forage / Presence
Trio Ramberget - 24 Ways
Dronny Darko & G M Slater - Dissolving into Solitary Landscapes
Bugge Wesseltoft - Be Am
Sangam & Kid Smpl - Found Wings
Daou - Sanctuary
Panoram - Acrobatic Thoughts
Bill Laurance - Affinity
Ross Gentry - Apparitional
Lorenzo Montanà - Aural
Räven Musen - Peppermint Soldier
Esmam La Crowned - Nuclear City
Neuro... No Neuro - Faces & Fragments
Pat Jaffe & Aidan Filshie - Summit
Sweatson Klank - Postcards
Luca Forcucci - The Room Above
EABS - 2061
Dunam - From Sand to Glass
Herhums - Humming in Chaos
Elin Piel - Satsuma Sunday
Andrea Bellucci & Matteo Uggeri - The Soundtrack of Your Secrets
Fabio Orsi & Alessandra Guttagliere - Arcoiris
Jeremiah Chiu & Marta Sofia Honer - Recordings from the Åland Islands
TIBSLC - Hypertranslucent
Podel - Suburban Memory
Svarte Greiner - Devolving Trust
Suso Sáiz X Menhir - Just Before Silence
Araceae - Nothing Will Last
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Experimental electronic & Ambient music blog made by Hermann Holsgr. linktr.ee/postambientlux 
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fastingcrustacean · 3 years ago
May 6th 2022, introduction
Alriiiight lets see how this goes. This is a fasting diary to document how well it goes for me. I dont expect this blog to garner any followers, but heres an introduction anyways.
My name is Jack, i am overweight by about 35 lbs. It isn’t much but i have been overweight for far too long. I used to be sort of somewhat in a normal weight, but it was short lived (obviously) and i gained almost all of it back (thank god not all of it). I am 5′5, and I weigh 180 lbs as of typing this post. My current GW is 135 lbs- so about 10 more pounds than what i am overweight by. I think. idk, im not gonna do the math again. My previous method i used was intermittent fasting and drinking exclusively meal shakes- it worked and I got down to 150. This time around, I plan to fuck around and find out with a fasting regime. My main concern is the retention of my strength, what little it is, and of course, the ability to Not Die. I will Not Die by drinking a calorie free electrolyte solution (2l of water, iodized salt, potassium, magnesium).
I have already done a 2 day fast, and it was HELL. I refed yesterday due to an immense weakness- I had lost roughly 7 lbs in those two days but im sure most of it was water weight, maybe a pound of body fat. I hear that after a while, the weakness feeling will go away. Angus Barbieri was able to not eat for well over 300 days, so surely I can go a day or two without it.
I am restarting with another 2 day fast minimum, hopefully it will be easier this time around.  I am already halfway through the first day and it seems easier because this seltzer water is making me feel ‘full’.
Things to note:
I have quite a bit of body fat, so I have the fuel to do this. If you find yourself on the smaller side I wouldn’t recommend this, especially if you are prone to eating disorders.
I am doing this because there is a time constraint. I wouldn’t have turned to fasting otherwise, and actually quite enjoy eating (as evidenced by my obesity)
If you do fast, make sure you replenish your electrolytes. Electrolyte loss is deadly.
This is a journal mostly to document my weight, my lifts, and my runtime maybe.
If you plan to fast for longer than 3 days, make sure you have a refeeding plan. Break your fast with bone broth or something. Start light, and avoid carby foods. Carbs draw water into your intestine and can cause you to shit out your electrolytes a dangerous amount.
do your research before doing this. all i gotta say really
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finaldisorder · 6 months ago
He coughs, wet and shallow. The world around him is blurry, and he can make out some shoes that look like his father's and maybe for a second he wants to call out for him. He wants to feel his father's arms circling his body, holding him and petting his hair to tell him it's all going to be okay. Malcolm can't recall the last time he'd felt his father's embrace. He can't recall a time his father had ever really done so, despite the fact he had, in fact, been a good father once upon a time.
Sat in his lap as a child in his office, dark basement illuminated by dim lights, folders and medical text strewn across the desk. His father's exuberance, his father's knowledge, passed on to the son, his prodigal son, his legacy. Only when Malcolm looks back these days can he see the grooming. He sees the killer that Doctor Whitly had tried to turn him into. He sees blood-stained knives, one in his hand, a grown man doubled over, sliced, stabbed, maroon flowing down small hands and wrists like rivers to stain his sweater.
'It's show time, my boy. Make your old man proud, huh?'
These are not his father's sneakers. That is not his father's smell. Malcolm coughs again, head lifting, weak and bleary blues focussing and unfocussing as Watkins crouches before him. He'd snarl if he could, the noise leaving him nothing more than a garbled, wet whimper stuck in his throat. He hasn't the energy to swat away John's hands. The cold air of the room grounds him slightly, the cooler floor beneath him, puddled, pooling blood is sticky but he focusses on the texture. The iron stench. He's bleeding out in this room, and though Malcolm has faced many a dangerous situation in the past, this one takes the cake.
He's not certain he can make his way out of this one. Not on his own. Wary eyes flick around the room impatiently, not exactly looking for an exit, as he knows there is none, but looking for the hallucination of his father. It's the only solace he has had in the silence before John began to speak, and that makes a guttural laugh leave him despite himself. The laugh comes wet - another cough is soon to follow.
"Angus Barbieri," He starts, a slight wheeze to his voice; strained though sure. Confident, though he's shaking. "1971. He survived for 382 days without solid food."
It's a quip with the intention to simply argue; to give himself more time to think. Anger filters through him now. It crashes like a wave. He has already been through trials. Plenty of trials. He's a non-believer. A recovering Catholic. Malcolm himself spent three days without food and water, locked in that closet, screaming for help, please, somebody help me, please!
Malcolm allows the silence to linger, blinking lazily up at the towering figure crouched before him with a sigh. The sigh is petulant - a childish huff, a bratty disregard for politeness and etiquette that he'd been raised with. A thick swallow, a wince as he tries to adjust himself a bit, and he glances at the blade glimmering near him. "Have you an arm like that of God, or can you thunder with a voice like his?"
The Book of Job had been the only scripture Malcolm thoroughly enjoyed; however, he had often disagreed with the atrocities. Job's trials due to a fucking bet with the Devil. He stares the Devil down now, and that irks him, because he rather thought himself the son of Satan himself already. This wasn't a trial. This was a misstep.
Malcolm finally growls. It's time to switch things up; he'd already started.
"What reward do I receive for being a dutiful follower?" He sneers, hands shifting so he can brace himself against the cold floor. He attempts to sit himself up, kneeling before John, body hunched with the pain and an undignified whine leaving him as one hand shifts to cup the stab wound on his abdomen. "I think your Lord might be a little disappointed that you're trying to play Him right now." Despite the very fact he kneels before John now in contrition.
"Tell me, John. That voice in your head - what does it say?" He's trying to be attentive, but the blood loss has him swaying. He nudges the chain, head lolling back in an exaggerated flinch, exhaustion making every movement feel like he's wading through thick water.
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@finaldisorder plotted starter
Seeing Malcolm again after so many years had been what some would call a coincidence. John didn't see it that way. He saw it as the divine will of God; first as a test to his commitment to his mission, and then as a calling to make Malcolm his disciple. He had left breadcrumbs for Malcolm to follow, a test of his own to see if Malcolm was dedicated and once he knew that he was, John had moved onto the next steps of his plan.
Killing Malcolm would have been easy, too easy, and the voice that guided John told him Malcolm was meant for something more. John would have to move on from his personal mission; possibly forever, but something greater awaited him once Malcolm reached the end of his trial. John was sure of it.
Malcolm still had some fight in him. Good. John liked it that way, it showed him that this mission truly was righteous, and that showing Malcolm the path towards his own mission was the correct choice. It wasn't without its own challenges, John was also being tested in these trials. Malcolm was strong, he was resisting this journey he had been set on. Frustrating as it was, John was trying to see the positives; it just meant that once the trials were over, he wouldn't falter or back down from their mission at the first sign of trouble.
He wished Martin could see the metamorphosis his son was going through, he was sure his former mentor would be proud of the work he was doing. The fact that Malcolm would also pay penance for betraying and dishonoring his father was just an added bonus. For as it said in Deuteronomy; 'Cursed be anyone who dishonors his father or mother.'
Crouching before Malcolm, he pointed his knife at him; more as an extension of is own hand (and a warning against trying anything stupid) whilst he lifted up his shirt to check on the stab wound. All things considered, given he'd not had any medical treatment, it wasn't looking too bad. ❝ You know— ❞ Standing up, he stepped back a few paces and sheathed his knife, teeth showing in a condescending grin. ❝ Our Lord managed to go for forty days and nights in the desert without food or water. Those were his trials, so I'm sure you can last a while longer. ❞
He scratched his beard, wondering how long it would be before he would actually have to give Malcolm some water. He didn't want the boy to die before he'd completed his trials, and with the blood loss he's sustained, was still losing, that window of time had been reduced. He might not be a doctor, but he had learned a lot from Martin, so he had a good idea of the time pressures he was facing. ❝ The sooner you stop resisting, the sooner you can be rewarded. All this resistance is only hindering your progress. ❞
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hackernewsrobot · 4 years ago
Angus Barbieri's fast
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angus_Barbieri%27s_fast Comments
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So you are just willfully ignorant, then. That’s sad. If you ever decide to open yourself up to basic science facts: malnutrition is about nutrients (vitamins, minerals, proteins..), not about Calories, and fat is not a storage facility of everything the human body needs to function. The body’s consumption of its own fat doesn’t provide the necessary level of nutrients, nor even every nutrient needed. Not eating for a few hours is not comparable to someone starving themself.
Look up “Angus Barbieri.” 
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rlewisphilly · 4 years ago
How committed are you for a great 2021?
How committed are you for a great 2021?
You ready to commit to a brand new year? 2021!Commitment is hard in life and in business…even when doing good for yourself. You committed as Angus Barbieri of Scotland? In 1965, he weighted 456 pounds…to change that, his personal commitment was to TOTALLY stop eating…no food for 382 days. NO EATING FOR A YEAR?! He ended at a weight of 180. His first meal was breakfast which reminds me of that…
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