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May 6th, 2022
Weight: 180 lbs
5 mins on elliptical as warm up
Chest press: 55/60lbs 3x10
Shoulder press: 20lbs, 3x10
Bicep curl: 45 lbs (both arms) 3x10
Shoulder shrug: 30 lbs, 3x10
Tricep... letdowns? Not a pull down... I’ll figure it out later: 15 2x10
Running: will put when i go on a run.
Food: A can of la croix and some electrolyte solution.
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May 6th 2022, introduction
Alriiiight lets see how this goes. This is a fasting diary to document how well it goes for me. I dont expect this blog to garner any followers, but heres an introduction anyways.
My name is Jack, i am overweight by about 35 lbs. It isn’t much but i have been overweight for far too long. I used to be sort of somewhat in a normal weight, but it was short lived (obviously) and i gained almost all of it back (thank god not all of it). I am 5′5, and I weigh 180 lbs as of typing this post. My current GW is 135 lbs- so about 10 more pounds than what i am overweight by. I think. idk, im not gonna do the math again. My previous method i used was intermittent fasting and drinking exclusively meal shakes- it worked and I got down to 150. This time around, I plan to fuck around and find out with a fasting regime. My main concern is the retention of my strength, what little it is, and of course, the ability to Not Die. I will Not Die by drinking a calorie free electrolyte solution (2l of water, iodized salt, potassium, magnesium).
I have already done a 2 day fast, and it was HELL. I refed yesterday due to an immense weakness- I had lost roughly 7 lbs in those two days but im sure most of it was water weight, maybe a pound of body fat. I hear that after a while, the weakness feeling will go away. Angus Barbieri was able to not eat for well over 300 days, so surely I can go a day or two without it.
I am restarting with another 2 day fast minimum, hopefully it will be easier this time around. I am already halfway through the first day and it seems easier because this seltzer water is making me feel ‘full’.
Things to note:
I have quite a bit of body fat, so I have the fuel to do this. If you find yourself on the smaller side I wouldn’t recommend this, especially if you are prone to eating disorders.
I am doing this because there is a time constraint. I wouldn’t have turned to fasting otherwise, and actually quite enjoy eating (as evidenced by my obesity)
If you do fast, make sure you replenish your electrolytes. Electrolyte loss is deadly.
This is a journal mostly to document my weight, my lifts, and my runtime maybe.
If you plan to fast for longer than 3 days, make sure you have a refeeding plan. Break your fast with bone broth or something. Start light, and avoid carby foods. Carbs draw water into your intestine and can cause you to shit out your electrolytes a dangerous amount.
do your research before doing this. all i gotta say really
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