#angry nate
sportsthoughts · 6 months
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sid, your dog needs training
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samgirard · 6 months
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└ shocked pickachu.jpeg | col vs. pit | 3.24.24
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rawrlight · 7 months
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(template on pinterest)
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leupagus · 2 years
I haven't read all the meta yet, BUT
One thing I find really interesting is the relationship Ted has — and has had for the duration of the show — to anger, namely his notion that it's always a bad thing that should be suppressed or at least ignored at all costs.
We've only seen him show anger a handful of times (off the top of my head I can think of the shouting he does at Jamie in season 1 when Jamie's being a shit; then — tellingly — his anger at Rebecca when she sends Jamie back to Man City, even though at the time he thought it was an innocent mistake rather than deliberate sabotage; and of course his very confrontational second session with Sharon in season 2) and he hasn't yet admitted to feeling angry about anything. Not at Michelle for divorcing him, not at Rebecca for hiring him under false pretenses, not at Trent for writing and publishing the article about his mental health, not even at Nate for betraying his trust in such a shockingly awful way by telling Trent about said mental health.
And in episode 3.1 we see Ted resist the temptation of anger, of "fighting," several different times — instead he sinks into depression, or makes jokes at his own expense, or quietly ignores it. In part it's because he genuinely is someone who wants to be positive, but I think there's also some deeply fucked-up notions he has about anger as both an emotion and a behavior — notions that I suspect he got from his father (haha, bad fathers continuing to be the theme of this show!).
I think anger frightens Ted, in a way: he sees anger as a loss of control in and of itself, which it certainly can be! But no more than any other emotion, I don't think; and given the way Ted has seen anger turn to violence (not just from his father's suicide, but from his past as an American football coach, a sport where anger is often used as a weapon rather than a tool) I think his reticence to show so much as mild annoyance has a lot of fascinating implications.
TL;DR — I think at some point Ted is going to actually figure out how to be angry, and it's gonna be amazing.
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worm---wizard · 11 months
listen, i know that the red/blue colours are significant for Light and L. but like, why did they make other characters have colours if they don't follow them?? i remember watching Death Note, and being like "cool Light is red and L is blue" so anytime i see a character with either colour i will know who's side they'll be on" then the next character with a colour is introduced and its Misa, with light blue. what. like i get she has the red shinigami eyes, but why is the rest of her blue??? why is matsuda yellow. why is aizawa green?? at least with namikawa it makes sense that he's purple, he's playing both sides. but everyone else outside of Light, L, Namikawa, and Near?? what happened
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independent-fics · 4 months
I really love the final scene between Latimer, Dubenich and Nate in “The Last Dam Job” because we once again see who Nate is at his core. Who he’s become. He’s not a killer. But he’s not a saint either. He’s not one to just let someone go. Especially not people who have come after his family.
So he does what he’s always done.
He sets the stage. And lets them cause their own demise.
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katierosefun · 1 year
okay so now that i’ve officially finished watching leverage i just want to say that maybe i’m obsessed with this show on multiple levels and something about how it hits so many itches in that it’s about found family and it’s about fucking over bad, rich guys (no billionaire bootlicking in this show! and i fucking love it) and it’s also about how sometimes the bad guys are the only good guys you get and it’s also about how we are all stronger together it’s about how at the start of this show, we have all of these characters who are largely used to working alone and being alone and yet the show concludes that ultimately, we are better when we are together and by being together, we might be able to leave something behind that is bigger and brighter for the next people in our generation and no man is an island and no person is meant to beat goliath on their own or whatever
#caroline talks#leverage#not to be like. emotional but.#i am emotional actually!#i'm just. i get emotional thinking about all of the characters#and just how complex they are#nate with his alcoholism and his rage against the world and how he's arrogant and angry and sad and yet i think he cares so much#he cares so much about his team even if he can be a bit of an ass#sophie who adopts a million personas at the blink of an eye and yet has her own loneliness about who actually knows her#parker who keeps herself closed off bc y'know trauma in the foster care system and yet she learns to express herself and trust people#eliot who resigns himself into thinking that he's a monster and yet he starts to do some good and just. winds up protecting everyone in his#new family which. MAN i can't express enough how much that storyline means to me too#like when is a monster not a monster? / oh when you love it or whatever#and then there's hardison who's so incredibly bright and warm and can talk his way out of most situations#and then he hits a wall when all that brightness and wit and intelligence still might not get him out of a scary situation#and that's. that's when he needs people too. that's when he needs his team#and like. there are so many important points in this show#but like one of the ones i like to think about.#is just like. that you could be incredibly good at whatever it is you do#but you need people. you need a team. you need to trust others and together you can do amazing things#individually they're great#but together they're unstoppable and i think about that a lot#no man is an island and it takes a village or whatever!#also unrelated but i also find it a little funny (i'm sorry) that i finished leverage literally the night the implosion news came out
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somethingserious · 2 years
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Ted Lasso - The first and last shot of each season
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coachbeards · 3 months
thinking about how angry beard was in s3. how beard said that he learned from codependents anonymous how keeping pain inside will just poison you. how jane liked beard being angry, actively rewarding him with her attention when she sees him mad at ted. you know.
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puppypeter · 1 year
just watched a bunch of Cut's Truth or Drink videos and it's making me want to read a ted lasso fic where they do it as a team building exercise (being open and honest and vulnerable all that)
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 2 years
Kaz’s capture being orchestrated by himself and Ocelot headcanon/theory post.
Reposted AND rewritten because Tumblr didn’t save over half of the post I’d made, and then deleted it all entirely when I tried to edit it. Thanks tumblr.
Please keep in mind that this is strictly a personal headcanon of something that is heavily implied to be the case in-game. I’m just having fun here. Because I enjoy thinking and theorizing.
To begin, we know V escapes the hospital with Ocelot on March 11th, 1984. Before that, it takes V just over 2 and a half weeks to wake up. He has three wake-up moments prior to that.
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First Awakening.
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Second Awakening.
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Third and Final Awakening (As well as his escape, so we can assume that this is March 11th)
After Venom escapes the hospital with Ocelot, he’s given the general rundown of what has happened with Kaz so far and what his mission is meant to be. As Ocelot calls it later his ‘warm up’ mission. Which already could imply that this wasn’t meant to be super difficult, so to speak.
Kaz knows that Venom (or as he thinks it, Big Boss) is being rescued at this time, and knows that Ocelot is going to be taking Big Boss onboard the Heiwa Maru to Afghanistan (see this tape here).
Kaz is also just enough in the ‘know’ to know that Big Boss is being held in Cyprus. As mentioned here.
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A part where I don’t think Ocelot has been completely honest, is explaining to Kaz that Venom and Big Boss are two different people. That bit I believe has been withheld. It’s possible then that he told Kaz, soon after he got the infamous “V has come to” call, that Big Boss is in Cyprus, and now Kaz has a job to do: create a whole lot of ruckus at the ‘zero line’ to draw the 40th Armies attention.
As an aside, Kaz is also made aware of the ‘V has come to’ code phrase: It was given to him directly, by Zero, at some point.
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This then would distract “Cipher” and give Ocelot a more clear opening for rescuing Big Boss. Kaz would-and seems to-have little issue agreeing to this.
 This is the timeline and situation as presented to Venom by Ocelot:
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And this is how Kaz explains it later:
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Ocelot has a good grasp of how much time Kaz has before there’s real trouble, and Kaz tells Venom that the entire point was that his job was loud, attention drawing and would create some havoc.
Here, their stories appear to be very straight and mesh well with one another. They are, for the most part (save Kaz being unclear about Cipher and XOF and who the true culprit to all this is) on the same page. They both know what happened, how it happened, and Ocelot was there waiting with Big Boss-and with Kaz’s glasses to boot.
Kaz later goes on:
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The Skulls did not factor into this plan. Not for Ocelot, and not for Kaz. (I’ll take a second to admit here that I don’t know how they factored in period, as I don’t know why they just..let Kaz go, that bit I genuinely have no answer for. Perhaps I’ll come up with it later, but for now that’s one plot hole I can’t account for)
It’s also interesting that Kaz took the ‘best’ he had. Just to get them killed? I doubt it. The Skulls were a wrench in the original plan that Kaz and Ocelot didn’t-and couldn’t-account for.
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This part is intriguing to me, and gives me a thought that I’ll again, admit is a bit far-fetched. “Average rank and file” So, the average grunt. Decidedly not interrogation experts ala Shalashaska type. I wonder if Ocelot possibly counted on this. After all, Kaz can handle himself around a bunch of grunts and average soldiers.
And both Venom and Kaz know Ocelot would be privy to a decent amount of info on the Soviet’s-and the 40th Army.
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The Skulls were unaccounted for in this plan. The Skulls were the outlier here (save for again, information Ocelot himself witholds)
Kaz, as he sees it, had a job to do.
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As Kaz see’s it, Ocelot (possibly) came up with the following plan for them:
When Big Boss wakes up, it’ll be Kaz’s job to take some existing missions that are considered dangerous and noise-worthy. He creates a ‘distraction’ (in addition to the secret Cyprus attack and other Big Boss that he doesn’t know about, and isn’t being told about) and holds on tight while waiting for Big Boss to come get him. I don’t know if he and Kaz could’ve or did account for just how severely tortured he would be, but in some ways, they both understood and followed the mission plan thoroughly.
This too, coincides with what Ocelot tells Venom about Kaz’s mission:
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Ocelot has the glasses, the man, and the mission details. All Kaz has to do, is hold on and hold out long enough. By this point, Kaz must therefore know that Big Boss is awake (and gets Venom instead, but of course, this is not the part of the plan he’s in on).
He’s pretty disoriented when we rescue him (if you want a refresher, see this time stamped  1:01:42 youtube video from Kefka Productions here) but he’s ready and able to be talking once in the chopper.
It’s a crazy plan. It’s a downright batshit plan, but it’s also the kind of plan I could see the two of them coming up with.
I’m sorry if I forgot any other details, and if I think of some later, I’ll post them. Losing many of my thoughts in the original deleted post didn’t help.
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afeveredblur · 1 year
am i the only one wondering if ted lasso is ever going to show jamie apologizing to nate for constantly bullying him before he went through his redemption arc? i know the fanbase generally loves jamie and many of them see nate as irredeemable (i have thots on that too but whatever) and i agree that nate should apologize to ted and keeley, but there was a whole arc in season 1 of jamie (and isaac and colin?) repeatedly bullying nate which contributed to nate's poor self esteem. for a show whose general message revolves around kindness and taking accountability, i feel like it's a missed opportunity if they don't acknowledge how nate was treated by the team prior to ted joining.
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deva-arts · 10 months
I've been painting a lot more lately! Mostly since I'm learning how to use Gouache atm.
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I realized too late that I keep painting Nate's first design, it's hardwired into me at this point... I'm keeping it
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2000skid4ever · 9 months
I like the new Christmas artwork companies made (image 4 is actually a video though)
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kazuaru · 1 year
📩 Random simblr question (or shall I say, prompt) of the day: Pick an OC. What would they wear on a lazy Sunday afternoon? Show us a CAS pic!
Here's Mateo & Nathan's lazy sunday outfits.
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aeronbracken · 4 months
I think I will put the Silver Shroud questline after the Hancock romance because its funny to think Nate refusing to put the act even after Hancock wants to talk with the 'Silver Shroud' and thinking he can fool him.
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