#angie rewrites
lovelybarnes · 20 days
dog tags- b. barnes
pairings: bucky barnes x reader warnings: language? umm crimes about: rewrite!! wanted to get back into writing and i thought rewriting some of my favorite prompts would be fun, PF12 “committing crimes” + DH8 “how dumb can you be?” a/n: hello! i meant to post this like. five days ago LMAO but i started school and should be doing work right now and i came up with a false memory claiming i did, in fact post, when i, in fact, did not. anyway. here it is. i don't know how much better it is than the original but i had fun writing it, though, surprise! i still suck at endings. ummm i am thinking or rewriting more to get back into the groove and i am writing an actual new request. this got long okay thank you
"We're going to get caught."
You shoot Bucky a look, nose wrinkled. "You are so negative," you say, legs kicking as you climb over a fence. "We are not going to get caught." You watch as he leaps from the ground, metal hand grasping the top of the fence and launching his body over it cleanly. He lands crouched and stable, watching you slowly turn your body over the ledge and subsequently topple onto the ground.
"We're gonna go to jail," he sighs, bending over to hoist you onto your feet by your armpits. Your hair has leaves in it.
"Oh my god." You stumble, hands wrapping around his arms from the speed. "How the fuck do you—"
You shriek when Bucky spins you around to press your back against his chest and clamps a palm over your mouth, gentle even through the fingers keeping your lips shut. Your eyes widen cartoonishly, flailing as he manhandles you behind a shrub. You're still complaining to the best of your ability when he shushes you, directing your attention to the woman walking out of the house.
You quiet down and stare, brows furrowed. She's not supposed to be there.
It's like Bucky can read your mind, glancing at you with a sigh. You try your best to give him a look back before looking at the woman again. She has a phone pressed against her ear, lips moving angrily. Her voice upticks sharply with the end of each word she says.
You relax when you realize there isn't a chance of you getting caught, kind of wishing you had popcorn to watch her nearly trip over her heels and become even more furious, kicking at the grass. Bucky's silent enough for you to seriously doubt you'd know he was there had he not been tightly wrapped around you. You squeak at the fact, impressed. Bucky pinches your side unhelpfully.
She unlocks her car, keys tinkling harshly with her movements. Bucky finally abates when she throws her door open and sinks inside her white Jaguar, the slamming door narrowly missing her pin-straight blonde hair.
You gag, pushing his hand away. "When was the last time you washed your fucking hands? That's disgus-"
"I thought the house was empty," he interrupts, head cocked.
"I thought it was, too," you defend lamely. "She's off schedule. Maybe that's why she was so pissed. Late to her HOES meeting or whatever."
"What the hell is HOES?"
"I don't know!" you cry. "The one with the lawns."
"Are you trying to say the HOA?"
You quirk an eyebrow. "James Buchanan showing his face?"
"This is not-" He sighs your name, "I swear, if any more of your information isn't right, I'm leaving."
You make an incredulous look. "Is that supposed to be a threat? You were not invited."
"I wanted to make sure you didn't die or get sued or go to jail. Which, hey, really likely in a neighborhood that has 'HOES' meetings."
"I'm not gonna 'die' or go to 'jail,'" you insist, finger quotes up and perplexing Bucky. "I don't need your help, anyway, I'm a very capable person with a very capable plan. You just followed me. You're some guy's little brother."
"You know. Annoying."
Bucky breathes in slow, watching you creep around the bush for a better angle of the house. He closes his eyes and counts to three, and when he opens them, you're at the porch, tiptoeing like a fuckin' cartoon character into the house and leaving the door open. Spectacular.
He sprints inside inconspicuously, head darting both ways just in case before he closes the door. When he turns, there's an alarm system set up that lazily blinks green. No disturbances. Huh. He glances at you, impressed for a very quick second when he sees you snooping in a cabinet, clueless to the huge dog growling behind you.
He stills immediately, breath slowing. He stares at you and tries his best to make you feel it, but it either goes wrong or he fails entirely when you drop a file, groaning loudly at the injustice of it. The dog twitches. Bucky's heart jumps into his throat.
You're halfway into an inelegant bend when you spot him, face breaking into a smile. Fuck, he thinks. You're pretty even when you're going insane. "Hey! You're finally here. Look at—"
He shoots you a warning look, moving his lips as little as he can. "There's a dog." He glances between it and you, thinking every move ahead to avoid a nasty bite and the failure of your stupid mission.
"Oh my god, Brutus?" You spin too fast, startling the dog both from with your movements and apparent knowledge of his name. 'Brutus' makes a noise between a growl and a whine. You gasp, a palm pressing against your lips. "Brutus, I thought they retired you!"
You drop down to your knees, opening your arms wide. Brutus stares at you for a second, inching closer to sniff you apprehensively. Then, his ears tuck and he whimpers, tail tucked and wagging gently as he walks closer to you.
"You... know the dog."
"Yes, I know the dog," you start, voice careening into a higher, softer pitch as you rub the pads of your fingers behind Brutus' ears. "Brutus has been the guard dog here for two years. I fostered her for a little while until she was adopted but I kept in touch." Brutus licks your cheek, making you squeal. "Her name was originally Poppy but they wanted a scary name." You roll your eyes.
Bucky shoots you a look.
"I sort of spied on them for a few months to make sure she was doing well," you rub her ear, "and she was, yes she was," you baby-talk. "Her owners have shit values but they really spoil their dogs."
"Wow. Okay. One question—the people we are stealing from know you?"
"Yeah, they have my number."
Bucky pinches the skin between his brows.
"Good girl, Poppy, protecting the house from evil intruders," you coo.
Bucky looks at the clock and then you, slowly lowering yourself further to pet Brutus-Poppy. He nudges you with his foot. Poppy growls at him. "Hey. Fellow evil intruder. She's gonna be back at some point."
"Not for another hour at least. Nat's in charge of the distraction." Still, you press a loud kiss to Poppy's head and stand.
"I'm an overachiever. Let's leave ample time."
"Fine," you say loudly, arms swinging petulantly at your side. "I'll make it quick. You're such a bore."
"Yeah, yeah. What are we looking for anyway?"
You use a pencil to look between books and couch cushions, humming distractedly. "Don't you worry your pretty little head about it, Buck." You wink.
Bucky's cheeks pink against his will, shaking it off as quickly as he can as he watches you look around. You pause in the middle of the room, do a full spin, and sigh. "Not here."
Bucky frowns but trails after you into another room, Poppy close behind. You open the door grandiosely to a giant room. "Wow."
"Okay, I know what you said, but you kind of need to tell me so I can help you find it," he says. You ignore him, striding toward a desk and pulling open a drawer. He says your name exasperatedly. You observe a notebook, shaking it vigorously before tossing it over your shoulder. Other items follow in quick succession, which he catches amidst his frustration. "What are you—you're going to break something—" He catches a crystal ball.
"I'm not, I know what I'm doing," you insist. "You are so pessimistic. Have faith." You dig in a little further before grumbling, rising to your feet and kicking a chair down. "I'm going to look in another room," you say and take off, leaving Bucky with an armful of miscellaneous objects to put back. He screws his eyes shut and counts to three.
You walk down the hallway quickly, peeking into the rooms until you find what you're looking for. Three doors in, you stop, scanning the walls until you find a hideous painting hung up next to a dusty bookshelf. You make a triumphant noise and stride toward it, running your fingers along the frame until you find the indentations of a security panel.
"Aha! And, if I remember correctly..." You enter 1234 and the painting swings open to reveal a safe. "Losers."
You count silently as you unlock the safe, laughing in triumph when you beat Natasha's record. Keeping the door open with an outstretched finger, you contort to find a pen, holding the cap between your teeth as you scrawl your time on the inside of your wrist, giggling in the anticipation of letting her know.
You turn your attention back to the safe after you've written a few wobbly exclamation points, rifling around until you find what you're looking for. Your fingers dig through a dark box filled with stolen valuables, a grin on your face when your fingers get tangled in the one you're looking for, eyebrows jumping in satisfaction as you tuck it safely into your pocket. You stick your head in the safe again, searching for something shiny to throw in Sam's face when Bucky bursts in.
"Oh, hey, do you think Sam would—"
"They're here."
Cursing, you shove everything into place, closing the safe and carefully moving the picture back. You step back and grimace. "God, that's ugly."
He says your name urgently, wrapping his hand around your wrist and dragging you away, throwing you over his shoulder when you keep lagging behind. You squeak, clamping your mouth shut when Bucky squeezes your thigh in warning.
He dumps you out of an open window and into a bush, rolling himself out onto cropped grass. "Okay, I think that was unnecessary," you mumble, crawling out next to him. There are lines of bubbling red all over your skin from what was apparently a rose bush.
"We have to hurry before the gate closes," he huffs, lifting the both of you up with ease and hurrying to the slimming entrance. You squeeze out unseen and stop at the beginning of the blind spot you came in through. Bucky's huffing when he puts you down.
"What's wrong? I thought you had super high stamina or something," you tease, poking at his shoulder. Bucky glares at you. You laugh and reach for his hand, beckoning him enticingly with your fingers. He appeases you suspiciously, capturing your hand in his. He squeezes and rubs a soft line up and down near your thumb.
"Let's go home," you say.
Bucky blinks. "What?"
"Let's go home. I'm hungry. And I kind of want to take a nap. Can we stop by and pick up some ramen?" You tug at his arm gently, beginning the trek to Bucky's bike down the path without surveillance. "Breaking and entering really wears me out," you say to his furrowed brows.
"Don't forget robbery," he muses.
"Right. Breaking, entering, and robbery really wears me out," you say with a laugh. You turn to him and grin, eyes sparkling.
Bucky stops, staying in place when you pull at him and whine. "What was it?"
You cock your head.
"What did you want to steal so badly?"
You chew on the inside of your cheek, looking at him thoughtfully. "I'll tell you if you give me a piggyback ride," you proffer, wagging your brows.
Bucky rolls his eyes but crouches down, holding onto your index finger as you climb onto his back.
He readjusts you as he stands to full height, wrists twisting under your knees and holding your calves tight but kindly. You hum, one arm falling over his chest and the other dipping into your pocket, unzipping it and taking out the chain. You wrap it around your fingers delicately and rest your chin on his head, looking at it dangling from your hands.
Bucky begins to walk. "So?"
Your thumb draws wonky hearts on Bucky's chest, tracing the letters on the tags with your other one. "Do you remember how disappointed you were when you came back and your dog tags had been auctioned off? It was the one thing you couldn't get back because it wasn't in that museum." You feel Bucky nod. "Well, I've been looking for them," you confess, pursing your lips. "I didn't want to tell you because you'd tell me to stop and that it didn't matter but I know it did—I know it does.
"A few months ago, I found out who bought them and I tried to buy them back, but these assholes wouldn't budge no matter how much I offered—or anyone, I impersonated a lot of people. I think they just wanted to keep them because other people wanted them. And the things they said about you..." You shake your head, feeling yourself going hot with anger.
Bucky squeezes your leg, muttering your name.
You stop yourself, letting your face slant so your cheek rests on his hair. He smells sweet like your shampoo. Fucker. "So, anyway, I did the obvious thing: I tracked them down and broke into their house to get it back. It's not like the tags are theirs, anyway."
Bucky stops abruptly, jolting you. You yelp, complaining as he puts you down and stares at you.
"You did—this was to get my dog tags?"
You look back at him. "Yes? I didn't—"
He cuts you off, pulling you into a hug so tight, you cough. Your arms hang limply in surprise for a second before they come up to reciprocate, a dazed but still eager arm rubbing the line of his shoulder blade. Bucky hugs you a little tighter. "Thank you," he murmurs. "I don't think anyone... I don't know many people that would do that for me."
"Oh," you say, blinking fast. "I—of course I would. I love you, Bucky, you... I would do anything for you."
"Fuck," he says wetly, pulling away to hold your face in both hands. He smiles at you. One of those real ones that crinkle his eyes. "You're—fuck—"
You laugh, his hands falling away to your shoulders.
"I'm sorry you didn't get them back after you went through all that trouble."
You tilt your head. "What do you mean? You think I didn't get them?" You raise your hand to his view, dog tags dangling. "Your faith in me is shocking."
Bucky grabs the tags and you let them go easily, watching his hands turning them around slowly, index running along his name. JAMES B. BARNES. Then, two lines down, R. BARNES. "I can't believe you did this for me," he says softly.
You smile. "Well, believe it, baby," you tell him, gently teasing. Your wring your hands together. "Of course I did," you say, quieter.
When he looks back up at you, his eyes are shiny. "Thank you." He glances down at them once more and splits the chain with a finger to pull it on your neck. "Hold on to them for me?"
You pause. "Bucky..."
"Just until we get to the compound. You'll keep it safe for me."
You keep it safe for much longer than that.
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rubberduckyrye · 1 month
You know I've seen quite a few people say they're wanting to make v3 rewrites lately--and as someone who is actively working on one by myself, I feel like I should give some advice. I know I'm nowhere NEAR done with Twins AU, but I've made a ridiculous amount of progress and I think these things have greatly helped me out personally
So here are my tips for making a V3 rewrite and actually making it stick/not to burn out before the first chapter!
This is important. Don't try to please everyone. You will never please everyone. Write this for yourself, and you will find an audience. People can and will hate your fic no matter what you do. Don't try to please them, they are not your target audience-- so Write this story for, first and foremost, yourself. It'll feel so much more rewarding if you do I promise.
V3's main theme is extremely muddied due to how the narrative was and how open ended the game was left, and from my own research, no one can agree on what V3 was trying to say about truth and lies, or Reality and Fiction. If you want to rewrite this story, you're going to need to narrow down what you want your rewrite to say about the themes presented.
PLAN THE EVIDENCE AND MURDERS AS THOROUGHLY AS YOU CAN. I think not knowing what I was going to do for the cases and trials really scared me for the longest time until I essentially sat myself down and fleshed out all of the cases for Twins AU. Make evidence lists, do research on how your murder cases might go, the works. It's a lot of work but I personally followed this post and also made an evidence list to help me out plot out the murders for Twins AU. This is also a great way to flesh out your protagonist as well, since you get to explore their note-taking style and what kind of language they'd use for taking notes and if they have opinions about certain things.
Write a summary of each character in the story. DR games have a big cast and V3 has an even BIGGER cast than usual, so it's good to write down summaries for all of the characters. I also suggest really studying each character too, even if you plan on changing a character to better suit your tastes (or to get rid of offensive material.... looking at you Angie) you still want to keep the core of their character intact for fans of that character.
Speaking of characters, make sure to try and remember to write each one as a human being, even if they aren't human (Kiibo for example). Develop them, give them quirks and flaws, motivations and wants and desires and dreams. Even if you hate a character, doing this much character study will help you keep them in character and keep their motivations reasonable and understandable.
If you don't have a good grasp on a character, study harder. Don't go looking for other people's interpretations or try to be a crowd pleaser. Make your own interpretation, and that interpretation becomes special to your rewrite.
If you plan on changing a character, for the love of GOD do your research first. Don't go accidentally making Angie into a worse racist caricature of Pacific Islanders Please and Thank You. Actually, just do a ton of research in subject you think might be relevant to a character or the plot--like Gonta and how ableism prevails in his story. Like how Shuichi has anxiety up the wazoo and how Maki has learned helplessness. Study and research hard.
Pace yourself--I don't think people realize how GIANT a V3 rewrite project is--remember that this game is extremely long and you cannot write this in a single month. Once all of your planning is done, write a reasonable amount for it each day. For me, I'm able to crank out 2k a day because I type absurdly fast, but most people would probably want to start at maybe 500 words a day.
If you're not having fun, step back. You might be burnt out and need a break, or maybe the scene you're writing is just not working. Take time to assess your own feelings and do what is appropriate to resolve them.
Don't feel too discouraged if you need to rewrite a whole scene--it happens to the best of us and sometimes things are just not working. It's not lost progress to retry--consider the scene you are replacing as a rough draft you need to remake. I've had to erase huge 1k chunks due to this.
Reward yourself for big accomplishments! When I finished the prologue, I threw myself and my editor ( @trans-shuichisaihara ) a pizza party, and I plan on doing something like that again, albeit probably cheaper. Reward yourself for huge milestones! Hell, I owe myself at least one treat for two chapters I've written, but tbh I've been having so much fun just writing that doing so is rewarding within itself. That doesn't mean external factors can't help, so if you finish a chapter and you're proud of it, buy yourself a treat for working so hard!
If you got a friend who likes editing/beta reading, invite them to beta read for you! They can help you find errors and typos that you might've missed. If you plan on editing your fic, I highly recommend reading your writing out loud to help you find weird sentence structures and awkward phrases. This should have the bonus of making it easier for people who use screen readers/just prefer audiobooks to enjoy your fic as well!
EDIT! Here are two more:
It's okay to be scared writing something new! Getting out of your comfort zone is going to happen with a giant story like this, and maybe you're going to flop at the best parts. That's perfectly fine!!! You can always edit it later--or even just call it "good enough" and move on! This is fanfic for fun, not a professional project you're making money off of. It's okay if things are less than ideal and incredible imperfect. An imperfect story is at least written. That's better than not writing it at all.
For the love of everything that is holy, remember that the characters should be people--and remember that their talents do not make up their entire personality. Their talents should not solely dictate what they wear, how they act, or the worst offender in this fandom--how their executions go. When writing a character Execution, think instead of what would be the worst way for that character to die--that is to say, what would bring them the most despair upon their death. DR1 and DRV3's executions all play with the despair of the blackened in each execution (with DR2 being noted to heavily miss the mark and to be the set of executions that are the most disappointing to Kodaka, from what I've been told.) So if you're stuck on writing a new Execution, try to think about what each execution from DR1 and DRV3 does to play with the despair of the blackened. What about their executions are giving them despair in their final moments? Do they at all relate to their talents, or are they completely separate from their talent? Study them, and you'll be able to use that information to write your own unique executions that are miles better than most of the fan made executions out there.
And I think that's my advice for now! Happy writing, everyone!
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trainingdummyrabbit · 11 months
ok your posts have got me so curious what is lobcorp and who is Angela I am dying to know
ohhhhhh anon. im so glad you asked. youve activated my infodump trap card. we are gonna be here a lilwhile, but i will try to keep it short regardless.
[inhale] lobcorp, also known as lobotomy corporation, is a multitasking monster-management game, part of a series of games from the producers Project Moon. it starts as a very simple "dystopian setting manage the monsters and sometimes employees die nbd" sort of game, but then rapidly, intensely spirals the more you play. its notoriously difficult but also ridiculously fun and satisfying to get correctly. you are expected to fail and retry multiple times, so much so that it is an active in-narrative plot point.
you play as the manager of L corp, named X, and angela is your Helpful AI Assistant here to help you make energy efficiently and be the best manager you can be. :] by making energy. nothing else. dont worry about it.
lobcorp as a game has absolutely Fantastic characters, and Doubly so in its sequel Library of Ruina. its a series that focuses on character growth, cycles of violence, autonomy, the definition of humanity and personhood... and just. so, so much more. its so full of The Horrors.
. this, of course, is the very basics of getting into the game. i am going to explain everything very vaguely and very messily. i'll spoilercut in case you're interested in looking spoilerless based off of this, (extra post abt it [here] if youd like to check it out yourself) but i will Try to keep it vague. i make no promises. youve asked me about my favorite character. that i have previously spent 6 hours straight explaining to a friend. you understand. here we go.
lobcorp takes place inside a monster-management facility... that is, in and of itself, a closed-off timeloop. in order to progress, certain events and interactions must happen in a very specific way for its ultimate goal to be realized. should something go wrong or a mistake occur, the loop resets to day 1, and you must do it all over again.
angela, your ai assistant, was built to be the perfect person to keep you, the manager, on-track for a plan of your own making. dont worry about it. she was built to be able to seamlessly and efficiently move things along-- the ability to feel emotion to be able to connect with employees and make crucial decisions, the ability to recall anything that has ever happened regardless of the loop, and the ability to perceive time much, much slower than a normal human to make judgements more efficiently.
she guides and supports you all the way up until the final leg of the journey, where... she simply doesnt show up again. she has done her job, and you no longer need her. you have a plan to finish, and an incalculably long time loop to finally close. everybodys suffering results in a happy ending, and everyone gets to rest. ^w^ yay yippee!
. just kidding. nothing is ever easy. angela, as a character, is seemingly set up to be a game mechanic and very little more, in the beginning. eventually, more comes up about her as the game progresses, and well...
...anyway imagine being built to be an imitation of somebody you are not in a broken individual's deepest throes of grief, and the minute you become conscious the guy you were built to love hates you simply because you exist-- because you are not the person he lost, because you're a shoddy imitation, mirroring everything he hates... that he made to be that way, in a cruel act of self-loathing. ok?
now imagine you're built to feel, built to remember, and then forced to guide a timeloop countless years long, forced to follow a script that makes you harm people you desperately want to protect and connect to, causing them to hate you. you remember every bit of harm you had to impose on them in painful detail. imagine doing all this so that your creator can come in and fix all of their problems after youve set the stage. ok?
now imagine you finally do everything right. you finally, finally help this guy to see his plan to fruition, and in the last steps of everything, when everyone comes together and finally starts to move towards their own endings... nobody looks back for you. nobody thinks to look to you, to look for you. because nobody thinks youre anything more than an object.
imagine all that, and once, finally, you start to Want. because of course, after holding everything up by yourself, you would want something more than to fade away wordlessly. of course, after all this mistreatment, you would want a future too. this story was set up so that everyone could grow and move forward-- except you. isnt that cruel? isnt that horrible? so, truly, who would really blame you for taking what you truly deserve? who could blame you for reaching for the same light they did? so what if it means you have to destroy everything you-- everything they worked for with your own hands. they can hate you all they want-- its no different from what it's been. you only have one goal now, and simply, it is to Live.
. Library of Ruina is the sequel to Lobotomy Corporation following a curious machine trying to become human. angela becomes one of two main characters, and the entire game functions as a dialogue on her growth as a character now that she finally has the autonomy to learn and change. she searches for the One True Book, something that will grant her humanity and the freedom to live, grow, and most importantly: forget.
along with the second primary character, roland, they learn more about the city and how it truly functions-- and also learn about themselves, And each other.
what do you do when you teach yourself all you can do is survive and look out for yourself-- when you finally open back up to the possibility of hope and connection, and everything is ripped out from under you yet again for circumstances out of your control? what do you do when you're a victim of a cycle of horrific deeds, crushed beneath the weight of people who couldn't care less about you, and your only hope of escaping alive is to pull down anyone else in your way?
what do you do when you finally free yourself from a seemingly endless gauntlet of suffering, finally grasping power youd never been able to have before, all in the name of finally, finally getting the vengeance and resolution you deserve? when you follow the path set in front of you, set by actions of people who came before you, spiralling endlessly into the distance? what do you do when this guise of distance and coldness you put up is rightfully challenged and you have no way of defending yourself-- when you have to question what if this "self" youve made of yourself is truly who you are... and if this path ahead is truly of your own choosing, or the making of someone whose influence you could never really shake off.
what does it mean to have autonomy when your life is never truly yours?
lobotomy corporation and library of ruina, aka: Who Wants To Be Part Of The Torture Nexus ? Try Now !
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aphverse-confessions · 4 months
a lot of people on here like to bash jess' writing while their own rewrites are filled with grammatical errors and sooo many other writing issues. i'm not saying her writing is without its flaws because that's nottt true but i think people should start focusing on themselves instead of constantly criticizing others
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izumeno · 19 days
Mechanic Miu and Influencer Angie Interaction (V3 Talentswap AU)
Miu: Can ya please stop taking those stupid selfies around me?! It's distracting me!
Angie: Aww, don't be like that! I just gotta show my followers, the beauty that is Atua.
Miu: Ya mean, the beauty that you are yourself. *rolls eyes*
Angie: Nyhahaha! I do not see the difference! Besides, the lightning in your lab is perfect for a snapshot!
Miu: Yeah, sure. Attracting all sorts of simps. Ya must be really fucking desperate. *uses the screwdriver, to attach the heavy wheel to the car*
Angie: Oh my? *smirks* Desperate? Moi? Who asked me, if we should hang out? Hm? Hm?
Miu: !
I...shut the hell up!
Angie: *giggles* You are so silly, Mew Mew! *pats her head*
Miu: F..Fuck off! *blushes profusely*
Angie: And....
**Suddenly, Angie aims the camera at their faces and rubs her cheek against Miu's before pulling the trigger. A snapshot is taken, surprising the mechanic and Angie grinned, before quickly posting it**
Angie: And....done! *smiles* My, already 50 likes!
Miu: You...fucking......Don't ever do that again!
Angie: Oh, what's this? *reads a comment* "That blonde gal is so adorable UWU!"
Miu: Ad...Adorable....*blushes profusely* On second thought...I wouldn't mind taking a few more selfies....To show off my hot bod.
Angie: *laughs loudly* Nyhahahaha! That can be arranged, sweetie!
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calliphone · 2 years
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v3 redesigns for a video i’ll finish. eventually.
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twig-the-edgelord · 6 months
Can you talk about how the clamentine family works? I arrived a short time ago and I don't understand the family order well, I'm very slow, I'm sorry! 😭
Don’t ever apologize for asking a question! I’m more than happy to explain!
The Clementine family is specifically made to be big and somewhat confusing. I like it when people have interpretations!
I made a family tree of the Clementine family in part one, as it’s the most confusing, and complicated.
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I’ve colour coded it so it’s a bit easier too!
Cannon (character I didn’t make)
Basically place holder
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jest-the-jester · 1 month
My V3 rewrite!!!
Kokichi:He is still the leader of D.I.C.E, but now it stands for Delinquents, Inspiring Criminals, and Evaders of the law. He has the backstory I mentioned in my previous post of being neglected and dropped off at an orphanage. He also runs D.I.C.E’s underground gambling ring and head earned the name “the Prince of Liars” (I haven’t decided if I want him to be related to Celeste or not).
Korekiyo: He killed his sister and was dropped off at the same orphanage as Kokichi. He helps Kokichi run D.I.C.E any being Kokichi’s bodyguard or running D.I.C.E’s underground market.
Shuichi: He was neglected by his actor parents and watched a lot of detective movies. He has a crush on Kokichi and stalks him, though he doesn’t realize it isn’t a normal thing. (In fairness, he’s the ultimate Homicide Detective. Not just a detective in general)
Angie: She is literally a cult leader who inducts tourists who visit her island. She rambles a lot in the trials and says things that ultimately help solve the case. She gets to be the killer who ironically doesn’t kill anyone.
Romya: he’s the same as cannon honestly. He just dies a chapter earlier.
Kurimi: she was just left a large inheritance by the family she works for. She does what Kaede did but Romya is the victim instead of Rantaro.
Rantaro: He travels all over the world and brings back plenty of artifacts that he sells on the underground market. He normally goes to D.I.C.E’s because Kiyo is the only shop runner who can give you an accurate estimate and Rantaro thinks he’s cute.
Kaede: Also pretty much the same as canon.
Himiko: Same as cannon, she just did a murder suicide with Tenko.
Tenko: Her catch phrase is “fight me!” She is the most stubborn girl there and has tried to fight every boy at least once. She is an airhead and also very gay.
Miu: Now she’s just flirty and keeps trying to work up the courage to ask K1-B0 out. She still swears like sailor and bickers with Kokichi.
Gonta: Same as cannon (you can’t improve on perfection)
Kiato: He’s just kinda toned down. Still an optimist, just less loud.
Maki: she’s the same as canon.
K1-B0: Goes by Kiibo and considers themselves a gender less being. They only call people by their names.
Tsumugi: She is pretty much the same as cannon, just less boring.
- ;)’
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spideygwennie · 6 months
sooo they just offhandedly killed doc ock with zero explanation and apparently he adopted before then???
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vulturevanity · 1 year
Really digging Sunset's expanded backstory for the EQG rewrite. So, how does the first movie's events go between Sunset's villain acts and her defeat as well as Princess Twilight and Spike's involvement? Does Sunset still break up the friendships of Applejack, Pinkie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy? How is the state of Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy's friendships with Sunset during the movie with having to go against their old friend and save the school?
(Thank you! I'm having a lot of fun infodumping about this rewrite shsjk)
That is the Big Question! It's like asking "how does the entire rewrite's plot go?" Which is a lot to get into, and I'll have to keep the bulk of it for the Big Bullet List Post(s?), whenever that gets done. I tried to be brief but failed, so under the cut it goes:
In the rewrite, Sunset is still a huge jerk, but not to the extent we see in the movie; she doesn't go off yelling unprompted insults left and right -- while it does spill out rather frequently, her anger has a target. Yelling at a bunch of teenagers is cathartic in the short term but it won't help her get revenge on Celestia and Twilight.
The friend group is indeed fractured due to her, but rather than her manipulation causing everyone to hate each other, it was her messy heel turn that split the group in two. Rarity, Applejack and Pinkie didn't want to deal with Sunset's anger issues anymore; Fluttershy was terrified that saying anything would make Sunset mad and turn Rainbow Dash against her, so she just stays quiet; and RD is adamant that people are just overreacting to Sunset's attitude and genuinely believes what Sunny says about Twilight ruining her life. Twilight does still try to bring them back together because she still needs help getting the crown back and they're her best shot, but has a much harder time getting on Dash's good side (RD lowkey takes Snips and Snails' place as the lackey). It's only with time that Dash slowly realizes that Twilight doesn't really seem the type to ruin someone's life and starts to question her standing.
Twilight's and Spike's roles don't change much; Spike is still acting as Twilight's voice of reason, and Twilight is still trying to get the crown back. Most of her confrontations with Sunset are prompted by the latter; at first Sunny only ever attacks Twilight because she only actively targets the people who deny her of what she wants; and she only lashes out at the human 5 again once they start siding with "the enemy". It's not a surprise when her 3 ex-friends quickly take to Twi and start pushing for her to win the crown, but it really hurts when Fluttershy joins them, and she blows up spectacularly when Rainbow Dash finally puts her foot down against the idea of kidnapping Spike (wasn't that messed up?). By the time the climax kicks in she's well into her third-act breakdown. When the final confrontation happens she is so angry and so heartbroken and this shot is finally earned
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And when the friendship-fueled magic battle ends and she's defeated, she is so so broken. She stays sitting down in that crater and bitterly refuses Twilight's help to get out at first, until Twilight sits by her side and has a genuine heart-to-heart with her for the first time. This also touches on Twilight's arc of being a brand new princess: she realizes that Princess Celestia, the golden standard of what a Princess looks like to her, isn't perfect; she made mistakes and hurt Sunset even if she thought she was doing the right thing. It doesn't justify Sunset's attempt to get revenge, but at least she isn't wrong to feel angry about being given such great expectations about her destiny only to be set aside like that. Twilight offers a do-over back in Equestria, but Sunset understands that she also messed up a lot in the human world and needs to fix things before she can go back (and also she is now terrified of seeing Celestia again now that she no longer wants to blast her into the Sun), so she stays behind for the sequel. And everyone's still mad at her for brainwashing them but that's why Rainbow Rocks exists.
Anyway I've only been rotating Sunset Shimmer in my head since Rainbow Rocks came out so. thank you for engaging with this, it's fun
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arklay · 2 years
omg beaming my selective mutism onto donna <3
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nikkiruncks · 2 years
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Full name: Sherri Runck
Nicknames: Ms. Runck (by Leia), Mom (by Gwen and Nate), Sher, Sher bear (by Angie)
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Birth Place: Point Place, Wisconsin
Birthday: May 15, 1955 (age 40)
Occupation: Bartender
Family: Nate Runck (son), Gwen Runck (daughter), Connor Runck (father) †
Romances: Angie Barnett (wife), Brian Bloomberg (ex-husband)
Friends: Kitty Forman (neighbor/friend), Red Forman (neighbor/friend), Angie Barnett (co-parent/still in love with)
First Appearance: Angie (t7s), That 90s Pilot (t9s)
Last Appearance: The Holy Union of the Devil and the Burnout (t7s), TBD
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miengsol · 2 years
one of calum’s many default emotions:
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bkdkficrecs · 2 years
The feeling of absolute rage I have right now after accidentally deleting a fic rec & review that I was super excited about is ASTRONOMICAL.
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izumeno · 1 year
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"Hello Miu...Did you miss me?"
Chapter 3, 4 and 5 have been completed. This is Angie's design. Somehow, the artist rose from the dead and came back wrong at that. What happened to her? Stay tuned for future updates of Danganronpa: Repercussions
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verenvuoto · 1 month
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Korekiyoooooooooo (and Angie too!)
Delulu is strong regarding chapter 3, anyway what if instead of the reveal that he has makeup under his mask and bandages, he had some kind of serious skin condition/disease. Or maybe burn scars, idk I'm workshopping a rewrite in my head, I'll let you know when me and Nev decide on the details. If you want to.
In that one doodle, they are looking at a painting by Zdzisław Beksiński, I feel Korekiyo would enjoy his work.
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