bat-the-misfit · 29 days
is it just my stupid internet or is any of you also not being able to answer comments???
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thinkingnot · 1 year
sometimes i love turning up to hbomberguy’s hour long videos that feature his fluctuating madness
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
you know what also makes aoki's death so insufferable??? you see like okay maybe other guys coulda been better alive but they pretty much died on their own terms. like ryuji going down in a fight or mine yeetin himself offa roof but aoki??? it's so STUPID because it seems like aoki agreed to live on to live through consequences TO LIVE DAEMN !!! and he changed his mind about straight up shooting himself AND I GUESS !!! thats why it feels so damn awful cause this dumbass was ready to live and then he fuckin died. hell yes rgg you did bother to show us the villain who could get the redemtion arc and not by some "plot miracle" but by his own choise but then you kill him gongrats im sory snap i have no one to talk to about aoki literally can you imagine i have so many thoughts i think i could write an essay-
nishiki CHOSE to bring jingu into the vault and shoot the bomb.
ryuji CHOSE to fight kiryu, resist any medical aid, and die knowing he couldn't be The One Dragon.
mine CHOSE to take richardson off the roof after believing he couldn't be redeemed.
aoki CHOSE to start over- he CHOSE to start the path of redemption. but ultimately his choice was taken from him by the most bullshit last minute plot twist of all time IT'S SOOOOO i have to brick someone's house.
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thefourpointedstar · 5 months
Ok ok so like whenever you are watching like anime or whatever do you ever get... mad??? At like... Ok so like you hear that there are like wolfmen or beastraces and shit and woaoah furry men but no!!! they are never furry and or scalie men they are HUMANS that have WOLF or CAT EARS AND TAILS and (almost) Never Scalies!!!!! And almost never have Snoots and are never digitigrade!!! It makes my blood boil they are just HUMANS they are only HUMANS they are JUST HUMANS WITH EARS AND TAILS they still have the UGLY lips and UGLY nose Replace those with SNOOT And SNIFFER or i will BEHEAD YOU GRRRHuiadhjaiwdhajwfdHWGHGHRHGHHRHFGHBGHGHGHHTHRHRH
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Im gonna need to see waaay less s-yd-carm-y posts on my dash thanks
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pronetosilence · 2 years
Prone To Silence
I find myself in silence a lot. Sitting in it, wishing for words that scream themselves through my head, begging to be said in the moment. The moment is always fleeting, and I am back to silence, as if I had left it in the first place, sitting, wishing I had said the words that so badly wanted to be spoken. Within me contains a rage that not even Hell can contain.  Rage against my existence, rage against the horror’s I have endured, the sins I have witnessed. Yet. The rage is soft.
 A spark that only dreams of being a fire. “Slow and Mild
You Peaceful Child
Afraid of mice
Afraid of life.”
I’d describe a kitten, soft and delicate, but even a newborn aristocat has more fierceness than my rage. How different my life would be, if I screamed my existence, howling my demand for respect, roaring back at those who…silenced me.
Who would I be? Would I still be me? Would I still find myself sitting in silence after the shouting faded out? My throat raw, vocal chords pulled to another level. If I opened my mouth then, would they spring back, would my vocal cords snap from sheer exhaustion? Damn me to  a  mute life. If I yelled for respect, screamed  for the abuse to stop… 
And nothing heard me… Nothing changed… I understand the fear that my rage holds within itself now. I’ve always been mute.
Scared. What a way to live. Prone to Silence…
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rivertigo · 2 years
My nails aren’t even cut… not this
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bear-cubs-art-things · 7 months
*boops your nose* send this to ten blogs you think are lovely and deserve a boop on the nose <3 (absolutely no pressure)
I've been ✨️booped✨️
Also uh- I'm just gonna tag people here-
@plushii-gutz @cartoon-angerr @solunasilver @camkablam @h4zardousch3micals @dootznbootz @beanie0bird @mochaaaaaaaa
Its not 10 but it's close enough FHSHDHDHDJSH
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memoriez119 · 13 days
hiii can i requestt you do riize confessing to you out of angerr? (add some angsttt plss but she ends up accepting the confession)
here it is !! sorry for the delay, I've been busy (◞‸◟;) it's my first time writing angst and I don't think I did it right lol
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Riize confessing to you out of anger !
pairing: best friend! riize x reader
genre: angst ??
You had been working on a project at your house for hours with other classmates. You noticed that Shotaro has been quiet, only speaking if necessary. You approach to find out what's going on, but your classmate speaks to you, taking you by the arm to check something on the project. You turn your head to see Shotaro once again and watch as he sighs noticeably. When you return, you see Shotaro playing with his phone. “Hey, you've been really quiet, are you okay?” you say, lightly hitting his arm. “Uh, yeah, I'm just busy,” he says without making eye contact. “What? We're doing the project.” Suddenly, he takes you by the arm and takes you to a place away from the others. “You're really close to him, aren't you?” He says, pointing with his head at one of the boys who were at your house with some annoyance. "Um, no, but what about him?" you say, confused. You see how he takes a while to answer, thinking about whether to tell you or not, his gaze fixed on the floor. He starts to speak almost in a whisper but then intensifies as he lets out everything he's been holding in for a long time “I can't stand you being closer to him, he touches you a lot and always wants to be talking to you. He's annoying and he doesn't leave you alone.” His gaze meets yours and with his broken voice he says “Don't you realize how much I like you to at least reject me?” "Shotaro…" “I'm sorry, but I can't help but feel that way,” he says, regret in his voice. "Shotaro, I didn't want to misunderstand things, but I also feel something when I see you, something special. I like you too” Shotaro can't wait any longer and comes closer to kiss you delicately, his arms wrap around you, treasuring this special moment
You went out with your group of friends to the amusement park. You went on almost all the rides and before leaving you went to the photo booth to have a nice memory.
You decided to split up into groups for the photos since the booth is small. You got in with Eunseok and another friend. You clicked on the camera icon on the screen and the counter started, your friend started getting really close to you while preparing his pose, you tried to ignore him and not think about it too much. When you looked at the screen you saw Eunseok's face, he wasn't smiling despite making a cute pose, it made you laugh but at the same time you were worried because you hadn't seen him so serious before.
After several minutes they finished and the photos came out. Eunseok was serious in all of them but what caught your attention was that in one photo he looked at your friend with a strange expression, as if he was uncomfortable and angry.
“Eunseok looks very serious” says your friend laughing
“Do you have something Eunseok?” You ask looking at him curiously but he just lets out a laugh avoiding looking at you
“Y/n, do you want me to take you home?” your friend asks
“No need, I’ll take her. My house is close to hers” Eunseok says looking at your friend with a serious expression. Suddenly the atmosphere feels tense and your friends stay silent watching the scene. You take Eunseok by the arm while you say goodbye.
“Eunseok, are you okay?”
“Yes, why?”
“You didn’t smile in the photos, and after that you were very serious”
“Ah, that was your friend’s fault” You stop walking without understanding the conversation
“He touches you a lot and out of nowhere he’s very funny with you, I don’t know what he wants to do with that, it’s weird”
“Weird? He's our friend, he's like that with everyone”
“Well, he doesn't hug me or tell me “jokes”, mine are better, you know that” he says with some sarcasm in his voice
“I don't understand”
“I like you, I like you a lot, I don't like him getting close to you, he wants something more and…” he pauses to think about what he just said “I'm sorry, I exploded, I shouldn't have told you all th-“
“Do you like me?” you interrupt him
“Yes, and it's okay if you don't feel the same”
“Eunseok, is that why you always tell me bad jokes?” you say laughing lightening the moment
“Bad? They're better than his”
“I like you too, I didn't think you felt the same as me”
“So, would you like to try?”
“I would love to” You feel happiness flooding your entire body and Eunseok comes closer to give you a small kiss on the nose and a hug that expresses all the love he has for you
You and your friends went to the supermarket to buy some snacks since you were going to have a sleepover at Sungchan’s house since it was the last day of school. One of your friends kept telling you things about how pretty you are, it seemed strange to you, but you tried to ignore it because you don’t want to misinterpret anything no matter how obvious it was. Sungchan has been your best friend for a long time and he has always been a little protective of you so it didn’t seem strange to you that he shut your friend up every time he started saying that kind of thing. When you got home, you prepared what was needed and settled in the living room to watch the movie. Sungchan made space next to him for you to sit, but you didn’t expect that your friend would sit next to you leaving you in between him and Sungchan You stopped feeling interested in the movie an hour later, you turn to look at Sungchan but he is looking at your friend with a penetrating look that you had never seen in him. “Sungchan, what’s wrong?” You whisper so that only he can hear you “Nothing, I’m just bored” he says directing his gaze to you, his face softens when he sees you “Me too, do you want to go for a walk?” you ask “Sure, you stay here, we'll go out for a while” Sungchan says, pointing to your friend. “Whatever,” he says, trying not to give it importance. You walk for a few minutes but you can't stop thinking about how tense Sungchan was earlier. “Did something happen? I saw that you were serious when we were inside” “Do you really want to know?” he asks surprised, you just nod Sungchan pauses to think carefully about what he’s going to say. “Don’t you see how he flirts with you? He’s always telling you things about how pretty you look. We all know you’re pretty. It’s annoying to see how you don’t say anything to him, it’s obvious that he likes you. I don’t like that…” he said the last thing in a whisper, but you still manage to hear it, leaving you in shock “You don't like that?" you ask surprised
“No… I don’t like that you don’t realize how much I love you.” “I don't like that you didn't tell me before either.” You say, approaching him. “Then we could try it,” he says, smiling and taking your hand, giving it little caresses.
Lately Wonbin has been hanging out with a friend outside of school a lot and he's always talking to her, which makes you think that they're probably dating. “What are you doing, talking to her again?” you say sitting next to him “I don't like her if that's what you mean” he says with tiredness in his voice “Then why are you always talking about her? You always bring her up in conversations, even if it has nothing to do with her” “But I don't like her, I just get along really well with her” “So, who do you like?” you ask curiously “Mm, I don't know if I like anyone” he says avoiding the topic “And what kind of person would you go out with?” “I don't know, someone who has the same interests as me and listens to me” “You're talking about her, right?”
His lips tremble and his eyes move restlessly, searching for a way to say what he wants to say. “No, I don't like her. You're the one I like and I get tired of seeing how you don't realize it, I'm always giving you hints but I think it's not enough. I didn't think I would say it like that but I can't take it anymore" he says, letting out a slight sigh and then looking at the ground thinking about everything he said "Wonbin, I didn't know you also felt the same as me" "The same?" he says, confused, a small smile forming on his face "Yes, I thought I was obvious with what I felt…" "Would you like to go out with me?" he asks shyly, connecting his eyes with yours, searching for an answer in them. He couldn't even finish speaking when you were already hugging him full of happiness
You and Seunghan have been best friends for a long time, you've shared laughs and glances, glances that lasted longer than they should. You and your friends went out to eat at a restaurant, everything was going well. You and Seunghan shared the food and sat very close leaving your friends confused who shared glances realizing what Seunghan doesn't dare to say. “You should go out, you look good together” says a friend of yours You just laugh to lighten the moment but Seunghan tenses and his smile fades. Several minutes later, Seunghan notices how a friend begins to pay some attention to you, he sees how he offers you to try his food or if you need something. That tensed him up even more. “Y/n, do you want me to take you home?” “Mm” you turn to look at Seunghan waiting for him to say something, you don’t even know why “No, thanks, Seunghan will take me” “Oh, right” you see how a smile appears on his face and his gaze softens “Then I’ll go with you” says your friend giving Seunghan a soft tap on the shoulder, his smile didn’t last long As you walk together, Seunghan is silent, his eyes full of tension and his jaw clenched as he watches how you interact. He feels ignored but still doesn’t say anything, he thinks he’ll let it all out if he opens his mouth even to smile a little. When you arrive at the bus stop, your friend says goodbye to you with a long hug, Seunghan just watches without saying anything. Seunghan feels like he’s about to cry as he walks away from the stop and full of questions decides to break the silence “Since when does he give you so much attention? I didn’t know you were so close” “Well, we’re friends, you know” Seunghan doesn’t think the same, he finds it annoying. Without thinking, he begins to vent, pausing briefly to clarify everything he has to say to you “Friends then? He doesn’t act like your friend, and neither do you and I. Why does it bother me so much to see you with him? I can’t help but feel bad when I see you together.” he says, letting it all out with his broken voice “Seunghan, I’m sorry, I didn’t want to ruin things. I thought you didn’t feel the same as me and I was worried you’d stop talking to me” you say, trying to clarify things. “I like you more than I should and I wouldn’t like to see you with someone else” he takes your hand, bringing you closer to him “Seunghan…” “If we both feel the same, can we stop pretending?” You nod and hug him for a long time. His hands gently caressing your back, both of you feeling relief in your bodies.
You've been busy with various school work so you haven't been able to go out with Sohee, but you took a day off because a friend organized a party to which you invited Sohee. The party is full of people everywhere and the music is loud. Sohee and you are in a place away from the people to get a break from the noise. “Sohee, are you feeling okay?” “Sure, but haven't you felt uncomfortable?” he said with concern in his voice “Mm, no, why?” “A boy has been watching you since we arrived and I don't trust him” “Oh, don't worry about it, I won't leave you” “No? It seems that you have already done so…” “What are you talking about?” you ask a little tired of the topic “You told me you didn’t want my help and then you posted a story with a guy who was apparently at your house, I guess he was helping you” “Yes, he was helping me, and I don’t see the problem” “He spends time with you and you leave me aside” “Sohee, that’s not true” “No? You’re always with him, when I invite you somewhere you say no and then you post pictures with him. If you don’t want me around anymore tell me, don’t be playing with my feelings” “Sohee, I don’t want you to feel that way” “The way you treat me and we fight makes me think that we’re more than friends but you push me away from you and confuse me. Can’t you understand how much I like you?” he said with frustration as he said what he had kept inside for a long time “Sohee, I like you too, I like you a lot, and I’m sorry for all the times I pushed you away and I didn’t realize” “I don’t want you to stay away from me, would you like to be with me?” You nod with a big smile, feeling his arm pulling you closer for a soft, slow kiss, letting you know everything he feels.
Anton and you organized a surprise party for a friend, you decorated the place a bit and arranged what was needed. The guests started to arrive and Anton disappeared from your side for a few minutes and then he came back with someone by his side You tried not to think about it too much and continued with your own thing. The rest of the party you spent with a friend, you laughed and shared jokes together. From time to time you saw Anton clench his jaw and try to hide his withering look The party ended and you said goodbye to the guests. Anton closes the door and helps you with the things you were already cleaning. “Did you have a good time?” he asks with sarcasm in his voice
“Yes, what's wrong with you?” “Me? Nothing, but I saw that your friend made you laugh a lot, I think you had a great time” he says stopping organizing things to turn to look at you. It's the first time you see him this way, you didn't remember the hatred Anton feels for that boy you were with. “Ah, I forgot that you didn’t like him”
“Do you know why I don’t like him?” “No, but now I want to know” you say laughing
“He likes you and he used me to get closer to you, since then I don’t like him. Please don’t fall in love with him, I wouldn’t like to see you with someone else. I can’t keep hiding my feelings... I like you” he says with his broken voice, giving you a vulnerable look
“Anton, I feel the same as you, but are you sure about this? I don’t want our friendship to be ruined” you say worried but Anton comes closer and caresses your hair gently, reassuring you with his touch “Then we should be together, don’t worry about the rest” he says smiling and giving you a soft and delicate kiss, a kiss that you have been waiting for for a long time
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vulture-brainrot · 10 months
flashing/eyestrain/overwhelming visuals warning!!!
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these were fun!!!!
i'm just gonna tag you guys @thisblogisblank @plushii-gutz @jjdogasaur @angryisopod @f1zz-th3-fr34k @citrus-j4m @i-eat-water-for-dinner @doktor74 @posspossrook @sillyforsakenblogs @cartoon-angerr @cowboynico
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mochaaaaaaaa · 8 months
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Something for @cartoon-angerr!!!!
Transparent: 👇
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waterr12 · 10 months
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Jacking off
LDaD Loodvigg belongs to @cartoon-angerr
look at Arachne in the bottom isnt she cute. Anyways
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animation0idk · 8 months
I thought it would be funny and I was bored
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What if thay meet @cartoon-angerr (this was an excuse to draw the new version of creature because why not)
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sillyseaveerablogs · 10 months
YOO I FINISHED MY TIKTOK AS VINES LESS GOOO CREDITS! LDAD!: @cartoon-angerr TFB!: @aisha-skyz TBT!: @misty-zzz LH!: @velyanagalvanizer CS!: Mine art by: @thymepole Stargazer! and Lunarhenge: @neonfeathers22 and @bluejasperbr AGAB: @bear-cubs-art-things FS!: @Plushii-gutz TSOTMW: @jimmerzz0905 Tack: @vh4mp Forgor to add u @h4zardousch3micals and @solunasilver Have to fix it cause accidently upload an audio version instead of mp4 version whoops And btw, since the vid here can't upload here
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misty-zzz · 1 year
I had the weirdest dream last night, @cartoon-angerr became really Emo, like really emo. I went to check on her blog to see if she had posted anything new, and it was just black, and the intro post was like, ‘I’m so Emo’ or something like that
I remember the pfp being her fursona running on quads, and it was similar to Aisha’s pfp
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ur-battdoll911 · 7 months
ratings then and now
i was (and still am) a huge fan of HxH, and so, i found my ratings for them from a year or two ago, so i'll compair it then and now, the ttheme is: HxH characetrs and how we feel about them/simp for them
Gon: im no simp, but hes cute, i love him, hes my child :)
Killua: Gay. no.
Kurapika: i used to like him, but now, no.
Leorio: LOL NO-
Hisoka: .... pedophile, but like- nice Hisoka.... my ballz (wtf was this rating
Illumi: hes cute, would probably protect me, simp a little
Alluka: MY BABY 😭❤💕
Chrollo: i would sacraficce the world to even breath the same air as him, no 🧢
Noubunga: IS THIS A JOKE- 😭✋👁👄👁
Feiton: he so tiny~
Machi: why not
Shizuku: goth gf, why not, she cute
Phinks: .....no...
Shalnark: he nice, but no
Uvogin: exCUSE me. wtf?
Franklin: 🤐📸no, he nice though
Pitou: yeah.
Komugi: I live forr Komugi, i die for Komugi, i sacrafice my whole life for Komugi
Mereuum: no :D
Ging: AYO-
Vs. NOW:
Gon: he is my actual child, but i got him off the lawn :/
Killua: gay as shit, get away from me and go back to Jujitsu Kaisen bitch
Kurapika: hell no, you fooled me and my motther to thinking you was a GIRL
Leorio: no.
Hisoka: bruh, he is a damn pedo, hell to the no
IIlumi: blud is mid, horrible brother but i would totally 1v1 him
Kalluto: yes, transgender support! kill transphobes!
Alluka: oh my god yes i would die for her shes so baby, so queen hholy shit i have made myself a painting of her yippeeeeeee
Chrollo: still hot asf but he left like our dads >:/
Noubunga: um, excuse me what the acttual FUCK
Feiton: short ass mf, tall as my mom at 5'1, im taller then him, crush him like a bug
Machi: i hate her :)
Pakunouda: i want to marry this bitch holy shit shes hot still
Shizuku: eh, reeally dumb, i need someone smarter and they dont have Amnestia
Phinks: no eyebrows, angerr issues, roach, get the fuck outa my face
Shalnark: no, hes sweet, but not someone i really care about
Uvogin: i'd rather him be my brother, y'know?
Franklin: lol, no, wtf did you think i'd pick?
Pitou: yuh, smash i like her
Pouf: he wouuld be a band kid
Komugi: *adopts*
Mereum: haha, fuck no :D
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