#ldad au
cartoon-angerr · 1 year
Treez AU posting no way
This animation was mainly a way for you to get the idea of their personality a bit! I had fun making this, I should do sketchy frame by frame more often
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waterr12 · 10 months
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Jacking off
LDaD Loodvigg belongs to @cartoon-angerr
look at Arachne in the bottom isnt she cute. Anyways
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animation0idk · 11 months
Fanart for @cartoon-angerr I liked the story so far
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misty-zzz · 11 months
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But, hey, don’t forget about msm! :)
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Also LDaD AU Woah
Treez plz make the last one canon
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sillyseaveerablogs · 11 months
My Life is going downhill. I am trying to cheer myself up by making vines or finish chapter 1 of my AU but I am still carrying the guilt of the reason Velyana left.
I also feel like I am hurting others or Being annoying with my asks.
I Got bombarded with anons on my side account (since anon Asks are still on on it) ATTACKING me for not liking LDAD Prouloge post (not the Fanfiction itself, THE POST) and claiming I hate evil Loodvigg.
I don't know what to do and I feel like its my fault for Treez and Plushii getting hate for having Loodvigg be evil or mean.
Idk what to do, I feel like leaving and giving up, but if I do I won't have anywhere else to be except Pinterest, but its kinda Dead due to users moving to other socials.
I am not sure what to do.
Listen Aisha, IDK about you, but you should not listen to those Anon haters! IF YOU DON'T LIKE EVILVIGG, THAT'S FINE /vpos I DON'T MIND EVILVIGG! /vpos ALL THAT MATTER IS THAT YOU DO YOU! /vpos AND THOSE ANONS SHOULD KEEP THEIR MOUTH SHUT CAUSE IT WAS YOUR OPINION! /vpos (I mean, you made Vigg hate Furnoss, Blassom, Galvana and Attmoz while I made him this nice dude that happens to be creepy, but still!)
Pls don't leave Tumblr, we are here for you And I hope Treez and Plushii are OK from the Anon hate for now on. /lh
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hi star! i was thinking about your fics again (as one does) and i was wondering: if the roles of human/mer were swapped in ldad, what type of mers would thomathy & virgil be, and what would the ro-lo-pat family be up to up on land? sending you good vibes!
uuuuuuuh well thomas would definitely be an elder mer, the way that patton is, but instead of being light blue he would have scales that are a gradient from red to purple and are also iridescent. virgil, on the other hand, would likely be a vampire squid - so instead of a tail, he would have a black squid’s body with lots of tentacles and markings (google vampire squid they’re super adorable) 
patton would be a marine ecology advocate who also runs the local rehabilitation aquarium. logan and roman would be his adopted sons who volunteer at the rehab aquarium - logan focuses on the more scientific aspects of caring for the animals, whie roman helps lead tours and educate the public. 
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fangirltothefullest · 6 years
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I had the pleasure of having early access knowledge to what the Sanders Sides mermen look like in @teacupfulofstarshine‘s fic LOVELY, DARK, AND DEEP~ So here is Mer!Logan! I really wanted to draw Sanders Sides merms and Starshine’s explanations were so good. I took the liberty of adding my own flares, such as the slightly shark-like fins, the translucent way the fins work, and how the fin tips glow like stars due to his bioluminescence! In their fic, Logan isn’t wearing glasses when he’s first introduced so I have also provided the glasses-less versions! HE’S A LONG FAST ELECTRIC BOY! Open them in new tabs for better quality.
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lovelylogans · 3 years
recently got back into tss and omg i’m so glad i found your blog again! you were (still are!!) one of my favourite blogs, most of the people i used to follow are inactive or no longer exist so do you have any blog recommendations? thanks for existing and i love your writing !!!
hey wassup, welcome back!!! i find myself facing a similar dilemma in terms of ppl to folow for tss content—content drought leads to creator drought, understandably, so people come and go in waves. but i've definitely got some names/blogs for you!
@teacupfulofstarshine, whose mer!logan marine scientist!virgil fic "ldad" might have crossed your path, or perhaps her avatar au
@tulipscomeinallsortsofcolors, with whom i handshake for writing "magical polyamlamp au" and "love and other fairytales" was exceptionally done, like, holy shit
@ironwoman359, aka screenshot Queen, who has recently uploaded several from the bloopers reel that i still need to watch oops i got distracted yesterday
@airiervessel, who posts a fair amount of other content while tss is on hiatus but i love they so <3
@rosesisupposes who ALSO writes fic, with a bonus of buzzfeed unsolved content if you're into that too
and uhhh that's it off the top of my head, but i'm sure there are plenty of ppl out there keeping the party going!
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siren1song · 5 years
In Which Jo Loves Content Creators
I’m in a mushy mood. This means it’s time to snipe people with my love for their work and affection for them as people. (People I don’t know that well/talk to regularly won’t be as personal as people as I’ve made good friends with! All to avoid making anyone uncomfortable <3)
I’m going to start with @sleepless-in-starbucks, because of course I’m starting with Lia. I know I’ve made a literal collaboration post with Max about how much I love them and their work, but Also how can I not mention once again how sweet and funny they are? I vowed that one day, I would rick roll them, they don’t believe I can, but I will, one day. Also they’re really good at comforting people??? And let me scream about some of my favorite fics/tropes to them. I also really enjoy talking to them about stuff I’m working. Listen. Lia is great, okay?
Speaking of @max-is-tired did you know they’re an incredibly sweet datemate who’s super considerate and easy to talk to and gosh I love them a whole lot? Not to mention their writing and ideas are phenomenal!!!! Max is so big brained!!!!! I will never stop expressing my love for them ever.
Oh, oh, oh!!!! @thechildoflightning is also really super sweet!! I became a huge fan of their writing through their daemon prinxiety au!! And my love of their work just kept expanding as I read the jksf verse they’ve worked so hard on! Their research is expansive!! And did you know they’re really cute when they info dump? I asked them to tell me about the bird facts the other day because I wanted to hear their info dumping and it was really cool information!!! I learned a lot about a really cool bird!!
(This is going to get long... time for a cut!)
Another segue! You know who else I’ve learned a lot from? @lilfellasblog who is so cool? And kind???? And smart? Sometimes, I’ll ask them questions in a joking way and then I’ll end up learning something and wow! That’s so cool! And they don’t mind simplifying things for me when I ask! And their fic, Healing Broken Wings? An actual masterpiece, though if you check it out I recommend reading tags thoroughly. And if you have questions about a tag, ask them! They’re so willing to elaborate to make sure you’re able to stay safe!!! They care more about your safety than your readership!!!!! And that’s so awesome! I love Lil so much! A great friend and an amazing writer!
A friend I don’t really talk to nearly as much as the others but who I still care about a whole lot is @illogicallyinclined. They say they can’t write, but bullet fics are a Valid Form of Writing, and also their art? Stunning? They’re the reason I started appreciating Logan a whole lot more than I used to, and their hockey au  is really good (and Jam Packed with Logan Angst if you’re into that.) They’re also hilarious to talk to. I have chatted about Virgil and Logan being huge ass meme’s with them on multiple occasions.
Someone I’ve only recently started talking to is @sign-from-god-complex who’s actually really cool? I was talking to him about my love for fandom content creators before I decided to make this post and of course I had to include him? I’m literally going to be bingeing his writing as soon as I finish this Love and Appreciation post because it’s amazing! I can’t believe I haven’t read more of his work before! A travesty, honestly!!! And oh my God his music is good? Literally the whole reason I joined his server and started talking to Lo in the first place was because he was really nice when I asked him how downloading music worked because I’ve only ever done that onto an MP3 (I know, I’m old) and even then I had to have help because I’m not adept with technology. A great singer and writer!
Now for people I’ve never talked to personally but really want to show my appreciation for... Goodness, there’s so many?
I’m gonna start this section with @princeanxious who’s writing, art, and ideas in general are amazing? Have you seen his coma au? Heart wrenching. His Lost Guardian au? Beautiful world building! His punk lo/pastel dee au? Adorable oh my goodness I can’t get enough!! I tried to talk to him once, but I kind of got scared I was bothering him, but he seems really nice!!!!
Did I mention soulmate au’s earlier? I did. You know who writes really cool and great soulmate aus? @not-so-innocent-bi-sander and MAN is their writing great! Have you read their vampire soulmate au? That was so cute??? I loved Logan’s internal conflict with changing Patton and Roman, gosh? And they have such interesting au ideas too? Like I have actually never heard the concept of Lockets before, and it was such a fascinating idea for a soulmate au? I mean, obviously they have other fics that aren’t soulmate aus, like their prinxiety fic Overcoming a Legacy? Stunning, I am pretty sure I stayed up really late reading that one.
Speaking of fics that made me stay up late (so many segue’s) @impatentpending ‘s fic Powerless had me up from 5:30 pm when I started reading it to 2:30 am when Max finally woke up and distracted me long enough to make me shower and go to bed cause I had work in the morning. Do I regret it? No. Powerless is a stunning fic with an amazing concept. I can’t tell you how excited I was to read a fic where Virgil willingly took on a villain role to protect his loved ones. And also I’m going to physically fight Missy, she can catch these hands. I can’t really give much else on the rest of her fics, because I tend to avoid anything that might not end happy (I’m five chapters away from finishing Powerless, and I’m only just now getting skeptical they might not get their happy ending so count me scared) but I have no doubt everything she’s written is just as good, if not better since this fic was finished in 2018? Wow.
Another fic that had me up super late was @lovelylogans gilmore girls au where you lead, i will follow. Don’t be fooled by the eleven chapters, that fic is over 100k words but God is it so worth it to read every single one. You don’t even need to be familiar with the show the au is based on, it’s amazing either way. The characters, the plot, the romance, all absolutely stunning. I will personally fight Patton’s mom. And the rest of her fics! Wow!!! Stunning, amazing, wonderful, beautiful, I’m running out of adjectives. I loved their princess bride bullet fic a whole lot, that was fun.
If you ever see me gushing about mermaid aus, please know that @voidsides au is Probably my favorite take on it. The prinxiety! The sassy virgil!!! The Logan being so done with Roman’s shit. Literally the one comic with Logan interaction I could practically see “Roman I swear to god if you don’t stop flirting with the fish I’m going to push you into the water” in his words. He didn’t say it, but man he was definitely thinking it.
Oh man, I can’t forget to mention the person who got me into g/t-slash-borrower sides @infinimay cause his content? Amazing, really. I found him when someone I follow reblogged one of his halloween fics and I fell in love and proceeded to binge the rest of their writing. Amazing, really. I really love the giant hermit virgil and hiker logan ones a lot. There’s more that I definitely love a whole lot as well, but I can’t currently match content with titles right now and if I go through I’ll get caught up and forget to come back to this post, but just know I love
Another giant/tiny writer I really love who I fell in love because of his amazingly written alien au- @delimeful WIBAR is currently one of my fic obsessions and I might reread it soon because it’s so good? I love the world building and how he’s written the characters so much. The rest of his work is Also Great? The fic where Virgil turns into a dragon when stressed? Amazing I can’t wait for it to continue.
@tulipscomeinallsortsofcolors You got me so in love with laoft I think about it often. Scary Virgil?? Changeling Logan???? Witch Roman???? Gifted Patton????? I want to cry I love them so much. And God, May! May Gage is a disaster of a woman but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t love her. I just. I love this au so much and it’s gotten me to love fae lore so much like I used to. I want to reread this au now, crap. Wait I need to read Lo’s stuff first. Double crap.
Oh man. speaking of writer’s who keep bringing up fae and reminding me how much I love them, @lefaystrent I hope you know your parental shenanigans on my dash bring me life. I didn’t know carbonated milk existed until last night. Kind of wish I was still ignorant on that particular topic. Either way, your fae virgil fic? Amazing. I got so super excited every time I saw an update, and that epilogue? A beautiful ending, if you ask me.
@stillebesat I start screaming in excitement, reading your Interview fic. When I found it, I became so in love with the fic I had a really hard time reading anything else and I frequently checked your blog looking for an update. I am so in love with it, and honestly there’s lots of questions I have about it but if I ask all of them this post will be even LONGER and it’s so massive already.
@today-only-happens-once You’re writing is amazing. So many of your fics are so stunning?? I fell in love reading The Only Exception. Still need to go through your masterlist thoroughly, but man everything I’ve read from you so far is so well written and takes my entire heart.
This post wouldn’t be complete without @notalwaysthevillian who actually got me to start shipping Logince with her fic Shattering Stereotypes. And then there’s of course her tangled prinxiety au??? Which I actually really gotta finish but what I’ve read of it? Amazing. 
Oh crap. If void has my favorite artistic mermaid au, @teacupfulofstarshine has my favorite written au. LDAD is a stunning fic and I would die for it. And also her recent atla au fic? I was screaming over it. Also also her moxiety dad au series she did for halloween had my entire heart. Every installment of that series had me so incredibly soft I probably could have cried.
And finally, @randomslasher I really love your writing. Your fic, Starved was one of the first I read in the fandom and I adored every single word. I haven’t actually had the chance to really sit down and binge any of your work that I could find, but I plan on fixing that soon. It’s also?? Really nice to see an older fander! As someone in their twenties and constantly seeing how young everyone is, it’s comforting knowing I’m not the only one!
That’s everyone I wasn’t scared of bothering! Everyone who I wanted to shower in my love for their work (and affection for the people I talk to!) This isn’t really in any particular order, beyond me separating the people I talk to from the people I don’t. This post is massive, but I hope everyone enjoys my appreciation for their content!
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Some Fandom Love Vibes
Every once in a while, I think about how much talent and lovely people are in this fandom and my heart grows soft and warm. Like:
@justisaisfine: I still think about the Sanders Bro AU a lot. I still listen to the playlist a lot. I think it’s always going to have a special place in my heart and honestly, props to Isa for not minding my refusal to let go of this au and ocassionally roll into their ask box unanounced to ask a question about it because I just. Love it. And the care and love and dedication they’ve put into developing it just. It blows me away?? And their ART?!?! Is gorgeous??? They always are able to say so much in the characters’ expressions in both the comics and stand-alone pieces and their watercolor approach to coloring is just. Distinct and beautiful and I love it.
@teacupfulofstarshine: Sometimes I think randomly about LDaD and a little part of my brain is like “whoa. She did that.” One day I hope to be able to fold lore so seamlessly into narrative like starshine does but until then, I will continue to read LDaD and look for examples of how she does it because that’s honestly the best way to learn. Is to look at the examples you admire and pay close attention. On top of that, LDaD has gorgeous and vivid setting description and I just. Admire the heck out of it. 
@princeanxious: Luka!! Okay so like. Luka is so flipping creative?? He has so many AUs that are all chock full of deep, rich lore and unlike anything else I’ve ever really seen, and he does it with such a passion and love for his work that it’s so easy to get caught up in it all in the best kind of way. And on top of writing, he also draws?? And it’s awesome?? Like, I’ve said this before but Luka has such a distinct style to me that sometimes I’ll see art on my dash and be like “hey that’s really cool and looks like Luka’s” and then I’ll check OP and realize it was him. Which just always makes me feel a little splash of happy.
@ironwoman359: Every once in a while, I’m going about my day as a normal human being and my brain will be like “remember Our Own Villain? HECK.” Or. “Yo remember that part from A Fiendly Reunion?” and I’ll be like “I’m doing dishes but now I want to go re-visit it.” Or “Hey remember when Lies of Omission smacked you upside the head with emotions?” and I’ll be like “I was grading papers but I guess now I’m gonna sit and think about Patton and re-read that convo with Patton and Virgil from that fic because feelings”. Basically what I’m saying is that Taylor is an awesome writer that always makes me feel a lot and I am so hecking happy she devotes her time and attention in writing to this fandom.
@randomslasher: My brain refuses to stop wanting to revisit so many of LJ’s fics. Like. Sometimes I’ll just be chilling and my brain will be like “Let’s re-read Thespian” and I’m like “aight” and then I fall down the rabbit hole because then I want to re-read Dad and Superfluous too and I feel?? So much?? When I read those??? And then there’s Starved, which I’ve been known to cry when I re-read certain parts when I’m feeling emotional and it’s the carthartic kind of cry, but it’s a sort of comfort fic for me that I go back to when I feel like I need it. Which is hard to explain?? But hopefully that makes sense. ON TOP OF THAT, LJ also makes art that is sometimes beautiful and sometimes cute and sometimes both and always, always awesome. I admire the heck out of the time and dedication they’ve put towards honing both of those crafts to be what they are today. 
These are all just a few blogs that I find myself always revisiting, but honestly this fandom is so rich with talent and kindness and sometimes I think about that and feel sappy in the best kind of way. 
If you make art, or write, or create edits of any kind--thank you. Thank you so much for the time and dedication you’ve put towards each individual project you’ve undertaken. You make fandom an enriched experience and I couldn’t be more grateful for the work all of you--tagged or not--pour into your creations. 
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cartoon-angerr · 10 months
Small LDaD art dump!
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I did the sketches below yesterday. Loodvigg got humanized and furryfied?? No way
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wisepuma23 · 6 years
Lost in the Starlight
So I decided to take the prompt challenge by @sanderssidesspook ! However, my take on the challenge will be different. There are so many great AUs in this fandom that I want to write for, so might as well hit two birds with one stone, and write a Halloween ficlet for them!! Today I’ll start with @teacupfulofstarshine LDAD AU + corn maze. Uhh, you’ll see!
Warnings: offscreen violence, swearing, implied death
Word Count: 1, 838
Pairing: Romantic Analogical 
Read on AO3!
Logan didn’t want to go on this ‘road trip’ but Roman and Patton absolutely insisted on visiting the human world. Virgil, however, wanted to stick close to the coastlines and smell the sea spray and Logan was inclined to agree. Straying so far from home made his insides twist with a feeling he didn’t understand.
Unfortunately, Thomas needed to go inland for a conference. Something about a scientific meeting about rising coastlines and the implementation of hydroelectricity on a national scale. Human stuff.
His pod practically begged to go with Thomas, but after their traumatic parting three years ago, Logan couldn’t stay behind. So Virgil grudgingly decided to come with, as their tour guide, since Thomas would be preoccupied with meetings.
Virgil dropped Thomas off in a place with glittering mountains. He’s never seen them so tall and square. His fins rippled in excitement at the order of it all. In the streets, there were lights strung up through the trees and creatures that had him ducking down out of sight. He thought Virgil said there were no other creatures who had claws as Logan did. Or was he lying?
Logan mulled over the word as he squinted at the fake creatures. Virgil still giggled as they drove through the dark trees. He explained it all punctuated with muffled laughter. Halloween, what an odd word. 
His own smile tugged upwards. He would never tire of the sound of his mate’s laugh. Beautiful as the pearls in seashells. Roman and Patton squealed as their fins rippled as if in a storm as more creatures walked through the streets of the small town.
Their claws were fake. Plastic teeth and temporary makeup all for the purpose of a holiday. Whatever that is. Logan hissed as a small one with fangs and a black cape walked too close. It startled and ran off. Roman and Patton laughed. Almost like they enjoyed the feeling of fear. Logan rolled his eyes, then again, Roman was the one who often dove into the deep end without looking.
“Oooh, what’s that?” Patton pointed over Virgil’s shoulder, as Virgil yelped in surprise and almost yanked the wheel into the opposite lane.
Logan squinted at it in the darkness. It was a sign written in English with a giant yellow object above it. He dug his claws further into his sweater, his eyes worked far better underwater, up here they were useless. Glasses irritated his scales but he wore them anyway. Tch, he couldn’t protect his pod like this. What could he do? Flop around and squint?!
A hand tugged on his own, gently prying his claws out of his sweater, and squeezed. Logan met Virgil’s eyes, the same color as the world outside, brown and soft as the ground outside. The fist of icy anger in his chest melted.  
“It’s a sign for a corn maze,” Virgil said, excitement creeping into his tone, “They’re more popular around Halloween. I forgot that they had them here,” Virgil scratched his head, almost embarrassed as he admitted, “Corn mazes are one of the few cool things we have inland. You can’t exactly float up and over it like your reed farms.”
Logan’s face warmed as Virgil turned to him with a smile as the backseat chanted, “Yes, I would love to see a ‘corn maze’. It sounds...interesting.”
So, really it was his own fault.
Logan stared up at the stars and shivered under the coolness of the moonlight. The rustle of the corn like a steady heartbeat in his ears. The ground roiled with movement and scratching his poor eyesight couldn’t pick up. For all he knew, a shark could be circling him.
Virgil had given him and the others a wheelchair with a specially designed pouch for their tails. Then heavy blankets over their laps to keep their tails warm and covered. However, he hadn’t realized how hard it would be to push against the uneven grass and roots of the corn. Roman and Patton went on ahead, Logan encouraged Virgil to catch up, and he never did.
And so, he spent the better part of an hour utterly and hopelessly lost.
“It’ll be fun, they said,” Logan muttered as sweat dripped down his temples, pushing his wheels forward on the small path, “It’s not even a big maze, they said. Well, bullshit.”
With a grunt, he rolled into a clearing.
Logan blinked around the flattened circle of grass. Was this the center? He sighed a breath of relief as his wheels didn’t squeal in protest. Even ground, how I missed you! He looked up and bit down on a scream.
A man hung from a post with his arms out and his legs limp. A big hat, much like the farmers here, hung low on his head. He didn’t know it was a human practice to hang their dead in the middle of corn mazes. Logan rolled forward as he squinted up at it. He took in a hard sniff.
Straw and dirt.
Not the rot of flesh and bone.
Logan tilted his head as he remembered Virgil’s huff of laughter from earlier. Fake. This man must be one of those costumed creatures walking out there tonight. Logan raised up a hand to touch it when--
“Whoa there, pardner,” a deep voice drawled, Logan snapped his hand back, “Awfully rude to touch me without even introducing yourself first.”
Logan looked up and his gills stuttered in surprise. The scarecrow had a face underneath its dark brim. The eyes were crossed black stitches and its mouth hung open with yellow teeth that reminded him of the sea snakes in the shallows. Sharp and thin and too many to fit in its stuffed head. Logan raised an eyebrow, he could’ve sworn the creature had a stitched mouth earlier.
“Oh excuse me,” Logan said as he smoothed his hands down his lap, “My name is Logan. I apologize. Your culture is still new to me.”
Silence echoed through the yawning fields for a few moments.
The man cackled, its whole body rocked the pole with the force of it. Logan dug his claws into the metal armrests. It was the truth!
“For a creature concerned with my rudeness, you don’t consider your own,” Logan snarled, “I should hope to learn your name in retaliation.”
“No, it’s just funny, I’m not human either,” the man giggled, the sound made his fins itch to propel himself far and fast, “And my name, sir? Why it’s been so long,” it looked up at the moonlight, “Call me Scarecrow.”
“You’re wrong! I’m a human!” Logan shouted up to it.
Scarecrow slowly looked down at him, “No, you’re not. I can smell the sea right off ya. I’ve never had fish in so long…” its mouth opened to an impossible length, as rows of teeth caught the moonlight, “I’ve kept all the crows away. Away, away, little birdies! Why I’m a little hungry now after my hard work.”
Scarecrow smiled as it jostled in its post again. He could tell the jig was up. Logan couldn’t hide the truth from another….creature. A different species of other Scarecrows? He shoved the questions aside about the cruelty of humans stringing something alive in their fields.
Logan wheeled back, “You won’t find me easy prey. I’m a formidable predator myself,” Logan bared his teeth as his eyes glinted in the moonlight, “Sharks have met messier ends at my hands.”
Scarecrow’s smile disappeared, “You’re out of your fishbowl, little goldfish.”
Logan bristled and opened his mouth when--
Wood splintered and cracked like a thunderclap in the hushed fields. Logan thrust his arms up against the blast. Wood debris bounced off his arms but tore his sweater into rags. Damn it, Thomas gave him this one for ‘Christmas’. Logan squinted into the darkness, ears straining for any sound, any foot fall.
Up high above the fields stood a lonely post.
And no Scarecrow.
A guttural snarl cut the night as a gaping maw of teeth overcame his vision. The wheelchair clattered against the ground, wheels spinning uselessly in their sockets, blankets sodden against the dirt. Blood splattered the homemade designs of stars and planets. Splatters of red against the milky blue of Neptune. Ripping and snarls echoed through the air.
Then silence.
The corn rustled indifferently, the reeds whispering against each other, as the fireflies danced above the maze. Flowers bloomed drinking in the cool moonlight, petals delicately held up to its pale face. Mice twist and turn in their homes as they slept. Then blink one beady eye open as footsteps stomped through the quiet peace of the evening.
“Logan!” Virgil shouted, his voice crackling after screaming himself near hoarse, “Where are you?!”
Flashlights swept through the corn stalks. The murmur of people and the static of radios. Virgil ran a hand through his sweat-drenched hair. It only took the others to find the center and get back out again in twenty minutes. Not...not two hours! Shit, he’s heard stories of people going missing or even found dead in corn mazes.
He wanted to curse his own stupidity. It could stand to reason that if mermaids existed, why not others? Flashbacks of Bigfoot and Wikipedia rabbit holes of various cryptids ran through his mind. If he found a Child of the Corn, he’ll be drop-kicking them before Thomas can break out the lollipops.
He wanted his fucking boyfriend back.
Virgil pushed aside the stalks to the center of the maze. He’s swept this place so many times in the past two hours. Like every ten minutes but he never saw hide nor hair of the missing mermaid. The police chattered into their radios but the sound grew distant.
Virgil’s flashlight landed on a straw-covered mass next to a knocked over wheelchair. He tore out into a run as he made a strangled noise of Logan! Virgil muttered curses as Logan blinked blearily up at him. Blood trickled down his temple and faint scratches down his arms. Virgil swore bloody murder as he saw ripped fins up and down his arms.
“My….tail…” Logan said, his voice strained with the effort, “The others…”
Virgil looked down and red mist overcame his vision. More ripped fins and long red scratches like someone jabbed a knife and went to town on his boyfriend. Virgil pulled Logan into a hug, relief overcoming his anger and fear for a brief moment, reveling in the fact he was alive.
“Don’t you know?” Virgil huffed out a hysterical laugh, “It’s Halloween night. They’ll think it’s a realistic costume,” then in a lower voice as the others came close to the center, “God, Lo, what even happened? I walked through here and every inch of this maze for two hours,” his voice wobbled with choked back tears, “Where did you go?”
Logan blinked and then pointed a claw at a mess of fabric, “I met Scarecrow.”
Virgil looked at the dark lump and then back at Logan, “What are you talking about? There’s never been a scarecrow here. It’s just a corn maze.”
“Well, there isn’t one anymore.”
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misty-zzz · 9 months
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With this many AUs for the Crossover fanfic I had in mind (sorry Broken Titan and LDAD) I think I'm gonna draw all of them in Magma or Aggie, Whiteboard even. (For ur curiosity, Taddy's design[ the Wublins, Celestials and Wubboxes one] are just their Inspiration design and the whiteboard ones are my Super Celestials OCs designs. I will draw my Wublins, Celestials, and Wubboxes gijinka design.)
woe, thats a lot...
i haven't even read some of these tbh, im bad at reading 😭
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So if vee were to be a vampire squid mer, how big would he be? Because i googled them and those cuties only get to about 30cm according to google and just- I'm imagining a teeny little mer about the size of 30 cm curling around elder!mer thomas' little finger bc of how smol he is in comparison to thomas if he's as big as elder mer pat and I'm just :')
vampire squid ARE tiny, it’s one of the reasons i love them so much!!! 
virgil would also be able to grow human legs, for much the same reason ldad!logan can, and i’m imagining that as a human he’s only about 5 feet tall. tiny boy. tiny little boy. as a mer, he’s not very long at all, but he is skinny and fast, and yes! thomas does like to be at a size where virgil fits in his hands. they both feel safe that way
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fangirltothefullest · 5 years
Things I want to doodle sometime:
@rilli-luci's genies and/or their bendy au
@fanartfunart's seasons sides but I don't have a winter Patton yet and I need that design mayne please and thank???
@sugarglider9603's elf prince Roman
Virgil as a merman in @teacupfulofstarshine's ldad even though he's hooman.
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lovelylogans · 5 years
4. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them? / 16. If you only could write one pairing for the rest of your life, which pairing would it be? / 28. Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much. / 💖
fanfic asks
4. how many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? care to share one of them? 
again, so!!! many!!! but i will share that i have an analogical “the guy who didn’t like musicals” fic in the drafts, which i started writing in early 2019 (like, winter break, after january 1 2019) so i have deceit in there but no remus (and still struggling for a role for roman, funnily enough! i’m pretty sure i was planning on making him the apotheosis.) and it’s technically an answer to a prompt fic, so! i hope on posting it! someday! 
16. if you only could write one pairing for the rest of your life, which pairing would it be?
oh boy. uhhhhhh, probably logicality? which i know is a surprise, as i haven’t written them as a focus in much of my published fics, but i have this really long fic in the drafts (i’ve mentioned it here and there) and i just really love their whole relationship dynamic. i want to get back into writing it more.
28. share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
@princelogical: marin’s college au was actually one of the first fics i started actually really in-depth following in the sanders sides fandom! i also have a soft spot in my heart for her queerplatonic logince verse. it’s just. Chef’s Kiss.
@tulipscomeinallsortsofcolors: who i have to congratulate because vi hit 100 works in their laoft extras today!!! that’s so crazy!!!! super mega huge congratulations for that, my dude!!!!! all of them are so well-written and clearly passionately written, you can tell how much she cares about the verse, and it’s just!!! great!!! (also their remile selkie au Kills Me but!!!!!)
@teacupfulofstarshine: ldad! ain’t it fun! little and broken! crossroads of our destiny!! the federal bureau of gays!! the lamp college verse!!! the cinderella au (which my brain persists in calling cinderfella!!) there are So Many Great things here, in so many different verses with different Moods and Aesthetics for each and just!!! i PROMISE that you will find your cup of tea in something that star has written because star is So Talented!!!!
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