#angels are the good guys but obviously he knows that things go wrong in heaven
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dreamofbecoming · 2 years ago
finally finished gomens 2 with my parents and. agh. listen i’m not saying anything new i know this but i need to put the words here instead of my brain ok
so like it’s all down to the fact that they have completely different understandings of what their relationship is built on, yk? like, we saw in s1 where crowley thinks they began- eden. specifically the moment he learns zira gave his sword away because he thought the humans needed it more than he did. the moment crowley sees that zira will make choices that go against the will of heaven if he thinks it’s right. that’s when he decided they were the same, that moment right then.
but we didn’t see where zira thinks they started until now. crowley seems like he barely remembers the nebula scene. he only references it in response to zira bringing it up, and even then he doesn’t say anything specific. we see several times that he doesn’t remember people he knew before the fall, so it’s possible he hears zira talk about knowing him and just throws out a stock response (“that’s not me anymore” which is true enough regardless of context) in the hopes he won’t notice the lapse. it makes sense to me that he would try to hide his lack of recall from zira and not furfur or saraqael because he doesn’t really give a shit what anyone except zira thinks of him, that’s been firmly established. so it’s entirely possible crowley doesn’t even remember meeting zira before eden at all.
but zira does. he’s built his whole understanding of crowley and their partnership and even his own relationship with heaven on that one interaction. he saw that goofball who was so proud of his nebula and fell ass over tits and never looked back. he believes the angels are the good guys, and he knows crowley is a good guy, so obviously crowley should be an angel. there’s been a mixup somewhere! someone got something wrong! he’s so confident that crowley will always do the right thing, the angelic thing, because “i know the angel you were.” he brings up their opposing roles, their sides, as needed, because he has to maintain appearances, but he always trusts crowley. completely. he never wavers. because crowley is good, and angels are good, so crowley is supposed to be an angel.
and now, finally, after 6000 years, he has a chance to make that happen! he can fix what went wrong! he can give that goofball back his nebula! but that isn’t what crowley hears. because crowley counts their partnership from eden, when he thought they both agreed that heaven and hell were bullshit and they should make their own choices. when he thinks they decided together to be on their own side, not the side of angels or demons.
so when zira says “you’ve been good all along, and now i can finally set right the wrong that was done to you and show everyone who you really are, so they’ll understand what i’ve always seen and why i love you,” crowley hears “i was never on our side, i was just waiting for heaven to take me back, and you’ll never be good enough for me as you are,” and listen i’m going to go to neil’s house and hit him with a brick is what i’m saying ok
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thefiery-phoenix · 1 year ago
Words cannot describe how much I adore this cinnamon roll and simp for this man. Cue the pterodactyl hyper fangirling and screeching from my side for him lol. One picture wouldn't do this buff cinnamon roll justice so I had to go all out for him
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Look, he's an absolute cinnamon roll. He's also a romantic at heart. When he lays his eyes on you, that's when he realizes you're the one. He's a bit awkward and shy around girls but with you, he's all the more shy. It's almost adorable how flustered he gets when someone mentions you to him. Yet he's at a conflict with himself, he's worried that if he confesses to you you'll end up rejecting him. Which is why he has his loyal Burn Knuckles gang members to help him back him up. Vasco as a yandere would be extremely clingy, over protective, obsessive and possessive
He can't stand it when people look down on others. He can't stand bad guys. So what does he do when he sees you getting bullied or harassed by someone? He doesn't hesitate to jump into a fight to be your knight in shining armor despite all the bruises and wounds he's received. He just wants to protect you, keeping you safe and protecting you is always his number one priority. When you thanked him with that cute and adorable smile of yours, he swore he felt his heart stop beating and visions of you both getting married and having a little golden retriever as a pet and having a family together flashed in his mind. Which probably explained why he was so flustered and kept blushing like a tomato the whole time
He'll stare at you like you've descended from the heavens when you compliment him on his tattoos. You actually like them? Oh, you like his hair and his style too? Are you even a real person? You're an angel in his eyes. An angel who can do nothing wrong. Now, his mind will be occupied with you and of course his right hand man Jace would obviously know something is up with him. When he realizes Vasco's feelings of love for you exceed the usual and normal feelings of love, he calls an emergency meeting with the rest of the Burn knuckles members. Not because they're worried about his obsessive feelings of love for you that are getting out of control, rather, because they need to make sure you belong to Vasco no matter what. They're his loyal friends and family who'll be willing to follow him to the ends of the earth, you really think they wouldn't do whatever it takes to make him happy by ensuring you're with Vasco?
The Burn Knuckles members take their job quite seriously in making sure you're Vasco's. "Hey Jace...who's that lousy moron hitting on them?'' asked Ira Oh as he kept staring at you being hit on by some random jerk. Jace narrowed his eyes. "He obviously needs to be dealt with" said Jace as he and the rest of the Burn knuckles members would surround the guy and ask him to leave you the hell alone. Vasco won't be the one stalking you, his members will, to find out everything about you and to ensure you don't break their dear leader's heart
The first time you and Vasco went out together the Burn Knuckles members followed secretly after you both and stalked you guys during the whole thing. Vasco still might be a little awkward around you but that doesn't mean he doesn't love you. You're always occupied in his mind and heart. You'll be the only one to have that special place in his heart. If you end up tripping over something this chivalrous cinnamon roll here would catch you instantly. He's a shy yet chivalrous gentleman to you. However when it comes to other people hurting you, yeah...he'll ensure they get sent to the hospital. He doesn't care if he gets hurt, his motto is to protect. To protect you no matter what. He doesn't care if you're a good fighter or whatever, he will not allow you to join a fight at any cost. If you end up getting hurt he'll feel extremely guilty and seeing a wound or an injury on you will just end up breaking his soft heart. He's driven by the passion to protect you and keep you safe and he does it seriously
He likes giving you cute little gifts that he knows you might like. His heart flutters in joy whenever you smile at him and thank him. He likes giving you chocolate milk too everyday. If someone else makes the mistake of giving you chocolate milk, he'll just get pouty and sulky for a while and get grumpy about it and he'll buy some more chocolate milk for you and hand it to you while the rest of the Burn knuckles have a 'friendly' chat with the guy. He'll always cherish and treasure whatever you've made for him. You gave him a handmade card once and he almost cried from pure joy, it was like the gods answered his prayers. He'll always treasure your little gifts, they're made with affection and love for him. What sort of man would he be if he couldn't cherish the gifts of his future spouse?
He wouldn't do something too extreme like kidnapping you but he will do whatever it takes to ensure you're his. He can't lose you, he doesn't want to lose you to someone else. With all the nonsense he's had to endure in his past, he knows someone as innocent and fragile and angelic like you would simply get chewed out and spat out and used by the world. Let him be your protector and knight in shining armor
Would definitely love to have a family with you one day. If someone dares to snatch away that dream from him with you, he'll get quite mad. He'd like to come home to you hugging him and greeting him and having cuddle sessions on the couch with each other, as you run your fingers through his hair while the golden retriever puppy of yours naps on the couch next to you both. Married life with him would be so blissful, like heaven on earth. He'll be the best husband for you, along with his possessive and obsessive tendencies of course
You're the cute and innocent little thing he's sworn to protect. And a true man always abides by his word and promise no matter what and what sort of man would he be if he couldn't protect the one that resides in his heart?
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ibarkatpeoplewoofwoofbitch · 11 months ago
Okay so we don't know why lilith went missing for seven years. But what I do know is this ain't lilith
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Lilith hair is slicked back in every backstory we see of her
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In the photos, we see that'd show if she has her horns or slick back hair, which is covered by hats or completely cut off.
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But I know for sure in this scene right here before what probably was before lilith left it looked like Eve
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And here's my theorys.
NUMBER ONE:LILITH IS CONTROLLED BY EVE. (Far fetched and wrong words but you'll see what I mean)
it could be their the same penny on different sides like in brittle bones Nicky number two when the devil and God are the same people
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Like the lyrics "I'm mufasa and I am scar" it's like yin and yang
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In goodness, theirs evil and in evil theirs goodness.
Lilith was a famous woman in hell, not just because of being queen but also because of her singing. (Can't wait to see who is casted for her I hope it's someone who can hit high notes). Maybe lilith wanted to "get away" from everything but still wanted to be in touch and see what's going on hence all the eyes everywhere in hell.
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And maybe Eve wanted a family. Cause adam does not seem like someone you'd wanna spend your whole (after)life with. Eve probably wanted someone who'd love her and by lucifer loving lilith and forgets things like where charlie was even though he's not a bad guy and says vaggie as maggie. Lucifer probably dissociated so much he forgot lilith looked different but still loved lilith who was infact Eve.
I don't think she made it into heaven, unlike Adam. Cause by what we've seen, no one knows why people go to heaven, not even a seraphim (the highest rank of angel right below the power god has but the second highest rank.)
Powerful women becoming wives arc 🤷‍♂️
Look I don't know much but I do know eve does that whole pretty little liars smile and shushing the mouth thing. Who better to own alastors soul then someone who smiles no matter what?
Look, Eve was probably the first human to fall besides Well lilith who fell with lucifer. Eve could've been one of the higher overlords that alastor broadcasted killing.
Yknow I thought this one was a far stretched one. Theirs 3 clues. Lutes personality was like someone who could put up with Adam. And I know Adam made the exorcist. But vaggie didn't like Adam and before she fell she didn't like killing a demon.
Lute has the same personality as Adam but is way more serious then Adam is so Adam doesn't blow anything but she doesn't get mad when he gets close to doing it and when he did she stayed by his side agreeing with him.
Lute was personally distraught by Adam's death. And of course, she isn't like this with no one else. Why didn't the exorcist get distraught that they were obviously around him?
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mynameisnotlinda · 2 years ago
Another thing about metro-guy “brainwashing” Azi.
There is such an obvious change in Aziraphales behaviour from literally the whole season and the ending.
My guy was DANCING with Crowley, grabbing his wrist and dragging him onto the dance floor WHILE GIGGLING like a teenage girl - he was so open with Crowley and had no shame in it.
He said our car. A car they share. As in their side.
Through the whole season he was trying to shake heaven off - obviously not just because of Jim. He doesn’t want heaven here just as much as Crowley doesn’t for obvious reasons.
He doesn’t like heaven at all.
And the bookshop? He would never just give it up that easy, and definitely not without brining anything with him. I mean did you see him fighting demons with Nina and Maggie? He would rather take off his fucking halo than let them throw his books.
And then. The end of the season, it’s like he has changed his whole perspective again - suddenly it’s all black and white again, angels are the good guys while demons are the bad. And it caught Crowley so off guard like bitch what are you saying we have OUR SIDE???
Last but not least:
The suspiciously perfect timing of metro-guy coming back into the shop right after Crowley left asking how it went obviously knowing the answer, to then making a comment about him…
“Ah, well, always did want to go his own way. Always asking damn fool questions, too”
This manipulative bitch is trying to make Crowley seem like he’s the one in the wrong. And notice that when they’re about to leave, Azi looks upset and confused about whether he should go or not and don’t know what to think or do because he’s not being himself!!!
I could put more examples but I think you got the idea of what I’m ranting about, so this will be it for now but I might update it again….
Edit: I still love this theory, but I just read the longest essay-explanation that makes much better sense and is so amazing:)
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lefaystrent · 4 months ago
One random day, Patton declares he is going on vacation. He will be leaving the mindscape for awhile, and it's up to the rest of the gang to hold down the fort while he's gone.
"You're Thomas's sense of Morality; you can't just go on vacation," Logan points out.
Patton's grin goes a little too wide, his eyes a little too intense. "Watch me."
Remus bobs his head up and down to check him out. "Since when do you do the ominous thing? I thought that was my thing. Are we playing around with each other's thingies?"
"No–thing wrong with switching things up now and then," Patton says cheerfully.
Virgil squints. "Are you Deceit in disguise?"
"I am sitting right next to you, Virgil," Janus points out. "Also, I wouldn't be caught dead in a floral print."
"Are you going to Hawaii? Without me?!" Roman demands, eyeing Patton's– well, Hawaiian shirt he's donned on rather than his usual polo.
"Now, now Roman, this is nothing personal kiddo. I'm just taking some much needed me-time. So I'll need to take this journey alone."
"Oh thank God," Janus mutters while Logan blinks rapidly, flabbergasted. Logan spits out, "We are all personified pieces of one man's personality. By the nature of our existence, you can't be alone."
"That's quitter talk," Remus butts in. He literally turns and shows them his butt for some reason, though thankfully with pants still on. "Want me to yeet you out the door, Daddy-o? See how far you can go? Or maybe load you into a ballista and send you hurtling to a beautiful bludgeoning death?"
"No thanks, bud," Patton says far too good-naturedly. "Our dear lord in Heaven gave me two perfectly good legs to walk with. I think I'll be fine."
"You're serious? Just– what, gonna walk out the door?" Virgil questions sharply. Skeptical he may be, he seems somewhat interested in seeing how far Patton will take this bit.
"Absolutely! There's a whole big wide world out there! So much to do! So much to see!"
"So what's wrong with taking the back steets," both Remus and Roman sing at the same time.
"You guys will be fine for a while without me. But just in case you miss me, I have provided each of you with your very own Patton Pal."
They each look down into their hands where a small, stuffed version of Patton materializes. It has stitched in glasses, a removable Cardigan, and its mouth is in the shape of a heart.
"What," they all respond collectively.
"If you feel lonely or need a hug, you just give your Patton Pal there a good ole squeeze! That should tide you over until I get back. Anyways, I'm gonna skeddadle now. Bye! Love you!"
And Patton walks out the front door.
Dad has left the building.
Roman ponders with pursed lips, "Sooo, did we just get abandoned?"
"Nah, I'm sure he's just gone out to pick up some milk."
"Thank you, Remus."
Virgil rises up from the couch and strides over to the door in a huff. "Alright Pat, you can come out now."
The door swings open. A brick wall is revealed where there once was not one.
"Uhhh, guys?" Virgil asks the group, stepping back. Unconsciously, he grips his Patton Pal a little tighter.
"What in the Chris Angel Mindfreak?" Remus questions and taps at the brick. His nail makes a scraping sound along the mortar. Curious, he examines his finger and licks it.
"Did he trap us in the Mindscape?" Roman asks, squeezing in between his brother to test the solidity of the wall. It is indeed a wall.
"Is this his villain origin story?"
Janus rolls his eyes at the twins. "Patton's just serious for a change, that's all. He doesn't want to be followed, and obviously he must be out hanging with Thomas. Really now, have some sense."
"You do know who you're talking to, right?" Virgil asks him waving at the twins, to which Janus gives a saucy, "Touche."
Logan sighs and begins ascending the stairs.
"What, you're just gonna leave too?" Virgil calls after him.
"I have work to do, as I'm sure the rest of you do. Patton will return once he tires of this stunt."
Logan is gone and now it's just the four of them.
"Someone's salty about being abandoned," Roman comments too loudly.
"Alllll byyyyy myseeeelffff," Remus sings off-key.
Virgil debates whether to follow Logan up or try a window next. He stares down into the beady, button eyes of his Patton Pal doll.
"Need a hug?" Janus asks him teasingly, watching him.
Virgil scoffs and shoves the plush into his hoodie pocket. It's bulky, but it fits.
Will it stay there?
Will Patton ever return?
Will the sides use this time to overcome their differences and bond as a true family?
Find out next time on "Episodes From The Mindscape"!
The screen flicks off.
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joohanisms · 2 years ago
who in xh do you think has a corruption kink?
OMG ........... they got shorter towards the least likely members but i hope you enjoy either way!!!!
xdh + corruption kinks 💭💫
cw: corruption kink, mention of religion, caught watching porn, penetrative sex, possessive tones, loss of virginity, training (what is that even called???)
most likely
i have NEVER!!!!! seen a church guy without a corruption kink. sex before marriage and all that – as le sserafim said, i wish for what's forbidden <3
he wants to ruin you AND have you ruin him. LET'S SAY you're both virgins.
fine your first time would be sickly sweet, all 🥺 and 🥰, the softest most vanilla making love missionary sex you've ever seen
but the next time – after the guilt of ""betraying god"" goes away – he fucks you, legs in the air and all.
and he gets off sooooo much to the idea that both of you have become tainted; that both of you took that step together, that you'll be forever bonded by this. that somehow, you'll always belong to each other. your souls were painted red at the same time and that's not something you can just forget. you were the one to bring him down from heaven but also give heaven to him, and vice-versa.
this thought is always on the back of his mind whenever you have sex, and it always turns him on.
tell me he wouldn't get SO HARD at the idea of introducing you to kinky shit.
you guys have been having vanilla sex – which isn't wrong or bad or boring at all – until you catch him jerking off to a video on his phone.
he's obviously burning red with shame, thinking you'll jump to conclusions and think he's jerking off to kinky videos on twitter because you haven't been satisfying him (which is a lie. you very much satisfy him. he just came across a hot video and got lost in the moment).
but the only thing you can think about is how the girl on his phone screen is doing the NASTIEST shit to her partner.
"jiseok, what are you watching?" you sit beside him, and he starts pulling his underwear up to stall.
"i can explain, baby. i just saw this on my–"
"what are you watching. explain it to me." it sounds more like an order, and his dick twitches in his boxers.
"it's just, um, a kinky video." reluctantly, he turns the screen towards you, watching your shiny eyes scan the video. you look up at him, with genuine innocence in your expression, and his cock twitches again.
"have you done this before?" he nods. "how does it feel?"
he's done for. he'll have to tell you, to show you, how good it is to explore, to figure out what you like.
don't be surprised if his way of introducing you to kink is by doing everything with you (consensually and with a safeword, of course). making you less innocent, corrupted, by the day.
we all know seungmin is freaky.
and that extends to corruption kinks.
they're not his favorite, but he does really like to feel how you're slowly becoming as freaky as him.
every time you do something new, something different, he's reminded that he is the one to introduce you to it. he is making you freakier, dirtier, kinkier, and it's alllll his fault. he loves it.
if you were a virgin by the time you started dating him, he would get a little hard when he was reminded that you're pure and innocent and he's going to take it all away.
same as gunil, your first time would be softer – he doesn't want to hurt you or scare you away – but the next time you fuck (which could very easily be the morning after LMAO) he's going rough on you. fucking all that purity away.
you're not a good girl anymore, and it's his task to make you worse by the second ❤️
also, i'm a firm believer that he loves lingerie and other visual aspects of sex soooo if he comes home and you're sitting on the bed, on your knees, with a white lingerie set – something angel themed, even – you better be aware that not only it stays on during sex, he's also going to ruin the lace by cumming all over it.
now, jungsu goes a little bit insane when you're having sex for the first time and you look up to him from between his legs and goes "it's not going to fit."
first of all, a delicious stroke to his ego
second of all, he knows you don't have much experience – you're not a virgin, but you're not the ceo of sex either. which means–
"i've never had anyone this big before."
fuck. he wants to rearrange your guts. fuck you so hard you think you'll split in half. fuck you so deep with his big cock your walls will remember its shape forever.
he settles on a "it will fit, baby. if you can't take it today, we'll try again some other time." with a caress to your hair.
(spoiler: it didn't actually fit. even after two orgasms his mouth generously gave you.)
and that's how training came up.
so jungsu is 1) too fucking big for your pussy 2) working you up to take his size and 3) being the one to stretch you out nice and loose.
you're so angelic, such a good girl – and here he is, making you bounce on a dildo that's slightly smaller than him, praising you for "how good you're taking it", "his cock will be next", and "you'll be able to take it in no time".
he's literally making your cunt loose and sloppy, only for him – and he's the only one who ever had to train you to take his cock.
it kinda goes away after that, though. he'll always feel a little hot when he's reminded of your training era but he doesn't care/doesn't have much interest in any other aspect of the corruption kink
he doesn't mind it, most of the time. it doesn't do much for him, but if you get off to it he'll make an effort to whisper some nasty shit in your ear while you take him missionary style
(which is a surprising position; he ALWAYS favors having you on top)
"not as much of a good girl anymore, yeah? couldn't resist me?"
"it's okay. your innocence was never going to last anyway. i was always meant to take it away."
"this white lingerie makes you look so dainty, so pretty. innocent. too bad you can't be that as long as i'm with you."
look, it's not that he Doesn't like it. he's more about the marking aspect, the possessive aspect.
he's not corrupting you. he's making you His.
in a way, you were already corrupted when you started dating him – he's just staking his claim.
something along the lines of "from now on, i'm the only one who's taking advantage of your corrupted state", if that even makes sense.
least likely
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eefaevie · 1 year ago
✨ my official good omens s3 prediction post ✨
which accidentally I guess comes with a side-order of analysis and a soupçon of meta because I can’t shut up
The quote "The plans for Armageddon are going wrong. Only Crowley and Aziraphale working together can hope to put it right. And they aren’t talking." is intentionally misleading.
I think with Aziraphale gone, Crowley is going to become Grand Duke of Hell. He’s hurt, he’s tired, he’s got nothing to lose anymore. He’s also a bit of a dramatic petty bitch (affectionate), and after suffering what he considers the ultimate betrayal from Aziraphale, he wants to hit him where it would hurt equally by joining the “bad guys” fully. Crowley thinks of himself as unforgivable, and since (in his mind) Aziraphale refuses to “see” him for who he really is, he’s going to force him to by acting out like this (beside the fact that we know that this isn’t actually who Crowley is, but he’s injured and lashing out, even if it hurts himself, too.)
So, that quote. The plans for armageddon are going wrong. as in heaven can’t get it to start. And the only way they CAN get it to start is to get the Grand Duke of Hell and the Supreme Archangel to work together, which they are refusing to do. Think about all those meetings between Gabriel and Beelzebub — those definitely didn’t start off as dates, they were business meetings. And so Aziraphale and Crowley REFUSE to speak to each other (with MAXIMUM pettiness and passive aggressive comedy) because they’re both mad at each other for their mutual miscommunication, but also because they KNOW that if they do work together they’ll end up fucking it up somehow (and actually set the second coming back on track, which they obviously don’t want). The one thing that is a common thread through Good Omens is that Aziraphale and Crowley are actually kind of useless at their jobs, and they usually end up accomplishing the opposite of whatever it is they are supposed to do. Aziraphale is still in the grip of heaven, and can be manipulated — while Crowley is probably still terrified of Satan, and now that he’s kind of recklessly agreed to such a big promotion, that’s now his immediate superior.
(So really, if you’re useless at your job, and consistently do everything wrong, and you’re trying to stop a massive project — the best place to be would probably be in charge of that project, no?)
So anyways, cue Muriel being used for the most immature go-betweens (“Muriel, dear, please tell the Grand Duke that I won’t be able to make our dinner reservation this evening because he is a lying snake.” “Muriel, tell the Supreme Arseangel that I never made the reservation anyways and his holiestness was presumptuous to assume so.” etc etc)
I’m also betting that the Metatron orchestrated his offer to Aziraphale very intentionally, because he knows that they’re each other’s most precious thing, and he knew that raising Crowley would be the best possible offer to get Aziraphale to agree, but also, he knew that Crowley himself would never agree to it. Which left Aziraphale in a tricky position. He’s still too afraid of heaven to back out, and by separating him from Crowley, the Metatron thinks he has succeeded in both eliminating the biggest threat to the second coming (the earth’s only professional apocalypse-thwarters with extremely powerful joint miracles) and planted (what he believes to be) a huge pushover of an angel in the seat of power — essentially a puppet for the Metatron’s commands.
(I’m not even going to get into the alleged threat of the book of life at this point, but that’s it own big bag of worms)
Problem is, the Metatron severely underestimated how much these two are idiots, how far they’re willing to go for love (or how far they’ll go when they believe their love has been scorned), and again, I cannot stress this enough — how much they’re both idiots.
Crowley accepting the position of Grand Duke seems out of character, until you realize it absolutely is not. (The same thing goes for Aziraphale accepting the position of Supreme Archangel, btw.) With everything else happening, it’s going to be effectively Crowley’s only option — Aziraphale is gone, the second coming is coming, and there’s a convenient little vacancy at the top of Hell’s hierarchy. He’ll take it because he’s upset and hurt by Aziraphale, but he’ll also take it because he’s angry, and it’s the only way he can possibly have any impact on what happens next.
I’d go so far as to say that Crowley loves Earth primarily because he loves Aziraphale, and Aziraphale loves Earth. Crowley is always the one to suggest running away when the going gets tough, because his top priority is always Aziraphale’s safety. If the Earth ends up a casualty, well, boohoo, at least he’s got his Angel with him. Now, though, he’s got no Aziraphale — so what’s the point in sticking to Earth? Remember how he pretty much immediately gave up on stopping the apocalypse when he thought Aziraphale was dead? Yeah. (In fact, he probably realizes very quickly that if he wants any hope of having Aziraphale back and sharing their lives together — this time for real — he has to take drastic measures to make sure Earth and humanity survives. He’s an optimist, and he’s also selfish.)
So, surprise, Metatron! You just took these two will-they-won’t-they eternal virgins and made them business partners. Which is an issue.
Because remember, for one supreme archangel to fall in love with the grand duke of hell during dubious business meetings makes a good story. For it to happen twice makes it look like there is some kind of… institutional problem.
We’ve taken the “workplace” in “workplace comedy” and dialled it up to 12. Now it’s not two salarymen from rival companies just kinda begrudgingly doing what they’re told until they don’t, it’s two high-ranking executives from rival companies who’ve decided they’re in love with each other, they’re done with this shit, and they’re taking the whole industry down from the inside.
Never forget that Good Omens is, at its core, a comedy. I believe we will get the romantic south down ending, for sure, but the path to get there is going to be a farce. They’re not talking — perhaps only in the business sense — so who knows the hijinks and shenanigans and making out they’re going to make everyone around them put up with this season. Aziraphale orchestrated an entire Jane Austen ball for Crowley before they’d even touched mouths. They’re going to be insufferable and I’m praying for Muriel’s sanity.
Finally, the final element of my prediction: Jesus will be there, probably. Maybe even Adam, too! Maybe it’ll even be lost celestial baby pt. 2: electric boogaloo. (as you can see my priorities are mostly regarding what happens with Aziraphale and Crowley lmao)
(and also, you know that dinky little half miracle they pulled together for jimbo? They were a couple of nobodies then. Imagine a full-powered joint miracle between a Supreme Archangel and a Grand Duke?)
(…Imagine a full-powered joint miracle between two supreme archangels and two grand dukes? 👀 ok ok who knows but also I’m not convinced we’ve seen the last of beez and gabe)
ok bye ❤️
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narrynukezankielover · 11 months ago
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I believe this episode is Hunteri Heroici or something like that. I laughed at this a little too much. Cas literally took that little bag out of Deans bigger bag (I don’t know what to call it) and started picking through it. What I find interesting is that Dean doesn’t say anything to Cas. Dean isn’t the type to let people pick at his stuff yet he’s letting Cas do it. I was thinking maybe it’s Sams bag but I don’t think Cas would touch Sams stuff. I don’t think he cares enough to find out more about him.
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Dean said he needed his 4 hours of sleep (you can function on only 4 hours of sleep I’ve done it almost every night since I was 15 and when you’re used to it it’s not that bad) and Cas said I’ll watch over you. He’s looking directly at Dean so he’s offering to be Deans guardian angel not Dean and Sams. It’s adorable because a few people have called Cas Deans angel and it’s obvious Dean is Cas human.
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If anyone else was looking at their dad’s journal Dean would’ve grabbed that out of their hands told them to f*ck themselves and probably threatened to kill them. It’s a very cute way to start this very emotional scene. I love that when Cas yelled at Dean because he told him he wasn’t going back to heaven Dean took that to mean Cas needed to talk. Dean isn’t good with his emotions but the fact that he listened to Cas and tried to help him shows growth. The look of shock and worry on Deans face when Cas said he was afraid if he went back to heaven and seen what has happened because of him he’s afraid he would kill himself was heartbreaking.
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I just found this look on Cas face when he seen Dean trying to hide his porn hilarious. Cas watched porn infront of Dean and Sam so I don’t think Cas would judge him.
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This is definitely the look of oh hell ya by boyfriend can get anything.
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This broke my heart. Finding out Cas was tortured and he’s traumatized by it was heartbreaking. How can anyone do that to that adorable angel.
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I really wish Dean felt comfortable to be himself. He’s clearly a nerd. He wanted to LARP when him and Sam were looking at it online. He had a smile on his face until he thought Sam was looking at him then he went back to his normal face. He loved it when they actually did it, he wouldn’t let Sam see him playing with a sword, he likes ballet and pop music. He’s so scared of Sam laughing at him or making fun of him that he won’t be himself.
In LARP And The Real Girl Charlie asked Dean if he broke up with someone. Interesting she used the word someone not a girl which is what you would say to a straight guy. She obviously could tell Dean was thinking about someone. Personally I think he was thinking about Cas and Benny. Cas because Dean knows there’s something wrong with Cas he just doesn’t know what and Benny because of how he told him they couldn’t talk anymore. I know some people see Dean and Benny as more then friends thing but I personally see them as just friends. Dean likes having someone else in his life other than Sam. Normally it’s Cas but when Cas was still in purgatory Dean liked talking to Benny but once Cas was back he didn’t need to talk to Benny as much.
Yet again a gay moment happens to Dean. Aaron could’ve come up with any excuse for following Dean. He even could’ve said he was trying to get someone elses attention but he clearly sensed the best option was to pretend to flirt with Dean. Dean got flustered and banged into a table and then when he found out the flirting was fake he was disappointed.
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quazart · 3 months ago
I must ask
Have you done
Wereechidna angst?
Nothing official, but I have been playing around with rare instances if Angel Island passes through aurora borealis when the moon is full. In their world, it being a very rare occurrence as different things must be aligned for things to work. It's a time when the physical and spiritual realms are in sync and our werechidna boys strengths are at their peak. Though it's never happened before in his lifetime, until now. So he may not have full control of himself with this overwhelming amount of power. He should've had help from family members to help him hone, but all , he'll have to figure it out or lose himself to the power. His extraordinary potential like a double edged sword.
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Just one look or touch of the moon and borealis light melding and showering him in it's light is enough to activate it. Doesn't even have to look, though once bathed in it, he can't help but face upwards toward the heavens and soak in this phenomenon and energy he's never experienced before. Though awe is quickly short lived as his body now attempts to soak up the rays of light for his benefit, as a creature of the physical and spiritual it heavily benefits in the long run but at a catch, he must quickly learn how to shut off the valve once he's had enough or it could be too much for him to handle. Either turning him into, I dunno, a genie type thing, Slave to phenomenal cosmic power. Or the energy completely overtakes him and becomes a whole other entity. Good or bad, Knux will be lost. Like if the M.E. took over him and left him in the back seat or completely erase him. His body then just a host.
Just a bunch of random thoughts I had on this guy.
Also thought about a more violent poacher coming by and Knux just can't hold back. In short, the person is never seen again.
Or the last time the aurora borealis thing happening was on his hatching day, but something goes wrong and he emerges to a desolate island. Not another of his kind in sight and left dependent on older chao to care for him, or even the M.E.. where he just runs on our chaos energy the first few years of his life till he's able to go out and hunt. (Maybe insectivore/pescatarian and obviously fruit. He's not picky. Eats basically what he sees other creatures on the island eat, mostly. There's probably exceptions somewhere) sorry I rambled. In short, it was accidentally his fault his species kinda just *poof*. Or maybe they were already dying out and gave their all, spiritual wise, to be sure this last puggle lives. Giving their energy and life force to assure he survives. Or maybe a darker twist, wanting him to survive so he can avenge them if they were being attacked by another group. Whether they deserved it or not, they want a weapon to do in their enemies. But worth nobody around, how's he supposed to know that. Or maybe a spirit does stick around, playing good guy and twisting history in his ears so he'll do what he was born to do.
As you can see I think quite a bit on this fluffy fella
And I'm always open to brainstorming with others. On this fella or other topics so long as they involve a knuckles of some kind, lol
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imagintheworldaway · 9 months ago
Oh, Baby
Request - open
Warnings: Drinking??
I sat tapping my foot on the tiled ground of our en-suite bathroom. I checked the time, 3:46pm, Nikki would be back at four, and I could not risk him knowing what I was getting up to. I kept my eyes glued to the clock as the thin arm counted every second, and as soon as it ticked over to the next minute I averted my eyes to the little white stick on the counter. My hand shook as I reached for the stick. I took one last deep breath before turning it over and letting my eyes fall on the little pink lines. A plus. I couldn’t help but let a huge grin erupt on my face as I stared at the stick. It wasn’t like we were trying for a baby or anything but here I was, stood in my bathroom with the most amazing news ever. “Honey I’m Homeeee” Nikki Called in a playful tune, thank god, it meant band practice had gone well. I stuffed the little stick under some towels before unlocking the door and making my way downstairs. “Hey baby” I smiled linking my arms around his neck as he smiled at me. “God you get sexier every time I see you” he smirked planting a kiss. “Awe such a romantic, good practice then??” I questioned unlocking my arms and playing with the ends of his long hair. “Amazing, this finale date is gonna kick ass” he said with a goofy grin. “Oh and Vince and Sharise have invited us all round tonight” he said as he rubbed my sides. “That’s nice, any reason??” I tried to pry, Vince and Sharise had parties but never ‘private’ ones with just us lot, that was more heathers thing. “Nope no clue, but it’s us, Tommy, Heather, Mick and Emi, so whole gang really” Nikki shrugged as he let go of me for a moment and reached down to get his bag. “Did you get a time atleast?” I asked folding my arms as I watched him rummage around for something. “Oh yh 7:30” he said nonchalantly. Surprising me, a little. i just nodded before saying i was off to get ready, and that he should probably shower himself.
The ride to Vinces house was a short one. We only lived 15 minutes down the road, but Nikki being Nikki meant that we were running late. I had worn a black dress, not anything too formal but the fabric was perfect at hiding any signs of a slight bump. After this afternoon I had been staring at myself in the mirror and I had slowly started to realise the smallest little bump had started to form. I knocked on the door as I shot my husband a death glare and waited for one of the hosts to answer. “I’m sorry baby ok” he said for the a millionth time as he kissed my cheek. “Doesn’t cut it Sixx” I said through gritted teeth as the door finally opened. “Hello stranger” I smiled as I gave Vince a hug. “Hello, wow look at you, like an angel fallen from heaven” he said his cheesy line as I passed over the bottle of wine and started walking into the house. “Save it for your wife Neil” I called over my shoulder as I looked for the other women. I finally found them hanging around the kitchen. “Hi” I smiled as I entered earning an array of hellos from the other women. “Red Y/N?” Heather asked as she grabbed a wine glass for me. Shit shit fuck, maybe I should have said something to Nikki earlier, everyone knew I liked a drink. “Not tonight ladies, I am actually being sensible for once” I giggled as I grabbed a can of lemonade and poured it into a tumbler instead. “Ugh what is wrong with you two tonight, Sharise isn’t drinking either and it’s her damn party!” Heather laughed as she placed the wine glass back down. I furrowed my eyebrows momentarily before joining in with the previous  conversation. 
It was about half way through dinner, everything was normal and thankfully nothing else had happened which made me need an excuse. “Ok guys” Vince said making our conversations stop as we all turned to look at him. Nikkis hand rested on my thigh as I played with his fingers. “So obviously we wouldn’t just hold a party for nothing, and this isn’t the usual ‘end of tour party’ that’s still happening tho” he smiled “Sharise and I have a little announcement to make” Vince said grabbing her hand. “We’re pregnant” Sharise beamed at us all at sat there in shock for a moment before congratulating the couple. Everyone was elated and so the festivities ensued! 
It was about 3am by the time I had dragged Nikki home. Mick and Emi had left a few hours ago and heather was as sloshed as Tommy and Vince so I decided to leave Sharise with them and drag my husband home. “Awe baby we were having fun” Nikki slurred as he stumbled up the driveway. “You were having fun, I’m tired” I giggled as I unlocked the door, Nikki snaking his arms around my waist and trailing little kisses down my neck. I let out a sigh of contentment as I pushed open the large door and led my husband inside. Before I could take another step I felt some arms around me hoisting me up. I squealed a little as I met my husbands back. “ no time to waste” he slurred as I hung over his shoulder and he stumbled up the staircase. “Be careful” I laughed as he made a B line for our bedroom. Soon I was being flung on the bed and his arms were caging me as he hovered above me. “What’s got into you mister” I said as the tips of his hair tickled my face. “Well, with Sharise all knocked up I think it’s our turn” he smirked going for my neck again. “Our turn? As in you want a baby?” I asked melting into his touch. “Fuck Yh, a mini me or you running around would be so sick” Nikki said in between kisses as he trailed down my body. I bit my lip and hoisted myself up onto my elbows. “Nikki” I said as he got to my navel. “Shh lay down” he mumbled. “NIKKI” I said raising my voice a little causing his eyes to meet mine. He looked at me dumbfounded I contemplated my words for a moment. “What if we didn’t need to try” I said softly. It took a moment for what I said to register, and his face sobered up almost immediately. “Do you mean?” He asked looking down at my stomach. “Yes” I smiled down at him. His hand instantly went to my stomach, gently holding his palms there he looked at me in amazement. “Why didn’t you say anything?” He asked looking back at me. “I only found out today” I said sitting up so he was knelt between my legs. “Hey little guy” he started talking at my stomach. “I still need to go to the doctors to have an actual test, but all signs were pointing to it and here we are” I sighed running my fingers through his hair. “I mean it’s not like we’re exactly careful” I giggled as Nikki still marvelled at my stomach. “A baby” he whispered. “I know, a little me or you running around” the reality of it all finally setting in. “A little rockstar” Nikki smiled. “God were good” he said leaning up and kissing me. “Are you ready? Cause there’s no going back?” I asked the past still haunting me a little. “Yes nothing could ever make me not want this little guy” he smiled at me. “Now Mr Sixx I think we were in the middle of something” I said slyly. “I do think some congratulations are in order Mrs Sixx” Nikki smirked before picking up where he left off. 
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rosystardust · 4 months ago
I don't know what to write, so here's all my current Good omens ideas. Please suggest which one I should write in the comments. You guys can take the summaries and write a fic based on my ideas, I don't mind. Just please share it with me, I would love to read it.
I've started writing most of these, I just can't decide what I want to write first. If you want me to write more than one, please put them in the order of what you want me to write first.
Title: My favorite Starman
Summary: Aziraphale realizes that Crowley can't see the stars, as a special punishment when he fell. So Aziraphale visits Anathema and asks her to help because she's a witch. They eventually make a magic pair of glasses that allow Crowley to see normally. Aziraphale is excited to give it to him, and Crowley tells Aziraphale all about the stars he made.
Title: You're human, more than anything
Summary: When the Gabriel amnesia thing was over, and in this au Aziraphale stays, Heaven and Hell decide on what Crowley and Aziraphale's punishment will be. They eventually decide to take both their memories and keep them from leaving Earth, with only a vague idea that they know each other (cause that's part of their subconscious and they can't find out how to remove it). Unfortunately it backfires and they get together and rebel even more. Gabriel and Beelzebub end up going to Earth, and have to take care of the situation that heaven and hell made before the two gain their memories back and get pissed off and probably start a war.
Or: Aziraphale and Crowley have always been human more than anything else. Now they have to live as humans as punishment for what they did with Armageddon after killing them didn't work. Like everything Heaven and Hell do with the two of them, it backfires.
Title: God actually does play dice with the universe, just not in the way you'd think
Summary: God finally decides to talk to Aziraphale and Crowley and invites them to a game night, to play her Ineffable game of her own design, with Her, Mary, and Jesus. Aziraphale agrees automatically, but Crowley agrees on the condition that he can ask however many questions he wants. God agrees and they play. Turns out the game god plays with the universe is DND. And Crowley gets an apology and Aziraphale gets to hear that he made his mom proud. Aziraphale and Crowley learn that God ships them, and then they play DND. Chaos ensues and family bonding time happens. And the Ineffable husbands get married with God officiating the wedding.
Title: The angel fucking Gabriel
(This is very much a crack fic)
Summary: Every few hundred years, Gabriel asks Aziraphale to fuck him. The first time was him questioning why humans like sex so much, and going to Aziraphale because Aziraphale knew more about humans, and, presumably, about sex. And Aziraphale told Gabriel “If you want to know about sex, why not just have it with me? We're both Angels so it's not like it'd be a sin.” (Because Gabriel was annoying him and if he agreed he could hold it over could hold it over his head, but he never thought he'd agree) Gabriel, surprisingly, took him up on it, and ended up finding it extremely enjoyable, and since Gabriel had no idea what to do, he was the bottom. Aziraphale obviously told Crowley afterwards and he thought it was hilarious. Gabriel, embarrassed about it, asked Aziraphale to do it a few more times, till they just went into a routine, where whenever Gabriel is extremely stressed out, Aziraphale would fuck him senseless. Aziraphale and Gabriel have an agreement of no romance or romantic feelings, and Aziraphale has made it clear to Gabriel that he's in love with and dating Crowley. Gabriel doesn't care. And occasionally Crowley asks Aziraphale to fuck him as hard as he fucks Gabriel.
Or: Aziraphale fucks the morality into Gabriel. And occasionally, Crowley.
Title: Ineffable divorce gone wrong
Notes: Based on this Tumblr post:
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Summary: So what if this was true and the bookshop was semi sentient and didn't want Aziraphale to leave, so it ends up locking the two in, and shuts all the curtains (for privacy). Eventually the Metatron gets annoyed enough from waiting and just goes to his plan B, and ends up leaving the two in the bookshop, thinking Aziraphale is staying there willingly. However, inside, the two have been busy arguing and fighting, and eventually they feel that the Metatron’s presence has left, so Aziraphale breaks down in tears but still won't admit to Crowley what happened in fear of retaliation (even though at this point the Metatron gave up on the two of them, but they don't know that yet) They keep fighting, and eventually end up stop talking to each other, as they're both angry. It stays like that for a few days, till the bookshop decides that just locking them in the entire shop isn't enough, and waits till they're in the upstairs flat’s bedroom together, and locks them there. They end up still refusing to talk for a while but then end up hate fucking and confessing their love before fucking again with both times having enthusiastic consent while not being safe or sane in the slightest. After they wake up the next day, everything is unlocked again, and they go out on a date. Both Bentley and Bookshop are extremely happy that their parents are finally together. Bookshop’s nickname is Az and Bentley's nickname is Bee.
Name: Aziraphale's diary
Summary: What Aziraphale would write in his diary, specifically about the times he spent with Crowley. This is an au where Aziraphale is just slightly less oblivious and pays attention to his love sensitivity thing to know that Crowley loves him. He loves Crowley back but he's scared of heaven's reaction so he doesn't say anything outright and they're both terrible at giving and picking up on social cues. Beginning will be either when Crowley comes back to the bookshop post season 2, and remembers Aziraphale has a diary and reads it, or just Aziraphale's diary entries throughout the years. Not going to be all journal entries, but most of it will be. If I choose the Crowley angst side, Aziraphale will have agreed to let Crowley read his diary only if he went to heaven for a prolonged period of time and he missed him. I will write interactions not from the show in the diary of what I think would have happened in those eras or just things I want to include.
Title: Crowley's dream about what he likes best (Aziraphale)
Summary: After Aziraphale leaves, Crowley decides to sleep for a while, and Aziraphale notices and does the whole thing of “You will wake having had a lovely dream about whatever you like best”, and has a very long dream about if Aziraphale was actually in a relationship with him. When Aziraphale wakes him up, all he wants to do is go back to sleep and go back to his dream world. He knows it's not real, but he doesn't care because he knows damn well that it's the closest thing he'll get to actually having Aziraphale. Or so he thinks.
Title: I'm telling mom
Summary: After the failed Armageddon, Gabriel (or another archangel) reports directly to God and tells her that it was Aziraphale and Crowley's fault and that they're both traitors. So God decides to check in on them and sees Aziraphale having a PTSD esc panicked attack caused by a nightmare of memories of him being hurt by heaven. Crowley is doing his best to comfort Aziraphale, and lets him sob about it before he gently fucks Aziraphale and gives him a shit ton of praise, affirmations, and shows him just how much he matters to him. He tells Aziraphale how he deserves to be happy and how he'll protect him from heaven and make sure they never so much as touch him again. After that, and Crowley's magnificent aftercare, Aziraphale is calmer, and since it's like five in the morning now, Crowley makes Aziraphale breakfast. God sees all of this and visits them after their breakfast to talk. Aziraphale is terrified, Crowley is protective, and God sees how much they truly love each other and the Earth and thinks it's adorable, so she gives them a pass. She also officially marries them out of nowhere, and offers to make Crowley an angel again, but he declines, and God leaves. Aziraphale and Crowley, having no idea what to do now, spend the day finding wedding rings and going on a date, and at night Crowley fucks him again, much rougher, but just as loving and with just as much praise. Aziraphale, in his blissful post orgasmic state, tells Crowley he can't wait to be his husband (they're engaged), and Crowley's heart melts, and then they go to sleep in each other's arms.
Title: It's time for the show
Summary: Based on this post I made: https://www.tumblr.com/rosystardust/764188315220049920/why-can-i-imagine-an-au-where-terry-pratchett-just?source=share
Aziraphale finds the good omens show, watches it, then finds the fandom, and sees that everyone ships ineffable husbands and starts flirting with Crowley. Crowley is going insane, thinking he's reading too much into it, and Aziraphale is laughing in the background, waiting for him to find out. This could be the other way around or both do it at the same time. (I think I'm gonna go with Aziraphale finding it, because Crowley is already head over heels in love with Aziraphale and knows it in this story, he's just waiting for a sign from Aziraphale that he feels the same.)
Title: Lessons on love
Summary: When Gabriel and Beelzebub start dating, Gabriel suggests that they ask Aziraphale and Crowley to help them figure stuff out. And then they promptly realize that Aziraphale and Crowley fucking hate them, but they realize it when they get to Aziraphale's shop. And since it's too late to back out now, they just stalk them. After a few months, the catch them and Aziraphale bitches at Gabriel while Crowley looks on with hearts in his eyes. They do eventually agree. Or, they see that Aziraphale and Crowley aren't dating and are idiots so now they plot to get the two together and then ask for relationship advice.
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ratmakesfanart · 2 years ago
We know that in good omens EVERYTHING is for a reason. Every prop is carefully picked out and placed, every action has importance to it, and every line is so significant that fans could write 2 seasons worth of analysis based on a few words from the show (cough cough nudge nudge). But there is one line from the final episode that has been often questioned (and cried to) by the community; those words being the horrific and heartbreaking, "I forgive you." So let's talk about it.
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There is a lot that we need to unpack in order to understand the meaning behind those 3 words. First, let's look into Aziraphale's mindset. We can see throughout both seasons the struggle Aziraphale has with black-and-white thinking. How hesitant he is to work with or complete favors for Crowley because his "side wouldn't like that." In season 2's flashback with Wee Morag we see him conflicted between what was morally right and what was morally wrong when it came to the grave robbing. His thought process was and always has been good versus bad, right versus wrong, heaven versus hell. Of course, throughout the series he has shown improvement - with the help of Crowley - seeing and treading on that gray line. But the moment before the kiss we know he has regressed back into that black-and-white way of thinking due to the statement "obviously you said no to hell, you're the bad guys" and "heaven... well it's the side of truth, of light, of good."
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Aziraphale believes in heaven, believes in what heaven stands for. But we also know that Aziraphale doesn't believe heaven is living up to its name nor its potential due to his consistent doubting of heaven's execution of God's plan. He doesn't think heaven is what it's supposed to be. And that brings us to the next point: Aziraphale's choice.
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When we get the flashback to the conversation Aziraphale has with the Metatron, he originally says "I don't want to go back to heaven." Aziraphale wasn't on board until the Metatron mentioned how he could return Crowley back to his angelic status. This tells us that Aziraphale doesn't want to go to heaven for power, but instead so he can fix what he considers heaven's biggest mistake: casting out Crowley. He doesn't want to fix Crowley, he wants to fix heaven. He wants to make it a better place, a place that deserves to be called the side of truth, light, and good. Not for himself, but for the greater good. For Crowley. But Crowley didn't understand that. Which leads us to the final point: the kiss.
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Before the kiss, Crowley heard that Aziraphale wanted to return to heaven and turn Crowley back into an angel. After decades and decades of trying to show Aziraphale that there was more to life than heaven versus hell, Crowley was indirectly slapped in the face when Aziraphale told him that he along with hell were "the bad guys." He tried to help Aziraphale realize that heaven is just as cruel as hell, but the attempts of reasoning were pointless. Crowley in that moment felt not only betrayed, but also helpless as Aziraphale showed no sign of changing his mind. In a final effort to convince him to stay, Crowley confessed his feelings for Aziraphale. But it still wasn't enough to change his mind. Finally, Crowley kissed Azriaphale... but this wasn't because he wanted to show how much he loved Aziraphale. No, this kiss was angry. Crowley knew he wasn't going to be able to change Aziraphale's mind, and overcome with emotion, he showed Aziraphale everything he was saying goodbye to. And Aziraphale understood it.
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Aziraphale felt the anger and understood the message Crowley was telling him. And it hurt. Aziraphale, the angel who ate an entire ox after getting just a taste of that hunger, was shown a path with an entirely new level of desire he hadn't known he was longing for. Aziraphale wanted to hate it but he couldn't. He wanted to hate Crowley for it but he couldn't. In his mind, the right thing to do was to go to heaven, that was the right choice. But he was betrayed by Crowley's temptation of a life he knew he would always desire but wouldn't be able to choose.
Crowley hurt Aziraphale as well.
And with his decision unmoved, he met Crowley's eyes, and forgave him for it.
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qqueenofhades · 2 years ago
Feel like I just watched a parenthesis ao3 fic with Taylor Swift lyrics….
Look was this season's storyline mostly a mess? Yes it was. Did they fill a lot of time that they could have used more efficiently? Also yes. Did they leave us SUFFERING? DEFINITELY INDISPUTABLY YES.
But the rest of that shit was straight up angst/romance fanfic?!?!?! I mean?!?!?!
Angel Crowley/Aziraphale and Crowley before the creation
Validating the fandom headcanon that Crowley did in fact fall instantly in love in Eden, to the point he thinks that shielding someone from the rain and gazing into their eyes is the A+ number one way to get humans to fall in love
Also validating the fandom headcanon about Aziraphale finally realizing it in 1941
Crowley in the bookshop without his jacket AND WITHOUT HIS GLASSES (UNTIL THE LAST SCENE YOU KNOW)
Crowley rushing to Aziraphale's rescue with "Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy" blaring
The whole "how long have you been together/is the bookseller your side piece/do you have a husband because you're a walking gay disaster" scene with Crowley and Nina
The constant sitting at tables with candles! And roses!
and of course THE LAST SCENE
wow there are a lot of capital letters in this huh
I regret nothing
man that whole Stupid Homosexuals Cannot Communicate And Get Themselves Into a World of Self-Inflicted Hurt Because They Are So Dumb really is my catnip huh
/takes deep breaths
We're all fine here now
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This post was inspired by this other post I saw
Working conditions being angel/demon in good omens
I want to start by saying that I believe 100% that the working conditions in both places suck, and that I believe that the only reason they have been maintained for so many years is because they control all reality, and because there is no opposition (clarification: I don't consider hell an opposition from heaven, I consider them the same system).
Now, let's go in detail to analyse these working conditions, I will start by hell because they are the easy ones.
We know that they resort to torture as a disciplinary method, and as a method of... increase the performance of their workers. We know that Crowley was punished for the times he acted against their interests, we also know that Josh loses his tongue almost EVERY DAY simply for talking too much, Eric is discorporated... well, many times, etc.
The conditions are bad, bad lighting (do they even see what they're writing?), almost zero organization, cleanliness is... kind of non-existent, and in season one we see Hastur, a HIGH RANGE demon holding a bucket because there was a leak. Definitely not the best conditions
In terms of psychological abuse of their workers, we have threats of cutting off body parts, and obviously threats of punishment.
We also know that there are rations of something, and that they cut them in half at a certain time.
We also have Furfur mentioning that he is definitely not happy with his career, and that although he feels he does a good job, he is not rewarded
We also see Beelzebub, SECOND IN COMMAND, unhappy with their conditions there
Then we have the general atmosphere, and the "most of my demons live for Armageddon" mentality among the demons
What does that phrase mean? That phrase means that the demons manage to endure in those conditions only because they know that it is written that there will be a day where maybe they can get rid of it all. Armageddon is for the demons a "the day when we will have the opportunity to be free"
Evidently, the mental health of all demons is about as far from "good" as you can put it.
Heaven is a bit more difficult, because to notice the problems here you must first deconstruct the image of "the good guys" they have
And it is precisely that image that is worth mentioning here, because creating a place where you tell all the workers that they are "the good guys" is a very worrying kind of control.
In heaven they have the image that what they do is obviously what is meant to be right, that means that every action committed by them is right. That is not a healthy mentality, and it is a mentality that makes you have a justification for committing absolutely any act and calling it good.
And it's something that we see them doing, with Job, with the flood, with casting the demons out of heaven, with trying to kill Aziraphale, with wanting to erase someone's memory... all these things I have mentioned are wrong, but all (or almost all) of the workers in heaven believed they were doing the right thing in those circumstances
Having this idea in place that everything the institution does is right also allows you to do something else: to call anyone evil.
Such an institution cannot survive if it has rebels in its ranks, so it must either force them to act "rightly" or get rid of them before they create more problems.
As a bonus, it is worth mentioning that we continually see them create a sense of "guilt" in case they fail to fulfil heaven's missions, especially influenced by the fact that angels are created to fulfil their functions. It is difficult to convince you that it is not your fault that you failed in your job, when you were told that your existence was to fulfil that function.
Now, psychological manipulation and indoctrination aside, we also see at least two scenes (that I recall) of psychological abuse, the first being the angel yelling at Aziraphale in season 1, none of the other angels seemed extremely surprised by that interaction, so possibly it's a normal occurrence. And then we have Gabriel and... every interaction he has with Aziraphale in season one, but the most valid one to mention is the interaction between Crowley being Aziraphale and Gabriel. There again, straight up psychological abuse.
Isolation, all the things I've mentioned so far are extremely favoured if the people you're doing them to are isolated. And we can assume that they are based on what we've seen
Angels are extremely unlikely to discover that they are being manipulated or abused, or be motivated to do something about it if they are almost completely isolated.
The fear of falling, I already mentioned the fear of failure and the psychological burden that that was your life purpose, but there's another thing that's over angels, and that's the fear of being a demon. You have this example of this group of angels who rebelled and who fell into eternal suffering, and furthermore, you are taught to hate them, that you are better than them, and that they brought it on themselves, and that they got what they got.
Evidently you wouldn't want to "fail" and be with "them"
There are probably many things I have forgotten, but I'll leave it at that.
Neither place can be called good, and the truth is that I feel a lot of concern for all of them living for MILLIONS of years in those conditions
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havemyheartaziraphale · 11 months ago
Ok so this is for @melbatron5000 and @somehow-a-human mostly because I want input on your theories and my forming theory. Also, @indigovigilance has some decent screen grabs too. Sorry for having a wall of text here, I'm on mobile and still not used to posting on Tumblr
I absolutely agree with something being passed to Aziraphale during their kiss. I have watched the scene several times now and can spot the thing myself. I can see it in the photos you guys have as well.
I also stand by my theory there's a body swap going on. I wasn't entirely sure when it happened, until probably tonight. I know not everyone agrees with me but right now that's fine. Whatever.
Nightingales is DEFINITELY a code word. Got that straight off, wouldn't be able to tell you 100% what exactly for, except to me maybe it's saying "we need to do the body swap again".
Here's the thing: I had to go back and watch the body swap in S1 before I felt confident in this. I will stand by this theory now because I'm pretty certain of it.
There's clearly missed signals and unsaid things. I think the conversation we see is not everything that was said, based on the camera angles, the fact that so many of those lines can easily be pulled for sound bites and not seem odd/off, and the fact that their actions when out of shot don't entirely match up to what's being said. But the gist of the conversation is the same. They eventually come to the understanding that something needs to happen and they're not going to like it.
Here's where I think things change.
Nightingales is the signal that there's a swap that needs to happen. Crowley has already told Aziraphale that he can't leave the bookshop. Crowley knows this, and he also knows that the only way to get to Heaven is by having an angel escort him there. Aziraphale on the other hand will have no problems going whenever he needs to. Crowley needs to be taken, so he needs his Azi-suit.
With Crowley-as-Aziraphale(CAA) in heaven, he'll be able to do whatever mischief he needs/wants to. He can clearly already access files up there still. We know he has to have been a powerful/higher up angel before his Fall. He just needs a way in first.
When did the body swap happen?
Good question, and it took me a lot of thinking and rewatching of that flipping kiss to finally decide and work out when it was; the moment Aziraphale "allows" himself to hold Crowley.
What am I on about? I'll tell you.
Rewatch the body swap in S1. They hold hands, time stops, and you see them change back. Obviously CAA and Aziraphale-as-Crowley (AAC) are sat in their usual spaces so the characters are in the wrong seats. Once they're back, they look normal. Everything is tickety-boo.
Except in the KISS, they're very much in the same positions. Of course, Aziraphale places his hands on Crowley briefly, allowing for stability, a time freeze, and the chance to switch round before resuming. Probably gives them a little time to confirm some stuff too. There's so many camera cuts and frame changes that allow for this to be true, otherwise why not just show it from one angle? And why is that dang clock also skipping time suddenly yes I know Neil may have said it's just a continuity error at one point but I don't trust him because he also lies and it's way too obvious with that clock in the background
So what about the bullet/metal ball in CAA mouth? Definitely Aziraphale's memories of his chat with Metatron, and anything else CAA may need. (This isn't a repeat, this is a mirror of the bullet catch. Crowley fired the bullet, Azi caught it. This time, Azi fires the bullet, Crowley catches it.) CAA then says the phrase he knows AAC will understand, and that also sounds like Azi to anyone listening, and AAC responds. Like codes. "I forgive you... Dont bother." Exit: Azi-as-Crowley.
Of course Metatron then swans in and interrupts CAA while he's still getting his bearings, and mentions the Second Coming. I don't think even Crowley expected it to be this. Hence the Look he gives AAC.
Metatron still gives CAA a slightly suspicious look in the elevator, which I don't think many people mention enough. And that whole end credits bit of them as they're heading off is just... Odd. BUT, and here's where I'm certain it's CAA, the look of sheer determined destruction on Azi's face is the same from S1 body swap. I went back and checked, just to be sure. That's 100% Crowley right there. And now he has the bullet in his mouth, access to heaven thanks to being escorted by Metatron, and Aziraphale still able to look after the bookshop in disguise.
Points I also want to make
Crowley would not be the sort of person (demon/being) to just stand there and wait for Azi to go up to Heaven. We've seen he'll just go off without a word. At least twice. (When Azi is in thought about Job, and when Nina talks to him after she confirms she'll be at the Street Traders meeting). Crowley doesn't linger.
Crowley would also not be the one to choose to listen to A Nightingale Sang. That is all Aziraphale babyyyyyy. The Bentley knows them both well enough by now. Crowley likes his rock and Bebop, Azi likes his classical, more soothing tunes. Crowley certainly wouldn't listen to a song if he was upset with it. Azi allows himself to hear it before turning it off. He's the sentimental one.
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tinywafflerat · 2 months ago
anyone want short oc story wip that’s half angst half bad writing? nobody? oh well
(below the cut if you want to see.)
I think I might lose my mind. This is the worst thing that’s ever happened to me.
I literally can’t feel anything anymore.
Not in a numb way- in a “everything is killing me so I can’t distinguish any emotions” way.
I’m just lying here. On my back. On the cold block of metal that is Heaven.
I guess I just don’t know what to do. I mean, there’s nothing I really can do. Just watch to see what happens.
hrgh- what? w-wh- auGH-!
Deep breaths. Deep breaths. You’re fine. Everything is fine. It’s fine.
Except it’s not. The terror of the whole situation stays but the pain and my warm blood seeps in.
Hah- I can’t even begin to describe it. I just fumble around on the ground, trying to find what part of my body just got mutilated.
My wings.
I start quietly sobbing. This is- definitely- the worst thing that’s ever happened. Forget the rebellion. Forget the idiots. Forget my family, for triangle’s sake.
I don’t even care that I’m saying Triangle’s name in vain, whatever that means. I don’t have a name, why should Triangle get one?
I snap back to really.
…Th- they took my wings.
I can’t believe it. No. Wait. This is just some twisted trick my brain is pulling on me. It has to be. They wouldn’t take somebody’s- my- wings. They just wouldn’t.
No. Of course not. They’re not that bad, right? The only thing they did- they do- is hand amputation. Obviously. It can’t be.
I feel sick. Did they drug me? No- haha, that’s silly. They don’t do th-
I glance back at my bloody wings.
Okay. Well, I’m still alive, right? Yeah? I think so! That’s good.
I hear footsteps coming towards me.
“Why is it still here?” A distant voice says. I don’t know if it wants me to answer.
Suddenly, somebody else is much closer. the snow crunches underneath the person’s boots, walking, now standing directly in front of me. I attempt to stand up but fail. Okay. It probably wants to talk to me. Maybe it’s friendly?
What was that? That’s not normal. I didn’t want to say that. Oh good, now it’s going to think I’m insane.
“Oh, hey, little guy- oh, poor you. You don’t look too well, hm?”
A pleasant voice. This one seems nice. I like it.
“COUGHcougHCOUGH- ahem- hrgh-blargh—“
Huh. Y’know, vomiting isn’t really fun. Maybe I’m wrong. It smells like acid. I don’t like acid.
The nice person walks away. What a shame.
I crawl on my hands and knees away from my vomit. Just trying to get to the edge. Honestly, I don’t know much about Heaven, but it’s not too high up, right? I can just fly down and get out-
I almost forgot.
No wings.
My friends are going to go ballistic once I tell them about Heaven and my wings. Nobody goes to Heaven unless they’re being disposed of or something.
Do I even have friends?
Well, I had him- but he’s- he’s not… mhh. He just doesn’t count.
Hm. I guess I don’t have friends. I never really thought about it.
Am I being disposed of? No- oh gods, I am. I really am.
That’s why everything hurts. That’s why they took my wings. That’s why my blood is splattered on the floor.
It’s always the same. Despair. Destruction. Drive. The endless desire to get stuff done.
“Gods- save me. I’m just a hungry angel trying its best. I haven’t done anything wrong. I’m just trying to survive here- please? gods gods gods- I’ll do anything. Please. Just give me another chance…”
Sigh. No hope.
Why did I even try? Why do I? The gods aren’t real. What am I doing?
The first voice finally comes back with its friends. Why does it get to have friends and I don’t? Urgh. I don’t like this.
Its friends look fancy. Important. Something like that. I don’t know.
They hold up a gun which I do not recognize and a very long scroll that has the headline of “Commited Crimes”. I assume it’s for me. You know what I do? You really want to know? That’s right, I run off the ledge and fall to my death.
That’s it. That’s what should’ve happened. But noooo, I can’t die peacefully, because of course.
Triangle itself has to go and save my poor soul from death. Good for it.
I’m just going to be a burden.
I don’t deserve this.
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