#angel x doyle
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dailyats · 4 months ago
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"Look, high school's over, bud! You gotta make with the grownup talk now."
1.01 City Of Angel [1999 - 2004]
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thepunkmuppet · 1 year ago
so I’m on season 1 in my angel rewatch, and I can absolutely believe angel descending into madness in the birthdayverse and it is breaking my heart.
you forget sometimes amidst the plots of the episodes, but internally he took doyle’s death HARD, and he felt responsible for it. but cordelia got the visions, and the important thing is that he has cordelia and wesley to ground him and keep him sane and give him a purpose.
so imagine a universe where there is no cordelia in his life. he leaves buffy, he’s distraught, and then he meets doyle. and they’re actually really similar! two lonely pathetic post-breakup irish part-demons who seek redemption. they fall in love over the few months they have together, they kiss, and doyle dies. and angel is completely alone with literally the weight of the world on his shoulders, or behind his eyes in this case. the visions and the grief and the loneliness and all his other angst and pain pile up until he’s nothing but a shivering wreck.
sure wesley and gunn are giving him a home and doing the dirty work for him, but in this universe they don’t have a connection - how can you have a relationship, a friendship, with a husk of a person?
point is I think angel’s grief over doyle is written really well, and imagining what he would have gone through in that universe where they were canonically in love and he had to deal with mind-melting visions AND cordelia wasn’t there to support him makes me want to cry
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thequeenofsastiel · 4 months ago
As much as I love Cordelia, I can't deny that I'm sad we didn't get to see the AU in which she doesn't come work for Angel so it's Angel who Doyle falls in love with. I'd have been happy with just one episode in which we're shown their romance. But alas.
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sulietsexual · 1 year ago
Why do you think Angel and Doyle grew so fpnd of one another in the short time they had together?
You know, I've actually always wondered if the Irish thing bonded them. We do tend to connect with people who are from similar backgrounds or, if one is a foreigner, with someone else from home.
Outside of that, I think that Doyle and Angel recognise traits in one another; they are both loners, who are somewhat hiding from their pasts, looking to atone for certain mistakes and trying to do the right thing.
Doyle is also very straightforward with Angel, which I think Angel appreciates, and Angel kind of inspires Doyle, and helps him to want to do the right thing.
And lastly, I think David and Glen's real-life friendship probably came through quite strongly in the characters, helping to make the character appear closer and very natural together.
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luneartt · 6 months ago
This is clearly Angel trying to ask them both out on a date
These three were a trouple and no one can convince me otherwise
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starryeyesxx · 6 months ago
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lottiesoka · 23 days ago
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Femslash February Day 8: Gemma Doyle & Felicity Worthington
“She holds and I do not break away, and that is something after all. We lie there, tethered to each other by the fragile promise of our fingers while the night grows bolder. Unafraid, it opens its mouth and swallows us whole.”
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prose-for-hire · 2 years ago
Third Eye Blind
Pairing: Doyle x reader
Request: Doyle with a reader who also gets visions. Good suggestions: they both knew of each other beforehand, they did not know and found out and it's just like "same!!", reader is somehow just,,,, unaware of what they mean and tries to ignore them. I'm not sure of which scenario I'll let you pick. Thought of this when we were talking about him earlier
Requested by: 🏜 anon - I’m so sorry it’s taken so long !! 💖
Warning: Alcohol consumption.
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You were happiest alone. Or perhaps, you had become so used to it you weren’t able to fathom letting anyone into your life. People tended to misunderstand you, you could see things that they couldn’t.
Even your family had turned their backs on you, you were always too quick to point out if they were hiding something. You couldn’t help it, you felt it inside. Nobody got why, not even yourself. You just supposed you were meant to be alone. Never understood.
You were incredibly observant, and people just didn’t seem to like that. People kind of got spooked when you knew too much. You saw through people and you didn’t really understand how. You just knew.
You weren’t too concerned about the how and the why, mostly because it didn’t really matter. You had always guessed you were lucky really. You just sort of ended up getting the right gut feelings about things. Your daydreams were blurred, your thoughts abstract. And some days they gave you one hell of a headache. But they worked for you. Helped you pay the rent.
You had set up a one person PI firm, not mystical or geared towards demons. You didn’t even know they existed. The boring kind where you spent long hours in your car and took pictures of people cheating on their partners for a profit. You took every case you knew you would make money on, that was the thing about your visions, you saw when the client was wrong about their partner and only took the cases worth your time.
You were sat sideways in your beat up car, legs over the passenger side as you waited for the moment you knew was coming. Your leather jacket draped over you like a blanket as you waited. You were having one of those blurry daydreams again, where the picture moved like a film behind your eye except through an incredibly thick fog.
You were so used to it, you assumed everyone thought in the same way. But they didn’t. You were getting visions. Some days so painful you stayed in bed all day, only dragging yourself out when you felt like you needed to go outside and do something. You always ended up stumbling into helping someone out.
Nobody knew you personally but people knew of you. Knew of how you helped.
You saw someone moving. That was your guy. You grabbed your camera, ready to take a shot of him with this woman that was definitely not your client. You were about to get the perfect shot when your vision was obscured. The lens was blocked by something. Twice in one week? Maybe you weren’t so lucky.
“Hey, hey!” You slammed the door of your car in exasperation, “Doyle! Not again!”
“This one’s mine, darlin’” he collared the guy, who was wearing a human skin suit but you really didn’t need to know that.
“So not a darling. And he’s so not yours either” You insisted, grabbing the sleeve of the mark. Moving him towards his companion as if to will them to kiss with you and Doyle as your audience.
This had never happened until Doyle had arrived in town. It was like he followed you around, swooping in at the last moment to snatch up the people you were tailing. It was almost as if his gut feelings were similar to yours.
You always ran into him like this, he had honestly irritated you to begin with, but you suppose even your luck had to run out at some point. You ended up doing this every other week or so. Fighting over who got to take the glory and in your case the money home. What, you liked helping people out but you had to eat didn’t you?
What you didn’t know is that Doyle was saving the woman from being drained dry. He was a vampire but he had a reputation to maintain, he was a high up lawyer at some law firm you had never heard of and so hadn’t started to attack in case it may ruin his upcoming promotion.
At first he fought with you when the charm didn’t work. Trying to convince you to let him have them. He didn’t have the heart to tell you these people were evil.
Later on though, once he got to know you a little more, he let you have it. Put up less of a fight. After speaking to you, he realised your bills rested on this. He also realised that he liked you. You were strong, independent and he was completely head over heels for you. He eventually just circled back later and brought the demon in to Angel. The vampire ran off, at an almost inhuman pace you noted.
Tonight, neither of you got what you wanted. Or so you thought.
You frequented the same bar. Eventually you started meeting together, you both worked irregular hours and you both appreciated the company.
You enjoyed spending time with him, but you could never let yourself relax around him. You kept people at a distance, you didn’t like making people uncomfortable and that’s all you seemed to do. You kept him at arm’s length, just like you did with everyone.
You liked him, his charm definitely had an effect on you. You wanted to let him know you, but even with the warmth of the liquor sliding down your throat it had never given you enough courage before.
You leaned against the bar, lost in his eyes as you smiled softly, damning yourself for letting any potential with this attractive man pass you by. You met your glass with his before you both downed your drinks.
You were hard to read. But he searched for any scrap that he could find. He loved it when you laughed and the sound of your voice, especially when you were annoyed with him, drove him wild.
“Maybe it’s the liquor talkin’ but I see something in you” he shook his head and looked into the bottom of his empty glass.
“Yeah, I think it’s the liquor…. Kiss me?” You surprised yourself more than him. Perhaps the powers themselves had intervened, you surely would have never spoken your thoughts aloud if they hadn’t. It was all he had ever wanted to do, you didn’t have to ask twice.
You reached for him, your hand grazing his upper arm as he pulled you into him. His hand clasping the base of your skull as his lips met yours. He kissed you as if you were going to disappear when he opened his eyes again, he savoured every touch you graced him with. He was memorising the way you felt, the way you tasted, how you kissed with such intensity.
Your visions had been hazy for so long. So hazy they hadn’t even registered as anything other than a daydream. Your (second) sight blurred, a supernatural water wash. Until now. Until him.
He had suddenly made everything so clear. Even in your tipsy state. It was fireworks, shooting stars and any other cliché under the sun. But you felt it, honest to God, you felt it.
You were meant to meet. You were meant to understand. To finally see the way that you were supposed to. To use your gift, your visions, because that’s what they were, for good. For a purpose. A purpose you didn’t realise you had been craving until now.
He felt it too, he must have. The ground had shaken. The Earth had tilted on its axis. It made everything intense, especially the kiss. He reached for you, pulling you closer until you nearly toppled from the bar stool you were sat on.
That’s when you parted, he smiled as your breathy laughter bubbled over. God, he loved that laugh. Love, what a funny thing it was.
A flash, like flipping through an old photo album in reverse…
Green skin. Soft bed. Doyle’s smiling face glowing in candlelight. Your lips on his, his hand in yours. Running through the streets, scared but on top of the world. Tailing something big and violent. A tall man in a trench coat hugging you and Doyle, and smiling. Your life suddenly feeling fuller. Hope sprang from deep within.
“That was…” You couldn’t find the words. But he knew.
“Oh, yeah,” He nodded, recognition in his eyes, “Why didn’t you say?” He meant about the visions. He knew all to well why you might have hidden your feelings.
“Why didn’t you?” You asked trying to pretend you knew what he was talking about.
“You didn’t know, did ya?”
“Know, uh, know what?”
“You got the sight, welcome to the club, darlin’. Not exactly a winner, that I’ll grant you, but nobody said the good fight was a fair one”
“Uh… the club?” It was a lot to take in. The sight? Good fights?
“You want more, don’t you? You want to do somethin’ that isn’t sitting around waiting for some idiot to cheat on his partner, which I would never do by the by” he raised his hands in surrender as he said it, which made you smile. Nodding slightly at his words.
You did want more. You wanted to live, not to just survive. You wanted to be someone, do something worthwhile. And you knew for sure that you wanted to do it by Doyle’s side.
“I know a guy I want you to meet. Well, not so much a guy as a-”
“What, now?”
“No better time than any,” he shrugged before hesitating, “Uh, maybe after one more-” He was going to say drink. But you both knew he meant kiss. You crashed your lips to his, addicted to the way he tasted. This feeling could get your drunker than any liquor this place had to offer. You had never felt for anyone like this. Never understood someone, felt such a connection.
And just like that, you had joined the good fight. Doyle took good care of you, helped talk you through everything in that disarming way that made you feel safe even when you were being chased by demons. He doted on you and ensuring he always had pain meds handy whenever you needed them. Even though you always insisted he should take care of himself in the same way but he always told you that’s what he had you for. You were each other’s biggest support.
He was a good man. A good demon, you later understood. You could never love anyone more. Your visions complemented each other’s. You received messages that he didn’t and together, they created a bigger picture. Easier to understand than jut one of you alone.
You were soulmates, in every sense. And loneliness had become a long distant memory.
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spangelmybeloved · 2 years ago
Ok, I think they could have a fun dynamic. I do like Cordelia/Doyle. I'm not a huge fan of Cordelia/Angel despite loving both of them, this is because mostly I feel that it's used (in fanfic at least) to get Angel away from Buffy (usually to clear the way for Spike/Buffy) rather than being explored on it's own. Angel/Doyle, eh, I dunno that I see it. However, I think that the three of them do have polycule energy, and it would be really fun to see, I think.
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thepunkmuppet · 2 years ago
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Angel: The Series + OT3’s
↳ Left to right, top to bottom: Wesley/Angel/Cordelia, Gunn/Cordelia/Wesley, Wesley/Fred/Gunn, Doyle/Angel/Cordelia
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thequeenofsastiel · 4 months ago
I like how the show set up Angel getting the visions from Doyle in the AU in 3x11 in 1x04 when Doyle admits to being attracted to Angel. I appreciate shows that think ahead.
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starryeyesxx · 1 year ago
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whatisyourchildhoodtrauma · 6 months ago
#Cordy you said that to an Irishman?! (via @thefoolsprincess)
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BTVS 2.02 | ATS 1.05
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awinterrosesstuff · 9 months ago
I like Angel far more in his own show than in Buffy. While watching Buffy, I always found him kind of uninteresting, boring and unidimensional. And I've never liked the couple Angel x Buffy. The trope of the vampire falling in love with a teenager does bother me, like a lot. And I prefer Angelus to Angel in Buffy. As a a villain, he was still obsessed with Buffy. But there were more things going for him in season 2, his weird relationship with Drusilla, his rivalry with Spike, him making plans to end the world.
Well, going back to his own show, I like him more in it because he's more than the mysterious vampire who loves the heroine. He still does and will always be - apparently. But he has a quest, a few friends, a job, his own antagonists. He makes connections. Some of his traits appear more. I'd say the first thing you notice is how awkward he acts. He's learning with Cordelia, Doyle, then Wesley and others to be more sensitive. I guess, when he was in Angel, we could sometimes forgot that he's pretty old. And sometimes he plays the role of the "adult" in the group. On the contrary, he can be very immature like with Lindsey. There are other traits, he's more developed. But otherwise, I'm not sure I like him that much.
In general, I'd say he's not my type of character. And probably the first impression plays a role in it. I don't like how insensitive and emotionless he can be. Even, he lacks some passion. He seems so disconnected from the world sometimes. That's something I don't really like. I have a hard time to feel something else than boredom... and I don't always understand his decisions.
I believe I like Angel the series for the other characters like Cordelia and Wesley. I love Cordelia and was interested how Wesley would fit in the show. I actually enjoy Gunn and Fred - she's so cute. And Lorne is such a fun character to follow.
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lottiesoka · 6 months ago
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Not enough people talk about the scene in a great and terrible beauty when the girls are having fun in the caves and Felicity kisses Gemma after eating an apple. That moment lives rent free in my brain.
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