#angel x demon au
toastedjeans · 6 months
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Unnamed Demon Caine x Angel Kinger au! Because i cannot be contained
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stardust948 · 2 months
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Angel Friends Zutara AU
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spacebubblehomebase · 2 months
"A New Day Will Dawn."
-Said some guy named Luke probably.
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Welcome to my #HHStargazersAU! Stay Tuned~♡? -Bubbly💙
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u3pxx · 9 months
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In a roughly parallel universe, Demon Aziraphale tempts Angel Crowley to a little vacation, and they find their way to a bookshop in a familiar place inhabited by familiar faces. Crowley (both of them) would like to stop this nonsense before it can start, but Aziraphale's curiosity wins out, and they spend a day together that ends up being loaded with little revelations (but not, thankfully, any Revelations).
anyway, thanks again to elle for writing this and to koi for giving some painful name lore to these nerds because i genuinely can't express how GRAGHARGGH this made me! i swear i've been rereading it for like a billion times already bc it's just that good and charming!
i'm gonna put some bonus messy doodles of the fic and other things below the cut! :^] i'm also thinking about putting this up on my inprnt shop too but i'm not sure, tell me if you want it there or smth pftt
like this art? it's a print, here! | like what i do? support me on ko-fi!
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i know i didn't go with the usual angel and demon color schemes show gomens has to offer bc i think these two are just disruptive like that pftt <3 but i was curious to know what they'd look like so here's a comparison gif i whipped up when i was in the flat colors stage of drawing this pftt
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AND THIS ONE. oh im insane im normal im [static noise]
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there are a lot more moments i wanna draw trust me but this one does make me laugh bc i want to leave angel crowley and angel aziraphale in a room and see what happens. their dynamic, i'm obsessed with it DFGHD
and here's the link to the fic again bc if you managed to get down here without reading it first, then what are you doing!
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moonyeyes · 10 months
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chimkin-samich · 3 months
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Sorry for the wait lol, but heres Sun!
Sun is a fallen angel that made a pact with a powerful trapped chaos goddess to maintain his powers and original form, although for keeping his form it was unneeded due to him only looking “corrupted” was a mental issue not an issue of him being fallen, but the deal at least stopped it from progressing even with his mental state
As a part of the deal he was free to as he wished but if she called for him, he would have no choice to obey and do as she said, which is how he ends up being Tari’s guardian, unaware, Tari is the perfect “host” and gateway for the goddess to free herself, but she needs her alive for that, who better to keep her safe than a high ranking fallen angel under her command until the time is right, even better when 2 other powerful entities enter the picture and fall for her as well, all the goddess has do is wait
Sun is a very charismatic asshole who loves to cause mayhem, a coping mechanism since his chaotic personality was what got him kicked out in the first place, not because he was causing any harm, but simply that his chaotic and joyful personality did not fit the ridged norms and laws and he would unbalance and corrupt the others, better to cast him out than risk trouble. But he is a kind sweetheart, just simply afraid of being hurt for being himself, he’d rather mask and play the part of what heaven believes him to be
He does soften as time passes with Tari and the other 2, slowly realizing he can drop parts of the mask, at least around the 3 of them, doesnt mean his nasty personality gets him trouble, both with Tari and the goddess since he loves to push boundaries but he gets better
Tari likes to call him Rays, disco ball, crystal ball (even waving her arms around his head like shes getting a vision), or just calling him a giant walking nightlight, he acts huffy about the nicknames but he secretly likes them, they may be teasing but their friendly
When others come over he disguises himself as a barn owl, Tari even putting up a wooden bird house for him. He does use it at times, he likes being high up in a little box, offers some comfort for him when he just wants to relax or have some space for himself
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golswia · 8 months
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Earlier, in the said different pub... an angelic titty grab.
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kingzombear · 5 months
Spicy art trade w @pixie-inkk of their ladies from their Cursed Monsters AU!! (@ask-gorgon-ragatha teehee)
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Go ahead and flirt w her girl, if you wanna be a stone statue THAT damn bad 🙄
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heohl-art · 15 days
It's time for Reverse Omens!!🔥✨
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• "Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven, my dear." •
Demon!Aziraphale and Angel!Crowley in a late night Reverse Omens fanart I couldn't help but do🥹✨
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shadebloopnik · 4 months
Angelic Alastor AU bc the poly im thinkin out for it makes me laugh sometimes.
Lilith and Lucifer winding down in each others arms after having sex, having random conversation topics and eventually ending on Alastor.
Lilith: He's always been so reserved with anything regarding this, are most of your kind like that or???
Lucifer: No, I mean we are able to have those kinds of relationships, they're not really taboo amongst angels. Alastor's just....never been interested in it...?
Lilith: Hmmm.....
Lucifer: ..........
Lilith: ......he'd be pretty fucking hot tho-
Lucifer: Oh stars yes, I've been envisioning it for eons, you have no idea-
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thegnomelord · 2 months
Demon hunter reader squeezing demon ghost while asleep that it somewhat painful grip having ghost shocked about how fuck did hw manage to go through wtver barrier stopping them from hurting eachother and demon hunter who was clinging out of finding peace and protection with simon in some sort that his pride too strong to admit that he feels afficnated to demon like that
Okay this got my brain worms worming
It's said what makes a hunter isn't silver or blessed water, but nightmares and blood. You're not a stranger to either, no hunter that's in the industry for something more than stupid pride is intimately familiar with sleepless nights. You know all the ways your mind comes up with to haunt you, and this time you're accosted with the usual frights; cracked claws reaching out to snatch you up, glowing eyes hunting you through twisting corridors of your family home, crooked teeth tearing into your flesh and vomiting your blood back into your mouth until you choke.
Though you are a grown man now, you still whimper like a babe when the nightmares come crawling back. Your body turns on it's own, reaching out and grasping the first thing your fingers touch like a child after a teddy bear. Your grip is iron tight as you pull the warm body closer to you, wrapping all four limbs around Ghost and he's certain he can hear his makeshift bones creak.
Ghost lays motionless, arms by his side, looking straight at the ceiling. Ghost doesn't remember when he last laid in a bed- scratch that. He doesn't even remember when he had laid down at all. Certainly not since he became a demon. And the only reason why he's laying there with his thumb up his ass instead of doing something worthwhile, like finding a way to dissolve this 'marriage', is because you two aren't able to be far away from each other and Ghost would rather get thrown out of Heaven again than lay on the ground like a dog.
At yet another shift of your body he turns his head enough to look at you. He watches your face twist, eyes screwing shut, lips pulling back into a snarl. But the 'fearsome' visage quickly falls and you burrow your face into his neck with a soft whimper, shivering like a puppy. Your arms tighten, blunt nails digging into his arm.
It hurts.
If he had eyebrows on the skull making up his 'face' they would have reached the center of his skull. He can't even begin to think how you're able to hurt him right now. The mere fact that God's pet project, so ugly in your fragility, could hurt him has disgust curling in his stomach.
Ghost has a stray thought to throw you off and acts on it — he's a demon after all, his existence is focused on the suffering of humans. He raises the hand you're not clutching like a lifeline, sharp claws quickly reaching to grab the back of your shirt, trying to summon up the strength to throw you off despite the damned binding.
He's not sure if it's the binding that stops him or the soft sob you let out fucking hope not. His fist relaxes, large paw like hand sliding down your back to slip under your shirt. His hand is warm like dying coals against your sweaty skin, trailing up the curve of your spine and back again in slow even strokes.
It's as if you can feel how shit he is at this, at, -blech- comforting you, your body shifting and starting to squirm away from him. "Enough good hunter." Ghost grunts, voice like grinding glass on sandpaper as he turns on his side, pulling you close with his chest. "You're alright."
The combination of his voice and the heat coming off his body soothes your mind. He feels you melt into his body, all your muscles relaxing, the frantic beating of your heart slowing as you start to take in slow measured breaths. He desperately wants to think of you as a maggot when you burrow your face into his neck, as some disgusting thing when you wrap all your limbs around him. Cute.
He finds he can't. He can't think at all; the sensation of your body against his leaves his mind empty, Tv static buzzing in his core. His chest rumbles with a low and deep growl definitely not a purr, He doesn't purr. You make a noise in return, your grip relaxing but in no way letting him go, mumbling unintelligent words under your breath.
Imagine that, a demon comforting a hunter. Ghost really did lose his mind on the way down.
His hand wraps around your waist and he can feel your sleepy smile against neck.... Holding you a little longer shouldn't hurt.
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toastedjeans · 7 months
Okay but imagine Caine as the demon of lust trying to seduce Kinger, an angel.
Caine was usually always successful with his temptations, and has even corrupted a few angels before, but Kinger is different. Kinger is way too nice, and way too oblivious, and way too pure, and Caine just can't seduce him no matter what he tries. But he is up for the challenge. And he tries over and over and over again, but nothing seems to work.
And as fate would have it, Caine realizes that he's fallen in love with Kinger. Which shouldn't be possible at all. And then they're both conflicted cause angels and demons shouldn't love each other, but here they are.
And then Kinger is the one seducing Caine-
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tkthrilla-writes · 8 months
What was in that drink?
An Alastor x reader fic. Slight warning of possessiveness might be needed but only for that one scene
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His smile was as strained as it could ever be as he watched and felt his darling host get ready. Checking themselves out in the full-length mirror in the corridor, making sure that the nice and neat clothes that they have not worn in a very long time. Patting down the sides that looked like they are creasing, making sure that they are presentable for the night.
“You know my dear,” Alastor’s shadow parted from his host and appeared in the mirror as if he was an extension of the human, “you could just stay here with me,” he tried to act sly by getting in his host’s face, as if trying to seduce them into staying with them.
“Oh come on Al, it’s my turn to be switched out tonight, and we barely go out as is,” the human now started to fixate on their hair, trying to make sure that it was properly parted and styled. “Besides, you know this is a work thing that I can’t exactly get out of,” they started, “and didn’t you say you had business at the hotel and that is why I got today to be switched out.”
Since he was an almighty demon with almighty powers and abnormalities, his smile became more strained, literally stretching ear to ear while his brows gave away the scowl that he would convey had he been there in person. But alas he was bound to the shadows. And he couldn’t show his darling host his blatant disagreement without saying anything so she could spend more time with him.
“Ok, I am done,” she said, this brought him down to Earth and brought him back to reality, “and I am heading off,” she ended with a brilliant smile on her face, clearly looking forward to the evening.
“Now now my dearest,” he motioned as she started to walk to the door, only stopping by the kitchen counter to wear the nice shoes that are practically new despite owning them for a good year or so, before making a grab for the keys and moving closer to the door, “why not have a ball here with me instead of those retched and filthy people you work with.” He tried to gesture as best as he could through his parted shadow, but all he looked like was a wispy black smog that was tightly bound together to make his outer shape.
“Hey come on, it’s not like I am going to be gone that long anyways, beside you got stuff at the hotel you said you needed to do aaaaand,” she prolonged it as if it was going to be the next main and great point, “you get to have a break from me and have time to yourself! I know how much you hate being cooped up for so long.” Ending with a gentle smile that shocked Alastor, making him take his hand back at very slight shock and rendering him speechless. “Anyways, I’m off! Good luck at the hotel and see you later!” she smiled, and that was that, she was out the door, only a single light on for his sake otherwise the apartment would’ve been completely dark.
“I don’t want a break from you,” if he were human, he could’ve sworn he sounded heartbroken, but instead they came out as plain words with a lot of emotion trying to be hidden as the main meaning behind them. A good number of beats had passed with him standing by the door like a lost puppy waiting for his owner to return before he realised a good hour had passed. It was time for him to head back down to greet and terrorise the citizens of Hell.
But first… a quick side stop to a certain bar wouldn’t hurt one bit.
So dispersing back into the shadows, he started to travel half way across the city just to go to this one specific bar where his darling host is. Surely enough, there she was, Alastor could see her from the under the streetlight across the bar. She was laughing, looking like she was having a good time. Slimy Dave on the other hand looked like he was trying to pull some moves on her, but blissfully ignorant she just kept on talking with Channel. She looked so adorable, while she still put a lot of effort in dressing up, she was still decent compared to her female coworkers who tried their hardest to wear revealing clothes.
“Someone is looking to be sinful tonight?” Alastor thought to himself watching everyone interact with you. “Should be sinful with me instead,” he continued, thinking of all the people they could be out killing together. All the fun and chaos they could bring together.
All these thoughts started to leave a sour taste in his mouth the long he watched you laugh and interact with colleagues. Having enough, and in a very bad mood, he slammed his microphone on the ground, and in a split second he was now staring at the walls of his room at the hotel. He sneered at them as if they had done something wrong to him. The smile he held being gracefully fake, as he had enough on being in his room, and barged out the door. Making his way down the stairs were everybody was and greeting them with a boisterous “Hello Everyone!”
The three hours later the work was done, denizens of hell coming and going, the princess of Hell skipping around all happy at her success, the moth following close behind her. Meanwhile the cat stood behind the bar, as was his post to clean the glasses and make the drinks, all while being hovered by the flirtatious spider. Alastor spent a good second staring at them before deciding to fuck it, and walk over to them. She is out at the moment so he will be too.
“Your largest drink of your heaviest, my good Husker!” he demanded, pulling out a chair to seat himself on.
“Since when ya sit with us antlers! Not that I’m complaining ofcourse,” Angel said flirtatiously, arms and hands spread out as he leaned onto Alastor’s side.
“Do not be ridiculous,” Alastor replied, using the head of his microphone to push Angel’s face away, “I am merely here to enjoy a drink.”
“Kid does have a point,” Husker glared while pouring the radio demon his drink and sliding it right into the demon’s hand, “You don’t normally drink here. What’s wrong with you?”
“Well you see, it certainly has been a long week,” Alastor exclaimed, beating about the bush because why would he do the healthy thing and open up as to why he is upset. Only person he would do that to is not around and out on their own.
Self-absorbed into his rant, he failed to realise Angel’s bored expression leaning into Husker and ask the classic question, “What ya give ‘im?”
Husker just leaned while cleaning his next glass, “Water with 2 shots of absinthe,” Angeldust had to visibly stop himself from spit-taking his drink all over Husker before an evil grin spread across his face, one that he didn’t bother to hide as he watched Alastor take sip after sip between rants. “Give ‘im a couple more minutes, he’ll start singing like a canary,” Husker continued eyeing the poor demon that is has now fallen victim to his bartending skills.
Surely enough, the winged cat was right, Alastor had started to sway and slur at his words, as he finally arrived in ranting on about his week that has gotten him upset, “And then she said yes!”
“No!” Angel and Husker yelled out in sync, now invested in the drama that is between Alastor’s host and Alastor himself.
“Yes!” Alastor swayed, shifting his weight onto the bar, “can you actually believe that she said yes to going out with that blasted Dave and those filthy people she works with!”
“This ‘Dave’ sure sounds like a sleazeball!” Angel jumped in absolutely loving the drama of Alastor’s life.
“The sleaziest!” Alastor yelled lifting his microphone up in the air so hard he threw himself off his seat, and scrambled to grab the bar to catch himself before he fell to the ground, “he cannot see one living being with legs without trying to seducing it!” Hands now outstretched, face planted down on the bar, heaving heavily from getting even more heated up and angry than he already was.
“Why would she go out with them?! She should’ve stayed with me,” he straightened himself out, now standing, hands still down on the bar, but his eyes started to turn into radio dials turning, his head started to twitch, static started to play in the background, “SHE LEAVING ME!” he yelled out, his hands clutched so quickly he scratch the bar, leaving behind claw marks, and now static filled the air.
“You know Al,” the static now cut, his eyes now back to normal and looking at Charlie who had overheard and walked in on the conversation, “maybe you should talk to her about this and how you feel about it,” she said now starting to stutter and feel nervous under the attention Alastor was giving her with his intensive gaze.
“Yeah,” Angel jumped in starting to light a cigarette, “don’t get your panties in a twist, the gal is allowed to have her own night on the town. Can’t she?” he side-eyed Alastor, depending on his answer he would have been judging, but thankfully he did agree.
“Yes she may, she is her own human being-“
“Then what is the problem!” Vaggie jumped in getting fed of his temper tantrum.
“The problem is-!” he was about to finally admit it, but he got interrupted by his microphone literally ringing like a regular phone. “Hello?” he turned around, speaking into the microphone to answer, acting fully sober despite the little sway that was very evident to everyone at the bar.
“Hey Al, how are you doing?” the star of the show replied back for everyone to hear. Angel sucked in and started to choke on his cigarette, Husker spit out his drink, and Charlie just to shake Vaggie out of sheer excitement, “Is that what she sounds like?” she exclaimed, so full of excitement that you could see the hearts in her eyes.
Alastor turned away even more as everybody started to crowd on his to try to hear what the two were going to say, “Quick hectic as per the usual my dear, although some rascals do not know how to mind their own business,” he nearly snarled, trying to give everyone a threatening look to leave him alone but obviously it went ignored.
“You think you’ll be home soon? Got some tea to spill,” she trailed off.
“And what other mess did you get yourself into you little fox,” Alastor spoke deeper into the microphone, walking away from the piling sinners and princess who trailed behind him, somehow Nifty had joined in on their fun on trying to overhear his conversation. Brilliant.
“Not me, more like Donna… with Dave,” Angel choked on air and started to laugh as soon as he heard that, “sounds like it’s going to be double D up in the office tomorrow…” Angel started to wheeze at the innuendo.
“Where are you?” Alastor started to sound desperate, trying to leave, the prying eyes of the hotel.
“I’m at home-“
“Goodnight everyone!” Alastor turned to announced, arms outstretched in the air, proceeded to slam his microphone to the ground, and in a burst of light he was back in the apartment watching his dear human pour a glass of water.
“Hey Al,” she said smiling ear to ear.
“Hello darling, you’re home early,” he commented shifting his shadowed weight to stand next to her by the counter.
“Yeah everyone started to get drunk and I figured since we have work tomorrow I might as well leave early, everyone is still at the bar probably getting wasted,” she explained, drinking her water and started to make her way to the bathroom to get cleaned up for bed. “By the way,” she started, ripping off her clothes and putting them in the laundry basket, “who or what was that on your end of the line?”
Alastor let out radio glitch sound effect at the sudden question, “I do not know what you are talking about my dear,” he lied.
“Mhm sure,” the human figured out quickly that it was a lie and probably one of the people he talked about that help run the hotel, “now come on and jump in, got some tea you might like me to spill and an early night calling!” she stretched her arms, popping her stiff joints as she walked down the corridor.
Eager for everything to return back to normal and for him to accompany his host to rest in bed, he eagerly fused back into her body. However, something immediately felt off for the both of them. She immediately rushed back to the bathroom and threw herself to the toilet, luckily it was open, and whatever was in her stomach was now being wretched up into the toilet.
“The fuck is happening?! That was a $15 fat ass burger!” she heaved and proceeded to vomit a second time.
“Maybe it was all the drinking you have been doing,” Alastor replied in a passive aggressive manner, mostly because he also was feeling its effects and definitely the thought of her getting drunk and drinking with those lowly being she worked with being absolutely irritating.
“That’s bull! I’ve been,” she paused the heave before continuing, “been chugging water the whole night!” she then coughed up. “Hell no this was you,” she accused after finally calming down.
“And why would accuse me of doing this to us?!” Alastor got agitated.
“Well we know what affects you affects me so spill it! What did you drink?” she heaved even more, both of them feeling a wave of nausea coming over.
“…I will need to ask Husker tomorrow…” Alastor said blankly.
“AAAAaaaaaaalllll,” she groaned, “guess we are going into work with a hangover,” she sighed, the both of them now feeling absolutely exhausted.
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spacebubblehomebase · 2 months
Out of context reimagined parts from my new #HHStargazersAU!
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⚠️ TW: Nerdy word vomit about my coloring choices ahead:
My take on human Chaggie & Radioapple's color scheme! Yes. I headcanon the Magnes as beautiful blondes with just as beautiful brown eyes. Because there's no WAY warm red & yellows translate to cool baby blues! If anything, Vaggie's eyes would be the lighter shade. (At least in my AU.) Because her canon eyes are white and I think the dark skin contrast nicely with blue. As for Alastor's green... Look. Give me a chance! I swear I can later explain it through lore!
As for their clothes, I just chose hell's red for Charline, heavenly hues for Vaggie, earthy colors for Alastor to balance the green (with some white rather than black to show his employment under the Magnes), and pastels for Lucius (though out of everyone in my story, he may undergo the most palette switches. Just saying).
Spoiler for my recent comic update: As you can see, Vaggie & Alastor's human disguises aren't perfect. Thus some parts of their hair remain unchanged. Vaggie's ineffable white bangs and Alastor's brown-passing too-vibrant red hair (which mind you, was a difficult balance to achieve. Specially to match the greens-) still ever so distinct. People think they dyed it, but I assure you, it's all natural~! Along with their near supernatural ability to charm. Lol. -Bubbly💙
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thore-lb · 3 months
Mix @big-old-bee angels and demons AU with some good omens vibes and you'll get a Showtime fanart.
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maudiemoods · 8 months
Homies chill on each other's lap and flirt at sleepovers right
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Exploding your brain with my sun x moon art
Speed draw below omg
I absolutely hate my art process but this is fun to watch so im sharing it wooo
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