#angel carmilla au
shadebloopnik · 6 months
Some really messy sketches on a small little AU with Carmilla as a Fallen Angel Warrior.
Different from the Exorcists who slaughter Sinners, and more dedicated to the actual protection of Heaven against the darker forces. The designs haven't been thought out much, but I like drawing the horns, so I thought it'd be a cool warrior hairdo, like how Exorcists wore demonic masks (I was really bored in class okay-)
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Her daughters, Odette and Clara are there too. They looked pretty different even as twins, which were a bit of an oddity at the time. They were often made to dress alike, and act alike. Most viewed them as a package deal rather than taking time to understand their individuality.
Its why they're dressed so freely in hell, relishing in how different they can be whilst still having a great bond.
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Her daughters are ultimately what causes her to fall. Drawing the half horn half hair down style looked a lot cooler in my head, but it was fun regardless.
Some secret regarding her daughters get found out, Heaven making her choose to either cast her daughters down or join them. Carmilla didn't hesitate.
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More info on the AU/fic in the cut belowww:
I dunno if im ever gonna expand on it, but I loved the idea of making it Zestmilla. Maybe Carmilla met the old Overlord in one of her trips in hell, maybe fighting in a battle there? Or helping establish order? Anyway, she was alone when she met Zestial, and the two were quiet the enemies when they met. They fought, though didn't aim to kill, resulting in a close fight with Carmilla as victor. She wasn't an Exorcist warrior, and saw no need to immediately end this Overlord. She wasn't sent there to do mindless murder, and would like to avoid useless battles if she could. Besides, he was polite enough, and though she didn't trust him, he didn't grate on her nerves either. Zestial was quite taken with her, suspicious and quite murderous towards an angel, but liked her well enough for her wit and level headedness. Her grace and skill in battle was also admirable.
They bump into each other many more times, over the course of Carmilla's visits to hell, and with each meeting, they turn a bit more cordial, even striking an unlikely friendship, that blossoms into much more. It takes them about a hundred or so years(bc i LOVE relationships that REAAAALLLY take the time to develop and build on that trust and love) before they become romantically involved. They seem like the couple who would take it slow, being cautious and not rushing anything less it would harm the other.
And though Carmilla's trips to hell were halted, their love was not for naught as she gave birth to Clara and Odette. Her one regret was not being able to give Zestial the great news, he would've been an amazing father.
She manages to hide their identities for a good while. The two had rather angelic features, wings and all, and humanoid forms unlike their father's. The only thing that pointed to their demonic heritage were their eyes, whose sclera was the same shade of red as her iris. It was easily hidden with simple spells though. The two girls bore quite the resemblance towards her, even with some oddities, and were left fairly alone, being able to remain undetected for decades.
(I just left this post to sketch this out real quick lol, just to get the coloring in mind, not set on the design but I dont mind it.)
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The peace couldn't last. After a while with Odette and Clara still being considered young as angels, their secret gets out. Maybe the spells wore off, or by a slip of the tongue, but for some reason or another it gets found out that they're half demons. They were attacked, and the daughters were stripped of their wings and sentenced to be cast down to Hell, left at the mercy of the next Extermination. Carmilla was given a chance to redeem herself and stand back, and let her "mistakes" be washed clean.
Carmilla fought back, her wingless daughters clutching to her own feathers for protection. She scooped them up, flying away to hell, less they get any more damaged. Try as she might, however, they didn't manage to escape unscathed. She plummeted into Hell; feeling the curses and painful burn of magic at her back, nipping at her form.
It was as if Heaven and Hell itself tore her apart with her descent, both pulling with reckless abandon, shaping her into what they wanted.
She couldn't even afford to lose consciousness; she had her daughters to protect after all. Both girls were weak and bleeding, their backs aching from where their wings used to be. Carmilla glanced at her own feathers, and felt her heart break. It looked just as painful as it felt. Her once sleek and razor sharp looking feathers were nearly singed beyond repair. She retracted them, less she attract more enemies with them in display.
She struggled to get up, carrying her daughters with her despite the weakness in her legs. She didn't even have her spear with her, weaponless except for the ballet slippers she'd forged herself with angelic steel. Her hair was down and unruly, all three of them covered in burns and cuts and bruises and bleeding wounds. The attack came out of nowhere. Her daughters weren't even given a chance to defend themselves.
Weaponless. It can't happen again.
She manages to drag her daughters with her, only one place she could think of approaching. Its been decades since she's been to Hell, she hopes the territories didn't change too much. She was hesitant in going to Zestial for help. After all, its been years, and she'd left without being able to say goodbye. He'd be justified in hating her, and she wouldn't hold it against him. At the least, they could hide somewhere in his territory. His lands were one of the best choices, the demons residing under his rule were fairly disciplined. In a place as dangerous as Hell, an environment that was fairly familiar to her gave some bit of comfort. Even if he didn't accept them, even if he was unaware of their existence, Carmilla was satisfied with simply a place to rest.
She needed not worry though. As soon as Zestial heard the slightest news about strangers in his territory, he rushed to meet them himself. He noticed the large crash just some hours before night fell, and couldn't help the spark of hope. He was greeted by the sight of a few dead bodies, 1 or 2 who thought they could get lucky taking advantage of a weakened opponent. He arrived just in time to see a third fall, bloodied heels clicking on the ground below. The figure stood tall, though was clearly tired and heaving deep breaths. He barely noticed the two smaller figures in the distance, his gaze focused solely upon the lone woman, whose silver hair was still so beautiful even with all the dirt and blood matting it. He stepped closer, the sound of it causing the woman to turn and-
It didn't matter how dark it was. It didn't matter how her sclera was now the same shade of red as her iris were, as if it were inverted. He'd recognize her anywhere.
Without caring that he'd get stabbed himself, he rushed to pull her in a tight embrace, feeling her freeze beneath his arms. He buried his face in her hair, nuzzling it even with the blood and dirt, afraid as though she'd disappear if he ever let go.
He felt her large hands wrap around him and for the first time since his existence in Hell, he felt as if he could cry. This was real. This wasn't a figment of his imagination, nor a result of insanity. She was here. After all these years she came back to him. He couldn't be happier.
He immediately takes her and the two girls back to his residence, letting them clean up and helping patch their wounds. When he found out the two were his daughters, he felt as if- yea no, he was crying, this wasn't just a feeling, he couldn't stop the tears from streaming down as he hugged the two as firmly as he could without aggravating their wounds. He felt so angry for them, enraged that heaven could deal out such punishments for something the girls couldn't control.
He took them all in, preparing rooms for everyone. He prepared one for Carmilla too, not wanting to push his luck. It has been years after all, and he didn't want to force himself onto her should she decide she didn't reciprocate anymore. In the end, they all slept in the same room. Carmilla wanted to be with Zestial, feeling safer with someone else in the room to stand guard, and her daughters crawled back to her, far too afraid to sleep in such a new place alone after everything that happened.
So they all snuggled in the same large bed, Zestial keeping a respectful distance from the young girls as to not frighten them, all the while letting his webbed cloak wrap around Carmilla in comfort.
Carmilla fell asleep last, her thoughts running wild. It was all so much, but right now, here with her daughters in her arms and under Zestial's embrace, she felt at peace for the first time in a long while.
Glancing at the mirror across the room, she hummed at the changes in her eyes. The only thing she could think of was how was that she finally matched her daughters. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all, she'd think, drifting off into sleep.
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theoisdaydreaming · 6 months
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There's a new overlord around town!
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crackerzaf · 1 month
🖌️Teacher Au part3🖌️
Previous - Next
Sooner or later I’ll have to actually give it a name😮‍💨
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Dead but I’m happy with it
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 4 months
Apple Seed 19: STOP!!!
Charlie: Vaggie, where's the baby?
Vaggie: ........I put him down for a nap.
Charlie: .........He isn't in his crib......
Vaggie: ............
Charlie: ............
Charlie & Vaggie: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
Abuelita Carmine: *wearing Sammy on her chest in a baby harness and holding up a baby onesie* I think the powder blue one would look best on him.
Clara: I'm buying him little weapon rattles!!!
Odette: I'm buying him "Advanced Physics for Babies!"
Clara: .....Nerd.
Sammy: *giggles and chews on the harness*
Vaggie: *storms into the store, sees Carmilla with Sammy, and swipes him out of the harness* NO STEALING THE BABY!!!
Vaggie: *sighs in relief as she sets Sammy down on his play mat* I can't believe she kidnapped him....
Charlie: I mean. I can. He's adorable!..... *looks on the floor mat where Sammy was playing a moment ago* Vaggie..... where'd he go?
Vaggie: Huh? *looks at the mat* ..........
Charlie & Vaggie: NOT AGAIN!!!!!!
Lucifer: *putting Sammy in a duckies onesie with a duck hood* There we go! Such an adorable little duckie! Yes, you are! Yes you are!
Sammy: *squeals in delight as Lucifer gives him cheek raspberries*
Charlie: *bursts into Lucifer's room* STOP STEALING MY BABY!!!
Luficer: *shrieks*
Much Later:
Charlie: *crawling into bed after putting Sammy to bed* Fuck.... this.... day..... *faceplants into her pillow*
Vaggie: Agreed...... *pulls up her phone and opens up the baby monitor app* .........Charlie?
Charlie: Mm-hmm?
Vaggie: Where's the baby?
Charlie & Vaggie: ..............FUCKING HELL!!!!!!
Angel: *snuggled in bed with Fat Nuggets in his lap and Sammy cradled in his arm as he reads* Bears love flowers. And grass that tickles feet. Bears love honey because it tastes so sweet. Bears love bees and lots of other bugs. But what Bears love most are AUNCLE BEAR HUGS!!! *cradles Sammy and rocks him in a hug while blowing a raspberry of his cheek*
Sammy: *giggles and shrieks excitedly*
Charlie & Vaggie: *burst into the room transformed and holding weapons* STOOOOOP STEALING OUR BABY!!!!
Angel: *Screams in fear*
Sammy: *giggles and makes grabbing motions to Charlie and Vaggie* MA-MA!!!! MA-MA!!!!
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alieliscious · 7 months
Bro is NOT getting to work early
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tanema123 · 1 month
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Part 7 out of 12 for now. Probs more.
part 6
part 8
If someone wants the thing without the text.
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seramilla · 2 months
For the FALL au can we see the reunion between Carmilla and Sera after Emily's stunt and kidnapping
Sera didn't want to go to Hell herself. In fact, she'd done everything in her power to avoid doing just that. Lucifer is amenable to her plight to get Emily back, but a non-fallen angel descending to Hell of her own volition is outside his wheelhouse. Emily is not his subject. He has no jurisdiction over her. Despite Sera requesting his aid, he can't force the young angel to leave.
The best he can do for Sera is tell her Emily's location. Carmilla had made Emily's presence known to him as soon as the girl revealed her identity. That she's Sera's...and Carmilla's daughter. Lucifer had let Sera know that Emily is safe in Carmilla's care. Sera fell to her knees at the news. Emily's alive. She's okay. She'd actually found Carmilla.
She should be happy. She should be joyful. That her daughter had found her other parent at last, and on her own, no less. The thing she'd wanted for them both, for Emily's entire life, had finally come to pass.
But she is the opposite of those things, because now the reunion between her and Carmilla is inevitable, and she isn't certain how she's going to face her beloved after 10,000 agonizing years apart.
There is nothing else to be done about it, though. Sera opens a portal, directly to the Heaven embassy, and meets Lucifer at the crossroads. He directs her to Carmilla's home on the edge of Pentagram City, a sprawling, heavily fortified compound protected on all sides by cameras and a fence forged of angelic steel. Sera and Lucifer dematerialize, reforming on the other side of the barrier, as easily as water flows around a log. Lucifer knocks on the tall, foreboding structure that is the front door of the Carmine estate. The sound of Lucifer's small knuckles hitting the hard surface seems foreboding.
The door opens, and the angels are greeted by a younger blond woman who, after laying eyes on Sera, nearly falls backward into the entryway in shock. Not surprising, given how she and Lucifer had just shown up out of the blue. She looks like she certainly hadn't been expecting Sera's presence at her door. Sera should chastise Lucifer for not announcing their arrival, at the very least.
Lucifer apologizes for showing up without calling first, and the woman, whom Sera learns is named Odette, gulps heavily. She doesn't even seem to hear anything Lucifer just said. She's still too busy looking up at Sera.
"Oh, no, it's...!" Odette starts. She shakes her head, tries again. "No, no, your majesty. It's fine! It's perfectly fine! Please, let me...you and your...guest can follow me. Mother's been expecting you."
Mother? Sera thinks, lips twisting up in confusion. Does she mean...certainly not...?
Odette leads the two to a large sitting room filled with comfortable couches. The room is dark and cast in an almost supernatural shadow, even with the fiery red hue that creeps into the interior from the sky outside. Nothing about the setting is welcoming or warm. Sera suspects one can only do so much to make a dwelling in Hell appear inviting.
But despite knowing where she is, Sera can see all of Carmilla's little touches about the place that make it most definitely hers. From the choice of artwork, images of dancers and majestic birds adorning the walls, and the pearly white color of the furniture that she's sitting on -- everything is very reminiscent of Heaven. Of home. It gives Carmilla's homesickness away, even if no one else but Sera could recognize it for what it is.
As if conjured up by the power of her thoughts alone, Sera, Lucifer, and Odette's attention is quickly drawn away by Carmilla suddenly entering the room. She's followed closely by another young woman with light hair and dark skin, named Clara, and then finally, Emily, bringing up the rear and poking her head around the corner as if to assess the safety of the space before entering.
Sera has to physically restrain her instinct to leap up and grab Emily into her arms. The only thing stopping her is the sight of Carmilla standing there, which is like a one-two punch straight to the processing centers of her brain. The mother in her wants to embrace her daughter. The lover in her is transfixed by this...person standing in front of her. One that very obviously resembles the Carmilla she remembers, but who is also so different; it's like she walked right out of a different spectrum of reality entirely.
The hair, the eyes, the expression, the outfit, the air of regret and aloofness floating around Carmilla's form like a heavy fog...all of it is unfamiliar. Where is her spirit? Where is her light? It's like every molecule of angelic essence has been sucked out of her, leaving behind a shell of the woman she used to know. What happened? After all this time...what has this place done to her beloved?
"Mom!" Emily screeches, eyes widening in delight at seeing Sera. Sera doesn't have to get up and greet her, after all. Emily launches herself into Sera's arms, drawing the Seraphim out of her mental evaluation of Carmilla, and hugs her tightly around the waist. Emily cries tears of relief and happiness into her birth mother's pure white robes. They soak into the fabric, but Sera can't bring herself to care.
"Emily! Oh, my girl! Don't ever make me worry like that again!"
Sera wraps her arms around Emily, in turn. But she can't be distracted by this reunion for long. Not at the overstimulation of seeing the two most precious people to her...in the same room together, as if it's just so normal. The weight of it is like an electric bolt to her psyche.
"Mom!" Emily shouts again, drawing Sera's attention back down to her, smiling a grin so wide that it nearly tears the girl's face in two. Emily gestures at Carmilla. "I found her, Mom! I found Carm--Mama! She's been here the whole time! Isn't that wonderful?!"
Carmilla barely shifts her eyes in their direction, appearing as if she'd been trying to ignore Sera's presence until now. She'd been noticeably avoiding eye contact, but now that Emily's acknowledged her presence, those unfamiliar red eyes bore directly into Sera's soul. They hold very little of the warmth or affection she's used to; none directed at her, anyway. When she looks at Emily, that protectiveness and sincerity shines through. Right then, she looks like Carmilla...her old self.
But upon meeting Sera's gaze, the fallen angel appears as if she'd rather be anywhere but here at that moment. Face stern and arms crossed. Posture firm and immobile. Unamused. Annoyed.
What's wrong with her? Sera asks herself. Why does she look like she doesn't recognize me? Like she doesn't even see me?
Sera stands. She hesitates, wondering if she should really do what her body is desperately telling her to do. Rush to her. Embrace her. Make her see that it's her.
Sera doesn't do that. She's not sure how well that would go over. But against her better judgement, she allows herself an ounce of hope that she's not overstepping a boundary. Convinces herself to take a tentative step toward the other woman; the one she used to love with every part of her being. The one she hopes, despite all the mixed signals she's sending her, still loves her, even if her body language at the moment isn't showing it.
Maybe she's embarrassed, Sera thinks. Carmilla was never one for overt displays of affection. It's been so long...maybe she just doesn't know how to react to seeing her again...maybe if Sera just shows her...
Sera's hopes are dashed when Carmilla takes a very definitive step back as she approaches. Unable to stop herself, Sera advances again, taking a few more steps toward her, and then reeling when Carmilla violently wrenches her body away. Carmilla practically twirls away to avoid contact, right before the other woman can even think about touching her.
"Carmilla! What--? It's me! Sera! Don't you remember?"
The sound that comes out of Sera's mouth at her query resembles a strangled whine. Like a childish plea. Why is Carmilla rejecting her? What has she done wrong? Why won't she just answer her?
Carmilla just looks at Sera with an expression as cold and disheartened as ice. As if Sera has done something to personally slight her. But she hasn't...Sera just got here! What could she have possibly done in the last two minutes to garner this kind of reaction?
"Carmilla..." she pleads again. "I beg of you. Please tell me what's wrong. Whatever it is...we can work through this. Please, my love, I promise I can fix it."
Sera reaches for her again. One final time. Pleading. Begging without words. But Carmilla turns away. Directly away, so she's no longer even facing her or Emily now, in a true sign of repudiation.
"You can't fix this!"
The first direct sentence Sera has heard from Carmilla in 10,000 years is like a fire iron stabbed directly into the Seraphim's heart. Carmilla's voice is so deep and raspy in her throat, like she's been screaming for hours, and her voice is raw from the effort. It's miserable. It's unrecognizable.
"You can't fix this." Carmilla repeats, more calm and stoic now. "I know. I've tried. For years. It never works. You don't belong here. Neither of you do. Now please leave. Before it's too late."
"Mama?" Emily implores of Carmilla, confused by the sudden change in Carmilla's demeanor. But not even the girl can break through the wall Carmilla has erected around herself. Just like the empire she's built down here, it will take more than a girl and a lost lover to permanently tear that barrier down.
Without even facing the two of them, Carmilla starts sobbing heavily, shoulders shaking. It's the most sincere emotion Sera has seen from her during this entire encounter, and it makes her heart break all over again.
"It was wonderful getting to meet you, Emily," Carmilla says weakly through her tears. "I will cherish these last few days for the rest of my life. But I'm afraid there are some things that can't be fixed. Can't be made right, no matter how much you want it. It's best for all of us if both of you leave now. Please...I can't bear it any longer."
"Carmilla, what--just talk to me! You don't know what you're saying! My love, we can--"
Carmilla cuts Sera off short.
Before even Lucifer can stop her, Carmilla is out the door, and disappearing down the hallway. Everyone she leaves behind can hear the heavy doors of the mansion slam behind her as she exits; they all remain there in the sitting room, silent for a very long time, confusion permeating the space.
Sera hugs Emily tighter to her as the girl cries into her robes. Sera blames herself. This is all her fault. She wonders where in all the realms she went wrong.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 4 months
Hello. And I NEED your take on this. Okay, so you know that Angel, Alastor, and Vaggie are the consistent core people she's paired with in official arts/merch. And how 2/3rds of the Vees have warped, toxic sexual interests in them. Vox having a one-sided crush on Alastor and Val being sexually abusive to Angel. Here's my prediction: Velvette will develop a similar toxic "affection" for Vaggie. Thoughts?
Charlie's gonna kill her.
(poor Vaggie, isn't Lute being obsessed with her enough????)
(fans of the V's im sorry i killed them off at some point during this, i do NOT want them dead in canon, pls read with care or scroll past thank u)
Set up: why Velvette would notice Vaggie at all-
Hey look, two woman who want to fight heaven and are the manager / backbone of their respective social group. More abrasive than charming, blunt and straight forward- if Velvette's a little in love with herself then maybe she sees a bit of herself in the angel that heaven scarred and thinks hmmmmm, potential alliance time~ Maybe she picks up on Vaggie's self hatred and takes it personally, bitch how dare you not fucking love yourself, girls like us are fucking BADASS just ditch the stupid moral high ground self flagellation crap and embrace the urge to flip all the shit, fuck up the old world order and MAKE a new one!
And or if we're going off the vibes that Velvette's rivalry with Carmilla is more personal / hate crush in territory, then add the whole thing of Carmilla bonding with Vaggie bc of how similar they are in some ways (sharing TWO motivation songs about fighting for the people they love) then hell, maybe Velvette is jelly of Vaggie first, seeing the interest Carmilla has in her, the RESPECT Carmilla shows her. Maybe she was pissed seeing someone so like HERSELF falling in step with CARMINE's old crowd. So Velvette marks Vaggie as a target and Carmine weak spot, an example to be made or a play piece to snatch....
aaaaaand then that spirals into Velvette also noticing how similar the two are, except VAGGIE has an even shorter temper, less experience with manipulations, is a much worse liar- which makes her like, an easier and more instantly gratifying version of Carmilla. While ALSO still being a Carmine weak spot. Two for one!
Or maybe it's just another emotionally constipated violent attachment to Vaggie.
Maybe Velvette and Lute could start a Fuck Vaggie hate group. And neither of them knows for sure which way they mean it.
Side idea about the V's theme naming, and Vaggie's trend of having HER name said wrong: imagine Velvette trying to hide her interest by calling Vaggie a nickname like… Aggie or… Argent or Agatha. Deliberately avoiding her actual name- maybe later enjoying how that gets Vaggie riled up, gets her attention on Velvette a little in SOME way.
V's and their A's, yeah? Kinda funny
Anyway, to address the Charlie in the room-
Charlie barely held back on hell fire cooking Valentino- who had the safeguard of owning shares in Angel Dust's soul and that whole messy history to save him from her (for now). Lute got Demon Charlie Deathglare treatment while disarmed and crying, just bc Charlie was holding her gf and presumably THINKING about what Lute did / tried to do to Vaggie.
But Velvette's not safely up in heaven and doesn't so far have any claim on a soul Charlie specifically cares about. An overlord like HER tries anything with Charlie's girlfriend? Makes Vaggie scowl with flirty looks, maybe tries an unnecessary touch during a meeting with the overlords... WANTS to see Vaggie lose it just like Lute did- (doesn't actually like Vaggie as she is, wants something from her, that part of herself Vaggie is trying hard to move past)-
Mm. Death. I think death would be hard to avoid. Just as like a kneejerk protective reaction thing.
Charlie did not hold her girlfriend's freshly stabbed through hand after the hotel battle just to sit quietly and not set fire to stuff when someone else tries messing with Vaggie again. She did not yell at all of heaven's ruling angels just to bite her tongue and play nice for some uppity sinners down in hell. She's their princess. They'll all edge back a step when she tells Velvette to kindly Back. Off.
honestly an AU where Charlie kills / tries to kill someone in a blind protective rage (think her right after Pentious' death) would be pretty juicy...
I feel like this AU wants to become a dark comedy tho
heck, we could go full symmetry and have each of the As eventually kill off one of the Vs, but not their own.
Porn star Angel Dust knocking off Vox and winning his TV empire. The irony. He knows enough about good scripts to've had his soul crushed by Charlie's adorably horrible attempts at it. And Angel Dust would make a great TV host personality. Now he can make all of hell see his smug-ass face as well as his amazing holes. Gods can you imagine him with a TALK SHOW???? Doing interviews? Diva Angel Dust's self esteem TV masterclasses- how to love the loser you are and lose the lovers who don't respect ya. HOW does he kill Vox- idk... maybe Vox was about to tear through Husk to weaken Alastor and Angel Dust threw a drink over his TV head, smashed him with a bottle from the bar, then stomped on him with the heavenly steel stilettos he commissioned from Carmilla. Why not.
Alastor finds out the Vs tried / are trying to use Niffty against the hotel and him, doesn't wanna give Vox the satisfaction of being the one to kill him, doesn't see Val as enough of a threat to bother with, takes out Velvette instead. Probably using Niffty to do it, for it's own kind of irony. Niffty is now a social media manage! She posts dead rat pics and cochroach hunt livestreams from a go pro on her head, and it creeps out hell at first but people slowly get honestly drawn into it, start naming the dead rats, making them fan pages... posting hearts emojis in the pest control live stream chats- suddenly this dead former brainwashed housewife has thousands of online fans who love her weird creepy af interests and are eagerly LISTENING to HER while she posts about knifes and poison and tips on taxidermy stitching. Eventually she get a stuffed Vox as the centerpiece of her Bad Boy shrine now and Alastor is a little hurt and envious of this.
Vaggie kills Val. Yes I am just saying that bc I want her soaking up his dead demon butterfly energy and getting her moth motif for real. She'd wear that fluffy ruff WAY better than him, in my gay opinion. If I have to make another excuse tho, let's say Val gets real pissed and panicky about the hotel being rebuilt and the increasing number of public disses that Angel Dust's been throwing at him- so he's making those studio moments LITERAL hell, the hotel crew picks up on it, CHARLIE picks up on it.... confrontation, Vaggie's there this time, stops Demon Charlie from skewering Val in a blind fiery rage to keep her gf from being a FULL OUT murderer... comes back later, alone. Asks Val one last time to ease up / free Angel Dust. Answer is no, and, she kills him. Tells him she's killed tons of people more innocent than him. Tells him, he's too dangerous to keep around- for Angel Dust yeah but mainly for Charlie, he's putting her gf at risk of doing something terrible- so Vaggie will do it for her. Stab.
We can squeeze some angst out of that. More passive secrets / not actively told lies to Charlie, not volunteering the fact she killed him... eventually HAVING to admit to it so she can undo the soul pact she inherited from him with Angel Dust (maybe has to work on slowly rebuilding that friendship after promising him she wouldn't let Chalrie kill Val, only to technically keep the word but break the meaning when SHE kills Val instead), and all the other enslaved souls- that little fact of who protects and employs all Val's people now, with him gone? Who keeps his turf?
Maybe Cherri Bomb steps up (is the only one Angel Dust can stomach and trust with his old life and the slow changing of it), trades the souls with Vaggie for a promise not to hurt them, becomes the new overlord to the sinners too suspicious of the hotel to accept a broken contract (an overlord who has your soul has a personal interest in vaguely caring if you stay alive) but gives them free rein to fuck off and work for Carmine, or in Rosie Emporium, or Angel Dust's new media company, or check in at the hotel- whatever really- while she guards the new turf with the rebuilt and repainted airship the last Egg Boi fixed up for her. She ends up with a full crew anyway, all volunteers. Cherri Bomb's buccaneers! Up in heaven Sir Pentious is shedding all the tears of admiration and pride, wailing over not being on her crew himssssself
Maybe Charlie's angry and upset, not with Vaggie but with HERSELF for honestly WANTING Val dead- for knowing Vaggie wasn't wrong about that, had already had to physically stop her from killing him- and why was Val different to her when she could let Adam live? What's WRONG with her- Charlie and the sad, honest heart to heart with Vaggie (physically changed by all this) about how Adam was an impersonal general asshole, part of distant, bigger, uncaring threat, while Val was actively every day hurting one of Charlie's friends. Of course she'd feel different about them. Of course he'd press on her protective nerves in ways Adam didn't.
Vaggie and the sinking, sickening, private feeling she keeps from Charlie- only spills out maybe to Carmilla- that she's scared she's too much like the other angels. How she hears what she said to Val ringing in her head, and she thinks of Sera, culling sinners to save heaven, hiding it from Emily to save her sister the pain (and herself the shame) and is that who Vaggie is? Deep down? Too ready to murder for the sake of those she loves, when she feels it's the RIGHT thing to do? How could she spare Lute, be so ready to keep fighting her, and not Valentino...?
Maybe Carmilla points out to her the same things she said to Charlie, with a twist. How Lute was a danger to Vaggie mainly and she is used to that- but Val was a danger to Charlie in a way Vaggie couldn't easily protect Charlie from, so she got scared and... love isn't a kind or fair thing. It's an edge for them to fight for AND with, shaped by their choices. Next time, Vaggie can choose differently.
(Vox, Val, and Velvette don't get that choice anymore and it's a nauseating thing Charlie and Vaggie won't be able to forget- not because they were any more worth giving a second chance too than any other sinner, but because they just as worth that second chance as anyone else.)
(and now it's gone. They're gone. The fight for redemption is a long backsliding slog for all sides and they'll have to do better, next time)
(they'll have to live with what they've done either way)
Maybe Vaggie wonders what it might have said about Velvette, that she (in this AU) took an interest in people like her and Carmilla. If she was so into shaking things up and challenging the way things are, maybe, if she'd come to the hotel...
maybe there's a world out there somewhere where seeing a bit of herself in Vaggie got Velvette thinking. A bigger picture shake up than just who is top overlord of a shitty hell.
maybe she's never a good person to anyone not useful or important to her, and shit to them anyway half the time, but if ONE of the people in that group IS trying to be good, then, there's a limit to what she'll do too. There'll be at least one moment she drags the Vs kicking and screaming away from delicious revenge and towards something that'll help them all rise up more, in the long term
a broken clock is right twice each day. people who mean badly can do good and helpful things. a one-sided toxic yuri situation can help save a lot of people, maybe
....or just kill a fuck ton of angels. honestly, if said angels are murderous exorcists, vaggie would probably appreciate a gesture like that
she still wouldn't date a friend of Valentino's tho
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sunsetcougar · 2 months
How does everyone at the hotel and of course Carmilla respond to the reveal that Vaggie is a Carmine when that data dump is sent down? Did Vaggie have an idea or was it a surprise to her as well?
Add in if you want how everyone (including our beloved chaggie) responded when Vaggie and Charlie were first allowed to return to the hotel after the whole fiasco.
Another long post! The plot bunnies keep multiplying and asks only encourage them.
The hotel residents are mostly surprised, even Vaggie had no idea that she was related to the Carmines. Charlie is nervous but also excited at the prospect of getting to meet Vaggie’s family. Angel is a little jealous that Vaggie is most likely going to get her family back, but he doesn’t show it. Husk is happy for her, from what he knows Carmilla is a good mom. Sir Pentious wants to know if this means he can buy Carmine products again. Niffty is Niffty.
The only one displeased about it is Alastor since he knows this will mean another overlord butting into the hotel and his territory, and he won’t be able to do anything about it. Charlie’s authority far outweighs his and she’d do anything for Vaggie.
As for Carmilla herself she opened the letter Vaggie sent her pretty soon after she got it since she’s not one for letting things sit. At first she didn’t believe it, this wouldn’t be the first time someone who learned of her missing third daughter tried to impersonate her to get close to the Carmines, but the more she reads the more legitimate it looks. The photocopies of the records match up with what Vaggie wrote, there’s no holes in her story. Plus the records have a couple portrait shots of Vaggie, one from when she was first kidnapped and one from a few weeks before she was abandoned, and she does look so much like the portrait Carmilla has of her daughter.
Carmilla doesn’t tell Clara and Odette of this at first, not wanting to get their hopes up only to be crushed. She spends a day pouring over every detail she was given before finally deciding it’s worth the risk and calling the number on the letter to set up a meeting.
As for the second half of your ask, Vaggie charged through the portal as soon as it was opened and nearly barreled into Angel, Charlie close behind. Vaggie didn’t stick around in the lobby for more than a few seconds, instead bolting up the stairs to her and Charlie’s room to go hide, once again with Charlie close behind.
That left the hotel residents staring after them, processing their sudden return. They’d begun truly thinking that Chaggie had been murdered in Heaven, but they were very obviously alive if more scared than any of them had ever seen them before. They want to follow and check on them, but also want to give them space. They opt to go with the latter option, knowing they have each other and probably just need time and privacy to work through whatever emotions they’re dealing with before they’re okay to talk to other people.
All except for Alastor who opts to follow Chaggie in his shadows, and finds them in their room, the door left open enough for him to peek in. Vaggie had dropped to her knees and was beginning to break down, everything she’d been suppressing over her time in Heaven bubbling up now that she’s safe. She noticed him out of the corner of her eye and faster than he’s ever seen her move she grabbed her spear and threw it, piercing the door and his shoulder.
They didn’t see Alastor for a few days after that. He melted into his shadows and just didn’t return. Which turned out to be for the better since his antagonistic nature wouldn’t have helped.
Husk ends up making both Charlie and Vaggie pretty strong drinks when they finally come downstairs, Angel makes the pasta dish he knows they both love, and Sir Pentious and Niffty get their door fixed and everything cleaned up. They can all tell that neither of them want to talk about what happened.
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minxtheeenby · 3 months
here are the sketches for some of my new hazbin designs
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Sry if blurry, I had to resize this canvas so many times. more will be coming
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spiritthemoron · 5 months
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[Hazbin Hotel Redesigns Pt.7] Carmilla Carmine
Alrighty, while I was doing Velvette I decided I also wanted to Carmilla, for some reason the longer I looked at her design the longer I felt that it was off somehow. The first one I pinpointed was her hair, while I like the overall shape of her hair idk it just felt…weird. So I turned them into normal horns
I also wanted to giver her more colors than the grey and red of her original so I shifted it more towards blue so the red would pop out more! I wanted to lean into the ballerina side of her design (I could be gaslighting myself into thinking she had a ballerina concept of though) so I made her outfit more leotard-y and gave her a bun for the hair, I also wanted to give her this sheer vail for a added mysterious effect.
I may come back and revisit this design in the future because it just doesn’t give of the vibe I originally wanted but I don’t think it’s too bad so I’ll keep it for now. (Maybe when I do I’ll draw up some quick designs for her daughters)
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jollmaster · 2 months
asile!AU, trivia about characters
° Charlie can knit, though she has hooves instead of fingers (she was the one who knitted Vega's stockings, one solid-colored, one striped)
° Vega is immune to decay because she has Adam's ichor, drunk at the initiation, in her blood
° Alastor understands european french language, but cannot speak it
° Husk speaks some dialects/languages that are already recognized as dead
° Angel was in a cult for a year (as a sinner)
° Niffty liked to play with children when she worked in hellborns' houses in cannibal town
° Cherri is ashamed of her disfigured face; before she died, she was mutilated by an explosion
° Pentious' cause of death was tuberculosis; in addition, he was in the early stages of leprosy and had decreased sensation in fingers
° Lute can play the lute (yes)
° Emily is about ten or twelve years old when the events begin
° Carmilla is very afraid of the day when her daughters will reach the final stage of decay
° Rosie as straightforward as possible when it comes to romance advice (she's never been personally interested in romance, but she's very observant)
° Lucifer has four wives
° Adam and Eve had sixty-three children
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eslypyiris · 6 months
°❈°Hazbin Gods AU Incorrect quotes°❈°
Lucifer: *About to cry* I miss my wife, Alastor.
Alastor: Well, I miss my clown and I'm not acting like a baby
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Alastor: When I first met you, I thought you were weird and annoying.
Vox: And?
Alastor: And you are.
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Vox: Are we fighting or flirting?
Alastor: I'm pinning you against a wall with my hand around your neck-
Vox: Your point?
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Vaggie: Can you recommend a book that'll make me cry?
Charlie: General Mathematics 8th Grade Edition.
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Angel Dust : Husk, you know how much I love you…
Husk: Whaddya want?
Angel Dust : A partner with some GODDAMN EMOTIONAL AVAILABILTY!
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Carmilla: Do you know why I called you in here?
Zestial: Because I accidentally ate your cat again?
Carmilla: *Starts pouring two glasses of wine.* Exactly.
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Sir Pentious: Crushes are the worst. Whenever I’m near mine, I start acting stupid.
Cherri: You always act stupid.
Cherri: ...
Cherri: Wait...
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Alastor: *Singing* He's making a list, checking it twice, gonna find out who's on thin fucking ice
Niffty: *Also singing* Santa Claus is calling you out!
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Rosie: *Watching Alastor manipulate Charlie to get Vox back* I'm a nice person, but I'm about to start throwing rocks at people.
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Emily: *Watching Sera singing in front of the fireplace like Frollo*
Emily: ...
Emily: I think it's time to book a therapy session.
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alice-after-dark · 3 months
Random Character Role Swap
So for the absolute funsies of it, I found a Hazbin Hotel random character generator and spun it to see who would get swapped with who. I chose to just focus on the denizens of Hell for this (yes, I am still including Vaggie) and Lucifer and Lillith will stay the same as well. Personalities and most friendships/ships are staying the same, but roles and powers have been changed. Here are the results:
Vox - Angel
Velvette - Charlie
Valentino - Carmilla
Alastor - Mimzy
Husk - Zestial
Niffty - Razzle & Dazzle
Cherri Bomb - Rosie
Sir Pentious - Vaggie
Notes under cut! I am very curious to hear people's ideas and thoughts on these swaps! Also here's the wheel if anyone wants to play!
Vox - He is a famous porn star under contract with Carmilla and the first resident of the Hazbin Hotel. He is formerly a friend of Alastor's, but after a falling out, they are enemies. Because of this, he is distrustful of Mimzy as the host of the hotel, as she and Alastor are close. He is in an abusive relationship with Valentino, believing the Overlord truly loves him.
Angel Dust - He a member of ACC and is the Overlord of Media. He is a famous actor, starring in many films and shows. He has a (unknowingly reciprocated) crush on fellow Overlord, Husk. He was formerly in a relationship with Valentino.
Velvette - The owner of the Hazbin Hotel. A fairly new arrival to Hell, she wants to make a name for herself, seeking to figure out if there is a way out of this literal Hell hole.
Charlie - She is a member of ACC and the Princess of Hell. While not an Overlord herself, she runs the fashion and social media side of the Entertainment District. Vaggie is her girlfriend.
Valentino - He is the Overlord of all weapons manufacturing. He starts and frequently takes part in turf wars, supplying weapons to both sides of the conflict for profit. He is in an abusive relationship with Vox and was formerly in a relationship with fellow Overlord Angel Dust.
Carmilla - She is a member of ACC and the Overlord of the sex industry. She rules her industry with a firm but gentle grip and has been voted "Hell's Hottest MILF" 60 years running. She is friends with Zestial. She is aware of Vox's relationship with Valentino and disapproves, but maintains her distance from her contracts' personal affairs. She hopes the hotel will get him to leave Valentino.
Alastor - He owns a jazz club where he is the lead performer. He is friends with Mimzy and Rosie. He is formerly friends with Vox, but after a falling out, they are enemies. This former friendship is what prompts him to follow Mimzy to the hotel, taking up a position as head of recreation.
Mimzy - She is the infamous Radio Demon and the sponsor of the Hazbin Hotel. She is friends with Alastor from when they were alive.
Husk - He is the oldest of the Overlords. He has a (unbeknownst to him) reciprocated crush on fellow Overlord Angel Dust.
Zestial - He is a former Overlord now under contract to Mimzy. He is the bartender of the Hazbin Hotel. He is friends with Carmilla.
Niffty - She is Charlie's protector and helper, assigned by Lucifer himself to watch over his daughter. She is Charlie's head seamstress.
Razzle & Dazzle - They are the hotel's cleaning crew and pest control.
Cherri Bomb - She is the Overlord of the stuck-in-the-80s Cannibal Town and is close friends with Angel Dust.
Rosie - She is a prim and proper demolitions expert from the Victorian era. She is friends with Alastor.
Sir Pentious - He is the manager of the Hazbin Hotel. He has a crush on the Overlord of Cannibal Town, Cherri Bomb. His beloved Egg Bois serve as the hotel's bellhops (I just couldn't bring myself to separate them plus they'd make such cute bellhops!).
Vaggie - She is a fallen angel and former Exorcist turned one of Hell's greatest inventors. She is Charlie's girlfriend.
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 5 months
Apple Seed: Master List
Chapter 1: Apple Seed
Chapter 2: Free Day
Chapter 3: Ew...
Chapter 4: Where the Fuck?!
Chapter 5: The Name Game
Chapter 6: Bedtime
Chapter 7: Demons
Chapter 8: Major Minor Irritations
Chapter 9: Auncle
Chapter 10: Craving (slightly spicy)
Chapter 11: Abuela
Chapter 12: It's Time
Chapter 13: Telling the Hotel
Chapter 14: Almost There
Chapter 15: Mommy's Here?
Chapter 16: Baby of Mine
Chapter 17: Meeting the Sibling - Apple Seed x Dumpster Baby Crossover
Chapter 18: Pass the Baby
Chapter 19: STOP!!!
Chapter 20: Mamas Need Sleep
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25: The End
Bonus: Bun in the Inferno
Bonus 2: Blerg!
Bonus 3: First Word
Bonus 4: Sleep
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Btw I’ve been quiet lately because I’ve been commissioned to do a Hazbin hotel comic series staring @x-01-king OC St Jack. It seems as though Jack knows someone who might be trouble 👀😈
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