#andy herrera fluff
lilpotatjj · 7 months
All right guys and guuurls. I'm back And I don't know HOW to start. I'm obsessed with station 19 since season 1 and was thinking to start writing ff's for Andy, my all time favorit sweetheard. Now I need to know what u guys prefer! My fav ship will still be Surrera but others are welcome as well
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upat4amwiththemoon · 1 year
Hiii! Can I please request a fluffy Andy Herrera x reader of just two idiots being in love? She deserves so much more love and i’m glad i found your account!
My heart belongs to you
Summary: Just two women in love.
Pairing: Andy Herrera x fem!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 515
a/n: andy deserves everything <3
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Andy is sitting at the captain’s office, reading through a binder with all the necessary information. She has probably read through it a thousand times already, having spent so much time at the station, but she wants to be sure now that she officially got the title of captain of Station 19.
However, she can’t seem to concentrate, as someone���s eyes are stuck to her face. “You’re staring.” She mumbles, trying to sound annoyed, but she can’t hide the smile growing to her lips.
“I’m just so proud of my girlfriend.” Y/N gushes with a wide smile. She’s sitting opposite of Andy, her legs resting on top of the table.
Shaking her head, Andy closes the binder and sets it down, meeting Y/N’s gaze. They smile, staring at each other in silence, until Y/N starts giggling. “My girlfriend is the captain!” She stands up, holding her arms in the air as she celebrates.
Andy laughs. In truth, she is just as excited as Y/N is, even though she hasn’t really grasped the whole situation yet. They weren’t able to properly celebrate when Andy found out she’d be the captain, so all the happiness has been piling up.
Shimmying over to Andy, Y/N leans her hands to the side’s of the chair, so her face is right by her girlfriend. “You are the captain.” She whispers. “This has always been your station, but now it’s official.” Her bottom lip is under her teeth as she grins. “I’m so proud of you.”
Andy sets her hands on Y/N’s cheeks. She pulls her close, kissing her softly. They’re smiling as their lips mold together, moving in sync.
Y/N sits down to Andy’s lap. It’s bit of a struggle to fit her legs because of the armrests, but she manages. It’s not the tightest fit they has made work. “I love you.” Y/N leans her forehead against Andy’s. Her eyes are closed as she breathes in and out slowly, enjoying the warmth of being so close to her.
“I love you more.” Andy’s eyes map out Y/N’s features. She has never seen something as beautiful.
“Hmm,” she shakes her head with a giggle, “I don’t think so.”
Andy pinches Y/N’s thigh, making her open her eyes with a yelp. “I’m the captain,” Andy smirks as her hands move to Y/N’s hip, “what I say goes.”
Raising her brows, Y/N looks up at the roof, her cheeks getting warm. Obviously she has always found her girlfriend incredibly attractive, especially after she comes home, wearing her firefighter uniform. But now that she has a new sense of authority, her attractiveness level has somehow gone through the roof.
She starts laughing at Y/N’s expression, wrapping her arms around her waist and setting her forehead on Y/N’s shoulder. “Lets go home and cuddle.” Andy mumbles, tiredness hitting her.
“Yeah.” Y/N places a kiss on top of Andy’s head before standing up, and helping her up as well. They gather all their things, leaving the station hand in hand.
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lythea-creation · 13 days
Where are all the Andy Herrera girls?
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She's a queen and she deserves more fics!
Seriously, where's all the work about her? I'm talking about the sapphic stuff btw. I know it's not canon but who the fuck cares? It's fiction!
Am I the only one in need for more Andy x fem reader? Because I'd be willing to provide it if there are more people like me who can't stop cursing about the lack of work about her.
And please no spoilers about the last 2 episodes!!! I'm living in Germany and haven't watched the final episodes yet.
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angelofverdum · 1 year
Station 19 6x18
Can Theo go? How more toxic can he be? Writers really said, "Oh you hate Sullivan? Let me show you someone worse". What an asshole. Making out with Kate just because Vic was proud of Andy. Who, mind you, is one of her closest friends and has been fighting for that position for a long time.
Captain Herrera, fucking finally. I hope that storyline ends there. We don't care about that anymore. She is going to be a great captain. Let her be captain until season 11, at least.
I wish we had seen a conversation between Maya and Andy about the captaincy.
Jack lost consciousness, so he couldn't tell Vic what he saw. If they kill Jack, I'm suing. He is just a dumb guy, and he doesn't deserve that. I hated him when he was part of Maya and Carina, but he is getting his life together.
Travis has been a shitty friend to Vic, btw. Vic told him what happened with Theo and Travis just saying "Sometimes that happens".
I love we got to see more of Vic and Andy together.
As much as I loved those scenes with Maya and Carina in their apartment. I wished they were on the opening scene. That looked like fun. Maya and Carina are always out of the group.
Are Maya and Carina going to adopt that baby? I know Carina wants to give birth, but they just brought that pregnant lady for Carina to do something? Or is Jack adopting the baby?
What the hell is this? I want a written essay about why Carina flinches like that. Couldn't this scene be like 5 seconds longer?
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I'm so annoyed that Carina had to wear her wedding outfit to the ball. You are telling me she didn't have any other dress??? ANY OTHER DRESS??? Why? What was the point? Why do the writers hate Carina so much? She could have gone and bought anything. I'm sure she has gone to some events that required formal dress.
I can't even enjoy her scenes at the ball because of that damn outfit.
I'd never forget Danielle for giving Maya bangs. I know it's just hair, but Maya is not a bangs woman. She wears her hair slicked in a tall ponytail, controlled and put together. Bangs are carefree.
Danielle looks beautiful, but that's not Maya. She could have waited a week to get bangs. I'm in mourning.
It wasn't even mentioned. When she cut her hair short, it made sense. It was a beautiful moment, and she looked very hot. But those bangs just, I don't know. I'd never question Danielle's acting choice, but I feel that this episode was more Danielle than Maya.
This was a good episode. I hope they keep this energy for future epsidoes
I'd love to see them getting ready for the ball. Maya and Carina with the group. They teasing Maya and Carina for being late. CARINA WITH A NEW DRESS (This bothers me so fucking much)
This was my favorite kiss, btw. I guess I'm a sucker for fluff. I loved this scene so much. Even tho We should have seen Maya topping Carina.
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Anyways we survived Krista, and I hope next season is better. Zoanne Clack and Peter Paige, here are my recommendations:
Someone tell Danielle to put this pic on Maya's locker.
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Bisexual Vic
Theo gone. Bring another female firefighter. (Latina, please?)
Redemption for Sullivan (I like Boris; I don't want him gone, ok?) Can they do something to make him likable? Please. He can be funny. We can save him.
Baby Deluca-Bishop (Bishop-Deluca still sounds better. If Maya weren't so whipped by her wife), It's time. I didn't want a baby, but I'm tired of this storyline. Just give them a baby, please.
More Carina Deluca in action
More Vic, Maya, and Andy together
More fires
More silly episodes
Whoever is reading fanfics realizes that Marina's baby should be named Andrea.
Maya and Carina change the sheets. Please, I'm begging. I'll change them myself if I have to.
P.S: Whoever edited this deserves an award. So unserious.
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slvt4em1lyprenti2s · 1 year
Originally posted on my Wattpad @MayaBishop_is_myWife
Relationship: Andy Herrera x fem!reader
Word count: 1k
Andy POV:
I dragged my body out of the driver's seat and slumped down into a chair in the beanery, I've been at the Station so long that the B shift people are  here already. I sigh and decide it's probably time to leave. I had been doing back to back calls in the Aid car today with Vic, I guess people just decided that today was the day they were going to get hurt or something.
I begin my journey home before I remember I was supposed to pick up y/n/n from the hospital  after work. She's my girlfriend and a bad-ass orthopedic surgeon at Grey-Sloan. I start the car and drive to the hospital.
Amelia - "Oh hey! Andy, over here!"
Andy - "Hey Amelia, uhm you don't happen to know where y/n is? I told her I'd pick her up but my shift went overtime and I couldn't just leave my vic, I just hope she's not mad. Is she mad? I mean I know I was late bu-"
Amelia -  "Hey slow down, her surgery went over as well, she's not even out of te OR yet so just come sit down in the attending's lounge and wait for her."
Andy - "Oh thank god, okay yeah let's go."
I walked with Amelia to the attending's lounge but before I can even open the door I hear a voice I know all too well -(Taylor's version) (10 minute version)-. Amelia clearly hears her too because she just tells me to go. I speed walk down the corridor and turn the corner and see my exhausted, but ever so gorgeous, girlfriend speaking to some very worried looking parents. 
Y/N - "He will be able to walk again but it's a pretty nasty break and the broken bone severed some nerves so Matthew will need some physiotherapy but, he'll be fine."
Woman - "Oh my goodness, thank you so much!"
Y/n/n told her it was no problem and walked out of the patients room and saw me standing at the end of the hall. A smile that I had grown to adore made it's way across her face. She began to walk towards me as I did the same.
Iwas eager to get to Andy because I have had what feels like the longest day of my life. A kid came into the ER with multiple crush injuries which meant, broken ribs, broken leg, broken arm, which I had to fix all of then, I had to check up on post-op patients and one of their screws had come loose because they tried to walk to the bathroom so I had to fix that as well and then I just got out of a surgery of a guy who snapped his leg in half and had his bone sticking out because he fell off is roof. Dumbass. 
As soon as I reach her I wrap my arms tightly around her waist and bury my head in her chest. She does the same and rests her chin on my head. 
Andy - "Long day?"
Y/N - "Yeah, you?"
Andy - "Very long."
After this exchange of words I reluctantly puled away from her embrace as I had to go update a patient chart and give it to the night nurses. Andy followed me as I did all of this and when I got to the nurses station I started to talk to Meredith because she came over as well. Clearly someone didn't like this very much because she wrapped her arms around my waist from behind and shoved her face into the crook of my neck and started whispering to me that she wanted to go home.
Meredith - "Okay well, Derek is waiting for me in the daycare with Zola and Bailey and by the looks of it I'm keeping a very tired firefighter from going home so, I'll let you guys be. See you tomorrow y/n/n."
Y/N - "Yeah, see you tomorrow Mer."
I put the chart on the side and slipped my hand into Andy's as I walked to the lift (elevator). 
Time skip
We got home and ordered pizza since neither of us could be bothered to cook and sat on the sofa, all cuddled up in each other's embrace eating pizza. We were watching some trashy tv show, just whatever was on really. I began to feel my eyelids get heavy and Andy noticed this too because she said
Andy - "Okay I think it's time to go to bed."
Y/N - "Agreed."
I was taken completely by surprise when Andy stood up just before I was about to and picked me up. I clung onto her like a koala and shoved my head in her neck.
Y/N - "You know just because I'm tired doesn't mean I can't walk." I say barely above a whisper
Andy - "Well, I don't think that applies in this situation considering you can't even lift your head from my neck."
I hummed in agreement and just snuggled even further into my girlfriend. 
Once we got into our bedroom she carried my straight through to the bathroom and we did our night-time routines before heading to bed.
Andy had finished after me so I was already under the cover and near enough asleep when she came in. Not a word needed to be shared between us when I reached out my arms to her, she knew what it meant. 
Andy POV: 
I clambered into bed next to y/n/n and pulled her into me. Her head was in my chest and her leg was draped over mine. This time of the day was my favourite, it was clam. Just us two, it was lik nothing else in the world mattered at that moment. I had my girl in my arms and that's all I cared about.
Y/N - "I love you."
I silently aw at her sleepy voice and kiss her head.
Andy - "I love you too."
Just seconds after I said it I heard little snores coming from the woman in my embrace. I then let myself drift off forgetting all the stress of the day and just enjoying the now. 
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blackhill2245 · 4 months
New rookie
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Warnings - fluff light angst (very very light angst)
Summary - new recruit reader has trouble sleeping but keeps it a secret, unfortunately for her maya and carina are determined to help her out.
I step into the station, hands shaking with nerves.
I had transferred stations as my last one was filled with angry white men who couldn't fathom the idea of having to work with a girl. I spent three years there and was constantly harrased and bullied, I'm thankful I got out now as I don't think I could have handled another day there without jumping out the moving truck.
I looked around the first thing I took note of was of how clean it was, sighing internally, knowing I'll be doing most of the cleaning now as the new rookie.
I spot a man at reception and quickly approach, my duffle bag on my shoulder and new uniform on. I preferred getting dressed at home.
"Hello, is Captain Bishop here?" I ask politely before remembering my manners, "oh I'm y/n y/l/n. " I stuck my hand out for a handshake.
He snapped his head around to look at me, his hand clutching his chest, "Jesus, you scared me, I'm Travis." he shook my hand, chuckling to himself.
"OH, sorry," I say bashfuly, "hey, don't worry, she's upstairs having breakfast, I'm guessing you're the new recruite?" He led me up the stairs, eyeing me up and down.
My first impression of him was that he was very neat, and I could see him being a little neat freak always having his pens in straight lines.
I huff to myself in amusement, "Uh yea, but I'm not a recruit. I've been working as a firefighter for three years. " he raised a brow but was thankfully interrupted before he could ask, "Oh shit!" I turn my head to the dining table, seeing the whole team sitting down for breakfast and a brunette woman, the one who spoke was a blond woman who I persume to be captain bishop, she was looking right at me.
The brunette gave her a look before the captain bishop got up. "Hello, " she cleared her throat. "I totally didn't forget you were coming," she chuckled to herself, I guess she was trying to joke? I wasn't very good with cues sometimes.
"Um well hello" I smacked my thighs nervously, my hands shaking again, having do many people look at me, "y/n y/l/n" I introduce, to her and the rest of the team.
She seemed to snap out of a trance of sorts as she straightened up and nodded, "Right, I'm maya bishop captain. Over there are Andy Herrera and Jack Gibson, the lieutenants, then there's Travis, whom you already seem to know. There is victoria Hugh's, Ben Warren over there. And my wonderful girlfriend Carina Deluca." She pointed to everyone who waved or gave me a nod.
"It's nice to meet you all." My voice shook, but I don't think k anybody realized. Maya jestured me away to a corner to talk.
"So I've already given out assignments, so you'll be on the truck, and your chore for today is to clean the locker room." I tilt my head a little. "Anything else?" I ask, thinking she's not finished. "Nope, that's it, but if you have time, could you just clean off the gym, just sanitize?" I nodded, slightly shocked. That was it.
"Whats with that look, newbie?!" I turn my head to see victoria looking at me, I assume she's the one who asked. "Too much work for you?" I shrunk a little, I knew all people were tough on the new people but I hadn't been one in three years so it was weird.
"Uh no, I'm just a little shocked on how little I have to do." I smile politely, swinging my hands by my side.
"What do you mean, Bella?" I hear an accented voice ask from right behind me, flinching in suprise. I fully turn around, everyone's attention now on Me.
"OH well, my old station made me do laundry, cooking, clean the bathrooms, change the sheets in the bunks, clean the aid car and truck, and mop every floor." I list off not thinking much if it.
"Surely you had help" I turn my head to see Warren talking to me, shaking my head negative, they all give each other looks.
"Um, well, if you don't mind if I?.." I gesture to my heavy duffle bag. They all rushed to say I could go, I make my way to the locker room finding an empty one and putting my stuff away, putting my little toy firetruck and ambulance next to my spare clothes, smiling lightly they were my good luck charms.
It was one month in, and I don't think I have ever felt this happy, exhausted, yes, but happy too. You see, I have insomnia and anxiety, and as nice as everyone is, they are still new to me, so my anxiety is through the roof, making my insomnia bad again.
Currently, I was hanging out. It was a quiet shift, and carina was around again, we were all around the dining table just chatting and having fun.
I didn't partisapate much to exhausted and trying to stay awake, I was in-between carina and Maya, they took a liking to me and are very friendly towards me.
I picked at my food, feeling bad for not eating it as carina made it, I loved her cooking, but I just didn't have an appetite.
I didn't notice the table go quiet until maya gently shook my shoulder, snapping myself upright. I turned to her. "What?" I ask, blearily not realizing how rude it sounded. She furrowed her brows bending her head down to look at me, "You ok?" She said, gently rubbing my shoulder with her thumb.
I nod taking a bite of my now cold food, grimacing a little.
Everyone suddenly gasps. "Something must be wrong if you don't like carina food." victoria accused, pointing her finger at me. I swat her finger away from my face, "Get your smelly finger out of my face," I grumble. "Exceus me my finger is very clean!" She pretended to be offended, "clean my ass, " I huff sinking in my seat.
"What's wrong, bambina? Hmm?" Carina gently grabs my chin, so I look at her, and I immediately melt into her touch, everyone around the table giving each other amused looks, not used to seeing me so touchy.
"Nufin," I mutter, turning my head away. She gives Maya a look, "cmon, we're going home, your shift is over," maya declares, standing up. "It is?" I ask confused.
"It ended half an hour ago, we all just thought you wanted to stay for dinner" Travis says gently, "oh" is all I say in reposnse as carina gently grabs my hands and helps me stand up, "Ok well bye" I say bluntly, turning to leave.
"OH no, you dont." Maya grabs the back of my shirt, pulling me back and keeping me there until she and Carina said goodbye to everyone herself.
I huff trying to walk away, "bambino stay." carina pointed a finger, and despite not being a dog, I stayed put. "Were bringing you home," she told me, gently caressing my head, "I can just go home myself." I didn't want to leave my car here. "Shush," She dismissed me immediately.
Once they said goodbye to everyone, I was led over to the locker room to grab my stuff before being led once again to thier car.
"You're coming home with us," Maya said from the front seat, "but I don't have any clothes or stuff for a sleepover." I weakly protest I didn't have the energy to argue. "We have stuff you can use," carina turned and gave me a soft look quickly buckling me. in. I was bright red in an embarrassment. I huffed but gave in.
The ride was quiet apart from the occasional conversation between Maya and Carina, I was grateful my eyes kept shutting, and I would have gotten irritated.
The car pulled over, and I was again led up to their apartment and brought inside, taking my shoes off and leaving them at the door. I was left standing there like an idiot, but not for long.
"Cmon, time for bed," Maya called from fhier bathroom, I walked over, tilting my head confused. "But it's only 7 pm." I point out.
"Bambina, you're clearly tired, relax it's OK, we'll take care of you" I don't know why, maybe it was her gentle touch and tone or the way she and Maya were looking st me like I hung the moon and stars, but it made me emotional.
"OH hun," Maya said, sympathetically seeing my tears, I'd like to blame my tiredness on why I was so emotional, but carina saying, it was OK, just broke me.
I started sniffling but it wasn't long before I was engulfed in two sets of arms being rocked side by side, "it's OK hun let it out" and "sh sh sh it's OK, your ok" were being whisperd, such a heartfelt moment.
I chuckle pulling away and wiping my eyes, "m ok" I mutter, "you sure" they checked and I nodded, but as Carina went to grab me stuff to wear and use maya stayed with me, always having one hand or the other on me to comfort me.
I got ready quickly before stumbling out of the bathroom in Spiderman fluffy pj bottoms and a Grey batman shirt, "thankyou for letting me stay" I mutter bashfuly heading towards the door so I could sleep in the guest bedroom.
"Where are you going, silly?" I turn to see Maya patting the middle of the bed, "Hmm?" I tilt my head confused "your staying with us, if you're comfterble, of course. " I eye them still confused.
"You're quite oblivious, bambina. Me and Maya want to be more than friends with you." They both suddenly looked shy.
"Oh" I say completely shocked, I did not see that coming I mean yea I had butterfly when I saw them and yea they were more touchy with me and flirty, come to think of it maybe they were crushing on me. "Me?" I point stupidly to my self.
Carina hopped out of bed and dragged me in between them on the bed, "Yes, you stupid".
I huff offended "Maya carina being mean!" I yelp as she pokes my stomach.
Maya chuckled, cuddling on my side, head laying on top of mine, "so how about we go on a date, together" I sigh melting as she played with my hair, Carina pulling the blankets over us, "of course I would are you kidding?!".
My eyes began shutting, but I tried keeping them open "God I'm tired.", "We notice you haven't been sleeping?" Carina said concerned "yes I think changing stations is causing it, It was a lot of stress, and I guess my insomnia is acting up because of that. "
"OH baby," Maya cooed, kissing the top of my head, "Relax, we have you." carina curled on my other side, and I lay on my side head laying on mayas chest listening to her heart beat.
I fell asleep that night happier than ever. Waking up was like a dream the next day.
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samrsgyi · 1 year
Station 19 Characters laying their head on your chest
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Samrsgyi note: Feels on Saturday go brrrr-
Summary- The station 19 members including chief Natasha Ross with their s/o (separate) feeling down and lay their head on y/n's chest only to find out, they're in between your thick and plump boobs
The reader is female
Characters: Maya Bishop, Carina Deluca, Victoria Hughes, Andrea Herrera, Jack Gibson, Theo Ruiz, Natasha Ross
CW: Pet names, Lime, Groping, fluff, Love bites???
Maya Bishop
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Maya had a rough shift and needed to be comforted. She went over to you but didn't say a word. She laid on your chest and closed her eyes slowly. You hugged her up and pulled her close to your chest. She realized that she was in between something soft, thick , plumpy and warm until she realized it was your tits. She smirked and grabbed one of them making you mewl a little
" Aww, is my poor baby ok? I know just how to make you feel better just relax "
Carina Deluca
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Carina had felt like she was in need of everything because, everybody was ignoring her. She pouted all the way home and complained to you when it literally took you 2 hours to process. She laid on your chest when she felt something hugging her face which was of course your breast. Carina sighed in comfort and made her way down to your nipple and squeezed it and you gasped using your eyes to plead for her.
" Bella, if you wanted me to keep going you should've used your words. "
Vic Hughes
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Victoria all fun and games until it came to you. Yes, you the one Vic had laid eyes on the first time you met her. She finally met her lover, you were her sweet girl. She decided to prank but soon turned out into a Prank gone wrong situation. She laid in between your boobs with you looking all flustered. She thought it was just a prank until it took forever and she was constantly staring at them. You saw her looking and smiled. "Don't be shy touch them". Of course she was blushing but, obeyed your orders. She left hickeys and Love bites all over them and kitten soft licked your nipple.
" It's okay Sweet pea, just relax for me. "
Andy Herrera
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youngsadlesbian · 3 months
BELLA'S ITALIAN GESTURE — carina deluca and maya bishop.
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pairing: carina deluca x maya bishop x daughter!reader
summary: your moms come home after a day of work and discover that maybe you're a little version of carina.
a/n: english is not my first language so i'm sorry for any mistakes, guys.
word count: 695
warnings: andy being a real auntie and pure fluff.
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The sun was beginning to set over Seattle as Maya Bishop and Carina DeLuca walked through the bustling streets, hand in hand. It had been a long day at the fire station for Maya, and Carina had just wrapped up a shift at the hospital. As they strolled along, thoughts of a quiet evening at home with their daughter, Y/N, filled their minds.
Y/N, their bright and energetic eight-year-old daughter, was a source of endless joy and occasional mischief. Maya and Carina had adopted her when she was just a toddler, and their lives had been filled with laughter and love ever since.
As they approached their home, they could hear faint giggles coming from the backyard.
"Sounds like someone's having fun," Maya remarked with a smile.
Carina nodded, her eyes softening at the thought of seeing Y/N's smiling face.
"I wonder what she's up to now," she mused aloud.
Entering the backyard, Maya and Carina were greeted by the sight of Y/N playing with Andy Herrera, Maya's colleague and friend from Station 19. Andy was twirling Y/N around, both of them laughing gleefully.
"There they are, the dynamic duo," Andy called out, her voice filled with amusement as she set Y/N down gently.
Y/N ran over to Maya and Carina, her face flushed with excitement.
"Moms, guess what!" she exclaimed, bouncing on her toes.
"What is it, sweetheart?" Maya asked, kneeling down to Y/N's eye level.
"I learned something cool today," Y/N replied, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "I can speak like Mama Carina when I'm mad!"
Maya and Carina exchanged a surprised glance, then Carina chuckled softly.
"Is that so? And how exactly do I sound when I'm mad?" she asked teasingly.
Y/N stood up straight, adopting a serious expression and waving her hands in the air dramatically.
"Quando sono arrabbiata, dico 'Ma che mi dici?' e faccio così!" she exclaimed, mimicking Carina's Italian gestures perfectly.
Maya burst out laughing, unable to contain her amusement at Y/N's spot-on impression. Carina grinned, clearly tickled by the demonstration.
"Well, I must say, you've nailed it, Y/N," she praised, ruffling Y/N's hair affectionately.
Andy, who had been watching with amusement, couldn't resist adding her own comment.
"You know, Carina, even though Y/N is your adoptive daughter, she's starting to look and act a lot like you," Andy teased, a mischievous twinkle in her eye.
Maya chuckled, shaking her head.
"Tell me about it. It's like living with a little version of Carina sometimes," she agreed, her fondness for both Y/N and Carina evident in her voice.
Carina placed a hand over her heart dramatically.
"I take that as the highest compliment, Maya," she declared with mock seriousness, earning a playful shove from Maya.
As the evening progressed, Maya and Carina sat on the porch while Y/N and Andy continued playing in the yard. The sun dipped lower in the sky, casting a warm glow over their little family scene.
"You know," Maya began, breaking the comfortable silence between them, "I never imagined parenthood would be like this."
Carina turned to Maya, her gaze softening with affection. "Like what?" she prompted gently.
Maya smiled, her eyes reflecting the love she felt for her family. "Full of surprises, laughter, and learning every day. And having a daughter who's as spirited and loving as Y/N," she replied sincerely.
Carina leaned in closer, resting her head on Maya's shoulder.
"I wouldn't have it any other way," she murmured, her voice filled with contentment.
They sat together in companionable silence, soaking in the peacefulness of the moment. As they watched Y/N and Andy play, Maya and Carina knew that their family was bound together by love, laughter, and the joy of watching Y/N grow into her own unique person; Italian gestures and all.
And as night settled over their home, Maya and Carina felt a deep sense of gratitude for the life they had built together; a life filled with unexpected moments of joy and the comforting knowledge that they were exactly where they were meant to be.
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A New Adventure
Maya X Carina one-shot | Rated G | Canonverse
"Andrew Bishop-DeLuca was a force to be reckoned with and everything he would one day overcome, would only make him stronger. Though what would never change, would be the undying love and support of his moms. Of his cousins and aunt and uncle. Friends he would meet along the way. Maybe a partner down the road. Andrew was going to love and be loved, that was something Maya was certain about."
Read on ao3 here and fanfiction.net here
Written & cover by @thedefinitionofendgame (aka me)
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lilpotatjj · 7 months
AN: Well here we go, after seeing my poll it's pretty clear that it will be an Andy x Fem!Reader Story. If you still have any other wishes, just ask, requests are open. This story will contain longer Chapters and also many many more. 18+ will be markt in wich you can jump if you don't wanna read it. More fluffy, cute and tense chapter will come.
WARNING: nothing just the fluff that starts slowly <3
Wordcount: 1205
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♡Chapter 1♡
Congratulations Herrera… you will be captain of Station 19! ……
2 weeks later
………-Engine Company 19, Ladder Company 19, Aid Car 19 und Emergency Medical Services Response Unit 19 in E Madison St.-
"GO! GO! GO! 19! We are now dealing with a 5th grade emergency call! Bishop and Sullivan Aid Car! Montgomery and Hughes you're driving E19! Warren and Ruiz EMS19! Probie you're coming with me! Move!" Andy yelled and everyone was ready.
You nod resolutely and when you arrive at the address you can see the immense smoke despite the darkness.
"Oh shit….", Andy looks shocked as a picture of devastation becomes clear.
"Damn….that's a crane that's tipped over!" Vic gets out and looks around.
"Captain, there's fire everywhere, we have to contain it!" said Travis, looking tense.
"Can't you see the debris everywhere? And there are still injured people everywhere. Station 88 is also on the scene…we definitely need more support here!" Sullivan right in the mood looking at Andy, who realises the burden of this distress call, trying to orientate herself.
"Ok guys! Bishop and Sullivan check on all the survivors and get them to safety!" Andy yells.
"Captain I can help with the injured!" Warren looks at her seriously and Andy nods after a few seconds of consideration. She organises the remaining people and always passes on the situation report to the battalion chief.
"Captain!" With a leap you knock Andy over and the next thing you hear is a massive noise, close beside you as a large section of the crane has melted due to the heat and almost toppled onto Andy. Completely distraught, Andy looks at you, realising that she could have died here and now, you both stand up and Andy's breathing quickens. A loud beeping prevents her from hearing you.
"Captain! hey captain come to you!" you shout at her and grab her by the shoulders "breathe!"
Her first call as captain and then such a big one. Andy looks you in the eye.
"That's good, just breathe," you try to reassure her.
"Hey Andy, is everything ok?" Sullivan comes in to check if everything is ok. She just looks at him briefly and focusses on you again, then nods and takes her walkie talkie. "All units, we need reinforcements here, now!" Back in reality, she gives all the information to chief Ross and then looks at you.
"Contain the fire with the others, but keep your distance!" You nod at Andy's words and set off straight away, but you can clearly feel Andy's gaze on your neck as you leave.
The mission lasted a whole 40 hours and on the way back to the station everyone was simply exhausted. Andy leant back, lost in thoughts, looking out of the window.
"hey….good job Captain," Maya tries to cheer her up, the mood is too depressed after everything that has happened, but Andy simply ignores her. Images of the mission flash before her face in an endless loop and she can't relax which is also not unnoticed by you.
Back at the station, everyone literally falls into bed, only Andy is still in the captain's office finalising the report. She pauses for a moment as everything comes back to her. As captain, she is responsible for everyone. Tears well up in her eyes and she catches her breath, completely exhausted, when Sullivan suddenly comes in at the same time.
"tough first mission captain", he comes to her and sits down at her table.
"tch…" she closes her eyes and smiles. "How did you get through your first day as captain?" She looks at him for help.
"I just pulled it off, Andy, you've worked long and hard for this position. You're a born leader," he takes her hand, causing her to look at it thoughtfully.
"I was almost flattened by a crane today," she pulls his hand away from Sullivan. "Y/N saved me…. a new recruit," she huffs, almost embarrassed.
You were just about to open the door, but you hear her last words and pause with your hand on the door handle.
"The situation was also confusing, it's the first time I've ever seen a case like this involving a crane. Everyone was overwhelmed. You did your best and for the new recruit, it was an immediate experience.", Sullivan stands up and smiles.
You knock and slowly open the door. "Please allow me to come in Captain!" Andy looks at you and lets her eyes wander demandingly to Robert, who understood and left the office.
"Shouldn't you be sleeping?" Andy looks at you questioningly.
"I wanted to ask if you're okay, Captain…" you look at her carefully, her look completely tired. She stands up and leans against her table with her hands in her pockets, her eyes on you. "yeah....Thanks for asking, but I should ask you that. For your first shift here, it's probably difficult to process at first.
"Well, I've already experienced a lot, but the fact that I have to save the captain on my first day here is really crazy," you smile, but the words hit Andy harder than expected. She closes her eyes and takes a sharp breath.
"good job, probie…but you should go sleep now", she smiled unexpected softly.
A tinge of red spreads across your cheeks, which she doesn't know came from her smile, not her praise. "ok…
good night, captain", you turn back to your bunk and lay down, looking at the ceiling of the room smiling.
A new morning after the team finally got some more sleep, you are the first one awake and already making breakfast at the Beanery. Travis was the first to arrive. "hey well…your effort yesterday wasn't bad, well done probie" a peaceful smile from him, he helps you making breakfast when Andy joins you.
“Good morning,” came Andy quietly and formally. Travis looks between the two of you and was about to say something when Vic joins him. "heeeey, good morning!", she dances as she takes coffee and then suddenly looks back and forth between Andy and you. A simple silence between both of you and Vic then looks at Travis, almost looking for help, who just shrugs his shoulders and also sips coffee.
You remain silent and put the last things for breakfast on the table, sit down and drink coffee.
“thanks, looks good,” Vic grabs something and stuffs it straight into her mouth while Andy sits down right across from you. You concentrate on your coffee and have to swallow hard, but you are immediately pulled out of your thoughts when the rest of the group joins you. Andy looks briefly into your eyes, but her gaze is completely electric, she just suddenly gets up and leaves the Beanery with her coffee and goes to her office.
"Um…ok?", Vic watches her go, followed by the others except you.
“Surely the call is still in her bones,” said Sullivan and then looks at you quietly, which you don’t notice.
Andy stands with her back against her door, closes it and looks into the room, completely lost in thoughts, with a questioning look. "I swear…." She jumps at the sudden knock on her door, turns around and opens it….
who is the person behind the door? Next chapter will show it, also containing more fluffy moments between Reader and Andy
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jobrookekarev · 2 years
Caught By Surprise
Chapter Two of Six: Hi, My Baby
Words: 3272
Summary: Alex comes home to see that Jo has unexpectedly delivered their baby girl on the bathroom floor. Neither of them had any idea that she was pregnant before this and now they’ve suddenly become parents.
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy.
Relationship: Alex Karev/Jo Wilson.
Characters: Alex Karev, Jo Wilson, Meredith Grey, Ben Warren, Andy Herrera, and Maya Bishop.
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences.
Additional Tags: Birth, Pregnancy, Unplanned Pregnancy, Baby, Medical Procedures, Angst, Fluff, Family Feels, Baby Hats.
Read at AO3
Read at FFN
“Well no shit Jo,” Alex said as he finally regained his senses and ran over to her.
As he kneeled down in front of her, Jo moved to pass the baby to him. “Can you see if she’s okay? She, she was crying when she was born a few minutes ago. I think, I think she's okay, but I don’t know.”
“Yeah,” Alex said, putting his hands over that baby’s mouth and he was relieved to feel her breath in short warm puffs against his hand. After knowing their baby was breathing and generally alright, he looked at the pool of blood between Jo's legs. He reached to grab his phone from his pocket. He had to get an ambulance here soon or Jo wasn’t gonna make it. 
“I'm fine, I promise, just please take her,” Jo said again as she insisted on transferring the baby into his arms.
Suddenly, Alex found himself holding his child, his daughter. She was indeed a girl like Jo said. He was still on high alert and thinking like a doctor, rather than the father of this baby as he pressed his fingers to the inside of her arm to check her pulse. Although she wasn't crying, she moved around, throwing her arms up as she startled, but remained asleep. It quickly checked her APGAR scores, her coloring, breathing, reflexes, muscle tone, and heart rate. He had already checked her breathing and heart rate and she was a perfect pink color. She moved around and even sneezed with her whole tiny body in the most adorable way. She was beautiful, she was perfect. 
“Hi, my baby,” Alex said, a gleeful smile spreading across his face.
With the knowledge that the baby was generally okay, Alex took a second to look at his daughter. They had a baby girl. This baby girl he was holding was his daughter and he couldn't quite wrap his head around it. He paused for a moment to stare at her because she was perfect. She was beautiful. She was all pink and warm with ten tiny toes and ten tiny fingers. She had her mom's perfect pouted lips but his nose and forehead. She looked so much like him that it was a little scary. She had dark brown little curls like him and like Jo too, and he knew that if she opened her eyes he would see his own reflected back at him. But he only allowed himself a few seconds to stare at her as he knew he still had to take care of her and Jo and get them both to the hospital as soon as possible.
“She, she was crying and, and moving around a lot,” Jo whispered, looking at her with a small smile as she reached out to run her finger across her baby's hand as the infant instinctively wrapped her fingers around Jo’s.
“That’s good,” Alex said as he looked around the bathroom. He quickly grabbed the fresh towel that Jo had hung up on the rack for him and wrapped the baby up.
He looked at the cord, to see a hair barrette clasped to it like a clamp. The cord was a jagged cut but looked clean and it was covered in betadine. “Did you do this?”
“Yeah, I grabbed what I could from the drawer,” Jo said as he looked over to the open drawer next to her with her bloody handprint on it. “I, I used the little nail scissors, but I covered it in betadine. It's not, it's not infected, is it?” 
“No, it looks good,” Alex said, looking up at Jo before he reached to grab something else to wrap around her. He grabbed her towel from the rack and put it around Jo’s shoulders although she still shivered. 
“She's, she's okay,” Jo asked, a little out of breath, but with a smile as she stared down at their daughter. Their daughter, he still couldn't believe it.
“She's great, you did great Jo,” Alex said as he moved to give the baby back to her. “Can you hold her?”
“I'm, I'm really tired,” Jo complained, leaning her head against the tiled wall.
It was clear that she needed his attention now. As he looked closer the pool of fluids was mostly amniotic fluid, but it was dark with blood. Jo shivered as her lips trembled, she looked pale and Alex could tell she was a little bit out of it as she repeated herself and spoke slowly. 
“Okay, just stay here and watch her,” Alex says before setting the baby on the warm bathroom floor. Thank god, Jo convinced him to get those heated floors years ago. He got his phone out and dialed 911. As he waited for the call to pick up, he ran over to the cabinet to grab the emergency bag. He quickly pulled it out and he rifled through it to grab two emergency blankets, along with a bag of fluids and an IV kit. Jo always said he was paranoid to keep all this medical stuff in their cabinet, but he knew they would need it. He just thought that they would use it to help a neighbor or something. Alex never imagined this. 
“911, what is your emergency?” A stoic woman's voice asked.
“My wife, Dr. Josephine Karev has just given birth. The baby's doing well, her Apgar score is a 10 and she's breathing on her own. But my wife, she hasn't delivered the placenta yet and now she's still bleeding. I need an ambulance right away at 4196 Cale St.” 
“Okay, Mr. Karev, can you tell me how much blood your wife has lost and how is the baby?” 
“The baby's fine, It's my wife I'm worried about. She's lost a lot of blood, at least a few liters. I’m a doctor and I'm going to try and help her deliver the placenta, just call station 19 and tell them to get here as soon as possible!” Alex yelled before he hung up. 
He knew he should have stayed on the line longer, but Jo needed him and he needed all of his focus on her if he was going to help her. 
As he looked over at her, Jo had closed her eyes as she leaned her head back against the wall. She had pulled one leg up and she held her knee. He pulled out the first emergency blanket and wrapped it around their baby who was content and still sleeping. Then he put the second emergency blanket around Jo's shoulders. He quickly set up the IV, taking Jo’s arm and trying to find a good vein. He tapped his fingers over a vein and for a second, he wondered if we should wait for the EMTs to do this. It'd been a while since he’d done an IV. He looked up at Jo, who nodded, trusting him as he slid the needle under her skin. Jo hissed, but it was a good vein and he quickly set it up before hooking the bag of fluids on a towel rack above them. 
Then he moved to press on her belly. It was soft and tender and he tried to gently massage it to get the placenta to detach. Jo grimaced and reached out to grab his hand. She wrapped her fingers around his and squeezed, hard. Alex tried not to squeak as he knew Jo was in much more pain than he was. He heard the baby make a noise as she sneezed again and he glanced back to see her yawn, but she remained asleep. He went back to Jo and squeezed her hand as he massaged her belly, but he still had to glance back at their baby to double-check that she was real. 
He couldn't believe that she was pregnant and he didn't know it. He’d seen her two weeks ago and this chubby cheeks little baby was definitely full term, 39 weeks or at least a full 40 weeks. Sure Jo had gained a little weight recently, but not baby weight. She certainly didn't have a bump when he left and she certainly wasn't pregnant. He couldn't think of her having any of the signs of pregnancy in the last nine months. 
She was tired when she was in the early parts of her depression 6 months ago and that was also when she started to put on weight. But when she got back from treatment, she was just Jo, his wife, and a brilliant surgeon. Sure she suddenly had a craving for almonds and purple juice, but that was it. She was happy, she was herself again. He was just so grateful to have her back that he didn't care about the changes in her body, he just loved her for all that she was.
“I need to push,” Jo said as she started to pant and put her chin to her chest, squeezed her eyes shut, and pushed.
“Okay, I got you, Jo,” Alex said as he let her squeeze his hand as she moaned. 
Alex glanced again at their baby girl, still sleeping soundly and wrapped in the towel and emergency blanket. She waved her little arms around up by her face. Their beautiful perfect little girl that Jo delivered all on her own. Then he looked back at Jo as she sighed and panted in between her pushing. 
He had thought about having a baby with Jo since the moment he decided that she was the one he wanted to marry. He thought about how excited he would be to find out that she was pregnant. How he would hold her hair back when she had morning sickness and rub her feet when they got big and swollen and she couldn't see them anymore. How he would rub her belly and talk to their baby as much as he could and he would calm them down so she could sleep without them kicking her all night. 
He thought about what he would do when she was in labor. How he would hold her hand and get her ice chips. Here he was holding her hand and watching his wife finish giving birth and he found himself at an absolute loss of what he could do for her. From the look on her face, Jo was in immeasurable amounts of pain and there was nothing he could do about it. 
“You're doing great,” Alex said, holding her hand as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pressed his forehead against hers. “You're doing so good and it's almost over, just a few more pushes and it's all over.”
She screwed her eyes shut and pushed again, she pushed and pushed until she let out a cry and Alex watched as she delivered the placenta. Jo collapsed, her knees falling apart and she leaned her head back against the wall. She looked completely drained of all her energy, but it was over and she could rest. 
“That's it, Jo, it’s all over. You did so good, just rest okay. I got you, just rest.” Alex said as he pressed a kiss to her cheek and when he pulled back he saw Jo lightly smile, although she kept her eyes closed. 
But he knew it wasn’t over. Jo was still bleeding heavily. Alex put on a pair of gloves and carefully inspected the placenta. It looked intact, but as he flipped it over his heart stopped. There was a piece missing from the placenta, which means it was still inside of her. This spelled out a number of complications, yet Alex had no idea what to do. He tried to remember what they would do when he was an intern working with Addison, but that was years ago. He tried to run through different things in his brain. The only thing he could think of was to keep massaging her belly in the hope that her uterus would contract and stop bleeding.  
Jo had moved to lay down on her side, next to their baby. She curled up and put one arm around the baby. Her legs were drenched in blood and she started to shake with chills. Alex immediately grabbed the other towel from the closet, wrapping it around her waist before he tucked the emergency blanket around her, tucking her feet into the blanket. 
“I'm just gonna rest now,” Jo said, her eyes closed as she whispered.
“Yeah, you rest. It's going to be okay. I'll watch over you both,” Alex said as he crouched down by her head, brushing away the hairs from her face before he moved his hand down to massage her belly, praying that the bleeding would stop. 
“Jo, are you still with me?” Alex asked, reaching up to brush his fingers against his cheek.
Jo moaned, her eyes briefly closing again. “I'm here.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Alex said, as he put her head in his lap and kept massaging her belly. “You just stay with me, okay.”
“I’m right here, we're both right here,” Jo said, her eyes briefly opening as she looked at their little girl with a smile.
“I guess that joke I made about putting a baby in you was in poor taste, hu?” Alex said, looking down at his baby girl.
“Yeah, I guess I already had a baby in me,” Jo said, glancing up at him. 
Alex couldn't help but laugh and Jo even chuckled too as she smiled. Before he took in a deep breath and let it out. The one thing no one talked about in an emergency was the agonizing wait for help. His fingers tangled in Jo’s hair as he rubbed her belly. He focused on the movement as his fingers pressed into her stomach. He didn't know what else to do. He checked the towel between Jo’s legs and paled at how much blood she had lost. 
“Jo, please stay with me,” Alex pleaded with her as Jo stirred and opened her eyes.
“I’m right here,” Jo promised him with a whisper, although her eyes soon closed again and her normally warm pink cheeks were pale. 
Finally, he heard the sound of the ambulance. Alex could see the blue and red lights from the window and was relieved they were finally here. He quickly got up and checked on Jo and the baby. Both of them were quietly sleeping although Jo looked up at him with a small smile before he got up to unlock the door and usher the EMTs in. 
“Hey man,” Warren greeted him but Alex only nodded before he ran back to the bathroom kneeling next to Jo and picking up the baby. 
He gently unwrapped her as she threw out her arms up in surprise, letting out a cry before Alex started gently swaying and trying to settle her. 
“Well looks like she's got a good set of lungs,” one of the firefighters said as she came into the bathroom, her name tag said, Bishop. 
“Yeah, she's doing fine, please it's my wife,” Alex said as he looked down at Jo who barely looked up as they came into the bathroom. 
“Don't worry, we got her,” Warren said, putting a hand on his shoulder as he stepped into the bathroom before kneeling down next to Jo. “Hey, Jo I heard you had a baby? I thought it couldn't be true since I saw you yesterday with a flat stomach.”
Jo's eyes fluttered open as she looked up at Warren with a smile as he started attaching the electrodes to her chest. “Yeah, I'd say I look pretty…. pretty good for having a…. a baby.”
Each of her words was said in part as she paused to take in another breath before speaking again. Alex felt his heart beat faster in his chest as he worried for her. He watched as Bishop pulled back the blanket again to reveal that the blood had soaked down to her knees. 
“How long ago did she deliver?” Bishop asked, looking up at him. 
“About an hour ago maybe, she had just had the baby when I got home. I've been visiting my mom in Iowa. She just delivered the placenta, but I think there's still a part of it missing and she's lost a lot of blood,” Alex said as a few more firefighters came in, Herrera and Gibson according to their name tags. 
“Sir, can we see the baby?” Herrera asked as Gibson put on a pair of gloves. 
Alex nodded and gently unwrapped the baby, but she started to cry again. He didn't want to give her up. He quickly settled her as they started to put electrodes on her chest. She settled in his arms again as he swayed and looked up at him with big dark eyes, just like her mother's. 
“She's fine, she's been perfect, her APGAR scores were great and I'm not worried about her,” Alex said as they looked up at him.
“Dr. Karev is a pediatrician,” Warren explained to them. “And Jo here is a general surgeon, aren't you Jo?” 
Jo barely looked up at him and didn't respond to what Warren said or did as he put the blood pressure cuff on her. Bishop started to massage Jo’s belly, trying to get her uterus to contract and stop the bleeding. While Herrera and Gibson checked out the baby. Alex looked over at the monitor to see that her stats were perfect, but Jo’s were falling quickly. 
“Alright let's go to her on the stretcher, we need to get to the hospital as quickly as possible,” Bishop said as Warren nodded. 
Gibson grabbed the stretcher and went over to them as Herrera pulled him back to move out of the room with the baby. They loaded Jo onto a stretcher and they tucked the blanket around her. There was so much blood on the bathroom floor and it dripped down the side of the stretcher. 
Alex was torn between the two of them as Herrera ushered him and the baby out. They wheeled Jo past him and as they did Jo looked up and reached out her hand. Alex instantly took it and gave it a squeeze as he followed them with the baby in his arms. He stood next to Jo still holding her hand and holding their baby girl in his arms as they got into the elevator. Warren put a nasal cannula on her and Jo fought to keep her eyes open as they loaded up and raced to the hospital. 
“So is it a boy or girl, Jo?” Warren asked and Alex knew that he was trying to keep Jo awake as her eyes flickered to the baby in his arms. 
“A girl,” Jo said in a whisper as she glanced at them. 
“That's, that's great,” Warren said with a little bit of a stutter and Alex saw something in his eyes, but before he could ask then spoke again. “You guys got any names in mind?”
“Charlotte,” Jo said, with a slight smile as she looked at their baby girl. 
“Charlotte,” Alex repeated, he instantly loved the name and squeezed Jo’s hand before looking down at their daughter. “I like that too. What do you think, Charlotte?”
He looked back at Jo only to see that her eyes were closed. Alex waited for a heartbeat for them to open, he squeezed her hand, trying to prompt her to open her eyes and look at him or their daughter. Inside her heart rate dropped and his whole world dropped with it. 
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sugarybitterness · 3 years
request guidelines 🧃
general rules:
- requests are not always open, i will try to complete as many as i can but i might not be able to write them all
- please don’t be rude :]
- please avoid sending me requests you have already sent to other writers or ideas posted by other writers
- i do have a wip list, but it is always subject to change
characters i write for:
natasha romanoff • wanda maximoff • yelena belova • kate bishop • thena • carol danvers • maria hill
emily prentiss • jennifer jareau • penelope garcia
andy herrera • maya bishop • carina deluca
most of my fics tend to be fem!reader but i try to make a few gn!reader :) i won’t write male!reader and i’m not too confident in writing for any of the marvel boys
what i write:
fluff • angst • comfort • smut (top!r / sub!r) • kid!r or kid!characters
what i don’t write:
dark fic • age regression
prompt lists:
prompt list 1 (fluff / angst / gen)
prompt list 2 (fluff / angst / gen)
ways to say i love you (fluff)
hugs (fluff)
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slvt4em1lyprenti2s · 1 year
Captain Bishop
Originally posted on my Wattpad @MayaBishop_is_myWife
Relationship: Maya Bishop x fem!reader Fluff
Word count: 2.6k
Y/N POV:  I feel my nerves going wild as I walk through the doors of Station 19. I used to work at Station 10 but, I got offered a position here for what reason i'm still unsure but, who says no to a job at the 19? I am really excited because I've heard so many stories about these guys and they're basically famous in the firefighter world.
I look around for a second before seeing someone walking my way.  Andy - "Hey can I help you?" she said with a warm smile.  Y/N - "Yeah, un I'm your transfer from Station 10." Andy - "Oh yeah y/l/n (your last name) right?" Y/N - "Yeah that's me." Andy - "Okay great, uhm I'll go get Captain Bishop to give you the run down." Y/N - "Okay thank you." Andy - "Oh, I'm Andrea Herrera by the way, but call me Andy."  She extended her hand for me to shake and I took it. Y/N - "Okay Andy." She gave me a smile and turned towards a door that I assume leads to the Captain's office, considering it had 'Captain Bishop' plastered across the front I would think I'm right, and she knocked on the door opened it and said Andy - "Hey Bishop the new girl's here"  Maya - "Send her in."
I walk in and sitting behind the desk is probably the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen, and I've seen many in my time. Her piercing blue eyes stared at me her beautiful blonde hair slicked back into a ponytail and a smile on her lips, wow. I sit down on one of the chairs on the opposite side of the desk and wait for her to say something. She speaks up as soon as I sit down. Maya - "Hey, so I'm Captain Maya Bishop, I don't really care if you call me Maya, or Bishop or Captain, like I really don't care but there are a few ground rules here so.." She explains all the rules about the Station like not taking other people things, or food out of the fridge for that matter, or when you're on Aid Car you don't go on calls no matter how big, you stay on your task, and most of all don't be rude or cruel to the others. She told me they're like family and family have each others back which I though was really sweet. Maya - "So now that that's over and done with, let's give you a tour of the place."
She began to lead me round the Station, showed me the locker area, changing rooms, inventory rooms, bedroom type things and so on.
The last place of the list was the beanery because that's when I'd meet everyone. We walked in while the team were eating their breakfast and chatting amongst themselves. Maya - "And this is the beanery the best place in the Station in my opinion."  The crew chuckled and murmured in agreement with her before realising she was giving me a tour. Jack - "Oh hey, you're the transfer from 10 aren't you?" Y/N - "Yeah I am, I'm y/n y/l/n by the way." Jack - "Jack Gibson." Vic - "Victoria Hughes, but everyone calls me vic." Travis - "Travis Montgomery." Dean - "Dean Miller." Andy - "I already told you my name so don't expect another introduction." Everyone laughed at her antics and then invited me and Maya to sit down.
The first minute was awkward but after the ice broke a bit it felt like we'd all been friends our entire lives. I sat next to Maya and to say I was a little nervous would be a massive understatement. I mean, who wouldn't be nervous, she's literally perfect but, she's my captain, she's Captain Bishop and I can't have feeling like that towards my Captain so I just tried to push those thoughts to the back of my mind while we were talking with everyone which surprisingly worked.
Time skip
By this point we were all just doing mind numbing chores like checking the hoses and stocking the rigs when the klaxon rang out.  Klaxon - "Aid Car 19 respond, Apartment fire Maine Street" We all rushed to get our gear on and got in the trucks. Andy was driving, I was in the back and Maya was in the front with Andy. Me and Maya had to stick together today because I'm new and she's the Captain or something like that. I didn't really understand I mean it's not like I'm a rookie I just transferred but whatever, I get to spend the entire shift with Maya, I'm not complaining. Andy slows down and comes to a stop outside a 5 story apartment building with a raging fire on the 3rd floor that was ripping its way through the building. Maya - "Okay people listen up! Herrera, Gibson go get the hoses set up and ready for use, Montgomery, Miller, Hughes start evac in the building get everyone out of there!"  She was so hot when giving orders. Oh my god. I've got to stop thinking like that.  Maya - "y/l/n, you're with me. We're doing a sweep of the building, look for structural damage that could cause harm or poses a threat to our team or possible vics inside and close any and every fire door in that place to help get this beast under control you got it?" Y/N - "Got it Captain." Maya - "Good, okay come on people let's roll."  She yelled that last part out to everyone.
We put on our masks and hooked up our oxygen tanks and set off into the building, the first floor was completely untouched by the fire and only a very small amount of smoke was coming through the vents and a lot of people were already waiting there for evacuation. The same can't be said for the second floor though. The fire had already ripped through the walls and smoke was heavy. It was really fast spreading too, we were dealing with a big one.
As we are making our way through I hear a creaking noise and head to check it out, the fire has spread to the support beams, the building is officially extremely unstable. I radio in my findings and tell Maya. Maya - "Okay, damn. We're gunna have to work a lot quicker than what we though. I've swept the whole of my side are you done?"  Y/N - "Yep, no vics and fire doors are closed." Maya - "Okay good, we're heading up onto the floor that the fire started on so please be careful while we're up there okay?" Y/N - "I will be, same goes for you okay?" Maya - "Yeah don't worry your pretty little head about me." I chuckled and followed behind her as we walked to the stairwell. She had an unfamiliar softness in her tone when she told me to be careful, it wasn't the kind of careful you'd say to anyone or in like a 'you're my friend so I care about you' way, I don't know it was just different. But, I need to put that aside because we have bigger problems right now.
As soon as we open the door to the 3rd floor a wave of heat washes over us, making the pair of us step back a bit.  Maya - "Wow, you got your fire extinguisher?"  Y/N - "Yep, you got yours?" Maya - "Yeah, don't be shy to use it okay? This is a big one and I don't  want you getting injured." Y/N - "Same goes for you Maya, don't try to be a hero, put yourself first."  She smiled before walking in and telling me to take the right side and she'll take the left. 
It had been about 20 minutes since we parted ways and I had just shut the last door and finished my sweep. I looked around and there was no sign of Maya anywhere.  Over radio -  Y/N - "Captain you there?" ~ static Y/N - "Captain Bishop?" ~ static Y/N - "Maya, I need an update." ~ static
Shit. I quickly switch channels and say I'm not getting a response from Maya so I'm going to look for her.  Over radio -  Jack - "Do not go in there alone, wait for backup. That's an order from your lieutenant y/l/n." Y/N - "Gibson! I need to go in it's been over 20 minutes since we split off to sweep so who knows how long she's been down," I say in anger, "I'm going on whether you like it or not." Jack - "Hey! Y/l/n don't you da-"
I switched back to the channel me and Maya were using and tried radioing her again. Still no response. I begin to trace her steps looking at hallways with closed fire doors, which she's obviously not down because she'd close the doors as she comes out so she doesn't block herself in, and finally I see one that's completely open all the way down apart from one, right at the end of the corridor.
As I make my way down I hear that dreaded beep. It was Maya's PASS device. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. I quietly mumble to myself as I pick up the pace and follow the sound.
I come to a room and see a collapsed, actually I don't even know what that is but Maya's under it so right now it doesn't matter what it is. I manoeuvre around it and pull up one side that snaps off and i throw it in the other direction. I pull up piece after piece until I finally see her red hard hat sticking out. I don't exactly know what came over me, probably adrenaline but after seeing that I placed my hands under that slab and lift it off her in one big motion. 
I immediately crouch down and check her pulse, stable and strong. Good. As I'm doing this a piece of wall collapses right next to us. So that's what it was. Because of this Maya begins to stir as I try to give her my oxygen mask. Maya - "What happened- hey no no no, you need that." Y/N - "and? so do you, you were crushed by a wall." As I said this another massive flame went up opposite us. Maya - "Y/n listen to me, leave me here, get out now." Y/N - "No way, I'm not leaving you behind, nothing you can say will make me change my mind." Maya - "Y/n pleas-" I cut her off before she can say anything else by licking her up bridal style and I begin walking out of the building. At that point back up had arrived and we're just arriving on the 3rd floor as I was carrying Maya out.  Jack - "I told you not to go in alone!" Y/N - "Yeah well, when your Captain's PASS device is going off and she's being crushed by a wall in a burning building, there isn't really any time to wait for back up Gibson." He sighs and agrees as we walk out. Andy and Jack had handed off the hoses to Vic and Travis and Dean was helping patch people up so, they finished our sweep while I carried Maya out the building. 
As soon as we got outside I took her mask of so she could breath and then took off my own. I walked over to the rig and set her down on a stretcher. She had slipped unconscious again at this point. I put the oxygen mask over her and checked her vitals.  Dean - "Hey, what happened? I heard some commotion on the radio." Y/N - "A wall collapsed on her so I had to get her out but so far from what I can tell from the work up she has no crush injury's and her vitals are stable so she would be just fine." Dean - "That's good, and thank you for saving her y/n. Means a lot and, is a very good first impression." I chuckle and say no problem. My attention is them drawn back to the stunning blonde woman i front of me as she begins to stir.  Maya - "Hey, what happened? Am I okay? I mean I'm not in any pain so I assume I'm okay." Y/N - "Yeah surprisingly you're completely fine, you must be the chosen one or something because when most people have a wall collapse on them they sustain some form of crush injury's but you? None." Maya - "It's because I'm just so awesome and intimidating that the wall was too scared to hurt me." Y/N - "Oh really?" Maya - "Yeah, mhm." I started giggling at her antics "What? You don't think I'm intimidating?" Y/N - "Well... I mean, a smile like yours doesn't exactly scream 'I'm scary be afraid of me!' to be completely honest with you."  Maya - "What's that supposed to mean? You think I've got a nice smile? Because if so then I think your smile is stunning just for the record" Y/N - "I think you've got a beautiful smile. I think you're beautiful."  Her cheeks turned a light shade of pink with this comment and she looked down. Maya - "Thanks, oh and thanks for saving my life as well." Y/N - "All in a days work." Maya - "Oh my god that is so corny!" I laugh at her comment and her smile just widens at me. Maya - "What can I do to repay you?" Y/N - "Now you sound corny, but in all honesty, you don't have to give me anything. It's not like I was just gunna leave you." Maya - "I know what I can do." Y/N - "Oh yeah, and what's that gunna be?" I ask teasingly. She grabs my hand and gets off the stretcher and drags me into the rig. Maya - "Come closer." I take a step closer to her and her other and finds it's way to my hips while the other still clutches my hand. She's a few center meters taller than me so I have to look up at her, her shining blue eyes that are usually so hard to read are now filled with love and care. I blush and look down. She brings a finger to my chin and makes me look up at her. Maya - "Hey, don't look away. Then I won't get to see your pretty face and, I won't get to give you your payment." Y/N - "Which is?" I ask completely clueless as to what's about to happen. She takes one look at me and her eyes flick down to my lips before she leans in. I was shocked at first and didn't respond but after snapping back to reality I kissed her back. Our mouths glided against  each other as if we'd done it a million times before. Her soft lips felt like heaven on mine. She ran her tongue across my bottom lip asking for access with I happily granted. My hand made its way up into her hair as her hand that was on my hips gravitated towards my waist. I pulled away to catch my breath. Y/N - "You know that was probably the best payment ever." Maya - "Really? Well you'll love the next part back at my house tonight, and tomorrow night at Joe's when I take you out." Y/N - "Oh really?" Maya - "Yep, so what do you say?" She seemed nervous. I made the Maya Bishop nervous? Wow. Y/N - "I would love to, especially the first part." She laughed and gave me a peck on the lips and let go of me. Maya - "I'll see you after the shift then." I said bye and watched her leave to go help patch up some vics.
How had I gotten so lucky?
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multifandom-ficrecs · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Station 19 (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Emmett Dixon/Travis Montgomery Characters: Travis Montgomery, Emmett Dixon Additional Tags: Jack Gibson - Freeform, Dean Miller - Freeform, Vic Hughes - Freeform, Robert Sullivan - Freeform, Andy Herrera - Freeform, Maya Bishiop, Chief Dixon, Michael (Station 19) - Freeform, Alicia (Station 19), Angst, A hint of fluff Summary:
“What are you thinking about? Travis asked softly breaking the comfortable silence between him and Emmett.
“Do you remember a few months back, that day in the firehouse shower?” Emmett asked after another moment’s pause and Travis hummed in response “The day my dad announced my engagement and I ran to the showers to explain myself and the words I love you just kind of slipped out?”
“Yeah, I remember” Travis admitted.
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jadegirly2k · 4 years
Chapters: 5/? Fandom: Station 19 (TV), Grey's Anatomy Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Victoria Hughes/Lucas Ripley, Victoria Hughes & Travis Montgomery Characters: Victoria Hughes, Lucas Ripley, Travis Montgomery, Maya Bishop, Jack Gibson, Dean Miller, Andy Herrera, Robert Sullivan, Andrew DeLuca, Amelia Shepherd Additional Tags: Angst, Canon Divergence, Love, Best Friends, Fluff, Developing Relationship, Secret Relationship Summary:
The team are coming to terms with recent events involving Andy but Vic is not acting like herself.
Takes place after season 3.
my imagining of how ripley can come back to station 19.
contains season 3 Spoilers.
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I Love You, Baby
Sullivan X Andy one-shot | Rated M | Canonverse
A/N: Amidst my Surrera breakdown tonight after reading the episode synopsis for 4x16, I wrote this to settle my heart rate. I have no idea how the Station 19 finale will go, but hints about a Surrera baby are running wild, so this fic inspired by those and everything else *Rated M for non-explicit sex/TW regarding the mention of George Floyd’s death (briefly)*
You can read this work on ao3 and fanfiction.net as well
Written & cover by @thedefinitionofendgame (aka me)
The cover is split between 3 different sections, just because :)
Alarms blared and sirens wailed but Lieutenant Andy Herrera heard none of them. Her thoughts were too crowded with her husband’s voice. No, not the way he whispered sweet nothings against her skin in the early mornings or the outrageously sexy way his voice deepened when he fought with her over control in the bedroom. Instead, it was the things he had told her over the last few months when the whole world had flipped upside down. The coronavirus started which put enough strain on a marriage alone. Then Andy’s husband, Robert, and a member of her Station 19 family, Dean, had wound up in jail mainly due to the colour of their skin. Robert had even had a gun pointed at his head, as he rushed to his wife who had been shoved to the ground. Less than two months later, a man across the country had died claiming he couldn’t breathe, filmed for the whole world to witness and make opinions about. None of it made sense to Andy, but then again she didn’t see things in the same way she had just half a year ago before she married her husband.
She loved his eyes. They were kind and held so much emotion. She loved the way his hands held her face when his lips brushed hers, no matter how gentle or rough their kiss was. His firefighter-status fitness level was a definite bonus; his hands were way larger than her own but she liked that they fit around hers like a glove. These were just some of the physical features she loved about her husband. Not once did she think about the colour of his skin and how that affected her love for him. It simply didn’t, at least not in a negative way. Robert was her husband; the colour of his skin never made any difference to her one way or another. Until it did matter, although not in a bad way. Suddenly, he was a target and Andy was thrust into a world that didn’t see a kind and dedicated man when they looked at Robert Sullivan. They saw someone that Andy would never compare to her husband, all for the colour of his skin.
Our marriage is the only good thing in my life, he had told her. The only good thing was her. They both had no one else, no parents or siblings. Sure, they had Station 19 who were basically family and Andy’s aunt, uncle and cousin. But in terms of immediate family, it was just them. Robert’s comment had left Andy’s head turning. Maybe it was the truth in his words, maybe it was the desperation he had said them to her in. Maybe it was because Andy wanted more than just their marriage to be good in his life. And maybe it was a little bit of all three.
Whatever it was, Andy was sure the problems couldn’t be fixed with what she had in mind. Although her idea wasn’t rational, it was the only thing she could think of. Robert and her had talked about the prospect of it before but it hadn’t gotten farther than that. The question remained whether or not it would break them up or make them stronger. At this point, Andy wasn’t ready to find out.
Yet somewhere in the universe, a light shone. A spark was lit, a flame caught on and from there, it was an inferno. One thing led to another and soon a giant ball of fire was heading for the only good thing in Robert (and Andy’s) life. It was only a matter of time before it crashed into them, leaving nothing but a mist of smoke behind.
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“Hey, are you okay?” Robert’s concerned murmur washed over Andy, as she slid back into bed next to her husband.
Andy nodded, desperate to feel the warmth of his skin against hers again. The early-morning air was cold and the firefighter wasn’t ready to get up yet. “Just had to use the bathroom.”
“Mhm.” An arm wrapped around her shoulders, making Andy feel safe. Home was wherever Robert’s embrace was. “Some long trip to the bathroom you took. Also did I hear you throwing up?”
Andy’s heart thumped in her chest. “No, why did you think that?”
“Thought I heard it. If you didn’t, it’s fine. Just wanted to check,” Robert pressed a kiss to his wife’s forehead. “We have ten more minutes until the alarm goes,” he informed her.
“So kiss me.” Andy’s reply was quiet but Robert reacted immediately. His lips moved from her forehead to her eyelids, her cheeks, her nose and landed softly on her lips. Andy shifted so that she was more upright, and Robert’s hands moved to cup her face. The kiss deepened, and the sheets soon ended up on the unoccupied side of the mattress.
Morning sex was something Andy hadn’t really indulged in during her hookups with Jack and Ryan. Sure, it was a better way to wake up than turning over and hitting snooze on the alarm but she was mostly concerned about not getting caught by her father or anyone else at the station.
The alarm blared, interrupting the couple’s post-orgasmic bliss. With a sigh, Andy pushed away from Robert and threw on his discarded Station 19 shirt from the night before. “Cereal good for you? I’m not in the mood for French toast which is the-”
“Only thing you know how to make for breakfast, I know.” Leaning back against the headboard. Robert put his hands behind his head and smiled at her. “You tell me every morning.”
“Hey, I’m just reminding you what you signed up for when you married me.” She threw on yesterday’s jeans (her own this time), leaving the room.
“I married you for other reasons besides my breakfast options!” Robert shouted after her. He heard her infectious giggle from the stairs, which made his smile stretch even wider. Andy was going to be the death of him, but he would happily go if it meant the last thing he saw was her. The thought was cheesy, Robert knew, yet that was the state the ex-battalion chief was constantly in around his wife. She brought out a completely different side of him that had been hiding for the years between his first wife’s death and him coming to Station 19.
His first wife was probably watching from whatever afterlife she was in, happy for him. A day didn’t go by that Robert didn’t miss Claire, but he knew she would want him to find happiness again. Lucky for him, Andy was the woman he never expected to fall in love with and he did anyways. He was a very fortunate man to get two loves of his life.
After stretching, Robert rolled out of bed and trekked to the bathroom. Water was splashed all over the counter, which made him shake his head. While his wife kept a fairly clean locker at the station, their bathroom had no idea. He grabbed a small towel off the rack and mopped up the small puddles, then turned on the shower. Taking less than two minutes to get clean, Robert had a towel wrapped around his waist and was brushing his teeth while observing himself in the mirror. Clearly all the workouts he had been doing recently to deal with the emotions he had been feeling were helping tone his figure. Raising an eyebrow at himself in the mirror, Robert let out a laugh. He felt a bit stupid, so he quickly turned off the light, rinsed his mouth in the sink and went to change for the day.
A pair of Andy’s socks showed up in Robert’s drawer, so he opened up her side of the closet to put them away. But before he could move, something solid caught his eye amongst the squishy socks. He was about to investigate, then realized it wasn’t his. It was Andy’s and if he looked, it would be invading her privacy. So he closed the drawer and went back to putting on his own clothes. Yet Robert’s curiosity was piqued and the wheels in his head were already turning with possibilities. A surprise for him, perhaps. Or many it was a female-related object, one that she clearly didn’t want him to know about. Or maybe it was a- “Hey Andy, do you own a vibrator?” The question escaped Robert’s lips before he could stop himself.
Robert had never seen his wife appear in their bedroom so fast. “Robert, what on Earth have you been doing in here?” She asks, alarm lighting up her face.
Feeling like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar, Robert admitted to what he had seen in Andy’s sock drawer. “Do you own a vibrator?” He repeated, once he had recounted his story to his wife.
Andy let out a huff of laughter, as she turned towards Robert. “Um, I did, before I married you. But it’s long gone, so don’t worry you don’t have any need to get your feather’s ruffled.” She crossed her arms. “Would you have been mad if I did own one?”
“No way, I would’ve suggested we use it to spice up our sex lives even more,” Robert told her.
Andy smacked her husband’s arm, before turning to leave the room again. “You need to get dressed because we gotta go in like fifteen minutes. I got out the cereal.”
“Okay, thanks.” Robert listened to his wife, and joined her in the kitchen for coffee moments later. He offered her the coffee pot, but she shook her head. It surprised Robert as Andy wasn’t one to skip out on caffeine.
Andy could tell her husband was starting to get a bit suspicious, so she made her exit. “Gonna change, then we can go,” she said in a rush, then jogged up the stairs to their bedroom again.
Shutting the door behind her, Andy leaned against it, before sliding to the floor. It was getting a little exhausting trying to keep their teeny tiny surprise a secret, especially from her husband. Not that she wanted to be keeping secrets, but this one was too big to tell him yet. Andy wasn’t ready for him to know. Unfortunately, keeping it from him went against the main slogan of their marriage: no more secrets. Robert had told her that on many occasions, always with a kiss on her lips following. This was an exception, or at least that’s what Andy told herself to make her feel better.
The young woman shed her clothes and put on clean ones, then grabbed her purse and a pair of socks. She turned the hidden object over in her hand once, before slipping it back and smiling to herself. “Baby, you ready to go?”
“Yep, and I have coffee for you to go,” Robert handed Andy the travel mug, which she dutifully took. Hopefully she’d be able to pour the contents down the sink when her husband wasn’t looking.
They got in the car and drove to work. The streets were pretty empty, as it was barely six-thirty a-m. Andy silently prayed people would stay safe today, making their job easier but also keep people living. It also meant Andy wasn’t taking big risks, something she knew she should avoid for the foreseeable future. Robert didn’t think anything was different, as he reached across the center console to take Andy’s hand. She smiled at him, and he pressed his lips to her fingers. They were stupidly in love without a care in the world.
Once they reached the station, the couple changed into their work attire and headed up to the kitchen for their second breakfast. Andy realized she conveniently forgot the travel mug of coffee in the car, and sighed with relief. Except the second they came around the corner, Ben was offering a second coffee to Robert, and extended it to Andy.
“I’m good, thanks Warren,” she said, avoiding Robert’s gaze and scurrying to sit with Maya and Vic at the table. “Hey guys.”
“Hey Andy,” Vic greeted her.
“We were just talking about Pru’s recent development in mobility,” Maya explained.
Babies, Andy thought, I can talk about that. “Is she still doing the butt-scootch thing?”
Vic nodded. “Yep. Dean’s been trying to get her to take a few steps because she’s more than ready. But she’s a stubborn girl.”
It would be awhile longer, but teaching a child to walk was something that thrilled Andy. “I can’t wait for that,” Andy accidentally burst out, before catching herself. “I mean, I can’t wait for Pru to start walking.”
“Same.” Learning back, Vic looked like a proud mother, despite the fact that Pru wasn’t her kid.
Maya waited a second longer, before pushing her chair back as the rest of the A-crew took a seat. “Okay, Montgomery and Herrera, you two are on aid car today. The rest of you guys, make sure the truck’s in tip-top shape.”
After a chorus of ‘yes-es’, the team spread out. Andy and Travis were called to a house regarding someone who choked on a piece of sausage (the Heimlich was performed swiftly and effectively), while the rest of the firefighters were sentenced to putting out a warehouse fire. A machine had caught a spark, which spread to all the wood materials lighting on fire. Not a great combination, yet Station 19 was prepared and managed to evacuate everyone in record time. Maya commanded the radio outside, as Vic, Robert, Jack and Dean did a final sweep. The aid care, with Andy and Travis inside, pulled up just as Maya was about to call her firefighters back. No one was hurt, but it was good to have the care on standby just in case.
The radio crackled, and Vic’s voice rang out. “There’s one more person in here! They’re trapped under a wooden shelf.” Static, then there was a muffled noise, before a shout could be heard. “Dammit!”
Instantly Maya had the radio switched on. “What happened?”
“The fire just lit up the entire back wall,” Vic reported. Andy’s heart beat loudly in her chest, as she feared for her fellow firefighters’ lives, and most of all her husband’s.
“Get the person stable, and then get out,” Maya ordered. “Gibson, Miller, what’s the status on the exit?”
“Clear. The direct path has nothing structural that could fall. But the smoke is thick. We need to start putting out the fire in the main area or else it has the potential to block off where we need to go,” Jack reported.
“Okay, good. Get out and you can help the other stations spray from the windows.” The warehouse luckily had a bunch of windows, which made access to the fire easier. Maya had had the windows smashed in earlier.
“Copy that.” Jack’s radio went muffled for a moment, then two doors opened at the side of the building. “Hey Herrera, Montgomery, nice of you to join us,” Jack said with a laugh. Travis nodded hello while Andy didn’t even look in Jack’s direction. She was too focused on whatever fate her husband had. Recently her emotions and hormones had been all over the place, leaving her wanting to cry one moment and incredibly turned on the next. Right now though, Andy was scared for her husband’s life.
“We got them!” This time it was Robert’s voice on the radio. “Heading for the exit.”
The seconds ticked away as everyone who wasn’t spraying water at the fire, had their eyes on the double doors where they expected Vic and Robert to emerge from. Maya was worried, and turned on the radio again. “Sullivan and Hughes, where are you guys?”
The only answer was static. Andy thought she head a shout but it was too muffled to tell. Then one door pushed open, and she rushed towards it. Vic called out, “Help me grab the guy!”
Andy held open the door as Vic stumbled through it towing a man behind her. She coughed loudly, as the smoke was incredibly thick. Robert was nowhere to be found.
While Travis did his job and checked over the man, Andy turned to Vic. “Where’s Sullivan?” She asked, remembering to use her husband’s proper title since they were at work.
Vic didn’t answer her. Instead she spun around and fixed her helmet back on her head. “I’m going back in there,” she said.
“No you aren’t.” Maya stopped her.
There was panic in Vic’s eyes. “Sullivan is still in there. A huge beam came down just as I was rounding the corner to the exit. Sullivan jumped back just in time, but we were separated. The smoke is so bad, and I had the guy with me. I could see the exit, so I thought I could just drop him off and the go back for Sullivan.”
“You left him?” Andy whirled on Vic.
“No, I couldn’t get to him. I had a civilian and I told him I’d go back. I have to go back,” Vic repeated to Maya.
“No. No one is going back in there.” Maya stated firmly. She picked up her radio and said, “Sullivan, do you copy?”
There was nothing, except for Vic’s voice apologizing. “I’m so sorry, I just couldn’t reach him and I had the civilian and-”
“Nothing. You made the call and it was what was necessary.” Maya attempted to contact Robert via the radio again, with no luck.
Suddenly, there was a huge crash and a section of the warehouse roof began to cave in. Andy watched in horror as smoke billowed out into the sky and there continued to be no response from the radio. “ROBERT!” A scream left Andy’s throat as she lunged herself towards the doors her husband was still trapped behind. Much to her dismay, both Maya and Vic lunged after her, stopping her from charging in after him. She struggled against the women but soon gave up. “Somebody do something!”
Maya shook her head sadly. “It’s up to him to get out, I can’t risk another firefighter. Andy, he’ll be okay.”
“You don’t know that!” Andy was practically in hysterics, which wasn’t like her at all. She was normally pretty put together, even when his life had been in danger before.
Jack came over and looked Andy right in the eyes. “I know he’ll make it out to you. He’s been a firefighter for a long time, and will be fine. Trust him.”
“Okay.” Andy’s voice was small as she nodded. Jack gave her shoulder a reassuring pat, then stood off to the side. He was worried about his friend because she was rarely this emotional while on a call. Sure, she had broken down from time to time, but it was rare for to lose it at the scene. Maybe she and her husband-it was still weird to say that after almost a whole year-had had a fight beforehand, and she didn’t get the chance to work things out.
Water continued to rain down on the building but the radio remained silent. Maya tried over and over to reach Robert with no response. The panic was just starting to settle in, when someone shouted that they saw movement through one of the broken windows.
Inside the building the air was thickening with smoke and Robert was losing air fast. But he had someone to fight for, well two someones actually. He was not about to leave his wife the way his first wife had left him. Claire’s death had almost killed him, and he would do whatever he could to save Andy from losing someone else. Up ahead, Robert saw the exit that separated him from the love of his life. With a last surge of strength, Robert burst open the doors and stumbled a short distance before he fell to the concrete. Cold, fresh air filled his lungs as he took in gasping breaths. He looked up and saw that the sky above him wasn’t smoke but clear and blue with the sun shining too. I’m safe, he thought. I’m safe and I'm alive.
Seconds later, two figures reached him. One was Travis, thrusting an oxygen mask into his hands for him to put on, and the other was his wife. Her arms engulfed him in a hug, and she practically lay on top of him on the ground. At first, Robert thought she was just happy to see him alive and well, then he felt her shaking in his lap. “I’m safe, it’s okay,” he told her, pulling back slightly so he could wipe the tears from her eyes.
“I thought I lost you,” Andy told him, as she pressed the oxygen mask to his face. Travis stepped back and gave them a few feet of space, as the rest of the group worked to spray the flames.
“You’ll never lose me, I’m too stubborn to die,” Robert reassured her.
Andy nodded, but she wasn’t convinced, She was just thankful he had made it back to her, and didn’t leave her all alone to raise their child. “I love you, baby,” she managed to get out.
“I love you.” His words echoed back and he hugged her tightly again. Moments later, Maya appeared at his side, and Andy moved to get up off of the ground. “Hey Captain Bishop, things were getting a bit toasty, huh?”
“Just a bit,” Maya rolled her eyes. “You okay Sullivan?”
“Fine.” The man in question had regained enough oxygen in his lungs and strength in his body, to rise to a standing position.
“You should head over to the aid car and rest; we can debrief later.” Maya glanced around, then leaned over to her fellow firefighter. “Hey, is Andy alright?”
Robert raised an eyebrow. “She’s fine, why?”
Maya sighed. “She acted overly emotional when you were struggling to get out of the building. I totally understand why, but it’s unlike her. I just wanted to make sure things were okay.”
“Oh, I understand.” Pausing, Robert hesitated how to approach the subject of why when he knew Andy didn’t even know he knew about her secret. “I’m sure she was just worried.”
“Right,” Maya said. She didn’t look completely convinced, but luckily thought Robert didn’t get questioned any longer. He made his way over to Travis at the aid car and got his head looked at. It was just a bruise, which would heal in no time.
The fire eventually died down and lost the war against the firefighters and water. Station 19 began to pack up, and Andy came over to give her husband a check up of her own, before getting back into the aid car. Vic apologized profusely to Robert for leaving him, and he told her that he would’ve done the same thing, had he been in her position. As Andy and Travis pulled away, Robert was leaning over to give Vic a reassuring hug; all was okay.
Once they got back, chores needed to be done, then people started heading to the showers or to crash in a bunk room. Andy slipped away and went back to the barn, swinging herself up to sit on the back of the firetruck amongst the many hoses. It had been a long day, even though it was barely eight o’clock. All she wanted to do was go to sleep, with maybe a little loving from her husband first.
Speaking of Robert, his voice carried through the barn as he spotted her. “Hey, can I join you?” He asked.
“Yeah,” Andy nodded, moving so he could come up too. She let out a loud sigh, and ran a hand through her messy curls.
Robert watched her, concern in his gaze. “Everything okay?”
“Today was a close call,” Andy began, looking at her hands instead of her husband. “I’m glad you’re safe.”
Robert wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close. “Me too.” There was a moment of silence, until Robert decided it was time to rip off the bandaid. But first, he needed to tell her something. “I love you, you know that?”
Pulling away, Andy snuck a glance at Robert. “Of course, silly. I love you too.”
“Good.” Robert smiled slightly, then bumped her shoulder with hers. “Then I just wanted to tell you that I know.”
Andy whipped her head towards her husband. “You know what.”
“I know. Don’t try to hide it any longer.”
“What do you know.”
“I know.”
“I know you know, but what do you know?” Andy was very stubborn, and was not about to show her cards first.
Robert, who gave into arguments like this with her more often than she did, sighed and told her: “I know about the baby. That you’re pregnant.”
“Dammit.” She looked back down at her hands. “I was trying to keep it a secret for a little while longer. How did you find out? You didn’t look in my sock drawer, did you?”
“No, I wouldn’t invade your privacy like that,” Robert reassured her.
“Then what was it?”
“Well you’ve been acting funny the past couple days. Avoiding coffee, being way more emotional than normal-which there’s nothing wrong with but it isn’t like you normally-and disappearing to throw up at the same time for the past five days. You deny it but I know my wife.”
Shaking her head, Andy let out a sigh. “I can’t keep anything a secret from you.”
“So are you pregnant?” Robert wanted his wife to say it, to confirm his theory.
“Yes, I’m pregnant.” Andy nodded.
Robert didn’t hesitate. He leaned over and pulled his wife into the biggest hug, then began to press sloppy kisses all over her face. She laughed, swatting at him lightly. “I love you so much,” Robert gushed. “And I love you too, baby,” he said, looking down at Andy’s non-showing belly.
Andy took his hand and placed it where their baby was growing inside of her right now. “You’re not gonna want to miss this, ever,” she said.
“Never,” he agreed.
They were quiet for a moment, just breathing together. Then Andy spoke: “Before you tell me to lighten my duties, I planned on talking to Maya later this week. We have a girl’s night in the works, and I need to tell her before she suggests we go to a bar for shots.”
“Didn’t even cross my mind yet, but I’m glad you knew what I was going to ask in the future,” Robert said with a laugh. He pressed another kiss to Andy’s lips, then looked all around him.
“What?” Andy asked, as she watched her husband.
“I was just thinking, this is where it all started. Right here in the barn, when I was introduced as the new captain of Station 19. Who knew that we’d be here now, married with a baby on the way?” He lay back, pulling Andy down with him, and they tangled themselves amongst the folded hoses, snuggled together like they had lay that morning before getting up.
Andy confessed, “Not me. I hated you for a good while, before I realized I was using hate to cover up what I felt for you.”
Robert chimed in, “And I told myself I wasn’t going to fall in love with a firefighter half my rank. Look where that got me.”
“You love me.”
“I do.”
“And we’re going to be good parents, right?”
“The absolute best. First thing we’re going to do is teach them Spanish. After English of course.”
“Okay. Only if I get to teach them how to make French toast because-”
“It’s the only thing you know how to make for breakfast.”
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