10, 12, 3, and 5 for Androcta
Funny I'm answering this after establishing An was born a curse undead lol. I'm gonna organize these numerically because if not it'd gonna bug me lol /lh
Prompt this is for
Annie Droctal Stevens
3. Dorm!! She loves the opportunity to have her own space! (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)
5. A few unfortunately. Poor An has yet to find her beautiful emo bf or gf. ;3;
10. Her degree took four years!! She took a semester or two off so she could take some trips around the country. Her major is Entomology btw!! (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠)
12. Mhmm! Everyone in her family is rooting for her and she has no intent to let them down! ᕙ⁠(⁠@⁠°⁠▽⁠°⁠@⁠)⁠ᕗ An mostly likes to party and go on the town to destress, but sometimes a night of video games and junk food helps just as much. (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
-From Biblically Accurate Producer!
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Tw: Eyestrain, bug anatomy, multiple limbs, multiple eyes, decay, melty flesh
Hey y'all!! I've lately been binging through my minor character redesigns after abandoning em for so long kdbdkdnd. I decided to ditch the comparison/separate character post format I did before, mainly because I'm lazy lol.
Hope y'all enjoy the designs!! Sorry for the lack of art content lately, and I hope this makes up for it!
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I know An is his assistant and Jaegar is..himself but is there any activity they mutually enjoy doing together? Something they talk to eachother about? I re-read her toyhouse bio and it made me curious
I imagine they'd both share an interest in horror media (mainly books for Jeagar and movies for Ann), so they'd probably both like discussing that with each other! They both have pretty different views on the topic so they'd like hearing each other's takes and opinions on different stories.
Also they both love bugs and probably like finding weird bugs in the woods together.
-From Biblically Accurate Producer!
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Have any of the holders interacted with the demons/angels of your verse? Who and which kind?
OOOO this is a p cool question!!!
Sadly can't say much for the angel department. I imagine they see it as too dangerous to engage with due to a mix of their weakened magic, the high amount of demons there, and the general animosity towards religious faith, mostly brewed by Jeagar.
I will say (for those in the server wink wink) that Abel especially resents the city and undead in general.
As for demons, ofc the holders have had contact with em!!! Demons kinda see Pythonel as Vegas in a way, like it's an escape from the incompetent government of Hell. The Crimson King resents this but he knows restricting travel to Earth in any way will probably get him dethroned. I imagine a lot of the minor cast interacts with demons as well, so I'll list some of both here!
-Asmodeus has had sex with at least John and Ferris.
-Charles has a trade agreement/good relationship with Beelzebub's flock (if he gives them shiny garbage, they give him broken demon artifacts).
-Charles also often does business (and a shit ton of drinking) with Mammon, usually related to the sales of demonic weaponry.
-Lake Vulcan in general is a popular place for demons to party, and even move to, due to its similarities to Hell. Some even whisper of seeing Lord Lucifer in the local taverns.
-Daniel is a very big fan of Roselia's flesh-based clothes. They have yet to meet directly, but he considers her one of his great inspirations.
-Marietta and Roselia like to go on girl's nights together.
-Dessy sometimes babysits BeepBoop, during which she tries to talk the young demon into joining her gang. She has yet to offer a successful pitch.
-Caspian, Androcta, Kent, Silus, and Gunter have a "Servants of Evil Chess Club" set up by Ann, where they all meet up at a bar and attempt playing chess together. Kent originally joined to try getting secret holder intel, but they basically never talk about work. They usually get too drunk to actually play chess half the time.
-From Biblically Accurate Producer!
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owowoowow i didnt know the non human-y characters had them too :o please share!
(Sorry for the late ass reply I straight up forgot to respond)
What I meant by this was more that demons born in Hell (Sylvain for example) wouldn't really have human ethnicities like we'd know unless one of their parents is human. (Like with Jeagar I can't really explain if this is the case for Syl cause of spoilers.)
Little fun fact; this would also apply to Archimedes since he's an angel!
But!! If you're also referring to the less human undead, I can gladly offer some info on them!
Androcta is one I've been uncertain on for a while??? I initially imagined her being white but I've also considered leaving that up for interpretation since I intend for her backstory to be pretty vague.
Rodger is definitely white as hell though ldndksdm. He's a full blown redneck, but like without the racism lmao. I imagine he probably moved from the south not long after he got turned. Why exactly I'll leave for you to find out.
Idk if Bentley and the Projector also fit under the umbrella of non-human, but eh what the hell, they're robotic so close enough. Bentley is black, which I tried to imply with the loc-like cord hair. The Projector is in the same boat as Ann, mysterious past with no concrete hint to who his human counterpart was.
-From Biblically Accurate Producer!
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Does any of the ZoP cast have pets?
Quick notif that there's an anonymous ask just like this that I won't answer for brevity's sake! Anyway!!
Daniel has his racoons ofc! They aren't forced to stay at the Marble Palace, but he does give them names and such.
Jeagar has a butt load of hairless cats that Androcta helps him care for. They're about the only thing in the world that helps him feel happy anymore.
Ferris doesn't have pets per say, but he likes to watch and feed the bugs and rodents that end up in his place.
Aldin likes to steal lizards and snakes from the nearby zoo, including komodo dragons. Sylvain always makes him bring them back though. >:(
-From Biblically Accurate Producer!
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Jeagar: I don't give a shit if you and Ferris are not gay boyfriends, tell me where he is now!
Charles: FIRST of all, it's hetero life mates, huge fucking difference.
Sylvain: Hey big boy, I wouldn't mind if you left me shaking and breathless~
John: Ok, but what exactly would punching you in the throat accomplish?
Ferris: -bursts through the door- ITS HALLOWEEN FUCKERS! TIME TO GET SPOOKY!!
Jeagar: ..It's June.
-50 years later-
Ferris, carrying a bunch of balloons: gET SPOOKY!!
Jeagar, ripping at his own skin: WHY DO YOU DO THIS EVERY JUNE?!?
Charles, placing a small party hat on his distraught friend's head: get spookie
Aldin: Wh-where am I? Why am I here?? Oh god someone help-!!
Daniel, gently scritching the top of his head: lizurd :)
And now, minor character shit
Caspian: NEVER play pranks in the kitchen!! -stabs the crewmate next to him-
Bentley: And now for the weather, our junior reporter Dessy Pacie!
Dessy: -slams desk- ITS GONNA BE HOT
Bentley: Er uh, thank you Dess-
Dessy: -gets in front of camera- cLiMaTe ChAnGe
Marietta: What will it take to cross the river then, hmm? Gold? Jewels? Shoes perhaps?
Sandy: Look lady, unless you got anchovies or tuna, leave me alone.
Janice: Remember children, fruit is nature's candy!!
Kent: And poppies are nature's meth-
Janice: -sucker punches him into unconsciousness- Bad. He meant to say bad. Unless they're in muffins.
Androcta: -points her finger out to have it kissed like a mafia boss, revealing a glow in the dark spider ring you'd win at an arcade-
CiCi: -pretends to kiss but eats the ring very discreetly, which shows up glowing between her teeth-
Androcta: You lil' brats disrespec me and mah spooky spidah. Which cost me 50 tickets at dah Fun Time Pizza Land. Vinny, hit em' with dah sticky hand.
FiFi: You're an awful babysitter. I'm telling my mom.
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Some minor characters I finished drawing. I still need to make bios/upload them to Toyhouse, but I figured I'd post em here since I'm really proud of their designs + promo reasons lol.
(Top to Bottom)
Androcta "Ann" (redesigned from an adopt from SkaiDaHogwartsGal)- The leaders of Jaegar's personal couriers and his most trusted confidant. She's serious about her work and very loyal to her boss. She isn't completely obsessed with work however, she does have interests in making music and fashion designing that she's extremely passionate about. She's actually a rather sweet gal despite her twisted appearance, but she doesn't let her kindness get in the way of her loyalty.
Rodger (redesigned from an adopt from SkaiDaHogwartsGal)- A withdrawn and ornery bar owner who resides in Snakeskin Park. He's rather stoic most of the time and isn't very receptive to attempts at small talk. He's also quick to beat anyone that pushes his buttons too much into the floor. He does have a strong sense of integrity though, and keeps the information drunken and vulnerable patrons vent to him about secret. He's most well known for being a prevelant weapon dealer within the Park.
Dessy Pacie (redesign of a redesign created by debidideb)- The self-proclaimed rival to Charles and a sizeable thorn in his side, no pun intended. She is the leader of the Speed Demons, a gang of undead based in Lake Vulcan who mainly commit acts of vandalism and robbery. Dessy herself is a jittery and violent gal who enjoys "hittin' blunts and drinking onions". She's extremely chaotic and unreasonable and will destroy a whole city and everyone in it to ensure Jumbo Nerds make a comeback. Well, the scenario specifically hasn't happened, but you get the idea. She is somewhat capable of being civil, but only if it means getting something she wants.
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