#andrew villareal
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roanokesims · 2 years ago
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"Brindleton Bay Boys" 1917
Dearest Mary,
We've landed safely overseas, but I am afraid if I say anything more specific, my letter will be victim to the censors. There's several other Brindleton Bay boys with me, and we've stuck together as a bunch. Thus far, we haven't reached the front, though we expect to have an encounter soon. We can hear the fighting getting closer every day.
But please, try not to worry about me, though I know you will. Keep me updated on the children. The five of you are what keep me looking for the end of this war, as I am determined to meet dear Irene soon. Per the triplets' request, I have written more on the tale of the children in the magic woods and included a few pages here.
Fondly and with love, Your Andrew
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simmerianne93 · 4 months ago
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Hello everyone!! How are you today???
I'm bringing a new posepack that was a commission for an amazing storyteller on twitter (Pamsimmer). She is making a simverse called Pamverse, playing primarily with the Landgraab family and the Munch family, although it also covers a few more families, such as the Huntington family and the Villareal family. If you are interest on reading it, She has a directory with the whole story from the beginning on tumblr here and I really encorage you to read it, cause it is REALLY good. These poses belong to her Gen 2, with Malcolm's family.
I made these poses with some variations for you to have versatility when using them. There are 4 poses with 2 different versions (Poses #1 to #4 are with a Neutral or slightly smile face and poses #5 to #8 are the same poses but with a big smile in their faces).
The sims from all 8 poses can be combine with eachother to make different portrait combinations. There are some limitations but, I tried to make them as versatile as possible.
I hope you like them!!
What is on it?
4 groupal poses with 2 versions each one.
What do you need?
Andrew's poses player 
Teleport any sim by Scumbumbo.
BaseGame Executive guest chair
OPTIONAL: Invisible infant mat replacement  by mcrudd
Instructions in the original post.
Do not claim my creations as your own.
Do not re-upload or modify my creations.
Do not make money of my creations.
Do not include my creations in Mods folders to download.
Please follow my Term Of Use.
Download it now here — [EARLY ACCESS until September 17th, 2024]
If you want to support me:  Patreon | Ko-fi
All my poses overview: Pinterest |  Wix | Tumblr
More in-game preview pics of all my poses: Instagram
My socials: Twitter | BlueSky | Instagram | Tumblr
Lives and videos: Youtube
I really hope you like them and I will say in advance: Thank you so much for using them.
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pamsimmerstories · 7 months ago
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Malcolm met his friends in San Myshuno
previous || next
[malcolm]: what’s wrong, nate?
pretending he didn’t peek
[nate]: quincy. he’s my problem.
[quincy]: what are you talking about?
[angelo]: do you still do that, quincy?
[quincy]: i never did this. you’re both wrong!
[angelo]: he totally did it, right?
[quincy]: this is your fault. you’re ruining the game for us!
[nate]: how’s my fault if you were the one peeking at my cards?
[malcolm]: c’mon guys, let’s enjoy the game. and quincy, stop it! it’s just a game, you won’t die if you lose it.
[griffin]: hi my name is griffin
[griffin]: do you wanna play with me?
[andrew]: yes
[quincy]: i’m surprised, in a good way of course, that you turned the villareal name into something ... good. your brand is everywhere now.
[luna]: i’m a villareal, quincy. i can do anything that i want.
[angelo]: luna is amazing in everything she does. why would you say that, quincy?
[quincy]: i was just complimenting her. on how good she is in her career
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adzrielfaie · 8 months ago
Navigation for my premades rotational gameplay
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All links have /chrono at the end.
##: Link to the week
The XYZ: Link to all rotations of this family
(X, Y, Z): Link to all posts where this Sim appears*
*including all other gameplays or shoots I've ever tagged them in 😅
First rotation
01: The Brokes (Bob, Betty, Brandi, Skip, Dustin) | 02: The Pancakes (Bob, Eliza, Iggy, Babette) | 03: The Goths (Gunther, Cornelia, Mortimer, Bella, Cassandra, Alexander) | 04: Lothario (Don) | 05: The Calientes (Nighat, Nina, Dina) | 06: The Fengs (Lily, Victor, Andrew) | 07: The Landgraabs (Geoffrey, Nancy, Malcolm, Johnny, Marion) | 08: The Jangs (Baako, Anaya, Billie) | 09: The Villareals (Jacques, Hugo, Luna, Max) | 10: The Pleasants (Daniel, Mary-Sue, Angela, Lilith) | 11: The Burbs (John, Jennifer, Lucy) & The Oldies (Herb, Coral) | 12: Sterling-Rico (Bess, Jules) | 13: Pizzazz (Penny) | 14: The Bheedas (Arun, Jesminder, Avani) | 15: The Nishidakes (Shigeru, Sachiko, Kaori) | 16: The BFFs (Travis, Summer, Liberty).
Second rotation
17: The Brokes | 18: The Goths | 19: Goth-Lothario (Cassandra, Don, Victor) | 20: The Villareals | 21: The Bheedas (+ Anjali) | 22: The Calientes | 23: Pizzazz | 24: Bailey-Moon (Thorne, Octavia, Orange)
Third rotation
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lahija-del-molinero · 1 year ago
On this date, Nov. 19, 1969: Apollo 12 astronauts Charles Conrad and Alan Bean made the second manned landing on the moon.
funny lies 🤣😂😝
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Apstl Peter Manyuru More like manned landing on the studio in Nevada desert. Good actors.
Globe Debunker Made the second film of the moon landing. Stepped onto a set full of cement dust
Luis Villar Incredible story that after so many decades still seems real to many people. Kubrick proved that apart from being a great social manipulator, he was a formidable filmmaker.
Jason Delph Fake
John Christopher Neild Sure they did. Go look at that thing that they sopposedly landed on the moon and took off from it. It's a test of intelligence. Honestly, they must be laughing that anyone could believe that a space ship made of plaster board, tin foil & curtain rods could get through the ravages of space.
Azmi Zoomy Biggest scams ever
John Childers Sorry no one is buying thus bs anymore
Andrew Metzen Because it makes perfect sense to carry and set that up so far away from the lander. It's not like it would work 40 ft from the lander.. ( sarcasm) for you NASA fan boys.
Phil Jones Science fiction
Elias Charon Hollywood
more fun 😂
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gonzalo-obes · 4 months ago
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Semana Europea del Cáncer de Pulmón, Año Internacional de los Camélidos.
Santa Régula, Apeles Mártir, Santa Teodora, San Paciente, San Pafnucio y San Verano.
Tal día como hoy en el año 2001
El terrorismo más bárbaro y descarnado sacude el corazón de Occidente. Las Torres Gemelas de Nueva York (EE.UU.) son reducidas a escombros al impactar dos aviones de línea previamente secuestrados. El Pentágono también resulta seriamente dañado por un tercer avión secuestrado. Un cuarto avión se estrella en Pennsylvania tras amotinarse sus pasajeros contra los secuestradores. Es el peor ataque sufrido por los Estados Unidos en sus más de doscientos años de historia. El resultado 2.997 muertos y desaparecidos. El terrorismo islamista está detrás de la acción. La respuesta se materializará en una guerra en Afganistán. (Hace 23 años)
En Chile, el general Augusto Pinochet depone de forma violenta la democracia y el presidente constitucional Salvador Allende, que fue el primer líder marxista libremente elegido en las urnas en el continente americano, se suicida cuando no ve salida. Allende dirigió un socialismo democrático, gobernando por medio de elecciones libres y respetando la Ley. Redistribuyó la tierra y, para disgusto de los Estados Unidos, nacionalizó los grandes negocios en manos extranjeras. La CIA (Agencia Central de Inteligencia americana) consolidó una feroz oposición a Allende fundando grupos en secreto y su mano se encuentra detrás del cruento golpe de Estado. (Hace 51 años)
Se produce en Roma (Italia) un atentado contra Benito Mussolini en el que resultan heridos 8 transeúntes y del que él sale ileso. Como consecuencia se cierran los periódicos de la oposición, se disuelven los partidos políticos y organizaciones no afines al régimen y se persigue a sus afiliados y dirigentes, se restaura la pena de muerte y se crean Tribunales "especiales" (compuestos por miembros de la milicia fascista) para la Defensa del Estado. (Hace 98 años)
Mediante Real Cédula, el rey de España Carlos III declara la admisión de los aborígenes americanos a las comunidades religiosas y su aceptación para cargos civiles. (Hace 258 años)
Barcelona se rinde a las tropas borbónicas comandadas por el duque de Berwick. A partir de ahora, el rey Felipe V puede decir que él es Rey de España. (Hace 310 años)
En el marco de la guerra de Sucesión española tiene lugar la Batalla de Malplaquet (actual Bélgica), combate sangriento de gran importancia estratégica. Los vencedores (angloholandeses, comandados por el duque de Malborough y Eugenio de Saboya) sufren el doble de bajas que los vencidos (franceses, comandados por el duque de Villars). En Gran Bretaña esta "victoria pírrica" será aprovechada por los críticos al gobierno, y al mismo duque de Marlborough. (Hace 315 años)
Tiene lugar la toma de la ciudad de Drogheda (Irlanda) por tropas comandadas por Oliver Cromwell con el fin de sofocar la rebelión monárquica irlandesa. Cromwell manda ejecutar a todo el que se halle en la ciudad y ordena quemar la iglesia de San Pedro, en la que se ha refugiado la población civil. Tras este salvaje acto, así como la toma de la ciudad de Wexford unos días más tarde, casi toda Irlanda quedará en manos inglesas. (Hace 375 años)
En la madrugada chilena y por sorpresa, las fuerzas del cacique de Aconcagua, Michimalonco, atacan y destruyen la recientemente fundada ciudad de Santiago de la Nueva Extremadura, hoy conocida como Santiago de Chile. Inés de Suárez, amante de Pedro de Valdivia, ordena degollar a unos caciques presos, para amedrentar a los atacantes. Muchos de los atacantes huyen despavoridos cuando tenían la victoria al alcance de su mano. (Hace 483 años)
En la Batalla del Puente de Stirling, las tropas inglesas mandadas por John de Warenne sufren una contudente derrota por parte de los escoceses de William Wallace y Andrew de Moray. Tras esta victoria, William Wallace gozará del reconocimiento de la nobleza escocesa. (Hace 727 años)
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ohgeephoto · 1 year ago
Benjamin Earl Turner "HEADSPACE/BENT" from Abteen Bagheri on Vimeo.
Directed by Abteen Bagheri Produced by Joon Projects In Partnership with Love Song, Merchant, Anorak, The Lift
Executive Producers: Elise Tyler, Daniel Wolfe Director of Photography: Katelin Arizmendi Editor: Fouad Gaber Producers Paige Kauffman, Ryan Schemmel
Starring: Benjamin Earl Turner, Dane DiLiegro
Animatronics by Studio Gillis: Alec Gillis, Jon Miller, Zachery Teller, Keaton Blue, Consuelo Duran, Michael Heintzelman, Luna R Imagawa, Tim Leach, Peter Murphy, Dave Penikas, Andrew Penikas, Nick Reisinger, Alice Rijn, Sara Villareal, Garth Winkless
1st ADs: Guy Forgaard, Henry Minzes 2nd AD: Christopher Silver Production Designer: Andrew Clark Art Director: Chris Steidel Prop Master: Brendan Sharkey Armorers: Clay Van Sickle, Mike Tristano Costume Designer: Astrid Gallegos Costumers: Mariam Pirouz, Nicole Aprea, Alexis Aquino Seamstress: Keeva Halferty Hair and Make-up: Alyssa Holbrook 1st AC: Riley Keeton 2nd ACs: Michael Enos, Kyle Petijean Loaders: Chris Morgan, Brittany Meadows Additional Camera: Melisse Rahi, Michael Ragen 1st ACs B-Cam: Guido Raimondo, Mindy Kelly 2nd AC B-cam: Marco Brochie Camera PA: Matt Adler Set Photographer: Kalynn Youngblood Gaffer: Jake Lyon BBE: Anderson Ko Electricians: Brandon Alperin, Mark Belcher, Chelsea Pettit, Aaron Mercado, Justin Usami Hyphenate: Darrel D’itri Key Grip: Steve Forbes BBG: Adrian Estrella Grips: Kyle Sorvig, Matt Cole, Gaither Narron, Cody Ingham, Daniel Kusenada Sound Recordist: Hanna Collins Location Manager: Nicholas Reinoso Medic: Joey De la Rose PAs: Nadeem Haddad, Claire Schaefer, Allen Baldwin, Jordan Epperson Driver: Jimmy Valdez
Heshers: Andrew Miller, Ryan Rasberry, Liborio Moreno, Larry Andrews, Stephen Blakeslee, Akkaraj Ak Restaurant Owner: Jennifer Server: Joanna Yeh
Editorial Facilities: Trim Post VFX: Dan Williams VFX Facilities: The Mill London Colorist: Jason Wallis Color Facilities: Electric Theatre Company Sound Design: Gus Koven Sound Facilities: Barking Owl Titles: Sam Smith Storyboard Artist: Jian Giannini Casting: Nimzo Casting
Hesher Theme Song: Korvapuusti
Camera: Panavision Film Processing: Fotokem Filmstock: Motion Picture Film Stock
For Christopher Black
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moneygigs · 2 years ago
MariMed Inc. (MRMD) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript
MariMed Inc. (OTCQX:MRMD) Q4 2022 Earnings Conference Call March 2, 2023 8:00 AM ET Company Participants Steve West – Vice President of Investor Relations Jon Levine – Chief Executive Officer Tim Shaw – Chief Operating Officer Susan Villare – Chief Financial Officer Conference Call Participants Andrew Semple – Echelon Capital Markets Aaron Grey – Alliance Global Partners Jon Decourcey –…
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gjupdates · 2 years ago
MariMed Inc. (MRMD) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript
[ad_1] MariMed Inc. (OTCQX:MRMD) Q4 2022 Earnings Conference Call March 2, 2023 8:00 AM ET Company Participants Steve West – Vice President of Investor Relations Jon Levine – Chief Executive Officer Tim Shaw – Chief Operating Officer Susan Villare – Chief Financial Officer Conference Call Participants Andrew Semple – Echelon Capital Markets Aaron Grey – Alliance Global Partners Jon Decourcey –…
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thickdickgrayson · 6 years ago
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i want to come home. you are home. 
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prettylittleliarsxxxx · 6 years ago
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Andrew Villareal, PLL: The Perfectionists ‘Sex, Lies and Alibis’ (1x02)
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neverscreens · 6 years ago
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   SCREENCAPS OF TV SHOWS like or reblog if was useful ♡
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wonhofeet · 6 years ago
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pllguy · 6 years ago
i heard this song and decided to make an edit for PLL: The Perfectionists because it instantly made me think of the show. I hope y’all enjoy ❤️
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rodpower78 · 6 years ago
Ava's dad told her that he plans to use the money to payback the people he has fleeced. However Ava immediately told him about Dana getting the money and wants to help him. He was rather calm about Dana having the money, which means he might take some drastic action.
Also Dylan has decided to confront his high school tormentor and Andrew is gonna have his back. I really hope that he will go through with this.
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ruleof3bobby · 3 years ago
SLEIGHT (2016) Grade: D+
Could had been so much better. They need to guy more of a realism plot. I did like the DP work. Ending was odd.
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