#andrew probably would tell her he doesn't believe but also ask her a lot of questions
I bet that if Renee wasn't adopted by a catholic woman she'd be 100% a believer in tarot and when she met Neil the cards knew he was a lying time bomb for certain death but she wouldn't have told him that directly because they also said that he could find his own way.
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delurkr · 1 month
i'm planning on writing daniel and angela from little hope and i was wondering if u could maybe describe their personalities because i struggle at doing that . . . *sits in chair* of course if u don't wanna do it that's fine !
NICE so hm ok.
One thing I believe with Angela is that she's always been naturally sharp in speech and quick-witted, but now she leans even harder into being very outspoken with her criticism because she felt stifled for so long during her marriage. She's just very done with pussyfooting around people's feelings, especially with people she doesn't respect, although when someone is actually being vulnerable with her she'll drop the prickliness (like when she listens and is encouraging when Andrew talks about himself).
Relatedly, I believe she's also people-smart but not likely to update her opinions about others very often. One of her main traits is Understanding, which I think primarily applies in the sense that she is perceptive, but also it's not wrong in the sense that she'll sometimes demonstrate understanding towards people (under the right circumstances like I said). She isn't always right about people's motives though, since she's biased to more or less think the worst of people.
She can be dramatic about minor things, which would kind of seem to contrast with her self-sufficient been-through-the-trenches old war dog persona that she pushes, but I think sometimes the overreacting about things like her shoes in the middle of a bad situation is part of the persona in a way, almost like she's carrying on as usual because she's so unfazed by the big things, if that makes sense. I see the drama as also being a deflection, because while she's happy to remind everyone that she's survived hardship she also doesn't tend to want to open up about the degree to which she's actually affected by it.
Lastly on her, I'll say that she has firm opinions on what's right and what's not (in the moral sense as well as just her personal preference) and that she tends to be an outspoken observer as opposed to wanting to get in the mix and actually change things, but she's driven to get things done when she sees a need for it.
Daniel is quick to react, doesn't put a lot of thought into what he does before doing it, and, I would say, isn't too self-conscious most of the time. He's not one to read between the lines on probably anything, so if he's feeling particularly insecure he'll question if he's a problem in whatever way is relevant in a given situation, but otherwise he'll probably be coasting clueless about any issues deeper than what he sees on the surface. I feel like more subconsciously he absorbs tension and gives out what he gets in most of his dynamics though, which plays into his Defensive trait which I'll get to.
He can be quite broody, and I'd say he's the one most likely to have mood swings, for which more often than not he'll be able to tell the reason why. Not because he's introspective (he's not), but he just doesn't really hold back on his emotions as soon as he feels them. He spends more time being generally even-keeled though because he's also pretty easy going (and therefore I believe easily underestimated, in-universe by Taylor specifically when she's toying with him in a negative arc, but also by players who think his character is bland). Other people being aggravating seems to roll off him without him holding anything against them, and it's specifically when things involve Taylor when he gets more upset, and also when he can't understand why people are doing the bad things they do, because he's very kind-hearted and doesn't like to see suffering.
His Defensive trait is interesting, because he can be quick to match people's energy and clap back when someone pushes him too far, but he kind of wears his heart on his sleeve anyway so I don't believe it's accurate to say he actually maintains a tough exterior. The other sense of the word is that he's defensive about what he sees as his, property and especially people and especially Taylor. (It's when Angela makes digs at Taylor that he gets upset with Angela, otherwise she doesn't really irritate him.) And he's sensitive to injustice and reacts to it reflexively, like he's often picking (and switching) sides to defend whoever he sees as the injured party during the game.
Relatedly I think there's a sense in which he often feels responsible for others and takes that seriously. He likes to lean into the "knight in shining armor" role (particularly with Angela and Taylor) whether or not anyone asked for it. He's pretty idealistic and likes something to fight for and measure up to, and unless he's down in the dumps himself, in which case he's not unlikely to drag others down with him, he's generally trying to bolster the others up and smooth things over. I don't believe he's mature enough to be good at it though, (link to previous statements about him matching tension), but he gets frustrated when his efforts aren't appreciated because he's probably doing all he knows to do. Last note that he's not naturally out to reinvent traditional things like gender roles in regards to his own behavior, which sometimes works in his favor and sometimes doesn't.
Those are some things that came to mind and as usual anyone is free to add on or explain why I'm wrong lol, but I hope there's something that helps ❤️
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Lore Theory #1: Beliefs
Tw: for talking about cults, mentioning cults, talking about religion
I feel one of the most ignored aspects in the game is Ennioch, the backstory of Gnosticism, the religious undertones, and the fact that Andrew Allen himself confirmed that there is a parallel within those with Mortimer and Owen-
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After watching the MS I immediately associated a lot of religious themes and subjects as I had some time being involved in the church and served for some time (I had no choice. I am agnostic btw) I had some familiarity and actually experience some of the doubts and questions regarding faith and such.
This actually goes in hand with Owen canonically being considered a God and that phrase Mortimer says about no one being able to strive with their God keeping them.
Also, Riley was called an atheist for not believing Owen was her "father"/creator, which pretty much makes blatantly clear that the puppets are not Owen's actual children but his creations as He's basically God.
So, seeing this tweet and thinking of the religious aspects, made me think about this question:
Do the puppets have an actual religion?
I am not sure, but I think the game has some undertones that probably could incline that there might be it. This is my take on Daisy's phrase:
"A family that prays together, stays together."
I don't see this as a clue of the puppets being related because of a nice little thing called "Show Don't tell" exists and the game pretty much follows it. This phrase in particular feels more related to a religious environment. Something that you would hear in a church or well in a cult as there are religious undertones in some cults (E.I. Jehovah Witnesses, Jonestown.)
I did ask some people and a cousin in how would they take the phrase, and they do agree it has more of a religious connotation than a family related one. This is obviously up for interpretation unless the devs say otherwise.
For the sake of theorizing, I'll be leaning more towards this being a religious theme within the Midnight Show itself (I also don't think the puppets are related so yeah-)
I guess the closest thing to what a religion is for the puppets would be the concept of what is a God to them and the themes involving Gods as Owen is the equivalent of what is a religious entity (mostly Christianity) to our world. He is basically the creator of all things the Puppets know and the one who created them and brought them into a purpose.
Not to mention Atheist puppets are a thing in the game, so I suppose this would count as a religion in the game as there are some mentions of religion in the game (my friend Stich told me she does agree with me in that aspect)
Some themes regarding the religion in the game.
So, Mortimer and Owen are technically Gods in the game. One is confirmed as the God of the puppets, and Mortimer refers himself as a God several times throughout the game (One of the many reasons why I don't see a connection within him and Owen's dad) and has an analogy about power and using concepts that I've seen Machiavelli talk about in the prince (I had to read that book)
I'm mentioning this because I want to talk about Riley being a puppet atheist and a recent discovery that I made regarding Riley that finally puts my whole "Something doesn't feel right with this" regarding how she actually sees Mortimer. Here is my take:
Since Riley doesn't believe Owen is her "father" (since he's considered the father of creation) what if she calls Mortimer her "Father" not because she sees Mortimer as a Father (which thinking more about it, she only says that but I haven't seen more into if she loves him as a father) but rather because it's the most logical answer to her own existence, and she just sees Mortimer as a leader (cult leader TBH)
Riley is a logical person, and she tries to find ways that in her mind she believes work and can be explained through factual evidence (Hence why she's looking at Lord of the Rings as evidence to prove evolution)
As one of my besties put it, all Riley knows is that she was brought to life by Mortimer. She has zero idea how the hell does that magic work, but all she knows is that there must be a logical answer that links Mortimer without the relying on of the supernatural
Riley would, must likely try to find reasoning and logic in the unexplainable and look through things through critical eyes and believe the stuff she has with value. Mortimer was pretty much was that.
I think Riley was most likely to believe Mortimer was her "father" and the puppets evolved through how her methodological mind would perceive things. Why would she believe the human man, what puppets think as castle could possibly be her "Father"/creator?
Owen is not made out of what she is, he doesn't even look like a puppet, but Mortimer is the exact opposite. The evolution theory is basically the whole science vs religion sorta stuff. Riley is using the evolution to disprove Owen (the lab rat) created her.
I do believe Riley eventually started to accept the fact that Owen created in the later years as she doesn't seemingly seem to see Mortimer as more of an individual who she's close but not exactly a father, and she probably called Mortimer "Their true Father" out of respect (as she surprisingly still has some) as
Mortimer hasn't shown any discomfort or care about being called father
Riley only called him that on one tape directly, and later in the tapes I believe it's imply she doesn't really see him as such.
Riley respects Mortimer as a leader, and just wants his approval on her ideas as he's the one in charge and the one she feels the safest around platonically (I am wondering if she actually feels a mix of different feelings, but that is just stretching things)
Besides this being something Riley would do, I do think this is her way of trying to explain one of the themes that we do face in our day to day which is:
What is exactly our existence, and how are we different from a similar concept?
I do believe Riley's metaphor of not knowing how to use a microscope is about just not knowing what some mysteries in their existence have or what exactly is life to something that was simply an inhabited object.
This is obviously a reflection to us and the mysteries of the universe, and I do believe Mortimer is abusing this as he's trying to be the one who holds all the answers but as Riley puts it "She knows that he is just as clueless as she is."
Riley is more observant and a thinker about stuff. Something that the puppets don't really question as they are adjusted to a way of life, which reminds me a lot of the human world and also a bit of cults (to a small extent.)
I am still trying to figure out why the others do see Owen as a God instead of Mortimer, so I would love your POV in this as well.
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
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i am contributing to the lh fandom by asking for daniel/taylor
hcs where taylor just. steals daniel's hoodies?
YOU GOT IT BRO !! Enjoy 💕
Pairing: Daniel x Taylor [The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope]
Warnings: Swearing
Genre: FLUFF, Humor
- You see, this isn't an out-of-the-blue thing
- No, it's been building up gradually, leading to this situation Daniel has found himself if
- That being him unable to find a single hoodie in his closet fifteen minutes before class starts
- Of course, despite the weather being a lot colder than it should be for the month of March, he can get away chill-free with a shirt and a jacket over it
- That's not the problem
- The problem is that in his current state, having woken up less than ten minutes ago, Daniel can't pinpoint where his hoodies have gone
- His first guess is rather sensical but also not so at the same time considering there is not a single one left
- He knows he wouldn't have dumped them all simultaneously in the laundry basket
- But, with his fuzzy brain and the immense need to fall back into bed instead of crawl to class, he decides to believe that reasoning
- The actual cause of the disappearance doesn't click until two classes later when he meets up with Andrew and Taylor for lunch break
- He hadn't seen either of them up until that point due to their morning schedules not aligning
- But damn does he wish he had at least run into them cause one look at Taylor jostles his memory of where his hoodies have gone
- Her closet
- How, you might wonder?
- Now, it's no secret that partners in a romantic relationship can borrow clothes from one another
- However, to think that all of Daniel's had vanished without him having picked up on the decrease in their number in the first place is alarming
- That aside, let's get into how it all happened
- Let me tell you: it was a grand scheme building up slowly since Taylor's first visit to his dorm at the beginning of November
- Daniel and Andrew are cheapskates to a certain degree, which explains why they're yet to fix the heater in their room
- They see layering clothes and blankets as a cheaper and more reliable option so Taylor had to abide by it too whenever she'd stop by, being offered a hoodie of Daniel's every visit
- Little did either of them notice that she'd walk out with it on and that hoodie would never be seen again
- Realizing the web he's been tangled in, Daniel decides to exercise his own revenge in a witty way so he doesn't say a single word to her about it, not even when she asks why he's dressed up so much for class
- Instead, he keeps his quiet and barely contained wicked smirk until his classes end
- Taylor has an extra one so that gives him an hour's worth of freedom to execute his plan
- Cassy, Taylor's roommate was easy to convince for Daniel to be let into their dorm, but she did make a bit of a fuss about him going through Taylor's closet
- She did understand the gravity of the situation when she saw the stack of hoodies in his arms
- "Ah, I see."
- I with that Daniel had retrieved his stash of hoodies
- But the fun wasn't yet over
- When Taylor got back to the dorm, Cassy didn't feel the need to tell her what had happened
- Instead, she allowed her to go to her closet in search of a hoodie to wear to lounge at home
- And find a sassy sticky note there in the place that used to be inhabited by the stolen goods
- You would've gotten away with it too if it wasn't for that meddling Daniel ;)- the note read
- It made her laugh probably a lot more than its actual huomr value
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coinofstone · 4 years
4x03 The Wicked Day
We're only three minutes into this episode and Arthur's giving Merlin a universally recognized chin-tip of recognition while he is willingly being tied to an upright spinning wooden board, with his arms secured above his head and his legs slightly spread. Yea, there's absolutely no reason for that to make anyone think of Arthur being fastened to a St Andrew's cross, none at all.
Also what is with this show having other ppl shove food in Arthur's mouth
All the knights are clapping and laughing but Percival's looking at the spinning wooden rig like he's having some Thoughts™️
Merlin escorting a drunk Arthur back to his room, where Arthur proceeds to begin undressing himself, is a scene played for comedy - 'haha Arthur's drunk and walking around with his pants down' - but literally all I see is domesticity.
I love drunk!Arthur but I also like Uther with the long hair.
I really like the fight scene with Uther and the baddie, not just bcuz Tony looks good - but because it is giving Uther a bit more agency back. They've never been clear on what his deal is. Gaius has a line in the first episode that makes it sound like depression. Arthur has a line that makes it sound like Alzheimers. Uther's on-screen behavior could go either way, or could be a little of both. I don't really think it's supposed to be definitive. The swordfight, I think, is entirely keeping with both theories. He was asleep when Arthur entered the room, he would've been exhausted after the exertion of attending a feast with such lively entertainment (considering he spends his days staring out a window, that's a big effort for him). The fighting would've woken him up, and even if he were experiencing sundowning, his sword skills would've been ingrained in him since youth, muscle memory like. And there's always the whole, 'super parent' thing, the surge of adrenaline from seeing your kid in danger leading to extraordinary feats. Regardless, it's an improvement over the despondency in the last few episodes where his character was mostly reduced to scenery.
I love Merlin but he's a fucking idiot.
Fair warning, this is probably going to be an unpopular opinion. Merlin is being a self serving manipulative little shit by encouraging Arthur to use magic to heal Uther, presenting himself as a sorcerer to do so, and then claiming his 'price' for healing Uther is, essentially, freedom and equality for all magic users. First of all, as a FRIEND, Merlin should be aware of Arthur's state of mind. Arthur's lived his entire life wondering about his mother who died giving birth to him. Merlin knows how big of a thing it is for him, if it weren't he wouldn't have nearly killed Uther in S2 when he discovered her life was the price for his. NOW, he's just watched his father get stabbed in the heart while saving Arthur's life, on his birthday.
I don't care how much you dislike Arthur, you cannot deny the trauma here. There's no way Arthur doesn't live with a degree of melancholy surrounding his birthday, knowing that it's also the anniversary of his mother's death; and you can't tell me that hasn't been amplified exponentially since he learned the truth from Morgause and confronted his father. Whether he believed Merlin's last minute save that Morgause had been lying and that she conjured an illusion to fool Arthur, is immaterial. You can't un-ring a bell. In his heart he'll always question, he'll always carry the weight of knowing that there's a chance his own life came at the cost of his mother's. And there is no way this doesn't come bubbling up at his birthday every year. They even attempted to show him being 'grumpy' at the start of the episode, Merlin is enthralled by the entertainment that's shown up for his celebration, Arthur would really rather not deal with it. It's not because he's not easily entertained, it's because his birthday isn't something he particularly feels like celebrating. Add to that, now, in the evening after his birthday feast, he's incapacitated by a sedative in his drink and he gets attacked by an assassin. His father saves his life and gets stabbed in the process, a mortal wound. Arthur shouldn't have even been in Uther's chambers! If he hadn't been, Uther wouldn't have been near the fight - he wasn't the target, Arthur was. This is a huge trauma for Arthur, his father paying the price for Arthur's life with his own on the anniversary of his mother unwittingly doing the same thing! Major, massive trauma! Psychological disaster! Merlin, as Arthur's friend, should know that.
I'm not saying Merlin was wrong to go all dragoon again - wanting to conceal his identity so he doesn't reveal his magic is understandable. Merlin's willingness to use magic to save Uther is also ... expected, if not entirely understandable. He's saved Uther many times, this time is only special in Uther wasn't attacked by magic and Arthur asked him directly for assistance with getting someone to use magic to help him. That's a big first.
My problem is with Merlin trying to demand a price from Arthur at all. Even as dragoon. Obviously, I want equality for magical ppl in Camelot. Obviously, I understand Merlin wanting the same. But it does not make sense for Merlin to look at his friend, who is in pain, who is desperate, who is acting unlike himself, and say 'this is exactly the right time to make him promise me to end the war on magic.' He could've said, 'I will do this, but remember this when you are king. Remember when you saw magic used for good.' and that would've been fine. But the fact that he extracted a price from Arthur, in exchange for helping Uther, the fact that he made it a transactional agreement: that's Merlin taking advantage of Arthur in his weakest moment, full stop. And that's entirely out of character for Merlin. It very much comes across as like, 'I've got him right where I want him' which is THE most antithetical thing POSSIBLE to Merlin & Arthur's relationship.
And yes, for all my ranting I do understand that this was part of a plot point to pit Arthur further against magic, to cement his belief in his father's hardline stance against it, to prevent the show from having to prematurely address the issue because Merlin no longer has a reason to hide. It was intended to keep the conflict going, so that they could continue the series with that narrative, and I understand that. Buuuut the same exact end could've been achieved without Merlin eliciting a promise from Arthur when he's clearly under duress.
And speaking of things that don't make sense, why would Gaius hide the enchanted necklace he found on Uther from Arthur? Surely he would want Arthur to know that his attempt had been deliberately thwarted?
Commentary by Alice and Colin
Bit confused by Alice's comments about Uther. She says she didn't think it was a mental illness, but more like he's 'worn out'. She also says Tony had nailed it and that they'd both had experience dealing with older relatives. I don't really understand what she's trying to say at all. Anyway, she wanted him to have an excellent sword fight scene and I think she's succeeded in that.
It's Colin's first time seeing the episode cut so they aren't doing a whole lot of talking unlike 4x01 where Alice and Katie just talked throughout the entire thing.
Alice says there's a drinking game on the internet - drink every time someone gets blasted back by magic. Colin legit said
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The end bit where Arthur and Merlin are talking in Arthur's chambers, Colin says it's like what Merlin thought might've been his best chance has become his worst nightmare.
Alice is so proud of the shot of Arthur coming out of the room where Uther's body is laid out with the rising sun in the background streaming through the window, giving him Apollo vibes.
That final moment of Arthur being crowned king. Colin was clearly genuinely impressed with it and told Alice so, she said she was really very lucky to be given that scene to do.
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In My Veins (1/?)
House, M.D. Fanfic
This story takes place after the end of the series, following Wilson's death. Sorry, it had to be done for story purposes. If you've read my other fic, you know I'm a Huddy fan. This will be very Huddy. Maybe I can give them a better ending than the show.
Obviously, I don't own the show or characters. If I did, Huddy would have had a happier ending. Also, the title is based on the song "In My Veins" by Andrew Belle, which I don't own either. I highly recommend looking it up and giving it a listen. It just feels Huddy for me in regards to this story.
A huge thank you to @love-hope-faith-feels-like-a-lie for taking all of my crazy ideas and giving me honest feedback on all of my Huddy stuff, and for analyzing them with me!
This story is not as fleshed out on paper as it is in my head and will definitely be slower to update than my other fic, but it is still very much being worked on. This one is just more complicated. Please bear with me, and I hope you like what I've done! As always, feedback and comments are welcome. This story isn't as unchangeable, so predictions or something you might like to see or analyzing things are welcome too. It might be something I hadn't thought of yet.
She'd known she'd find him here. She'd known he would come after everyone else had left. She needed to see him. She just needed to know that he was okay. Her car showed to a stop, and when she got out, she saw the all too familiar figure of the man who had broken her heart... the man she couldn't help but still be in love with.
"I heard you were dead," she stated evenly as she approached the gravesite.
"I am." The familiar voice hadn't startled him. But he was very surprised she was there... and even more surprised that she didn't seem surprised to see him. "I only had you and Wilson. You left. Wilson died. Now I've got nothing," he murmured lowly after a few moments. It was useless to try hiding everything from her. She knew him almost as well as he knew her. She would wait him out until he broke. She had more patience than Wilson where he was concerned.
"I left because you drove a car through my dining room!"
"You left before that."
"When we broke up," she realized. She had expected this conversation. She'd been preparing for it the entire week before the funeral.
He just gave her a silent look. "You're not surprised to see me," he commented, looking away from her.
She just looked at him. And he could tell. "Wilson told you I wasn't really dead."
She stood there staring at the fresh grave, feeling... she wasn't sure what exactly she was feeling. What was she even supposed to feel? Hurt? Anger? Grief? A sense of loss bigger than she wanted to admit, bigger than she'd thought possible. When she first heard she was numb. She didn't want to believe it. There was no way the man who had caused her so much grief, who she had watched pull through so many other life threatening instances, was dead. She'd actually come to believe he was too damn stubborn to die. And then she found a wry smile tugging at the corners of her lips, despite her best efforts, as she heard the all too familiar voice of the man in question echoing in her head: "Everybody dies."
She couldn't stop the slow, silent tears as they slid down her cheeks. She didn't wipe them away either, instead allowing herself to feel, trying to process and label what exactly she was feeling. She'd told him once that she loved him, she couldn't help it. And now it was so very clear just how true those words were.
After spotting her, Wilson allowed her a few moments of privacy to grieve before walking over. "It's good to see you. I wasn't sure you'd come, considering."
Cuddy glanced up at him, brushing her finger under her eyes to try to look presentable. "Of course I'd come," she said quietly. "He was the most incredible man I've ever known." She had said those words to House only a couple years ago.
"The man did drive a car through your house," Wilson reminded her. Maybe bringing that up would remind her of all the shit House had done so she wouldn't be so upset.
"I had to see for myself that he was..." she trailed off, unable to say the word. It was completely insane, really. She was a doctor. She dealt with life and death every day. And now she couldn't even bring herself to say the word where he was concerned. "You're a terrible doctor," she could hear that familiar smug voice again. God, he was never going to be out of her head. "Maybe if I'd been there..."
"You could have, what? Saved him?" Wilson asked, arching an eyebrow.
She just gave him a silent look. She was beating herself up... she was feeling guilty that she hadn't been there to at least try to save him. For a long time she'd been the only one who could... from many things. This time she wasn't there, and now he was dead.
Wilson saw the guilt she felt at not being there to be his savior this time. "You always were his heart," he commented then, making a decision. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He wasn't going to let House keep hurting her. "He's not dead."
"Wilson..." she started, realizing her friend was probably processing his own grief and loss. He must be in denial.
"He's not. It's fake." He then went into detail about how House faked his death and the reasoning behind it.
For the second time in a week, Cuddy felt numb. And the familiar anger only House could provoke in her flared. "That son of a bitch..." she almost growled.
---end flashback---
She was quiet for a moment. "He saw me at your grave. He knew I was upset."
"I told him it wouldn't make a difference to you."
"How could you think that?!"
He shrugged. "I was already dead to you. Actually being dead would serve as an improvement. Then you wouldn't be tortured by guilt over how much you hate me."
"I've never been able to hate you, House."
"I've got a lot of memories that would beg to differ." He saw the look on her face then. "Fine, not a lot of memories. But a handful." He was quiet for another moment. "One memory."
She was silent. What was she supposed to say? That she forgives him? She doesn't. "Two, actually," she finally stated. They both knew what the first was. But at his questioning look on the second, she turned away and looked straight ahead. "You made me think you were dead," she stated lowly. She had been almost as angry at that as she had been when he drove into her house. She felt he needed to know that.
He was quiet for a moment, processing what she said. He hadn't expected her anger at his fake death, though he realized now that maybe he should have. "And yet here you are," he finally commented, studying her.
"Wilson was my friend too."
"That explains why you came to the funeral... which you already knew I wouldn't be at since I'd be keeping up the appearance that I was dead. That doesn't explain why you're HERE," he explained. "You knew I was alive the entire time. You knew coming here now, after everyone else is gone... you knew I'd be here."
The way he still knew her and could cut through any facade she could concoct about why she was there, surprisingly caught her off guard for a moment. She quickly managed to cover the shocked expression in her eyes.
"You came to check on me," he stated, unable to hide the slightest trace of an amused smile. She did still care about him...at least a little. "Why?" He couldn't help but ask, couldn't help but try to push her buttons.
She just looked at him for a moment, her temper flaring a bit as she'd seen his smile. "We all have our vices," she replied, her voice echoing the same time it had taken nearly three years ago when she'd told him that she couldn't help but love him, turning on her heel to walk back to her car. He was an ass. She should have known better than to see him. She should have just gone back to her life... left him dead. In less than five minutes, he'd already managed to open Pandora's box inside her once again. And it was true... she was an addict, same as him. He was addicted to Vicoden, but she was just as addicted to him.
Her words caught him off guard, or at least the truth in them, the implication they carried had surprised him. And he did the only thing he knew to do. He followed behind her. "Wanna get a drink?" He asked, almost allowing himself to hope.
She had opened the door already, but paused, just before she got in her car. She told herself he'd just lost his best friend... his world was probably crashing down. And for as much as she told herself no, told herself it was a bad idea, she remembered the times her world had been crashing down around her and he'd been the one there. He was there through her struggle with IVF... he'd been there when she'd lost the first baby she tried to adopt. It was time to return the favor. "Get in the car."
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shawnpetermuffins · 5 years
I Miss You
A/n: I hope this is good because I put this off for so long wanting to do it justice. And this is based very loosely off I Miss you.
Summary: you two broke up recently, and it's not sitting well with Shawn, even though he's the reason you broke up.
Requested by @it-isnt-in-myy-blood: Hi, I recently listened to the song 'I Miss you' (Clean Bandit, Julia Michaels). Maybe you could write a fic based on the song, angsty but with a fluff ending? Thank you... ❤️
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Kinda_yourname Cabo sunsets >>>> anything else
It may have only been a week, but I'm missing it here! 😭
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I shut my phone off and toss it to the end of the bed. I should have been with her on that trip, but tour got in the way. I got in the way. It's crazy to think that if you asked me three weeks ago, I would have said that my girlfriend and I could overcome any obstacle thrown at us. But ask me again a week later, and I would tell you I was wrong. That being away from her for months at a time was too much for me and I broke it off because I thought it would be what was best for both of us in the end.
Now ask me if I still believe that.
I don't.
I haven't told anyone about us yet. I mean, everyone probably suspects because there haven't been Amy preshow FaceTime calls for good luck, and I'm not texting like a madman during dinner or when we're on our way to the venues. And I know she hasn't said anything to anyone either. How? Because for one, she hasn't blocked me on any social media - I know, I've checked at least ten times just within the last two hours. And two, she hasn't deleted the three pictures of us that she has on her Instagram. They're still there for everyone to see, me included.
Now my fingers are hovering over the keyboard and I'm staring at her name on my phone which is still My Love 😍, and I'll probably never change it. Because she is my love, and to strip her of that title because I'm an idiot just isn't fair.
Hey... I miss you
I type and backspace and type and backspace at least ten times. Because I want to text her. I want so badly to text her, but what if she doesn't want to hear from me? I wouldn't blame her if she didn't want to. I was the worst. Breaking up with her over the phone, no less because I was hurting being away from her. Never once did it occur to me that, yeah, she was hurting too. Or maybe she's with someone else. Maybe she's found somebody new. I want her happy, sure. But I selfishly still want to be the one that makes her happy.
Y/n I miss you.
I delete it one last time and open my photo gallery. I have an album saved for photos of us. Photos that I never got to post because she wanted to keep us as private as possible without being a secret. Which is why both of us only have 3 photos of each other on our Instagram. One for our six months, a year, and a year and a half. Two more months and we would have had a fourth picture.
I'm swiping through the photos landing on one I took of her when we were flying back to Canada after our first trip together. We're on a private jet because this was before we went public with our relationship. Andrew made sure that we weren't seen together in the airport or anything. She's sitting in the seat across the aisle from me, legs up to her chest, earphones in, head resting on her knees as she smiles brightly at me. There's another one of us curled up together on this tiny chair in a green room in the UK that Andrew sent me. She's literally curled into a ball on my lap, sleeping peacefully and my legs are spread in front of me, arms wrapped tightly around her body, head resting against the back of the seat.
The next one Brian took. We were at my place for a very impromptu new years party. It was just gonna be me and y/n, but she insisted we invite the guys over. And we did. It was one of the best nights of my life. We're watching the ball drop, with her in my lap, arm around my shoulder. I have one arm behind her back, the other on her thigh. I think Brian knew something was going to happen because at ten seconds to midnight he pulled his phone out and captured out first new years kiss. She's holding my face and I'm practically leaning her back against the couch. It looks like I'm seconds away from crawling on top of her, and it be honest, I probably was. She's just too perfect for me to resist.
Then there's one that Josiah took of us just a few months ago at the studio house. I had y/n on the kitchen counter, she was in these jean shorts that I loved her in and a button up that she'd stolen from my suitcase. Not that I was complaining. It looked far better on her than it did on me. I stood between her legs, my hands on her sides, slipping under the shirt a little bit, leaning her hips exposed. Not that either of u cared with her fingers threaded in my hair as casually as they were. My face is blocked by her figure, but there isn't a doubt in my mind that I was smiling entirely too wide standing between her legs.
The video that follows knocks the breath out of me. She giggling like crazy, but the camera isn't on her, it's on me. On my back, more specifically. She laughs even more when I wince at the feel of her fingers on my red, raw skin that is now home of her fingernail scratches.
"Baby? What happened to your back?" She asked, amused.
"Don't know," I said, turning to face her, my cheeks still holding a slight blush. "But I think the real question is, what happened to your neck, missy?" I pluck the phone from her hands and turn the camera to her where she's trying to cover her face. I manage, however, to take her hands in my free one and the camera focuses on the flourishing bruises that litter her beautiful neck, my favorite place to rest my head.
I close my eyes, the memory of that night filling my mind. Watching her come down from her high, my face still buried between her legs. The weight and cold touch of her hands as she pulled me up to her, into her, because she needed me closer. I can hear myself murmuring the words 'I love you' all over her skin, still remember the way her back arched when I hit the right spot again and again and her finger ran down my back over and over, once more and she probably would have drawn blood. And I may not be home, but I can smell her on the sheets, that constant aroma of warm vanilla penetrating my nostrils. God, do I miss her.
I'm only making it worse for myself by doing this, I know that. But I should feel bad. I lost the greatest thing in my life and I didn't need to. So I got back to our messages, but instead of going to type a new one, I scroll through, reading through our old texts. There's countless paragraphs of us professing our love for each other. Lots of random pictures sent, most from my side. There's conversations about getting a home together, and a dog. And her telling me how much she loves my family and me telling her how much they love her, how much they ask about her. It's all hitting me too hard right now.
And it doesn't help that im literally sobbing at 2 in the morning, in Paris. The city of love. The place she told me was her favorite trip to ever take with me. Where we stood atop the eiffle tower and I gave her a promise ring, a ring that said I would love her and keep her forever. A promise ring that was now probably in the ocean in Cabo because I tore us apart so easily.
I sit up suddenly, struggling to catch my breath. It takes a few minutes, but I'm able to pull myself out of this empty bed that would only be comfortable with y/n laying next to me. I'm scrambling through the room, picking up the pair of jeans I threw off my body earlier and slipping back into them. I find a torn work out shirt in the bottom of my back and push my head and arms through before throwing my youth hoodie over my already overheated upper body. My passport is sitting in my guitar case, and I grab both things without a second thought. My suitcase trailing behind me.
It's difficult booking a flight and carrying a suitcase and guitar all at once, but I get along just well enough and adjust myself in the lobby while I wait for a taxi. I don't text Andrew until I've made it to the airport and am in my seat on the plane, ready for take off.
Emergency... had to fly home. Promise to make it back in time for the Paris show.
And I turn my phone off before he can text or call me back. Because there isn't a damn thing that he could say that would keep me there in a city that's meant for lovers, when my lover is across the world instead of laying in my arms the way she should be.
I know I shouldn't be doing this. I know there is someone out there who is better for her. Someone who isn't constantly on the move. Someone who can come home to her every night and help her make dinner. Someone who can cuddle her until she falls asleep when she's having a particularly bad day. I know there's someone who can do those things.
But I also know that he won't love her the way I do. He won't know all the little things that I do. Like how she only uses a blue toothbrush. Always has. And he won't notice the tiny scar that she has on her right middle finger from when we tried to make dinner together one night and she cut herself. He probably won't know that she wakes up at 3:34 every single night, because she hasn't been able to sleep fully and soundly through the night since she was four years old. And he'll mess up the way she likes her tea, using tea bags instead of leaves. (She like the herbal taste that you get when you use the leaves. And she likes when you do two scoops of them, and two scoops of sugar, but just cane sugar, the rock sugar makes it too earthy. And of course, she drinks it on ice because she hates burning her tongue with hot drinks.)
I'm thinking way too much as I get off the plane, reluctantly turning my phone back on only to see texts from just about everyone I know. They're all asking where I am, but I ignore them, because what I'm about to do is far more important than anything they threaten me with. I have to make things right.
Standing in front of this door that I've stood in front of hundreds of times should make me feel at ease. Remembering all the times I had her pressed against the other side of the door because I just couldn't wait to have her all to myself. But if anything, it's making me more nervous. So nervous that my hands are shaking, palms sweating, my breathing is jagged and I know if I don't knock right now I might never get the chance again and I can't lose her for real this time. So without giving myself the chance to rethink, I knock on the door three times and I wait, handing in the pocket of my hoodie.
I wait a solid thirty seconds, which feel like an eternity, before the door finally opens and I see my beautiful girl. Her face is bare, hair only halfway straightened, and she's in those shorts I love and my old Led Zepplin t-shirt.
"Shawn," my name still sounds like heaven spilling from her lips. "What are you doing here?" She crosses and then uncrosses her arms, shifting her weight from one leg to the other before standing completely straight.
I didn't even realize I was crying until I sniffled and heard my voice crack with just three words, "I miss you."
"Shawn," she shook her head.
"I tried not to," I insisted, still standing like a fool on her door step. "I swear I did. But I couldn't stop. I looked through all our pictures and texts, and I couldn't stop myself from missing you. And I know I have no right to because I broke things off. But I was in Paris and I was miserable because Paris was your favorite place, and that was where I promised to love you forever, and I'm still keeping that promise. I was an idiot," I continue to ramble. "If there's a better word for that, then I'm that too, because I thought it would be easier if I broke things off. This tour was going to be so long and to go that long without each other, I was scared that it wouldn't be enough for you. But it's not what I wanted, y/n. It's not, and I just-"
"Shawn, stop."
I shut my mouth instantly, ready for her to tell me to leave. But what she does instead throws me completely off guard. She pulls me into the apartment and wraps her arms around my neck, burying her head deep in my chest.
"I miss you, too." She mumbles and I exhale slowly, only to inhale that scent that I love so much. The scent that is naturally her. She starts to pull away, and even though I don't want her to, I let her but she only leans back enough to take my face in her hands and before I even have time to blink, her soft lips are on mine and I'm whole again.
She's mine again and I'm never letting her go.
Tags: @curlyshawny @shawns-badreputation @anamariel2301 @bbellbagel
This took me longer to write than it should have, but I kinda really like it. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you Wednesday for more content! 💙
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soupncrackwrs · 4 years
Okay so I had an idea for an AFTG fic but again I’m horrible at anything that isn’t hc’s so here we are (feel free to make this into a fic if you want just credit me) *Also all pairing in this are platonic besides andreil and mattdan soo, don’t like get out*
This spawned from that fact that one of my 3 PTP’s (platonic trust pairing) in AFTG is Kev and Neil
This is probably my PTP that has the most popularity in the fandom I’d say (my other 2 are Renee/Andrew/Neil and Neil/Dan which are both *really* hard to find ((at least on ao3)) so that sucks) but you’d be surprised how little it gets like actually focused on
Most times, platonic wise, Neil gets shown bonding with The MonstersTM, Allison, or Matt
I just happen to enjoy neil/dan, kev/neil,and renee/andrew/neil more
So I wanted a fic that really showcased kev and neils relationship
Now onto the actual headcanon
So neil and kevin are like best friends
They've been like that for a while
but they also like fucking despise each other
like they love and care deeply for each other and would probably die for the other if the situation called for it
but will that stop them from almost killing each other 24/7?
so they go to college together
along with all the upperclassmen (so matt+dan+allison+renee+seth) but not the monsters
andrew and neil have been together for a bit
they met around the same time kev and neil did so they've been together for a while (also while we're talking abt relationships, i don't ship renison ((am i the only one who believes that renee is a strong aro gal who don't need no man/lady/person)) but if you wanna make this renison, go ahead)
andrew goes to a different college tho ( for some reason i dunno)
and neil doesn't really like sharing stuff abt his personal life
we all know this
but a lot of the stuff he's done in his life involves andrew
so drew is brought up a fair amount
but when the upperclassmen ask who he is neil kinda just smiles and then moves on so they ask kevin and he's like
oh andrew is like one of my bffls he's a ride or die
(obviously not phrased like that)
and the upperclassmen r like 'ok he can be trusted he's a friend'
(little do they know hehhehhe-)
kev is tryna forget all his issues
so he decides to get hella pissed
wasted like he's never been b4
probably cause thea broke up w/ him last week but we don't talk abt that okay shhhhhhh
so he goes to the next party alli throws and
let's say it together kids
gets wasted like he's never been b4
to the point where the upperclassmen don't really know wht to do with him????
so they call up neil like yo pick up kev he's drunk off his ass like always but we think he's doing it cause he's sad this time'
so neil, being the good and sweet angel (not) that he is
goes to pick up kevin
and like he finds him on a coach almost catatonic just rambling to himself
so neil picks him up and drags him away to his car
and ofc all the upperclassmen r trying to help
so while neil is putting kevin into his car kev randomly just stops talking
(which is weird cause he's kept rambling this entire time)
and he looks neil in the eyes and goes
'i love you neil'
and neil just like takes a second
because he's not used to people showing him love even tho so many ppl rlly do love him (this boy is2g-)
and then quietly says
'love you too kev'
and finishes buckling him up
all the upperclassmen have been watching this going on the entire time and they read into in the exact wrong way
(they're trying their best, my baby dumbasses, but they're just wrong)
and think this is a romantic love confession between frenimies *instead* of the declaration of mutual respect and affection between 2 bro's that it is
matt is the first one to voice this after kev and neil leave and he is
he is super excited that his bro has found someone to love just like he found dan and is super excited to like talk abt love and go on double dates n stuff
and every one else agrees
which is why they're all super disappointed that by the time a week goes by, nothing has changed between them
so dan matt and allison decide to do something about it (renee+seth ducking out because'it's rude to meddle' and 'why tf would i care abt jostens love bullshit')
they try to set up kevin and neil a bunch of different time s
once with the offer of a study session that they all say they can't make it to, leaving neil and kevin alone
another time with the offer of kevin and neil going to the movies w/ matt and dan
(neil ends up busy w/ a skype date with andrew that he can't pass up cause they're always so busy and he has to see his boyf so kevin just ends up 3rd wheeling matt and dan)
and once with allison straight up just telling neil that he and kevin should get coffee some time
which neil respond to with
'we already get coffee together?'
so dan matt and alli are stumped
they don't know what to do with these 'lovesick' idiots
they're problem gets solved tho don't you worry
so the next weekend, andrew is gonna come over to psu and stay for like a week
neil is oVER THE MOON
And kevin is really happy too
so the upperclassmen take this to mean that these boys have finally gotten the hint and asked each other out
so imagine they're suprise when the next time the group goes to get lunch (which they do with each other every wednesday )
a super short blond emo joins them
and no one really acknowledges it?!?!?!?!?!?
until renee is just like 'hello andrew, how are you?' knowing smile on her face
and the upperclassmen are just like 'oh it's the famous andrew, that makes sense' but then they're like 'wait how does renee know andrew?!?!'
they ask and renee is just like 'neil gave me his discord. he thought we'd get along well'
-and then they're just like okayyy renee totally has a crush but well let it slideee
at the end of lunch neil is just like 'oh wait i never properly introduced him-' -cause you're a mess, junkie' -fuck off andrew' then just turns to the upperclassmen and says
'guys this is my boyfriend andrew'
and the foxes just silently freak out
because neil is in love with kevin? it's so clear? why did neil go and get a boyf when he has his love right in front of him??????
so after lunch, matt dan and alli ask to talk to neil privately
(andrew, kev,and renee all talk together while seth like, looks at his phone)
and they're like 'neil why'd you get a boyf??'
and neils like 'wdym?'
and alli says 'why'd you get a boyf if your so obviously in love w/ kevin?!'
and neil just LAUGHS at them
straight up cackles
and then the upperclassmen are like whaaaaattttt????
we saw your declaration of love at the party??
and you're both really close and seem to genuinely like and be interested in each other??
what gives????
and neils like
'me n kev are besties
that was a platonic declaration of love
i'm demi and me and drew have been together for like 3 years now'
and the upperclassmen are just like 'ooooooooooooooooohhhhhh sorryyyyyyyyy'
it's the first time alli has ever lost a bet (it was w/ seth abt neils feelings for kevin)
neil tells andrew abt it and the shortie just snorts and is like 'kevin would fuck a racket quicker than he'd fuck you'
neil is like 'i'm basically exy personified tho, soooooo'
drew tells him to shut up
(he does when andrew asks yes or no, just nods his head and smiles)
renee knew all along and is happy for her friends
kevin just wants to play exy he's been deprived the entire post
So yeah that's the entire headcanon. If you want some music to listen to while you write or just in general i recommend "I lost a Friend" by FINNEAS and "Corduroy Dreams" by Rex Orange County. they don't really have anything to do with the story, they're just real good :) Thanks for reading. see y'all later
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dukereviewsmovies · 5 years
Duke Reviews: Fast Five
Hi Everyone, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews Where We Continue Our Look At The Fast And Furious Series By Looking At The 5th Installment, Fast Five...
In This Movie, We Find Dom, Brian And Mia On The Run From DDS Agent Luke Hobbs (Played By Dwayne "You're Welcome" Johnson)...
And Police Officer Elena Neves (Played By Elsa "Wife Of Thor" Pataky) While Also Planning Another Heist This Time Against Corrupt Buisnessman, Hernan Reyes (Played By Joaquim De Almeida) But In Order To Pull This Off They're Going To Need The Help Of Some Old Friends...
So, Let's Talk About Fast Five To See If It's As Good As The Last Movie...
The Movie Starts Where The Last One Left Off With Brian (Played By Paul Walker) Mia (Played By Jordana Brewster) And Leo And Rico Driving Off To Rescue Dom (Played By Vin Diesel) From The Prison Bus To Lompoc...
After The Title Card We Get Some News Reports On Brian, Dom And Mia (Including One From Kent Shockneck And If You're Reading This We Love Ya, Kent) Before We Go To Rio...
No Offense But Why Do Movie Characters Always Go To Rio? They're Hiding Out There, The Incredible Hulk Hid Here, Bella And Edward Had Their Honeymoon, Max Bialystock And Leo Bloom Wanted To Hide Out Here..
(Start At 0:46, End At 1:20)
Rio Looks Like A Beautiful City But Please Movie Writers Send Your Characters Somewhere Else I'm Tired Of Seeing Rio In Movies I Half Expect These Characters To Run Into One Another!...
Anyway, With Dom On The Run, Brian And Mia Go To Rio To See...
Yep, Vince Is Still Alive After Nearly Dying At The Hands Of That Truck Driver In The Original Movie And He's Not Half Of The Pain In The Butt He Was In The First Movie Either, He Settled Down In Rio, Started A Family, He Has A Son...
They Ask If Dom's Arrived But Unfortunately He Hasn't And The Last Time Vince Heard From Him He Was In Ecuador A Few Weeks Ago. Having Dinner That Night, Vince Talks About How He Ended Up In Rio, Saying That After Brian Screwed Everything Up He Ended Up Drinking His Way Across South America And It Would Have Continued If Not For His Wife, Rosa...
Meanwhile, Mia Spends Her Time With Vince's Wife, Rosa Who Discovers That Mia Is Pregnant And That Neither Dom Nor Brian Know...
Talking With Both Brian And Mia, Vince Talks About A Job Coming Up That Despite Dom Not Being Here They Can Do Themselves Coulple High End Cars, Easy Targets And Someone Vince Knows Is Putting Together A Team To Swipe Them All They're Going To Need Is A Few More Willing Participants...
But Brian Isn't Sure But Vince Tells Him That With The Way The Car Scene Works In Rio They Can Unload Them Quick And Get Good Money And From His Point Of View Brian And Mia Could Use A Little Cash..
The Next Morning, Brian And Mia Are On-Board A Train Where Mia Is Looking At A Travel Guide Until They Get The Signal To Which They Digitally Copy The Conductor's Pass So They Can Create A Card To Open The Doors, Finding The Right Area, They Get The Covers Off As People Outside Weld Their Way In...
(End At 5:24)
Once They Come Up For Air, Dom And Brian Are Taken By The Other Guys Who Work For Hernan Reyes Who Is Probably The Worst Bad Guy These Films Have Ever Had And That Includes Verone...
Look At Him, This Guy Doesn't Even Match Up To What Braga Was In The Last Movie!
Anyway, Reyes That If He Tells Them Where The Car Is He'll Let Them Go But Brian Saying That Reyes Is Full Of Crap Leads Reyes To Threaten To Come After Mia...
(Acting Like Liam Neeson) And I Will Kill Her...
Dom Gets Outs Out Of His Bonds Once Reyes Is Gone So He Can Continue Beating The Crap Out Of His Men While Brian...Kicks Them...Yay...Don't Quit Your Day Job, Brian...
Reuniting With Mia, She Wonders Where Vince Is Which Brian Says Is A Good Question But If That's Not All, Mia Has More Bad News, Everyone Is Blaming Them For The Death Of Some DEA Agents That Were On The Train, Which Means They're Now America's Most Wanted And They Got To Get Out Of There But Dom's Not Going Anywhere Yet Because Reyes Wanted This Car And He Wants To Find Out Why...
That Night, DDS Luke Hobbs Arrives In Rio And How Do I Describe Hobbs In This Movie? Well, To Put It In Musical Terms Consider Him The Javert To Dom's Valjean...
Talking With The Chief Of Police, Hobbs Tells Him That He Wants 2 Things ,1. He Needs A Translator For Which He Chooses Elena Neves And The Other Thing Is To Stay The Hell Out Of His Way...
Back At The Garage, Vince Returns With Both Brian And Dom Asking Where He's Been Turns Out There Are Guys Around The Favelas Asking About Them And He Couldn't Get Out Of There Without Leading Them Straight To Them However Brian's Not Buying It...
But That Night, Dom Sees Vince Going To Get A Microchip Out Of The Car Confirming Brian's Suspicions Of Vince's Involvement With Reyes...
(Start At 0:19, End At 1:39)
Meanwhile, Hobbs Looks At The Train As Officer Elena Neves Arrives On The Scene, And How Do I Explain Her? Well, Consider Her Dom's Love Interest For This Movie And The Next Movie Anyway, Wondering Why Hobbs Wanted Her Turns Out The Reason Is Because He Thinks That She's Motivated And That She's The Only Officer That Can't Be Bought...
One Of Hobbs Men Comes To Him With Some Good News And Bad News, Good News Is They Found The Spots Where They Unloaded The Cars And The Bad News Is The Ground Rolls Into A Hard Pack And They Lost The Track But Reyes Points Out That Road Heads Toward The Favelas...
The Next Morning, They Look At The Chip And Discover That It's A Delivery Schedule And What's Better Each Shipment Is Worth $10 Million Dollars And What's Even Better Is 100 Million In Cash Houses..
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Discovering That This Is Reyes Entire Network On A Chip, They Got Bigger Problems As Reyes Boys Come In For An Attack And What's Worse, Hobbs Isn't Too Far Behind...
(End At 2:56)
Reuniting With Mia And Brian, Dom Thinks It's Best If They All Split Up, But Mia Doesn't Want That Telling Them The Truth That She's Pregnant...
With Brian Happy At The News, Dom Agrees From Now On They Stick Together...
Searching Where Dom Was, Reyes Thinks That Something Doesn't Add Up But Hobbs Just Sees Them As Names On A List That Need To Be Taken Down Asking If His Men Have Anything, One Of Them Mentions That The Vehicle Belongs To Reyes. To Neves Says That If Anything Illegal Is Happening In Rio Then Reyes Is Involved Which Gets Hobbs Interested In Him...
Hiding At Someplace, Brian Talks To Dom While Mia Is Sleeping About Their Father...
With Dom Asking About Brian's Father He Tells Him That He Doesn't Remember Anything About Him Because He Was Never There. Telling Dom They Need To Get Out, Dom Says He Has A Plan On How They're Going To Do It And It Involves Reyes Chip, They're Going To Use It To Steal All Of Reyes Money And Then Disappear But Brian Points Out That In Order To Do This They're Going To Need A Team...
To Start First, They're Going To Need A Chameleon, Someone To Blend In Anywhere And For That They Choose Han, Second, They're Going To Need A Fast Talker Someone Who Can Talk Their Way Out Of Anything And For That They Get Brian's Old Friend, Roman Pierce, 3rd, They're Also Going To Need Someone Good At Circuits, So, Brian Brings In Tej Who Lost His Horrible Afro!
4, They're Going To Need Guys That Can Punch Through Walls For Which They Bring In Leo And Rico For Some Reason? 5, They're Going To Need Someone Good At Utilities And Weapons, Basically Someone Who's Not Afraid To Get Into A Fight For Which They Bring In Giselle And Lastly They Need 2 Precision Drivers Guys That Never Lose For Which They Choose Themselves...
No Offense, Guys We Know You're Going To Be On The Team No Matter What But You Couldn't Pick 2 Other Precision Drivers To Back You Up Maybe Leon Or Suki, Perhaps?
With Tej And Roman Being The First Ones To Arrive, It's Funny As Hell These Guys Are So Good Together To The Point I Wouldn't Mind Seeing Them Get Their Own Spin-Off Movie...
With Giselle Being The Next To Arrive, She's Less Than Nice...
Don't Make Me Kill You Like I Did Maxwell Lord!
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Leo And Rico Are The Next To Arrive And They Talk In Spanish...
And With Han Being The Last Looks Like The Gang's All Here As Dom, Brian And Mia Enter To Fill Them In...
With All Of Them In, Han Makes A Point In Saying That One Cash House Is Robbed The Rest Will Be Moved Into One Area...
So, What Do They Do? They Attack One Of The Houses Where They Tie Everyone Up, Take Off Their Masks And Burn The Cash This Time As...
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Meanwhile Hobbs Boys Fix The Car And Discover That They Took The Microchip For It While Also Hearing About An Armed Robbery On Reyes Corporations To Which Neves Knows Immediately That It Was Dom...
Telling Reyes That Dom And His Crew Burned The Money, Reyes Wants All Of His Money Under Lock And Key Within The Hour...
With Each Member At A Location They Follow It To One Location, Police Headquarters...
With The Mission Getting A Lot Harder, Dom Believes That This It Doesn't Change A Thing And They Should Stick To The Plan...
Meanwhile Hobbs Looks At Traffic Cams At The Time Of The Robbery And Zooms Into A 1970 Charger To See 2 People Wearing Ski Masks But Running It Through FRS To See That It's Dom...
That Night, Reyes Visits The Police Who Have His Money Under Lock And Key In A Safe, Asking About Dom And Brian They Say That They're Looking For Them But That's Not Apparently Enough As Reyes Decides To Place A Price On Their Heads So High That Every Eye In The City Will Be Looking For Them...
Back At Dom's HQ, Mia Shows Some Blueprints Of The Police Station She Got From Police HQ, But Unfortunately It Doesn't Say What Type Of Safe They're Using So, They Decide To Run A Stealth Mission To Find Out, Using Roman To Get Their Eyes In There...
With Tej Getting An RC Car With A Camera On It Out Of The Box That Roman Gave To The Police Officer That Kicked Him Out...
Seeing The Safe, Tej Knows Immediately That This One Is Going To Be Hard To Crack...
Then Leo And Rico Go In And Place An Explosive In The Toilet Pipes, EW! So, They Can Go In And Drill Into The Wall So They Can Set Up Connections To The Cameras At Police HQ To Their Laptop...
The Cameras Apparently Have Marker Optics With 100 Degree Field Of View That Oscilates Every 10 Seconds Which Means They're Going To Need Really Fast Cars To Do This...
With Everyone Building A Track, Dom And Brian Go Out To Grab Some Cars By Checking Out The Street Racing Scene By Talking To A Racer Who Thinks That Dom's Car Is A Worthy Trophy For Anyone To Have In His Garage Which Leads Him To Challenge Dom For Pink Slips And That's The Last Mistake That S.O.B. Will Ever Make...
With Brian Running The Car On The Track, The Camera's They Have Set Up Unfortunately Spots Him, So, They Decide To Get Different Cars With Different Drivers...
But All Of Them Are Seen!
Of Course They're Seen! No Car Can Truly Be Invisible Unless That Car Is Being Driven By James Bond!
Anyway, Han Gets A Copy Of The Exact Same Safe That Is In Police Headquarters Which Tej Is Going To Work On Cracking However, They're Forgetting About One Thing, The Handprint Scanner, Yep They're Going To Need Reyes Handprint In Order To Get This To Work, So, They Use Giselle And Han To Get It...
While Monitoring Reyes, Han Asks Giselle About Her Military History While She Bring Up How He Used To Be A Smoker...
Yeah, Guys This Is Great And All But Now's Not A Good Time To Be Playing The Dating Game, You Guys Should Be Monitoring Rey.....es.....
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Returning With The Print, Tej Only Has One Question....
Please Answer It!
Thank You, Cher I Needed That...
While My Interest In Gal Gadot Blinded Me, The Entire Team Has Just Become Wanted Criminals By Hobbs As Brian Explains That He's The Guy The FBI Gets Whenever They Want Somebody...
With Han Asking Dom To Move Up Their Timeline, Dom Has An Idea Where They're All Confronted By Hobbs At A Street Race Where He Attempts To Arrest Them...
(Start At 0:14, End At 2:01)
With Hobbs Walking Off, Dom Gains A Win As Tej Plants A Tracker On Their Van....
With Neves Going Home For The Night, She Finds Dom In Her House Just To Get Letty's Necklace Back
Yeah, I Agree With Mrs. Hemsworth Here, Why Bother Coming Back For A Lousy Necklace?
It's Worth It? No Offense But That's BULL! Nothing Is Worth Getting Arrested Not Even Getting Back A Necklace That Belonged To Someone You Lost!
Telling Dom That He Should Run Because Hobbs Will Eventually Find Him However She's More Interested On Why He Stays When He Should Run Which Leads Him To Ask Her The Same Question Which Leads Neves To Talk About Her Dead Husband...
Realizing Dom Didn't Kill The Men On The Train, She Asks If Letty Was Special To Him? Which Leads Him To Say That He Never Thought That Anyone Could Understand How Much...
Back At Dom's HQ, Everyone Continues Testing Cars That Just Keep On Failing Because (As Han Points Out) The Window Of Time Is Just Too Small And The Only Way They'll Ever Do It Is If Their Cars Are Invisible Which Is (As I Pointed Out Earlier) Impossible...
However, Dom Says He Knows Just Where To Get The Cars...
All Right, I'll Bite, Where, Dom?
They Drive To Police Headquarters To Swipe A Few Police Cars...
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So, With Dom, Brian, Roman And Han In Police Cars They Decide To Do A Small Race With The Winner Getting An Extra Million...
With Roman In The Lead, Dom Eventually Takes Over That Lead With The Race Being Anyone's Game But It's Brian That Wins The Race, However It's Implied By Roman And Han That Dom Let Him Win...
The Next Morning, Mia Goes To The Market Only To Be Grabbed By Vince Who Says That Reyes Men Are Tracking Her...
Telling Brian And Dom About This, All Is Forgiven And Vince Becomes A Member Of The Team Again...
Preparing Dinner, The Other Members Talk About What They're Going To Do With Their Share Of Reyes Money, And They Also Find Out About Mia's Pregnancy...
Ok, Tej That Joke Was Good Enough For Giselle But Don't Push It On Mia...
Which Leads Dom To Make A Toast...
The Next Day, The Plan Is Set To Go Underway, With Everyone Taking Off Except For Dom, Brian, Mia And Vince Who Will Join Them In A Few However, Hobbs And His Team Arrive At Their HQ To Try To Arrest Them Which Leads To A Fight Between Hobbs And Dom...
And How Do I Describe This Scene? Well, Imagine If The Confrontation From Les Miserables Was A Fist Fight...
Sparring Hobb's Life, He Arrests Dom, Brian, Mia And Vince...
(Watch Whole Video)
While Saving Hobbs And Neves, Vince Gets Badly Injured And Dies From His Wounds Making Him The Eponine Of This Movie, But Before He Does He Tells Dom That He Named His Son After Him...
With The Mission Still On, Everyone Thinks It's A Bad Idea And That The Best Option Is Running As It's Now A Suicide Mission And That They Tripled Their Detail At The Police Station But One Way Or Another, Dom Has No Intention Of Letting Reyes Get Away With This.
With Hobbs Siding By Dom, Because He Wants Revenge For The Death Of His Men Everyone Follows After That As They Ask What The Plan Is...
With The Cars Arriving At The Police Station, They Decide To Use The Element Of Surprise To Ram Their Way In...
With Hobbs And Neves Dealing With The Guards, Dom And Brian Grab The Safe Using Tow Cables To Pull It Right Out Of The Wall..
With Police Following Them, It's A Chase Through The City With The Safe Bouncing All Over The Place, I'm Surprised No One's Getting Flattened Like Wile E Coyote...
But I Will Say That They Do Do Some Interesting Driving Techniques While Hauling The Safe Like Using It To Crash 2 Police Cars, Dragging It Down An Alley With One Car Going Forward And The Other Driving Backwards
But Just As They're Surrounded By Cops Who Are Shooting At Them, Roman And Han Come To The Rescue In The Cop Cars They Stole...
With Them Reaching A Bridge, They Have Too Many Cops Behind Them, Dom Decides To Cut Brian Loose Stating That He's Going To Be A Father And That He Needs To Think About Mia And The Baby...
With Dom Pulling The Safe With All Of His Nos He Manages To Hit Car By Car With The Safe, Ejecting Out Of The Car When The Safe Hits One Of Reyes' Cars So That His Car Can Hit The Car With Reyes Inside.,.
But Surprisingly They're Still Alive, That Is Until Brian Shoots Reyes Main Man And Hobbs Kills Reyes...
Saying That They Can't Take The Safe With Them, Hobbs Is Willing To Let Them Have 24 Hours Before Their Car And Mouse Chase Continues...
Oh, Wait I Think I Know What Happens Next...
Hobbs Realizes That Dom's A Good Man, Which Forces Him To Question His Ideals To The Point Of Suicide, Right?
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Well, There Are So Many Les Mis-isms In This Movie That I Wouldn't Be Surprised...
No, Hobbs Sadly Does Not Die (Otherwise How Would We Have A Spinoff In Theaters Now) No, Instead Turns Out The Safe Is Empty And They Have The Cash...
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Well, Turns Out That When They Had A 10 Second Window They Had Giselle, Leo And Rico Switch The Safe With The Money With The Empty Safe They Had...
And So, With The Money In They're Hands (Once Tej Opens The Safe) They All Go Their Separate Ways, With Dom Giving Vince's Wife, Rosa A Cut Of The Money Along With A Note Saying See You Soon, Uncle Dom..
As For Everyone, Leo And Rico Play It Up In Monaco Where We Never See Them Again, Tej Opens Up A Legitimate Garage Buisness With Him And Roman Hanging Out Every Once In A While, Han Didn't Get Just The Money But Giselle As Well...
Eat Your Heart Out, Steve Trevor!
Yep, They're Dating And They're Headed Off To Berlin Until We See Them In The Next Movie But As For Dom, Brian And Mia They're Somewhere On A Beach (And Don't Ask Where Because Even I Don't Know) All I Can Say Is That Mia Is Glowing With Her Pregnancy, Dom Is Dating Neves To Which He Should Watch Out For Falling Thunder Gods With Hammers That Shoot Lightning And Brian Wants Another Shot At Beating Dom...
I Would Say This Ends Our Film But We Get A Mid Credit Scene Where Monica Fuentes (Played Again By Eva Mendes) Drops By Hobbs Office In Washington, As A Team Of Drivers Hijacked A Military Convoy But Hobbs Isn't Interested Unless It's Dom But With Fuentes Saying To Look Deeper, Hobbs Makes A Discovery...
(Start At 1:00, End At 1:04)
And That's Fast Five And It's Okay...
While Not As Good As The Last Film, This One Has It's Moments The Story While Boring At The Beginning Catches Up Around The Middle Of It, The Characters Except For The Bad Guy Are Good, The Cars Weren't Very Impressive But At This Point They Were Changing Their Status Quo From Being A Series Of Street Racing Films To A Series Of Heist Films, Sort Of Like Oceans 11 With Cars But Still, It's A Film Worth A Watch And I Say See It...
Till Next Time, This Is Duke, Signing Off...
0 notes
pericopepair · 7 years
So, Mark 1. One thing that immediately stood out to me was the story where he healed the man and told him to go through the cleansing process anyway before the Pharisees and the dude DOESN'T and goes on to tell everyone about what happened. And my immediate first thought was: how did Jesus feel about that? The text doesn't say, but I think it's interesting that we have no context for Jesus' feelings when a guy explicitly disobeys him, but is also shown in a positive light for telling others 1/2
2/2 about Jesus. What do you think? (Also the whole thing with silencing demons... Why? They weren't exactly lying about anything. I remember someone explaining why Jesus didn't want to be called God so quickly but I can't remember why.)
((I pulled out some of the same things.  I’m going to list them all then discuss?  Sound good?))
So, Jesus’ first words in Mark were “The time has come,” and I ask myself what he means by that.  Does he mean his time has come?  Our time, as in humanity’s time, had come?  Is he saying that the Kingdom of God has come?  I wonder.
then he says, “The Kingdom of God is near,” and I believe (one of those borderline heretic beliefs) that the Kingdom of God is something we enter into on Earth through baptism and good Christian faith/practice.  I wonder if Jesus felt so close because he was baptized and sinless, therefore the most perfect candidate for the Kingdom of God.  Or maybe time works differently for God and Jesus, because, by human standards - imperfect standards, it hasn’t proven to be near to that time.
For when Simon and Andrew are called, I think that it’s a lesson in what it’s like to be called.  They had to leave their boat, their father with the servants, and follow.  I think that sometimes we’re called to service in inconvenient times.  That, their servants who will now help their father, mean that we are supposed to prepare for the chance of being called.  Prepare ourselves, our families, and our life as best we can and with God’s guidance.
When Jesus drives out the evil spirit, the evil spirit asks, “Have you come to destroy us?”  But, I want to know what he means.  Is he trying to be deceptive, speaking as if her were the man he was possessing?  If so, to what is he referring?  And if not as the man, then he must speak for himself; he must recognize Jesus as the Son of God predicted in Isaiah.  But then he’d have to understand when Jesus will do.  Are evil spirits that knowing of the future?  Can they be?  It almost seems God-like.  And when Jesus tells him to be quiet and leave, why does he?  If evil is so easily tamed, why can’t God just tame it for us?  Is it just another demonstration of Jesus’ perfection?
Then, when Jesus heals Simon’s mother-in-law, why must she immediately begin to serve them?  Is there no one else to serve the men?  Simon’s wife?  Andrew’s wife?  I wish it explicitly said whether the healed mother-in-law did it as a reverent ‘thank you’ and not out of social pressure.  I mean, I expect that’s the case, or that it’s part of it, but ugh, I’m nit-picking.  Wouldn’t someone who’s just been healed rejoice out loud, make a scene, or run off to tell her friends?  Does it just prove she’s better than the man who disobeyed after Jesus told him to not tell?
“He would not let the Demons speak because they knew who he was.”  There he goes taming evil that know way too much again.  And, with respect to the man who disobeys, does that make humans worse than demons?  These demons followed Jesus’ commands, yet that man did not.
verse 39: Jesus says “This is why I’ve come.”  Does he mean this is why he came to that place?  Does he mean that is why he came to Earth?  Was his solitary prayer him finding purpose from the Lord?  Did God reveal his plan?  And if so, how could the demons have known before Jesus knew if Jesus is God?
verse 41: Jesus was filled with compassion and said he was willing.  Are those necessarily connected?  I figure you can have compassion and be scared, not willing., pretty easily.  We see it a lot.  But, I feel that I fall on the converse more often  I have no compassion, but I coerce myself into being willing.  I will myself to help even without having compassion.  I wonder which is worse.
verse 45b: States that Jesus was in lonely places.  But, why were they lonely?  He had God with him always?  It says he was with his disciples and that people flocked to his preaching grounds.  Was he lonely because he was separated from God, stuck on Earth with humanity?  Are we that inhospitable?  Hospitality is a huge theme in the Old Testament.  Had we lost our way that far?  Are we still lost?
((Okay, so that was a lot. I’m  bit embarrassed.  If it’s too much, please tell me to do less.  Whenever I’ve been in a Bible Study, I’ve always felt that we didn’t talk about enough, but I understand that there is a time constraint.  So, anyway.  Now I’ll do some discussion over what you said.))
((I also understand that you’re doing this through an ask so it has to be much smaller. ))
Mark as a text doesn’t really talk about Jesus’ feelings.  It was written solely as a record of Jesus’ life and was to be completed as soon as possible after the events of Jesus’ life.  (Unlike John that was written after careful analysis of many witnesses and a compilation of different interviews intermingled with the direct witness of John.)  I get what you mean though.  What sort of thoughts must have been going through Jesus’ head.  But, at the same time, the man probably only regarded Jesus as another magician of the time.  Since Jesus wasn’t letting the demons reveal the truth about him, he was keeping the knowledge of his divine power and authority a secret from humanity.  I wonder if he was allowing people to make their own judgments about him.  If he was ensuring humanity’s free will by not allowing the demons to out him.
So, the silencing demons might have been an effort to preserve free will, humanity’s decision whether or not they’d recognize the Son of God on their own.  For how would we have faith if we were told what to believe?  And by demons at that.
As for Jesus keeping his Messiahship a secret, there are many different explanations for it.  I learned about some of them in my Historical Jesus class.  Perhaps, Jesus was waiting for the right time.  Perhaps he was trying to remain a normal person instead of a celebrity.  Perhaps his true nature was key to his crucifixion and ‘letting the cat out of the bag’ would speed of the timeline toward his death (and resurrection).  There are other explanations too, but I feel that they get more and more human reliant than based on Jesus, and, for the sake of this Bible Study, I’m going to stick with the arguments that do not discredit the Bible.
In the end, I guess that I personally believe that Jesus was allowing us to choose to follow him, but, I’ve still got lots of questions/doubt surrounding that too.
0 notes
demonofthelight · 8 years
Life stories: Simon Clarke
Joanne (presenter): What keeps you awake at night, like what do you regret the most?
Simon: I don't know if I regret anything because everything teaches you something. Everything we go through is a lesson in life.
Joanne: That's the diplomatic response. What's the real response? If you could change something what would be?
Simon: There's this girl, anyone that listens to this podcast regularly probably knows all about her. Well, I can't regret us ending, because she's getting married in, what's the date? She's getting married in less than a month and she's meant to be happy so I don't regret us ending. I regret being so unimportant in her eyes that we don't still speak. I regret that, more than anything. I don't know if she was the 'one' but she was a friend. A friend I will forever adore.
Joanne: Does that keep you awake at night.
Simon: I wouldn't go that far but there are days I wonder about her.
Joanne: If she was watching this show, what would you say to her?
Simon: I'm sorry I never made her happy and I'm sorry she felt pressured by me. There's this story where a mutual friend once told me, this girl who I don't want to name Joanne, I really don't. You've shown pictures there but she doesn't look the same anymore not even the same coloured hair. Anyway this mutual friend told me she 'hates me for bringing her up'. Honestly, I'm sick of talking about it but I was always taught there's no taboo subject.
Joanne: Do you wish you two stayed in touch?
Simon: Mixed. (looking uncomfortable and shifting) I wish we never drifted so apart into two different circles but the circle she mixes in aren't compatible with the circle I drift in. I don't want to sound like an arrogant asshole. I mean it's nothing to do with superiority or a god complex. The circles I drift in are quite intellectual. Political debates, university alumina, professional jobs, e-sports. The circles she drifts in are more materialistic or hobby orientated. Motorbikes, sports etc. I mean some of those people think I'm literally the worst thing to happen to her, while some of the people in my circle find those who can't debate infuriating. The reality is the person she is now and the person I am now are completely different.
Joanne: Moving on to the death of your mom. Can you remember the day you found out?
Simon: Like it was yesterday. I got woke up in the morning while the paramedics were in my kitchen. I got told that my mom had died in her sleep and as you can imagine my father was in bits. I didn't know how to process it initially so I stayed in my room for about an hour. As time passed, I just wanted to be hugged and told I wasn't as alone as I felt.
Joanne: I'm sure your sisters and brother were by your side.
Simon: Of course, but they were trying to come to grips with it too. To be entirely honest, I reached out to a friend the following day or within the next few days. It became a blur that week but I remember distinctly that the one female who I loved and depended on to that level other than my mother was my ex. I spent the time up until the funeral genuinely believing she would pop over and check up on me even after we broke up on bad terms.
Joanne: How did your friend react , how did they support you?
Simon: As we've touched on, I was a loner in school. Until near the end of high school, I was a bullied shy kid. I didn't have any true friends. But this moment, this terrible event, Matthew made me realise I would never have to go through a travesty alone. He took time out to go for a drink with me during that week and he took the day off work to go to my mom's funeral. He's a complete atheist. He think's my philosophy on the afterlife is closer to Stephen King than history textbooks but he literally walked probably a few miles to and from the funeral just to show his support. I've never told him how much that meant to me. But I'd like to think he just knows.
Joanne: I'm sure he wasn't the only friend over that time?
Simon: No, I have another fantastic friend called Andrew. I had a very bitter falling out over him trying to get me support and honestly anyone else would have knocked me out for the abuse I gave him over it. He just laughed it off. One of two friends that I can depend on, hopefully and as far as I'm concerned the rest of my life.
Joanne: You mentioned the girl again (picture of 2011 as a couple goes on screen), her family is your neighbour right so they knew about what happened with your mom but didn't she text you or call in?
Simon: Her parents lived opposite the street, but she never asked or showed concern on my wellbeing. I have no entitlement of that care. It's her right to feel or act in any legal way she wishes. I'll respect her freedom to do that for as long as I can.
Joanne: How does that make you feel?
Simon: It made me realise our perspectives on the 18 months we were in a relationship were different. For me, it was a fantastic period and I imagine for her it's best to forget it.
Joanne: Does that bother you?
Simon: Should it? People change, circumstances change. Can we move on?
Joanne: OK. We'll go to a break... Welcome back. I'd like to talk about university and is it true that you were warned before you enrolled?
Simon: As a 18 year old child. I made a stupid comment about a friend publicly on Facebook. My friend found it hilarious and it's the sort of dark humour we say to each other over voice chat and in person but someone twisted what I said to imply someone who died in my local area. Well implied the post was about them. I never met and couldn't care less about them. I apologised and thought that was the end of it but a formal police report was filed and the individuals informed my university who at this point had just provided me with an offer to enrol that I accepted. I mean top business college diploma in the county, they ripped the hands off for me. So that was interesting. The university was great about it. The police were as incompetent as you can imagine but it did teach me that don't say anything on social media that can't be literally taken. Like this will go up on YouTube and Tumblr. So anything I say can be proved.
Joanne: How did you emotionally react to this event, where what you said was taken out of context?
Simon: Betrayed by others but I was stupid and naiive. You can't be those things especially as a successful businessman. At this time a lot of falsehoods and rumours came around ranging from me being a drug addict to committing sexual assault. It was obvious at this point those who had ever had a conversation with me knew that I had traditional moral values so the accusations were as ridiculous as they sound. Childish rumours spread to squash what I had to say. My friends just ignored them, and the people the bullshit influenced were better off not in my life anyway.
Joanne: I've only met you twice and you're quite outspoken about some controversial subjects but its obvious to me morally your the other way. Severely punish criminals, probably too far in my opinion.
Simon: I agree, my opinions can be quite controversial but I'm as against illegal drugs as I love a cup of tea. Even my critics would tell you that.
Joanne: You've gone from a social media account with 50000 followers overall to less than a tenth of the size. Why do you think this is and does it bother you?
Simon: I used to be a depressing blogger with poems, and writing that was soul crushing but honest about my thoughts or feelings about myself. I then started to feel less lost so naturally started writing about facts not emotions. Politics was always a topic I found fascinating. I've always been debating since I can remember. I get off on a debate, which is why it's hilarious to mock those that call you names because they can't debate the facts of the topic. I started looking at things like the wage gap and white privilege economically and they don't hold up to the scrutiny expected in academic work. They just don't. Those that believe either of those things are either stupid or lied too.
Joanne: I don't want to go down the rabbit hole of politics because it's become who you are but if I can, I want to touch on 'getting off' of those that call you names in other words 'Trolls' can you elaborate on that?
Simon: I'll give you an example. I'm quite camp just look at what I'm wearing so I got an anon message on Tumblr once that read 'you are a gay homophobic sexist Nazi that should just kill yourself'. How hilarious is the stupidity of that statement. If I was gay, I couldn't be homophobic and gay people aren't allowed to be a Nazi. It shows the idiocy of these people that are probably children.
Joanne: Does these kind of hate messages matter to you?
Simon: Of course it matters, everybody wants to be liked. Those that claim otherwise are lying. But the opinions of people I've never met who are so ashamed of themselves they hide through anonymous, do not matter to me. The opinions of friends and parents of friends matter to me.
Joanne: You once said you were 'bad with women'.
Simon: Oh God, yea. I really wish I hadn't had said that. It was on an emotional post at 3am. It was a spur of the moment thought. I don't think I'm naturally bad with women but I am a marmite figure. I'm not universally liked. Most people I meet are probably intimidated by me. I think the women that I find attractive clearly don't normally find me attractive.
Joanne: Why is that? What type of women do you find attractive?
Simon: I'm probably a 6 out of ten, if I could lose the acne probably a good 7. I tend to fall for either the tall slim blonde or the short petite unique person. I'm quite simple like that. Then if they are able to debate or disagree with me brilliantly, I just adore them.
Joanne: (laughs) So you see yourself as just above average?
Simon: In looks, I do. In style, I'm quite unique and some people hate that I stand out. In personality, I am extremely demanding but I also expect that from myself.
Joanne: Do you ever think about children?
Simon: I did. I thought about marriage and kids but I've only ever found three people in 21 years that I could see having a life with. I do think about children's names though, I have top three for both genders. For a boy: Constantine, Excalibur or Arthur. For a girl: Katherine, Kate or Kathleen.
Joanne: Do you think it's fair when some people refer to you as egotistical, arrogant or psychotic?
Simon: It's no business of mine what other's perceive me to be. I can only concentrate on who I am and I'm none of those things.
Joanne: Do you like being the centre of attention with someone claiming you 'have to be seen to be the most overdressed person because you need the attention?
Simon: I don't mind it, but I don't actively pursue it. I don't really mind whether someone outshines me. I love a challenge and I think demanding the best from myself constantly while can be quite exhausting to see, is who I am whether that's monopoly, gaming or dressing.
0 notes