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demonofthelight · 5 years ago
Hey! You rock for being pro life, and this is coming from a woman! Please keep spreading the word of truth on Tumblr, I promise some of us support you!
Thank you so much for your support. You rock too, I wouldn't be able to without the strength and support of others like you.
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0nly-an-illusi0n · 7 years ago
I hope you are ok, I'm always here if you want to talk or rant xx
Thanks 💜
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wolverineheight · 7 years ago
As a Brit, you should be aware that 'they' is not a singular but a plural therefore it is not your pronoun.
this is literally the worst fuckin argument anyone has ever tried on me idiot
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kittykat8311 · 8 years ago
demonofthelight replied to your post “I cannot understand using the argument that Milo Yiannopoulos is fine...”
I think the reality is his views are shared with the majority of Americans. Rightly or wrongly people feel let down with the hypocrisy of the left. The PC culture has caused utter contempt for those that provide logic or statistics with beliefs that SJWs disagree with. He's a honest and sincere guy. Like him or not , he doesn't deceive people
@demonofthelight ‘hes a honest and sincere guy’ - really?? the dangerous and wildly unfair hate campaign hes waged against trans people in campuses and venues up and down the country or the antiblack racism that has issued forth from his lips and his fingertips is honest and sincere?! really???
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rottenbutrecovering · 8 years ago
demonofthelight replied to your post “you’d think my abuser would have the tiniest shred of decency and just...”
Why? If they have the audacity to abuse you wth made u think they'd die for you . Flawed logic snowflake
“logic” “snowflake”
calm the anti-sjw vibes down there hun, and also fuck off.
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burningthroughmyveins · 4 years ago
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@canyoufeelmyheartbreathe​ @demonofthelight​ @attachedanchors​ @chewedblacknails​ @flowahbaby​ @gamine​ @generic-boring-username-blog​ @treacherous-water​ @bmtpizza​ @fluorescenttaco​ @scr3ams-inthedark​ @drop-dead-whore​ @sleepytortilla​ @crazyaboutoliversykes-blog​ @youthfulhostility​
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chloetalo · 4 years ago
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@finickyhealth685m0​ @demonofthelight​ @im-your-immaculatecanvas​ @jlawlessness​ @tri4rce​ @bnice44​ @fernkeyte-blog​ @rememberwherewearenow2014​ @acrimonyx​ @oursempiternalyouth​ @englishrose99​ @sugar-we-re-going-down-down-blog​ @preachbasicmofo-blog​ @shelbywriting​ @top1010​ @wanderess007​ @sullmull-blog​ @bedroomideasforwomen​ @summertime-livin-easy​ @dodgysecrets​ @jurassicshxlby-blog​ @fvirytxles​ @deaths-peasant-xxx​ @lungs-of-stardust​ @wiobbles​ @utopikos-blog1​ @miamimiaj​ @explosions-in-the-skyy​ @existjustforme​ @soofivane​ @taisa-panda​ @underneathoursouls​ @hrawlinsl​ @aliciataxox​ @broken-dreams12​ @20somethingcomingclean​ @emilyloubick-blog​ @moriantha​ @r00tingb33r​ @not-your-kay​ @im-kamil​ @collaberal-damage​ @strangealienbeauty​ @dragongirl98​ @deathbunny288​ @eveparkerr​
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illuminatedinthenight · 3 years ago
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@nove-char @metaphor-for-the-dead @demonofthelight @lwreckers-blog @speaknsee @katiefuckinhassler @souslebleu @hairlove101-blog1 @bloodwashedroses @bradisadancingmonkey-blog @thecuestmxtherfxckereverxd @theblondeplague @what-does-purple-taste-like @cherryy-babyy @jane-chance-blog @ashtoneden @the-spooky-soupy @13hellhounds-blog @la-vida-segun-manny @furiamitgirl-blog 
Louis Vuitton only offers one-day discount. Please click the link for details
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ask and you shall receive :)
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
I’d like to believe that i have a good relationship with them but that gets rocky sometimes. I prefer not to talk about my parents on here for personal reasons.
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to?
I last said “i love you” to my best friend melanie because i love her so much and am so thankful to have her in my life.
03: Do you regret anything?
I regret not eating a big breakfast this morning LOL i dont necessarily believe in regrets because i think that everything happens for a reason and that if those things didnt happen to me i wouldnt be the person i am today.
04: Are you insecure?
Yes. i am insecure about my weight, my body, my appearance, everything.
05: What is your relationship status?
My relationship status is “in love with myself”. Yes indeed i am single. Dont message me for nudes (haha u know who u are) cuz i wont do it.
06: How do you want to die?
Not to be creepy but i actually thought about this and i want to like fall off a cliff as the sun sets and then combust like a star.
07: What did you last eat?
Im eating as i type this actually im eating some pretzels and a turkey sandwich YEET
08: Played any sports?
I used to play basketball but i sucked at it but i really want to play ultimate frisbee
09: Do you bite your nails?
Sometimes yes. Its weird and disgusting but it happens
10: When was your last physical fight?
I don’t fight people because im not a hater im a lover
11: Do you like someone?
Im not sure actually. Come back to me in like two weeks
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?
Yes. dont do it unless you wanna die
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment?
No i dont hate people because im a lover not a hater
14: Do you miss someone?
Yes i do.
15: Have any pets?
No but i used to have 3 pets birds and my sister suffocated one with a vacuum hose
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment?
Hungry, stressed, but overall very content with life
17: Ever made out in the bathroom?
No thats unsanitary unless its my bathroom then its okay
18: Are you scared of spiders?
I wouldnt say im scared but like as long as they dont try to mess with me im good ya know
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
No because i believe everything happens for a reason and also i wouldnt want to relive all my fuck up moments
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone?
Not gonna lie i had to look up what this word meant. The last time was at graduation which was on june 1st
21: What are your plans for this weekend?
I have work HAHA and i got lots of hw to do
22: Do you want to have kids? How many?
Im not sure yet tbh. But if i do i would like to have as many as possible
23: Do you have piercings? How many?
Im basic i have the normal ear lobe piercings but i want a septum and stud and a helix piercing and bellybutton piercing MAYBE if i have like killer abs or something
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)?
My best subjects are math and science, particularly bio and chem
25: Do you miss anyone from your past?
I miss lots of people
26: What are you craving right now?
Chocolate, wholesome affection, apple juice, swedish fish
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
Im not sure
28: Have you ever been cheated on?
Unfortunately yes
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
Yes and im not proud of this at all
30: What’s irritating you right now?
The fact that i have no time to eat in between class bruh a bitch gets hungryyyy
31: Does somebody love you?
Im sure someone does. But i know that i love me
32: What is your favourite color?
Purple, blue, and yellow
33: Do you have trust issues?
Unfortunately yes i do
34: Who/what was your last dream about?
My last dream consisted of me going on a date with a coworker and when i woke up i almost puked
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of?
My mom YEET
36: Do you give out second chances too easily?
Yes bc i’d like to believe that everyone is good and worthy of proving themselves
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget?
Its easier to forgive. Forgetting doesnt solve anything and it doesnt clear ur conscious
38: Is this year the best year of your life?
It sure has been eventful
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss?
I was a sophomore in high school, 15 yrs old
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked?
No bc why
51: Favourite food?
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
Hecky yeah boiiiiiii
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
I read Plato’s Euthyphro and was mind fucked and also was texting some friends
54: Is cheating ever okay?
Nope. never. What kind of question is this
55: Are you mean?
No im kind and honest theres a difference
56: How many people have you fist fought?
Zero omg
57: Do you believe in true love?
Yes i do
58: Favourite weather?
Fall weather
59: Do you like the snow?
60: Do you wanna get married?
Yes yes yes!
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
Yes my heart melts and i DIE
62: What makes you happy?
Love and sunshine and warm hugs and forehead kisses and rainy days and swedish fish and coffee and FOOOOD
63: Would you change your name?
NO my name is unique
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?
Idk man. What kind of question is this LMAO
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
Idk do i like them back? If i do i would slide in their dms if i dont i would let them know that i only see them as a friend
66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?
Yes and this is so important!!!
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?
My friend zach
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
Melanie my bff
69: Do you believe in soulmates?
Yes yes i do
70: Is there anyone you would die for?
Yes there is i would die for myself
(via demonofthelight)
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supreme-leader-stoat · 5 years ago
Joke’s on demonofthelight, I don’t trust my government either, and authoritarian shills get mad about that, too!
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25 years ago an unknown Chinese protester stood in front of a tank in defiance of the government. No one knows the identity of the man but he was given the nick name “Tank Man”. This is one of the most iconic photographs of the century.
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kittykat8311 · 8 years ago
demonofthelight replied to your post “demonofthelight replied to your post “demonofthelight replied to your...”
None of those videos actually support those claims hun.
@demonofthelight  of course not, and i bet you get to define what counts as racism or transphobia too? goodbye
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sopharra · 8 years ago
@demonofthelight you had something to say to me? Why did you delete your reply to my post, huh? I'm guessing you were the one who sent the anon a saying I was sexualising a child because I said she was a lesbian and making up about characters being bisexual even when they have been confirmed to be?
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burningthroughmyveins · 4 years ago
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@canyoufeelmyheartbreathe​ @demonofthelight​ @attachedanchors​ @chewedblacknails​ @flowahbaby​ @gamine​ @generic-boring-username-blog​ @treacherous-water​ @bmtpizza​ @fluorescenttaco​ @scr3ams-inthedark​ @drop-dead-whore​ @sleepytortilla​ @crazyaboutoliversykes-blog​ @youthfulhostility​
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mintedwitcher · 5 years ago
@demonofthelight did you know that an abortion could also be the premature delivery of a live viable fetus?
An abortion is only the termination of a pregnancy before its due date. This could happen in many ways.
I mean really if you're going to debate abortion at all you should really understand what you're talking about first 🤷‍♀️
Anyone who claims that abortion is never medically necessary is either dangerously misinformed or willfully and maliciously spreading misinformation.
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chloetalo · 4 years ago
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@finickyhealth685m0​ @demonofthelight​ @im-your-immaculatecanvas​ @jlawlessness​ @tri4rce​ @bnice44​ @fernkeyte-blog​ @rememberwherewearenow2014​ @acrimonyx​ @oursempiternalyouth​ @englishrose99​ @sugar-we-re-going-down-down-blog​ @preachbasicmofo-blog​ @shelbywriting​ @top1010​ @wanderess007​ @sullmull-blog​ @bedroomideasforwomen​ @summertime-livin-easy​ @dodgysecrets​ @jurassicshxlby-blog​ @fvirytxles​ @deaths-peasant-xxx​ @lungs-of-stardust​ @wiobbles​ @utopikos-blog1​ @miamimiaj​ @explosions-in-the-skyy​ @existjustforme​ @soofivane​ @taisa-panda​ @underneathoursouls​ @hrawlinsl​ @aliciataxox​ @broken-dreams12​ @20somethingcomingclean​ @emilyloubick-blog​ @moriantha​ @r00tingb33r​ @not-your-kay​ @im-kamil​ @collaberal-damage​ @strangealienbeauty​ @dragongirl98​ @deathbunny288​ @eveparkerr​
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demonofthelight · 7 years ago
FK 14/10/17
What do I have to do to get you to notice me? Change my hair, the way I walk. My clothes, the way I talk. We've known each other for some time now yet I'm still invisible to you. My feelings run deep and how I wish you only knew. I see your face every time I close my eyes I hope I seem different from the other guys. To you I'm just a friend Nothing more, nothing less I settle for friendship in the end Because I don't want to make a mess. Instead I'll keep my secret to myself And take my pride back off the shelf. Until one day you finally see That you and I were meant to be. I'll wait for now but not too long Because sooner or later I'll be gone. So when will you notice me?
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